#Wanda Seldon
daincrediblegg · 1 year
get to know your fanfic writer
tagged by @kittensmctavish (thankies my friend)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
in the mid 00's... to fucking quizilla. may she rest in peace.
First Character(s) you wrote?
Oh god... that fuckin guy played by Michael Palin from A Fish Called Wanda and an oc I created (I was 13. so as you can see I have fucking always been like this about pathetic old men.)
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Lady Terror and Francis Crozier (first and easily foremost. honestly I've written more shit for him in the last 8 months than I have for anyone in the last several years. it's a little ridiculous), Valery Legasov, Hari Seldon.
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
I have been meaning to give some extra thought into certain crewmember's perspectives on Lady Terror and their interactions with her that I've been meaning to flesh out- the top 3 of those for me are Tozer, Hickey, and Irving/Hodge (I see them as part of the Lieutenant unit tbh), and some of the other men on Erebus as well. But also there are a few OC's within the Lady Terror family tree that I want to get to writing, as well as some from Crozier's family as well (who I've been faceclaim casting for months lmao).
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Everyone under the beautiful Jared Harris umbrella, tbh. Primarily The Terror and Chernobyl with a little Foundation sprinkled in for flavor. Tomorrow? Who knows...
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Oh loads. I've been writing lots of interactions between lady terror and a big list of folks from the terror (mainly: Thomas Blanky, Silna, Jopson, Goodsir, JFJ, and many many others), but also lots of interpersonal stuff between others on the ships as well.
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
(sing it with me if you know it) CROZIER X LADY TERROR!!! Going on like 8 months strong.
Your top AO3 tags?
Fluff, Angst, and Smut (and god damn if that doesn't sum me up)
Current platform you use for posting?
Tumblr primarily but if something feels fleshed-out enough I'll throw it up on Ao3 as well.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
hmmm... since I wanna try and get out the first section of one warm line out for tomorrow's crozier birthday celebrations... how about I tease some vampire stuff hm?
The Lady made short work of curling against Francis’ leg, leaning her head gently against his thigh and nuzzling at his knee as her arm snaked around his calf. She pressed a small kiss to the bony space there, and sighed at the feel of his hand when he reached out to brush through her hair gently, reclining at their mutual touches. But then her kisses grew in frequency, dotting further and further up his thigh. Francis chuckled. “You seem in want of something, Love.” he sighed, low, a smile in his voice as he tangled his fingers in her dark tresses. “Should I call Jopson?” “I’m not hungry,” she replied, pressing another kiss to the delicate skin near his hip, where she paused, dark eyes blown over black gazing up at him with a desire from under her eyelashes, “... not in that way.” Francis chuckled to himself at the prospect. It had been a moment since she’d had her way with him. And if she wanted this, he was certainly in no state to refuse her. “I see, ” he replied, leaning a little forward as his gaze softened. “What is it you crave, then, hm?”
Hmm... now who to tag...
@prismatica-the-strange @ashton-slashton @gaunt-and-hungry @jokerownsmysoul @charismat1c-megafauna... and anyone else who feels such a desire to do so? yeah.
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knightotoc · 1 year
w/r/t prev post:
Comparing the Seldons and the Skywalkers again, I love that all the Seldons are kinda short and most of the Skywalkers are short too, minus Anakin. IDK if there are heights for Manella and Wanda, but it would be funny if they were tall like Han and Kylo
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plutodetective · 2 years
any top asimov headcanons?
Elijah had a serious boyfriend in college. It was his last serious relationship before Jessie.
Speaking of Jessie, her political career briefly mentioned in Mirror Image flourished. She's got a great way with politics, which, incidentally, is indirectly the reason why Baleyworld was a success. Elijah is a political disaster, the colony worked thanks to Bentley, and he inherited all of his political ability from his mother.
She also found someone better suited to her after she and Elijah separated.
Daneel unconsciously programmed Dors while thinking of Elijah, which is why she's so impulsive and comes across as such a good mixture of the two of them. She's totally their daughter.
To protect Dors from roblock, Daneel programmed her not only with the Zeroth Law, but he managed to invert the Second and the Third Laws, so that she feels a higher instinct to protect herself than other robots do. He did this because he was traumatized from losing Jander and Giskard to roblock.
Elijah stims. Check out my fic about it!
Elijah was a very romantic and imaginative child, but his hard life and the restrictiveness of the City made him try hard to fit in, and he didn't recover that part of himself until he met Daneel.
Raych's charisma is a weaker form of phychic power. Wanda inherited it from him, her powers are just much stronger.
Hari already wears glasses in his youth.
Yugo Amaryl is definitely autistic.
Lucky Starr's canonical two dads are a couple. Perhaps they were in a poly relationship with his bio parents.
Stephen Byerley adopted Lenny after Susan Calvin died.
Based on the fact that Asimov hoped while alive that his last words would be "I love you, Janet", that Janet says that they were indeed, and that he had a tendency to write characters dying saying the name of the person they loved ("Little Miss" "Dors!"), and the fact that Elijah and Giskard had the exact same last words, maybe Giskard was also in love with Daneel.
