#Wednesday I slipped in the shower and twisted my ankle
shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Like always cold? Maybe his ghost half is keeping his human half too cold. Like a deep cold he can’t ever get warmed from? His body is working double time to try and keep him warm so he eats a lot more to keep up with the energy burned.
Or never cold. His ghost half now makes him immune to the cold and he just can’t feel it? Shorts in the snow with a tanktop kinda guy. His ghost core is keeping his body temp down but also his ghost powers have combined with his every cell to change him on a molecular level. He could feel the cold if he had control over this power but I doubt he will ever figure that out. Just a “oh I don’t feel cold anymore. Neat” kinda vibe and never try to actually correct it. I like to think his skin would still turn blue if exposed to extreme cold but thats just me
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returntosaturn271995 · 2 months
Saturday, August 10th: A sentence or two for the last 11 days- because the faintest of ink is better than the best memory
God once offered me perfect breasts or a perfect memory- I forget which one I chose.
All jokes aside- here's a vague social calendar for August so far. The vibes have been immaculate but could use some of the basic organization and self-discipline I occasionally dabble in.
Wednesday, July 31st: Ran 4 miles, made Keith schnitzel before he headed off to Vegas
Thursday, August 1st: I honestly can't find any evidence this day even happened, which is ironic because the quote I wrote down for it was "accountability is power". I assume I paid some bills, which is nice.
Friday, August 2nd: Haley, Monika and I went out drinking and dining downtown at Lumi and I lost my car keys like a fucking idiot. Didn't let it ruin the night though. I wore a hot pink dress with a gold clasp in the front and Monika wore a crop top to distract from her peg leg- it's giving pirate wench chic.
Saturday, August 3rd: Got my car keys back! A very annoyed uber driver delivered them unto me. Thanks Tile! All the fake nails I pressed on fell off. Went on a long walk with Maddy in a baby blue outfit to get smoothies. Posted on IG: "Is there a clean girl aesthetic where two showers later your eye-makeup is still on?". Made a peach and goat cheese pizza while Keith sent me filthy texts from Vegas.
Sunday, August 4th: According to my to-do list, I walked to my car and incurred the wrath of newly purchased vans blistering my heels. (Nate actually noticed my car across from his house because it's beat up, 25 years old, a BMW and not at all a metaphor for my life). I wiped down the bathroom and my dressers and took out the trash. Keith came over and we grabbed sushi in PB, the waiter winked too much. I wore a graphic tee, black slip dress, and carried cherry red handbag.
Monday, August 5th: Finished House of The Dragon, read, caught up on the news, and made Keith and I tomato basil pasta with breadcrumbs and parmesan. Kirby called asking to hang out, apparently he's doesn't want the current girl he's dating to be his gf, is it wrong that I'm oddly relieved?
Tuesday, August 6th: For lunch I made myself spicy quesadillas with sour cream. Then after some mild peer pressure I went out to the ball game AKA the VOLO team that so far has broken Monika's ankle and Brielle's arm in three places. We just sat there, drank wine, and DJed. After some swift losing, we went to the Old Town Saloon afterwards and Keith ended up joining us. Turns out he knows Eli from a business lunch in SF years ago. The world is tiny. Keith and I ended up getting Taco Bell and I introduced him to the Cheesy Gordita Crunch.
Wednesday, August 7th: Canceled my plans because holy fuck was I tired. I made some black bean and veggie stuffed peppers, cleaned the kitchen, read, grocery shopped, started birth control, and took a very nice shower.
Thursday, August 8th: Kirby came over for fried chicken sandwiches and the sunset at Wind and Sea. Wore a white denim dress and he took photos of me at golden hour. I gave him some books I thought he'd like: Mathew Perry's autobiography and David Sedaris's "Naked". He asked if I ever gave back his sunglasses. "No." I lied. Then I changed in to my, "Play Something Emo" shirt, Keith came over, and we watched the beginning of the final season of The Umbrella Academy. Our Chemical Romance.
Friday, August 9th: A lot of sleeping with vivid dreams. Not sure what any of it means or why I can go down so hard. Factory re-set. Kind of nice. Keith texted to let me know that he paid for an elderly women's flowers in line at the grocery store (where he was probably buying Kombucha or a twisted tea), but she welled up and said thank you. I believe that he did it, there's something romantic and generous to his character- even if he's still kind of a douche in a bunch of other ways. Why must people have layers??
Saturday, August 10th: I woke up ready. Threw on my yellow work out set, did some skincare, and the walked to grab breakfast supplies for the week. I took my meds, went on the briefest of runs (it all counts!), and meditated on pattern interruption. Why stumbles don't have to become falls. I did the laundry while watching My Lady Jane, began planning next week, and ate at home. Bonnie's second baby was born, a girl named Solvei ("Sunny" if she ends up cheerful). Tala's reaction to having a baby sister? "I'm so mad right now, cause I love my baby so much".
That's a she wrote, folks! For now.
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 11
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter:  Chapter 11
Chapter Summary:  I’ll be sure to mark this date down.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Who would have guessed, I wrote another porn. So that, and tooth rotting fluff because I’m a soft slut.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10}
Henry really had thought of everything when he decided to 'redecorate' his home. Briar was in love with her Paw Patrol bedding and wasted no time in naming all the stuffed animals that now lined the shelf. She fawned over all of the new bedtime story books he had bought and stored in the night stand, quickly picking out her favorites, despite never having been read most of them. She squealed in delight when he turned on the fancy nightlight that projected different images onto the ceiling. He even got a couple spare changes of clothes for the girl.
