#WHO allowed these to be the official pics you should be ashamed of yourself
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Podium on Sunday? 👀
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34 notes · View notes
okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Main target.
Prompt: a hacker unsub is targeting Penelope.
Warning: what if for 15x4.
Genre: action, family, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, unsub, BAU team, Andrew Mendoza, Maxine.
Pairing: Garvez; slight maxcer, katt, prendoza.
Note: oneshot 68 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏😘🔦.
Song mentioned: Eri come l’oro ora sei come loro, Tiziano Ferro.
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Note: As I promised, here there is the second story about the spoiler for 15x4. The first I written was based more on the plot and pics, this one it’s after seeing the promo. So I written as I NEVER watched the sneak peeks. Hope you can like it, but more than the episode will be good. The final part it’s based on @thinitta​ opinions. Thank you, again!
 No one has entered my golden limbo anymore, an abandoned, cold, tired kitten
-Are you sure you had nothing better to do than to accompany me to this nerd competition?- despite her protests, she has not been able to convince him that she is able to bring the trophy she has won alone, which confirms beyond any doubt that she is still the best hacker out there. -You will be very bored.- the man shakes his head, amused by her statement. He justifies her only because she was too busy “kicking the ass' of geeky kids, to realize how much fun he had, on the contrary. How many times he has laughed or smiled.
He keeps the door open, but he collides with a girl who apparently doesn’t seem at all a computer’s lover, but appearance are not everything and maybe she has accompanied someone in this competition, as he did. He starts to apologize, but she is raising her hand, signaling that it was her fault. Her eyes however don't leave Penelope's body, that is stop behind him. It seems strange to him, he feels an unidentified sensation that he prefers to remain so, so he remembers the way in which more or less the whole place looked at her when they arrived. In the IT field, Garcia is a celebrity. -Anyway, I don't think so.- he resumes their speech as soon as they are outside. -And I was happy to be able to spend time with my best friend.- she stops, turning almost to effect rallenty, widening her eyes and mouth.
He recognizes that kind of expression on her face. -Awww, Luke, you are my best friend too!- she exclaims, stroking him on the arm, not being able to embrace him. -This reminds me...- she hits him symbolically on the shoulder.
Luke massages himself exaggeratedly, to make her feel guilty. -Ouch! Why?- he also uses the hurt puppy eyes look.
She doesn't leave him too much to stew in his juice. -For having terrified me to death with that bomb.- she explains, as they start walking again. It wanted to sound like a nice joke, but in the middle the voice betrays her, breaking.
With his free hand and without stopping to walk he takes her by the arm. -Well, but I didn't asked for be in that situation.- and above all, the bomb was fake, nothing but a diversion. But those two seconds in which he believed he was going to die had been enough for him to see everything more clearly. The important things in his life, which were not things at all. One image. The photo in his memory. The first meeting between Roxy and Penelope. About a week has passed, but he didn't need more than those two seconds to understand why in such a moment he had thought just that.
The blonde taunts herself immediately, unable to be really mad at him. -I know, sorry, I... I was only afraid of... you know.- to lose you, but to really lose you, not to say, not in the sense that you move to another city or even another state or you get married with Lisa ... lose yourself permanently.
Luke also hears the part she prefers to keep silent. -Yes, I know.- what's between them has now become clear, impossible to hide. Neither of them tries to. They don’t know when it will happen, but little, very little is missing. The wait is almost over. This awareness is sufficient not to make them anxious, in fibrillation. It is as if they were already together, even if not officially. She didn't introduce him as her boyfriend to the hackers they met at the competition, but most still perceived him as such. Sometimes attitudes, body language tell more than what we just say. -Would you mind if we made a detour?- the blonde nods. They leave the trophy in the trunk of Luke's car. He sees her watching him trying to understand what goes on in his mind. He chuckles, amused. It's always nice to be the center of her world. They reach the entrance of a park. -Here I take Roxy and Lou to stretch their legs.- Penelope no longer knows where to turn her head. Everywhere there are dogs of every breed, color, size. There are those who run, those who play, those who sleep. It is a kind of circle, reminiscent of an amphitheater or an arena, but covered entirely with lawn, the benches for the owners arranged in a strategic way, to allow everyone to keep an eye on their puppy. One dog in particular attracts Penelope's attention. She leaves the bag and runs towards him. Luke watches her talk to a blond man about her age. They smile. He feels a twinge of jealousy, but doesn’t frighten him or fight against it. Not anymore. She may have a smile on her face, but her heart belongs to him anyway. Something vibrates next to his thigh. He looks down. A pink cover, with the head of a piglet. She has an infinity of them, little less than the frames of the glasses. The mobile phone screen lights up. It was not a deliberate, voluntary action, he will be said later as justification. It was a normal instinct to drop his gaze on that surface. And it's not his fault that he can read quickly, not as much as Reid, but he is doing pretty well. -Hey, Penelope!- simultaneously he does the right thing, calling her. -You got a message.- but then his brain processes the information provided by the retinas. -But what...- and he can't really stop there. He takes her cell phone and scrolls through the email to the end, rereads it a second time, just to be sure. So, he sees that it is part of a series of similar emails from the same sender. He starts reading those too and is about halfway through when she returns to the bench.
The smile immediately turns off on her lips. She is quite bewildered, confused, more than angry or indignant. -Luke, why are you reading my mail?- she asks, but despite the sight problems, she is also a skilled reader. -Luke?- she repeats, shaking him from the numbness or trance in which he has fallen.
He doesn’t give up the telephone set, shows it to her, indicating the contents of one of the emails. -What the hell is this?- even if she knows those words by heart, her eyes can't help reading them again. And she experiences exactly the same thrill as the first one. -Please tell me it's just a joke, a hacker stuff.- Luke pleads, not ashamed to use a desperate tone, not at all macho.
Penelope shakes her head, forced to give him a displeasure. -No, I... don't ask me.- she tries to take back her cell phone and instead ends up that he grabs her wrist.
-This fool says: Tonight, I will dream of a new way to kill you. You did not want to give me a chance in the real world and I will destroy you first in the virtual one, where you are more comfortable, and then also in the real one. There will not be a single trace of your existence, the black queen will cease to exist. No comment?- hearing this threat coming out of Luke's mouth is more than she can bear. She abandons herself on the bench, but the man doesn’t waste any time. He did it when it was not even thinkable, he did it a little further on, for sure he will not scruple himself now.
