#Wanted to throw this meme on up here too <3
sant-riley · 2 years
[Random Task force 141 × gen z! member headcanons]
A/N: Reader goes by the codename Teddy in my writing! Along with she/her pronouns :) I am also extremely biased with Ghost so her main pairing is more towards with him compared to the others <3. I know absolutely nothing about the military so this is not accurate I am so sorry💀.
CWs: Dark Humor, Age gaps, Simping, crude humor, cursing. (not sure what else but lmk!)
Chances are, you're the youngest in the entirety of Task Force 141. Just a good couple of years younger than Gaz.
When Laswell brought her in to meet the group, they couldn't help but stare at her in confusion. A tiny girl who couldn't have been older than any of them. Soap couldn't help but chuckle while Ghost nudged him in the side to shut him up.
"This is your new rookie on the team, her callsign is Teddy. Treat her well."
All the men nodded, watching the younger woman shyly smile and wave towards them.
First they realized that her humor was, in Ghost's words, fucked.
Any minor inconvenience had her saying she wanted to be hit by a car or some type of bodily harm, Price quickly whirling around with eyes widened. "Now, I don't think that warranted that kind of response, don't you think?" "Oh it definitely did, Captain." And she'd walk away without another word.
He swears he gets gray hairs from everytime you make casual talk of you dying. He actively tells the others to check on you bc he genuinely don't know if you're serious or not.
Ghost is not up to date with shit, man uses no social medias oncesoever so everything she spouts is wildly out of pocket. References to basic things like tiktok, Twitter, Instagram? He just silently stares at you like you're on drugs. You can't really use your personal phone on base but you try your best to explain memes to him. He sighs and rubs his forehead with a groan of "I'm too old for this shit, teds." "Oh come on! You have to at LEAST know the meme about the marines eating crayons!" "What the fuck are you on about?
The only ones who know vaguely what the fuck you're on about sometimes are Gaz and Soap, despite them still being a few years older.
Granted, they are not caught up with everything but they actively make it a point on leave to try and be up to date bc of you and your mannerisms. Plus it makes you happy when they fire back a quote they learned.
Can yall imagine Soap on tiktok, what random shit he'd have on his fyp bc he doesn't know how the algorithm works 😭.
Teddy has made every single one of them a personal playlist when she does have her phone, Soap once caught her adding songs and hasn't stopped teasing her since. Price and Ghost pretend not to care and barks at Soap to leave her alone but they're equally curious. Ghost contemplates stealing her phone to see it.
Doesn't matter how serious or dark their job may be, you simp for fictional characters, loudly. Price has learned to tune it out, Ghost although slightly jealous, finds it endearing, Gaz and Soap indulge you and will actively ask about why you like the characters you do and how much you love them bc they like to see you excited. It's a nice feeling when they're always in life or death missions.
You're the smallest one in here okay, everyone can easily throw you without batting an eye so they all take turns training you! They all despite knowing you can take care of yourself, would still like to teach you all they know so should you come against a taller/stronger opponent, you'll be okay.
You are the most protected person in the entire squad, esp when going out for drinks, Ghost will put you in the middle between him and Price and basically make a wall of muscle around you. He says he doesn't care and that he just doesn't want to be pestered by creepy people coming up to you but he will literally stare down any man or woman who even tries. He is the creepy one in everyone else's scenario. Soap just laughs and tosses back his drink.
They all notice your ticks and tells, seeing your leg start to shake when you're anxious, when you start cracking your fingers when you're restless, how you will avoid eye contact at any cost. They start to find ways to soothe you in their own ways. Price will give you a pat on your shoulder, sending you a smile.
Gaz nudges you with his body to take your attention off the situation, or he'll simply start asking you random dumbass questions just to see your face change.
Soap will, if he has gotten permission before, just pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, running around with you while you scream for him to let you go. Is also not against tickling you straight up to get you to smile.
Ghost tried to be as subtle as he can be. If yall are sitting close to each other, he'll make sure some part of his body is gently pressed against yours. Whether it be his foot, thigh, hand, some part of him will ground you. You try and reassure him that you know he doesn't care for personal touch but he just says to shut up.
Meeting Graves was a trip, for everyone involved besides you and Grave. Absolutely having no control over calling him a irl Fix it Felix. You were on Graves shitlist and honestly you wouldn't be surprised he betrayed yall for that one comment bc of how angry it made him.
Constantly being told to be quiet, but you cannot help it and will make little quips over comms. Ghost takes after you and starts to say horrible "dad" jokes that make you choke trying to hold back. Soap hates both of you and calls you unfunny.
They realize you're impulsive, especially when you show the amount of tattoos you have.
"I joined the military to fund my tattoo addiction." "You know what? That's not even a surprise."
Going home on leave is always a bitter experience, you never look excited to go home. So one of the guys (usually ghost) will offer you to come with them. It helps 3/4 all live somewhere in England so it's easy to see them/ take trips to their place.
They're all attached despite knowing better. They can't help it and they know they care for you so much more than other force members.
Ghost and Soap bristle when Alejandro makes a mention that he'd offer you a spot in his team, impressed with how you can take opponents twice your size.
"¿Te interesaría quedarte en México?"
"The Hell she will."
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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physalian · 2 months
How to Make your Writing Less Stiff 4
Let’s keep this train rollin’! This time less down to line edits and more overall scope of your narrative
Part 3
1. Foreshadowing
Nothing quite like the catharsis of accurately predicting where something’s going to go. It doesn’t have to be a huge plot twist or a character death, it can (and should) be little things that reward your audience for paying attention. Double points if it adds to rewatch/re-readability.
Example: In The Dark Knight, this exchange happens:
Harvey: “You’ve known Rachel all her life.”
Alfred: “Oh, not yet, Sir.”
You won’t think anything of it on your first watch. Alfred is just making a witty joke that throws Harvey off. Watch the movie again, when Rachel dies, and it becomes some incredibly dark foreshadowing. Turns out Alfred has, actually, known Rachel all her life.
2. Chekhov’s Gun
Chekhov’s Gun is a narrative concept where a seemingly inconsequential element introduced at some point in the narrative (a gun) must “fire” by the end of the narrative. Sometimes this element leaves audiences uneasy or anxious, because they know something bad must come of it. Sometimes they think nothing of it until it’s about to fire and you get a one-two punch of the realization that it’s about to hit, and then the impact of the hit. It helps create tension, and tension is incredibly important (if you want a whole post of my take on it, lmk).
It also helps your narrative look more cohesive, where nothing is left on the table. Your set-ups and payoffs leave no threads dangling.
3. Repetition
The Rule of threes can apply on a micro and macro scale. I like doing lists of adjectives in threes, (e.g. My cat is soft, fluffy, and adorable) because the cadence and the flow of three is something we’re familiar with in spoken language. We like three supporting examples for an argument. Any less doesn’t feel strong enough, any more feels like you’re trying too hard. This is not a rule it’s a suggestion.
On a grander scale, you can look at the script of Curse of the Black Pearl for a masterclass in macro rules of three, like three parlays. Doing this helps your narrative look more cohesive and like every detail is thoroughly interwoven and nothing is coincidence. Your audience will get to the third instance and mimic that DiCaprio pointing meme—they will absolutely notice.
4. Motifs
Motifs as well, beyond threes, help. Colors are a huge one. For example every time you mention the color purple, you could attach it to an emotion, or a character, or an important plot beat, like how leitmotifs work for character themes in movies and TV shows.
Obvious examples in film are like lightsaber colors or dressing up the good guys in white and the bad guys in black. I did this whole post about color in fiction.
It’s a lot of other things too. Weather elements and times of day, or specific inconsequential objects popping up over and over again, like birds, or litter, fallen leaves, clothing items. Whenever the narrative mentions them, the author is trying to clue you in on some subtext within that scene.
My new novel is here!!! Do you like supernatural fantasy? How about queer vampires? How about acespec characters? Then Eternal Night of the Northern Sky is for you!
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charles-eclair16 · 1 year
~The 5 times Charles talked about you publicly~
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x actress!reader.
Warning- it's my first time ever writing so please be kind. English is not my first language so please ignore it if there are any mistakes.
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1. The first time Charles was caught talking about you was pure accident and it wasn't even him who brought you up. It was an overly competitive Carlos who couldn't keep his mouth shut. It was during a C² challenge of who knows your teammate better and it was all going pretty much in Charles favour because the questions were too easy according to him. So when the score was 6 to 4 he was feeling pretty confident about winning but what he didn't expect was the next question to throw him off.
"Who's your current crush?" Was honestly not a difficult question to answer and Charles knew he would nail it. He totally knew who Carlos was crushing on.
"It's Y/N! He watches her interviews and giggles because she's so beautif-oww mate stop hitting me!“ Charles knew he had to make his teammate stop talking before he spilled anything more.
"Is it true?" Now this was a question Charles didn't know how to answer, should he own up that he was hopelessly crushing on her and that it was true that he watched all her interviews. But then again who could blame him she was so beautiful and he honestly loved the way she spoke, something about the way she spoke made Charles want to listen to her for hours.
"Yeah it's true. I really like her as an actress and she's very pretty but I don't giggle watching her!" He thought that was a decent answer.
"He does! He does it! He even watches fan edits of h-" Carlos was cut off by a wildly flinging hand of Charles.
" I do not!" was what Charles could come up with as he tried to stop Carlos. The next day he woke up with thousands of mentions of fans telling him that they understood...he didn't knew if he should feel embarrassed or laugh at some of the memes. He even liked a few of them.
2. The second time Charles mentioned you it was after you had soft launched each other for two months without the fans knowledge. It was nice to share secret moments with each other and bask in the privacy of home dates. It had been 7 months of dating and Charles was on the moon. His car was great, he was leading the championship with 10 points and he had a wonderful women supporting him. The only thing which bothered him was him not being able to shout his love and show you off to the world. So a mutual decision was taken between you two to not hide anymore but what you didn't expected was Charles to come running towards you as he got out of the car after coming p2 in the Silverstone Grand prix. You weren't even able to utter a word before he was kissing you. It wasn't a peck it was Charles expressing his love and gratitude for your unwavering support.
" How does winning feels now? Much sweeter than before?" Was the teasing question he got as he went to the post race interviews. He wasn't surprised. He knew he was going to get questions after a public kiss.
"Yeah, it feels great winning here with Carlos coming p1. It's a great weekend for our team" he laughed as he answered the question.
