#Wave Goodbye 2009
iamtryingtobelieve · 8 months
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Couldn't find the original so had to re-make it myself
The 2009 stomach flash gif that used to float around here from time to time
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halo-eight-94 · 18 days
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NIИ | Wave Goodbye Tour Posters + Peter Murphy hanging upside down performing with nin 2009 | Posters designed by Rob Sheridan
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nnytweets · 1 year
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Furious while eating two scoops of delicious bubble gum ice cream, spitting out the gumballs in a white hot rage, my face a mask of fury.
A kid walks by, enjoying his own cone. We share a look of understanding that life is screaming horror, but it's worth it for shit like this.
He trips, and I can't help but laugh insanely in his face, eating my cone like a madman. He understands this also as he runs crying.
I chase him for five blocks until my cone is done, howling about how fantastic and cruel it all is, dramatically pointing at my ice cream.
I run face first into his dad's enormous fist. I wave goodbye to the kid as I am thrown in a garbage can and kicked down the street.
June 1, 2009
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jupiter-soups · 1 year
summer camp sadness
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synopsis: when it’s Sarah's first time away from home for overnight summer camp, Joel is unprepared for the wave of emotions that overtake him.
tags:  fluff, single dad!joel, no outbreak!au, joel just generally needing consolation that sarah is still his baby girl
word count: 2.3k
a/n: this was written for the pedro pascal cinematic universe discord server fest!!!! please feel free to join in and write something too, or just join the server and have a good time as we talk about all of our favourite dilfs!! link: https://discord.gg/2SBkmdbp
anyways, this is just a cute little oneshot because i just know that Joel would be struggling with his little girl growing up. also this is set in like 2010-ish? they’re the same ages as the show, i just wanted to make a 2009 reference lol. enjoy!!!!!
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“And you have Uncle Tommy’s number written down too?” He asks for easily the thirteenth time since they had begun the four hour journey to Camp Yaupon, while fussing with the zip on his daughter’s baby blue puffer jacket as she stands in front of him.
The curly-haired girl lets out a drawn out groan in response, shifting a few steps back to get out of his nervous grip, “Yes, dad, I have his number, I have your number, I have the neighbor’s number, please, can I just go? Before everyone else makes friends without me?” She’s practically bouncing where she stands from the nervous energy, beyond eager to head in and begin the next three weeks of soccer, crafts, and female friendship.
He loosens his grip on her jacket and nods solemnly, clearly running through a mental list of questions to find any reason to extend this goodbye. When he comes up empty, he grabs her and pulls her into a huge bear hug, practically lifting the girl from the ground in his embrace. 
“Dadddddddd,” She groans, trying to pull away with a sheepish, embarrassed expression, as if she was praying that the other girls didn’t see this moment of affection. He had explicitly promised that he would be cool when they got there. She should have known better when he began to tear up as her Hannah Montana: The Movie soundtrack CD began to play ‘Butterfly Fly Away,’. “I need to gooooooooo, it’s fineeeeeee” She drags out, awkwardly patting him on the back.
With her embarrassed tone, he finally pulls away with a small sniff, and rubs his hand across his face as if he was merely affected by hayfever from being parked out near the woods.
“Sorry, darlin’,” He chuckles awkwardly to play off his emotional outburst, “Of course it’ll be fine, just…you’ll be so far away, is all.” The girl’s eyes widen in panic as she spots the redness in his eyes and realises that it is very likely that he is about to start up again. She chooses to pat him on the arm a few times with a warning look, as if to say ‘get it together, old man.’ 
“Alright, alright. I get it. You have fun now, sweetie. Call me before bed, okay?” 
He watches as she scampers off before she pauses briefly, trying to decide which group of teen girls she should approach. He swallows dryly, trying to fight the pinching in his eyes as the sinking feeling that he was really about to be without her for three whole weeks began to swallow him up again. 
You stood a good dozen feet away from him with your own daughter, Ellie, who was rolling her eyes at you. “Come on, Els, if you don’t put it on I can’t let you go and get settled. It’s a four hour drive back, just let me go home already.” You insist, doing your best puppy dog eyes as you hold out the bottle of sunscreen at her.
“Fine,” She gives in, snatching the bottle with an overexaggerated glare that makes you giggle at her fake misery. She begins to slather it onto her face, making noises of disgust at the scent, before complaining “Y’know the second you go home, this bottle is going straight in the trash, right?”
“Ellie. Humor me, just this once,” You say, deadpan, causing the girl to snicker.
“I apologise, mother, I shall be sure to apply the sunscreen diligently every six hours, as per your wishes,” She says in a fake English accent, grinning at the way your eyes narrow in displeasure. 
“I’m sure it’ll be real funny when I never come and pick you up,” You say, dead serious, before breaking to swipe off a remnant stripe of white sunscreen from the side of her cheek. 
“Come here,” You give her a quick hug, knowing not to overdo it and embarrass her. “You’re gonna be careful, and call me if anything bad happens, right?” You press a small kiss to her forehead, immediately making a disgusted face at the remnants of sunscreen, something that Ellie notices and cackles at. 
As Ellie skips away to the friend that waves at her with their full body, you watch with a smile, trying to will away the tears that threaten to fall. This wasn’t new for you, but it was still a strange feeling, knowing that your girl wouldn’t be waiting for you at home. From the corner of your eye, you spot a similar scene unfold.
A man, watching his daughter leave, with that very familiar look of sheer panic marring his pretty face. You had been there before. You approach him carefully, noting the way his fists were clenching and unclenching by his sides in some sort of attempt at containing his emotions. 
You cough slightly to make him aware of your location, feeling sort of guilty at the way he was caught off guard, flinching at your presence. “First time?” You ask, a small comforting smile adorning your lips.
He lets out a slightly pained huff of a laugh, looking back at where his daughter was now sitting at the picnic table, “That obvious, huh.” His voice is small at this moment, before he suddenly seems to snap out of it and clears his throat. He stands up straighter and rubs a hand on the nape of his neck, trying to laugh it off more convincingly this time. The way his eyelashes were slightly wet gave him away.
“Guess I’ll get used to it.” He says resolutely, as if he was willing it to be true. He sticks out a large hand as he introduces himself, and you take it, shaking it twice. “Joel Miller, Sarah’s dad.” He pauses before remembering, “Oh, uh- That’s Sarah.” He gestures over to the cute tween girl now animatedly talking to your own daughter. You grin at the sight.
“Oh, I am so sorry. She seems to have met my spawn, Ellie. That’s her over there,” You point at the girl who had somehow stood on the table in the two seconds it took for you to point her out. His genuine laugh warms you, and it takes you a second to remember to introduce yourself. He squints slightly as you say your name. 
“Anderson Middle School, down in Austin?” He questions to your surprise. 
“Uh- yeah. Ellie’s just left their eighth grade class.  Have we met before?”
“No, not really. I just-uh. Think I’ve seen you before, at a PTA event. You were complaining about the girls soccer team getting their budget cut, if I remember correctly.” 
“Yes, that was me!” You confirm, “It did fuck all to help, but Ellie was proud of me for telling the superintendent to go to hell. So, that was nice. Did get banned from any and all following meetings, though.” You grimace at the awkward memory.
He chuckles, and you both fall into a comfortable silence watching your kids laugh with each other. Ellie was now sitting cross legged on top of the table, and Sarah must have been telling her a joke given how you could hear their laughter all the way where you were standing.
As the bell begins to clang, indicating that it was time for the campers to head on inside and that parents could finally head home, you notice Joel tense up beside you. A glance to your left proved that your suspicion that he was not handling this well was correct, as you saw the way redness was rising up his neck and into his face. He chews on his lips as he watches the girls pass through the cabin doors, finally out of his eyesight.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” You can’t help yourself from comforting him, feeling the pain that you felt just last year when it had been Ellie’s turn to stay at an overnight camp for the first time. His bashful expression as he looked up at you with tears forming in his eyes melted your heart and you pressed a gentle hand against his firm shoulder, rubbing comforting circles.
“I promise, it’ll get easier. Last year, I was so scared to be all alone in that empty house without my Els, but it’s not too bad. Especially once you remember how nice it is to be able to day drink.” You joke, trying to lift his mood. 
He chuckles once, and tries to straighten himself up, squaring his shoulders and turning his head away from you to wipe at his eyes quickly before turning back. “Just goin’ to be weird. So used to her yapping on about her little boy bands. Three whole weeks without her,” He trails off and lets out an exhausted sigh, “Goin’ to be weird.” He repeats to himself quietly. 
“Single dad?” You ask, recognising that bitter fear of loneliness that you yourself had experienced many times in the process of raising a daughter on your own. He nods slowly, and turns to face you, seeming to finally have given up staring at the door that Sarah disappeared through. 
“Jus’ been me and her, goin’ on eleven years now.” He confirms, seeming to have slightly pulled himself together. He sort of looks you up and down for a second, before asking “What about you? Single?” He hesitates before stuttering out, “Single mom, I mean.” 
“Yep, just me and Ellie since she was four.” It’s in this moment that you realise you're still holding on to his shoulder absentmindedly, and you quickly withdraw your hand to your side. God, his shoulders were broad and firm.  His face did seem a little brighter, too, and it looked good on him.
“I know it can be hard to deal with when they first start to have a little independence, but there’s good to it as well. You get to have a little independence, too. And, I can say from experience that she’s not suddenly going to stop needing you. She’ll probably be on the phone to you before you know it.” 
“You’re right, I know. It’s just,-” He sighs, his slightly defeated tone still persevering in a way that told you that he had been wallowing in this for a while, “How can you know that? That she’ll still need me or want to call me. What if I go home, and she’s having so much fun that I don’t hear from her for the entire three weeks,”
You gesture to the ground beside him, to a pink backpack you noticed just a moment before, “Well, for starters, she’ll need to call you when she realises that she forgot that. Unless you’re the Hello Kitty fan in the family?” You tease gently, unable to hold back your laugh at the exasperated look on his face at his daughter's forgetfulness. Ah, the duality of being a parent. 
“God damnit, Sarah,” He frowns as he picks up the backpack, shaking his head in disbelief. “She would forget her own head if it wasn’t attached to her neck.” 
“See? She needs you.” You affirm, giving him an encouraging nod.
He chuckles, and the lingering sadness in his eyes seems to dissipate at the realisation that you were right. “Thank you,” he murmurs quietly, reaching out to give your forearm an appreciative squeeze. The sensation made heat rise to your face, and so you’re grateful when he turns around and begins to jog up to the cabin.
You watch for a moment, before turning around yourself and heading to your car. As much as you wanted to stay and talk to Joel, it was probably best to start the long drive back without letting yourself linger in the way his smile made you feel.
As you take your seat behind the steering wheel and begin to buckle yourself in, you think about how the handsome man looked you up and down, letting his eyes linger for a second too long on your body before they returned to your face. Tapping your fingernails against the steering wheel for a couple of minutes, you considered if maybe you should have hung back for just a moment longer, before deciding that you were probably overthinking things.  
You practically jump out of your skin at the urgent rapping of knuckles against the car window next to you. You see Joel standing there, chest slightly heaving as if he was out of breath. The window squeaks as you roll it down to face him while he leans down to speak to you once more. 
“Sorry, I-uh,” He swallows nervously, and takes a second to catch his breath, “I didn’t realise that you went back to your car– I just. Would it be alright if I got your number?” He asks in a rush, holding out a beat up old blackberry that had its battery duct taped in.
He must have sensed your confusion as he quickly continues, “It’s just. What you said, about independence. Maybe I should make the most of some time alone. Maybe…I don’t know, I could take you out, or somethin’” The way he shifted his weight nervously despite the casual words he used made you want to giggle at his expense. 
