Good Omens Fic Rec: The Truth Remains
Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He'd loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew. And then, he fell. He lost everything. The bond he held with his siblings was ripped away, leaving an aching, empty void. And while he still has Aziraphale, the angel doesn't recognize the archangel who taught him how to care about the Earth. And Crowley refuses to tell him who he was, or how Aziraphale's voice is the one thing that can soothe the ache in his soul that wants, so badly, to feel a connection again. A story through the ages as an angel and a demon come to terms with their shared past.
Length: 200,154 words
AO3 Rating: Mature
Best for: At Home, Angst, Through the Ages, Canon AU
Triggers: Violence
Read it here, fic by WanderingAlice
*Minor Spoilers* This story is gorgeous. It is bittersweet and melancholic, and if you haven't read this one yet I think it's a must read. Crowley in this story is actually the supposedly dead Raphael. This is not a story that just drops that fact into the established canon like an Easter egg. This is a full canon AU. All the events we're familiar with will happen, but the context has completely changed. I will leave all the major details for you to learn. Just know that it will break your heart over and over again.
This is a Crowley centric story. It will unravel his history as Raphael and the relationship he had with his siblings and Aziraphale. He is a very wounded and guarded thing here. And lethally protective of Aziraphale, which surprised me. The thing is, Aziraphale knew Raphael and had loved him in Heaven. Now he is haunted by the guilt and grief he feels over losing him. How awful it is for Crowley to have his love grieve for him and be unable to say, "I'm here, I'm not gone," Remember, I said this would break your heart.
You can expect a very somber Through the Ages tale here. Not that there isn't lightness, but it's not a silly story. Its contemplative and the periods of time we visit are very painful for Crowley. This Crowley is very empathetic, doing whatever he can to save and heal the humans around him. There is a beautiful scene involving Crowley and Jesus here. It gives them more of a relationship than the canon hints at and it’s gorgeous. He pushes Crowley to believe that maybe this was all meant to be, that Crowley is still a part of God's love and plans. Despite all his resentment for her, Crowley still desperately wants answers and to feel God's love. It is the love an abused child feels for their mother. There's also some really touching moments with Eve, and what he told her before she took the apple. I haven't seen that particular scene in fanfic often. Maybe I'm missing them, but this is the standard I will hold anything else to.
This story is completely safe in public if you wish, but I think it's best for at home. It's a more poetic prose that you'll want to pay attention to. When I tried reading it at work, it was a lot harder to fully immerse myself. I hope I didn't make this story seem like a downer. It's really not! It's beautiful and slow, and had some excellent insights into Crowley's psyche. There are more stories in this series, but I have not read them yet. I'm sure I'll get to them because I definitely will want to return to this world.
Read it here, fic by WanderingAlice
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shibitct · 1 year
The slumbering presence
"No" they stated with intent "You will find nothing you want through there" The librarian nodded towards the ornamental door at the side of the library.
"What is in there? Something I'm forbidden to know of?" The traveller questioned.
"Nothing of the sort. Through there you will find a slumbering angel. Not one of holiness. One of reflection, grief and humanity. The love of Earth and its beings has condemned it to the shackles of its knowledge. It's understanding of creation and its details brings suffering yet understanding. It mourns and celebrates what has been, what is and what is to come; for it is an observer, not to interfere with the affairs of mortal beings."
"When it wakes, can I ask it a question about creation and the purpose of this all?"
"That is why it sleeps. It believes the knowledge that you and others seek, the purpose of life, is too much of a burden. So far out of human comprehension that it is a mercy to not speak of it. The understanding of consciousness, morality and one's own self, already brings existentialism, pain and cries for ignorance."
"Surely that is a choice that humanity must make? Not a being which perceives itself to be above us"
"It doesn't believe we are inferior, it believes us innocent. As you would not wish to tarnish a child with contempt and suffering, the angel does not wish that on us"
"It believes us innocent? After all we've done? After all the destruction we have caused? The suffering? The sin?"
"An individual is not all of humanity. The sins of a few, does not make the uninvolved guilty. It does not believe the shortcomings of humanity should be placed on a singular person. It believes for as long as we do not possess the knowledge of creation, we are innocent."
"So I must accept that I will never understand all? That there are limits to my knowledge? That I must be innocent through ignorance?"
"Indeed. That is the wish of the angel. Respect it's reason and you will find no suffering through the knowledge behind the door."
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
I remember a fair few fics where the premise is vaguely “Aziraphale does a blessing/miracle/other religious thing on Crowley and it’s strange/overwhelming/etc for all involved”. I just can’t… find any of them. I remember them being various ratings, pure fluff to pure smut
Your best bet is the divinity kink tag on AO3. Here are some to get you going...
The Agony And The Ecstasy by entanglednow (T)
A split second decision by Aziraphale to save them both from discovery leaves Crowley experiencing something he is unprepared for.
your love is sunlight by EveningStarcatcher (M)
“Why wait?” Crowley’s voice was faint, almost a whisper, but lined with the usual forced nonchalance. “What?” Aziraphale froze, brow slightly furrowed. “Just, I don’t have to wait.” Crowley’s cheeks flushed. “Could be all better right now. I mean. I-if you wanted.” “Are you asking me to heal you?” Aziraphale’s eyes flashed with something… divine.
