#We Buy Houses Pittsburgh
412houses · 1 month
What Are The Expenses Involved When Selling A House In Pittsburgh?
Selling a house in Pittsburgh comes with a few expenses which can baffle you when not prepared for it. Here are a few expenditures that you will have to face when selling your home. If you wish to sell your house without spending a single dollar, get in touch with 412 Houses. We buy houses in Pittsburgh for a fair price in as-is condition. Visit https://www.412houses.com/ for more details.
Contact Details: 412 Houses 5225 Library Road
136 Bethel Park,PA
USA-15102 Call at: 412-346-0523
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Fast and Hassle-Free Home Selling Solutions in Pittsburgh
If you're facing foreclosure, need to relocate, or simply want to sell your house fast, we're here to help. We offer competitive cash offers, allowing you to bypass the traditional real estate process. Contact us today for a fair and no-obligation offer on your Pittsburgh property.
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gogobootz1 · 2 years
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
Eddie Roundtree x Reader
Summary: Stress is starting to interfere with your sleep schedule. But a late-night encounter with a fellow member of The Six might just help you out.
A/N: It really bothers me that the show changed his last name, but I love this man so here you go
Word Count: 1k
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The one thing you really couldn’t find yourself getting used to in LA was the heat. Dry, stifling, and never-ending, it made you miserable. After spending nearly your whole life in cold, dreary Pittsburgh, you were more than struggling to make the adjustment.
The cheap ass house Billy had rented didn’t help things, either. Among its flaws, the lack of air conditioning is at the top of your list. And it’s why you can’t seem to stop tossing and turning. No matter which limbs you stick out from under your blankets, it’s not enough to cool you down. The windows you opened two hours ago aren’t helping either. Growing tired of trying to sleep, you throw the covers off of yourself and sit up.
At the very least, some water should be able to help.
You huff and make your way downstairs, paying no mind to the time. Grabbing a glass from the kitchen cabinet, you let the door swing shut. Once you’ve sipped on your tap water for a bit, you decide a snack might help too.
Still holding your cup in one hand, you start rummaging through the fridge with the other.
Leftovers were clearly out. As delicious as Camila’s lasagna was two nights ago, you didn’t want to bother heating anything up. Not to mention that Warren would probably want it for breakfast. Billy specifically said that the apples he bought were off-limits, but you aren’t necessarily opposed to pissing him off. You are, however, concerned about his taste. He probably got red delicious or Jonathan or something equally as gross, so you can't have that. Finally, you strike gold. The deli drawer. At least one Dunne brother has your back. Graham made a B-line for the deli counter on your grocery trip the other day.
You snag two slices of cheese out of the packet and start eating them while looking to see if the fridge has anything else to offer.
"Are you eating deli meat straight from the fridge at 2 AM?"
You whip around to find Eddie staring at you expectantly. For a second, you're like a deer in headlights. Caught red-handed, standing by the evidence. You swallow the final bite of cheese you were working on.
He makes a face that tells you he is not at all buying it.
"It was cheese," you mumble. Quietly, you continue, "why are you in here anyway, Edward?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe to see who was making all that noise?" He shrugs angrily. For the first time, you take note of his pajamas. The blue and green plaid really compliments the white Rolling Stones shirt he's got on. His hair's all tussled, probably because he was just sleeping.
"Shit, I woke you up, didn't I?" You whisper, internally kicking yourself. The fridge closes behind you as you take a seat at the kitchen table. You rest your head in your hands. "I'm really sorry, Eddie."
The sincerity in your voice takes him off guard. Typically your relationship is characterized by bickering and teasing and sticking your tongues out at each other like when you were little. This is a rare moment of vulnerability for you.
Eddie takes the seat across from you at the table. "What are you doing up in the first place?" He asks gently.
"I'm too hot," you complain.
"Sure are," he nods, and you kick him. "OW! Jesus, I was joking."
You sigh again, guiltily, "sorry."
"Cranky much," he rubs at his knee, "did you get any sleep at all?"
"No," you say miserably.
"Wait, are you serious?" Eddie asks, and you nod. "We were in the studio all day, and you stayed late to record the extra trombone part. Aren't you exhausted?" You nod once again. He lets out a sigh, "what's keeping you up then?"
"I already told you, Billy needs to fix the damn air conditioning," you grumble.
"And that's all?" Eddie sounds skeptical.
You sigh, "I don't know. It's just- a lot." He gives an encouraging nod, and you continue, "we're not in Pittsburgh anymore, and everything's new and different, and this is our shot, and if I blow it-"
"Woah there," Eddie stops you. "First of all, if anyone blows it, it'll be Graham for spilling something on someone important." That pulls a laugh out of you, and he smiles. "And I know things are different, but it's exciting too. If you ever feel homesick, though, we'll just drive around until we find someplace that reminds us of Eat'n Park. Okay?"
You nod softly at his words, and he stands up. You send him a questioning look.
"Come on," he says, "you've gotta get some sleep."
"Eddie, I've tried," you insist. He rolls his eyes at you.
"Then at least come sit on the couch," he pleads. You reluctantly follow him into the living room and plop yourself down on the sofa. "Close your eyes too. If they get any more bloodshot, people will think we're high all the time."
"Aren't we?" You ask, throwing your arm over your face. You don't see him shake his head at you while he grabs his guitar.
"Since you woke me up, you get to hear what I've been working on," Eddie says. He pushes your legs over so that he has room to sit.
"Lucky me," your voice drips with sarcasm. Eddie flicks your leg, and you flinch away. "Hey!"
"Watch it, sleeping beauty," he says.
"Or what?" You taunt.
"I'll tell Billy you broke the garbage disposal," he smirks. You bolt upright at his words.
"You wouldn't!"
"Wouldn't I?"
"How was I supposed to know I had to turn the water to use it?!"
Eddie stares at you, unimpressed.
"Never mind, Mozart, play on," you nod at him. Eddie starts strumming the guitar, and you sigh, laying back down.
The melody is slow and sweet, mesmerizing too. Your intentions of listening closely to offer feedback quickly slip out the window. Especially when he starts humming along. You don't even feel yourself starting to drift off. Your acute awareness of the temperature in the house, your dry mouth, or any residual hunger that haunted you earlier slips away.
Eddie goes on playing for a bit before he looks to you for your thoughts on it. When he finds you fast asleep, he sighs, "that good, huh?" He shakes his head with a smile on his face. Eddie stands and hangs the guitar back on the wall, retiring to his own room. He'll make you listen to it again in the morning.
