#Westley Allan Dodd
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Westley Allan Dodd in 1989.
Lessons of the Gruesome Case Behind One of America's Last Legal Executions by Hanging
The Diary of a Pedophile
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd “I finally said, "The winner has to pull his pants down." 僕はついに(最終的に)、"優勝者はパンツを下ろさなければならない "と言ったんだ。”
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
61) WHEN: May, 1986 WHERE: Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Richland, W. Richland, Benton City) AGE: 24 VICTIMS: Five boys, 7-11 years old. I had been doing pretty good until I moved to Lewiston — molesting constantly — probably never went more than three or four months without a victim — (in the winter when I couldn't find victims) but N— and then M— had seen me through two winters and I managed to find victims in the winter while in the Navy. I always found a child or already had one available to me when I really "needed" to molest. Then when I got to Lewiston, I was lucky to find H— and V— who had kept me happy for another year. I last molested H— in March of 1984. The next child I was able to molest came along in August of 1985. That was a seventeen-month dry spell in which 1 tried unsuccessfully to find a new victim, hopefully one I could molest repeatedly, but a "one-time stand" would also do. Then I moved to Kennewick. By the spring of 1986, I'd had no new victims since O— nine months earlier. That was too long — I was NOT going to go another 17 month dry spell! I had had it TOO easy, TOO long. The last few years I had been able to repeatedly molest the same kids, and even in the Navy I didn't have to look very hard to find PLENTY of "one-time victims." But now I was going to have to go back to the old time-consuming searches for victims that I had used between my M— and my Navy days. I lived in Kennewick — so, I would commit no crimes there. I began driving to the river park in Richland and the school at Benton City where I'd been successful years earlier. I also kept an eye on the river at W. Richland where I had gone rafting with the one boy and another three had caught me skinny dipping. I watched places where 1 had found kids before. Then things started happening fast.
61) 時期:1986年5月 場所:トライシティー(ケネウィック、リッチランド、W.リッチランド、ベントンシティ)年齢:24歳  被害者: 7歳から11歳の5人の少年。
僕はルイストンに移るまでかなりうまくいっていた。絶えず痴漢行為をしていて、おそらく3、4カ月以上被害者がいないことはなかった(被害者を見つけられなかった冬に)。しかしN-とM-が僕を2回冬を乗り切らせてくれて、僕は海軍にいる間は冬でも何とか被害者を見つけることができたんだ。僕はいつも、本当に痴漢する「必要がある」ときには、子供を見つけるか、すでに子供を用意していたんだ。そしてルイストンに着いたとき、僕は幸運にもH-とV-を見つけ、もう一年僕を満足させてくれた。僕が最後にHに痴漢したのは1984年の3月だった。僕が次に痴漢できたのは、1985年の8月だった。僕は17ヶ月間、新しい被害者を見つけようとしたが失敗した。できれば何度も痴漢できるような、しかし "一度きりの我慢 "でもできるような被害者を。 (新しい犠牲者を見つけようとしてもうまくいかなかった。できれば何度も痴漢ができるような、しかし「一度だけの関係」でもいいような、そんな犠牲者を。) それから僕はケネウィックに引っ越した。1986年の春になると、僕は9ヶ月前にO-にして以来、新しい犠牲者が出なかった。僕はもう17ヵ月も空白の時間を過ごすつもりはなかったんだ。僕はあまりにも長い間、楽をしてきた。ここ数年、僕は同じ子供たちに繰り返し性的虐待を加えることができたし、海軍でも「一度だけの被害者」を探すのにそれほど苦労はしなかったんだ。でもこれからは、M-から海軍時代にかけて使っていた、時間のかかる昔の被害者探しに戻らなければならない。僕はケネウィックに住んでいるから、そこで犯罪を犯すことはないだろう。僕はリッチランドのリバーパークや、何年か前に成功したベントンシティの学校へ車で行くようになった。僕と一緒にラフティングをした男の子や、スキニー・ディッピングをしているところを他の3人に見られた西リッチランドの川にも目を配った。僕は、以前1、子供を見つけたことのある場所を観察した。すると、事態は急展開を見せ始めた。