“Really? You’re not going to be too busy moping around?” You tease, despite taking the phone from his hand and beginning to type in your own number.
He laughs sort of breathlessly, relief tinging his words as he explains “The second I walked in there she ran over and gave me a big hug. Said she missed me already.” He didn’t bother fighting the grin on his face, “Couldn’ bring myself to tell her off for forgetting her bag.”
You laugh as you pass his phone back to him, heart beating faster as your fingertips brushed in the exchange of the device. 
“I’ll be fine,” He says, tone sure and even, as he looks at your number with a soft smile. “Really.”
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a/n: again, this is for the pedro pascal cinematic universe discord server! please join if you want to :) we're nice, i swear!!
also, PLEASEEEE let me know what you think! posting is so nervewracking!!!
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adultswim2021 · 10 months
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Moral Orel: “Abstinence” | January 18, 2009 | Unaired Special
Abstinence, “the nearly lost episode of Moral Orel”, or “episode 14 of 13” was an episode of the show that was left in an incomplete state thanks to Adult Swim cutting down the episode order. The audio for the episode was recorded, at least mostly (some characters might be scratch tracks, but I’m not certain), but the animation hadn’t been done. So, some people who worked on the show took it upon themselves to animate the radio play using “Orel’s Movie Premiere” style claymation. 
I’m glad they did it, because this is a worthy episode to have exist, even if it’s not 100% a “real” episode. This actually comes pretty damn close to being as satisfying as watching a normal episode. I wish we lived in the alternate universe where Dino manages to talk Adult Swim into letting him animate the show this cheaply in exchange for more episodes.  
This episode takes place during season two (with a post-Nature scene at the end). Doughy has long been neglected by his parents, who simply give Doughy a few bucks and ask him to stay out all day so they can neck with each other. They are now requesting Doughy stay out overnight. Not used to non-daytime activities, Orel encourages Doughy to just do what he does and walk around trying to help people. Doughy keeps encountering people trying to have sex with each other and manages to cockblock them all.
This leads to Doughy getting a job cockblocking actual roosters from impregnating the farmer’s chickens. He loses this job because Ms. Censordoll’s campaign to illegalize succeeds. Doughy winds up working for Ms. Censordoll as a masked superhero that goes around breaking up congress everywhere. 
This one has a very funny joke at the beginning, where Doughy and Orel are waving goodbye to a busload of gay men, and remarking how it was a big mistake bussing them into Moralton. Do you think the show was cleverly going to show the gay dudes in another episode to explain the beginning of this one? And, don’t you think it’s sad they left on the bus and we didn’t get to watch them walk away (hubba hubba). I also laughed at the farmer’s extremely dumb and convoluted reason for not caging his roosters (it’s basically so he can say a dumb thing when asked why he’s not caging his roosters). 
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Moral Orel: The Unproduced Scripts
A couple of scripts for episodes have been shared online. I remember Dino posting one on his Myspace page. The episodes are: 
Raped: This episode was going to be a late season three episode. The original arc for the season was meant to include Arthur Puppington, Clay’s father, moving into Orel’s bedroom while he waits to die of some painful life-ending disease.
Miss Sculptham finds that she is still pregnant post-abortion. That’s because she had twins, and only managed to kill one of them. So she arranges a visit to the prison to talk to Cecil Creepler’s (the guy what raped her) cell-mate to find out what his whole deal was (you know, being naturally curious about the father of her future child). This leads to her deciding to marry this man, even though he’s spending the rest of his life in prison. Orel is being a bitch about it, and celebrates when the guy backs down. The end of the episode is Sculptham falls in love with a woman and is denied for a marriage license, because “this is America”. She can get married to an actual convicted rapist, but not to another woman. 
I was about to comment on the time and place in which this episode was produced, but then realized: I have no idea how legal gay marriage actually is these days. Weird guys have been fighting over the stuff a lot lately. It took a weirdly long time for gay marriage to become any kind of legal here, and it’s still contentious. I just have a vague sense of reading it in 2009 and it feeling very pointed and topical. Pretty weird that it still sorta might be.
This episode was sorta billboarded in Alone, where we learn about Scultham’s rape and her abortion. There also a reference to this in “Abstinence”, where one of the encounters Doughy puts a stop to is one between Creepler and Scultham. 
Narcissism is the other “lost” episode. I never actually read this script before tonight, and I don’t know what the origin of this one’s leakage is or if it’s liberation was acrimonious or not. This one is another Putty-centric episode and is basically a follow-up on the events of Sundays. Putty becomes so obsessed with Florence and uninterested in other women that it makes him attractive. He unceremoniously beds all the hotties of Moralton and doesn’t feel a thing the entire time. His obsession with Florence is simply because she’s disappeared, and Putty doesn’t know where she went. When he finally finds her, she’s lost weight and is generally happier. It appears they get together by the end of the episode. 
I think Arthur is also in this episode, but I forget. I remember Oral mentioning him in a funny bit where he says he would do unto others with his Grandpa, who is currently dying in his bed. Orel says his Grandpa would probably let Orel die in his bed if things were the other way around. 
I found a thing on the Moral Orel wiki where Dino apparently posted the synopsis for the some of the unproduced scripts. I’d been looking for this to quote and kept coming up dry, so now that i found it, I’m just gonna paste it here in this post. The links link to pages on the wiki, and the scripts I described are available on their respective pages:
1. Easter: "Orel's Grampa (Clay's father) comes to Moralton to tie up loose ends before he dies. He ends up sharing Orel's bed as his death bed for the last ten episodes, giving Orel good advice. (happens during the Sacrifice episode)." 2. Nurture: "Shapey and Block nurture each other and grow emotionally." 3. Narcissism: After cutting it off with Florence, Putty becomes disillusioned with all women. This makes him incredibly attractive to all the females in Moralton and he becomes the most available bachelor in town, f***ing tons of *****. This makes him even more bored with every lady out there. He starts picturing Florence as he's f***ing everyone. When he finally runs into Florence, she is dating someone else and is really really thin. Putty's disappointed in her appearance. He's been picturing fat Florence, and even though she's prettier on a shallow level, longs for her previous look. She explains that she got so depressed when he stopped seeing her that she didn't feel like eating. He happily tells her now that he's back and she can get fat again. She is insulted by his self-centered attitude and tells him to go away. In the end, I think he probably wins her back though by showing he really cares. 4. Untitled: "Bloberta and Officer Papermouth accidentally bump into each other late at night, both reaching into the garbage can outside Nurse Bendy's apt. and simultaneously grabbing the "Sonny" Teddy bear. Papermouth chivalrously let's Bloberta keep it, and this starts off an affair between the two of them. It ends up being very good for the both of them. Not sure how Clay reacts. Didn't get very far on this one." 5. Untitled: "I wanted to write the continuing saga of Orel and Christina, but never got to it. No solid ideas on this." 6. Raped: A script for this episode was briefly put on Stamatopoulos's MySpace blog. It expanded on Miss Sculptham's trauma over being raped. She would take the kids on a field trip to prison to meet the man's cellmate and strike up a brief relationship with him. 7. Death: "Orel's Grampa finally dies. Orel doesn't find too much solace from anyone and becomes a Goth kid, getting heavily into the Christian Death Metal band: Multiple Godgasm. Don't want to say much more about this, on the remote chance that there will be a Moral Orel movie, I'd like to use a lot of this story."
And that’s it for Moral Orel. Unless you count the special. Unless you count the Frankenhole Bumper where he cameos. Unless you count Australian DVD releases. But you can COUNT on me… blogging about it!!!!
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dealgemeneverwarring · 8 months
De Algemene Verwarring #105 - 22 January 2024
Episode one hundred and five of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, January 22, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Belgian cold wave band De Brassers. The band played their very last show last week in Brussels, saying goodbye to their audience. They released a cassette, a single and a 12" in the early eighties before drug abuse stopped the band for a while. They had a restart in a different lineup somewhere in the late nineties and have been playing shows since then, compilations and live albums were released, the legend was growing. Yes, "En Toen Was Er Niets Meer" is a Belgian classic, but you know how it goes with classics: you get bored of them, so I played another song in this episode to pay tribute to a notorious Belgian band. Oh yeah apparently it is also "week of Belgian music" this week, but as you probably know we don't care much about that, I mean, I play Belgian music if I like it and I don't play it if I don't like it, that's the whole idea about playing music that we like, isn't it? Anyway, praise to De Brassers because they have had an important influence on Belgian music history. Other music in this episode comes from Brainbombs, Death, Tyvek, The Fall, Television Personalities, Cosey Mueller, HTRK, Ekin Fil, Myriam Gendron and more. Also, there's a track from The Soft Moon. Rest in peace, Luis Vasquez. I'll never forget the Soft Moon debut record that left quite an impression on me, and of course the show in Kortrijk at the Sinksen fest, which was amazing. And as always, beneath the photo you can find the playlist for this episode. Enjoy!
