#Warning looking like a bum bitch LOL
utterlyyinfatuated · 1 year
Can we get a selfie please n thanks
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anisespice · 2 years
“ the fuck-it list ” || hq!
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two || three || four
synopsis: there’s a list going around consisting of hot guys on campus that are deemed “fuckable” with theories as to what they’d be like in bed. it’s all fun and games until somehow your boyfriend ends up on this list. 
pairing: various x gn!reader [ kags, akaashi, atsumu, kenma ]
warnings: cursing, suggestive language, mild objectification, mentions of cheating, cringe descriptions that aren’t 100% accurate lol 
notes: based this off how my friend and i speculate about how the men in hq would be like in bed sooo it’s really just a little jokey joke, so have fun with her :] thinking of making more parts of this with other characters, lemme know what you guys think, and hope you enjoy!! 
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To be completely honest, KAGEYAMA wouldn’t know much about the list aside from maybe surface level stuff. He knew it was full of nonsensical speculations, nothing but weird projections put onto strangers by other strangers who found them attractive. It creeped him out a little, so that’s as far as he wished to know. 
Plus, he had no reason to care about some dumb list—He had you. 
“Have you seen this bullshit?!”  Well, speak of the devil. 
All the training in the world couldn’t have prepared his reflexes for the amount of whiplash you put him through in the span of ten seconds. There he was, minding his business in his dorm room, chilling with a volleyball, then BAM; he’s getting bum-rushed by his 5-foot-something significant other with smoke coming through their ears.
Good thing you had a key because the setter was certain you would’ve smashed right through his door by sheer force. 
“Huh??” Frankly, you startled the poor man. The ball that was in the middle of being set toward the ceiling came barreling down on his face, causing him more disorientation. “See—ouch. See what?” 
You stood there next to his bed, one hand on your hip while the other practically shoved your phone in his face. He squinted at the harsh light, but eventually his eyes adjusted enough to read the post. His lips formed a confused pout. “That stupid, horny hit-list? What about it?” 
“What about it? Some bitch put you on there! Just listen to this garbage, ‘Tobio Kageyama. 6’2ft stoic, and mean Dom who’s pretty damn good with his hands. It’s obvious how much of a perfectionist he is, so be ready for some killer overstimulation. Probably won’t make any noise, and doesn’t know much about aftercare. Overall score: 6/10’. Are they deadass right now?” 
Ah. Now he gets it. 
He figured it was only a matter of time, homie was very much aware of his status around campus, not to mention being a looker to top it off. However, he figured being in a relationship would lessen his chances of him ending up on it, especially since you weren’t a secret or anything. Guess that list really had no morality after all. Who’d have thought? 
“I mean, the audacity to put your name on it knowing damn well if anyone even tried it, I’d gorilla glue all their holes shut.” He snorted, face scrunching slightly at your unusual threat. But, something told him deep down you were being serious. 
You continued ranting while pacing back and forth. “But not only that, they completely warped your entire sexual identity just because, what, you know how to mind your business and happen to have a RBF?” 
“RBF?” He tilted his head, making you halt mid-rant to admire the adorable sight. How dare he? You were in the middle of seething, dammit. 
“Resting Bitch Face.” 
He frowned. “I don’t have that.” 
“Tobio, you’re doing it right now.”
He huffed, looking away from you in defiance. His face was fine, he thought, a perfectly normal face indeed. A handsome face, he’d even say. Immediately picking up on his sourness, you chuckled softly before reaching over to cup his face and make him look at you. Kageyama instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist, his frown still apparent, but a little less heavy once it met your soft gaze. “Don’t be pouty.”
“I’m not…” he mumbled, cheeks squished under your palms. A small blush bloomed across the apples at your teasing giggle. “You’re the one that’s upset, not me. Why do you care if they misrepresented how I am in bed? Shouldn’t you be happy it’s inaccurate?” 
Now it was your turn to huff, your bottom lip sticking out. Kageyama’s eyes honed in on its pillowy surface instantly, licking his own as he restrained himself; there’d be plenty of time for that later. 
“I mean, yeah but…I don’t know. It just…feels icky knowing there are random people around campus theorizing about your dick size in the comments, or if you cry after an orgasm. The least they could’ve done was be a little accurate if they’re gonna cause us all this trouble.” 
“Us? Pretty sure I’m the victim here. Who sucks at aftercare, apparently.” He scoffed, of which earned another giggle from you. “Besides, the only person I care about knowing any of that stuff is right here. They can take their 6/10 and fuck right off. I know my baby would rate me higher than that, right?” 
You pursed your lips, avoiding eye contact as you playfully ignored his obvious bait for praise. Kageyama doesn’t take too kindly to that. He softly glared at you, arms tightening their hold around your waist and pulling you even closer to his toned chest. 
“Oh, it’s like that, huh? That’s fine.”
Before you could register what happened, your boyfriend swept you up without struggle and gently tossed you onto his bed. “However, I will admit they were right about one thing.” 
With a slight bounce, you couldn’t fight the delighted squeal as you watched him prowl towards you. 
“Oh, really? And what’s that?”
He hummed softly, large hands traveling up your legs from the ankles all the way to your inner thighs before spreading them open to rest in between them. Finding home there for a brief moment, Kageyama practically smothered you under his gaze, attention once again zeroing in on your lips. He could feel his restraint dissipating, biting his own lip before slowly leaning down to place warm kisses against your skin. He left no spot unloved until he eventually stopped at your ear, his warm breath sending chills down your spine. 
“I’m pretty damn good with my hands.” 
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Like Kageyama, AKAASHI didn’t care to know much about the list. He knows a good chunk of guys that ended up on it personally, and based on the conversations he’s heard them have it sounded like nothing but trouble. 
And he was right to assume such. 
One afternoon a few of his friends came barreling toward him during his break in between classes, each sporting various expressions that ranged from extreme determination (Bokuto) to absolute amusement (Kuroo), while the third looked as if they were brought there against their will (Kenma). Slowly, Akaashi lowered his sandwich with a sigh; so much for a peaceful lunch. 
“AKAASHI.” Bokuto exclaimed, hands slamming down on the table to keep himself from nearly toppling the man. Akaashi flinched slightly at the volume, but before he could reprimand him, Bokuto grabbed him by his shoulders and looked him square in the eyes with grand intensity. “How could you be so selfish? I thought I raised you better than this, young man!”
The former setter gaped; that’s not at all what he was expecting to hear. It didn’t help when Kuroo started busting a lung, both hands on his knees as his hyena-esque laugh bounced off the walls of the canteen. Kenma side-eyed the business major before going back to playing some game on his phone, offering the ravenette a soft greeting, then helping himself to a chair. 
Akaashi acknowledged the pudding-head with a small nod, sharp eyes redirecting back to his senior as he removed the rough hands from his shoulders. “What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about you cheating on [_____]!” 
Akaashi blinked. Then, like a switch, his eyes nearly popped out his head as he registered the spiker’s words.  
Kuroo, after finally catching his breath, gave a hearty exhale as he placed a hand on Bo’s shoulder. “Way to rip off the bandaid, buddy. Thought we agreed to work our way up to that part.” 
“Screw that! I demand answers! Can’t believe I’ve been friends with a no good, cheating scumbag, hmph.” Akaashi blanched at the harsh accusation, falling deeper and deeper into a state of pure shock. 
“Wait, hold on—”
“Whoa there, let’s not jump to conclusions. The man hasn’t even gotten the chance to speak for himself. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this whole thing.” Kuroo reasoned, but was obviously eating it up. Kenma lightly scoffed.
“You’re so full of shit.” He voiced, not even bothering to lift his gaze away from the game. Kuroo gasped dramatically at the dig, hand over his heart and everything. The former paid him no mind. 
Akaashi abruptly stood. “Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? I’m not cheating on [______], who’s spreading such a thing?” 
Bokuto squinted. “Oya? Then how do you explain this?” 
Like incriminating evidence being shown to a jury, the silver-haired tank pulled up the updated version of the list on his phone that was posted over an hour ago. Akaashi was still perplexed until he saw it. His name. Oh, god no. 
Akaashi snatched the device to get a closer look just to make sure it wasn’t some sort of prank. To his dismay, the post was legit. Oh, god no. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” 
“Uh huh, busted your ass!” Bokuto snatched the phone back only for Kuroo to then take it from him. “Hey!”
Clearing his throat, the sly bastard began reading the caption. “‘Keiji Akaashi. 6’0ft tall, pretty boy with intelligent steel blue eyes. His mysterious nature and bored expression would automatically put him under the Dom category, but I can see right through him.’ Wow, they make you sound like some sort of experiment.” 
“Don’t read that outloud!” Akaashi lunged forward, only to be stopped by a large hand in his face. “Omf-! Fohkuto-son!” 
“What? Ashamed of yourself? You should be, traitor!” 
Kuroo continued. “‘What many would believe to be the strong silent type, I believe there’s a sensitive side to him. That’s why I declare Keiji Akaashi to be a Switch with Sub-leaning tendencies, who’s not afraid to be vocal and would 100% let you peg him. 11/10. Would fuck again.’ Holy shit, this is gold.” 
“Jesus Christ,” Akaashi felt like his entire face was on fire. This was like his worst nightmare come to life, and apparently now everyone on campus could participate in his misery. “This cannot be happening to me…” 
“Oh, me, me, me. Is that really all you can say for yourself? What about [_____], huh? How do you think they’d feel after finding out their boyfriend is an unfaithful—”
“I DIDN’T CHEAT ON MY S/O, BOKUTO-SAN. That isn’t even the purpose of the list, you should know, you’re on it too!” 
Bokuto gaped. “I am??” 
Akaashi groaned, sinking back into his seat. His hands dragged across his face in distress, feeling as if he aged ten years from this mishap alone. But, Bokuto had a point—How were you feeling about all this? Had you seen it?
Luckily, he didn’t need to wonder for long. 
He flinched, as did the two stooges hovering near him. Kenma was the only one to greet you normally while everyone else resembled deer in headlights; this immediately alarmed you. What you expected to be a surprise lunch with your boyfriend since your class let out early, now felt as if you just walked in on an intervention. After taking in the weird atmosphere, you eyed Akaashi with mild confusion. “Uh…is everything okay?”
“It’s all good, [_____]! Turns out my best friend isn’t a scumbag after all. Akaashi is definitely not cheating on you, so no harm done!” 
You did a double-take in bewilderment; didn’t expect that. “O..kay?”
Bokuto looked so proud of his declaration, chest puffed out whilst Kuroo looked like he could barely hold it together. Your boyfriend clearly had seen better days, frown heavy as he glared at his seniors; all he wanted was to eat his goddamn sandwich. 
Eventually, you decided to just take a seat next to him, pulling out your own food while the two former captains began bickering about who knows what. Kenma continued to play his game, happily taking the apple slices you graciously slid over to him as a boost. After you got situated, Akaashi instantly plopped his head right on your shoulder, desiring comfort from the emotional turmoil he just endured. 
You kissed away the stress lines on his forehead before opening up your bento, already having an idea in mind as to what’s gotten him so deflated. But, you spared him any further humiliation—You planned to report that stupid post later anyways. 
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You chilled outside the locker rooms waiting for ATSUMU, upon his request to walk you back to the dorms after practice was over. You told him there was no need, that you’d be fine walking back on your own, but he insisted. 
And you were so glad he did. 
While you were waiting, you mindlessly scrolled on Twitter until a familiar username caught your attention; @/FckIt22. Everyone knew of the infamous ‘Horny Bucket List’ going around and boosting already inflated egos, speculating and even sometimes outing people of their most lewd fantasies with popular guys on campus. You couldn’t help but watch the drama unfold every time there’d be a new update to the list, eating it up whenever it’d be someone you knew, or someone you would’ve never guessed to be on it. 
And to your surprise, after you refreshed the page, it was both. Your mouth was slightly ajar when a picture of your boyfriend’s boyish grin greeted you, in his volleyball jersey, soaked with sweat and hair pushed back from his forehead; looking like a full course meal. 
Eagerly, you tapped in to read the thread attached to the image, intrigued to know what was said about Atsumu until… 
“...The fuck?” 
As quick as your excitement came, there it went. Right there, in big letters for the whole campus, no, the entire internet to see was your boyfriend’s face attached with someone else’s name. And not just any someone. 
‘O S A M U   M I Y A’ 
You didn’t know whether to laugh, or what. Could they’ve seriously not been bothered to make sure they had the right twin? And not only that, they mentioned you in the thread. Didn’t bother to @ you, though.
That only pissed you off even further.
‘Osamu Miya. 6’1ft of muscle and charm, whose insatiable appetite won’t be satisfied until he’s had your thighs wrapped around his face for an hour AT LEAST. Not the most expressive, but make no mistake that he’s the ultimate brat tamer; no doubt [______] could attest to that.’
“I know damn well they didn’t just…” You muttered in disbelief, shaking your head as you read on.
‘But, if you’re good, he mayyyy let you top. Don’t think for a second you’re in control tho. Unlike his brother, he’s got Dom energy for daysss. Doubt this man does anything but grunt and groan, but overall he still gets an 8/10. Yum ♡.’ 
You weren’t expecting to see your future brother-in-law painted in this light today, but supposed there was a first for everything. To be fair, whomever ran the account sure knew how to sell a fantasy, but it didn’t excuse the lack of decorum they had. You felt a little disturbed, almost violated. One could only imagine how the twins would feel if they saw this…
“Hey there, stranger.” You jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion; speak of the devil. Atsumu wrapped his arms around your middle from behind, placed his chin on your shoulder, and gave a loving squeeze. “Ya ready?” 
“Uh, yeah.” You quickly locked your phone.
A little too quick. 
A small pout formed on his face. He immediately called you out. “What’re ya lookin’ at?” 
“Your phone, y’were lookin’ at something.” Noticing your shifty behavior, his grip around you loosened a little as he strained his neck to look you square in the face. It wasn’t long before a teasing grin spread across his. His eyebrows wiggled, “Ya lookin’ at porn?” 
With a roll of your eyes, you lightly jabbed him in his bicep. “Yeah, ‘Tsumu. I was totally looking at porn. You got me.”  
Atsumu shrugged, sporting an even bigger grin as he started to sway both of you. “Hey, no judgement here. But don’t forget ya got the real deal right here, darlin’. Whenever you need it, your lovely boyfriend will take care of ya. All’s ya gotta do is ask.”
He spun you around in his hold, and grabbed your hips. With low, tired eyes he stared deeply into your soul. His lopsided grin brought more damage to your already fluttering heart, not to mention his semi that was now pressed against your stomach; this man had been dying to have you in his arms for a while, it seemed. However, even with this sexual tension growing between the two of you...you just couldn’t help yourself. 
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, Osamu.”
Immediately, his grin dropped. You did your best to remain stoic, but the absolute disgust that took over his face was just too good. Your body began to shake with laughter, small snickers escaping you as you bit your lip to hold it back. Atsumu was not amused.
“That joke wasn’t funny back in high school, [______], still ain’t funny now…”
“Oh, this is no joke. As of today, my boyfriend’s Osamu Miya, and apparently he’s my brat-tamer. Did you know that he won’t even let me top unless I’ve been good-?”
“Knock it off.” Atsumu glared, gently pinching your sides. You squirmed, but the teasing smile you had didn’t falter. “What’s gotten into ya? Tryin’ to get a rise outta me or somethin’?”
“Oh, you haven’t seen it yet?”
“Seen what?”
You unlocked your phone and showed him the thread. Atsumu held a look of utter confusion, squinting at it until it eventually registered what you were showing him. He’d heard about the list that circled around on campus, some of his friends and teammates used to brag, or complain about it to him when they ended up on it. At first, he found it entertaining…but now?
He snatched the phone out of your hands to get a closer look, catching on to what you’d originally been hiding from him in the beginning; Atsumu wished it had been porn.
“That’s what I said!” You laughed, incredulously. “The nerve of them to just mix the two of you up like that. And to add me into it without even bothering to tag me? Probably ‘cause they knew I’d call them out on their bullshit. Can you believe-”
“‘Unlike his brother, he’s got Dom energy for days’?? I totally have Dom energy! We’re fucking twins, why wouldn’t I? And ‘Samu ain’t no brat-tamer! If anythin’, he’s the goddamn brat.” Somewhere on campus, Osamu sneezed.
You stood there in bewilderment. That’s what he’s concerned about? 
Crossing your arms, you watched him in astonishment. “So, you don’t care that they used your picture? Or the insinuation that I sleep with your brother?”
“‘Course I do! Ya think I like the idea of his filthy mouth being anywhere near you? And usin’ my picture to clickbait my supporters is just cheap. But nothin’ pisses me off more than anyone thinkin’ that bastard has better game than me. 8/10 my ass…”
You snorted. Why were you not surprised?
Taking a small step closer you grabbed his wrist and lowered it, bringing his attention away from the phone. Atsumu now wore a heavy pout, one that you couldn’t help but to kiss; so you did. With a free hand you reaching up to his nape and pulled him downward, capturing his lips. Catching him off guard, man nearly dropped your phone when your tongue slipped into his mouth. With a soft groan, Atsumu wrapped an arm around your waist as he tilted his head in response to your sudden affection, deepening the kiss as it instantly made his mind go blank.
You pulled away too soon for his liking, the blonde blindly chasing after you with his eyes still closed as a light chuckle escaped you. You thumbed at his bottom lip, wiping some of the spit left behind as he slowly opened his eyes. Atsumu’s honey-gaze seared right into you, the hunger from early returning as the semi he sported was now fully hard, thick and heavy as it pressed against your stomach—So fucking whipped, after just one kiss. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Gazing at him lovingly, your nails raked gently through his hair as he practically melted into you. For a moment, you thought he’d start purring.
“What do they know, huh? How about you take me to my dorm and remind me why Atsumu Miya, my lovely boyfriend, is the only one who takes good care of me. Then, we’ll put that account on blast afterwards, what d’you say?”
His boyish grin reappeared, leaning in to place his forehead on yours. “Thought you’d never ask.”
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KENMA felt indifferent about the list. Nothing about it made sense to him, and he left it at that. It didn’t matter how many times his friends brought it up, or how many people whispered about it during lectures—He had no opinion on it. 
“You’re not even a little curious?” Hinata asked.
“No. Not in the slightest.”
The two of them were chilling in the canteen, in the student gaming section, both occupied with their own respective poisons. While Hinata farmed pixelated fruit on his switch, Kenma battled npcs on the public-shared ps4. The copper-head talked on and on about trivial subjects since they’ve arrived, ranging from tough assignments he nearly failed to new moves he tried in volleyball, while the quieter of the two responded occasionally when he felt it necessary. 
Hinata gasped, looking up from his game in genuine surprise. “Whoa, Bakayama said the exact same thing. You and him are probably one of the few guys I know who aren’t interested in knowing if they’re on the list. Well, you two and Suckyshima. And Sakusa-san...and...”
This went on for a good minute. 
Kenma sighed, neutral expression not matching the rapid movement of his thumbs across the controller. “It’s just some dumb list. Not like it benefits anyone.”
“Sure it does! I heard it brought lots of people together,” Hinata paused, tilting his head as he hummed in thought. “Although, I also heard it split people up, too. And caused a lot of rumors…and got that one professor fired…”
Yet another minute, passed. 
Kenma couldn’t help but snort, at least finding his rambling endearing enough to stomach yet another pointless conversation about that accursed list—Why people were so obsessed with it was beyond him. 
“Sounds like a lot of drama. No thanks.”
There’s silence between the two of them, the sound effects from their games being the only thing filling the space. Kenma continued rapidly mashing buttons, tongue sticking out as he concentrated on the level. However, he couldn’t help but feel like they were being watched. They were in a public space, sure, but…something definitely felt off. Choosing to ignore it, he refocused on the game. Hinata just finished up harvesting his watermelons when he suddenly let out a teasing chuckle.
“I wonder if [______] checked.”
Kenma’s thumbs stop. His character was taking incredible amounts of damage, but none of it registered after the mere mention of your name; the pudding-head flushed red. After a moment, he regained composure and went back to smashing buttons, ignoring how slippery his hands just got.  
 “…Why would they do that?” He muttered. 
Hinata shrugged, “Well, just because you’re not curious doesn’t mean they aren’t. Believe it or not, you’re a good looking guy, Kenma-san. And if there’s a fuck-list going around where my s/o might end up on it, I’d wanna be the first to know.”
Hm. Couldn’t argue with that. He always feared you’d end up on the list, but eventually realized it only catered to a certain demographic, mostly focused on the more sociable students, so he figured there was no other reason to care. It’d be a waste of time, Kenma knew for a fact there’d be no chance of him being on it, his outward appearance be damned.
He practically spent his first couple of semesters cooped up in his room, going to class, bare minimum socializing, streamed with his camera off, rinsed and repeated. He didn’t make many new friends during that time, and met you completely by happenstance during a late night cram session in the library; how in the fresh hell would anyone think about fucking him if he rarely gave other people the time of day? 
Kenma kissed his teeth, “You’re being annoying.”
Hinata merely flashed a bright grin, leaning over to playfully poke him in the arm. “Don’t mind~!” 
The dirty-blonde playfully swatted at the intruding hand, earning a bright laugh and another poke from the ginger just for shits n’ giggles, before he returned back to his video game. Unfortunately, the eyes around him didn’t falter, some being less obvious about it whilst others didn’t even try to hide their blatant staring. After a while it started to get uncomfortable, even Hinata couldn’t help getting concerned once he started to notice.
