#Wait for Batfamily
nelkcats · 1 year
Hood Assistant
Prompt Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Next Ao3
Part 4
Hate is born from fear, and rebellion from curiosity, so what is love born from?
Jonathan Crane wasn't always a clinically insane villain, or that's what he tells himself inside his cell; he was a brilliant scientist, and everything was going perfectly until the conflict of morality entered his practices.
It was just a couple of people, there are millions of them. Crane saw no problem in subjecting his own co-workers to his new invention "fear gas" and it was a success! for a few minutes at least; and then he was accused of so many absurd things that he can't be bothered to try to remember.
The worst part was not that, but the thousands of eyes that always watched him from the window, reddish eyes judging the center of his soul, those damn feathered creatures that mocked him, since he was a child he could remember the flying rats circling around him, he hated them!
Always there, always watching, judging, judging, judging, yelling loudly, laughing at him, Crane had had enough; even when "Scarecrow" was born he tried to drive them away, that was the whole purpose of the damn body protection, the research suit of him, but even during his last fight with batman they were there. The "Robins" themselves caused him dislike because they alluded to those flying monsters.
Finally he could get rid of them, he had decided to share his research to the world by testing it on humans in the past, when he still cared about general opinion; That was apparently disapproved, however if he got rid of the airborne pests it should be better right?
"I am a genius!" Crane exclaimed between laughs as he walked through the desolate streets of Crime Alley, his escape was not difficult at all, there were as many corrupt guards in Arkham as there were in the police, only one of his men got the job and before anyone knew it he was free.
He had made up his mind, if he could combine his research and get rid of those flying beasts it would all be worth it, literally two birds with one stone! a little infection in the legs of one of them and not even Batman could stop him.
"I have to get close to those things, though," Scarecrow muttered in disgust, watching the crows watching him from the telephone wires, "I suppose sacrifices must be made for human progress."
From the top of a telephone tower, a light-eyed crow watched the villain curiously, flapping its wings and following him through the streets. It was normal since he wasn't an adult yet so most things made him curious, a few days ago he had followed a bright red helmet and he fed him, he assumed it would be the same situation.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice," the crow exclaimed, echoing Crane's words, albeit in a slightly broken way.
"That's right, sacrifices" although he was reluctant to agree, Scarecrow nodded "now where was my safe house? I had one around here"
With easy steps, not caring too much about the fact that he was a fugitive at the time, Crane headed toward a mostly abandoned apartment complex, he recalled setting up a safe house on the spot.
"Here it is!"
"Ugh, Cujo turn off the alarm," Danny muttered, tiredly rolling over on his bed, and trying to put a pillow over his ears.
Failing to accomplish his task, he gave up and removed the pillow, getting up and trying to open his eyes to focus on his surroundings. Even though it was mostly dark in his room, ghost powers were quite useful when it came to night vision.
"Johnny what the hell are you doing here?" The half questioned seeing not only Cujo sleeping next to him but also a blond ghost glowing like a radioactive pit in the middle of his room. He wondered if he was watching him sleep but ended up dismissing the thought, Johnny would get bored doing that.
"I came to notify you and this is how you pay me?" the ghost asked, offended, he'd hung up on his late night call with Kitty and all.
"Notify me what?" The doubtful boy questioned as he petted the ghost dog, which instead of waking up just rolled to the side reluctantly "and how did Cujo not wake up with all that noise? Did you set an alarm?"
"No, it's all over the city" Johnny sighed, although he didn't need sleep he liked to "Something about a place called Arc Ham, an escape, I didn't quite understand what they were talking about"
"Uh, I don't know what they mean either" the halfa frowned and checked his phone, it was 4:42 in the morning and he had an unread message.
Early Meeting - Jason
Johnny moved closer to read because privacy in the apartment was apparently optional, or so Danny thought wearily.
"Oh, he wants to see you early? More time for you to fantasize about your life together and your future cat" the blond scoffed.
"Shut up Johnny, I still have to ask Hood about his relationship, I'm not breaking up a couple" Danny said resignedly, he really needed to confirm that.
Deciding that it wasn't really possible for him to go back to sleep he stretched and yawned, maybe it would be a good start to his day early.
"Let's go have breakfast, it's going to be 5 o'clock anyway and I don't think we'll sleep with all that noise" he commented leaving his room and going to the living room of the apartment, to be part of an abandoned building in one of the worst places from the city it was quite spacious; Of course, both Technus and Danny made some improvements, avoiding touching the strange room in the back.
