#Wep Ronpet
headlessmage · 2 months
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Hail to you, O Wesir,
First born son of Nut and Geb
Who illuminates the sky!
Great Lord of the Duat,
Your children come forth now
To sing your praises and worship you on your day!
O Sah, Lord of the Horizon,
Your children bring to you:
A thousands loaves of bread,
A thousand jars of beer,
A thousand offerings for you and your ka!
May you be satisfied! May you rejoice!
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worship-of-the-gods · 2 months
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I haven't done art in a while so this is rough but I wanted to do something for Sobek-Ra, Netjer of this coming new year!
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sehetep-shenwer · 1 month
Attempted Wep Ronpet cake :)
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Didn't have any tan or yellow so Ra is a fox now I guess.
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Happy wep ronpet from wyoming to all my fellow kemetics!!
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It's Wep Ronpet, the Kemetic New Year. Five days, where each day one of the Gods was born. From eldest to youngest, Wesir, Heru-Wer, Sutekh, Aset, Nebet-Het. And the third day, the middle, is dedicated to my God. On this day Sutekh was born. Rebellious, He did not wait for His time of birth, that He escaped from the side of stomach of His mother Nut. The one whose scarlet hair is comparable to the setting Sun, whose scarlet eyes shine with lightning. Lord of Thunders, God of chaos, war, deserts and storms, God of foreigners and foreign lands, God of change, exiles, outsiders, outcasts and abandoned. A God of many faces, many sides, many aspects, limitless, about whom I learn more and more every time, whose immensity I see and feel each time from new and familiar sides. Ma Vhenan, my Love. Teacher, Friend, Brother, Father, Lover, and the many roles You have taken on. I spent this day with you – I cleaned up the sanctuary and prepared a small feast. I thank you, my God. In whom I find peace and meaning, in whom I find strength to move on, in whom I find love. Dua, Perfect God, and happy birthday. I hope to get to know You even better and become closer, I hope to get to know as much of You as possible. Know that I belong to you.
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Heru-wer's Day
Happy Birthday, Heru-wer, Son of Nut, Lord of the Skies.
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I offered a Dr Pepper, spicy pretzels, and a mini cupcake. I also managed senut, although a quiet one (if you discount my candle going so low and spilling wax everywhere).
Unlike senut, the rest of the day was... not great. But weirdly enough, I did a lot of housework today. I feel accomplished.
I didn't feel His presence today, though, but I've had a feeling He's been a bit distant with my lately. That's okay, He'll be back when He's back.
Tomorrow will be a rest day, though I still plan to do senut and offer to Set.
Dua Heru-wer!
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lexstellaris · 2 months
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It’s that time of the year again! The Days Upon The Year are nearly here, and after that, Wep Ronpet! Still need to get offerings tomorrow but the altar is all done and ready for the time outside of time.
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mako-bones · 2 months
Epa. Day 5: Nebt-het
Dua Divine Sister, Friend of the Dead! Your presence is comforting and calm, and I am happy to spend this day with you.
I missed Aset's post, but Her day was a good day too. Busy, spent cleaning, and today I am resting for now. Last night I got contacted about a beadwork commission and I'm so excited! Today, I finished most of my homework, just need to edit it all before turning it in.
Tomorrow, I really want to finish the ceremony with a cake (Cut up into pieces, of course). I think I'll write out some things I don't want to carry with me anymore and burn them, too. We'll see!
But for today, I'm gonna just relax and appreciate Nebt-het.
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javasquats · 1 year
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As you can clearly see, the cinnamon roll s/na/ke i made for wep ronpet turned out absolutely perfectly and looks, in fact, exactly like a snake <3
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azuremaenad · 1 year
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Di nofret Wep Ronpet!
Happy birthday, Ra! The a/pep has been slain and the burninatin’ has run its course!
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Yesterday was the birthday of Heru-Wer (Haroeris), He With the Eyes of Moon and Sun! Admittedly we do not know this Name very well so we spent some time researching for offerings. His candle is scented with clove, cinnamon and orange with yellow wildflowers, citrine and agate. He also got mandarin oranges and a gingerbread cookie!