“Uh…is it just me, or are we drawing in a crowd?”
“I dunno. Maybe they’re just waiting for me to get off the game…” Kenma reasoned. But deep down, something told him that wasn’t the case at all.
After some time passed with the situation not getting any better, he decided to just call it a night. There was no point in trying to relax anymore with all those people pointing and whispering. As he began to leave the game, not bothering to save his progress, his phone buzzed. Immediately, Kenma knew it had to have been you—He kept everyone else on DND. When he unlocked his phone, though, the gamer was shocked to see the overwhelming amount of notifications on the screen, all from his closest friends, minus the one he’s currently with. 
It appeared they’d been trying to get his attention for a while. You must’ve been the last resort, as your message urged him to meet at your place.  He didn’t need to be told twice, grateful for this escape from the prying eyes of the random bystanders. 
“I’m heading over to [_____]’s. Sorry to cut our time short.” 
The ginger simply smiled. “It’s okay, know you don’t like crowds. See ya later, Kenma-san!” 
Kenma curtly nodded, offering a tiny smile in gratitude. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he made haste for the nearest exit, keeping his gaze locked on the ground until he made it outside. He could feel the eyes following him as he left, making a cold chill run down his spine. He couldn’t wait to get to your place.
When he eventually arrived, his knuckle barely grazed the door before it flew wide open, startling him a little. Before he even had time to catch his jumping heart, you pulled him into your embrace, making him tense up slightly until he soon melted into your familiar warmth. Sanctuary. 
“I’m so sorry, Ken. You must be devastated.” 
“Um, I’m fine...” he mumbled. Your arms only grew a little tighter around him, as if you were…shielding him? Eventually you pulled back just enough to look at him, searching his eyes for something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. “Why would I be devastated?”
You blinked widely at him. “You mean you hadn’t seen it?”
He squinted, visibly confused, and your silence did little to calm his wariness. Another cold chill traveled down his spine, hairs on the back of his neck standing straight up as he struggled to figure out what this feeling meant. It wasn’t until after you gave a strained smile, sympathy swirling within your gaze, did it eventually hit him like a semi truck. The flooded messages, the suffocating stares, the whispers...It couldn’t be. 
He slowly began to shake his head. “No...”
You exhaled. “Yes.”
‘Kenma Kozume. 5′6ft recluse with the mannerisms of a kitten. But don’t let his meek demeanor fool you—it’s always the quiet ones you need to look out for. Though his posture may appear questionable, we all know it’s because of the monster between his legs dragging him down, baggy clothes no doubt concealing an absolute masterpiece of toned skin for you to mark up. The effort he puts into playing video games, don’t expect the same amount in the bedroom. I believe Kenma to be a lazy Switch with Sub energy, who’ll spend most of the session on his back, but that’s okay. We stan a pillow prince. 9/10.’
He looked at your phone with mild disgust. “You’re fucking joking.”
“'fraid not. It was posted less than an hour ago, probably while you were gaming with Hinata. Kuroo was the first to see it, and sent it to the groupchat. That’s why I assumed you had seen it already. Dammit, I knew someone would notice how hot you were sooner or later. And here I thought I was doing a good job gate-keeping you. ”
“Don’t just say stuff like that out loud...” He flushed, tugging on your sleeve in mild embarrassment. After composing himself, Kenma let out an irritated exhale. “What a pain. Whatever, this’ll probably blow over by tomorrow. Someone else will be posted and they’ll forget all about me. Guess I’ll just keep an even lower profile until then. Shouldn’t be too difficult.” 
Laying together on your Snorlax beanbag chair, Kenma turned on his stomach to bury himself in the plush cushion, wanting to forget this whole nightmare. But, you weren’t gonna let him wallow so easily. Tugging on the shoulder part of his sleeve to get his attention, Kenma groaned before tilting his head slightly to peek at you with one eye through the curtain of his hair. 
“You don’t understand, Ken. Bitches practically froth at the mouth for the sexy, socially awkward, gamer-boy type with the messy hair and lax attitude. I would know, I am bitches!” He snickered softly, rolling his visible eye. “My point is, this most definitely will not blow over by tomorrow. Not when they’re already hooked on the fantasy of you.”
“Exactly, a fantasy.” He said, slightly muffled. Shifting to lay on his back, Kenma rested his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. “Meaning they’ll never get to know the real thing, so eventually they’ll get bored. You shouldn’t work yourself up over this, kitten.” 
“Yeah, but what if someone-” 
Reaching over, Kenma gently flicked your forehead. With a soft yelp, you half-heartedly glared at him before going to retaliate with your own flick. He merely grinned, eyes full of mirth as he swiftly grabbed the hand and used it to pull you in closer. “They won’t. And even if they do, I'll just get Kuroo to tell one of his lame jokes to scare ‘em off. Problem solved.” 
You lightly hit his arm, but still graced him with a laugh. Somewhere on campus, said rooster-head sneezed. 
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Heavenly Kind of State of Mind - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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summary: Bradley takes you out to thank you for taking care of him when he broke his nose. He didn't expect dinner to turn into something else.
pairing: baseball!Bradley x reader (Angel)
warnings/content: depictions of broken nose, Bradley being a manwh*re, sexual references, fluff, awkward first date.
word count: 2.3k
taglist (also tagging those who were interested in Take One For The Team since it's a similar vibe and explains the lack of updates lol): @avengersfan25, @jessicab1991, @atarmychick007, @b-bradshaw, @nouis-bum, @mamachasesmayhem, @floydsmuse, @kmc1989, @dckweed, @katfanfic, @nerdgirljen, @whatislovevavy, @mrsevans90, @averyhotchner, @yuckosworld, @tgmreader, @allepaula, @lourd-ita, @mariaenchanted @sorchathered, @sarahsmi13s, @hangmansgbaby, @djs8891 @primroseluna @silversprings-mp3 @drxgxnslxyer @gardenavenue @seitmai @unhinged-bitch @mattyskies
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Bradley wasn’t the dating type.
At least, that’s what he told himself on the drive over to the San Diego pier. 
As Bradley crossed the bridge from quiet, serene Coronado into the bustling downtown core, he tapped his hand against the steering wheel, nervously drumming the beat to a classic rock song. He pulled up into a parking space, looking around the parking lot for your obnoxious little car with its pink interior that he’d been thinking about since you took him to get his nose checked out. The break had healed nicely, unable to tell that two weeks prior, his nose had met with the fist of a grown man. Bradley sighed as he realized you weren’t here yet, adjusting his sunglasses in his rearview mirror. 
He didn’t date. 
It wasn’t his thing. 
The awkward small talk. The painful silences. The uncomfortable stage where you waited to see how the other person wanted to proceed, all for it to fall apart in the end anyway. He knew dates were just a stop gap to heartbreak. He was the expert, in fact. In the years since his marriage fell apart, he’d skipped dating all-together, resolving himself to one night stands and quick hookups as a means of bypassing the inevitable heartache he’d be faced with if he’d gone the dating route. 
After his marriage, he didn’t know what he wanted. He’d wanted kids, he thought, but then again, kids meant his career got less focus. Kids meant he’d have one of two choices — retire and become a picture-perfect dad, working a normal career and being the doting husband and father he knew he’d want to be, or, stay playing baseball, continue his dedication to his career, and always feel guilty for not being home, fielding the upset accusations of his wife, telling him he was doing it as an escape, running from his responsibilities. 
Being alone gave him freedom. It gave him the ability to further his career and focus his attention on whatever the fuck he wanted. And he liked it that way. 
However, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t stop you from occupy every thought that he had over the past two weeks. Being unable to play didn’t help — doctor’s orders had him benched for two weeks until his nose had healed. 
He’d attended practices, worked out at the gym a few extra times for good measure, and even took a guest spot in the commentator booth for a game over the past fourteen days to keep himself busy, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about you. 
Every time he thought he was comfortably distracted, focused on something else, his brain would circle back around, coming back to you each and every time.
It was exhausting.
He tried so hard to push it off. Too hard, in fact. As he sat in his Bronco, hands still drumming on the steering wheel as he listened to the radio, now blaring The Beach Boys through his car, he hummed along to the familiar tune, hoping that it would provide him a little reprieve from the all-encompassing thoughts of you. 
Just as he closed his eyes, letting his imagination take him to the beach, walking across the warm sand, cool waves lapping at his feet as he stepped towards the ocean, he heard a gentle tapping on his window. Snapping back to reality, his eyelids fluttered, eyes opening wide as he spotted you gently tapping your knuckles against the window. 
He turned the car off, pulling the keys out of the ignition and stuffing them into his pocket as he hopped out of the driver’s seat. Your warm, friendly smile was enough to make him weak in the knees and he could barely keep himself together when he saw you standing there in that sweet, pretty little sundress you were wearing. He just hoped that his light-washed denim jeans didn’t betray him and give away how tight they were getting.
“Thanks for inviting me out,” you smiled as you looked at Bradley, hand raised to gesture at his healing nose, “Looks like you healed up nicely, Bradshaw.” 
“Not having baseballs flying at my face for the last two weeks might have helped. Stayed out of bars too, wasn’t about to risk having another drunken baseball fan taking swings at me.”
“You just didn’t want to lose another bar fight, did you?” you teased, pursing your lips as you looked around at the pier. 
“There’s like four different restaurants here, I figured I’d let you take your pick. Reservations aren’t an issue,” Bradley explained calmly, giving his head a gentle nod as he surveyed the parking lot. 
“Wow, you have that much influence here? Aren’t they used to pro-athletes?”
“That’s not what I meant. I made reservations at all four. Just in case.”
“Wow, never had you pegged as a people pleaser, Bradley. I’m impressed.”
“I’m not,” he replied stubbornly, shaking his head. “I just didn’t want to pick something and find out you were deathly allergic to seafood or something. Killing you with a food allergy didn’t seem like an appropriate way to thank you for helping me the other night.”
“You’re right, unexpectedly poisoning me doesn’t sound like a good thank you. You’re in luck though, no food allergies.”
Bradley let out a sigh and looked around again, looking more vulnerable than ever. He looked uncomfortable, nervous even, and you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
“Steak?” You hummed, raising an eyebrow as you tried to break any tension between you. “I could go for steak.”
“Steak works,” he grumbled, nodding his head. He leaned in towards you, his lips just milimeters from your ear as he whispered softly, trying to be as quiet as possible before being spotted. 
“Photographers are over there, they’re gonna want to snap a few photos of us. Are you ok with that? We can either play it up or downplay it. Up to you. I can always walk in ahead of you if you don’t want the attention.”
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he whispered into your ear, the hairs on the back of your neck standing at full attention. Craning your neck to look above his shoulder, you spotted a white Escalade with a short, weasel of a man sitting in the front seat, camera poised and ready to capture a shot. Your eyes flitted back to Bradley as you nodded your head. 
“Give them a show,” you nodded, granting him permission to play up the dinner, “Maybe it’ll help stop people from watching you for a reaction now that your ex’s upcoming nuptials are plastered over every glossy magazine there is. I can’t even read Cosmo without seeing her—” 
Bradley grumbled something at you, interrupting your ramble. He took you by the hand and nodded his head, looking back over his shoulder towards the camera before his gaze landed on you once again. Before a word was spoken between the two of you, Bradley’s large hand was on the small of your back, pulling your body in against his. Lips pressed together, you felt your body melt back into his hand. 
Although you’d never admit it to his face, you’d thought about kissing Bradley Bradshaw’s lips over and over and over again since you met him two weeks ago. You’d thought a lot about Bradley, more than you’d care to admit. You thought about those large hands of his, picturing his rough, calloused palms cupping at your tits, feeling their weight as he gently squeezed at them. You’d pictured his lips on your skin, soft and slow, pressing hot kisses over every inch of exposed flesh, unable to keep his hands and mouth off of your body. 
Bradley Bradshaw had you tangled up in a crush that rivalled the ones you’d held in high school. And weirdly — you found yourself refusing to give it up. Since that night you dropped him off to get his nose examined, bloodied and battered and vulnerable in the passenger seat of your car - you’d been completely head over heels for him, whether you liked it or not. 
As Bradley’s calloused hand held yours, enveloping it in his large fingers, his expression softened, lips forming into a gentle smile. The two of you walked hand in hand towards the restaurant, with Bradley giving his name to the hostess as he approached. He gave another glance towards the photographer behind him, furiously snapping photographs from the seat of his car, headlines practically writing themselves in his eyes as he watched Bradley closely.
Bradley didn’t want to admit it, but you agreeing to give the press a little show was helping his career more than anything - appearing to be on a genuine date would help quell the rumours about his long-storied sexual escapades since his highly publicized divorce. 
When his marriage crumbled, he went through a series of bad decisions. His temper was already the stuff of legends in the game, with stories about locker room fights and fines for unsportsmanlike conduct, but those rumours proved true when his life began to fall apart around him. He’d been caught, on more than one occasion, with a pretty blonde in a compromising position with him. Dancing in bars, drunken stumbles in hotel lobbies, walks of shame the following morning. He’d earned the nickname Bradley “Hit-It-And-Quit-It” Bradshaw for crying out loud, and while it wasn’t something he was proud of, it sure wasn’t something he chose to dispute either. 
As Bradley tucked your chair in, he leaned down to whisper in your ear once again, his hand resting gently on your shoulder as he spoke. 
“Let me know if this gets uncomfortable for you,” he nodded slowly.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, shivers running up and down your spine. 
Bradley took the seat across from you, smiling politely at the waitress as she took your drink orders. Moments later, his hand wrapped around his beer glass, raising it to his lips as he took a long sip, the frothy head brushing against his mustache as the liquid passed his lips. He watched as you looked out at the pier, eyes gazing at the sunset over the horizon, the sky painted shades of pink and orange. 
“It’s nice view sitting here, isn’t it?” Bradley nodded in agreement as he spoke. “It’s my favourite. I haven’t come in a while though.”
An awkward silence washed over you both. 
The kind of silence that reminded Bradley why he hated dating.
An uncomfortable pause later, Bradley cleared his throat, nodding his head towards you as he forced an uneasy smile. You looked back at him, sensing his discomfort and wanting to smooth the tension as best as you could, you said the only thing that came to mind as a safe topic of discussion.
“Are you ready for the game tomorrow?” 
“Hmm? Yeah, yeah,” he nodded casually, sipping his drink. “I’m excited to be back on the roster. Did you hear the excuse they came up with for how I broke my nose? PR said a bar brawl wasn’t a good look, so they said I did it during practice.” He scoffed, laughing softly. 
“Practice? What’s the story they came up with?”
“Mhmm, said I missed a rogue line drive, caught it with my nose instead of my glove.”
You shook your head and laughed, cocking a manicured eyebrow up at Bradley as he spoke. Another awkward pause hung in the air as you took a sip from your wine glass. Your eyes drifted back to Bradley, sensing his nerves.
“Alright, enough of this,” you laughed, shaking your head, “Why do they call you Rooster?”
Bradley’s eyes went wide as he set his drink glass down on the table. His dark brown eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked at you. A strained laugh escaped his parted lips, his dark brown curls moving as he shook his head. 
“It’s not exactly dinner conversation,” he said simply.
“What—you’re joking,” you retorted with an incredulous laugh. “There’s no way.”
“‘Fraid so. Rooster Bradshaw. It’s not because I’m up early for practice every day.”
“It’s because you’ve got a big—”
“Not at dinner,” Bradley warned, shaking his head.
“So, the whole, you know,” you frowned slightly as you thought over how to word your inquiry, your voice dropping down to a whisper, “Bradley-hit-it-and-quit-it-Bradshaw thing, that’s connected to it?”
“Unfortunately,” Bradley grumbled, shaking his head, “It’s not something I’m proud of.”
Another awkward moment passed, the clinging of silverware against a dish was the only sound emitted from the two of you as you sat there. Between bites of steak and sips of wine, the odd question would slip out, basic small talk that no one enjoyed on dates, facts about the two of you that weren’t important to anyone. You had to remind yourself at several points that this was never a date - it was never intended to be. It was a thank-you. A half-hearted gesture of kindness from Bradley in exchange for you not running to the papers about his bar-room brawl and his broken nose. A gesture of thanks for not fuelling the already tainted reputation he had for himself. 
Between the breakdown of Bradley’s marriage, his subesquent outbursts that he was prone to devolve into at any time on and off the field, the heated locker room exchanges that got him traded between teams, and the now infamous, and probably over-dramatized accounts of his sexual conquests, his life was falling apart around him. You keeping his broken nose a secret was the first kind-hearted gesture anyone had made towards him in he didn’t know how long. 
All Bradley knew was, despite the clumsy awkwardness, the silences and pauses, the uncomfortable pressure he was putting on himself despite reminding himself it wasn’t a date. Bradley was left wondering. 
Maybe he wished it was. 
165 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Thinkin' 'Bout You, Part 3
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Infidelity. TOXIC FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, spanking, dirty talk, degradation kink, breeding kink if you squint, all consensual. Use of n-word. Referring to female anatomy as "she".
Summary: As a sneaky link, Stunna is highly demanding of your time. He doesn't care if you get caught; when he wants you, he wants you. Your man takes you to a neighborhood block party that you're determined to have fun. That is, until you're introduced to Stunna and his wife.
Word Count: 8,379k
The Secret Big Stunna Files | Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: I'm sorry!!! I didn't intend for this to be so long. Let's all say thank you to @planetblaque who always helps me achieve greatness with these ideas. I had a really suck ass day and this healed me. LOL Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot
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You haven’t seen Stunna in a little over two weeks. Lyin’ ass nigga. You were irritable and ornery. Your friends and your man noticed the difference in you and you blamed it on the planets. You blamed it on PMS. You blamed it on anything but that bum ass nigga who was just supposed to be a good time.
This nigga really had you checking your phone multiple times a day. Things between Malcolm and Stunna were ramping up. Both were on high alert and had been making moves on each side. You only knew this because your man was plugged into all that shit. He wasn’t a top dog but he wasn’t a corner boy either. 
He never mentioned Stunna by name but you knew that once you heard about Malcolm, Stunna was likely doing shit too. And fuck him, you missed him. 
You sucked your teeth for the hundredth time as you got ready for this funky ass block party. You were not in the mood to be around others nor were you into being shown around like a pony. It was the one area where you and your man did argue. It was like he was with you just to show his boys that he could get with you. Which was wild, because he wasn’t ugly. Not by a long shot. 
You finished with your hair and makeup and looked at your stank face in the mirror. This was such bullshit. Stunna was not your man. He had an entire wife that he was likely dicking down, cooking for, and showering with presents. The more you thought about it, the more you got mad irrationally. There was no way you were catching feelings for this nigga.
You were just addicted to his dick. Addicted to the way he held you like he loved you but fucked you like he hated you. Your man was too gentle for that and it was why you loved him. But why was it so hard to get fucked? 
Your pussy was mad. That’s what it was. Your pussy was calling the shots. “Guess what bitch, you belong to me,” you said. You took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“You are that bitch!” You told yourself. It sounded silly the first few times you tried this, but you found that the more you practiced, the more your brain listened and you truly felt like that bitch. You had two niggas sprung off of you. Not many could say that and not get caught up. 
You looked at your outfit on the bed. Some silly jeans and tank combo that would have looked great on you. You didn’t want to look great. You wanted to look fuckable. You had been telling yourself that time with Stunna was limited anyway. Stunna going silent on you was the best thing that could have happened. 
The trash took itself out and now you could focus on your man. Focus on getting him so hot and bothered that you cut out of the stupid ass block party early. You wanted him to be desperate to rip your clothes off. To push past that little hint of shyness he clung to in the bedroom. 
You flipped through your closet as your man came into the room. “Is you ready yet?” He asked.
“Not yet. Changed my mind on my outfit,” you said.
“Gah damn! You been getting ready all day!” He said. He sucked his teeth and went back to his phone. Always on his damn phone. If he wasn’t so shy, you’d swear that he was cheating. He had the better morals of you two. And you would not pick an imaginary fight just because you were missing dick that was never yours to begin with. 
You walked over to him in your dark silky panties and pressed your chest against his clothed one. “We could always stay home and have some fun,” you said. You rubbed his arms and he let out a slow breath.
“Fuck, don’t do this to me,” he said. He kissed your cheek. “I would love to take care of that. But if I don’t show my face, I ain’t family. And you do not wanna know how these niggas treat you when you ain’t family,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes and peeled yourself off of him. “Come on, babe, don’t do that,” he pleaded. 
He stepped forward but you lifted a hand. “Bye nigga, let me finish getting ready,” you said. You wouldn’t look at him until he sucked his teeth and went back out into the living room. You closed the door behind him with a sigh. 
Was there a way to combine your man and Stunna? Stunna’s desperate neediness and your man’s quiet consideration? You liked cuddles and shit, being wrapped up in your man’s arms. But you also liked getting the coins knocked out of you. 
Decisions, decisions. Maybe it was time to move on from your man. You hated to have to kick him out. You couldn’t afford this place on your own and you doubted that you’d find a new man willing to pay all your bills and not wanna move in. You loved Nandi but you could not have her as a roommate. Shit. 
Now you were back in a funk as you searched through your clothes. Hanger after hanger and none of the shit felt right. Looked right. If your man didn’t want to suck the jelly out of your pussy, then you would make that nigga jealous. Make sure everyone else at the block party was thirsting after you whether they had someone or not. 
