hey writeblr! reblog this with some snippets / writing you think deserves more attention! attach as many as you like! I'll reblog as many as I can!
and yes, this is also an invitation for anyone to add me to their writing tag lists!
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blradley · 28 days
A powerpoint introduction to Liesmyth!
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(I swear the next one will actually be in Comic Sans... shout out to @incandescent-creativity for popularizing this medium!)
Do you wanna read a dark, Norse-inspired Adult Fantasy?
Do you wanna read about queer gods causing mayhem?
(literally every single character is queer lmaooooo)
Do you wanna support a queer, multiply disabled author?
Look no further than Liesmyth! We're out on subs at the moment - so, pretty-please reblog this powerpoint if you like the concept! Let's prove to all those prospective publishers that there's an audience for my book!
Image IDs:
All eleven images are power point slides.
Image 1: Title card reading 'Liesmyth: or, how Sigyn ruined everything, by B. L. Radley'. The words are displayed over a person in (...vaguely) Viking-era garb, against a green background. Only a slice of their torso is visible.
Image 2: A picture of an ash tree against a green, cool, mountainous scene. In a yellow text box, words read: Welcome to a world inspired by Norse mythology, where witches can climb through the cosmos using the boughs of an ancient ash tree, and any magic is possible, so long as it is cast with a suitable sacrifice. Yes, it’s basically a Viking Isekai. Shoot me. Then, a quote in italics: I know an ash tree named Yggdrasil, Nine realms cradled in its loamy arms… Prophecy of the Voluspa, verse 19
Image 3: Meet the characters! An image shows a white woman in Viking-era dress, leaning against a fence, looking pensieve. She is introduced as Sigyn Narisdottir. Her quote is: “It’s a God-eat-God world out there…” Below this, there is a description of Sigyn, reading: Just a nice, normal Christian woman from a nice, normal Christian village. (Totally not a gay witch, haha no, why would you suggest such a thing.) After her father is killed by his own God, Þórr, Sigyn has only one chance to free his trapped ghost from eternal torment. She must confront Þórr and slay him in combat. But how can a mortal defeat a God? Traits are bullet pointed at the bottom of the page. Hers are: Ruthless, ambitious, cunning, and desperate.
Image 4: The next character description is of Loki. His quote is “Monsters lost their menace when they huddled crying in the corner. And when you might use them for your own ends.” His image shows a clean-shaven half-naked man sat against a scandinavian-esque backdrop of rugged rocks and dried grass. He is white, with curly red hair, and is looking curiously off to one side. His description reads: The savior of the Gods, or their bane? A framed innocent, or a prophesized murderer? A victim, or a monster? Loki is a man of juxtaposed polarities, not least of which being that he isn’t a man at all. At least, not when it doesn’t suit him. Sigyn knows he’s dangerous. But in the viper nest of Ásgarð’s royal court, he might be her only ally… or her downfall. His traits are: Sly, wily, and 'not to be trusted'.
