#Watch the damn movie. It's called having basic comprehension skills and context! šŸ˜±
thevillainsfangirl Ā· 1 year
It's not lost on me how a certain portion of the Scream Hellfandom has just... weirdly scapegoated Wayne Bailey into the Big Bad Villain while watering his kids (who aren't Richie) down into Poor Abused Victims Groomed Into Killers when neither the filmā€™s narrative nor Radio Silence themselves have said anything of the sort. And I'm sure it's because he's an Old White Manā„¢ and a cop (As if that's worse than all of the serial murder these characters have committed over 26 years, but what's new with this fandom?), while Quinn and Ethan appeal to the new young fans who want to date some bland, OOC versions of them that they've created in their heads.
And it's extra absurd because these people will be like, "They were only teenagers, obviously their father made them kill," as if they weren't 19, as if there haven't been multiple Ghostfaces who were 17 and 18 killing of their own free will. As if Quinn's and Ethan's anger at Sam for hacking their brother to death wasn't clear as day. (Especially Quinnā€™s.) As if Wayne saying that he had a special bond with his first son and only child for 7 years meant that he didn't love Ethan as well. As if Ethan wasn't portrayed as the most deranged of the entire family. (He was SO excited for murder!)
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(What are the papers I have? THE ACTUAL FUCKING MOVIE instead of OOC fanfiction.)
"Wayne excluded Ethan from the family!!" We don't even know who's idea that was; we know Quinn started the rumor about Sam, so who knows what Ethan may have thought of. Also... that was part of the con. (But truly, it was to throw us off because they would've looked too sus if we knew they were related.)
ā€œRichie was spoiled! Wayne did everything for Richie! The shrine, the murders, it was all for Richie!ā€ Yeah, the other two were probably spoiled as well, we just didnā€™t see it because it wasnā€™t relevantĀ to the plot.Ā And of course everything was about Richie right now for Wayne; Richie was the child he lost, his child who heā€™d seen butchered. Do you honestly, with your whole chests, think that he wouldnā€™t have done the same for those kids? šŸ¤Ø
These people have Crazy Antiā„¢ written all over them because why must they bend over backward so hard and make shit up just to feel better about liking a FICTIONAL villain? (They don't actually like Quinn or Ethan, of course; if they did, they wouldn't try so hard to warp them into different people. They just want to fuck them solely for their looks.)
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