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Brainbombs: Blackout Ripper (7” “Blackout Ripper” on Skrammel Records, 2023)
Personal & The Pizzas: Brass Knuckles (7” “Brass Knuckles” on Bubbledump Records & Search And Destroy Records, 2009)
Tyvek: Give It Up (2x7” “Summer Burns” on What’s Your Rupture?, 2007)
Death: Keep On Knocking (LP “…For The Whole World To See” on Drag City, 2009, originally released on a 7” in 1976)
Thee Oh Sees: Inquiry Perpetrated (2xLP “Singles Vol. 1 + 2” on Castle Face, 2011)
The Fall: Prole Art Threat (LP “Slates”, reissue on Superior Viaduct, 2021, originally released on a 10” on Rough Trade, 1981)
Television Personalities: In A Perfumed Garden (LP “They Could Have Been Bigger Than The Beatles”, reissue on 1972 Records, originally released in 1982 by Wham! Records)
De Brassers: Twijfels (2LP “1979-1982” on OnderStroom Records, 2010, originally released in 1980 on a 7” “En Toen Was Er Niets Meer” by Bras Records)
Coitus Int.: Cat-Like Movements (LP “Coitus Int.”, reissue on Bunkerpop, 2014, originally self-released in 1981)
The Soft Moon: We Are We (LP “The Soft Moon” on Captured Tracks, 2010)
Cosey Mueller: Innen Ohne (LP “Irrational Habits” on Static Age Records, 2023)
Die Letzten Ecken: Der Ritter (LP “Talisman” on Static Age Records, 2023)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282: Hell Rules (7” “The Natural Finger” on Ajax Records, 1990)
HTRK: Valentina (LP “Rhinestones” on N&J Blueberries, 2021)
Cindy: The Price Is Right (LP “Standard Candle Demos” on Sloth Mate Productions, 2023)
Myriam Gendron: Solace (LP “Not So Deep As A Well”, reissue on Feeding Tube Records, 2023, originally released in 2014)
Ekin Fil: Desired (LP “Being Near” on Helen Scarsdale Agency, 2016) - Ekin Üzeltüzenci - vorig jaar nog lp uitgebracht op 112 exemplaren
Ordeal: Huggormen (LP “Vätterns Pärla” on Aguirre Records, 2023
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 10, 2023)
23:57 Jako Diaz & Margret - Mirror 23:54 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 23:50 Morcheeba - Slow Down 23:46 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 23:41 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 23:37 Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining 23:33 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 23:27 Mm Project - Sand 23:24 Blank & Jones Feat. Kyle Pearce - All Of Me 23:21 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 23:16 Boozoo Bajou - Lava 23:09 Valeron - Jamal 23:03 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 22:57 Jens Gad - El Momento 22:54 Möwe - Bad Intentions 22:52 Vinai - Hide Away 22:48 Groove Da Praia - Is This Love 22:46 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 22:38 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 22:34 Los Alamos Country Club - Children (Ambient Remix) 22:27 Worakls - By The Brook 22:22 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 22:19 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 22:16 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 22:13 Sam Feldt Feat. Deepend & Teemu - Runaways 22:09 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 22:06 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 22:03 Mark Brown - The Journey Continues (Acoustic Version) 22:00 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 21:57 Parov Stelar - Fire 21:50 Tom Novy Feat. Amadeas - Dancing In The Sun Feat. Amadeas (Tapesh & Dayne S Remix) 21:46 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 21:44 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 21:39 Minus Blue - You're Not Alone 21:33 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 21:29 Jasmon - Bamboo Queen 21:26 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 21:21 Fous De La Mer - Luces 21:16 Yonderboi - Sinking Slowly 21:09 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 21:06 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 21:03 Mike Perry Feat. Casso - Inside The Lines 20:59 Sum Wave - Goodbye Earth 20:54 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 20:49 Melounge - Too Much Sugar 20:45 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 20:42 Elderbrook - I Need You 20:38 Avec - Under Water (Club Edit) 20:31 Blank & Jones - White Light 20:24 The Normalites - The Sun Rising (Shur-i-kan Vocal) 20:22 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 20:19 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 20:13 Depeche Mode - Freelove 20:11 Minelli, Filatov & Karas Remi - Rampampam 20:05 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 19:59 Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing (Kygo Remix) 19:57 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 19:54 Sanah - Invisible Dress (Maro Music X Skytech Remix) 19:48 Esteban Garcia - Para Mi 19:42 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 19:35 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 19:29 Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining 19:23 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 19:17 Oliver Koletzki - A Tribe Called Kotori 19:14 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 19:07 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 19:04 Jones & Brock Feat. Anica - Join Me 19:02 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 18:58 Alex Breitling - Lilie 18:52 Spiller (Royksopp's Malselves Memorabililia Mix) - Cry Baby 18:49 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 18:43 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundfør - If You Want Me 18:38 Soulcraft - Beware Of My Love 18:36 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 18:33 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 18:29 Enya - Caribbean Blue (Remastered 2009) 18:26 Deeperlove & Marc Korn - Vertigo (R.i.o. Remix) 18:20 Velvet Lounge Project - Dimelo Tu (Mix And Magix Remix) 18:18 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 18:15 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 18:12 Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (Original Mix) 18:07 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 18:03 Eli & Fur - Come Back Around 17:57 Maestro & Cabal - Clifton Bay 17:53 Milkwish - From The Earth To The Moon 17:49 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 17:46 Burak Yeter Feat. Danelle Sandova - Tuesday 17:42 Kygo & Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 17:40 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 17:37 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 17:32 Glide - Y Môr 17:26 Depeche Mode - When The Body Speaks 17:24 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 17:21 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 17:14 Boral Kibil, Mahmut Orhan - Herneise (Original Mix) 17:11 Lizot - Daddy Cool 17:08 Morgan Page Feat. Lissie - Firewalk 17:05 Geeno Smith - Stand By Me (Radio Mix) 17:01 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 16:55 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 16:49 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 16:42 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 16:39 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 16:34 Armin Van Buuren - Never Wanted This 16:31 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 16:27 Ashcome - Vitamin Sky (Original Mix) 16:22 Arden - Open 16:19 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 16:15 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 16:12 Kush Kush & Sickmellow Feat. Kazhi - Blacklight 16:09 Sans Souci - Nanda 16:03 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 15:58 Tebra - Suton 15:55 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 15:52 Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C 15:47 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 15:44 Italobrothers - Stay 15:39 Ensaime - No Me Contesta 15:33 Anrey - We Are The Mirrors (Extended Mix) 15:26 George Holliday - Never Gonna Grow 15:18 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 15:15 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 15:12 Danny Avila - End Of The Night 15:06 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 15:02 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 14:58 Emmit Fenn - Lost In Space 14:56 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 14:52 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 14:47 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 14:44 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 14:40 Monolink - Harlem River 14:36 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Shine (Kygo Remix) 14:33 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 14:31 Suduaya - Flow 14:25 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 14:20 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 14:16 A-ha - Take On Me (Kygo Remix) 14:14 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 14:11 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 14:08 El Profesor - Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix) 14:03 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 13:56 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 13:51 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 13:49 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 13:44 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 13:39 Andy Caldwell - Quiet Nights 13:36 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 13:31 The Alan Parsons Project - Lucifer 13:29 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 13:25 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 13:21 Lelo - On Your Mind (Lemongrass India Mix) 13:18 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 13:13 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 13:08 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 13:03 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 13:00 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 12:55 Eelke Kleijn - The Big Chill (Original Mix) 12:52 Sans Souci - Fenton 12:50 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 12:44 Max Denoise Feat Claire Willis - Bring To Me Life (Original Mix) 12:40 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 12:34 Hird - Getting Closer 12:31 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 12:26 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 12:22 Ohm-g - Hulectric Soul 12:19 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 12:15 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 12:08 Hraach - Delirio 12:04 Ec Twins, Oda Loves You - Wonderful Life 12:01 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 11:53 David Broaders - Curracloe 11:50 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 11:44 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 11:39 Phil Mison - Just Landed 11:34 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - One Evening (Lofi Selection) 11:28 Afterlife - Makes Me Feel 11:25 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 11:21 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 11:15 Bent - I Love My Man 11:08 Julian Wassermann - People 11:05 Nora Van Elken - Okinawa 11:01 Gary B. - Lead Me Home 10:59 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 10:55 Gardenstate & Bien - The Best Part 10:51 Peter Ries - Hold Me (The Force Radio Mix) 10:48 Lstn - Sïstër 10:44 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 10:38 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab - Wicked Games 10:36 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 10:32 Kygo Feat. Parson James - Stole The Show 10:29 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 10:25 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 10:18 Adana Twins - Strange 10:14 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 10:10 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 10:05 Groovecatcher - Neonstrasse 10:03 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 09:59 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 09:55 Sean Bay, Mehdi Mouelhi Feat. Arabella - Maktoub 09:52 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 09:49 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 09:44 Federico Aubele - Postales 09:38 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 09:31 Heather Nova - Aquamarine 09:28 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 09:16 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 09:12 Beatkonexion - Heart 09:09 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 09:06 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 09:03 Blank & Jones With Coralie Clement - Days Go By 08:57 Rodg - Heights 08:48 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 08:44 In Credo - Siesta Del Sol 08:39 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 08:36 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 08:29 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 08:27 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 08:22 Sine - Smooth Relaxation 08:11 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 08:03 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 07:59 Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Happy Now 07:57 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 07:51 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 07:47 Niles Cooper - Lamplight Rains 07:43 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 07:41 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 07:36 Dk Dent - A Walk In The Park 07:33 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 07:30 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 07:27 Alle Farben Feat. Janieck - Little Hollywood 07:24 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 07:20 Feder Feat. Emmi - Blind 07:17 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 07:13 Nihoni - After Sun 07:07 Roger Shah, Feel, Zara Taylor - One Life (Pedro Del Mar & R.i.b Chillout Remix) 07:04 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 07:01 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 06:55 Joachim Pastor - Joda (Worakls Remix) 06:50 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 06:47 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 06:40 Parra For Cuva - The Fifth Hand 06:37 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 06:33 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 06:29 Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 06:26 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 06:23 Sam Feldt X Lush & Simon Feat. Inna - Fade Away 06:20 Bernward Koch - Lonely Dream (Solo Piano) 06:15 Lstn - Sky & Sand 06:13 Sans Souci Feat. Pearl Andersson - Sweet Harmony 06:10 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 06:03 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 05:59 Schiller & Schwarz - Avalanche 05:57 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 05:52 Lyke - Stay With Me 05:45 A Sagittariun, Skip Mcdonald - Crystallization Feat. Skip Mcdonald (Original Mix) 05:41 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 05:38 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 05:33 Perfect Silence - Di (Original Mix) 05:28 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 05:21 Jan Blomqvist - The Space In Between 05:16 Lamb - Wonder 05:11 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 05:05 Mr. Sam Feat. Kristy Hawkshaw - Split 04:58 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 04:55 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 04:50 Ganga - The Wind 04:46 Dvine - Unknown Reality 04:44 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 04:37 Chris Zippel - Around, Arrived 04:31 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 04:28 Hallmann - Always Be 04:24 Nora En Pure - Diving With Whales (Daniel Portman Radio Mix) 04:20 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 04:17 Klangfeld Feat. Tillmann Uhrmacher - Free 2018 04:10 Monolink - Don't Hold Back 04:06 Zoe - C'est La Vie 04:02 Blank & Jones - Pura Vida (Original Mix) 03:58 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 03:51 Beyhude - Akasha 03:47 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 03:44 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 03:40 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 03:35 Sean Hayman - See Of Love (Whisper Mix) 03:33 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 03:30 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 03:23 Melih Aydogan - Between 03:19 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 03:15 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 03:09 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 03:05 Lstn, Arya Noble - Desert Walk 02:59 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 02:52 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 02:48 Tycho - Horizon 02:40 Burudu - Sun Theory (Original Mix) 02:33 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 02:31 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 02:27 Pang! - Walking In The Sun 02:22 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 02:19 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 02:14 Afterlife - Espalmador 02:11 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 02:05 Blank & Jones With Claudia Brücken - Unknown Treasure 02:02 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 01:59 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 01:53 Lounge Generation & Namara - Inner Voice 01:50 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 01:47 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 01:42 Bacaro - Under Presure 01:38 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 01:35 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 01:28 Max Melvin - Sometimes 01:23 Lstn - Floral Decor 01:20 Ac Venture - Rain In Spain (Roberto Sol Remix) 01:17 Jonas Blue Feat. Dakota - Fast Car 01:12 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 01:07 Nikko Culture - Break My Heart 01:03 Edx - Vommuli 01:00 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 00:55 Les Negresses Vertes - Face A La Mer 00:51 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 00:45 Blank & Jones - Coh 00:39 Chris Zippel Feat. Tusnelda - Blade 00:35 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 00:30 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 00:26 The Chill Out Orchestra - Wish You Were Here 00:23 Together Alone - Let Go 00:20 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 00:17 Disciples - On My Mind 00:13 Thomas Gold Feat. Bright Sparks - Seventeen 00:10 Alphawezen - 4043 00:07 Dj Antoine Feat. Chanin & Jona Xx - Dancing In Tulum 00:04 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number
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the-sneep-snoop · 1 year
pearl jam songs + lyrics that are so tlou coded and why
release - i see the world, feel the chill. which way to go, windowsill. oh dear dad, can you see me now? i am myself, like you somehow. i’ll ride the wave where it takes me, i’ll hold the pain. release me. oh dead dad, can you see me now? i am myself, like you somehow. i’ll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
the windowsill, the dear dead dad like myself but you somehow? this is so perfect. ten 1991
future days - if i ever were to lose you, i’d surely lose myself. everything that i have found here, i’ve not found by myself. all my stolen missing parts i’ve no need for anymore. i believe, cause i can see our future days. days of you and me. back when i was feeling broken i focused on a prayer. all the missing crooked hearts, they may die but in us they live on. when hurricanes and cyclones rage, when winds turn dirt to dust. when floods they came and tides they rage, even closer became us. all the promises at sundown, i meant them like the rest. all the demons used to come round, i’m grateful now they’ve left. so persistent in my ways, hey, angel, i’m here to stay. no resistance, no alarms, it seems too good to be gone.
this does not need explanation. it is the ellie and joel song. lightning bolt 2013
just breathe - i understand that every life must end. i know someday we must go. i’m a lucky man to know the ones i love. stay with me, let’s just breathe. practiced all my sins, but i’m just another human being. i don’t wanna hurt, there’s so much in this world to make me bleed. stay with me, you’re all i see. did i say that i need you? oh, if i didn’t, i’m a fool, and no one knows this more than me. hold me ‘til i die, see you on the other side.