His right arm surrounds her shoulders, pushing her to lean against him. -He... I...- she is shaking. She is terrified, but he doesn’t know if it is more the responsibility of the stalker or the fact of having to confess it to someone. As if it could be her fault, as if she could have ever done something to deserve such unwelcome attention. But in the eyes of these depraved people, even a smile, like what she did a little while ago, can be considered an invitation, a suggestion.
He sighs, trying to calm down, because it could only shake her further. And this is certainly not his target. -You went out with him?- he knows it's an awkward question, but he's forced to ask it. He should treat the matter like any case, not get involved. But it is practically impossible. Did Morgan do it when Battle tried to kill her? -Make me understand, because I want, I need to understand.- fortunately, to his enormous relief, she shakes her head.
-No... the situation is...- she stutters. Without thinking about it, Luke begins to caress her hair, and continues, realizing that the gesture is helping her. -There is this guy, on the web... he has been explaining me in details... how he is gonna kill me...- she doesn't cry, and the thing is quite strange, but she vibrates like a jackhammer and the beating of her heart gallops. It's all true, he didn't imagine it, it's not a funny joke, even if he hoped for it.
He swallows, feeling anger rise up his body and stop in his throat as usual. He closes his eyes. Counting even up to ten thousand won't help. -How long?- he asks only, without opening his eyes. If he does, he will find that she is afraid of him too, right now. Because his voice seems to come from the depths of hell. Such anger resounds within him, implacable and at the same time so tempting...
Her lips tremble, her hands vibrate, the whole body is shaken by sobs. -A few... a few weeks... almost a month.- she admits at the end.
All good intentions are sending to hell immediately. -WHAT?- he shouts so loud as to attract the attention of some owners and even some dogs, who stop to stare in their direction. He looks at her without masking the nervous in any way. But his arm remains where it is, wrapped around her shoulders. -Is there any living thing, apart from Sergio, to whom you said it?- Penelope shakes her head, fleeing her gaze. And he doesn’t seem about to perform a deplorable act. -Why didn't you tell anybody about this?- some men simply keep an eye on him from a distance. But the real question is Why didn't you want to tell me either?
-I, I don't know! I thought it wasn't dangerous, he never did anything other than sending me those messages, and I didn't want to waste time of the team, with all the things that have happened in these months...- JJ's confession, then she then had risked to die because of the daughter of the Chameleon, the bomb, the break between him and Lisa, the engagement of Emily and Andrew. It is understandable, her reasoning, but not for this more acceptable. Because she risked being killed so as not to weigh on others. And he can't see it as a nice thing. He may never find out what it feels like to kiss her. Or to wake up next to her. And only because he fell in love with a too generous woman. No way.
-How could you believe it wasn't dangerous? This madman will not limit himself to online threats, his language says so, he will come out. Very soon.- he can't take it, looking at her in a normal way. -There is even a part where he talks about me.- he whispers, showing her. You fell for the new boy like an ordinary whore. You were like gold and now you're like them. But I know how to make you come back precious. With death you will recover that aura of purity.
-I'm sorry, Luke, please excuse me!- watching her cry and begging him to forgive her for faults that are not actually hers, is more than he can handle. He takes her face in his hands, forcing her to stop. But she manages to say one last thing. -I don't want you to hate me too!- he takes a breath before speaking.
-Hate you? I don't hate you and I could never do it. What does it mean that too? Who would this fool be?- the childish appearance has never made her less attractive to his eyes.
-My brothers, because I allowed Jesse to get out of prison and because it is because of me if our parents were out at that time.- she replies, eating only a few words in sobs. Luke wipes her latest tears to flow down her cheeks.
-I am sure they don't really hate you, and that in any case things will work out .- he replies in a calm tone, realizing that it is working, that she is calming down. -But right now, we have to focus on this madman. We need to talk to the team about it. You will see, we will take him.- he cannot have the mathematical certainty, were it not that the idea of living together every day from here on with the possibility that she will be torn from his hands... is inconceivable. So, they will be able to find him and make him harmless, in a more or less definitive way. This will depend on him. Hackers are often cowards, although it is bad to think so, since she also falls into the category; but it is enough for him to remember the reaction of the boy who worked at WUKO and enjoyed driving cars to invest people. He doesn’t believe that he will be able to endure a physical struggle.
-No, please, we can't tell the others, it's one of the few times that we don’t have a case, they're all relaxing... I know that Emily and Rossi are helping Matt to assemble the crib, Kristy sent me a pic... and they chose a tremendous color.- she chuckles, but she can't fool him, because his eyes are still shiny. -With all that has happened... we deserve a break.- but Luke is not willing to listen to reasons.
He caresses her delicate face again, bringing it closer to his own. -I wish I could do as you say, Penelope, but... I have a bad feeling.- it is the instinct of the hunter, who has awakened from hibernation and is almost never wrong. -I have to protect you, I can't lose you, okay? I know it's melodramatic, that seems to come out of a bad action movie with some romantic skits, enough to convince your girlfriend to come to the cinema with you to see him...- marketing strategies, nothing else. -But it’s still the truth.- the weight of his words hovers between them. He lifts her chin and their lips meet for the first time. During the kiss he feels her tremble. She is afraid, she is terrified, but she has no intention of communicating it to him, not even to him, after all that has been and is happening even now.
And every kiss you denied is a little bit that you of lost me
They separate gently. Penelope immediately looks away and the man realizes that the path is still long, he has not crossed the finish line. -Luke, I...- he doesn’t allow her to waste her breath in listing the thousand reasons why that kiss is not to be understood in the only sense it assumes. He does it in her place.
And every ‘I love you’ that I kept silent is a bit that I lost of you
-No.- he shakes his head. -It was not a comforting kiss, nor I did let myself be taken by the role of friend or protective colleague, by the atmosphere. Do you really want to deny what's between us?- she shakes her head, curling up against him. -Good. Now let's start by informing Emily, she will decide what is best to do, what do you say?- she disagrees, even though she is aware that Luke is right. So, she just keeps silent. -Listen to me, Penelope, I will not allow anyone to kill you or tear you a single hair, do you believe me? I know you are afraid, I’m too, I am terrified, but I will not leave you alone for a second, it will have to kill me first, pass over my dead body, as they say, to get to you.- the woman remains with her eyes sealed, clinging to the his chest as a lifeline. A buoy in the middle of the sea. -I couldn't do anything for Battle already... but this time... I'm here, and I'll do my part.- she walks away and looks at him, shocked.