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torque-witch · 3 days
Meet the Witch - 2024 Edition
Honestly I have not introduced myself in a LONG time because I've had this account since 2014 ish - so in case there are new people here this can be a good reference point.
So hi, hello - this is me in 2024. You can call me Cara but most people here know me as Torque! My pronouns are They/Them and I am currently 32 and married. I live in Pittsburgh, PA.
Most people know me for my devotion to Hel, Norse goddess of Death and my art of her!
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(My hair is a bit longer so I just pull it back - but I barely take pictures anymore. Anyhow -)
What's new?
Still chronically ill and disabled; in 2024 we are still recovering from medical trauma that induced two phobias, POTS-like symptoms and a mystery digestive issue that is probably the severe IBS my meds that caused the trauma were controlling.
I am currently and hopefully to stay fully self-employed after finally getting off my feet from said trauma that left me pretty house-bound for a year. Somewhere in there I got a job with a catering company that truly was terrorizing, never reported me for taxes and therefore fucked up my finance history.
But, in 2024 so far I have done a good amount of shows and toured again briefly with the Oddities & Curiosities Expo group in cities outside of PA and that was incredible! I grew a lot as an artist, and it really helped me to work through some of my phobias and continue to stabilize.
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You can find my Etsy here but I am focusing most of my efforts on shows! It would be best to follow my Instagram to keep up with events and new products!
Otherwise I've just been focusing on adulting and trying to fix our finances so that we can actually buy a house someday (hopefully).
A fun fact is that I started listening to ATEEZ in mid-2023 and got to see them in concert in DC this year as a bday gift to myself. It was absolutely the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. They are PERFORMERS.
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If you're still on the fence about listening to Kpop, you're missing out! I poo-pooed it for a long time as cringey, but ATEEZ has very progressive lyrics and most of the fan-base in real life are alternative women and enby's in their 20's and 30's. Seriously the most fun I've ever had.
Other than that if I need to state it again, this page is for representation and acceptance of all forms and hate will not be tolerated. It's impossible to write out all the ways that people can be hateful but basically don't be a nazi or phobic in any way.
Not much else happened this year except a bunch of small-town drama associated with said catering company (story time?) and shit with our previous landlord (we moved). I made some really good local friends that I'm so appreciative of, and joined a DnD campaign for the first time!
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My character is Ashaf Tendara, an Arcana Cleric archeologist who accidentally found some ruins of Ubtao and now unfortunately because of one of the sessions, their way of spell-casting is just screaming T-rex noises for ten minutes straight (Ubtao is related to dinosaurs somehow). We've finally emerged from the poop dungeons in said campaign, and some of those interactions I've wrote down are truly incredible. My Mage Hand is also a spectral sticky hand. My husband's steel defender's name is Duke Poop'em because of said poop dungeons.
I also read manga, watch anime and still read young adult fantasy at my big age (Adult SciFi is sooooo dense omg but it just takes me longer lol) and watch cozy game and horror playthroughs on YouTube. I listen to podcasts a lot about the paranormal, true crime and reddit readings.
Basically I'm a chronically ill and online shut-in artist with some witchy stuff sprinkled up in there.
I hope that was exciting and super informative. If you have any questions please send them in!
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qveerthe0ry · 7 months
In a WILD turn of events I will be going to an NHL game next weekend!!! For free!!!
If there’s one thing you need to know about me outside of the Pedro fandom it’s that I LOVE hockey. I grew up near Pittsburgh and the Penguins were my favorite team. In college, I was even closer to Pittsburgh and went to a ton of games because student tickets were super cheap.
I even joined my college radio station so I could color commentate/play by play our college hockey team, and became good friends with the goalie.
Anyways, my best friend just got a new position where they have to travel for work. Their fiancé bought tickets for the local NHL team with her friends for when my friend was supposed to be out of town, but it turns out they’ll be back for the game.
They asked last night if me and my husband wanted to go and sit somewhere near their fiancé and her friends, but we’re trying to save up money to buy a house in this hellscape economy so we had to turn them down.
THEN, they counter-offered, saying there were two seats available right next to their fiancé’s seats, but you have to buy them in pairs. And so they bought the tickets and had an extra one anyway, and aren’t making me pay and in return I have to explain what’s happening during the game lol.
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backtotheo · 1 year
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(joe keery, he/him/his, cismale) who is theo clark anyways? ew. you don’t know about him, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling thirty and singing karaoke feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re indecisive and have low self-esteem because they care, but they’re also intelligent and adaptable in the best way. he works to make a little money as an employee at the animal shelter (...but he also walks dogs on rover on the side). they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of an an apartment. back to december and long live are the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. (tw: cancer, about 3/4's of the way into the "backstory" section here!)
full name: theodore james clark. nicknames: honestly? most people just call him theo, though teddy is a family nickname he'd probably still respond to. gender/pronouns: cismale/he/him/his. sexual orientation: extremely bisexual. birthday: july 22nd. star sign: cancer. cancers are known to be highly intuitive, sensitive...and insecure. occupation: proud employee of the animal care center of new york...and he walks dogs for rover on the side.
positive traits: intelligent, adaptable, caring, honest, empathetic. negative traits: realistic pessimistic, indecisive, blunt, sensitive…but like not talking about those feelings ever?,  low self esteem while being self-centered. hogwarts house: i know jrk sucks and we do not claim her but the man is a hufflepuff…but a burned one. alignment: chaotic neutral. ennegram: 4w5. personality type: infj. 
his childhood was normal. happy, even. except for the part where his parents never let him have a dog because they were 'too busy' for one.
because his parents both had pretty demanding jobs, he was put in a ton of after school activities, but he kind of sucked at sports. so he joined boy scouts and took a bunch of different music lessons. he's pretty decent at guitar and piano and can fake his way through some accordion in a pinch.
theo is the oldest of three and was the child his parents placed their hopes on. his mother is a well-known pediatric oncologist at pittsburgh children's hospital and his father teaches biology at carnegie mellon. everyone assumed that theo would follow in their footsteps. and he did...sort of
he studied biology even though it wasn't really his thing because he wasn't paying for college, his parents were...and he minored in both music theory and psychology, which he liked more.
he met one of he most important people in his life while attending duquesne university in caroline davis.
