#Wax bellhop
rickety-house · 6 months
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attempted to make some sort of fake screenshot of like the LN universe but it’s a cartoon from the 60’s and it kinda worked but also didn’t
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here was my practice sheet. Drawing in a 60s esc style is kinda fun tbh
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l1me0p0ssum · 4 months
Guys I'm normal!
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So so normal...haha happy pride yall!!!! 😁😁😁😁
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
As an avid little nightmares enthusiast, what are your serious beliefs on the often overlooks Wax Bellman? Any theories or headcanons?
Frankly? I don't really have anything.
Don't get me wrong -- I find it very sweet that the fandom has always tried to involve him into the fan content, making him part of the crew of the Maw even though he was cut in the end. Considering how involved he was in the marketing of the game up until 2016 we have good reason to believe that the guy was also beloved by the crew; he must have been a "last second" cut.
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(Pictures from the previously mentioned con.)
His situation is really a sad one because it would have been awesome to have him run around in the game. Would have made the runtime longer.
HOWEVER! His presence is still tangible in the Maw, in spite of him being gone. This is something I will gladly get into: bring little details to light is something I am very fond of doing.
We see him directly in a couple of paintings owned by the Lady, both in the Residence and in her own quarters. She has a habit of keeping pictures of her employees; this is a good indicator that he was on the Maw during her reign. Might be an obvious statement, but you never know with the Maw... In all of these instances, he is found hanging by his neck; considering his jack in the box is also in a room where a Nome is swinging aggressively on a lamp attached to a long wire, the "cord around neck" part is a prominent aspect of this character.
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((This is, most likely, one of the reasons why they ultimately cut him out. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to animate a guy walk around with a cord around his neck all the time. Adding to that, his face looks hard to model and keep consistent, so that's a point against him as well.))
Keeping his profession in mind, one could really call him a dog on a leash. A bellman is a person who helps the guests carry their luggage inside their place of residence and shares information about the establishment and its services. From what we can discern from the first painting, we can also see that this particular Bellman was also the one in charge of the booking and the tickets, so doing check ins and things of the like.
Generally, he'd be the one to look after the Guests more closely, which lines up with the traces of him we are left with...
You see, in the 2016 con, the Wax Bellman was shown hiding behind a two-way mirror. He could only be seen once the light was turned on, on his side of the mirror. Meaning that the two way mirror we see in LN 1 is most likely one of the places he would have resided in.
That in itself is not too obscene considering the other customs of the Maw, but the mirror is in a bathroom. And he has a chair. With toilet paper.
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... Yeah, uh. Very interesting, Tarsier Studios! 😁👍🏻
About Tarsier Studios, actually! This ask reminded me of something they said in regards to the Ferryman and the Wax Bellman. A few years back, LN twitter referred to the Bellman as "Ferryman"; for this reason, it was believed for a while that the two characters were either the same person, or that one replaced the other in the lore. This was confirmed to not be the case!
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(From this awesome interview! I suggest you go listen to it, because this screenshot is hard to read + it reveals a LOT of Maw lore!)
So we can finally put a stone on this lost soul. He is lost to time, but never forgotten. Keep the fan content of him coming!
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When was the last time they shared a mealtime with someone else? Who was it and what were they eating? Also what were they talking about while they ate together?
This is such a wholesome ask~
Dinner for Two, or More
The Four Protags like to hang out whenever they can, so they all went over to the Nest for lunch. It was a "secret gathering", so Raincoat Girl only managed to bring juice boxes, sandwiches, and cupcakes. It wasn't bad, and the four friends talked about what's life like at their homes
The Maw Crew always eat together, usually before work at breakfast and dinner. The Janitor, the Twin Chefs, and the Wax Bellhop chat about work and work-related grievances, while the Granny will complain about sludge being sent to her to the Depths. The Lady is the only person missing from these, unless it's a holiday or very hard day
The Pale City Citizens Trio of the Hunter, the Doctor, and the Teacher meet once a week to catch up and check in, assuming that everyone's available. It's usually for brunch or dinner, and they go out to eat. The reason why the Thin Man is noticeable missing from these is because he's never invited (the Trio don't like him)
Unsurprisingly, the Lady and the Thin Man have dinner often. They mostly meet up at the Maw, sometimes Pale City, if the Lady is particularly stressed out. The Thin Man sticks to eating salads, more than anything, while the Lady orders heavy dishes, like a full slab of ribs or a 16oz steak. They talk about everything and anything, mainly how was each other's day and how the children are doing
Last but not least, the Nest Staff ALWAYS eat together at every mealtime. This was a thing started by the Butler because that was his lifestyle before coming here; and it was nice way to keep the Pretender from being lonely. The menu changes everyday, but saffron rice with olives, stewed fish in tomatoes, roasted chicken, and stir-fry vegetables seemed to be the most popular items. The Pretender ends up talking about herself while the others begrudgingly listen, but mealtimes at the Nest are never a bore
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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July 31, 1922 Thimble Theater by E.C. Segar: "The Gold Seekers."
