#Wedding venues in Guadalajara Mexico
beltranpamela · 10 months
Let’s explore how the right venue, especially in the context of Wedding venues in Guadalajara Mexico, sets the stage for cherished memories and a celebration that reflects your unique style.
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micaramel · 5 years
Artist: ektor garcia
Venue: Cooper Cole, Toronto
Exhibition Title: Sangre y Barro
Date: March 28 – May 4, 2019
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Full gallery of images, press release, and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Cooper Cole, Toronto
Press Release:
COOPER COLE is pleased to present a solo exhibition by ektor garcia. This marks the artist’s first solo exhibition with the gallery.
sangre y barro dolor y amor suave y duro dulce y sabor a metal puro y sucio inocente y malvado moribundo y viviendo feo y bello
blood and clay pain and love soft and hard sweet and taste of metal pure and filthy innocent and wicked dying and living ugly and beautiful
ektor garcia’s art is grounded in the body, in touch and tactility. Every element of sangre y barro is made, crafted, formed, manipulated, and arranged by the artist’s hands. Hand shaped and glazed terra cotta, stoneware, and porcelain. Intertwined ceramic rope and chain. Hand made copper wire lace, crocheted ropes, twined threads. Hand sewn leather hides. Imprints, mark making, fingerprints, gestures: the trace of the artist’s hands are everywhere. Every material, every found object — bike tires, goat horns, horse shoes, rusted horse bits, chains, cords, doilies, decorative domestic textiles — holds the tactile memory of garcia’s hands. They call out to us to be touched in return, tempting us, even daring us — to touch. But we can’t touch them back. The gallery is at once a space of sensory overload, and sensory deprivation. So how can we make up for the inability to touch?
The work demands that we engage beyond looking, that we engage our other senses, like smell, and that we activate our more visceral sensibilities, like desire, fear, sadness, anger, disgust. The work also insists that we rely on different modes of perception altogether, like our subjectivities, identities, lived experiences, memories, fantasies. On empathy, compassion, longing, vulnerability, interpersonal connection. The work implores us feel, to sense the works’ less immediately perceptible traces:
Hands crocheting doilies placing them under plastic protecting covering the couch next to a cabinet with a wedding dress with a photo of a quinceañera perched on top next to a cowboy hat in front of a side-table with plastic flowers and family photographs Hands picking strawberries in the blaring sun in the endless sprawling growing fields in California Hands on rusted metal in abuelo’s rancho garage Bleeding hands An American passport passed back and forth between traveler and border agent Hands wrapped around bicycle handlebars. Hands on lovers’ bodies.
Queer Mexican American hands. Not to be confused or conflated with “the hand” of Western art history, a hand that is Euro-American and masculine and cis-male. garcia travels regularly, across all five continents, always collecting and working on things as an integral part of his practice. His queer brown hands mark the trajectories of objects and materials sourced and collected in places like his grandparents’ land in Tabasco in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico; on bike rides across New York City where he currently lives and works; and in Toronto on days spent installing the works. His queer brown hands carried these works across national borders between Mexico, the United States, and Canada — countries bound together by militarized border systems, neoliberal trade agreements, and settler colonial and colonizing regimes.
And so the works are imbued with cultural, geographical and sexual histories, histories of violence and resistance, subversion and survival, family and community. They embody personal, familial, territorial, and cross-cultural histories of struggle and resistance. And they are invested with garcia’s experiences growing up between borders, classes, identities, cultures, and languages.
Other significant influences also include radical queerness, anarcho-punk sensibilities and community, and Mexican and Chicanx domestic aesthetics. While often described in terms of craft and the domestic, garcia’s works challenge dominant art historical understandings of both. The artist draws on thousands of years’ worth of local, indigenous, campesino, Mexican craft — on hand skills, materials, processes and expertise that persist despite Euro-American attempts at erasure, appropriation, exploitation, and monetization — on modes of hand production deployed long before white male historians “invented” definitions of what we now call “craft”.