...they didn't hit it off right away. in fact, at first, she was a bit of a thorn in his side. but a little bonding over a mutual love of music (and the food trucks on campus...) and they clicked. he asked her out around homecoming that first year and the rest is history.
they dated for years. it was very serious. he was two weeks away from buying a ring, honestly. but they spent a really big chunk of their relationship long-distance and it was just...hard. he really fucking loves loved her. but you know what they say...if you love it, let it go. or whatever.
during college, he made spending money at a work study job at the school library, but he made more walking dogs so he quit the work study job and started pet-sitting and dog walking most evenings.
this is where his love of animals began and only started to grow the more he spent times with classmates' and neighbors' pets. he decided to apply to vet school instead of med school, much to his mom's chagrin.
he got in!
...and he dropped out 2 semesters in because he hated it.
theo kept up a pretty big lie for the better part of a year, working odd jobs around pittsburgh and maintaining his off-campus apartment and dodging his parents' questions...until his dad was a guest lecturer to one of his vet school classes and he was nowhere to be found.
his parents gave him two choices: go back to vet school or go back to college and get a degree he would use.
theo chose neither. he packed up his shit, hopped on a bus, and moved to new york city with a collection of cassette tapes, a duffel bag of clothes, and whatever was left in his bank account to his name.
his parents didn't exactly disown him during this period, but they didn't reach out. he found out his mom was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer about 2 months after his move...and she'd been diagnosed a month prior. he heard it from one of his siblings and tried to reach out, but didn't get a response.
she passed away eight months after her diagnosis. he never got a chance to make amends and it's one of his biggest regrets.
he has since reconciled with his dad, but that's something that just..you don't just get over that. he's struggled with it mightily and with the help of a good therapist, he's starting to forgive himself. some.
he intended on reconnecting with caroline when he got there but...well, that didn't turn out so well.
so he couch surfed for a while until he could accept the first non-sketchy craigslist roommate ad he could find and moved into his cornelia street apartment.
he's not sure what he wants to do, really, so he's worked a lot of odd jobs since moving to the city. he's worked at almost every starbucks in an eight block radius of his apartment, bartended for a while, tried his hand working a food truck...but nothing seemed to stick. he paid rent by ubereats-ing most months, until he started walking neighbors' dogs and found something he kind-of-doesn't-hate.
during this in-between time is when he sort of got back into music. one job, he played piano in a restaurant's main dining room. another was a bar where he sweet talked his way into a few gigs. probably ended up meeting the rest of the electric touch crew during this period!
now he's working at the animal shelter, walking dogs using rover, and playing some gigs on the side. thank god for dogs and music.
plots n' stuff.
a roommate. or a few? i could see him having a few to keep costs low and i didn't snag any of the premade skellies for this so if you're down i'm down
found family/besties. i love those vibes especially given he's essentially upped and move away from home knowing like 2 people in the entire city.
people with dogs. either people whose dogs he walks or neighbors who happen to have them. he's like a dog whisperer so if you need a pet sitter he's your guy.
or! shelter volunteers!!!
people from any and all odd job he used to have. like a regular at the coffee shop who can't get their order right now because he left or a co-worker who helped him create a sandwich that's still on a menu at a local restaurant?
random hookups would be an option tbh. he came to new york intending to, like, win back his ex in some kind of rom-com bullshit way, but...well, it hasn't worked out so far.
someone who thought their hookup was more serious than it was would be kind of funny too. we live for miscommunications.
would love some kind of enemies/animosity plot. we'd have to talk it through. could've started with something little and spiraled or maybe they're just besties with caroline and are on her side. or maybe he accidentally ran over your muse's dog's tail on his bike :/
i'm dani. 32. friendly, promise! and i'm open to plotting pretty much anything, honestly! DM's here or on discord are always open to figure some stuff out. i'm danisaurus. over on discord and i'm really looking forward to writing with you all!
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bi-bard · 1 year
Only Love Can Change the Shape of Such Permanent Truths - Karen Sirko Imagine [Daisy Jones & the Six]
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Title: Only Love Can Change the Shape of Such Permanent Truths
Pairing: Karen Sirko X Reader
Based On: No Argument
Word Count: 1,663 words
Warning(s): unhealthy relationships with parents, mention of bad relationship(s), very subtle reference to sex
Summary: After their first kiss, Karen finds herself pushing (Y/n) away. The tour for the band's new album "AURORA" seems like the perfect chance for her to get over her feelings. However, when (Y/n) comes to visit the band at their hometown show, Karen realizes that distance did nothing to help her.
Author's Note: I still love her.
Part One of "August" [Release Date: 8/11/2023]
Part Three of "August" [Release Date: 8/15/2023]
Going home to Pittsburgh was easily one of the scariest things I had ever done.
I wanted to be there for the band. They were my friends. I cared for them. But Pittsburgh was riddled with sour memories. Memories that left a bad taste in my mouth and a pit in my stomach.
Those memories weren't the only reason that I was dreading the trip.
No, another part of that was the nervousness revolved around the incident that had happened with Karen when I first moved in.
It wasn't just that I had kissed her. If that's all it was, then I would like to believe that some part of me could get over myself.
The problem was that our relationship seemed to completely change after that. We didn't spend much time without the rest of the band there. When we did speak, it felt awkward and forced or as if two words were exchanged throughout the entire conversation.
I hated it. I hated that it was my fault that we were in that place. I had been the one to kiss her. I had been the one to get too invested in a small moment during a night out and behave like an ass.
I had tried to apologize. She didn't let me. She would always find a way to avoid or simply shut down the conversation before it truly started. I was embarrassed. Ashamed, really.
I didn't tell the band about what had happened. I didn't want to. It felt unfair to do that to them. I didn't want to cause any more trouble than I already had.
When they went on tour, Camila and I found ourselves alone in the house. That was when I told her what happened. She asked me a million questions and when I couldn't answer most of them, she just comforted me. She knew how vulnerable the entire experience had left me. She muttered an 'I'm sorry' into my ear. I had to tell her not to apologize for something that was my fault.
I assumed that conversation was why she had been so protective of me while we were in Pittsburgh.
When we joined the band, it was a jumble of excited hugs and greetings and loveliness. It was nice being able to see them all again. I had kept myself busy with Camila by helping with her kid as much as possible. I hadn't truly noticed how lonely I had become over that time.
We were all spending the day at the house that Graham had helped his mom buy after the band took off.
I had stepped inside for a moment, returning to the yard with a goal.
"Daisy," I said excitedly, running over to her. "I have a gift for you."
"Really," she asked.
"Yup," I nodded. "Come on."