" So I'm sure you have plans to celebrate tonight. Any special plans?" He knew what the interviewer wanted to hear so he gave it to him with a smile so big he knew his dimples were all out.
" Yeah there's a plan to celebrate tonight definitely, the teams been throwing different ideas but honestly I would just prefer to spend my time with my girlfriend and have a quiet night. She came directly from her shooting so I'm sure she would want to stay in. And we can party with the team next time!"
It was safe to say that they both were trending worldwide.
3. At first Charles didn't know why he was trending and before he could check it he was asked to hurry up and get in the car. It was the worst race of the season for him. He was leading the race with pole position in France but he lost traction in his rear tyres and crashed into turn 11 which caused him the race. He was frustrated and tired. He just wanted to go back and not think about the horrible way he got out of the race. He wanted to cuddle you and forget about the day so when he was told to to attend a group media pen he was annoyed. When the question came he was speechless at first his brain shutting down from the ridiculous question.
" It's a very bad time for you Charles with the dnf and your recent breakup so how do you seperate these things from your work? Did your breakup caused you maybe to lose?" He wasn't aware of his break up.
"My what?!" Charles was shocked he didn't knew he was broken up because he was not planning to break up anywhere in the future.
"You didn't tell me you broke up?!" Perrie was genuinely confused now. If it was true wouldn't Kika tell him that? He knew the girls were close and he was sure that Charles would tell him that, wouldn't he?
"What did you do?" It was Lewis who glared at Charles and he finally got his wits to answer.
"No! We are very much together and happy! Who told you that we broke up?! Is that why I was trending Today?"
"Yes there was news that you broke up with your girlfriend and that you were heartbroken." The interviewer nervously let out a chuckle which caused the drivers to laugh
"Oh my god! No! We are together and I plan to be together for a long time so there's no need to worry about that ...I don't think I would survive without her pasta to be honest and her too." He reassured.
When he finally got the chance to check his notifications later in the night he could only laugh as he looked at the memes and the threats he got for fumbling a baddie like Y/N. He showed her some too as she layed on his chest on their bed.
4. The fourth time Charles gets asked is the first time he felt nervous talking about you ever in the entire 5 year relationship. It was because he knew he was absolute shit at lying. So when all the fellow drivers continue to tease Daniel for throwing the wedding party of the year. He remains quite and laughs at appropriate times.
" Charles you're quite there! So now that your friends are settling down with Daniel and Max getting married is it safe to assume that you're next?" Oh shit! He was sweating. He didn't know how to answer that without revealing that he had already picked a ring and was going to propose very soon. He had even taken her father's approval last month on their family trip together.
"Yes mate when are you getting married?"
"He's definitely getting married next!"
"With how whipped he is for her how do have any doubts about that!“ Charles tried to tune out the teasing remarks of his friends to formulate words to answer.
" Uh yeah, I would very much like to but we are focusing on the present at the moment but there's no doubt that I plan to marry her because honestly I can't imagine anyone else by my side when I think of my future. I want to start a family with her and get old with her. She completes me in the true sense and is my piller of strength. I don't think I have ever felt this much love for anyon-"
"And this is why we don't question Charles because then he doesn't stop!" Charles laughed at that as if Max was any better when talking about his wife.
"So yeah marriage is definitely on the cards on the future " he concluded.
And after 2 months he knew why he was trending and he couldn't be more happier. He now laughed at the mentions and yes he knew how to fight for his fiance.
5. The fifth time Charles was asked about you he was smiling ear to ear and anyone who looked at him can see that he was glowing.Others would say it was because he was starting the new season as a world champion but he knew it was because of Y/N and what she had told him the night before and later to their closed ones. So he felt quite happy answering questions.
"How are you feeling for the new season? Excited? Nervous?" the interviewer couldn't stop himself from smiling too. Charles happiness was contagious.
"It feels good to be back to the racing. The car feels good and after last year we are quite excited for this season too. We are looking forward to the races and with new tracks added to the calendar the excitement levels have increased. Yeah there's nervousness too-ah only little bit but that's totally normal...But I am quite confident! Also now I have to be a little careful because now that we are going to have new addition to the family I can't risk it! I have to-"
"New addition?" He stopped talking eyes widened and looked at the camera.
"What?" He was fucked, so fucked. She was going to kill him. He knew.
"You told new addition? Is it true? Are you going to be a father? Congratulations!" He could only nod and accept the hug he was receiving. They were supposed to announce it with a cute insta post and he had ruined it. He was the one to suggest it, he had even thought about the caption.
"Tell us more! Is she going to come to the races now? I'm sure everyone would like that?!" The interview continued
"Oh yes! Yes she wants to come to the races but I think we'll keep it a little private and only between family to enjoy this moment together. It's a new beginning with my person so I want to be there for her at every step. Its- it's definitely a blessing for us and I'm so grateful for her."
The next thing he knew he was trending along with y/n as parents and he couldn't ask for anything more.
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lazorbeanz · 5 months
Wachowski Family Headcanons
💙 For Christmas, Tom and Maddie got Knuckles one of them..I forgot what u call em..music boxing machine thingys, that you attach to the wall and you punch different areas on board on time to the beat of a song.
Yeeeeah not only did he destroy that the moment his fists made contact, but he also left a little costly gift of his own for his parents on the same wall where it once was…
❤️ Sonic still has to check with Maddie to know whether a certain cup, bowl or container is microwave save.
Sonic: Hey Tails, can this go in the microwave?
Tails: ………*shrugs*
Sonic: Oh come on- *immediately calls Maddie waiting for her to pick up* Mommy ANSWER……MOMMY!!
Tails very well knows…he just wants to see his brother go into panic state
🧡 The brothers when bowling
Knuckles: Grabs the heaviest ball and chucks it with one arm, and somehow manages to get a couple strikes. However he has had a few warnings and even got his family suspended from the complex for what he claimed to be “minor damage” (he threw a ball up into the screen displaying the scores and another time, smashed a ball down too hard on a lane it went straight through the floor)
Tails: Still struggles to lift the ball properly so he uses two hands when holding/throwing it. Sometimes he will use the ramp that is available or he gets help with his stance from a family member (usually Maddie). Doesn’t make strikes often but his family is super encouraging and supportive towards him and he is determined not to give up, and when he makes one for the first time, they go absolutely wild. They’d fill the room with their screams and shouts and all ambush the fox with hugs and kisses and praises for his mini milestone. Tom would pick Tails up and sit him on his shoulder as they all chant his name…the smile on Tails’ face could not be any wider, he was the happiest boy in the world at that moment. But shortly after he bursts into tears because never had he experienced anything like this in his life. His tiny heart just couldn’t handle all this appreciation, support and love that came from a place he once least expected.
Sonic: IS the bowling ball. He’d often forms an alliance with Tom to become the undefeatable father/son duo, though Maddie just sees it as cheating, as wholesome and funny as it is. Sonic once got trapped behind the fence that comes down once you knock over the pins, and had to come out through the channel that returns the balls. They get a bit hesitant on this as they’re worried he might get stuck under there. When he’s not being the ball, he’s either helping Tails, dancing to the music, or begging his parents to do the mii spinning action from wii sports when he chucks the ball behind him.
💙 When Tom is out on his street patrols around town, the boys sneak out and follow him.
Cue to the part where he’s taking a break in a parking lot, looks out the window just to see his 3 sons in the distance sitting on the fence…with Sonic holding a fishing rod with a bag of donuts hooked on the end of the line, the trio snickering away as he made eye contact.
They were clearly tryna lure him in, The Donut Lord, with donuts! Some smart cookies they were…he shook his head, smiling to himself before muttering through the mic, “Tempting…”
He could hear the 3 cackling in the distance, Sonic almost having a Humpty Dumpty incident.
❤️ here’s a meme that screams Sonic and Tom lmao
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🧡 another meme ahAaA
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What if Tom’s secretly a gamer dad? 🤔🤣
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aakeysmash · 6 months
Roommate or boss?
Pairing: f!reader x Katsuki Bakugou.
Previous part: part 4.
Next part: part 6.
A/N: High School Musical references (watch the movies!!!). I recommend you to read part 1 again, because a lot of references I made here are also said in the first chapter. This could look like a filler chapter, but it’s really important for future developments!
Word count: 2.2k.
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You’re relaxing on your bed on a deserved day off, brand new AC on and a cold glass of orange juice in your hand. You’re scrolling on your phone, chuckling at various memes and sending most of them to Ochaco, who will probably complain about finding 62 videos from you and having to react to each one. You’re planning on doing absolutely nothing today, just munching on snacks and sleeping. Maybe you’re going to put on that show you’ve been wanting to see. This is the life, you think.
You’re startled out of your mind, again. Katsuki has been screaming at the top of his lungs since this morning, but you don’t even know the reason why. You hear his stream of curses from the wall between your rooms.
You’re very annoyed: he’s ruining your perfect day off. How dare he. You throw punches on the wall for the upteenth time, hoping he will stop or go outside to do whatever is bugging him.
“Stop fucking doing that!” He screams back at you, and you get even angrier. You decide you had enough, so you get up from your bed and march towards his room. You throw his door open without caring about his privacy.
He snaps his head towards you, scowling worser than usual.
“D’you ever heard about fucking knocking?” He barks at you. He looks disheveled: his usually spiky hair is a mess, and you assume he keeps on yanking it; you can feel his eye bags, and he probably didn’t have a good night of sleep in two weeks.
“Damn, you look bad” you mumble looking at him from head to toe. You lose a bit of your anger and almost feel bad. Almost.
“Well, I don’t care, you’re ruining my perfect day, so if you need to scream go out” you say glaring at him.
“This is my fucking house too” he snarls. “If I want to scream because I don’t want to do this shit, then I’m gonna do it. You’re free to leave and never return” he responds looking you up and down. He’s got a point.
You scoff. Sometimes he really has the audacity to speak when he shouldn’t be speaking. “What are you even doing? What’s this big thing that’s bothering you so much?”.
He grits his teeth and stays silent. The way he doesn’t want you to know the reason why he’s so angry just makes you become more curious. Oh, I’m about to get so annoying when I find out. Just so you wait, Katsuki.
“Come on, don’t be a kid. Let’s make a deal: I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate if you tell me” you try to bribe him. In one of his nicest moments, he complimented the way you know how to “make it just right”, just to take it back immediately after noticing those words left his mouth. Also, your roommate likes to eat and drink hot things even if it’s summer. He’s a weirdo.