Image 5: The two characters introduced on this slide are Freyja and Thor. Freyja's image is of an Arab woman staring directly at the camera, expression serene, curly hair falling around her face. Her quote is: “Goddess of beauty. Goddess of desire. All who saw Freyja fell a little in love—but though silken longing stirred in my belly, I wrung it dead, reminding myself that Freyja was a goddess of bloodshed, too.” Her description reads: Queen of the Vanir, Freyja is an ancient and powerful goddess who takes Sigyn as her indentured servant. Her traits are: Proud, cold, and vicious. On the opposite side of the page, Thor's image shows a white, bearded man in an iron helmet glaring into the camera, viking sigils scrawled across his face in charcoal. He is shadowy and menacing. His quote is: “I saw a rainbow flash over a church. I saw a broken sky. I saw the end of everything.” His description is: Eldest prince of the Æsir. Murderer of Sigyn’s father, and countless more beside. The living embodiment of berserker rage, he is the strongest god around – and next to inherit Ásgarð’s throne. Unless Sigyn can stop him. His traits are: Violent, mighty, and 'a storm made flesh'
Image 6: introduces Angrboda and Baldr. Angrboda's image shows a white woman with blonde braids, wearing chain mail and warpaint (black streaks over her face), with a huge axe over one shoulder. Her quote is: “ ‘Sigyn, meet Angrboða: witch of the Ironwoods, god of a lost nation, relic of an elder age, master of magics that not even my darling brother dares dabble in, cosmopolitan worldwalker, mother and father of my children, and—if I might say so—a practitioner of truly superlative strap-game.’ ” Baldr's image is of Assad Zaman, looking wistfully, beautifully, into the camera. His quote is: “Out strode the most beautiful man in all the Nine Worlds. His gentle smile, his topaz eyes, his black curls, the fawn velvet of his cheeks… Oh, warmth radiated from him. I looked at him and felt, for the first time in oh-so-very-long, safe.”
Image 7: introduces Saga and Menglod. Saga's image shows a Black woman in darkness, with facial tattoos and a nose ring. She raises her eyes to the camera, pulling back a dark hood, her expression difficult to read. Her quote is: “In another version of this tale, I stayed with Sága. We travelled to Ljósálfheim every winter—one for every six of Vanaheim’s years—and raised foundlings as our own (for ever were the elvish freer with their loves than those of my world). But in this tale, we reached Freyja’s palace, and I had a dream.” Her description is: Prophet, witch, worldwalker. The woman Sigyn left behind. Menglod's image shows a Black woman smiling slightly, slyly, as she looks back over her shoulder, her natural hair framing her face. Her quote is: “If I tended the hearth in Freyja’s chamber, I left ash on her floors. If I swept the ash, I left streaks invisible to any eyes but Menglǫð’s. If I breathed, I did so far too loudly and regularly, and if I were a considerate soul, I would stop.” Her description is: Freyja’s attendant, and Sigyn’s main rival for her favor.
Image 8: So, like, wtf happens? Set against a background of dramatic red-on-black fire is a description of the book's plot, as follows: Crumbling kingdoms. Hungering Gods. One woman who will end the worlds. Loki, Norse god of fire and mischief, will be tortured until the end of time. And he shall deserve every minute. At least, that’s how the story goes. Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind every genderfluid trickster-god is a spouse who darns his socks, plots his victories and keeps his secrets, as well as her own. After a thousand years of agony, Loki looks to the woman who kneels by his side – his jailer, his torturer, his wife – and asks for a different story. Hers.
Image 9: a continuation of the plot from the previous slide, this time with a cool blue lake as the background, with a viking-style ship floating atop its surface. The image feels less calming, more unnerving in its stillness and the lack of human life. The description reads as follows: Down with the gods. So swore Sigyn, a young mortal woman, after watching her father die at godly hands. One millennium later, she has joined the same pantheon she once despised. Now, as Ragnarǫk approaches – the end of all Nine Worlds – Sigyn narrates the tale of the Norse Gods’ fall, and her own.
Image 10: Themes. A picture of two crossed axes accompanies a list of themes, which are: 1) Revenge. What is a life worth? And what would you give up, to avenge the life of someone you love? 2) Corruption. Can you ever fix a broken system from the inside? Or will it, inevitably, consume you? and 3) Divinity. What does it mean, to become a god? What might you lose along the way?
Image 11: A picture of Loki as a woman, with red hair, dressed in a Viking-style dress and sat on the edge of a Scandinavian dock, accompanies text that reads: This book is for you if you like... Queer-led, queer-written fantasy, with main wlw and nonbinary characters! Court drama and political intrigue, mixed with a sizzling dash of mythology! A prophecy that cannot be averted; a tragedy that cannot be outrun…
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rhyaxxyn · 6 months
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She kneeled, panting amidst blood and guts, plenty of it splattered on her face and clothes. When their cart had separated, coming to a halt and the soldiers stood—blades ready—she’d done what she needed to do. It wasn’t like they could manage such a feat anyway. Bronze wasn’t enough. Neither was the black quartz-steel they’d strapped to her face.