While Faye loved the idea of him fumbling through the baby girl section, trying to figure out what size Briar wore, Henry confessed to ordering most everything online. He cited COVID as his reason for not going in person, but Faye had a feeling it was because he had no idea what he was doing in the girl's section. He only had two nieces, after all. He was just used to buying for boys instead. His nieces tended to have very specific wants. His brothers or his sisters-in-law told him what they wanted, and he supplied it.
That being said, he did a very good job preparing for a little girl. Faye found herself spending most of her time at his house after the first week. Henry only had a bag of dog food, a couple bowls for Kal and a dog bed at her house. He claimed it was all he needed to be comfortable, but Faye knew otherwise.
On the days they had stayed at his house, Briar almost never let him out of her sight. She loomed across the kitchen when he would try to cook. She stared at him while he read. She lurked while he played video games. Finally Henry invited her to watch him, the little girl all too happy to perch herself on his knee, happily cheering him on despite not knowing what was going on in the game. The few nights they spent back at their own home, Briar demanded to call Henry every night so he knew she was behaving for Mommy.
Henry was even thoughtful enough to clear out a drawer in his bathroom for Faye. She'd lived with a man before, and she always had to fight for her own drawer in the bathroom. She wasn't even asking much. She had a relatively small make up back considering her profession. She only wanted a place to store that, and her feminine necessities. Henry already had those in the drawer for when she needed them. All she had left to do was chuck her spare make up bag, a few hair ties and a brush into her drawer, and she was good to go.
Not to mention, the man had a trash can already in his bathroom. One that he knew existed. Even her father would regularly forget about the trash can in the bathroom growing up. Every Tuesday, he would go through the house and empty each of the smaller bins so he could take all the trash out to the side of the road for trash pick up day. Every Wednesday, her mother would ask him if he got all the trash cans. Every time he would assure that he emptied all of them. Then she would ask about the bathroom and he would stare at her blankly before finally mumbling a small 'oh'.
Finally, Faye reached a point where she couldn't hold it in anymore; her heart was about to explode if she didn't let it out. Henry had just put Briar and Kal off to bed when he found her, a crying mess on the couch. Naturally, his first instinct was to panic. Was she hurt? Did he forget something important? Was it their anniversary? Did they even have one? They've only been involved for a few months, right? Was he ignoring her? Did she feel like he was pushing her aside again? Ultimately, he took his brother's sage like advice that had been freely given at each of his other's brother's weddings.
"Faye, while I don't know exactly what I did wrong, I can see that you are upset, and I am sorry."
"For what?" She sniffled, popping her head up from her knees all to quickly.
"I don't know." Henry admitted, cautiously sitting next to her.
"Henry, I'm not upset. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time." Faye explained, only furthering Henry's confusion.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked slowly, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. He knew females could be complicated, but how could you be happy and crying at the same time? Those were two opposite emotions, weren't they?
"I'm just really happy." Faye wiped at her eyes, scooting closer to Henry to lean against him.
"That doesn't explain why you are crying..."
"Haven't you ever been so happy you cried?"
"I've been so happy it's brought a tear to my eye, yes. Never full out sobbing like something horrible just happened. I thought I forgot an anniversary or something!"
"We don't have one." Faye pointed out, as Henry wrapped his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer.
"I'm sure we do."
"We never officially agreed to be exclusive or anything."
"Have you been doing things I should be aware of?" Henry asked, raising a brow as he looked down at her.
"No. Have you?"
"Of course not. I was under the impression we've been a thing for a while now. Unlike some people."
"You never said anything! You can't just decide we're a thing without telling me!"
"Well do you want this to be a thing?"
"Well, I wouldn't mind it..."
"Then let's just retro date it. What was a significant even between us? Me meeting Briar?"
"No, we just flirted a lot back then."
"When you asked me to spend more time here?"
"That's way too recent. We've definitely been involved longer than that. What about that night on the couch? When you started dry humping me during the movie?"
"That was a fun night." Faye sighed wistfully.
"Certainly sticks out to me." Henry agreed.
"Deal. We'll figure out what day that was and that can be our anniversary."
"I need to put it in my phone. If I forget I get the feeling I won't ever hear the end of it."
"Do you even know when my birthday is?" Faye asked suddenly, twisting in his embrace to look up at him."
"That would be another good date to put in my calendar."
"What about Briar's birthday?"
"Ok, that one I know! You invited me over to help make her a cake. And then Briar led me into your room right after you'd finished showering. God, that ass..."
"Focus, Romeo!" Faye giggled, playfully swatting at his shoulder.
"Ugh, not Romeo. Choose a different story, I don't want us to end up dead over a misunderstanding."
"Uhh... I'm drawing a blank. You go first."
"You started it, you go first."
"You know, it's getting kinda late, I should go shower before I get too tired." Faye excused herself, slipping from his grip and scurrying out of his reach before he could snatch her up again.
"You, Miss Warren, are a tease." Henry pouted, flopping himself against the back of the couch.
"I am no such thing." Faye gasped, slowly peeling her shirt up over her head. She let it fall silently to the floor, annoyed when her actions went unnoticed. She was in no mood to be ignored.