He looks conflicted. He really wants a sweet treat, and he knows that he’s not capable of doing it the way you do (he already tried and failed). He blames it on the fact you keep on saying that you add a secret ingredient that he doesn’t know, because there’s just no way he’s not good at doing everything he puts his mind into. He ponders about it for what feels like 3 minutes, where you both stay completely silent.
“I’ll even add whipping cream.”
You try suppressing your grin: he’s sold, you see it in the way he grits his teeth even harder. “I’m revising my thesis’ grammar.”
You instantly become smug, all your anger forgotten. Bingo. “The big buff Bakugou Katsuki is mad about some grammar? Really? I thought you were stronger than that, pussy” you tease him with a smirk on your face.
He tries throwing you one of the books he keeps on his desk, but you dodge it. Then you lean on his door and cross your arms, while he goes on and screams “GET OUT! You’re bothering me even more”.
“Stop screaming, oh my god”, you whine. “What would it take for you to return being the quiet kid at the back of the class? You’re so annoying like this” you say exhausted. You get one day off in 3 weeks, there is no way he’s ruining it. You’re finding joy in annoying him, though, it’s so fun.
“I was never the quiet kid, I ain’t no loser like you. Get the fuck out of my room” he bites back. He doesn’t need to know it, but you were indeed the quiet kid.
“Well, guess I won’t help you then” you reply, shrugging. You didn’t even ask if he wanted your help, and you didn’t come in his room to help him, but now you’re just rubbing in his face that you can go and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day, while he boils himself away in his despair.
You start closing his door, yawning and teasing him some more. “Continue screaming while I go and watch Love Island without you”. You have to turn around to hide your expression.
You hear him curse under his breath. “Fuck, wait, I really wanna see that”, he says, sounding desperate. “Aren’t you enrolled in literature or some shit?”.
You face him with the biggest devious smile you can muster. “Yeah, why?”
The vein on his forehead is about to pop. “How good are you at correcting grammar?”, he says.
You look like you won the lottery. “Ooooh you want my help? Do you want me to revise your little thesis for you? Little ol’ me? Weren’t you saying to get the fuck out?” You say walking towards his still sitting form. He’s super rigid, like asking you to help him is requiring him all the strength of the world and the planets and the solar system together. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples. He tries the breathing exercises they taught him in highschool to manage his fury, when he really started managing his anger issues. You’re getting on his last nerves, but revising all he wrote in months is also getting on his nerves.
“Can you at least pretend to not enjoy this as much as you currently are? You’re a devil” he spits out. Well, he could’ve said something meaner, so the breathing exercises must have worked a little.
“Mean. I guess you don’t want my help then”, you respond, feigning innocence.
“Let’s make one thing clear: I’m a boss at doing shit like this. I’m just tired of doing it, ‘cause I’ve been at it for a day straight. I’m good at everything, so you’ll probably find a comma that I forgot to type, not much more than that”, he adds, glaring up at you. You’re now standing next to him, but the fact he’s still sitting has you staring at him from above. This simple act is driving him insane: if he’s not in control he gets antsy, and you seem to know it, because you’re standing really proud.
You decide on dropping the facade a little, because you enjoy revising things. And he does look exhausted.
“Sure, send me the file and I’ll look into it” you say. Now you’re going outside of his room to make his chocolate, but he thinks you’re just running away.
“Wait. What do you want in return?” He says squinting at you. There’s no way she’s doing it because she’s nice, he thinks.
You look at him, dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“Don’t fucking “huh” me. What do you want? Why are you doing this?” He responds, serious.
You raise one eyebrow and stay silent for a bit, then you tell him “Because I’m nice? Have you ever heard about kindness? Not everything is a transaction, business man” then you close his door without waiting for an answer, leaving him confused and somewhat angry.
You start doing his hot chocolate while singing to yourself, when suddenly his door is thrown open and he exits it, staring at you.
“Tell me what you want” he says coming closer to you and crossing his arms. It sounds more like a statement than a question.
You look at him and respond “Tell me what you neeeed”, singing.
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“High School Musical? That one scene in the second film where they all sing in the kitchen? Really?” You ask, and he looks confused.
“I’ve never seen those films. They look pathetic.” He responds, rolling his eyes and looking at you putting whipping cream on his hot chocolate. You look shocked, and you hang your mouth open.
“You’ve never seen High School Musical?!” You almost scream.
He winces, rubs his ears and then proceeds to say “What’s so weird about it? It’s not like it’s a cult or something”.
“Yes! Yes it is! You know what? We’re going to watch it right now. And you can’t refuse, or I won’t revise your thesis” you tell him while poking him in the chest. Soft.
He kisses his teeth, huffs and goes to sit himself on the couch.
“I knew you weren’t doing it for free, manipulator” he glares at you.
You shrug, while putting his cup in front of him and bringing him some cookies. He mumbles a thanks, relaxing.
“I was going to help you regardless, but if I can make you suffer it’s funnier” you tell him, positioning yourself next to him and stealing one of the biscuits you brought for him.
“You’re such a bitch.”
“A bitch who’s going to do your work, so shut up and watch people fall in love in highschool” you bite back. You both roll your eyes.
Neither to say, he hates the movies with a passion. He thinks that high school is portrayed poorly, that Gabriella is the real villain, that they’re all pretentious bitches, that Troy should’ve went away because none of them were truly his friends since they weren’t supporting him.
You keep on huffing while he tells you all these “that”s.
“Katsuki, it’s not like it’s reality. It’s a musical. Just focus on the songs and the love, damn” you whine while throwing a punch at his bicep. He doesn’t budge and your hand hurts.
“That’s not my definition of love” he simply states.
“Yeah? And what’s your definition of love?” You ask him, curious.
He raises one of his eyebrows. “Why would I share something like that with you?”.
“Because I’m doing your work. And we’re friends. Sort of. And you like my chocolate” you respond, while blushing a little. You know you tend to be a little too curious and nosey, but it’s just because you pay a lot of attention to details. Details are everything to you. You’re quick to backtrack seeing his hostile behaviour towards this topic, and you start saying that it’s not a big deal and you should’ve minded your business, when he interrupts you.
“And what is your definition of love?”
He looks relaxed, like asking this isn’t that bothersome. Like he wants you to know you too. Like he cares, in some way.
“Love is a lot of things for me” you resort to say. Just how much can you be specific without scaring him away?
“Yeah, you’re waiting for me to talk about it first. I get it, dumbass. I’m not very good with words on this aspect though, so I’m sorry, but your curiosity won’t be quelled” he responds, rolling his eyes. From the start of this conversation he hasn’t stopped breathing normally, almost as if this is a regular conversation for him. He hasn’t stopped looking at you, too, but you’re trying to ignore that.
“Then let’s make a deal. Saturday we’re picking a thing that we think helps us explain what we think about love” you burst out. He’s about to protest, but you’re not finished.
“Love as in general love! Love can be outside of romantic relationships too, so let’s settle on love between friends! I’d never go out with you like that” you add. You jump out of the couch. You feel like you might catch on fire if you stay near him one more second. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you like you’re something he wants to dissect.
“Okay” he simply responds. You’re dumbfounded.
“Really? You’re okay with this? I thought you were going to say no” You say.
“Yeah, but let’s say that we can both decide on either going out or staying in. This is not a date, you said it yourself, so I don’t see a problem with it. It will just be like one of our movie nights, it’s not like we never spend time together, dumbass” he says, getting up and stretching his hand towards you.
“So? Are you in? Or are you scared of doing something much less meaningful than me?” He tells you, smirking.
You glare at him and compose yourself. Then, you stretch his hand.
@perfectsukii @sleepykittycx @what-the-jams @bakunianadecorazon @vensunzy @eyesforbkg @bffrrufr @imas1mpp @cold-deep-water @peonies-and-teacakes @berryvioo
I couldn’t tag the ones in pink :(
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sunshine-theseus · 9 months
Meme Girls | Zecira Mušovic x Reader
Words: 2.7k Summary: doing a video with Zecira leads to a lot of unnecessary angst Warnings: angst, poor early a.m. writing request for - @wosofanfics note: y'all i'm sorry if this sucks. it has been proof read but i'm literally half asleep and it's 1:15am. i hope it's good.
“Welcome back to another episode of Meme Girls.” Laughter breaks out across the room as Zecira tries to introduce the video, tripping over her own tongue.
Aggie and I are sat on bean bags facing each other, Zecira between us. We were supposed to doing a football challenge with some of the other girls for someone’s YouTube channel but whoever was supposed to be joining the goalkeeper here had to pull out. That left us.
“To my- stop laughing! To my right side, Agnes Beever Jones!” I give a small cheer and clap as Aggie throws her hands up in the air, all of us laughing simultaneously. The camera man gives us a dirty look, a sign for us to hurry this up.
“And to my left,” I give her a wink when Zecira turns her head to look at me.
“Y/n, the hotshot, L/n!” I can hear some of the girls outside the door, cheering on as well as they pass by, some even whistling.
“Why does she get a cool nickname? That’s not fair.” Aggie complains, adjusting herself in her beanbag to look at me.
“I’m simply better.” A cheshire grin is thrown her way.
“When Emma tells you training is cancelled because of the rain.” The prompt is arguably quite easy but we both spend some time contemplating which photo suited it best. Aggie holds up a relatively old picture of Fran, clearly walking off the bus for a game, her thumbs are up, and earphones are in.
“Completely chill. A day to relax and have no worries, spend time with friends. Whatever you want.”
“Nah it’s time to celebrate. That call is rare and I’m appreciating every damn second.” I rather aggressively pull my photo from the stack of cards. A picture of me from last season after a UWCL game against Lyon, my shirt clutched in my hands as I knee slide into the corner after scoring the winning goal.
“Wow. You look really good there.” Zecira’s voice is pretty alluring as she compliments me, and I turn a fiery shade of red.
“This isn’t fair. Z is going to pick you because you’re in love or whatever.” The young striker whines.
“You and the fans with those stupid speculations. We’re just best friends.” I avoid looking at Z as I try to jokingly tell Aggie off, her eyes rolling at my denial. What I do miss is the light that dims in Zecira’s eyes as I say it.
“Whatever you say.”
We’re given a few more prompts before the media manager calls time. I end up winning 3-2, Aggie tossing a fit by throwing her cards at me. Her fake childishness is scolded by one of the onlookers, clearly too serious in comparison to us, but we only continue to laugh as we stand from the bean bags. I take hold of Zecira’s hand to help her up as well but pull too hard, the Swede falling forward as I rush to catch her. My hands slip under her shirt as I grab her hips and both of us blush a deep red as I try to apologise, trying to forget the feeling of her skin beneath my hands.