Welcome to one of the first major overarching storylines in Thimble Theater: the infamous "Great Gobs of Gold!" Get ready for some conspicuous consumption (and even more conspicuous racism & classism!) Plus, a spot-on parody of Sid Smith's expository comics for The Gumps!
Caption: GREAT GOBS of GOLD lie hidden in the jungles of Africa. And Hamgravy, Olive Oyl and Castor Oyl are going to search for it. Castor says it's a good idea, but he's crazy. Anyway, Hamgravy would rather find a million any day than work for it. Here is a likeness of the balloon in which they will travel. [ID: A hot air balloon roped and staked into the ground, an anchor lying in the dirt beside it. /end]
[ID: An older woman with her hair tied up in a bun. /end] Caption: Hamgravy's landlady wishes him luck. He owes six months room rent.
[ID: Johnny Doodle, angrily grimacing. /end] Caption: Johnny Doodle, Hamgravy's rival, says that the big-nosed dumb-bell never saw a piece of gold in his life. So how could he tell if he did find some?
[ID: A photo print of a pickaxe lying against a round rock outside. /end] Caption: Photo of pick↑ which will stick it's point into many hunks of gold.
[ID: An angry-looking gruff guy with a lumpy face and a waxed handlebar mustache. /end] Caption: Income tax collector. Taxman: I'll be waiting when they return.
[ID: From left to right, Olive, Hamgravy and Castor stand, decked out in bejeweled, expensive clothes with accoutrements. A man in a bellhop's uniform holds up the spangled tail of Olive's dress and she haughtily holds up a pair of opera glasses. Hamgravy smokes a cigarette in a long ivory holder and holds his cane with a hand full of bejeweled rings under his arm. Castor stands, grinning wide, leaning on a cane while he holds another under his arm like Hamgravy. He carts around a wagon with a large bag with a dollar sign printed on it. Various arrows label the scene. /end] Arrow [pointing to Olive]: Olive Oyl if they find a million in gold. [pointing to Hamgravy]: And Hamgravy. [pointing to Castor]: And Castor Oyl [pointing in Castor's mouth]: Gold teeth [pointing at the bag]: Small change
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Five friends of a certain age gather around for their weekly coffee klatch. Sol, Mel, Murray, Nat and Bernie.   Fortunately, or unfortunately, you can listen in.
Murray: Mel, what’s with the 5 O’clock shadow?
Mel: I am on strike from shaving, a silent protest against shaving cream makers.
Nat: and what are you protesting?
Mel: Did you ever notice then when you spritz the shaving cream in your hand, you almost always get too much.  You never get the right amount, very rarely too little.  If you get too little, then when you try to add more, you end up with way too much.
Bernie: Yes, it’s terrible, happens to me all the time, very annoying.  Now, I am having trouble even lifting the can.
Sol: Why is that?
Bernie: My arthritis in my right shoulder prevents me from lifting my arm over my head and now my left elbow hurts so much, I can’t lift a thing with my left arm. The doctor says I have golfer’s elbow. Guy is a quack.  Have you ever heard of such a thing.  I never touched a golf club in my life.
Sol: Not even chip and putt?
Bernie: Not even mini-golf.  Doctor prescribed me heavy dosing of Advil which gave me an ulcer. Now I’m downing Prilosec like candy. A quack I say.
