#West Palm Beach Eats
abs0luteb4stard · 2 months
Trump: "You have to get out and vote. You won't have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won't have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won't have to vote again."
Can you believe he's just openly saying he's planning on becoming a dictator, never having to vote again? And these Christians are just eating it up. They're happy. They're insane.
America isn't perfect, but by God, the search for that perfection is dead under Donald Trump and these White Christian Nationalists nightmare theocratic dictatorship.
This is sickening.
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darkmaga-retard · 8 days
Sep 18, 2024
Last Sunday, a totally crazy man named Ryan Wesley Routh hid in the bushes outside the fence of the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach with a rifle, apparently waiting to ambush Donald Trump while he played a game of golf. Secret Service agents, who had failed to secure the perimeter of the golf course, noticed Routh’s rifle protruding from the shrubbery and shot at him. Routh fled, but was later arrested. Here is looking like a lunatic in the back of a police car:
Routh has been a convicted felon since 2002, after he barricaded himself in a building with an automatic weapon. He’s also collected criminal charges for possession of stolen goods, possession of a stolen motor vehicle and various driving offences – all while working as a builder and alienating a wide variety of people along the way:
Saili Levi, the owner of a vanilla farm [in Hawaii], hired Mr. Routh to build what Mr. Levi called a small “shop on wheels” so he could more easily haul his products to farmer’s markets. Mr. Levi found Mr. Routh to be a “scattered” man who seemed unable to accept responsibility. Mr. Levi said that Mr. Routh’s work was shoddy, and that after the two had verbally sparred about it Mr. Levi received an email full of cutting insults and references to Mr. Routh’s involvement in international conflicts. “I spent 5 months in Ukraine last year,” Mr. Routh wrote, “and 3 months there this year, and 2 weeks in DC and 2 weeks in Taiwan this year volunteering and trying to supply thousands of Afghan soldiers to help win the war.” “Perhaps I would be happier dead on the front lines than dealing with rich people in fancy cars as I drive old broken down vehicles and hoping to keep my account out of the negative and hoping for food to eat,” he added. “China and Russia will certainly win at this rate.”
As we would expect from a crazy person, Routh’s political allegiances show no clear pattern. He claims to have supported Trump in 2016, but he didn’t vote in that election. Later he turned on Trump and used his Twitter account to express support for Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard, to deride Biden as“sleepy Joe,” and to advocate for Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in the 2024 Republican primary. All the while he appears to have made various small donations to Democratic organisations.
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chireila · 2 months
summer is humiliating (wish i could write my name on your warm back instead)
kagami taiga & himuro tatsuya
i hate summer: the sun, the humid air, the smell of salt sea, and the broad back of yours. not that i hold anything against you, but you have the bravery of facing the sun although the rays pierce through your eyes. i am no longer surprised either way, since you come from the east and always cast a shadow towards me on the west. our feet were not on the same line; you moved forward and i followed you even if you would walked to the end of the world—like the carousel we came by to see but did not ride eventually (we are too old, you said). perhaps my memories of you might rust like the ring you gave me that day. they slowly slip away like august of five summers ago. the only thing that remains in my mind like that of blinking traffic lights is that we like to play under the palm tree and then eat the hamburgers near the beach. the summer felt warm back then, and it was always an ecstasy to be with you beneath the sun. ah, only if you know how i wish to write my name on your back so that if you leave, you will still remember me. alas, you are you and I was the one who left instead. The ring is the only fragment i could hold of you and i do not know if you were still the same or changing like the world around. i do not mind if you change though, because back then we were both changing for the better and lived for the hope of it all. i am far to know if your desires have already been grasped, but i hope you always walk towards the better place and live surrounded by happiness.
but still, i hate summer because you are not here anymore.
a/n: a quick writing for taiga's birthday in his view of tatsuya and their relationship (as always). anyway, happy birthday, my chaotic red-haired tiger! ☆
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sciatu · 1 year
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Partendo da Milazzo in autobus, si raggiunge facilmente il lato che guarda verso Palermo di quella lunga striscia di terra protesa verso nord che è Capo Milazzo. Su questo lato, da cui è possibile vedere le Eolie e l’Etna, vi è una lunga spiaggia amata dal sole che prosegue dritta e chiara fino a finire in un golfo formato dal piegarsi verso ovest dell’alta collina che costituisce il Capo. Dopo quella curva, la scogliera prosegue alta e scoscesa, formando qua e là insenature e spiaggette fino ad arrivare alla punta estrema del capo per poi piegarsi verso sud a formare l’altro lato del lungo promontorio. Su questo lato, ricco di uliveti e lunghi filari di uva da cui nasce il Mamertino, solo poche case, immerse in grandi giardini circondati da bouganville rosse o arancione e palme dall’esili forme. La lunga spiaggia sul lato ovest è quindi l’unica parte dove è possibile fare quell’oziosa attività che consiste nel prendere il sole e nuotare nelle acque calde e trasparenti del mare. Dove la lunga spiaggia finisce c’è la baia del Tono o, come è chiamata in siciliano “a N’ Gonia”, parola derivata dal greco che vuol dire semplicemente “l’angolo”. La baia del Tono era la parte terminale della più grande tonnara del lato nord della Sicilia, attività cruenta dove centinaia di tonni venivano uccisi per garantire la sopravvivenza della popolazione costiera. Di tutto quel dolore e sangue che si perdeva nelle acque marine non è rimasto nulla. Pigramente ci si lascia bruciare dal sole attendendo l’ora di pranzo per mangiare a prezzi modici nei vari stabilimenti balneari un delizioso piatto di paste con le sarde o alla norma. Verso sera il cielo si accende in tramonti che tolgono il fiato e stupiscono per l’assoluta bellezza.
Leaving from Milazzo by bus, you can easily reach the side facing Palermo of that long strip of land extending northwards which is Capo Milazzo. On this side, from which it is possible to see the Aeolian Islands and Etna, there is a long beach loved by the sun which continues straight and clear until it ends in a gulf formed by the high hill that forms the Cape bending towards the west. After that curve, the cliff continues high and steep, forming here and there inlets and small beaches until it reaches the extreme point of the cape and then bends towards the south to form the other side of the long promontory. On this side, full of olive groves and long rows of grapes from which the Mamertino wine is born, only a few houses, immersed in large gardens surrounded by red or orange bougainvillea and palm trees with slender shapes. The long beach on the west side is therefore the only part where it is possible to do that idle activity which consists of sunbathing and swimming in the warm and transparent waters of the sea. Where the long beach ends is the Tono bay or, as it is called in Sicilian "a N' Gonia", a word derived from the Greek which simply means "the corner". The Tono bay was the terminal part of the largest tuna fishery on the north side of Sicily, a bloody activity where hundreds of tuna were killed to ensure the survival of the coastal population. Of all that pain and blood that was lost in the marine waters there is nothing left. You let yourself be burned by the sun while waiting for lunchtime to eat a delicious plate of pasta with sardines or alla norma at reasonable prices in the various bathing establishments. Towards evening the sky lights up in sunsets that take your breath away and amaze you with their absolute beauty.