"Sure Hun, I could use some ecto" the ghost followed him, letting the pup sleep for a bit longer.
When they turned on the kitchen lights, something began to knock on the door. It seemed that they were trying to open it, the ghost and the halfa looked at each other doubtfully.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice!" The voice of a crow was heard outside.
"What do you mean Scarecrow escaped from Arkham, Replacement?" Jason questioned with annoyance as he walked through his apartment, a couple of hours ago he had finished his rounds on Crime Alley and it turns out that he couldn't sleep because he had a crazy person on his streets.
"Yes, he is in your territory so we decided not to interfere until we told you first" Tim said, his relationship with his older brother was strained at best.
"Don't you dare invade, I'll take care of him." Jason frowned, he didn't need the whole gang in his house.
"It'd be safer if we could go now, Little Wing-" Dick tried to reason.
"No, I'll take care of him" Jason stated again.
"Fine, but let us know if you need backup" Dick sighed, there was no reasoning with his little brother when he was like that, he was too stubborn.
"It's too early anyway, he's probably hiding, Crane is dramatic enough to wait until dark." Jason sighed reluctantly, waving goodbye and disconnecting the communications.
"It's better if I gather the gang earlier, don't you think, beautiful?" He questioned bending down and stroking Dog's head affectionately, although at first he was going to leave the pitbull at a shelter, he had grown fond of her.
Deciding that this was the best course of action he sent a message to all the "Hoodlins" or whatever they decided to call themselves that week for an earlier meeting. It was better to coordinate a delivery of gas masks in the community, for any mishap. Just in case Crane decided to go even crazier than usual.
"At least they didn't ask about the helmet" he hummed uncertainly, technically there was nothing wrong, but after a confrontation with a gang and some baseball bats it ended up being dented, his communications were pretty affected.
He could quickly repair it in the Batcave but he refused to set foot in the place before the weekly meeting Alfred forced them to attend. He decided to check it out in the afternoon, he was pretending to be just "Jason" and could claim that the Hood was looking for Crane, which wasn't a lie.
In the worst case he would call Babs to alert the bats if he ran into Scarecrow while he was camouflaging himself as a "civilian", he hated being rescued but it was unlikely to happen.
He couldn't be that unlucky, right?
"Uh, I wonder if it's the owners calling," Danny muttered under his breath as the door kept swinging.
Deciding to ignore the strange phenomenon for now (what could happen to them? They were already dead) he passed a container of ecto to Johnny while he poured himself a coffee, with radioactive green foam of course.
"Didn't food used to come alive when you did that?" questioned the ghost looking at the coffee uncertainly, he had fought alive hot dogs before and didn't find it a fun experience.
"Not in such small quantities, my parents had a full fridge; it's like comparing putting a drop of acid in water with putting a drop of water in acid" the halfa commented nonchalantly, all of his ectoplasm was arranged to isolate itself from food and being properly protected, the radiation was basically nil.
"Right." Johnny internally wondered if no one had called child protection or OSHA, but looking at the boy who was literally a foot from the grave he figured it was too late.
The ghost decided that it was better to change the subject before going into an existential crisis about his friend/ex/roommate with little sense of survival and unsafe home, Danny was not a Fenton anymore after all. Luckily he remembered an important question that Kitty had asked him earlier.
"Hey Danny, if you didn't have money to pay for an apartment when you got here, how did you get this place?" Johnny questioned curiously as the thought came to his mind again, he remembered the halfa complaining about it, and Kitty was curious too.
Danny didn't answer and just looked away, which made the blonde suspicious.
"Danny?" he asked again
"Maybe there was an empty apartment in good condition and I just...occupied it" the halfa replied, drinking his coffee and trying to get out of the conversation.
"DID YOU STEAL AN APARTMENT?" The ghost exclaimed in surprise.
"Well, it's not stealing if no one is claiming it" the boy defended himself.
"Weren't you supposed to be the hero?" Johnny questioned in dismay.
 "No, I'm retired," Danny shrugged.
Johnny looked at the boy again, trying to connect the current image with the teenage hero he remembered, guessing he had simply slipped more to the gray side of things.
Was it his fault? He questioned himself for a few seconds before remembering all the boy's influences in his life and denying, no, Danny definitely had worse examples.
"Actually there is a room that we decided not to check for that reason, it felt weird" commented the halfa looking at the end of the corridor "Technus said it was creepy and I left it alone"
"Aren't you curious what can scare even a ghost?" The blond asked, now he wanted to explore the room.
