#WHY did he get so intense PLEASE he looks like when a cat goes into silly attack mode HELP
lizardthelizard · 1 year
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August in every episode: Season 1, Episode 11 "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree"
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bonefall · 7 months
.. opinions on wind runner? i feel like im one of the only ones that genuinely hates her sometimes
If you feel like the only one who genuinely hates her, I think you need to look around more. Wind Runner is a very widely disliked character, because she's often used within the story as a small antagonist who "threatens" the authority of Tall Shadow. Gray Wing dislikes her. Thunder is openly cat-racist to her. She spends several books trying to break through the moor cats' xenophobia to join a group that came to HER LAND.
Then, when Moth Flight is old enough to be a relevant character in Forest Divided, Wind Runner is turned into Yet Another mean mom the very moment Moth displays ADHD. She's contrasted to her mate Gorse Fur, who is a Soft And Good Dad, and ultimately MASSIVELY punished with the harrowing events of Moth Flight's Vision (even though, for most of that book, she's completely right.)
Ask yourself why they're especially harsh on WIND RUNNER for being mean to her child, in the arc with Tom the Fucking Wifebeater and his redemption death, plus Thunder being forced to stop being mad at his abuser Clear Sky, please.
To me, Wind Runner is an intense, ambitious woman who's demonized for it in a way that men just aren't. She's subject to several misogynistic trends within WC, plus a huge helping of xenophobia that goes absolutely unexamined. If DOTC cared at all about women, it would have treated her with the nuance she deserves.
Wind Runner is treated with nearly endless suspicion by Gray Wing through books 1 - 3, while he's bending over backwards to suck Clear Sky's toes.
Her wanting to join the group that came TO HER HOME and being a bit pushy about it earns a stronger reaction from Gray Wing than Clear Sky murdering people.
She's pressured into changing her name "to fit in," and it's still not enough. She wanted to join the group so bad she changed her name, at the request of the Mountain Cats, for a chance of being better accepted
This came after she'd already saved Jagged Peak's life when a burrow collapsed on him. She's plenty trustworthy.
She keeps doing shit to try and prove herself to this group of assholes. Remember Bumble being dragged back to her domestic abuser? Gray Wing interprets this as a power struggle, when WIND RUNNER WAS NOT EVEN PART OF THE GROUP AT THE TIME.
From Wind Runner's POV, she did something that the Moor cats wanted done. It was fucking evil. It was committing violence against another member of the out-group the cats see her as.
But who actually has the power here? Tall Shadow does.
Gray Wing said it himself that she could have come up with some excuse for Bumble to stay, and she didn't. In fact, any cat could have spoken up. No one did.
and still. STILL. Wind Runner gets nothing. Her reward is Gray Wing surmising that actually, her doing their sick dirtywork was a political move.
It's more consistent as a motivation with how Wind Runner wants to join their group. The thing she's been doing.
She only actually gets to join the group after Thunder starts publicly hurling slurs at her for suggesting they need to be ready for Clear Sky to attack them. "What do you know about peace? Last time I was here you were NOTHING BUT A ROGUE WITH A ROGUE'S NAME"
Gray Wing even starts purring when she gives birth, because her ambition goes away briefly and she "stops bossing everyone around." this is treated like a sweet thing. god forbid women retain their personalities when they have kids
She loses her first premature child to a seizure and Gray Wing starts proselytizing his religion to her. "Maybe it's a good thing your weakest child died because Jesus has them now" I want to beat him with a hammer
When her second child gets sick, Clear Sky has a bright idea that involves killing it. I refer to this as his "reverse leper colony" suggestion. He only develops a sense of humanity towards the sick when his brother's pregnant wife is in danger. Wind Runner and her kitten barely seem to clock as people to him.
It's only after her SECOND baby succumbs to a horrible, painful death that she decides the moor cats are assholes, and she goes to start her own group. It's LONG overdue. I was extremely excited to see it.
Now. Listen.
I've been treated just like Moth Flight before. I've practically heard the scolding in Book 6 Chapter 3 verbatim. I'm not downplaying anything about Wind Runner being harsh to her; being yelled at like that never fixed the problem.
What I'm saying is that this is the SAME arc that summons the hollowed-out ghost of Storm to coo that Clear Sky "never drove anyone away" with his abusive behavior and gives Tom the Wifebeater a heroic redemption death.
So why is the scolding from Wind Runner treated as unambiguously harsh? What's the difference between her and them?
Why is it that outside of this little bubble of the community, you can get buried in a flood of people crying about how "Clear Sky made Summisteaks Butt he thought it was the right thing :((( He feels bad about shoving Thunder's face in a weeping, pus-filled wound and trying to kill him :((((" but Wind Runner is mean about Moth Flight not catching a rabbit and she should be skinned alive
Why is WIND RUNNER held responsible for the death of Clear Sky's child in Moth Flight's Vision, WHEN IT WAS COMPLETELY HIS OWN FAULT??
So, why should I hate her? Because she's mean to the idiot protagonists? Because she's Yet Another Bad Mom whose actions ARE treated as Bad in the story, in the arc famous for openly weeping whenever someone's mad at their abusive dad?? When she has this whole horrific, unexamined story about how incredibly bigoted The Settlers are towards her and the extremes she goes to in order to please them?
I'm glad she's mean, actually. She should have been even meaner. I think she should have a gun
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txtmetonight · 6 months
Garlicky Revenge ✆
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call summary ⋆ ★ Jungwon hates your new punishment
pairing *. * Vampire! Yang Jungwon x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Fluff
warnings *. crude language, it's just really fluffy lol, grammar mistakes
call duration⋆ ★ 824
a/n*. * I loved this one but please tell me why it took me forever to find a pic for the banner oml and he's so cute i'm gonna cry help me
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet
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“(Y/n), you’re not serious, are you?”
“As serious as I can be, Jungwon!” You scoff, turning away to withhold a growing smile on your face, yet it slowly diminishes when your eyes water from the intense smell, strung upon your neck.
“You can’t refuse me like this, love! You… you don’t even like it either, I can see it on your face!” He points an accusatory finger at you, making you burst into loud chuckles before you shake your head.
“You told me that you would stop sneaking behind me like that when I was in the bathroom. I almost had a fucking heart attack because of you yesterday. This is what you get now.”
Jungwon cringes at the way garlic moves when you sway back and forth, waiting for him to take a step closer, a rather smug grin on your face when his lips quirk down into a nastier grin. “This isn’t fair!” He whines, sounding like a petulant toddler. “I’ve missed you so much and you won’t even let me hug you?! I think I might actually die.”
“You’re not going to die, Wonnie. Plus, you’ve lived without me for like… 400 years before. What’s another week?” You’re teasing; the stench was already giving you a well-deserved headache, so it wouldn’t be long before you took the odd neckwear off. But it was still amusing to see the way that he freezes completely, going paler than he was before.
“You–you’re kidding? A week?! I’m not waiting for that long!” He cries, and before you know it, a small black cat appears just where Jungwon stands, its eyes already pulled to mimic great sorrow.
It meows and wails pitifully, pawing the living room carpet, knowing well enough that cats were preferably your biggest weakness. A trump card played well by your boyfriend whenever times become desperate.
“Oh, you can’t do that to me!? That’s so not fair!”
The cat (Jungwon) rolls over in despair and raises a furry paw over its head to mimic death, letting out a shrill cry. Rounding the island countertop, you finally sigh and give in by taking off the garlic and wiping your neck and hands with a wet washcloth while you try to trap some of the anger you were feeling before.
But how could you even be furious at him, even when he transforms back into his normal self, sharp canines glinting while he happily smiles at you, his back on the ground? Your heart swells at the sight, and butterflies skim your stomach. “I fucking hate you, Yang Jungwon,” you grumble, yet you couldn’t help but scoot a little closer to him sheepishly.
Perhaps you did miss him more than you wanted to admit.
“Really? Well, that’s a shame because I really love you, pretty girl.” Jungwon pats next to him, and when you point at your neck, where the spice left its odor on your skin, he waves it off dismissively. “A really big shame,” you giggle when he slightly gags at your arm touching his cheek. Nevertheless, he pulls you closer and pretends to chomp on your hand, your cheeks turning red as he puts a soft kiss to where he bit you.
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I was going to die if you weren't in my life anymore.”
You shake your head and press a chaste kiss to his jaw. “Me too. I don’t think I can imagine my future without you.”
“Yeah, but would you drive a stake through your heart for me?” He jokes but then goes silent when you just stare at him, eyes swirling with so much love, his non-beating heart thrumming alive for a few moments, just under your gaze.
“I would willingly live with you for eternity.”
Jungwon’s eyes grow wide as he gets up from his position to look at you in awe. “No, you woul–”
“I would really. For you, Wonnie… I suppose I would do anything,” you say, and before he could say anything, you pull him into a kiss, soft and sweet. His fingers cascade the side of your face gently, and your hand encases itself in his hair, tugging it lightly when he wouldn’t let you take a breath.
“I love you. I really do,” he quietly says.
“I love you too.”
And the moment goes silent for a while, your lips just ghosting over him in a tender peace you wished would last forever. With him by your side.
But then the gentle second is lost when Jungwon opens his stupid mouth, earning a hit from you.
“You said you would do anything, yeah? First off, please don’t ever punish me with garlic ever again; I was seriously going to cry!”