Speaking of…
She yanked it off, the metal pins that kept it locked to her jaw ripping skin. It’d heal soon enough.
Pandora tossed the muzzle to the ground, sniffing as she did so. It clattered and slid into a body. Her actions weren’t short of slaughter. That, however, wasn’t a feat on her part. Humans went down easily enough. Especially when they were at such a disadvantage. It would require someone special to take down the universe’s first god.
The creator stood to her full height, glancing over her shoulder.
“I’m afraid you’re late to the party,” she said numbly. A goddess stood in the doorway, her grey eyes wide, her black hair tied in a ponytail. Another stood at her side, a god with gleaming, hard-as-iron orange eyes. She cocked a brow at the pair. Moons and planets.
Her eyes shifted to the goddess. “Why are you here?” Rather than wait to hear the answer, Pandora went to work wiping the blood off her face. The soldiers hadn’t made her bleed. Had they, black would’ve spilled with their red.
“You’re the first god,” she answered. Pandora couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “You were Queen of Kaleis.”
She damned the rest of the blood covering her and made for the doorway. The Moon Goddess didn’t bother barring her from leaving, didn’t even move, but the Planet God—with a frame near six and a half feet no doubt—blocked her from the exit.
Her weapon was summoned to her hand, no more than a whisper of air in her grasp before she was raising it, the blade erupting from the smoky stone hilt. The tip rested below his chin.
His eyes went wide. “That’s a stardust weapon.”
“So it really is you,” the goddess exclaimed.
Rather than answer, Pandora narrowed her eyes and pressed forward, the tall god moving without question. At last, she hopped from the train. Rubbing the engraving on the hilt, the blade collapsed into itself and she retreated, saying, “Leave me alone, and should you ever be unlucky enough to meet another god with one of these weapons, run.”
She was only a few steps away when the goddess was at her side. “But we need your help.”
“You’re better off without it.”
“Only you can stop the war.”
She spun on her heels to face her, her features contorted into something ferocious. It was enough to have the Moon Goddess reeling back, her hooded eyes cinched in confusion.
“There’s no stopping the war,” she hissed, shaking her head. “It’s inevitable. Whether we like it or not, QueenOmne and every one of the idiot gods who believes she’s the real monarch will follow her to war—and the Revolutionists…” Pandora took a step forward, a threat woven into the action. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the Planet God set his eyes upon her, his own promise of violence floating in the air between them. “The Revolutionists want us dead.”
Huffing, she turned back to the night. Death made the air heavy. One of her own gods was gone. It was as tangible as the touch of the breeze on her fingers as it brushed past. If only she’d known a day earlier—then war could’ve been prevented. A day earlier, and she could’ve kept her own creation from being slaughter; but the day was done, the night covering the world, and the war was well on its way to beginning.
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✦  A L T A L U N A ✦  Moodboard
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silent-creed · 1 year
WtW Character Event - Day 1 Protagonists
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If only she hadn't been so hungry
Image & Quote Credits:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9
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circa-specturgia · 2 years
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I live!
I think so, at least. Been feeling kinda dead when it comes to writing, knocking on that door and nothing answering, no ideas, no thoughts, just quiet…
Gonna be posting Part II to that crossover smut I posted on New Years!
To the new peoples who followed me (for god knows what reason) (and I’m also speaking to the beloved pornbots too), you have to make sure you have seeing mature content posts enabled to see it. I’ll be putting it in my pinned post as well, though later!
NOTE, that’s IF you want to see it. It is mature content, and so only do so if you are 18+ and feel comfortable reading NSFW material! I trust you to know what you are comfortable reading!