Murray: You know I have a similar problem.  I got bunions on my right foot and gout on my left. 
Nat: You did look a little wobbly walking in. Sorry to hear of it. Anyone know where I can get a new suit? I have my nudnik nephew’s wedding coming up and Gertie says I can’t wear my old suit anymore.  I don’t think there is anything wrong with it myself, still fits like a glove after 40 years, although the last time I had it altered, the tailor said he couldn’t take out the pants anymore.  It has a few stains but they are nostalgic from other times I wore it.  For instance, the kugel stain from my Uncle Sam’s funeral.
Mel: I got a million-dollar idea. You know what they need to invent is a Teflon suit.  Food slide right off, stain proof. Never have to send it to the dry cleaners, wash and wear.
Murray: From your mouth to God’s ear. 
Sol: I think it’s called a suit of armor. 
Mel: They can go to the moon but can’t invent a Teflon suit? Of course, they could.  They just want you to buy a new suit every 40 years. What you would need is one of those instafluencers on Tic Tock Toe or what have you come out and say they want a Teflon suit.  It would be made lickety split.
Sol: Here are the crullers to go with the coffee boys.
Nat: Why do you always get crullers?  Can’t you once get some eclairs, some nice Danish, a strudel, even a scone. And you never even eat the crullers yourself.
Sol: I don’t like them but I like saying the word crullers when I go in the bakery and when I serve them here. It’s a fun word to say. Crullers.
Bernie: Mel, go easy on the crullers, slow down.  Remember we had to call EMS when they got stuck in your throat.  I don’t want to call Sadie again to tell her you are on your way to the hospital. Mel, you hear me?
Mel: I hear fine, although everyone mumbles nowadays, and it is time to get my ear wax flushed at the doctors. I just couldn’t answer with half a cruller in my mouth. You would think with my saggy jowls and with fewer teeth, there would be more room in my mouth for food but it doesn’t seem to work that way.
Murray: Nat, where are you going?
Nat: To relieve myself.
Murray: Make it snappy, there is a line forming.
Sol: Murray, why did you have to say make it snappy?  You know he has poor flow with that prostate the size of a golf ball, now the pressure will be on him.
Murray: Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.  Once in my life I wanted to say make it snappy.  Never had the opportunity before.  You know, in old movies, they say make it snappy to bellhops, counter people in the diner, etc. but now someone would take offense if you said it. I’d like to go into Starbucks just once and say make it snappy.
Bernie: If you did that, you would need one of those Teflon suits for sure and maybe Teflon shoes. You know if it slid off the suit, it would likely get on your shoes.
Mel: Hey Sol, how was that new restaurant your kids took you too. 
Sol: I bit too fancy for me.  What kind of restaurant is named daffodils?  Nothing on the menu was fried and the unhoused get bigger portions at the soup kitchen.  It was too rich for me.  Went through me like a herd of stampeding buffaloes. If they could have hooked me up to a power generating station, I would have made more electricity than Niagara Falls. I’m telling you, if the military could weaponize what was going on in my bowels, no one would ever attack us again. Finally felt better after downing a few bicarbonates.
Murray: Here comes Nat.  My turn. You got a magazine Sol?
Sol: I’ll give you War and Peace. Open a window when you go in there Murray.  Remember what happened the last time. The cat snuck in the bathroom and passed out while you were in there. 
Murray: He had a seizure.
Sol: He never had a seizure before or since.  He didn’t have a seizure, just open a window.
Nat: I saw a PBS documentary once on Cat Seizures.  I’m not sure, maybe it was a History Channel documentary on famous dogs that had seizures or maybe it was famous people who had dogs that had seizures. Or maybe it was about Cat Stevens.
Sol: Myra wanted me to remind you to make sure you took your pills while you were here. She didn’t want you to forget.
Nat: I can hear fine.
Bernie: You know Sol, Murray saves it up for days before coming here just so he can use your toilet paper instead of his.
Sol: Tell me about it.  Last time, I had a full roll on and when he left there was only a few squares. Next time, I think I will put one ply in there.  That will stop him cold.  I went to a fancy NYC hotel recently, $250. a night and they were so cheap they used one ply.  Might as well used sandpaper.