A Negative Integer by racketghost (E)
“I’m the holy object,” Aziraphale says, and is also looking frantically around the room, the bookshop, the skylight filtering in the first glimpses of afternoon sun and holding dust particles suspended in their beams, dreamy and soft. “I can’t touch you.” “Yes you can,” he blurts out, and swallows down the cacophony of what are sure to be any number of embarrassing and hopeful ways in which the angel can touch him, really, whenever.
Bleak Without and Bare Within by Princip1914 (E)
Perhaps Crowley was right, Aziraphale thought. They were both working very hard in sometimes very awful places and for what? It was obvious that they couldn’t give up on temptations and blessings entirely--someone would notice, they had to surely--but combining forces here and there? What had Crowley called it, lending a hand, when necessary? It didn’t sound too bad. It didn’t sound like a good idea either, but Aziraphale supposed that was the whole point. It was a morally neutral proposition, and everything would still get done in the end. “I agree.” Aziraphale said finally. “As long as you accept that we’re going to have to teach one another.” Or, an angel learns to Tempt, a demon learns to Bless and things get a bit out of hand at the beginning of an unusual Arrangement.
Divine Hands by WanderingAlice (T)
After the end of the world didn’t come, Crowley had planned to spend a lot more time with Aziraphale, and Aziraphale didn’t seem opposed to the idea at all. Unfortunately there’s one glaring problem. Crowley has a strong, uncontrollable panic reaction to being touched by something divine. And Aziraphale cannot turn off his own divinity. A Good Omens Holiday Exchange fic written for the prompt: After the Notpocalypse, Crowley and Aziraphale start getting closer...but they find out together that Crowley has deep-seated trust issues triggered by something about Aziraphale that he can't help. They have to overcome it together.
sanctuary by moonyinpisces (T)
“You’re staring.” “Oh dear,” says Aziraphale, completely unapologetic. “How rude of me.” Crowley begins to smile something slow, bright, and lovely, but he schools it with a bite to his lower lip. Aziraphale thinks of the way he looked two millennia ago, pressed up against the wall with Aziraphale's blessing healing his wounds, the only demon to experience divine ecstasy and live to tell the tale. How Aziraphale's hands itch to do it again, and again, and again. Crowley opens his mouth as if to say something, but then stops and spins around instead to go back to stirring the curry. “Shut up,” he says to the stove, flustered.
- Mod D
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whitakerrr · 7 months
Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He'd loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew.
And then, he fell. He lost everything. The bond he held with his siblings was ripped away, leaving an aching, empty void. And while he still has Aziraphale, the angel doesn't recognize the archangel who taught him how to care about the Earth. And Crowley refuses to tell him who he was, or how Aziraphale's voice is the one thing that can soothe the ache in his soul that wants, so badly, to feel a connection again.
A story through the ages as an angel and a demon come to terms with their shared past.
Words: 200,154
6000 years of slow burn, anyone? In which Crowley is secretly Raphael, who not-so-secretly adores a certain angel, this sprawling, canon-compliant rewrite is sure to leave you squealing, sobbing, smiling, stomping, and all the wonderful things in between. While the path he walks is tragic and fraught with complication, Crowley’s heart never wavers, even as a labyrinth of walls twists around his soul. Nevertheless, Aziraphale continues to shine, warm and constant, through the cracks. I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying. Everyone say, “we love you @wanderingsofal”
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ineffableclassics · 10 months
Tumblr media
Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He'd loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew.
And then, he fell. He lost everything. The bond he held with his siblings was ripped away, leaving an aching, empty void. And while he still has Aziraphale, the angel doesn't recognize the archangel who taught him how to care about the Earth. And Crowley refuses to tell him who he was, or how Aziraphale's voice is the one thing that can soothe the ache in his soul that wants, so badly, to feel a connection again.
A story through the ages as an angel and a demon come to terms with their shared past.
Words: 200,154
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature
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lavendermoonlitskies · 2 months
*cracks knuckles*
what is your favorite kind of cake?
also, please rec your favorite fanfic or fanart. good omens preferable, but any fandom is fine!
also also, how is your day? mondays are a thing. is yours going alright?
Wahoo I get to answer fun random questions thank u for this ask 🥺👉👈
1. This is probably the most basic answer but in the world of cake flavors I’m a vanilla girlie thru and thru 🫡
2. Ohohoho here we go
So it’s pretty much impossible for me to pick just one, so here are the links to a few of my absolute favorites:
(Dare I say this one has become a bit of a fandom classic)
And I’ve also been loving the on-going comic by @vavoom-sorted-art and @daneecastle,“Astrobleme” and highly recommend checking that out if you haven’t already! 💜
3. My Monday has been great! Yesterday was incredibly overwhelming at work (being a cashier is boring most of the time but some days it feels like everyone and their mother has decided they need to come to your location right now and then it’s like that for the entire day 🙃), and so today I really just wanted some peace and quiet. I curled up with my copy of Terry Pratchett’s The Color of Magic and took it easy ☺️
I hope you had a nice day as well!
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oriocookie · 2 years
good omens fic list
Digging For Gold by WorseOmens as soon as this list gets too big, itll separate into smaller, more specific categories
A Tale of Two Londons (or: Into the Ineffaverse) by cyankelpie
Now that they have plenty of time to do as they please, Aziraphale and Crowley take a trip through the multiverse. On another version of Earth, bookshop owner Ezra Fell and barista Anthony Crowley have a very interesting day.
