gildedmuse · 1 year
If the Marines are really desperate for recruits just put up a poster of Garp and Bogard. You will get SO MANY APPLICATIONS
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anonymousewrites · 6 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Fourteen
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: Show Goes On
Summary: The Hotel rebuilds and moves on from the fight.
Mouse Note: Thank you for reading Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1)! I hope you all enjoyed because I loved writing this. I'm so excited for Hazbin Hotel to return because I have a lot of ideas for this series, and I'm excited to continue. But for now, thank you for everything! If you like my writing, please check out my other Father Figure series!
           “Noooo!” screamed Lute as Adam fell. She ran to Adam’s side, and (Y/N) backed off, narrowing their eyes in case she tried anything. “Sir! Stay with me, sir! Adam!” He was gone.
           “It’s over,” said Charlie, holding Vaggie to her side protectively.
           Lucifer loomed over Lute, and her eyes widened in fright. “Take your little friends and go home! Please.”
           Lute narrowed her eyes and picked up Adam’s halo. Furious at having no other choice, she glared at the demons before calling out to the exorcists. “Retreat. All exorcists fall back.”
           The angels rose into the air, fleeing back through the portal to heaven.
           Lucifer, pleased, turned to the hotel group. “So…who’s up for pancakes?”
           Everyone, bloody and tired, stared at him.
            “Good evening, I’m Katie Killjoy,” said the news report later that night.
            “And I’m—”
            “No one gives a shit who you are, Tom,” said Katie. “Breaking news: extermination day is canceled! Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words. In an unseen turn of events, our demonic head honcho Lucifer stepped in to save his daughter’s ass in the last moment. We’re also hearing reports that Adam, leader of the Angelic Legions, first man, and totally fuckable bad boy, has been slain by a filthy gardening demon or some shit like that. The kid said, quote, ‘I hate cameras, and TV here sucks, go away’ before threatening our crew! What an asshole! Anyway, congrats to Charlie and her crew for not being totally fucking useless for once.”
            Charlie held Keekee as she looked over the rubble that used to be the Hazbin Hotel. They’d lost so much, so many people. “Oh, there, there, it’s…” She sighed. “It’s okay.” She tried to believe it herself, but it was difficult.
            Angel smiled at her as he held Fat Nuggets. Charlie managed to smile back and took a step towards him. She found herself in front of the “Happy First Week!” sign she’d made for Pentious. Her heart ached at his loss. Vaggie put her hands on Charlie’s shoulders comfortingly.
(Charlie) “He did it for us, The ultimate sacrifice. He gave me his trust, And look how we pay the prince.”
            Tears gathered in her eyes. She had failed her friends. Because she hadn’t been strong enough, they had gotten hurt, killed.
(Charlie) “This bloodshed could have been avoided, If I convinced heaven to work together. I took a hotel, and I destroyed it, I know I could have done better, better, Instead of letting you down.”
            Lucifer put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder and smiled at her.
(Lucifer) “Come on little lady, why the frown? In the last ten thousand years, you’re the first one to change this town, You can do this, Now I know it, For your story has just begun, You can’t quit now, Hell, you owe it, There’s still damage to be undone, You’ve changed my mind, You’ve touched their hearts.”
            Charlie looked around as her friends approached with a smile.
(Lucifer) “Found the good in souls gone bad, The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone, But by God Charlie, The show it must go on!”
            Her friends gathered around Charlie.
(Vaggie, Cherri, (Y/N), Angel, Husk, Niffty) “We can do this, We can build it! Best hotel that you’ve ever seen! Twice the bedrooms, We can fill it!” (Lucifer) “With more sinners than you can dream!” (Lucifer and Vaggie) “It starts with you!” (Vaggie, Cherri, (Y/N), Lucifer, Angel, Husk, Niffty) “You know it’s true, Fulfill your destiny!”
            They reached out their hands. Wiping her tears and smiling, Charlie stood and took her father’s hand as the group came together for a hug.
(Charlie) “So long as I’ve got all of you with me!”
            And so, the cleanup and work began. It was tough going, but everyone pitched in, and the hotel began to come together better than before.
(Niffty) “To build a hotel, I think we need some brick and lumber!” (Lucifer) “Good thing we’re in Hell, check out this little magic number.”
            He snapped his fingers, and the supplies appeared.
(Angel) “Start with foundation.” (Lucifer) “A remedial creation for me.”
            The foundation came together in a single spell.
(Niffty, Angel, Lucifer) “It’s as easy as can be!”
            Soon, the hotel was getting decorated, rooms ready to be stayed in.
(Charlie) “No time for cryin’, We got a lot of work to do and, We gotta try and make the best of what’s in ruins.” (Vaggie) “New coat of paint!” (Husk) “New lights across the marquee!” ((Y/N)) “With a little sorcery!”
            They waved a hand, and plants grew up around the hotel, decorating it with nature amongst the barren city that Pride usually was.
            Finally, the hotel was put back together, with a statue of Dazzle outside. Charlie smiled at the painting of Pentious and the Egg Bois going up in the foyer to honor his memory. The memories of who they lost would never be forgotten as a new era of the Hazbin Hotel approached.
(All) “We can do this!” (Charlie) “We can do this!” (All) “We’ll be better!” (Charlie) “We’ll be better!” (All) “Though redemption may take a while.” (Charlie) “Though it may take a while.” (All) “Wayward sinners, clear their ledger!”
            They came together for a hug, and a familiar face popped out of the shadows.
(Alastor) “And we’re doing it with a smile!”
            (Y/N) grinned. He was healed and back with them. He had survived, too.
(Charlie) “We’ll make a difference, wait and see.” (Charlie and Vaggie) “We’re gonna do this, you and me.” (All) “And then tomorrow it will be, A fuckin’ happy day in Hell!”
            The Hazbin Hotel was open for business.
            (Y/N) walked through the hotel to the new wing dedicated to Alastor’s broadcasts. Obviously, it was placed on the opposite side from Lucifer’s apple-themed wing. They paused at the door of the radio and knocked.
            “Alastor?” they called out.
            The door was opened by a shadow, and (Y/N) stepped inside. Alastor was standing over the controls of the new radio, examining everything.
            “Do you like it?” asked (Y/N), slightly nervous.
           Yes, they had faced Adam, but this was…different. It was a different type of encounter. With a fight, (Y/N) knew what it felt like to suffer, to go through pain, so they could handle that. With friendship, (Y/N) had very little experience, so they weren’t sure how to deal with it.
           Alastor turned to face them. “It seems Charlie did a good job ensuring this was up to my standards. My broadcasts will be quality, as usual.”
           “Charlie didn’t make it. Well, she helped, but I, uh, I did it,” said (Y/N).
           Alastor paused, and his grin, unbidden, widened. “You did?”
           (Y/N) nodded. “I saw your tower was affected when Adam hurt you, so when we rebuilt the hotel, I made sure there was something for you to come back to.”
           “I hadn’t expected to have a broadcast tower at the hotel,” said Alastor.
           “Do you like it?” asked (Y/N).
           “I do,” said Alastor honestly.
           (Y/N) brightened. “I’m glad! And I’m glad you’re alright. Adam did a lot of damage to the hotel, killed Pentious, and hurt you pretty badly.”
           “It will take more than that to kill the Radio Demon,” said Alastor, but the unfortunate truth was that he had nearly died.
           “I faced him,” said (Y/N) suddenly.
           Alastor paused. “Oh?”
           “Yeah, I fought Adam. It didn’t go that well for me, either.” They grinned at him. “But I killed him. In the end, I killed him.” They stood proud in their strength and determination. Yes, (Y/N) had nearly fallen to Adam and Lucifer had really defeated him, but dealing the killing blow had given (Y/N) so much satisfaction.
           Alastor looked at (Y/N), and he cursed every part of him that still had some humanity since he felt something as they smiled at him. It wasn’t what he felt when Rosie laughed alongside him and teased him, but it held a familiar warmth. Although he had begun by seeing something in (Y/N) that reminded him of himself from oh-so long ago, Alastor couldn’t help but look at (Y/N) and just see them, now. It wasn’t them being like him, even if it still began there, but it was more.
           “I wouldn’t expect anything less of my protégé,” said Alastor, unable to keep the fondness completely out of his voice.
           Alastor was falling victim to all of the weaknesses he wanted to eliminate within himself.
           And (Y/N)? Well, the Nature Demon stood tall. They were growing into all the strength they had ever wished for.
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acknowledge-reigns · 2 months
Welcome Back, OTC. (I'll make love to you) | Roman Reigns x Black!fem OC. SMUT. 18+!! MDNI!
Description: Roman is full of surprises at the biggest party of the summer. Lilah is eager to welcome him back.
Warnings: Established Dom/sub dynamic, teasing, spanking/mention of spanking, praise/rewards ("good girl "), honorifics ("Daddy", "My tribal chief"), Nipple play, Petnames (Princess, babygirl, little brat?), vaginal sex, mild brating/brat taming and begging.
Face claim: Jaylen Barron.
Song: I'll make love to you by Boys ll Men
You can find more of my work here.
Stories that feature Roman x Lilah include: Jealous, 34+35, There goes my baby, Nonsense, and Worst to me.
Again, MDNI!!! THIS IS AN 18+ FAN FICTION. As always my stories are about Roman Reigns NOT Joe Anoa'i.
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Lilah sat backstage, anxiously waiting for her boyfriend Roman Reigns to return from the ring. She had no idea ahead of time that he was going to show up and go all 'Wreck everyone and leave' on his little cousin. She was honestly in disbelief. Truth be told it was probably for the best. Lilah couldn't hold water. If she caught glimpse of a birthday gift Roman had gotten for one of his cousins, it was within hours that she'd spill the beans. it's just who she was, surprises were not her forte.