61 A) In May of 1986,1 was in the park along the river in Richland. In the past I had found three groups of three boys. Now, once again, I found a group of three boys, nine to ten year olds. With only one victim in the last two years, two months (0— nine months earlier), I was in DESPERATE NEED of "young cock." I HAD to have it! When I came across these three boys and saw they were all good looking boys, I decided NOT to use my old approach of, "I want one of you to pull your pants down." I also knew I wasn't going to just suck one penis for a couple seconds then let them all go. NO — I WAS going to suck every one of those dicks for at least five minutes each. I quickly devised a plan, then approached the boys, said 'Hi' and asked if they'd like to play a game. They did. I explained it would be a game to see who was the most daring and trusting (if you will remember, I used a "trust game" on V— the first time I molested him. I hoped to have same luck now). 61 A) 1986年5月、1、リッチランドの川沿いの公園で。僕は過去に3人の少年からなるグループを3つ見つけたことがある。今度もまた、僕は9歳から10歳の少年3人のグループを見つけた。この2年間で被害者は1人、2ヶ月(0-9ヶ月前)、僕は "若いcock "を切望していた。僕はそれを手に入れなければならなかった!(どうしても欲しかったんだ!)この3人の少年を見たとき、みんな容姿端麗だったので、僕は「誰か一人のパンツを下ろしてくれ」という今までのやり方は使わないと決めたんだ。また、1本のペニスを数秒間しゃぶった後、全部を解放するつもりはないとも思っていた。僕は一人一人のディックに最低でも5分はしゃぶりつくつもりだった。僕はすぐに計画を立て、男の子たちに近づき、'Hi'と言い、ゲームをしないかと訊ねた。彼らはやった。僕は、誰が一番大胆で信頼できるかを競うゲームだと説明した(憶えているかな、僕が初めてVに痴漢行為をしたとき、「信頼ゲーム」を使ったんだ。僕は二人を背中合わせに並べた。)
I lined them up with their backs to me saying that whoever let me go the farthest was the winner. I didn't tell them what the 'farthest' meant. From behind, I pulled up the first boy's shirt and he started to pull away. I said "Just trust me. I won't do anything you won't like." He let me pull up his shirt. I pulled it up just enough so it was out of the way of the waist of his pants. He wiggled a little as I reached around from behind and put my right hand on his stomach. I asked if he trusted me — he said yes. I slipped the fingertips of my hand under the waist of his pants and he pulled away. I said, "Just trust me and nothing will happen. You tell me when to stop and I'll stop. Whoever lets me go the farthest without stopping me is the winner." He turned his back and backed up to me again. I asked if I could use my left hand to pull his pants and underwear open just enough to get my other hand in —- he said I could. I reached into his pants with my left thumb and pulled out on the waistband of his underwear and pants, then started pushing my right hand down, settling my hand on his stomach then sliding it down his body as I stood behind, hoping peek in and see his genitals. He stopped me by the time my little finger reached the top of the band on his underwear — just the tips of my longer fingers were under but not past that waistband. The other two boys now knew what to expect and they held their shirts up out of my way. They both stopped me at about the same place the first boy did. I told them it was a "tie" — they were all willing to try again — each wanted to proved he was the bravest and most daring and TRUSTING (Great — maybe they'd each let me do everything 1 wanted to prove they were brave and daring!). The second time around I managed to look over their shoulders and get a quick glimpse of genitals on two of them, but still none let me get hand closer than an inch or so to his genitals. I told them it was another tie, and, "We'll have to try it again — come on, guys, who's the bravest?!" "We'll HAVE to try again," may have been a poor choice of words. One of them was getting suspicious and wanted to know what the winner got. He wouldn't accept "the winner proves he's the most daring and trusting," as an answer. I finally said, "The winner has to pull his pants down." 