Ars Daemonologica by Luinlothana
Drunkenly buying a book with demon summoning rituals and then attempting those without proper preparation doesn't seem like it could solve one's problems. Harry did it anyway.
A light-hearted take on a summoning story
In Heaven by AppleSeeds for detectivedawn
Famous radio DJ Crowley takes to Twitter to share the fact that he's just encountered the most gorgeous man he's ever seen in his entire life on the train. When he receives a tweet from someone saying that her friend has just told her that he's sitting near to Crowley, Crowley's followers begin to speculate that they might both be talking about the same person, and Crowley finally summons the courage to talk to him.
Godfathers (Again) by theshoparoundthecorner
Crowley and Aziraphale have been enjoying nearly a year's worth of peace since the Not-So-End of the World. Spring is in full swing, and they have found a certain peace in the uneventful.
That all changes very quickly when an excitable two-year-old girl makes herself known in the bookshop one evening after closing, with no idea as to where her parents may be.
Once it becomes clear that no one is coming by the shop to retrieve her anytime soon, Crowley and Aziraphale take it upon themselves to return her to her family, wherever they may be.
It goes just about how you'd expect.
In which Aziraphale frets, Crowley grapples with the concept of goodness, and an odd day out makes a family of two into a family of three.
Blacks Coffees and Hot Chocolates by StarlightPhoenix
Since opening her coffeeshop in Soho, Jess had a few regulars. Anthony came in every day and ordered one black coffee and one hot chocolate. They were Jess' favorite regular.
Mr. Fell, on the other hand, was her least favorite regular. He was rude, he insulted her scones, and she was sure he was mafia.
She didn't realize that her sweet Anthony was with that nasty Mr. Fell.
#ace solidarity by EnchantressEmily
When Rosemary's date learns about her asexuality, he doesn't react well - but then the couple at the next table take a hand in things.
A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by ThetaSigma
Sam had settled into his job at the Ritz nicely. For example, no one there cared that his birth certificate listed him as Samantha and female and accepted him as Sam and male easily. It's a job he really loves, not least because his supervisor is possibly the nicest person to roam the Earth.
Sam also may be the first waiter in all of history to find out why the wine bottles fill up again when Aziraphale and Crowley have dined there.
He discreetly cleared away the empty bottles on the table and went to put them in the recycling, same as he always did.
Jim stopped him. “Not those bottles, son.”
“But they’re just empty bottles, Jim. Nothing left.”
“I know. But trust me. Cork them and put them back on the shelf, especially if those two ordered more than four bottles total.”
Digging For Gold by WorseOmens
Crowley finally stops hiding his visits to the bookshop, now the celestial powers-that-be have decided to butt out, only to be faced with a whole new challenge.
(OR: The people of Soho make sure this newcomer isn’t about to hurt their beloved local madman)
Caffeine Eden by WanderingAlice
The proprietor of a small coffee shop next to Aziraphale's bookshop has opinions about Mr. Fell, other opinions about Mr. Crowley. They aren't exactly the opinions one would expect.
Mr. Fell's Bookshop ficlets by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits), HolyCatsAndRabbits
(no description)
serpent matchmaking service by doctormissy
Getting an angel and demon to admit their feelings for each other really shouldn’t be a part of a snake’s job description, Antoinette mused, but she’d be damned if she didn’t do it anyway. If they speak one more word on the subject of star-crossed lovers or some other whatnot, she’s going to strangle someone, and it won’t just be a mouse.
Or: Crowley gets a pet snake, who subsequently becomes stuck as an unfortunate intermediary between his and Aziraphale’s mutual pining, and decides to take matters into her own… well, whatever the snake equivalent for hands is, anyway.
Hiding in Plain Sight by ourownmaking
The premise of the project was simple enough; choose a place - somewhere in or around London, preferably - that you have a strong personal connection to, and which is at least a bit historic. Look into the history of that place, make a report, et cetera. It was all very straightforward, all very simple.
What wasn’t simple was explaining why the same man had owned A. Z. Fell & Co. since it opened.
Outside Opinion by PurpleRose (Purple_Rose_Writes) for ICanSingNoRequiem, ranguvar82
John has been running a bakery for a full year now. He absolutely loves it and all of his custormers. There is one man that he finds rather odd though -- Mr. Fell.
Big Spooky Fan by WorseOmens
A scout troop tells spooky stories around a campfire, and one ex-Londoner has an interesting tale to tell about Soho's most bizarre urban legend: AZ Fell and his antique bookshop.
(Or: Aziraphale gets mistaken for a ghost)
Safe as Houses by nightbloomingcereus
Aziraphale and Crowley go shopping for real estate.
I live next door to a haunted bookshop owned by an immortal cryptid bastard. AMA! by kyaticlikestea
Before anyone reports this post, I got this AMA authorised by posting proof to a mod, so there.
Hi, Reddit! I’m no-one special, but about 6 months ago, I moved into a flat above a cafe next door to a bookshop, and my life has never been the same since, because the man who runs the bookshop is some sort of ageless (mostly) benevolent eldritch being. By all accounts, he hasn’t aged a day since at least 1944, sometimes he seems to have just too many eyes, and I once saw him turn water into wine (a nice rosé). His coworker / best friend / boyfriend / shadow entity is also definitely some kind of cryptid, but despite trying harder to be a bastard, he’s somehow less successful at it.