She let me grab her arm and drag her inside. I brought her to the room that I had been planning to stay in for the night. I motioned for her to walk inside.
I waited until I heard a reaction from her before stepping inside. "I know that I'm a little early, but I thought you'd like to have something special to wear for the last show."
"This is amazing," she replied.
It was a white, flowy, sparkling outfit. There were basically wings on the arms that allowed it to move with the person wearing it. I adored it... and I rarely adored anything that I made. I could think of no one better to have it than a firecracker like Daisy Jones.
"You seriously made this for me?"
"Well, I actually made it for Billy- of course, I made it for you," I laughed a bit at her question.
She hugged me tightly. "Thank you. I love it."
"You're welcome," I muttered to her. I stepped back. "Here, I'll help you put it away so it's safe for when you travel."
It only took us a few minutes but we both had to promise each other that we would remind each other about where we put the damn thing.
When we made it outside, Daisy walked off to go see Julia- Billy and Camila's daughter. I stood off to the side for a moment, glancing around.
I felt my heart sink immediately as I turned my head. "Oh..."
"How are you, sweetheart," my mom pulled me into a hug, which I very awkwardly reciprocated. I nodded in greeting to my dad as I stepped back. "Oh, it has been so long."
"Yeah, I know," I replied.
"How have you been?"
"Good, good," I nodded. I felt weird talking about it. I didn't really want them to know all of the details of my life now. I felt like they had lost the right to that information. "I'm drawing again... and making things."
"Are you still doing those little drawings," my dad asked, seemingly exasperated by the idea. "I thought you gave up all of that."
I felt myself being looked at. I looked over my mom's shoulder to see Karen staring at me. There was a strange look on her face. I couldn't tell if it was anger or exhaustion or some mix of both.
I jumped a bit, looking at my parents again.
"Still can't pay attention, can you," my mom acted like it was a light-hearted joke. "Must be why it took you so long to call us when you left."
I forced an awkward grin. I looked over again to see Karen walking inside. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I'll be right back."
"Your mom is talking to you-"
"I have something more important to worry about."
I ignored them. If they wanted to embarrass themselves and show just how little they truly thought of me in front of all those people, then who was I to stop them? I knew better than to stand and entertain them.
I walked inside, looking for any shut door I could find. I found one.
I took a deep breath before knocking on the bedroom door. "Karen? Are you in there?"
There was no sound on the other side of the door.
The door opened quite suddenly after that. Karen stood on the other side. She looked at me for a few seconds before looking away. I saw her shifting on her feet.
I had never seen her so clearly nervous or awkward. Even when she had been ignoring me, she had held onto her cool, calm, and collected composure. She would still stand steady with her arms crossed.
"Can I come in," I asked.
She paused for a moment before nodding and stepping to the side to let me in.
The door shut behind me and it felt like the air was sucked out as it did. Much like those moments just before and after our first kiss, we were both trapped in this suffocating tension. Enough pressure was mounting that it could have easily hurt us when it erupted.
I took a deep breath before speaking up again, "Are you alright? I saw you run out of there."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Karen nodded, still clearly tense. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you don't believe me."
"Well, I don't, really," I confessed. "You ran out of there, Karen. Something happened. I just want to know what it was so I can help you. And you may not care about me after what happened between us, but I care about you-"
"I do care about you," she cut me off. "That's part of the problem!"
"I... I saw you out there," she explained. "With your parents. I saw how sad you seemed with them. How guilty you looked. All because of those people that still didn't seem to respect you. It... it made me so angry, but I knew that I had no right to say anything and even if I did, you wouldn't want me to. I just... I had to get out of there before I did something stupid because I do care about you. A lot. I probably love you, but I know that I already fucked that up and now-"
I stepped forward as she rambled. "Karen-"
She didn't seem to hear me. This was the first time that she seemed entirely out of control of herself. Some part of me was thankful for it. Without this moment- this pure moment of no filter- I may have never had the answers that I wanted to have so badly.
"Karen," I repeated. I reached up and cupped the sides of her face. That seemed to get her to pause her rambling. I smiled at her. "I... I love you too."
I watched the words sink in. We both stood still with the words sitting in the air between us.
I was caught off guard by Karen leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine. Her hands touched my sides, pulling me closer to her.
It was a perfect moment. The tension that had been suffocating both of us earlier had suddenly dissipated. It was the first time since I had come home that I felt completely at peace.
I pulled away first, leaning my forehead against hers. A wide smile stretched across my face. She grinned back at me.
"We should get back to the party," I muttered after a moment.
"I mean... we could," Karen replied quietly. "Or..."
She leaned in and pecked my lips again.
She nodded.
"I think you make a very good argument," I said.
"Nice to hear."
I let out a quiet laugh as she leaned in and kissed me for a third time. This one was more frantic. Desire was clearer through that kiss than the others.
I decided then and there that if that was the only good thing to come out of that trip home, then I would call it a very successful trip.
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ballsballsbowls · 10 months
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The pizza situation got super weird after covid, as even established pizza places around here can't get pepperoni on the regular now? I think a lot of places closed down out here in the wake of covid and nothing new has opened. We were lamenting that there's basically nowhere that does soft serve ice cream here anymore, and there's nowhere in the COUNTY where my parents are to sit down in a Chinese place and eat.
If I had another bedroom, I'd probably be pushing you harder to move out here (even temporarily as I assume our giant cats won't get along even if we had the extra space). As it is, this is my sales pitch:
We have everything:
Freezing rain that entombs you in your residence at least twice a winter
Only 16 earthquakes since 1900 over a 4.0
Sidewalks aren't flat. Roads aren't flat. Driveways aren't flat. Nothing is flat. You want flat? Ohio is right there.
Laughable public transportation and zero walkability
I bought a house because a mortgage was like 60% of the cost of renting a place with similar attributes (though they'd be a lot smaller footage wise). I don't think the rental situation is "good" inherently but it's not either fucking coast and that has to mean something
Tons of jobs, as long as you like working in medicine, retail/service, or warehouse/trucking
Drive 4 minutes out of town and you're looking at someone's horses (whether it's a rich guy's horse or a poor guy's horse depends on where you are exactly)
No concerts because the only real venues are in Pittsburgh and they've chased away most reasonable performers and also Pittsburgh hates hosting concerts so it's a win-win
Basically every store/restaurant is a chain, everything else has closed
You'll work with a balls-out "make miscegenation illegal again" racist at about 1 out of every 3 jobs you work at (Hate you guys but I talk about you guys extensively when I get asked about working with people with Different Beliefs in job interviews! Thanks for the great material)
Got really excited because I moved to the only nearby area where you can buy Indian groceries. Like in a pretty big radius.
