cheesecake-beech · 1 year
HEY BROS I'm in the mood to draw some hello kitty shit or even mario n MIIS FROM WII SPORTS/RESORT 😩😩😩 I'm prolly gonna go draw pictures and pictures of Matt AKJFHASJFSHADFGS/j I promise I'm still gonna do the ones in my inbox (like 2-4 lmao) But I'm in the mood for other things rn
I recently quite LITERALLY lost a friend because he realized I wasn't willing to draw for him for free anymore (r/choosingbeggars amirite?) and he literally wanted 10 drawings from me and 💀 that clown was deadass being a little disrespectful when we were in Client and Artist conversations. But when I told him I wouldn't do it for free and to message someone else clown straight up blocked me 🤡. But I wasn't upset? More relieved actually? Felt as though a HUGEASS weight was lifted from my shoulders because that creep was starting to get on my nerves 😭 made me SUUPER uncomfortable at times and deadass would only look at women and talk abt women because dude was begging for the frickle frackle 🤡🤡🤡 League of Legends players am I right?
BUT SINCE IM FREE OF THAT BURDEN NOW!! No longer having to worry about his DMs n shit, I'd like to spend my time drawing and doing other shit. haha Any requests or smthin? :O
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jadeinretrogrde · 11 months
A Curse For True Love Spoilers!!!
SPOILERS! Beware!!
my thoughts while reading acftl
- apollo you son of a bitch
- oh no eva's hope is gone bc jacks is gone 🥺
- can honestly say I didn't see kristof knightlinger potentially coming in as the hero we needed ~~nevermind he was useless~~
- omg not eva immediately wanting to make another deal with jacks to get her memories back girls got a pattern 💀
- when apollo doesn't even have to lie about some of the terrible things jacks has done 😑😑😑 listen ✋
- the valor's pretending to be the vale’s instead like no we are not giving up that V for victory ain't nobody gonna notice
- the story curse knows the truth! when it changed that book title to eva and “the prince of hearts” instead of “prince apollo” 😈😈
- *me chanting* “get this bitch a dragon roasted apple get this bitch a dragon roasted apple get this bitch a dragon roasted apple”
- not jacks rescuing eva from drowning again 🤤
- jacks: “it's best she doesn't remember me” also jacks “you can call me archer” 💀
- yessss eva with jacks’ dagger again name a more iconic duo
- apollo being all pissed that eva has jacks' dagger 🙄 grow up bro
- ApOlLo HaTeD aPpLeS shut up apollo nobody cares
- oh jacks, what are you trying to do and why won't eva forgive you for it 🫣
- the thing I love about eva is how at first she's all like “ooh I want the fairytale prince with heart eyes” but girl no you don't you want the morally grey baddie with the smoldering glare and death threats, just like the rest of us
- jacks really is bestie goals. he became immortal just so his wicked murdering bff wouldn't be alone, a true friend
- lmao jacks being like, “this is actually really inconvenient timing for you to kill me perhaps we could reschedule until I'm done saving your life?”
- *Ye Olde Brick Inn. Vacancy: One Bed* 😏
- this motherfucking letter goddamn it past evangeline ~~nevermind this letter is the greatest thing that's ever happened well-done past evangeline~~
- eva smacking the shit out of apollo and then pretending it was an accident is a cultural moment™️
- jacks pls stop calling her pet I'm begging you it's illegal 😭😭😭
- he fucking traded his WHAT!?
- apollo wanting to become immortal to fight jacks, embarrassing 🙄
- jacks sending threats to keep eva away like uhhh sorry jacks but your threatening messages are HOT???
- wait why are there so many chapters left…
- apollo doesn't love anything more than himself so this motherfucking tree better unalive him 😡
- killed by a tree 😈 excellent
- the epilogue is just for eva asking about the apples girrrrl same
- omg a HEA 😭💖😍
- eva really delulu-ed her way into a hea. she girlbossed, gatekept, gaslighted her way around that curse, like fuck your magic rules and I really respect that of her
- are we getting a castor and lala spinoff??? or maybe a shocking, surprising, life changing book 4???? Idk things don't feel finished here…
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #49: “Monster Mayhem Pt. 2” Ch. 3
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Mighton glares at Black Mirror angrily as he growls.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Oh don’t give me that look. Your fucking smartass husband deserved that new look!
Mighton snaps.
Black Mirror gasps.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Oh, you make me laugh. I didn’t think you’d go feral.
Mighton starts growling as his eyes glow orange but he notices and decided to step back in fear of losing control.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: What’s wrong?
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Guys! I need to rest so I won’t lose control! It’s up to you now!
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Wait, what? But what if-
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: You guys got this! You fought a lot of baddies on your own whenever me or Quasarblast are not around! You got this! Plus, I don’t lose it when I transformed!
Sonya Solar-Opposites/Nighthowler: Mighton’s right guys.
Fung-irl wipes away a tear and smiles.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: I agree lil sis! Let’s fuck them up!
Cue epic battle scene!!!
Nighthowler uses her elasticity to knock out some the soldiers. Then, she uses her arm to make a slingshot and launches Detroit towards the baddies.
Montez/Detroit: flares up with electricity TASTE THE THUNDER!
Detroit fires his electrify at the minions. Then, Fizziepop then uses her sweet powers by shooting jellybean bombs at the guards that explode all over them as they scream. Trailblazer then creates a twister with Lightspeed that dragged the minions in as it twirls the minions away. Then, Night Saw uses her Wolverine claws and slashes of the minions. Vil-Gil-An-T shoot his eyes at the minions as they disintegrate. But a minion tries attack behind him, until LaserBlast sees it and shoots laser at the minion.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Thanks babe.
Mark Melner/Laserblast: No problem honey.
The two boyfriends kiss. The two superhero boyfriends then head back into battle. Fung-irl then uses her words to create vines and throws the minions towards Heartstar who uses her empathy to restrain them. Later, on a rooftop, Stacy G, Janiz and EVA watch from down there.
EVA: Where’s Korvo? I don’t see him.
Janiz: sees Mega Mundane Quasarblast and gasp No! What happened to him?
Stacy G/???: He’s a Mega Mundane!
Janiz: Oh God. No. We have to save them. He has another beast within. They might clash.
Stacy G/???: What do you mean?
Janiz: I’ll tell you later! Right now, you have to help your friends. EVA and I will meet up you later! Good luck out there!
Stacy G:/??? Okay.
Stacy G then heads down there. Later, Mighton starts to feel relax but then sees Mega Mundane Korvo near a large building whimpering and gasp.
Louise/Magma: Mighton, what’s wrong?!
Mighton starts crying.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: I can’t lose my husband, Magma.
Mighton’s sadness turns into anger.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: But I will not stand by while the man I love is in danger! Hang on Korvy!
Mighton flies off. He then lands near his children, nanny and fellow Mighty Solars as the heroes get into a fighting stance once Black Mirror and her Minions surrounded them.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Let my husband go!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Never! He is nothing more than a beast now! He is mine!
Sonya Solar-Opposites/Nighthowler: Let our daddy go!
Black Mirror laughs.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: I’m sorry sweetie. But daddy is not home right now. He is no longer the same putrid heroic oaf. He is now my beast and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
Loretta: Oh my God.
Brittany: What?!
Loretta: Someone disliked a picture of me in dance class! I’m getting trolled right now!
Then, more of Black Mirror ends up receiving troll texts which terrified them. Black Mirror growls.
Mia: What the F? Jack, why did you tweeted I was going out with some loser?!
Jack: I didn’t!
Rebecca: I’m totally getting troll right now too!
Loretta: What the fuck?! What the fuck?!
Maurie: I have to get home to a computer! runs off
Loretta: What the fuck?! What the fuck?!
Black Mirror: This ain’t over! I still got those witches! Meet me at dusk or else! flies off
Mighton is confused. Suddenly, a familiar figure shows up as she breaks the ground after landing with one fist. The Mighty Solars turned around and gasp
Stacy G/???: Hello Mighty Solars…
Mighty Solars: Huh?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Who are you?
Stacy G/???: Don’t worry. I’m sure I got enough trolling taken care off. You gotta be careful when you’re a new superhero. Some say girls don’t make great superheroes until Fung-irl came along.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: True.
Stacy G/???: And if you’re asking who I am, you can call me… Spikerella!
Suddenly, Fung-irl recognize notices the same eyes underneath Spikerella’s mask.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Stacy G?
Stacy G/Spikerella: Hey guys.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: There’s no way.
Louise/Magma: Oh my god! My sweet young lady has turned into a hero! I am so proud of you hugs Spikerella
Vil-Gil-An-T faints.
Stacy G/Spikerella: smiling Thanks mom.
Then, she notice Terry’s eyes glowing orange
Stacy G/Spikerella: Uh, Terry? Are you-
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: What the?! Why is my eyes glowing orange? I didn’t get hit with the same potion my husband did and-
Suddenly, Mighton feel something that is painful as his skin suddenly starts turning black.
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Uh, what the fuck is happening?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: I don’t know, but I think we should run!
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: No! We have to help Terry before-
Suddenly, Mighton starts growing bigger and muscular as his super suit rips apart, but his mask is still on him as he began to moan in pleasure by this
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: OOOOOH YEEEAAAH! voice gets deeper I! FEEEEEL! GOOOOOOOOOD!
Montez: Holy shit!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Oh my god! Terry! Are you okay?!
And with that Mighton has fully become Mundane as he roars and then looks at Mega Mundane Korvo and growls.
Nova/Heartstar: Mighton? What are you-
Mundane Mighton grows to a mega form as he growls and heads towards Mega Mundane Korvo as he roars. Mega Mundane Korvo sees him and growls, which made the other Mighty Solars nervous.
Stacy G/Spikerella: Uh oh. This is not good! We have to stop them!
Cherie: Yeah and fast! We must tell them who each of them are! Mighton might have lost his sanity!
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: I agree!