“Really? Next time, I’m going to move houses and never ever invite you inside!”
Jungwon gasps and clutches his shirt dramatically. It makes you roll your eyes, but you rub your cheek over his chest in affection.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 10 months
What if I just read "The Art of Losing" by @wafflelate a million billion times because it's my favorite.
Anyway the rest of this post is just going to be me going !!!!! so, spoilers ahead
Things I think intensely about:
-how suna is going to react to Gaara deciding to become the kazekage
-how any detractors of his new position are going to be IMMEDIATELY shut down because the "first" thing he does is "contract with a seals mistress to get the dead wastes converted into arable land" (who is going to prove it WASNT a seal? Sunas sealing sucks lol. And technically it did originate from a seal. Gelels seal.)
-how devastated Gai is going to be upon learning literally everything Kakashi went through
-how pissed as fuck people are going to be upon discovering that root seals can apparently block soulmate bonds? I feel like sealing people without their informed consent is about to become very very illegal outside of emergency circumstances.
-how the fuck is cat feeling. Does he believe Kakashi is dead? Does he hope Kakashi is alive?
-nara shikakunand yoshino are about to fucking eviscerate the elder council. Either they were aware of this bullshit or they were criminally negligent. Oh, what's that inoichi and shibi? Some of your family got kidnapped too? Maybe we should bring torture back to t&i. Just this once.
-kakashi is going to be so fucking proud of shikimaru. In his super repressed way. Maybe in a he deserves that legacy more than I ever did if he's feeling self deprecating.
-do you think temari has to sit through a million drafts and revised versions of kankuros shikabane play the more information comes out. Soul mates who were cut off completely from their connection, one believing the other dead, and the other never even educated about soul bonds. Them still recognizing each other enough that Kakashi was kind to her and she freed him instead of killing him. Please kankuro why can't you make the fight scenes longer.
-shikaku seeing shikakos complete shadow transformation and being like "yeah that's insanely dangerous to so much as think about attempting, I don't want to consider how bad things had to be for her to create that. Forbidden jutsu on account of who the fuck knows how she didn't end up falling into the black"
-does Gai feel like he failed Kakashi. Does he swear never to do so again. Imagine him thanking shikako for saving his friend. Imagine Kakashi being shocked Gai still considers him a friend
-hi inoichi this is my soulmate Kakashi, he did not take thinking I was assassinated well at all, do you have any self help books because he hates talking about feelings
-obviously she knows about seals because danzo wanted his own nara level intelligent seal master. Obviously she hid as much of her skill as she could from him because she isn't stupid.
-anyway here's a book a better storage scroll some medical seals and the seal to get rid of roots evil tattoo of shittyness.
-actually now I'm thinking about what if she DOES join suna because Kakashi has trouble feeling safe in konoha or just because being around a shikamaru who never knew her and idolizes Kakashi is kind of awkward.
-if they share dreams do you think she explains her original world to Kakashi after he dreams of cities he's never seen.
-wondering who was the first person to remember the lookalike yoshino nara missing nin that got mentioned in that one report.
-if I think about how nervous Kakashi is going to be the first time he trolls shikako and how he'll feel when she grins or laughs or goes along with it I experience An Emotion™
-"I don't know if you'll like them, but here's other you's favorite books. They make a good social barrier, and you've been looking a little overwhelmed."
-yoshino is going to cry so so so much. Her baby needed her all this time and she never knew it.
-kakashi learning that he was absolutely invited to shikakos funeral and danzo is just a dick who lies
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turtlesocksv2 · 1 month
4 Minutes ep 4
lol oh we're just jumping right in to Win finding out Tonkla's a murderer??? Ok! i like it! But anyway Win, you better answer that phone when your murder twink is calling, you promised! I really need clarification on where in the timeline the cold opens are, i know they're in a separate timeline but WHERE in the separate timeline.
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"let's go to the hospital! Where hopefully i can talk to Tyme and ask him What The Fuck?!" LMAO Great you cannot interrupt a surgery just because you want to ask your situationship What The Fuck?!
These flash backwards are getting more and more intense for Great. Yeah, i'm thinking the theory that he's actively dying on the table are true, because it's taking more and more to restart his heart each time.
"i don't have any more family, I feel lost" "You still have me" my GUY, please! he's known you for like a week or two at most! Win is down baaaaaad. Tonkla has him completely dickmatized AND pussywhipped.
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Sammon really does love the "let's move in together to protect each other from the shady guys trying to stop us from Investigating Crime" and you know what? Good for her. I respect it.
Oh shit, here comes Korn. Explosion commencing in 5...4...
Win;s little pantsless shuffle is so funny. If I was Tonkla I would not be letting Korn's trifling ass in my house.
Korn, Tonkla is CLEARLY not feeling it. Read the room. At least when Tonkla manages to tell Korn what happened, Korn does immediately stop and go into Rich Guy I Can Fix This mode. The absolute LEAST he can do after ghosting his sugarbaby for weeks.
Aww, poor Win is so upset about Korn. he really is the nicest character on this show, like, as a person. everyone else is kind of awful in different ways. And I mean, he IS a cop so he's not immune but. He really is a decent human being!
He can also pick Tonkla up and fuck him against a wall which is What Tonkla Deserves. get that Hot Cop Dick, Tonkla.
Ooooooh, Tonkla's cat is dead and that's why he looked so Shook ep 1 when that black cat showed up. and I see why Tonkla's been pining for senpai, Korn is very sweet with him here in the flashback.
Korn broke his promise to go public with their relationship. so disappointing but not surprising.
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Glad we're all being validated about the 4 minutes brain death thing.
the time honored tradition of getting your mark drunk to get him to spill his secrets. good job remembering to delete the evidence that you sent it to yourself, Great!
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But of course Great goes by himself. sheltered little rich boy doesn't realize the danger.
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Adrenaline High Great is very cute, but it makes me worried that his heart is like, gonna explode. the man is Fragile. Bible and characters with heart problems 2/3
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I really don't know what's going to happen once Korn wakes up, hungover, and gets told that Great took Nan. Or once Daddy Sriwatsombat gets told. Like, Great was not thinking ahead.
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Fuaiz and Bible are playing two very different kinds of Babygirl . Tonkla is Femme Fatale version and Great is Girl Next Door. if Next Door is a Gated Community.
Oooooo, I love the reveal of Dome being Tonkla's brother and there being 2 timelines. Like, we all assumed it, but the way they did it with the blur and the text on tonkla's shirt and the camera work, the shadow reveal of the memorial tablet...I loved it.
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this show is so fucking good you guys.
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slowd1ving · 15 days
Hi! Swanon here 🦢
I loved reading your yapping to my question. I feel like i understand your Moze much better now ! I love that he feels so much yet doesn't know what or why. Im so excited to get him in 3 days.
I also casually think about your dan heng fic that was the prologue to the blade one. And i had another question ! Hopefully, you dont mind. I was wondering if things would have gone Dan Hengs way if only he had confessed in that closet. I remember the protag was like annoyed at the thought of Dan Heng asking someone else to teach him the game, but then was ok with the friends with benefits arrangement.
Like would the protag have accepted, or had to have some time to think about it. Would the protag be more or less willing to move in with him. Also, would the Astral express ever tell the protag about Dan Heng's feelings, or do they respect his privacy that much. Would Kafka get in the way, or would she let things happen, however that goes.
I dont know if it's noticeable, but i love thinking about all the possibilities and timelines. Im also sorry for yapping. Take your time. I 6 read Ratios' fic yet, but im sure it will be a great read again. I just need to get in a Ratio mood, haha.
I'm glad I was somewhat coherent in that longass Moze analysis since I have so many damn thoughts about this man. (I caved and used my pity for feixiao and got both of them; her playstyle is genuinely so fun?? sorry ratio lmao)
Speaking of that Dan Heng fic I was actually reading it today to just deconstruct how I write... crazy.. Honestly it would've absolutely gone his way had he confessed; when I tend to write an MC I usually lean to a somewhat blunt personality (that occasionally comes of as quite crude), so MC is someone who values communication. Alas, Dan Heng is nothing of the sort... alas. Sorrows and prayers. You're right, I did try to hint at MC's jealousy when thinking of Dan Heng pulling someone else into that closet, because both of them were sort of tiptoeing into 'feelings' territory. Dan Heng knew but was in verbose denial; MC just felt irritated about it and likely just blamed it on the drinks lmao.
Anyways with both the Dan Heng and Blade series, their lack of voicing how they feel about something makes them both veryyy entertaining to write for. Like quiet, simmering jealousy? Elite. MC's also written to be quite an intense and adaptable character to complement theirs, which is also why he doesn't mind being fwbs with both. (WENCH!!! VILLAGE WENCH!)
But again, the MCs I write tend to value dialogue more, while also brushing off any advances of characters. Therefore any feelings he had for either would've been pushed down subconsciously since both Dan Heng and Blade are SHIT at having heart to hearts.
Genuinely, in terms of a relationship, whoever confessed first would've had a better chance. Like MC has chemistry with both of them so it would've been quite easy to form a relationship with either, or at least I hope it reads that way. Yes, MC would've moved in with Dan Heng 100% (even in that one blade one he was READY to jump ship lmao).