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on-noon · 2 years
WTW Pumpkin Palooza Day#03: Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act, or your entire WIP
So heres the plot i guess (definitly subject to change):
Walvryn and Leofric's mom dies
Walvryn joins the military, the space fighter pilots
Leofric starts to get radicilized into anti-genetic engineering, anti-implants ideas online and makes a video of him cutting out his implant
Walvryn completes training
Leofric starts a breakaway colony, that's not allowed, so there's a war
Walvryn's dad contacts her
Walvryn's ship gets hit, she's really injured (and Leofric now wants to go see her, but can't shes on a military base)
Walvryn turns down the offer to train pilots, and leaves the military, lives with her father and his family for a bit
Walvryn decides she neeeds to spend some time with Leoffric, and so goes to live with him
the war ends i guess? and Leofric's side loses
taglist: @saltysupercomputer
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caradhraas · 2 years
ok but codename hamlet the sequel
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sourrcandy · 8 months
hii looking for writeblrs to follow!! i'm harls, i write mainly thrillers/spy fiction (my main wip here). i've been on writeblr since 2020 and would love to make more friends with ppl in the community <3 i love fantasy, thrillers, and unreliable protagonists! also a massive sucker for enemies to lovers/reluctant allies dynamics if you've got any of these i would love to check out your wip xx
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jrooc · 15 days
✨Weekly Tag Wednesday- Swing yo hair back and forth (edition)✨
Thanks my little ice-machine (what?😆) for this game and all you lovely tagging mf’s @spookygingerr @deedala @energievie @sgtmickeyslaughter @stocious
what is your current hair like? Long, half brown with blond highlights and ends but not like the 90s streaks. Wavy and a bit wild.
what is your natural hair like? If I leave it it’s wavy but gets curly like it used to in humidity. Its a dark brown (*whispers* with a couple grays which j swear I started getting at 20 it’s genetic I’m not that old 😭)
what’s you favourite hair style/colour you’ve had? Probably this one. I used to dye it black like Mandy but it was a bad box job
what hair style/colour do you find most attractive on other people? (if you have a preference) I’m a sucker for a redhead 👀. Or Mickeys hair s7. Or much like Chappell I like long hair, no bra. But really depends on the person tbh. If you’re a babe and your style suits you 🤷🏻‍♀️
what’s your biggest hair regret? Bangs. Cutting those bangs when I’d get home from the bar. 😆
what’s the longest your hair as ever been? Probably now? So to the bottom of my shoulder blades
what’s the shortest your hair has ever been? I had a bit of a lob so just above the shoulders I guess?
what’s your go to style when you’re due a hair wash? Low bun. Dry shampoo. Misdirection.
Tags are gonna be a hot mess cause I’m in a cab and can’t check my list. Consider yourself tagged mutuals!
@runawaybrainsc @rereadanon @gallapiech @transmurderbug @transmickey
@blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @francesrose3
@filorux @roryonic @darlingian @spoonfulstar @gallavichgeek @gallavichsuperfan
@samantitheos @sam-loves-seb @andthatisnotfake @look-i-love-u @ifallonblackdays
@ms-moonlight-inn @celestialmickey @doshiart @guinguin1984 @creepkinginc
@ian-galagher @iandarling @such-a-barbarian @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx
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happy international mother language day
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, it goes to his heart.” - Nelson Mandela
what's the first language of your OCs? what does it mean to them if someone speaks it to them?
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toragay-writing · 6 months
Writing Commissions
So, I'm opening up commissions, and I'm going to tell you how to go about making your requests. I don't do fanfics, but I am willing to do fiction, poems, and nonfiction.
I personally charge $0.02 per word for writing commissions.
You'll need to DM me and answer the following questions below.
Do you want the story to be privately sent to you, or do you want it to be uploaded to my account? How many words do you want (preferably in a range, ex. 400-500)? What point of view do you want? Then provide me with any story details. What setting do you want? Preferences with the characters? What do you want the story to be about?