So, if you have any questions about what it’s like to live next door to an eternal bastard man, AMA!
Or, a cryptid bastard man haunts Reddit, trying to find out how to ask out his crush of the past 6,000 years and getting downvoted to literal oblivion. Just normal stuff on the world wide web.
it's a new craze by attheborder
CROWLEY: I try not to make a habit of gratitude, but I must give our appreciation to everyone out there who’s been listening and subscribing to The Ineffable Plan. AZIRAPHALE: Ooh, yes, we’ve become quite popular, haven’t we? CROWLEY: Yeah, just hit number eight on the advice charts … No advertising at all. AZIRAPHALE: Mm. How … miraculous. CROWLEY: … Aziraphale. You did not.
Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast.
But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
A Guide to Fame for the Enterprising Demon by asideofourown
tildeathdoustogether ok friends so i know we all joke about, like john mulaney and keanu reeves and hozier being immortals, but… i really think we gotta add anthony j. crowley to that list
thelongest27yearsofmylife reblogged and said: Christ, Beth, Anthony Crowley is an increasingly popular, openly queer creator with explicitly queer rep in his work that’s really important to some people, can you not make this into a meme for ONCE in your life?
tildeathdoustogether reblogged and said: you think i’m joking but.  i’m not.  l i s t e n  i did not get a history degree for nothing, i have RECEIPTS. buckle in kiddos this is a wild ride
[Crowley accidentally gets a bit famous, and the internet figures out he may be a bit immortal]
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by TheOldAquarian
What are you supposed to do when you've been fired from your sweet job in Hell for thwarting the schemes of Satan, you've got a swanky flat in Mayfair, and you're looking for an excuse to spend all your time in someone else's bookshop? Obviously, you turn to the dubious world of short-term vacation rentals.
The resulting Airbnb property has been variously described as "an instagram trap," "a vampire den but make it botanical," and "the weirdest bed and breakfast in the shared history of beds and breakfasting."
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fanishjuli · 3 years
Parental Spirk fic rec list!
The Trouble With Vulcan-Human Hybrids by quantumgirl - 53k w., 16 Ch., Rated T, AOS.
A story in which Spock and Kirk meet their future children when accidental time travel happens. Future Spock and Kirk have twin children, a son and daughter, who each take after their parents in unique ways. After a bit of an accident, the two children are thrown into an Enterprise where Dad and Father are still only coworkers, learning how to get along with each other.
So Wise We Grow by Deastar - 81k w., 2 Ch., Rated M, content Warnings: major character death. AOS.
"Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week."
a sequence that you never learned by annataylor - 64k w., 14 Ch., Rated E, AOS.
When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen.
Spring Blossom and it's sequel Baby's First Diplomatic Treaty (and other firsts for the books) by orphan_account - 26k w., 8 Ch, Rated E and 5k w., 1 Ch., Rated G. AOS.
Jim and Spock are also parents now, for however long. Oh my god. Jim and Spock are also parents now. He looks down at the baby and thinks quietly to himself, what have we done?
Jim and Spock's adventures in child-rearing aboard the Starship Enterprise.
That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From the Future by pristineungift - 7k w., 1 Ch., Rated M, AOS.
You know your day is going to be weird when some kid you’ve never seen before calls you ‘Papa.’
Smile by yeaka - 1k w., 1 Ch., Rated T, AOS and/or TOS.
Taurik wakes his dads up on their anniversary.
All In by little-smartass, spicyshimmy and summerofspock - 87k w., 17 Ch., Rated T, AOS.
Jim opens his eyes. Spock’s face is calm. It’s like they’re not talking about what they’re talking about at all - a living, breathing entity that’s made up of parts from both of them. She’s her own individual, sure, but they’re the ones who made her.
And Bones. Bones had something to do with it.
Jim’s red blood and Spock’s green blood and this steady, soothing heartbeat.
My Beautiful Human by LadyTauriel - 12k w., 1 Ch., Rated M, content Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence and underage. AOS.
Jim is an extraordinary human. He exceeds expectations constantly set for him in all areas of his life. His leadership abilities, his quick thinking, and his intellect are contributing factors to his potential for becoming a great starship captain. His fair colouring and symmetrical features are striking, making him stand out in a crowd of even the most aesthetically pleasing individuals. His mind is like a beaming sun, a warmth that Spock has missed on this cooler planet, pulling him in with all of its promising radiance.
When Jim smiles at Stalek, however, it is his heart and his love that make Jim the most beautiful human whom Spock has ever encountered.
David by WanderingAlice - 58k w., 21 Ch., Incomplete, Rated G, AOS.
When Spock met Lieutenant James T. Kirk and his son, David, he did not expect them to become a permanent fixture in his life. He was wrong.
What Makes A Family by GenericUsername01 - 81k w., 34 Ch., Rated M, content Warnings: graphic description of violence and major character death. AOS.
An AOS take on Saavik's backstory. One day, the Enterprise crosses into the Neutral Zone on a top secret mission to rescue some half-Vulcan, half-Romulan kids. Jim decides to adopt one of them. Only problem is, he's not a Vulcan citizen. Cue green card marriage.
