#Wagner looks like he’s reluctantly officiating their wedding
shawtygonemad · 4 years
SCARLET: Chapter 7
Daryl Dixon x OC (Rose Wagner)
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Ever since Deanna found out about Daryl and I, the entire town has been buzzing and acting crazy. Unfortunately, this was front page news since nothing else exciting really happens. Everyone wanted a role in it. Some people were making the food or desserts while others wanted to make the decorations. 
Gabriel was a little standoffish when it came to officiating. He was still uncomfortable with our group. Giving us more attention and concreting us further into the community made him hesitate. Deanna didn’t give him a choice, though. She didn’t really give anyone a choice, let alone Daryl or I. 
Angel was not a big fan of the attention, and to be honest, neither was I. Especially when it came to our vows or being publicly lovey dovey. We were usually just casual about things. Luckily, we agreed to make the vows short and to the point. We could give each other the lengthy extended versions later that night. 
Maggie and Michonne were more excited than Deanna about the planning. I felt a little bad because Maggie was never able to be given all of this while at the prison. She reassured me that what she had was perfect. The two left Alexandria's walls many times in order to go hunt down old abandoned wedding boutiques. Much to my distress, they found one about fifty miles away. That was way too far from the community to be risking our lives for a stupid dress. My opinion didn’t matter to them because they both agreed upon going. 
The only reason I reluctantly agreed was because I could take my baby for a spin. It still baffles me that it was in perfect condition, just as I left it. What surprised me even more is that they went all the way back to Georgia, and the thing he does is go to get my bike I used to tell him about. I was way too lucky to have won this man. I thank my blessings every day for him. 
My baby still rode like a dream. The feel of my hair whipping in the wind behind me was exhilarating. It helped to take my mind off of having to squeeze into tight dresses that were from a time long since forgotten. Once we got in and sweeped the place for walkers, we set up shop. This place looks like it hadn’t been touched during the end of the world. Everything just had a layer of dust on it. The dresses were still in their bags and in mint condition. I told them I wanted something simple. Something that just screams me. 
“You are NOT getting a black wedding dress,” Maggie scolded me. 
“Why not?” I groaned. “Nothing else screams me besides that.”
“Because you wear black everyday and it wouldn’t kill you to throw a pop of color that’s not blood into your wardrobe,” she pointed out as she began picking through the racks. 
For shits and giggles, Michonne made me try on a Cinderella style ball gown. I felt like a freaking cupcake the entire time and threw it instantly into the no pile. I needed something simple and comfortable. Honestly, I didn’t even need a dress. I could marry my angel in a pair of jean shorts while covered in nothing but mud and gore. The only thing that was important was Daryl and becoming his wife. Frilly dresses and large parties meant nothing to us. Only each other did. 
I ended up deciding on a simple lace dress that hugged my torso but flowed freely from my waist down. No sparkles. No poof. It's just something reasonable. And something easy for Daryl to get me out of that night. 
As requested by Rick, Michonne grabbed a suit that would fit Daryl. I chuckled at the thought. He would rather die than wear that. I could beg him until my face turned blue, and he would not put that monkey suit on. I’d pay big money to see Rick trying to force him into that. More than likely he’d be wearing his ripped jeans, cut-off shirt, and angel vest. I wouldn’t want him any other way. That’s the man I fell in love with.  
Maggie and Michonne had a blast looking through and trying on the bridesmaid dresses.
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Neither of them have ever been in a wedding before. It looks like this was new to all of us.
Things began happening so fast. Within a week, we were already setting everything up. Soon, it was D-Day, and my nerves were through the roof. I knew that Daryl wanted to marry me. He wouldn’t have proposed if he didn’t. I just couldn’t help but get some cold feet. The girls tried relaxing me as Jessie did my hair and makeup.
Little Judith even made a visit in her cute flower girl dress. She was in her brother’s arms, who was the designated ring bearer. Their cute selves did help to calm me down some. It was just hard having to do all of this without Samuel. He would have snapped me out of it. The man would have told me that if I wasn't ready to walk down that aisle and marry that Daryl then he sure as hell would. 