The next few days between Zecira and I are awkward. Between the tripping situation and the comments from Aggie, our relationship had been strained and neither of us wanted to bring it up, so we didn’t talk at all. The things fans had to say under the video didn’t help.
‘Zecira and Y/n are definitely dating right?’
‘Find someone who looks at you the way Z looks at Y/n’
‘New favourite friends to lovers.’
They were funny, sure, but untrue. At least that’s what I told myself whenever I looked at my best friend, dark hair tucked behind her ears while laughing at something Guro said, and I felt jealous. Or when I go to score a goal in training and she dives for the ball, her shirt riding up and the tight muscles of her abdomen flashing briefly, and I can feel my face heat up and my stomach tighten.
And eventually, due to popular demand, I’m back in another video, facing Sam in a ‘Meme Girls Championship’.
“Welcome to the Meme Girls Championship. Today we have the two winners of the previous games, Samantha Kerr and Y/n L/n. Are you ready?” Sam lets out a guttural scream and I simply nod, trying not to freak out about the tingle in my leg where Zecira and my legs touch.
“Here we go. When you make a tackle outside the penalty box, but the other team still get the penalty.” I flick through my cards, searching for the best one, but Sam is ready in no time.
She holds up a picture of Zecira and Ann-Katrin, standing side by side with sour looks on the faces. It’s good enough for a chuckle but I’m certain I can get a better one. I eventually land on a picture of Jessie. She’s dressed in an old training kit, hands covering her face, clearly disappointed in something.
Zecira takes a moment, looking back and forth between the two photos we’re holding up.
“Zecira. You’re in it.” Sam gives her a side eye, hinting at the fact she thinks she should win.
“Wifey Z. You know this is the better one.” The nickname had been a running joke between us for some time, so neither of us think much of it, despite the obvious fact we probably both wished it meant more.
“Mmmm, I have to go with Y/n’s.”
“No! These cards are unfair! I used that last time and you picked Jessie’s one of me breaking my shoulder!”
“Get wrecked Sammy.”
The comments under that video are unexpected. I don’t remember doing anything that would elicit any ‘couple’ comments, yet they were full of them.
‘I think Y/n just accidentally exposed their relationship at 1:17’
‘WIFEY? She knowwws. They’re definitely together, you don’t just call someone your wife.’
So apparently, I did imply we were a couple, but it was from a simple misunderstanding. The issue that comes with that is the inability to deny it. If you deny it, fans assume you’re hiding something, and obviously there was nothing to confirm, so we had to live with it.
Turns out it was hard to live with. Anytime either of us posted, those comments would pop up, asking us to confirm it. At games there were fans shouting it out. Even the girls began speculating whether we’d been secretly hiding a relationship for who knows how long. It was beginning to get tiring, especially when I have feelings for her.
I wanted nothing more to just go up and kiss her and tell her how much I like her, then the comments could be true, and I’d know that. Hopefully it’d also mean I’d get to hold her hand as we walk side by side and kiss her good morning every day. But I was certain she didn’t feel the same, so that was that.
It took a week after the video was posted for things to go back to normal within the team and between Zecira and I. Occasionally Millie or Jess would jokingly ask us ‘how the married life is’, or something along those lines, and we’d all just laugh.
It was a tradition between me and Z, that after a London derby, we’d pick a nice restaurant and go out for dinner. Both of us get dressed up and walk out of the stadium together, sign a few things and go. It started in 2021 and we hadn’t missed a dinner since. So obviously that’s what I prepared for when we had a derby coming up.
I had a new rusty orange, satin dress that I’d brought in preparation for the dinner. Hanging it on the rack in my cubby before I got changed into our warm-up kit always made me a little nervous, aware of the casual outfits that adorned everyone else’s wracks. I didn’t bother looking over at Zecira’s space, expecting her outfit to be hanging like it always was. Perhaps I should have.
The game was tough as always during a derby, and very physical. The likes of Katie McCabe and Caitlin Foord made it difficult to stay standing if the ball was at your feet and I knew I was likely to come out with bruises from the start. I must say I didn’t expect the black eye that began swelling after an elbow to the face from Lotte.
By half time I looked a wreck, and Emma was prepared to sub me off if they didn’t let up by 60 minutes. I’d lost count of the number of bruises that had begun developing on my legs and arms, even my torso was sure to be black and blue, and admittedly my eye was somewhat hard to see out of. I was also limping, a studs up tackle from Katie landing on the inside of my right ankle making the tissue rather tender.
“You’re going to look like that blueberry girl from Willy Wonka soon.” Zecira jokes as we make our way back out to the pitch.
“Heh yeah, dinner might be a little awkward for the other people around.” I get a smile back before she makes her way to the goal, and I head to the middle of the field to meet with Erin to do some short drills again.
The game ends in a tie. 2-2 across the board. I gathered more injuries as the game went on but nothing that wasn’t more than superficial, and I was buzzing to sign a few things and take some pictures with the fans before heading back and dressing up for dinner with my best friend.
Then I see them. Zecira is only a few people away from me at the barrier, talking to a guy. The conversation seems very interesting and sweet, nothing more than a footballer meeting a fan. Until they kiss. So, as her best friend, I make my way over. Why had she never mentioned him?
“Hey Z! Who’s this?”
“This is Tom. We’re dating, nothing official yet. He’s going to take me out for dinner tonight.” It’s hard to be upset when you see the smile that spread across her face. Her dimples were showing and there was a sparkle in her eye. But I wasn’t one to just let someone break a tradition after 2 and a half years.
“Tonight? What, after we go to dinner? You know, at the restaurant we’ve been waiting for a table at for months?”
“N- no I mean right after I get changed.”
“We always do tonight Z.” I start to seethe through my teeth.
“Well can’t you go like tomorrow or something?” I understand Tom was trying to help. I can only assume he wasn’t aware about the years long tradition between the girl he’s dating and her best friend. But I could imagine that if we were in a cartoon, steam would be coming out of my ears and my arm would be swinging, getting ready to knock him out in one hit.
“Uhhh, no. No we cannot. Because not only does it take months to get a table, we have to go tonight because it’s tradition. Routine. We’ve never missed a derby dinner once Zecira and like damn I’m going to let us start now. Not for some guy.”
“Common it’s just one. It’s not that big a deal. I’ll make up for it I promise.”
“Make up for it? There’s no making up this dinner. But have fun with Tom. I guess I’ll go get real dressed up, eat portions that are far too small and drink much too expensive wine by myself and be thrown looks all night. See you in training.” As I storm off, I catch glimpses of the remaining crowd that is yet to trickle out and realise perhaps I should have waited.
Now embarrassed as well as angry, I run down the tunnel in desperate search for an empty room. I eventually stumble into one and slam the door closed and lock it. The walls rattle and I hear something fall off one of them, but I find it hard to care as I search for the light switch.
Once I find it, it’s hard for me to hold back all the emotions that have been building up over some time. I rip my boots of and throw them at the door with all my might. I’m surprised the window doesn’t shatter.
“Stupid fucking feelings. Stupid fucking dinner. Stupid fucking Tom. Stupid fucking game.” The list goes on for some time as I cry, broken up every now and then by a scream.
Eventually I slump to the floor in the middle of the room and sob. My chest heaves and I struggle to breathe as I cry into the ground. The bruises and black eye are long forgotten as my lungs struggle to expand, and I begin to panic.
‘This cannot be fucking happening right now no no no.’ a panic attack is the last possible thing I need and I’m in a random room all alone. No one knows where I am. Everyone could have gone home by now.
My head is pounding. Or maybe it’s someone at the door. I’m not sure. I don’t have the energy to figure it out.
‘I hope someone finds me soon’ is probably the last thought I’m aware of having. But then someone’s arms wrap around me. Their perfume is familiar, but I can’t quite place it as they hook an arm beneath my knees and another behind my back. Most of my surroundings are lost, sight blurred and hearing fuzzy as I try to draw in more air, so I don’t know where I am until I feel a mattress beneath me.
I could identify the medical room beds in my sleep, and this was definitely one. After a few minutes of just resting there, my breathing started to slow and I came around. Newly aware of a hand gripping my own, I turn to the person beside me.
“Zecira? What are you doing here? You have dinner with what’s his face.”
“You’re more important. And, what you said on the field… you’re right. I was wrong in breaking tradition for some guy I’m not even really into. It’s- it’s just…” she trails off with a sigh.
“It’s just that, I needed something to take my mind off you.”
“Off me?”
“Yes. Look, after those videos we did on media day, and the one after, I couldn’t fathom the idea of me telling you how I feel and you rejecting me. I like you so much but I know you don’t like me back so I started going on dates. Tom was the only bearable one.”
“Wait wait wait wait. You think I don’t like you? Zecira, there aren’t enough words to express how much I like you. Seeing you with Tom, it, it made me mad about the dinner sure, but I was also jealous. I want to be the one kissing you and taking you on dates, holding your hand, celebrating a win.”
“Kiss me you fool.” The angle is poor but despite it, we lean toward each other until our lips are connected.
It becomes quite a hungry kiss, but I pull away before it can get too heated, smiling at the girl in front of me.
“If we get ready and leave now, we could still make that reservation. Make it our first date?”
That’s how we end up hand in hand, waiting to be seated. The satin gown hugs me perfectly and compliments Zecira’s sage green dress.
“I’m really sorry for bursting up on you. Especially on the pitch.”
“I deserved it.”
“No you didn’t. Maybe you should’ve told me in advance but it didn’t warrant that reaction.”
“I should’ve spoken to you about what was going on.”
“Kiss me and we call it even?” her hair falls around our faces as she leans down to kiss me. It’s gentle and sweet and tastes like her vanilla lip gloss. Life feels good when you’re in love with your best friend.