She had been backstage removing her makeup and what-not after her own match, completely in the dark as to what Roman had up his sleeve when she heard the arena erupted in cheers and Lilah's heart skipped a beat. She knew that sound all too well - Roman's wrestlemania 40 theme.
Lilah rushed to the monitor, eager to see her beloved boyfriend. She watched in disbelief as Roman practically flew into the ring and superman punched Solo, giving him no time to recover before hitting him with a spear as 50k+ people roared thunderously in support of him.
After the match, Roman made his way backstage.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" she asked, her voice neutral.
Roman smiled almost sheepishly. "I wanted it to be a surprise," he said.
Lilah was both angry and relieved. She was angry that Roman had kept her in the dark, but relieved that he was back. In the direct aftermath of wrestlemania 40 the two of them had gone on vacation together, had some island time and just took some time to reconnect, though after the first month Lilah made her return to WWE whereas Roman had not been seen since April. It was now August. Four months later. To the fans it had felt like an eternity. It had for Lilah too really. Being on the road without him felt incredibly weird. Especially now that she wasn't traveling with the bloodline.
With Jimmy and Paul both out with injuries after getting attacked by the new members Solo had brought into the bloodline. Jacob, Tama and Tanga had all been recruited post wrestlemania season when Solo decided that he wanted to play pretend, he had convinced himself that he was the tribal chief and Lilah didn't want any part of it. So she was more than willing to travel by herself, though she did sometimes ride with Trin, Bianca and Jade.
She'd kept Roman in the loop the entire time, constantly filling him in on the shit talking Solo was doing, down to him having the audacity to wear the ula fala. Roman was eerily calm each time, he just reassured her that things would be fine. Just do her own thing, keep her distance from Solo and the others and that he would be back when the time was right.
It seemed that the time was right at Summerslam. "OTC?" Lilah questioned.
"Original tribal chief." Roman responded, a smirk on his face. Lilah couldn't help but chuckle. She loved when he got petty.
As they entered Roman's locker room, Roman pulled Lilah into a tight embrace.
A petty Roman Reigns was a dangerous Roman Reigns. A sexy Roman Reigns. Not that he wasn't always mouth wateringly fuckable, but this attitude... yeah it was doing something for her.
"I missed you," he whispered.
Lilah melted into his arms, all thoughts of anger and surprise fading away. She had missed him too, more than she could put into words.
"I have another surprise for you." Roman said flirtatiously.
Lilah's curiosity was piqued. "What is it?" she asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.
Roman smiled slyly. "I can't tell you yet," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "But I promise, you'll love it."
Lilah couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation. She had always loved the way Roman kept her on her toes.
"When can I find out?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
Roman leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear. "Soon," he whispered. "Very soon."
Lilah's heart was racing now. She couldn't wait to find out what Roman had in store for her.
"But I want to know now," she said, pouting playfully.
Roman chuckled. "Nope," he said, giving her a playful swat on the ass. "I'm afraid you'll just have to wait."
Lilah huffed in mock frustration. "You're no fun," she said, trying to hide her smile.
Roman chuckled and leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.
Lilah's annoyance quickly faded as Roman's lips met hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and deepening the kiss.
When they finally pulled apart, Roman was grinning. "See?" he said. "I can be fun."
Lilah rolled her eyes, but she was secretly thrilled. "I suppose you're not completely hopeless," she teased.
Roman pretended to be offended. "Ouch," he said, placing a hand over his heart. "You wound me, babygirl."
"You think you can get away with talking to your tribal chief like that? Rolling your eyes at me?" He continued in a playful stern tone, "You want me to spank you, Babygirl?"
Lilah laughed. "You'll live," she said.
Roman chuckled taking a seat and pulled Lilah into his lap. "You're so feisty," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I love it."
Lilah grinned and snuggled closer to him. "You love me," she said, nuzzling his neck.
Roman smiled and kissed the top of her head. "That I do," he said. "That I do."
They sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Lilah was still curious about Roman's surprise, but she knew better than to push him... She still did it anyway though.
Roman chuckled again, sensing Lilah's eagerness. "You're really not going to let this go, are you, little brat?" he asked, his voice taking on a slightly dominant tone.
Lilah shivered at the sound of his voice. "No," she said, her voice low and sultry. "I want to know what you have planned."
Roman smirked and tightened his grip on her waist. "You're going to have to be a good girl and wait," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "And if you're really good, I might just give you a reward."
Lilah's heart skipped a beat. "I can be good, My tribal chief." she said, her voice breathy.
Roman chuckled and ran a hand up her thigh. "I know you can," he said, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
Before long they were back in the luxury hotel suite Roman had booked for them, it was dimly light with rose petals all around and led candles flickering. There was champagne and strawberries. The room itself smelled faintly of lavender which he knew was one of her favorite scents. Soft r&b music, mostly from the 90s played from the Bluetooth speaker on the bedside table.
Lilah's eyes widened as she took in the romantic atmosphere. "You did all this for me?" she asked, her voice filled with awe.
Roman smiled and pulled her closer. "Of course I did," he said. "You deserve the best."
He led her over to the bed and gently pushed her down onto it. "Now, it's time for your reward," he said, his voice low and seductive.
Lilah's heart racing with anticipation. She felt Roman's hands on her body, tracing a path of fire over her skin. She moaned softly as he kissed her neck, his lips moving down to her collarbone.
Roman's hands moved lower, slipping under her shirt and tracing the curve of her hips. He kissed her passionately, his tongue exploring her mouth. Lilah arched her back, pressing herself closer to him.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his breath hot against her skin. "And all mine."
Roman began to kiss his way down her body. He removed both her shirt and her bra then tossed it aside,"You were such a good girl. So patient and loyal while daddy was away." He said before he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing it with his tongue.
Lilah moaned louder, her body writhing under his touch. "Roman, please," she begged. "I need you, My tribal chief."
Lilah's body was on fire with desire. She could feel Roman's hands everywhere, his touch sending waves of pleasure through her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer.
Roman groaned, his own desire evident. "You're so eager, princess." he said, his voice thick with lust.
Roman continued to kiss and touch her, his hands and mouth exploring every inch of her body. Lilah was lost in a haze of pleasure, her mind consumed by the sensations he was creating.
Suddenly, he stopped and pulled away. Lilah opened her eyes, looking at him in confusion, "Daddy..." she whined at his teasing.
Roman's eyes darkened with lust at the sound of her voice. "Yes, princess?" he said, his voice low and commanding.
Lilah shivered at the sound of his nickname for her. "just fuck me already," she whispered. "I want you so badly, my tribal chief, please fuck me."
Roman growled, his control slipping. "You're playing with fire, babygirl," he said as he began to pull down her shorts followed by her black lace panties.
Lilah moaned again, arching her back as he exposed her skin to the cool air. "I don't care," she said. "I need you, daddy."
Roman's hands moved slowly, his fingers tracing patterns over her skin. Roman smirked, enjoying the effect he was having on her. "Is someone feeling a little needy?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement and his signature cockiness.
Liliah whimpered, her body aching for his touch. "Please," she begged. "Please fuck me, daddy."
Roman chuckled, loving the way she begged. "Well since you asked so nicely..." he said before shedding his own clothes.
Roman's hands moved to her hips, gripping them tightly as he positioned himself between her legs. "Mm go ahead, babygirl, acknowledge me." he growled, before thrusting into her.
Lilah cried out, her nails digging into his back as he started to move. "Oh fuck! I acknowledge you, Daddy." she moaned.
Roman continued to thrust into her, his movements rough and possessive. "That's right, babygirl," he said, his voice rough with desire. "You're mine, and I'm going to make sure you know it."
Liliah moaned louder, her body writhing beneath him. "Yes, Daddy, I'm yours. Only yours." she said.
Roman's pace quickened, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. "You're so tight, babygirl," he groaned. "You feel so good around me."
Liliah could feel herself getting closer to the edge, her body tensing with pleasure. "Please, Daddy, I'm so close," she whimpered.
Liliah's body shuddered as she came, her orgasm washing over her in waves. "Daddy!" she cried out, clinging to him tightly.
Roman leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Come for me, princess. I want to feel you come undone around me."
Roman continued to thrust into her, riding out her orgasm before finally finding his own release. He groaned her name as he came, collapsing on top of her.
Liliah wrapped her arms around him, panting and spent. "Welcome back, OTC..." she said, her voice hoarse.
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filthforfriends · 6 months
By the way, there is an actual reason for the visceral rage you feel at the thought of cishet men perceiving Victoria.
The majority of Måneskin’s fanbase is queer & questioning young women. At live shows, that only becomes truer the closer you get to the barricade (& from the barricade, they pick people to go on stage). Vic herself is a proud queer woman. So when she’s expressing her sexuality on stage, it is for the female gaze.
The way she engages seems special because it is. We never see women being openly sexy & jubilant & authentic because of the patriarchy’s omnipresent coercion. Vic’s sexuality on stage isn’t a performance for men & we can see how much joy she gets from that freedom, especially during the finale. While the boys are simply trying to survive the stage invasion, our girl Vic is beyond thrilled to lay in a pile of other sweaty, nearly topless chicks. With a giant smile on her face she calls some dude a “fucking pig” for thinking she’s hot while everyone else screams that she prefers pussy.
Typically, WLW being sexy for other WLW quite literally involves a middle man packaging (writing, directing, editing) that content (through the male gaze). But there is nothing between Vic & the live audience. What Måneskin’s videographers capture will always be made for the female gaze, no matter how it’s curated. We don’t realize how the patriarchy taints our experiences with other women/fems until something like this captures our focus. Then it’s a struggle to pin down precisely what about it is so compelling.