Your hand stopped on a bodycon dress. Army green and ribbed. Halter neckline. Ouuu. You stared at it. You were supposed to wear this around Stunna. You used the money he gave you to buy yourself a number of dresses, sexy panties, and a few pairs of shoes. Things that you could take pictures of yourself in or have him appreciate for half a second before he was lowering you on his dick. 
Well, the nigga ain’t come around. And was your life supposed to stop simply because he couldn’t be bothered to text? All that “miss you so much baby, can’t wait to get in that pussy baby” shit was all a fucking lie. 
Your phone chimed from your dresser. You lifted the dress out of your closet and brought it over to the mirror. You placed it in front of you to see how your body was looking and if you wanted to wear it. You peeped your phone.
Satan: where you at, babygirl? 💦
You stared at the screen debating if you should answer or not. This was your big chance to end it for good. He couldn’t have possibly thought that you were going to come running whenever he snapped his fingers. Or in this case, hit you up like everything was fine. 
He had you out here acting out of character for dick. It was good dick, mind you. Phenomenal dick. But not enough to make you forget who the fuck you were. 
You: out.
The three dots on your screen started up immediately and you muted his conversation. The nigga could be mad. At the end of the day, he didn’t know where you were and he wasn’t going to show up while your man was here. Stunna was a lot of things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. 
You grinned as you threw on the dress, feeling immediately sexy in it. You bought it with money that wasn’t yours and you looked incredible in it. Your ass was fat and you played with your butt, looking back at yourself in the mirror to watch it jiggle. All you were missing was Megan Thee Stallion pumping through your speaker. 
However, your man nixed that while you were getting ready. You typically wouldn’t let a man tell you what to do, but he did make sense. When the queen was on, it added at least one more hour to you getting ready. 
You bent over in your closet to find some all white sneakers you could throw on. You had an anklet that you got on a girl’s trip to New Orleans and you wrapped the shiny green beads around your right ankle. 
You found a shredded jean jacket in your closet and tossed it on. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you looked good and felt good. Your hair was in an updo and doing what it do nicely. Your makeup was flawless. You felt so pretty. Fuck all these niggas.
Weak as you were though, you couldn’t help flipping your phone back over to see the dozens of texts from Stunna.
Satan: out where?
Satan: baby?
Satan: You see me texting yo ass.
Satan: I know I been gone, but cmon
Satan: really? This what we doin’?
Satan: out where? 
He began to call you by your name in the thread, getting more and more agitated the longer he didn’t receive a response. Good. Let the brat know how it feels to be ignored. Let’s not forget, he was not your man. 
You left the room, putting your phone in your pocket. “Okay, ready,” you said. Your man got off of the couch and that damn phone. He whistled as he looked at your outfit. 
“Damn, you look good!” He said.
“Yeah, I know,” you said. You opened the front door and descended the steps. It was a nice, breezy night for once. The heat from earlier didn’t want to lose its grip, so it was a welcome change to the unseasonable chill. 
“C’mon girl, you gon’ be mad at me all night?” He asked.
“Maybe,” you said. You folded your arms across your chest and waited for him to lock up behind you. You weren’t really that upset that he didn’t want to stay home instead. It was that at the end of the day, he was always going to run behind his friends than cater to you.
Women were always expected to drop everything for their man. To fall on the proverbial sword time and time again to lift him up to greatness. Where were the niggas that…liked women? 
Niggas fuck with women, tough. It’s some type of rite of passage to get a girlfriend, treat her nice, get some loving. But it was always an argument outside of that. Where to eat, what to do. And when you made a fuss that you actually had interests that did not involve watching niggas play 2k with their boys on the mic, suddenly you were nagging too much and needed to go sit down.
The system was fucking broken. Niggas got their freedom and acted the fuck up. You knew it wasn’t all niggas. But you were damn tired of searching through the haystack for a good needle.
Finished, he moved beside you and grabbed your hand. You snatched it back and took off down the street. The block party wasn’t too far so you didn’t have to worry about sweating out your hair and makeup. But it was a brisk walk that you set. Maybe the exercise would burn off this lingering pressure.
Pressure that felt like you were going to combust from not getting some dick. Not even your man touched you. Because you were in such a pouty mood over Stunna’s dumb ass. 
The further you walked, you heard music and laughter. Seasoned aromas from the grill made your mouth water as you thought of what you would get. Some ribs? Chicken? You couldn’t decide as your stomach rumbled letting you know that it was past time to eat. 
Your man put his arm around you, pretending to his boys that all was fine and that you were the love of his life. Sometimes you don't feel like it. You let him though. It was easier than listening to him bitch and complain later that night. 
The party seemed to ramp up as true night made everyone relax and hang out. The music was thumping and people were greeting each other, playing spades in the corner, or talkin’ shit. You spotted Nandi and Brooke over by the drinks and you kissed your man’s cheek and told him where you were going. 
“Girl, what’s wrong with you now?” Brooke asked.
“What are you talking about?” You asked. You grabbed some Hennessy off of the table and poured a generous amount. You took a sip, letting the sweet cognac burn your throat. 
“Yo ass always got a damn attitude now, snapping at people and shit.” Nandi held her hand out for the Henny and you handed it to her. 
“I just be going through shit!” You said. You sipped more and the alcohol slowly worked through your system. Your shoulders loosened up and you swayed to the music. You may have drunk it a little too fast, but that was okay. You’ll get something to eat and it'll balance itself out. 
“Shit like what?” Nandi asked. 
You felt cornered by your girls and you eyed them both. The urge to spill everything was strong. Strong enough that you even opened your mouth but you resisted at the last moment. You sipped your drink and looked around for the food. 
“Just shit,” you sighed.
Brooke looped her arm through yours and you walked as a trio towards the food. Heavenly aromas of chicken and ribs made your mouth water. The mac n cheese was almost gone so you knew it must’ve been fire. 
“You gotta stop keeping stuff bottled up inside. That’s why ya ass mad all the time,” Nandi said.
“Mhm, that’s right. You know we got you!” Brooke said and shook you. You giggled even though you weren’t truly up to it. You didn’t want them to worry about you. 
“I’m fine, I promise. I’m just sick of my man sometimes,” you confessed. There, they could chew on that. 
“You know he treat you good, which is rare these days,” Brooke said.
“Preach on it!” Nandi raised her hand as if she was in church and agreed. You giggled and shook your heads at them. It was hard to be in a pissy mood when they were around. 
You had managed to avoid checking your phone all night. You were sure Stunna sent all kinds of nasty messages calling you out of your name. Not knowing what he said was giving you a power trip. He could have gone radio silent. He could be fuming. The world would never know.
For the first time in two weeks, that boulder on your back felt lighter. You grinned at your friends, letting the alcohol give you a bit of “fuck it” attitude. Your man dragged you to this bullshit but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have fun.
“Uh oh, we in trouble,” Brooke said. 
Nandi called you by your nickname, the one that meant no responsibilities. Or a fake name you gave to dusty niggas who were only entertaining for an hour. You grabbed a plate of food, the steam reaching through the styrofoam plate. 
You sat and chit-chatted with your girls, cleaning your plate clean. Then you grabbed another drink and headed to the middle of the street, singing and rapping along to the current song. 
You had drawn a small crowd, people following your lead to dance. A circle formed with people taking turns showing off their moves. Choruses of “ayes” and “okays” were chanted in unison, turning it into a giant communal experience. 
Someone tapped on your shoulder and you turned to see your boyfriend. “Hey baby!” You said. You threw your hands around his neck and kissed him sloppily. He kissed you back, chuckling at your changing attitude. 
“Feelin’ good off that drink, huh?” He asked. 
“Real good,” you slurred slightly. Your eyes were half mast and you were swaying to the music. You were glad you wore sneakers. Trying to be cute while gone on the drink was not a sexy combination. 
“Come on, I want you to meet some of my peoples,” he said. 
You sighed and stomped your foot. “But I’m having fun!” You said. 
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s real quick, I promise,” he said. He kissed your cheek and you groaned. 
“Fine,” you said. You told your girls that you’d be right back and they better hold your spot. They giggled and agreed, telling you to hurry back.
Your man held your hand as you walked onto the sidewalk. You walked towards a couple. There was a plump woman with beautiful curly hair, a dark pink shirt and leggings. The man wore a gray Henley with the top two buttons undone. The sleeves were pulled up on his forearms. A gold chain sparkled every so often as the street lamps hit it.
“Baby, this is LaTrice and her husband Big Stunna,” your man said.
Your breath seized in your chest. You would have coughed if you had any air in your lungs. Your lips stretched into a smile as you shook hands with LaTrice. “Nice to meet you,” you said. 
It was only by experience and repetition that made you recite the words automatically. She smiled at you. “I love your hair,” you said and grinned. 
“Thank you! I love yours!” She said. 
Stunna’s hand was warm in yours. Even smack in the middle of your significant others, he held on a second too long. “Nice to meet you too,” you said. You kept eye contact with him to a minimum.
The alcohol in your gut turned sour as you ran your tongue across your teeth. Your heart beat thundered in your chest. Your man pulled you into his side and you wrapped your arm around his middle and damn near leaned your head on his shoulder.
“We know each other from way back on the block. LaTrice didn’t play that shit. You weren’t gonna bully her,” your man was saying.
“Damn right. Fuck anyone who try,” she said. She fist-bumped your man and you smiled. 
“You must have embarrassing stories about him from way back when,” you said. As long as you focused on LaTrice, you were okay. You were vibrating with energy. There was unrestrained anger, irrational jealousy, and outright longing. You just wanted to sink into Stunna’s arms and breath in his delicious cologne. 
He looked damn, fucking good too. That Henley and chain combo was doing wonders on your body. Hearing him laugh was making your pussy throb and thighs clench. You crossed your legs and then immediately uncrossed them. You didn’t want Stunna to get the wrong impression. 
LaTrice pulled a few stories out about your man and you teased him, throwing extras on it. You poked at his cheek and hip bumped him. You squeezed his cheeks and planted a little kiss there at all the stories LaTrice told you.
You weren’t doing it to make Stunna mad. Okay, you weren’t only doing it to make Stunna mad. You were a little too gone, tipsy on its way to drunk, and you couldn’t help feeling up on him. You damn sure couldn’t do it to Stunna. 
“So what do you do?” Stunna asked you.
You were forced to look at him. The venom in his eyes could fell a horse. You swallowed a painful lump in your throat and you cleared it by drinking more. Stunna brought his own cup to his face. 
He threw his arm around LaTrice and hugged her close. You explained your shit job and downplayed the description. It wasn’t a glamorous job and it didn’t really matter because he already knew this shit. 
Fucking bastard. You licked your lips and tangled your hand with your mans. “Baby, I need another drink,” you said. 
Your man looked like he wanted to die. As if you were committing some kind of grievous sin by asking for a drink around Stunna. Yeah, yeah, you knew the mu’fucka was important. Didn’t mean shit. Your other personality was out tonight and she was still in “fuck it” mode. 
“Ya’ll have a good evening,” Stunna said. His eyes were for you though. He was not smiling. You smiled sweetly. 
“It was great meeting you both!” You said. You turned away with your man and walked down the street toward the drink table.
“Yo, what the fuck?” Your man asked, as soon as you were out of earshot of Stunna and his wife. 
“What?” You asked. 
You poured yourself some more drink. As you did, your traitorous eyes went in search of Stunna. He was already facing you. He had positioned himself to stand facing the street. His boys were talking to him, but he was drinking from his red cup and eyeing you.
You turned away to look at your man, already sipping your own drink. Maybe you could drink enough to bypass the horny. You were already planning to ambush your man after this was over and finally get some dick. But after seeing Stunna…
“You know what! I’m trynna introduce you to my world and you off being rude and shit. Those people are important! You can’t just worry ‘bout yourself when they around!” 
You waved your hand at him. “Back up, nigga and quit talkin’ to me like that,” you said. “I don’t give a fuck who it is!” 
“You need to. Because all that money you like spending? Come from him,” he said.
Your face split open and you started to snicker. Stunna was paying for your lifestyle twice. It really shouldn’t be funny. You did really feel bad about stepping out on your man. There was no excuse for it. 
But your man just had no fucking idea. You looked back towards Stunna who was still watching you like a hawk. You leaned closer to your man. “You know I appreciate everything you do for me, baby,” you said.
You tried to kiss his cheek to put on a good show for Stunna. Your man moved his cheek at the last moment. “I fuckin’ hate when you get drunk,” he said. 
“I just fuckin’ hate you. You bummy ass nigga,” you said. 
“You just get mean. You can’t handle that shit. You need to figure out why you chasin’ that shit so hard,” he said.
“Say another fuckin’ word,” you said. Your words were slow and measured. 
“You’re a mean ass drunk!” He said. 
You laughed and got closer to him. “Don’t bring yo ass home tonight,” you said. You walked away, walking back over to your girls and the music. You were out of Stunna’s eyesight. You were burning.
Fire danced just beneath your skin. The Henny made a dangerous cocktail in your gut. You were horny as hell, pussy throbbing and aching just from looking at Stunna. But you were also mad as hell. Why were you trying so hard to make this shit work with your man?
You were clearly total opposites. Wanting different things. Hell, he looked dead at yo ass in your panties and no bra and thought, “Time to go be with my niggas.” What? All this ass and…nothing? 
You told your friends what happened and a chorus of, “Fuck that nigga” rang out. You agreed. But it did nothing to put out the fire inside you. 
You just needed relief! You needed that sweet relief that came from a thorough claiming. You were sweating as if you ran a marathon but you refused to take off your jacket. You didn’t want Stunna walking by to stare at what wasn’t his.
You sighed as you pulled out your phone.
Satan: OH, like that?
Satan: You gon’ wear the dress I got you for that nigga? Kissin’ on him all in my fucki’n face??
Satan: Just ain’t gon’ answer me, now? That’s what we doin’? 
You put the phone away and focused on your girls. You were going to have fun and that was all there was to it. The music turned up louder, the circle still going. You hopped in the middle and began to twerk, shaking your ass and putting the bodycon to good use. You knew your ass was jiggling in all of the right ways. 
When you left the circle, your eyes immediately found Stunna. He was standing with LaTrice with his arm around her and sipping out of his red cup. You wiped the sweat from your brow and rolled your eyes.
Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. 
You cheered your girls on as they danced but you were starting to get woozy from the drink. You stumbled over to the drink table, grabbing some water. 
“Say what’s up shawty.” You looked up and scrunched up your face. A dusty mu’fucka dared to talk to you. His teeth were yellow and stained brown, crooked, and his nose went in the opposite direction of where it should be. His outfit was a size too big, hanging off of his thin frame. 
“The sky, nigga,” you said and sucked down the water. 
He sucked his teeth and called you a bitch. Whatever. You stumbled closer to the nearest house so you could lean against it. Your eyes were crossing. The ground was spinning beneath you. You put the cool water bottle against your forehead. 
“Shit,” you groaned. You did drink too much. Henny always made you act the fuck up. And you always regretted it. And yet, when you went out to a function again, Henny was the first thing you reached for. 
You took deep breaths until the lights stopped spinning in front of you. You lost track of Stunna. Wherever he was, you knew he was wrapped around LaTrice. You had no right to be jealous but you were. You wanted to be tucked under his arm. Shown around by him.
It was corny when your man did it but if Stunna did it, you’d preen and giggle like a schoolgirl. 
You stood up, ready to head back to your girls when something gripped your hand and yanked. You took a deep breath, ready to scream. 
“Shhhh,” Stunna said. His other hand covered your mouth to prevent you from screaming and giving yourself away. 
He pulled you in between houses, past the gated fence, and into a random neighbor’s backyard. There was a tiny shed back there with a door already propped open. You struggled against Stunna’s hold but he held firm. 
He tossed you inside the shed and you stumbled over boxes and knick knacks on the ground. There was a table in the back filled with various tools. Stunna closed the door, shrouding you in total darkness. 
“Turn on the light,” you said.
“No. Fuck you think you doin’?” He asked. 
You could only rely on your intuition and the scent of his cologne as he crowded your space. “Move nigga!” You screamed, pushing against his chest. He barrelled forward until your ass pressed against the table.
“You don’t answer my fuckin’ text messages and then you show up here with that nigga?” He asked.
“That nigga is my man! You are not!” You pushed against him again, but your mind was back to swirling. Tipping. It was somehow worse in the dark. Robbed of sight to keep your equilibrium, the ground felt shakier than ever. 
“Fuck that and you know it!” He yelled. 
“Fuck you, Stunna! You’re here with your whole ass wife! What, you was gon’ fuck me on your way to the block party? Make LaTrice sit out in the car while I suck your dick?” 
You placed your hands behind you, to steady yourself on the table. It was still in use so it wasn’t overly dusty, but it was still gross. You hated this. You hated being so near him and couldn’t claim him. Couldn’t name these feelings inside.
“And if I did? Your little ass belong to me,” he said. His hand found your throat and you hated how you responded. Hated that your eyes crossed and thighs clenched. 
“I don’t belong to shit,” you said. 
“Mhm, bet you if I lift this dress, that pussy gon’ be singing for me,” he said. He brought his lips close to yours but didn’t kiss you. He smelled like he drank just as much as you did tonight. 
Your hands gripped his wrist. His smooth skin was hot to the touch. “Stunna, this is fucked up,” you said.
“You sayin’ I’m lying?” His lips moved against yours as he spoke. He was so damn close. He breathed out and you breathed in. It made it dirtier and naughtier that you couldn’t see him. 
“Tell me I’m lyin’ and I’ll leave this mu’fucka right now. Tell me you ain’t fuckin’ dripping under that sexy ass dress. Shaking that ass that’s meant for me. You know I’on like that shit,” he whispered. 
“This is my dress, Stunna.” You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t even lie. “Where’s LaTrice?” 
“Answer my fuckin’ questions!” He slammed the table behind you and you flinched away. He still held you by the throat so you couldn’t escape him. Lord above help you, but you were even wetter. 
“I’m not answering shit, nigga!” You yelled. 
He chuckled and a fan of sweet alcohol fell across your face. He finally kissed you roughly, pressing his lips to yours enough to bend your head back painfully. You melted instantly, moaning and leaning into the kiss.
He pulled away just as roughly and sneered. “Tell me you want me to rock that shit,” he said. He placed his forehead against yours and breathed for a few moments.
You wished you could see his face. You wished you could see him in the light of day. But it would always be sneaking around with him.
“Fuck you, Stunna,” you said. You reached down to feel his chest. Lowered your hand until you were cupping him. He groaned from the contact. He was already so long and thick. His erection was straining against his jeans and you moaned. 
He began to kiss you again, moving his hand from your throat. He gripped and squeezed your booty, molding his big hands to the globe of your ass. You moaned, finally feeling some kind of comfort. Some kind of proof that you meant something to somebody. 
His tongue was thick against yours, exploring every corner of your mouth. You heated up for entirely different reasons. He moaned into the kiss, stepping closer. His erection pressed against your belly and you moaned.
Your pussy already clenched, thinking of that dick sliding inside of you. 
As he kissed you, his hands slid your dress up. You helped him and moaned when cold air hit your legs. He moved his hands beneath your panties, growling at finding it wet. “Knew yo ass was fuckin’ soaked.” 
“You know Henny makes me horny,” you said.
“I make you fuckin’ horny. Quit playin’ with me,” he said.
“Know your lane,” you said. He chuckled and kissed you again, sweet this time. You didn’t want sweet. You bit his lip and he hissed, jerking back from you.
He was right back to kissing you with more force. He lifted you and helped you sit on the table. You dangled off of the edge. He scooted in between your legs. “My lane is between these thighs. My lane is making you scream my name while I’m in that shit,” he whispered against your lips. He trailed kisses down your neck. He unzipped his pants and lowered them, scooting you closer to the edge.
He placed his mouth over your titty through the fabric and he bit down enough to tug on your nipple. “Oh fuck!” 
He pulled your panties to the side and then you were gasping at the fullness of him. The sheer magnitude of being filled with him. This was also a new position for you. He had bent you in so many ways before, but it was never this intimate. This close. Pressed chest to chest and breathing each other in. 
He began to rock inside of you, pulling all the way out and then slamming back in. “Daddy’s sorry,” he said. 
“Fuck!” You cried out. Your thighs tingled as you locked them around his waist. He pressed sweet kisses to your forehead, cheeks, and lips. You held on to his shoulders because right now, that was the only solid thing for you. In the darkness, you didn’t know which way was up or down. There was just him. 
“I know this little attitude is because you’re mad at me. Because I promised to deliver and I dipped. I had to take care of some business but I won’t be gone that long no more,” he said. 
As he spoke, he rammed inside of you, sliding with ease aided by your horniness and the alcohol. 
“You can’t promise that,” you said. “Ouue, shit.”
How did he make every glide seem different? Every hip thrust a different word, every groan a different tune? You felt weightless, gone off of the Henny as you were, but you were also attuned to everything he was doing. Moving. Saying.
“I can. And I’m sayin’ I’m sorry. That Daddy gon’ stick around and take care of his princess,” he said. 
You moved your hands down to press against his chest. He knew he was swinging too much dick to be going at this type of pace. He moved your hand and placed it behind you, using force to keep your hand where he wanted it. 
“Fuck you, I got a man,” you said. Stunna switched up his strokes so that he seemed to hit deeper and you cried out, throwing your head back.
“Yeah, me,” he said. He pressed his lips against yours and you were both fighting for control. Fighting with wet, sloppy kisses to see who would win out on top. Mama ain’t raise a quitter, so even as he tried his hardest to make you fold, you wouldn’t.