-You know?- she only whispers. But she should have guessed that someone had told him what had happened after her reaction as they were discussing Ferrell's case again. Luke nods.
-Yes, I know, and even now I struggle to understand how someone could have done such a horrible action. Not just for shooting you. But that bastard went out with you. He was able to admire a suit that you had chosen specifically for him. And your smiles. He had a privilege that I didn't think it would ever be granted to me... for this I hate him, even if he's dead.- he doesn't want to hide even a small part of his thoughts anymore. -I would have liked to kill him with my own hands.- he fears that she could get away, after all this is the main reason why he has always limited himself to flirting with her.
-Wow.- she replies instead, as the information aligns in her brain.
-Yeah.- he sighs and calls Emily. -Hey, am I bothering you?- he feels the blonde's gaze on him. He strokes her hand gently to reassure her. -Huh, well, maybe it's better if you put the speakerphone on. Penelope has a stalker. Ok, a quarter of an hour and we'll be at BAU.- he hangs up. -Honey, I know you don't want to bother anyone, but believe me, if you force Rossi to wear another tie to come to your funeral, he will be very annoyed.- despite the dramatic situation, he managed to make her laugh. -Here, let’s go.-
And your every silent smile was a photo of us
 On the way they still talk about Battle, but above all, Penelope reveals that there was another time when someone wished her dead, not long before he appeared on the horizon. -They were called the dirty dozen, it's a complicated story, but it has to do with Cat, Cat Adams. It's thanks to Reid if they didn't kill me.- he listens without asking questions, he keeps them all for later. -In practice the worst and most skilled assassins wanted my head on a silver platter, like Salome with John the Baptist.- along the way she makes various attempts to make the story less ugly. But he remains silent and inscrutable. -I lived for some time indoors in the BAU, in an office. I had equipped it pretty well and sleeping on those sofas wasn't bad either, I don't know if you've ever tried...- nothing, not even in this case any decipherable reaction. -And it wasn't terrible, I'm serious!- she doesn't know if he believes her, and she's afraid to deepen what goes on in his mind, considering what he told her about Battle. And that in any other case it would have exclusively terrified her, but since it was him... she had also been flattered. Because even if he hadn't explicitly told her he loved her, it was as if he had. -They have all been very close to me, Rossi has tried to teach me how to play poker, but, you know... I'm bad at bluffing.- a hint of a smile. She should be decidedly satisfied. -And Hotch dined with me, we cooked the jalapenos... - whatever is going on in his mind, he never lets her hand, until they reach his car, and if by chance someone risks touching her, he quickly drags her against him, literally shielding her. -I wanted to tell you so you won't find out from others, as happened with Battle.- she concludes, and he understands that she's done. He brings her hand close to his mouth, kissing her knuckles.
-Thank you for trusting me.- trust is all in a relationship and he has a weight on his conscience to take off, but this is not the right time. They will first eliminate the threat and then discuss it. -It is really terrible to imagine you in such a situation and to know that all this was happening only a few floors higher than mine... and rationally I know that I could not have done anything. It was not yet my turn, but this time it is. Please allow me to protect you.- he is kind to ask, considering he won't accept a negative answer anyway.
-I don't want you to be in danger because of me.- she replies instead, putting the cards back on the table. Luke understands what she meant by that phrase. -You want to do what you couldn't with Battle, am I right? Hunt him and eliminate the threat.- her eyes memorize every detail of the man. -What if I asked you instead to stay by my side and let the others conduct the research? Would you be willing to do this for me?- she is asking him a lot, because she is aware of his nature, how much he misses certain aspects of his previous work.
The man doesn’t reply hastily, risking to say the wrong thing, as has often happened to him before and not only with her. Obviously, he had imagined to personally hunt the bastard who was threatening the life of his... loved girl. Like a knight on a white horse in fairy tales, like Orlando in the Carolingian cycle. Fearless and intrepid, heedless of death. But he is too insightful not to understand the blonde's point of view. If he dies during this hunt, what sense could there to try to protect her? Yes, she will be alive and this is the main thing, the main goal; but without him... right now that he has confessed what he feels... he meets her gaze for a thousandth of a second and obtains confirmation. She could die of it anyway. -Penelope, honey... if that's what you really want, I'll do it, even if it's going to be really hard.- she nods.
-I know. I know I claim a lot, but... try to see it in this perspective. You won't be on the bench. You will be my personal bodyguard. Or would you rather leave me alone while you are all out looking for him? I'm not a profiler, but I know hackers are a particular category of unknown subject. They are not part of the classic schemes.- it is not certain that he understood what she meant. -It could send you off the road, sidetrack you and wait for the right moment to attack me when I'm alone. If he really intends to move on to the facts.- she concludes.
-Fuck, you're right, that's why you are the genius of the lamp and I am the Aladdin's carpet.- the joke manages to snatch a giggle, but above all it goes to hit a very hidden part of her soul. Never, at first glance, she would have said that Luke was such a playful guy. And she likes to bask in the belief that she is partially responsible for his transformation.
-There would be another thing too... and I don't think you will like this more than the other.- she recovered her security not because she stopped being scared... it's difficult, when you know there is someone out there who has done of you his main goal. Rather, because panicking won't get her anywhere. And she has a lot to fight for. Her extended family, Sergio and now also Luke. She will not allow any homunculus to ruin everything. It took four years to get to this point and he still seemed on the verge of making a decisive move, regardless of this situation, which accelerated things. But she has no intention of thanking him when she has him in front of her. The man patiently waits for her to start talking again. -Here, the fact is that... the unsub it's like me. I think I'm a more challenging opponent for him. I mean...- he got there. He brakes, risking to cause a tamponade. He recovers part of his faculties and pulls over laterally.
-You want to be the bait, don't you? You want to lure him into a trap, you want...- he shakes his head. She knew he would never agree.
-Luke, if it is true that you love me...- it sounds like a fake phrase. -You have to let me do my job. I'll be safe, I'll be behind a screen and you'll be with me!- she tries to make him reason. -It's my field, this, not yours!- she protests, clenching her fists.