Cishet men grow up in a world where everything is designed for their appreciation, to win their attention. We don’t want them to perceive Vic because they’ll treat her sexuality like performance for their consumption. If they find her fuckable, it’s because she wanted them to. If they notice her smile, it’s because she was thrilled at the prospect of this objectification. They add helpful criticisms about her appearance & behavior so she – or more accurately, it – can be better desirable. Because why wouldn’t it want to modify itself for them? It was flirting. Fucking tease.
The male gaze makes no differentiation between the real, autonomous person & the fantasy in their heads, because Vic was never really a person to begin with. As in, she never reached the status of an entity entitled to give & withdraw consent. So why should they treat the autonomous person Victoria any different than the naked girl on its knees in their mind? Both are just objects.
The difference is that we’re attracted to Victoria as she is, as she voluntarily chooses to present herself. Decidedly unladylike, (why should she be otherwise?) bouncing & gyrating open mouthed, suggesting voyeurism. We’d never want Victoria to make herself less for us – less body, less vulgar. She retains her personhood.
So no, you’re not crazy.
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goldxnfemme · 9 months
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Missed Her by Ivan Coyote
ID under read more
ID - images show a piece by Ivan Coyote from their book Missed Her.
Text in image 1 reads:
"Throwing in the Towel
Sometimes you say things without really thinking. Sometimes you write things on Facebook without really thinking about the nine hundred people who will read them.
It all started with the towels. Not just any towels, mind you. These were brand new, fresh out of the laundry, white, pristine, and über-fluffy. I had just stepped out of my clawfoot bathtub in my new-to-me bathroom in my recently painted apartment and into the softest, most absorbent and slightly lemony scented towel this forty- year-old ass has ever felt. That towel wicked the moisture away from my butt like a dream. It felt better than my mother's towels. Better than a fancy hotel towel, even, mostly because it was mine and I knew for a fact mine was the first ass it had ever wicked water from.
It's the little things, right? I sat my luxurious towel-wrapped ass down at my desk in front of my computer and wrote, "My new towels are so fluffy and absorbent. I feel like a queen. A queen, I tell you." And then I hit "share."
Within minutes, the comments started to roll in. My lady friends all concurred. Some of my butch friends, well, some butch bonding time. A small debate ensued. A femme friend of mine suggested we all conceptualize fine linens as a high quality tool, used to entice fine ladies into your bathtub. We riffed some"
Text in image 2 reads:
"about stereotypes. I thought it was over.
The next day, I hung the freshly hemmed and pressed, sand-coloured velvet draperies in my living room, and stood back to appreciate how well they complemented the dark olive accent wall and the bone-white window trim. What can I say? It has pretty much been five years since I have had a stable, solo, sexy roof over my head. I am nesting. I sat at my desk and wrote: "Enjoying my new draperies like I do does not make me any less butch."
And again with the stream of comments. One of my friends responded that butches were supposed to keep thoughts like that to ourselves. Someone said that draperies could be butch as long as there were no pink bows on them. Someone else suggested that we needed a word for a butch metrosexual. This began a longer discussion on the various types of butch: soft butch, stone butch, old school, fag butch, gentlebutch, dandy.
I should say that all of this was fairly good- natured, and everyone's feathers went for the most part unruffled, at least on the page. But something about the whole discussion bugged me, and it got me to thinking about it all.
My first question was for myself. Why did I care if my butchness was called into question anyway? In my whole entire life I have never felt anything but butch, even before I knew the word. That is certainly the way the world views me (going mostly on what rednecks call me from passing truck windows) and how my lovers place me on the fuckability spectrum. So why did someone I barely knew"
Text in image 3 reads:
"calling me a girl and suggesting I needed some butch bonding time chap my tender ass so much? Perhaps it was all those soft towels making me more thin-skinned than usual? And what was up with my butch brothers and sisters? I re-read the comments. Most of the femmes who responded maintained that the word butch didn't need adjectives or qualifiers: just butch would do the trick. It was mostly butches who were uncomfortable with my love of fluffy towels and draperies, and mostly butches who felt the need to further categorize ourselves.
One of the femmes who responded posed the following: "There's also an element of internalized homophobia in all of this. Maybe it's a conceptual leap but it seems to me that the notion that a 'real' butch can't like a fluffy towel or use words coded as feminine to describe her-/him-/hir-self isn't that far from the idea that it's not okay for boys to play with dolls. Are queer masculinities (or whatever you want to call them) so fragile? Their beauty, diversity, and resilience over the generations prove otherwise."
I thought about it all some more. Thought back to being eight years old, and frozen in the girl's dressing room at the ladies' wear store on Main Street in Whitehorse. My aunt was getting married and my mom was insisting that wearing anything but a dress to the wedding would be rude and she wasn't going to tolerate any more arguments from me about how dressy my brown corduroy suit could really be with the right blouse. I was being forced to try on this yellow and grey dress. My mom and the shop lady were"
Text in the last image reads:
"looming outside the dressing room door, taking turns cajoling and threatening me to come out and show them how I looked. My guts were in my throat and all the moisture in my mouth was now collecting in my eyes. I was seriously too humiliated to open the door and come out. I was afraid of the wrath of my mother, and scared of the scorn of the saleswoman, but I was even more terrified of how vulnerable and wrong I felt in my body, in my skin, in my life in that dress. It wasn't just that I didn't want to be a girl. And it wasn't as easy as just wishing that I was a boy. It was the horrible realization that I was facing a world where there were no clothes for me because I didn't fit the world.
So I don't think that butch fear of our own femininity is all that simple to unravel. It is not just our own misogyny that makes us see anything less than manly as weak or less than. Our fear of our own inner girl is so much more complicated than that. Most of us grew up uncomfortable not only in our clothes, but in our pink bedrooms, our gender roles, our families' expectations, and even our own skins. We had to fight to find ourselves in all of that. And sometimes that makes it hard to drop all that armor and just sit back and enjoy the fucking draperies."
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Of course asking people which monster they find more fuckable is a good way to get them to say funny things, so I got a lot of funny comments on the Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon Tournament. So as usual, I compiled a list of the ones I liked best, ordered by the poll they were commented on. Enjoy!
Barometz vs Dryad (round 1 part 1)
dryad boobs in my mouth please please please you're nothing
Man-eating plant vs Mandrake (round 1 part 1)
getting my dick digested by a pitcher plant
its what laios would have wanted
Skeleton vs Dullahan (round 1 part 1)
why is the armor sweeping?? how are ya'll planning to fuck the armor??? at least the skeleton you could like wedge a vibrator or fleshlight into the pelvis. I forgot this is the celibacy site and fucking is not a real physical thing on here
fools do not see the eroticisim of plate armor
Phoenix vs Harpy (round 1 part 2)
harpy has a tits out kinda look
Griffin vs Hippogriff (round 1 part 2)
Me at first: really? You’d fuck the horse? Me, remembering the barded penises of felines : no wait you’re right
White dragon vs Red dragon (round 1 part 3)
It's canon that white dragons fight furiously while red dragon is the equivalent of that blue hands dinosaur in Prehistoric Planet
white dragon is cuntier somehow
Treasure insects vs Succubus (round 1 part 3)
another tits out kinda look
normal poll matchup. normal poll. do people want to fuck a succubus or inch long insects. who will win
Huge scorpion vs Huge spider vs Mimic (round 1 part 3)
What you do to the mimic is hidden from the eyes of all
The mimics got that dog in it
dark souls mimic resemblances have me thinking unwise
something about the mysterious air around the mimic
Golem vs Ice golem (round 1 part 4)
Same deal but one freezes ur junk off I think the winner is clear
Gargoyle vs Hag (round 1 part 4)
..abusive mother kink????
Familiar vs Jack Frost (round 1 part 4)
familiar is customizable 👍
Doppelganger vs Demon (round 1 part 4)
That stupid sexy cat simply slays too much cunt
Hippogriff vs Fish-man (round 2 part 1)
no offense to my buddy fish-man but that hippogriff is too majestic
Living armour vs Undine (round 2 part 2)
One if the extras has a really perturving bit: Undines fed by consuming liquids with mana. Holm mentions regularly feeding it BODILY FLUIDS.
is wearing living armor anything
White dragon vs Green dragon (round 3)
she made that dragon sooooo cunty and for what
Cockatrice vs Demon (round 3)
you should've put the slutiest picture of the demon. to remind everyone that ryoko -sensei is down BAD
no one: ryoko kui: i am going to make a lion demon that is SOOOOOOO [redacted]
everybody vote for demon! a vote for demon is a love letter to Ryoko Kui
I do find it funny we're blowing the demon whore moments on like, the cockatrice matchup
This manga is so slutty and yet so tasteful in it that you can't really call it anything but great in every aspect of its eroticism
Mermaid vs Harpy (quarter finals)
i am so mad rn. a mermaid !? more fuckable than a harpy!? for shame tumblr for shame
White dragon vs Succubus (quarter finals)
Dragon fluffye!
Chimera vs Mermaid (semi-finals)
sorry mermaid. falin fucks supremely.
sorry falin. gotta stand up for my fellow merfolk here
a vote for chimera is a vote for lesbians
Succubus vs Demon (semi-finals)
Not even the sucubbi stands up to the limitless demon sexo
if you think about it. the succubus can turn into the demon's many forms
Chimera vs Demon (finale)
fags and dykes fighting to the death over this one
Listen man. Even if I'm gay I understand why Falin is winning but- Consider that the demon knows your exact wants and desires and could satisfy your sexual needs perfectly. Also when he's buff and humanoid near the end
either of them deserve to win but demon sweep because that fucker showed up in a dream to me once
Mermaid vs Succubus (battle for the bronze)
mermaids can't lose to magical mosquito people PLEASE
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
I feel like a lot of people misunderstand me when I say I'm disappointed with the way Aegon was adapted.