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stigmvtas · 14 days
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( ALEX WOLFF. TWENTY SEVEN. CIS MAN. HE/HIM. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s JONAH VONNEGUT wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for FOURTEEN YEARS. i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a COMPUTER PROGRAMMER & COMIC BOOK SHOP ATTENDENT in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: THE COOL - TONED GLOW OF A TV SCREEN LATE AT NIGHT, WORDS FLASHING AGAINST PUPIL; ALL YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS ARE DEAD, WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOU?; WALKING OUTSIDE IN A THUNDER STORM AND WAITING FOR THE LIGHTNING TO STRIKE, ALL RAINSLICK SKIN AND PLASTERED HAIR;  FULL - BODIED COUGHS AND WATERY EYES, THE TASTE OF SOMETHING MEDICINAL ON THE TONGUE; AND OBJECTION THAT RIPS THROUGH SOUL AND BODY, ONLY TO BE LEFT SILENTLY SCREAMING. if anything, i feel like they could be STAUNCH AND IDIOSYNCRATIC & UPTIGHT AND CAPTIOUS. it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is CLOSED FILE... REDACTED. wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be THE MAVERICK. just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade! ( JAMES, 25, EST, THEY/THEM. )
containing themes of... the foster system ( persistent mention in biography ), drugs ( weed ), dissociation ( brief ), depression ( brief ).
full name — jonah bram vonnegut.
nickname(s) — n/a. please do not call him joe he will cry.
place of birth — west palm beach, florida.
date of birth & age — july 14th, 1997. twenty7.
gender / pronouns — cis man, he/him.
sexuality — demisexual.
occupation — computer programmer. comic book shop attendant. wannabe cinephile.
astrology — cancer sun, scorpio moon, cancer rising.
residence — a small rented house on the edge of town, "discounted" due to its' supposed hauntings and high lease - breakings.
interests — the gamecube; it was the perfect console. other, older consoles. video games in general; "forgotten" media. intense films in foreign languages that he doesn't really "get" but will still list as 5 stars on letterboxd. elliott smith. the shrek movies. overtly sweet drinks. laying in the dirt, but haha jk, but also unless? smoking. sleeping. vaping. the only things he needs. ramen dinners. programming. coding. developing video games. seasonal items ( fucking loves pumpkin spice it's the only good thing in this cold, cruel world ). old cartoons. childhood cereals. studio ghibli. being totally chill and totally normal and okay with everything. complaining.
aversions — any sports ball that comes within a 10 foot radius of him. running his bike into the creek ( difficulty level: IMPOSSIBLE ). being caught in a power ballad by his roommates at 8:34am in the morning, half - screaming and half - panting because there's enough steam in the bathroom to be a sauna. getting caught in the rain ( difficulty level: ALSO IMPOSSIBLE ). sad dog movies, fuck marley & me. 1 star. knowing just the right things to say. picking up a book that isn't diary of a wimpy kid. spiders, any big flying bug. clowns; jesus fuck clowns. existing on like… any level. firewalls. the elderly ( they make him nervous ). infants for the same reason.
quirks — plays rollercoaster tycoon when he's mad just to have the rollercoaster fly off the incomplete rails; it's healthy. makes papier-mâché masks from all his favorite video games and movies. vapes but particularly all the weirdest flavors. regularly eats foods he's allergic to. is convinced he can do a backflip and keeps trying but he just can't, like, stop?
currently playing — lover, you should've come over by jeff buckley.
notable features — scraggily curls plastered against skin, a consistent scruff against chin and jaw. the mole. gangly - limbed.
general disposition — crooked - spined and tense, but trying so hard to be casual about it. it's not working.
character study — sid jenkins ( skins ), norville "shaggy" rogers ( scooby doo ), scott pilgrim ( scott pilgrim vs. the world ).
public history.
jonah doesn't remember his childhood besides playing conker's bad fur day at way too young of an age. his childhood is a lot of that - doing things he's too young to be doing, like staying up until 4am and watching adult swim. becoming well - acquainted with happy tree friends, watching family guy with a pacifier still stuck in his mouth. at some point it shifts; jonah's parents are deemed too young, too unfit to care for him - and he hops around the foster system in florida. it's a blur of unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar settings; of never fitting in, of never retaining friendships.
sometimes he winds up in georgia; sometimes higher north. there's nothing particularly wrong with jonah, he's just a kid. a little weird, fixated on any screen put in front of him rather than playing with other kids or even physical toys, but that's all. just introverted, that's what his social worker would tell families. maybe they wanted extroverted kids, not him. and that was - it was fine. the longer jonah goes without a long - term home, the more withdrawn he becomes. no point in trying to impress some family, no point in doing tricks like a dog. he's not a dog - he's just jonah.
eventually he's put in a group home, a rag - tag of other children that jonah can only presume are also seemingly unwanted. it's the quickest he's warmed up to a group of children, and maybe only because they're around one another 24 / 7. no sense of privacy, or peace; jonah once wrestled a kid down the stairs for breaking his only dvd of harold & kumar go to white castle ( jonah became obsessed with white castle after viewing the movie ).
they - the group of kids - go to new york. jonah's still not sure whose idea it is, but there's no objections from him. he loves new york city, like, conceptually. spiritually, he's there. he wants to eat a hot dog from times square. they're caught within the week, and jonah's almost positive that if he'd eaten one more hot dog, they would've had to pump his stomach. they don't, but their group home splits up. which is just as bad, if not worse.
eventually jonah enters the home of the not - vonneguts. they're good people, he guesses. they're - old broadway stars or former acrobats or something of the like. they remind him of the burlesque "roommates" from coraline. he likes them, despite their intensity. and jonah's - doable. good enough. they want to move to massachusetts, something about an old victorian that's captivated their eyes - they want to turn their home into a year - round haunted house. jonah says, that's cool. they adopt him, and together they move to hollow creek.
kids keep asking jonah why he's not that tan for someone from florida. the reality is that they're right; he just spends most of his time tucked away in his room, coding simple games of cat catching mouse, and then mouse twisting into unimaginable horror and eating cat. and rewatching the cat in the hat live action. in a small town like hollow creek, he's still a nobody. as he goes throughout high school, that's mostly his reputation. the weird, quiet kid from florida who doesn't really look like he's from florida much at all - does he even know mickey mouse? the answer is no; he'd never been to disney world ( nor would he ever want to; a permanent grudge against Big Mouse ).
he does have friends; a small group of equally weird kids, who he usually ends up making weird, flash!browser video games for. he even goes on a date, once or twice - usually as a dare on the other person's side. it doesn't bother jonah how he thinks it should bother him, but maybe he's just used to being unwanted. he puts most of his energy into programming, into the films he consumes, the video games he analyzes. he's not valedictorian, but he does get a scholarship to MIT for computer science.
college is - different. better than what he expected; he grows out from his awkward phase and into a semi - awkward one instead. but suddenly it's charming, instead of embarrassing. there's people who share all of his weird interests, who he can spend hours debating on the symbolism in sonic games with. it's good for him, he thinks. it has to be good for him. he stays all four years, visiting hollow creek every holiday to spend them with his moms, or sometimes just to see his old friends.
but then college ends, and jonah realizes that none of his internships have led to him actually picking up any jobs. maybe he didn't network right; that's probably it - charming awkwardness doesn't mean instant - job charisma. he moves back to hollow creek, a bit miffed and a bit embarrassed. freelances programming, works on his own video game ( in the works for several years now, as the only developer, visual artist, soundtrack artist, etc. ), moves into a semi - haunted house with a handful of roommates. it's - fine, just not the life jonah expected to have after literally graduating from MIT. but that's just how things happen, sometimes. and jonah thinks that's okay.
has never been a risk taker in his life. even speeding makes him nervous. is the first person to object to "adventure", and is perfectly fine staying at home, staying where he is. it's probably why he's stuck in hollow creek.
tense when things don't go as planned, or when things derail from what's already in his mind. just gets stressed easily! pretends to be extra casual, very laidback, but is really just kind of an anxious freak ( said lovingly ).
drugs / dissociation; jonah smokes too much weed but it's almost expected of him and his roommates. the house constantly smells like skunk, there's a bong that's used daily yet cleaned never on their coffee table. he has a tendency to dissociate afterwards, purposefully doesn't bring it up to his therapist because he really doesn't want to quit smoking.
not a big partier; it takes a bribe to get jonah to attend any mass social event. wouldn't have attended his prom if he wasn't promised a perfect reenactment of carrie ( spoiler: his friends lied to him out of love, and nobody was humiliated or harmed ).