This time, she reached behind herself, unhooking her bra and slinging it at him, the supportive garment landing directly on his face. It took Henry a second to realize what was going on, picking it up and straightening it out, his mind quickly connecting the dots once he realized what it was. He was on his feet in an instant, growling as he chased his laughing prey down the hall.
He snatched her up around her waist just before she could reach the door, playfully biting at the junction of her neck. "Got you, you little minx." He growled, pressing a kiss to the mark he had left.
"Well that means you get to lay claim to me." Faye giggled, reaching back to cup the back of his neck, pulling his head down for an awkwardly angled kiss.
"Bedroom." Henry muttered against her lips, blindly reaching for the knob and pushing the door open. He set Faye down, swatting at her ass as she slipped by, eagerly following and locking the door behind themselves. By the time he had yanked his shirt off, Faye had already pushed her sweats and panties down, crawling up the bed and giving him a view he never wanted to forget, her glistening peach peeking out from between her thighs, her ass swaying delightfully as she moved.
"Condom?" Faye asked, settling herself down in the middle of the bed, propped up on her elbows.
"Side table." Henry responded, nodding to the table on his side of the bed as he got to work shedding the rest of his clothing. "They better fucking be in date." He added after a second of thought.
"How long have you had them?" Faye snorted, digging through the drawer until she came up with the foil packet.
"Not a clue. They haven't been seeing much use in the last year or so."
"Fucking COVID." Henry grumbled, crawling onto the edge of the bed, his eyes slowly drinking her in.  He grabbed her by the ankle, reverently uncrossing her legs, his strong hands kneading into the arch of her foot as he laid gentle kisses along the ink decorating the top of it. "What's this called?" He asked, his fingers brushing across the design.
"Mandala." Faye explained, Henry nodding and pressing a gentle kiss to it and slowly sliding his hands up, crossing over to her other leg to trace his fingers over the owl.
"This is an owl." He stated definitively, pressing another kiss to her artwork. He then slid up more, nudging her arm out of his way to look more closely at the mermaid he had found before, letting his fingers trace over it, causing Faye to giggle and squirm. "And here is a ticklish little mermaid." He teased, kissing across her torso, just beneath her bare breasts, craning his neck and smiling proudly "Ah ha! I thought I saw something over there." He mumbled proudly, pressing a kiss to the small butterfly on that side of her ribcage, eliciting another giggle from the woman trapped below him. "A ticklish little butterfly! Any others around here?" He asked, pressing kisses back across her torso, wrapping his lips around a nipple when she shook her head.
His tongue flicked against the rapidly hardening bud, grabbing onto her arms and pinning them down when she began to squirm more beneath him.
"Now then, I know about this one." He continued, lifting her right hand to kiss at the leaves and vines wrapping around her wrist and thumb. "And you showed me this one." He pressed an almost reverent kiss to the inside of her forearm, gently moving her arms up over her head. "Now, I can think of one more..." He mumbled, sliding a hand beneath Faye's hip and flipping her over onto her stomach all too easily, managing to keep her trapped beneath him the entire time. "And that's back here." His fingers traced along the black and white depiction of a tree, winding along her spine, its branches reaching up to her shoulders.
"Any others I should know about?" He asked, sliding his hand beneath Faye's hips, trailing lower to slide his fingers through the slick heat gathering between her thighs.
"That's all." Faye moaned, grinding down into his probing fingers.
"You do have quite a few, Miss Warren." Henry finally conceded, his hand sliding back just far enough to roll her back onto her back. "But I would consider this a work of art as well." He purred, diving in to kiss and suck at her slick folds shamelessly.
"Oh shit." Faye panted, her back arching at the sudden stimulation. "Fuck, Henry. I want you now."
"Patience, Miss Warren. I'm going to need you nice and relaxed before you try and take me."
"Damnit, Henry!" Faye growled, using her legs to pull his face even closer to her core, effectively silencing him with her pussy for the time being. "I can sink the Titanic with how fucking wet I am. Now."
"So bossy." Henry tutted, using the leverage he had against her to push her knees almost to her chest, eagerly diving back in, licking, sucking and kissing like a starving man at a feast.
"Fuuuuck." Faye groaned, gripping the sheets with one hand, the other trying to grip the hair on the back of his head, only to be met with fuzz. "Damnit all!" She hissed, cupping the back of his head instead to pull him closer. Henry was all to happy to comply with her demands, even slipping two fingers inside her dripping entrance, curling them in search of the sensitive spot he knew was there, grinning triumphantly when she started squirming harder. One part of her wanted to go up into his teasing mouth. The other wanted to go down onto his wandering fingers.
Henry finally took mercy on her, latching onto her bundle of nerves and sucking hard, his tongue flicking over it as his fingers tapped out a rhythm inside of her, easily sending her toppling over the edge, leaving her a panting mess below him.
"I think you're relaxed enough now." He taunted playfully, gently moving to let her lay flat on the bed.
"I want dick." Faye panted, glaring up at him as he attempted to innocently open the condom, shooting what she assumed was meant to be a wink her way.
"What a coincidence, I just so happen to have one right here, wrapped and ready to go."
"Shut up and fuck me." Faye groaned, rolling her eyes at his antics. Of course, he would manage to still be a dork in the middle of having sex.