joel telling ellie that it’s gonna be ok in an idealised version of a last goodbye that never happened. backspacer 2009
man of the hour - father, he enjoyed collisions, others walked away. nature has its own religion, and the sky breaks at dawn, shedding light upon this town. and the road the old man paved, the broken seams along the way, the rusted signs, left just for me, he was guiding me, his own way. now the man of the hour is taking his final bow, as the curtain comes down i feel this is just goodbye for now.
this song is about the uneven and difficult relationship with the imperfect dead father. big fish soundtrack 2003
no more - i speak for a man who gave for this land, took a bullet in the back for his pay. spilled his blood and the dirt and the dust and now he’s back to say, in this new american way, the lies we were told were criminal. nothing’s too good for a veteran, that’s what they say, so nothing’s what they’ll get. to that we say no more, no more innocents dying, no more terrorizing, no more eulogizing, no more evangelizing.
this is an anti-war song, about surviving and dying in a violent world where the government doesn’t care. maybe this is about tommy, how he tried to find something in the fireflies, or about how much he sacrificed for it. or how much he sacrificed for ellie, to avenge joel. into the wild 2007
future days - if i ever were to lose you, i’d surely lose myself. everything that i have found here, i’ve not found by myself. all my stolen missing parts i’ve no need for anymore. i believe, cause i can see our future days. days of you and me. back when i was feeling broken i focused on a prayer. all the missing crooked hearts, they may die but in us they live on. when hurricanes and cyclones rage, when winds turn dirt to dust. when floods they came and tides they rage, even closer became us. all the promises at sundown, i meant them like the rest. all the demons used to come round, i’m grateful now they’ve left. so persistent in my ways, hey, angel, i’m here to stay. no resistance, no alarms, it seems too good to be gone.
this does not need explanation. it is the ellie and joel song and i am endlessly happy that it’s in the game
i got id - my lips are shaking, my nails are bit off. been a month since i heard myself talk. i got memories, i got shit, so much it don’t show. oh, i walked the line when you held me in that night. i walked the line when you held my hand that night. got all these questions, don’t know who i’d even ask. so i’ll just lie alone and wait for the dream, where i’m not ugly and you’re looking at me.
it’s joel losing sarah, joel saving ellie, ellie losing joel and ellie losing dina. merkin ball 2000
release - i see the world, feel the chill. which way to go, windowsill. oh dear dad, can you see me now? i am myself, like you somehow. i’ll ride the wave where it takes me, i’ll hold the pain. release me. oh dead dad, can you see me now? i am myself, like you somehow. i’ll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
the windowsill, the dear dead dad like myself but you somehow? this is so perfect. this is from their first album in 1991 so it’s my number one choice for if they have to replace future days in season two.
these all have the strongest parallels to tlou but there’s a few others that are honorable mentions - i am mine, long nights, and indifference. a lot of these are acoustic or 2003 or earlier so could possibly replace future days in season 2 if they have to, but i feel like the lyrics might be a bit literal and obvious.
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septembersghost · 2 years
Hello my love, I don't think I've ever asked - what is your FAVORITE song from each ts album? You can add why but it's not necessary.
hello darling! oooh i love this question and some are harder than others!
debut: cold as you. for every reason, but when i really got into and then clung to taylor in 2009, i was going through a horrible situation that was...damaging...and it felt like she was writing specifically for me. you put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray, and i stood there loving you, and wished them all away, and you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you...you never did give a damn thing, honey, but i cried, cried for you, and i know you wouldn't have told nobody if i died, died for you...she was the only one who understood and one of the only things in the world that made me feel less alone and kept me from. a far worse outcome.
fearless: unexpectedly, this is the HARDEST?! how do i choose? love story? perfect. you belong with me? perfect. forever and always, you're not sorry, the way i loved you, white horse, breathe? literally all helped save my life. even though red is My Album, i am so emotionally attached to fearless and i talk about it less due to some of the visceral reasons. but my favorite may be the title track. it just makes me so happy. there's somethin' 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained, there's a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car, and you know i wanna ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot. pure. joyfulness. also because the driving parts of the song, and run your hand through your hair, absent-mindedly makin' me want you will always be about my fave fictional boy to me.
speak now: long live. i love a lot of speak now, but there's just. nothing like long live. it is a song that makes me cry EVERY TIME i hear it, without fail. hold on, to spinnin' around, confetti falls to the ground, may these memories break our fall. will you take a moment? promise me this: that you'll stand by me forever, but if god forbid, fate should step in, and force us into a goodbye, if you have children some day, when they point to the pictures, please tell 'em my name. meli, simply typing this makes me cry, i'm serious. it's the beauty of a moment, it's the nostalgic sadness knowing no moment ever lasts. it's the love she poured into it when it became a song for us.
red: holy ground. it's hard with red because it's so special to me as a whole. it's state of grace and all too well and treacherous and begin again and everything has changed and i almost do and sad beautiful tragic and red and...it's the entire record. but. holy ground is my taylor song in so many ways. the "would save me from vecna" song. the fact that you can ache so much and lose so much, and yet still feel this profound love and gratitude, still look back and say, this was painful to experience, but it was also beautiful and blessed. as a terribly reminiscent girlie, who thinks too often of the past and the story and the paths taken (and not), it hits me where i live. the fact that the dust on the page still sparkles. that even heartbreak can still be holy. tonight, i'm gonna dance, for all that we've been through.
1989: also a bit difficult because i'm inclined to say clean or wildest dreams or style (her most perfect pop song), but it's this love. the poetry of this love, the longing of this love, the almost lullaby melody, the crashing and returning of the waves. a ghost lyric! the lantern flickering in the night. the tremulous hope. this love left a permanent mark, this love is glowing in the dark, these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me. romanticism, baby.
reputation: i could say delicate or call it what you want or new year's day or dancing with our hands tied, but i'm basic and it's getaway car. the ties were black, the lies were white, in shades of gray and candelight? come on. that slinky synth. the sirens. the bonnie and clyde of it all. the light of freedom on my face. the knowing it's wrong and wanting something anyway. the guilt-laced escape. yes.
lover: I LOVE LOVER!!! my sweet. so many incredible tracks here, like. what am i supposed to choose? cruel summer? lover? cornelia street, daylight, afterglow? but it's the archer. the archer was another one that just...resonated indelibly and it felt like she particularly delivered it to me, like a prayer. i was grieving so inconsolably at the time, and she reached out with, i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible smoke, and all of my heroes die all alone, help me hold onto you. and, i never grew up, it's getting so old. they see right through me, can you see right through me? that song is an eternal part of my soul and gave me an anchor in the night.
folklore: linked to the above, mirrorball. mirrorball came out as my #1 taylor song the last time i did the song ranker, and i went, yeah, that's correct. that tracks. it's so shimmery. it has such an embrace, and yet it's still filled with such a sense of yearning and self-criticism, of confusion and (calamitous) love. as a fellow mirrorball, it too resonates to the core of my heart. and yet again, as if she was plucking this from the constellations to give to me: i'm still a believer, but i don't know why. i've never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try.
evermore: it was gold rush for a long time, and then ivy, cowboy like me, 'tis the damn season, but as time has passed, i have settled more and more on that title track. the sharp cut of the grief in it. the slow, ponderous catharsis. that feeling of thinking you're going to catch your death, and then continuing to live. pain lingering but transforming. the indescribable sliver of hope in, and when i was shipwrecked, i thought of you. in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you. it was real enough to get me through.
midnights: so my lyric on midnights is obviously, i'm just too soft for all of it, but overall song? i've been captivated by maroon and midnight rain, but my initial favorite was snow on the beach (the clean version, because it works better for me), for being dreamy and soft and suffused with stardust, and i think that holds. stars by the pocketful.
ilyyyyyy, thank you for asking this! 🥺🥰💖💖💖
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How to Know if Your Child is Autistic? ASD: Common Signs and Symptoms and Presentation Levels
(ASD) Autism Spectrum Disorder, alternatively, ASC: Autism Spectrum Conditions, is an umbrella term that includes a range of developmental and neurological conditions with signs, symptoms, and severities of varying ranges. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health for Health Care Providers (DSM-5), which acts as an “Authoritative Guide to the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders,” (American Psychiatric Association, 2023), they list the following symptoms to occur most commonly in the majority of individuals on the spectrum:
Difficulty with communication and interactions with other people
Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behavior 
Symptoms that affect the individual's ability to function appropriately in school, work, and other aspects of life
__Quick Facts:___________________
1 in 100 individuals are affected by Autistic Disorder (World Health Organization, 2023); Males are 3.8 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with Autism (National Institute of Mental Health, 2023).
1.7 in 100,000 individuals are affected by Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) (National Autistic Society, 2022); Males are 8 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with CDD (National Library of Medicine, 2012). 
30 in 10,000 individuals are affected by Pervasive Developmental Disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS);  (Fombonne, 591-598 2009)
1 in 75 individuals are diagnosedAsperger Syndrome; Males are 3-4 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (Nationwide Children's Hospital, 2023). 
1 in 36 people are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Center of Disease Control, 2023)
Autism Spectrum Conditions exist across all gender, race, and ethnic groups. It can be screened for, in some cases, as early as 18 months but is commonly discovered around 2-4 years of age. In addition, many physicians recommend that children be screened by a pediatrician at milestone ages to monitor their development. Furthermore, at critical ages, children should be monitored specifically for Autism Spectrum Conditions. The CDC offers a Developmental Milestone Checklist on their website for parents to use for early detection. According to the CDC, Early Signs and Symptoms Include: “ Social Communication/Interactions
Avoids or does not keep eye contact
Does not respond to name by 9 months of age
Does not show facial expressions like happy, sad, angry, and surprised by 9 months of age
Does not play simple interactive games like pat-a-cake by 12 months of age
Uses few or no gestures by 12 months of age (for example, does not wave goodbye)
Does not share interests with others by 15 months of age (for example, shows you an object that they like)
Does not point to show you something interesting by 18 months of age
Does not notice when others are hurt or upset by 24 months of age
Does not notice other children and join them in play by 36 months of age
Does not pretend to be something else, like a teacher or superhero, during play by 48 months of age
Does not sing, dance, or act for you by 60 months of age
Restrictive/Repetitive Behaviors and Interests
Lines up toys or other objects and gets upset when order is changed
Repeats words or phrases over and over (called echolalia)
Plays with toys the same way every time
Is focused on parts of objects (for example, wheels)
Gets upset by minor changes
Has obsessive interests
Must follow certain routines
Flaps hands, rocks body, or spins self in circles
Has unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
Other Symptoms 
Delayed language skills
Delayed movement skills
Delayed cognitive or learning skills
Hyperactive, impulsive, and/or inattentive behavior
Epilepsy or seizure disorder
Unusual eating and sleeping habits
Gastrointestinal issues (for example, constipation)
Unusual mood or emotional reactions
Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
Lack of fear or more fear than expected
It is important to note that children with ASD may not have all or any of the behaviors listed as examples here.”
A physician can help parents identify which, if any, condition their child is affected by. Common treatments include behavioral therapy: psychotherapy, cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, medication, or a variety of other holistic methods. 
All individuals on the spectrum will have an array of different strengths and challenges that impact their life and, consequently, gift them unique experiences. This severity can be measured on a leveling system of 1 to 3 that ranges from ‘requiring support’ to ‘requiring very substantial support.’ Oftentimes, individuals diagnosed with lower levels of ASC are referred to as “high-functioning” and/or “masked” individuals. This is because it is often remarked that those with ‘mild-ASD’ can pass for neurotypical or awkward children. It is for this very reason that, in some cases, people are diagnosed when they are adults or not at all.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). 