Not until he gave up control of your hands and brought those long fingers to your clit. You were already coasting close to your orgasm but you were holding it at bay. Too focused on making him see that you didn’t belong to each other. 
He hissed and moaned when he made contact and you were gone, clutching to him and screaming out your orgasm.
“Say my name, baby. I’m the one making you feel this,” he said. He continued to flick your clit as you convulsed and broke. Shattered. 
“Fuck! Stunna!” You finally relented. Let him have this fucking victory. Let him have it all. If only he could keep doing this. Keep bringing you to the edge over and over again and letting you fall over it safely into his arms. 
“Sound so pretty when you cum. Daddy gon’ make it up to you. Can you get away tonight?” 
You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t. But your other persona was still out, still riding the drink, so you nodded. “I’ll have the house to myself,” you said. 
He continued to ram into you chasing his own pleasure while you were still trying to recover from yours. He kissed you, sloppy again until he was moaning and releasing inside of you. He pumped a few more times as if he wanted to keep it all in there with just the power of his dick.
You giggled a bit and stilled, dick convulsing. “What’s so funny?” 
You goofily told him and he chuckled, kissing your forehead. “Goofy ass. I’ll see you in an hour,” he said. He kissed you as he slipped out of you. He kissed you while he zipped himself back up. He kissed you while he moved your panties and helped you off of the table. 
He cupped your face in his warm hands and kissed you, tongue licking your lips. “An hour,” he said.
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up,” you said. 
He left first, slipping out of the shed and back into the thunderous noise of the party. You stayed behind, five minutes and then ten minutes. You were still trying to catch your breath. Still trying to piece yourself back together after finally getting what you wanted. 
At what cost though?
When you were sure that you could walk without falling, you left the shed and closed the door behind you. The party was starting to wind down anyway. Your friends were dancing on random men so you didn’t bother saying bye. You didn’t see your man either. Good fucking riddance. Asshole.
You walked home in a dreamy haze, the alcohol still buzzing through your veins. You overindulged, that was on you. But you were also finally getting a night with Stunna. An entire night where you could find and lose each other’s bodies over and over again. 
Making it home, you entered the house and locked it behind you. You had some time before Stunna showed up, so you stripped down to your bra and panties, threw on some good R&B music, and dipped into your personal stash of Hennessy.
You were swaying to the music when you heard the soft knock on your back door. You crept to it and peeked behind the curtain. Stunna stood there in all his glory, that Henley was still doing wonders on you even though you already got your orgasm. 
As soon as you let him in, he grabbed the drink from your hand and shot it back. “I could have poured you one,” you said. 
“What’s yours is mine,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. He was still trying to push that he was your man. Despite showing his wife all around the block. But you weren’t here to argue. You weren’t here to lie. 
You walked into his arms and tilted your head up. He grinned, wrapping his hands around your waist, fingers sliding down to grip your ass. “You forgive me?” He asked.
“Nope. I’m trynna see what apology dick feel like,” you said. He laughed, throwing his head back. You cherished the sight. 
He swayed to the music, dancing with you. You put your head on his chest and rocked with him. The music filled you up like water pouring from a cup. But there was a deep urge, a yearning to consume him. 
You pulled him by the hand towards the back bedroom. You had kept all the lights off in the house. Not that you were trying to hide what was going on in here, by much. But you had found something in the darkness with him and you wanted to know if it was still there. 
In the bedroom, moonlight slanted through your blinds illuminating part of the bed. Stunna was mostly in shadow as he stood beside you. Part of his face was brightened by the moonlight and you took a moment to breathe him in. Take your time. If one night was all you had like this, then you wanted to make it last.
“Apology dick huh?” He asked.
You nodded. “I kinda like you sayin’ sorry for once,” you said. 
He laughed and pulled you closer, wrapping his hands around you once more. He kissed you and nibbled on your lips. “I am very, truly, deeply sorry,” he said. He slowly pronounced each word so there was no confusion.
He cupped your cheeks and kissed both sides, both of your eyes, across your forehead, and finished on your lips. He kissed both of your hands, bringing it to his lips with a quiet sigh. He dropped down to his knees and kissed your bare tummy, lips tickling you as he spoke. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for making you worry.” 
He pulled your panties down and helped you step out of them. He kissed your thighs and then gently pushed you onto the bed. You sat down and he grabbed your feet, fiddled with your anklet with a smile and then planted soft kisses there and then rubbed them.
You moaned and closed your eyes. You didn’t think that your feet hurt all that much. You wore comfortable sneakers. But his thumb pressed into your arch and your back curved, thrusting your titties out. 
He spread your legs and then set to work taking off his shirt. He kneeled closer, breathing deeply. His tongue darted out and began to lick and tease your entrance. He used his hands to spread you open, bare yourself in the most primal of ways.
He glanced up at you and you grinned at him. He then got to work eating you out like it was his entire reason for breathing. His lips teased your clit. His tongue darted in and out of your entrance. You were a moaning, crooning, sloppy mess under his masterful tongue. 
Your fingers slid into his hair and tugged and pulled as you licked your dry lips and caved to the unrelenting pleasure. He made out with your pussy. So much so, you half thought you were intruding on a private moment. 
You sat up a little to look at him at work. It was like he was praying between your thighs. On his knees, devoted to your pleasure. He worshiped at your altar, moaned hymns into your pussy, and gave offerings with his tongue.
One of his hands left you and you heard his zipper get pulled down. He moaned and the vibrations tickled your clit. His arm jerked as he pleasured himself while he made out with your pussy.
Your pussy fluttered and a moment later, you were clinging to his head as you smashed your pussy into his face, cumming without abandon. You screamed and cried out, shaking and trembling with pleasure.
Stunna stood up, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. His chain looked damn good around his throat. He stepped out of his shoes, pants, and briefs. He made you sit up so he could take your bra off.
“Forgive me?” He asked.
“I ain’t heard no apology,” you mumbled. 
“Like that?” He asked. “Yo little bratty ass get on my fuckin’ nerves.” He smiled but you knew that you really did get on his fuckin’ nerves. It should make you want to behave. He was really good when you behaved. 
Before you could respond, he grabbed your ankles and yanked you further down the bed. You yelped and giggled as his gaze turned feral. His eyes were drooping, smiling out the corner of his mouth. 
He pulled your legs up higher to rest on his shoulders. Your toes barely reached behind his neck. He lined himself up dipping into your pussy once, twice, and then slammed in on the third one.
“Shit!” You yelled. You dug your elbows into the mattress to try and get up. He held firm to your thighs. 
Then he pushed forward, your knees grazing your chest. You heaved but couldn’t find enough air. “St-Stu-” 
“I missed you too, baby. Now accept my goddamn apology,” he said. He rammed inside you. 
Your eyes crossed and your body drooped down onto the bed, all the fight leaving you. He smacked your face, a tiny sting bringing you back to the present. “You gon’ accept my apology?”
“Nuh,” you moaned. He couldn’t expect you to speak while he had you in this position. He already fit snug as a bug, but now he felt even tighter. Your pussy sucked him in and didn’t let go. Didn’t want to let him go. 
He had to feel the quake in your thighs. See the desperation on your face. The way you gasped and wailed for air. 
“Grippin’ the fuck outta this dick. Fuck! Missed this fuckin’ pussy. Daddy missed the fuck outta this pussy,” he moaned. 
Tears sprang to your eyes as you needed air but needed to cum even more. He pushed forward still, rutting inside of you. His chain bounced on his chest with the force of his thrusts. Your legs had no choice but to bend and open wide to accommodate him. He pushed your thighs as far back as they could go. Damn near touching the bed.
Stunna moved his face towards your titties, suckling them into his mouth and pulling.
“Stunna! Stunna! Fuck, that shit hurt!” You yelled. Hurt and felt so good, so magical. The bite of pain was its own shot of alcohol. He lifted his head and watched your eyes get watery. 
“Accept my fuckin’ apology,” he said.
“No-o,” you moaned. 
He increased the pressure of his thrusts, slamming into you with force. You scooted up the bed with each intense stroke. Pressure built up in your hips. Your hearing went out one ear. A tinny ring fought for dominance in your mind but you could only focus on that elusive feeling. 
That whisper of an orgasm. The calm before the storm. 
His balls slapped your ass. Your essence pooled out of you and soaked your thighs. Made a mess on the sheets. His grunting joined the fray. The moonlight caught glimpses of his sweat pouring down his face.
“You ain’t gettin’ this nut till you accept my goddamn apology,” he said. He started to slow down, slowing his strokes but they were no less powerful. That whisper was starting to drift on the wind.
“Wait!” You said. 
“Yo hungry ass want this nut, don’t you?” He asked.
“Been needin’ this nut so you can act right, huh?” His hips dipped with his stroke and you moaned.
“Yes! Fuck!” You cried and bounced on his dick, needing him to go faster. He was already impossibly deep, the Henny making him last longer like a little demon. 
“You gon’ answer my texts?” He asked.
“Stunna, please, baby. Please! I’ll be good,” you whined. You didn’t know how the balance of power shifted. You didn’t know where you lost him. Perhaps he was just out of apologies to dole out, not used to the word falling from his lips. 
He slipped out of you and you cried out, reaching for his hands to pull him back towards you. He grinned evilly and stroked himself a few times before joining you on the bed. 
He laid down on his side and then pulled your right leg up. His right arm came around to keep it up. Satisfied that you would keep your leg in the air, he grabbed his dick and slapped it against your pussy.
The wet smacks and hint of pain made you moan and bite your lip. “You gon’ answer my texts,” he said, his voice raspy and low. He slid inside you and you groaned. 
His arm came up to pinch your nipples, tugging on them as he started to move faster, slide in deeper. He pulled a little too hard and you cried. “Yes! Daddy, fuck! Yes, I’ll answer your texts!” 
“All of my texts. Don’t you ever leave me on read again,” his pants blew across your ears as he slammed inside of you. He moaned and groaned, couldn’t help his dick from burrowing inside you and carving a space with his name on it. 
“I won’t!” You moaned.
He moved his hand to your mouth, pushing three fingers inside. You happily sucked on his fingers, your head growing fuzzier. 
“Shh, Daddy’s talkin’,” he said. 
Your wet gulps and moans quieted down as he kept going. “You’re my fuckin’ bitch. And when I wanna get in this pussy, ain’t shit you can do to stop me. If I wanna fuck you before a party and got LaTrice outside in the whip, the fuck you gon’ do?” 
Oh god. You were on that precipice again. Your lower belly ached. Pussy throbbed. Talk of his wife waiting outside while he fucked you stupid should not turn you on. And yet you were leaping off of the cliff.
Your body was soaring, flying, so high in the sky that you couldn’t see the bottom anymore. He moved his fingers away so he could hear your cursing, moaning, and screaming as you flooded his dick with your essence. Your whole body shook and convulsed. 
Stunna wrapped his hand around your throat and thrust in earnest. You thought he was already hitting your shit, but he got up on his elbow and thrust as if there was no end in sight. As if you could consume him. Gobble him up. 
“Accept my fuckin’ apology,” he screamed in your ear.
“I forgive you!” You managed to say around the hand on your throat. 
Like it was the starting whistle, Stunna moaned and pushed inside, climaxing. His eyes rolled back, mouth open wide, as a shiver overtook him. Like he had been tense these past two weeks, bottled up, and found heaven as he came.
“Sheeit,” you whined as you felt his dick pulse and stuff you to the brim. 
Stunna shook himself and slipped out, lifting up higher so he could watch his cum slip out. “Goddamn, babygirl,” he said. His cum continued to leak out and he groaned, pushing himself back in.
“St-Stunna!” You cried.
“I know baby, I can’t help it,” he said. He kissed your cheek and moved down to your neck, sucking on the tender meat.
Stunna eventually stilled, slipping back out and laying back against the sheets. The moonlight hit him just so and you sighed, both at the picture and the intense moment. 
You couldn’t move. You were blissfully fucked out, pleasantly sore, and so deliriously happy you had no words. 
Stunna stared at the ceiling with you, too busy gasping for air to say much of anything as well.
The moment didn’t need words. It transcended them. You always thought it was bullshit that you shared energy when you had sex. The shit just always felt good. But with Stunna, it was incredible. Mind-blowing. There was definitely a give and take of energies. You just weren’t sure what you would gain from him or what he took from you.
Stunna snaked his hand down towards you to tangle his hand with yours. You smiled as sleep tugged at you. Your blinks slowed until your eyelids were practically stuck together. You fell asleep to the soothing snores of Stunna.
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The Secret Big Stunna Files | Part 1 | Part 2
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moralesluvr · 1 year
Maneater!reader x hobie, they r dating but he can’t help but listen to their old ex stories and realizes they actually turn guys stupid and obsessive. He likes it i just know it
dirty dark obsession ft. hobie brown
♡ pairings & aus: hobie brown x maneater!fem!black!reader ♡ summary: hobie listens to your old crazy ex stories lol ♡ warnings: two teeny swears, reader being sexy, hobie being obsessed w said sexy reader (thats u fren!) ♡ a/n: thank you for your request! ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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"...AND NEXT THING YOU KNOW, he wouldn't stop calling or texting me." You raised your eyebrows at your boyfriend, sticking your pointy red acrylics into a grape and popping it into your mouth. Hobie looks at you with wide eyes, laughing, "That's embarrassin'. 'Specially because you told him you were done, no?"
"Oh yeah," you nodded as you walked around your bedroom, looking for something to wear. You (more like just you because you took forever to get ready) and Hobie were getting ready for your date that was in an hour or so. You rummaged through your closet, picking up a tight black dress. You slid out of your pajama shorts, "And then there was this one guy who I used to date...we weren't even in a relationship, we would jus' go out on dates for fun. Anyway, he used to send me flowers and teddy bears 'n stuff even after I had called things off. It was so weird. I could only get him to go away by tellin' him I was pregnant."
The last part makes your boyfriend laugh. He's laying on your bed playing with some of your stuffed animals and decorations, "Pregnant? Where the hell were you findin' these people?"
You wrap your arms across each other and remove your cropped sleeping shirt, throwing it into the hamper beside you. Slipping the dress underneath you and up your legs, you shrug, "They 'jus came to me, to be honest. Although at one point, there was a girl that was friends with my friend, and would magically 'show up' at all my parties I threw. I never even knew her name."
As you slip the dress on, admiring yourself in the mirror and adjusting it to your liking, you see Hobie's big hands meet your waist in your reflection. You look up at him with a loving grin, "Whatcha' doing, Bee?"
"Nothin', you're just so badass, y'know? My girl's got people fallin' for her left and right."
You chuckle at his statement as you run your hands over your curves, your hands meeting his. You turn around and meet eyes with your lover, his hands moving from your waist to your bum. He gives it a squeeze, "So pretty. You've got me absolutely smitten."
"Would you send me gifts and show up randomly at my parties to show how absolutely smitten you are?" You mocked, your tongue poking through your teeth teasingly. Hobie nods,
"Oh no, definitely."
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 🎸: @lipstickstainedshells // @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Heeeeey, y'all!! I know it's been a hot minute since I've updated his soy & I apologize for that. I've been so busy with my college courses now that I'm back in school & preparing for work, but I promise that I'm gonna finish this story, even if it takes me until the fall. Thank you for your patience, love & continuous support on my shit lol. I hope y'all enjoy & have a great day! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen PT I & II. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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Once in Sage County, a day’s walk away from the Devil’s Trail, you go shopping. 
“So remind me,” you say as you look through a rack of skirts in the little store. “What’s the plan again?”
Gojo is happy to ​​run it by you again: “You’re an aristocratic woman here on business with her two personal escorts, so you’ll have to act like a bitch, but that won’t be too hard for you.” 
You strike him in the side twice, hard. “Ow, ow, I’m kiddin’!” he exclaims.
Geto glares at you both under his hat from a rack of dresses, eyeballing two beautifully sewn pieces. “Don’t attract any unwanted attention, you two,” he criticizes. “Hmm…this isn’t quite your color. Maybe somethin’ red…” 
“And you think that this is gonna work?” you ask. “‘Cause you realize this entire plan could go to shit.”
Gojo goes to take out a cigarette, only stopping when the shopowner eyeballs him. “Have some faith in us, sugar,” he scoffs at you. “You’re lookin’ at two seasoned actors here. None of our plans go to shit!” 
After running like hell away from Benji’s men who rudely ambushed you, you three finally made it to Sage County.
It is truly the crowned jewel of this Northside of the county––buildings towering over you, steam rising from chimneys connected to homes, businesses, and shops; automobiles traveling down the street so fast that you, Gojo, and Geto had to walk your horses on the sidewalk; train stations and food carts and people trying to sell you shit, not recognizing you behind your bandana and hat. But as soon as they saw the Gunslingers, they backed off. 
“We’ll have to lay low for a minute if Benji is really here,” Geto said as you walked, his hat tipped low to not give off any red flags or tips to anyone who could recognize them. “So stayin’ at a hotel for a day or two might be the move. It won’t knock us off course either.” 
You walked between the duo, pulling Reneigh along behind you. “I don’t get it,” you scoffed. “How did he even find us?” For Benji’s men to know exactly where you were is no coincidence. 
“Benji’s got his ways, little miss,” Geto says, puffing on a cigarette Gojo passes him. “He’s got people all over the place; a whole operation of members. I wouldn’t be shocked if his bandits in Bull’s Creek said somethin’ about us lookin’ for him.” Now it all makes sense! Someone snitched! 
“So now he’s tryin’ to take us out,” you sighed. “Great. Maybe they’ve got a Willow Springs in the afterlife.”
Gojo lifts up his blindfold and his blue eyes lock on yours, irritation swimming in them. “Don’t say that,” he said, so firmly that it shuts you up completely. “Nothin’ is gonna happen to us. We’re gonna get you to Willow Springs and bag Benji ‘cause that’s what we agreed on.” 
The blue-eyed outlaw stands with you now, pulling out a slim, violet dress decorated in beads. “Oooh, this is pretty,” he coos. “Rich-lookin’, dontcha think?”
He shows Geto who taps a thoughtful finger against his chin. “It’s her color,” he says, delighted by the little article of clothing. “Now all we need is some accessories.” You snort as you watch the two grown men look for necklaces and earrings. “Y’all are enjoyin’ this more than me. 
Gojo laughs, passing you the dress with some satin shoes. “It’s always fun to play some dress-up now and again. Now put this on and show us how ya look.” He shoos you off to a try-on room while he and Geto look for accessories to hide their features. 
You try on the dress and the slippers, noticing how soft they are and how the dress hugs you tight. You feel good in it. Normal, even, like a regular woman who doesn’t bust guns and jump from county to county. You look at yourself out of your hat, boots, and bandana, feeling different, but a good different. You feel beautiful. When you walk out to show Gojo and Geto, they are busy counting their coin to pay for the items. 
“How do I look?” you softly ask, making them stop. You immediately have their attention, their eyes grazing over your body and the extra layer of skin that the dress provides.
“Like you could win an award,” Gojo chuckles. You instantly feel like maybe this plan could work. 
After the boys change into their own disguises–suits and fake mustaches–, you head over to the five-star hotel you had your eyes on before and park the horses outside before heading into the clean, sophisticated-looking lobby. A man in a doorman uniform looks up from his book, immediately frowning at the sight of the Gunslingers. 
“Are you hear to purchase tickets for the opera tonight?” he asks, nervously staring up at the very tall, very muscular men holding your bags behind you. You shake your head, though it does explain why so many rich-looking folks are here. “Can I help you then?” 
“I hope you can,” you snootily respond, trying not to laugh as you do. “I’m attending the opera tomorrow and ordered a room here beforehand, but it was taken without my knowledge! I’d like to pay for another, please.” 
The man, still nervous, nods and flips through the book where a bunch of room numbers sit. “May I have your name so I can put you on the waitlist?” he asks. 
That’s when you muster up as much of your acting skills as you can. “Waitlist?” you scoff, putting a hand to your heart. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?” The man stays silent, so you continue. “Alana Tabuki, first of my name, owner of several acres. Now, I don’t want to believe that you’d disrespect me, sir, because you’d also be disrespecting my men.” 
You turn to the Gunslingers who still look menacing despite their disguises. You offer them your arms dripping in bangle bracelets. “They don’t take too kindly to that, do you, boys?” you titter. 
The duo takes each of your hands and begins to pepper them in kisses, starting from your knuckles to up your arm to your shoulder. Each kiss leaves a trail of fire up your skin, similar to have Gojo’s kiss made you feel. Once they get to your neck, you start to feel liquid heat pour into your stomach, especially when the two begin to softly moan in your ear. Is this still a part of the plan? 
“O-Okay, that’s enough,” you stutter, feeling hot in your dress. “We don’t want to make the poor man feel uncomfortable.” 
The desk clerk, sweating bullets and looking like he wants to die, rapidly grabs a room key from behind him and drops it into your hand. “O-oh, look at that!” he squeaks. “We have a room that just opened! Please follow our luggagemen to take your bags, ma’am!” He nods at the two luggagemen near the elevator. 
You nod your thanks and slip Geto the key. “Nicely done,” he whispers, pocketing the key before walking off with Gojo who gives you a wink. You proudly smile and follow them close behind as they help the luggagemen with their bags, probably weary about giving them their shit. 
But before you can walk into the elevator, someone comes around the corner and bumps into your side, nearly knocking you down. “Oh, excuse me!” you gasp, stumbling to the left. What you really want to say is, “Hey, watch it!”, but you know that would gain too much bad attention. 