Got excited when I moved here because there are other obviously gay people at the grocery store and nobody is being annoying to them either
When I was younger I desperately wanted to move to either coast, but as an adult I don't think I see myself moving anytime soon. Not dying in a hurricane/earthquake is very appealing to me and there's no water rationing as long as you're not on a well.
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polyamorouspunk · 9 months
2024 Goals:
Start using a planner or schedule system so that I actually remember to do the things I like doing
Remember to take pictures when I go and do fun things so that I can remember that I do fun things sometimes
Buy a house (at the moment this one is pretty dependent on my dad’s health)
Throw out a BUNCH of stuff from highschool/early college and work on defining myself and who I am *now*
Ah oh my god lol.
I’m lucky that my mom and I were able to buy a house here a few years ago I love our house it’s so super cool.
I tried using a planner and I got a really cool planner from the brand Happy Planner and it’s celestial themed and I was doing alright using it and now I just yeah.
I take SO many pictures my family makes fun of me. I upload them to my photography Instagram but I got locked out for a long time so I’m so behind. I just posted photos from 2022.
I’ve also had to throw out a lot of things since I move so much, so I don’t have a lot left from high school outside of clothes and furniture and books.
2024 I’m throwing out this ANNOYING CAT just kidding I love her.
2024 is the year I try (again) to move on with my life and start living for me. I think I’m doing a good job starting these past few weeks 😉 but now that I’m more comfortable traveling by myself (this year was the first year I traveled by myself first to see you and then to see my friends) my goal is to go to CT more for concerts and stuff (I just texted my best friend to see if she wants to go see a band I told her we HAVE to see when they come back since they’ll be in MA and NY in May). I’m also planning on going to MA in August for Metallica and INK. It’s been my plan to go to Salem for my birthday for 4 years now and my plan to go to the INK convention for 2 years now so uh MAYBE 5th times a charm :). My mom has already decided months ago we are going to both come back to Pittsburgh so I’m hoping to say hi to you again. My best friend and I want matching tattoos so I suggested we get them from my other tumblr mutual in Pittsburgh. I’ll be heading to Florida in a few weeks and I’m hoping to head back to New England for a third of fourth time next year to see a super special certain band 👉🏻👈🏻
And Jesus Christ I hope I can fucking GRADUATE.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
(Lets all say a silent thank you to my cousin who suggested that I record him at major moments last week) 2/3And Brian said there’s nothing noble about being poor. (And my brother lost his mind. Im glad you gave me a heads up that you guys were wondering about this scene so i could film him) ‘Wait!!!!! hold up!!! Pause it! I’ve had thoughts about brian and money and *waves his hands while fast walking* stuff but I need my laptop! (he has over 20 google tabs opened with research about colleges in Pittsburgh that could do marketing degrees, how much it would cost and shit like that. One tab was also ‘how to learn to play violin in less than a week’ he said he wanted to see if its really that hard) Okay so! I’ve been thinking A LOT about this. So Mike said they were in the same school, remember? But Mike dropped out or something like that from college which to be fair, so did I and I think I’m doing fantastic, haters that go by the name mom and dad may disagree but I’m here for a fun time not to cure cancer, anyway back to Brian. Brian has this big fancy wearing suit type of job and he’s a partner remember? So that unfortunately demands a resume with big words on it like “college”. So Brian definitely went to college and he obviously worked his ass off since clearly him and Mike are nowhere near each other cash wise. I mean a loft like that? That he probably owns? At 30? Plus the suit wearing job? Yeah, he did a lot of work and probably even had straight As. Probably even in high school so he could get into college AND like how he keeps going at Justin for school? Remember him being impressed by his SATs and how he would make him study like crazy. Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if he even quizzed him during sex. Poor Justin for sure got a boner while taking a test. Wait im getting distracted! Anyway his *gags* dad also took money for him AND HE HAD IT FUCKING READY! He went to see him and he already had it ready! And just before his nephew said Brians sister says he doesnt give them any money which clearly not true to some level but clearly they saw him make money and they took it. And we both know that house was on fire! It was burning every day! This dude made it out alive but he most definitely got 3rd degree burns. So he for sure knew the only way out was to turn 18 and get into college far away and then never come back unless it’s for a funeral to make 100% sure that they are in in that box. So him saying there’s nothing noble about being poor is coming from a different place than what Justin is dealing with with that fucker. That dude is just a broke college student who got offered a deal that kinda sucks BUT he said it himself to Jen, his parents payed for shit, they supported him. Meanwhile Brian? Every single thing he has down to his drugs was bought by him. And i doubt he’d ever take anything from anyone because you know how shitty abusive parents are? They buy you a box of cereal once and then throw it in your face for 3 years straight. So he probably never got anything from his parents and if he did it came with a price *looks at paused Brian on tv and takes a deep breath* and probably some bruises too. So him saying and thinking that, is coming from a place of survival and “look what i did for myself” when everyone probably told him he’s never gonna be anything except maybe dead. And sure he clearly loves money and power since he’s even willing to work with that fucker but in some way can you blame him? He was powerless all his life. But if that would be Ethan who would say that? Now that’s different. It’s not exactly survival in the same sense *looks at me in worry* i fear, i lost the plot of the point..i will make it back but i need to think. *plays the episode again* ‘WHY WOULD THEY MAKE HIM JERK OFF TO RAGE?! No matter what he’s always gonna be obsessed with Brian. HE IS RUNNING WITH SPERM IN HIS CUP! RUN FORREST RUN. Is that really how this was done?’
WOW the character analysis from your brother… I personally think he’s spot on (I’ve given a lot of thought to Brian’s SES background and where he is financially and professionally at the start of the show… too much thought? Nah.) (Btw tell your brother some day that the fandom thinks Brian went to Carnegie Mellon - I love all his open tabs) And this is happening in parallel to Stockwell - Brian is clearly a take the money and who tf cares where it’s from because he had to be, he didn’t have any alternative. His advice makes perfect sense for him to have survived.
Cosign your brother’s analysis.