As the heroes race towards their transforms friends, Mega Mundane Mighton roars and Mega Mundane Korvo pummels to the ground as the two Mundane husbands lost their sanities.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Guys! Stop it!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: It’s okay Mighton! That’s your husband, Quasarblast!
Sherbet/Fizziepop: Snap out of it Quasarblast! It’s okay! The Mega Mundane you just met is your husband! Mighton!
Mega Mundane Quasarblast gasps when he realizes the truth.
Mega Mundane Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: whines in shock
Mega Mundane Mighton snarls but then ends up gasping in shock as he regain his sanity and sees his husband.
Mundane Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Oh god. What have I done?!
Mega Mundane Quasarblast starts whimpering as he starts crying but Mega Mundane Mighton starts soothing his face while calming down his hubby.
Mega Mundane Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Ssh. Ssh. You’re okay, babe.
Mega Mundane Quasarblast weeps as he finally regain his sanity and Mega Mundane Mighton embraces him.
Mega Mundane Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I’m so sorry…
Mega Mundane Terry-Solar Opposites/Mighton: It’s okay honey. Everything’s gonna be okay…
The two husbands then kiss.
Mighty Solars: Aaaw…
Fung-irl starts crying her eyes out after being touched by this moment while Spikerella giggles and pats Fung-irl��s shoulder softly in comfort. Mega Mundane Quasarblast however is still crying.
Mundane Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: It’s okay. I know what’ll make you feel better.
They then look at a familiar beach.
Mega Mundane Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Come on. Let’s head to that beach.
Mega Mundane Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Okay.
The two mundane alien superhero husbands then walk to the beach.
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livecharliereaction · 3 months
manga ep2 big post part 2/?
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this art style is kind of crazy ANYWAY. Ughhhhh. Somehow this too is about yasuda gender. Its so. Endless gender for the endless witch
Made jessica cry. Jessica im so sorry
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completely forgot this is like A Rosa Episode lowkey ouhhhhh In the end. I love her too. But thats just because i can see...
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COLOREEEED PRETTYYY oh shannon kanon counter but its just them and genji too
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she said witch beatrice shes so fun i love her another fave-since-ep1 for sure
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Keeping an eye on her and genji as well. Ugh. And nanjo too.
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Hardest two in all of life <- i typed this sentence then looked away from the puter to talk to family for 2 secs and looked back and realised it doesnt make any fucking sense but i agree
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Whys this art style making him look crazy cool well hes cool in ryukishi too but its like lame-cool this is like well i dont know
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most normal girl ever
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thank god for the love that i can see with because she is so evil. maybe its pretty privilege too Oh but rosas pretty and yet i hated her at one point. Idk something about eva is just. Ughhh
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NOT sure about her btw im interpreting it as yasuda playing with her and marias fun and kanon here is kinda just hoping to get a perspective But also could be a lot of her doing play-pretend based on like A few interactions. I have to take a big look at mariage sorciere when its more relevant i mean itll be talked here but other eps too
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BADDIE. Why i kinda like this style so much?!!!? Anyway easy to explain why rosa can see her (yasuda felt bad for little maria and dressing up. ill have to look but that might be the distinction between the two outfits)
Study door handle burned her hand i guess its because kinzo shouldnt be seen right now
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Exact same rank...
Lol gohda is so. Such an inoffensive character all in all? He does NOTHING for us. Or maybe i just dont have the love to see it. Like what his role is in the big picture. Hes just there. I dont think thats a bad thing though
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Its so fucking good. Makes you wonder though. About genji kumasawa and even nanjos motivation to let her do her thing... Because kinzos supposedly already dead, are they really so loyal to give him his "redemption" despite that...
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He says he never met her though and he doesnt think they had a child. Ugh.
maria keeps saying crazy things shes so funny light of the party
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sayo. Ohmmmmm. I think the translation team changed cos the other one had her tell him her name is kiyo no? yeah i checked she definitely told him that. thats interesting
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shes so funny i love her sense of humor its so great. Anyway one of the most iconic scenes in this ep commence
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shes sleeping guys no shes meditating
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u crazy
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i remember being a little confused when i first read on why tf they were focusing so much on the locked rooms but thats the thing now. and besides how else would u approach it well i dont know
its all about the closed rooms and the closed (cat)boxes etc
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i need her . When her demeanor and appearance are partially specifically tailored for battler to like her Well call me battler cos it works. It does make u feel a bit bad though doesnt it
he doesnt like the rule though hes all zen zen dame da about it
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shes got the gun and shit shes taking chargeeeeee.... queen
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oh hell show UP ALRIGHT seriously one of my fav scenes to this day and this is like what ep 2
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eughhhhhhh ughhhhh uhghhhhghghh well Yyeah To be fair with the truth and all im still not sure how it was done something something kumasawa or whatever its conceivable
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they draw her so strange (good)
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Omg its just like ep6
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battler asked rosa how she can prove shes not a wolf Ohhhh girl. Hey maria. Im going to be the father that stepped up
0 notes
misstvirus · 3 years
I decided to put this on tumblr so I could hide spoilers from Twitter and full explain why I gave Resident Evil 8 the score 5/10
These are my opinions and my personal review of Resident Evil Village. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I am in no way saying that anyone’s experiences or enjoyment of the game are invalid.
Please excuse me - I had a hard time trying to put my thoughts in order. This is a game summary and commentary after the first few paragraphs.
I first discuss the graphics, music, etc but it turns into me basically explaining the plot so I could express my dismay at the end. Skip to the last few paragraphs to read my mental nerdy breakdown.
The gameplay, graphics and mechanics are perfect. Each installment since of series since Resident Evil 7 - has improved. The game mechanics while in combat such as switching weapons, healing and guarding are smooth, it’s damn near perfect. The Duke brought a lot of nostalgia and memories of Resident Evil 4’s Merchant. I enjoyed being able to interact to upgrade weapons, buy supplies and sell treasures. The games over all aesthetic, atmosphere and attention to detail. Each location was beautiful and you can see the love, sweat and dedication put into the game. The music is there, it is eerie at times but it’s not as memorable as other installments of the game. Resident Evil 7 had its featured title song, “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” - Resident Evil Village’s “Yearning for Dark Shadows” was not as heavily featured and did not get the hype like it’s predecessor.
Resident Evil Village had a good story (please note this is my thought strictly AS A REVITALIZED RE GAME BEFORE THE CHRIS REDFIELD SEGMENT). The story starts by continuing with Ethan and Mia Winters after the events of Resident Evil 7. I knew Capcom moved in a different direction and accepted that as long time RE Junkie that although it’s from the same universe - they would not be the same type of games. Chris Redfield’s end game appearance in RE7 and a few Easter eggs were the only MAIN (not DLC content) links to the previous RE installments. The new set of villains and interesting tie-ins to village folklore story was a great way to foreshadow the events to come. The village and story behind Mother Miranda and her reasoning for creating the big baddies because wanting to bring back her dead child were good and had this been a stand alone or continuation WITHOUT TYING THE GAME INTO THE RE UNIVERSE I would have liked it fully.
The game starts with Ethan and Mia Winters, a new baby, Rose and are Having marital issues not dealing with Louisiana/RE7 events and Chris Redfield shows up and kills “Mia”. Chris’s team takes the baby and Ethan and knocks him out. When Ethan wakes up in wreckage of a van, without his baby and dead drivers. As Ethan wanders into the woods and makes his way to the village. He discovers something is killing the people and meets up with a group of people who worship Mother Miranda and quickly die by monsters. These monsters are called “lycans” who are products/monsters of the Cadou mold similar/same thing in RE7. Ethan finds himself apart of weird meeting of all five villains - who stole baby Rose and want do some weird shit.
Tada! Ethan has escaped and ends up in Lady Alcina Dimitrescu or “Tall Lady” “Vampire Mommy” castle. You are confronted by her and her three daughters Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
Let me step in to rustle the jimmies and ruffle the feathers of the Lady D hype group. What you see in the previews is what you get. No more, no less! There is nothing special and there are no redeeming qualities or mentions past notes in game files of Lady D outside your castle encounter. The story isn’t based around her, she’s just a tiny part in a larger story plot 1 of 5 villains/baddies. The daughters are overly sexual and have the most cringe worthy dialog. I love me some sexy characters and villains but the daughters were just so cringe. They could’ve AMPED up the horror with them and created a stronger scare factor but dropped the fucking ball. They were not creepy or scary and brought nothing to the story with delivering lines about wanting to “consume Ethan’s manflesh” “not stale as mother said - tastes so good.” Also to be noted they were not actually vampires but bioweapons. Lady D being a good result to the mold “Cadou” and the daughters the result of the Cadou and mixing of insects. You kill the daughters, get chased by Lady D who eventually mutates into a flying tentacle bat-dragon and it’s done, she gone. Sorry to fuckboys who thought she was bigger player.
After Ethan beats Lady D, he grabs a yellow flask that’s apparently filled with the juice and parts of baby Rose - and each of villains has one of these baby-juice boxes. Ethan will have to collect them all to be able to put Rose back together.
Next visit is House Beneviento. This was the scariest of all five villains and village locations in my review of the game. It reminded me of a Silent Hill installment less a Resident Evil installment - the use of light, sound and overall paranormal factor did bring in a successful horrifying portion of the game . The mutated baby chase was comical yet creepy. You have to hide to escape it and you ended up playing hide and seek with possessed dolls. The entirety of House Beneviento will definitely give you an uneasy feeling. Donna, the woman controlling a doll named Angie is another baddie who you later learn is mentally unstable and uses her abilities to manipulate plants - to cause hallucinations to create the creepy doll house scenario. (Oof it’s hard for me to stay on track). Part 2 of 4 of Baby Rose - which yes it what your game objective says.
Next Moreau, a mutated fish man - gives Ethan the Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 game play feel - having to complete actions while some oversized bioweapon is looming around and can take you out with a misstep, like falling in the water or moving too slowly. Moreau did not gain any abilities with the Cadou mold, basically his body wasn’t compatible and he just mutates uncontrollably. Mentally slow, weak and kind of a sad story. Ethan runs into Chris Redfield who tells him to stay out of it and than runs away. Ethans fights Moreau and gets another baby juice jar.