"Would you like to stay on your back, or do you want to try something else?"
"I don't have the energy to bounce around on your cock right now."
"Alrighty then." He half laughed, nudging her knees apart to make room for himself, caging her in below his body once again. "This might sting a bit." He advised, gripping himself by the base, sliding the head of his cock between her swollen petals. He slowly pressed inside, rocking his way in until the tip of his cock was pressed firmly against her cervix.
"Are you alright?" Henry asked, wincing when her nails dug even harder into his shoulders.
"Yeah." Faye forced out, trying to slow her breathing. "I'm actively being split in half, but yeah."
"I'm sorry." Henry murmured softly, peppering her face with kisses as he began to roll his hips. Not full on thrusting, no. He saved that for when she started to squirm beneath him, trying to get him to press against all the right spots inside her. Then and only then did he rise up onto his knees, holding her up by her hips to pound into her, her nails now scratching at the sheets.
"Fuck, right there!" Faye gasped, her back arching when he brushed against a particularly sensitive area. "Fuck, don't stop, don't stop!" Henry's head fell back at her pleading, loving how she kept begging for more, her pleas devolving until only his name, 'please' and 'more' fell from her lips.
"Come on, cum all over my cock. Let me watch you come undone." Henry encouraged, slamming into her harder until he felt her walls clenching around him, her head thrown back as she begged him to keep going. Henry didn't last long past her orgasm, finishing himself only a few thrusts later.
"We did it." Faye panted as Henry slowly withdrew, careful to tie the condom off and toss it into the bathroom trashcan.
"Did what?" Henry inquired as he crawled back into bed, letting Faye curl into his side and pulling the blanket over both of them.
"We finally had sex."
"I shall be sure to also mark this date on my calendar."
"Yes, but I'm your dork."
Taglist: @Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient
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jinkisbelly · 8 years
Colors 3/?
Pairing: Jongyu 
Rating: mm pg
Warning: Age gap, (but everyone is legal)
w/c: around 3k,    First part here [x], second part here [x], can be read on aff also here [x], the part below is about their unofficial 2nd date ^-^
Jinki happens across a small period diner with a flirty, young waiter who is full of color.
Jinki scrunched his nose up at the stack of manila folders sitting on the middle of his desk when he stepped into his office. Minho wasn’t at his own desk just outside of the glass thick wooden and glass doors. He wondered where his assistant was for a moment before the urge to make another cup of coffee pushed to the forefront of his mind. He placed his briefcase and coat on his chair and walked over to the table along the long wall of big windows. The blinds were still down beside the one on the far left he kept open last night before he left. He grabbed a white coffee cup and flipped it right side up as he snapped the Keurig cup into the coffee machine. He pushed brew as he slipped the cup into the slot underneath and moved to put his things in order so he could begin working sometime soon.
As he returned to his desk after hanging his jacket on the hook behind the desk there was a knock at the door. A moment later Minho popped his head into the small opening. “Sorry for not being at my desk when you came in Sir.”
“That’s perfectly okay Minho,” He gave a little smile, “Did Ms. Halifax call about her appointment today?”  
“No, Sir.” Minho came into the office the rest of the way and closed the door behind him. “I have the files for your trial today prepared like you asked.”
“Ah! Thank you,” Jinki walked back over to his coffee with a wave of his hand, “Just sit them on the desk somewhere. I’m still organizing.”
“Do you need help with that?” Minho was hesitant to ask as he looked over at his boss stirring the cup of coffee across the room. “Two heads are better than one.”
Jinki chuckled softly. “Son, I have a question for you.”
“Yes, sir?”
“Are you scared of me Minho?” Jinki could see the young man’s adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “I may be your boss, but I’m not a tyrannical dictator.”
“Working for you is an incredible opportunity for me and I have the tendency to ramble when I’m nervous and I don’t want to say something wrong and make you fire me because I really need this job and I-”
“Hey, Minho?” Jinki softly asked after he sipped at his coffee.
The boy froze for a moment before asking with wide eyes, “Yes sir?”
“You’re doing that rambling thing I believe.” Jinki gave a comforting smile over at him. “Just breathe. Call Ms. Halifax for me about changing her appointment to Wednesday. Once that’s done return to me and we can work on my bomb aftermath of a desk. Sound good?”
“Sounds great Sir, thank you.”
As Minho reached the door Jinki called out, “And Minho?”
“If my ex-wife calls, ignore it.”
“Got it, Sir.”
Jinki sighed as the door closed behind his secretary and he looked at his desk. He wasn’t even sure where he should start.
During the fifteen minute break between final arguments and the judge’s ruling Jinki checked his phone. His client was in the bathroom across the way reapplying her mascara that had ran a little during the trial. Jinki wasn’t sure it was genuine or not, but it got the point across. A slow smile pulled at his lips when he saw Jonghyun’s name on his screen.
I know you’re probably working, but I just wanted to say good morning Handsome, A second later another message appeared, At 2:30 in the afternoon but you know.
It’s the thought that counts. Good Morning Jonghyun, After deciding if it was okay to double text and going with it because the man had just done the same thing he typed out, Do you have classes today?
Ah no, just on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Today is one of my sleep in days
Are you still in bed?
…. Possibly.
Jinki snorted and glanced around him to see if his client had emerged from the bathroom since he looked away. When it was deemed it wasn’t he replied, I got up at 5 in the morning today.