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Sid and Evie #3
Sidney and Evie - "That was not my intention." requested by @pattiemac1
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How they started (boy, have they come a long way from a locker room hook-up)
@equallyshaw @penstxgal1968 @pensfan5871 @fallinallincurls
Chapter One- Never Have I- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/658986447888695296/never-ever-have-
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Sidney smiled as he glanced over at Evie’s face. The trip to Neuschwanstein Castle had been one of the selling points for their tour through Bavaria and Switzerland. Her eyes widened with wonder as the castle came into view as he drove along the highway. “Beso, it’s the prettiest thing I have ever seen,” she gasped. He reached over and squeezed her hand as she stared in amazement.
After they pulled into the parking lot, Sidney grabbed the backpack out of the car trunk and led Evie by the hand to the waiting horse and carriage. The open air carriage ride was short, but filled with cute selfies and snuggles. “Are you ready Princess?” he joked as he assisted her out of the carriage. “Yes, my Prince Charming,” she said as she snuck a quick kiss before she stepped off the last step and onto the gravel. Together they walked hand in hand for the remaining walk towards the castle. 
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Two hours later, they had completed the tour and explored the outside of the castle. In the gift shop, they went a little wild buying souvenirs. Evie purchased a snow globe for her office while Sidney perused the Christmas ornaments. “Evita,” he called to her while holding up a hand painted ornament. She walked over and examined it closely. “Should we get it and put it on our tree in Nova Scotia?” he asked excitedly. 
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She smiled and felt a lump form in the throat. Evie was touched that he remembered her desire to decorate the cottage when they traveled back for Christmas. She was also thrilled when he referred to it as “our” tree. Their lives were slowly becoming intertwined together and it made her heart happy. “I love it, Sidney,” she gushed, “It’s beautiful. Should we get another one for the Pittsburgh house? Maybe a different style?” Slowly they searched the ornaments until Evie pulled out an ornament in the shape of the castle. “I like this one,” she suggested. They completed their purchases with a shawl for Sidney’s mother, some posters and two coffee mugs. 
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From the gift shop, they explored the exterior area of the castle before they started the hike to the Queen Mary bridge which offered the most breathtaking views of the castle. They held hands during the hike and Evie nudged Sidney with her head. On the bridge, Evie took a ton of photos and Sidney happily obliged her need for ten different selfies. 
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Suddenly Sidney pulled out his phone and started playing their song, “At Last”. Then he pulled her into his body and began dancing. Evie grinned as he danced and twirled her around. They had garnered the attention of the international crowd of tourists who were smiling sweetly at the two love birds. Sidney kissed Evie as they moved before he started to sing the song in her ear. They finished their dance with a dramatic flair to the claps and cheers of the crowd. Evie grinned from ear to ear and turned to face the castle again. She felt Sidney kneel down behind her and froze in place. Her mind raced with thoughts. “Oh my god, is he going to propose here? Oh my god, is he?,” she thought to herself. 
Obviously the subject of marriage had been discussed numerous times. Evie couldn’t think of a more apropos location for her prince charming to propose other than the actual castle. She debated on what to do next. Should  she wait for him to say something? Turn around? What was the protocol? Finally, she turned around with a flourish and saw him on bended knee. “Beso!” she exclaimed and he looked up at her in utter confusion. His hands were tying his shoes and it took a moment for her to realize what was happening. “Oh,” she thought to herself before looking around to see if anyone had noticed her reaction, “He is not proposing.” 
She was stunned by her reaction. It wasn’t like she was expecting a proposal. If you had asked her this morning, if a proposal was happening soon, she would have laughed. However in the moment, while caught up in the beauty and romance of the atmosphere, her mind did race to the possibility. The disappointment was palpable and made it difficult to breathe. 
“Evie?” he questioned. Something had obviously happened to upset her. He remained in his position when it hit him. He was on one knee, in an incredibly beautiful place after an incredibly romantic moment. She thought he was proposing. He asked, “Did you think I was proposing?” A nervous laughter followed the question. Evie shrunk back against the bridge railing. She had interpreted the laughter as mocking. He stood up and took a step toward her. She looked from side to side as if trying to determine the best escape route from the situation. A wave of insecurity and doubt washed over her. “Evie,” he said as sweetly as possible, “Please talk to me. Did you think I was proposing?” She nodded her head yes slowly. 
“I am so embarrassed,” she said softly, “How humiliating. I just got caught in the moment.” Her voice broke slightly. He pulled her to him and squeezed her tight. “I am so embarrassed, Beso.” She pushed him away slightly so they were a few feet apart. 
“Evie, didn’t you notice that there wasn’t a ring? I didn’t say anything?” he laughed nervously, “Don’t you think I would have a speech prepared, Princess?”
“Quit laughing at me, Beso!” she cried, “Quit making fun of my silly reaction. Quit making fun of my hope.” Her words cut like a knife to his heart. “I can’t tell if you are teasing me by calling me Princess. Are you thinking about “playing” or are you being romantic?” she asked. Evie continued, “I know now that it was stupid to think that you were proposing when you don’t have a ring or didn’t do a speech.  I have been a bit of gooey goofball about the castle. It was silly to be this excited but it really seemed like something out of a fairytale. I didn’t realize how excited I would be at the thought of a real proposal. Now it seems like you are making fun of me,” she rambled.  She stared at him briefly and then looked down. Tears flowed from her eyes and he kicked himself mentally.  “I am sorry,” she said, “I am being overly sensitive today for some reason.” 
He pulled close into his body, wrapped his arms around her, and squeezed her tight. “I swear to you that was not my intention. I would never mock you about this” he said softly. Evie sighed and clung to Sidney for a moment before looking up into his eyes. “You were not being silly at all. It would be a perfect spot to propose to you. In fact, I am kicking myself for not doing it here. Damn, you are right. Right here in this spot would have been the absolute perfect spot to ask my princess to be my wife. You ARE my princess, Evie. Please don’t feel embarrassed.” 
He bent down and pressed his forehead to hers, “Please don’t be embarrassed Mon Etoile. I loved your reaction. I loved how excited you seemed to be and I hope that you are that excited when I do propose.” Sidney kissed her softly, “I AM going to propose, Evie. Don’t doubt that. I have a plan in place. It IS going to happen.” 
Evie grinned slowly, “You promise?”
He nodded, “Yes, I promise. Although now I feel pressure to make it better than here. I will though. I will make it the perfect proposal for you. A proposal with the best, most sparkly ring I can find- a big, big diamond for my princess.” 
Evie bit her lip, “Speaking of rings, can I tell you something?”
His eyes widened slightly, “Tell me.”