Next Ethan faces off and explores a laboratory with Karl Heisenberg - a bioweapon who can manipulate metal (think a less cool and weakly motivated Magneto). He one of the last big baddies - and motivated by being essentially rejected by Mother Miranda. He is the most stable reaction to the Cadou mold. Before Ethan and Heisenberg face off - Chris Redfield comes in - to reveal he was not the bad guy Ethan thought in the beginning of the game. Mia wasn’t Mia but in fact Mother Miranda in disguise- who was attempting to steal the baby Rose which she ended up doing anyway because Chris’s team wrecked with the baby. At this point I’m say FINE WHATEVER, I guess this works
Chris goes into kill Mother Miranda, we the audience discover the BSAA is now not what is used to be. Chris isn’t affiliating with them and his team hides away from them as they attack. BSAA gets struck down attempting to kill Mother Miranda’s mutation - a megacyte squishy organ (that’s keeping her alive and immortal). Chris puts a massive bomb on big Miranda squishy thing and discovers that Lady Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Moreau and Donna Beneviento are all attempts to create a perfect vessel to bring back her own dead child Eva, who died in 1912 of the Spanish flu. It is revealed Eveline, the RE7 little girl mold baddie wasn’t another failed attempt. Miranda has turned baby Rose into baby juice to use with the Cadou mold in a ceremony to bring her dead child back.
AND drum roll please - we find out Ozwell Spencer, founder of Umbrella and the progenitor virus the big Daddy of it all was in cahoots with Miranda at some point in his youth and supported her crazy ass research but had his own stuff going on. WHY?! WHO KNOWS? NOT ME! WHY WAS THIS PUT IN THE GAME. To piss me off? Yes. Chris has also discovered Mia is still alive in jail cell for what reason? who knows? And Mia reveals that Ethan is special!
Cue black screen, Ethan awakes to see to Eveline - the mold baddie from RE7. Eveline explains - that Ethan has been dead and died back during the events of RE7. Jack Baker had killed him and dragged him into the house. So he was dead the entirety of RE7 - That explains why Ethan is constantly dismembered, beaten and walking the mold keeps him alive. Ethan will not survive much longer because his missing heart but is determined to bring back his baby. Weakly he carries himself to fight Mother Miranda with Chris. Mother Miranda performs her ceremony with the baby juice boxes and out comes not Eva (her baby) but Ethan’s baby Rose.
They fight and Ethan kills Miranda, carrying Rose off to Chris but that missing heart is the end of Ethan so he takes the trigger for the squishy bomb and pushes Chris away and sacrifices himself for his daughter. Chris boards a helicopter with Mia and baby and the body of a BSAA solider. Ethan blows himself and the Miranda squishy up. The BSAA soldier turns out to be a bioweapon and Mia is distraught at Ethan being for reals dead and Chris is annoyed and directs the pilot for BSAA Europe HQ. Credits Roll, now we see Adult Rose (baby juice reborn as mold human) visiting her Dads grave it’s apparent Chris has been training her and her bodyguard (?) pulls up and they argue and she goes all combative on him. It’s implied she’s not normal since she was DUH she was turned into baby juice and put back together with Cadou mold they drive off - apparently you can see a ghostly Ethan in photo mode - I don’t know I don’t give AF enough about The Winters family and this game at this point
The End
5/10 - Story (read below)
9/10 - Everything else
- Katie’s Dismay and Final Review and Rating-
Graphics: 9/10
Setting: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Game Mechanics: 10/10
Story: (pre Chris Redfield tie in): 7/10
Story: (post Chris Redfield) 4/10
As a modern game, it was great, exceptional. It checks all the classic horror boxes but isn’t the scariest entry, Resident Evil 7 was a much more scary game. The story is why my rating is slow and it’s based on my biases and years of following the story.
STOP! Don’t want to hear my angry ranting? SKIP THE REST
THE ANGER OF a grown ass Resident Evil Fan.
They should’ve omitted the entire BSAA story and BSAA bioweapon-man and not included those notes about Spencer and Umbrella. This game was solid as a next installment and sequel to Resident Evil 7 until they decided they wanted to tie the original Resident Evil storylines into the new story.
When Capcom decided to breakdown and rebuild the franchise, it was a blow because so many storylines were unfinished. I understand they needed to keep evolving and I was blown away by the result. RE7 was not and did not feel like an old RE Game but it was new and it brought back the horror and fear the RE Games early installments were known for. A new RE for a new generation!
But TO ME PERSONALLY - The positive thoughts and opinions I had of RE7 are sullied by Resident Evil Village. Why try to tie it in as an after thought after such a successful overhaul? It’s a slap in the face! Capcom has created some of the best characters in video game stories just to say fuck them for this overhaul but WAIT WE REALLY LIKE CHRIS AND THE BSAA STORY LINE LET’S BRING IN THE OLD STORY NOW.
Fucking NO.
I don’t know what’s worse reading that fucking note from Spencer or the BSAA bullshit.
So now one has to say... WHAT happened to all of the characters who worked for BSAA or worked with affiliates of the BSAA? Chris goes on his own way - Now what? What happened??? There’s nothing explaining what happened between RE5 and RE6 to RE7! They failed to create that bridge. If they had established ANYTHING in RE7 it would be easier for me to swallow.
If you want to overhaul and change the series FINE but don’t back peddle now. Don’t try to throw it the last few minutes of the game with some lazy writing and a vague cliff hanger just leaving it like this.
And of course one could think - “maybe they will make a new game, maybe another sequel?”..... BUT HAVE Y’ALL seen what’s happened at the end of every RE game since RE4???? We are finally getting a Netflix series in 2021 to fill the time after RE4!!! That was 16 YEARS ago! So how can crazy ass fans like myself really expect them to fix the plot holes?!
My theory is that - in between RE7 and RE village They were working on the RE2 Remake and the RE3 Remake and it was if someone at Capcom finally asked - “If all these new RE players are going to play RE village - don’t we need a way to connect these stories????”
And someone jumped up in a conference room and replied. “FUCK IT LETS JUST TIE IN SPENCER AND THE BSAA IN THE LAST 10 MINUTES!”
I have cried, laughed and loved these games my entire life. Some of my major life events happened because of this series! I have followed every game, collected merchandise, gotten tattoos and met the most amazing people because our mural obsession over this series. That’s why it hurts me that’s why I’m tear it apart so viciously and also why I keep playing. There’s always hope that someone will fix the plot holes and finish the stories that lured in the older RE fans and I will always hold Capcom to a high standard and expect them to do right by the fans. I’m not speaking for ALL older RE Fans or ALL fans and I’m definitely not gatekeeping the fandom. This is how I feel - I’m grateful there is a new generation breathing life into RE but I’m screaming a warning - BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS - there’s a strong chance your favorite characters new or old aren’t going to get an ending or be reduced to a brief snippet in a file you may not not find.
Happy to those who loved it, condolences to those who are pissed off like myself
I’m annoyed but I’ll power through!
Happy 25th Anniversary to my longest obsession!
RE Verse coming in the summer, the Netflix series and the remake Live Action Movies.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Seeing Red Ch.1
So, here's the long mentioned Seeing Red. The story takes place parallel to Seeing Green, just all of the junk with Eva you've missed. And it's rated explicit. Enjoy.
Evangeline sat on her hotel bed, her head in his hands as she felt her head throb hard. Today had been far too eventful for her liking, and she had nearly lost Marinette to that stupid Two Face villian. Eva had never been more terrified than seeing that gun pressed to Marinette's head, the trigger just inches from being pulled. It was only their second day in Gotham and they were already running into trouble.
"-And so I'm heading down."
Eva blinked and looked up, staring at Caline Bustier, who stood before her in a lovely little black dress and kitty heels. 
"What?" Eva croaked out, her eyes feeling heavy in her skull. She just wanted to sleep, to forget about today. 
"I said that the students invited me down for dinner, so I'm heading down." Caline repeated patiently, smiling at the TA as she grabbed her purse. "I'll be back up in a few hours." 
They had invited Caline, but not Evangeline. They never did, she was pretty sure the kids hated her, ever since she supported Marinette on her first day at that school. Well, except Adrien, he was a sweet boy, though a bit clueless on how the real world should work. But Eva did find herself pitying the boy… 
"Have fun." She spoke, watching her mentor leave, before standing. Perhaps she should go check on Marinette, lord only knows that Caline hadn't checked on the girl after her near death experience, thinking that she was 'strong and independent, fully capable of handling herself'. 
When she had first said that to Eva, she had wanted to spit on the French woman. But, of course, she had withheld, not wanting another lecture of keeping her temper in check while in Paris.
Once Caline was gone, Eva heard a soft tapping noise. Her brows drew together as she glanced around the room, trying to locate the noise, before drawing close to the window. Just behind that curtain, that was where the tapping noise was coming from.
Could it be a tree branch? No, she was on one of the higher floors. And it couldn't be a bird, it had a rhythm to it. Her body tensing up, prepared to bolt if she had to, she pulled open the curtains.
Only to see a man suspended in midair just outside her window. It took everything in Eva not to scream as she scrambled back from the window. It took her a few minutes to realize it was Red Hood that was dangling outside. Giving him a withering glare, Eva stormed up to the window and shoved it open.
"Are you trying to be a fucking stalker and give me a heart attack?" She snapped as Red Hood took the moment to slid into the room.
"No, I thought I'd drop by and see if you were okay. You did a gutsy move today." Red Hood crossed his arms, glancing around the room. "Small space."
"Yeah, well, the school couldn't exactly afford high-end suites." Eva responded dryly as she watched the vigilante carefully. "Not to be rude, but this could be considered creepy on so many levels; find a woman's hotel room and sneaking in through her window."
"Well I assure you, I'm not trying to be creepy." Red Hood shrugged, then crossed his arms. Eva couldn't help but notice the muscles in those arms, then found herself blushing when she remembered how it had felt being pinned under him at the mall earlier.
