#WIP: Chosen
emimayooo · 4 months
Fanfic Work-In-Progress Guessing Game: cheese
omg hello hello anon!! tysm for sending this wip ask in!! not sure if you're from fe3h fandom, but here's a snippet from a dimileth fairy tale longfic that i've been working on for THREE FRIGGIN' YEARS and still haven't finished lol
(well, it is fully fourth-drafted. i just haven't done the final edits...)
Once a damsel, then a dame, Ingrid of House Galatea only regaled Byleth the rest of her impossible tale after she gorged herself on the gourmet meal laid before them, as if she were the personification of gluttony itself. Oh, but not even the Goddess would have faulted her for that, not when She knew how long the dame had starved, and how irresistible the dishes before her truly were. For among the delights which decorated the picnic blanket were honeyed hocks of fatty ham; frilly little lemon cakes dusted with nutmeg and iced in crystalline sugar, the perfect culmination of sweet, sour and spice; and a charcuterie board, well-stocked with nuts that cracked like a pleasure-pain rick in the neck, and berries that burst upon the tongue like climaxed lust, and cheese which melted like one who dips into a long day’s, long awaited bubble bath.
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 6 months
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I know it took awhile but… tadaah!
New 20k words of content just dropped, bringing the game to 50k! Each playthrough is around 22k~ words with mini paths to explore.
I tried to edit this as much as I could, but with the new amount of branches I'm starting to get cross-eyed after re-reading the game so many times. As always feedback is always welcome! I'm having some trouble in linking scenes together with code. So if there are parts where it seems weirdly formatted or abrupt, please let me know in the forums.
IMPORTANT: Please use a new save! A lot has changed since the last update so it's most likely broken. The game passed both the quick and random test, so if you encounter any errors please make sure you didn't use an old save before reporting game breaking bugs.
What's New:
Continue the tour with A and L!
Learn about future events
Officially become a Launwyce Academy student
MC lore ;)
Meet and interact with your potential pet 🐶😺
Meet and interact with J
What's Edited:
World lore
More physical banter variations for A and L when they have different genders
Hope everyone enjoys the update! :D PS: Ignore the main re-post, just wanted to transfer the main post to this account. PPS: omg I just realized it's April 1 - this is not an April fools joke !!!
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
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Bishoujo Soundwave my beloved 😔💞
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hyakunana · 26 days
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✨💕 The winner of the DGP is———! 💕✨
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dakimomoe · 11 months
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Please switch to the new main post here from its dedicated devblog. Thank you!
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jesterjaxx · 4 months
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More duntrent wip but this time just tdi era duntrent
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kikiknits · 1 year
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Behold! The short rows based project that kept me up til 2am last night with “just one more row” lol
Finished Object!
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poppyflavour · 2 months
some little things i noticed in yours designs of stickmans (i hope the quality of the pictures has not deteriorated)
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also, in the post with the designs, you wrote that you have a lot more that you want to depict and ohhhhhh, I really look forward to when you have the time and energy to do it!!
and small question: is it possible to use them in our drawings (indicating your authorship of the designs)?
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Oh boy I hope it's readable-
I got this in my inbox and I just kept reading through it and kicking my feet o(≧∀≦)o Like this is so nice of you 😭😭 I almost wanted to not answer it and cherish it forever
I tried to adress each of your notes (I failed to do the one with Mango and Purple's hair similarities but that's partially because what I had to say wasn't really about neither Purple or King in particular and I just was really tired) and explain or add onto them, so I hope you'll enjoy this!
And yeah you can use my desings, but credit and also tag me because I want to see your artwork! <3
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flo-n-flon · 15 days
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I'm having trouble drawing lately but I had a mighty need to doodle Faile Bashere: Lady. Hunter of the Horn. Falcon
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snailtaco · 9 days
I’m alive, I’m just getting my ass kicked by college. I haven’t finished anything yet but to prove I’m still here and trying, here are a few wips in order of completion. (They’re not going anywhere soon, sorry)
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I did just get a fun new drawing tablet so maybe I’ll be more prone to finish stuff
Have a great day y’all!
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nano-blob · 1 year
something something strangling you with the red string of fate tying us together
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 6 months
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You still remember it.
Burnt into the back of your eyelids like a scar.
The orphanage.
The cold, lifeless, barren gray walls. The creaky wooden floorboards that groaned and moaned in each step.
A place you used to call home.
But you escaped.
Perhaps in your new life at Launwyce Academy you could start anew, find a way to heal the invisible scars on your soul.
For now, all you can do is walk forward.
One step at a time.
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Lightweaver: Chosen is an upcoming modern fantasy IF for 18+ players and older. Use of elemental powers is inspired by Avatar: The Legend of Aang/Korra.
A world where elemental deities share a fraction of their powers to their chosen, bringing upon the age of weavers; humans with the ability to manipulate the elements of their patron.