Evie paused, “I know that you said a big diamond, but can I get another kind of engagement ring?” His head tilted to the left in confusion. “I don’t like the idea of a diamond solitaire ring and then a separate wedding band. I would rather have a one piece wedding band with diamonds and an engagement ring to move to my right hand.” 
“Whatever you want, Princess,” he smiled. 
“And I won’t even argue with you about the cost,” she grinned back, “Although, you could give me a cubic zirconia ring and I will be just as happy.” 
“Evie…..” he chided. 
“What?” she asked. 
“Do you really think I can walk into a jewelry store in Pittsburgh and purchase a fake diamond ring? Me? Buy a fake diamond ring?” he said incredulously. 
“Okay, fine- buy me the big, expensive diamond ring if you insist,” she teased. 
“Only the best for my princess,” he smiled as he kissed her, “only the best for my princess.”
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qazastra · 2 years
to be real. the catastrophizing about the train in Ohio seems to be making it easy to overlook over the fact that the one reporter that was arrested by local police (and as far as i know is still being charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing) was a Black man subjected to police violence caught on camera. Evan Lambert was released after five hours but I think it's important to recognize that what happened to him was likely more the product of racism than an elaborate coverup for an incident that has indeed, despite some rumors I've seen to the contrary, been reported on.
it's bullshit that Lambert was threatening anyone. they're trying to use that as an excuse as to why he was "tackled to the ground and placed in handcuffs (via NewsNation)." don't buy it.
for some background, the town where this took place, East Palestine, Ohio, is known to have put on their last minstrel show (albeit absent any blackface and reportedly closer to an "Old Timey Musical Revue" than what the name would otherwise suggest, it was still billed as a 'minstrel show') in 2019:
feel free to put more links to reporting on the situation in reblogs!
text for the last article is below the readmore as it is behind a paywall:
The last minstrel show
A journey to East Palestine, Ohio, reveals a surprising minstrel show
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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Columnist
APR 28, 2019
7:00 AM
The journey to East Palestine, Ohio, on a rainy Saturday evening in early March, began with a phoned-in tip a few days before.
The caller, a colleague at another news outlet, assumed that I would jump at the chance to write about a show that billed itself “The 57th Year East Palestine All Eagles Minstrel Show.” Her instincts were correct. A quick Google search confirmed that a performance was scheduled for March 9.
Further web sleuthing turned up photos from past E.P. Eagles productions, including at least one blackface performer and several white-faced minstrels. What in the name of Jim Crow was wrong with these people, I wondered.
It would’ve been too much to expect the good people of East Palestine, with a population of 4,700 with less than one percent black residents, to be “woke,” but I assumed everyone in America had the internet by now. After all, we weren’t that far removed from blackface controversies that ensnared Virginia’s governor, that state’s attorney general and the Republican speaker of the Virginia house.
This image shows Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's page in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook. The page shows a picture, at right, of a person in blackface and another wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood next to different pictures of the governor.(Eastern Virginia Medical School via Associated Press)
When I told my friend and PG colleague Steve Mellon about a minstrel show being performed an hour away in an obscure corner of Ohio’s post-industrial valley, he was even more eager to see, experience and photograph it than I was.
It seemed hard to believe that a tradition that can be traced to 1828, when Thomas Dartmouth “Daddy” Rice became the first white man to perform in blackface as Jim Crow, was still alive and kicking in the 21st century.
After another colleague drove to East Palestine to procure tickets for us before the show sold out, Steve and I were prepared for an evening of predestined, righteous outrage.
Concerned that he might be barred from bringing his camera into the venue to shoot, Steve contacted the East Palestine Eagles, the sponsor of the annual minstrel show fundraiser, to let them know we were coming.
They were cordial, but firmly insisted cameras wouldn’t be welcome in the hall. At that point, we both had visions of stereotypes running wild on the stage. If we couldn’t shoot whatever awaited us, we at least wanted to witness it.
As a Philadelphian, I figured that whatever awaited us couldn’t be worse than what a person would see marching down Broad Street in my home town during annual Mummers Day parades in the 1960s and ‘70s.
I figured there would be a few people wearing dark grease paint while finger-plucking banjos and singing in what they imagined to be old Negro dialect. Yeah, I was expecting a heavy dose of Stephen Foster songs.
We were relieved to have our tickets in hand just in case the East Palestine Eagles decided to impose a media blackout (so to speak). When we went back online to double-check a few things about the performance, the images of blackface and whiteface minstrels we’d seen earlier were gone. Geez, were they trying to gaslight us already?
Fortunately, Steve made screen grabs when they were up, but it was already looking pretty weird. Why pretend that minstrels and minstrelsy somehow wouldn’t be a major part of a contemporary minstrel show?
Curiosity, suspicion
The hourlong drive was uneventful, though we ran into a torrential downpour as we crossed the street from the crowded parking lot to 320 East Taggart St., the combination lodge, performance space and bar/​restaurant known to locals as the East Palestine Eagles Nest.
From the moment we stepped dripping wet through the door, it was obvious we weren’t from those parts. A waitress took our tickets and politely escorted us to our seats through throngs of smiling and nodding East Palestinians. The vibe in the room was one more of curiosity and neighborliness than suspicion about our motives.
I was definitely the only black person there that night, but Steve probably wasn’t the only white Kentuckian in that building by a long shot. People were very cool, but there was never any doubt we were deep in the heart of Appalachia.
Unexpected performance
The first thing we noticed once the show started was the complete absence of blackface or whiteface on any of the performers. With few exceptions, the roughly 25 musicians and performers crammed into the performance space wore white tuxedos, red carnations and red suspenders. They could’ve been a musical revue put together by East Palestine’s Chamber of Commerce.
Because they were mostly middle-aged and older white men with only a few under-30 performers among them, they looked more like the Lawrence Welk Orchestra than anyone’s idea of a minstrel troupe. They were various town officials, small business owners, entrepreneurs, retirees, actual musicians, blue-collar workers and folks who had figured out how to stay in East Palestine with their dignity intact after the economy went south.
Yet, they were minstrel troupe adjacent. They opened with a very sanitized version of “Bring Back Those Minstrel Days,” with lyrics that hint at minstrelsy’s inglorious past without embracing it too wholeheartedly.
Minstrel shows, such as the one advertised on this poster from 1900, historically featured white performers in blackface, with much of the content mocking black people.(Library of Congress)
Like all classic minstrel shows, the “Old Fashion Minstrel Show 57th Year 2019” featured a revolving cast of “endmen” — officially designated rascals whose job it was to introduce songs while sparring light-heartedly with the other performers.