Mel: You know it is so aggravating when you get to the end of a roll and you try to get the last few sheets off but it gets stuck and you end up with a few sheets of shredded paper. What is it good for?
Sol: Absolutely nothing.
Mel: Say it again.
Sol: Absolutely nothing.
Bernie: Say it, say it, say it.
All: It ain’t nothing but a heart-breaker.
         It’s got one friend, that’s The Undertaker. (Courtesy Edwin Starr)
Mel: You have to get the little paper left on the roll off to recycle the roll and you end up with more shreds.  You can’t add the shreds to sheets from a fresh roll.  Simply doesn’t work. You know I got another million-dollar idea.  Invent a roll where the paper comes cleanly off at the end. People would flock to the stores for it.  No one likes those shreds. Can call it A Clean Ending. 
Sol: That’s a pretty good one Mel, a clean ending. I’d buy it.  You know I think I heard Murray flush 5 times already. I left the snake and plunger out in plain sight just in case.
Bernie: I counted six flushes.
Murray: I feel much better. 
Sol: Murray, you look like you lost 5 pounds.  I hope I don’t have to call a plumber.
Nat: You know they should make toilet seats with built in scales so you can see what you weigh before and after. I’d like to know. You know I asked my GI man a question that he was totally baffled about. A simple question you would think they would know the answer to but got nada from him.
Mel: What did you ask?
Nat: Given 2 people of equal weight, height and exact diet, if one person goes significantly more than the other, does it mean he is processing food more efficiently or less efficiently than the other guy?
Bernie: That’s an excellent question. Telling you, these doctors know nothing. You know what is a hard decision. You know right before bed, you have somewhat of an urge to go but are not sure and you think you can make it till morning.  Your kind of tired, don’t want to make the effort, and want to hit the hay and not bother, especially if it is likely to be a low producer.  Then again, you don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night having to go and disrupt your sleep. 
Nat: Or be in bed unable to fall asleep because you are worrying if you fell asleep you would have to wake up to go.
Sol: My kids want to take me on a trip to Japan.  I told them no because I don’t want to use those fancy toilets with the bidets built in.  They don’t use toilet paper. I asked my son, why would I want to get all wet down there and then have my underwear soaked when I put them back up.  He said they have built in blow dryers.  I said you know how well those hand dryers work in bathrooms.  You always have to wipe your hands on your pants to get them dry in the end. Now if you’re in a Japanese home, you can’t just wipe your behind on one of their towels.  Certainly, would be an ugly American. Told him I’m not going halfway across the world to offend my hosts.
Nat: You know Harry asked if he could join our group.  He seems too cheery for us. Always taking about his time at the gym or pickleball success. I gave him a bit of a brush off. 
Murray:  He does have that young wife.  I don’t think she is a day over 66.
Sol: Well boys, I think it was a good group today.  No ambulance calls, no calls needed to the plumber, the cat is conscious, and we came up with some good inventions.  Let’s call it a day so we all can go take a nap.
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horrorartist23 · 3 years
Little Nightmares Issue 1: Bellmans jumping into the action!
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Finally finished it and it was my first time drawing swat teams with guns and gear. Its not the best but hey its good for my first time. It was fun. Eventho the whole thing looks a bit wierd in general. Bellman is suppose to jump into the middle of the Room. BUT hey Im really proud of it
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ask-tiny-three · 7 years
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((hes not fond of the guests table manners as it seems))
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moonshade7 · 3 years
Little Nightmare HCs Go Brrrrrrrrrrrr
Spoilers? Yep.
-Kids are kidnapped and taken to the Nest by an unknown monster.
-Six got kidnapped while in the forest
- The Pretender's dolls have tape on their neck with the name of the kid they represent.
-RCG loves makeup *hint hint*
-RCG ends up becoming the Pretender in order to save her skin. That's her place in the loop.
-The Butler is paralyzed like the Craftsman, explaining why he doesn't walk anywhere and floats instead.
-The Craftsman likes sculpting but clay is too fragile for dolls so he works with wood instead.
-The Craftsman makes Porcelain dolls for the Teacher
-Six looks up to RCG and sees her as a Sister.