God, she really needed to get laid.
"Well you're doing a terrible job at it. Listen, is there something you need, Mr. Hood?" Eva eyed him once again, then promptly turned back to the vanity, taking her hair out of its bun carefully. "Because I've had a very long day and I'd like some sleep."
"I wanted to take you out for an evening stroll." He shrugged, then reached out and took her hand, giving a dramatic now. "A reward for your balls of steel today."
Eva's brows rose, as she weighed her options. On one hand, he could maybe kidnap her or plan to sell her into some sort of smuggling ring, but on the other hand Marinette told everyone she wanted to be left alone tonight, so Eva's only company would be Caline when she gets back. Yeah, the kidnapping was a preferable thing to choose.
"What would be on the agenda?" Eva crossed her arms, mimicking his stance as she felt herself smirk. "Gonna make me watch you beat up a bunch of baddies, hoping I'll get wet simply from the testosterone radiating off of you?"
The choking sound he made was beyond satisfying, a chuckle escaping her before she could stop it. Red Hood straightened and went to the window, pushing it open once again.
"Listen, I just thought you'd like a bit of fun before you head back to boring ol Paris, okay? So you wanna come or not?" He held out a hand to her. After a moment's hesitation, Eva reached out and took his hand.
Jason had to admit, he wasn't entirely sure why he went after his woman. Maybe it was that 'no bullshit' attitude she seemed to have when he confronted her back at the mall. Maybe he was simply being a hot blooded male and her ass had been on his mind a lot today. Or that he wondered if she had a pretty smile. Ah, the mysteries of life.
Red Hood wrapped an arm around Eva’s waist, her wrapping her arms around his neck in return. He quickly landed near the more questionable parts of Gotham, where he usually dwelled. He set her down on a ledge of one of those multiple stories with the weird gargoyles on them. He motioned for her to wait, before he jumped down into the alley. 
Eva frowned and brushed some snow off of the roof and took a seat next to one of the gargoyles closest to the building, pulling her knees to her chest. She had to be insane to come here, but the sight of the lit up Gotham was a pretty one. She was so caught up in the sight, she barely noticed when Red Hood landed back on the roof and handed her one of the bottles of beer he was holding. 
“Thanks stud.” Eva shot him a dry smile before cracking open the beer and taking a swig. She watched as he sat on the other side of the gargoyle, hiding most of his body, then listened as he cracked open his beer and took a swig. “It’s been a while since I’ve done anything like this.”
“What? Have a beer?” Jason’s brows shot up, but a smirk played at his lips. He stared down at the brown bottle in his hand and chuckled to himself. “You never just sit and have a beer?”
“Not really. I try not to drink often, I don’t wanna fall into the habits my father did.” She muttered, glaring down at the bottle, but took another swig and leaned back against the cold, damp stone of the building. “But what I meant was I don’t really get to relax like this. I always have to be this high strung bitch because the supposed teacher of my class is shit at her job.”
“You wanna talk about it? I mean, you ran in after one of those students today and nearly got shot, you looked like you could have used some relaxing or ranting. Shit, maybe I should have taken you somewhere to beat the shit out of someone, that always makes me feel better when I’m pissed off.”
There was a heavy silence in the air before he heard her let out a defeated sigh.
“You know the French class that won that big contest Bruce Wayne hosted a few months ago? I’m the TA for that class, but I wish to God that I could be their teacher because the one they have doesn’t do jack shit. She actually has the nerve to tell everyone to get along, she doesn’t reprimand bullies, and she knows this bitch of a brat Lila is lying, but she is convinced that it’s some disease that causes her to lie. It’s a disease alright, it’s called being a fucking psychopath! She’s accused me of being a pedophile before!”  Eva threw her hands up in the air, feeling her anger rise. Every part of her was suddenly telling her to shove it down, to stomp on it before those flames could blaze, but she let herself get angry, truly angry. She wasn’t in Paris, Hawkmoth couldn't reach her here. “She causes so many fucking akumas, but no one wants her to get akumatized, but there will always be akumas, there’s never not a fucking akuma in Paris! But hey, you think they'd put that in the brochure or something so that a young Canadian teacher who wishes to strengthen her French by going to France, the girl would not choose Paris, but noooo, that’d be bad for tourism, not the literal fucking supervillian that has made it so that Parisians can’t cope with their anger anymore because they’ve been groomed to never be angry ever!”
Jason closed his eyes and listened to this woman rant about stuff that had probably been on her chest for a long time. He smiled when he heard her chug her beer, then sighed. He began to take a swig of his own beer.
“I think maybe I just need a good, rough fuck. Maybe then I’d feel better.”
Her words nearly made him spit out his beer, but he forced himself to swallow. 
“Why would you want that?” He asked after coughing for a minute, setting down his beer. He felt his cheeks heat up as his mind wandered to less than savoury places.
“Because then maybe I’d unwind a bit. I’m always so worried or stressed lately, especially with Marinette almost getting akumatized last month thanks to that class of hers…”
He watched as she walked towards the edge of the ledge, setting a hand on a snow covered gargoyle. She could have looked back, could have seen his face, but she didn’t. Jason smiled at that and put his helmet back on. Slowly,  he made his way up beside her, setting a hand on her shoulder.
“Why did you run after that girl today? You know that was pretty reckless.” He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Because I care about her. Not too many are caring about her right now and every part of my body is telling me to be there for this girl, to be… To be a part of her team. Her entire class excludes her, she’s this social outcast, save for the rest of the school who aren’t sharing one fucking braincell.” Eva sighed and turned, allowing Jason to stare deep into those vibrant purple eyes of hers. “I’m sorry, I went over all of my issues, but I didn’t let you talk once. That wasn’t fair.”
“I have brothers I can vent to, don’t worry about it. Besides, hearing you talk is kinda nice.” He shrugged, then blinked when there was a faint darkening to her eyes. 
“Tell me, Mr. Red Hood…” Eva smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. She could feel the warmth radiating off of his body and it made her shiver in delight. “Why would you bring lil ol me to a roof and get me some alcohol? Hoping to get lucky with a foreign girl?” 
Her smile widened as she listened to him sputter, taking a step back, but grabbing the lapels of his jacket and tugging him along with her.
“I have a proposition for you. I want a week of fun, no strings, kinky as we want sex. I know you don’t know me, and I sure as hell don’t know you… But, what do you say?” At his silence, she let out a chuckle and leaned closer. “Unless you don’t think you can handle it.”
He was silent for the longest time. So long that Eva’s alcohol buzzed brain began to panic. Wait, what if he was ace or gay? Or was already in a relationship? He didn’t know her, why the fuck would he-
“You really sure you want this?” Red Hood leaned close, grabbing her wrists and giving them a light squeeze. “I’m not some gentle giant.”
“Oh, I certainly hope you aren’t.” Eva let out a lustful purr before she could stop herself. 
“... Tomorrow night, I’ll be there around six thirty, got it? I’m taking you somewhere and we can work all of these pent up emotions out of you.” He hissed at her softly, making her tremble. “No excuses.”
“No excuses.” She agreed and grinned.
He took her back to the hotel, giving her a playful bow before he went back out into Gotham, disappearing into the night. Eva smiled as she kept the window open, watching him go.
“Evangeline! What are you doing with the window open, it’s freezing!” Calina snapped as soon as she stepped into the room, scowling at the TA. Eva didn’t respond as she shut the window, the dopey smile still on her face.
Taglist: @chocolate1721 @the-navistar-carol
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sullustangin · 4 years
The Anti-Thesis of Alt-oholic
I think most people who follow me have picked up on the fact I really only talk about Smuggler OC Eva Corolastor in terms of SWOTR; I occasionally mention my BH Gronn, but that’s about it.  That’s typical of my mmo behavior.  I tend to fixate on one character, do all the content with them, and rack up achievement points on a single character rather than account-wide. 
In different RP campaigns, I’ve always picked a rogue/bard/sneaky thing character.  I’ve had the same main on WoW for 14 years, no joke -- a rogue named Arkady, who I don’t write fic about -- she’s my self in toon format, plus there aren’t major decisions to make in WoW compared to SWTOR; every hero’s story is mostly the same, since you always fight the same baddies and don’t have many options for factional alliances (most of which you can swap anyway with a penalty such as Aldors and Scryers, Oracles and those little dog creatures in Northrend, and now the Covenants in the upcoming Shadowlands xpac).  I have a pally and a few clothies I occasional goof around with, but for the most part, it’s all about the rogue, who has about 20k+ achievement points to show for her time as my main.  The rogue is fun.  I raid on her, and I’m almost always in a progression raid guild. 
Given how much I write about SWTOR, it might seem surprising that I’m not in a raiding guild on there.  Honestly, I’m a relative casual in the SW universe -- I love Han Solo from the Original Trilogy.  I’ve been more interested in the seedier underbelly and the world of common, non-Force-using sentients of Star Wars than I have the Jedi/Sith end of it; The Mandalorian, Solo, and Rogue One were like chocolate for the aspects of SW universe life that I’m interested in, while I was like “ok, cool, space magic” for Clone Wars, the Prequels, and the Sequels.  Not hating on it, but not “zomg.” 
The spouse is the guy who got me into SWTOR’s smuggler story, and it took me about a year to muddle through it (restarting once because I forgot “who the hell is this bitch in my engine room?” Sorry, Risha!).  The choices do a lot for me in terms of fan fic interest, hence why I write SWTOR and why my character roster seems pretty empty save for the smuggler.  I admire a lot of people who have a lot of headcanon about every character they have on their legacy and have complex connections and alternative universes.  For me, I like to immerse myself in one side of the story, and that’s always how I’ve played mmos.  Whatever the opposite of an altoholic is -- that’s me. 
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)
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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance fills me with shame. There was a time when I wanted to like comic book movies so desperately only overwhelming evidence convinced me they could be bad. I am haunted to this day by an old review of this film in which I stated it was better than the first. That's just not true.