depression; "it's fine" is almost his catchphrase. even when he's bothered, or annoyed, it's always "it's fine". terrible at displaying his emotions, and usually bottles them inside until he needs to take a depression nap for two weeks. the antidepressants are supposed to help, but they don't, not really.
he's only a semi - skeptic. he doesn't really believe their house is haunted, but likes being able to afford rent, so he pretends to be scared more than he is. still hates when things go bump in the night. is terrible at handling horror movies. prefers comedies. do not put a bug near him, he will cry.
the small amount of friends that jonah does have, he's extremely loyal to. like, friends until death, probably. it's just harder to make friends as an adult, and jonah doesn't really want to go through that trouble. plus, he actually enjoys their company.
had a phase where he wanted to be a film major, wanted to be a director; wanted to make something grand. but the love for film just wasn't there - he still fakes it, because he thinks it makes him look "cool", but the truth is that jonah will always be a freak for video games. it's his true passion, the only thing he really wants to do with his time besides troll reddit forums.
is a terrible driver to the point where he shouldn't be allowed on the streets with a car. so he rides a bike instead, and is still a community menace. has to wear knee guards while riding after a particularly bad incident involving the elementary school's playground.
works at the comic book store purely for the discount. his manager suspects that he hides away the limited and first edition comics from the general public so he can buy them after his shift, but it's never been confirmed.
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mothmiso · 3 months
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Crete (2) (3) by Leonidas
Via Flickr:
(1) A juniper tree in the west of Crete on an amazing breach called Kendrodassos. It is a protected area and a rare tree that takes a long time to grow. (2) I came across this amazing piece of art. I had set up my tent on the beach after dark. The next morning I saw this and was amazed. I think the head is a donkey and the tail is a branch from a palm tree. That is my tent in the background. Good to know that dino was watching over me the whole night. (3) Sheep grazing 50 meters from the beach in this beautiful juniper forest. The sheep on Crete have a good life. Always out in the fields grazing. They are have very little fat on them and eat a lot of the wild herbs.     
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Space Oddity
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five)
Summary: Garth grew up in a carnival freakshow, and he never thought about the world outside the glass walls of the Aquarium until a group of kids befriended him. Their love and interest in finding his people might be the key to escaping the silent horrors of his home life at the carnival.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Garth of Shayeris, Donna Troy, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Original Character(s)
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tags: Carnival AU, Developing Friendships, Rescue, 60’s AU, 70’s AU, No Capes AU, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Lies, Escape, Childhood Memories, Team Bonding, Fish out of Water, Tiny Garth, Beaches, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Road Trip, First Person POV, POV Garth of Shayeris
Chapter Six: Living Wake
On my fifteenth birthday, I asked Walter for a living wake. I’d read about it in one of the books he gave me. I also read that some fish only live to be fifteen. And my powers had been strange for the past three years. Sometimes, I’d wake up floating outside my tank in a bubble of water I’d made for myself. I sat inside the frozen outer shell because it was my ocean for however long I could sustain it. Fisher hated it because I made a mess, or I’d get stuck and needed help getting out. Or I’d wake up floating on the water above the tank… And sometimes… Sometimes, I had dreams while I was awake. So, I thought it was the end for a fish person like me. I thought it was the ocean’s way of calling me home.
Walter said yes, but only because I cried. Walter let Donna, Dick, Wally, and Roy in to see me while keeping watch outside. I’d never heard Wally, Roy, or Donna’s voices before, so I couldn’t sleep or eat until I saw them. Wally always brought me an ocean gift on my birthday. That year was no different. “Happy birthday, Garth,” Wally smiled. Scratchy and deep… But not deep enough for him to sound grown up.
“Gee, I never thought—. Wow,” I smiled.
Then Donna approached. She wore a dress, and her hair was different. Bigger. She dressed up. “Garth, I don’t understand any of this. What’s wrong? Are you sick?” Donna questioned. Her voice was soft and sweet, but it was more than that. She had a maturity that made me want to be still. I didn’t move. I couldn’t speak. “Garth?”
Roy swallowed hard and marched toward me. I thought he’d hit me, but he wrapped his arms around me. He embraced me… And I wept in his arms. “Chill, man… Nothing’s gonna happen to you… Dig?” Roy asked. He let go, and I hid my face in his shoulder. His voice was bold and resonant, shaking me to my core while offering more comfort than I’d felt in years. I had to work up the courage to look him in the eye. And he saw it. He saw every beating Fisher ever gave me. Ten in total. Fisher beat me so bad once I thought I died. Roy saw it all. He saw my love for him and my fears and my pain. I thought he’d reject me, but he squeezed my shoulder. I winced, still sore from my last beating. Fisher beat me for asking questions he didn’t like or seeming like I wanted to escape from him. The truth was, I had nowhere to go, and I wasn’t brave enough or smart enough to leave on my own. “What’s that turkey gonna do to you?” Roy questioned. His eyes softened and were the most sincere and pained eyes I’d ever seen. He cried for me. Tears slid down his cheeks as he studied me.
“Nothing… I don’t think—. I read somewhere that most fish only live to be fifteen. So, if I’m not human, then this is it. I wanted to be with my friends, just in case—. Just in case it was the last time we’d ever be together,” I stammered. Roy held his palm to my face, gently pulling my eyelid down with his thumb. Then he touched my neck with two fingers.
“You’re not dying,” Roy replied, “You’re the picture of health… Unless you feel sick. Do you feel sick?” I shook my head.
“But I feel strange. I can’t control my powers anymore,” I explained, “But I don’t wanna—. Can we enjoy being together even if it turns out that I’m wrong?” Roy grimaced. I could never tell if he was angry with me or my situation.
Dick stayed silent the longest, but I could see something stewing in his mind. “Roy, show him the sketchbook. There’s no use in making him more upset,” Dick commanded.
“Who died and made you—?”
“Open my present for you first… I figured you might be from the Atlantic Ocean if you’re from around here, so when I went to California with my aunt and uncle last year, I got you something from the Pacific. You know… For your tank,” Wally smiled. I opened the box and pulled out a dried red creature and a handful of shells. “That’s a Sunstar. I bought that one from the gift shop in Los Angeles, but I found all the others.”
I touched one of the shells and saw the ocean as if I were there. The waves lapped at rocks and sand. The loud sound of birds that seemed so distant and unreal to me became clear once again. Wally grabbed the box and shells, setting them aside as he pulled me back to reality. “What happened?” I asked.
“You spaced,” Donna replied, “Your eyes started glowing, and it was-. You couldn’t hear us.”
“I saw the ocean. I saw the sand and the rocks… I heard the seagulls. I saw the seagulls,” I described. Roy sat on the alcove bench and started drawing while I recounted what I saw and explained how I’d been dreaming of the ocean while I was awake.
“How long have you been cooped up in this place? Don’t you ever get to leave?” Donna asked. She sat on a bench across from my tank.
“Where would I go?” I asked. “As far as I know, I’m the only one of my kind, and I wouldn’t be able to fend for myself in the ocean… It’s too big.”
Roy and Dick exchanged eerily similar glances. Roy narrowed his eyes, and Dick nodded. Wally and Donna didn’t notice. Roy returned to his sketchbook while Dick pulled out a notepad. “Wait-. Before I forget… Can you still use your—?” Donna trailed off before grabbing my hand and lacing her fingers with mine. She held our hands up, and I smiled. Carefully creating enough heat in my hand to warm hers up. She giggled. I think it upset Roy because he tensed up but quickly softened without a word.
Dick stared at me. “You’re gonna live another year. You won’t get your gift from Roy and me until then,” Dick announced.
I looked at Roy, and he grinned a mischievous half-smile. “Dig?” Roy asked. I shook my head. “You’ll understand if you tough it out… Can’t you try and give everybody one measly stinkin’ year?”