Eww. That’s gross.
I had last minute trial prep to do, He heard heels hitting the marble floors of the courthouse and sighed when he saw his client coming from the bathroom. I have to go, the verdict is about to happen. Text you after
Okay, good luck Handsome
A deep sigh left Jinki’s lips as he sagged against the recliner in his apartment. His suit jacket and briefcase was thrown haphazardly on the couch on his way over here, and his eyes fluttered shut as he let the stress of the day melt off of him for a moment. After the trial ended he texted Minho to take the rest of the day off and informed him he wouldn’t be in until the next morning. It was on a rare occasion that Jinki was home before rush hour began, but he wasn’t about to complain. He took a deep breath and heaved himself out of the comfort that was his chair to change into something more comfortable.
Pancake was curled up against the pillows on the bed and Jinki ran a hand over his ears on his way to the bathroom. After splashing cool water on his face and drying his skin, he moved back into the bedroom while unbuttoning his dress shirt. He pulled it back over his shoulders and was slipping his arms from the garment when his phone dinged from his back pocket. Curious, he pulled it out and a soft smile curved on his face seeing Jonghyun bright on his lock screen.
I was in the shower my bad
Ah, you finally got out of bed huh?
-_- I was comfy okay, besides I got work in like an hour.
Jinki softly took a seat on the bed up against the pillow Pancake wasn’t, and crossed his legs at the ankles as he relaxed. I just got home, first time before 5 in a very long time.
What does one Divorce lawyer do when he has the night off?
He hummed softly to himself as he tapped his fingers on the back of his phone, thinking. I don’t know. What do normal people do on nights off?
Sleep. Eat food that’s bad for you. A moment later another text dinged as it appeared, Come see his lonely boyfriend at work.
It hadn’t dawned on Jinki that that’s what they were, boyfriends. They were dating, in the beginning of a relationship, but it had never clicked into place until then of what they were working towards. Jonghyun must have taken the longer reply time as something was wrong because soon he was texting back multiple messages. Hey, I’m sorry. I just assumed that we were boyfriends and never really asked you and I’m sorry. Wait shit I said that already.
Jonghyun, Jinki sent slowly in between the array of messages from the younger man.
Jonghyun stopped rambling when he finally noticed the message, Yes?
Boyfriend is just a new title for me. The silence wasn’t because I didn’t like it, I just hadn’t made that connection.
…So I can call you my boyfriend?
We’re dating, aren’t we? Jinki laid his head back against the headboard, eyes softly closed as he smiled with the phone flat on his chest.
So about that break date tonight then boyfriend? ;)
Sounds like a plan Boyfriend
Jonghyun was picking his tip up from his last table when he heard the little bell on the door ding signaling someone was coming into the diner. When he looked up, a smile spreading on his face out of habit, it took him a moment to fully recognize who it was. At first glance, he didn’t take note that it was Jinki, for the older man didn’t have his usual suit on his frame. Jonghyun pushed off the floor to roll over to him and slid to a stop just in time to not collide with him, but just barely. He looked up with a soft giggle as Jinki’s hands rested against his hips to stop him, “Hi.”
Jinki smile was warm and gentle. “Hey.”
“You look different,” Jonghyun hummed, cheeks a little pink from how Jinki hadn’t moved his hands from his hips just yet. “A good different, but different.”
“Ah, I took a shower and got comfy.” Jinki explained as he finally let his hands fall from Jonghyun’s hips. “I forgot sweats were this comfortable.”
“You look very good in them Handsome.” Jonghyun gave an easy smile before twisting around. “Lemme go tell my boss I’m going to take my break and I’ll meet you back at the table.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
When Jonghyun returned to the table his apron was gone from his waist, and he was carrying two glasses of pop. “So I wasn’t sure if you wanted cherry coke again so I got root beer as a backup.”
“Either is fine, thank you.”
Jonghyun tossed a curly straw in each of the cups with a big smile. “So, how was the case?”
“Oh, mm.” Jinki laughed a little as he tried to quickly swallow his drink. “We got most of what my client wanted. I deem it as a win. She was a little unhappy over how she got the wrong car but…”
“I didn’t choose her as a client, I was given her by my colleague.” Jinki made a face, “While I technically outrank him in the firm his father is the founder so I really am not.”
“Is there a specific area of a divorce that you’re most interested in?”
“I used to really like custody cases in the fact that I was lucky enough that through my divorce Taemin was over 18 and we didn’t have to fight over him legally, but I knew if we did that I would have wanted to have a lawyer that had his best interests in mind over how much money their client was paying them to represent them. Growing up I lived with my mother and it wasn’t in my best interest to have lived with her. My father was a far better parent. I guess..” After a short laugh Jinki continued, eyes lowered at the table in embarrassment. “I wanted to be that lawyer for someone. Turns out what I’m really good at is fighting for one Mercedes Benz over another and being used by a lot of my female clientele to make their soon to be ex-husbands jealous.”
“It’s never too late to change what you want to do for a living.”
“That’s a little easier for you to say Jonghyun.”
Jonghyun pouted slightly, “All I meant was that if you wanted to try to be something different, it’s never too late. No matter your age.”
“Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“I may be a lot younger than you Jinki, but that doesn’t automatically make me less wise about life.”