To answer the Astral Express part, I feel like they wouldn't outright tell reader. Like they'd absolutely make fun of Dan Heng for it (and for his lack of game tbh.. because how is shitcommunication #2 confessing first... bro... one job.. you've got a chest in your mouth instead of WORDS). And Kafka... she's just there for the entertainment tbh; that one section where I included her just terrorising Dan Heng by being all touchy with MC... lmao she's fully using the best friend privileges just to kick this emotionally constipated doofus into action
But honestly, she's rooting for Blade 100%. It's just a consequence of being closer with him naturally (she'll support MC either way tbh); like the poor guy's smiling for once he no longer looks like a wet cat... please date this man... he has not smiled once since starting his engineering degree (joke) (not really) (this will be me next year)
Which is why she's helping him more proactively by essentially dragging the two of you together; like she's still kicking Dan Heng into realising his feelings by dragging you away from him, but that's away from him, unlike with Blade.
speaking of both of them there's actually a little both of them fic idea festering in my mind.... gosh... anyways...
for the alternate timelines, same. Not just because there's a grillion different ways for a scene to play out, but it's so intriguing to think what MC might've done differently. Bro MC getting caught with Blade by Dan Heng would be MAD icel. (...anyways)
ratio mentioned ratio mentioned
For the fic you're referring to there will be some slight aventurine / reader so... but honestly it's more focused on worldbuilding initially rather than romance
anyways slowd1ving yap has concluded I'm currently working on an inbox request and on chapter 4 of lament of ouroboros hell yeah
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fake fic title: i made me a garden
i made me a garden: trish practices the fine art of making train cars, and gives each of her new capos a gift.
"what do you call this one?" carrie asks.
she's a little startled when trish pivots on one heel to look back at her, seeming overly pleased. then again, carrie's been quiet for most of this tour. she can get away with it when the conductor's inner circle is all together as a group; fugo and jason's bickering alone is enough to save her from any conversational voids to fill. today's been so full of excitement - exclamations, oohing-and-aahing, even some folks (roxas) getting a little weepy - that carrie thought for certain no one would notice her utter lack of input.
but trish did. trish always does. carrie's not sure why it still surprises her, being noticed in that intense way trish has. maybe because she's spent so much of her life being looked at with contempt, or not at all.
"edison lighthouse," trish says brightly, at the same time as jason says, "okay, you can't call it that."
he doesn't elaborate. trish gives carrie a shrug that's a little apologetic, like she doesn't know what he's talking about, and carrie shrugs back. she doesn't see the problem with the name. the car is half lighthouse, half greenhouse, all plants soaking up the sun as it pours in through wide panes of glass. it's wide open and beautiful, and it smells like an herb garden.
"i think it's nice," carrie says, both because she feels like trish is waiting to hear what she thinks and because she does. really. it's not something she'd lie about - and lying's a sin, anyhow.
"good." trish grins. "i mean, i was hoping you would. since it's yours."
carrie has the distinct feeling of being coaxed, as though she's a stray cat trish is leaving out food for and urging under cover from rain. it's a feeling she doesn't know what to do with. she wonders if trish is lonely, staying by herself at the front of the train while everyone else wanders off. if that's why trish is trying to give them more permanent homes to come back to.
"thank you," carrie says, because she's nothing if not polite. she goes silent again for the rest of the walk through the car, trailing her hand through the plants and coming away reeking of rosemary.
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themightyhumanbroom · 9 months
So why exactly was Shadow so grumpy? Did it have anything to do with his earlier mission? And was taking it out on the wet cat really necessary?
Will we get to see Belle put her new weapon system to use? And will she go feral? Please tell me she'll go feral.
1. In Fury Oh Fury, Shadow was already having a super shitty day before the mission even started and it didn't get better from there:
Shadow was, to put it simply, having a profoundly shitty day. Fell out of bed face first from flailing around from a nightmare, found out he was completely out of coffee beans and learned they discontinued his favorite shampoo. That was just the first two hours. Then he was suddenly assigned a mission by G.U.N. to investigate an Eggman base to find some sensitive tech, derailing his plans to visit a record store that opened recently. Then when he left his apartment he got drenched by water when a car ran over a puddle near him. It only got worse when on his way to the rally point where he was to meet Rouge and Omega his motorcycle decided to blow a tire and he had to run the rest of the way there.  When they finally got to the Egg base (it was raining intensely the entire time by the way) it turns out the intel was way off. The Egg base was not lightly guarded; it was a veritable fortress! During their assault on it, Omega, in a braindead decision to prove his strength, decided to tank a very avoidable attack from a giant squid badnik. It didn't work out and he lost his left arm and both his legs. After cleaning up the rest of the badniks they found out the thing they were looking for wasn't even there!
The mission was a complete clusterfuck, which only angered Shadow further as they then had to go out of their way to fix Omega when all he wanted to do was go to bed and forget the day ever happened. When you get to that level of anger it could be anything that could set you off, and unfortunately it was Kit innocently asking to see his rocket boots that finally caused him to snap. To Shadow's credit though he realized he fucked up immediately but it was far too late as Surge rolled up right after he yelled at Kit.
2. Yes we will get to see Belle use her weapon system that Omega makes for her. Yes she will have a Rip and Tear Doom Slayer moment where she goes feral. Its more than likely gonna be a shotgun of sorts.
Thank you for the questions!
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Punished 3.5🟢
“-god, how long have I been transcribing her holy words? I have lost track of time…”
Moses mumbled to himself. He was locked  in a dark dank dusty room filled with books for him to transcribe perfectly as a punishment. The catch is that he won’t be released until he did so. Not bad, right? Well, now that he had this bandage on his head, it became too much for him to do. He had to do this for 100 books, each about 500 words each.
“If you mess up once, you have to transcribe the whole section again. If you mess up three times, you will have to do the whole book. And if you mess up 10 times altogether, you will have to transcribe ALL 100 books again from scratch!”
And then she left. It’s been 6 whole days and thankfully he was almost done. The first day he had to redo all of his progress and he ended up breaking down in pain and agony from his injury, but mostly from his Goddess disregarding him. It was an awful feeling as he continued on, dried tears from many painful wounds on his head and his heart.
“I must finish! I must prove to her I’m worthy! I must get her the truth!”
He whispered. Goddess Fernilla was mostly alone with her thoughts as she barely reads the transcribed material. This was meant to be a punishment. Moses going rogue like this was very much unlike him. The other method would be beating HIM to death. She wouldn’t be able to bear hearing him in pain.
“Why would be kill an innocent person? He better have a reason when he’s done.”
She said. Then she felt her neck tug.
“Ah, already? It hasn’t been 6 days already?”
She said and then gets down from her seat and opens the portal to the underside. The room goes red as she goes to sit back down. Out comes the black cat himself, Narinder, the one who waits, Him.
“Took you long enough, I need to talk to you, Fernilla”
Fernilla sighs. What does he want now?
“Any reason why you’re asking for me again? It better be important , Narinder”
“Yes, I’m aware that your little “hero” has done a mercy kill! And you’re punishing him?”
He said. Fernilla sighs. Here they go again. What were the odds he’d ask about this?
“A follower, with such intense strength, willing to do mercy kills for you! Who knows what this means for your cult. Instead of rewarding him, you are punishing him! That’s absurd!”
“He cannot go around and killing random people! This cult has rules! If I don’t punish him, then we end up with Vigilantes! This is not anything for you to get your hands on”
She said. Narinder scoffs
“He would be better with me! I’d let him level cults in my name! He’d be perfect, but I guess you’re okay ruining him like this. Forget it, I’m out”
And just like that, he leaves back for the underside for another 6 days. What a waste of a day honestly.  Goddess Fernilla leans back in her chair, squeezing her forehead. What has she gotten herself into?  She didn’t even ask him about the lamb problem they were having. Then a servant comes to her.
“My goddess, Moses has finished transcribing. What should we do now?”
“Bring him here”
She says as the servant leaves. Moses then appears in front of her. He falls to his knees as Fernilla gets up, towering over him.
“My goddess…please, allow me to explain myself for the death of Lucas, please…”
He said. She looked at him, his head looked like it was healing, which was good and his hands looked red and sore. He isn’t picking up his sword anytime soon so hopefully he can shed some light on what exactly happened.
“Fine Moses, speak”
“Thank you my merciful goddess…I know this is outside of the realm of possibility but please listen to me. Lucas was a heretic! I saw his eyes glow red like- like HIS!”
Fernilla moves up. She knows what he’s talking about. Narinder. But how can that be?
“He even grew dark appendages and clawed me!”
He said as he lifted his shirt! It was completely taped up but still, the gashes looked deep to her. Fernilla was getting worried.
“What else do you know?”
“I know that he told me he was a servant of HIM and they might be lying in wait for the perfect moment to strike! They might go after Noelle!”
Fernilla slammed her fist through her chair
“He’s a traitor! I knew it!”
She said. She holds her hand. Moses tries to take a look, but she was running on adrenaline, pacing the room
“I asked him…I trusted him to help…but now he’s going after MY lambs?!? The ones that are left? That bastard!”
She said. She felt her neck. No…she sealed her fate. There was nothing to protect her…but there might be a way to protect them.