They wanted me to fight. As far as I knew, there was no gift. But I played along. I nodded. That was the first night in months I slept peacefully without a disturbance… And it was the last time I’d be happy that year.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Méli (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Queen Bee by the people of Olympius
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Syros, Olympius
Personality- She's bubbly, positive, & caring- never judgemental. Much like her symbolic animal she's organized, efficient, diligent, sociable, and has a "hive" mindset- thinking more so about the community than just herself. She's currently single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of bees & honey, her other powers/abilities include mélikinesis (honey generation/manipulation), honey mimicry, palynokinesis (pollen manipulation), beeswax manipulation, being able to shapeshift into/communicate with all species of bees, also being able to communicate with ants, hornets, & wasps, and is able to adapt bee physiology into her physical form- protruding stingers from her third and fourth knuckle, being able to see ultraviolet light (her eyes turn black/compound looking while maintaining their size), can grow three extra sets of legs, being able to crawl on walls, and can manifest bee wings from her back).
Méli lives on her own at her gorgeous estate in the state of Syros. The outside may look like the typical beach style house, but inside, the roof is in the shape of a hexagonal pyramid. There's wide columns of light cedarwood with lots of windows bringing in natural sunlight. Most of the walls are painted with a honeycomb pattern in colors of gold, yellow, cream, & glittery black. The backyard seems to go on for miles filled with vibrant greenery, flowers, towering palm trees, and her apiary (also known as a bee farm). Even though she can manifest a pair of bee wings on her back to fly, she usually gets around in her cream yellow VW covertible (with Imperial Gold chrome spinners). She also owns a vacation cottage in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus.
Go-to drinks for her include the bee's knees cocktail, honey lime margaritas, honey bourbon sangrias, sparkling water, lemon-lime soda, champagne, & honey almond milk smoothies. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean is the large honey oatmilk latte and the pineapple lychee splash.
Méli's one of the few relatively "young" deities along with Horme (god of energy), Adranos (god of fire), Chelone (goddess of tortoises), Aergia (goddess of sloth, idleness, & laziness), and Tithonus (god of insects).
For breakfast she loves stopping by at The Bread Box to get an egg & cheese sandwich on a hero. At home she'll eat a stack of buttermilk vanilla pancakes (topped with butter & drizzled in honey), a smoothie bowl (made with coconut milk & topped with honey, chia seeds, sliced peaches, toasted almonds, and granola), or a big bowl of Earthly Harvest's Oats & Honey cereal (with almond milk).
In the pantheon Méli's good friends with Zephyrus (god of the west wind), Eleutheria (Lulu) (goddess of liberty), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Adephagia (goddess of gluttony), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Hemera (goddess of the day), Chloris (goddess of flowers), Thallo (goddess of spring & new growth), Antheia (goddess of swamps, vegetation, & floral wreaths), Carpo (goddess of autumn & fruits), Hermes, Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants), Notus (god of the south wind), Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge), The Hesperides, Panacea (goddess of univeral remedy), Urso (god of bears), Terpischore (muse of dance), and Aoide (goddess of voice & song). Méli secretly has a crush on Matton (god of meals). She greatly admires Gaia (goddess of the earth); who was her mentor, Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Livádi (goddess of meadows), Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill), Promylaia, and Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest).
She's gone to Eleusis a few times to partake in the Cornucopia festival.
She loves snacking on raw honeycomb and honey barbeque cheese puffs!
Méli is confident in her plus size figure! Her latest Fatestagram post was a photo of her and Eos at a beach in Rhodes. She was wearing a stringy neon yellow Swimsilk bathing suit with a white gold jeweled waist chain. It got almost 10,000 likes!
Her main business & source of income is The Gold Pot (which includes an official website and store location in her home state) where various specialized creamed honey as well as raw honey are sold. Méli's personal faves are the cinnamon honey & the organic matcha honey. There are plans for future store locations in Achaea, Santorini, as well as a makeshift store in the Mall of Olympius. For other work/income Méli models for White Lily Gallery (has her own name plate necklace), Sunshine Radiance (loves using the vitamin c brightening cleanser), Glory's Crown (loves the honey hydrating hair oil), Glimmer Victory (the goddess Nike's jewelry brand), FATshionista, and Treis Epochés. She has recently partnered up with the goddess Philyra (and her cosmetics brand Olmorfia) to release a themed make-up palette called Honeylicious.
She employs dozens of meliads (ash tree nymphs).
One of her favorite sweet treats is the honey-salted caramel ice cream. Méli also likes Hestia's signature honey cake, Hesperis' apple pie, and The Frozen Spoon's graham ice cream sandwiches (made with vanilla ice cream with added in butterscotch chips!) She also likes to stop by at Skóni Parádeisos for the honey-butter biscuits & airy beignets!
She's often vocal about the slight decrease in the overall honeybee population in the country- often due to intensive agriculture, harmful pesticide use, & biodiversity loss.
Méli likes using the Luxuria shimmering body oil in "Ambrosia Honey."
One of her favorite gifts was a series of engraved gold bangles from Eos.
Her favorite personal gift that she got herself is the jeweled beehive clutch from Diamond Ave., costing almost 6,000 drachmas!
In her free time she enjoys beekeeping, gardening, sunbathing, cloud surfing, going to the beach, tennis, listening to music, bike riding, drawing, painting, watching TV, and yoga.
She loves stopping at The Hearthside Diner for an order of the glorious lemon-honey glazed fried chicken. Méli also likes the 10 pc honey barbeque chicken tenders with olympian sized fries from Olympic Chef. Other favorite foods include sweet & sour chicken, egg rolls, moussaka, fried brown rice, sweet buttered corn, vegetable lo mein, and corn dogs (with honey mustard dipping sauce).
"Words are like bees. Some are sweet as honey while others can leave a sting."
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CW for some (underage) sexual references but nothing too explicit. Basically just acknowledging it's a thing that occurs XD
I know a place Where the grass is really greener Warm, wet, and wild There must be something in the water
Sipping gin and juice Laying underneath the palm trees (Undone) The boys break their necks Tryna to creep a little sneak peek (At us)
You could travel the world But nothing comes close to the Golden Coast Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love
California girls, we're unforgettable Daisy dukes, bikinis on top Sun-kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicle
California girls, we're undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce, we've got it on lock West Coast represent, now put your hands up!
Sex on the beach We don't mind sand in our stilettos We freak in my jeep Snoop doggy-dog on the stereo
You could travel the world But nothing comes close to the Golden Coast Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love
California girls, we're unforgettable Daisy dukes, bikinis on top Sun-kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicle
California girls, we're undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce, we've got it on lock West Coast represent, now put your hands up!
@karatecaulfield gotta pspsps you again
Fun fact: Even though this is obviously the most YasMoon song to ever YasMoon, I only really started associating it with them when I wrote a scene for my ongoing fic where they were jamming out to it and singing along in the Range Rover. Because by god!!! They WOULD jam out to California Gurls like the preppy-yet-uninhibited valley girls they are!!! Like when I think of girls singing too loud in the car and dancing around with the convertible roof down and generally being the most obnoxious young women you've ever seen in your entire life, YasMoon is the first thing that comes to mind. It's their Vibe!!!
This semi goes with this ficlet I wrote, which was loosely based on California Gurls. I think I said it best in the tags there: There's a certain peach, orange, and cranberry cocktail that I think these two beautiful lesbians deserve to model their life after >:3
I fr love the idea of these girls trying to walk around the beach in heels XD And somehow they don't stumble at all (at least not visibly!) and it confuses the crap out of all their friends. This is just what happens when you were born and raised within driving distance of the beach and Constantly Pressured To Be Hyperfemme-Style Pretty XD
No but imagine being friends with Yasmine and Moon and going to a big Fancy Beach Bash that half the grade and kids from several other rich kid schools are invited to. And then halfway through, the cohosts completely vanish and you're like ???? So you follow a trail of high heel prints someone left in the sand (who DOES that, by the way?) until you eventually come across two pairs of casual-but-still-very-pricey stilettos half-buried in the sand like some weird modern art installation. And you're like "Oh??? Who are the lucky guys? ;3" but brother, all those interesting noises coming from that nearby beach tent are definitely female.