The artist’s embrace of specifically Mexican, Chicanx, and queer domesticities also refutes art historical notions of “the domestic”, an exclusionary and largely unattainable, white, heteronormative space of classed and raced privilege. Instead garcia valorizes specifically brown, decidedly queer and migrant strategies like mess and domesticana (the crafting of Chicanx working class domestic space), characterized by abundance, accumulation, reuse, impermanence, and site specificity — strategies of necessity and survival, movement and migration(1).
garcia is intrigued by the idea of craft as the possibility of crafting or creating a new world, new futures that extend beyond the reach of dominant systems like capitalism, neoliberalism, and imperialism, and homonormative queer politics like gay marriage. The need to create new futures resonates in the work of the Cuban American queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz, who notes that the present is not enough, and that queerness is a horizon or possibility through which we can reclaim freedom and remake oppressive systems. Writing about transgender identity and community, scholar and curator Jeanne Vaccaro observes that creating community is a type of handmade: it is collective, made with and across bodies, objects, and forces of power. Creating and sustaining community is very much a type of craft: it requires skill, dialogue, risk taking, compromise, patience, compassion, and generosity — much like working with craft materials like textiles, clay, metal, and wood.
There are also parallels between garcia’s strategies of assemblage and installation — bringing discreet objects together to create new spatial, formal, and aesthetic relations — and the creation of community. Each and every discreet object or material in sangre y barro depends on a constellation of other objects and materials. Each can stand alone, but is much more powerful within larger systems of mutual solidarity and support. These works are a metaphor for coming together, for garcia’s community of radical queers, punks, anarchists, anti-capitalists, and artists.
Violent systems of social, political, and economic oppression seek to destroy collectivity, cooperation, and community. And so garcia’s work reminds us that we need community to break the forms of isolation and subjugation unleashed by colonialism, capitalism, xenophobia, and white supremacy. We need community to help us craft a different reality, a more sustainable present and a more promising future.
— Lisa Vinebaum
Lisa Vinebaum is a scholar, artist and educator
(1) On domesticana, see Mesa-Bains; on mess, see Manalansan.
ektor garcia (b. 1985, Red Bluff, California, USA) received his BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014, and his MFA from Columbia University, New York in 2016. Solo exhibitions include Mary Mary, Glasgow, Scotland; Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany; kurimanzutto, Salon ACME, Mexico City, Mexico. Group exhibitions include LAXART, Los Angeles; New Museum, Salon 94, Sargent’s Daughters, New York; Chicken Coop Contemporary, Portland, USA; Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, Mexico; ACCA, Melbourne, Australia. garcia lives and works in between Mexico City, New York, and wherever he loses himself.
Link: ektor garcia at Cooper Cole
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from Contemporary Art Daily http://bit.ly/2IvoIXP
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moscastudio · 7 years
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If your wedding venue has archaeological ruins on site, call me. I'm your photographer. ;) Hacienda La Escoba in Guadalajara Mexico has ruins, and beautiful mature trees, and stunning landscaping, and a big 300-person party that went on until 6 in the morning. Absolutely amazing day!⠀ .⠀ #moscastudio #portlandbrideandgroom #oregonbride #weddingphotography #portlandwedding #matromonio #love #instalove #instawedding #haciendalaescoba #guadalajara #mexico #mexicowedding #guadalajarawedding #boda #kiss⠀ .⠀ A humble note: This image was scheduled to post during my temporary absence from the USA. I am away photographing a humanitarian medical mission in Uganda from January 26 to February 13, 2018. Apologies for not tagging you and for a possible missing or delayed answer to your comments. Do email me anytime ([email protected]) as I will search for WIFI while away, and will certainly get back to you as soon as I return to Oregon. Thank you friends! ~Alice :) (at Hacienda La Escoba)
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hookysblog · 8 years
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Pottsy out of his box again!
Lovely to be back in America to premiere the Substance tour, today is Friday. The plane we flew over on must have been in service from the 70’s? You didn’t have to look out of the window you could just look out between the gaps in the bulkheads…..scary! Apart from that it was a nice flight over to Toronto to sort out the Merch for our tour. Then we make our way to N.Y.C, and sure enough landing in New York is wonderful to see still, but the traffic afterwards, is terrible;( Luckily our hotel is near the gig so I can walk to sound check and then after to the gig, which is great fun.