However, when you look at the stranger, all words and thoughts cease to exist. All you feel is fear and dread wrapped up in one as you stare at the man before you. Benji the Bandit is much bigger in person–about six-something feet towering over you and even bigger because of his hulking frame. You bet he’s even taller than Geto and Gojo combined. 
He is much older with long, black hair streaked in gray, a salt-and-pepper beard, an eyepatch that covers his scarred right eye, and a smile glittering in gold that sends shivers down your spine. Despite the wrinkles by his eyes, obvious aging, and the suit he wears, he still scares you like he’s the Boogeyman. 
“No,” he says in a deep, gravelly voice that sends shivers down your spine. “Excuse me, ma’am. I’m so desperate to get these opera tickets that I forgot my footing.”
He laughs, the sound like a rumbling earthquake, and gives you a nod before heading off to do his business, walking with a slight gate on his long cane, his big, ringed hand tattooed with a rose on it. 
You don’t get a chance to say anything else because Gojo is pulling you inside the elevator and the doors shut, and with it, your target. 
Your five-star hotel room is much better than sleeping in a tent or in the open by a fire. 
The clerk hooked you and the Gunslingers up with a hotel suite with two separate bedrooms with their own washrooms, a kitchenette with appliances for brewing tea and coffee, and a lounging space with two fluffy armchairs and a couch near a window overlooking the streets below. The floor is shag carpet, the walls are painted a buttercream yellow, and sweet-smelling, red flowers sit on the table in front of you where you sit on the couch. 
Included with the flowers are two trays of food, a bucket of ice, and a complimentary bottle of champagne that Gojo has already popped open. The trays are littered with finger foods: crackers, all kinds of cheese, fruits, meats, and mustard. Gojo sits next to you, chomping on cheese and sipping bubbly, his bare feet kicked up and having ditched his disguise for a wife beater. 
You hear the water in his and Geto’s chosen bedroom shut off and out walks Geto in a robe, his muscled calves and chest dripping in water on full display. He pulls his wet locks into a bun, looking like a wet, dark-haired Adonis. “Ah,” he sighs. “Much better, though I am jealous of the two of you for havin’ such a beautiful view durin’ your soak this mornin’.” 
He smiles at you but you can’t find it within yourself to return it. You would be indulging in the luxury of the room with them if it wasn’t for Benji the Bandit taking up your thoughts. “You should,” Gojo chuckles. “It was a very beautiful view…I mean, before we were rudely interrupted by bullets, don’t you agree, Y/N?” 
You don’t really hear him, staring blankly down at your satin slippers sitting by the door. You haven’t yet changed out of your dress, even though your bag is in your bedroom now. “Y/N?” Gojo repeats.
You turn to him, finding him and Geto staring at you. “S-Sorry,” you say, flushing with embarrassment. “I’m just a little tired is all.” 
But Gojo isn’t dumb. “Bullshit,” he scoffs. “You’ve got somethin’ on that mind of yours.” He pours you a glass of champagne and passes it to you. You barely take a sip. “What’s wrong?” he asks, worried. “Can’t we talk about it? It’s important that you’re feelin’ as good as we do.” 
You want to tell them you saw Benji, but at the same time, you don’t want to worry them. They seem so relaxed. “How come y’all wear gloves all the time?” you randomly ask.
They blink at you, confused. You nod down at Geto’s bare hands which are bigger and thicker than Gojo’s. “I noticed even when we’re not on our horses, you wear gloves. Y’all germophobes or somethin’?” 
You make the joke to avoid getting forced to cough up the truth, but you even feel weird doing that. Gojo snatches a strawberry from the tray. “Nah,” he chuckles, chewing on the fruit. “But Sugu is. I’m shocked he hasn’t wiped this place down yet.” 
His partner glares down at him. “Not yet,” he growls, snatching the champagne glass from a giggling Gojo. “The gloves are for protection. Not only to avoid leavin’ fingerprints on our targets but to also hide our tattoos.” 
He shows you his rose tattoo inked on his knuckles, the same as Gojo’s. “Benji made us get these when we started,” he explains. “He wanted us to prove our loyalty to him by gettin’ his symbol on our skin forever.” He snorts crudely at the ink, shaking his head. 
Seeing the distaste in his and Gojo’s faces at the sight of the ink on their skin, forever bonded to them whether they like it or not, you break. “I saw Benji earlier,” you finally confess.
A tense, shocked silence falls onto the room and you instantly regret saying anything. “What?” Geto asks and his tone shocks you––it’s sharp and intimidating like an angry father would use. “When?” he demands. 
You swallow hard, knowing you can’t button your lip now. “Earlier while y’all were takin’ the luggage to the elevator. He bumped me comin’ around the corner.” 
The duo continues to stare you down, making you feel uncomfortable. “Did he say anythin’ to you?” Gojo asks.
You passively shrug, hugging yourself as a way to self-pacify. “Just that he was sorry and he’s goin’ to the opera tonight…which I also think we should attend.” 
The white-haired outlaw scowls at you. “And how in the fuck are we supposed to do that?” he scoffs. “We don’t even have tickets!” 
You scoff, glaring at him. “This is comin’ from the same guy who scammed a motel clerk out of some rooms,” you sharply retort, eyeing the both of them suspiciously. “What’s up with y’all anyway? All of a sudden, y’all sound like y’all don’t wanna catch this big-bodied bitch.” 
“That’s not true, Y/N,” Geto firmly protests. “We wanna catch Benji as much as you do, but this is also the same guy who tried to kill us just this mornin’. If he knows we’re here, we could be in big trouble and blow this whole operation to hell. That’s why I said we need to lay low for a bit.” 
But that isn’t good enough for you. “So we just…sit here and let him get away?” You can’t help but be increasingly pissed at this new “plan”. You would think that the Gunslingers would be jumping at the chance to get Benji, but instead, they’re hesitant. Resistant. Not at all the Gunslingers you met and thought they were. 
“It can’t be just a coincidence that he’s here at the same time as us, Geto,” you argue. “It’s a miracle! Obviously, somethin’ in the universe is tellin’ us to get this guy and y’all are more concerned about blowin’ your cover?” 
Geto sighs, looking physically tired of your shit. “This isn’t about our cover. It’s about keepin’ us safe and alive until it’s the right time to pounce.” 
“This is the right time!” you argue, standing up from the couch. “What other time do we have to wait?”
The duo just stares at you, neither one backing down from their decision. You simmer, angered at them. “Maybe I was wrong about y’all,” you hiss. “Fine, since y’all wanna be pussies about it, then I’ll go myself.” 
You begin to stalk towards the door, but Gojo gets up and blocks you from going any further. “No, you’re not,” he sternly says. He looks strange without that usual, gigawat smile on his face. Scary, even. His blue eyes look like ice to you, making you feel like you’ve been dipped in a pool in the Arctic. 
But the stubborn, bratty bitch in you just scowls up at him. “And who the fuck is gonna stop me?” you fridigly ask. Before he can answer, you push past him and continue to walk towards the door. 
You barely make it to the knob when you suddenly feel something tighten around your midsection. You look down, finding a leather whip wrapped tight around you. “Hey, let me go!” you snap, pulling at the whip. “Dammit, Gojo, I said let me go!” 
Gojo just stands there, holding onto the whip with one hand, watching as you as struggle. “Nah, I think I’m gonna let leave ya there to think about your bratty behavior.” He yanks on the whip, causing you to forcefully be jerked toward him. You try to dig your heels into the floor, but it’s no use. He’s just too strong. 
“Satoru,” Geto firmly says. He stands from the couch, fists clenched. “Let her go.”
Gojo scowls at him but releases you anyway. You stagger away from him, finally feeling like you can breathe. Geto strides over to you and stands in the middle of you and Gojo, not wanting the suite to turn into a battlefield…but it already has. 
“Let’s just calm down, okay?” he suggests, collected and composed. “Y/N, I’m sorry, but this is the way it has to be for right now. We’ll find out where Benji is headed next and go from there, but for now, let’s just relax and get some rest.” 
He tries to take your hand, but you flinch away from him and storm off to your bedroom to get the rest he speaks of. But you can’t get rest, especially when night falls. You toss and turn, haunted by vengeance, leaving you hotblooded and your pistol hand itching. 
When you rise from your bed in your PJs, Geto and Gojo have already gone to bed, their door cracked and the sound of Gojo snoring is heard throughout the suite.
You slip into your purple dress and heels from earlier, make your hair look presentable, and slip on your leather jacket. Once you’re dressed, you add your accessories: a gold necklace, bracelets, a knife in a garter belt strapped to your thigh, and a pistol that you slip into your purse. 
You don’t bother leaving a note. You know that the boys will know where you’ve gone. So you slip out the suite, locking it, and down the quiet hallway to the elevators. You don’t turn back. You’re afrai that if you do, you’ll rethink this and decide to stay. So when the elevators ding, you walk in and head to the lobby. 
Once the doors open, you give the doormen a nod as you head outside in the summer night. Reneigh is waiting for you along with Geto and Gojo’s Broncos, all of them chuffling when you see you. You pet Reneigh’s nose and untie her before hiking your dress up and mounting her, feeling weird without your riding boots and pants. 
 “C’mon, girl,” you whisper before softly clucking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Reneigh takes off clicking down the path, leaving the hotel behind.
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mon ange analogique
long list of headcanons of YJH with an s/o who radiates the same energy as him and reciprocates his evilness
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pairing: jeonghan x reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: VERY SUGGESTIVE, goofy ahhhh writing, fem!reader, reader is implied to be masc and more dominant towards jh lol, established relationship, intentional lowercase, messy keyboard core, cursing, implied smut, mentions of svt members as extras, TOUCHY JEONGHAN, JH AND READER ARE CHAOTIC EVILS
heheheh so you're dating THE yoon jeonghan? good for you
so you alr know this man is annoying but in like, a very charming way
the members totally were on ur side everytime you banter coz they've had enough of jh terrorizing them that they were so glad he finally got a taste of his own medicine
"jEoNgHAnNie, nUgU aEgi?"
tf did u just say
dw he gives you the response you want :D
you once played mafia together in a group, with u as a mafia (unbeknownst to him) and him as a citizen much to his dissapointment
as lovers, of course you instinctively trusted and tagged along with each other
his jaw drops to his feet with the turn of events
like i said, karma is a bitch
it all came back to bite him in the bum
he knew you were something else, your personality that mirrors his own is very amusing in his eyes, he was enamoured by how you acted
very head-over-heels for you
whenever you bully or prank him, all the times when he pranked his members flash before his eyes as he finally gets a taste of what it's like on the receiving end
he looks at you like you just committed a horrendous crime in front of his eyes
oh you're bullying HIM now? how dare you
of course his competitive ass gets revenge on you afterwards bcs THIS IS WAR
of course your banters and pranks on each other are always lighthearted, he wouldn't do or say anything out of the line purposely to hurt you, and you wouldn't do the same either
however if it somehow happens that you hurt each other, which is a very rare occurence, it would always come to healthy resolve because you both talk it out immediately
you value each other's boundaries
he would pull your wrist and wrap your arm over his waist as he settles you on his chest
"there, there, i'm sorry jagi, i won't do it again." he gazes down on you and gives you a soft smile, his long hair framing his face beautifully
even if he's usually frolic, he knows when to take things seriously
besides, he'll never do anything he knows you wouldn't like (!!!)
humiliation for the sake of pranks is a big NO. that's just horrible
having ideas for dates and what to do while spending time w/ each other were never a problem, considering the fact that both of you have the same hobbies and tastes!
you want to try this ice cream bar downtown? he's been eyeing the same shop too!
he wants to build legos? sure, you're sitting beside him in an instant while reading the instruction manual
you're bored and you want to play chess? he immediately whips out a chessboard
your habits are very similar
he cackled when he found out you also keep plastic knives in your bag
and you like taking care of each other and the ppl around you
everybody loves mom mode jeonghan and fears mom mode y/n
this also results to the both of you thinking the other is prettier than each other
he doesn't just think you're prettier than him, he KNOWS you're prettier than him
whilst you also think he's the prettiest. you would always tell him he's prettier than you
while the members also say all say you're a lot prettier than hannie (in which hannie wholeheartedly agrees on), you're actually equal in terms of this
he will throw himself at your feet if you're fem
but jeonghan also loves it when you express your masc side
he will call you "handsome" if you're masc
you don't have to worry if ever you're insecure about how you're too masc or too fem or both
because he knows what it's like ;)
he believes everyone is free to express themselves
bcs he embraces his feminine side too <3
in conclusion, it doesn't matter if you're masc or fem or BOTH he is in LOVE with YOU
jeonghan is WHIPPED whipped
sometimes he's like a female friend when you're in dates lol this is so fukin cute
he'll clasp your arms together like besties while you're recommending each other skincare products inside the mall
and bribe shopkeepers tgt for discounts while you're at it
he'll ask someone to take your picture while he poses like the female lead in kdramas
he closes his eyes and intertwines your hands and leans his cheek comfortably on your shoulder
it's cute
when he's feeling a little more giddy he either latches on your arm and basically climbs on you to make you his human monkey bar while he howls in laughter
you do these to him a lot too LOL
when it's him in the receiving end he welcomes and accepts your coddling you with open arms
he'll even willingly submit to you and offer himself if only you asked
e.g when you suddenly corner him and close all possible distance while backing him against the wall, wrapping your leg around his waist and burying your face on his neck
he isn't even fazed because he's alr used to it he just resumes what he was doing before (like fiddling on his phone) for a few moments before he turns it off and completely focuses on you
instead of being shocked he pulls you even closer with an arm on your back as he smirks in satisfaction
in public places, you alone can already make men AND women's heads turn
then jh comes in
he's behind you in a poker face while he protectively wraps his arm around your shoulder as he towers over you
it's either in shock
or dissapointment bcs you're taken
and they see how much you were alike in the littlest things
u two are so versatile and expressive
although having said all these, you never clash personalities
u two r so compatible
jh would clown you for literally anything
but he would also absolutely trade anything for your affection with 0 hesitation
he even claimed that he would sacrifice shua and cheol's lives for him to have your hand in marriage, to you also because you're the devil
"you dumbass" but affectionately
in games when you're in the opposing teams, when you're playing against each other, you're mistaken if you thought he would go easy on you
he knows what you're capable of and it'll take the same amount of plotting to take you down
however when his teammates accuse you of sinistrous intentions, he will defend you
he'll even encourage your cheating lol
minghao who was in the same team looked at his hyung, (who was fkn CHEERING for YOU. YOU, FROM THE OPPOSING TEAM) in disbelief, as if hannie was an embarrassment to nature
he'd be like like "dude, which side are u really on ????"
he would let you cahoot with '95 liners cheol and shua against him
the three of you would gang up against him tgt bcs it's payback time for how many times he's wronged y'all
it's comedic how he can manage to stay calm under a lot of pressure and come at you like it's nothing, but he gets agitated when the members r stealing your attention from him LMAO
sk caught hannie pouting and slacking off while looking at your figure from afar
"how dare they ??!#?#@!?!" insert comical shouting text bubbles on the top of his head
cue angry snowball face
he would straight up walk to your side of the team nearing you with the intention of retrieving what's rightfully his.
he throws his arms around you and drags you away to his post on the other side, and you're like "hannie why are you dragging me here my teammates are on the opposite side"
you're only opponents but you're still his
squishing your cheek with his own while his arms were wrapped all around your waist and shoulders, smothering you with kisses
you're very competitive yourself. so when the game gets heated and you're in your serious mode, the two of you get worked up going against each other
y/n: "let's do this instead. jeonghan would think we wouldn't go for the simplest way, so that's exactly what we're going for."
y/n: "jeonghan would try to ambush us from the other side because he knows the way around this course. let's go this way and corner him from behind and use his own dirty trick against him 👹"
what adds more to the challenge is the fact that you thought you both know how each other thinks
but you actually DON'T.
you two are very unpredictable
you're good at reading his tactics tho so he almost never escapes from you.
taunt and mock him when he loses and watch him FOLD
watch out tho bcs he'd be coming for your ass on the next game/round
you once betrayed your team just to face him head on
at the same time, jh did the same to his team cs he won't back away from you challenging him
ending, it turned to a match between the two of you
you both love mind games, which is why as much as it's hard for him to defeat you, it's hard for you to defeat him too
he gets scared of u sometimes lol
he thinks he's not the biggest enemy there exists in society, YOU are.
you're the alas of the team you're in. they know they're covered when they have you
altho it's funny when you think about how you're rivals in games but you sleep by each others head at night with limbs tangled LOLOL
jeonghan jumps in joy when he found out he's teamed up with you
everyone makes a commotion
everyone knows they're doomed the moment it's set
yk how in gose svt purposely keeps mingyu, cheol, and hannie away from each other in separate teams?
they do the same thing to you two, forcing you away from each other
bcs everyone also wants you in their team/s
i mean who wouldn't ???
cue dino and jun pulling your arm but your body is being coddled by hannie at the same time, as he hoarded you to himself
dk get on his knees and clasps his hands as he practically BEGS you two to at least have one of you in the other team
"no can do 😚" jh wraps a leg around your hip while he shields you from his members
you're insufferable together
they all call you "the devil duo" 😈
bcs HELL unleashes when you're working together
very partners in crime type of rs
you're like the chuuya to his daza–
with both of your analytical sense and strategic thinking merged together, you're invincible
you can defeat multiple member teams with only you and hannie's alliance
jokes of "let's dominate the world together, jagi 👹👹" every now and then
yes you two go and RULE THE WORLD
he calls you the queen and labels himself as the king
roles can be reversed tho, the both of you don't mind
"jagi, i'm the queen and you're the king, okay? 😏😏😏" he leans to your ear and gently whispers while tauntingly looking at the glaring members from the other side as you two were sitting tgt
be careful tho, bcs there are still circumstances wherein he turns his back from you in games
in short, he might betray you to win
i mean he's still jeonghan after all
the key is to betray him first before he betrays you :D
or just strangle him
W option
the members are always very hooked on watching how you beat hannie in his own game
bcs he totally deserves that
everytime the scene unfolds they immediately "😎🍿"
let me tell u this,
hannie fkn loves when you outsmart him
he'll look at you with heart eyes, flabbergasted, yet at the same time astounded when you do
heart eyes heart eyes
you might have had unknowingly turned him on a little tho–
he has a lot of respect for your ability and intelligence
but then that loving smile slowly turns into a sly smirk as he is in the middle plotting a new strategy to outsmart your outsmarting
which results to you outsmarting his outsmarting to your outsmarting
a cycle that never ends
*/inserts "finally, a worthy opponent"
he loves how intelligent you are. you're even most likely to be more intelligent than him
he loves his plotting smart-mouthed little devil, y/n
he's very thrilled, there wasn't single boring moment in his life since the moment he met you
he cheated once and used a blanket to capture and immobilize you, and you fought the urge to slam his head on the headboard
"you– you cheating freak!" you wiggled out of his arms as he squeezes you in a hug
"oh but you love this cheating freak 😏😏" he wiggles his eyebrows
the members openly babbles about how you were their "sacrificial lamb"
bcs hannie's annoying mischievous ass gradually toned down thanks to you, because most of his pranks were all darted to you now
and so the "let's sacrifice y/n [to jeonghan]" became an inside joke between you and the members
everytime han's evil tendencies dart to the members, they whip you out and place you in front of hannie as a human shield
because ure the only one who can take hannie's bs and u actually fight back
jeonghan would galdly accept their sacrificial lamb tho 😏😏
from his own words, just who is he to refuse you?
we all know how clingy hannie is
lingering touches here and there, your touchy, affectionate nature applies when you're together
but not in a overexaggerating or overwhelming way (always rmmbr that it's ok to be clingy as long as u still respect your partner's space dawg)
he can and WILL bite your fingers when you're off guard
one moment he's fidgeting with your hands
and then he CHOMPS on your long fingers
you jumped in your seat and glared at him the first time he did this and the brat only laughed at your reaction
very funny
when u make out, expect a lot of biting
will bite your lips, your jaw, the plush part of your neck, your collarbone, EVERYWHERE
and i tell you when he bites, he bites HARD
he loves it when you do it to him too
there was a time while you were hovering on top of him and kissing his neck, you look up to see his disheveled state with his mouth agape and half lidded eyes, an arm holding your waist while the other covers his mouth with the back of his hand as he huffs in pleasure
*blushes like a sl–*
hannie's clingy ass can never keep his handsy handsies away from you
everytime he sits beside you he chooses to scoot to you as close as possible on purpose, even if the sofa had more room and space for him to need not to squeeze you in the corner
he sprawls his limbs everywhere on you on purpose. on your thighs, stomach and face
sometimes he even pretends to "accidentally" sit on your lap, putting all of his weight on you like you were a part of the fuckin sofa
"oh, sorry, it's your lap's fault for looking a little too comfortable 😏😏" unapologetically
there was one time you had enough of him doing this everytime so you kinda just accepted him sitting on u
you leaned forward and hugged his waist in place on your lap while he hummed in satisfaction
what he didn't expect was when he was off-guard, you leaned toward his neck and pecked a kiss on the exposed skin and BOY
his little friend immediately went ↗️↗️↗️ iykwim
he's shinggi banggi boong boong banggi'ing his way out of there and shutting himself alone in a room somewhere🚪🏃
he couldn't sleep for NIGHTS
he also felt something shift in him the first time you meaningfully called him "hannie"
"you're such a wuss, hannie~" you looked up at him while exchanging banters and
his grin grew wider, grazing his hand on your jaw, "that's the first time you called me that. say that again."
he tends to miss u a lot
one time in a beach somewhere in jeju during a summer vacation with svt, he was quietly chilling on a lounger seat with his dark, almost black shades on, while the members were noisily playing beach volley not very far from where he's sitting
he can hear sk and soonyoung's distant yowling everytime they miss the ball
he's not interested in playing because there's no "you" as his opponent
there's just 0 thrill when you're not there
he snorts as he imagines you intentionally spiking the ball at his face
hannie wondered what you're up to at that exact moment
he loudly sighed, "i miss y/n..."