In this standalone sequel, Johnny Blaze a.k.a. The Ghost Rider (Nicolas Cage) encounters a woman (Violante Placido) and her son Danny (Fergus Riodan) on the run. They are being pursued by Roarke/Mephistopheles/Satan, who cursed Johnny years ago (played this time by Ciarán Hinds). When a boozing French monk (Idris Elba) promises to rid Johnny of his curse if he helps the woman and child, he accepts.
If you want to understand what someone means when they say "over-acting" find a movie. Overall, the performances wooden but Nicolas Cage compensates for everyone at once. It’s as if directors Neveldine and Taylor spiked his drink with hallucinogens and told him that he was Ghost Rider for real and that he only needed to try hard enough to transform. It’s like he’s spoofing himself. The second-hand embarrassment will make you want to die.
The first movie had lackluster villains. When you see what Johnny Whitworth offers as a no-name generic guy with a gun that’s supposed to take on a flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle, you'll be fondly remembering Wet Willie and his buddies. At least those losers could've theoretically been interesting. I wish they'd made an action figure line for this movie. You've got Ghost Rider, a kid you don’t care about, his mom who is a badass fighter... sometimes!; a drunken monk, an old man with a messed-up face and the big baddie, an albino whose power is to ruin your fridge's contents.
Doesn’t Ghost Rider have at least one run that would make for a cool movie? We already know the character. Let's dig into something fun. Oh, I’m sorry. This isn’t supposed to be a sequel to the first film (as the opening animated sequence makes it clear), it’s a soft reboot, like The Incredible Hulk. Why cast Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze then? The man's too old for the role and his shtick of going ballistic every time he’s about to transform gets old fast. I was begging to see Eva Mendez and her cleavage again. At least a lame story where she and Cage want to get back together would've given me something to grasp onto instead of this mess.
This movie's so cheap it's a wonder Ghost Rider looks better than before. Unfortunately, each of his appearances comes at the price of a big bite out of a shit sandwich. You think I mean two pieces of bread with toilet fudge in the middle? I wish. Every scene with Ghost Rider is preceded and followed by a scene of Nicolas Cage making faces, screaming, and shaking his head wildly. Disappointingly, Mr. Rider spends a lot of time being completely ineffectual, standing around looking spooky or annihilating villains like they’re made out of paper. There’s no tension at all. Based on the head-scratching conclusion, you're not even sure you WANT a third one.
The best pieces of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance could be assembled to make a sweet 3 minute short. The rest? Yikes. Even Neveldine and Taylor’s insane direction and knack falls flat on its face. When your superhero's alter ego is significantly more interesting because he has personality and dialogue, you know your movie sucks. I WISH Ghost Rider was delivering bad puns because at least that would've been somewhat amusing. I bought this movie on Blu-ray and I’ve regretted it ever since. What was I thinking? (On Blu-ray, March 14, 2015)
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booasaur · 5 years
Update: I'm a few eps into s4 already and I'm dreading it ending Bc I've inhaled these far too quickly and I want more lol. I still love Delle seyah. You're totally right about the show wanting us to keep liking her. She's been hilarious and had heart and growth, & I think that makes the difference in not wanting her to suffer and pay for what she did. Plus, Johnny shooting her felt like a bit of revenge for pawter. I also think the fact that everyone is morally gray to a point helps. (1/?)
Every single person on the show has done some heinous shit. Some on purpose, some on accident, but the entire world is kinda built on heinous shit happening & them either perpetrating it or kinda ignoring it (like the slavery stuff/ letting guards die for them etc). Hell, pawter made a bunch of ppl die to win her battle. Dutch & co may be the good guys, but their hands are far from clean, which I think makes it easier to accept stuff that Delle seyah and aneela have done. (2/3)
I’ll have to see where the rest of the show leads, but I think this may be the one show I have where I would ordinarily hate some characters & possibly the overall msg but it works for kj, maybe Bc I love Dutch / aneela / Delle seyah lol. I tend to go more for righteous vengeance & this show isn’t that. Too much gray to be that. I think Root was the closest I’ve gotten to rooting for “villain” & we never see much of her evil past. Loved Regina too, but didn’t finish ouat Bc I got mad at it (3/3)
Anon, you watched it too quickly! s4 already?? Ah, man, I wish I could watch s3 and s4 again for the first time. s3 especially, WHAT a season. Queens rise! The kiss! Torture and ice cream! Tether! The Scarback origins! Season three had something so dynamic and epic and well-balanced, it was genuinely a really well done season of TV. Remember that moment at the end of 3x09? Not to spoil so uh, where Pree’s Wayfaring Stranger cuts back in right as it’s happening? Yeah, that moment. >_> The direction and music and everything went so hand in hand, all season long.
Although, I did really love season 4 too. There was one ep in the middle of it I really disagreed with (and then another I kinda disagreed with right after) but they seemed to ease back on the characterization they were pushing. It’s amazing to me how even with as much of a setup season it was, trying to fight back to a status quo and not even make progress in the fight against the Lady, but just to a point where they could build from, it was still so good. Weird dynamics, evolving family, things that worked even when they shouldn’t have. Really, even though s4+5 were announced together and written at the same time, it’s s3+4 that fit so well together.
All right, okay, so it might have been a bit of an exaggeration when I said I don’t really root for bad guys, because once I thought about it, I like so many. Root, HG Wells in Warehouse 13, Eva in NCIS: NOLA. I actually have a pretty extensive list of villains in f/f ships, lol. I think what I meant by exception was that when it came to Delle Seyah vs Pawter, because our baddies usually do not directly KILL main characters, I was okay with instantly forgiving Delle Seyah? I stopped watching OUAT a few seasons in and I loved Regina and SQ, from the start, before her background was even revealed, but when it came to Regina vs Snow? I sided with Snow. I was pissed at Villanelle, the ultimate bad girl, for Bill. Until Eve basically gave permission to continue to like her being still as infatuated as ever.
And I think that’s how it usually works, I’ll go with the main characters. And here’s where my exception comes in because for the whole of season 3 things only got worse between the good guys and Delle Seyah + Aneela and I was somehow rooting for them all? Like, maybe they’ll make up when it comes down to it? (And they did!)
As you said, she did have things happening to her, Johnny shooting her, then she had Gander the way Villanelle post-Bill ep had Nadia’s boyfriend, antagonists so annoying you went back to rooting for a murderer.  And she herself changes a bit, she helps Johnny, she helps Bea, she cares and suffers. Which is how Root and Regina and HG really won us over, right. We care about people by seeing them care for others and be cared for. Aneela was barely in season 4 but the way she was adored by her family and Delle Seyah, that did so much to endear her to us.
You’re right, everyone’s done something bad, but there’s a difference between–or maybe a scale of–redemption, between people like Dutch and D’av who feel guilty and terrible about what they did and then people like Delle Seyah, or NCIS: NOLA’s Eva, or…Star Trek: Discovery’s Terran!Georgiou. In Discovery, we like Michael and Ash because we see their struggles and progress, while Georgiou is like an asshole cat who we like for being an asshole cat. There are just different expectations and allowances for different characters? Even a little growth and empathy from those characters is such a huge win.
It’s because of their environment too, like, Georgiou from her hellish Terran universe, Delle Seyah growing up among the Qresh. Certain things are just accepted and expected, as you said, cruel things. Killjoys is definitely a gray kind of world as opposed to, say, Supergirl or OUAT, where morality is set up to define character worth and people are allowed to stray so much less. 
Killing Eve goes all the way in the other direction. There’s a distance the narrative sets between us and the victims. A fair number of innocent people die in the first eps, but it’s not until she kills Bill that we’re mad, and even then, because of the way the main character handles it, we get over it. And then sometimes narrative distance is shrunk so we might not even like allies. Jeri Hogarth, on a gray show, sets my teeth on edge. I don’t like her, despite her being a lesbian and my massive childhood crush on CAM. The way she’s bad, the way the show doesn’t really ever soften her through Jessica or other characters, I can never like her.
Heh, this got a lot longer than I expected, but your asks provoked some really interesting dissection of what I like and don’t and why. After your previous ask I was afraid you might have given up on the show, I’m so glad you didn’t. Let me know how the rest of the viewing goes, if you want!
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pinkalexlive · 5 years
Four months later.
OH! So shit doesn’t hit the fan immediately!
I tossed and turned in my bed, fighting to kick the covers off.  It didn’t help.  I felt a pressure on top of me, pressing me down.  My movements were sluggish.
Creepy magic stuff?
I opened my eyes, and I didn’t see my bedroom.  I could feel my body in one place, sheets still hooked over one foot, my chest heaving, and I could see in another place.
Creepy magic stuff.
Glances were exchanged down both lengths of the table.  On one side, women and girls of varying ages, all blonde, in matching shades of green, white and blue.  On the other, appearances varied.  Men and women, old and young.  Hair color and appearance varied, but there was little doubt they were a family.
Maybe the magical baddies I keep mentioning are sealed away?
“Huh,” the man at the one end of the table said.  A member of the family.  “I’d hoped she would slip in her old age.  A shame, she made other arrangements.”
It doesn’t sound like it. Just magical peeps that knew of the grandma.
I realized I’d been holding my breath, trying not to be heard.  When I did breathe, it was a small gasp, not enough to bring air into my lungs.
I closed my eyes, trying to shut it out.  When I opened them, I saw a room, everything turned to a right angle.  A house, messy, with pizza boxes and garbage here and there.  Two twenty-something individuals, a boy and a girl, approached, getting so close their faces filled the field of vision.
Did he just trip some kind of alarm?
“Something big just happened,” the girl said.  “Told you.  Just now, I told you.”
I think so. Ooooh, this can’t be good, probably.
“I don’t- no, Eva.  This is dangerous, and-”
“And what?  We should ignore it all?”
“It’s dangerous.”
“So are we, little brother.  So are we,” she said.  She opened the ledge beneath the living room window, hefting a crossbow.  She threw it at him.
Gotta love a crossbow user in a modern setting. This Eva and her brother are on my good side already!