You have been chosen by a mysterious lightning deity—blessing you with the power to weave lightning. But with a troubled childhood haunting your every step, your new abilities present a double-edged sword.
The choices you make, the support you receive, and the inner strength you harness define your journey—a journey fraught with anguish, but one that promises a life outside Mother’s grasp.
Two divergent paths lay ahead.
Will you let yourself heal and grow, or will you fall deeper into the void?
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Play as a touch-averse customizable MC with a troubled past, male or female.
Learn how to use your newfound lightning powers to its fullest potential. Anything’s possible if you’re smart enough!
Use your powers for good and be admired. Or use them to become a menace in society and be feared.
Participate in Launwyce’s many academy events and competitive tournaments. Show the weaving world what you’re made of.
A potential pet has also chosen you as its human; teach it a trick or two!
Shape your MC’s personality however you want. Certain choices also help shape the rest of your past.
How the MC deals with their trauma is entirely up to you.
Push away or make new relationships. Everyone has their own inner demons you can unveil.
Character-driven narrative and slow burn character development.
Eventually face the monster from your past, Mother.
3 different endings to branch into!
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Luna/Leo Bancroft | 18 | Fire Weaver | Freshman | A’s childhood friend If MC is shorter than L, they’re shorter than all ROs
They were the first to notice you falling.
A warm and gentle soul. But there’s a certain air about them, the kind that makes them seem untouchable. It’s a type of muted cheer, one that carries the tension of maintaining a persona, but perhaps not a façade.
Despite their unusual aura, they’re attentive and smart, not to mention remarkably insightful.
Alice/Alec Langley | 18 | Water Weaver | Freshman | L’s childhood friend If MC is taller than A, they unlock height choices for J
They were the one who made sure you landed safely; and with flourish.
Behind their snark lies a certain vulnerability, hidden by a layer of frost and caution. You suspect that they wear the act like a mask; even if the flecks of passion flickering beneath the surface reveal a fiery heart.
They’re quick-witted and equally sharp-tongued. They never hesitate to speak their mind.
June/Juno Patel | 19 | Earth Weaver | Sophomore If MC is taller than J, they’re taller than all ROs
Ever present on their features is a stern expression; jaw set and eyes sharp. Even with little words uttered, they carry themself with confidence that demands respect.
Their intimidating presence often gives people pause, but those who dare meet them head-on will find a stubborn and proud spirit that refuses to yield.
Surprisingly, they’re easy to read, and it makes interacting with them oddly satisfying.
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6footeel · 9 months
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i really can’t stay…. but arthur it’s cold outside
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d8tl55c · 1 month
almost done with somethin' (edit: IT IS DONE \o/ )
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Hiii, I hope you have a nice day. I just want to tell you that since I found your story I haven't stopped thinking about it and the characters. The way you write is amazing and I can tell you know what you are doing. As someone who writes in her spare time I must say I am in love with your writing. ✨
But seriously, you write very well, I hope the universe gives you health and lots of motivation to continue with your projects.
Now, C is the most popular Ro and I get it, it's mine too, but I want to know more about the others too. Hahaha
I don't know if you've answered this yet, from what I've read you haven't, and that's fine if you don't feel like answering or don't have time.
What would you say is the Ro's way of dealing with jealousy?
Will there be any characters who are jealous of other Ro's?
And also, what kind of voice would you describe for them? How do you imagine their voices?
Oh oh, and will there be some difference in the way Ro's interact with different MC's?
Thanks for reading and for sharing your talent with us, and sorry for talking so much and asking so many questions. Hahaha
Pd: soooo we already have amazing Ro's but is there a possibility of having you as one of them? pls 👉👈🌸
i’ve gotten so many asks about my writing and ngl, i was very surprised because imposter syndrome is a bitch and i have a hard time being happy with anything i write. y’all have made me so much more motivated and confident in my writing and i can’t thank you enough. this is to let you know that i’ve read all the sweet and supportive asked you’ve sent me and i’m eternally grateful for everybody who have faith in me and this story 🫶🏻
okay, sappy axel aside, let’s dive into the questions:
what would you say is the ROs’ way of dealing with jealousy?
C’s jealousy is a quiet, smoldering thing, more akin to a slow-burning ember than a raging fire. it begins as a mere flicker, an unsettling gnawing at the edges of their mind, something easily brushed aside in the beginning. but it grows, consuming them in small, imperceptible increments.
they don’t lash out; that would be too obvious, the action of someone too insecure. instead, their jealousy manifests in control—sharp, calculated moves to reassert their dominance, their superiority. a barbed comment here, a subtle maneuver there, each action designed to tighten their grip on what they perceives as theirs.
C cloaks their jealousy in a façade of indifference, even as the venom coils tighter around their heart. the game, after all, is not about emotions—it’s about winning. and C Lacroix does not like losing.