Star Trek: Baby Blue by IBegToDreamAndDiffer - 21k w., 8 Ch., Incomplete, Rated G, AOS.
Their son has Jim's eyes.
What They Could Have Had (And Now It's Ours) by Froggyflan - 28k w., 6 Ch., Incomplete, Rated E, AOS.
“Stel, Spock and I aren’t like the ambassador and his Jim. We aren’t romantically involved.”
“But you will be.”
Spock leaves Starfleet to assist in rebuilding New Vulcan. Jim chases him.
The House of Kirk by Gyptian - 6k w., 1 Ch., Rated T, AOS.
Carol Marcus, possessed of a young son and an engineering degree, was asked to help in reverse-engineering parts of the drill Nero had dropped into San Francisco Bay. In the summer of 2262, she died. Five weeks later, Captain James T. Kirk received an urgent message. The first thing he did was call Spock.
Sorry Is Not Enough by foreverandeveralone - 15k w., 7 Ch., Incomplete, Rated M, AOS.
Spock was put on light duty following an injury. Jim, missing his boyfriend, came to one of his labs and seduced him, which, of course, ended in hot sex.
What Jim didn't know was that Spock was working on creating an environment that allowed the sperm of 2 males to combine into an embryo.
And Spock, distracted by Jim, forgot to close the lid to his completed experiment.
Build Me Up Buttercup by Spiderlass - 176k w., 13 Ch., Rated E, AOS.
Jim had always sort of known that karma would catch up with him one day. After all the shit he’d pulled, he’d have been more surprised if someone up there didn’t eventually go “welp, that’s long enough” and end his streak of good luck.
He’d expected to make it a little longer than twenty, though.
He also hadn’t expected karma to catch up with him in the form of a three-week-old baby girl with pointy ears.
A Little Lady Called T'Val by iknewaman - 108k w., 31 Ch., Rated E, TOS and/or AOS.
Jim doesn’t usually start fights with strange Vulcans at the tram stop, but sometimes you just gotta.
like blood, the stars by startrex - 25k w., 1 Ch., Rated G, AOS.
'You feel nothing! It must not even compute for you! You never loved her!'
He regrets the words the moment they come out of his mouth. But that other, older Spock said that he needed to get command of the ship, and to do so, must get his younger counterpart to acknowledge his emotions. Spock is not the first Vulcan Jim has had dealings with, and he can think of few things that would get T’pri as riled up as quickly as insinuating that she doesn’t love him.
He gambles that Spock is the same about his mother, and it pays off.
(Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.)
And Betazoid Makes Three by tronjolras - 38k w., 9 Ch., Rated T, TOS. Part 1/3 of the series The Leona K. Yarro Adventures.
While investigating a distress call from an abandoned research satellite, Kirk recovers an unconscious child and unknowingly forges a telepathic connection with her.
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stuckylibrary · 3 years
In looking for a copy of Souls, Love, Classic Movies, and other immortal things by WanderingAlice
Where Bucky died in the war but was Reincarnated as a body guard in the future for Steve.
I can't find it anywhere
It's right here on Ao3 :)
Souls, Love, Classic Movies, and Other Immortal Things* by WanderingAlice (complete | 21,981 | G) *major character death
James "Bucky" Barnes died that day on the train back in 1945. Steve knows this, because he found his body. So why, seventy years later, is he presented with a bodyguard that looks and acts exactly like his dead best friend? A bodyguard who just happens to be named James Barnes?
Bucky Barnes is assigned guard duty to a man whose identity he's not supposed to know. The thing is, this man looks exactly like Captain America. To make matters worse, he keeps having these dreams about him, dreams that are more like memories. Combine that with his childhood claim that he used to be called Bucky and "died in the war," well, things are seeming really odd.
What the hell is going on?
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Ok, I absolutely must: Good Omens and Wings. Thanks!
I’m so sorry it’s taken so long, but this fic is now up on AO3 (or at least, Chapter 1 is. Chapter 2 will be up next week or the week after, it’s done, just needs editing.) <3 Thank you so much for the wonderful prompt!!
Chapter one is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33535720
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aziraphales-library · 28 days
Hello and big thanks for your work! I was wondering if you know some fics where Aziraphale protects/saves Crowley from trouble. I'm not talking about bamf!Aziraphale tho. More like clever Aziraphale, sneaky Aziraphale, maybe even doing-something-shady-and-manipulative Aziraphale. But mostly clever :) I think something like oopsie!omens (where Aziraphale took the fall instead Crowley and successfully hiding it for thousands years) or You Never Had A Heart by HotCrossPigeon where Aziraphale put himself in trap to put a show for Hastur, or just like his trick in 1941? But if it's too narrow, any good protective Aziraphale will do. Thanks in advance!
Hi! Here are some fics in which Aziraphale helps/rescues Crowley by being clever...
You Can't Un-See a Dog by HolyCatsAndRabbits (T)
A couple of humans summon the demon Crowley to be a sacrifice. Aziraphale is not amused. Actually, wait, he's very amused.
The Enlightened Fraternity of the Serpentine Demon by The_Bentley (T)
A secret society moves in down the street from the bookshop and shows a particular interest in Crowley. They don’t appear to be very competent at first glance, but Crowley feels better poking around to see what they’re up to, just in case. When he fails to return from his investigations, it’s up to Aziraphale to rescue his demon from the group’s clutches before they end up doing something they’ll regret.