“Moses…come my dearest…”
Moses nearly melted at the soft face of hers and approached softly. She pulls him in close and hugs him
“Forgive me for punishing you so harshly”
“No, you were in your right. If you didn’t…then anyone can just kill someone they disagreed with. I was an example of your will…and Noelle…I must apologize to her…”
“You absolutely will…but let’s give her some space…she didn’t seem in the right headspace to hear about anything Lucas related”
She said and before she gets up, Moses touches her neck. Only person who is allowed to touch her. He feels it.
“My goddess…I know I am a mere follower to you…but I refuse to let you wallow away in pain. Share some of your pain with me…please…”
He said. She’ll never understand how he can still follow her after what she did to him, but she decided that she needed to tell Moses what she did. And what will happen next.
“Come Moses…I must tell you about Narinder and me…and our deal…”
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
[ Isaac ] There are few things in this world that could be genuinely disturbing and, by god, having a thin, pale mortician stare at you with a stern, unblinking gaze for minutes at a time might as well be among them. It might get even worse when he finally decided to approach the person he was so intensively focused upon and boldly invade their personal bubble by leaning in really close and grab them by the shoulder. "...Please, do not move," he asks lowly as his other hand reached into their hair to pull out a tiny little insect. Pleased, Isaac leans right back out and brings up the little creature so both of them could observe.
"...Yes, as i suspected, it is indeed Coccinellidae septempunctata, more commonly known as the Ladybug~"
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Sabria had only ventured outside because Avellino and Luca had forced her outside, even if only for an hour. Fingers twitch, at the crowd of people that passes her. This is exactly why the streamer stays inside, because why were there so many people out here? Did they not have lives ? Hobbies ? With the dwindling sun, she heaves a sigh, lips pouting when she realizes that her hour is about to be up. Thankfully, because fuck is she ready to go back in the house.
Prickles on the back of her neck have her turning to catch the eye of a guy, he was…..unnerving, especially with the way he just stared without blinking. Did he have staring contests with cats or something ? Sienna eyes looked elsewhere before going back to him as she fidgeted, hand coming up to rub at the side of her neck. What was he staring at ? Sabria goes to put her hand down but he moves and is suddenly in her space, and goosebumps break out along her flesh.
He was so close….Ah, a lady bug ! The little critter must've found it's home in her hair when she was sitting in the grass earlier, the notion doesn't freak her out but the guy ? Oh, he should've just lead with that. ❝ ━ Wow, so ya nerd out about insects, huh ? Tha's adorable. ❞ She keeps her voice to a whisper as sienna gaze inspects the creature as it crawls around his fingers. The streamer doesn't know about bugs, but she likes learning new things. Lifting her gaze to meet his, she grins warmly, ❝ ━ Know any interestin' facts about them ? 'Fraid I don' get out often, but I'd listen if ya wanna nerd out a bit. ❞ / @of-elitiism
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onemoresketch · 2 months
Because of intensely personal reasons I have started exploring some things that have bothered me for a really long time about my attitude toward myself and my tendency to people-please.
I grew up with two emotionally immature parents that both struggled to communicate without taking negativity or criticism personally. Neither have been to therapy, and my brother has been strongly suspected of having ADHD(inattentive type) by multiple people. However no one has seen a therapist or even begun working on getting diagnosed.
That said it’s entirely their choice. They don’t see the point of it, and I’m not one to start a conversation on that topic until I’m 100 percent sure they’ll listen without jumping into defensiveness.
Which might be a while.
In the meantime I’ve been looking into my own history and experiences. To my untrained eye my childhood trauma and personality seem within the realm of normal until one considers the level of anxiety I deal with. Lack of control is terrifying to me, so much so that I can become obsessed with something until I take care of it. Is the stove off? I go check. Should we buy the external support for the air conditioner instead of building our own so it doesn’t squash someone? I bug my husband about it incessantly until he goes and buys it. Did I close that closet door with the cat locked inside? I go look.
It’s nearly constant. And exhausting.
I have been officially diagnosed with GAD by my primary care doctor, but I still don’t understand why I deal with shame and such insistent low self esteem. A part of me wonders if there is something else. Like ADHD.
I have taken a few quizzes out of curiosity and all results point to yes, but I know the dangers of self-diagnosis. There’s no way I will pay money for a quiz or for treatment that isn’t even remotely official.
I do remain curious, though.
For now it will have to remain curiosity. I’m not in the financial situation where this is a high priority…yet. Until then I will just keep trying to be better without telling myself that I’m too much - too pushy, too intense, too emotional…
Because when you’re all of those things it’s hard to be kind to yourself. I want to at least do that for 11 year-old me.
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Cancelled Episode 9 "Major or minor"
"Yo mama so old, she was around when Burger King was still a prince!"
-yo mama jokes series
"So, we have a rather important case that we need your help to solve, but let's give you the background context first," the absolute confidence in his voice is what gets me, filthy half-blood self-loves better than I do.
We're on the way to his office, presumably. We're having a nice, long chat together-minus those bloody handcuffs, of course. God, those were horrendously uncomfortable.
"By the way, I would like to ask a question-are you a human?" One who is unaware of the context might even say I'm nosy.
"If that's because you've sensed the presence of a Tengu in me, then yes, I am a human," He so nonchalantly replies.
"Kineticore?" I ask.
"Aero, you?"
"Are you assuming I'm a human here too? Well...Photo."
We reach his office which is considerably big and a considerable distance from the interrogation room.
"The name's Disparage, you?" He, again, nonchalantly gives his name and asks for mine.
"Well, Alex, it's time for our case," He opens the door to his office and beckons for me to enter. This better not be another trap...
Oh look there's Nemean and Master. And...oh, lord, a...a crying girl. And when I say crying, I really mean bawling her eyes out like I just dismemebered her entire family, burned down her entire village and stabbed her cat. I would never do that to a cat though, this girl has to be one of the annoying ones again...
Of course, I fully enter the room. Gotta watch out in case of a trap set up by all those pesky cops, right?
Anyway, it's not a trap, and Disparage enters the room too shortly after me, closing the door shut tight behind him.
Master and Nemean are already there. Standing over the girl who's sobbing uncontrollably...and doing absolutely nothing to help her. This is why they are my two favourite men and boys!
I walk over to them, taking in the rather ambient environment Disparage's office has. Cozy yet big. Adorned with practical devices yet not too boring. Decorated neatly with expensive appliances yet not too golden-laced. Neat. I like it.
"Well, what a reunion this is, eh?" I beckon to Master and Nemean to start the conversation.
"Eh, it'll be a nice experience for a while to...I don't know, try something new?" Nemean sarcastically replies.
Both Nemean and I side-glance and "eye-power" Master. He's still looking at a nice pot in Disparage's office. Then he notices us staring at him with that expression written all over our faces.
And only then did he look up. And only just to stare back at us with an innocent look on his face, "Hey what did I do?"
Well I guess Nemean is partly right. It'll be a good opportunity to try something new and interesting with the gang, I guess.
Anyway, the real business, the whole point of us being in Disparage's office, was about to start.
He opens up his fancy document-holding laptop and prepares to type something in.
As soon as the girl saw that, or, rather, as soon as the girl saw Disparage, she immediately stopped crying, and went full-on begging mode, "OMG OMG SIR SIR OFFICER OFFICER PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME I BEG YOU I BEG YOU!"
Well that's one way to go about it. And Disparage is just all, "Hold on hold on, it's ok, Mam, why don't you explain what happened go you to these three of my colleagues here? They can help you better that way,"
Then the girl goes to her explanation mode now, "Uh, well, I was raped. And my family was dismembered. And my entire village was burnt down."
"Uh...that's it? Context please," Master spoke out.
"Oh, uh, sorry, right," The girl straightened her posture and began to go into an intensive flashback story, "I am a mother of four, and we're a simple little happy family. But then one day a travelling merchant came to our village to trade his goods. At first we all thought he was just here for business, but then he started looking my way more often, catching my idea, and...eventually he...lured me into a dark alleyway one day...and then...he...and then he..."
She couldn't even finish her sentence before she started tearing up and bawling uncontrollably again. And there Disparage goes, comforting her and reassuring her like the only purpose person he is.
And Master and Nemean are also doing nothing. Just standing over the girl staring while she does her stupid cries and tears.
Yeah, the girl can go cry her annoying cries all she wants, although I have no idea why Disparage thought bringing us here to hear the story from someone who is an incessant nuisance would make us want to work with him. He definitely knows the story, he could definitely have just told us directly instead of getting us to hear it from this nuisance of a girl.
Although maybe it's because I'm jealous that I'm feeling this way. That I'm jealous that she can cry and I can't. That when the world turns on her and the darkness swallows her, she'll always be able to cry. And I can't. What happened to all those tears I shed the first day of the audio recording incident?
"Well, you heard the lady, you understand the context now, and now it's time for the reason we need you on our team, if you would be so kind to follow me," Disparage beckons for us to exit his office and follow him down to-the maximum security prison cells. Only used for holding the most elite of the elite prisoners. Well this should be fun, so we follow him.
Again, while walking there, I ask him a question, "Why did you bring us there to hear it from her?"
To which he simply smiled and replied, "Well, isn't it better to be able to see the emotions and feelings of the person who experienced it firsthand?"
No, it isn't.
"Well, I certainly think it is," Nemean announces from the back, hands put up on his head like he's lying on an imaginary, invisible bed.
Master...says nothing. I can't tell if it's because he's in deep thought about what just happened or because his mind is off daydreaming again.