-Up until RCG locks her out of the barn
-Then Six loses trust in her until RCG saves her from falling off a cliff
-RCG's "death" hurt Six so much that she vowed never to trust anyone else again
Fair warning this get's REALLY long
-Six comes back from the Nest but gets trapped in the school for a few weeks. She resolves to violence to survive there. There Six learns to get her stomach of steel.
-When Six escapes and goes back to the Hunter's shack she sees that the Hunter (Her father most likely) is not the same.
-The Hunter chases after Six thinking she's just another kid. (Which is why he shoots her when she's running away in the comics)
-When Six sees Mono he just escaped from that place (orphanage? Different school)
-They feel a connection but aren't sure why.
-When the Hunter sees Six he realizes who she is and takes her back to the shack, giving Six her old music box.
-The Hunter takes care of her (even if he is corrupted by the signals) and feeds her.
-Six starts feeling safe until Mono breaks in to "save" her.
-Six not wanting to get hurt again tries to run from Mono and then the game continues.
-The Hunter only wants to keep Six safe with him hence why he shoots Mono.
-When they got stuck in the shack six doesn't want to use the shotgun but Mono insists that its the only way (and e's right but still)
-Six leaves the shed quickly trying to run from the sick feeling in her stomach.
-Six introduces herself to Mono for the first time on their way to the school.
-Before they enter the School they play in the playground
-Some of the bullies in the school are actually nice and just want to stay out of trouble but are often peer pressured into bullying their peers.
-While in disguise Mono actually befriends a few of them briefly.
-Mono tries to break up that one fight between the three bullies but nearly gets his "head" knocked off so he just leaves.
-Throughout the entire School level Mono is inwardly panicking and blaming himself for letting Six get caught.
-When Mono saves Six she finally breaks down. Mono hugs her and hums the tune of her music box to make her feel better.
-Six jokingly suggests they chop the Teacher's head off and is surprised when Mono agrees.
-They play in the rain for a while until Six gets too cold and starts getting sick.
-Six puts on the raincoat as a homage to RCG and because it's raining.
-Mono has spare paper bags (and his head is probably cardboard :/)
-In the Hospital Mono and Six play with the X-ray and Stuffed animals for a few hours.
-Mono lets Six keep her duck but Six leaves it behind.
-Mono breaks down after the mannequins and Six (having the social skills of an agoraphobic lobster) repeats what he did for her as best as she can
-After seeing how badly Mono reacted to the Mannequin hands she grabs one and tortures it as revenge.
-Mono: Pogchamp Six. Pogchamp
-Mono burns the doctor alive because in his eyes the Doctor forced these people to be horrific abominations. Also for petty revenge
-Mono and Six warm up by the fire and take a good long nap.
-Six gets scared every time Mono goes into the TV's because she's afraid he'll go in and never come out.
-When Mono released the Thin Man Six tried her best to try and bring her with him but he kept fighting her every time she touched him so she left him in tears.
-When the Thin Man is released, he is "freed" from his form of escapism and tries to kill Mono but takes Six because she looks familiar
-When Six realizes Mono has the better hiding spot she tries to run to him but trips and calls out his name desperately.
-Six has flashbacks of RCG abandoning her like Mono.
-When she screams when she gets caught, she's screaming Mono's name.
-Mono traverse's alone blaming himself and at one point nearly jumps off the roof.
-Mono huts himself repeatedly because of his cowardice. Leaving a bunche of bruises on his face.
-The Thin Man walks toward Mono in an attempt to seem non-threatening because he's gotten over his initial anger and is now trying to save Mono from the world
-When Mono breaks his ribs on the train Shadow Six appears and tries to encourage Mono and make him feel happy again
-In the fight between Mono and the Thin Man, the Thin Man speaks in a different frequency that Mono can't hear.
-Mono literally, twists and bends the Thin Man to death (as in he snaps every bone and breaks every vertebrae).
-Monster Six is blissfully unaware of what she turned into but remembers Mono.
-She acts like a shy puppy around him
-Mono cries and blames himself for what happened to Six.