“Apa PsycNet.” American Psychological Association, psycnet.apa.org/record/2013-14907-000. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
Asperger Syndrome - Statpearls - NCBI Bookshelf, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557548/ Accessed 29 June 2023. 
“Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).” National Institute of Mental Health, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/autism-spectrum-disorder-asd#:~:text=ASD%20is%203.8%20times%20as,all%20racial%20and%20ethnic%20groups. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
“Autism Spectrum Disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd. Accessed 28 June 2023. 
Charan, Sri Hari. “Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.” Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, Jan. 2012, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3401658/#:~:text=This%20loss%20usually%20takes%20place,8%20boys%20to%201%20girl. 
Fombonne, E. Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Pediatr Res 65, 591–598 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1203/PDR.0b013e31819e7203 Accessed 28 June 2023.
“Frequently Asked Questions.” Psychiatry.Org - Frequently Asked Questions, www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=The%20Diagnostic%20and%20Statistical%20Manual,criteria%20for%20diagnosing%20mental%20disorders Accessed 29 June 2023.
“Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 Mar. 2022, www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/signs.html
“What Is Autism?” Autism Speaks, www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism. Accessed 28 June 2023. 
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USAF withdraws the last F-15C/D Eagle from Japan after 44 years of air superiority in the Indo-Pacific
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/21/2023 - 3:30 PM in Military
Cindy Wilsbach, wife of General Ken Wilsbach, commander of the Pacific Air Forces, waves to her husband and Captain James Armstrong, 67th Fighter Squadron Pilot, from a flight in an F-15D Eagle assigned to the 44th FS at Kadena Air Base, Japan, April 17, 2023. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Senior Airman Sebastian Romawac)
In recognition of the legacy of the U.S. Air Force (USAF) F-15 Eagle, the 18th Wing hosted the Kadena Eagle Sunset Celebration from April 14 to 15. The event brought together F-15 pilots, intelligence professionals, maintainers, family members and others who have directly contributed to the success of the F-15C/D over the last 44 years in Japan.
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General Ken Wilsbach, left, commander of the Pacific Air Forces, talks to aviator Ricardo Santos, 44th Aircraft Maintenance Unit
chief of the crew, before a flight at Kadena Air Base, Japan, April 17, 2023. (Photo: U.S. Air Force /
Senior Airman Sebastian Romawac)
As part of its modernization plan, the U.S. Air Force is returning the senior fleet of F-15C/D Eagle aircraft from Kadena to the United States. The decision is a significant milestone in the history of the base, which has hosted the venerable fighter of air superiority since 1979.
“The Kadena-based F-15C/D Eagles have ensured air superiority for decades to keep an Indo-Pacific free and open,” said U.S. Air Force General Ken Wilsbach, commander of the Pacific Air Forces. "We owe it to the many men and women, past and present, who flew, maintained and supported the F-15 for its invaluable contributions to peace and security in the region."
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Wilsbach, commander of the 18th Wing from 2009 to 2011, participated in the celebration and flew in the wing to say goodbye to the F-15.
“Due to Kadena’s strategic location, we must maintain the capabilities to face short-term threats while accelerating the vital modernization efforts necessary for success in a high-level conflict,” said Wilsbach, who also flew F-15s as captain in Kadena from 1993 to 1996.
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“While we say goodbye to a venerable aircraft that deserved its place among the largest air superiority fighters ever built, we hope to introduce even more advanced capabilities in the region,” he said.
As the unit advances in this transitional phase, the U.S. Department of Defense will continue to maintain a continuous presence of fighters in the region, temporarily deploying newer and more advanced aircraft to fill the F-15s when they return to the American continent.
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The modernization of capabilities in the Indo-Pacific theater remains a priority, and the transition to more capable aircraft in Kadena exemplifies the Department of Defense's continued commitment to improving posture while building the solid foundation of the Alliance with Japan.
“The commitment of the Pacific Air Forces to the regional deterrence and defense of Japan remains firm,” Wilsbach said. "We move aviators and advanced combat fighters to Kadena from around the world, ensuring that there are no gaps in fighter coverage during this transition, as we modernize our forces in the region."
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Since last year, USAF has kept F-22 fighters in rotation at Kadena Air Base, located on the island of Okinawa, Japan. This base is an important facility of the United States Air Force in the Pacific region, and F-22 fighters are an integral part of the base's defense capability.
Kdaena Air Base is one of the largest U.S. Air Force bases abroad and is the main base for combat aircraft in the Pacific region. The base housed several types of combat aircraft, including the F-15C/D Eagle, which is one of the main air fighters used by the U.S. Air Force.
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General Ken Wilsbach, commander of the Pacific Air Forces, returns from a flight at Kadena Air Base, Japan, on April 17, 2023. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Senior Airman Sebastian Romawac)
Last month, F-35A Lightning II attack fighters belonging to the 355th Fighter Squadron of Eielson Air Base, Alaska, arrived at Kadena Air Base followed on April 8 by the F-15E Strike Eagle fighter fighters of the 336th Fighter Squadron at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C.
The F-15C/D Eagle is an aircraft of aerial superiority, designed to intercept and destroy other aircraft in air-to-air combat. It is capable of flying at supersonic speeds and has great maneuverability, making it a highly efficient and lethal fighter.
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At Kdaena Air Base, the F-15C/D Eagle is used in various missions, including air defense in the Pacific region and participation in military exercises with U.S. allies in the region.
Tags: Military AviationF-15C/D EagleJapanUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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kattartsblog · 2 years
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Rated: M
Warnings: Angst, Implied Depression, Swearing, and Death
The year is 2009, Ilona travels to Sardinia to get some closure on Risotto’s death.
Soaring through the sky above the Tyrrhenian sea, Ilona looked out of the window to see the island of Sardinia down below. Giorno sat across from them and had a worried expression on his face. “Are you going to be ok?” Giorno asked. “I’m not entirely sure.'' Ilona said hesitantly. Radicchio held Ilona’s paw, “You sure you don’t want us to come with you?”
“Yeah, it’s more of a me thing. But, I appreciate you guys worrying so much about me.” Ilona replied. Radicchio and Mostaccioli felt a sense of unease from Ilona, as the small plane touched down in the Olbia airport. “We’ll send you a text and meet you at the hotel.” Mostaccioli shouted. Ilona waved goodbye to their companions and followed Mista and Giorno as they went to steal a cab.
Mista found a black Alfa Romero 159 and began to hijack it. As soon as Giorno came closer to the car’s driver seat, he stopped him in his tracks. “Oh no you don’t, boss with all due respect, I’ll be driving you.”
“Guido, it’s fine. Allow me-“ Mista shook his head, “You may have your license, but I’m not going to let you drive me into a body of water like you did on our way to Venezia. What if you traumatize poor Ilona even more!?” Giorno smiled and gave a sweet warm chuckle, “You’re still hung up about that, ok ok. I won’t drive.” Ilona had no clue what they were referring to but they supposed it was an inside joke. However it sounded familiar. As soon as Mista was done tampering with the wires, he opened the front door of the car and unlocked the other doors. Giorno sat next to Ilona in the back seat.
“Can’t believe it’s been 8 years.” Mista said as he started the car. Giorno hummed in agreement and then turned to Ilona. They felt an uncomfortable tightness in their chest. “Ilona. Do you perchance know where in Sardinia Risotto was heading?” Giorno questioned. Ilona looked out the window, then answered with unsureness. “Sort of, I think it was Costa something?” Mista almost pressed the gas pedal in shock, he realized what place Ilona was referring to. “Costa Smeralda, just up north of here.” Giorno said firmly, chills ran up Mista’s spine as he put the car in drive. The ride there was tense, Mista and Giorno knew that it was the same place Diavolo was born. But it was also the same place where their close traveling companion, Leone Abbacchio, had been brutally murdered.
They finally made it all the way up north of the island. Parking the car near the side of the road near the bottom of a cliff. They see a small patch of dandelions and an old stone pillar. Both Mista and Giorno were visibly uncomfortable at the site of this place. All of the memories of that day flooded back to them. Ilona began slowly walking around the beach, like a cat stalking their prey, lightly stepping around the patch of flowers. They turned back to see Mista and Giorno still standing in the same spots as when they arrived. “Hey, um… is there something you guys aren’t telling me?” Giorno hesitated to say anything but Mista finally broke the silence. “Do you remember meeting a guy named Leone Abbacchio?”
Ilona thought about it for a moment before remembering seeing the white haired, tall goth man once accompining Bruno. “Vaguely, I never spoke with him much.” Ilona answered. Mista pointed at the flower patch, “Well, this was where he was killed. We came to find him a few minutes too late.” Mista tried to hold back his emotions, Giorno placed a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. Ilona was shocked, no wonder they had felt so disturbed by this place. But now, a new question arose. “Why were you guys here?” Ilona asked. “What?” Giorno replied, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t mean to pry but, I’d like to know why you guys here.” Mista looked at Giorno and then answered, “After we betrayed la familigia, we heard that the boss grew up here. So we went to search for him.”
Ilona’s eyes widened, they remembered that Risotto told them what he had been planning, avenge La Squadra by confronting Diavolo. This means that if Abbacchio had died here, then so did Risotto. Ilona’s heart began to beat fast, thinking of the possibilities. As if a light switch flipped on in their mind, they realized a horrible detail. “What day was it when he died?!” Ilona asked in a frantic tone, “It couldn’t be a coincidence if he-“
“Ilona, take a breath. Relax for a second.” Giorno said, Ilona took a deep breath and sat on the ground. Mista sat next to them, “Chill out. What is going through your mind?” Ilona looked down at their paws, “Risotto left for Sardinia 3 days after Ghiaccio died. If he came here… then maybe-”
“Are you implying that both Risotto and Abbacchio died on the same day in the same place?” Mista interrupted, Ilona nodded. “You’re kidding!?”
“I think they might be right, it wouldn’t be out of the question.” Giorno replied, “Maybe there’s something up higher on that cliff?”
The three of them trekked up to search for anything significant, they only found strange rock formations on the side of a road. There was no way they could find any clues from 8 years ago. Just then, Ilona saw something in the corner of the eye. A dusty golden, circular ornament with the letter R engraved on it. This was from Risotto’s hat, Ilona could recognise this thing anywhere! But where’s the rest of the hat? Ilona brought the hat charm to show Giorno and Mista, “Look, he was here! I can’t believe it! Risotto wore this hat everywhere and it had these charms on it. If we could find the rest of the hat, maybe we could find his body!”
The two mafiosi looked at Ilona with concern, they must have been desperate to find any trace of their old friends. “May I see that for a moment?” Giorno asked, Ilona nodded and gave the charm to Giorno. Using the powers of his stand, Giorno turned the charm into a sparrow and made it fly away. Ilona grew red in the face, “What the hell was that for?! Turn it back!” Mista knew what was happening and tried to calm Ilona down, “Ilona, chill man! Giorno will turn it back after we find the hat. For now, follow that bird!” They followed the bird a little down the way, there they saw a torn up hat. It had dried up blood stains, multiple bullet holes in it, and was practically a shred of dusty cloth with more of the rusted ornaments tied to the bottom of the hat.
Ilona knelt down and gingerly picked up the shreds of the hat. He was here, this was his final resting ground alright. Gulping air, Ilona tried to hold back the tears that started slowly falling from their face. Giorno and Mista were reminded how Narancia reacted to Abbachio’s death and his raw emotions bubbling over. Ilona stood up and slowly walked past Giorno and Mista, gripping onto the hat tightly. They followed them to the dandelion patch where Ilona placed a rock with the hat underneath it. Ilona placed the broken off charm in their pocket and petted the rock. Ilona sat there for a little bit, it felt like time was standing still until Ilona had spoken.