Another fun fact: I have been meaning to submit this moodboard literally all summer. I made it in like May??? But I'm glad I saved it for the event because...yannow...golden??? Golden Coast??? XD ...too on-the-nose?
(Also decided to include the snippet of said fanfiction with the California Gurls jamming-out scene as a separate prompt for this week! Hilariously, it happens to have a bunch of gold color motifs in it that are completely unrelated to this submission. Lucky coincidence? Anyways, it'll be up in a couple days!)
I also have something planned for Heatwave, btw!!! But unfortunately I'm going on a trip soon and definitely won't finish it by the end of week 1 :( It's in the works, though, and I defs want to post at least some of it later on!!!
Idk I just think they deserve to lie on beach towels holding hands and eating popsicles and sipping fancy cocktails and also going on Santa Monica Pier dates and taking long coastline joyrides with the windows down, all while very openly in gay love with each other <3 <3 <3 They'll get there someday, I know it!!! Yasmine, you can do it!!! You can stop repressing your sexuality, I promise!!! Godspeed, girl!!! ;_____;
Also, cannot tell you how much I would LOVE to see Moon tie her hair up in a loose ponytail with a patterned ribbon like in the top left pic :O Like it is no longer a mere want, it is a DESPERATE YEARN. And Yas would look cute af in that pink-and-white bikini and the light pink towel in the bottom right, don't @ me!!!
...the irony of me absolutely despising fashion and clothes growing up because I was a girl and girls were "expected" to be into that sort of thing, and now I joyously dress my gay little blorbos up in cute outfits with nary a care in the world XD Character development, I guess?
Anyways, I didn't get into clothes to appease men by presenting "feminine" enough for them. I got into clothes to impress all the hyperfemmes I wish to kiss under the moonlight akjnsauldkbhks I no longer perform femininity for men because most I've met actually kind of hate it and the only people who have ever fully embraced my girly girl side are in large majority other women lmao. You only get to see my girly side if you embrace it unironically!!! If you only like it as a means of boxing me in and secretly hate/make fun of me being girly, you will simply never get to see it :3
As always, pic credits available upon request! Keep an eye out for my fic preview coming soon! :D
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somekindofablog · 1 year
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Eat, drink, play
West Palm Beach, Florida
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awkwardpariah · 1 year
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Fortress Florida Falls: After a year of blockades, limited air strikes, and supply drops to partisans and loyalist units behind the lines, Federal forces finally launch the combined air, land, and amphibious invasion of Florida. No state had a higher concentration of NDF troops or better equipment. Casualties on both sides were high, and the MAGA government was able to exfiltrate itself from Palm Beach before Federal troops reached the provisional capital of the pretender government.
Winter 2029-2030: Nothing is more deadly than logistics, and during the Winter of 2029-30 more people died from fuel and food shortages than any other cause. In the highly contested Midwest fuel supplies had dried up and overland transportation had evaporated, leaving people behind the lines without food and heat during the Polar Vortex of '29. Those that didn't flee stayed behind thinking they'd live comfortably on generators and canned goods left behind by their panicky neighbors. Power plants died within the first few weeks, and generators ran out of gas not long after. Food supplies in the contested zones lasted only until January, by which point temperatures in Ohio had dropped to as low as -90 degrees F with the windchill. People were burning garbage to stay warm, eating dogs, cats, and rodents to stave off starvation. Most people who died froze to death in the night, others froze trying to flee on foot, and the few that were left were too cold and too sick to last much beyond that. Both sides attempted to keep the region supplied between the Continental Air Lift by the Dems, and rail and truck supplies by the Reps, but after a month of losing troops to frostbite and small skirmishes, the Dems pulled back to the I-80 corridor. The Reps continued probing attacks and roadside bombs along I-80 for much of the winter, but by February most of their troops had withdrawn over the Ohio River into Kentucky. So when the snow melted in Spring 2030, and the 1st Army began its long awaited march into Southern Ohio, all they found miles and miles of abandoned suburbs full of rat gnawed corpses
The War Against Humanity: By spring 2030, US troops from Army Group West began pushing into West Texas, while the 1st Army continued its advance into the South. Everywhere they went, they found evidence of crimes against humanity by the MAGA regime. Slavery, not pre-war prison labor, but the brutal system of the antebellum South had returned. The first to be manacled were existing prisoners, however the hyper punitive laws of the MAGA regime quickly grew the ranks of the incarcerated to virtually anyone who spoke out against their regime. Ethnic minorities were particularly targeted by the NDF and thus made up the bulk of the slave population. An entire market had emerged for the trading of prison labor contracts between agricultural and manufacturing corporations, and while the elites took people as servants and sex slaves. Then there were the death camps. First discovered late in 2029, the extent of the program was now impossible to deny. Dozens of camps had been found, built out of existing prisons. Troops would usually uncover these places by the stench of human remains in uncovered mass graves, their guards having fled to avoid capture. The locals tended to deny outright that they knew about the camps, or in many cases were totally unrepentant about "doing the Lord's work.
Midterm Elections: By Election Day 2030, the war has been dragging on for a year and a half and another winter is approaching with food and fuel rationing, albeit less severe than last year. Needless to say, a lot of voters are well and truly sick of a war that has only brought suffering on a level unseen in American history. The National Union Party exploits this by running a slew of candidates that oppose the Democrats' wartime rationing policies, demanding AOC re-open the oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico and ANWR, and even negotiate with the MAGA regime to bring the war to a peaceful conclusion. Most voters don't buy into this, especially in newly liberated Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Georgia, and military voters hearts have only hardened against the MAGA regime. But in otherwise well-to-do parts of the country that are unused to the hardships imposed by the war effort, the National Union party's message resonates. Ultimately, the Democrats still hold super majorities in both houses, with the House majority particularly impressive thanks to the repeal of the Permanent Apportionment Act earlier in the year.
Crisis in Canada: 16 million American DPs have turned Ontario into a madhouse. Every resource and essential service was stretched well past its breaking point, and Prime Minister Poilievre's ineffective response resulted in his removal in a vote of no-confidence. Melissa Lantsman fails to form a government, and the Governor General refuses to call for an election with the country in crisis. Despite their pleas for the US to intervene and get their citizens under control so Canada can focus on fighting their own white nationalist insurrection in Alberta, the US can't pull troops from its own front lines. Instead, the US calls on the European members of NATO to intervene, pulling what few US troops are left in Europe to join as a symbolic gesture of solidarity. The International Counteraction Force or ICFOR, more commonly known as Icy Force, deploys to Ontario providing additional security and giving Canada the means to start organizing the deportation of the American refugees to the Eastern Green Zone.
D-Day on the Mississippi: After 2 years of reorganization and rearmament, 2 years of fighting to retake the Midwest and much of the South, Army Group East is finally ready to begin the long awaited Drive Across the Plains. On August 1, 2031 a quarter million troops launch a combined amphibious and air mobile assault on Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas while ground forces in South Texas push north. Canadian troops and Army Group West begin their own advance from British Columbia and West Texas. After a month more than a million troops have landed on the western side of the Mississippi. Casualties are high on both sides, but the NDF's last best troops are simply outnumbered, outmatched, and undersupplied, especially after the Great Fire of 2030 devastated their food supplies. Repairs to bridges will take many more months, but Federal troops can finally begin moving across the Great Plains, eventually uniting the country from Sea to Shining Sea once more.