"you'll see her again soon when you go home, hyung."
"you're right." he props himself from the lounge chair and grabs his phone while putting on his beach slippers
"where are you going?"
"i'm going home 👹"
"what?! jeonghan-hyung, NO–"
"jeonghan-hyung, YES."
the members held him down and almost tied him up on the lounger chair
that night in the hotel room, he fills the void of longing for you by facetiming you
the members wanted so bad to stuff both your mouths with pillows from how noisy you are while laughing with each other late at night on screen
of course it's done as a joke they love seeing you and jh having fun together
and the both of you are only doing it on purpose just to piss them off, you stopped immediately and let them sleep in peace after
the two of you are still mindful when and when not to fool around after all <3
they can never really get mad at u two
coz how could they? you two r literally their parents
hannie labels you as second mom of svt, the first one being himself
"make sure drink your meds, wonu-ya ^^" hannie gives wonwoo his medication "thanks, jeonghan-hyung."
cue you walking past them, your attention somewhere else, casually handing wons a bottle of water to help him with downing the medicine, while your eyes were on dino, nodding while listening to the story he's enthusiastically telling you
dino is obviously your favourite child
"dino, nugu aegi?" and he'll willingly answer "y/n-noona's baby <3"
"how about me, dino? u don't love me anymore? only y/n? 🥺" hannie asks with a pout
all the svt members grew very attached to you that they can't even imagine hannie without u anymore
u and hannie are a package deal ^^ so cute
you're rlly made for each other
hannie gives you weird ass compliments that you would've found endearing if only it made sense
he would leave you confused as fuck
while he's in his pajamas sitting on the sofa beside you with one of his knees folded to his chest, the tv remote on his hand, he turns to you with a flat expression
"y/n if you were a dinosaur, you would be a velociraptor."
you respond with a perplexed "why is that?" and he turns away from you to go back to watching tv without another word like nothing happened, and without further elaboration following his statement.
he wasn't even watching a show related to dinosaurs
ಠ_ʖಠ ????
that's an oddly random hell of a compliment
was that even a compliment?
"yes" -hannie
one time on his birthday party somewhere in paris, after the bustling party ended, you spoke to him in private in your shared hotel room to finally give your birthday present
still bejeweled and dolled up in your black dress, you put on a blindfold on his eyes as you led him inside the dim-lit hotel room
the blindfold you put on him covered the entirety of his vision steadily
"i didn't know you were into this kind of thing." he teases you
you narrowed your eyes and glared down at him despite knowing well he can't see you
when he took off the blindfold to open his eyes, he was welcomed by the sight of a whole life sized figurine lego set of iron man
he was in awe, he thanked you and asked you to help him build it together, which you agreed on
"this is the second possible best birthday gift for me, love."
"what's the first?"
"you." he grinned meaningfully, it's the same mischievous grin he usually displays when he's plotting something
you sensually ran your hand through his silky hair and responded to his suggestive comment
"i'm sure you'll eventually get that second birthday gift of yours later." while fondling his necktie from the button-down shirt under his tux that he wore at the party.
he contained his laughter and once again latched himself to you, "i love you."
you hugged him back, "no. i love you."
hannie always likes adding a spice of a little mischief to every situation, so he used that opportunity to catch you off guard and dip his finger on the frosting of the vanilla cake on the coffee table behind you to smear it on the tip of your nose
you widened your eyes and chased him all over and around the hotel room
"YOU'RE DEAD, YOON JEONGHAN!" you chased him acting like a vixen trying to catch a rabbit, jumping over furniture
pls manhandle him
hannie likes strong women
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yoon "i want a woman to kiss me and hug me😚🥰but at the same time, like in the bedroom... just ROCK MY SHIT U KNOW🏋️‍♀️just BEAT THE FUCK OUTTA ME👹U KNOW🤯coz i deserve it😇" jeonghan
you wanted so badly to punish him
an idea he wasn't against at all—in discreet
after wiping your nose, you tackled him on the floor when you caught him
he looks up at you, taking in your beautiful features, not missing the evil grin on your lips non-verbally saying "i got u now 😏"
he tucks your unkempt hairstrands behind your ear
"can i claim my second birthday gift now, y/n?" he tilted his head, looking up at you and staring at your lips, his eyes shining from the dim light
you wanted to punish him, you say?
let's just say... you did get what you want that night, with the help of his tie, and the flimsy blindfold you left lying on the floor.
napipopetake him to heaven 🔝
best bday ever
hanniehae <33
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 years
I have a request. Jack and Urban get into a fight and he’s annoyed, pissed even and so you defend him. He gets turned on and you bone in the tour bus lol
Team Defense - Jack Harlow
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Context: “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”
Warnings: 18+ ! Sexual activity.
Pairings: Jack Harlow X Fem!Reader ; Urban Wyatt X Platonic!Reader
A/N: shout out to @creme-delacreme for the help.
Please DO NOT ENGAGE if not older stated age. Reader’s discretion is advised. I am not responsible if YOU CHOOSE to continue.
Masterlist ☽☾
                                          ☽ ☾
“Urban, I’m trying to put this in a nice way, but you’re slacking here.”
“Dude, I’m doing the best I can. What the fuck else do you want me to do?”
The tour bus was empty, just you, Jack and Urban chilling out while the other members of the team moved on with their needed agendas. Jack and Urban had decided to take to the tour bus to look at some photos that Urban had taken while they were traveling.
Recently however, Urban had been falling off, his work clearly not his best. This was, from what could be assumed, due to the fact that his recent hook up had gotten unhooked. And he wasn’t have that shit, at all.
“I don’t know Urb, maybe do your job correctly?!” Jack announced, his voice slowly escalating.
“Shut the fuck up Jack, you wouldn’t know anything about taking photos. All you know is how to sit there and be the pretty boy the industry wants!” Urban responded, his voice matching Jack’s as he stood up to look down at him.
Jack immediately rose to his feet, getting on eye level with his best friend.
“Really Urb? Really?! You know, ever since that bitch dropped you, you’ve been a real fuckin ass and I’m sick of it.”
“Sick of it?” Urban chuckled, stepping to Jack. The two grew closer, basically in one another’s faces.
You had heard the beginning of the argument but decided to remain silent, letting them handle their own business. However, it was when you heard scuffling that you decided to rise from your seated position in the booth and moved to where the two were arguing towards the back of the bus.
At that point, Urban had pushed Jack away from him, anger in his eyes.
“I’ve been following you around this whole time on your career path, and you want to say you’re “sick of it?” I’m sick of you and your fucking egotistic ass.” It was then that you decided to step in.
“Urban, Jack, calm down. Y’all can talk this out.” You tried to reason.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do Y/N. Stay out of grown folk's business.” Before Jack could even go to defend you, you took it upon yourself.
“I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to Urban,” You took the time to look around the bus to emphasize your point.
“But it surely ain’t fuckin me. Jack’s right. Ever since that bitch moved on from you, you’ve been walking around acting like a fucking dickhead, when we all knew that bitch was nothing but a fuckin bum. You and Jack were in this together since y’all were fuckin kids. If anything you’re fuckin dick riding on his career because you wouldn’t be anywhere if Jack hadn’t brought you along with PG. So really, you should be fucking grateful for Jack, especially since he’s been looking out for you, but yo stupid ass got your head in your ass and can’t get it the fuck out. So I suggest you do before you end up doing and saying some shit that’ll fuck up this relationship.” You spoke, stepping to Urban. Despite your height difference, he knew you meant business and what the fuck you said.
“Y/N…” Urban attempted to speak.
“No, don’t say shit to me. The fact that you stepped to your bestfriend like you’re about it really shows where your head is at. And the fact that you even spoke to me that way, knowing damn well I ain’t do shit to you tells me that you need to get your shit together. So Fix-it-Felix, cause this shit ain’t fuckin working. Got it?” You looked at him, anger written all over your face.
Jack stood there in shock, not because you held your ground, no he knew you could do that, but at the fact that you did it not just on your behalf but on his. He found it extremely hot.
He was bricked up.
After taking in your angered face, Urban took a step back from you, grabbing his bag and heading towards the door of the bus.
“I’ll check you guys later.” He spoke, avoiding eye contact with both of you.
“Don’t come back till you get some fuckin sense Urb.” You spoke before the door shut, letting out a loud huff. You turned to Jack, shaking your head as you walked toward him.
“Are you okay baby? What he said was fucked up, sounds like some insecure shit.” You spoke, looking up at Jack, the anger dissipating in your face.
He looked at you with lustful eyes, placing his warm palms on your face.
“Oh, I’m fine ma. But I do have a problem.” He spoke, his thumbs rubbing your cheeks.
“What’s wrong babe?” You spoke, tilting your head. He took your hand and moved it towards his crotch, pressing it to his hard-on.
“Oh…” You spoke, looking at Jack again.
“Did this- Did me defending you turn you on?” You questioned.
“Fuck ma, it did. It was so fucking hot, the way you stood there and made him take it, fuck.” He spoke, forcing your hand to palm at his dick.
“Oh, you’re really turned on from this.”
“Yeah, did you think I was lying? Shit ma.” He grunted out, moaning as you slipped your hands into his pants and boxers, stroking him further. He became putty in your hand, allowing you to push him onto the couch, straddling him.
You began kissing and licking at his neck, soft grunts and puffs of air leaving his lips, your cunt clenching around nothing.
He forced your hips to grind onto him with his hands, moving his face to indulge you in an intense make-out session.
“Fuck baby, need you. Right here, right now.” He groaned, lifting you off his waist to tug at his pants. You quickly moved off him, pulling down yours as well as your underwear to make a pool at your feet.
Immediately Jack grabbed at your hips pulling you to hover over his dick.
He pulled you down, your walls slowly sinking on and grasping at him, for-fronting a deep moan from the two of you. Jack began thrusting almost immediately, your body leaning forward to rest your head in the crook of his neck.
“Shit ma, fuck.” You whined in response, Jack immediately finding that spot to make you keen.
“Fuck yes, Jack, baby, fuck. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t pretty girl, you feel too good, fuck.”
The sounds of skin slapping filled the air as you began to meet his thrusts, grabbing onto the back of his neck and curls, meeting his lips with a sensual kiss.
You moaned into one another’s mouth, tongues battling for dominance as you reached your peak.
“Baby… I’m getting close.”
“Cum for me. Cum all over me princess, give it to me.” To which you came hard with a grunt, your thighs shaking as your walls clenched and trembled around him.
“Shit!” Jack moaned out before filling you up with his seed, moving to your neck to leave light kisses.
“That was so hot ma.” You laughed at his comment, moving to kiss his lips once more.
“I’ll always defend you, baby. No matter what. Unless it’s controversial and damn right stupid, then you’ll end up like Urban.”
“I’d probably get bricked up from you yelling at me too, shit.”
Before you could comment, the sound of the door opening echoed the room, you and Jack scrambling to pull yourselves together.
“Y’all done fucking in here? Urb wants to talk to you, Jack. Oh, and you too Y/N.” You heard Neelam announce before the door shut.
You looked at Jack as you mixed yourself, nodding at each other’s proper appearances and signaling to head off the bus.
Urban was sitting on the ground outside in the shade, twiddling his fingers nervously.
You and Jack sat down across from him, forcing his head to look up.
“First, I want to apologize to you Jack. I know I’ve been slacking, it’s just…” he paused.
“That shit with that chick fucked me up man. One minute I thought we were good, next thing I know, she’s dismissing us over texts as if nothing happened. What she said to me.. was fucked up. But I should have never taken that out on you, and for that I’m sorry.” Urban announced, his eyes sincere.
“Did you mean anything you said?” Jack asked, his tone soft.
“Fuck no. Okay, sometimes you’re a little egotistic, but still! I love you bro, and I’d follow you anywhere. We wanted this since we were kids, I ain’t goin nowhere.”
“Good.” Jack said as he moved to shake Urban’s hand, doing their handshake.
“And Y/N, I’m sorry I stepped to you like that. That was totally uncalled for. You’re right, you didn’t do anything to me, and it was pretty fucked up for me to even come at you knowing damn well all you want is the best for me. I’m truly sorry.”
“I know Urby.” You nodded, smiling and leaning to kiss his cheek.
“But if you ever do that shit again, I’m reading you for filth.” At your statement, Urban threw up his hands in defense.
“Yes ma’am.”
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viharbinger · 2 years
Beach Episode HCs!
pairings: xiao x itto x diluc x scaramouche x reader
warnings: none, fluffff, some swear words
a/n: im going to the beach soon mwuhahah
genshin m.list
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The type of person to hog the umbrella shades at the beach. He'd just watch you play and swim in the water while downing his third fruit drink of the day
Only ever gotten up for bathroom breaks but hisses whenever taken out of the shades like a vampire, so good luck trying to even get him to the water
If you somehow get him out though, congratulations! But now you have to hear him mope about it all the time
He gives so many excuses to get out. "Wait, I forgot to put on sunscreen..." He'd say, barely even getting to the sea before walking away. Or even creating a fake scenario just to get out of it like forgetting to turn off the stove at home lol
It's not like he doesn't want to spend time with you, what im saying is Xiao is like a cat
Instead of dying in the blazing sun and tasting the salty waters, his best idea of spending time is you two just enjoying yourselves under the shades, playing soft music with drinks in hand. And maybe even napping in front of the beautiful scenery
Itto LOVES the beach!
He'll show off his precious abs to everyone and have water fights with his gang, dragging you along too!
Tried to host an onikabuto match with a random little kid he met at the beachside but was banned from doing so lol
Not many romantic things happen in the beach for you and Itto. It's honestly just you, him and his gang hanging out together and shooting water guns at each other
Unless... You count taking care of Itto as romantic.
Itto did not wear his sunscreen. He'd definitely been reminded to a million times before but right at the moment he was about to swim, he forgets and boom. He's red, ALL over.
I dont know what to tell you other than the fact that sunburns hurt like a bitch so you really needed to take care of him when you both got home lol
So there you were, nursing the crimson oni back to health and him cursing himself for not listening to you
A big papa bear with a ton of SPF
He's gonna be covering you from the sun, constantly, not just with sunscreen but with his literal build. He's just standing over you, hands over you acting as a shade and it's just embarrassing
But still, its like having a scary dog privilege. And Diluc does not like people looking at you, at the beach too! So this is definitely a plus for the both of you
I literally cant imagine Diluc wearing anything else except an open button-up and swim trunks. Everyone in the beach would gawk at him because lawd, those abs are just something aren't they
Just because he's a little overbearing and embarrassing, it doesn't mean he's not fun! Ok nevermind he's not fun. The man somehow brought his paperwork with him to the beach, you just wonder how he even brought it when he had zero bags
You had to wet it just to get him up from his seat, writing who knows what in the never ending papers
Diluc is so protective and caring that even if you accidentally drink saltwater, he's already running straight to a juice bar to help you wash it down
A vampire (x2)
He's like Xiao, but worse. He'll have you dragging him on the sand just to get him across the beach to the sea, it's hell
The sun is so hot in the summer and he just does not want to risk having sunburns! Why do you think he wears such a big hat all the time?
He just thinks the beach is a 'stupid waste of time' but with a little push, he'll start to enjoy it
Before you know it, he's in the water, several feet in and splashing water at you. And on one occasion, the water hit his eyes, and oh it stung. He's bummed out and sulking in the shades and whining constantly about it
Only way you can change his mind is to bribe him with cuddles and kisses when you get home
He won't ever admit that he had the most fun at the beach. And it's basically his best day ever because he got a just the right amount of affection from you in the end of the day too
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4dtk · 3 years
hi i would love to if you could write a story with jaehyun where he gives y/n a massage and then fucks y/n
long. enjoy, 1.8k baby. dont think i'll give this one a name either LOL
warnings: fingering, doggy, reverse cowgirl, breeding kink
“hey. how was work?” you were often the culprit of jaehyun’s questions when your foot first lands in your apartment, toeing off your shoes with ease as he welcomes you with a peck to your cheek. he holds your waist loosely while you massage your ankles and toes, glad for a breath of fresh air even if they were hidden behind socks.
jaehyun drags you into the living room before you can speak, manspreading like he’s done it a hundred time before and pats his thighs. it makes you smile and raise an eyebrow. settling in front of him felt good, although he yanks you back onto his chest a little enthusiastically than usual that you let out a squeal. you just pass it off that he’s happy to see you after a day of doing nothing.
in a way, he has done it a hundred times. it was routine at this point, where you’d just sit against his back and lay against him, sometimes tilting your head back to admire his side profile. you’d talk about co-workers, your lunch, your overbearing tasks, all while jaehyun gently massages your sides with alternating hands, always sure to apply a fair amount of pressure to ease out your nerves.
he laughs into your neck at your reaction, but other than that, he remains quiet as you start on your rant, gesturing widely to this one annoying colleague that’s been getting on your nerves for the past few weeks. always talking over you for the tasks assigned to you, dropping badly-timed statements that definitely could be defined as a backhanded compliment; you could go on and on about the co-worker that you don’t notice jaehyun’s hands retreating from your waist to push you away from his body, travelling up your back instead.
they slowly feel up your back like an experienced masseuse, testing the waters with his thumb in a particularly deep dig in between your shoulder blades. it makes you gasp, the rant about how the same co-worker had accidentally interrupted by your sound of surprise. it’s the exhale of breath, however, that resembled something dangerously close to a whimper and you hope to god that jaehyun doesn’t hear it.
“you gotta relax for me, baby,” jaehyun grunts, continuing to sort out the kinks and aches in your back, no doubt brought about by your bad posture. at least if you were working from home, jaehyun would be able to provide you with hourly reminders to stretch out your back. ah, well, this would have to suffice.
jaehyun was talented with his hands, portraying his efficiency in relaxing the tension in your back with how intimately they moved from one area to another. another crack resonates throughout the room, making you moan out at the released tightness.
jaehyun loses his grip on sanity each time his knuckle, thumbs, fingers meet every inch of your back, eliciting countless other sounds that went south with how lewd they sounded. when you whimper again, he sighs with a little praise of good girl, breath tickling your ear lightly that it causes you to giggle. you’re at ease now, leaning back before he seemingly massages out the last ache in your back.
“you’re a bothersome little minx, aren’t you?” the other smirks against your neck, another giggle escaping your lips when you feel his hand prying your thighs apart. “well, thank fucking god you wore a skirt today.”
jaehyun’s smirk stretches into a grin when he feels how there’s a wet patch on your underwear from the suggestive session where you could feel his hardening erection against your bum. it played out like a bad sex scene from a movie, but you couldn’t complain when you were the stars of the show, able to feeling jaehyun’s fingers on your hips, on your thighs. he drags a finger to your centre painfully slow that you thrash gently against his hold, but it only makes him reinforce the secure arm he has around you. “patience, angel.”
“sorry, hun, but your massages are always so good. i still wonder why we didn’t do this earlier.”
“then… let’s change up our tradition a little, huh?” he purrs, panties already to the side before jaehyun slips a sneaky finger in. your hole sucks him in so easily that a groan is heard, possibly from the both of you. you’re not even sure any more, body overtaken by pleasure as he adds a second finger. you’re so wet that it’s no trouble for the man, who marvels over your shoulder at how good you’re taking his digits.
“haah… j-jae…” he chuckles against your shoulder, eyes never leaving how he’s pumping his fingers into you. they stretch you out so good and you can barely manage words, reduced to nothing but breathy moans and whines while he fucks you open. you mewl on a sudden hard thrust where his fingers are so deep that it’s up to his knuckle. he laughs again.
“you’re doing so good, baby,” jaehyun murmurs, “but i don’t think i can hold it in any longer.” the emptiness you feel when he removes his fingers was criminal, but you can’t complain when you’d be getting his cock in a second or two, already eyeing the bulge that showed itself through his sweatpants. your mouth drops open when he pulls it down in one swift pull, not so much for his length but more of the fact that he wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“of course you aren’t wearing boxers. you’ve been planning this, haven’t you?”
“caught red-handed. a smart one, aren’t you?” jaehyun speaks through pants while he lubes up his cock with his pre-cum, boring holes into your eyes with his with a lazy smirk. he doesn’t miss the way you’re rubbing circles onto your neglected cunt. “guess i’d just have to fuck the smart out of you.”
he uses his strength to turn you over, smushing your face into the cushions below you before he eases himself into you, groaning at how fast you clench around him. jaehyun can forgive you for that, since he’s left you on edge with a gaping hole that showed how good his fingers could stretch you out. he reaches a hand over to push your hand from your clit gently while he lets you get used to his thick length resting into you and he swears he feels you clench again when his fingers play with your bundle of nerves.
“let me take care of you tonight. leave it to me.” jaehyun snaps his hips against your ass, propelling you forward just a little from the force. it draws out a slurred moan, even more when he starts his assault on your pussy, sliding in and out of you deliciously.