Jinki sighed for a moment before reaching over to grab Jonghyun’s hand. Following his gut feeling, he lifted the man’s hand up to his lips to press them against his fingers. Jonghyun’s eyes went wide for a second before they fluttered almost closed, pink coloring his cheeks. “I have a lot to learn Jonghyun. About dating and life. I know that my age doesn’t make me know more about life than you, and I’m sorry it came across like that.”
“Don’t look at me like that, I’ll never be able to stay upset at you and it’s only our second date oh my god.” Jinki gave him a big, charming smile, and Jonghyun groaned. “You’re insufferable.”
The bell in the little window opening connecting the kitchen and the front counter sounded and Jinki glanced over, “Is that our food?”
“Ah yeah um,” Jonghyun fumbled to get out from the booth, “I ordered for you I hope that’s okay.”
“You chose for me the last couple times. I trust your taste.”
Jonghyun grumbled as he rolled off and Jinki laughed softly to himself highly amused. When he returned Jinki was presented with the macaroni and cheese burger but didn’t say anything as he lifted the sandwich and took a bite out of it. Jonghyun laughed at him when his eyes fluttered close and a satisfied groan left his lips. “Good huh?”
“This is the best goddamn burger I’ve had in the last twenty years.” Jinki laughed behind his napkin as he tried to chew and wipe the crumbs from his lips at the same time. “I’m a mess, I’m sorry.”
“Enjoy it,” Jonghyun slowly dipped his fry in the little cup of ketchup off to the side of his food basket. “It’s my favorite thing on the menu.”
“Very good choice.” After a moment Jinki softly said, “I’d like to see you paint one day.”
Caught off guard Jonghyun almost choked on his grilled cheese. “So off topic, but I’d love to show you some of my work sometime.”
“We were talking about what I liked about my job field and I was thinking about what you enjoyed in yours.” He wet his throat with a couple gulps of his drink before continuing, “So, is there something you’ve been working on recently?”
“Actually I just started this huge rainforest watercolor painting this morning before my insomnia finally let me go to bed. I really like painting nature, the flow of things captured in the beauty of the world around us. I only drew the outline, though, no paint touched the canvas just yet.”
“You have insomnia?”
With a little laugh, Jonghyun pushed around his fries for a moment, “That’s not what I expected you to catch, but yes. I’ve fought with it since my first time around in college. It gets worse with stress. It’s why I sleep until mid-afternoon most days of the week.”
“Ah,” Jinki leaned his head on his palm after placing his elbow on the table, “What is making it worse now?”
“I think it’s my big cumulative showcase that I have at the end of next semester. I get a 2-week long art show in the art gallery at the school because of this contest I entered into, but I have to have 18 pieces for it and I only have 3 finished.”
“Well,” Jinki gave him a warm smile, “I’m not much of an artist, but I’m here for anything else you may need.”
“Thank you.” Jonghyun slowly looked over at him through his eyelashes. “If you ever feel like keeping me company, I’d love it.”
“As long as I’m not too distracting.”
“You won’t be I promise.”
Jinki ended up staying there until Jonghyun shift ended at almost 2 in the morning. He offered to drive him home because waiting at the bus stop at 2 in the morning in the middle of winter did not sit well with Jinki at all. Jonghyun could tell the man was tired, just by his slow speech and the gentle slide of his blinking. “Hey, Jinki?”
“I’m worried about you driving home after dropping me off.”
“I’m fine Jonghyun,” He gave him a sleepy smile, “It’s just a little past my bedtime.”
“I’d feel a lot better if you just drive home and I’ll call a cab or something.” Jonghyun reached over to stop Jinki from pulling the gear into reverse. “I’m serious Jinki. You’re way too tired to drive more than it takes to get home.”
“I’m not letting you wait for the bus.” Jinki sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. A moment later he looked over at Jonghyun again, eyes nervous as he begun to speak again, “Do you want to stay over at my place?”
“Not like that!” Jinki coughed, “I mean not like that yet. I can take the couch.”
“Oh I couldn’t impose-”
“You wouldn’t be,” Jinki was so warm and comforting looking, and Jonghyun felt himself being tugged into. “I know it’s unorthodox, but our relationship kind of already is. So what do you say? I make a mean spinach omelet in the morning.”
After a moment Jonghyun smiled over at him, “Okay, thank you. That would be lovely.”
Jinki laid out a large shirt and a pair of sweats on his bed, along with a towel as Jonghyun stepped in from the hallway. “The bathroom is right in there, feel free to use whatever I have in there. I’ll just be right out in the living room if you need me.” As he slipped by him Jonghyun gently grabbed his wrist. Jinki stopped and looked back with a soft gaze and smile, “Yes, Jonghyun?”
“Thank you,” He pushed up onto his tippy toes to press a kiss to Jinki’s cheek. “Goodnight Handsome.”
“Goodnight…” Jinki’s cheeks were a little pink even in the dim light of the room as he asked, “Do you like pet names?”
“I love pet names.”
“How about Baby?”
Jonghyun, flustered, took a minute to find an answer, “I’d love to be your Baby Jinki.”
“Okay then,” With a squeeze of his hand on Jonghyun’s hip Jinki said, “Goodnight Baby.”
At the sound of Baby Jonghyun completely melted. He stood there in the doorway watching Jinki walk down the hall until he disappeared around the corner. His heart didn’t stop beating as quickly as it was until he laid down for bed after his quick shower.