-Let's see what Prentiss will say, and what the others will think.- he replies, as a sort of respite.
In my opinion it is much better to give a cut and thank goodness because you were doing too well, you know
JJ is the first to notice their entwined hands when they enter the meeting room. The other thing that stands out is the absence of Spencer, who arrives a few minutes later, with a very strange look, half confused and half with head on the clouds. There is a third detail. Almost everyone is dressed inappropriately to do their job, because in fact it was not expected that they would.
-Well, now that we're all here... Penelope, do you prefer I explain the situation to others?- the blonde is about to respond, when Agent Alvez takes the floor in her place, standing up and separating from her for the first time in about an hour.
-I would like to do it, if you don't mind...- he just gives her a look and maybe he wants her approbation. Garcia opens her laptop and a first image appears on the screen in front of them. One of the last emails the asshole sent her. Full of vivid details on how he will kill her. Everyone's eyes widen in disbelief. JJ just can't conceive that this is happening again. Although more than six months have passed, he feels the scar throbbing, the last of a beautiful collection. Luke leaves them a few more seconds to absorb everything. -This person, if we can call him that, about a month ago started contacting Garcia, writing things like the ones you see here. Spence, we has already sent you a detailed copy, I am sure that in five minutes you will have read it all.- the youngest nods, bending over the tablet and trying to concentrate each neuron on the task entrusted to him. Even if the image of a certain girl with whom he was spending a nice afternoon continues to disturb him, tease him. -Garcia has narrowed the field of research while we were waiting for you.- he looks at her with such pride that all doubts disappear from the mind of the profilers. Tara caresses the blonde's shoulder, sitting next to her.
-He is good, but not so much.- he is not at her level, it is the translation. -He managed to mask his real address, well, any teenager who spends too much time in front of a computer...- the fact that she is rambling, as usual, reassures them, even if they can't let go too much. The danger is always out there and this time it has a precise face. -To make a long story short, the area from which he sent those messages is Denver.- another image, it is a map with a red dot towards the center of the state of Colorado.
-This, however, doesn’t mean that he is still here, right?- Rossi asks and he is not the only one to have wondered this question. Everyone first looks at Penelope and then turns their gaze to Luke. He nods.
-Yeah, I think so too.- he turns to the boss. -I know it's not correct, that goes against the protocol...- Emily lets him speak, but her face darkens. -I wish I could stay with her, I should blindly trust the teams and the witness protection service...- but he shakes his head, because when the person you love in first person is at risk, then everything changes.
Taking into account what he risked with Barnes only two years ago, he doesn’t expect the brunette to nod so strongly. -They won't let us handle this case, because one of our agents is directly involved…- she replies. -So, I don't see where is the problem.- a radiant smile appears on the lips of the Latin. -Matt, I think it's better if you also stay here in Quantico, Kristy is so close to giving birth...- the other man nods, relieved. Although the idea of witnessing the birth of another child perhaps makes him more anxious than leaving with others. -The rest of us are going to Denver, although I feel we won't get much out of it, we can't leave out any options.- Reid never took the floor, which is quite strange, but above all he is still staring at the tablet. -Wheels up in twenty.- JJ reaches out, placing a hand on his shoulder.
-Hey, Spencer, are you okay? - he winces. Jennifer is her best friend, but six months is not enough to erase certain confessions. He is torn about the need to tell someone what happened to him, because it was since Maeve's time... or rather, this comparison cannot stand. Because the first time he saw Maeve was practically the last. Max, on the other hand... why can't he stop thinking about it? What's so special about her?
-Yes, yes, I am... upset by this thing.- this doesn’t calm the uncertainties of the blonde. -Shall we go?-
 Taking advantage of the paid leave they both have in arrears, Luke moves to live at Garcia's house, along with Roxy, of course. Perhaps his apartment would have been safer, with all the weapons hidden, but when he proposed it to her, he read in her eyes that it was not the best choice. He had lived there with another woman; however girls were friends. Her home, however... was a virgin. In any case, he equips it as a bunker, installs every security system he knows and almost they get into a fight, when he discovers that it was such a vulnerable target. He calms down because losing his head doesn't help anyone.
On the third day they receive a message. Kristy gave birth to the baby. It's a girl. Matt is back in the minority again, and they are sure he won't mind. They even manage to laugh at it, although the tension is always clear between them, and of a different type than usual. It is not sexual, even if that remains latent and never disappears. It does not depend on being aware of what the other is feeling. Or for the only kiss they exchanged. It is the waiting that exhausts them.
By violating any existing protocol, the team manages, with the help of Emily's boyfriend, who has knowledge in the Denver police... to convince the chief of the latter to collaborate without letting the superiors know, because otherwise they know they will try to take them off the case. Even if they can't force Garcia to join the program if she doesn't want to. And they are sure Luke can do much better than any stranger, however well trained. However, they don’t get blood out of a stone and are forced to return to Quantico empty-handed, but with a heart full of panic.
On the jet, Spencer receives a message that interrupts his fifteenth reading of War and Peace. He does it whenever he feels scared, insecure, because it reminds him of Gideon, a case where computers were seen as the main threat, and also those who use them for work. He flows that short sentence that has already implanted in his retinas... but of course, he has an eidetic memory, no? But he is certain that this would have happened anyway, even if he was an ordinary man. He raises his head and glance at JJ who is talking to Emily and Tara. And suddenly he feels good, and not a reckless one for having given the number to an almost unknown woman. But she is not an unknown; her name is Max, and that's all he needs to know. Now he can concentrate on his job and prevent the asshole, as Luke calls him, from hurting Penelope. She has given him back the lucidity that he thought he had lost and she has succeeded in being simply herself.
 -I don't agree and I don't like it at all.- he exclaims, as expected. Penelope shakes her head. -No one here has anything to say? JJ, are you really going to let your best friend, untrained to shoot and not even get out on the field, put her life in direct danger? Reid, is it possible that you didn't come up with one of your brilliant ideas? Someone say something, please!- they are all at her (their) home because they didn't even consider the trip from there to Quantico safe. A few days have passed and living with her is beautiful, an advance, a glimpse of the future... but not like that, not with that shadow always between them.
-I understand how you feel, Luke, of course we are all concerned about Penelope's safety, but we will be close to her, you know we would never let her go completely alone.- tries to reassure him Rossi, who has always seen him as a son and is responsible for what was born among his children... after all he was the first to insist so much that he joined the team.