“Cold-forged iron,”
We have fae in here? Awesome.
“The faerie?  Sure.”
“You’re not getting what I’m saying.  If they can fool themselves into thinking they’re vampires, and believe it to the point it becomes sort of true, sparkly skin aside, then they can fool us.  This is what bothers me about all this.  You can’t make any guarantees, you can’t slap on convenient labels.  It’s why we call them others.  You can’t plot-”
I swear to god Wholebox did you make your vampires sparkly?
“You’re supposed to be the smart one in this partnership.  Anything that can knock the metronome over isn’t human anymore, or it won’t be for long.  Let’s assume I’m going out anyways, what do I need?”
What is the metronome, and did Blake’s breath somehow knock it over?
“Someone moved,” a young man responded.  “Come on, now.  You know better.  Everything has a price when you’re dealing with this world, Maggie.  Even answers to stupid questions.”
“Right.  Thanks,” she said.  “I’ll figure it out myself, Padraic.  I hope it’s a noob.  Be nice to not be the rookie on the block.”
More new names, though we never got Eva’s brother’s name. Either way, I assume these are magical families we’re going to be facing through the story. 
The rabbit turned, and the girl turned to look in the same direction.
Bending down, she reached through the snow until she found a stone.  She threw it right for the center of the ‘image’, breaking the ‘picture’.
Did these two see Blake spying on them?
Another, quickly after the last.  They were starting easier and finishing easier.
Blake’s tripping on some serious magic here. 
A weathered aboriginal woman, brushing a young girl’s hair with a broad-toothed comb.  It might have been an ordinary scene, except it was the dead of night.
She picked up a chain, then shackled the girl at the wrist.  She noted the observer, then scattered the image with a wave of one hand.
Well, that’s creepy.
The dog looked up.  It spoke, “Johannes.”
“Mm,” the man in the throne said.  “‘Lo, stranger.  Listen, I don’t think you should believe what any of them say about me.  If you need help, I can offer it.”
“For a price,” the dog added.
“For a price.  Resist the urge to dismiss what you just saw, you’re in a bad enough situation as it stands.  Now do yourself a favor and wake up.”
These two definitely see Blake. I want to meet these people! Who are you mysterious magical folk Blake is spying on?? Who are you talking dog?
I stood up from bed, staggering for the bathroom.  I stopped, the tremor in my hands gone.  Every inch the startled prey animal, where a sudden crisis leads to utter stillness.
My heartbeat felt slow, my gaze was no longer darting here and there.  I was making eye contact.
It wasn’t my face in the mirror above the sink.  Nor my body.  A girl looked at me, her forehead creased in worry.  She was wearing a camisole and pyjama bottoms.  She looked strangely familiar.
Man, that’d be terrifying. Tons of crazy visions that tell you to take them seriously, then you see somebody in the mirror?
“Run,” she said.  “Get to the house, now.”
“Which house?  Who-”
“Molly’s dead,” she said.  “You’re next.”
OH. OHHHH. WELL. If he needs to get to the grandma’s house, how did Molly die? Did she get caught outside?
“Blake, I get it.  I do.  But you’re next, understand?  Grandmother made other arrangements, and those arrangements just came into play.  The house is in your custody now, and so are all of Grandmother’s enemies.  Understand?  She has a lot.  The house is sanctuary, Blake.  Molly died because she panicked, and she left the safe ground.  Don’t make that same mistake.  Move.  Run.”
Every time I ask a question, it’s immediately answered. Well, that’s certainly a bad sign. 
“Run!”  She hit the mirror, and it cracked from the point of impact.  Pieces on my end fell, landing on the countertop and sink.
I ran.
What an end to a first chapter. It certainly feels faster than Worm, which I think could be a good thing. No spending time with school family drama, just jumping right into death, magic, and mystery.
I like that!
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years
Your opinion on Evangelion?
I wrote about my opinion here. As a reminder, you can find my non-Kill-la-Kill-related ramblings right here!
Anyway, to the question at hand, here’s the post linked above:
I enjoyed Neon Genesis Evangelion more than I thought I would.
Coming into the show, I thought the story would be a “Bad People Doing Bad Things” kind of deal, which… as a complete and total sap, is not particularly my jam. Works of that sort aren’t bad, of course; they’re often excellent pieces of art. But personally, it’s rare for me to ever grow particularly attached to those types of stories. BoJack Horseman, the absolute epitome of “Bad People Doing Bad Things,” is probably the one rare example that I seriously do enjoy and care about. I never thought I would like that cartoon, but then suddenly it’s 3:00 am and I’m crying about Princess Caroline.
Unlike BoJack, though, it only took me one episode into Eva to realize that this “Bad People Doing Bad Things” impression I’d gotten from the series was totally wrong. Aside from the obvious baddies like Gendo, none of the characters are kind of awful people whom I still care about (like BoJack himself); they’re simply human. They’re flawed, they’re imperfect, and I was so pleasantly surprised to find that Eva’s cast isn’t made up of a bunch of terrible people, but rather people who feel like people. Shinji, Asuka, and Misato in particular stood out to me as wonderfully realistic characters. They had all these traits that might be considered “ugly”—insecurities, jealousy, cowardice—but the fact that they did have all these qualities only endeared me to them more. They didn’t feel like pretty cardboard cutouts. They felt like people I could actually come across in real life.
But all that said, I’ve written in the past that I’m basically a Kill la Kill blog rather than an Eva blog for a reason: “I am a total cheeseball and I prefer something wacky and silly over something deeply uncomfortable and depressing.” And this statement still holds true. As much as I can appreciate Eva, and as much as I can say that it’s largely well done (goodness those hand-animated mechs!), it’s far from my favorite work and far from my favorite story. It’s dark and unsettling when I’d much rather engage with something more cheerful and cheesy—after all, I’m the lady who absolutely craves a kid-friendly Kill la Kill and even has the best tag on her blog for it (#dark sushio show me the forbidden kid friendly kill la kill).
I’m also not too proud to say that I totally didn’t get a lot of the show. It’d probably take a few more watchthroughs to really appreciate Eva, and even then, I’m not sure I’d ever get anywhere near totally getting it. Of course, I’m sure some aspects of the series will never make any sense at all; for example, I’m flabbergasted that practically all the women in Eva were in love with Gendo, and for all the accusations DARLING in the FRANXX gets for ripping Eva off, I can at least say that Dr. Frank was kind of cute in his younger years, and I can see why Karina was into him. Can’t ever say the same for Gendo, who’s always come across as creepy!
But I digress.
In the end, Eva strikes me as one of those 2deep4me anime, kind of like Devilman Crybaby, a series I would tell you is absolutely excellent but that I don’t particularly understand at all. In the same way, I can appreciate and applaud Eva for what it’s doing, but I know so much of it is flying right over my head.
I still intend to watch End of Evangelion and the rebuild films, but for now, my personal feelings on the franchise are rather lukewarm. I enjoy the characters, there’s a lot I can laud about what the work is doing, but it’s still not particularly my own cup of tea, and I know that I’m not really getting it, either.
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durativo · 5 years
8. Where and when do they seem most and least at ease? Why? How can you tell? 16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like? 21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
42 character development questions!
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8. Where and when do they seem most and least at ease? Why? How can you tell?
Most at ease? The battlefield. For sure. Do you see how he is? He’s laughing, making jokes, poking fun at demons. Dante knows demon culture, he is half demon after all, and they take fighting and usurping deadly serious. Still, he rather just dick around. Dante is confident in his abilities at an extreme level. Enough for DMC’s whole mechanic not even being surviving, but just fighting for style points. Busting heads and stopping the baddie just feels so comfortable for him, it’s like returning to an old friend’s place... except he’s suplexing demons through a table.
The Least at ease? Home. Maybe with Lady or Trish or even Nero and Kyrie if they invite him over. God he’s so unsure how to hang out around people. There’s some fear gnawing at him, he’ll be in the middle of a good laugh and suddenly his mind just goes ‘Suddenly They’ll All Disappear’ and he has to bury that shit deep inside him but it never goes away. To the point that when they DO disappear he’s like ‘oh. of course.’ he almost feels a wave of relief because of course they’re gone, why did he think he was going to get nice things? how foolish -- and then they come back and he’s being a dick to them again, acting like he didn’t miss them or fear for their lives.
always keep em guessing.
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16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like? 
As we saw in DMC5 Dante was asleep for like a full month and ended up vividly dreaming about his mother Eva in his last moments with her. It’s not clear what that memory is to him. Is it a nightmare? It’s the day he lost everything but... he remembers his mother so vividly and feels her holding his hands for the last time, and in those dreams he remembers what his mother’s face looked like, since pictures don’t really do it justice. Is it reassuring? He remembers her telling him to run away from home, and make a new name, and hide himself from the world so that he couldn’t be found.
That’s the one dream I’m aware of. He probably has other, less stressful, less intense dreams like stupid nightmares or dumb thoughts, and he brushes them off, but ever so often a dream gets him in a contemplative state.
Not to mention the dream of Eva must’ve really fucked his head because he was in that coma for like a month, how long was he dreaming about her? How many times did he rerun that thought to make sure he got her face right, he got her hair right, the inside of the closet right, the fire right, the sound of her voice right? All to remind him, to comfort him, to focus him. His mind is surprisingly active in his dreams, whether he likes it or not.
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 21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why? 
Dante doesn’t really seek any relationships, he owns a business but it looks like his customers have to come to him. I would say with Morrison and Enzo and other sort-of helpers and info brokers he actually did have some relationship but I think again these were business partners. As in, hey, use my body as a weapon, send me to do odd jobs, and you and I will benefit, so long as you can actually get me a damn job in exchange for some cash money.
So he’s collected an oddball group of friends, Lady is probably his more genuine friendship as their actual work together culminated in a lot of emotional trauma for Lady, and Dante understands the death of a parent. Trish was... complicated, since she is the spitting image of Eva but also doesn’t give a fuck about him and throws shit at him. Complicated as in... he’s not sure she’s his friend, but he admires and appreciates whatever it is they got going on.