Binding by Icka M Chif (T)
“That’s the tether.” Aziraphale pointed to one circle, then back at the other. “That’s the anchor. If I’m bound to Earth, and you’re bound to me… Then Hell can’t take you back."
the many-venomed earth by curtaincall (T)
It’s the trial of the century: bestselling mystery author Anthony Crowley stands accused of poisoning his former lover. He’s got means (arsenic), motive (the breakup), and opportunity (a meeting the night of the murder); his guilt seems certain. Certain, that is, to everyone except Lord Aziraphale Eastgate, rare book collector and amateur detective. Aziraphale’s not sure why he’s so convinced of Crowley’s innocence, but he’s determined to save him from the gallows--by finding the real murderer before it’s too late.
A Business Arrangement by CopperBeech (E)
Aziraphale Fell works for the family business, Archangel Security, which is still struggling to find its niche. Doing what his strait-laced, class-conscious family expects has helped him ignore the problem of his sexuality right into middle age, but he’s decided it’s time. For Anthony Crowley, sexuality isn’t a problem. It’s a slush fund that he could always tap into when he couldn’t pick up enough shifts to pay the bills, or wanted something nice (a profitable strategy for someone who’s always been able to do weird things with his tongue). But for the past couple of years he hasn’t had options. At least business doesn’t affect his personal life, because so far, he’s never had much of one. It’s about to get complicated.
So Much Discounted by WanderingAlice (T)
After asking Aziraphale a strange question, Crowley disappears. Can Aziraphale work out what happened to him? And more importantly, can he save him before it's too late? --- “No.” Aziraphale sat up, throwing his senses wide, searching, seeking, all the way to the edges of the world. “Crowley!” His frantic cry, amplified by his angelic power, rippled through the minds of every being with even the slightest occult sensitivity. Miles away, Anathema sat up in bed, and reached in panic for her lover when she felt the new absence in the world. Down the street from Jasmine Cottage, Adam Young tumbled from his covers, reaching out himself with what remained of his power. What he found was so terrible he fled from it, running to climb into bed with his parents like he hadn’t since he’d been very small. “No,” the angel said again, his voice small and lost amid the stacks of lonely books. “No.” He pushed himself up with trembling hands, climbed to his feet, and didn’t stop running until he stood outside the door to Crowley’s Mayfair flat.
- Mod D
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ao3feed-spirk · 4 years
by WanderingAlice
Jim and Spock have been on different shifts for a few weeks. Jim pouts because he misses his lover. Spock refuses to be ignored.
He’ll blame the mind-meld with Old Spock every time, but there are some things about being in a relationship with Spock that just come naturally to him. It would terrify him, if he gave himself even a minute to consider it. He’s never been somebody’s home before. Gods know, he’s never had a home himself. And yet. And yet, there are days like this:
He’s sitting in his study on the Enterprise, reading mission briefs for the next planet on the list. Spock has Delta Shift, which sucks, because they only get a few hours together once he gets off Alpha, but it’s how it has to be right now. This region of space is dangerously close to the Neutral Zone, and at least one senior crew-member must be on each shift. It makes sense to split them up, at least until they get to a safer area of space. That doesn’t mean he likes it. So he’s been sulking. Sue him.
“Jim.” Spock looks into their study. Jim pretends to ignore him, but he can’t help but notice the way the corners of his lips turn up at the sight of him. It’s perilously close to a smile.
Words: 1176, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: soft, Tumblr Prompt, Originally Posted on Tumblr
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bafflinghaze · 5 years
Some Aziraphale/Crowley Fic Recs
The Truth Remains
WanderingAlice | Mature, 200k
Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He'd loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew.
And then, he fell. He lost everything. The bond he held with his siblings was ripped away, leaving an aching, empty void. And while he still has Aziraphale, the angel doesn't recognize the archangel who taught him how to care about the Earth. And Crowley refuses to tell him who he was, or how Aziraphale's voice is the one thing that can soothe the ache in his soul that wants, so badly, to feel a connection again.
A story through the ages as an angel and a demon come to terms with their shared past.
Crowley is just SO good in this, doing whatever it takes to protect Aziraphale in the background.
Mr. Fell's Bookshop ficlets
HolyCatsAndRabbits  | Teen, 20k
“Mr. Fell isn’t really an angel, it’s just a nickname.” "Why does he have wings, then?"
A series of very cute stories from outsider POVs. They eventually puzzle out that Aziraphale is an angel, but they have no idea what Crowley is 😂 (because he’s TOO NICE to be a demon!!)
Absconding with Harry verse
obaewankenope | Teens, 77k (WIP)
Harry Potter is stolen by Anthony J Crowley at the age of nine. These are the stories of how Harry James Potter fares with a demon and angel for uncles.
Harry getting the love and protection he deserves 🤗
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giraffeandahalf · 5 years
If anyone feels like CRYING FOR DAYS, I highly recommend this fic. Just finished! YAY!
Chapters: 19/19 Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Uriel (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Crowley Was Raphael Before He Fell (Good Omens), So much angst, Crowley deals with his Fall, Crowley and Aziraphale knew each other before the Fall, Angst with a Happy Ending, Flashbacks, Angst, 6000 Years of Slow Burn (Good Omens), 6000 Years of Pining (Good Omens), Getting Together, Slow Burn, Soul Bond Series: Part 1 of Fighting the Current Summary:
Raphael had been the third angel ever created, and he’d raised himself first with Michael’s clumsy help. Then he’d turned around and raised three more siblings, and loved them all so fiercely it hurt. He'd loved Aziraphale too, more than either of them really knew.