“Risotto, I just want to tell you that I’m ok and I kept my promise. You and the team believed in me, in your own way. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner but… grazie, for everything.” The ocean’s breeze made a sound that sounded like a whisper, it was as if Ilona’s prayer had been answered. The salty sent of the wind reminded Ilona of those happy memories they had shared with La Squadra. The sea’s breeze flew past Giorno and Mista, they too had heard a whisper that sounded familiar to only them. They turned to face the ocean, there on the horizon was the sun setting a golden hue where the sky met the sea. Ilona stood up from their spot and wiped their tears, “You guys ready to go?” They sniffled, Giorno looked at Ilona who still looked like they were going to cry.
“Yes I think we-“ suddenly Mista interrupted Giorno in a burst of tears. For the first time since they’ve known each other, Mista had never cried in front of Giorno. “Mista, calm down!”
“Sorry, it was a very touching sentiment. It reminded me of that one scene from “The Bridges of Madison County”. I cried a bit during that scene, where the mother Fransessca couldn’t find her husband and found out that he died 3 years prior.” Mista ran to hug Ilona, squishing their face to his chest. “It’s ok Ilona, you’ll find someone who can be the Clint Eastwood to your Meryl Streep!”
“Mista, my ribs.” Mista realized what he was doing and loosened his grip, “ Sorry about that.”
“I think we’re ready to leave too, right Mista?” Giorno asked, Mista nodded in agreement and the 3 of them walked back to the car.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Last bow for ‘The Last Emperor’: The Russian MMA colossus preparing for his final battle
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/last-bow-for-the-last-emperor-the-russian-mma-colossus-preparing-for-his-final-battle/
Last bow for ‘The Last Emperor’: The Russian MMA colossus preparing for his final battle
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The curtain comes down on one of the most illustrious careers in mixed martial arts this weekend when Fedor Emelianenko competes at Bellator 290
On Saturday night in California, mixed martial arts will wave a final goodbye to Fedor Emelianenko, a man widely regarded as among the best fighters of all time. It is fitting that the last contest for ‘The Last Emperor’ will be for the heavyweight world title at Bellator 290, where he will be afforded the chance to avenge a previous defeat to US rival Ryan Bader. But win or lose, Emelianenko’s legacy as one of MMA’s most revered fighters is already secure, following a career that has spanned more than 20 years.
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Remaining undefeated for almost a decade at his peak, the 46-year-old Russian is a legend to fans and fellow fighters, producing some of the most memorable moments his sport has ever witnessed. While Russia has seen the emergence of megastars and champions in UFC, Bellator, and other leagues, it was Emelianenko who made his mark as his country’s first true MMA icon. EARLY YEARS Born in 1976 in the city of Rubizhne in Lugansk, Emelianenko was brought up in a working-class family headed by a welder father and teacher mother in the Belgorod region of western Russia. Starting to practice Sambo and judo around the age of 11, Emelianenko was not a standout pupil according to his former instructor Vladimir Voronov, but was a hard worker.  After a spell in the Russian Army from 1995-1997, Emelianenko received Master of Sports certification and competed for the Russian national team, before deciding to pursue a professional career in MMA.
Emelianenko pictured competing at a Sambo event in 2009 – he has a longstanding love of the sport.
©  RIS Novosti / Mikhail Besnosov
Appearing under the banner of the ‘Rings’ promotion, Emelianenko impressively submitted Bulgarian rival Martin Lazarov via a guillotine choke in round one of his 2000 debut in Ekaterinburg. The result set off an impressive 4-0 start to Emelianenko’s career, although in his second contest on foreign shores he suffered a controversial loss to Tsuyoshi Kohsaka in Osaka after just 17 seconds due a TKO doctor stoppage.
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‘THIS GUY’S NOT HUMAN’  It was to be a decade before Emelianenko tasted defeat again as he embarked on an iconic unbeaten run between April 2001 and June 2010 which has become the stuff of MMA folklore.  Finishing a multitude of rivals in the first round by submissions and knockouts, Emelianenko’s 28-fight unbeaten streak included the scalps of four ex-UFC champions, a Pride FC champion, one former and two future K-1 champions, and two Olympic medalists.  Moving on to join the Japanese-based Pride Fighting Championships in 2002 after winning the Rings ‘King of Kings’ tournament, Emelianenko entered the title picture a year later when he met the heavily-favored Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira as an underdog at Pride 25. Nogueira had won the ‘King of Kings’ tournament himself in 2000, when Emelianenko had been controversially eliminated by Kohsaka. The Brazilian was also coming off big wins against Bob Sapp and Hearth Herring, and was feared due to his durability and jiu-jitsu submission skills. That was no matter for Emelianenko, who neutralized the threat from Nogueira before brutally dominating with a ground and pound to earn a unanimous decision win. Emelianenko was crowned just the second heavyweight champion in Pride history.
According to Fedor himself, his contest with Nogueira, which ended the Brazilian’s 14-fight unbeaten streak, remains his favorite. “I had to activate my fighting IQ and find keys to victory. At that time, he was the best fighter in the world,” said the Russian. Going on to win a Heavyweight Grand Prix and avenging his defeat to Kohsaka, Emelianenko then took part in what was to be widely dubbed as MMA’s ‘Fight of the Decade’ when he beat Croatian great Mirko Cro Crop by unanimous decision in August 2005, despite having his nose broken.
Emelianenko’s fight with Cro Cop would go down in history.
©  Tomokazu Tazawa / Getty Images
Emelianenko never lost his Pride heavyweight title and successfully defended it for the last time against Mark Hunt on New Year’s Eve 2006. That was followed by a win against South Korean giant Hong-man Choi, in a fight where Emelianenko made light of the almost laughable size difference between the pair. 
In 2007, Emelianenko used a special clause in his contract that allowed him to fight under other banners as long as the event was held on Russian soil. Emelianenko beat Matt Lindland in St. Petersburg, and then won the inaugural World Alliance of Mixed Martial Arts (WAMMA) heavyweight championship with a Submission of the Year in July 2008 over Tim Sylvia after just 36 seconds at ‘Affliction: Banned’. “I know that I’m one of the best in the world, I was amazed at how good Fedor is,” said a stunned Sylvia. “He hurt me right away and submitted me. The guy’s a stud. I don’t even think he’s human. That guy hits hard. I’ve never been hit that hard before.” By that stage, Emelianenko was a bona fide superstar, enjoying audiences with the likes of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and attracting crowds at public events in his homeland. 
Emelianenko pictured with Putin and former Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi in 2007.
©  RIA Novosti / Vladimir Radionov
UFC AND THE DEAL THAT NEVER WAS One of the enduring questions from Emelianenko’s career will always be why he never signed with the UFC – the promotion which has come to be seen as the final destination for the MMA elite. While an agreement was never signed, sealed, and delivered, there was contact between the two sides at various points. In 2010, UFC president Dana White said that signing the Russian had become an obsession for him. “I want it worse than the fans want it,” White said of bringing Emelianenko into the promotion.
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‘I couldn’t get a deal done with Fedor’: Dana White says UFC were close to Fedor Emelianenko vs. Brock Lesnar superfight
Attempting to make a fight between Fedor and UFC superstar Brock Lesnar, White blamed members of the Russian’s entourage, who he claimed thought they were “too cool, too slick and too f**king funny” to strike a deal, accusing them of making “the biggest f**k-up in the history of all sports.” The figures for the deal were purportedly as much as $2 million per fight, but White refused to accept a co-promotion with St. Petersburg’s M-1 Global banner headed by Vadim Finkelchtein. White mocked Finkelchtein and branded his demands, which allegedly included constructing an M-1 arena in Russia, as egregious. Finkelchtein denied the claims and said White had refused to allow Emelianenko to perform combat Sambo, which was “very important to him.”  THE DEFEAT THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD  White said he warned Emelianenko that he was just “one punch away from being worth zero.” While this didn’t prove true, the words were something of a bad omen.  After he signed a three-year deal with Showtime to fight for Strikeforce, Emelianenko – who by that stage was 33 years old – suffered his first loss in a decade on his debut in June 2010, in one of the biggest upsets of all time against unfancied Brazilian Fabricio Werdum.  The Werdum loss was followed by two more defeats, and a reflective Emelianenko said of his change in fortunes: “Yes, I’ve lost my last fights, but every time there were definite reasons for that. Some changes in my family took place at that time and they affected my performance. Certainly, there were mistakes in my preparations.”  “In the three bouts I lost, I felt like I could’ve won. But the win somehow eluded me. I felt I could do it. I had chances, but God’s will was different,” added the deeply religious fighter.
Indeed, faith plays an important part in Emelianenko’s life; he is a man with a calm, softly-spoken demeanor which comes in stark contrast to the brutal punishment he dishes out in the cage. This lack of ego is something that has further endeared Emelianenko to fans, with the famous, somewhat garish sweater he often wore at press events even gaining its own mystique.  Although a family man, Emelianenko has drifted apart from his brother Aleksandr, a fellow fighter particularly renowned in Russia, whom Fedor claimed “said and did all sorts of crap, all sorts of nasty stuff.” “The rift happened a long time ago,” Fedor explained in 2021. “The only person who could say the opposite point of view to Aleksandr in his eyes was me. It was a kind of conscience he had.” “His conscience wouldn’t let him open his mouth in [my] direction. He sat and listened with a dejected look. Apparently, he got tired of it and broke off the relationship.” IN AND OUT OF RETIREMENT  Amid retirement rumors and following his run of defeats, Emelianenko returned to action in November of 2011 and put three wins together in the space of seven months. But after the last of those fights in mid-2012, following victory over Pedro Rizzo in St. Petersburg on an M1-Global card, Emelianenko did step away from MMA. As ever, White was waiting in the wings to try and lure him to the UFC, but failed once more. This time more respectful than when negotiations had broken down three years previously, White hailed Emelianenko as “one of the greatest heavyweights ever.”
Emelianenko took time away from competition between 2012 and 2015.
©  Josh Hedges / Forza LLC via Getty Images
But by now managed by his wife Oksana and the Russian MMA Union, Emelianenko shocked the combat sports world in July 2015 when releasing a statement that read “I feel that it is time to return.” Given that he had parted ways with M-1 Global, rumors spread that Fedor would finally put pen to paper with the UFC, and Finkelchtein claimed that he had instigated talks between the two parties.  With Emelianenko also confirming in a Q&A that negotiations were in progress and that his wish was to face the “strongest fighters in the world,” another surprise was in store when he subsequently announced he would fight for Rizin, run by ex-Pride FC boss Nobuyuki Sakakibara, on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Saitama. After the dust had settled, Emelianenko blamed the UFC’s “draconian and oppressive” contract – which he thought was “one-sided” – for a third failure to come together. “I’m not ready to sign such an enslaving contract. First of all, they should show respect for the fighters – the kind of respect I receive in Japan.” In fighting terms, Emelianenko extended his winning streak to five victories with a comeback win over Jaideep Singh and a decision victory over Gabriel Maldonado in the summer of 2016 in St. Petersburg, in what was a particularly bruising contest. 
Emelianenko earned a decision win against Maldonado despite a brutal encounter.
©  RIA Novosti / Mikhail Kuravlev
AT HOME WITH BELLATOR  In another change of organization for Emelianenko, it was confirmed in a WWE-style announcement during Bellator 165 in November 2016 that the Russian would be heading to the promotion to face heavyweight rival Matt Mitrione. Emelianenko emerged through smoke at the event and told a rapturous crowd “I’m happy to be fighting in Bellator.” The Russian appears to have been happy with Bellator ever since. Though he dropped a first-round TKO loss to Mitrione in New York, he notched two impressive early finishes against Frank Mir and Chael Sonnen in the Heavyweight World Grand Prix quarterfinals and semifinals in 2018, ahead of losing the final to Bader in January 2019 – a defeat which Emelianenko has the chance to avenge this Saturday. 