If you want a nonfiction essay, what topic? And how do you want it to be set up? Is it argumentative, persuasive, or just factual with no opinion?
You can also give me a challenge from below for just $5. (this will just be posted)
Given one word to make a whole story.
Give me a feeling to discribe or evoke.
Journal as an oc (either mine or your own)
Or even come up with your own challenge if you like.
I will need time to finish your stories, please do not expect me to be done overnight.
Support me on Kofi
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authoralexharvey · 7 months
Ngl the reason I don't join more writeblr discords is—well, firstly, I'm already in enough of them—but more importantly, because people get inflated egos over being mods way, way too often. And for no real good reason, either, given they're shit moderators. And I don't have enough energy in me to constantly parse out whether a mod is on an ego trip anymore tbh.
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welcometowriteblr · 5 months
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WelcomeToWriteblr brings you another prompt event, this one themed around the planets of our solar system! Like our last prompt event, this month is a redux of an older event that we’d once again like to bring to the community! 
From MAY 25TH TO JUNE 2ND create something in response to that day’s prompt and post it. You’re welcome to do absolutely anything for the prompt of the day, whether it be a drawing, an excerpt, a playlist, or a moodboard. This event is aimed to get everyone involved and we will accept all submissions! 
Tag your posts as #WTWEVENT and #WTWCOMMUNITY
Wait for your post to be added to the queue. 
NSFW content will not be posted to the blog. 
OPTIONAL: Join our discord server if you would like to ensure your post makes it onto the blog! Tumblr’s tagging system can be unreliable and we want to make sure everyone’s creations are shared! Please note, you must be 15 OR OLDER to enter our server! 
Day 1 - Mercury - Locations or Travel 
Day 2 - Venus - Politics 
Day 3 - Earth - Nature 
Day 4 - Mars - War or Conflict 
Day 5 - Jupiter - Religion or Commerce 
Day 6 - Saturn - Luxury or Cuisine 
Day 7 - Uranus - History or Science 
Day 8 - Neptune - Lore or Mythology 
Day 9 - Pluto - Death 
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woundlight · 4 months
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The Exarchy is an interstellar theocratic empire ruling over the vast expanse of the Ecumene. Being the largest and most powerful political entity in the known space, it is the ultimate authority for the majority of humankind. Following the angels' assault on humanity, the Church gained unparalleled political power, with the Inquisition assuming the dual roles of defense against cosmic threats and maintaining social order. The Holy Synod, governing both the Church and the Inquisition, holds absolute authority over the Exarchy, while the Exarch serves largely ceremonial roles. Entrusted with the ultimate fate of humanity, the Synod determines the course of affairs in its struggle for survival. However, maintaining a centralized government over interstellar distances is impossible, even with faster-than-light travel and communication. This has resulted in a neo-feudal structure within the Exarchy, where the noble dynasties of the Great Houses are responsible for various functions of the empire. Headed by the seven Archons, these Great Houses comprise the Synkletos, the senate of the Exarchy. This body carries out the day-to-day decisions required to govern the Exarchy according to the Synod’s will.
godslayer taglist:
@zorya-km @seasteading
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anoelleart · 1 year
My First Writeblr Event
I've very new to the writing Tumblr community. I just finished the WTW Character Week Event, and I had so much fun!
1. Protagonists | Introducing Soon-to-be Lady Charlotte
2. Tropes | "A Fantasy Setting for my Romance Tropes"
3. Representation | "Representation in Fantasy Settings"
4. Antagonists | "What makes an antagonist?"
5. Relationships | Introducing Edith [Women Friendships]
6. Traits | Introducing Nathaniel [Exploring Character Motivation]
7. Wildcard | Introducing General Marc [Comedic Characters]
* Honorable Mention | Introducing Commander Byron [Love Interest]
You can see all of my posts here! Thanks for listening to my rambling!
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