The End of All Things: As Federal troops move across the plains in armor and with air support the NDF is being chipped away with each passing day. After years of inaction and now repeated defeats, its simply too much for most NDF soldiers, leading to a string of mutinies. Meanwhile MAGA leaders, seeing that defeat is now immanent begin to try to flee or take their own lives in a campaign of uncoordinated mass suicide unseen since the fall of Nazi Germany. As the MAGA government in their new provisional capital of Rapid City tries to determine a course of action, Trump Jr. and the comatose Trump Sr., along with much of their extended family attempt to flee by plane over Canada to a non-extradition country. They're intercepted by NATO F-35s over Nova Scotia and remanded to Federal custody. The capture of Trump and the flight of Trump Jr. demoralizes most of the remaining die hard MAGA supporters, leading to a wave of surrenders. This leaves only the Secessionist factions of the rebel government in Rapid City, and they vote to dissolve the united front and fight their own secessionist campaigns.
<-Part II  \ Part III \ Part IV ->
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seabreeze2022 · 2 years
2023 Bahama Cruise, Part 8. March 17. Summit Perry’s Peak, Lee Stocking Island
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We summited Perry’s Peak!
At 127 feet high, it is one of the tallest hills in the Exumas. No base camp, no Oxygen bottles, no Sherpas. We just powered through in a single climb. The photo above is looking down the south side of the bank towards the settlement of Barretarre, Great Exuma. Our boat, Sea Breeze is in the far right of the frame.
Still floating!
Something you always check on after leaving your boat or dinghy. Is it still anchored in the same spot? Is it still floating? Get around the next hill or bend in the trail, and check again.
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This is a view looking north on Lee Stocking Island, down island.
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Nancy and I on the summit of Perry’s Peak.
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Nancy is hiking back downhill, the view is towards the west. The tug and barge are on the horizon at the far left. Norman’s Pond Cay is at the horizon far right.
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Sunrise at Lee Stocking Island, with Adventure Crews, YouTubers in the foreground. There had been a solo sailor leaving the anchorage this morning. His anchor was dragging in the water to wash off the sand. But being solo he forgot to raise and secure it. I hailed him multiple times with no answer. Cole from AdventureCrews YouTube channel explained, the guy leaving was a solo sailor and probably busy. I told Cole we had a photo of his boat at sunrise. So he said he would stop by later. He asked, “Which Catamaran are you on?”
Nancy and I laughed while I worked up the reply, “Sorry Cole, we are on the monohull directly astern of you”.
Our mentor Capt. Bill Cullen had met these new YouTubers when they first started out in Boca Grande, Fl. Small world!
So Cole and their dog, Dixie, stopped by for a chat on the way to the beach. Dixie is kind enough to only use the beach for her business.
I was able to raise the solo sailor before he got in the “Rage” at Adderly Cut with 5-7 ft. standing waves, while his anchor was swinging under the boat.
Safe travels, “Kojones”. ( means: Captain, Great, or Graceful)
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Before we summited, I used an electric cutting wheel to cut off the top of the heavy conch to make a horn.
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A distinctive land snail found throughout much of the Caribbean is Cerion. The genus name comes from the Latin “ceri-“ meaning “wax”, in reference to the beehive shape of shells in mid-ontogeny. These are thick on tree trunks on many islands but not very abundant on others. Originally in the Florida Keys, only Indian Key had populations of these. They have made their way to Key Largo and other islands of the Florida Keys now.
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This is another tree snail on the island, sticking to the roots of an invasive Australian Pine.
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There are groups of muzzles along the beach. Sorry Nancy they are only along about 3/8” long and not worth eating.
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All along the beach, are Conch shells that were discarded after breaking a hole in the top and cutting the Conch out of the shell.
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Here are old conch that have been on the rocks for years. They have turned black over the years. Now just part of the landscape.
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Our dinghy floating off shore with two anchors holding it secure.
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Unfortunately some thoughtless cruiser, left old conch shells on the beach where people land their inflatable dinghies and walk barefoot. Pulled these two conch up and threw them back in the bush line.
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View while laying on a palm frond on the beach waiting for Nancy to come back from her “walk-about”. Yes I checked, no coconuts ready to fall.
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She brought me back a live Scotch Bonnet. After a quick photo she returned it back to the ocean. Having helped release whales and porpoises into the ocean. I like to say, “That I have friends who live in the ocean”. This is a small friend, but still a friend. The Scotch bonnet, scientific name Semicassis granulata, is a medium-sized to large species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the subfamily Cassinae, the helmet shells and bonnet shells. The common name "Scotch bonnet" alludes to the general outline and color pattern of the shell, which vaguely resemble a tam o' shanter, a traditional Scottish bonnet or cap.
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Nancy had crossed the island by trail, this is the beach looking south.
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This is the Lee Stocking beach looking north.
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Picture perfect end to the day. Nancy fixed pan seared filet mignon, mashed potatoes and the last of the salad. Sounding the Conch while the sun sets. Another sailor answers back with their Conch horn.
S/V Sea Breeze, Lee Stocking Island, Exuma, Bahama.
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admhawthorne · 2 years
[TW for some; gets a little gruesome/violent]
The shipwreck was horrific, but I was lucky enough to survive, and what bits of the ship washed up with me were enough for me to create a makeshift cutting and hammering tool. With that, it took me roughly six months to get everything situated the way I’d prefer. Luckily, this island has an abundance of bamboo, which is easily one of the most versatile plants available in this climate. You can eat the shoots, build with it, burn it for fuel, use the fiber for clothing, and even create ink with it given enough time.
Between the bamboo, the coconuts, the other edible flora, and my luck with fishing, I’ve yet to have a problem feeding myself, and not having an electronic device connected to a world that constantly expects me to immediately respond to every notification has been one of the most freeing experiences of my life.
I can’t even say I’ve been particularly lonely for human companionship. Humans are awful creatures, and I’ve never really cared for dating. I’ve always thought I’d make the perfect candidate to be a hermit, and, come to find out, I am.
I’m living in my own personal paradise. I get up with the sun and have whatever day I feel like, then go to sleep to the sounds of the crashing waves and the swaying palm leaves. Who could ask for anything more?
Apparently, a real estate construction company is who. I’d been on my island for over three years when the first of their representatives showed up. They claimed to be investigating this “unknown” island for the purpose of claiming it and turning it into an “exclusive island getaway for the elite.” I told them they could get away from me and my island. It was mine. I owned it. They could shove off.
The next time they came, they brought lawyers to try to force me off my island, but the joke’s on them. I am a lawyer with a deep knowledge of international law, which applies to my island. Isla de Mi, as I call my island, is in international waters with no country holding claim. I told the lawyers they could take their company reps and shove off at high tide.
That’s when I started building traps around the beaches of my island. I had a feeling they were going to start being more covert in their attempts to remove me, and I assumed force was about to come into play.
They eventually proved me correct.
I found one of their men caught in a trap on the west side of my island, a black boat buoyed a few meters away from shore. He was sleeping in the hole I’d created, his jet-black wetsuit torn in places from the fall into the rock pit. I shifted the long spear I’d carried with me on my daily trap checking route so I could poke him with the dull end.
“What are you doing on my island?”
He groaned and then squinted up at me. “Get me out of here.”
“I don’t have to. You’re trespassing on my island, and I have every right to do with you as I see fit because, as far as anyone is concerned, this is my country. I rule it, and I believe in the death penalty.”
I could see his breath catch for a second. “Look, man, there’s no need to get violent here, okay?”
“No?” I used the dull end of my spear to poke him in the forehead. “Were you or were you not sneaking onto my island to remove me from it by any means necessary?”
“I think you have the wrong idea.” He tried to shift, but the sand I’d set up to fall in once someone hit the rocks slid more snugly around him. “I’m just trying to make money so I can live my life.”
“And I am trying to protect mine,” I replied with a sneer. I hated capitalism and was glad to be rid of it when I landed on my island. I’d completely forgotten about it, and, now, it was once again threatening to ruin my life. “After you die,” I said as I stared down at him, “I want you to know that I’m going to hang your body up for your company to see as a warning to not come back to my island.”