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ryescapades · 2 years
3:05 am | itoshi bros
— random scenarios for the itoshi brothers where you’re craving for ice cream in the middle of the night.
characters: itoshi sae x fem!reader, itoshi rin x fem!reader
genre/warning: NOT PROOFREAD !! fluff, suggestive and crack in sae’s part, reader is implied to be in their period (thats why i specify fem reader), swear words, uses of petnames, mention of period sex ?? idk do tell me if there’s more lol
a/n: i actually did this a few nights ago and my sister saw me LMAO she was like “tf u doing 🤨” 😭😭
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itoshi sae
making yourself cozy on the aisle in the middle of the kitchen, the coldness of the marble surface touching your thighs barely gets to you when the ice cream you’re eating is what you solely focus on.
waking up in the middle of the night just to satisfy your period cravings seems a little childish but do you care? obviously not when you seem to be enjoying the sugary goodness a bit too much with the way you’re humming lowly, swinging your legs back and forth on the kitchen aisle while holding the ice cream tub in one hand with a spoon in the other.
too distracted in your own little world, you don’t notice the sound of feet padding softly down the stairs towards the kitchen.
“why the hell are you up at this hour?”
a hoarse and husky– probably due to the fact that he just woke up– voice stirs you up from your stupor.
turning around, you see your lovely, lovely boyfriend sae standing at the kitchen entrance with a frown on his groggy face, toned chest naked (because he unsurprisingly sleeps shirtless) and fiery hair messy from the bed he just got up from.
you stifle a smile at the endearing sight of him. “why are you up at this hour, sae? don’t you have practice tomorrow? go back to bed,” you poke fun at him, already knowing the reason why he doesn’t want to go back to sleep.
sae only gives you a deadpan look, “your side is cold, idiot. come back to bed.” you only give him a chuckle. “can’t, sae. i’m on a mission and that is to satisfy my absurd period cravings even though it is 3 in the morning. you don’t have periods so you don’t have a say in this, nuh uh.” you retort before shoving a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
sae doesn’t reply, only watching as he starts approaching you. “what flavour is that?” he asks once he gets close enough to the point he’s standing in between your legs, warm hands landing themselves on your bare thighs to rub on the soft skin.
you try (and fail) to suppress a shiver, earning a small grin from the man standing in front of you.
“cookies and cream,” you mumble, avoiding his intense gaze. it’s unfair how shy he makes you even after years of dating him.
so unfair.
“can i have some?” sae asks, voice dropping to a lower octave, almost like a purr. you haughtily shake your head, moving your hands to hold the ice cream tub away from him. “no, this is mine.”
he raises an eyebrow. “but i bought it though. that’s my money you’re eating, sweetheart.” he counters. turning your face, you give him a glare with your narrowed eyes (finally you don’t really feel small now that you’re eye to eye with him when you’re sitting on the aisle).
after a second of silence with you two just staring at each other, you cave in when an idea pops up in your head. “fine. but in one condition.” you propose.
sae’s fingers suddenly yet lightly grip on your thighs at the mischievous look in your eyes. he nods for you to continue.
“do you know the bing chilling meme, sae?” you teasingly ask, and he immediately rolls his eyes. “no, we’re not doing that. better yet, you eat your ice cream. i don’t want it,”
you throw your head back in a laugh. “alright, alright! fine, i’ll stop. come here, i’ll feed you some, alright.” your hand grabs onto his bicep when he makes an attempt to walk away.
sae makes himself home in between your legs again, staring as you dig your spoon into the tub in your hand while waiting for you to feed him but rolls his eyes for the nth time when he sees you shove the spoon into your mouth instead.
“you’re still playing arou–“ the midfielder doesn’t get to finish his sentence when you pull his face closer, locking your lips with his.
cold, creamy sweetness explodes in his mouth as the two of you move your lips against each other, tongue intertwining while your legs cross behind his slim waist to pull him impossibly closer. sae’s hands move to slither up under your shirt, filled with the need to touch your skin everywhere, anywhere.
“fuck, baby. it’s so early and you’re this needy already?” he groans as he pulls away from you, hands resisting the urge to strip you bare right then and there.
you laughed. “i’m on my period, sae. we can’t.” the man only shrugs as his hands rest on the sides of your waist. “it’s always an option,”
this time, you roll your eyes like how he always does. “and i don’t think it’s appropriate right now, so stop that. also i’m still a little sleepy..” you drop your spoon into the tub, along with your head on sae’s shoulder.
a hand goes around to hug you tighter while another runs up to rake through your hair gently, “told you to go back to bed with me,” he grumbles.
“but i still want ice cream. join me, baby?” you pout.
“for fuck’s sake. you’re difficult, woman.” sae sighs as he pinches your cheek newly filled with ice cream, making you whine out in pain.
it’s fine. this is fine. bickering about trivial matters with itoshi sae at 3 in the morning while sharing a tub of ice cream is always fun. you’ve always loved moments like this.
god, how much you love him.
and of course, it’s never unbeknown to you how much he loves you, too.
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itoshi rin
the floor is cold, and so are your hands as they hold the container of vanilla ice cream.
you don’t even know why you’re here in the dark kitchen, sitting crisscrossed on the floor in front of the fridge while wolfing down spoons upon spoons of ice cream in the middle of the night.
freaking period cravings. i hate you.
a sudden faint voice calls out from the distance, making you jolt a little in surprise.
“rin? i’m in the kitchen,” you reply, not bothering to move from the floor.
a few seconds later, you find yourself eating ice cream on the floor with rin sitting close in front of you, knees touching each other’s.
the two of you don’t say anything as you stare at your boyfriend; his silky dark hair tousled from sleep, heavy teal eyes, nose, lips, everything that is him.
“are you in one of your moods?” rin breaks the silence, his tone slow and borderline breathy as if not to trigger anything out of you and yet your toes curl slightly from how deep and raspy his voice is.
with a spoon still in your mouth, you nod slowly.
if this situation isn’t so concerning, rin would’ve admitted to himself you look rather cute at that time.
you’re peacefully eating when out of a sudden, a wave of sadness washes over you (unprovoked?!). the corners of your eyes sting from trying to hold in your tears yet a small sniffle manages to escape.
oh no, not this again, you cry internally. damn, you hate these random sad episodes you always have whenever you’re on your period.
rin’s eyes widen slightly. not knowing exactly how to react, he holds out his hands to tug at your sleeves that you are currently using to wipe at your eyes. silently, you put the ice cream aside and crawl into his lap, his arms curling around your body to adjust your position comfortably.
for a while, the two of you just sit there in the dark kitchen, basked in tranquility as you draw random patterns on the fabrics of his shirt.
“rin?” you whisper out his name. “yeah?” he replies with a hum.
“can we go out and get ice cream?”
it takes a while for rin to process your words before he mumbles, “it’s 3 in the morning…”
“i know.”
“you have one sitting right there, y/n.” he tries again but you frown. “i know. but i want chocolate ice cream though..” you trail off.
it goes quiet for a few more seconds when rin finally sighs. “alright, let’s go. dress warm, it’s cold outside.” he says before gently pushing you away to get you moving.
your eyes almost sparkle in happiness as you turn to him, “then can i wear your hoodie, rin?” you request, pupils glinting in hope.
rin almost kisses you right at the moment from how pretty you look despite you two still sitting in the dark.
he looks away to hide the rising warmth on his cheeks as he mutters, “get two of them.”
“yes! thank you, baby. i love you! i’ll be right back!” you excitedly beam, grabbing his cheeks to give them a loving smooch before rushing towards the bedroom.
rin exhales and runs a hand through his hair, mind busy thinking about how he adores and is so insanely in love with you it’s a little hilarious that the fatigue has long gone to the back of his mind, teal eyes softening as he gazes at your disappearing figure.
as long as he gets to see you happy, itoshi rin does not care that he has to be up at ridiculously early hours of the day (plus ruining his perfectly organised sleep schedule) just to get you ice cream.
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valuunit · 1 year
Mums don’t cry
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Summary: Y/n’s mood changes and sicknesses happen to be more than just that.
lmao i don’t know why i put that tittle, but The Cure rules.
Content: soft husband!harry :DD pregnant afab!reader, use of she/her, mention of food and vomit (pregnancy symptom), la la land spoilers(?) and that’s it ig.
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it.
“No, i’m staying with Y/n, she’s not been feeling good. Enjoy though, oh! And bring some tiramisu.”
“ ’M sorry, H” she said struggling to stand up from the bathroom’s floor.
“No, no, there’s nothing to be sorry ‘bout. Now come here, i’ll help you clean yourself and we can go watch a movie. You said that watching Ryan Gosling everywhere made you want to bing his movies.” Harry kneeled in front of her offering his hand.
“Mhm” Y/n said without any sign of excitement. Her hand reached the toilet’s chain and released her sickness before lean into the sink and wash her mouth a total of four times.
“Think that enough, you’re gonna get sick again if you keep pulling the brush all the way down your throat.” he chuckled taking the brush out of her hand.
“Wait, throw it in the trash, please.” she said before shoving some more water in her mouth.
“But it’s clean.”
“It’s not, but i’ve had it for over 3 months.”
“Okay miss.”
“It’s Missus, Mister.”
“You feeling better, Missus?”
“I think, it was probably all the crap i’ve been eating.”
“The holidays are for something, don’t you think?”
“I guess.” her mood “I’m sorry.”
“I told you, you don’t have to…”
“No, i’m sorry for being so grumpy this past few days, i don’t know what’s happening.” she said as some tears began to accumulate in her eyes and her head goes to her husband’s chest.
“Oh, honey, don’t worry, it was part of our vows, being here through thick and thin, right?” he grabbed her cheek and smiled warmly, with her blurry vision she just saw a charming white downward D but she returned it.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Now you can see me fantasize with Ryan Gosling.”
“No problem, i’ll do the same.”
They giggled like toddlers and went to the kitchen for some snacks.
“Some popcorn will do it?” said Harry grabbing a package of microwave popcorn.
“Yeah, although is there a peanut butter and chocolate? i’ve been craving some of it.”
“Hm, we have a package of truffles but no peanut butter…”
“It’s okay, all perfect.”
“Well, what do you think of you picking the first movie and i’ll be there when these are ready.”
“Okay.” she gave him a peck kiss. “This is like the honeymoon all over again.” and began to walk to the lounge.
“I hope we never leave that stage.” Harry said loudly making sure she heard. She blew him a kiss and sat on the couch.
Y/n grabbed her phone to google in which platform was La La Land on. She didn’t even knew if the villa’s TV had more than 3 streaming services.
“Already picked one?”
“I’m checking where is it.”
“I bring you some water, i like my woman hydrated.”
He let out a little laugh “Thanks, love.”
They snuggled in the middle of the couch and concentrate in enjoying the movie.
Everything went well, they got to the point in the movie that showed what would’ve happened if they had ended up together.
Harry made a pout, watching the montage of the couple having a kid, but beside him Y/n began to sob, but in a concerning way.