Most of those who criticize me (and some Aegon stans who aren't apologists, because get some help seriously) throw every possible excuse there is in the book in order to rid Aegon of any kind of depth or potential for Season 2.
I've been told I can't stomach characters that are downright bad, I've been told I only cling to show!Aegon's only redeeming quality at the moment (namely, TGC) and make it THE reason why Aegon should be liked.
I really don't know why I gotta say this about myself as a preface in order to debunk that second "theory" but I can absolutely assure you that amongst all the people I've crushed on or fell in love with in all my years of life, only two of them were boys and one of them is my current boyfriend. So if anything my fuckable meter as moral compass doesn't work that well with men lmao. Thank you for admitting that this show is so bad that sometimes the only good quality about certain characters are the actors that play them, idk what to tell you.
And on not being able to handle wicked characters, really? I've got a whole blog shitting on HotD writers for a lot of reasons amongst which is the fact that they made Rhaenyra blander than unseasoned potatoes and you came to the conclusion that... I can't handle wicked characters?
I'd really have no problems with Aegon being adapted as the cruel piece of shit he is in the books. You know, the only source material. If we're talking Aegon individually, my only problem with the route they're taking is making it similar to Joffrey. We don't want Joffrey Targaryen, we want Aegon II. (And like it or not, he's so different from Joffrey it's not even funny) The only things these two kids have in common are dying from poison, having a mother who's a lady-turned-queen, having a grandfather who's hand of the king and being selfish pricks.
My problem lies with Rhaenyra. Everyone knows Aegon sucks ass, that was known even before Sara Hess came up with that caricature of cartoonish evilness and tried masking it as gray writing. It's wanting to make Rhaenyra any better that is ridiculous as fuck.
Rhaenyra was just as selfish, self-righteous and dumb as Aegon. Rhaenyra's motives were just as valid as Aegon. They are both sides of the same coin. That's the basics if you want to understand Fire and Blood. Something Sara, Ryan, Miguel and the entire team didn't understand in the slightest. If you want me to take a show about the Dance of the Dragons seriously, you want to make this SIMPLE concept clear as day, which really isn't that hard.
And I'm sorry, but the situation with Dyana, that poor thing, is always angering to watch. Despicable, yes. Unforgivable, yes. I agree. I like it when there are turns in the adaptation of a story as vague as Fire and Blood, but not when that change is made for no reason other than wanting to uplift a character who deserves anything but.
Furthermore, I beg your pardon a second time for wanting the least possible scenes of r*pe or implied r*pe on my screen. Maybe because it's triggering, not necessarily because the r*pist is played by my little meow meow, ever thought of that? If you want your audience to hate a character, put yourself at work. There are so many ways to do that. Taking the easy route (because it was an easy route, argue with the wall) because war crimes aren't enough to make people pounce at a character like rabid dogs is lazy and disrespectful to people who came to see a well developed show. First accept that there aren't saints in F&B, then you can start working.
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love-toxin · 2 months
Is there a reason Umi won’t do anything on video with others aside from MC? Like is it cause of MC or something else🤔?
In reference to this post https://love-toxin.tumblr.com/post/190801807778/for-umi
mc! mc! umi already prefers to do their camwork alone because they can have control over everything, and control is a big thing for them. doing the video with other people was fun! and it was good experience. but despite putting on a good show, they feel antsy when they can't direct their own pleasure--what if they, gasp, don't finish? what if their partner stops before they finish, or just pretends?? what if they have to pretend??? it's a total nightmare in umi's mind which is why they'd rather keep to themselves and just enjoy the attention from afar.
but for mc, when umi starts obsessing or they have you as theirs already, they get the added bonus of only wanting you and nobody else. you're theirs. sorry! that means absolutely nobody joining in on your private time or theirs or the time you spend together, only the peeks they get through the camera over the internet. it's also a show of trust from them, because they're not disillusioned enough to expect you not to be a little uncomfortable with their level of promiscuity at times. they're cute on camera and cute in real life, more often than not the most fuckable person in the room--the best thing they can do for you (cause they're not gonna let you go <3) is to make efforts to show you they're not going to stray. especially if you have any self-esteem issues because that just won't do to make you feel like you're coming second. it's easier and better for them to just exclude any partners completely to prevent the possibility of other people catching feelings, or trying to intrude on your relationship, because to be real there are already fans of umi who will wanna do that on the internet.
so the only one that gets to join them is you! <3 you don't even need to show your face or anything else, but it would make umi's heart flutter to fuck or get fucked by you on camera for everyone to see they have the sweetest cutest most perfect partner ever <33
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
[ OCTOBER 1ST ] DUMBIFICATION - LEVI ACKERMAN x fem! reader (priest au)
synopsis ; you go to confess your sins at a confessional. all your dirty, dark secrets and thoughts. father, on the opposite side, is hearing every last word. dripping with hunger, passion and plea for fucking. wc; 4k
warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, dumbification, religious themes, peccatophilia, masturbation (male & female), nicknames (most used are father and my child), dirty talk, handjob, oral sex (m!recieving), money shot, medium sized or big boobs (kinda self-indulged), boob play, spit play, bit of exhibitionism, bondage, beta read!
note; hello guys! this is my first every kinktober, i've always wanted to do this so i'm really excited to show this to you guys! i know it's quite long but i worked rlly hard on this! also i don't know much about religion stuff like this so don't kill me. and yes i know this propt is popular on tiktok i did get it from there.
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you sat there, promptly defeated on a bench. waiting for the hour to strike 12 in the afternoon. 
“12 is when I will go. I promise, God.” you bit your lip as you passed crumb after crumb of bread, mindlessly throwing each weightless piece of toast onto the floor for the birds that chirped by. 
you hated yourself. you loathed who you were. you felt disgusting, vile, unclean. why would you touch yourself that way? you dreamt about men. the way they looked and smelled, how it would feel for them to touch you in all the wrong places. wrong in the eyes of the church but right in yours. 
“no!” you shook yourself, free from those thoughts. “i don’t, i can’t.” you couldn’t help yourself. the need was greater than wants and thoughts. it was shadowing your mind and using you like a puppet with a master, you were following its very strings of sin. 
you had to take control. take the matter by the horns and burn out the burning flame that lit inside you once and for all. 
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the church’s bells rang. it was many stories high and it was built of brick. there was a cross big enough for everyone to see. 
with each step you took the more you grew hotter, sweating with nerves. you would have to come to terms with your condition. you would have to tell father the truth. it was embarrassing but it is what needed to happen. 
as you opened the heavy doors of the church you saw that not many people were there today. that gave you some relief. 
in the distance you saw the priest, father levi. he was reading the bible with some other men, perhaps giving them a voice of wisdom as well. 
“poor thing,” you thought to yourself as you saw his eye. due to the accident he had a big scar on his face. you chuckled to yourself as you remembered your friend’s words about father levi. she always said he was fuckable and sexy. you couldn't deny, for being a priest he sure was sublime. 
you inched closer, waiting for him to be finished with his conversation. 
“um, father levi.” you inched closer, saying in just above a whisper. 
levi sent the men away and held your shoulder in a loving manner, smiling. he was carrying a rosary laced around his fingers and hands. 
“yes my child, what can i do for you?”
“i must confess.” you twiddled with your thumbs. 
“oh, of course. right this way.” he led you to a confessional. there you leaned against the wood while he went to the opposite side in the dim light. due to the little holes in the pattern design of the wood you could still make out his face and sharp jaw. 
your heart was pounding and all you could smell was him. he smelled of a wood smell. very masculine. 
you looked around you and noticed it was just you and levi. of course it was that way, confessionals were deemed secret and the information should be kept private. very good. 
“please my daughter, state your name. what seems to be weighing you down?”
“oh, yes. my name is y/n i-”
“beautiful name,” he interrupted. 
your eyes widened and you could make out his light smile turning more down to him playing with the beads of the rosary. his eyes glossing over each piece of jewel. 
“thank you. anyways, i have been having thoughts.”
“thoughts?” he asked again, sitting up more this time and having his ear pressed closer to your side. 
“yes, thoughts. sinful thoughts.”
“please, explain these thoughts to me in full detail. be very specific.” in that moment he changed. his eyes became slits and his smile was now a smirk, thumb rubbing his chin in thought. “i’m listening little one.”
“yes, right. so the thoughts are dirty thoughts. it’s about men and how i feel about them.”
“go on,” his voice was deep.
you sighed, he probably thought you were a monster. “i dream almost every night about men having sex with me. i dream about them touching me, down there,” you inhale, “about them pounding inside me that i can’t even scream anymore. them licking my nipples to down on my clit, flicking it back and forth, taking me right then and there. then their slithering tongues go deep inside me, entering in and out without any questions asked. i dream about their cocks going inside me, how their cum would glisten on the outside and peak up from excitement. how their veins would look. god it looks so delicious i want to put my whole mouth around it. i want to lick it up and down and never stop, i want to suck it and drink his milk whole, not letting a drop be wasted. i want him inside me, pounding inside me nonstop. i want it on my bed, on the table, in the bath, everywhere, even in church! i want him to slap me, choke me, whatever he wants but just don’t stop. i am filled with this desire, this unstoppable passion. when i think of this i then go and touch myself.”
levi nodded. his eyes that were on his rosary finally looked at you and you realized that the whole speech you gave his eyes were looking into your eyes. deep in your eyes. you felt embarrassed. “i know i should be ashamed.” you brushed him away, bashful.