To be on the safe side, they used his magic box of baseball tickets, the faraday cage, so that the unknown subject cannot hear what they are saying, even if their cell phones are turned off. -Honey, we've already discussed it. You have to let me do my job.- but the man's eyes reply You don't want me to do mine, though. And those of her, still Instead yes, you are already doing it and it could even last more than one case, right? Protect me and love me, as I will protect and love you. She strokes his arm, not ashamed to show affection for him. And he to reciprocate, intertwining their fingers.
-Dammit!- a book flies beyond the table, without being damaged. Everyone turns to Spencer. Garcia starts to vibrate, because she remembers another occasion when he did the same. -I don't know why it took me so long.- Emily intimates him with the look to go on. -We have not considered a fundamental variable. We assumed it was a man, right? But for those who were... JJ, Penelope, do you remember the case of Lila Archer?- the two blondes nod in sync. But Reid's super-powered brain has already gone further. There would be another example he could give… and which he would understandably prefer to avoid.
-What is it about?- Matt asks for those like him who still ignore the connection.
-She's an actress we met in 2005, I think.- JJ seeks the approval of her best friend. -The people around her, like a rival, her manager... died, paving her the way for success and at the same time various persistent messages arrived from a particularly devoted admirer...- it is the landlady to reveal the mystery.
-It was her assistant. She was a woman.- silence for a few seconds.
Tara is the first to break it. -Are you really convinced that this is a similar situation?- at the same time, Luke curses himself. Why was he so stupid? Why has he never considered such an option? Penelope risked dying from a stereotype.
Spencer shows them some sheets, prints of the emails of the subject unknown for Garcia. -It's in the language, it's all here, black on white.-
 Agent Alvez sighs, trying to make as little noise as possible. The new dad next to him just looks at him. He won't make the same mistake. He will not be fooled by the fact that being a woman, the asshole is a minor threat to the woman he loves. They are in a van just one meter from the place where she is. He doesn’t see her, but sees what he is observing, as if they were inside her eyes, thanks to the micro camera installed in a special pair of glasses.
There is still no one, then, a noise. Years and years of training. Work undercover. And he jumps like a Newbie. Ouch, wrong term. -Friend, stay calm.- it's easy for him to say. But he tries to listen to him, aware that he is right.
-Hey, honey!- the asshole doesn’t have to understand that this is a trap. She didn’t write to her "let's meet in this place at this time", as she would have liked. No, Emily has come up with another plan, much more sophisticated. She loaned her boyfriend, an excellent bodyguard. Luke watches Mendoza smile at her and then everything turns black for a few seconds, but he knows it's because he hugged her, as he knows that being jealous of him is stupid and irrational... but he can't help it. He will have to work on it and he will have the time, so closed speech. -I missed you.- he says, and he could be an actor, however good and credible he is.
-Me too.- a snap. But she's not kissing him, no, it was probably... on the cheek, yes, he wants to believe it is so. Again, moving images. There are not many people, but one in particular attracts his attention, however out of focus it is.
-I have already seen her. Shit, I've seen her before.- he starts muttering. -During the hacker competition!- he stands up, banging his head against the roof, given the limited space.
-Where would you like to sit?- his girlfriend asks her boss's fiance in the meantime. Trying to do the right thing, he speaks to her thanks to the skillfully modified earring he wears.
-Penelope, I identified her, is the one sitting two tables away, I have already seen her, it cannot be a coincidence.- he communicates them, masking as best he can the anger that rises. He doesn’t care at all that it is a woman and not a man, as he assumed until a few hours ago. If she dares to hurt Penelope, he will have no hesitation. Andrew, who is equipped with another kind of device and has therefore listened to Luke in turn, takes her by the hand.
-What about this?- exactly in front of the mad woman. Penelope nods.
-It seems perfect to me.- but her smile falters. Just a second. Just one miserable second. And someone else's eyes widen.
-She has understood it's a trap.- Luke whispers, so softly that only Simmons hears him. He takes off the equipment. -I’m going.- he announces. The friend holds him by the arm, but he gets rid of it. -I don't give a fuck, I have to get in!- he opens the door and rushes to the street, almost spraining an ankle. Such distractions cannot be allowed. He runs to the entrance, but he has to calm down, think clearly. What if he was wrong and ruined everything? Then he looks through the window and feels himself dying. There is a body on the floor. He forces the eyes to focus on the image. It's not her, it's not her. He repeats it as a mantra.
He throws open the door abruptly, now he cares nothing about the surprise effect. The device screams the same name into Penelope's head over and over again. -Andrew, Andrew, are you okay?- a voice that she has never heard so desperate.
-FBI, let her go!- he shouts, and for the first time during this mission, he follows the protocol. He pulls the trigger, ready to fire. His aim is very good, but enough to risk hitting her? What was one of the last things Spencer said? These subjects tend to put themselves in extreme situations and if they understand that they cannot obtain the love of the subject of their desire, then they kill themselves, taking it away with them. He looks at the narrow weapon in those pretty hands. He has no intention of underestimating her.
-Good evening, Agent Alvez.- her voice is melodious, but there is something too much, like a coffee to which excess sugar has been added (Reid would not agree). -Why didn't you pretend to be her boyfriend? You certainly have more chemistry.- she is smiling, while she points the gun at the blonde's belly, her arm around her neck.
-You knew who I was.- he tries not to look towards Mendoza. -She has no fault. You love her, right? And then you have to let her go. Isn't this the true love? Wanting what the other wants, even if it makes us feel bad.- he approaches slowly, while the other people have already been evacuated. She doesn't care about anyone else outside of Penelope. -What's your name?- tries Luke again.
-Yeah, you really care! But Penny knows me, doesn't she? How could you not realize that I was behind all this!- she tightens tightly, until she snatches a moan.
Her eyes are shiny but she doesn't cry. -I... I'm sorry, I don't remember...- her eyes widen suddenly. -Elizabeth.- she says only. The other's face melts into an ecstatic expression, and almost seems to be about to embrace her. He takes advantage of it to get closer.
-Stop there.- but she is not stupid, not enough. -Penelope, do you prefer me to kill him or you first? Who do you choose?- the blonde's eyes fall into hers, while he reads her lips. Forgive me. He rushes forward.
