abstract-crossverse · 2 years
Could i request a continuation of your 'peanut butter' phobos x reader fic? Perhaps them going on that date? I really enjoyed that fic and the way you wrote all the characters 😊
Why thank you!! I really enjoyed writing that one!
Hee hoo I went a lil overboard I hope yall dont mind <3 THIS IS ALSO LONG AS HELL
Jelly? // [Peanut Butter part.2 • Director Phobos x Reader, fic]
"What do you MEAN the Director asked you out??!-"
"be quiet, Crackpot, he could still hear us from the hall..!" Christoff hissed through gritted teeth, lightly slapping his backhand on Crackpot's arm
"I- uh-... I cant even- explain- he just-.. and I-" you sputtered, still processing the recent event, standing there awkwardly
Hofnarr stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder "[L/n], wh- what did he tell you?" His voice was lightly worried and horrified, with its usual nervous tone, you stared at him for a few moments while replaying those words in your head
'say... Would accompanying me to check out that new Bar & Bakery place be suitable?... Let's say.. this Friday at.. 10pm sounds fine?'
"he just-.. asked if accompanying him to that new Bar & Bakery by 10pm on Friday would be a - suitable punishment... said he'd.. pick me up by my dorm then-"
"holy shit, its really a date..."
"with him its really a punishment-" Crackpot jabbed his elbow on Christoff's arm, frowning under his mask
"what? Am I wrong?--" he was interrupted by the Tower guards walking back, talking without the usual accent for a moment before they cleared their throats and got back on their positions
You four kept quiet for a moment before you all began whispering
"we'll talk more about this over lunch, usual table?" You and Hofnarr nodded "you better know Im going as well."
"Im hanging around for this, I wanna know how it ends..!"
Christoff groaned quietly, not having the patience to deal with arguing with Crackpot at the moment
"Fine.- Fine. but we wont wait for you if you're late to lunch." Crackpot nodded, finding it fair
"well, lets get cleaning before the Director comes back!" he rushed off to put away the bottles again, you three shared a look before getting to work as well, though you could only think of one thing while cleaning..
'what am I going to do now??'
Later that day, you all finished packing the peanut butter bottles just in time for lunch. Walking all together in silence to the Cafeteria and dropping off the bags, you four went to sit at the circular table far off to the corner, the one Christoff, you, and Hofnarr would sit to discuss your plans without being heard by people a lot, you 3 would lower your voices and over the many conversations around the room, no one could listen to your plans, and if they did, they couldn't hear very well
As you four sat around each other, you looked nervous, bouncing your leg as the anxiety creeping in had you manually controlling your breathing, the other three just sat in silence looking at you, Christoff seemed to be lost in his thoughts, Hofnarr looked at you with worry and a bit of pity while Crackpot actually looked concerned for you, he's never seen you this nervous before
the silence was deafening and a bit awkward, you were starting to get lost in your own head as well, what if the Director was actually angry? what if he's fuming with anger?? what if he's trying to give you a false sense of security before he takes you to an Alleyway to kill you?? those thoughts swarmed your head quickly as tiny beads of sweat began to form on your forehead of how scared you were. it wasn't until Crackpot's voice snapped your attention back to reality
".... what day is it again?" he spoke, looking at you all with concern "it's Thursday..." Christoff said absent-mindedly, still lost in his own thoughts before realization hit him with a brick, eyes slightly widening as he gazed into nothingness with raised eyebrows
"holy shit it's tomorrow-"
"oh no, it's tomorrow..." you echoed, voice just a bit above a mumble as it wavered, okay yea, that only shot up your anxiety
Hofnarr put a hand on your arm "it'll be okay, [L/n]! Im sure he just- maybe doesn't want to bring a bodyguard this time?-..." you and Christoff stared at him as if he had three heads, Hofnarr held an awkward smile before it fell, taking his hand off your arm
"yyeahh I know that was stupid to say-- I have no idea of what to do either-" you four fell silent again, thinking of what to do
"hey... what if we stalk them from afar?" Crackpot raised the option, the three of you looked at him with a face of 'bro wtf no' "Dont look at me like that! I know it sounds weird, but hear me out! Let's do like those movies where the friends stalk a couple from afar to make sure the date goes well or something along those lines. So then we make sure the Director doesnt kill [L/n] and we still get to see what happens!"