“mmhm uh- uh- jaeee…!” the fabric below you is stained with your drool.
jaehyun’s already sure you’d get a noise complaint filed against you tomorrow morning, but he can’t care much when the sounds falling from your lips are his favourite song, while his name is like a prayer that you recite every night. tonight just so happened to be the first, with many more sessions involving your begging for him to fuck you harder, faster, deeper. you’re so fucking desperate for his cock when you push back onto him, meeting his thrusts with your own rhythm while the cushions soak up your moans.
eyeing the tv for a second, the male has never felt so glad that he’s set the screensaver to be a boring black screen. it mimics a mirror with the exception of a few blurred visuals due to the semi-matte protector you opted for. “w-wha? jae-“ in a second, jaehyun hauls you up to rest against his chest again, the friction of your shirts uncomfortable from the sweat that manages to seep through. none of you pay much attention, rather to the black screen in front of you that shows how pliant you are for jaehyun.
thighs wide open, while your greedy cunt takes in every inch of jaehyun. it makes him cum right then and there but he holds himself bask the best that he can. “look at you, pretty girl. split open by my fat cock, whining like a good little girl.” the words drives heat up your body like electricity and your body can’t deny itself any longer, grinding down on the length that’s buried deep in you; the sight in front of you only turns you on more. jaehyun is true to his word like a gentleman, driving his dick deep into you instead of making you do the work and soon, he settles into a comfortable pace.
“j-jaehyuuun… shit..” your head finds home on his shoulders, thrown back while his hips continue to piston into you endlessly, heeding your word when you ask him to pick up the pace. “yeah? feel good, darling?” your moans and his combine with the loud, pornographic sounds coming from in between your legs, cunt dripping with arousal with every pump of his pelvis. giddily, you nod at the question, hands tightly wrapped around his arms that were holding your legs open.
“look at the screen, pretty girl.” and you do, mewling in excitement when you witness a white ring of cum at the base of his cock. “should i cum in you? would you like that, hm?” you’re rendered speechless by he fills you up to the brim with his hard thrusts, pussy fluttering around him when you think of him filling you up in another way and you nod again like a dumb little bitch.
“yes- yes yes! fuck, cum in me.” with your confirmation, it unleashes something feral in jaehyun, delivering faster thrusts that you start crying out, reaching all the corners of the small apartment. it contributes to the heat growing in the pit of your stomach, “fill me up, p-please…!” jaehyun emits a deep groan when you say the words, snapping up into you until they get sloppier and messier, thighs tired from his constant movements.
“cumming, cumming, cumming!” you announce it, pussy clenching tight around his cock as you release your juices all over it. jaehyun follows quickly after, hips stuttering before pumping you full of his cum, spurting his seed deep into your womb. the feeling has you shaking, licking your lips in a thrill when the first drop of cum oozes out of you. littering small kisses down the length of your neck, he uses his finger to stuff it back into you. “shit… we can’t waste any of it, can we?” you roll your eyes, turning your head to the side to meet his lips with a smile, silently thanking him for the destress.
“fucking hell, seriously?” holding a piece of paper the next morning, you faintly make out the words through the morning vision. jaehyun looks over your shoulder and lets out a loud laugh, barely escaping your poorly aimed smacks as you figure out how to sort out the noise complaint. “your pussy was just too wet, waking up the whole building-“
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multifandomlover01 · 3 years
How different BoB and The Pacific men would react to you being insecure (kinda story based and I tried to use a variety of insecurities, not just the same one for each)
(Lol, these got long bc idk what I’m doing, might have to make these in parts)
Tiny warning: Nixon’s section may be seen as being a tiny bit inappropriate (not clear if they are married or not, but you can just pretend they are), as it has kissing and touching (like the bum and hips and stuff)
Part 1 (Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, and Eugene Roe):
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Dick Winters:
• Probably knows you’re in a mood even before you do.
• So you’re confused at first when he asks you what’s wrong.
• But then you’re like: “you know what? Yeah! I am in a mood!”
• So then he’s like: “what’s wrong?”
• And you have trouble putting it into words at first, but when you finally get out that you’ve been feeling insecure lately, Dick laughs.
• Which makes you hit him in the arm.
• He realizes you think he’s making fun of you or something.
• And is immediately like: “oh, no, no, no! I’m not laughing at you.”
• You ask him what he was laughing at then.
• He says he was laughing at the fact that you were insecure.
• Which clarifies nothing.
• So he has to explain that he didn’t think there was anything about you to be insecure about.
• You scoffed.
• Cause you actually thought there was a lot about you to be insecure about.
• So, you start rattling them off.
• And Dick’s face falls and his heart sinks.
• “Oh, sweetheart,” he hugs you and kisses your hair, “I had no idea you felt this way. Why didn’t you tell me?”
• You shrugged.
• “I dunno. I guess I’m just used to feeling this way. I didn’t think it warranted talking to you.”
• This broke Dick’s heart.
• “you know you can always talk to me about anything that’s bothering you, right?”
• He hated to think you didn’t think you could.
• You realized how hurt he was that you hadn’t told him.
• And you knew he loved you and only wanted to help you.
• You nodded, “yeah. I know. I promise I’ll talk to you in the future.”
• He hugged you again, “thank you, sweetheart. I hate to think that you’re thinking this way about yourself and I don’t know about it. I love you so much. And I want you to love yourself. There’s so much about you to love. And I hate to think that I see it, but you don’t yourself.”
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Lewis Nixon:
• At first, he actually thinks you’re joking when you say you’re insecure about the way your body looks, and so he laughs.
• And, so, you hit him.
• And then he realizes you aren’t joking.
• So he immediately engulfs you in a hug.
• Which you struggle against at first.
• But settle into once it’s clear he’s not letting go.
• He’s definitely touchy with the hug, if you know what I mean, grabbing and squeezing. 😉
• He then starts kissing anything he can (all over your face, neck, collarbone).
• Until you’re giggling bc it tickles.
• “I love you so much. Do you know that? I almost feel like giving up alcohol because I could get drunk off of you.”
• “Only almost?” You ask, feigning offense.
• He shrugs, “Hey, I’m getting there, aren’t I?”
• You chuckled, “you are. And I’m so proud of you.”
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Eugene Roe:
• This boi literally thinks the world of you.
• Doesn’t even think about the fact that you’re a girl anymore.
• All he sees you as is a friend and fellow medic.
• Thinks you’re the best medic in the whole battalion (probs in the whole Regiment, maybe even the Division or US Army or the entire ETO (too much?)).
• So when he hears Cobb bitch about your bedside manner (his specific words were: “The cold bitch. Her bedside manner’s so awful, she couldn’t comfort a dying man if she tried.”), anger boils up inside of him and he’s honestly ready to start swinging.
• But then he sees you.
• And he realizes you’ve heard Cobb.
• Which just makes him want to deck the dick even more.
• Then you run away, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
• And Eugene’s heart breaks.
• He immediately takes off after you.
• But only after he hears his fellow Easy Co. members start to gang up on Cobb for what he said, which makes him smile, he only wishes you had seen/heard it.
• But you had run away pretty quickly.
• When Eugene finally finds you, he pauses.
• He realizes he doesn’t quite know how to approach you.
• You’ve always seemed so strong to him, dealing with the typical Sobel BS, taking whatever he threw your way, refusing to fail even when all odds were against you.
• You didn’t take anybody’s shit. Ever. Not Sobel’s. You’d complained to Sink with the right amount of bureaucratic BS to actually get something done, which none of the others could’ve managed. Not any of the lecherous men of other companies and battalions (and armies). You wouldn’t give them the attention they desired from you. So they got bored. Claiming you were a “cold, prudish bitch”.
• So he was surprised that you’d been so hurt by what Cobb said.
• He figured you’d brush it off as you usually did with unkind comments about you. Or punch Cobb yourself, not to show him you were upset, but just to show him what happens when you talk about people like that behind their backs.
• He finally just calls your name out softly, only to get a sniffle in reply.
• Your quiet sobs and subsequent sniffles allow Gene to locate you.
• You had hidden yourself away behind several boxes in a storage building. You were sitting with your back to the wall and your arms around your knees with your head resting between them (basically curled into a ball).
• Eugene sits next to you and puts his arm around you.
• “It’s alright, ma cherie. It’s alright.”
• “No. it’s not. Cause what if Cobb’s right?”
• Eugene was offended you’d even consider that he was.
• “He’s an idiot, of course he’s not right.”
• “But what if he is?”
• Eugene sighed. This was obviously a sore spot for you. So he changed directions.
• “Why do you think he’s right?”
• “Everyone always call me cold and prudish. I isolate myself from the men because, as a medic, I might very well have to save them from dying, but what if I can’t?! I can’t get close. I can’t lose people I care about. But what if, in being so isolated, I have lost my ability to be warm, caring and compassionate?”
• “Do you really think you’d be a medic if you weren’t kind, caring, and compassionate?”
• “I may be technically competent, but what if I’m not emotionally competent?”
• “I can assure you, ma cherie, that you are.”
• “But how?”
• “Cause I dunno a more kind and caring person than you. You’re the best medic in the battalion, probably the whole regiment, maybe even the whole division.”
• “Gee. Thanks, Gene.”
• “Yuh welcome, sweetheart. Don’t let anything Cobb says get to you, alright? He’s just a dick and a troublemaker. And I’m pretty sure the guys beat the crap outta him as I was leaving.”
• “Really?”
• “Uh, huh. You wanna go check?”
• “Sure.”
• Gene helped you up and escorted you back to where everyone was.
• “Ah, there you two are,” Liebgott started, “‘bout time you showed up. I think Loudmouth here needs a medic.”
• The men parted like the Red Sea so you and Gene could see Cobb lying on the ground. His uniform was torn and dirty. He was surely beaten and bruised. His nose was bloody.
• “What the hell did you guys do?!”
• “We kicked his ass.”
• “Obviously, but why?”
• “He insulted you. He’s a dick. He deserved it.”
• “You guys have anger issues.”
• As Eugene and you tended to him, he turned to look at you.
• “Now do you believe you’re a good medic?”
• “Hey, Cobb?” George asked the barely conscious man “how ya like her bedside manner now? You insulted her, made her cry, and she’s still tenderly taking care of your sorry ass!”
• Cobb just groaned, clearly displeased with the situation. He only had himself to blame, however.
• Suffice it to say, your bedside manner is impeccable and when a man in Easy gets tended to by you, they silently celebrate, because they know they’re in the best possible hands they could ever hope to be in. Especially if they are dying. You. Are. A. Godsend to these boys. They love you. So you should love yourself, too, ok?
-The End-
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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what-the-fic-khr · 3 years
For the bbb, can I request xanxus and throat, if it counts?? Thank you!!!
ohhh yes, thank you!! I don’t write Xanxus often so it was nice to do this! and of course the throat counts; I think that area has potential for good fics!! Xanxus is maybe like, 5 years older than present time Xanxus idk for sake of his character being right and more laidback
character/s: 5yl!xanxus, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: 398
warnings: alright he insults you and swears, reader has a gnarly bruise (I’m no medical expert, used what research I could get. neck bruises move towards the collarbones apparently?), and then also he may as well be flirting with reader. lol
prompt: xanxus + throat (body bonanza)
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God, you were so stupid. So utterly dumb. For an assassin of your level, with attention from the kind of people the Varia were, you were just so utterly stupid.
And, while he liked having you around to see what you did, Xanxus hated these moments. You were usually kind of funny, pissing off his subordinates, but there were times like these.
“What the fuck is that?” He’d asked so eloquently, too, and you rasped your way through the explanation before ending it with a dazzling display of shaking your hands around your entirely purple throat.
You were a top assassin, a Varia member no less. You wore the same dumb uniform everyone else did, though unbuttoned now, and yet… You were capable of killing people in ways that even he thought was almost impressive, and then you turned around and got punched in the throat hard enough to fully bruise.
Sure, the guy died, but you still got punched in the throat. Like an idiot.
So now, you were left bumming around near him, quieter than you’d ever been, with the intent of helping him with paperwork. No voice meant no orders for anyone working with you, or no interrogation for the people you caught.
Also, your neck hurt like a bitch. You’d explained that part quite thoroughly, despite how much it supposedly hurt to talk, too.
Xanxus waved you closer to his desk, and you obeyed. You were good at listening, so you rarely got yelled at. Probably for the best, really.
You leaned forward when he motioned you to, hovering halfway over his desk, before freezing when a large hand wrapped around your throat.
You watched his face for any kind of expression, something to tell you what in the god damn hell he was doing, but got nothing.
So, you stayed still when he slowly slid his hand down to rest across your collarbones.
“This bruise is fucking huge, you know.”
You blinked slowly, and he lifted a brow at you. “Ah.” It was almost like an old cat making a noise, and he snorted at the sound.
“Aren’t I your superior? Pay attention, idiot.”
You lurched back quickly before blanching, bringing your own hand to your neck. That had hurt.
Xanxus slumped back into his seat and pointed at you, the epitome of smug. “Purple looks good on you, actually.”
So did red.
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imaginesntingz · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcannons: When they’re obsessed with your 🍑 (Oikawa Tooru, Ukai Keishin, Kozume Kenma)
Warnings: Swearing, not super explicit/nsfw, but suggestive content so I’ll put it below the cut just in case
A/N: What’s good everyone? Here’s something that I’ve stayed up way too late working on. It’s 5 in the morning and I’ve forgotten my own name. Let me know if y’all want a continuation with other characters. They all ended up being setters in this one so I just went with it I guess. All characters are aged up and 18+. I hope you enjoy! Please don’t copy any of my writings. My content is originally written and I put a lot of time and effort into each piece. Ask me before reposting.
Oikawa Tooru:
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Of course he’s respectful when you’re in public, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t noticed the way that new skirt he bought you last week accentuates your ass in justtt the right way.
You’ve caught him staring a few times and he always plays innocent like the sly little shit that he is.
You called him out once, but you know your mans is dramatic
“You wound me, (y/n) chan! What kind of a man do you take me for? I’m a gentleman! Honestly it’s not all that impressive anyways”
“Sounds like someone’s projecting”
“You blatantly asked for the smoke, so I kindly obliged~”
“I was just kidding, baby! Why’d you have to come for me like that? 😭😭😭😭”
You had one brattykawa on your hands after that one. Dats tough
Once you two are alone OOF. This. Bitch. Is. SHAMELESS.
He can’t keep his hands off of you. Doesn’t matter the size or shape
Your ass = Tooru magnet
He could pick you out in a crowd of people based on that booty alone
You’ll be cuddling on the couch, you're on top with your head on his chest just watching a movie and enjoying each other’s presence. Then BAM he’s got both cheeks in each hand, squeezing and kneading firmly
“Neee, (y/n) chan~ You’re so soft, baby girl~ How is that even allowed? Damn you’re so gorgeous, princess”
You: Head Empty
You're bent over the kitchen island scrolling through your phone? This mans is playing patty cake on your buns. Those setter hands are dangerously powerful. Of course he knows how to restrain himself as to not hurt you but whew some of those spanks leave you deliciously breathless and your little gasps are like music to his ears… which usually leads to other tingzzzzz and Tooru teasing you for walking funny the next day
Could his ego get any bigger? I don’t know if we’d survive it
Wearing his favorite pair of leggings or those cute pajama shorts? It’s on sight. You’re trapped beneath this painfully beautiful brat of a man and you wouldn’t have it any other way
And lawwdd if you know how to twerk. He might just faint on the spot
RIP Oikawa it was for a good cause
Ukai Keishin:
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Oh boy
Keishin gives me serious ass man vibes. Idk what it is
He worships you in every way possible, but that ass holds a special place in this cranky man’s heart
After a long day of working with crops, managing the store and volleyball practice, this man is tired and grumpy. Hinata somehow managed to almost meet his eternal rest when he was nearly hit by a TRUCK and a CAR and a BIKE and a STATIONARY POLE trying to outdo Kageyama while racing in the neighborhood. He swears those kids have taken at least ten years off his life span.
This man is v stressed
So when he comes home to find you reading in bed on your stomach in nothing but his t-shirt and those sexy panties that show off that beautiful bum… Honestly he could’ve cried he was so geeked.
He teared up a bit ngl (He’d never admit it tho)
This guy swan dived into bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into your glorious cakes
“Bad day, hon?”
He took a fat nap right then and there
He was so bitchy and whiny when you woke him up to change sleeping positions (as long as you let him slip a hand on a cheek when you got comfortable, he’s a happy camper)
He just loves feeling the warmth and weight of it in his hands, it’s comforting to him and feels super grounding idk
But boy oh boy does this man love to give it a good smack or two or ten
Watch out bb 😈
He’ll spank you anywhere anytime, but he’s real sneaky about it in public….until he’s not LOL. It just depends on the environment and who is around
Like Oikawa, the strength in those setter hands will have you shOOk to the core especially a seasoned one like Kei
One time you were doing your morning stretches, slipping into downward dog and HO. NEY. Keishin was already pulling you flush against his pelvis and smacking that 🍑 like a djembe drum until tears pricked your eyes. Your whole body was vibrating with desire it was WILD
“Ohhhh, sweetheart. You are a work of fucking art, you know that? You’re not going anywhere today. That’s a promise.”
And that’s how you ended up with twins. Not sorry.
10/10 would recommend
Kozume Kenma:
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Listen Linda
It took a while for you to notice
But Kenma is truly OBSESSED with the booty
It took him a while to even admit it to himself tbh
He would look away immediately when he caught himself staring
And he may have appeared chill on the surface but blondie was internally screaming as you literally sat on top of him while he was gaming
He was so hesitant poor bb was overthinking it so hard. He just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or think he was weird etc etc
It was confirmed to you when you started waking up in the middle of the night to a fully unconscious Kenma giving your ass subtle squeezes in his sleep
You’ll literally have to sit this man down and be super direct about it
Once you give him the go ahead chillle it’s on and poppin
Only when y’all are alone of course cuz as we know, Kenma is v shy and a very private person
He’s not the pda type in general
Again, he loves it when you sit on top of him when he’s playing video games. Especially when you straddle him. His hand does this smooth slide down your back that sends shivers down your spine before settling over the swell of your butt. He’ll give the occasional rub and caresses your thigh softly. Another muse of his. Kenma LIVES for your thighs. Would happily be suffocated by them. Whoops. Squeeze them around his waist or grind into his lap and you’ll be on your back faster than you can say yes please
When you’re cuddling, he’ll just start jiggling that cake in his hands. He finds it fascinating, soothing and unbelievably hot all at once. The perfect combination in his opinion.
“ . . . Kenma?”
“Watcha doin back there?”
*continues in concentrated silence*
“. . . You’re like a sexy human stress ball . . So soft . . So cute . . So squishy . .”
My mans is hypnotized. He would do that shit for hours if you let him let’s be real. That thang is thangin
He would buy you ALL of the jeans, leggings, shorts, dresses, hoodies, crops, shirts, skirts. Everything and anything that fits your body type in all the right places, Kenma is on it and good lord is he invested. He absolutely spoils you. Blondie bae is surprisingly good at keeping your style in mind while also pushing you to try new things that end up making you look stunning. Big ups
The only time Kenma has spanked you was in retaliation. You wanted to see his reaction to being spanked. So once when he was distracted by his switch, you slowly walked up behind him and SMACK
Kenma nearly dropped the damn switch 😤 You’ve never seen this boi whip his whole body around and bend you over so fast
Two swift yet heavy blows to your backside had you rethinking your whole life. Everything about that moment lives in your head rent free
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dbnightingale24 · 3 years
Last Chance At Redemption
Chapter 27
Hi!! Remember me?? I post stories and bullshit!!! Sorry its taken so long, adulting has been kicking my ass as of late. Anywho, there’s only two (maybe 3 depending on how I decide to do the next chapter) chapters left to this story!! While I’m excited, I’m also kinda bummed cause I really love writing this story lol. I hope you all enjoy this chapter of fluff and angst cause it a bit of whirlwind to write.
Warnings: Drama, Angst, Arguing, Smoking, Mentions of drinking, FLUFF, Swearing, Dialogue heavy...I think that's it
Word Count: 2984
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: 
You’re Still The One - Shania Twain
Needy - Ariana Grande
I do not give consent for any of my works/stories to be posted without my consent.
Previous Chapters
Chapter 1 ,Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 ,Chapter 6 ,Chapter 7,Chapter 8 ,Chapter 9 ,Chapter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , [Deleted Scene] Let’s Try Something Different, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 (part 1), Chapter 19 (part 2), Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22 , Chapter 23 , Chapter 24, Chapter 25 , Chapter 26
Lisa’s POV
Lisa sat at the kitchen table in Todd’s house, holding her phone and letting her eyes go over the pictures she had been looking over for the past 6 months. Abigail had gotten engaged, posted pictures and videos all over her Instagram and Facebook page, but still hadn’t bothered to text or call.
No, she wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t been invited to the engagement surprise (she was hurt though), but she was truly shocked that Abigail hadn’t reached out to her at all. All of the drama between them happened months ago, why couldn’t she just move on and let it go? If anything, she had clearly done Abigail a favor, so why was she still freezing her out?
“Jesus, will you stop looking at those?!” Todd huffed, making his way over into the kitchen, eyeing the phone in her hand.
‘Great, someone woke up in a mood...again’ Lisa thought to herself. “I haven’t said anything to you about it, so I don’t know why you’re being such a little bitch about it,” she snapped.
“Because fuck the both of them! Why do you care so much?”