The detonation of a shot. Matt gets out of the van like a fury, followed by the others. It was impossible to surprise her from behind, because she leaned against the wall. Tara stays with Emily to calm her down. Scuffle noises. Matt picks up Luke's cold gun. It didn't shoot, shit. Spencer touches Mendoza's neck: there is a beat. A stain of blood on the gray floor. Small.
The drops and the noise follow. Luke and the woman are struggling, but it is now clear who is getting the better of it. -Luke! Please don't do this! Luke!- Matt and Rossi lift the injured agent off the ground, careful not to hurt him. JJ rushes to her friend, while Spencer handcuffs the woman along with a dented but alive Mendoza. -I'm fine, I'm fine, but she shot him!- she embraces her, and together they leave that place in a sort of strange procession of sick people.
Reid feels the cell phone vibrate in his pocket. He answers, smiling when he recognizes the voice on the other side. -We have just solved a bad case and saved one of my best friends... I would like it if you can know her...- he looks at JJ -maybe all of them.- the wait, the uncertainty.
-It would be nice, but… are your days all like this?- she asks him.
-More or less.- he admits.
A little further on, red and blue lights signal the arrival of the rescuers. -It's nothing, just grazed my arm.- Luke protests, trying to convince them not to go to the hospital. But Penelope's gaze leaves no room for compromise. He resigns himself with a sigh. Andrew is loaded onto the same ambulance.
-We have to stop meeting like this.- Emily tells him with a trembling tone.
-I agree.- the man simply replies, chuckling. Wrong choice. His fiancée scolds him with a dirty look.
-What would you say about a nice double date?- Penelope suggests. Luke watches Spencer before the doors are closed.
-If we wait a few more days I think we can make a third date.
TAGS: @martinab26​​​​​​   @thinitta​​​​​​  @garvezz​​​​​​ @mercedes-maldonado​​​​​​  @shyladystudentfan​​​​​​  @pegasus-scifichick​​​​​​ @paperwalk​​​​​​  @inlovewithgarvaz​​​​​​ @the-ellen-stuff​​​​​​ @astressedwriter​​​​​​  @symphonyashley​​​​​​ @jess-the-introvert​​​​​​ @veronicafiore88​​​​​​ @kofforever​​​​​ @myhollyhanna23​shadowystudentcroissantpickle
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hellomissmabel · 8 years
Are you home? (FAMIWL part 5)
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Based on one of my favourite albums “For a moment, I was lost” by Amber Run.
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader, Howard Stark x OC!Julia
Summary: Flashback to your first time with Tony.
Word count: 3.407 (Sweet baby Jesus!)
Warnings: MAJOR FLUFF AND SMUFF (fluffy smut, thanks to @mrshopkirk who came up with the term!)
A/N: This idea came to me after a feverish night suffering from food poisoning. In me delirium I might’ve come up with the best freaking fic I’ve ever written haha.
Disclaimer: I found these pics on Google, all credit goes to the respectable owners. I just put them together as cover art.
Part 1: Dark Bloom
Part 2: Spark
Part 3: Wastelands
Part 4: White Lie
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Speech came easy And left us sane You know the faces But not the names This man inside Alive and unchained Are you home? Are you home?
You were nervous, bloody nervous. All dolled up in an undoubtedly expensive gown, a vintage 1950s off the shoulder deep red dress inspired by none other than Audrey Hepburn, your heels clicked against the oak floor adorning the venue Tony had booked for the MIT alumni ball with himself, of course, as the guest of honour. He was waiting for you at the other end of the red carpet leading you towards the main ball room, dressed to the nines in a three-piece Tom Ford suit, flanked by an equally elegant looking redhead that you’ve seen somewhere before but couldn’t quite put your finger on it, not until she introduced herself as Pepper Potts and asked for your name.
“Y/N,” you answer as confidently as you can muster, intimidated by the woman’s flawless make-up and regal poise, the way she held herself just fascinating to your eyes, like royalty and yet still with a certain humble and kind smile twisting your insides. How could you ever compare to someone like her?
“And you are Tony’s…?,” she asked you with a warm smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. You had almost forgotten that she is, in fact, Tony’s ex-girlfriend.
“She’s my girlfriend,” Tony quipped for you, lacing his arm around your waist and gently tucking you against his side, his fingers burning their way through the exquisite silken fabric of your dress.
“Yeez Tony,” she jokes at him, her eyes shooting from your shy expression to Tony’s beaming appearance. “Isn’t she a bit too young for you? At least she isn’t one of those models again.”
There was a playful tone to her words but there was clearly some hurt shining through as well, her jab towards you not remaining unnoticed, fully aware that you don’t have a size zero and are certainly not as tall as one of the runway models Tony’s been frequently spotted with in the past. But Tony didn’t let it get to him and you felt sorry for Pepper because it was clear to you that she still wasn’t over him and maybe, just maybe, if you were sabotaging yourself, you thought that he still wasn’t quite over her as well.
“Don’t worry, Pepper, she’s over 18,” he smiled and adding a wink on top, guiding you away from Pepper who clearly stood in as his event planner and was thereby glued to her spot the entire evening. You didn’t see nor speak to her anymore yet you couldn’t help but feel guilty over something you had no control over.
The evening went by smoothly if you may say so. Occasionally Tony was pried away from you by another big shot trying to extract some more money from him. Nevertheless, every single time they would come up to him for a business chat and steal him from you, he would peck your cheek first and murmur some sweet nothings into your ear that made you giggle lightly before resuming to the socialising.
It turns out that people were genuinely interested in who you are and what your current occupation was. Especially the MIT students, and not just the ones for whom Tony offered to pay their scholarships for, were intrigued to hear about your line of work. Maybe it’s because you’re not acclimated to the science scene but you were very fascinated by their research just as much as they were curious to find out about your escapades as a former travel journalist and how you stumbled into the life of a novelist.
As it was bound to happen one moment or another, the topic sometimes swung around to how you and Tony met. Since a lot of the attending guests didn’t know that you and Tony were dating, people wished to know more about your relationship even though frankly, you weren’t really sure what you two were up until earlier that same evening when he declared to Pepper that you were now officially to be called his girlfriend. This was your night of coming out as a couple and it thrilled you beyond belief.