You three fell silent, Christoff looking at Crackpot with a deadpan, before he actually began thinking about it "... Its not that bad of an idea-" you spoke, bringing their attention to you
".. it'd- make me feel a lot safer at least-..." Christoff hummed, he glanced at Hofnarr, Hofnarr nodded with a small smile "Alright then, we'll do that, but we'll need to disguise ourselves better than just fake mustaches, Crackpot, if you need to really wear a mask everywhere you go- at least dont wear the dissonance helmet there, it'll give you away, youre the only fool here that wears that thing everywhere."
Crackpot gasped dramatically, putting his hand to his chest "how dare you call me a fool!-" "boys please, dont bicker now! Not the time." Hofnarr interrupted Crackpot before he went on a tangent, Hofnarr looked at you with a smile
"dont worry, [L/n]! We'll be there for you!" You smiled, nodding, still not being able to shake off the anxiety from your chest, but youre so glad to have friends like them
And so, the so waited time came, you tried finding something nice to put on or find a nice combo of clothing you had that looked nice, thankfully you did find the outfit you got on nice enough! Sometimes you made the occasional self-awareness of thinking you were putting an awful lot of effort into this, but you excused yourself with 'Phobos would probably want me to look nice for this- it's fine.'
As the time he said he'd come to pick you up came closer, the more nervous you got, sitting at the edge of your bed, leaning on your arms which were resting on your thighs, bouncing a leg again, you mentally prepared yourself until then
And as soon the clock hit 10 pm, there was a knock on your door, you immediately got up and opened your dorm door, and there he was, Phobos in all his glory as always. He wore a different coat than he usually used, this one was still the grey he always wore, having a few medals near a pocket on his left side of the suit, having more of a tail coat than on the back, kinda more rectangular and coming down mid-calf, usual black pants, dark grey shirt with white tie, black fingerless gloves, helmet, goggle and bandages on his face as always, as well as his red cape, though this one was a bit different than the one he always wore, being separated on the front with two golden Nexus Core buttons on the sides draped over his shoulders connected by a golden chain. Welp now you know he has more than one cape for occasions, Crackpot owes you 40 bucks
"Ah, there you are, [L/n]-... You.. look stunning…" he said a little strained, you looked down, bowing a little as you fiddled with your hands behind your back, were you hiding a bit of blush? Yeah, a little bit
"th- thank you, sir.-" "Phobos, you may call me by my name for tonight, as long as I may call you by your first name for tonight as well." He said, reaching a hand down for you to take, you hesitated a little before gently setting your own hand on his
".. sure, Phobos. Of course." You tensed slightly as he enveloped his hand around your own, almost making your hand disappear within his. He let out a pleased hum as he gently pulled you out of your room, you closed the door as you stepped out and locked it
"shall we get going then?" He asked, looking at you oddly softly, you almost thought this was an imposter, you gulped silently and nodded with a hum, he let go of your hand and offered a folded arm to you, you looped your arm around his, not that you could fully do that, as your hand rested just above his bicep
He chuckled "you look nervous, though I understand, it's not every day The Director asks one out." Aaand there it is, an opening to rub his own ego, yea this was your Director alright. He lead you among the halls of the dorms, you almost struggled to keep up with his long strides. Though your doubts were confirmed, this was indeed a date of sorts
"Why yes, Phobos, your- presence is quite nervewracking." You deadpanned internally, he laughed softly "I am quite aware, and it is what I strive to achieve in my employers... However, not tonight."