They all took off running. (I had hoped they would each let me cup their genitals inside their pants, then I'd unsnap the pants of each boy, then unzip each boy's pants, pull back the flaps of each boy's pants hoping the SCORE would remain TIED and each one would let me do the next step. The pants would come down on each boy, the underwear and finally my open mouth would go slowly toward each boy's penis and if they were still playing the game, it would now be who would let me suck him the longest while all three stood there with pants down and who would pull his pants up first. But, THEY RAN!) I did not GET any young cock that day! I didn't get to suck, I didn't get to touch, all I got was a brief glimpse of two boys' genitals as I peeked over their shoulders and into their pants. It had been a good plan when you consider I only thought of it in the few seconds between finding the boy's and greeting them! If it had been only one boy and he had agreed to play my game to see how daring, brave and trusting he was, if he stopped me before my hand reached his genitals, I'd stop, ask "Do you want me to pull my hand out now?," and, regardless of his answer, since he is alone in an isolated area, I'd shove my hand down and cup his genitals before he knew what happened. Then, depending on whether or not he yelled or fought, keeping my right hand on his genitals, I would use my left hand to pull his pants down, then I'd turn him around and suck his penis. Whether or not he was submissive to having his dick sucked would determine if I tried to make him masturbate or suck me, or if I'd crotch-fuck him (if I was SURE no one else was in the area!). So, the day after those three ran from me, I went out looking for a boy by himself — I'd trick him with the game to get my arms around him from behind, then whether he wanted to "play" the rest of the "game" or not, if he didn't yell I would force him just as I did the little boy in incident #47 a few years earlier. (Even though 1 was considering force, I never once considered PHYSICALLY hurting a child).
僕は彼らを背中合わせに並べ、「僕を一番遠くまで行かせた人が勝ちだ」と言った。僕は「一番遠く」が何を意味するのかは教えなかった。僕は後ろから一人目の男の子のシャツを引っ張り上げると、彼は離れようとした。僕は「僕を信じろ。僕を信頼して、君が嫌がるようなことはしないよ」と言った。彼は僕にシャツを上げさせてくれた。僕は彼のパンツのウエストにかからない程度にシャツを上げた。僕が後ろから手を回し、右手を彼のお腹に当てると、彼は少し体をくねらせた。僕は彼が僕を信頼しているかどうか訊ねると、彼はイエスと答えた。僕は手の指先を彼のパンツのウエストの下に滑り込ませると、彼は手を離した。僕は言った。 「ただ僕を信じてくれれば、何も起こらない。僕を止めずに一番遠くまで行かせた人が勝者だよ。 」 彼は背中を向けて、再び僕に近寄ってきた。僕は左手で彼のパンツと下着を、もう片方の手が入るくらいに開いていいかと訊ねたところ、彼は「いいよ」と答えた。僕は左手の親指で彼のズボンに手を入れ、下着とパンツのウエストバンドを引っ張り出し、右手を押し下げ始めた、僕の手は彼のお腹に落ち着き、彼の体を滑らせた。 僕の小指が彼の下着のバンドの上部に到達した時点で、彼は僕を止めた - 僕の長い指の先端は、ちょうどそのウエストバンドの下にあったが、それを越えてはいなかった。他の二人の少年も何が起こるかわかっていて、僕の邪魔にならないようにシャツをたくし上げた。 二人とも、最初の男の子がしたのとほぼ同じ場所で僕を止めた。僕は「引き分け」だと告げた。彼らは皆、もう一度挑戦することを望んでいた。それぞれが、自分が最も勇敢で大胆で信頼していることを証明したかったんだ(素晴らしい。たぶん彼らは、自分が勇敢で大胆であることを証明するために、1、望むことを全て僕にやらせてくれるかもしれない!)。2回目に僕は彼らの肩越しになんとか2人の性器をちらっと見ることができたが、それでも誰も僕が彼の性器に1インチほども手を近づけることを許さなかった。 「また引き分けだよ」、「もう一回やり直さなければならない(やらなくちゃならない)、さあみんな、誰が一番勇敢なのか?!」
"もう一度やり直さなければならない "というのは、言葉の選択がまずかったかもしれない。一人が不審に思い、勝者が何を手に入れられるのか知りたがった。彼は、「優勝者は、自分が最も大胆で信頼できることを証明する」という答えを受け入れようとはしなかった。 (彼は「勝者が最も大胆で信頼できることを証明する」という答えを受け入れることはなかった。) 僕はついに(最終的に)、"優勝者はパンツを下ろさなければならない "と言ったんだ。
