#Well-Paid Jobs
deoidesign · 3 months
I'm so mad that post was misinformation because there is actually an EXTREMELY important conversation to have about the production schedules artists are forced into. There's no need for exaggeration, the conditions are bad.
I work for webtoon. My publication schedule is weekly. While publishing I'm required 10-15 pages a week. Fully colored.
This means I'm finishing a 150 page fully colored graphic novel every 10-15 weeks.
When my comic is not updating, I am not getting paid. Any time writing, editing, or off is out of my own pocket. I don't get healthcare. They do not provide any assistants. They expect me to promote myself; they chose to deprioritize me before I even launched and gave me an end date half a year in. I never had a chance.
And this is the industry standard! Every company has artists forced into crunch hours, overtime, and burnout. Artists are literally dying early due to it. So many of my friends can't afford to go to the doctor.
It's unsustainable and untenable, and it's also the expectation our audiences have.
If we want to have this conversation, there's plenty of conversation to be had with the realities of the situation. It's bad as is.
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
I hate this disclaimer "it wasn't a perfect movie BUT" shit when it comes to films like Barbie and Red, White, and Royal Blue like shit who was expecting perfection from a film about a gd toy and a queer little romcom made by Amazon of all things??? Like no one says "Ant Man Quantumania wasn't a perfect movie~~ but-" like it's fucking dumb to expect perfection from ANY movie but I hate these Olympic high expectations from films like Barbie and RWRB like god damn can we just exist without the disclaimer??? Can I not just say I enjoyed Barbie and RWRB without layering myself in logic armor I'm not roger ebert who would have fucking loved Barbie
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anarchopuppy · 10 months
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I hate to do this again, but I'm out of options. I have to pay my $350 power bill by 5pm CST tomorrow (December 7th, 2023) or I'll be disconnected, and my account is currently over $500 in the red from December's rent. I still haven't been able to find a new job and things are getting really desperate
If I can get $350 within the next 24 hours, I can pay the bill directly through paypal and at least keep my lights on while keeping my bank account overdrawn for now. If you're able to help out, my ko-fi is here, and you can DM me for my paypal or venmo if necessary. Reblogs are also appreciated. Thanks y'all <3
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heavenhellandhumanity · 3 months
So I watched the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders documentary on Netflix (when I was a teen, the DCC reality TV show was my not so guilty pleasure) and I liked it. It reminded me why I liked the reality TV show.
But if you wanted to convince me that the cheerleaders shouldn't be paid more because it was a privilege to be a DCC, then maybe you shouldn't have highlighted the constant work, the need to be on all the time, the impact on your personal life, to have your body remain a constant weight throughout the year, the possibility of receiving death threats/harassment, as well the likely need for expensive life-changing surgeries. And, most importantly to the organisation, just how much money and publicity the cheerleaders bring in.
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welcometogrouchland · 4 months
I like to think that when the batfamily inevitably runs out of money and jobless Bruce, Tim, and Dick* find themselves in financial need, Steph reveals that she's made thousands of dollars taking odd jobs around Gotham City that we just never saw bc Steph hasn't been in a comic for months. Nobody checked in on her and while they weren't looking she made 6 grand babysitting and playing piano at a local theatre. Bruce has to grovel for enough money to buff out a scratch on the batmobile and Steph is revelling in it. This is the closest she's ever going to get to being a supervillain
*(Cass and Jason don't need money to survive on account of being homeless as kids + Babs funds Cass' basic needs and Damian is on his mom's payroll, same w/ duke even if it's obvs not al ghul money)
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thedukeside · 20 days
I'm not here to stir up shit. I've got no skin in this game anymore, but I think it's important to remind the community about just how long these communication issues have been prevalent amongst Thomas productions. For example, I was at my peak-obsession with Sander Sides at 14. The signs started cropping up of a sinking ship while I was in my first year of high school. Disgruntled artists, lackadaisical deadlines, and silenced staff members were the norm. Now I'm about to turn 21.
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canisalbus · 11 months
are you still questioning what modern au Machete's job would be? based on what the most recent anon said, you could make him a model?
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drumlincountry · 3 months
This is going to sound so stupid but I only today realised that a significant number of people like....look down on retail & service industry work.
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silversailormoan · 4 months
Imagine an au where instead of breaking his leg, hyj went into a coma instead for a few years (and for the sake of this au, there's none of the saving the world plot)
There's a lot of potential here; would he be crushed at finding out when he wakes up? it hitting yoojin that he truly had to leave his brother alone for so many years and he's still doing fine? yoojin thinking that it's proof that he was holding down yoohyun after all? would that prompt him to abandon his tries at being a hunter when he finds that it was yoohyun footing the hospital bills? the crushing guilt at being the one supported by his younger brother instead of the other way round?