“no, these are the thoughts of us imperfect humans. even myself, i get that way.”
“you do?”
levi nodded, “yes my love. i desire the touch of a woman too.”
“i thought you were perfect.”
“nobody is perfect except God, little one. we are all just sinners waiting to become devils.”
the air was quiet, “i’m sorry you feel that way sometimes. i know with you, you can never marry nor have relations. that must be difficult.”
he just chuckled, licking his lips. “enough about me. tell me more. remember i said be specific. tell me, what do you do when you touch yourself?”
the air felt different this time. “well,” you started. you didn’t know why but your hands were starting to trail lower. “i go to my room and lock my door. when i lay down on my bed, i discard my panties and open my legs wide. so wide i can feel the cool air go and make me sensitive.”
“go on,” he ordered. you heard him unzip something and the sound of skin slapping. was he? “yes, what else.”
“i imagine what i told you, yes. as i think about those thoughts my hand goes to my nipples. playing and flicking them. i even wet my fingers to wet the bud. it gets hard and makes me feel so good but i need more.” 
“yes,” levi moaned out.
“yes,” you groaned too as your hands were traveling to your panties at this exact moment. you pulled your panties to the side and were playing with your clit, massaging the bundle of nerves back and forth and in circles. your legs were starting to shake. 
“i then lick my fingers again, getting them nice and wet and start to go further down. i go open up my folds and play with my clit. i flick it slowly at first then hard back and forth. it feels like a delicious fire burning sensation building up within me. like a dam waiting to be broken. and once it is all wet and gushing with need, i then stick my finger inside.” in that moment you did exactly that. you stuck a finger inside and pushed it back and forward.
“i finger myself steady at first, then i add more fingers and go faster and faster. my end is spilling everything and it is gushing all over my sheets. the dam has been broken and now the floodgates part.” 
you could hear levi stifle a groan as his hands were moving up and down his shaft. you peeked through the confessional and could see his legs wide with his thick cock. his hands wrapped around it moving up and down. while you were standing, knees together with a finger inside you. 
you heard levi getting wetter and wetter. it was slick. you were practically drooling seeing father levi like this and in shock. shocked because you thought he was a man of faith. you never thought you would be doing this of all days. levi grunted, “i have seen you before, my little one. i have noticed the way you walk, talk, how engaged you are in the lord. how you beg for mercy. how you get on your knees. the way you smell,” you heard the priest inhale and exhale. “god forgive me for what i am about to do,” he told himself rather than you. “i couldn’t get you out of my mind, lord help me. you possessed my inner spirit, haunting me to be controlled by the devil himself and god do i try, did i try.”
“wh-what are you saying?” your mouth was shaped into an o. surprised to hear his inner thoughts. “you noticed me?”
“no matter what i did. what i do. i ask god to stop making me have these thoughts. the thoughts to ravage you like a wild beast.” levi practically growled. 
you could tell in the dim light the priest fell to his knees. 
“father god, please help me for i am about to sin. please excuse me for you have put a siren in my path. i must taste her, feel her. i don’t know any other way. why must you torment me? there is no other way, i must have her, she is mine. please god forgive me.”
what was he about to do?
all of a sudden, the window to the confessional opened up, “my child, you have done wrong. i must be able to extinguish the fire within you. i am the only one who can.” 
you could make out his handsome features. his eye was scarred and only made him more attractive. maybe he was right. it’s not that you needed him to take out the fire within you, you wanted him to, more than anything.
“yes, i’ll do whatever you say father.” you looked up at him, innocently.
“good, my beautiful angel,” his fingers caressed your chin. you noticed him inhaling your scent, eyes rolling back. his face inched close so that his lips were now on top of yours. it was sweet at first, kisses upon kisses. then he deepened the kiss, mouth getting wider for each open mouthed kiss. it was like war, a war against god and the devil. two imperfect people. levi grabbed the back of your head to get closer to your lips. teeth gnashing, tongue diving, you felt your head spinning. you grabbed onto his cloak to become steady. you knew he must have done this before. passion overwhelmed you both, it became embers in your soul. the kiss was your high, making you loopy and pleading for him to fuck you already. 
“i need you.” your eyes begged.
he helped you to get on your knees and you heard a zip of his pants. he stuck out his cock, right in front of your face, through the confessional window. 
“go ahead, beautiful, touch it.” it was limp but still a good size. the color, the thickness, it all made you want to touch it, lick it, worship it. 
you wrapped your hands around his shaft and started doing motions up and down. his cock was getting stiffer by the minute and even precum was dribbled at the tip. 
without even to levi’s knowledge you dipped your lips to the precum and licked that delicious cream. at that moment you knew who’s side you were on and it didn’t matter if you were thrown into the fiery pits of hell, you would go with open arms for this cock. 
levi’s eyes widened at your action and hummed. “fuck, that feels good, keep doing that.”
you nodded. you squeezed tighter around his dick and spat on it to lube it up. 
levi moaned, seeing your flushed self on your knees for him. here you were all for him. eyes looking up between thick lashes as you never broke eye contact, neither did he. 
you started to lick his hole, flickering your tongue. he groaned and grunted, hands placed on your head. 
you smirked as your tongue dragged slowly from his balls to his tip. 
“fuck me,” he breathed out, lightly grinding his hips. 
you started at his pubes and skin above his groin and noticed veins there like muscle. that made you want to fuck him harder. you were so turned on. 
you continued licking while also giving him a handjob. his brow was furrowed and creating a bit of sweat above the brow. 
you delved back and gently teased his ball sack, wanting to feel every inch of him. 
“holy god, good job my child.”
your left hand slowly delved lower on yourself. you collected his seed from his cock and wanted it mixed with your juices. you went lower and lower and finally reached your pussy. you fingered yourself 2 fingers. mixing both fluids. it made you hitch a breath.
your mouth all of sudden opened wide and wrapped fully around levi’s erect cock. it was glorious. levi couldn’t get enough. seeing you fully wrapped around him, your mouth full of his cock, it made him want to thank god that you were born. 
he couldn’t control the urge any longer and became the devil himself. 
“just like that,” he grabbed the back of your head and made you choke and gag on his shaft. you gurgled his cum, it all laying at the base of his dick. 
you started gurgling as levi was relentless. 
“hmmm, you taste so fuckin good.” you praised him. “please give me your dick, please. i need it.”
“you like begging? you dumb, inoccent child. you want to be begged to be fucked?”
you nodded and whined, “please-”
you were cut off by levi lifting his leg against the ledge and pistoning his hip. his dick was fucking your mouth. he used you as a hole.
“that’s it, wider love. take me all in, good girl.”
your eyes were starting to cross from how delicious he was and big, “so wide…” tears pooled in your eyes. your eyebrows becoming downturned in innocence and submissiveness. “i give myself to you father.”
“good girl,” he went so far that your nose met with his dark pubes. he stayed there for a minute, loving the way you gagged. “that’s it.”
you had to control your breathing and breathe through your nose. 
he exited out of you and you found your breath again, heaving. your fingers entered inside you at a faster pace. your squelching was becoming louder. 
“shit,” levi uttered as he started to jack himself off. “open.”
it was an order. you found your g-spot and pumped your fingers inside you as if your life depended on it. you opened your mouth wide and there levi cummed inside your mouth. it was a lot. heavy white loads dripping inside your cavity. 
“swallow,” he whispered, bending over to your face, biting your ear and licking your neck.
you gulped it all down and held your mouth open, already wanting more. your tongue was seeped out, your mouth used. you stood there stupid silly, pussy dripping but not reached an orgasm yet. 
“look at you, almost looking like a whore.” he grabbed your chin, licking it, sucking your lips wanting to taste himself. he bit your neck. 
“but, what about me?”
“come this way, child. i must purify you, in front of the lord. 
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it was the auditorium room. the area where prayers and lectures were given. where the bible was read and god was at. 
it was the room where the priest was going to fuck you. 
inside were many booths. a stage and behind the stage was a colored stained glass of the cross. 
levi led you up the stage and you noticed how magical it was. 
“confess your sins, child.”
you went on your knees in front of him. eyes switching from his eyes to his bulge, it was already growing again. 
“i confess i want to fuck.” you clasp your hands together, god as your witness in front of the cross. the multi colored rainbow light danced on your face, lighting your eyes, giving you a halo effect. levi knew at that moment you were no human. no you were an angel in disguise, placed on this wretched earth. so for that, fucking you sensless was no sin it was a blessing. 
“who do you want to fuck?” levi inched closer, hands carressing your face. 
“you, father.” your lips pushed out, only 2 words. 
“i know you do not lie. i shall purify you with holy water to take your sins away.” 
levi grabbed some holy water and doused a bit on your head. it dripped down to your dress, tightening the fabric and hardening your nipples. levi’s breath hitched and you opened your eyes to see his eyes peeled to your nipples. your white dress was becoming sheer and the color of your areola showed through. your dress was sticking to your skin. 
“god,” levi bit his fist. 
you got some holy water and pushed it around your tits. the sound of the water and fabric making squelching sounds and your boobs jiggled and swished like waves. bouncing with each massage you gave them. 
you looked ahead of you, right in front of your eyes levi’s bulge getting bigger, his trousers getting tighter. his eyes never left your breasts, in fact he didn’t even blink, he never wanted to look away. 