And then, he fell. He lost everything. The bond he held with his siblings was ripped away, leaving an aching, empty void. And while he still has Aziraphale, the angel doesn't recognize the archangel who taught him how to care about the Earth. And Crowley refuses to tell him who he was, or how Aziraphale's voice is the one thing that can soothe the ache in his soul that wants, so badly, to feel a connection again.
A story through the ages as an angel and a demon come to terms with their shared past.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 126
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
hi! maybe you can help me find a fic that I can’t for the life of me remember the title of; Steve is transported into an alternate universe while fighting hydra. He’s a comic book artist and in a relationship with Bucky and the only way to get back is to be choked (?). Thank you!
Anon 2 said:
Hello! I'm looking for a fic where shield brings bucky in before the events of tws so he's there by steve's side when he wakes up in the future. thanks for everything you guys do!
dragonflybeach sent in Sforzando* by Odsbodkins (complete | 14,570 | E ) *Bucky/OMC ; past Bucky/Natasha
Anon sent in Ice Man by WanderingAlice (oneshot | 4,851 | not rated)
Anon 3 said:
Hey, I hope ur having an amazing day!!! I'm looking for a fic, I remember it was Cap!Steve and Modern!Bucky, but Bucky was SHIELD and Fury sent him to babysit Steve in the new century? Bucky had the metal arm and he was a veteran, and lost his memory a few chapters in, because he fell from a train during a mission? Do you have any idea what that could be? I'm losing my mind going through all the tags haha, thanks for an amazing blog!
whitewolfbucky, dolphinqueen10, Anon and idjits-and-balls sent in Easy Work For Easy Pay by AustinB (complete | 45,718 | M)
Anon 4 said:
Do you guys no of a fic where Bucky is like a villain/criminal that is always getting the slight upper hand on CapSteve? I remember it was a humorous story and the first meeting Steve gets tied up somehow and Bucky taunts/flirts with him. Thank you for all your hard work!
dolphinqueen10, kittybrownjs and Anon sent in No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Pine by galwednesday (oneshot | 16,466 | T)
Anon 5 said:
Hey guys! I would like one find this fic where Steve confesses to Bucky and Bucky is like... oh? I love you too but it's kinds unrequited for a while? Steve cries but then he like starts to go out and Bucky also helps edit steves tinder profile but by then he's already jealous of steves partners? And he also tries to seduce Steve of his birthday by giving him a blowjob? I honestly remember the whole thing but I can't find it it again ;(
whitewolfbucky and dolphinqueen10 sent in haha, jk* by relenafanel (oneshot | 13,523 | T) */others 
Anon 6 said:
hi can you help me find a fic? it reminds me of water under the fridge except bucky is the plumber and is employed by steve's landlord, after fixing stuff in steve's apartment they have semi-regular sex, at one point steve says something that makes bucky think steve looks down on his job/ashamed of "sleeping with the help" & there's angst/pining, in the end steve apologizes and they make up, i tried searching all the plumber/handy man related tags i could think of and i cant find it
forevermorexo sent in Intensification by ameonna (zetsubonna), melospiza (orphan_account) (oneshot | 7,634 | E)
Anon 7 said:
Hi could you please help I've searched the tags and AO3 and I can't find this fic where Steve as Cap meets military!Bucky (I *think* he's retired but I can't remember) and ends up spending a lot of time with Bucky and the Howlies. Only other details I can remember is that Steve ends up accidentally just hanging out constantly with the Howlies in their apartment. Thank you so much!
getstucky sent in Rescue Me and Hold Me In Your Arms by 74days (oneshot | 6,793 | T)
Anon 8 said:
Hey, I've been trying to find this fic i lost. In it Steve works at a coffee shop and Bucky works at stark industries. Instead of being small and skinny or being muscular though, he was small and fat. It was adorable and if it helps, i remember that Clint and natasha were dating, and it had 16 chapters. Thanks!
Anon sent in Sweet as Honey and Just as Pretty* by LeisurelyPanda (WIP | 131,408 | E) *brief /others
Anon 9 said:
Hiya! I’ve been looking for a fic everywhere (using as many tags as I could) but couldn’t find it. I don’t remember the name of it or the plot, just that it’s a modern/no-power au. What I remember is that Bucky and Steve are roommates and Bucky thinks Steve is straight until he sees a man leaving Steve’s room. Stucky is endgame tho! Do you think you could find it? Cheers mates!
Anon 10 said:
hello! i'm looking for a fic that was in outsider pov, post-cw where steve & bucky ran away. the pov was from an elderly woman's pov and she didn't realise it was them until she saw the news on tv? have been looking through the outsider pov tag and couldn't find it :/ thanks!
musings-on-bucky-barnes sent in The Season for Plums by whatthefoucault (oneshot | 2,027 | T)
Anon 11 said:
Heyy! What you do is amazing! I was looking for a fic where Bucky is jewish and very religious so he can’t be with Steve bc he’s not (I think there was kind of an arranged marriage but idk) thank youu
Anon 12 said:
Hi! I’ve been looking for this fix for a really long time, but I can’t find it. Steve is rescued earlier tha he is in the movies and then he find Bucky, who is the winter soldier, I think because he tries to kill someone. I believe they keep him in Howard’s basement and at some point Bucky writes down his trigger words and gives them to Steve and the Howling Commandos and I think Gabe reads them out loud to everybody.