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spicymotte · 7 months
no fucking way this company I just considered applying to wants an essay about why I want to work their minimum wage customer service job
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michaelgovehateblog · 3 months
I got my final results from uni and I'm so happy and relieved, I'd been trying to avoid remembering the fact that results were coming out any time soon to stop myself getting extremely stressed because I was so worried I had failed but I didn't, most of my exams went actually much better than I thought they had, I'm actually gonna be graduating that's crazy
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folkloregirlfriend · 3 months
science students study their ass off and then you see a commerce student with a 20 lpa package
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problemswithbooks · 5 days
So, I recently watched Helluva Boss and as always I've been prusing the tags for it on tumblr to see what other people think about the story and characters.
Something that stuck out to me is when people say Striker is a hypocrite because he hates the Royals, puts down Blitz and Fizz for being with Royals, but he, himself, works for one. Also that his pitch he gave to Blitz about teaming up to take down Royals was all a lie.
Now, I'm not going to say he's not being a bit of a hypocrite, especially given how much he hates Royals. What I will say is that I understand why Striker wouldn't see it that way (besides the fact he has a seemingly desperate need to feel superior to other imps).
Striker wants to kill Royals--that is very clear. A huge hurtle to that goal is that they are immortal. The only thing that can kill them is Angelic Steel--something that is rare and expensive. Yes, Striker is supposedly a well known assassin, but it's doubtful he'd ever make enough money to afford Angelic Weapons without taking on extremely wealthy clients. The wealthiest would be those at the top.
We don't know if Striker has worked with Royals before. If we assume Stella was the first Royal he was hired by, that makes his choice to work with her make far more sense. Particularly when we take into account who her target is--her equally Royal husband.
Unless stated otherwise later, Stella must have provided Striker with his Angelic Weapons so he could kill Stolas. She doesn't just give him a single weapon, either. She gets him a sniper rifle, pistols, a knife and a rope so he can incapacitate Stolas and take his vast magic abilities away, rendering him helpless. On top of that, she is also paying him money.
Given Stella never brings up the fact he lost the sniper rifle, or demands he return the weapons she provides, this deal he's making, although hypocritical, is only a benefit for Striker. He's getting paid to kill someone he wants to anyway, and a new arsenal that gives him the capability to kill Royals afterward.
This is why I don't think his offer to Blitz was a lie. I think what he told Blitz is his long term goal/plan, and was simply offering Blitz to join him since he found Blitz to be somewhat equal to him after Blitz did so well in the harvest games. Once they killed Stolas, got Stella's money, they would turn around and start using those funds and weapons to kill more Royals.
The reason Striker doesn't see himself as on the same level as Blitz and Fizz with their relationships with Royals is because he sees himself as using Stella, where he perceives Blitz and Fizz as being used. It's true that Blitz gets similar benefits from his relationship with Stolas (if Striker even knows about Blitz using Stolas's spell book for his business, I can't recall) but given what Striker saw of their relationship, he would see Stolas using silly pet names despite Blitz disliking it and see that as Blitz debasing himself publicly for Stolas. Yes, Stella doesn't treat him with the upmost respect, but it's over the phone, without witnesses. Nor does he give her anything in return except a dead husband--someone he would have targeted anyway.
He sees Fizz as even worse because, to him, it appears Fizz has given up his own autonomy to live a cushy lifestyle. Yes, Fizz gains many benefits from being with Ozzie, but Striker views it as letting Ozzie take advantage of him, to let Ozzie treat him like a pet (which some people do, do to some imps). He doesn't know Ozzie loves Fizz--franky I don't think he'd believe a Royal could love an imp at all anyway.
Yes, he may work for a Royal, and take her orders, but he does so to pilfer more and more Angelic Weapons from her as well as take her money, all of which I'm sure he tells himself he will later use against her and the rest of the upper class. It's a business transaction that he actually holds all the cards in. Unlike Blitz and Fizz he doesn't have to publicly debase himself to get the benefits he seeks. At least that's how he sees things.
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prohaloplayer · 5 months
didn't smoke for a week prior to my saliva drug test for work and did all the research for detection times and yet i got a missed call today from the mro and now I have to wait all weekend to call them to probably find out I failed. this shit fucking sucks so bad man
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lgbtlunaverse · 11 months
Payment for surrogacy gets really complicated because on one hand paying for it means most surrogates will end up being lower class women who need the money and will be easier to exploit, something which is rife in the current implementation of surrogacy, but on the other hand being pregnant is genuinely like body horror to me and I think that if you go through that for someone else you should get a billion dollars.
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essektheylyss · 4 months
I'm not gonna put this on the other post cuz I don't really want it rebloggable but I do want to specify that like, yes I was being dramatic about Essek in terms of affect, but every part of that post is also quite literally a description of my experience with a creative field that is pretty centralized around a few locations and that has made it stringently difficult to enter and stay in the field. There are obviously monumentally different aspects around those circumstances, but like... look I left Los Angeles literally two weeks after the c2 finale with a very clear understanding that once I did, I was not going back, and that because of that, my career would never look like I'd wanted it to in any capacity, and in fact it was likely that it meant I would not work in the field I'd trained for ever again, and also knew it was the only choice that made sense if I wanted to, like, have a life. And I do! And it's great! And it still makes me very upset to think about for many reasons! So you can see why I have a lot of feelings about the whole situation.
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