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abdlbdsmstories · 8 years
Fairground Fun
A husband and wife enjoy a bit of nappied fun and humiliation at the fair.
Life had become stale between my wife Katie, and I. We sat one night discussing how/ why it had become stale and came only to one conclusion. Every Wednesday we went bowling, only this Wednesday the game would have a significantly better outcome: The winner had the ownership over the loser for the whole weekend. Anything goes, hoping this would put the passion back into our relationship. Needless to say, on the Monday and Tuesday I sneakily practiced during work breaks, just to make sure I would have bragging rights. That Wednesday night went like a dream, I hit spare after spare after spare and the conclusion was inevitable, I won. After the game we discussed our deal, I had complete control of my wife for the weekend. Starting Friday after work, I had complete control and I had a master plan, my dreams would be coming too.
I finished work first and was home early to prepare her outfit for the evening. I laid everything out on the bed and waited for her to return. She came in all cheery and happy; I think the thought of us rekindling our relationship was pleasing her. She ran through the door and jumped into my arms, I slipped my hand up her skirt, caressing her thigh as we shared a passionate snog before I informed her in a dominant tone to shower and meet me our bedroom.
As she entered the bedroom after her shower she stood back and looked in shock at the predicament that was laid out before her. Before her laid out on the bed was a stack of nappies, a pair of transparent plastic pants, a pink PVC onesie and a few other accessories. Before she could take it all in I grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto the end of the bed. Grabbing the baby powder I firmly gripped her ankles and lifted her legs up to powder her pert bottom, followed by her shaved pussy. I grabbed a nappy, unfurled it and slipped it under her, pulling it over her pussy and taping either side. She went to open her mouth and speak but I silenced her with a dummy, she was starting to look every part the baby girl. I looked her in the eyes; I don’t think she knew how to react as I picked up the onesie. It crinkled like crazy as I passed her legs through each leg cuff and helped her to her feet. I pulled it up over her nappy and covered her lovely breasts before cuffing the shoulders. I took a step back to admire my work. She looked beautiful, every bit the baby girl bar one thing, pigtails.
“Baby girl, can you put your hair in pigtails please and meet me downstairs for our little trip.”
I went downstairs, leaving her sat in front of her vanity mirror starting to do her hair. I prepared her a little baby bottle full of wine. Wine was one way to make sure she peed; she never could hold her wine more than a few minutes. And our journey would take us a good half hour so guaranteed her nappy would be well used. I packed her a changing bag, if my plan was going to succeed to night she would definitely be needing it.
She came downstairs and stood in the hallway, looking like an absolute princess. She had carefully bunched her hair into pigtails and with her nappy showing through her pink onesie, she looked perfect. I walked over to her and handed her the bottle, informing her to drink it quickly. She took her dummy out and sucked away on the teat like a good baby girl. I patted her on the head and informed her that we were going to the fair, and she would be dressed just like she is now. The fair was about 30 miles out of town, far away from either of us having to worry about being seen. She handed me back the empty bottle which I promptly refilled and handed back to her. If she had a bit more Dutch courage inside her, she would be doing whatever I asked. I slipped a coat over her outfit and we went out to the car so none of the neighbours could see us.
Throughout the journey to the fair neither of us said a lot. She either suckled away on her dummy and her baby bottle of wine. And then it came, she looked at me and grabbed my hand. I enquired as to what was wrong with her and she pointed at her nappy, as she undid her coat I could see through the onesie she had peed. Again, I stroked her head and smiled as a sign she had been a good girl. Once we arrived at the fairground we parked in a secluded little spot out of the way from prying eyes. I helped her out of the car, stripped off her onesie and laid her on the back seat of the car, to change her wet nappy. She smiled as I tickled her pussy whilst wiping her down.
“Right babygirl, in your pussy I am going to put this. It’s a remote controlled vibrator. I can turn it on and off as I please, I guarantee at some point tonight you will be cumming uncontrollably. Later on, I’m going to put something in your bum. But that’s for later.” I told her.
I helped her up and put her onesie back on, leaving her coat in the car. She held my hand tightly as we approached the gate and entered the fairground. Her nerves eased slightly as she realised there were a lot of people in fancy dress so she wasn’t alone, though I’m guessing she was the only one in a nappy. She was getting a few stares and points as people realised that she was actually wearing a nappy but they laughed it off. We decided to hit a few rides, firstly being the Frisbee, I knew she had a full bladder and this was one way to ensure she released again. Now I had the nappy bag, but luckily for me, as a lot of women left their handbags and possessions at the end of the ride, I left her changing bag. If somebody was to steal that they would get a shock. After the Frisbee, I felt her nappy, sodden. She had to adapt a little waddle due to the bulge. I didn’t let this stop us enjoying more rides including the waltzers, teacups and the Gallopers. The up and down motion of sitting on the galloping horse made her sodden nappy ripple her pussy combined with the vibrator. At sporadic intervals I would activate it, sending her into an orgasmic trance as it vibrated inside her. Then I decided to give her the first orgasm of the night, on Miami. We were sat in the middle of the ride as it began its 360 twists and spin. She knew all eyes would be on her and as the ride picked up pace I flicked the vibrator to intense. I could see her hands gripping the safety bar through pure pleasure. She wasn’t screaming through pleasure of the ride, she was screaming for other reasons. As the ride grounded to a halt, her breathing was intense and deep, I had never seen her have so much pleasure.