You admired Tony throughout his entire presentation, how he easily wrapped the entire audience around his pinkie finger with just a simple one-liner and that self-confident smirk all Stark men seem to possess. Seeing Tony at his best, completely with his head in the game, it made you swell with pride that this beautiful man was yours and no one else’s. Afterwards all the ladies of course started swooning over him and if he had been single, he would’ve undoubtedly charmed their panties off but not tonight. Tonight he only had eyes for one woman and that’s you.
With his hand on the small of your back he showed you the way towards the hotel room he had booked for the night. He wanted this eve’s event to be special, not just because it would be your first time attending a big media event together but also because you had started dropping a few casual hints here and there about your more intimate preferences. Slowly but surely you and Tony had started teasing each other in a more sexual way, a couple clandestine looks here and there had over the course of your still fresh relationship magically transformed into heavy and hot make-out sessions on his lab table or the kitchen island. Not to mention when you first mentioned you might have a thigh riding kink and much to your surprise, he happily indulged your fantasies.
Even though Tony’s used to an excessive amount of female attention and having no trouble talking himself between their legs, he refused to pull any of his tricks on you. If you wanted to wait, he was more than willing to wait as well. He could, one day, see you as his wife and the mother of his children. The thought was new to him because he never for a single second believed he could actually pull it off, you know, being a dad and taking care of a tiny human being. He had been convinced that he’d never be ready for that much responsibility if he can’t even properly take care of himself. But you, you bring out the best in him. That’s why he is so adamant at waiting for the right moment, making it extra special for the both of you.
Because he’s madly in love with you.
Once enclosed in the privacy of your hotel room, your hands immediately fly towards the collar of his dress shirt and pull him in for a loving kiss. Never parting his lips from yours, Tony sheds himself of his dress jacket whilst your fingers make quick work of the buttons of his dress shirt. He reaches out towards the back of your dress, fingertips skimming the soft material before locating the zipper that will allow you to shimmy out of the night gown in seconds. But he refrains himself, breaking the kiss only to look you straight in the eye and ask you if it’s really what you want.
And it’s hard believing In a concrete thing Where you’re not conscious But you begin To learn to love the sickness in your skin Are you home? Are you home?
You’ve never seen Tony more serious than in this moment. Not only is he unsure of himself, he’s also a bit shy. Resting your hands against his now bare chest, allowing the warmth of his skin to soak through your own, it creates a frantic escape of wild butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
“Why don’t we take a shower first?,” you propose with a sweet smile to which his eyes crinkle adorably and a cute little grin exposes his pearly whites.
Taking a hold of his hand and intertwining your fingers with his, you take charge and lead him towards the marble bathroom where a rain shower is awaiting your arrival. When you turn around, a slightly uncomfortable Tony meets your line of sight and you are endeared by his sudden insecurity. Tony still cannot fathom that a woman like you, with soft pink flesh flowing into natural and delicious curves, a woman like you with an actual personality (unlike many other woman who mindlessly throw themselves at him merely for the fame of one night with the notorious Tony Stark) and a heart of gold can love a man like him, a man who deems himself unworthy of love.
Unbeknownst to him, you harbour the same anxieties and as you gently start to tug at his clothes, tenderly undressing the handsome man in front of you, you become painstakingly self-conscious of the love handles and other imperfections you’re sheltering underneath your gorgeous attire. It’s as if Tony can read your thought and he caresses your blushing cheeks with his thumb before brushing his chest against yours and planting a lingering and intimate kiss to your forehead, letting you know you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Looking down at you with a tender gaze, Tony’s lips slant over yours. “You want to go in or should I go first?”
You shake your head, telling him you would like to take the first step. Turning around so he can pull down your zipper more easily, you feel as the fabric falls down your body and pools around your feet. Unhooking your bra whilst still facing Tony with your back, the lacy undergarment follows suit as do your panties, gathering around your ankles and you can hear Tony gasping as he gingerly takes in the sight of your fully naked form. Looking over your shoulder, you see him biting down on his lips hard and with a teasing wink you step towards the shower, letting the water run hot first whilst he swiftly tears the clothes off his body so he can join you as quickly as possible.
When the water has eventually reached the perfect temperature, you allow it to immerse you from tip to toe. Feeling a little cold and alone without Tony, you throw a small peek into his direction, your eyes falling upon an unexpected emptiness. Merely a second later, a sturdy chest is pressed against your back as two arms encase your waist. A thrilling whisper fades into your ear as he acknowledges your beauty, burying his face in the crook of your neck and sighing deeply, inhaling your honey scent and committing it to memory.
There’s no way Tony’s letting you go now.
Swirling around in his arms, you come face to face with Tony who has still not ceased admiring your appearance. Both nude and wet (in more than one way), you make a rash decision and in one bold move, hook your leg around Tony’s so your sensitive folds are now caressing his already half hard length. Your eyes haven’t wandered downwards just yet, afraid of his substantial grandeur. But as his fingers grip the plump flesh of your generous bottom, slightly lifting you closer to his body, you get a pretty good feel of how generously endowed Tony Stark actually is and Jesus Christ, the rumours are true because this man is built like a God.
“Oh Tony,” you whimper as he pushes your back against the wall, one hand still firmly holding the right cheek of your ass as the other cups your face, his lips latching onto that particularly heaven-inducing spot right underneath your jaw. He has started moving softly up and down your soaking cunt, getting as hard as a rock and as stiff as a stick in the process, a couple beads of precum already leaking from the glistening tip.
“Please, fuck me. I’m clean and on the pill. Just please,” you pant against his lips, your arousal the highest it has even been. “Please just fuck me, Tony, fuck me now.”
“This is not how I want our first time to be, baby girl,” he replies in an equally strained and hushed moan. “I want it to be memorable,” he swallows thickly as your hips reply to his sudden jolt forwards, his cock brushing against your clit with a perfect amount of pressure. “I don’t want it to be a quickie in the shower, no matter how tempting the prospect may be.”
Tony insists, despite how loveable your pout and puppy eyes. He reaches for one of the bottles sitting a bit further away in a fancy little box and selects the shower gel, popping the lid open and squeezing a tiny bit of the moisture into his palm. He motions for you to turn around again and as he starts to massage your shoulders, both of you groan at the obvious tension straining your muscles.