V’s jealousy is a battle of wills, fought not just with the outside world but within themselves. raised on the virtues of patience and self-restraint, they resist the initial sting, the impulse to confront. V does not crumble at the sight of competition; rather, they internalize it, turning their attention inward, wrestling with the dichotomy nature of their feelings.
they pray, of course—they always pray—seeking strength to overcome what they see as a personal failing, a momentary lapse in their otherwise steadfast faith. but jealousy lingers, seeping into their thoughts like a persistent shadow.
it is a test, they tell themself, one they must pass without faltering. and so, V watches, waits, and suffers in silence, until the day when they can either forgive or be forgiven.
W’s jealousy takes the form of a timid, creeping thing, a quiet dread that blooms slowly and without warning. it unsettles them, making them feel small, insignificant. they know what it is but can’t quite bring themself to acknowledge it. it’s easier, safer, to pretend it doesn’t exist, to bury it beneath layers of strained politeness and mild-mannered smiles.
when jealousy takes hold, W retreats into themself, seeking solace in routine and familiarity, as if by doing so, they can keep their ever-growing at bay. they avoid confrontation, preferring to suffer in silence rather than expose this chink in their armour.
they convince themself that it’s nothing, just a passing feeling, that they’re above such negative and petty emotions. but deep down, they know that their jealousy is simply fear dressed in a different guise—the fear of being overlooked, of never being enough for anyone, much less you.
D’s jealousy rears its head as a raw, visceral thing, a sudden and overwhelming force that they’ve never quite learned to control. it ignites quickly, like a match struck in the dark, flaring up in an instant and consuming all rational thought. they feel it in their chest, hot and suffocating, and their first instinct is always to fight—to claim what they believe is rightfully theirs.
but D is also scared, terrified of the depth of their own emotions, and so they pull back, lashes out in unexpected ways, the anger masking a deeper fear. they’re torn between the desire to protect what they love and the dread of being inevitably hurt again.
in the end, D’s jealousy is as much a reflection of their insecurity as it is their passion—a volatile mix that will leave anyone restless, yearning, and perpetually on edge.
M’s jealousy is a cold, calculated affair, more of an intellectual exercise than an emotional response. they analyze it from all angles, as if it were a puzzle to be solved rather than a feeling to be experienced. they don’t let it show; that would be beneath them, unbecoming of the “paragon of styx.”
instead, M channels their jealousy into ambition, using it to fuel their drive, their need to prove that they are, indeed, the best. it’s not that they don’t feel it—they do, acutely so—but they refuse to be ruled by it. jealousy, in M’s eyes, is a weakness to be mastered, a flaw to be overcome.
and so they play the long game, biding their time, waiting for the moment when they can subtly, almost imperceptibly, reclaim their rightful place without ever lowering themself to the level of those low-level thugs who provoke it.
will there be any characters who are jealous of other ROs’?
i didn’t understand this question fully, but i’m guessing you mean amongst the ROs? if so, C would be more jealous of D if they ended up dating the MC and vice-versa. W is jealous of any ROs who date MC lmao, but they’ll try their best to temper it down.
and also, what kind of voice would you describe for them? how do you imagine their voices?
C LACROIX: silky and husky, with a slightly cold, detached quality.
cédric’s voiceclaim would be tom hiddleston, while céline’s would be ella purnell.
V NÆSHOLM: gentle, warm, and steady, with a soft, almost lyrical cadence.
vance’s voiceclaim would be jordan fisher and for vanessa, it’s the same as her faceclaim, taylor russell.
W OSTENDORF: soft and slightly breathy and raspy, with almost a drawl that surprisingly makes them sound sincere most of the time.
for wilhelm, i’d say andrew garfield comes to mind. wilhelmine definitely has gracie abrams as her voice.
D DIACONU: deep, rough, and slightly smokey. there is also a gritty edge that comes out when their emotions are getting intense.
dumitru’s voiceclaim is definitely jacob elordi, while imma have to give dumitra to sophie thatcher.
M WHITLOCK-SINGH: polished, refined, and posh, very articulate with a natural commanding tone.
maxwell’s voiceclaim would probably be a mixture of benedict cumberbatch and dev patel. i knew from the conception of maxine as a character that i wanted simone ashley to be her voiceclaim.
and will there be some difference in the way ROs interact with different MCs?
ooh definitely. it largely depends on your character’s personality and choices tbh, but don’t worry, there’s no weird stat system for that. you don’t have to kiss their asses all the time for them to treat you nicely, however, you shouldn’t be overly rude either because that’s going to lose friendship/romance points.
i guess what i’m trying to say is that your MC doesn’t have to be a complete doormat to progress with their platonic/romantic relationship with the ROs. some of them, like C and M, might even start softening up if the MC is more of a gentle/shy type.
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kingdomblade · 4 months
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I drew a hand I was really happy with and then immediately covered it, so I'm making sure everyone sees it separately!
This is a small part of a bigger picture which $5 Patrons can see WIPs of on Patreon!
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