It was almost time. After being helped into my dress I strapped my thigh knife and holster on. I always needed to be somehow armed no matter what. Otherwise I'd feel completely defenseless.
With my heart racing and my hands shaking, I picked up the boutique of flowers. The very boutique Daryl went and personally hand-picked the day before. I glanced at the mirror and paused in awe. Never in my life had I thought I looked anywhere near beautiful. Not even when Daryl told me many times over. However, peering at myself dressed in all white while looking put together for the first time in years, I thought I looked beautiful. Oddly enough, that was the very confidence boost that I needed. 
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As I stepped outside, I inhaled the refreshing warm air. It was a gorgeous day. Nothing could be more perfect. I took a few deep breaths before rounding the house. Most of Alexandria wanted to be present, so this was held at the park in the center of the community. I hastily made my way over. I was now ready more than ever to marry this man. Maggie and Michonne chuckled at my eagerness. 
We met up with Rick and Glenn. Glenn was all smiles, but Rick looked to be on the verge of tears. I smiled and gave him a hug. 
"Never thought I'd get to see this," he choked up. 
"Neither did I," I chuckled as I parted from him. "Now quit crying! I need to you get your ass down that aisle so I can see my future husband."
Glenn and Maggie walked down first. They were followed by Rick and Michonne. Then it was my turn. The entire crowd stood upon my entrance. All eyes were on me, which made me suddenly nauseous. I never liked being the center of attention. Not even when I was in charge of Eden. As everyone stared, I suddenly got the urge to run far away. At least until my eyes locked with a pair of baby blue ones. 
Daryl. My man. My angel. My very soon to be husband. Seeing him made all of my fears and doubts wash away. He was the real reason I'm here. I am about to be united with this man in the most sacred way possible. Nothing else mattered but him. 
He was also wearing the suit we picked up, much to my surprise. Rick must have given him a few drinks before trapping him in that thing. Though it made him look even more breathtaking. I still couldn't believe I was here and that this gorgeous man was mine. 
I slowly made my way down the aisle. Believe me when I say I just wanted to sprint down into his arms. A large smile stayed on my face the entire way. 
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Once I made it to him, I passed my flowers to Michonne. I then took Daryl’s hands with both of mine.
"Ya look beautiful," he quietly said to me. 
"You clean up nicely yourself," I grinned. 
Gabriel went on with the basic wedding stuff. It was super boring. However, I wasn't paying much attention due to the man standing in front of me. Daryl was bored with most of this, too. Silently, we ended up playing a hand squeezing game. By the time we had to do our vows, he had won by four points. 
"Daryl, repeat after me," Gabriel told him to which Daryl just nodded. 
"I, Daryl John Dixon, take you Rosalynn Maria Wagner to be my lawfully wedded wife," Gabriel started. 
"I, Daryl John Dixon, take you, Rosalynn Maria Wagner, to be my lawfully wedded wife," Daryl grunted out. 
"For better or worse…"
"For better or worse,"
"Through sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live,"
"Through sickness 'n' in health, as long as we both shall live."
"Rose," Gabriel said, catching my attention. 
"I got it, thanks," I smiled. "I, Rosalynn Maria Wagner, take you, Daryl John Dixon, to be my lawfully wedded husband. For better or worse, through sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Carl then gave us the rings to put on each other's fingers. The two of us couldn't stop beaming at each other once we did. I don't think I've ever been more in love with this man than I am right now. 
"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Gabriel declared. "Daryl, you may now kiss your bride."
Everyone laughed when I instantly took Daryl’s face and brought it down to mine before he could even move a muscle. 
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"Guess I should have said you may now kiss your husband," Gabriel chuckled.
Our kiss was felt with so much love. We held each other tightly. Daryl even dipped me back a little. Rick definitely gave him some drinks before hand, because I could taste them on his mouth. 
"Ladies and gentlemen," Gabriel announced. "I'd like to now announce to the world Mr. And Mrs. Dixon!"
Everyone stood up and cheered. I just gripped Daryl’s hand and grinned at him.
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The world better look out, because the Dixon's are officially in town.
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