“She’s my fucking sister, Todd. That doesn’t change because we’re arguing.”
“She fucking abandoned you, stop caring about every little thing she does,” Todd scowled.
“Be that as it may, she’s still my fucking sister. Like I said, I’m not saying shit to you about it, so leave it alone.”
“Whatever,” Todd mumbled as hard knock came from the front door. “It’s early as hell, what the fuck?” he muttered. “Oh what the fuck do you want?!” he questioned from the entry way.
“I’m not here for you, where the hell is my sister?” she heard Abigail snap back.
Lisa practically ran to the front door. “W-w-what are you doing here?” she stuttered out.
“Make this shit quick,” Todd muttered towards Lisa.
“Hey, you don’t fucking talk to her like that!” Abigail snapped.
“Oh, don’t pretend to give a fuck-”
“Listen, the issues her and I have are between us. Whatever we may or may not going through has nothing to do with how I’ll let you treat her. She’s my sister and I’m telling you to treat her with some fucking respect. Understood?”
“Whatever,” Todd mumbled before sulking back into the kitchen.
“Does he talk to you like that often?” Abigail questioned, her glare following Todd until he was out of sight.
“Not too often, we kinda got into a thing this morning,” she responded meekly.
“You shouldn’t let him talk to you like that, ever. If he’s going to be with you, he needs to respect you,” Abigail huffed before pulling out a cigarette.
“Ugh, this can’t be anything good if you’re already pulling out a cigarette,” Lisa scoffed.
“Why won’t you let Heidi adopt Willow?”
“Jesus, not you too!”
“Lisa, you don’t even spend any time with her. What’s the-”
“She’s my daughter! She’s taken care of and she’s loved-”
“You don’t take care of her! You don’t do things with her, you don’t talk to her, you don’t fucking go to school meetings, and you show no interest in her life! What is the point of it? Jesus, you have a fucking out and you won’t take it!”
“I’m not going to abandon her like you’ve abandoned me!”
“You already have! By being a shit mother, you’ve abandoned her! By the way, I haven’t abandoned you. It’s called dealing with the consequences of your own actions, something you’ve never had to deal with.”
“When are you gonna get over it?! I clearly did you a fucking favor!”
“I’m not having this conversation with you,” Abigail all but muttered before taking a long drag from her cigarette.
“When are we gonna talk about it then?! I understand-”
“You don’t understand shit, Lisa! If you did, you wouldn’t be asking me why I can’t just get over it!” Abigail yelled, doing her best to ignore the tears gathering in her eyes. “I always looked out for you, took care of you, put what I was doing to the side for you, and this is what you do?! You are so insanely selfish and it is exhausting. Taking care of and being related to you is so fucking exhausted and you fucking took it too far. Yes, my relationship with Todd was fucked up, but he was my boyfriend. Me, your sister, and you slept with him anyway. You chose him over me after everything we’ve gone through and...you know what? I’m not fucking doing this today. I have a job that I need to get to. The whole point of this was to tell you that you need to let Heidi take care of Willow, cause you’re clearly in no shape. You never have been. If you don’t, mom will have no problem with destroying you. For once, I won’t stop her,” Abigail stated coldly with a small sniff, before throwing her cigarette to the side and turning around, making her way down the steps and quickly walking to her car.
Lisa stood there and just watched her speed off. What else could she do? Abigail was right, as always. She had been selfish and when she was alone and sober long enough, she knew that every negative and painful feeling she felt was her own fault.
So, in true Lisa fashion, she decided to ignore the problem at hand and be self destructive. She grabbed a bottle of tequila from the kitchen, ignoring Todd and the millions of questions he was shooting in her direction. No, she just needed to lay down for a while and get her thoughts together. She needed to figure her shit out.
Abigail’s POV
“Oh, for FUCKS SAKE!” Abigail exclaimed, slamming her hand down on her desk.
She was 6 months into planning the wedding and she was already fed up with it. Her and Ransom had both decided on a medium sized wedding and she was beginning to wonder why. It’s not like either of them had a lot of friends or family they cared to invite, and something intimate would’ve been better and less stressful, but no. She was all about helping him career wise and figured it would be best to invite the publishing company and friends of Harlan’s that either were or used to be in the business. Their wedding party was incredibly short, with Abigail’s consisting of only Taylor and Heidi, while Ransom had Jeff and his Father (he hated himself for not being able to ask Harlan to be in it instead of his Father).
Yes, initially everything had started coming together. They had their dream venue, great catering, and flowers that Abigail was obsessed with.
However, that’s when the dream came to an end. When it started to involve other people, Abigail started to lose her mind.
People were RSVPing on their own accord, requesting to bring their children even though the invites said absolutely no children (Ransom had been extremely firm on that before asking Abigail again if she wanted to have children), Ransom’s family was making sure they voiced all of their grievances about the wedding from them inviting Marta and her family to their choices when it came to the food, her grandparent’s were urging her to invite both her mother and Lisa, and she couldn’t find a wedding dress. Not to mention: she still had a restaurant to run.
She had just gotten off the phone with the venue who said Linda called to complain about the outdoor arrangements and to offer her services for how it should look. She was all but fed up with the day when your her cell phone started going off again. “Hello?” she sighed into the phone, exhausted.
“What the fuck did you say to Lisa this morning?!” Todd shouted into the phone.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, but I am not that person,” Abigail snapped.
“Don’t get cute with-”
“Todd, I swear to God I am not in the mood for this shit. Either respect me or I’m hanging the fuck up.”
“She’s been locked up in my bedroom all day, crying and drinking.”
“Why would that be my fault?”
“Because you came over this morning, you two argued about something, and now this. She’s been depressed because you never told her about your stupid engagement and you haven’t invited her. Heidi came over and said that Lisa gave her permission to take some of Willow’s things and that she’d be back in a week with adoption papers that Lisa agreed to sign.”
“Well that’s good. Frees you two up to do whatever the hell it is you two do,” Abigail muttered, rubbing her temples.
“Can you give a fuck? The last thing I need is your sister dying in my fucking house!”
“Almost tricked me into thinking you have a heart and were actually concerned.”
“She’s your sister, Abigail.”
“And you fucked her, Todd. I love how both of you think my anger is unwarranted. You two had an affair, for months, behind my back and now I’m wrong for being angry?! Even you have to see how fucked that is.”
Todd was silent for a beat before he spoke. “She’s your little sister. It’s up to you to be the bigger person and-”
“Are you serious with that shit?! Who are you?! My fucking mother?!”
“This conversation is done. Don’t call me again,” Abigail snapped before hanging up and throwing her phone across her office.
She was starting to wish that her and Ransom had kept their relationship a secret. It was starting to feel like everyone was doing their best to drive her insane. Ransom had tried to help but his limited knowledge of weddings and short patience with people made them both decide that it would be best for him to do as little as possible.
Every day was a battle with herself to not snap on everyone, but she knew that it was gonna happen at some point. Heidi and Taylor tried to help as much as they could, but with Taylor adjusting with the move and Heidi trying to handle legal matters with Lisa, neither of them could help much. Why hadn’t she just decided on a small wedding?
By the time she was done with work, she was spent. The entire drive home she practically sped while trying blasting Soundgarden. ‘Maybe I can talk Hugh into eloping.’ she thought to herself as she drove up the little pathway Ransom had put in.
As she made her way up the steps, she could already hear Sampson barking and jumping against the door. A small smile came to her face as she their little ring bearer tackled her with love and affection as soon as she opened the door. She stayed there for a moment, letting the stress of the day slowly fall away.
“Hugh!” she called, once she noticed that he hadn’t come to greet her as he usually did. When she called again and there was still no answer, she decided to get up and start on a little adventure to find him. After clearing the basement and the main floor, Sampson on her heels, she made her way to the second floor. She was about to check the bedroom when she heard his voice coming from the office.
She laughed softly to herself for not checking there first, since that had become his favorite place in the house besides the bedroom, and made her way to the beautiful room with one of the best views. She could tell by the conversation he was having that he was on the phone with someone from the publishing company, so she quietly made her way over to him and straddled him, resting her head on his shoulder as she laid against him and closed her eyes. And just like that, everything seemed to fall into place again. The peace and calm she had been seeking so desperately all day had finally found its way to her. Suddenly, nothing seemed as draining and overwhelming as it really was.
“I take it someone’s talk with their sister didn’t go well today,” Ransom questioned, starting to gently stroke her back after he hung up.
“Both of them are just so... ugh!! Apparently, she’s been held up in Todd’s room all day drinking and crying. I think she agreed to the adoption though, so that’s something, I guess.”
“It’s probably the first non-selfish thing she’s ever done, so it is something and you pushed her in that direction.”
“Am I being too harsh on her, Hugh? Should I let her come to the wedding?”
“I don’t think you’re being harsh enough,” Ransom scoffed, shaking his head a little. “Both of them can fuck right off.”
“What? I’m not wrong. It’s not like you’re angry because she borrowed your clothes without asking or lied about taking your car for a fucking joyride. Neither one of them seems to grasp just how fucked up the situation truly is and they both just want you to get over it. I am a hard ass but I’m being fair about this. They can both go to hell.”
“She’s my sister.”
“Then she should fucking act like it.”
“She did come over during our breakup and check on me.”
“Wow, she did one good thing. Let’s hold a fucking parade.”
“You’re not being too hard on her, you’re being too hard on yourself. You can forgive her but that doesn’t mean you have to have her in your life.”
“I don’t wanna have this wedding anymore. Let’s just elope. I hate everything and everyone is getting on my nerves. I can’t even pick a fucking wedding dress.”
“Just relax,” Ransom cooed before kissing the top of her head.
“How can I relax? The wedding is 3 months and everyone is being fucking annoying. Your fucking mother called the venue again and harassed them.”
“I’ll take care of Linda,” Ransom growled. “I can take care of things if you tell me what to do and I promise not to lose my cool again. However, if you really want to elope, we can do that too.”
“You’d do that for me?”
“I’d do anything for you. We can do whatever the hell you want as long as we end up married to each other,” he said sincerely.
Abigail sat up and looked at Ransom, who had a small smile on his face, before leaning in to kiss him passionately. “Take a nap with me?” she breathed out once they broke apart.
“Anything you want, Princess,” he smiled.
Ransom kept her arms around his neck and wrapped his arms around her waist as they stood up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and laid her head back on his shoulder, as he led them to the bedroom. He pulled down back the blankets and gently laid her down on the bed before getting in beside her and pulling the blankets up and over them and pulling her close. Sampson settled in at the foot of the bed and laid down at their feet.
As the three of them started to drift off to sleep, Abigail felt the overwhelming sense of love and happiness that she felt the first time her and Ransom had stayed up till 5am getting to know each other. She knew in her heart that there was nothing she couldn’t overcome as long as she had him by her side. He was everything she had always been searching for and everything she’d ever need. She was truly going to marry the man of her dreams and she couldn’t wait.
@goldenfightergir, @princess-evans-addict, @jeremyrennermakesmesmile, @sweetflowerdreams, @whxre4cevans, @jennmurawski13
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calaofnoldor · 4 years
Sixth Time’s the Charm [2]
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Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 2,139
Series Summary: All the times Dean has tried to get Sam to admit his feelings for you.
Chapter Summary: You’re injured and Sam is overprotective. Dean gets caught in the middle.
Warnings: protective moose, badass!reader, exasperated squirrel, mutual pining, idiots in love, slow burn, fluff
A/N: thank you for all the love and support on part 1! here's part 2 of a mini series that is essentially an amalgamation of all the jealous/protective tropes lol
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The second time was an accident, although that did nothing to lessen Sam’s resulting ire. It was the middle of November and the three of you had been hit with one case after another, giving you no time to recover from injuries and keeping everyone rather keyed up.
A stupid misstep during a wendigo chase had left you with a sprained ankle on the last hunt. Sam, being the modern Prince Charming kinda guy that he was, had carried you back to the car while you protested futilely within his solid arms, eventually giving up in favor of hiding your embarrassment in the crook of his neck, though that only made your foolish heart beat faster.
“Sam, I’m fine, seriously. It’s nothing! A bit of ice and I’ll be good to go. You don’t have to do this,” you had nearly begged after he set you down on your motel room bed. His proximity always made you nervous, but when it was just the two of you and he was taking care of you like this? It set your heart racing and left a bittersweet aftertaste in your soul.
“Y/N, would you just let me look at it?” Sam hadn’t meant to sound so snappy, but he was growing tired of you always pushing him away whenever he got too close. He figured you wanted to keep your distance, keep things platonic, and he could never blame you for protecting yourself, especially given his history with women, but he genuinely wanted to help you. Sam needed to make sure you were all right.
His irritable tone had shut you right up, so you simply nodded in consent. ‘Great, now I’m annoying him,’ you thought with a quiet sigh.
Sam tried to send you an apologetic smile, to show that he was simply worried, but you wouldn’t meet his eyes. ‘Great, now she hates me,’ he thought with a defeated sigh.
Choosing not to dwell on the lump in his throat, Sam quickly got to work, ever so gently removing your boot and then sock before rolling up your pant leg just enough to get a clear look. His capable hands and eyes meticulously examined your swollen ankle, turning it this way and that as you leaned back on your hands and shifted uncomfortably on your bum.
“Well, you were right, I don’t think it’s broken. Probably just a bad sprain. You should stay off it for a while though,” his magical kaleidoscope eyes peered up at you through thick lashes as rays of setting sunlight pierced through the only small window in the room and bounced off his cheekbones in ways that left you speechless once again.
You gulped, finding it impossible not to hold his gaze. “Right, thanks doc,” you whispered awkwardly after a beat, swiftly removing your leg from his hold, and rolling your pants back down.
And that had been that.
Now here you were a week later, discussing your plan for a possible witch hunt.
“So here’s what I’m thinking,” Dean started, “Sammy can go through the back door, and I’ll go in from the front, while Y/N keeps watch on the outside and-”
“Dude, what the hell?!” Sam’s sudden outburst surprised both you and Dean, as he slammed his laptop shut and raised both hands in question.
“What? What do you mean ‘what the hell’?” Dean shot back, completely perplexed.
“Dean! She has a bad ankle!” Sam’s voice was filled with an unrecognizable anger and his darkened eyes bored fiercely into Dean’s.
“Okayyy, and I put her on lookout duty…” the older Winchester repeated slowly, trying to suss out his brother’s mystical problem.
“Which means she’s gonna have to walk back and forth around the place, and if she sees something, she’s gonna have to run!” Sam accused his brother incredulously, gesturing wildly with his big hands.
Dean couldn’t hold back the dramatic eye roll that accompanied his sigh of disbelief. ‘Here we go again,’ he thought, wishing his baby brother would just man up and tell you how he felt instead of throwing these little tantrums.
Your jaw had been slack as you watched the entire exchange in bewilderment. Feeling a little bad for Dean, however, you decided to finally speak up, adjusting your voice to take on a soothing tone, “Sammy, I’m fine. Honestly, it’s feeling a lot better!” While that wasn’t exactly true, you weren’t sure you could handle another round of his huge yet gentle hands caressing your bare skin. “Besides, it’s not exactly unheard of to be on a job while you’re still a little battered and bruised; that’s just part of the life. I mean, you guys do it all the time!”
Sam turned to look at you for the first time since he’d started speaking, trying to ignore the whirl of butterflies that erupted in his stomach when you used the nickname that had been reserved for Dean only up until you came along (it always sounded so sweet coming out of your mouth, he could never find it in himself to correct you), so he could focus on his train of thought. “Yeah, but we don’t do things that’ll make our injuries worse. Y/N, you need to stay off that foot or it’s not gonna heal properly!”
“Look, Sam, I appreciate the concern. I really do, but I’ll be fine. I’ve had much worse and we need all hands on deck for this case.”
“Well, she ain’t wrong about that. This bitch has been tricky since the start,” Dean chimed in.
Sam flashed his brother a dangerous glare, the muscles in his jaw popping, before he turned back to you, “No. I’m sorry, but I think you’d be more help to us if you just stayed in the car.”
“No?” you questioned him with narrowed eyes. Sure, he was the most gorgeous man you’d ever laid eyes on, but that didn’t mean he could tell you what to do – especially not when it came to hunting, the one thing in which you were fully confident of your abilities.
Dean looked on with an amused smirk, glad he wasn’t the one about to get chewed out anymore.
“Sam, I know you mean well, but you don’t get to make that decision for me. That’s not how this works. I joined you two ‘cause we work well as a team. But that only holds if we all get equal say, if we all respect each other as hunters. I’m telling you that I can do this, and you need trust me.”
Sighing as he rubbed his temples, Sam stayed quiet for a moment while he pondered his response. He knew you were right. You were a total badass and he was painfully aware of it (there were times when a stand-alone part of his body was painfully aware of it as well), but still, he couldn’t resist the urge to protect you. Lately, it was becoming harder.
“I trust you, Y/N/N,” Dean cut in, breaking the silence, and then raising a brow at his brother.
Sam ran a large hand over the lower part of his face, nodding his head without looking at either of you, before rising to his feet and walking out abruptly.
Turning your head to stare after him with furrowed brows, you began uncertainly, “Should I…?” You sent Dean an inquiring glance in lieu of finishing your sentence.
“Nah, I got this. Kid’s probably just cranky after all these hunts. You just stay off that foot for as long as you can, make sure you’re good to go for later.”
You nodded as you watched Dean leave to find Sam. It was only a matter of minutes before you heard their loud voices travelling through the thin walls.
“Yeah, and whose fault is that?” You recognized Sam’s low and enraged voice immediately.
“Well maybe if you just told her!”
“Told her what, Dean?!”
That’s when things got quiet again.
After a moment of pause, you shook it off and went back to reviewing your research for the case in silence. As confused and curious as you were, you weren’t about to let your mood distract you from the perils that laid ahead. Like Dean said, this witch was tricky, and you needed to have the brothers’ backs.
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It was two in the morning when the three of you finally managed to kill the bitch. The hunt turned out to be a team effort after all, with you saving the boys’ asses at the last minute. Your chest was heaving and your ankle throbbing, but you were satisfied with the job well done.
Sam watched as you slowly hobbled back to the car. He could tell that your limp had worsened, but he kept his mouth shut since he knew there was no way they could have done it without you. In fact, he wasn’t even sure if he and Dean would still be here without you, but seeing you in pain tore at his heart and made him wish things were somehow different, despite the overall positive outcome.
Dean clapped him on the shoulder, interrupting Sam’s thoughts and urging him forward with a tired grunt.
“I don’t know about you kids, but I am beat,” Dean looked over at you and Sam as he cut the engine twenty minutes later, “We good with staying another night and heading back tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that sounds good to me,” you agreed, climbing out the car and retreating to your room after bidding the brothers good night.
“Dude,” Dean’s head rolled heavily to the right when only he and Sam were left in the Impala, “Just go talk to her, will ya? You’re driving me nuts here.” He sent his brother an imploring look, a bit of Winchester telepathy.
There was a light knock on your door moments later. You swiped your gun but lowered it when you saw Sam’s hulking form through the peephole.
“Hey,” you greeted quietly after opening the door, keeping one hand on it to help steady yourself.
“Hey,” he echoed, “I just wanted to check on you.”
“Oh, thanks. I’m fine,” you lied easily, trying not to make it obvious that you were resting all your weight on your good leg.
But of course, Sam was much too shrewd for that, perceptive gaze flickering down to your feet right away, “Can I look at your ankle please?” the words rushed out of his mouth, and he was quick to add more before you had a chance to protest, “I swear, I’m not here to tell you off; I just want to help you. Please.”
It always amazed you how Sam could go from towering, ferocious hunter to bashful, adorable, man-boy so seamlessly. He was really stinking cute when he begged, and you could never say no to those puppy dog eyes, “Yeah, OK,” you muttered while backing up to let him all the way in, too exhausted to offer any form of resistance anyway.
You sat on the edge of your bed obediently, bending over to remove your shoes, but Sam was there kneeling beside you in an instant, waving your hands away. He unzipped your boot and slowly slipped it off your foot, careful not to rattle your ankle in the process, with one hand holding on firmly to your calf.
“I wanted to apologize,” he said as he repeated the process with your sock.
“What for?”
“For making you feel like I don’t respect you as a hunter, for making you believe I don’t trust you.” He was down to the compression wrap he’d picked up for you at a drugstore, with which he took extra care removing, keeping his movements slow and cautious. “None of that’s true; I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself more.”
You studied Sam in the pale light, drunk on the feeling of his hands on your skin, “I saved your ass though, didn’t I?”
That brought a chuckle to Sam’s lips, his hands still supporting the full weight of your lower leg as he prodded lightly at the bloated skin around your foot, “Well, the swelling’s definitely worse, but yeah, you did.”
“Then it was worth it. Your ass will always be worth it.”
Sam looked up at you and found himself getting lost in the truth within your eyes. There was a buzz of raw emotion vibrating through the air between you, and so many words came to his mind, but in the end, he settled on, “Come on, we gotta keep this foot elevated.” He then grabbed your waist and managed to move you up the bed in one smooth motion, “I’ll go get you some ice.”
You immediately missed his fingers and the way they had absentmindedly stroked your calf, staring wantonly at his back as he walked out the door.
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thank you so much for reading! feedback is scientifically proven to make me write faster! 💞
STTC TAG TEAM (let me know if you wanna be added or removed): @carryonmywaywardbucky​ @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese​ @gia-25​ @laurakirsten0502​ @matchesarelit​ @sams-sass​ @swiftlymoniquesblog​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​
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