"No Johnny, leave the place alone" Danny dismissed the comment.
"Oh come on, you can't just say there's a secret and unexplored room and forbid it" the ghost frowned, maybe he was getting carried away by the same influence of rebellion that had led him to die but he didn't care.
"I'm literally Schrödinger's cat, I don't want to be the cat that dies of curiosity too, the next thing we know I'll grow cat ears" the halfa denied, what works, works.
"Coward" the blond frowned annoyed.
"Fine, you can search the room but it will be at your own risk, okay? You have to face the consequences if something happens" Danny resigned himself to letting Johnny discover whatever was in there, he didn't care so much but maybe it would be nice to know .
"Cool!" The ghost lit up like a Christmas tree and floated to the mysterious door, opening it.
The room was quite strange, it looked like a study full of chemicals and various things, there were multiple glass bottles bubbling and had formulas on the walls; the final result, if the annotations could be trusted, it looked like some kind of spray, the ghost approached the container with curiosity. It was obvious that the place hadn't been used in a while, but someone had left a job unfinished.
"Uh, it looks like some kind of gas, I think this was a mad scientist's house" Johnny commented uncertainly as he sprayed some gas, it didn't seem to do anything, but to be fair he didn't really need to breathe, and there was no way it would affect his skin if it wasn't meant for ectoplasm.
"A gas?" Danny peeked down the hall, seeing the chem lab Johnny was in, he supposed it was ironic moving from a house with a lab in the basement to an apartment with a lab down the hall.
"Yeah, there's a trap door here, so there must be more, maybe even a basement" the ghost commented curiously, it was obvious what he planned to explore next "the gas doesn't do anything though"
"It's probably meant for humans, you don't breathe so it doesn't affect you" the halfa theorized more than determined to get away from the lab if Johnny was spraying dangerous substances all over the place.
"I guess" The ghost agreed, he was about to open the hatch when he heard the front door give way; he left the laboratory alarmed and closed the door, he could see the place when someone was not invading his temporary haunt.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice!" was heard again.
"Damn, the door is locked" after twenty minutes of pushing the apartment door Scarecrow was starting to get annoyed, he knew the place was old but this was just ridiculous.
To top it off, the number of crows that were watching him had increased, what was the point of the disguise if they were going to follow him like lost ducklings?
"Get out, get out, get out" he tried to push them away, it probably looked ridiculous, considering that the little annoyances flapped their wings and came closer, he could see in their eyes how they were judging him again, it was frustrating.
"Get out, get out, get out" the crows repeated together.
Crane's anger was building, were the damn birds kicking him out? He couldn't believe the nerve of the things, he really needed to get rid of them as soon as possible. If only the bloody door would give way.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed in annoyance, although he knew that wouldn't work.
"Shut up, shut up" repeated the crows with joy, they really were very intelligent.
Deciding to ignore the creatures he turned his attention to the door again; after all his attempts the damn thing had opened and he could access his safe house.
"Finally!" Scarecrow smiled, he just needed a few minutes in his lab and everything would be solved.
Shadow wasn't very forthcoming, unlike most concept-born ghosts who expressed their opinions freely, they preferred hiding; They could understand that most of their acquaintances had thought they were just part of Johnny and honestly they didn't care. Because as stupid as it sounds bad luck marveled at love, and he learned the most important thing: to spend your existence learning by your Soulmate's side, protecting and caring for them was worth it.
And maybe it was true, that nothing and no one was immune to falling in love, platonic or romantic; and as is well known, everyone does stupid things for love.
So, you can understand why as soon as Shadow felt danger near their haunt, they decided to check the surroundings; Johnny would probably wake up soon but it was more important to ensure the safety of his light. Their obsession might not be protection like the halfa's, but they were going to vanish before leaving the blond unprotected against an unknown threat.
They found it curious to see a man in a strange costume on the streets. At first they thought it was a ghost but they couldn't feel any ectoplasm inside him. Curiously, they hid within the nearby shadows. It was probably for that reason that the strange term attracted many crows, it was said that they were the symbol of bad luck and they honestly liked them.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice" sang one of the younger crows approaching, Shadow couldn't help but get out of the shadows and approach the little thing, instead of moving away the crow flew towards them and snuggled into their arms, or what was supposed to be their arms.
The disguised stranger continued to walk away, the crows that had surrounded them at the beginning seemed to take more interest in the disguise and decided to follow him. That was probably better, the human was talking to himself, which could teach the birds more, after all Shadow preferred not to talk at all.
