assassinshadow17 · 4 years
Time for a review of the 100th AHW episode. And I will say.... it was amazing! the story and direction were fantastic and overall a great episode, felt like we were back in Season 3 or even Season 4!(Notable as the best seasons) 
SPOILERS, Watch the episode if you haven’t already, or if you don’t care then read on ig.
So first off, I liked the mother-daughter/generations of women being passed down to somewhat “terrible” or “discouraging” mothers. But I believe Kathryn and Katie had good intentions, to try to keep the passed down child from being hurt. As seen with Katie trying to steer Anna-Kat from cheerleading because she could have been made fun of by those girls(only cause they are self-centered and only care about being popular, not Anna-Kat’s fault) I loved Gieselle’s performance this episode, she really locked in her “Anna-Kat” for me and would love to see what she has to offer beyond this 5th season. However the step-mom was the real b**** and she shouldn’t be calling any shots or saying for people “Get over it” A real piece of work she is. At least Kathryn and Katie evaluated their mistakes and made Anna-Kat see that she should blossom and try what she wants to do!
Second off, the upcoming break-up of Trip and Taylor is incoming.... I’m actually really sad about this and I thought we were passed this back in the 5th episode of this season, but apparently they want Taylor to grow out of Trip, or at least move on from him as she’s going through college. I mean I suppose its something that always happens, High School relationships don’t tend to stick, but its really the memories of Trip and how caring he was of the Ottos + Franklin and Cooper. Loved his scenes with Anna-Kat, love his scenes with Oliver and Cooper, especially the family photo episode. Possibly the best episode of the series IMO. So wholesome and showed how lighthearted the show and family truly were. But also its really hard to see others move on, and its life but it freaking sucks and I feel like this will be the sad/disappointment of the season, Cooper and Oliver will be fine, but Taylor and Trip are coming to an end it seems. All the parallels, all the interactions between the two couples.... the promise in Trip returning in the family pic in ten years, would it even happen anymore? I also love his bond between Cooper, they are such supportive and amazing boyfriends to Oliver and Taylor. Their interactions though are so wholesome and are best buds for sure!(Especially since they are the worst hiders in the world LOL, also Cooper being the worst liar but that’s okay lol, if you get the episode reference.) Its too sad and I’m rambling, but I’ll miss Trip. I blame TA lmao, he can leave for all I care. But no I suppose this is for Taylor’s growth(Even if I hate it so much)
Franklin was funny, he really gets in your head lmao. Calling Cooper a dog though I- But he did get it in Cooper’s head that he needed to have his own dreams so that’s cool. Good job Franky!(but not good job in making them fight smh)
Now for Cooper and Oliver....
OLIVER SAID IT “WE ARE COOLIVER DAMN IT” YES ADMIT YOU ARE BOYFRIENDS AND SAY IT PROUD! To backtrack as well, Cooper opening the scene with his cooking is muy bueno! His food always looks good like wtf?! But anyways, funny scenes with believing everything that the attack ad from Principle Albulin said lol(politics in a nutshell) Like I said before, Cooper finally started to find his dreams. I personally didn’t mind him not having anything yet, and just wanted to be with Oliver. But I’m so glad that they took this opportunity to chase that plotline, Cooper being a chef and enjoying it now, I’m glad he has his own goals. So moving on, Trevor was still an ass but what else is new? I did like how Cooper defended himself though, pretty badass not to take his crap anymore. Cooliver fighting as well, not a conversation we like to hear, especially since it was pretty serious. We knew they would figure it out, but it still hurts-I did like how Oliver got his attitude in order and realized that Cooper isn’t just going to have his dreams, Cooper wanted his dreams too. “No that’s YOUR goal/dream” A time where he got really serious and considered his future. Trevor saying that they were breaking up- Please Trevor, they would never, they always get like this. But yes they said some things.... But now moving on. Oliver did do the right thing and thought of Cooper, that chef apron was so loving and wholesome of him! “Your boy got it right” Stop Oliver, DON’T MAKE ME CRY- However to sum up Cooliver, it was some realization for them and realizing they don’t have to have the same goals to remain boyfriends. They can steer different directions and always end on the same street!(good overall IRL message too, no need to do everything together) They will always be together, even if they don’t spend every second together.
Cute ending scene between Cooliver too. I forgot the dialogue already but lol it was cute. Taylor is wanting Andre/TA, so yeah.... it was an amazing ride we had Trip, but..... (I’m going to go cry BRB!)
So Katie breaking the 4th wall was neat haha, here’s to 100 episodes AHW fandom, Cooliver fandom, every casual viewer! And hopefully many more episode to see and laugh, cry with. To enjoy. This fanbase is incredible, the cast is amazing, the crew gives their very best. To only great things for everyone and its audience, love you all!
Rating for Episode - 9.5/10. Flawless direction and plotline, just didn’t like Taylor and Trip’s trajectory, but that’s subjective ig(although we all hate it lbr)
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