“Whoa, hold on a minute, buddy,” full panic finally set in on him, “there’s no need for that. Look, let me go, and I’ll tell them about this. I’ll convince them you’re too dangerous to try to force off of here.”
“No. I know how these things work, and the only thing that works is violence, unfortunately. Sadly for you, you’re going to be a means to an end, which requires your death.” I sighed at him as I began to turn away.
“Wait! You’re not just going to leave me here,” he screamed, but I kept walking. It took about 12 hours before he was silent. The next day, I went back and pulled the ship onto my island. A week later, I used the ship for scrap to construct the warning I’d told him I’d use his body to create.
When the next group arrived from the company, they pulled close to my island and saw the body. I saw one man grow violently ill immediately and another pull out a phone to make a call. A few hours later, they left.
It’s been over three months now, and the warning is still up, though not as gruesome as it once was, and I’ve been left blissfully alone.
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Must Visit Places in Adelaide, SA
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I. Introduction
Adelaide is a charming city located in the southern region of Australia. Known for its picturesque beaches, beautiful parks, and rich culture, Adelaide is a popular tourist destination for both locals and visitors alike. In this article, we will highlight some of the must-visit places in Adelaide that will make your visit unforgettable.
II. Historical Places
A. Adelaide Oval
Since 1871, Adelaide Oval has been a recognisable landmark on the city's skyline. The stadium has played host to numerous international sporting events and served as the home of cricket and Australian rules football in South Australia. Adelaide Oval not only hosts sporting events but also offers guided tours that give guests an inside look at the stadium's background and amenities.
B. Port Adelaide Historic District
Port Adelaide is a historic district located approximately 14 km north-west of Adelaide’s city center. The district has been beautifully preserved and offers visitors a glimpse into Adelaide’s maritime history. Visitors can explore the district’s many museums, galleries, and historic buildings, including the National Railway Museum and the South Australian Maritime Museum.
C. Adelaide Gaol
Adelaide Gaol is a former prison that was in operation from 1841 to 1988. The gaol has been beautifully restored and is now a museum that offers visitors a look at what life was like for prisoners in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Visitors can take a guided tour of the gaol and explore the cells, exercise yards, and execution chamber.
III. Nature and Parks
A. Adelaide Botanic Garden
The Adelaide Botanic Garden is a beautiful park located in the heart of the city. The garden features a range of themed gardens, including a medicinal plant garden, a rose garden, and a palm house. The garden also hosts a range of events and exhibitions throughout the year, making it a great destination for visitors of all ages.
B. Cleland Conservation Park
Cleland Conservation Park is a beautiful natural reserve located approximately 20 km south-east of Adelaide’s city center. The park is home to a range of wildlife, including kangaroos, koalas, and emus. Visitors can explore the park’s walking trails, which offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
C. Morialta Conservation Park
Morialta Conservation Park is a beautiful natural reserve located approximately 10 km north-east of Adelaide’s city center. The park is home to a range of walking trails, including the popular Three Falls Trail, which takes visitors past three stunning waterfalls. The park is also a popular destination for rock climbing and abseiling.
IV. Food and Drink
A. Central Market
The Central Market is a historic market located in the heart of Adelaide’s city center. The market features over 80 stalls, selling everything from fresh produce to gourmet cheeses and artisanal bread. The market also has a range of cafes and restaurants, making it a great destination for foodies.
B. Adelaide Hills Wineries
There are some of Australia's top wineries in the Adelaide Hills. Visitors can take a wine tour of the area and stop by several cellar doors, such as Shaw and Smith Winery and Hahndorf Hill Winery. The area is also home to a variety of eateries and cafes, giving visitors the chance to eat and drink while admiring the breathtaking views.
C. Peel Street
Peel Street is a popular dining precinct located in Adelaide’s city center. The precinct is home to a range of restaurants and bars, offering everything from modern Australian cuisine to Asian fusion dishes. Peel Street is a great destination for foodies looking to explore Adelaide’s vibrant dining scene.
V. Art and Culture
A. Art Gallery of South Australia
The Art Gallery of South Australia is a must-visit destination for art lovers. The gallery features a range of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs, from Australian and international artists. The gallery also hosts a range of exhibitions and events throughout the year, making it a great destination for visitors of all ages.
B. South Australian Museum
The South Australian Museum is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in natural history and cultural heritage. The museum’s collection features over 4 million objects, including fossils, minerals, and artifacts from Aboriginal and Pacific Islander cultures. The museum also hosts a range of exhibitions and events throughout the year, making it a great destination for visitors of all ages.
C. Adelaide Festival Centre
In the centre of the city is a centre for culture called the Adelaide Festival Centre. The centre has a variety of performance venues, such as theatres and concert halls, and it hosts a variety of events and performances all year long in the performing arts, such as music, dance, and theatre. The centre is a great place to spend a night out because it also has a variety of bars and restaurants.
VI. Family-Friendly Places
A. Adelaide Zoo
The Adelaide Zoo is a must-visit destination for families. The zoo is home to over 2,500 animals from over 250 species, including pandas, lions, and giraffes. The zoo also offers a range of experiences, including animal encounters and behind-the-scenes tours, making it a great destination for visitors of all ages.
B. Glenelg Beach
The beach at Glenelg is a favourite spot for tourists and families. The beach is a great place to spend the day because it has a variety of amenities like cafes, restaurants, and playgrounds. The historic Glenelg Tram, which runs from the city's centre to the beach, is another option for tourists.
C. Adelaide Himeji Garden
The Adelaide Himeji Garden is a Japanese-style garden located in the southern part of Adelaide’s city center. The garden features a range of traditional Japanese elements, including a koi pond, a teahouse, and a bamboo forest. The garden is a great destination for families looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
VII. Conclusion
Adelaide is a stunning city with something to offer everyone, including historical structures, stunning natural attractions, delicious food and drink, and a thriving arts and culture scene. Adelaide is unquestionably worthwhile a visit, regardless of whether you're travelling alone, with friends, family, or as a couple. We hope this article has given you the desire to explore the city and find all of its wonderful hidden gems.
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ayearoferewhon · 2 years
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...Shortly after we ran into the volunteer trail maintainers, we passed the 300 mile marker, (woohoo!) and fields of chia seeds. We dance-partied briefly at mile 300 and then hiked on, following the Deep Creek Canyon as it wound through the valleys and across the low lying desert hills. We trekked with a purpose, determined to make it to the famous hot springs on the trail before the heat of the day became unbearable. We had to take a couple breaks in the shade because I was overheating, and then finally reached the hiker oasis of Deep Creek Hot Springs.
Oh Deep Creek Hot Springs…where do I even begin? Not only was the area drop dead gorgeous with a clear cold river flowing through the canyon with hot waterfalls cascading and pooling over the cliffs surrounded by palm trees fanning in the wind, it was as a huge party place turned semi nudist colony turned spring break celebration. Sure enough, before we even got down to the water we saw things we couldn’t unsee… oh boy.
Naked older gentlemen strutted around the beaches with their big beer bellies out, facing strategically towards the younger crowd of women. We knew what we were getting into based on word of mouth and comments about the area on the navigation app we were using but it was still jarring coming out of the quiet desert to blasting techno music, partiers taking shots of fireball whiskey, naked people swimming and sunbathing and clusters of people onshore smoking weed and doing who knows what other drugs. One girl was staring at her hand like it was melting while a giant squirrel snatched her high friend’s lunch out of her backpack. It was like a weird version of Woodstock with mutant squirrels and naked people in the desert.