"And here we are," Disparage announces to the gang that we've reached our destination. A long, narrow, dark alleyway ending with a visible jail cell cordoned with a glass wall at the end.
This is way getting way too suspicious now. There's no way I can trust this guy anymore. There's no way I can be sure that this isn't a trap.
But what choice do I have anyway? It's do or die in Rich and Powerful Oppression 101.
"For this task, you basically have to talk to that guy in the jail cell, and coax information out of him and convince him to join us too, his name there is Snowball, he's...oh, boy,...a Moonshadow Elf."
At that moment I could see Nemean's eyes go wide and his jaw almost drop quite literally.
And even Master who was deep in thought staring at his feet looked up at Disparage in disbelief, eyes wide, jaw dropped.
"Ok, let me get this straight. You want us, to convince a MOONSHADOW ELF, INTO GIVING US INFORMATION AND WORK FOR US? A MOONSHADOW ELF?" I gasp in disbelief rather late with terrible reaction speed.
Disparage just sighs like he's been through this a thousand times over already. "Yes,"
"The same species, that lead that godforsaken rebellion against your "Glorious Leader", (and lost quite miserably)?"
And at that point everyone was looking towards the direction of the jail cell. To see his eloquent and menacing eyes staring at us, his entire chained body pulsing with energy and excitement at the sight of new visitors. And his mouth, curved up into a nice little villainous smile.
"Yes, the same rebellious species...that also happens to be one of the strongest and smartest species out there,"
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 years
I was just wondering since you did favorite sex positions for hawks, shouto, and dabi. Could you please do kirishima, bakugou, and Izuku? thank you in advance <3
Sure thing love you got it
Genre : NSFW/ mentioning of sex positions/ suggestive themes.
Please do not read if you're a minor!!
I will explain the sex positions a bit as I mention them just in case something isn't clear.
The boys will be aged up here! I repeat, they will be aged up!
Shoto's version
Dabi and Hawks' version
Bakugo :
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Katsuki is the kind of guy who would have two opposite moods when having sex: he could be either the passionate loving caring boyfriend or the sadistic primitive animalistic prick.
When in his gentle state, he puts your needs first and chooses a position that would make you feel good.
One of which is the bridge position where Katsuki would start you off in missionary, then sits back and grabs your hips to help you arch your back a little.
He likes this position because it creates a very deep stimulation for you and allows him to control his pace according to your reactions.
He would play with your clit and watch you go crazy. This also allows him to look at your flushed face and your trembling lips trying to hold back your moans. He loves it.
You would feel his thumbs stroking your sides as if to remind you somehow that you are the most important thing in his life.. it works everytime.
When you are both close to orgasm, and he starts feeling you tightening around his dick, he brings an arm under your back to lift you up and hug you tightly.
When in this new position, he loves feeling you run your fingers through his hair and moan in his ear before you start shaking uncontrollably and finally fall limp in his arms.
He would kiss you everywhere and tell you what a good girl you were.
When in a wilder mood, he would prefer either the reverse cowgirl position or the doggy style position. Basically anything that would allow him to look at your buttocks.
He loves seeing your ass wiggle with every hard thrust he delivers.
He would even reach out to your neck and squeeze a little when things get intense.
You tighten around him whenever he does that.
Your hips would have finger shaped bruises on them by the next day.
Having full view of your ass gives him the opportunity to rim your butthole with one hand, reach around you to fondle your clit with the other, and fuck you mercilessly at the same time.
When in his caring mood, he prefers to take his time with you, but when he's feeling wild, he chooses to fuck you hard and fast instead.
Kirishima :
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Eijiro is the kind of guy who would take care of you. Meaning that what makes him the happiest is seeing your aroused face and body. That's why his favorite positions would be the ones that guarantee your pleasure.
One of them is the CAT position which is similar to the classic missionary but with a few twists. In this position you would be laying on your back, lifting your upper body with your elbows and your partner on top of you but slightly higher than he would be in the missionary position. That way everytime he thrusts or grinds against you there would be more friction against your clit since he would be aligned with it instead of directly with your entrance.
Kirishima likes this position and finds it to be so intimate, he also doesn't allow you to use your elbows in order to lift you upper body, instead he brings his arms under your shoulders and lifts you up himself.
He likes to do it this way because it would bring him even closer to you allowing him to kiss your lips and neck and whisper in your ears.
He goes crazy when you dig your nails into his back
Both of you enjoy the feeling of your chests rubbing against each other.
Kirishima also likes the cowgirl position because he wants you to be in control and choose your own pace.
He wouldn't lie, the view of you riding him and bouncing on top of his dick is heavenly.
If you're feeling shy or self-conscious when you're in this position, he makes sure to remind you of how beautiful you are and of how much he loves you.
He would be caressing your sides and even sitting up or bringing you down for a kiss.
If you start feeling tired, he either switches your positions so he's on top of you, or brings you to lay on his chest and asks you if you want to rest for a moment before continuing or if you want him start moving instead.
He likes going down on you. He loves it when you start shaking underneath him and moan his name.
Your thighs are his canvas, he kisses and sucks and even bites on them. He likes knowing that you are marked somewhere no one other than him is allowed to see.
He's open to both quickies and to slow love making as long as you're feeling good.
Izuku :
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Same as Kirishima, Izuku is the gentle type of lover, although he is more on the shy side.
So he would prefer less risky positions, for instance the classic missionary position.
Predictable though it is, you both love this position that allows you the closeness you treasure.
Izuku would usually have his face in the crook of your neck kissing and nibbling on the skin while gently pushing himself inside of you.
He would have one arm under your back or stroking your thigh, and the other playing with your breasts.
He loves kissing you, he can go on kissing you from start to finish of your session.
He likes to make it last as long as possible, so whenever one of you is close to orgasm, he would stop, take a deep breath and kiss you gently on your forehead or cheeks before smiling sweetly at you and start moving again.
Spooning is another one of his favorites. And it is exactly as it sounds. You two would be on your sides spooning, you being the little spoon obviously, and him entering you from behind.
This position gives Izuku more confidence since you wouldn't be looking at his face. His only regret is that he wouldn't be looking at yours.
He makes up for it by kissing your neck, shoulders and back.
He would have one arm lifting your leg up giving him more access inside of you, and giving you deeper feeling of his thrusts.
His other arm would be fondling your nipples gently until they get hard.
When you're about to cum, he moves his hand from your chest to your clit giving you further stimulation and an even more intense orgasm.
He loves biting. Whenever he's close to orgasm, he would bite down on your neck or shoulder. You like it when he does it.
He doesn't care much for quickies, he prefers to spend as much time fucking you as possible.
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akkkkollle · 3 years
Tokrev boys as bottom/subs. Pt 2: Chifuyu, Kazutora, Hanma, K*saki, Badji (they will both be at the end, so if someone is uncomfortable reading them, don't read them).
Tags:semi public sex, master kink, hair pulling, size kink, dressing up, blowjob, pet play, kink for praise, kink for humiliation, mentioning blows, playing with nipples.
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×Ahem, so. I think I'm very depraved, but timid.
×As I mentioned earlier, call him a kitten, please.
× Also pet play... Well, just imagine him wearing a collar and with cat ears...
×So-so.So . When he buys a pet store, fuck him there, please. He will be so embarrassed that you can be heard, and if Kazutora finds out about it.... Well, he'll be even more confused, heh.
× Loves doggy style, yes (although in this case it's kitten style, hmm).
× Master Kink, yes. Don't make me change my mind. I just think he's very impressed by the difference in position in each other's eyes. Well, that is, you will still be taller there, that is, his master, and he is your pet and ... yes, I'm very sorry.
× So, a kink for praise, definitely. He would really like to hear it, and to be honest, if you don't praise him, he will become very tearful.
× The boy is sensitive, I think 3 is the most sensitive boy. Just excessive stimulation with the refusal of orgasm, and that's it.
×This boy will do anything. To be honest, he doesn't mind almost anything. He just doesn't want to lose you because he thinks he's going to disappoint you... (sorry).
× I think he likes the attention, but he will never say that. That is, a very pleasant date before thoughtful sex... The boy may cry.
×Due to the fact that he spent 15 years in prison, he is enough... Reveres authority (although maybe he was, not the point is important), therefore... If you ever want unconditional submission...
×Dressing up. Maid costume. He. The chain is clear, right?
×Ahem, please touch his bell on the earring. Yes, it will melt.
Besides, I think he'll like it if you call him a tiger cub, why not?
I also think he likes to leave marks on his boyfriend, well, that is, on you. It doesn't matter which ones. Hickeys, bites, scratches. Everything.
× He is so... yes. It's weird, but I like it.
× If you like regular vanilla sex, I will hasten to disappoint. He does not like boredom and monotony (well, that is, if you like this kind of sex, of course, but very rarely).
×To be honest, he doesn't care how to have sex. Beat him, praise him, humiliate him, do whatever you want, as long as it's exciting.
Now let's talk about his moans. Did you hear his voice? I think he would have almost the coolest moans.
×Very tantalizing. Although he's always like that, yes. But simply, if he wants sex, he will make his boyfriend want it too. In any way.
× He has... Sensitive nipples... I do not know, I just look at him and such thoughts appear.