He spoke a bit more quietly on that last part, you wondered what exactly he meant by that, people walked on eggshells everywhere he went, he's a bit tricky to please
You hummed, falling silent as you really had nothing else to say, though you found yourself looking around when he wasn't looking, searching for any sign of your friends as you both headed your way. The silence was broken half your walking way to the bakery by Phobos
"Now that it came to mind, tell me [Y/n], what exactly gave you the idea to fill my office with Peanut Butter containers?" He asked calmly, even though your anxiety shot up again as the topic was brought up, your fears of him being overly angry at you for that coming back within seconds
"w-well I-.. I just-" you struggled to get your words out, stammering as you kept your eyes on the ground, afraid to look up at him, your hands lightly trembling
"I- just thought it'd be funny-..." You breathed out, your voice becoming quieter with every word, The Director gazed down at you, studying your behavior and movements, feeling your hand twitching and trembling on his arm, he simply hummed after a few moments of silence, looking back forward as you both walked
"... I need you to keep in mind I'm not angry at you for that, as I said, it was quite amusing to see." You blinked, stunned for a second as you finally looked up at his bigger form, he didn't move to look at you, though you didn't mind that, you just nodded "y-yes, si-- Phobos, my apologies-"
"do not apologize, you have no reason to, once more, your little stunt was amusing to me, I am not angry over it." He repeated as you finally saw the Bar & Bakery come into view, you just fell silent again, once you both entered, you could feel a few eyes on you both, a paranoic feeling that crept in your chest but you knew it was just people who noticed the Director coming in, especially all dressed up for the occasion
Phobos simply let you to one of the farthest tables in the corner, having you sit with your back to the corner and he sat in front of you, he explained briefly it was something about the privacy of his own face, these people did not need to see his mouth. You understood, though that could be avoided by going somewhere private- you were still glad to be somewhere public
You glanced around about what you could see of the place, having to double take when you saw three people covering their faces with the menu, the shortest one peeked out and discreetly waved at you, they had a weird clownish hairstyle though it was black instead of being colorful like you'd expect, contrasting with the light grey overalls and green sweater they wore, you recognized the face as Hofnarr, the two others peeked from their menus as well. the tallest one you recognized as Christoff- but with a full head of hair tied in a man bun probably a wig and shades on, wearing a black coat and pants with a dark grey shirt. While the other one was obviously Crackpot, he wore a jacket composed of shades of grey, a hood over what you could see to be ginger strands of hair, a white polo shirt with an orange overcoat, he wore green goggles, and a white face mask as well
You gave them a knowing look before shifting your attention quickly back to Phobos, who had a menu in his hands "this drink looks good, what do you think?" He turned the menu to you and pointed at a fancy-looking drink... Kir Royale? Of course, that'd catch his eye.
You took a moment to read the drink's description, nodding with a small amused grin "it looks quite nice, it suits you as well" you chuckled lightly
He let out an amused soft laugh, thankful he had his face covered by bandages "well then, I know what I'm ordering for the drink, would you like one of these as well?" He turned the menu back to him, browsing the food part of the menu "ah- no- Id- rather not have anything alcoholic for tonight-.."