We had heard that the hot springs were home to large aggressive and very clever squirrels who would steal your food in a heartbeat even while you were sitting next to it. As soon as we found a shaded spot to sit down, we ran into a squirrel the size of a cat that was eating an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she had stolen from someone. We decided it was probably a good idea to hang our food bags up in a tree so that the squirrels wouldn’t get into them. Before we even hit the hot springs we saw our first naked people as clothing is optional at the hot springs, and this guy probably was one of those people that should have kept his clothes on…. We’ll just leave it at that. We did have to wade through several naked people suntanning to get to the river where there were more naked people swimming. It was difficult to figure out where to look because everywhere you thought it was safe to avert your eyes, someone surprised you. Stressful! 
Clear and refreshing Deep Creek ran 15-20 feet deep in places forming huge swimming holes next to the hot springs so you could heat up and cool off easily. The cool river water was filled with baby catfish, little trout and darters that kept trying to eat the dead skin off our feet which was simultaneously gross and hilarious. We swam around the refreshing river, dodging the naked people and heading towards the hot springs which were absolutely gorgeous. It looked like Disney World with waterfalls of hot water cascading down out of the mountains and filling teal blue rock pools. The springs progressively became hotter as you scrambled up the mountain. Palm fronds waved in the background and shade trees covered the soft sand beaches and rocks in coolness where hikers laid out.
As people partied on shore, we enjoyed floating in the hot springs regardless of all the craziness going on. There was a series of steaming pools and waterfalls that we relaxed in and as in most of the hot springs out west, you don’t want to stick your head under the water. Some of the hot springs are home to a legitimate brain-eating amoeba called naegleria fowleri which enters into humans through the nose, ears, mouth or eyes. Once you get the amoeba, you have something like seven days to live and there’s no cure. The whole “you’ll die in seven days” thing was a good reminder not to stick your head under the hot water!
Back in the hot springs, it sounded like spring break with music blaring on the beach, guys hitting on girls with their tops off and drunk partygoers yelling about fireball and tequila shots. If there was a version of the Pacific Crest Trail’s Spring Break, it was at Deep Creek Hot Springs, for sure. Shannon and I tried to stay clear of the party vibes and enjoyed the peacfeul paradise of the hot pools that were a ways away from the craziness. The crystalline dark blue and cold deep water with cliff jumping, the hot spring waterfalls pouring off the cliffs and the palm fronds hanging heavy in the breeze made for a serene hangout spot in the hot sun.
We swam a couple times with lots of sandy beaches and shade trees in between. Despite hangibg our food up, we caught some of the chubby squirrels trying to sneak into our packs and threw rocks and sticks at them. They just whistled loudly at us and ran over to some other unattended hiker packs to dig through those for goodies.
At one point unfortunately I had to go to the bathroom which was a little bit scary because the whole place was kind of trashed and there are so many gosh darn hikers partying everywhere that it was hard to find privacy. Pretty sure some guy saw me taking care of business behind the bushes and I had to dodge lots of places where hikers didn’t bury their waste or pack out toilet paper. Gross. Oh well.
We met one hiker who had been at the hot springs for three days already and was planning on resupplying at McDonald’s and the liquor store so he could stay another three. Nutso! We heard about a father and son who had come down to the springs and camped the night prior fashioning some homemade spears. They ended up spearing a couple of the enormously fat squirrels, field dressing the squirrels and roasting them over the fire pit. You never know what you’re gonna find at the hot springs, I guess! Naked people, brain-eating amoebas and squirrel spearing hikers seemed to abound here.
After splashing around for a few hours and fending off the squirrels from our backpacks, we decided it was probably time to leave as the party seemed like it was going to continue long into the night. We heard from our friend, Poppy, who had camped there, that “the Teletubby Techno” radio as he called it went all the way blasting into the night, ending at 3am, courtesy of some old dudes at the campground partying while on mushrooms. Gotta love it. We saw a lot of different body parts that we were not expecting to see that day and Shannon actually saw the biggest boobs he’s ever seen in his whole life by a girl who was in the hot springs above us. Like I said, you never know what you’re gonna see on the trail. Once the party vibe started to get old and we had cooled off a bit in the stream, we decided it was time to hike away from the drugs, the drinking, the partying and the general sausage fest of the Deep Creek area...
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sciencespies · 2 years
‘Extremely Rare’ Snowy Owl Sighting Transfixes a California Suburb
‘Extremely Rare’ Snowy Owl Sighting Transfixes a California Suburb
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What brought the owl to the city of Cypress, in Orange County, remains a mystery.
The forbidding frozen wilderness of the high Arctic tundra is the natural home of the snowy owl, a great predator perfectly adapted to hunting its primary food source, lemmings.
But sometime over the last few weeks, one snowy owl in particular made a surprise appearance in noticeably less harsh terrain — the shingled roofs and white chimneys of suburban Southern California.
What brought the owl to the city of Cypress, in Orange County, about 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles, remains a mystery and the subject of impassioned debate among the scores of bird watchers and curious neighbors who have come out to marvel at the bird.
Whatever the owl’s journey may have been, the sight of such an unusual raptor set among streets lined with palm trees has been “amazing,” said Nancy Caruso, a neighbor who has seen the owl.
“It’s like seeing Santa Claus on a beach,” said Ms. Caruso, a marine biologist. “Like that out of place, but cool.”
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San Francisco’s Empty Downtown: Tech workers are still at home. The $17 salad place is expanding into the suburbs. Today San Francisco has what is perhaps the most deserted major downtown in America.
Los Angeles’s New Mayor: Karen Bass was sworn in as the first female mayor of the nation’s second-largest city in a ceremony that celebrated her historic win but also underscored the obstacles ahead.
Neighbors have come to notice a pattern with the bird, which seems to take off around 5 p.m. before reappearing sometime later, like a commuter, to its suburban roost.
“I have been hanging out with him a couple of times a day, and I’m not a bird guy in any way, shape or form,” said Joshua Lindsay, a general contractor who lives nearby.
He said the “absolutely ginormous” owl had been “divebombed by hawks and robins” and “would look over at them, like, ‘Really? What the hell are you going to do?’”
Lori Arent, the assistant director of the Raptor Center at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota, said that snowy owls are known to migrate from northern Canada to the Midwestern and northeastern United States during the winter. Some have been spotted as far south as Texas, she said. (In January 2021, one visited Central Park, creating a frenzy among urban birders.)
But it was “extremely rare” to find one as far south and west as Southern California, Ms. Arent said.
She said it was possible that the owl may have simply flown thousands of miles to Orange County. Or it may have “hitched a ride” on a ship, she said, maybe from somewhere along the Canadian coast, like the port of Vancouver, or Alaska. Others have speculated that the bird may have been kept as an exotic pet and escaped.
“It will be interesting to see how long this bird stays,” Ms. Arent said. “The question will be: Will this bird be able to find enough food to eat?”
She said snowy owls that fly south often prefer flat, open terrain such as airports where they can more easily hunt small prey. That could make Cypress an appealing destination: The Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos, a National Guard facility with an airfield, is only a few miles away as the owl flies.
Bird-watchers and photographers on the lookout for the snowy owl.Mark Rightmire/The Orange County Register.
When the owl returns, joy fills the neighborhood.
“The most exciting thing for me is that the public is reacting so positively,” said Victor Leipzig, who teaches birding at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, Calif., and is a past president of the local chapter of the Audubon Society.
“I was there on Tuesday of this week, and there were people from the local neighborhood who were just thrilled and people who had driven from a hundred miles away to see the bird,” he said.
Scott Thomas, the raptor research chairman at the local Audubon chapter, said the owl had recently been spotted coughing up a pellet of bones and fur, a sign that it had found a small animal to eat.
But there are dangers in the area, such as cars, rodenticide and airplanes landing at the military base. At some point, he said, the most popular raptor in Cypress may simply move on, headed north to the Arctic.
“The thing I can say for sure is people are going to continue to watch it — a lot,” Mr. Thomas said. “And one day it will disappear, just fly off.”
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