Seeing that there was no more danger, they decided to go back to their haunt companions, the weird guy followed by crows didn't seem like a threat so they could go back to Johnny and make sure the surroundings were safe again. With the goal in mind they walked away with the raven in their arms.
"Shadow?" questioned Johnny curiously seeing his partner at the door, his thoughts about the strange lab almost forgotten, "what do you have there?"
"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" exclaimed the crow in the ghost's arms, flying around the apartment.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no more pets in this apartment" Danny immediately shook his head upon seeing the little bird singing "much less sadistic pets"
"The only pet we have here is Cujo" Johnny claimed, offended.
Danny decided not to mention that taking care of both Johnny and Shadow was equivalent to taking care of two more pets, because they required almost the same as Cujo: food and attention. Well, more Johnny, Shadow was pretty quiet and didn't demand anything.
"Uhu, we're not adopting a crow." Danny rolled his eyes at the pleading eyes of both ghosts.
“Crow! Crow!” Exclaimed the excited crow.
"But he's so smart, and he's a quick learner" the blonde said "Let's not adopt him, just let him stay around often, please?"
"Please, please!" It seemed that the crow itself was begging, so the halfa sighed.
"Fine, we'll let him go, but he can climb out the window if he chooses and we'll feed him." Danny said, it was obvious he was going to have another pet to take care of.
"Excellent!" Johnny looked at Shadow expectantly, Shadow simply nodded, clapping their hands and hugged the blond before merging back to their original place "Shadow agrees too"
“Gree, Gree" the crow was learning too many words and sounds.
"You're a very smart crow aren't you?" Danny called the bird that had landed on his head "I'll call you Poe."
"Poe! Poe!" The crow moved over his head and flew to his shoulder.
"Fine, but I have to go to work in a few minutes anyway, Johnny don't wake Cujo up, and if anything happens call me okay?" The halfa couldn't help but go to get ready for work, probably a little better than he should.
"The Twinkcito is lost" Johnny laughed as he sat down next to the crow that was now perched on the sofa "I'm sure he dressed up too much to go see Jay"
"Twi!Twi!cito!" Poe tried to get the word out.
"Yes, Twinkcito head over heels in love," Johnny encouraged him.
"Love love!" Poe exclaimed proudly.
When Danny ran out of the apartment, after spending too much time considering what he should wear, Johnny decided not to comment on how his little visitor had followed him.
"Sorry, am I too late?" Danny hurried to meet Jason at the right place, he had come running because it took him too long to decide what to wear, which was a little ridiculous when he ended up wearing the same jacket Johnny gave him in reverse.
"No, you're just in time, I was going to make the announcement" Jason smiled a little relieved, he had been scared that some of his men were missing "Okay, listen up"
He raised his voice to get the attention of most of the people gathered, although it didn't have as much effect as the moment a crow landed on his head, Jason looked at him strangely, but decided to ignore it as Danny waved the crow off.
"Scarecrow escaped last night" Jason continued, grunts were heard from the crowd "yeah, I'm not excited either, but we'll spend today handing out gas masks around Crime Alley, okay?"
After a general agreement he turned to Danny who was looking at the crow in a panic "Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes, perfectly, yes" the halfa replied a little upset.
"Twinkcito! Twinkcito!" Poe exclaimed happily.
"Johnny" Danny growled as he heard the crow.
"I suppose it's yours?" Jason chuckled but tried to cover it up by coughing, which didn't have much of an effect when Danny saw his betrayal.
"It's not mine, my roommate brought it and he's been following us but I thought he'd leave as soon as I got out of the apartment" the boy sighed.
"I guess he's taken a liking to you, what do you think about joining us today buddy?" Jason questioned patting the crow's head, though he wondered if he should look up more about that Johnny.
"Love! Love!" The crow exclaimed excited.
They both stared at the crow's words for a few seconds, Danny was the first to look away embarrassed, he was going to find out how to kill Johnny twice. One word shouldn't cause you to instinctively look at someone damn it.
"Right." Jason cleared his throat and led Danny over to the gas masks he had collected for these occasions, most of the goons were grabbing their own bag but since he was technically still a suspect, and fairly new, he had decided to join the boy for the task.
The morning passed quickly as Danny followed Jason carrying a bag of the masks that they were handing out together through Crime Alley. In general it seemed that Jay was focusing on the children, it was common for them to change places so he was worried that his companions would not reach them in time. The crow had moved away a while ago.