Nero and Kyrie were sort of... there. He wasn’t looking for them, they just sort of fell into his lap, but he cares about them.
Still, Dante is not really busy calling up everyone and checking on them, he’s more like a friend you pass by in the supermarket after not seeing them for 3 years like ‘oh my god it’s you’ and catching up on lost time, but only out of chance, not because he sought you out or even expected it. Dante likes keeping his distance, like I said earlier, his fear that ‘Suddenly They’ll All Disappear’ is really powerful and controls a big aspect of his life.)
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X18 - Bleeding Through
If you don’t like Cora, then I’d recommend you EVA-cuate before this review begins!
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...Fuck what you say! I’m proud of that one!
Anyway, the review is under the cut!
Press Release
After Zelena steals Regina’s heart, Regina casts a spell so that she can speak across the realms to her dead mother, Cora, to discover the truth about why she abandoned Zelena, and Belle stumbles across what Zelena’s ultimate end game is. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was, young Cora is duped by a man claiming to be a prince and finds herself alone and pregnant. But a chance meeting with a real prince could lead Cora to the royal life she’s always craved, but she must keep her pregnancy a secret or risk losing everything.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
The Cora insight in this episode is so great. Like we really see how a woman with ambitions of royalty, but still a level head becomes someone so driven like the Cora who abused Regina so she��d become royalty. ”Revenge is a long-term plan.” I like how even in an episode that is more-or-less leaning towards sympathizing with Cora, there are nuggets of her darker side wedged in there. It really helps balance the story and remind the audience that yeah, this is Cora. There was always that darkness to her, even while she still had her heart.
Everything in this flashback also completely recontextualizes what happened with her and Regina and Daniel’s relationship. Like, of course a love with a commoner would leave Cora just a bit apprehensive. That’s not to excuse her for SHIT, but I do this it’s important to point out nonetheless.
It’s weird that we don’t really reach the meat of this story until the halfway mark. Everything beforehand is more setup than anything and it’s unlike most every other episode in that regard. The closest comparison that I can think of is “Coming Home” which spent its last fifteen minutes as an epilogue.
I compared the Regina/Zelena/Cora conflict to the Snow/Regina/Cora conflict in the past, and I guess now’s as good of a time as any to unpack that. Just like how Snow did something that hurt Regina without meaning to at all, so did Regina to Zelena. Both Snow and Regina in their respective situations were innocents and so were Regina and Zelena victims of Cora. So, is there a point to pointing this out rather than to just say that it exists? Well, I think the latter instance shows the only good way that a complicated issue like this can be resolved: communication and understanding. Snow and Regina grasp this about each other and finally, this is where the bulk of their issues are put to bed. While Snow’s divulgence of her secret comes out, it’s going forward played for laughs in the instance of a corrupted state or as a “what if.”
But ANYWAY, that aside, the Snow/Regina dynamics sits at the heart of the present segment’s story. It’s hinted at early on and blossoms from the end of the failed seance onward. Snow’s apologies to Regina throughout the episode allows for these two women to finally confront the complicated nature of their run-ins with Cora. Cora was a bad person who in the end, got what she deserved, but the mess she left behind wasn’t deserved by those with whom she left it.
All Encompassing
THAT ALL HAVING BEEN SAID, ”She didn’t want to give up Zelena. She was forced to by my mother.” Everything Snow recounts about her possession is utter BULLSHIT and makes me think she has no comprehension skills! To put it bluntly, that aspect of the ending fucking sucks! This would be one thing if this were a few episodes ago, but she’s contradicting things that have and will be in mere minutes literally clarified. Cora DID willingly give up Zelena and all Eva had to do with it was making sure Leopold wasn’t swept up by it. THAT is why “My best chance” is the swerve of a line that it is, because it’s a mother giving up her child to die in the woods with absolutely no remorse! Because of all that, the moment where Snow “exposits” about the present ends up as the weirdest story hole that paints everyone involved in such an unnecessarily weird light. This is either the result of the writers not communicating with each other about the framing or the framing being flat-out wrong. Like, they’re trying to make this a more complicated issue, but are going in the reverse order of things! How did they fuck this moment up so badly?! If they wanted to do that, Eva should’ve been shown in the episode to be a lot more malicious than she was instead of exposing a liar. The actions should’ve been worse, but I’m more on Eva’s side than Cora’s. OR FUCK! LEOPOLD has a giant ass hatedom and he was the one who proposed to someone he was roughly four times older than! Make HIM the baddie! Have him outright reject her for the pregnancy and kick her out, no lie attached. That way, you get to keep the message the same, but give that assholery to someone who deserves it. Just...this element that makes up the moral center of the story is utter GARBAGE here, and it’s so sad given how well set up everything else was. Eva’s move was only douchey if you remove the fact that Cora was keeping such a big secret!
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”Red apples are so sickly sweet. Don’t you agree?”That must be an Enchanted Forest thing, because not in our realm, or at least not compared to Granny Smiths!
-Okay, Zelena’s plan to get Regina’s heart was sinister and ingenious as fuck!
-The way Roland just drops the firewood in his hands upon seeing Rumple is so fucking adorable! #bestcharacter
-Aww! Regina’s first thought when she loses her heart is to ask if anyone was hurt!! <3
-I love the background music in the flashback’s first scene. It’s so bouncy and peppy and just makes me smile!
-Jonathan’s such a sneaky asshole-ish fuck. He has his seduction of Cora down to a freakin’ science!
-”I’ll turn this ring into gold.” Bitch, she’ll do it herself!
-”Can you please tell your mother that we’re not naming your brother Leopold?” Yes! Please don’t!
-”Eva might not work for a boy.” Edwin?
-The Dark Vortex is hands down the silliest thing this show has ever done and I kind of love it.
-”Oh don’t be jealous.” ...This line was said from Zelena to one of her monkeys. Do her monkeys have crushes on her?
-I like the explanation for why they don’t use the seance more. I am curious though, do you think people who have moved on can be communicated with? Like, if Neal were killed with an actual weapon and Zelena were present for it, would he have been able to be summoned?
-”Good luck finding me.” Why? You’re a gardener. You’re pretty easy to find. ...Okay, so you’re just gonna run away from your job? ...You are such a loser.
-Hey! Pre-scummy Leopold! Decent to see you!
-Jeez. Hearing Emma talk about how powerful her magic is hurts! Damnit!
-”I’m not in the mood for a heart-to-heart.” “I’m not sure that’s physically possible right now.” XD That’s an underrated joke and Regina’s chuckle was well earned!
-”You can help with the teacups.” Why is it that teacups are this show’s equivalent of being soft and cute?!
-I love how you can see how freakin’ amazed young Leopold is when Cora takes his knife to make the fire.
-The way Emma says “Boom!” is sooooo cute! She’s so excited and I want that as my fucking text tone! <3
-...I love how Belle for once gets to interrupt someone at Granny’s. This is ending up as the best Belle episode ever and she’s not even the main!
-”You should have a woman dress you more often.” I can’t say that I disagree.
-”Why a heart? Why courage? Why a brain?” Do you think Zelena knows that there’s not only a book series, but a classic movie based around these things?!
-”My son is not lost. He’s dead.” Don’t remind me!
-Haunted house! Why are there so many Halloween episodes that have fuck all to do with Halloween?!
-I love how the possession blends into the next flashback scene! That was COOL storytelling!
-...I know Rumple’s playing her, but damnit, the dude’s dashing as fuck. If I were Zelena, I’d have fallen for him too.
-Damn! Zelena’s touch starved! Have a listen to those gasps!
-”And he said I have a tough placenta, which somehow came out creepy.” Yup, that’s Whale for you.
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Wicked Witch - So we now have Zelena’s plan and I while I stand by what I said in my “It’s Not Easy Being Green” review in saying that it’s kind of pointless going back in time when Cora only wants a child that will grow up to be royalty, the process of how she time travels is nonetheless a good one and Zelena’s the kind of character who is both cocky and talented enough to make it happen.
Regina’s Redemption - We get so much of Regina’s Redemption in this episode and once again, it’s all just spectacular! “If she wants to kill you, she’s gonna have to go through me.” Like, Regina’s not only defending someone who she used to HATE, BUT is freely standing up to her mother. That’s so impressive!
Killian’s Redemption - I think it’s a big show of how much Killian has grown as a character that while not romantically pursuing Emma, he’s still doing everything he can to help the cause while he comes up with another plan. He’s definitely in a complicated spot here and not telling Emma is definitely a mistake, but for his current situation, he’s doing what he can to ensure everyone’s safety.
Rumple’s Redemption - Rumple made a really impressive stride here. Just as much as Rumple mourns for Bae’s loss, he wants to honor the sacrifice he made and thus refuses to resurrect him at the cost of invalidating that sacrifice. Look, Rumple has a tendency to put his needs above others, but with Bae, he will never do that again.
Favorite Dynamic
Belle and Regina. Let’s talk about that apology scene and how good it is. I like how at the start of it, Regina does what she did with the Lost Boys and points how how them working together could benefit them both, but upon seeing that that won’t work (Or that it will, but Belle deserves better), she gives a real apology. And I like how Belle, while working with her, doesn’t necessarily accept it. It’s also a good moment in that it gives Belle a voice as she gets to react to things and get angry, and as Belle isn’t often granted that by the writing staff, I think it’s something that makes those moments stick out more.
Jane Espenson and Daniel Thomsen finish out their work for the season here, and they were doing such a good job...but then they fucked it up! Like, the mistake was easy to fix. Either make Eva do something FAR more villainous than convince Leo to test Cora or axe the “my mom was evil too” angle. But by not going all in on one or the other, you lose the center of your story, and that’s exactly what happened here.