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WATCH: Russian MMA icon Fedor Emelianenko claims sensational KO win over US rival Johnson at Bellator homecoming in Moscow (VIDEO)
Demolishing Quinton Jackson by TKO in Japan in December 2019, Emelianenko hasn’t been seen in the cage since knocking out Timothy Johnson in Moscow in October 2021 at Bellator 269, in what was an emotional homecoming at the VTB Arena.  “It’s a huge event for us,” Emelianenko said at the time about fighting in his homeland. “It’s been a while since I last fought in Russia, so it is a very big deal and I’m happy that we managed to be successful.” Emelianenko and Bellator bosses had harbored hopes of holding his farewell fight on Moscow’s Red Square, which would have provided the perfect swansong, although those plans were shelved due to the conflict in Ukraine. As it turns out, the Kia Forum in Inglewood, California, will provide the setting where Emelianenko gets one last chance at glory against Bader this weekend.  MMA BIDS FAREWELL TO A LEGEND    With Russian Bellator light heavyweight champion Vadim Nemkov under his tutelage, Emelianenko will have plenty to focus on even once he has retired. He also leads the Russian MMA Federation, symbolizing the enduring importance of Emelianenko for the sport in his homeland.     Such is his legacy, even if Emelianenko comes out second best against Bader on Saturday, he is already assured of a place in the Pantheon of MMA greats.
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Russia’s ‘Last Emperor’ granted blockbuster retirement fight
Antonio Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman, Kevin Randleman, and Heath Herring – during his career Emelianenko has defeated some legends of the sport and inspired new ones. “When you talk about heavyweights, Fedor’s body of work has been amazing. Pound for pound, or in the legacy of what he’s done, I haven’t seen anybody out there who’s done more,” Bellator president Scott Coker said this week ahead of Emelianenko’s final fight. Though the likes of former UFC two-weight champion Daniel Cormier, who was himself known as ‘Black Fedor’ at the beginning of his career, have questioned if Emelianenko could have competed with the elite of the late 2000s in the UFC, other respected figures have described the Russian as unquestionably the greatest MMA heavyweight – with Sports Illustrated and numerous other big outlets naming him the best fighter of the first decade of the 2000s.  “Fedor is the greatest, no doubt,” stated former UFC heavyweight champion Junior Dos Santos. “For me, in a matter of admiration, he is the greatest of all time. He is a heavyweight who beat everybody. He certainly was ‘The Baddest Man on the Planet.’” Plaudits have also come from the likes of Mike Tyson, who revealed back in 2012: “Fedor Emelianenko, my favorite of all time… He’s always been the underdog, he’s always the smallest guy and he always comes out victorious.”
Emelianenko has enjoyed a happy relationship with Bellator.
©  Hans Gutknecht / MediaNews Group / The Los Angeles Daily News via Getty Images
‘BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE’  Given his previous retirement reversals, there have inevitably been questions as to whether Emelianenko really will call it quits this time – but he is adamant that the fight with Bader will be his last.  “No,” Emelianenko answered without hesitation to ESPN this week when asked whether he could fight again after Saturday. “Family is first. They’ve been waiting for me for a very long time.” And as for the UFC, Emelianenko has no lingering regrets, saying: “Whatever God gave me, I was very happy with it. You don’t have to think about things that never happen. You have to live in the moment and be happy with what you have.” MMA fans will certainly feel thankful that Fedor Emelianenko has graced their sport for more than 20 years, and that they can savor one last chance to witness ‘The Last Emperor’ this Saturday night.   
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thedarthcar · 8 months
You Say, Goodbye And I. Say, Hello
Funny Paul mccartney and y/n fanfic
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I do not write serious fanfics so if you came here for a good one... LEAVE. Paul does NOT act like paul. I like to make them stuipd and funny as freak!
A short summary is that, uh. Uh, y/n is not having it today, but paul is having a joyful day. Y/n trys her werid ways to avoid talking to the sassy theatrical paul mccartney. Oh this is set in the 60s idk when tho. Paul is blue bc he is blue. Y/n is pink bc she's a girlllll😍😍😍😍
Not proof read I just send my shit out!
Word count: 1217
'Today has been such a tough day,' Paul thinks to himself. I mean, it really has been. He's been working on this new song for the beatles all day now. "Well, time for a nice deserved break then!" He says to himself like some sort of psycho. He grabs all his personal items like his keys, his picture of the queen, and whatever the hell else british people bring on their person. He leaves his apartment walking onto the sidewalk. Right after he gets on his walk, he has that swing swing swingaling-esque walk. It's the kind toe walkers have where you look to joyful, like some cartoon character.
Pauls side
Y/n is a straight hater today. She didn't get to sleep in till 2pm. today, so she is ready to fight or cry. Who knows really what she will do, not even she knows. 'Well, i guess I'll go to the park, and I uhhhh' y/n thinks and thinks,'then leave right away'. of course, she won't be out long she hates everything. She has on her werid funky patterned clothes and is ready to hit the road (she is going to literally hit the floor with every step in anger) the last thing y/n wants to do today is walk into anybody she knows because that means she has to talk to them and do you think she has time for that? Well, I mean, she does, but does she want to? No. Now she starts her short walk to the big park.
Y/n side
Paul is in such a joyful mood. he is just trying to talk to everyone at this park he has walked himself into. All he is saying is, "Hello!" and "How are you?" And "have a good day!". He seems to be such a chatty fellow. How did he even become friends with the human hating y/n. Who knows... Maybe you know.... anyways! Paul waves to a group of girls saying, "Hello!". He throws them a quick wink and a smile. Who does he think he is doing that. Like be for real. Who actually does that. Well, the girls giggles and blush because it's the 60s, and girls love that. But as he looks away from the girls, straight ahead, he sees his good friend y/n. He starts to walk faster to catch up with her.
Pauls side
Y/n side
Y/n is looking right at the floor. She was watching as her feet moved as she walked and saw how if she focused on walking, it would become harder to walk. she had a thought 'Dude what the freak this is so annoying dude' never said it was a good one, but it was a thought. She notices the sound of someone walking closer to her. She doesn't look because she doesn't want to make eye contact and be forced into a conversation. So she starts to walk a little faster, but the steps behind her also speed up. Naturally, like every other person, she speeds up her walking now, speed walking. The person starts to speed up with her again. 'nah what the fuck' y/n thinks almost saying it out loud. Y/n is scared at this point. She starts running now. She has had enough. But it's not full on running, it's that type of run where you arein that walking stance but you are running. But now from anyone else in this park they look crazy. This looks like a scene out of a movie where a girl is about to be kidnapped. But no one cares because its the 60s.
Paul is just trying to catch up with y/n, but he is honestly confused about why she keeps on picking up speed. He's getting exhausted. The grown man is done with this. He runs full speed like a freak and jumps right in front of y/n. He takes a minute to catch his breath.
Pauls side
Y/n is started by the man finally catching up to her, and she finds it baffling that this man just jumped in front of her. Especially since that jump was so whimsical. She looks up at the man's face to see her friend Paul. OH, is she relieved to see him and not some crazy looking guy. Paul and the crazy guy aren't that different to her. She still is not in the mood to talk to anybody. 'Please don't talk to me.' y/n thinks. Even tho she knows, the man obviously really wants to talk to her, but little does he know she has a trick to keep this conversation short.
Y/n side
Paul has finally found the energy to say something to y/n. "Hello!" 'Really.... that's all he's gonna say after chasing you down the park road?'
Mixed sides kinda??????
Y/n is just looking at the tall princess Paulie wishing she can just erase him from the face of earth with just her stare.
Paul says it again because y/n didn't respond the first time. Which he found odd.
Y/n quickly but very moodingly says as she walks around the man. Paul is confused. He just ran so far so he could talk to you. But you have just ignored him and said 'goodbye' to. He's not having this. He is determined to talk to his dear friend.
like a deranged man on the streets. He wants your Attention. No, he needs it now. He wants you to talk to him. He is now taking it as a challenge.
"Bye" y/n responses
The man is crushed. 'Why is she evil?' Paul thinks. He feels defeated so much that he almost gives up buthe had an idea. He thought if he walked next to y/n, she would HAVE to talk to him. Oh boy, was he wrong.
Y/n - "Bye"
Paul- "But-"
Y/n- "bye"
Paul- "why-"
Y/n- "BYE" she puts her hand up to block his face.
The sassy, long eyelashe man gasps! He puts his hand to his chest like he is in some kdrama. He is offended by y/n. 'But everyone wants to talk to me...' he thought. But he doesn't understand this girl. She is one special character. He sits there in deep thought, taking his loss in talking to y/n.
But y/n is still evil, so she run to the top of the bridge of the path right above them. She yells down, "I HATE YOU GAGAGAGA," leaning over the side of the bridge, making it look like that one scene from American Psycho where Patrick Bateman throws the chainsaw off the stairs.
Then she continues to walk away back to her apartmentjust like nothing happened, but she did enjoy Paul being there. She just enjoyed the fact that she made his day just a bit harder. Paul was just sitting there watching her in awe as she walked away. He didn't think of this as a strange interaction with her. She always thinks he's something funny going on. THAT is why they are friends. Paul likes her messed up sense of humor, and y/n just love to make people confused and scared and all the above.
Plus, Paul knows that "I hate you" is how y/n says, "I love you," to her friends. So he thinks about that.
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mylyricpages · 9 months
For me the lyrics that didn’t end up on my ’official’ lyric collections for whatever reasons still have their own charm and their own little place in my affections. Often they didn’t get onto those collections because they didn’t turn out quite as I’d imagined, or they didn’t quite fit in with the tone of the material that surrounded them, or sometimes, there simply wasn’t enough room on the particular collection they seemed to belong to.
But something about them still had a certain ‘something’ for me that just couldn’t be ignored.
I’ve got a few personal favourites among them and I’m glad that they can now finally see the light of day.
The first eleven 'songs' here are from an abandoned collection I never finished called 'When We Sent The Boys Away.' It was written for Remembrance Day 2009.
Several months after my father passed away in March 2008 I found a batch of unfinished notes and lyrics that he had written. Later, in early 2010 I adapted them.
In the process of adapting them I mostly added the odd lyric for a better flow.