Phobos nodded in understandment with a hum "understandable.. but what drink will you order?" He leaned against the table, it creaked slightly and dipped a bit on his side due to his size, he didn't seem to notice too much
You looked at your menu, humming in thought, this place has a lot of drinks you didn't really know about- though thankfully the bakery side of the menu had a few lighter options than the bar
"Uhm... Maybe this milkshake?" You mirrored what he did earlier, and pointed at the milkshake you wanted to show him. He looked at the description of the drink, just a milkshake of your favorite fruit, nothing too special, though it seems the Bakery did put effort into it’s decoration
Phobos nodded in approvement "It looks nice, it suits you too." His gaze trailed back to you, the same look he gave you back at his office yesterday, you couldn't help but feel a bit of heat rising to your cheeks and that odd feeling on your stomach, you leaned back into your seat as you looked back at the menu for the food
A while later, a trembling waiter came over to your table, questioning what your orders would be in stutters. After ordering, the waiter scrambled away
You both engaged in quite interesting topics on the meanwhile, talking about some work-related things, but as well things about life in general, Phobos seemed to make most of the questions about you, it was almost uncharacteristic of him not to be talking about himself like he always did
He looked interested too, genuinely, you had never seen him so interested like this aside from when you and your friends were reporting Progress on your more important projects. It gave you that odd fluttering feeling on your stomach again
Of course, he didn't waste opportunities to show off his own experiences and stroke his own ego, which you amusedly contributed, even if accidentally or on purpose
You both were so lost in your own bubble that you were almost startled when the waiter came back with your drinks and food, a brief thank you to the waiter as you both fell back into your conversation, the waiter was even surprised when Phobos thanked them as well before skittering off when Phobos made a dismissive motion with his hand
You were actually loosening up, forgetting about that creeping anxiety you had before about the date, it felt like talking to a friend you hadn't seen in years, you listened with interest to the stories Phobos had to tell you about his own life before becoming a director, of course, there were things he didn't elaborate on, and as much as you curiosity tried to pry you to ask about it, you didn't, though keeping a mental note about them, you didn't want to anger him about something that could've been something private of his
While he told you the story of how he got one of his metals, he gestured with his hands a little too strongly and knocked his partially eaten pastry on himself, you gasped lightly and quickly covered your own mouth as he quickly stumbled to take the treat and put it back on his plate, he sat the stiffly, his fingers lightly gripping the edge of the table, a silence dragging between you both at you stared at each other
You tried to keep your snickers from being heard, though you failed miserably, a smile tugging at your lips under your hands as you snickered, which turned into tiny giggle fits, you felt Phobos lightly glaring at you
“Don't laugh at me.” he said, struggling to keep serious as you could hear a smile in his tone, which only made you wheeze as you tried to keep your laugh quiet, eventually you heard small chuckles coming from the Director himself, leading you both into fits of laughs you both tried your best to keep quiet about. Phobos softly gazed at you again, as he leaned on the table for support, a hand on his head to support it as he laughed, you still had your eyes closed and a hand covering your mouth as you laughed
He had no idea how you had such an effect on him, your laugh always felt so contagious, he couldn't help but laugh along with you when you fell into giggles, back at the Tower, your laugh always made him look your way, made a smile tug at his lips as he heard your voice, sometimes finding himself staring at one of the cameras of the tower he could see you in, or how he'd catch himself daydreaming about you when he had paperwork to finish. You made him feel things he couldn't even tell what they were when they first started, you were never that intimidated by him like most of the scientists and agents were when first hired, even going as far as ask how his day had been going if you happened to bump into each other and go the same direction for a while
No one had really done that for a really, really long time, it was… heartwarming? Was that the word again? Took him a while to realize what he was feeling, and an even longer while to muster up the courage to ask you out, it frustrated him how he found himself weak at the knees when he wanted to simply ask you if you could have coffee with him later, the side that strived for Godhood yelling in his mind about how he would almost lower himself to you anytime you were around, it was almost infuriating how someone like you could have such overwhelming effects on him-
He snapped out of his daze when he catches you moving to hand him a napkin, cheeks pink from laughing… why- oh yeah- the slice of cake that had fallen earlier, he took the napkin from you and took a moment to clean whatever residue of the pastry on his pants. You sighed, breathless from your giggles, you spoke
“Im- so sorry, sir-”
“Hm? Sorry for what?” he looked back up at you as he folded the dirty napkin and placed it beside his plate
“For- laughing earlier, I just- couldn't help myself-!”
“Don't apologize, I admit, it was quite funny. I was caught off guard by the flying cake slice- and what did I tell you about calling me ‘sir’ tonight?” you giggled again and mumbled an apology as you took another bite from your jelly-filled pastry, a smile tugging at his exposed mouth as he finished his own as well, taking a few sips of his drink
You looked out the window as you finished your milkshake, it was pretty dark outside, you wondered how long you'd been there… “hey Phobos?” he hummed, looking back at you “do you have the time?”