“in the name of the son,” he poured water. “father,” he poured more on your head, “and holy spirit.” he put the cup near his lips, took a sip and stepped closer to you. he opened your mouth, his thumb pressing on top of your tongue. your head went back as levi spat the holy water in your mouth. you took it all in your wide mouth. levi dripped his drool inside, wanting you to have every piece of him. he spat in your mouth and you licked it all in, licking your lips. 
“fuck me,” levi growled as he picked you up. your body laying against over his shoulders and he dropped you onto a table for all the priests and holy people. it was in front of the cross, right against it. jesus was staring right at you. with disgust or pity or passion you didn’t know but in that moment you didn’t care, he was a figment of your imagination in that split second. 
levi laid your back against the wood table. boobs bouncing with each movement. 
“i can’t take this torture anymore. i must have that pussy.” he pounded the table, creating a loud thunder in the room.
“what if someone were to come in?”
levi kissed the side of your face, inhaled your scent and started peeling your dress off your shoulders, “let them. let them see me fucking an angel of god.”
you groaned as levi took both your hands and lifted them up like if you were on a stake. hands bound together he wrapped his rosary around your hands. you were cuffed. they were tight around your wrist. “you are all mine. and i’m going to fuck you until you can see heaven.” he promised.
you held your legs tightly together, already wet. levi licked his lips and slipped your dress showing your breasts. they popped out and were displayed in the cool air. levi breathed against the nipples and gently tickled them. they peaked out and levi rolled the bud in between his finger and thumb.
“beautiful, like a saint. like an idol to worship.” he continued playing with them, entranced. his mouth then dove in, eating them like a beast. his tongue flicked against them, moaning loud, as if holding something in for a long time. he hummed as his lips wrapped around one then the other, licking them and slobbering on them. 
you jerked back and forth, groaning. hips thrusting to feel some sort of friction against your cunt. you couldn’t touch yourself or him because they were held back by a rosary. “god, levi i need you.”
“patience is one of the fruits of the spirit my dear. patience.” he smiled. he tickled your nipples for the last time. 
he grabbed your white dress, needing you now and ripped the material. ripped it right in the middle as it pooled around your ankles. he swiftly flung it away and there you laid for him, like a meal. like jesus last meal. your breasts were perked up and your legs were held together, shy. 
“let me see, baby.” he groaned, his voice deep as he parted your legs with his leg. “open wide for me so i can see heaven’s gate.” 
you looked to the side and opened up your legs as wide as you could go. 
levi exhaled. there in front of him was the impossible. it was the forbidden fruit. you were the forbidden fruit. your juicy pussy was glistening wet. your folds only being held together by slick, sticking cream. you closed it in and out. your clit was swollen and looked delicious to levi. 
levi knelt to your opening and sniffed your cunt. “ripe and ready.” he grabbed more holy water and spat some of it on your sensitive pussy. 
you moaned as levi took off his clothes, leaving him naked. “i’m going to make you feel so good.” he huskily said. 
his tip tapped your cunt, ready for entrance and slowly he dipped inside you. inch by inch his cock filled you up. 
“oh my god!” you shouted, already shaking from being filled up. it felt like heaven. his cock felt like salvation. “right there.”
levi couldn’t help it any longer. he didn’t go slow paced like a normal person would. no he needed you. the passion. the thoughts and prayers. the long nights filled with unholy visions. “god forgive me.” he held your hands steady and in a moment started pulling in and out of you. pistoning in and out. your mouth was wide open, eyes crossed as his cock dragged itself.
levi was fucking you like a wild animal. needing to feel your tightness and you needing to feel full.
you tried to hold in your cries but you couldn’t. your head hung back in a loud moan. tears were pooling around your eyes. levi was fucking you silly. you couldn't remember a single thing and didn’t want to feel anything else except this feeling. feeling stuffed. 
“levi, fuck.” you bounced up and down, breasts clapping from each hump he pounded inside you. cum was dripping down between your ass. 
drool was slipping from the side of your mouth. you were a gurgling mess and the tears mixed with your spit. 
“right there. do you like how this feels, you dirty girl? would god be pleased with how much you beg for this cock. baptized in my cum?”
you gave a goofy smile, feeling your pussy tighten around his cock. “right there please. please please!” you begged. you could feel his cock tapping your g-spot. 
“you like this? right there? how good does it feel? how many times have you wanted this?”
“all my life! everyday!” your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
“you would worship this cock wouldn't you?”
you nodded as levi went even faster and further. cum collecting at the base of his cock. the noise from his cock drenched in your pussy, squelching as it echoed. 
you looked to your side to see jesus and all of the eyes of the angels on you. it made you get even more turned on. 
“levi, i’m gonna cum!”
levi hunched over you and brought your left nipple in his mouth and he pounded inside you relentlessly. over and over, nonstop. you tried to scream but you couldn’t. your scream was clouded and silent except for the veins protruding from your neck. 
1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2, thats how the pace went. back and forth, in and out. 
“oh my god,” you cried. levi’s hips went closer to your groin. skin to skin. 
“right there,” you held him against you, milking him for all what he was worth. finally, you came, crying and whining. levi did too at that moment. his cum erupting like the red sea. 
he humped a little to make sure you got all his seed.  
it dripped inside you. your legs were shaking and you bit your lip in satisfaction, drool seeping out the side of your mouth. 
“you dumb little whore,” levi chuckled darkly as he kissed you again. breathing harshly in your ear. “we shall keep doing this over and over in hell.”
you kissed back and bit levi’s lips, “well in that case it won’t be so much like hell, it’ll be more like heaven.”
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taglist: @sailewhoremoon, @luvkun4, @neonlavander, @moonbabysstuff, @smellsliketequila, @auds-dal19
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Alright, I’ve got an idea for you:
Childhood/high school friends Dreamling. They’re best friends/crushes and decide to be each other’s first sexual partner as well. Except you know, they’re inexperienced teenagers. It sucks. So now it’s awkward and they kinda drift apart after high school, as people do.
Fast forward a decade or two and they run into each other and rekindle their friendship. And their mutual crushes that never really went away. Seems like it would be a decent time to try again, right?
Except Dream never made the connection between their mutual inexperience and how bad the sex was. So he’s running under the impression that Hob just isn’t great in bed. Which is a shame because he’s really grown into himself and Dream would love to climb him like a tree. But he really, REALLY doesn’t want a repeat experience and/or have to tell Hob he sucks. Who needs communication, right?
Hob meanwhile is very well aware that he’s a much better partner these days. Except he’s somehow gotten the impression that Dream isn’t interested in sex. Might be asexual? So now he’s worried Dream might’ve forced himself into doing something he’s not comfortable with back in high school. And he’s DEFINITELY not going to pressure Dream into anything.
So now they’re just sort of orbiting each other, not really sure if they’re dating or just best friends or what because neither of them will actually talk to the other.
I think it comes to a head when Dream somehow indicates he actually does like sex/experience attraction. And Hob’s just like, oh. So it’s not everyone it’s just me 🥺
Obviously this ends with Hob getting to show off just how much he’s improved 😉
YELLING. This is so funny. I love it.
Dream sleeping with Hob once when they're both like, 17, and deciding there and then that Hob is a Terrible Fuck is very funny, and very Dream. And he doesn't really have any sex after that, so he doesn't have anything to compare it against. He just knows that it was awkward and a bit terrible.
Meanwhile Hob has been out there fucking his heart out and improving his technique. When they reconnect he's desperate to show Dream how different he is (and how he can actually put a condom on without coming too soon, whoop!). He figures that maybe Dream will come to him when he's ready, and they keep dating happily.
But Dream never initiates anything. He talks about the kind of porn he likes, and Hob knows that he wanks sometimes. He even mentions people that he finds fuckable. Hob is half convinced that Dream might be ace, and half convinced that Dream just... doesn't want to have sex with him.
Hob’s not the kind of person to let that fester in his heart, though. He explains that he won't be mad if Dream doesn't want to have sex, it's totally cool etcetera. He just feels like maybe Dream specifically isn't into him? And that's not... ideal.
Dream in turn explains that he's just not keen to repeat their first sexual encounter - the embarrassment might kill him this time. He doesn't get why Hob starts laughing and doesn't seem able to stop.
Hob eventually wheezes that he's not 17 anymore. He's not gonna do anything that Dream doesn't like, but he'd be honoured to show that he's picked up a few skills in the last decade or so.
Poor Dream actually ends up even more embarrassed than ever because Hob is, in fact, Very Good at sex. They could have been doing it this whole time! Hob is still laughing as he goes down on Dream for the first time, but the vibrations of his mouth do feel very good against Dream’s hole so... that's ok. Better than ok, even <3
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Day 29
WARNING: cum, gangbang, watching, smut, male reader, blow jobs, double penetration, fucking every hole, cum eating, bukake
Kinktober masterlist
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It had been weeks since they last fucked their husband.
Work had been taking up a majority of their time, they were far to exhausted to play with him but now that they had time... (Name) was going to be ruined by time their done.
(Name) was doing dishes when his husband's came home, looking particularly stressed out when they stopped to looking at (name) looking so domestic... So fuckable.
"Fuck!" (Name) yelped in shock as Rindō slapped his ass hard "Rin! That hurt!" (Name) whined as the purple haired man groped at the slapped cheek "it's been a while..." Koko commented as he tugged at (name)s shirt "we haven't fucked your tight ass in weeks..." Sanzu said into his ear, the Bonten men crowding (name) pulling him into their hold, dishes be damned.
(Name) was pulled into a kiss on their bed, barely processing getting into the bedroom as Mikey invaded his mouth with vigor, hands from his husband's tugging and pulling off his clothes, groping as they went.