If Asimov had lived to write one more book in the series, Daneel would have finally died, and his last words would have been "Partner Elijah."
The Robots/Empire/Foundation verse is set in the timeline Noys created in The End of Eternity.
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meril-tospen · 3 years
Hari : You don’t really have to be related to be family. In fact, you don’t have to be like them at all.
Wanda : Then how are they family?
Hari : Sometimes family is just the people in your life that you love, that you’d do anything for.
Me :
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scverussnape · 5 years
A9, C3!
A9. Who was your first ship?
For fics I think Aragorn/Arwen? I loved them so much when I was a kid, I remember 11 yo me used to get so angry at people shipping him with Éowyn lmao.
C3. Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?
A few things yeah. A few kinks (daddy kink makes me back out faster than anything else), child corporal punishment, etc. There’s no real pattern and some stuff isn’t even that heavy but they just irk me for some reason.
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scalar · 5 years
85 & 92!
85. dinner & diatribes - hozier
92. cambridge - motion city soundtrack
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valorfaerie · 5 years
5, 14, 41!
5. What’s an album that you prefer to listen straight through instead of shuffled?
Right now, it’s Hozier’s Wasteland Baby. I usually listen to new albums straight through for awhile before I start shuffling them.
14. Do you play any instruments?
No, but I do sing.
41. If you listen to classical music, who is your favorite composer?
I am a Beethoven person
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wanda-seldon · 5 years
annapishtim ---------> wanda-seldon
i just feel like it’s time
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Week 25 of the Community Development for Real People Food Drive & Giveaway was amazing! Week 25 of the Community Development for Real People Food Drive & Giveaway was amazing thanks to Lake Spivey Jack & Jill, Georgia Food Resource Center, SMAC NPHC, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Voter Registration, Eagles Landing OBGYN, Sylvain Funeral home, JD Catering, Eureka Lodge 354, Meredith Frank, Mary Byram, Susan Cloutman, Aetna Community Events Shoresh Seldon, all our donors, and volunteers. A special shoutout to the young people working with Jack & Lake Spivey who did a great job! A special thank you to Henry County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta members Debra Abernathy, Vivian Key, V Renae Crutches, Gloria Lee Hawkins, Wanda, and all of your members for being the backbone of the CD4RP Food Drive volunteering weekly! Thank you Lailah Simmons, Anthony Dixon, Charles Weems, Bernice, Carlotta Harrell, and all our volunteers! Donations accepted via Cash App $CD4RP (at Henry County, Georgia)
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hmcarv · 7 years
Meu nome é Hari Seldon. Fui primeiro-ministro do imperador Cleon I. Sou Professor Emérito de Psico-história da Universidade de Streeling, de Trantor; diretor do Projeto de Psico-história; Diretor-executivo da Enciclopédia Galáctica, criador da Fundação. Tudo isso impressiona, eu sei. Fiz muita coisa nos meus 81 anos, e estou cansado. Dando um balanço na minha vida, imagino se deveria... se poderia... ter feito certas coisas de forma diferente. Por exemplo: estava tão preocupado com o panorama geral da psico-história que deixei de prestar a atenção devida aos fatos e pessoas que cruzaram minha vida? Talvez tenha deixado de fazer certos ajustes pequenos, incidentais, aqui e ali que de nenhuma forma comprometeriam o futuro da humanidade, mas talvez contribuíssem para melhorar consideravelmente a qualidade de vida daqueles que me eram caros. Yugo, Raych... Não posso deixar de pensar... poderia ter feito alguma coisa para salvar minha querida Dors? Mês passado, acabei de gravar os hologramas das Crises. Meu assistente, Gaal Dornick, levou-os para Terminus para supervisionar a instalação do Cofre de Seldon. Ele cuidará para que o cofre seja lacrado e sejam divulgadas as instruções para sua abertura durante as Crises. A essa altura, naturalmente, estarei morto. O que eles vão pensar, esses futuros membros da Fundação, quando me virem (ou, mais exatamente, quando virem meu holograma) durante a Primeira Crise, daqui a quase cinquenta anos? Será que vão comentar que pareço muito velho, ou que minha voz é fraca, ou que pareço muito frágil, encolhido em minha cadeira de rodas? Será que vão compreender... apreciar... a mensagem que deixei para eles? Ora, não adianta especular. Como diziam os antigos, a sorte está lançada. Ontem recebi uma mensagem de Gaal. Tudo está correndo bem em Terminus. Bor Alurin e os membros do projeto estão muito satisfeitos no "exílio". Não devia me vangloriar, mas não posso deixar de rir quando me lembro da expressão de contentamento no rosto daquele idiota do Linge Chen quando ele baniu o projeto para Terminus, dois anos atrás. Embora o exílio tenha sido baseado na Constituição do Império ("Uma instituição científica sustentada pelo governo e parte do domínio pessoal de Sua Augusta Majestade, o Imperador" - o Comissário-chefe nos queria fora de Trantor, mas detestava a ideia de nos conceder total independência), ainda é fonte secreta de diversão saber