彼らは皆、走り出した。(僕は、彼らが僕にパンツの中の性器を触らせてくれることを期待していた。そして、それぞれの男の子のパンツのスナップを外し、それぞれの男の子のパンツのフラップを戻して、スコアが同点のまま、それぞれが僕に次のステップをやらせてくれることを期待していた。 もし彼らがまだゲームをしていたら、3人がパンツを下ろして立っている間、誰が一番長く僕にしゃぶらせてくれるか、誰が先に彼のパンツを上げるかを競うことになるんだ。しかし、彼らは走った!)   僕はその日、若いcockを手に入れることはできなかった。僕が得たのは、二人の男の子の肩越しにパンツを覗き込みながら、二人の男の子の性器をちょっと見ただけだった。僕がそれを思いついたのは、男の子を見つけてから挨拶するまでの数秒間だけだったと考えると、それは良い作戦だったんだ! もしそれが一人の男の子だけで、彼がどれだけ大胆で勇敢で信頼できるかを見るために僕のゲームに同意したなら、もし僕の手が彼の性器に届く前に彼が止めたら、僕は止まって「今手を引いて欲しい?」と訊ね、彼の答えに関わらず、彼は孤立した場所に一人でいるので、僕は手を押し下げて彼が何が起こったか分からないうちに彼の性器を杯(優勝杯)にするだろう(手に入れるだろう)。
そして、彼が叫んだり抵抗したりするかどうかによって、右手で彼の性器に触れたまま、左手で彼のズボンを引き下ろし、それから彼の向きを変えてペニスをしゃぶるんだ。彼がディックを吸われることに従順かどうかで、僕が彼にマスターベイションやsuck(しゃぶる)をさせようとするか、股間ファックをするか(その場に誰もいないことを確認した場合!)が決まるんだ。 だから、その3人が僕から逃げた翌日、僕は一人で男の子を探しに出かけた。僕は後ろから腕を回すゲームで彼をだまし、彼が残りの「ゲーム」をしたいかどうかに関わらず、彼が叫ばないなら、数年前の事件#47の少年にしたように、彼を強引に誘うことにしたんだ。(1、力ずくだったとしても、僕は一度も子供を物理的に傷つけようと考えたことはない)。
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federfleisch · 5 months
Since I'm talking about true crime on main now, here are my personal serial killer connections: One of Gary Ridgway's victims washed up on my grandmother's property. My mother grew up while fear of the Green River Killer was gripping Washington state and it's what got her interested in true crime. Even more disturbingly, Westley Allan Dodd tried to abduct my father. He still lives in Vancouver to this day but even all these years later he takes a round about route to avoid the park where Westley Allan Dodd killed his victims
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malhare-archive · 1 year
How was your dad targeted by a serial killer?
When my dad was a kid Westley Allan Dodd tried to lure him and a friend into an abandoned building by offering them money. Luckily my dad was smart enough not to fall for that. Big, big trigger warning if you look into this case by the way. The man was a real monster
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captmccoy · 2 years
They Got Westley Allan Dodd..
They Got Westley Allan Dodd..
This is Case Study 4 Melvin Purvis This is the birth chart of Melvin Purvis (October 24, 1903 – February 29, 1960). Purvis was a famous FBI agent. He was credited with the capture or killing of Baby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd and John Dillinger. The problem was J Edgar Hoover got a little jealous of all the press Purvis was getting. He resigned from the FBI in 1939 and practiced law. He…
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Westley Allan Dodd was arrested in a movie theatre after attempting to kidnap a 6 year old boy. The little boy kicked and screamed as he was carried out of the building, which alerted the attention of staff and Dodd was arrested at the scene. It later emerged that Dodd had already sexually assaulted and brutally murdered 3 young boys ranging from ages 4 to 11 during September and October 1989. Throughout court proceedings, both the prosecution and Dodd himself encouraged the death penalty. He constantly informed the court that, if he was not executed, he would try to escape and commit more murders. In January 1993, Dodd was executed by hanging and came to be the first American prisoner sent to the gallows since 1965.