"God you're probably tight as a virgin..." Takeomi said while Kakucho bit along his neck while ran sucked his left nipple and Mochi spread his legs.
"Oh? What's this? He's loose..." Sanzu said prodding at the others ass "have you been touching yourself?"
(Name) was a blushing mess at this point "answer us" mikey commanded gripping (name)s chin to look at his eight husband's who had already removed their clothes and stared into his souls "I-I missed you guys... I touch myself when you're gone late..."
"What do you imagine..." Rindō asked him oh so sweetly but (name) knew never to trust that oh so sweet voice but he answered shakily anyways "I-I think of you guys..." "Doing what?" Touching me..."
"Show us"
"Touch yourself the way you do when we're gone" kakucho said heatedly (name) manhandled and ending up in Mochis lap as his husband's circled him with bating eyes.
"Here baby..." Ran said handing (name) lube much to (name)s embarrassment"oh come on baby, you act like you haven't sucked our cocks in meetings why is this so embarrassing" Koko teased and Sanzu spread (name)s for a better view.
Squirting lube on his fingers he spread it around his cock and began rubbing "come on now baby we know you do more than just that" he couldn't make out who said that as the rush of everyone staring at him mixed with the nervousness that rushed through his blood like a hot iron.
"Come on...go lower"
(Name) whined as he covered his other hand in lube before moving down to his ass and slowly moving a finger in, wiggling it around with a whine.
"Add another"
(Name) whined but complied as the men around him stroked their cocks, watching with complete focus as (name) slipped another finger and began pumping and curling.
Soft little whines escaped his throat at the stretch, it was good but it wasn't enough.
"You want our fingers don't you doll?" Takeomi asked their sweet house husband who nodded and like that his own fingers were ripped out and replaced by Sanzus, the stretch delicious and perfect as (name) gripped Mochis bicep.
The feeling was what he's been craving for weeks, toe curling pleasure.
He didn't even fully comprehend himself blacking out a bit till he was set in Mikey's lap.
"You think he's stretched out enough?"
"With how often he's probably been playing with himself? Most likely"
A cock pressed against his hole and three more presented to his face, he knew whose cocks were whose.
He's sucked them enough to know this by heart.
Taking kokos cock in his mouth he began stroking Mochi and Sanzus cocks simultaneously as the other four waited their turns with his body, touching his pretty nipples and striking his cock and fondling his balls.
The sensation was incredible as Mikey began thrusting, hard and slow like always.
Wanting (name) to slowly break apart on his cock.
Koko fucked his throat thoroughly, leaving no spot untouched by his cock and the muffled moans from (name) only spurred him on to fuck harder, keeping the pace Mikey set.
"Been so patient for us, waiting for us to take you like this...you miss being our cock whore hm?" Ran said teasingly as he and Rindō tugged and rolled his nipples as Kakucho and Takeomi fondled his lower half "don't worry baby we will treat you mighty fine..."
This when on four a solid hour till the trio came in his face and Mikey deep within his ass, pushed forward into takeomis arms, laying above him as Kakucho appeared behind him "been a minute since you took two cocks huh?"
Their cocks had more lube than necessary to ease in, knowing it will be a tight fit "but you can handle it right doll?" Takeomi teased as the pushed in, takeomi holding (name)s upper body up as his hands were taken by Rindo and Ran and before him... Stood the other four.
They stood side by side, dicks touching for (name) to suck and lick and he did it with vigor as the two cocks in his ass moved violently compared to Mike's slow and deep thrusts.
He licked like a bitch in heat and his wrists hurt but he didn't dare stop, he couldn't.
The pleasure was far to much to stop, the beautifully painful burn and the taste of their cum... He loved it all.
And it was all for him and him alone.
He smiled into the camera before him, Sanzu recording everything most likely to jerk off to when they had another long period with no sex.
They bought seperate phones just for pictures and videos of (name) being fucked and and gagged.
Sometimes they would watch it in Bontens meeting room when they weren't able to come home and play with the real deal.
The thought was maddening as he let them fuck him like a fuck doll.
"Fuckfuckfuck!" He heard someone chant or was it all of them?
He couldn't care to figure out as every section of his body was covered in cum, back, chest, face.
He was soaked.
Slowly cocks pulled out of his hole and spilled from his used and abused ass as sweet whispers were said to him, the soft sensation of a shower head against his skin as a washcloth cleaned everything up.
He leaned against someones strong arms as they cleaned him up and dried his sensitive skin oh so gently.
Layed in soft blankets his body shook still, a bottle of water held to his lips and sliced strawberries placed in his mouth to eat.
"So good for us, always ready to do whatever we ask like a good boy"
"Rest baby, we will take good care of you"
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
The political conflict at the heart of the film is honestly pretty interesting, though I wish Mariko was more directly involved with it.
And also there are some... unpleasant consequences created by the choice of a foreign venue for this story.
About 3/5 of the way through the film, Logan finally gets a chance to interrogate Mariko's fiancé and find out what the fucking plot is.
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Noburo Mori, the Minister of Justice, is engaged to wed Mariko but is also trying to have her killed. Weird flex. It's because he's working for her abusive dad.
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Despite being hailed as a visionary whose incredible technological advances altered the course of Japanese life, Yashida's a quack billionaire who threw the family's fortune away chasing after dumb shit. He's basically Japanese Elon Musk.
So, he sucks and his son Shingen has a legitimate grievance with him.
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Except Shingen also sucks. Yashida decided to skip Shingen and give everything to Mariko, so now Shingen's flipping out and trying to murder his own child to protect what he considers to be his rightful inheritance.
Noburo's throwing in with Shingen because he's a cheating piece of shit and Mariko would dump him in five seconds flat the second her inheritance went through.
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He's going to lose Mariko either way so he figures he might as well make a buck and get a friend in high places out of it.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone involved in this, Yashida faked his death and is actually in the middle of carrying out the immortality plot he nearly bankrupted the company over.
Everybody sucks here except Mariko.
It's a cool idea on paper, but there's a couple problems that the two white male writers and one white male director overlooked. The first is Mariko's complete lack of agency in the plot.
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There she goes, the character that this interesting story revolves around.
Mariko... hasn't actually done anything, at any point in this plot. Yashida only picked her as successor to spite Shingen, and not because she had any merits whatsoever of her own. Shingen and Noburo, in response, are trying to kill her for the choices of Yashida.
She's involved in this story not because of any choice she ever made, but for the choices that the men in her life have made about her.
Which can still be fine. A hero's journey isn't always something they control. But she isn't the hero here either. All of this serves to create a journey for this man.
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All of this complex political drama surrounding Mariko serves only to explain why there is a princess in a castle for Logan to rescue. She is a lamp that was being passed around between three men until a fourth men showed up from a foreign country to play keep-away with it.
Which is the other problem with the film. That the main character is the only non-Japanese person involved with the story (well, besides Viper) means that this is a movie about a gaijin going to Japan and painting the country red in Japanese blood because he wants to bang a hot Japanese woman.
What they really needed, what this story needed to sort it out and get everything to a happy ending, was a hardy white man to murder all the evil Japanese people involved in an orgy of violence, so that the fuckable Japanese woman can live happily ever after.
This is. Uh. Not great so far as cultural representation goes. They try to balance it out by giving Logan some Japanese sidekicks. Look, you can see one of them standing around in the background in those shots up there. But it's still pretty obvious that they're just window dressing around a story that is ultimately about Wolverine carving up Japan so he can bang the hot princess.
Honestly, watching this movie now, I would love to see a version of this movie that Uno Reverses it. Having Logan, Mariko, and Yukio on the run together but with Logan taking the role of the damsel who finally gets kidnapped halfway through instead of the action hero, and putting Yukio in the action hero role instead.
Of course, that movie never would have been made and also probably wouldn't have sold as well to a white male audience hungry for Wolverine action. But I'd love to see it, all the same.
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nyashykyunnie · 11 days
//Kyunnie rambling like a madman over her fave charas
why must I grow to be so empathetic and easily attached to people who are so broken.
I cant move on from Jinwoo's unspoken trauma, Aventurine's love of gambling because its the only aspect of him he has complete control over, and Wanderer who is driven by self-hatred and anger has grown as a puppet slowly learning to become empathetic and gentle despite his arrogant exterior and his supposed "Heartless" figure.
I hate how we are not given enough or even any deep dive into Jinwoo's overall psyche. I personally think this man hates himself so much that he actively throws himself in front of others. While yes he is kind as a default because he is the mc but god I love how you can possibly explain his altruism because of his low self-esteem. Being a laughingstock, mocked and shouldering the responsibilities of a patriarch must have broken him. We know for a fact that Jinwoo is driven simply by his love for his family. His actions are made for the benefit of Jin-ah and his mom. Being an E-ranker is brutal, we are shown that despite it not being heavily focused on its obvious Jinwoo struggles. His landlord even offered to extend rent which means Jinwoo is hell-deep into money scarcity. I think we can all agree how being broke can literally destroy someone. With Juhee scolding Jinwoo for his injuries I think we can interpret it as this man still going to work despite being heavily hurt. This man is desperate to make ends meet and it must have made a toll on him despite his calm and collected demeanour. I wish we could have been given more ample hints about Jinwoo's slow detachment more often than just slapping it on the table like what happened when he killed the older brother of Hwang Dong-soo. It was sudden, while cool as it may be I want to see more of his decline mentally so that I could have been more excited at his breaking point. The anime is thankfully being more open to showing how self-destructive Jinwoo can be. I mean, come in, the scene with cerberus? How stubborn and strong willed he is? It's beautiful. What I do appreciate is that Jinwoo for a fact is altruistic.Him willing to shoulder all the burdens of war and defending his earth from the itarim eushdhs qwq....