Danny greeted the kids who had arrived last time and they asked when he would be back at the soup kitchen.
"Well, I don't eat much, but if it's for work, probably next week" the halfa admitted.
Both Jason and the children looked at him uncertainly. Jason wondered if he should raise his pay since he hadn't given him any money yet, so maybe he didn't have food; or whether he should prepare refreshments for him. The children were more direct.
"Don't you eat much? Don't you have food at home?" A surprised girl questioned.
"Yes, I have food, although today I only had coffee for breakfast" Danny shrugged "my friend makes sure I eat something during the day, I usually forget about it"
Jason frowned at the answer, so the problem wasn't money.
"You're going to have breakfast with me on the days we work together" the vigilante pointed out, probably more demanding than he intended.
"Huh? Okay" Danny blushed, thinking that Jay had indirectly asked him out "Won't Hood have a problem with that?"
"Why would he?" Jason looked at Danny doubtfully. "I'm pretty sure he'll feed you as soon as I mention it to him."
The children looked at each other and after a quick conversation where Danny assured that he was not starving, they said goodbye. Each one with a mask in hand and a new tidbit about "Jay, the new guy and Hood"
After a while of distributing the masks Danny decided to ask.
"Jay, what's a Scarecrow?"
"Right, you're new to Gotham" Jason reminded "he's a recurring villain, he likes to scare people with fear gas"
"Oh" Danny remembered the lab at home "green gas?"
"Not necessarily, I really don't know what color it will be as he updates the formula." Jason was pretty sure Crane preferred purple for some reason.
"And by any chance he wears a Scarecrow mask and dresses weird?" Danny questioned looking across the street in a bit of a panic.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Jason asked curiously.
"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" The crow flapping in front of them in a panic, Jason noticed that Danny was reaching into the bag.
It was at that moment that a building exploded behind him and Jason could hear Crane's characteristic laugh from across the street. He was relieved that he hadn't noticed them until Scarecrow fixed his gaze on the crow near them.
"Finally, I will get rid of those monsters and fear will rule all of Gotham!" Crane exclaimed with glee, laughing as the gas began to spread out down the street.
Jason cursed his luck, the only day the mad scientist had preferred to attack in the middle of the damn afternoon and he didn't have his weapons or his helmet with him "Danny you have to get out of here"
"No" Danny continued searching, but at the end of the bag he could only find a mask "you have to get out of here and gather the others"
Jason fixed his gaze on the approaching gas, Crane closing in on them too fast, driven to get rid of the crow next to them.
"Danny, the masks" Jason was cursing, he had to be stuck as a civilian.
"There's only one left" the halfa murmured worriedly.
Before Jason could say anything else, the gas was beginning to spread until almost reaching his face, he turned to Danny in a panic when he felt a weight on his nose.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? You've never faced fear gas before, you have no resistance!" Jason exclaimed in concern, trying to remove Danny's hands from his face where he had put the only gas mask on.
No matter how hard he tried to struggle, the boy had more strength than he appeared. Jason didn't have time for pretty boys with a hero complex, it was too dangerous.
"Love! Love!" The crow exclaimed in panic, rising to where the gas was not reaching.
"Yeah, I'm probably being an idiot, I know." Danny was aware of that, he didn't know how his own unique physiology would react to the gas, but he could handle Frighty's dimension, and if anything happened he would at least know that Jay would be safe. His core couldn't bear to leave someone in danger, much less someone he likes.
"Now is not the time to be a hero!" Jason complained angrily when the boy adjusted the mask on his face, he could see Danny being surrounded by the damn gas.
"I'm not a hero Jay" Danny denied, it had been a long time since he was one, he swallowed looking around, not knowing what to expect "But I know some people are worth going crazy for"
Was he being a hopeless romantic? Yeah; logically he knew he could have gotten rid of the effects another time where he was paying more attention, there were many solutions: not breathing, surrendering to his ghost form, becoming intangible, but as he had mentioned earlier, he was a fool; he could feel his head start to cloud over, he had gasped in reflex panic, he was scared of not finding a mask for Jay and he forgot about himself, it was too late.
"Damn," Jason growled as he pressed the button that called Oracle, he held Danny close to his body as he saw him start to tremble "fuck, fuck."
"Jason? What's wrong?" Barbara's voice sounded shaken, it was early for anyone in the family to call, and Jason calling was rare.