-They stay there for a while as Mono figures out what to do to get Six out (She doesn't want to leave but he doesn't realize that)
-Mono breaks the Music Box out of desperation
-When they run away Six is processing everything that happened, feeling the same rage the thin Man felt.
-We were safe here. I was safe here and you ruined it. You ruined everything
-Six drops Mono on impulse and immediately regrets it.
-The Eyes act like caretakers for Mono, trying to distract him from remembering Six and raising him to be a gentleman.
-Mono's ideal escapism is one where he can't feel pain.
-But to avoid pain you must also avoid happiness.
-Now Mono doesn't feel anything at all.
-Mono turns into the Thin Man and when Mono releases the Thin Man all those emotions basically sucker punch him in the gut (So he's pissed off and depressed at the same time.)
-Six starts feeling hungry because of all those years stuck in the tower OR because her soul is out of her body
-Shadow Six glares at Six but realizes they both need to survive to come back and save Mono. Shadow Six gestures to the picture of the Maw...
-Since the Lady has everything she wants the Mirror Monster tortures her by showing her what a monster she is.
-The Lady speaks only Japanese and doesn't like loud noises (which is why she almost never leaves her residence)
-Roger cares for the kids and tries to take care of them the best he can but he's blind is kept in the dark of what happens in the Maw.
-The Twin chefs both have problems. One can't taste and one can't smell.
-If the Twin chefs were humans (or could leave) they would try and start a cooking show.
-The reason the Twin Chefs cook/kill Six is that they think she's a rat. (Can't see very well with those masks)
-The Bellman isn't seen in the game because he's loading the Guest's suitcases into their rooms.
-The Ferryman brings kids to the Maw because he wants to save them from the world outside.
-The Maw only starts using kids when they begin to run low on supplies. The Lady doesn't care though. She used to at one point...
-Six hugs the Nomes because they remind her of when Mono wore the Nome cap.
-Six starts forgetting more and more of her life, only remembering vague things.
-The kids around the fire are all eaten by leeches or caught by the Janitor
-Shadow Six is Six's soul/child spirit. She'll want to play with the Nomes and she resents Six for dropping Mono.
-When Six's hunger gets worse Shadow Six starts dissipating more and more.
-Six never learns that RK becomes a Nome and doesn't know they're human.
-Six stopped and listened to the Lady's humming for a moment because it sounded familiar.
-When Six eats the Lady Shadow Six is at her weakest state.
-Six kills the guests so that she can free the other kids. But realizes the Maw is the safest place for them.
-Six hires a blind Janitor without even looking at how he looks and the Bellman has to clean up the mess she left behind.
-Six starts forgetting more and more of her past. Until she wakes up one day and sees a child. She turns them into a Shadow kid to feed her hunger.
-Shadow Six is nowhere to be seen at this point.
-Six pisses off the Mirror Monster and he starts torturing her.
-Then Six starts putting on a mask that she felt looked...familiar.
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Wanna rap battle the wax bellman over the girlfriends dad? feel free to use it (there is some few errors but other then that its good enough I guess. he be shakin bruh XD if you want you can edit it and improve it just credit me if you publish a FNF gameplay with him UwU (I really wanna see mono rapping his pants off XD)
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rickety-house · 6 months
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oh my goodness gracious
check out my Punk!Janitor version
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l1me0p0ssum · 4 months
Letting out more art of mine in the wild
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Hiiii 😇😇
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
You can find it immediately after you exit the elevator, in the room before you effectively enter the Lady's quarters, first picture on the right.
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There he is!
You can also find him with in the Painting Puzzle room, among all the other employees! And Bellhop as well!!
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Look at his smiley face🥺💖
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stimspace · 5 years
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buddy the bellhop
x x x | x    x | x x x
requests are open!
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Okay... I had this idea two days ago and i finally finished the whole picture.
((I know their childhood wasnt in the same time))
The characters belong to:
Assistant chef and Brutus: @cageyshick0592 Clau is mine, Kevin: @lmaoumagadjieva Grim: @grim-of-arrabona and The Carpenter: @ask-tiny-three/ @frei-von-stasi
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homewithanome · 6 years
(via Little Nightmares - the wax Bellhop - 3D model by Thecreatorseye (@Thecreatorseye))
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