“Everything okay, love?”
“Y-yeah, it just...” she went quiet to hear the final notes of song that Sebastian was playing in his bar. And led out another sob. “It’s so sad, because they loved each other, b-but they couldn’t make their dreams come true if the stayed together a-and they will always love each other…”
“It’s okay” Harry couldn’t help but feel a mixture of concern and a little bit, just a bit, of fun, watching her being so invested in a movie that they’ve watched several times. “Sometimes that’s how life goes.”
“What a bullshit life we live in.” He audibly laughed at that, remembering the joker memes, she also laughed “Okay, i heard it.”
And just like that she was laughing like anything happened.
“Wanna see another movie?”
“I don’t know, ‘m tired.”
“Wanna go to bed?”
“Yes please.”
When they were getting up of the couch Y/n felt sick again, she ran to the nearest bathroom and let it all out. That took Harry by surprise, one moment he was folding the blanket they where using and talking about other movies and the other he was grabbing his wife’s hair.
“Don’t know what’s happening to me, H. It feels like something more.” she rested her back into the cold wall opposite to the toilet
She recalled when she was sweaty and exhausted she blamed italy’s sun, when her mood changed drastically she blamed her personality, when she felt disgust out of nowhere and ended up vomiting she blamed the food and spices she was not used to, but everything as a whole was sign of other thing.
“Like what?” Harry said concerned thinking of the worst.
“I-i… i’ve been feeling weird lately and all my symptoms are, you know, hm, signs of pregnancy.”
“… Like what?” he repeated too shocked to say other thing.
“Mood change, um, craving could be described, the constant exhaustion, vomit…”
“Want me to go for a test?”
“What if paps catch you?”
“Who cares about them?” he said excitedly, this could be one of the happiest days of his life, and he couldn’t wait.
“Pr team, probably.” Y/n said tired.
“Well, I think they’ll understand. You’ll be good on your own? O could ask one of the guys to get a test on their way here.”
“I’ll be good, also we aren’t certain if i’m… pregnant, don’t want to alarm anyone and I’m pretty sure they’ll be back ‘till midnight.”
“You’re right. Well, i’ll be right back, honey.”
Harry literally sprinted to the nearest corner store as soon a he closed the villa’s door. Not caring of anything else, he ran through a fairly small business, not more than 5 minutes away, or that what he felt, until he viewed the boxes he was so desperate for, he grabbed three different ones and ran to the cash register, an old man smiled kindly at him. The interaction was short but cute.
When Harry grabbed the tests the man said to him "Buona fortuna." (good luck). With Harry's poor italian he said "Grazie" and ran back to Y/n.
"That was quick" Y/n was waiting by the door when he arrived.
"I always am, hun…” Harry said out of breath.
Y/n laughed and grabbed the bruised boxes from his hands. "I'm nervous"
"There's nothing to be nervous about, love."
"Well, then, there I go." she let a loud shaky breath and entered the bathroom again.
"Love you."
"Love you too." her voice muffled by the door.
Harry was also nervous, but in a good way nervous, what a good timing, he thought, they been wanting to start a family since last year, well, since forever, but actively trying ever since. He remembered the doctor appointments, the times they had sex just because an app told them to, and the disappointment in their faces when the test were negative, over and over again. And now, they were the happiest they've been, he just finished love on tour, Y/n finished her second book and taking a vacation with all their friends and family.
"Har...ry, come in, please." he did so immediately.
"Everything okay?" his voice was shaky. The tests were all perfectly lined up on a counter all of them facing down.
"Yes, I wanted you to be here." she was crying again, but the smile in her face denoted happiness and anxiety.
"Remember that no matter what the tests say, we'll be fine, and keep trying if you want."
"Thanks." she muttered hugging him.
"Thank you" he hugged her back kissing her hair.
"Can you check one first, please?"
While still hugging her he picked one of the tests and checked. His heart stopped when there was just one line across the screen.
"Uhm, what does one line means?" he asked, wanting to be in the wrong.
Y/n pulled away from the embrace to confirm what Harry was saying.
"It's okay, we got two more left."
"Yeah." Y/n said not really expecting any different result. She grabbed one and Harry the other.
Y/n's test said 'Incinta 2-3 settimane*' And Harry's had two vertical lines.
"Oh god, this one say-"
"My phone! Where is it." Y/n said quickly.
"I need a confirmation."
She opened the translator and typed the test's result, it gave 'Pregnant 2-3 weeks'
"Oh my god! What does yours says?"
"That you're pregnant!"
"This one too!" she jumped into her husband's arms rounding his waist with her legs.
"Two out of three." he said shocked.
"I'll take it. Tomorrow we could go to a doctor."
"I can't wait." he said happily.
"Neither can i."
"Thank you, thank you love." he kissed her nose.
"I couldn't have done anything without your contribution, love, thank you too." she cupped his cheek as he laughed.
"Let's go to bed, tomorrow might be a big day.”
Y/n, attached to him in a koala style, and Harry Styles went to the bedroom full of bliss and expectancy for tomorrow.
“Where were you guys all morning? We waited you for breakfast” Gemma said laying on a sun chair near the villa’s pool, where the radiant couple just arrived.
“Uh, went for some air.” Harry responded.
“Oh, how are you feeling, Y/n?”
“Much better.” Y/n smiled widely to her sister-in-law. “I’m going for some water, want some?”
“I’m good, pumping, thanks.”
“I have some here, thank you, Y/n/n.”
Y/n walked into the kitchen with a happy pace and Harry admired her silhouette in that white dress he loved so much.
“Are you guys high?”
“Why are you smiling so much? it’s creepy.”
“We’re happy.” he said jokingly annoyed. “Also, i have something to tell you.”
“Y/n’s pregnant?” Gemma guessed, siting straight and taking her glasses off.
“How’d you know?”
“I didn’t, but the pregnancy tests in the bathroom gave me an idea. Congratulations!” the siblings hugged tightly.
“Thank you!”
“You’re finally becoming a dad. Ahh!”
“I know, ahh!”
“Why are you screaming like hyenas in cocaine?”
“Y/n, congrats, darling.” Gemma hugged her.
“Oh Gemma, thanks.”
“You’ll be the greatest parents and i’m gonna be the greatest aunt.”
The three laughed. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be, Gem”
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
well now i can't stop thinking about reader in a depressive episode bc she's trapped in the apartment refusing to leave the bed or check her phone for texts and the only thing ghost and soap can do is helplessly watch through the cameras..or managing to accidentally hurt herself somehow in an escape attempt and ghost sends a text berating her for it but soap can see he's actually very afraid.. angst potential here off the charts ngl
ugh i looooove good angst. my favorite romance trope is second-chance because there's very little i love more than a man fucking up and begging for forgiveness.
putting a read more here bc im gonna talk about depression and thats a pretty big cw <3
it would be very difficult to not get depressed when they're both gone for days at a time. you'd go from being in their presence 24/7, constant attention, to just nothing for days on end. especially with the presence of the collar and chain at your throat? it would all throw you into a not-quite-person headspace, and that's not great when you're all alone :(
early on you don't like to interact with them. johnny spams you with texts - funny memes, stupid things people have said, things he wants to do when he's back with you - and you ignore him out of spite (except he can see you lunge for the phone every time it buzzes, and from certain camera angels he can see the way you smile when he tells you about something embarrassing simon did). simon doesn't text much at all, that's not a specific to you thing though he's just like that, so he's almost exclusively texting you little scolding messages. smirks when he sees you scowl and pout through the camera :(
they'd be really worried once you stop getting out of bed. even when you're scared of them, there's still a fire there yk? they don't want you to change as a person, they just want to keep you. when you start to give up a little, it would send them into a bit of a tailspin.
johnny worries first (he hadn't noticed first, but he worries first). he sends you a text and you don't move to look at it, which he's never seen happen unless you're asleep or two far away from the phone to hear it. so he spams you, does that thing where he sends one letter at a time so your phone is just making an endless buzzing noise. his heart lodges in his throat when you just roll onto your other side, not even looking at it or shoving it onto the floor.
simon has to stay calm, because johnny's freaking out. he's very worried about you too, but he can't be showing that with the way that johnny's hands shake as he shoves the camera app into his face.
they can't just leave, they've got a contract they've signed promising to complete x y and z, or else they'd be on their way back when you only leave the bed once in 24 hours and it's to use the bathroom. they're snippy and pushy, rude to everyone and each other because they can't help you.
the next morning you get out of bed. ghost shakes soap awake, a rare desperation in his movements as he forces him to look at your shuffling form on the little phones screen.
you're very slow moving, stiff from your day in bed and slow from exhaustion and hunger. you trip over the chain, go sprawling to the ground with a cry that echoes like a gunshot out of simon's phone speakers. you curl up, hands cradling the knee your weight fell on, and you don't get back up.
simon and johnny are gone, immediately. they break contract and just about every traffic law ever written to get back to you, tearing up the stairs at a full sprint like there's a fire on their heels.
you're still on the floor when they get there, haven't moved an inch from where you first fell (which they know, at least one of them has had his eyes on the cameras since you hit the floor). johnny wants to take you to a hospital, but simon manages to talk him down a bit when they see that your knee is only red and a little scraped.
the real problem is in your head. you don't bother reacting much when they burst in, just sort of lay limp and let them do what they want. like a doll.
johnny's cupping your face, squeezing a little too tight and making eye contact with you. he looks frantic. "lovie? c'mon, talk to me. what's wrong, huh?"
simon's stroking over your body with hands that shake, just enough for you to notice. he's leaned against the back of the couch, you between his legs and your back against his chest, legs caged by his.
"give her a second, johnny," simon rumbles, petting up and down your arms in a soothing and consistent movement. "she's alright. just gotta..." he cuts himself off for a moment, swallowing down the lingering panic in his throat. "just need a little love, huh sweetheart? little love and attention, and you'll be okay."
they slowly coax your mind back to your body, steady movements that don't jar or (for once) don't push any of your boundaries. they're warm, murmuring soft praises and kind words.
you cry when you fully come back to yourself, overcome with how comforted you truly feel. you shouldn't. they've kidnapped you, they keep you chained to the fucking floor like a dog when they leave you.
but they're so warm, and so soft. johnny's mumbling into your neck all the things he likes about you (pretty face, soft skin, perfect size, sweetest eyes, cutest expressions) and simon is breathing heavy and deep in your ear, guiding your breathing with his as it grows heavier and heavier.
that night is the first night you cuddle into them. you need them, even if they've forced it to be that way. you can't change it now.