"Crane, I'm engaged, tell the bats to hurry up or I swear I'll shoot him in the head" he said annoyed "he's not paying attention to me but I'm in front of him, I'll hide in a nearby alley, tell them to hurry up fucking immediately"
Oracle hastened to call the bats tracking his current location as Jason walked off into one of the nearby alleys, leading a trembling Danny along with him.
"You're an idiot" he murmured sadly, hugging the boy; he held him when the boy couldn't stand up and began to mutter in panic.
He knew there wasn't much he could do, he had a gun hidden in his thigh but if he killed Crane he would have another argument with B, and he was honestly not in the mood, he didn't want to leave Danny alone either.
"They better hurry up, damn it" even though he knew there was no point getting upset, he couldn't help it, he was aware that it would take a while for the bats to even process an antidote for Scarecrow's new formula.
"No wait, don't leave me alone" Danny stirred where he was still nestled in his arms, Jason stroked his back lovingly.
"Shh, its okay, you're not alone, I'm here" the vigilante knew it was useless, most of the victims of the fear gas were not aware of their surroundings, but he needed to do something to console the stupid man who decided to jump into an unknown danger for him, who did not think twice before deciding that he was worth it.
"You make it very difficult to suspect you, you know?" Jason sighed "I think I grew fond of you too, Doll."
And really, this guy was unfair, how could Jason resist falling for this asshole?
Aaand tag time, sorry for all the wait, honestly it was a bit of a difficult week but I wasn't going to let the week go by without an update so here we are, I hope you liked it (Hi Nixxie), I don't know how I keep accidentally making my chapters bigger but hey, I was really excited to write this scene and here we are, I hope this story doesn't go too fast for you, tell me your theories about the lab or anything else haha
@skulld3mort-1fan @sorryiwonnoob @idfk-man10 @avelnfear @criticaloverthinker @confusedandghostly @lunadoll36 @spidey29phangirl @suppengott @yjfk @apointlessbox @mimilikey @thegatorsgoose @jaggedheart11 @dyinggirldied @pyramaniac @akikkobara @thedragonqueen1998 @lostlightandfoundcrazy @xye-chan @saltyladynightmare @ashleysmshly @thewondersoflebanon @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @littlefeather345 @asphyxia778 @amercurio @leftmiraclechaos @dixiwoods @satoshy12 @lyra689 @meira-3919 @quietlyscared @plotwholls @kyrianclawraith @blacksea21090 @basilf1res @flowers-n-fauna @8-29pm @jaxinkh @luer-mirin @taniaundertaleau @cloriform @readerkayden @oddlydrawnpuppets @basementloser @little-green-asparagus @echoednonny @yummy-yummy-mmmbones @confusionchaos @ectoplasm024 @autumnwulf @666deaddash999 @redhoneysugarorange @blue-avis @sailor-goddess @satanicrutialspecialist
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roppiepop · 3 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
10K notes · View notes
violent138 · 2 months
Dick: "Oh hang on, before we go out I just need to check something."
Jason, annoyed, leaning over his shoulder: "Are you hacking Blüdhaven PD? You know you can just go to work tomorrow and log in right?"
Dick: "Shut up for a second. I need to focus."
Jason: "Are you-- are you destroying evidence related to Nightwing??"
Dick, ignoring him resolutely as he finishes up.
Jason, cackling: "Oh my God, wait 'till Batman finds out you're a corrupt cop."
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Jason: the Batfam member I see most as my brother is Tim
Dick: What!!! That's no fair, I should be your brotherly-ist brother!
Dick: No offense Timmy.
Dick, turning back to Jason: But I am the one who has been your brother longest, I helped you kill that druglord, I even gave you some of my cookie dough last week!
Bruce: uhhh, back to the druglord thing-
Steph: You shared your cookie dough with him!
Jason: Sorry Dick, but there is one thing that makes you brothers more than anything else, not blood, or time, but...
Jason and Tim at the same time: Contempt
Jason: I have contempt for Tim, like all siblings should. Really the only thing I love more than hating Tim is shit talking other people with Tim. That form of contempt is how siblings bond and I will just say, surprisingly I love bonding with Tim even more than I love terrorizing Tim
Tim: aww, I didn't know we were that close
Jason, panicking cause he doesn't wanna ruin their dynamic: *punches Tim in the gut and runs out*
Tim, shouting after him: You can't take it back now, you ass
Jason: *turns around while running to give Tim the middle finger*
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 8: Duke)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
Duke: My turn!
Bruce: Finally I can count on something normal.