I'd like to get to know this Name better. Our lineup is VERY lunar while Em's partner (@be-your-bast) has a lineup that is very solar. So to have those two themes in one Netjer is FASCINATING to both of us. So if you have any interesting stories or information you'd like to share, please do!
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be-your-bast · 1 year
Wep Ronpet 2023
@caffeine-and-sunshine and I were very excited to celebrate our first kemetic new year together so we decided to go all out and bake cookies and make candles for everyone! This post will be *very* image heavy so fair warning. <3
Day before the first epag day was to Khnum! In honor to his gift of creation, and because imitation is flattery, we decided to make gingerbread Netjeru cookies! A cookie was given for each of the coming birthdays.
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Day 1: Wesir
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And as a bonus Huwieni's prayer plant bloomed! Very fitting.
Day 2: Heru
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Day 3: Set
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He may not have brought any storms but he did give us a stunning orange-red mood. In my attempt to catch the color, I ended up making the sky red. Whoops!
Day 4: Aset
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Don't worry, she got her candles and cookie after Sekhmet's arrows with Nebthet
Day 5: Nebthet
Recognized, but requested we wait for the new year!
Wep Ronpet!
We completed the Sekhmet's Arrows ritual by taking a slingshot then hammer to clay pots that night! It was extremely satisfying and fun!
Then we properly celebrated the sisters together the next day.
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headlessmage · 2 months
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Lady of the House, Lady of Respite,
I kneel in your presence,
A thousand offerings left at your feet!
Last born of the shining ones,
Great Mistress over Life,
I praise you always!
You who are humanity’s silent companion,
You who bring us comfort and care,
May we serve you always!
Lady of Mourning, Lady of Joy,
May your heart be satisfied on every Zep Tepi!
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navelgazed · 1 year
This wep ronpet is gonna be...different.
Due to ~emotional bullshit~ reasons I straight up don't have the energy to do everything I wanted to do, nor what I do most years. Yesterday, I was so emotionally compromised i was told in no uncertain terms by Khnum that in lieu of an actual ritual, I was to drink tea and rest.
I still at least plan on offering to each deity during the epag days, but it won't be a big ritual. Instead, I'm going to try to think of things I can do for each deity. For Khnum's festival yesterday, I took care of my body and mind. Today, I think I'm going to clean my ancestral shrine for Wesir.
This feels like a culmination of some things I've been thinking about. As a plural collective, it has been nigh on impossible to keep to a religious calendar, despite my best efforts. Not enough of us are kemetic enough to pull it off. Still, I don't want to make my own calendar. But the amount of rituals I have written and performed in the past is just no longer tenable, and it hasn't been helping me feel closer to the gods. The opposite, in fact. I feel ashamed so I don't even go and do casual prayers anymore, and so I feel even more estranged from the gods than usual.
I think rethinking my practice is going to have to happen if I want to continue to feel connected to my religion at all. It's going to be something to think about this week. Good luck to me.
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sehetep-shenwer · 2 months
I think I'm gonna have to do my Wep Ronpet spell early since the supposed day falls at a time where I might be on the road. I'm going to share my spell here and hope it helps anyone who is yet to celebrate it.
Out with the old in with the new spell.
Red incense paper
Green incense paper
If you don't have these, try and get red and green pieces of paper or use red and green pens/markers for a plain piece of paper.
The ancient Egyptians had many meanings for red and green and in this context, red represents negativity, anger, and evil whereas green represents goodness, positivity, and rebirth.
Four white candles with sticky notes so you can reuse the candles for other things.
Something to burn the incense paper in (make sure to always be careful with this!)
Anything that resembles any Netjeru you wish to invite with you (statues, plushies, stones, etc.)
This spell will take two parts. The first part at night and the second part at morning. Before we get into those parts, here's what to do beforehand.
Gather your four candles and draw the following images onto the sticky notes
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Next you will take your pieces of incense paper and write what you wish to be rid of on the red piece of paper and what you wish for on the green piece of paper.
For the red piece of paper, concentrate all your anger, sorrow, and negativity as you write what you want to leave behind and be rid of for the upcoming year.
For the green piece of paper, concentrate on positivity, calmness and openness as you write what you wish to come to you in the upcoming year.