This really is a supercharged city, crackling with energy. This first night is nearly full and the atmosphere is superb. A great reception for New Order and again for Joy Division, quite balanced I thought. It is lovely to be here. Only problem I have is my transmitter for my guitar will not work??? And if I move more than 4 ft away from it the signal drops completely …so no bass. This really hampers me on stage, as I cannot go to the sides. What a bummer. I hate it;( I am thinking it's the Bluetooth signal being overloaded or bounced back by everybody’s phone in the Hall). Shit! I struggle through feeling very immobile. Outside afterwards two English girls grab me and go to great lengths to tell me that,
‘It felt like Art. In fact it was Art.’ They chorus.
I am very flattered. It isn’t easy by any means, but The Light work so hard for me, and the music, that sometimes it feels it. Thank you boys!
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Back to the gym for me and a nice afternoon beckons. As I walk to the gig again, I marvel at how busy this town is. It is Saturday night and you can feel it in the air…..Hope and Life everywhere. Everything I see as I walk along reminds me of film after film, or series after series, Assault on Precinct 13, Kramer vs Kramer etc., Kojak to Sex and The City. Bonkers. The second night is better than ever as I start to relax a little. We have many new and old friends present which is lovely. A SELL OUT! crowd goes mental from start to finish, the bass is the same, meaning I cannot venture far from my transmitter, which is now really annoying me as I forgot to mention it to Phil. Afterwards he puts me in an Uber saying,
‘You can’t walk at this time it’s dangerous!’
Oh how I regret that. It took 25 mins to walk and in the cab 75mins? As I drag myself to bed tired out (then can’t sleep because of the adrenaline/Jet lag) I think how lucky I am. Thank you God.
Up early, a bit bleary eyed but so are the others, and we get join the crawl to JFK for our flight to…..
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 I love L.A, always have, ever since the first time we came in 1981 and Bruce Willis stopped in his Mercedes 500 to let us cross Sunset Boulevard. What a place! It is totally ridiculous but great fun. The Wiltern on Wiltshire is a wonderful old theatre, very well kept and still beautiful inside and out.
Huge and ‘Sold Out’ again, what is going on??? I am very proud. Tonight my old mucker Moby is on board singing Ceremony and Transmission.
He seems very relaxed indeed, and both songs go off without a hitch. Afterwards I meet a young girl absolutely covered in tattoos, all of Joy Division. She is very young and proudly rolls her sleeve up to show me…..my signature??? Tattooed on her arm from when I signed it in 2013. WOW!
I am amazed by our fan’s devotion, I really am. It is humbling.
I get to see some great old friends while I am here, and learn some very interesting things about New Odour. But hey, let’s not go there;) Let’s keep it light, no pun intended;)
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A nice flight down to San Antonio, which has just been flooded and our Hotel smells like it too. It stinks of damp and humidity. The gig is a funky old club but quite small but has been SOLD OUT! for months, and as the evening and my old friend Kerry Jagger appears, the place is packed, and amazingly both sides, left and right, open out to let in more people. We play very well and it is as hot as hell. I help a woman out with some water at the front of the stage for her young daughter, eventually I have to bring them both up on stage for the rest of the set, it is simply too boisterous at the front. Afterwards as we chat, she tells me she had been to see New Odour recently and her daughter had thrown up at their gig! I am lost for words, but take it as a compliment;)
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 A nice flight sees us in Mehico again, and Monterey is a very American city. Sold out tonight and it does not disappoint. A very enthusiastic audience love New Order then devour Joy Division. Fantastic.
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Nice to see our old friend Hector.
Mexico City is proving to be a fantastic place for us to play, simply because of the adoration of Joy Division. It seems the most searched for group on the internet in Mexico City is the Manchester Post Punk Pioneers….Hooray! Hence all the bootleg merchandise stalls outside the venue. Like a little village of illicit merch!