×And, sorry. But he doesn't get tired after sex (only after very intense) and goes to smoke, yes (my kin) and... He can offer you if you smoke and you romantically cuddle on the balcony, smoking cigarettes.
×So, he is. He's just teasing, I'm serious. Perhaps even a slightly dominant bottom (or maybe even very much, but I don't write that😯)
×To obey, as I think you have understood, it is not easy to force him. But... Pull his hair, just do it.
×Plus sign to you if you are taller/bigger/stronger or something like that. It has a kink on the size difference.
×And as I mentioned(how many times will I say this...), since he likes to tease you, he will wear all sorts of depraved things. Like a skirt or high hips (or maybe a suit of some kind, if he's in the mood).
He will definitely call you by some nickname as a joke (he will just try everything, and then choose what you react to more).
×He has long fangs. He likes to bite. Take care of your shoulders and neck, please.
By the way, fuck him in his pet store, please. He will be in such ecstasy that you can be caught by Chifuyu or Kazutora.
× Eh, he... He really does not want to obey, he is used to controlling, but still he will obey.
× In general, he is a tsundere, I think. So there are a lot of loud, provoking phrases in your address always.
×Are you taller than him????? Aww. He loves you even more.
× Actually, I think he likes it when you take off his glasses during sex and put them on yourself. It's his... Well, let's say it's very embarrassing.
× He would have sucked you off in public sooner or later. Just to see your reaction.
× Will always analyze what you like and what you don't. And it will always use this information for its intended purpose.
×And, uh... Fuck him in the gang office... With the door open... He'll moan like a bitch, please.
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Fire Meets Gasoline - Dabi x Reader (Smut)
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Summary: Sex with Dabi rarely goes as expected, and that is exactly why you can’t get enough of him.
Warnings: NO MINORS! NSFW. Pure filth (seriously). Cumplay. Quirkplay (? Is this a thing? Basically just Dabi heating up his hands and using them on you), Cockwarming. Creampie. Vaginal fingering. Overstimulation.
Word count: 4.8k
If you had to pinpoint the exact moment when you realized there was no escaping Dabi, it would most likely be the first time he kissed you.
After a month of denying and suppressing how attracted you felt towards him, you finally caved in.
You would potentiate each other just like when fire meets gasoline. It started off as a gentle flame, but it soon increased in both size and intensity.
The young man was filled with anger and was the embodiment of pain and sadness, but you were equally as broken. He hadn’t expected you to retaliate the poison that would drip from his mouth.
What Dabi had failed to consider was that you knew exactly why he was keeping people at bay. He didn’t necessarily hate everyone. But anyone could become a threat.
So he’d rather push people away.
What he had also not considered was that fire needed oxygen to burn. And that most of the time, the walls we build around us aren’t meant to keep others out. They will just fence you in.
You could bear him being cold to you as a defense mechanism, but he couldn’t deny his fiery nature for long.
There was something so innately blissful about having Dabi cracking his hardened surface to display this beautiful side of him.
It would have your heart fluttering and your breath coming out in shallow pants as you experienced having his vulnerability be given to you.
“So. Beautiful.” He went on, accentuating his words with gentle kisses along your jawline.
You allowed your fingers to rake across his scalp, feeling his soft hair tickle your skin.
“Do it.”
He knew exactly what you meant by that. His quirk was powerful and dangerous. You had had the opportunity of witnessing him go berserk with rage and cast his trademark blue flames around his targets. The heatwave that had hit you was surely enough to have you jolt in fear. Dabi had to live with the consequences of not being able to control himself when using his quirk. All the patchwork across his body was licking proof of that.
However, the sense of danger had adrenaline rushing through your veins, and feeling the feared villain light up his quirk just enough to warm his hands was definitely an aphrodisiac.
Dabi stopped and pulled back, beautiful turquoise eyes meeting yours. He was truly breathtaking. No scar in his body would ever be able to take away from how handsome he was.
He flashed a boyish grin at you — one that you had grown to adore — and you felt the mattress shift lightly as he positioned himself between your legs.
The sight alone was enough to send sparks rushing down your spine. Dabi took his sweet time admiring the view, capturing his bottom lip between his teeth.
“See something you like?” You teased as you spread your legs farther apart.
He ran the palms of his hands slowly along your thighs, his eys lingering on your panties. “Pull them to the side, doll.”
You took a deep breath, knowing fully well what came next. He was too fucking good at this, and he was aware of that. Sex with him just felt like a whole new experience each time since he refused to stick to patterns. There was always something new, and that just added to the thrill.
Too bad you weren’t feeling like complying with his demands.
“Do it yourself.” You shrugged, slowly adjusting your panties to further accentuate your pussy lips.
You should know better than to challenge Dabi, but quite frankly you didn’t give a fuck, because it would just work in your favor in the end.
“Don’t be a brat,” he warned, keeping his voice calm, but his hands betraying the impatience as the grip on your knees increased. “Push them to the side... now.”
“Make me.”
Too bad Dabi wasn’t feeling like complying with your demands either.
Even though his room was poorly lit, the moonlight was more than enough to make you your jaw clench when his brought one hand to the waistband of his sweatpants.
Oh, he was fucking cruel.
Another teasing smile danced on his lips as he noticed your eyes glued to his crotch. You were too weak for this man. There was no way around it. No matter how hard you tried to prolong the mouse and cat game, you always caved.
You couldn’t tear your gaze away from his hand, especially when you saw it grip the growing bulge that he squeezed lightly.
“Seems like we have an issue, then, doll,” he chuckled, giving his clothed cock a few pumps. “‘Cause the way I see it... you really want this, uh?”
It took two to tango, so you tugged on the your panties once more, feeling the damp fabric rub against your clit and making you wince. You had underestimated his ability to have you dripping for him.
Your panties perfectly outlined your pussy lips, a silent invitation to the hungry man before you who wasted no time in dragging one finger along your covered slit.
You flashed a devious grin while arching just slightly. “No.”
He had his other hand tightly gripping his cock, and you could see a discreet wet spot staining his sweatpants.
The scenery had you licking your lips in anticipation. “Let me see your cock, then.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “You first.”
One of you would have to give up first, and there was only so much resistance you could pull off when it came to Dabi leaking precum because of you.
You hooked one finger around the lace of your underwear, painfully slowly pulling it to the side, the wetness clinging onto the fabric.
A low growl erupted from him. “Fuck.”
He pressed on your clit with his thumb just so he could hear you moan for him. It was swollen enough to be seen through your pussy lips, and that drove him crazy. The ultimate proof that you wanted him was at the tip of his fingers, quite literally.
Your eyes instinctively closed as he continued teasing you, spreading wetness along your folds. It came with no surprise that your hips would involuntarily buck against his hand.
“Look at me,” he asked, his voice visibly strained as he circled your clit back and forth with the pad of his thumb. “Open your eyes.”
You did as you were told, and, through hooded eyes, you found yourself staring at him dragging the waistband of his pants down, successfully freeing his hard cock.
He halted his ministrations at once, only to have your entire focus on him.
Just as you had imagined, a few strings of precum were dangling from the tip, and he gave his cock a few pumps just to squeeze more from him.
Dabi positioned himself closer to your pussy in order to have his precum drip directly onto your clit.
You bit back a whimper as his thumb mixed the liquid with your wetness. “Dabi... oh my—“
The word died in your throat as you felt the tip pressing against your entrance. Was he that horny to jump right into the main course?
He sighed. “I really need to fuck you.”
It was crude and it surely wouldn’t win any awards as the most romantic declaration ever, but it did win points in getting your pussy to clench as more wetness spilled from you and coated him.
He applied just enough pressure to have his tip slide inside you. “Let me fuck you... please.”
The urgency in his voice had you melting. How could anyone resist this request?
He leaned over, brushing his lips with yours, but keeping his hips in place. You threw one arm around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. You could feel both hand gripping your things, and you figured it was taking all of his willpower not to slam his cock fully inside you.
But what’s life without a bit of fun, right?
Dabi hungrily suckled on your tongue, but you felt him freeze in shock. Both his eyes shot open and he gasped.
Oh. You loved it whenever you were able to get that reaction from him.
So you did it once again.
And he shuddered.
He was panting heavily as you contracted around his tip. Despite your heavy state of out, you still had a few tricks up your sleeve.
“Fuuuuuuuck....” his voice was coming out in broken and deep breaths.
Self-control definitely wasn’t Dabi’s forte, and you knew that you were playing with fire. Literally. You suddenly felt his palms heat up against your skin as the grip on your thighs tightened.
“Let... me...” He breathed, his face dropping to the crook of your neck. “Just...”
The safest course of action would be to indulge his request, but you also wanted to help him build up the ability to control himself once he got pushed over the edge. He had even asked this of you not long ago. It was hard for him to hold back when using his quirk against heroes and even harder when facing his father. So Dabi craved to be able to do so when having sex with you.
“Reign me in...” He had once asked of you.
He started licking and taking a few bites off your neck, the warmth of his hands never wavering.
You brought on hand to his face, carefully caressing the metal rings that traced his skin.
“How badly do you want it?” You asked him, squeezing around his tip once again. In reality, you knew exactly the answer to that question. His desperation was answer enough.
But you were now treading on a dangerous territory.
His teeth dug into your skin before he let out a moan. “Let me fuck you...”
You angled your hips in order to have him slide out of you. “Tough luck, Dabi. Control yourself better.”