8/10. Not gonna lie. That 8 comes solely from the ending resolution on Eva and Cora. That lack of understanding of what your own narrative was saying is so shocking and appalling to me that I had to take off more than just one point for it. The rest of the story -- both of them -- are so good. How did they not stick the landing? I feel like they were trying so hard to make Cora more complicated that they neglected Eva in the process.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Captain Swan - This is such a weird moment to love as a CS fan, but I still do. Emma’s finally opening up herself more to Killian and Killian can’t do the same, but Emma’s still trying and she’s trying fairly hard! Also, I want to know how that conversation would’ve gone had Belle not stepped in! Would Emma have gotten the truth out of Killian? Would there have been cuddles? It’s anyone’s guess!
Golden Heart - Just gonna point out that when Cora finally showed up, it was in by a spinning wheel of all things!
Outlaw Queen - I like the present buildup to Robin and Regina getting together. Regina’s softness and understanding of them being soulmates on top of their chemistry really helped the expedition of their romance work. Robin’s subdued presence alongside Regina and Snow’s conversation about her resilient heart really helped their kiss come together.
Hey guys!! Thank you all for reading and to those fine and fabulous folks at @watchingfairytales for birthing this project! Also tagging the marvelous @daensarah by request! Love you all and I’ll see you all next time!
Season 3 Total (169/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (39/60) Kalinda Vazquez (26/40) Andrew Chambliss (34/50) Jane Espenson (28/30)* David Goodman (29/40) Robert Hull (30/40) Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (28/30)*
* Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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helldidntwantme · 3 years
Obligatory Evangelion (1995) thoughts because I just finished it today: (spoilers)
Did I like Evangelion? Yes.
Do I think it’s good? Yes.
Is the ending just as confusing as everyone says and would I have liked a more clear ending to the plot? Yes.
Will I be watching the Eva movies? Probably not.
Will I rewatch some episodes at some point just for fun/to compare my first impression of the series with the information I have after watching if? Probably.
I know there’s more to the series than just the ‘95 anime but I kind of don’t want to watch it? Because Shinji (sort of?) gets a happy ending this way after going through hell and back. There were two very infamous scenes that I was waiting for in the anime but was confused when they never happened, only to Google it and realize that’s because they’re in End of Evangelion (1997). The movie seems like it differers tonally than the ‘95 anime and changes Shinji’s character in how his trauma is affecting him. To me he read as mostly kind to other people but just with A LOT of issues but I get the impression that the movies will have him descend into a kind of corrupted madness and starts taking his frustrations out on others and like I don’t want that for him? I don’t want my sweet boy to be ruined I just want him to be happy in heaven or whatever the hell the final two episodes were supposed to represent? Also apparently the producer made the movie End of Evangelion after being harassed by fans who hated the ending and I feel like if people weren’t literally sending him death threats he wouldn’t have made anymore? But that could be partial BS (not about the death threats but about him just making it how he felt like) and it totally could have been like a budget thing but IDK. I know authorial intent doesn’t always matter and I also feel like the criticisms of the show and especially the ending are warranted (obviously not to the point of harassing and threatening its producer) but the idea of the anime’s ending being the one that he wanted to end on just sticks with me. Like maybe all the unanswered shit in the show doesn’t actually matter and maybe it’s the characters we met along the way that mattered. Evangelion was a very emotional show absolutely filled with despair but also some hope? Shinji repeatedly defeats the angels multiple times when the people in NERV repeatedly say that shit has less than a zero percent chance of succeeding. But then as the season progresses shit starts to hit the fan and things become more dreary and dark. So maybe a darker end fits more after all? I’m still thinking about it but either way I don’t want to watch all of the movies please I heard they’re not as good the Florida man said so maybe I’ll watch End of Evangelion at some point hmmmmm mayyyybeeeee no promises either way
There’s a lot of thematic stuff going on with what it means to be human and I like that. Good shit. Got a little bit self indulgent at times but overall good shit. I meant self indulgent in the philosophy stuff not the fan service but sometimes it is with that too but honestly it’s not as bad as some anime I’ve seen so unless you have zero tolerance for that you can probably get through it. The beginning of the season very much feels aimed toward young teenage boys so I understand why there’s fan service of the girls his age but I still feel that some of it was unnecessary and could have been handled in a way that doesn’t ogle them.
Misato and Ritsuko are FINE why have I only seen merch and fan content of the underaged high school girls when you literally have TWO GROWN FINE ASS WOMEN PLEEEEASE THEY’RE BADDIES 😫
Asuka is actually the worst character she is just completely insufferable I do feel sorry for her but I do not like her you will not change my mind you can die mad about it
The gay boy doesn’t show up until like the third to last episode what the hell 0/10
0 notes
wildestheart4ever · 4 years
Crazy that my current fixation on Captain America has me making my ocs heavily inspired by my favorite characters. My new sci-fi fantasy characters Eva, Kal and Darren
Eva Karver is inspired by Steve Rogers [as was my fantasy character, Castian. But he doesn’t share similar backgrounds as Steve so]
Similarities are:
Is a captain of the [Heavily Treasure Planet inspired] ship
A risk taker 
Draws for a hobby [Smth she used to do to put food on the table]
Noble, brave, people smart, tries to see the best in people [She and Kal met in a very violent matter, before she and her brother found very disturbing signs of mental conditionings in Kal].
Inspires faith and loyalty in the people she meets and brings into her life
A few differences between her and Steve Rogers: She has actual relationship experience, so she isn’t quite as awkward. She and Kal had no previous connection upon their meeting. Is a bit more impatient than Steve Rogers. And isn’t quite as forgiving either 
My dude in progress Kal Hayes? Heavily inspired by Bucky Barnes. Cyborg arm and all [Though his arm comes with hidden weaponry].
Hardly has memories of his life before being captured
Made and used as a weapon by the big baddies
Trusts a few select people [Mostly his love interest and her brother, he’s still kinda iffy about their crew]. 
Used to be a charming ladies man [is this a fandom wide accepted hc of Bucky or???], but you know, shit happens and he’s honestly surprised he could still feel attraction to anyone [The big baddies of this universe weren’t exactly interested in having their prized weapon charming their targets, they had others for that]. 
Prone to bouts of silence [But given Bucky was a side character with hardly any lines or screen time to begin with, I’m not sure if this is an actual thing with him]
Differences between him and Bucky is: He’s still a very chatty person. Prone to taking more violent measures than the rest of the crew. Doesn’t shy away from intimidation tactics. Vengeance against his captors was the first thing on his mind once out of their control.
Darren Karver [who’s the brother of my main sci-fi female oc] shares similarities with Sam Wilson.  
Notable very much like his sister, hence why they get along just fine. 
Though unlike Ava, he’s not so quick to trust people.......
Or not very much inclined to hear the baddie of the day speak what’s on their mind.
Has an odd habit of using weapons that are inappropriate for the situation [ala ‘bring a knife to a gun fight’ mode] and still comes out winning. 
He and Kal tend to snark at each other quite often. Darren can’t say he’s fond of the guy, and can’t quite see what his sister sees in him
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fyeahtheorossi · 7 years
“I mean, obviously, I can never say anything about anything about anything,” Theo Rossi laughed, before joking that his phone has been tapped since the day he joined the Marvel Universe. The Marvel's Luke Cage star shared a tiny tease when ET caught up with him earlier this summer, just before filming began on season two of the Netflix hit: "I know Cheo [Hodari Coker, the show's creator] has some cool things planned."
Luke Cage himself, Mike Colter, played things just as coy when ET caught up with him at the premiere of his new film Girls Trip. "I think we're gonna mix it up a little bit, and we know what kind of show we are this season," he shared.
"The second season will be a little different than the first one. I'm really excited about it. I'm excited about the new villains," Colter said, possibly referring to Mustafa Shakir (The Night Of) and Gabrielle Dennis (Rosewood), who have been added to the cast as John McIver (aka Bushmaster) and Tulsa Johnson (aka Nightshade), respectively.
While these might not be Earth-shattering spoilers, Rossi credits that same element of surprise with making the series stand out and with shaping his character, Hernan "Shades" Alvarez, into one of the Marvel’s most interesting villains. After admitting he's a little biased, Rossi declared, “I felt like I had one of the greatest journeys of a villain in the Marvel [universe], because he was the guy you never saw coming. It just took a couple episodes for people to kind of take notice of that.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Marvel show where the good guy gets carted off to jail and the bad guys are sitting there notorious at the end,” the actor continued, musing about the end of season one. “I think that’s why it made Luke Cage so successful, that it was very unpredictable. And I think that Shades – you had all these big villains and all these people that looked like they were the top dog and they all kept getting taken out, while he just keeps moving up -- he’s like a cerebral assassin.”
One of the few left standing at the end of the first season was fellow baddie Mariah Dillard, played by Alfre Woodard. "Black Mariah" and Shades have a special connection, and it turns out that Rossi loves "#ShadyMariah" as much as the fans do, telling ET “it’s such a devious and cool relationship.”
Rossi went on to praise Woodard as both an actress and humanitarian to admire. Plus, he admitted that she is his first big love interest in his career. "I basically get to have a dance partner in Alfre Woodard, who is one of the most decorated actresses working in the business," he said, citing his co-star's 17 Primetime Emmy nominations (and four wins), her Academy Award nomination and numerous other accolades. "I just get excited when I’m around Alfre, because she’s got the youthfulness and the heart of a young teen. And she acts and plays in scenes like it’s her first time, every time, and that’s all I search for in my dance partners."
He also noted the parallels between his roles on Luke Cage, Sons of Anarchyand his latest film Lowriders, in particular, the strong actresses they all featured. "I've been fortunate enough to act with very strong, beautiful women in this business,” Rossi said of working with Woodard in addition to Katey Sagal on SOA and Eva Longoria on Lowriders. “Eva is a boss. Like Katey [and] Alfre, they come in -- and you’ve got to understand they’ve come through the business when it wasn’t as easy -- and here they are, incredibly decorated, still standing."
Rossi acknowledges that it's not just the women he shares the screen with that he admires, saying, "I’m a guy who’s raised by women -- my sister, my nana, and my mother -- so I’ve always had a certain, not just a level of respect, but a certain awe of how women navigate in this world and especially in a business like this."
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