Dont even get me started with Aventurine. I was once a firm fan of Aventio but seeing how this man is watered down to nothing more than a hot twink bottom fuckable? God it gets on my nerves. It got so bad I have a lowkey hatred of Aventio not out of homophobia but because I find it so fucking infuriating that such a deep and well-written character is just reduced to his ship. Aventurine is obviously an extremely insecure man, have we all not learned anything from the penacony quest or is it because everyone probably skipped the dialogues? I bet it's the latter half. Kakavasha pointed out how nervous Aventurine was and none of us, the audience or even the npcs, expected that. It shows that Aventurine has perfected his mask of arrogance and suave do much so that he can fool everyone. Everyone but himself. And Kakavasha knew that because he and Aventurine are one in the same. Kakavasha is the little boy in Aventurine that he has hidden beneath this carefully built palace of lies. Everything about his attire and confidence is there to make you feel like you cannot see through this man. That instead of thinking of something else, the first thing that jumps on your mind is that he is arrogant and self-centered when he is not. He is anything but confident, he has a deep rooted sense of self-hatred and depression because of his broken past and he most likely blames himself for the death of his mother and sister. And you know what? I liked him because he of the way he presents himself. But once I discovered a deeper level of who Aventurine is? Mother I am gone. I became heavily invested in him, I loved how I'm able to get a glimpse of it. Slowly I started seeing less of "Aventurine the IPC ambassador who is a bastard" and more of the "Aventurine" that is hidden inside. I want to know more about him and less about this facade he has perfectly built up. I didn't trust him at first but now I can confidently say that out of all the hsr charas, I would trust him and Dan Heng the most with my heart. So when he supposedly died? It broke me. I could not shut up about it and my friends probs were tired of me. I was having active mental breakdowns because I did not want Aventurine to go away even though his plan was complete suicide. A gamble he took to end his sorry life. Gambling was the only thing that Aventurine had complete control over as well as how he wanted people to perceive him. I felt so wronged when i was fooled into thinking he is gone when the aventurine stone landed on the floor and lost its shimmer. I did not want his story to end. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to see him succeed in his revenge on the people who took his family away.
Wanderer? He was an asshole, i didnt get the attraction to him at first. He was always sexualized and reduced to just a petty villain whose personality revolves around being toxic. But oh how all of that came crumbling down when I met "who" he really is. A broken, lonely and abandoned puppet who is desperate to have a heart. Discarded by his mother, lost a friend and another right after that. He was a child when Ei released him, he misunderstood her actions as to being that she found him of no use when really she just wanted to keep him away from the horrors that is reality, his second friend was also a misunderstanding. While I dont know the complete story of that part, I know its a huge miscommunication. The last betrayal that completely broke him? That one was of naivete. He was a child. He had the mind of a child. All of that turned into a web of confusion, hatred and sadness that created "Scaramouche". He became a weapon, a lab rat. All of that just because he wanted to fill the void in his empty heart where a gnosis should have sat. When the archon quest rolled in? I was so devastated with his desperation. He was absolutely broken. By the end of it, when he was under nahida he used to Irminsul to kill himself. How tragic is that, huh? I hate how people significantly forget about that side of him. That suicidal, depressed boy who had no guiding light. His only drive was to have the gnosis thinking that will take away all the pain and sadness in his heart when truly he just wanted to love and be loved. He wanted companions. In his story quest, his first appearance as Wanderer is I think is the closest we can get to who he actually used to be. Before the abandonment, the betrayals, the deaths. I think that is the closest glimpse we get in game about who he really was. It doesnt justify his cruelty, his mass murder, his crimes. Nothing justifies anything but I cant help but feel so sorry for his soul. And hence make me all the more hate blind people who reduce him to just arrogance. The last event showed that Wanderer for a fact can be extremely empathetic, he saved Durin and even allowed him to become his companion. Nahida points out he feels extremely happy despite his demeanour. This man just wants happiness and companionship because he spent most of his days dying of loneliness and drowning in depression. Wanderer is kind, he is healing. It is slow but the game doesn't hide that. We are shown time and time again how he is growing as a person despite being without a heart. I think Wanderer is very empathetic despite how he appears, he can understand you in a deep sense despite talking smack at you. He is gentle with his actions. Even animals are so attracted to him, animals only react to those with noble and gentle hearts. That should be enough to say what kind of person wanderer is these days.
Overall, these three just put me in so much emotional turmoil that I hate how I cant talk more about it. I love them a lot. I want to know more about them. I want to be able to immerse myself more. I want to know them more eidhehsjs mannnn,,,,,,
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why dont we replace demure with dimir
i’ve been thinking about this for a whole week and now unfortunately i have feelings about it. see the whole point of demure is that it’s a long, indulgent sound. like a naked man draped in an armchair. yes deceptively you might want to shrink her but the word only means shy. it is not shy in it’s own nature (i would hold that it is like a girl showing you here open mouth, but a word). and sure both spellings are lousy with vowels but everyone knows that u is a much more fuckable vowel than all the others (obligatory yes “i” am unfuckable. linguistically). and a word like demure is meant to suggest everything it claims to oppose in my opinion. to not say something is to say it. silence contains what it refuses. also it sound french to me i’m not looking it up because this is funnier but it’s probably from when english and french were giving each other head back in the (century here)s. but anyway everyone knows that french is an inherently slutty language. just listen to it. and when a language is fuckable you don’t unfuck it. that would be cruel
so respectfully anon i disagree. and i have no idea what you’re talking about
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zushimart · 2 years
hey gay 🫶
mdni. hiii everyone we are discussing sub scara's top kinks. written w modern au in mind. gn!reader w/ a dick i think, and also probably trans!scara. ok anyway. not in any particular order, but:
1. praise/body worship one of scara's biggest personal issues is insecurity. he needs some reassurance that you like him, that you love him... and what better way to remind him than utter devotion to his mind and body... it can either be meticulous and embarrassing, like kissing every inch of his skin, lingering around the places he's most sensitive, hot breath ghosting the crook of his neck or the insides of his thighs as you whisper both tame and unholy little compliments... maybe even cockwarming him for hours... OR it can be rough and mind numbing. his body hot, squirming from overstimulation, pushing your head away from between his legs... scolding your one-track mind... your fixation on counting how many times he can come undone before he breaks. he enjoys how much you enjoy him... not only does it get him off, but it makes him happy, too.
2. exhibitionism back to his insecurity, i think he has a little worm inside his brain that enjoys proving to people that he's likable, lovable... fuckable!!! it's the reason he's obsessed with marking, scratching, and biting. he likes risky sex... nothing that'd get you caught... just the idea... like sending you nudes when you're out running errands or even calling you on the phone and letting you listen to him touch himself. it's why he likes photos and videos of him for later. yeah, he'd invite someone else into the bedroom just to let them watch you fuck him... let them see how well he takes it and how you're only giving it to him because he's just that good. he always puts on a pretty show when he knows he's being watched.
3. humiliation ( a. giving & b. receiving) ^ mix with the above for a delightful drink... a) king of scathing back talk. yeah, once you get him far enough, he's babbling about how much he loves you, begging for you to fill him up, etc. but before that!!! he's so mean ("you have no self control, you're like a dog" "i could do better with my fingers," etc.). it's just because he's embarrassed (and can never say what he actually means till he's intoxicated by lust) and he knows it eggs you on. makes you try even harder (or idk, manhandle him into shutting up or something). b) mix being mean with being nice. a voice drenched in fake pity telling him he's such a pretty cocksleeve, your favorite toy. maybe he's not the sweetest or the kindest plaything, but the pussy's so good he's still your #1 (weird power trip for him). great way to incorporate picturesss like above... make him make a mess of himself (unfocused eyes, sweaty and panting, lips swollen, bangs stuck to his forehead, covered in cum and snap a little pictureee). the sound of a condescending laugh makes him throb. he's not good with hardcore humiliation or anything, though... the most you could do is like... very gentle body writing.
4. corruption he's extremely inexperienced and the idea of being taught how to be a slut is a mind blowing fantasy for him.
5. honorable mention is. hate sex. NO I WILL NOT ELABORATE!!! but i do love this idea with ex bf scara a lot. haunts my dreams. OMG!!! i almost forgot cumplay. anything to do with cum but specifically inside him. ...swallowing, snowballing, creampies...
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muppetjokerfan2303 · 2 months
Muppets I'd Fuck (part 2)
Today, I'll be going for a slightly more niche character, Uncle Deadly.
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Uncle Deadly is one of the most fuckable muppets, in my opinion. Admittedly I am biased due to my love of horns, I'm sure everyone would be able to understand why I find his so captivating. This post will contain a bit more information on the muppet than the last most in the series due to Uncle Deadly not being as famous as Count Von Count.
Uncle Deadly was first formally introduced in episode 121 of The Muppet Show, the episode being named 'Twiggy'. His personality was heavily inspired by the performances of John Carradine, actor of Dracula (House of Dracula), Enjolras (the 1935 Les Misérables), and occasionally appearing on The Twilight Zone.
(Clip for your viewing pleasure <3)
In his more recent appearances, he works as a fashion designer for Miss Pi*gy (his biggest flaw, sigh)
Enough lore for now, lets go to the rating.
Physical appeal: 8/10. While I love his appearance, I know some might not appreciate the torn clothing he often wears. however, if I were to not factor in others opinion, 10/10.
Personality: 9/10. I cannot think of anything wrong with his personality, but had to deduct points for who he works for.
Charm: 10/10. His voice alone has my legs shaking, but the way he carries himself... oooooooouuuuggggghh
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