The grin on your face widened when a pair of angry eyes met yours, and the heat coming from his hands increased ever so slightly.
He wasn’t smiling.
Well. Fuck.
He pushed his own hips to meet yours again, but this time he had his cock placed directly between your soaked folds and rubbing up against your clit.
Your grin dropped in an instant, and a he let out a satisfied chuckle. “Not so funny now, right?”
Dabi kept on sliding his cock up and down, coating it in your juices. The wet sounds that filled your ears were enough to have you fists the bedsheets, and it served as a further incentive for him to keep on teasing you.
One hand was placed directly beside your face so he could support himself as the other went to join his cock. The heat coming from is fingers was maddening and he pinched your clit, trapping it and sending jolts of pleasure across your entire body. Goosebumps prickled your skin as you felt a heatwave reach your cheeks. It wasn’t just coming from your own body’s reacting to the stimulation, but also from his own hand.
“Where’s that pretty smile now?” He rasped, focusing on your face twisting from bliss, otherwise he might let his composure falter.
“Dabi... fuck... fuck...”
It was really taxing having to keep his quirk at bay and only allowing a certain amount of heat to flood the palms of his hands. It took a lot from him to having to exert so much self-control. It was twice as demanding having to keep his dick from plunging inside you.
“What do you want, doll?”
“Please... just...”
Not so amusing now that the tables were turned, and you gripped the sheets tighter until your knuckles turned white. You wouldn’t last much longer if he kept sliding his cock in between your pussy lips like that.
Your eyes locked with his, and your opened your mouth in an attempt to say something, but only moans spilled from you.
“Just what?”
He pulled his cock away and replaced it with the palm of his hand. The metallic hoops had heated up significantly and when he dragged a few across your clit, that was when your body reached a new high.
“Oh my — oh my fuck—“
Dabi couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. You looked so delicious, and he didn’t even know how he was being able to withstand the discomfort coming from his cock. He would need to be buried inside you soon. It was such a waste to have you clenching around nothing when you could be milking him instead.
But he wanted you to reach your orgasm first.
He was so used to watching things come undone out of rage, that watching you come undone from the pleasure he gave you just made his cock throb. The thrill of building you up just to have it all crumbling down in the most alluring way possible was something he could not get enough of.
Your body had started writhing and convulsing, forcing him to lean back and press one hand on your hip to keep you in place.
“Good girl... that’s it...”
You had your thighs desperately wrapping around him in the hopes of him filling the emptiness.
Dabi was going insane from how responsive you were being to him. To his quirk. He had grown up forced to live with the remainders of what it had done to him. The thought of having it being used to give someone pleasure was so fucking fascinating. Yes, it was exhausting to keep it at a low intensity, but the high outweighed the exhaustion by far.
The familiar sensation built up more and more, until it washed over you in a deep wave of pleasure. A shriek ripped through your throat from your lungs, and behind closed eyes you could see colors dancing over your vision, accompanying the molten streaks of pure bliss that shot through your entire body with every flick of the metallic hoops on your clit.
Dabi couldn’t resist it any longer.
He needed to feel you.
In one swift motion, he slid his cock balls deep inside you. Your pussy welcomed him with strong and rhythmic contractions that sent his eyes rolling to the back of his head. He had to balance himself on both arms from the sudden overload of pleasure. It was clear he wouldn’t last long. The amount of teasing and foreplay was enough to sent him into overdrive.
Your fingers went up to grip his forearms as if holding on for dear life. Having his cock buried inside your pussy as you came made your mouth drop open. You felt your walls clamp around him viciously. He pulled one of your legs up to rest on his shoulder, spreading you enough before he started slamming against you with such force that the bed started squeaking from the motion.
He was mumbling something, but you couldn’t quite make out what it was as you descended from your peak. Your heart pounded hard against your chest, but still not as hard as he pounded your pussy.
“Stop... squeezing... fuck!”
The overstimulation hit you like a train, and you felt tears stinging your eyes. Your fingers would leave marks on his arms, but you doubted he cared about it.
“D-Dabi... I...” you tried to reign him in, but gave up when his lips crashed into yours.
He was thrusting into you with an animalistic ferocity, all sense of control finally coming to a end. You’d clench around him whenever he hit a sweet spot inside you. The moans that came from within in were so hot that you couldn’t blame your clit for pulsing and your pussy for squeezing his cock.
Suddenly, you felt one hand groping your breast, fully enjoying how it bounced and defied gravity with each snappy strike from his hips. His eyes slid shit and his mouth was hanging open in a silent hiss.
You wanted to bring him over the edge. You wanted him to give it all to you.
To prove your point, you snaked an arm between your bodies and flicked at your clit just so you could your pussy to clench harder around his cock.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Through the stings of overstimulation the need to have him come undone for you was just ecstatic.
That it for him. His eyes snapped open and the most beautiful growl rumbled in his chest.
“You are so... fuck...” Was all he managed to say before he began pumping in a final broken rhythm.
“Fill me up...”
The effect those words had on him caught you off guard.
Dabi let out a strangled moan as he buried his cock deep within you. “Oh... fuck...”
He shuddered a few times, emptying himself inside your pussy just like you had encouraged him to. You could feel a few streaks of cum coating your walls, and it almost sent you back to another orgasm.
He was panting heavily above you, cock still lodged inside you. When he looked up to your face he saw a few tears leak from your eyes due to the overwhelming overstimulation. Without thinking, he brought one thumb to wipe a clear droplet from your face.
Dabi no longer remembered how it felt like to cry without physical pain from having bloody tears spilling from where the staples held his skin together.
He shook his head and blinked twice. “Sorry...”
You didn’t want him to apologize for this. “It’s okay... don’t be sorry.”
Instead, the young man leaned forward and tasted the salty liquid that smeared your skin, wiping the tears away.
You couldn’t contain the low chuckle that erupted from you. “That tickles...”
He didn’t want to slide out of you just yet. Your warmth was too welcoming and comforting. If he had to find a name for it he’d choose home. Intimacy had been so scary to him. The vulnerability of it all had always frightened him, and for the longest time he didn’t think he would ever have this. Casual sex was good, but sex with someone you had an emotional connection with felt so much better.
Dabi let his body tumble to his side, physical exhaustion finally taking a toll on him. However, he slid one arm over your lower back to keep you tied with him.
His hair was sticking to his forehead from all the sweat, and you took some time to inspect a few strands through hazy eyes.
You gently brushed the damp hair away from his skin. “You need to dye your hair again.”
The roots of his white hair were starting to show, and even though you’d love for him to embrace his natural color, you knew this was not something for you to decide.
Some wounds took longer to heal.
His cock was starting to soften inside you, but that had no effect on him.
“Planning on sleeping like this?” You offered, but only half-joking.
His hand thoughtlessly caressed your back, and you shuddered as the metallic rings dragged along your skin. “Actually...”
Wiping a few beads of sweat from your face, you arched a brow. “What?”
A squelching sound filled the room as he slid off of you, and you couldn’t help but to pout at the sudden emptiness.
Dabi, on the other hand, seemed to have something else in mind as he got on his knees again, placing himself in between your legs.
It didn’t take long before you started feeling the warm liquid ooze from you. That definitely earned Dabi’s full attention as he watched in admiration.
“Proud of yourself?” You questioned with a gentle laughter. Just as you were about to prop yourself on both elbows, he had one hand on your shoulder, keeping you in place, as the other hovered near your pussy. “Hey! Dabi...”
“I want to do this...” he whispered, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just thinking out loud.
You had a faint idea of what he had planned next, and, if so, it would be something new for you both.
The young man hesitated for a split second before his middle finger joined the index, slowly collecting the few strings of cum that had pooled between you and the sheets. Not even five minutes had passed since your body had been sent into overdrive, and you could feel your insides twist in anticipation and you clit throb from the newfound stimulus.
Dabi paused once more.
Although, you’d been affectionate with each other for over a month now, you could still identify the remnants of his struggles with intimacy in moments like this. It had taken him quite a while to open up to you emotionally. It had taken him a great deal more to give himself to you physically as well.
You couldn’t help the loving smile that tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Go ahead...” two of your fingers rubbed your swollen clit briefly before spreading your pussy lips invitingly.
That was all the incentive he was looking for, and in one swift mention he slide both fingers inside you, dragging his cum back inside once more.
He hissed deliciously when he felt you clamp around him. “Fuck...”
The hand keeping you down faltered, and you immediately seized the opportunity to position yourself in a way that gave you a privileged view of what he was doing to you.
“So much cum... fuck...” Dabi’s words came out in ragged pants as he fingered you slowly. “Don’t clench, doll... it will spill out again.”
“Then stop being so hot...” You half moaned, trying your best to fight against your reflexes. Your pussy was practically on auto-pilot. The obscene sounds that filled the room just made the task so much more difficult.
It didn’t take long before his turquoise eyes darkened and you watched him capture his bottom lip with his canine.
Oh fuck... he was getting hard again.
His cock was twitching ever so slightly, growing before your eager eyes.
“Dabi...” You weren’t even sure of what you wanted to say. The sight alone was enough to have your clit throbbing, but his thumb pressed on it was what had you involuntarily clamp down on his digits in a way that dragged a long groan from him. Even if he was someone who had to ability to mask his true emotions, the pleasure was splattered across his face.