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cemetery-john · 7 years
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Westley Allan Dodd began to show signs of sexual deviancy from an early age. He began exposing himself to neighbourhood children when he was 13. By the time he began attending high school, he had progressed to molesting his cousins, children he babysat and the children of his father’s girlfriend. Dodd was arrested multiple times but no serious action was taken against him, even when he attempted to abduct two young girls in 1981. Over the next several years, Dodd continued to molest children. This lead to his discharge from the navy and numerous arrests, always resulting in minimal punishment and short jail sentences.
Dodd’s sexual fantasies became progressively more violent, and on September 4, 1989, he lured two young brothers, Cole and William Neer, to a secluded area. There he tied them to a tree, performed sex acts on them and then stabbed them before fleeing. Cole died at the scene and William died as he was transported to hospital.
After this, Dodd made several unsuccessful attempts to lure children to their deaths until he encountered two brothers at a park in Portland, Oregon, 4-year-old Lee and 9-year-old Justin Iseli. After Justin went home, Dodd offered Lee a ride home, but instead took him to his apartment. He forced Lee to undress before tying him to his bed and repeatedly molesting him, taking pictures and keeping a record of the abuse in a diary. The following morning, Lee was strangled with a rope and hung inside a closet. Dodd disposed of the child’s body near Vancouver Lake and burnt his clothes, keeping his underwear as a souvenir. When a manhunt for the killer ensued following the discovery of Lee’s body, Dodd kept to himself, spending most of his time in his apartment, constructing a torture rack and writing about his plans to abduct more children. After attempting to flee, following a failed attempt to abduct a child from a theatre, Dodd’s car broke down and the boyfriend of the child managed to restrain him. The police were called and Dodd was arrested and confessed to all three murders. Incriminating evidence, such as pictures of Lee Iseli and details of the murders in his diary, were uncovered upon a search of Dodd’s room.
Westley Allan Dodd was sentenced to death in 1990, opting to be executed by hanging, “because that’s the way Lee Iseli died.” In all, he is thought to have abused as many as 175 children, mainly boys.
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The Disturbing Story Of Westley Allan Dodd - Westley Allan Dodd an American convicted serial killer and sex offender, was born on July 3, 1961, in Richland, Washington. He grew up in a "loveless" environment and was frequently overlooked by his parents in favor of his two younger siblings. He sexually assaulted and murdered three young boys in Vancouver.
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02nd · 3 years
photos of Westley Allan Dodd's room, serial child killer
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Roberta (William A. Seiter, 1935) Cast: Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Randolph Scott, Helen Westley, Claire Dodd, Victor Varconi, Luis Alberni, Ferdinand Munier, Torben Meyer, Adrian Rosley, Bodil Rosing. Screenplay: Jane Murfin, Sam Mintz, Allan Scott, Glenn Tryon, based on a play by Otto A. Harbach and a novel by Alice Duer Miller. Cinematography: Edward Cronjager. Art direction: Van Nest Polglase, Carroll Clark. Film editing: William Hamilton. Music: Jerome Kern, Max Steiner. If Roberta is less well-known than most of the Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers movies, it's partly because it was out of circulation for a long time after 1945, when MGM bought up the rights to the film and the Broadway musical on which it was based, planning to remake it in Technicolor as a vehicle for Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra. That plan fell through, and the actual remake, Lovely to Look At (Mervyn LeRoy, 1952) with Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel, Red Skelton, and Marge and Gower Champion, is nothing special. But MGM's hold on the property meant that, unlike the other Astaire-Rogers films, it didn't show up on television until the 1970s. But it was also a kind of throwback to the first of their movies, Flying Down to Rio (Thornton Freeland, 1933), in that they weren't the top-billed stars of Roberta, and their plot is secondary to that of the star, Irene Dunne, and her leading man, Randolph Scott. It doesn't matter much: What we remember from the film are the great Astaire-Rogers dance numbers, "I'll Be Hard to Handle," "I Won't Dance," and the reprises of "Lovely to Look At" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Scott's inability to sing resulted in the big number for his character in the Broadway version, "You're Devastating," being cut from the song score of the movie. "I Won't Dance" was brought in from another Jerome Kern musical, and Kern and Jimmy McHugh composed that fashion-show/beauty-pageant classic "Lovely to Look At," with lyrics by Dorothy Fields, for the film, earning Roberta its only Oscar nomination. Except when Astaire and Rogers are doing their magic, the film is a little draggy, and Dunne and Scott strike no sparks. Look for a blond Lucille Ball, draped in a feathery wrap, as one of the models in the fashion show.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
March 8, 1935
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Directed by William A. Seiter Produced by Pandro S. Berman Screenplay by Jane Murfin, Sam Mintz, and Allan Scott, based on the play Roberta by Jerome Kern and Otto A. Harbach, from the novel Gown’s by Roberta by Alice Duer Miller
Filmed at RKO Studios
World Premiere March 7, 1935 in New York City
Released wide on March 8, 1935
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Irene Dunne (Stephanie) was nominated for five Oscars between 1931 and 1949. In 1938 she appeared with Lucille Ball in Joy of Living. 