The venue is huge and we are told The Stone Roses played 3 weeks ago and got 5000 people. Tonight we get 4600! I am delighted. The New Order section goes well but The Joy Division set goes down bonkers….It is  amazing! I am flabbergasted. I tear off into the night as the last chord of L.W.T.U.A. is still ringing in my ears, smiling like a lunatic. I had spent the day jogging round the city and it is such a delightful place, the people are lovely. I am amazed that American’s are so scared of the place;(
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  After last night we are really looking forward to playing here, but typically after the fantastic high of last night we are due a low. The lads have trouble from the moment they get into the venue. A dangerous stage, a P.A. company that normally does weddings, complete with a dangerous generator, terrible backline hire gear, no security, no promoter etc, etc.,
Phil phones me to tell me how bad it is going and worrying about not only our safety but also the audiences. No one at the venue seems to know how many tickets have been sold and Phil takes the heart breaking decision to pull the gig;( What a shame. We are devastated. We were having such a great time too. A quiet night beckons and then we make the long journey home on two of the oldest planes I have ever been on since coming out here. Blooming hell what’s going on?
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  I arrive home and go into 10 days of book promotion, which was hard going.
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Me an Bunny
Talking is so much more difficult than playing. It wears you out, it really does.
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 me and ken
With a bit of promotion for The Hacienda Classical thrown in.
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It’ll be soon time to come back to America;)
Cheers Hooky’ 16;)
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hotelsmarket · 8 years
Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara Hotel Opens in Mexico
Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE: H) announced today the official opening of Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara, the fourth Hyatt Regency hotel in Mexico. With this hotel, the Hyatt Regency brand is marking its return to the city of Guadalajara as part of the mixed use Andares development. “We are very pleased with the opening of this new hotel and with the return of the Hyatt Regency brand to Guadalajara,” said Myles McGourty, senior vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean, Hyatt. “Andares is a luxury commercial complex in the beautiful city of Guadalajara, which will nicely complement the globally-recognized Hyatt Regency brand and the excellent service and amenities offered by the hotel.” Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara has been designed to connect today’s travelers to who and what matters most. The hotel is located in Zapopan in the exclusive Andares shopping area, and provides direct access to recognized local and international attractions and endless entertainment options, including UNESCO world heritage site Hospicio Cabañas, Tlaquepaque and Tonala, Lake of Chapala, and Magical Towns (Pueblos Mágicos) of Tequila, Mazamitla and Tapalpa. Additionally, the hotel is located 20 minutes from Expo Guadalajara, a large-scale convention center, and less than 45 minutes from Guadalajara International Airport. “It is very exciting for everyone here at Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara to welcome our guests,” said Cesar Moreno, the hotel’s general manager. “This hotel has been thoughtfully designed to make guests feel welcome, comfortable and relaxed, so that they can socialize, connect and celebrate any occasion with us.”Advertisement Guestrooms Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara features 257 guestrooms, including 25 suites that offer access to the hotel’s Regency Club lounge and exclusive benefits. Each offers high tech amenities and an eclectic decor with soft tones inspiring harmony, in addition to large windows overlooking the vibrant and energizing district of Zapopan. Elegant touches of local culture, such as blown glass, woven headboards, and organic amenities, complement the experience for guests. Authentic Culinary Experiences The gastronomic offerings at Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara focus on providing personalized experiences with the premise that each guest has different preferences, offering different national and international dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cassola offers traditional Mexican dishes with a distinctly contemporary twist in an elegant, modern setting. The chef’s interpretation of local cuisine is presented and decorated in a fun and innovative style. Cassola also offers an exclusive private dining room, ideal for corporate or social events. Its intimate atmosphere and elevated cuisine by Chef de Cuisine Jonathan Felix make Cassola the best kept secret of Zapopan. Andares Lounge provides light snacks and signature cocktails, including a great variety of tequilas and distilled drinks honoring the region. The terrace facing the Andares shopping center will be an ideal place to see and be seen. Wellness Experiences Whether it be between city tours or business meetings, the indoor pool at the Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara boasts abundant natural light and views overlooking the Andares complex, making it a perfect place to relax, cool off or swim. Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara features a 24-hour StayFit™ fitness center so guests can maintain their fitness routine while on the road. Choose from state-of-the-art exercise machines or strength training equipment within our convenient facilities. Event Venues Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara offers more than 18,675 square feet (1,735 square meters) of event space, including a magnificent 7,900-square-foot (734-square-meter) ballroom, making it the perfect venue for a variety of events such as weddings, social banquets, exhibitions, meetings, and conferences. Each of the 10 event spaces is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The hotel’s event coordinators are available to meet all the expectations of guests and help them choose from luxurious interior spaces to outdoor terraces. Logos, product and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
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