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Bruce: [migraine noises]
Dick: I feel like this information and Damian is a bad combination.
Damian: Grayson, I am offended you assume I need lessons from Duke on how to lead troops
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Tim: You should bring the beard back Bruce.
Steph: Yeah your amnesia era was kind of a slay
Barbara: My dad’s Batman era was not a slay
Jason: Well maybe slay in a different sense-
Duke: That’s all behind us we’re moving on!
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Bruce: I don’t think-
Jason: Bruce sit down and don’t pretend like this isn’t exactly what you did to form your child gang
Bruce: I don’t-
Steph: Look into our eyes, Bruce, and tell us, your crimefighting children, that you did not start a child gang
Bruce: Hn.
Tim: That’s what I thought.
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Steph, Barbara, Cass: [hysterical laughter]
[talking over each other]
Dick: That is not what I looked like!
Jason: I looked so much cooler as Robin than that!
Tim: I looked cooler because I had pants, I can’t speak for you two.
Damian: My costume has been improved vastly since that iteration.
Steph: Alright, traffic cones.
Duke: Okay really not the point
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Barbara: Seems like this step should’ve come before the outfits?
Duke: It was my first time starting a gang let me live
Jason: Shouldn’t “training” have been part of-
Duke: This is not open for criticism thank you
Steph: Yeah only Bruce can critique Duke’s child-gang leader skills as a fellow child-gang leader
Bruce: [noises of general regret]
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Bruce: Why does something absurd always happen with you guys when I’m gone
Tim: Maybe because nobody in this house knows how to cope with loss or something I don’t know
Dick: Also it gets so much worse Bruce
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Dick: I mean that wasn’t exactly your fault
Jason: Cop Batman didn’t seem to agree
Barbara: [sighs]
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[talking over each other]
Jason: Woah woah woah
Tim: Hired??? You did not hire-
Damian: I did not say that?
Jason: Also I don’t remember being asked nicely I remember saving your a-
Dick: ‘Specialist’ sounds pretty cool and professional thank you Duke :)
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Steph: Is that Damian in a Court of O-
Damian: The situation was resolved I am fine now
Tim: “Beat up some bird guys”
Jason: I mean besides the imprisonment and attack on a school and Dick leaving us in the dust for a hot second there that’s basically what happened
Dick: I did not-
Bruce: Excuse me?
Duke: Don’t worry about it :)
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Tim: That’s n-
Cass: [signing] The Court of Owls is still-
Damian: That is libel
Steph: What a cute picture
Jason: Weren’t there casualti-
Duke: I have no idea what you’re talking about everything was fine in the end and everything is good!
Bruce: I am... so worried about all of you
Barbara: Well anyway let’s keep that streak going, it’s my turn. >:)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
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strange-birb · 7 months
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Here she is!!! Cass is the bass player for the secret band AU!!!!
I picture her dancing like Lindsey sterling during a bass solo Ngl she’s busting out some crazy ballet as she perfectly slaps the bass
Her and Steph on stage would be perfection
Idk I just thought a doll theme would be cool
And steph wants the excuse to “doll her up”
Cass and Jason walk on and off stage like their bodies are broken and joints are dislocated :) ( Cass is more mechanical)
Stage name :” THE DOLL”
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awzominator · 9 months
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*insert something poetic about Duke being a beacon of light and hope amongst darkness*
Anyway Duke Thomas am I Right?
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
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Finished Series for the acrylic charms 💚
Tim Drake - Encryptor 💻
Jason Todd - Lazarus Revenant 🧪
Damian al Ghul Wayne - League Prince 🗡️
Dick Grayson - Boy Wonder 🦋
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undertheredhood · 9 months
jason todd is much like a typical dad in the sense he will share something extremely outrageous that had happened to him/he did out of nowhere and will never speak of it ever again no matter how many times he’s asked to elaborate.