Anon 13 said:
I’m having trouble finding a fic, all that I remember about it was that Bucky and Steve were in a relationship post WS where Bucky could only have sex with Steve if they were in a rape fantasy role play. At the end the avengers walk in on the two of them and think that Bucky is actually raping Steve and Bucky has a freak out that he really hurt Steve and slipped back into the WS. Can you help me find it?
paper-storm, teenwasteland, Anon and dolphinqueen10 sent in Lamb and Martyr* by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (complete | 39,589 | E) *HTP, graphic violence, heed the tags
Anon 14 said:
I’m looking for a fix and I’ve looked through everything so I’m coming here as a last resort. Steve is an artist and I remember one part where Bucky goes to one of his gallerys and all the paintings are sold except for one of Sarah and one that was him. I think they were childhood friends or maybe exes or something. It also might’ve had Brooklyn in the title or something.
Anon 15 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a Stucky fic where they are staying together but not a couple. Each night Steve's inner alpha makes him sleepwalk into Bucky's room.
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wanderingsofal · 4 years
Fanfic Authors Tag Game
I was tagged by @fizzingwizard. You’re right!! I really do love doing these!! Thanks for tagging me! :D
AO3 name(s): WanderingAlice
Fandoms:  Ooof. Too many. Mainly I write for Good Omens now, though I also write for Star Trek, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I also have a couple Witcher WIPs and I have a couple other fandoms that I don’t write for.
Number of fics:  Well, if I include unpublished WIPs... too many to count. Published fic? 62.
1. Fic I spent the most time on: That’s probably The Truth Remains, though of my older fic I think I spent a comparable time on David, it’s just been so long now I can’t remember. If we’re talking series, it would be Anagnorisis, which I wrote over a couple years.
2. Fic I spent the least time on: Just a Selfie. That thing was a tumblr prompt I banged out in like half an hour.
3. Longest fic: Surprising nobody, my longest fic is The Truth Remains sitting at >2k words
4. Shortest fic: Just a Selfie, at 354 words
5. Most hits: David, which surprised me. I had thought A Comforting Hand was the fic with the most hits, though it actually comes third, after Comitatus (Or, It Takes An Army) and just before The Truth Remains. Perhaps it’s due to the size of the Star Trek fandom, and the fact that it’s a multi-chapter fic. 
6. Most kudos: A Comforting Hand, which was a surprise when it happened. I’d done a very similar fic before, but I wasn’t happy with it so I re-wrote it and turned it into the current story, not at all expecting it to get any traction. It’s by no means a big name fic anywhere, but it is at the top of my kudos count by a solid 1k. It’s a short, sweet thing about Finn and Poe from Star Wars, and the headcanon that Finn likes to hold hands when he’s upset. 
7. Most comment threads: By far the most comment threads are on The Truth Remains. I’ve never been in a fandom that comments so generously as the Good Omens fandom. Y’all are seriously amazing to your fic writers. 
8. Favorite fic I wrote: A year ago, this would have been a hard question. Now it isn’t. The Truth Remains is absolutely my favorite. It’s a very personal piece for me in some ways, and writing it was pretty cathartic. 
9. Fic you want to re-write: David. I love the story, but it was one of my earliest fics, and while I want to continue it, looking back at the writing makes me cringe. My vague plan is to re-write the existing chapters and then continue it from there, but I’m not sure when I’ll get to that since a large part of my writing time now is going to my Good Omens pieces, and what’s left over is dedicated to my book.
10. Share bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: I don’t have anything of my WIPs in a place I’m willing to share at the moment, but I did come up with an interesting plot the other day that I want to do. 
For Good Omens, this story is as-yet unnamed, and will likely be written after I’ve completed A Promise Unfulfilled. Set in a high fantasy world, where mages live apart from humankind. Here’s the summary from my notes:
They say the mages saved the world once, and they may even be right. But the mages have never let humanity forget it. They spirit away any mageborn children to be trained in their high towers, keeping them contained ‘in order to protect humanity’ from the disasters an untrained mage-child can unleash. They send mages from the towers whenever a disaster is about to happen, preventing the disaster from costing human life. In return they take a tithing of goods and coin, and disappear into the tower once more.
Crowley is one such mage. One day, he overhears the Grand Magister of his tower detailing a plan to end the world. There will be a child born with the power to save all humanity from a second world-ending event. They plan to take this child and instead use their power to wipe out humanity and leave the world for mages alone. Unable to go along with such a plan, Crowley defects and kidnaps the two babies who might be the child, raising them as his own sons. 
Eleven years later, the mage Aziraphale arrives in a small and unremarkable town. Tasked with hunting down any mageborn children, he notices at once the unexpected presence of strong magic. Will Crowley be able to protect his sons from the mages’ plans? And what will Aziraphale do when he finally learns the truth his superiors have been hiding from him for all these years? Tag People: I’m not so great at tagging folks, so if you write fic and see this/want to do it, consider yourself tagged. 
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