mischievousmeh · 1 year
warning: the following contains spoilers for pokémon scarlet/violet
wheeeew! okay, so after a good rest, i’m able to talk about what went on with the titan from yesterday!
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this big guy is the lurking steel titan, orthworm! i’m sure plenty of you have seen a normal sized orthworm, but this was my first encounter with this pokémon! as absolutely astounding as it was in size, it was sort of cute! orthworm was not the fighting sort - when he saw aether and i, he hurried to burrow under the ground. with our legs still aching, we opted to chase him down on miraidon! orthworm would peek his head out occasionally, and we essentially were playing a large scale version of whack-a-diglet. this would’ve been fun if we weren’t so tired, i think. after we ended up cornering the behemoth, we sent out reaper and blank, who defeated it easily! after that, it tunneled through solid stone… and the chase began again.
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after we chased it down again, it opened a passage - another cave, just like the one the titan klawf had. and orthworm reaches inside and pulls out one of the herba mystica! a fight would be rough on us and our pokémon, especially from our lack of rest, but luckily, arven appears to help out! he’s brought a toedscool with him this time, who i still don’t know the name of.
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reaper was noticeably worn out, so i gave him a rest and switched him out with gwaine instead! between our three pokémon, this giant worm was no match for us, and actually was defeated pretty easily, despite the herba mystica that it ate! when it was tired of fighting, it quickly burrowed underground to retreat. we took that as our chance, with arven’s direction, to take the herb before it came back. so, into the cave we went.
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according to arven, this is the salty herba mystica! it has amazing properties that help promote healing, just like the sweet variety, though i can’t remember exactly what he’d listed off, as i was very, very tired. he made some more of those awesome sandwiches for us! once again, miraidon intended to beg for our sandwiches. arven actually had made an extra one just for miraidon this time, even though he swears it wasn’t for the dragon at all! i don’t think aether or i believe him, haha.
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great sandwiches again! he’s definitely some sort of sandwich chef, right? a normal person couldn’t do the magic he does! he also gave us this neat badge, which i think is pretty cool considering he makes the badges himself! miraidon also loves his sandwiches, which is both a blessing and a curse. actually, despite getting its own sandwich… miraidon actually was going to take a bite from arven’s, and he snapped at it.
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his shouting was very startling! i remember almost jumping up from my seat. even miraidon scurried away, which must’ve made him feel bad, because he apologized right after. apparently, he’s been hiding something from us… and he’s decided to come clean. arven introduced us to the reason he’s hunting the herba mystica: his partner pokémon, mabosstif.
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the poor thing is terribly sick. no potion or pokémon center can heal him, and arven’s only option has fallen to a myth he read about in his father’s books. apparently, if a pokémon eats from all five of the herba mystica, any ailment they have will be healed. i feel like i understand him a lot more now. he said the only thing he really cares about is his mabosstif, which brings up a few questions, like how he feels about professor turo or his other pokémon, or even any of his friends… but that aside, i think i really, genuinely understand that sentiment. my partner pokémon… my boyfriend… i would do anything for them.
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the magic of the herba mystica works, too. according to arven, mabosstiff hasn’t been able to open its eyes or move for the longest time, and his paws have been cold in his paralysis. with the sandwich that arven gave him, he actually began to warm up a bit, and his eyes opened! arven is a pretty expressionate guy, and though we aren’t very close, he seems unreserved and genuine in how he feels. so, when he started jumping in celebration, followed by genuine sobbing in his joy… i knew that was real, and that was really who he is.
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with the promise to continue on our search for the remaining herba mystica, we parted ways with arven for the time being. miraidon grew stronger from the sandwich it ate, now able to jump much higher than before. and we received a call from professor turo confirming as much, once again showing how much he cares for miraidon and trusts we can care for it.
and… that’s a wrap! time to go and rest up for a couple of days! not really, but i really feel like we should, haha!
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