#batman#jason todd#jason peter todd#jason wayne#jason peter todd wayne#jason todd wayne#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you digged yourself out of your grave?#do you think they know about his birth mom selling him out to the joker?#jason todd was never the angry robin#most of the time it happens by accident but sometimes jason will say something just to stir the pot#jason todd is the biggest instigator alive and i stand by it#batfamily#batfam#batfamily shenanigans#just wait until they find out he’s dated slade wilson’s daughter because i think dck especially would be appalled by that one#dick grayson is so done#jason todd is one a one-man mission to stress everyone out#i don’t think they know about the all-caste either or about jason’s magic swords either#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you have up your most treasured memory?#everything i learn about this man is wild#they call up zatanna or constatine for help one time and they’re like “’why don’t you ask hood for help?’ and the batfam collectively goes 🤯#jason is the main reason why bruce has so much gray hair#jason goes from being this normal kid to being super overpowered within the span of 3-5 years and i love that for him#jason is the family cryptid#jason will share something about his past thinking nothing of it while everyone who’s listening to him talk is staring at him in horror#i don’t think anyone knows that jason has gone to heaven when he died#though jason’s memory isn’t quite reliable until he’s dunked in a lazarus pit#jason todd shenanigans#jason was never the angry robin
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There's something about Tim that has always slightly unnerved Bruce.
That's not to say he doesn't truly love him, the little Robin who dragged him kicking and screaming from the edge, who reminds him everyday he has to be better.
Yet something in his eyes always makes him hesitate.
Watching him solve cases connect dots that even Bruce at his most able couldn't hope to understand.
Watching him fight it's calculated every move planned but executed with a grace that would make ballerinas jealous.
He couldn't identify it the greatest detective stumped by his own son until one day when he walked down to the cave.
His eldest sparing with Tim it was beautiful moves that he could never replicate they worked as if they were one. Escrima quickly blocked by a bow staff, every single move perfectly executed.
It felt like for once he could see clearly the thing that had made him so uncomfortable brought forth a fear that was so instinctual.
It was Dick.
The same moves, the quiet grace the deadly motions, even the anger.
A perfect copy a clone couldn't even hope to achieve.
He stays so still almost frozen afraid to catch the predators attention.
As Tim ends it heading to the showers his eyes drift meeting Dick's.
A smile that before he would call kind he can't help but see almost a sadistic undertone like a animal playing with it's food.
He breaks first, hair standing on end as he heads back up into the manor.
He should do something, but he can't whatever monsters that are his sons he decides to turn a blind eye.
To let the tigers play he knows he is beaten that if he were to try anything his blood would stain his eldest's chin.
But a darker deeper part of Bruce recognizes the same look he ignores in the mirror.
The look that both Jason and Damian try so hard to replicate.
He has never consciously favored his children but as he erases contingencies and allows full access to a network he had never shared with anyone before he can't help but feel a tide changing.
Sitting the next morning at the table secrets smiles shared between him and his sons. Jealously crossing theirs brothers eyes he wants to cackle, scream but it's time he returns the loyalty that they have bled.
After all what's some secrets between Kings and crowned princes.
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puppetmaster13u · 19 days
Prompt in Memes 6
Let's make it some in-world memes this time :)
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horsechestnut · 2 days
AU to add to the list of AUs I'll never write: All of the Robins are de-aged to the age they were when they became Robin. Their memories are also reset to that point, and somehow they're in their Robin suits.
So you have a 16 year old Steph, desperately trying to wrangle 4 feral children who look nearly identical and won't tell her their names because "you do know what a secret identity is, don't you Stephanie?"
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Dick: *in the middle of a mission that rapidly went south* Fuck me.
Roy, Kori, Barbara, Kara, Midnighter, Wally, and/or etc: *stripping* Gladly.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Jazz found billboards all over the city, although according to Tucker they were all over the country, it was an invitation for "The beast bat-tle", the winner will be crowned "Pun King" for a guy called the Rid- or something.
Danny was decided, he will be the Pun King, no one can stop him from getting the title, he is already the Ghost king but this is the kingdom he really wants.
On the other hand Dick Grayson was excited cause for the first time ¡undercover work was exciting!
The Riddler organized a pun battle, it was an open invitation for all the villains (and pun enjoyers), although Batman was sure no one "good" will show up, ¿what idiot will come to a competition organized by the Riddler?
it was impossible that you didn't know about him, you had to live in a town in the middle of nowhere.
Jason was regretting offering help, he wanted to punch (or shoot) villains no the knowledge that THERE ARE TWO OF THEM (although the Twink was cute, Dick agreed)
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goatsghost · 11 months
something i’m just realizing about the “dick is damian’s parent” fics is that they often point out that after bruce came back, dick left for bludhaven immediately. but i just realized that’s not quite true.
bruce came back, and there were briefly two batmans (batmen?) at the same time. and then bruce left the country to go set up batman inc, for some weird reason, and dick stayed as batman to resolve some final issues. so yeah dick and damian kept being batman and robin for a good bit of time after bruce returned. do with that information what you will
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mylifeingotham · 13 days
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