When his fingers have finished working away the knots, you return the favour by tending to his temples and making sure he leaves the shower headache free. The past couple days he’s been complaining non-stop about this skull-shattering pain tearing his brains apart and although you suspected it was because of the stress, you also expect it has something to do with his presentation tonight.
I know, know, know, know, know That you’re fighting And I know, know, know, know You’re not hiding anymore And I know, know, know, know, know That you’re trying But are you home? Are you home?
Tony has dedicated so much time to something called B.A.R.F. and just because you didn’t understand much about the concept doesn’t mean you didn’t pick up on the message behind it. With this kind of technology you can hijack the hippocampus and alter traumatic memories, something you’re fairly sure he had developed based on personal experiences. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Tony Stark has been chased by insurmountable demons for most of his life and you wish that if you could, you would protect him at all costs from similar events.
After you’re both as good as new, Tony gives you a helping hand and wraps you into a towel before taking one for himself. You sigh contentedly at the soft sensation and smile up at Tony who seems to have undergone a transformation of some sorts, judging by the carefree lights dancing in his dark brown eyes. He takes a few steps towards you and right as his lips collapse on top of yours, you swear you can feel the embers explode behind your eyelids like fireworks on the fourth of July.
You squeal as he picks you up bridal style, your legs and arms dangling in excitement. The bed is inviting when he carefully places you on top of the duvet and you assume his next move will be to hover above you but instead he bestows all his attention to the top of your thighs, barely covered by the fabric of the hotel towel.
“Look at you,” he whispers adoringly,” You are Aphrodite.”
His fingertips adorn the marks of cellulite as his lips trace up your veins towards the apex of your thighs, leaving you quivering underneath his scorching hot touch. When you release a breathy moan, his head snaps up and you lock eyes, a sneaky smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He then continues to trace your curves with the tip of his nose until the white fabric loosens around your form and falls limp on the bed, leaving you stark naked in front of, well, Tony Stark.
“Oh God, Tony, no, don’t say that,” you exhale whilst an embarrassed smile accompanies the rush of colour towards your cheeks.
“I only speak the truth,” he retorts, propping himself up on his elbows and seductively quirking an eyebrow, challenging you to object with an equally witty remark.
As words seem to fail you, he levels himself with you until his chiselled body is gingerly pressing down on yours. Carding your fingers through his short black locks, you guide his lips towards yours in a lasting kiss. Fidgeting with Tony’s towel, you manage to shimmy it off from his lower body and once again both your desires meet in a lustful dance of rubbing and stroking. Your hand snakes towards his pulsating shaft pressing up against your pussy and as you palm him softly, an approving sound slips past his lips.
“There’s a condom,” he breathes heavily, “In the nightstand.”
You nod and release him from your affectionate ministrations. Tony’s eager to tear open the package and roll the rubber condom over his proud cock but before he can do so, your hands stop him and take the condom from him, hinting that you’d like to roll it on yourself. Your featherlight touch exhilarates his skin and he’s back on top of you in no time, lining himself up with your entrance.
“If it hurts, you tell me immediately, okay?,” he asks you with a certain stress behind his voice. He is worried about your wellbeing and doesn’t want to hurt you, especially not during your first time.
“Okay,” you mimic in a shaky breath, your nerves starting to flow passionately.
I know, know, know, know, know That you’re fighting And I know, know, know, know You’re not hiding anymore And I know, know, know, know, know That you’re trying But are you home? Are you home?
After giving his cock a couple firm tugs, he gently pushes the tip in, parting your folds first before stretching you out a bit more. You gasp at the overwhelming feel of little Tony (who is anything but little) asking for permission to enter your most personal territory. Giving you enough time to adjust, Tony sheathes himself completely inside you with one more potent yet mild thrust.
“Y/N, you are so tight, I love it,” he moans lowly before kissing the corner of your mouth.
When you don’t reply, his eyes search yours instantly for any signs of discomfort. You’re pleased with yourself that you’re able to take all of him without too much difficulty. Nevertheless it requires some adjustment and it’s as if the struggle if evident on your face because he cradles your cheels in the palms of his hands, whispering a kind and concerned “If this is too much, darling, we don’t have to continue.”
“No, no it’s fine,” you ensure him. “It’s just that… I’m filled up to the brim with Tony Stark’s dick,” you laugh lightly before a more hearty laugh escapes your lips. “I’m about to get fucked by Tony freaking Star who is my freaking boyfriend!”
A bouldering laugh adorns the air when Tony has processed your words, unable to wrap his mind around the fact that you, even though he’s buried balls deep into your cunt squeezing him so lusciously, the only thing you seem to be focused on is that you’re about to have sex with a considerably – okay, scratch that – tremendously famous person.
“Y/N,” he says softly when you’ve calmed down from your abrupt outburst of exhilaration and disbelief. “You’re not about to get fucked by Tony Stark.”
“What?,” you ask in a high-pitched voice. Isn’t that exactly what the point is of this entire endeavour?
“Baby, honey, sweetheart,” he coos fondly with a tiny amount of seduction and sass, “You’re not about to get fucked by Tony Stark.”
He sounds somewhat hurt and you look away from his soulful eyes, unable to bear the honesty reflected in them. “I am not going to fuck you, I am going to make love to you. So tonight, you’re not going to get fucked by Tony Stark. Tonight, you’re going to be loved by your boyfriend who just happens to be Tony Stark because God forbid, I love you. I love you, Y/N.”
For a faint heartbeat, the atmosphere is dead silent and the only thing than can be heard are your laboured breaths as your body melts perfectly into Tony’s, the initial burn ebbing away and making way for a more pleasurable performance of a lover worshipping his muse.
Nothing else is said but those three words, frequenting the tenderness of their unison until the morning seeps through the curtains like a smooth criminal and sheds its light upon their two bodies curled into one another as their act of love has been repeated over the course of many affections and many, many more.
 Tagging: the ever-wonderful @beccaanne814-blog @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @unpredictable-firecracker @marvelingatthewonder  @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @iiharu-kunii @knittingknerdy @winterwolf57 @winterboobaer @shamvictoria11 @thedragonblood @hymnofthevalkyries @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @ourpeachskies @austinamelio @howlingbarnes @4theluvofall  @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @hymnofthevalkyries @amrita31199 @kiwi71281 @jaegers-and-kaijus @katbird787 @spaceprincessofmanygalaxies @marvel-lucy @volklana
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