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sl-walker · 1 month
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
There's now an updated post with more color cards here!
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free! Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails. And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Midcentury Modern - $26 (sold!)
A fun and lively set of thirty nails, including three half-sizes for more granular sizing. These stand out with flat orange and teal meeting beautiful holos in turquoise, navy, red-orange and orange! These have a sharper tip and look elegant as hell, no joke. Great for anyone who really wants to draw people's eyes to their hands or, if you're like me, just stand under bright light and stare at how pretty they are.
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3.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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4.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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5.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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6.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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7.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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8.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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9.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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10.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
would you still love me if i was a worm?
ive always wanted to manufacture a situation where andrew gets to ask neil this bc i just think he deserves to be a ridiculous bf who seeks validation in silly, petty ways <3 and i think I’ve finally got something — it’s def silly but that’s the point lmfao
Andrew wakes when Neil gets up to pee.
“Sorry,” Neil whispers, brushing his knuckles against the back of Andrew’s hand as he slips out of their bed.
Andrew doesn’t bother trying to fall back asleep immediately. He’ll just wake up again when Neil returns. Instead, he pulls his phone from under the pillow and scrolls through iFunny, staring blearily at memes that do not live up to the app’s name and fighting sleep.
By the time Neil gets back, Andrew has lost the ability to move his heavy thumb, his eyes drooping as he stares at a pixelated screenshot of a screenshot of a Tweet posted to Facebook. Neil takes the phone out of his lax grip, turning off the screen and shoving it back under the pillows.
“Go to sleep,” Neil whispers. Andrew opens one eye to glare at him. He would still be sleeping if Neil hadn’t chugged a whole can of seltzer water right before bed and damned them both. Unfortunately for Andrew, the act of looking at Neil in his rumpled, tired state only makes his chest go tight in that angry, riotous way that only Neil can inspire in him. He shifts closer to Neil, pushing at his shoulder until Neil gets the message and rolls onto his side. Andrew presses up against Neil’s back, shoving his face into his bedhead and inhaling deeply. One arm wraps tightly around Neil’s waist, the other wiggles underneath the pillow they now share. Andrew throws a knee over Neil’s thigh for good measure. Neil sighs happily, resting his palm over the back of Andrew’s hand where it rests on his chest.
The lure of sleep threatens to pull him back under, but the meme he’d been staring at is still burned into the backs of his eyelids.
“Hey,” Andrew murmurs into Neil’s hair. Neil hums in acknowledgment. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Neil stiffens for a second, and it takes a beat for Andrew to register that they don’t really use that word. They talked about it once, a few years ago. Neither of them have anything against it, but agreed it felt shallow. Andrew thinks the word sometimes, when his brain is too lazy to be specific about what exactly Neil stirs in him. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just a word. He presses a kiss to Neil’s shoulder, and Neil relaxes immediately.
“I don’t know,” Neil says. “Why would you be a worm? How would I even know who you were?”
“You’re supposed to say yes,” Andrew says, squeezing in reprimand. “That your feelings for me transcend species.”
“Okay, well, mine don’t,” Neil says. “Worms are gross.”
In a flash of irritation, Andrew releases Neil and rolls back to his own side of the bed.
“Andrew,” Neil says, sitting up. “You can’t seriously be upset about this.”
“I can do whatever I want,” Andrew says.
“I mean, yeah,” Neil says, interrupted by a yawn. “But you’re not a worm. And I do love you.”
Andrew wrinkles his nose, flopping onto his back. “That’s gross.”
Neil huffs. He reaches a hand toward Andrew, waiting for Andrew to roll his eyes and nod before running his fingers through Andrew’s hair.
“It’s true,” Neil says. “And also based on reality.”
“Whatever,” Andrew says, he catches Neil’s wrist and tugs. “Come here.”
They resume their earlier position. When they finally settle, the slow, steady rhythm of Neil’s chest rising and falling has Andrew’s consciousness slipping. He jolts a bit when Neil speaks again.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Yes,” Andrew says, even though Neil is so annoying that Andrew should squeeze him until he pops.
“What would that even look like?” Neil asks. “Would you kiss my worm body?”
“I’d put you in a little worm enclosure,” Andrew murmurs, eyes closed. “I’d get you good worm food and toys, and keep you in a room where you could see Exy games on TV.“
“Oh,” Neil says. “That’s really nice, actually.”
“I’d do that too,” Neil says, yawning again. “But different. I’ll think about it more tomorrow.”
Andrew doesn’t really care anymore. He’s warm, and he’s human, he’s holding a warm and human Neil. Sleep finally pulls him back under.
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
(approaching you like the homeless ant meme) enemy frat!suguru pt 3?
LMAOO of course anon my friend if you ask i will provide <3 hope you like it since i've missed writing him :)) please welcome back enemy frat!suguru !!!
cw: down BAD suguru, mentions of sex/hookup culture, swearing, implied fem!reader but they/them pronouns used <3
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there must have been something in the air of that garden, since his chest was constricting him more than the droves of sorority girls and frat boys present for the joint philanthropy event.
"holy fuck," he breathes, or at least tries to. his pulse was racing but his legs were frozen in place, all of his attention going toward trying to breathe properly. he swallows thickly and it doesn't help, and his hands feel like they're slowly starting to drip with sweat. all because you had to appear in the doorway.
"aw, is that them? they look beautiful," satoru comments. suguru can only manage a weak mhmm before he turns away, blinking rapidly and exhaling so deeply it sounds like a dying animal. "shit, man. you good?" suguru throws his roommate a shaky thumbs-up, leaning the other hand on the wall and barely able to keep himself upright.
"i don't know what the hell is happening to me," he manages to choke out. "my heart feels like it's about to rip itself from my chest." with a wild-eyed expression, he glances at satoru only to find his best friend smirking, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. "what the fuck do you look like that for?"
"pull yourself together, suguru. if i had known you would be this affected seeing the love of your life, i would have brought my camera," satoru remarks all too casually, shooting nearby spectators a casual smile. suguru makes a noise of suffering from his throat and satoru thinks he's trying to say 'fuck you.'
"they're not the love of my life," suguru says after several seconds of catching his breath. "they're a fling. a good time."
"have you asked them for sex?" he turns to satoru like he'd just suggested setting your sorority house on fire.
"what the hell? of course not."
"it's not a fling, then."
"how would you know?"
"your flings are only physical, but this is something more than that. plus, you wouldn't be this emotional if they were anything otherwise," satoru points out, and suguru is too flustered to admit that he's right.
"i'm not being emotional," he hisses, pulling the band from his hair and turning it into a neater half-bun. "i just think they're a good time without the sex."
"and i think you're lying to yourself," satoru concludes, giving his delusional friend a pat on the back before disappearing into the crowd. before suguru has the chance to chase him down, you're standing in front of him with two cups of punch in your hands.
"what'd satoru say to make you so distraught?" you ask with a smile, handing him one of the cups. he takes an indulgent sip to avoid answering you immediately, the silence allowing him to slow his thoughts. your sisters, for the time being, were nowhere to be found, so he had at most five minutes of conversation before they whisked you away.
"don't remember, probably somethin' stupid," he lies. you consider him curiously and he prays that he doesn't look like a mess; if you notice something off about him, you thankfully don't comment on it. "you look nice."
"just nice?"
"what else do you want me to say?"
"that we can get the hell out of here whenever i want to leave." he chuckles, gently guiding you out of the walkway and into a quieter corner of the courtyard. your voice softens when other students are well out of earshot, saying, "your face is flushed. what's wrong?"
"it's nothing. don't worry about it," he reassures you, mustering as much courage as he can to not look like an idiot.
"i am gonna worry about it if you don't tell me," you murmur, stepping closer in the darkness. he prays you couldn't hear him gulp from the intoxicating smell of your perfume drawing him in, in, in. "i worry about you more than i'd like to admit."
"tell me more about how much you think about me, sweetheart," he says in a low tone and you scoff, unable to stop the unconscious desire to be as close to suguru as humanly possible.
to the untrained eye, everything about the situation was innocent, an intimate conversation between friends at most. but, if they looked closer, they would see suguru's eyes unable to decide whether to look at your eyes or your lips, or even further down as they rake across your dress. they would see your fingers brush away loose strands of hair and carefully tuck them behind his ear, your fingertips lingering on his skin in a way that makes him feel like he's been set on fire.
in the unlit corner of the school's philanthropic event, suguru realized that satoru was right. everything about you changed him, his mind, and how he viewed the future. all he wanted was to be yours until time stopped moving and space stopped expanding; even then, he knew he would find you in any other lifetime. his only worry was whether you could fathom how eager he was to lose himself in you.
his mind goes blank.
and he leans forward to press his lips against yours.
you inhale sharply, immediately melting into him as his hands find your waist and your arms slide around his neck. he kisses you fervently like the tension in his body finally snapped and his composure went flying out of a window. you taste like minty gum and strawberry lip gloss and all he can think about is giving you more, more, more until you're sick of how much he adores you.
"suguru-" you start when you break away to breathe, looking at him like he was the moon incarnate.
"i can't breathe when i'm not with you," he confesses before you can continue, his voice barely a whisper. he waits for you to protest, to pull away and leave him, but you pull him closer and that's all the permission he needs. "i thought this would be some secret fling where the thrill only comes from the riskiness, but i am totally and deeply in love with you. it's kind of ruining my reputation as the frat house bad boy."
"what do you mean, your reputation? who have you told about me?"
"basically everyone," he answers sheepishly and you laugh, hiding your face in his shoulder. "yeah, sorry. everyone in the boys' house knows about us."
"you couldn't keep your mouth shut about me for one more month?"
"we made that agreement to tell our houses when i was still only one foot in," he argues. "but you kinda pushed me into the love-pool, so..."
"i did no such thing," you counter lightheartedly, kissing the corner of his mouth. "it's your fault for falling head over heels for me."
"i don't think it's just head over heels. i think i'm rolling down a hill, so it's like head over heels over head over heels over-"
"okay, okay," you cut in. "i get it, lover boy. now, shut up and kiss me again before my sisters find us and apprehend you."
"i'll get satoru to be our lawyer. we already have a plan ready-"
"suguru geto," you command.
"fine, fine," he grins before leaning down and kissing you until you're both dizzy.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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espighty · 3 months
I'm making some scuffed relationship charts with some of the cultist ocs in my canon, starting with my version of yellow cat. I've shown him once before in an old meme redraw post. His name is Elijah. He is the unluckiest creature in the whole wide world.