He grinned “why yes, I have all the time in the world for you~”
Awkward silence, he was still grinning, though you could slightly see the bit of his uncovered face turning red by the second, you couldn't help but blush either, trying not to grin at the flirt
“I- meant the-”
“I~ know-” he quickly interrupted, pulling a sleeve to look at the watch on his wrist, the red from his cheeks beginning to disappear as he realized what time it was “Oh dear- it's almost 12:30.” You flinched at his words “12:30 already?? Oh fuck-” you quickly finished your pastry as Phobos took the last few sips of his drink and wrapped his bandages back over his face, getting the same idea you had. You got up from your seat and adjusted your clothes, he soon got up after you and adjusted his cape, he glanced at you, double-taking as he saw a bit of jelly on the corner of your lips, he quickly took another napkin “wait-..”
You barely had time to react before he bent a bit to your height and held your face with one hand and wiped off the jelly with the napkin with the other, your cheeks flushed again with how close he was, though it was short-lived as he crumpled the dirty napkin in his hand and threw it on the plates at your table, he offered his arm to you again, which you took after a moment of being stunned, confused on what happened just then but quickly pushed it aside. The Bakery part of the place was mainly empty, some of the patrons going over to the bar side or had gone home already
As you both walked to the cashier, you caught a glance of that table with your friends, double-taking, you completely forgot they were there- Christoff glanced at you from looking at the TV, the other two looking at the TV as well so the Director wouldn't see their faces, you gave him a knowing look as you and Phobos headed out
Phobos looked happy, you looked up at him as you both walked the empty sidewalk, he glanced down at you once he felt you looking at him, you shot him a small smile before turning your attention back to where you were going
The walk back to the Tower was quite silent, a peaceful kind of silence as you both just enjoyed the night breeze hitting your skin
Soon you were back at the Dorms, the Director escorted you back to your room, once you were in front of the door, you turned to him
“.. Tonight was great.” you smiled up at him “it- really was.. You're great company.” he said softly, you chuckled “thank you, you're a great company as well… thank you for tonight, Phobos, this ‘punishment’ was the best I've ever received.” you air quoted the punishment part with a grin, he let out a softly laugh
“It wasn't much of a punishment, now was it? Oh well, it is what it is.” he simply shrugged, leaving you to giggle some more
“Goodnight, Phobos.” you opened the door to your room and stepped in, when you were about to close the door, Phobos spoke
“Wait!-” ahem “you- would you like to- walk with me at the park one of these days? Maybe- grab some coffee as well?” he held his hands behind his back, hiding the anxious fiddling he was doing with his hands, you looked up at him, smiling softly as pink dusted your cheeks again
“I'd love to.” He seemed to brighten at your words, a smile being heard in his voice “.. okay, cool- Good- Goodnight, Dr. [L/n]--”
You laughed “what happened to the whole first name thing for tonight?”
“Ah- right. My apologies, Goodnight, [Y/n].” he began to walk away from your room “Goodnight!” you said between chuckles, closing your door behind you. You kicked off your shoes and sat at the foot of your bed, contemplating what just happened, soon there was a rhythmically knock on your door
“Its.. open…” you said, Christoff opened the door, pushing Hofnarr and Crackpot in as he closed the door behind him after he walked in
“What. the fuck. Was that???” Crackpot said, all three of them looking at you in pure shock
“YOU THINK I KNOW???” you yelled, yanking a pillow to you and slamming it on your face as you fell back into your bed
Phobos entered his quarters, turning on the light and closing the door behind him, unclipping the golden chain from one of his cape’s buttons and hanging it on the coat hanger beside the door while unwrapping the bandages around his mouth and taking off his helmet, he walked over to his large bed, turning around and throwing himself on his bed, he let out a dreamy sigh, one hand gripping his chest
He chuckled, almost in disbelief, you accepted going out with him again??
He smiled and sighed again..
“... dear gods.. You really are something, aren't you, [Y/n]?” he closed his eye, thinking back on the date... Until his poor attempt to flirt came back to his mind, he grimaced, letting out a groan as he grabbed a pillow, stuffing it on his face over and over again
“Stupid, stupid, stupid… that was horrendous…”
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