We got off the ride and in a private moment I felt her nappy, absolutely sagged through cum and pee. If she didn’t have the onesie on, it would have probably fallen off. Her nappy would never last my next test, so I had to get her changed. There weren’t any adequate facilities, so I had to hatch a plan and a risky one at that, the big wheel. We watched it for a minute or 2 and realised I had ample time to change her in one of the pods.
Just as our pod reached a quarter turn I had her laid out on the floor and was quickly stripping her off her onesie and sagging nappy and wiping her down. And it was here I introduced her to the new test, a suppository. Before she even had time to react I had stuck it in her bum and had pulled the first of the nappies over her pussy, vibrator still in. Then I made a few tears here and there and complemented it with a second nappy. Before the big wheel had even made a full revolution and with the efficiency of a Formula 1 pit stop team, Katie was a changed baby girl, suckling away on her baby bottle as the wheel made another 2 revolutions. We exited the ride and it was at this point she clutched her tummy, the suppository beginning to take effect.
“Hold it all in baby girl, until I say so. Otherwise there will be trouble.” I joked.
We headed for the reverse bungee. This was going to be the crowning glory of my night, and the most uncomfortable yet satisfying of hers. We stood in line as the couple before us went up; it looked even faster from close up, Katie reluctantly agreeing to go on it. She had no idea what she was in for.
The guys strapped us in tightly, one even asking curiously about Kate's outfit. I joked with him that he would see after the ride why she would need it. He left us to it, notifying me to pull the release cord when I was ready. I fired up Katie’s vibrator to full blast; I could see her shifting through the waves of pleasure, but also through the pain of her suppository.
“Right baby girl, when I release the chord, you release everything.” I ordered.
I gave her a countdown then, silence for a second or two as the capsule soared into the air followed by screams from Katie. I had no idea whether she was screaming from the fact she had reached an exhilarating orgasm, had messed herself or the ride. But one thing I could tell was she had definitely messed herself. As the ride flipped us over I could smell her backside, I could hear her gasping for breath. As the ride came to a slow down and the capsule slowly descended back to terra firma, she gripped my arm tightly. I looked at her, her long brown hair windswept, her face 50 shades of red through pleasure and embarrassment. The marshal came over to us and released us from our harnesses. He now joked he could see and smell why she needed the outfit. As we stood up and got out, she had left a little pool of wetness in her seat, much to her humiliation. We jumped off the ride, grabbed the changing bag and headed off to the car. As we walked through the crowds of people, a number complained about the smell and it was only when Katie took a couple of steps in front of me I could see her predicament.
Not only had she soaked and messed through both of her nappies, because the ride had gone upside down, a little had leaked out of the top of the nappy, fully visible through her pink onesie. Now not only was it her predicament, it was my problem. When we got back to the car, we just hugged, me taking the moment to cup her sagging nappy. If she hadn’t have had the onesie on, it would have been carnage. I contemplated the best way to change her as I removed her onesie whilst she was still stood up. She was very reluctant, but I reassured her with a kiss and a cuddle that everything would be OK. She now stood there, pee running down her legs from her wetting herself again. I grabbed her hand and we headed off into the woods finding a little secluded spot. I took this opportunity to take a picture of her, in her sodden nappies now with her dummy back in her mouth looking every part the cute baby. I had her lay down on the grassy spot, took a deep breath and began the unenviable task of changing her nappy. I took off the outer nappy, this one was pretty soaked beyond capacity, and the bottle on wine she had drunk throughout the night had taken a big effect. As she lifted her butt and I slid it away, it also had a decent amount of brown liquid in it. Then came the inner nappy, I slowly unpeeled the tapes on either side and pulled it back from her pussy. As it the floor, the sight I saw was unbelievable. The complete front of her pussy was covered in shit, her waist, the inside of her legs, it was everywhere. I gripped her ankles and hoisted them up, her backside was caked in the stuff, and it must have gone a good 2 or 3 inches up her back as well. I pulled the stinking nappy out of the way and chucked it to one side, this was going to be a mammoth clean up task, the kind of task where I had no idea where to start. I used the less messy nappy to scrape off as much as excess of shit as I could. It was a start but she was still caked in it. I had to leave her lying there whilst I made my way back to the car, grabbing a bottle of water and an old rag and headed back to her. She was still in the same position, lying on her back, legs spread, suckling her dummy. So cute. A good 5 minutes or so later and she was as good as new. I had to leave both the nappies where they were, I couldn’t handle the smell and I no doubt would have struggled with their weight. Now fully naked, I walked her a little further into the woods, closer to the lake. I had known of this little opening from a little research trip a while back and it was beautiful. The water lapped onto the shore, the moon in the distance creating the perfect romantic atmosphere.
And it was here we ended the night with great satisfaction. Just as she was naked, I stripped myself naked and made love to her for hours, satisfying every need she had. We went out into the lake, cleaned her down even more, made love in there, and watched as the moon set and the sun rose. All throughout the experience she continued to suckle her dummy, it was absolutely perfect. And at the end of it all as we fell back and lay looking deep into each other’s eyes she ended it all with a perfect complement I didn’t even ask for,
“Thank you, Daddy.”
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