Sometimes the jokes would get bawdy and sexually suggestive, but nothing even remotely denigrating about black people or other minorities was said or sung on the stage that night — and I was listening closely.
The musical performances, while solidly amateurish, appeared heartfelt and well rehearsed. After all, it was an annual fundraiser for several local charities and agencies that help people in the community.
When soloist Rex Wilson stepped to the mic to sing “Mack the Knife,” he knew how to connect with the audience. When Jim Bacon sang “Travelin’ Man,” he demonstrated superior vocal skills.
The musical offerings that night were standard and inoffensive, with highlights that included “Basin Street Blues,” “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” “Anything But Love,” “You Can’t Take That Away From Me” and an instrumental take on “My Blue Heaven.”
While there were sentimental songs, there was no equivalent of “The Old Darky” trope or anyone waxing nostalgic over slavery and racial oppression. No one sang in a plantation dialect or wept for the return of antebellum life (the chorus to “Bring Back Those Old Minstrel Days” being the only exception).
Other than a truly funny penile enlargement joke that brought down the house, this was the most family-friendly entertainment I’d experienced in years. Yet, there remained a yawning chasm between what is implied by identifying with the minstrel show tradition and what was ultimately delivered on stage that night.
Why court the controversy, negative media coverage and hurt feelings that would automatically be generated by invoking offensive stereotypes by promising a “minstrel show,” even if in name only? The relative blandness of the performance made it feel anticlimactic.
Of course, Steve and I wondered what happened to the blackface and white-faced performers that had once been a part of the show and had recently been featured on the website. Their swift removal was a clear acknowledgement, even if unspoken, that times had changed. Even as we applauded the men who bowed on stage after their performance of “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” we had a lot of questions.
PC minstrelsy
After the performance, Steve and I were immediately approached by members of the cast and various support people eager to get our take on the evening. Speaking for myself, I was entertained, if somewhat disappointed by the lack of outrage-producing moments. As a columnist, I live for those moments. This was like going to Las Vegas to see Don Rickles but having to settle for Pat Boone.
Far from being offended by my lack of outrage, they were pleased by it. They were desperate not to have offended anyone, especially a black person. Because I have a very distinctive laugh, they knew they were half way home.
More than one person asked us if we were aware that one of the youngest performers on stage that evening was biracial. No one would come out and say it, but they wanted us and all the people an hour away in Pittsburgh to understand how not-racist they are in East Palestine, Ohio.
They wished the estimated 10 to 15 black people who lived in the area had come to the show to see for themselves how non-racist it was rather than believe media reports that weren’t based on having seen the show.
Though offered sincerely, it was disingenuous to complain about black people believing negative press about the show when there are certain expectations baked into what any reasonable person can assume when stumbling upon something advertised as a “minstrel show.”
There was grudging acknowledgment that what was performed on March 9 was a completely different show than it would’ve been in the 1960s and 70s or even a decade ago.
At one time, even the family-friendly show in East Palestine reflected some of the problematic elements of minstrel shows. But it hasn’t been that in a long, long time, the people who talked to us insisted. No one would say the last time they’d seen someone wearing blackface on the stage — or even white-face, for that matter. There are limits to what they’re willing to talk about even on background.
Then there is the biggest question of all — why call the annual musical review fundraiser a minstrel show at all if all the worst aspects of minstrelsy have been removed from it? Why not just call it “The East Palestine Old Timey Musical Revue” or something less fraught with the weight of historical judgment?
Many conspiratorial whispers later, we’ve heard the same excuse from several people used to explain why a non-minstrel show advertises itself as a minstrel show — tradition. Some people just don’t want to let go of the term “minstrel show” even as every element of a real minstrel show is left on the cutting room floor.
“We really shouldn’t use the term at all,” one performer who was intimately involved in the production said. “It’s not worth the trouble, but you have oldtimers who don’t want to let it go. I think this may be the last year you see the word minstrel in the program booklet.”
On the drive back to Pittsburgh, Steve and I compared notes about what we saw on stage that night. We were both disappointed by the lack of antebellum drama and controversy, but we were also relieved that the good people of East Palestine are beginning to realize that singing “Bring Back Those Minstrel Days,” even without the makeup, really isn’t a good look for them.
Tony Norman: [email protected] or 412-263-1631.
First Published April 28, 2019, 7:00am
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tussive · 2 years
Just remembered my childhood friend Tim McDonald. He was convinced that I became aware of Charles Bukowski because he was reading one of his books. The first time I ever smoked weed was with him. We kind of hated each other. I have a tooth that's chipped because he tripped me with a pencil while we were skating one time. I found his obituary a while back. Apparently he had moved to Pittsburgh and was working as a chef.
One time me and my other friend Sean were buying some weed from Tim, and I don't know if everyone had the same middle school weed buying experience as me but it always involved walking to like 2-3 different houses looking or someone. You meet them and have to walk to a different house and then you smoke weed in their grandmother's room. So these kids are coming over towards the house that we're currently at and Tim tells us, "Hey she's gonna ask to smoke, she's a mooch, tell her no." Sean actually bought the weed so he told her no he had to save it because we were going to an anime convention that weekend. Tim jumps up and is like, "Oh c'mon man you're gonna be like that?"
That's just the type of guy Tim was.
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Ohtani Shohei 50 Stolen Bases 50 Home Runs First Time Ever Shirt
signwriter went away and came back with stencils he’d cut of the scene and asked me if he could use them for other clients. I said yes, that year Santa on the beach became very popular!
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Mother’s Day
But wait a Don’t move to Portland we’re full shirt . Mars long time ago had the same conditions as earth(flowing water etc) but why did it become like this? All the atmosphere might have washed away by the solar wind . Even now due to solar wind 100grams(not sure of the number) of atmosphere of mars is washed away per year. So even if we now emit green house gases there they are going to be washed away and become useless. But its not happening to earth, because the solar wind cannot reach till the atmosphere , our magnetic feild stops it (yes we first need to pray for that magnetic feild looking at a compass needle). Mars has no magnetic feild (it has local magnetic feilds due to some astroids with metals collided with planet but doesnt work for our purpose). Since there is no magnetic feild all the plan is waste of time. 🙁 . But wait for earth magnetic feild always changes with time. So may be the same for mars. Wait for some years (not few) and then mars may develop magnetic feild. One more interesting thing mars doesnt have its own magnetic feild but sun has magnetic feild.
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