You felt your pulse quicken further and shuddered from all the stimulation.
Knowing fully well you wouldn’t be able to comply with his request, he removed his fingers from inside you at once, bringing out a whine from deep within you.
A faint smile pulled at Dabi’s lips. “So responsive...”
You wrinkled your nose at him. “You’re stalling... please...”
“I’m taking my sweet time with you, doll. What’s the fun in rushing?”
His finger glistened with the mixture of your juices with his cum. Suddenly, his hands went to your ass to positioned you on his thighs. A very effective way of preventing any further leaks, no doubt.
Just as you were about to question why the sudden change in positions, he plunged one single finger back inside your pussy.
“I wonder...” he started out as if lost in contemplation while he coated his fingers once again. “Hmm...”
“Dabi...” you warned him in a low voice.
You were growing impatient. Very impatient. The heat between your legs along with your throbbing clit were driving you absolutely insane.
He was an expert in making you lose your mind, and he’d always use this to his advantage.
His cock was already growing harder and bigger with each passing second. You’d be more than willing to have one more orgasm, and considering the way you were clamping around him, and the blinding heat jolting through your clit and nipples, it wouldn’t take you too long to get there. The young man pressed your clit down with his thumb, circling it with just enough pressure to gather the most delicious moans from you.
“Good girl... you look so hot,” he encouraged, and you felt a pair of fingers spread your pussy lips. “Fuck... I wish you could see this.”
You were so close.
So damn close.
But things with Dabi had a way of rarely going according to plan, and just as you shut your eyes in anticipation for another high, the infuriating sensation of withdrawal made you whine.
“Put that back! Dabi! What the fuck?”
You were left clenching around nothing and he merely chuckled at your distress. “I don’t think I will, doll.”
Propped yourself up on your elbows. “I will end you. Fuck!”
He didn’t really care. Nor did he take you seriously. You sank back into the mattress, wiping the beads of sweat that had formed in your forehead.
“For fuck’s sake...”
You felt the bed shift beneath you as he leaned forward. “Open.”
This was new.
Your eyes widened once you understood what he meant. His long index finger was a few inches from touching your lips, a few droplets falling onto your chin. The thick layer of both cum and your wetness covered the entire digit, and you oiled even see some wetness spread along the metal hoops carved into his skin.
Oh. That was fucking hot.
“I won’t ask again,” his demanding voice quickly snapped you out it. “Open. Your. Mouth.”
A part of you wanted to tease him and put up a front just to rule him up, but another part of you — a much more urgent and impatient one — just wanted you to let go and enjoy the ride.
The moment you parted your lips, he promptly shoved his finger inside your wet mouth, faintly teasing your tongue with it.
You suckled on it slowly and sensually, never breaking eye contact with him.
He hissed softly. “How does it taste?”
“You tell me.”
Acting on pure instinct, your hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss. Dabi’s widened in sheer surprise as you darted your tongue inside his mouth, allowing him to taste the liquid. You weren’t sure if he was enjoying it, but his body language was pretty telling after a while, so you kept going.
There was something really hot about having Dabi taste his own cum directly from your mouth. Maybe next time you’d have him lap at it from your soaked pussy.
He broke the kiss to take a deep breath, thin threads of spit mixed with cum and your wetness linking both of your lips together.
You smiled teasingly. “Good, right?”
Dabi licked his lips before wiping the excess with the back of his hand. “Well played, doll.”
For a few seconds all you could hear were the ragged pants coming from both of you. You looked down and noticed that his cock was fully hard, probably getting ready for the next round.
“Want me to take care of that?” You wiggled your brows at him.
He followed your stare, but rolled over to fall flat on his back, one hand wrapping around his cock while kicking his sweatpants off.
“It’s okay, doll. I know how much you love watching me jerk off.”
Ah. Damn. He was right.
The metallic hoops provided an interesting friction whenever he applied enough pressure. Considering he had nearly half of his palms covered in a single row of staples he just had to get used to the feeling, and soon enough he had found a way to have those work in his favor.
You shifted on the bed to scoot closer to him, and have your head resting on his heaving chest. As expected, you started feeling his cum leak from your pussy.
The two of you lay there in a comfortable silence for a while, until you felt his heartbeat and breathing evening out against your ear. He was lazily pumping his cock, but it didn’t seem like he was too invested in the task at hand.
You raised your head to look at a very much sleepy Dabi.
An instant loving smile fell on your lips.
“You asleep?”
Was that a smirk on his face? Adorable. “Yes, doll.”
He looked so peaceful. You’d never get over post-sex Dabi. Ever. You had witnessed his full potential as a villain, but you were just now getting to experience firsthand what it felt like to have someone like him opening up to you.
A few more minutes passed by, and you watched as he let go of his softening cock. You took his now free hand in yours and laced your fingers with his.
“You’re changing the sheets.” You mumbled to him when you felt more liquid ooze from you. Not that you actually minded the current predicamen.
He scoffed. “Your pillow talk fucking sucks, doll.”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru + ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors but other than that n/a
| form : headcanons
| published : 12 december  
| request : Hello!! I really love your works- they are very wholesome and fluffy 😚 I was wondering if I can request a jjk headcannon or imagine for sukuna and gojo with a (gn/fem) s/o where they run their fingers through their hair or back and just scratches gently and the guys kind of purr?? And when mc stops, they just grab their hand and put it back to where they had been petting them? 😅 lol. I kind of see them both acting like a cat with their s/o and I think it’s cute 🥺 thank you so much!!
| barista’s notes : hi hi hi! barista violettelueur is here and ready to serve the coffees for the day ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ i can’t lie my neck kinda of hurts because when i came home from school, i took a nap and probably slept in a very awkward position.....oops ʕ ゚ ● ゚ʔ but other than that, i hope the person that requested this little headcanon enjoys their order of a cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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Gojo lives for the feeling of your fingers running along his back and neck as well as the feeling of you playing with his hair - he just loves it.
This little act of yours always calms him down after a long mission or when he feels like he just wanted to rest - which is like a good 99.99% of the time I believe
Sometimes he teases you when you do play with his hair even though he does like it when you do it - don’t ask why it’s probably just his personality.
“Oya? Is my hair that soft honey~?”
Sometimes you would just ignore it because you know in the back of your mind, he doesn’t mind it at all - rather he loves it - since he does lowkey purr in his sleep when you do - especially when it’s when your fingers are running along the back of his neck and back.
However, other times you would tease him back by just suddenly removing your hand and just casually continue what you were doing like reading your book, going through your phone or maybe watching Netflix.
100% of the time, he would start acting like a full-on child and pout at you before whining about why you stopped, only for you to still ignore him.
“Why did you stop~”
Maybe if you didn’t tease Gojo, you wouldn’t be in the situation that you are in right now idiot…..
If you still continue to ignore him, he would just grab your hand and place it back to its original position before waiting patiently for you to move your fingers again - maybe tease him a bit more by not moving at all mate….hehhehe
If you do continue to tease him, he would legit stare at you with a small pout, no matter how long it will take.
If he has to, he would showcase his beautiful eyes because he knows that it’s your weakness - don’t worry, it’s mine too and I ain’t ashamed to admit it.
But when you do start to run your fingers through his hair, he would smile brightly at you before giving you a small sweet kiss to which he then goes back to snuggling with you.
Overall, he feels like in heaven when you do run your fingers through his hair - it’s just the caring and loving feeling that he gets from it that he loves.
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Look, I have no idea how you got him to go with the idea of you running your fingers through his hair, let alone touching him - but somehow you got there in your relationship with the King of Curses.
However, when you do run your fingers through his hair, you make sure you also do that same with the back of his neck and his back - because you know he would complain if you didn’t. What can you say? He likes being pampered and also this is like one of the only times where you get some silence from him.
You don’t tell him this because you know he would never let you cuddle with him again if you did, but when he does fall asleep in your run when you run your fingers on his skin, he does purr loudly to the point where it isn’t like a cat - it’s more like a lion at this point.
Some people forget this, but Sukuna does have some markings on his back as well as behind his neck - so the fact that you acknowledge them makes him feel prideful (and loved but he won’t tell you that).
But what you learned during your cuddling time with him is to never stop moving your hand - even more than ¼ of a millisecond...yes, it’s that serious.
How did you learn this little rule? Well, well, well, let me explain to you.
You were probably trying to get something that was far away like your phone, so you obviously removed your hand to go reach for it since it was the closest to it.
But…...you suddenly felt a hand tightly grip your wrist just a fingertip away from Sukuna’s back, scaring you slightly until you saw the black bands that were around the person’s wrist - hahahaha you’re in trouble~
“Did I tell you to stop?”
“Sorry, I was trying to grab my phone and I thought you were deep asleep,”
“But did I demand you to stop?” - okay dude relax yeah, they just want their phone mate….
After an intense stare-off, he would just huff in annoyance before placing your hand back to where it was originally before demanding you to continue what you were doing.
He doesn’t tell you this, but he really loves the feeling of you playing with his hair as well as scratching his back - lowkey reminds him of some nights (Barista Violettelueur this is an SFW cafe…..stop it)
However, you already knew about this since when you would do this, you would feel his arms tightly wrap themselves around your waist as if he was telling you not to stop and that he just wanted to stay in the position that you were both in forever.
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