Once you have done all that, we can move onto the first part of doing the spell at night, then the second part for the morning. Feel free to invite any deities you wish for both parts of course.
Part 1: night
Whether you choose to perform this part of the spell outside or inside is up to you, though I would highly advise burning the incense outside as you don't want this shit to remain in your home.
Place your candles in the appropriate directions, light them, and invoke their meanings. If you have invited any deities with you, invoke their names and epithets as well. Place the container in which you will burn your incense paper in the center of the candles. Repeat all of this for part 2.
Hold your piece of red incense paper high and say the following aloud:
"Em hotep, netjeru. As the year comes to an end so must all that is written here! I demand to be rid of (read off what you have listed). May it never follow me into the new year. So I have said it, so shall it be"
Now place your incense paper inside the container and burn it.
Envision all you have written down being destroyed. You could visualize Sobek ripping it apart with His jaws or Sekhmet shredding it with Her claws, rhyme not intended.
Focus all your negative emotions and thoughts and visualize them burning up with the incense, vanishing with the smoke.
Once there is nothing but ash, speak to it firmly and say "you are nothing more".
Blow out your white candles and thank your deities for being with you.
Take the ashes of the incense and dispose of them. You can get creative with this by doing stuff like spitting on the ashes, stomping on them, or anything else you can think of.
Wash out your container completely before performing part 2 of the spell.
Once you've cleaned up the space in which you've performed the spell, feel free to leave offerings for any deity you bought with you tonight.
Part 2: morning
Whether you choose to perform this part of the spell outside or inside is up to you.
As stated before, place your candles in the appropriate directions, light them, and invoke their meanings. If you have invited any deities with you, invoke their names and epithets as well. Place the container in which you will burn your incense paper in the center of the candles.
Hold your piece of green incense paper high and say the following aloud:
"Em hotep, netjeru. As the year comes to an end, I wish to manifest and invite good things into the new year. I open myself up to (read off what you have listed). Please hear my prayers and know my love and devotion to you is immeasurable. So I have said it, so shall it be."
Now place your incense paper inside the container and burn it.
Envision all you have written down entering into your life. You could visualize yourself receiving money, being approached by a new lover, or even just new doors opening for you to walk through.
Focus all your positive emotions and thoughts and visualize them coming true within the flames, as if they're being delivered through the smoke to the Gods.
Once there is nothing but ash, speak to it gently and say "thank you for hearing me".
Blow out your white candles and thank your deities for being with you.
Take the ashes of the incense and dispose of them. Dump them into a stream or river or you can offer them to which ever deities you invited with you.
Once you've cleaned up the space in which you've performed the spell, feel free to leave offerings for any deity you bought with you today.
Sorry about copying and pasting stuff for both parts, I just didn't want to make it confusing. I hope this helps some folks out on this Wep Ronpet and future ones too. Have fun and be safe y'all. Senebty!
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aerial-jace · 1 year
We're a week away from Wep Ronpet, the Ancient Egyptian New Year's Day, according to the ritual calendar I observe. So if any of y'all feel like you need a symbolic fresh start, a date to finally leave something behind or to start something new: August 15th. May the blessings of the Ra shine down on y'all on His birthday, dispelling all darkness and disorder in your lives.
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Set's Day
Today was Set's birthday. Happy birthday, He of Great Strength, Slayer of Ap/p, my Beloved Set! Another Set devotee hosted a Set heka, which I attended and participated in. I felt Set with me as I did so, and my hands felt hot and tingly. The paper we had to burn took a lot of tries to light it completely until it was fully ash, and I wasn't the only one that happened to. Perhaps that means I have to keep trying to do the things I need to, and not give up. Very Set, I think.
No storm today, though I hear others had it. There was so rain north of us that sadly never came down. Well, no matter, we got a storm the other week, where I felt Him pretty strongly.
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I offered Him blueberries, honey roasted almonds, a Dr Pepper, and a mini cupcake. In senut, I had another long talk with Him. I rededicated an amulet in the shape of His head to Him, and He accepted (as far as I understand).
Other than that, it was a rest day. I simply enjoyed the day and enjoyed celebrating Set. I am grateful and thankful for His presence.
Dua Set!
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