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More info on him under the cut.
Here's the redraw I mentioned. It's how I decided his name.
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And then for his overall background in my canon:
Leshy and Eli (I'm gonna call him Eli for short ok) do not get great first impressions of each other. It's a short time after Leshy gets out of purgatory. He's been out for long enough that he's adamant on trying to navigate the cult on his own, but short enough that he's still super jittery about everything. And for the most part, the normal cultists know to keep their distance. But Elijah accidentally stumbles his way a bit too close. Gets a chunk bitten out of him because Leshy panicked.
I have a little comic in my minds eye of a little back and forth as Eli is bleeding out.
Eli screaming and Leshy just being like "... uh. sorry. You startled me." "YOU TOOK A CHUNK OUT OF MY ARM" "Yes. And I'm apologizing. Stop being dramatic." "Ohhhh my god I'm gonna throw up. or faint" "You know, most people would consider it an honor." "Both. I think both." And then Eli just straight up dies of blood loss and Leshy tentatively sidesteps away hoping no one will be able to pin it on him.
So when the Lamb resurrects Elijah and there are no consequences, Leshy is baffled. Finds the time to go up to Eli and ask about it. Why didn't he tell the Lamb. Is this blackmail? What does he want?
And Eli is like "oh well you said it was an accident and apologized so I didn't feel the need :3. I die like once a week anyways it's fine." and Leshy goes huh. What.
Turns out Eli is (A.) not the sharpest tool in the shed, and (B.) the most cartoonishly unlucky person you've ever met. He actually does die once a week, often more. Stuff falling over onto him, objects falling from the sky, rube-goldberg-esque events that end with him skewered against a building. It's so normal for him that he's desensitized to it. Also repeatedly dying may have killed some brain cells, but that's neither here nor there. Either way, Leshy is immediately intrigued, opting to accept "friendship" just for the opportunity to experience the bad luck events first hand.
And boy is that a fun time for Leshy. God of Chaos in his natural element. Except, one day, Elijah starts narrowly missing death instead. The stack of marble falls onto the place he was standing only moments before. The roof of the barn collapses in just the right way that he was kept from harm. The onions (toxic for cats) that were mistakenly added to his soup don't harm him in the slightest. Eli doesn't seem too bothered, but everyone around him is always on edge, because this good luck can't last forever, and it will surely come back far, far worse. Leshy hangs around Eli all the same, enjoying the anxiety of the other cultists, and the company of his friend.
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muekyn · 2 years
obsessive!eren headcanons
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a/n: i love obsessive!eren so i had to write some blurbs <3 just to be safe minors dni !! t/w: maybe potential yandere/weird behavior ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
literally head over heels for you. this man will do anything, and i mean anything, to make sure you're his.
though you two aren't "officially" dating, eren decided a long time ago that you're going to be with him. of course, he would never force it. he genuinely believes that with time, you'll be just as into him as he is into you.
he steals small things here and there from you. nothing big, nothing you would miss. just little trinkets of you, like lip balm or hair ties. anything that reminds him of you. for eren, it's like you're sharing a part of him with you.
constantly staring at you or making eye contact with you. even if you're on opposite sides of a room, that boy will be eyeing you down like his life depends on it. he wants to capture your beauty each and every second he gets.
lies awake at night just thinking about you, needing to be with you. it keeps him up most days. he's stepped out his front door a few times, determined to meet with you in the late hours of the night, though he always decides against it. he doesn't want to do anything that might make you afraid or uncomfortable with him. (at least not anything you would be aware of)
texts you 24/7. if eren's in a social setting that he wants to get out of, expect to hear your phone dinging with notifications. sometimes it's just complete gibberish, like keyboard smashes or random memes on his phone. but the fact that you spend your time talking to him makes him all giddy. he has the goofiest smile plastered on his face whenever he reads a text from you.
has threatened jean a few times for teasing him about you. one time jean had made an offhand comment about you (something flirtatious or insulting, eren can't even remember) that sent eren into a rage. the only reason eren didn't maul jean to shreds was due to armin taking him to another room and calming him down. eren didn't talk to jean for a few weeks afterwards.
is very stoic and emotionless around others. however, the second you walk into the room, he's all smiles. everyone has noticed by now and exclaims, "eren's sunshine is here!!" whenever you come to group gatherings. eren's all red in the face but you always just laugh it off, chalking it up to nothing.
this boy doesn't even try to hide his feelings. will actively sulk in the corner if he finds out you're going on a date or texting another guy. you tell yourself he acts this way since he's your friend and is just looking out for you. maybe the guy you're texting actually is an asshole?
will literally find anything in order to convince you not to go on dates. he will insult your date's appearance, make up lies about them, say they're already dating someone, you name it. sometimes he will literally greet the guy that you're supposed to go on a date with, which throws of them off alot. though you won't admit it, eren has ruined alot of dates for you. (if only you could see you should be going out with him)
gives you way too many gifts. it's to the point where you feel bad every time he gets you something, simply because you don't know how to make it up to him. (you could totally just kiss him and that would be enough) if you mentioned something that would be cool to have, expect eren to find a way to get his hands on it in the next week or so. he just can't help himself when he sees your cute excited smile!
super touchy, though he never outright just touches you. he does it in super inconspicuous ways. if you're sitting down, he insists on sitting next to you so that his legs can be touching yours. if you're walking by him, he'll intentionally get a little bit closer so he can feel you graze against him.
one time he got very drunk and cuddled you for hours. he refused to let anyone move him away from you. he was rambling on and on about something involving the two of you, though you couldn't quite understand what exactly he was saying. when you told him you didn't understand, he simply smiled and graced your forehead with a light peck. you could feel yourself tingle with embarrassment, but before you could say anything to him, he passed out. you think about that night still.
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sleepiestwizard · 28 days
okay im gonna put all my thoughts about the hotguy zinethology on here based on the incoherent ramblings my friends received while i was reading it
(obviously spoilers below the cut)
okay so first of all the first part was SO fucking funny i cried laughing multiple times
the first time i saw cute guy i SCREAMED
@cornpapers draws scar SO pretty
mumblr is SUCH a funny name 10/10
the "dont you think cuteguy and hotguy having matching names and outfits is queerbaiting" post is SO FUNNY
SHE'S HERE !!!!!!! ARIANA GRIANDE !!!!!!!!!!
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this whole comic was so funny i loved it loved the cub
this is such an interesting and fun way to tell a story i loved the email part
in general the posts and stuff were SO funny and very realistic for the internet 😭
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grian desperately trying to not let scar reveal his identity 😭😭 girl (this also hits so different now after reading the whole thing btw.)
the comparison to a wild horse in this first fic also killed me
i can't really put a lot of images but there were some really classic superhero comic looking panel that i thoroughly enjoyed
scar tangled in his own grappling hook. classic. very funny
I LOVED THIS FIC SO MUCH. scar voice this is gonna ruin the tour. grian voice what tour. scar voice the world tour.
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scar saying he's playing volleyball. haikyuu reference!?!?!?
just putting this here
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moon mask i immediately called pearl yes pf course
"you and your cuteguy" arggrgrhsggrgrhgr
murder camel REAL !!
"i cant believe you guys fucking killed jimmy solidarity" <- actual message i sent to mochi
i literally had to Go Take A Walk after this fic
i really like how the pearl thing was resolved in this it felt like such a good act 2 reoccurring villain exit. very superhero comic/movie like or even dnd like
'vincent berger' made me laugh
first off every single fic has SUCH a cool cover i love them all
poor grian has ptsd :((
i LOVEEE how mochi writes angst always they're so good at it
the fact that he never found jimmys body immediately made me call the fact that he wasn't really dead and would come back btw
gem would lovee to drive grian slowly crazy tbh
i was going insane at this point
this whole zine had me feeling like that meme thats like first i laughed.. then i serioused (the first part was SO funny and then golden era was psychic damage /pos)
GEMPEARL <33 they are so everything to me
they look SO fucking cute
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both scar and grian look sooooo scrumptious in this comic argh
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mumbo <3
THE HUG. ☹️☹️☹️
great big beautiful tomorrow :((( the parallels :((
scar playing w his hair when cuteguy was hurt :(( so cute
the tcg voice: theyre holding hands.. i want them dead
SKIZZ !!!!
ETHO !!!!!!!!!!
awhh skizzly :((((
"It's our Impulse, Gem" IM SO UPSET SHUT UP
god the way she puts on the mask and immediately is emotionless im gonna throw up
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im so obsessed w this cuteguy i love him
grian voice omg im the only bitch serving cunt in this place im so embarasseddddd
they are serving SO much in this comic
impulse thinking about skizz as he's dying :(((((
i was so upset this made me sob like a baby
SKIZZLY!!! :(((
warden :/
grian and scar playing volleyball is that a haikyuu reference....
cuteguy is so spiderman coded
god all in all this was so crazy. it was such an obvious labour of love and everyone who was involved with it did such a good job and obviously put so much love into it AND IT WAS WORTH IT !!!! insanely good work thank you to everyone for doing this and sharing it for free?? @hotguycomiczine y'all are crazy. incredible work <333
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merakiui · 1 year
thinking abt how merfolk arent used to periods/menstruating or any of the sort when it comes to human anatomy but are LIVING for it when u throw urself at them bc its shark week and ur clingy <3 and sooo horny <3
I saw this meme recently and I think it fits how darling might feel in the aftermath LOL. Everything feels right until that post ovulation clarity hits and weeks later you're realizing you let him fuck you during your fertile window:
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The days leading up to and during ovulation are so fascinating for the trio because not only does your body undergo some subtle changes the likelihood that you can get pregnant increases, which leaves all of them incredibly anxious and horny gripping. >:) and of course they're also immensely horny when you're on your period, too, because you just smell so clearly of blood and it's such an enticing scent to them. It doesn't help that you're so cute and clingy, dragging him into bed for a few more minutes of snuggling because it's warm and you're sleepy. >0< he's going to fuck you into the sheets right there; who cares if you stain them!!! He wants you right here, right now. <3
Being on your period around the trio is dangerous because they could spend hours between your legs, eating you out and tasting you on their tongues, and you'll never get a break. Cramps? What are those? You won't feel them when they're being fucked away, soothed by the many orgasms that wrack your body when he's kissing, biting, touching you all over, in all of the places that are most tender and sensitive. :)
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