que Terminus foi escolhido por Las Zenow e por mim para ser a sede da Fundação. A única coisa que me aborrece com relação a Linge Chen é que não conseguimos salvar Agis. O imperador era um bom homem e um verdadeiro líder, embora seu cargo fosse apenas honorífico. Seu erro foi acreditar no próprio título, e a Comissão de Segurança Pública não tolerou aquele surto de independência. Imagino o que terão feito com Agis... será que foi exilado para algum planeta da Periferia, ou assassinado, como Cleon? A criança que hoje está sentada no trono é o mais perfeito exemplo de um imperador fantoche. Obedece a tudo que Linge Chen sussurra no seu ouvido e se imagina um estadista promissor. O palácio e a vida imperial não passam para ele de brinquedos em algum jogo fantástico. Que farei agora? Depois que Gaal partiu, sinto-me totalmente só. Vez por outra, tenho notícias de Wanda. O trabalho no Ponto Final prossegue normalmente, na última década, ela e Stettin acrescentaram dezenas de mentálicos às suas fileiras. O poder deles está crescendo. Foi o grupo do Ponto Final, minha Fundação secreta, que induziu Linge Chen a enviar os enciclopedistas para Terminus. Sinto falta de Wanda. Já se passaram vários anos desde que a vi pela última vez, sentei-me a seu lado, segurei-lhe a mão. Quando Wanda partiu, embora eu mesmo tenha lhe pedido para ir, quase morri de tristeza. Essa foi, talvez, a decisão mais difícil que tive de tomar em minha vida. Embora jamais tenha contado a Wanda, quase voltei atrás. Entretanto, para que a Fundação fosse um sucesso, era preciso que Wanda e Stettin fossem para o Ponto Final, era uma exigência da psico-história. Assim, talvez a decisão não tenha sido minha, afinal. É estranho ficar tão só. Não estou acostumado. Ainda venho aqui todo dia, ao meu escritório no edifício da Psico-história. Lembro-me quando este prédio estava cheio de gente, noite e dia. Às vezes, julgo ouvir as vozes de minha família há muito desaparecida, dos estudantes, dos colegas... se eu acreditasse nessas coisas, diria que os fantasmas do passado voltaram para me assombrar. Agora, os escritórios estão vazios e o zumbido do motor da minha cadeira de rodas ecoa nos corredores silenciosos. Talvez eu devesse liberar o edifício, devolvê-lo à universidade, para que aqui fosse instalado outro departamento. Para mim, porém, é difícil abrir mão deste lugar. São tantas as lembranças... Tudo que preciso agora, realmente, é isto, meu Primeiro Radiante. Este é o instrumento através do qual a psico-história pode ser computada, através do qual todas as equações do meu plano podem ser analisadas. Está tudo aqui, neste pequeno cubo negro. Fascinante, não é? No momento, estou equilibrando este aparelho aparentemente simples na palma da minha mão. Pensar que foi a isto que Yugo dedicou a sua vida. Preciso apenas apertar um botão para que as luzes do escritório se apaguem e o Primeiro Radiante seja ativado. Agora suas equações se espalham em torno de mim, em um esplendor tridimensional. Suponho que aos olhos de um leigo este padrão multicolorido seja apenas uma confusão de números, figuras e formas. Mas para mim, como para Wanda, ou para Gaal, isto é a psico-história viva. O que vejo agora diante de mim, em torno de mim, é o futuro da humanidade. A Galáxia! Trinta mil anos de caos comprimidos, organizados, num único milênio. Ali! Aquela mancha, brilhando cada vez com mais intensidade, é a equação de Terminus. E ali! Distorcidos, fragmentados de forma irreparável, estão os símbolos de Trantor. E bem ao lado, uma luz constante, serena, que representa o Ponto Final. Este, este é o trabalho da minha vida. Meu passado... o futuro da humanidade. A Fundação. Tão linda, tão viva. E nada poderá...
Isaac Asimov. Origens da Fundação
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yeastpanini · 9 months
Headcanon: When Raych and Manella couldn't be at home due to different errands they called Yugo to stay home babysitting Wanda.
Bonus point if the things end up with Yugo in make up joining the wildest tea-party he ever attended, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk
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selenite85 · 9 years
Hm, was Isaac Asimov a Marvel fan? Did he maybe name Wanda Seldon after Wanda Maximoff? 
(Well, it’s just a thought that crossed my mind.) 
These two share (almost) the same abilities after all :) 
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meril-tospen · 3 years
Wanda & Stettin : *just chillin’ in this life and the next*
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meril-tospen · 3 years
The Seldon/Palver Wedding
Wanda & Stettin :
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Raych & Manella :
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meril-tospen · 3 years
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,,Further, by their very natures, Wanda and Palver seemed to be more comfortable with each other than with other people. In fact, Seldon had discovered that when no one else was around, Wanda and Palver didn't even talk to each other; their mentalic abilities were sufficiently advanced that they had no need of words to communicate.”
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meril-tospen · 3 years
Wanda & Stettin’s power :
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Wanda & Stettin & Bor’s power :
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