Hope you enjoy
James Ellis
'When We Sent The Boys Away' Sessions ( 2009 )
'All Of Our Days' Sessions ( 2010 )
The September Session ( 2019 )
'On The Outside Looking In' Sessions ( 2022 )
'All Those Years Between Us' Sessions ( 2023 )
Compiled October 2023
Hurrah, hurrah , for all the sons and the fathers let’s sing them all a happy song Wave them off, wave them off We won’t leave anyone behind If you want to be a hero just come along just come along
Hurrah, hurrah, cheer as we send the boys away let’s sing them all a lovely song Sign up, sign up to fight for Our King and a good day’s pay If you want to be a hero just come along just come along
We’ll take you along we’ll take you along
there’s no need to rush to join our big push Just sign up, just sign up, that’s enough If you’re too young, then just tell a lie It’s a great big adventure and you’re never too young to die
Just sign up, sign up, wave your families goodbye let your mother sing you a last lullaby
Oh, wasn’t it a glorious morning the day we sent the boys away
Oh, wasn’t it a glorious morning the day we sent the boys away
All the best, all the best, isn’t a lovely war All the best, all the best Isn’t it a joy to have something worth fighting for
Leave this place with grace depart with no regrets All the best, all the best to you Hold your chin up don’t be afraid carry that weight All the best, all the best to you
When the world comes crashing down with a delicate but final sound All the best, all the best to you When you return to this fair land we’ll all still be here we’ll all still be around All the best, all the best to you
We’ll all sleep soundly now we’ve sent you off to fight for us
Our job here is done And it’s all been worth it If it’s been worth It at all
All the best, all the best to you
We wish you well
We wish you well
Oh, let’s all go down to Southampton wave the boys goodbye as they sail away Oh, let’s all go down to Southampton Wave the boys goodbye as we listen to the band play Oh, let’s all go down to Southampton and wave the boys wave all the fine boys good bye
the troops are marching through the town the cheers greet and go up all around drape the banners and give out the gifts bring the crowds out to send off the ships and wave our boys wave all the fine boys good bye
No tears, just big smiles and brave faces as we send our boys off to faraway places Oh, we’ll see them all again Oh, we’ll see them all again in times of brighter days
No one’s sure what this fighting’s all about No one’s sure when they’re sending us out this may be my last letter home For tomorrow it may be On with the show On with the show There’s still such a long way we have to go It’s almost time for the big push now And soon it will be on with the show On with the show
There’ll be no cheers as we run up the trenches No time for those friends we may leave behind No time for the dead or dying Or for ordinary lives For it will just be on with the show On with the show The generals have drawn up their plans And decided where to make their next stand And soon it will be On with the show On with the show
The tolling of the clanging bell will still call the faithful across the seas Far away, and far from home into the middle of a Forgotten field And each of the faithful will fall As once again we go On with the show On with the show
The generals realised that no one had a clue And there was nothing else to do but sound the retreat A call went up through the smoke right along the frontlines and if we were one of the fortunate few we weren’t left behind
There’s mud on our faces, blood on our hands And still the generals don’t understand Why the line upon the map hasn’t moved at all
Still, if we keep our chins up through it all We’ll be home for Christmas We’ll be home for Christmas
The officers came out just before dawn with the order that the retreat had been withdrawn Against all sane advice and once again it’s us and once again it’s not them What’s a few thousand ordinary lives Of a few thousand ordinary men
There’s mud on our faces, blood on our hands And still the generals don’t understand Why the line upon the map hasn’t moved at all Still, if we keep our chins up through it all We’ll be home for Christmas We’ll be home for Christmas
We’ll be home We’ll be home
And we, we will salute the bravery of the few the chosen, the fallen and the dead And we, we will salute the bravery of the few those who fell and stood equal until the end
All of the voices, all of the names All of the lost, all of the graves We salute you We salute you All of the missing, all of the fields All of the left behind All of the dreams We salute you We salute you
All of the young, all of the old All of the faithful All of the souls We salute you We salute you All of the songs, all of the faces All of the hymns, all the final resting places We salute you We salute you
We salute you, we salute you the bravery of the few we salute you we salute you the bravery of the few
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never be able to put all the pieces together again Just ordinary animals and ordinary men Sent into a battle they can never hope to win
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never be able to put all the pieces together again up to their knees in mud and the stench of fresh blood stained in a sin they didn’t begin sent into a battle they can never hope to win
Over and over, again and again All the king’s horses and all the king’s men All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Passing away the hours of the day in a very British way Summoning up our daily courage now we’ve sent the boys into the fray Passing away the moments trying our best not to feel alone ignoring the empty spaces in our homes
We try to imagine it’s a fight for the greater good over in those faraway fields We try to imagine it’s a fight for the protection of all our dreams but as it on all drags on it’s getting harder and harder
We’ll carry on, we’ll carry on in the hope of much brighter days We’ll carry on, we’ll carry on in the hope of bringing the boys home again
We’ll go home once again without our loved ones And we’ll wait for better news to reach us that we’ll be bringing the boys home again
We’ll lay our heads on our cold pillows fall asleep in our beds and dream of bringing the boys home again
Listen, listen, hear the church bells ring The boys are coming home The boys are coming home once again
Now the war is over, now it’s over
Listen, hear the church bells ring Welcome the lads home Welcome the lads home once again
Now the war is over, now it’s over
Brave faces now and put away all of your many sorrows for the boys are coming home they’re coming home tomorrow It’s a great day for freedom It’s a great day to welcome home our own It’s a great day for the boys to be coming home, to be coming home
Welcome home, welcome home Oh prodigal sons of ours We’re so glad, we’re so glad to see you Welcome home, welcome home Oh prodigal sons of ours We’re so glad, we’re so glad you’re one of the few
Welcome home, welcome home Oh, precious sons of ours Now the war is finally over for you It’s a farewell to arms It’s a farewell to arms for you
Now the war is over, now the war is over
Well now, we said, let’s not forget without doubt or any sense of regret We should be willing to give up our lives for all our homes Well now, we said, let’s not forget all we stand for is in peril We should be willing to lay down and die for all our homes And they’ll never forget us they’ll never forget us For it’s a land fit for heroes after all
Well now, they said, we haven’t forgotten you We haven’t forgotten you but awfully sorry we really can’t show how grateful we are to you We’ve still got far bigger problems going on than all of you It’s a damn poor show I’m afraid
Well now, they said, we haven’t forgotten you We haven’t forgotten you but we simply haven’t got a clue what to do with all of you We’ve got no old life no old career no hope at all for you It’s a damn poor show I’m afraid
Well now, they said, we haven’t forgotten you It’s just a jolly good job you were some of the few to get through it all good on you good on you
All we have, all we have are these songs and these hymns for you
All we have, all we have are these songs and these hymns for you
Our friends cheered us in the streets Our families danced and sang And the flags were up at full mast as the church bells rang but all we heard was the falling of the bombs All we saw was the faces of the dead All we felt was their pride their pain to forever remain left unsaid We had left the uniforms behind but in us the soldier would always remain Oh, will they ever Understand at all
Will they visit us in our last breath Will they visit the graves of our lost friends Will they understand the loss the cost of lives Will they stand where the poppies grow so wild Oh, will they ever understand at all
We played our part in the tragedy We let our history unfold We followed our orders We did as we were told Never questioned a thing When we should have questioned it all but after all is said and done and all the songs have been sung We can gain solace in this my friends, that in the end there’ll never be a war such as this again
Oh, these tempers flare in the night we start to shout we start to fight say such things we don’t really mean You and I, we always fight dirty we never fight clean You blame me, I blame you nothing’s agreed upon so nothing’s ever stays the same
And you tell me you’re going to go And you tell me you can’t stay here no more
I need you, I need you beside me Not just some times Not just sometimes but all of the time
Oh, these tempers flare in the night we start to shout we start to fight a clear distant horizon we can never see You and I , we don’t ever say what we really mean You blame me, I blame you there’s still so many things we can never even say
And you tell me you’re going to go And you tell me you can’t stay here no more
I need you, I need you beside me Not just some times Not just sometimes but all of the time
Oh, can’t you see how my lover I’ve never really needed any other Oh, can’t you see how some things should be left in the past
Oh, it doesn’t have to be this way So let’s just take it day by day
Oh, it doesn’t have to be this way So let’s just take it day by day
We’ll try to forgive and then we’ll try to forget We’ll turn all our memories to the time we first met Your feelings are hurt but so are mine maybe it’s time to put everything on the line
Maybe we can get over it given time there’ll be no more driving us crazy there’ll be no more driving us insane breaking of hearts causing ourselves so much pain Your feelings are hurt but so are mine maybe it’s time to put everything on the line
Forget all the hurt, forget all the pain maybe we just need to try again maybe we just need to try again
gotta let each other go our own ways gotta stop wondering if we’ll find each other again one day
gotta keep our tears inside till we’re gone gotta remember how we tried to keep our love going strong
If you’re going better go today If you’re going better go today
Looking for all the things I left behind looking for all the things I can no longer find looking for memories long since denied looking for the ghosts always at my side We came to the end of our long road You and I, decided to say it was time for us to say good bye now we’ve parted and gone our separate ways the nights seem longer yet so do the days
I know I’ll miss you for a while to come but when is all said and done I know it was no good us holding on for we could both see our love had long since gone
So farewell and goodnight, my love Farewell and good night Farewell and goodnight, my love Farewell my love
Farewell my love, now our sweet, sweet song is Over
You belong where the sun is always so warm You belong where the waters always gleam You belong among the long grass free to always dream your dreams
Wherever you are now Wherever you go now I’ll always be with you
You belong where the days are always peaceful You belong where the fields are always green You belong where the hills always look to the shining sea
Wherever you are now Wherever you go now I’ll always be with you
You belong where the land is always wide open You belong where the sky is always so blue You belong where you are always free in every thing you do
Wherever you are now Wherever you go now I’ll always be with you
Well, we had such glory days, you and I Yeah, we had such a blast But no matter how much we savoured the moments they always went by too fast but I’ll never forget all the good times we had Yeah, you and I you and I my friend
I was dreaming of you you were running oh, so free and every time I dream I dream of you and me doing all those things we used to do so very well
Wherever you are now Wherever you go now I’ll always be with you
Wherever you are now Wherever you go now I’ll always be with you
For my brother, my Friend
I hear the echo of your footsteps always within my shadow my whole life through I came into the world and you were there
And I knew you somehow I knew you
I hear the echo of your footsteps my constant companion always with me never leaving me, you are always here
And I know you somehow I know you
And every moment missed is something past each second of a day is gone so fast I guess not everything in life is really meant to last but still I hear the echo of your foot steps
And I hear the echo of your footsteps in my dreams walking beside me in everlasting fields And I hear the whisper of your voice, though in all my days I have never seen you
The times are passing by with the turns of many pages a wisdom grows in your heart through all of life’s stages
Wise in your ways wise beyond your years yeah, I’m sure you’ve been here before
You’re such an old soul You’re such an old soul feels like you’ve already seen and done it all
The days are going by with the story still being written a wisdom grows in your eyes taking in all we’re given
Wise in your sayings wise in all your words yeah, I know you’ve been here before
You’re such an old soul You’re such an old soul feels like you’ve already seen and done it all
The road your on is long so throw off all your shackles grab each moment by the scruff of the neck make it shake and make it rattle kick down all the doors if life ever dares hold you back
You’re a young boy with an old soul You’re a young boy with an old soul
You’re such an old soul
You’re such an old soul
For Jayden, in a life that’s forever changing about you
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parkerbombshell · 10 months
From Whispers To Screams 2009 part 3 // Other Too Endless
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Thursdays 11:00am-1pm EST bombshellradio.com #indierock #neosoul #alternativerock #artrock Repeats Fridays 3am EST 1 Open Up The Door - Richard Hawley 2 Splendor in the Grass - Pink Martini 3 El Club de fans de John Boy - Love of Lesbian 4 We Are London - Madness 5 Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine  6 French Navy - Camera Obscura  7 Bang! - The Raveonettes 8 Love Long Distance - Gossip 9 Don't Upset The Rhythm - Noisettes 10 Lisztomania - Phoenix 11 Other Too Endless - Polly Scattergood 12 Daniel - Bat For Lashes 13 Knight Of Wands - Au Revoir Simone 14 Grey October Day - Judy Dyble 15 Capital Of Nowhere - The Gathering 16 If I Had A Heart - Fever Ray 17 Say Hello, Wave Goodbye - Nouvelle Vague 18 It's What I Want - Röyksopp 19 Hold Out - Washed Out 20 I Gotta Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas 21 Immortels - Dominique A. 22 Brandt Raphsodie (Feat Jeanne Cherhal) - Prefab Sprout 23 Let There Be Music - Prefab Sprout 24 One Hand Holding - The Maccabees 25 Bubuia - Céu 26 Your Heart Is As Black As Night - Melody Gardot 27 Money I$ King - Lee Fields & The Expressions 28 Here To Fall - Wilco 29 Chasing Pirates - Yo La Tengo 30 Intro - The XX 31 Oh, I Buried You Today - The Raveonettes   Read the full article
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