Fred Astaire (Huck Haines) received an honorary Oscar in 1950, and won a competitive Oscar in 1975. He appeared with Lucille Ball in Top Hat (1935), Follow the Fleet (1936) and Ziegfeld Follies (1945).  
Ginger Rogers (Countess Scharwenka / Lizzie Gatz) did five films with Lucille Ball. In 1971 she appeared as herself on the “Here's Lucy” episode “Ginger Rogers Comes to Tea” (HL S4;E11), filmed during an actors strike. 
Randolph Crane Scott (John Kent) also appeared with Lucile Ball, Astaire and Rogers in Follow The Fleet (1936). 
Helen Westley (Roberta, Aunt Minnie) also appeared with Lucille Ball in 1934′s Moulin Rouge. 
Victor Varconi (Ladislaw) was a Hungarian-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball. 
Claire Dodd (Sophie) was born the same year as Lucille Ball. This is their only film together. 
Luis Alberni (Voyda) was a Spanish-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Ferdinand Munier (Lord Delves) did six films with Lucille Ball between 1933 and 1936. 
Torben Meyer (Albert) was seen with Lucille Ball in The Farmer and the Dell (1936) and played the German Bandleader in “Lucy in the Swiss Alps” (S5;E21 ~ March 26, 1956).
Adrian Rosley (Professor) is a Romanian-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Bodil Rosing (Fernande) is a Danish-born actress making her only appearance with Lucille Ball.
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Fashion Models
Lucille Ball makes her 21st film since coming to Hollywood in 1933.
Virginia Carroll
Diane Cook
Lynne Carver
Lorraine DeSart
Betty Dumbries
Maxine Jennings
Myrna Low
Margaret McChrystal
Marie Osborne
Wanda Perry
Donna Mae Roberts 
Kay Sutton
Wabash Indianians 
Hal Borne
Halbert Brown
Candy Candido
William Carey
Phil Cuthbert
Delmond Davis
Ivan Dow
William R. Dunn 
Howard Lally
Muzzy Marcellino
Phil McLarind
Charles Sharpe
Gene Sheldon
Mike Tellegen 
Sam Savitsky 
Dale Van Sickel
Anna De Linsky
Judith Vosselli
Chris Marie Meeker 
Charlotte Russell
Zena Savina 
Mike Lally (Bar Patron)
Michael Visaroff (Waiter)
William B. Davidson (Purser)
Mary Forbes (Mrs. Teal)
Rita Gould 
Grace Hayle (Miss Jones, Reporter)
Jane Hamilton
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Synopsis ~  Football player John Kent tags along as Huck Haines and the Wabash Indianians travel to an engagement in Paris, only to lose the gig immediately. John and company visit his aunt, owner of a posh fashion house run by her assistant, Stephanie. There they meet the singer Scharwenka (alias Huck's old friend Lizzie), who gets the band a job. Meanwhile, Madame Roberta passes away and leaves the business to John and he goes into partnership with Stephanie.
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Lucille Ball, who appears uncredited in this film as a fashion model, would later buy RKO, the studio that made this film. At the height of their success during “I Love Lucy”, she and Desi Arnaz purchased it and renamed it Desilu Studios.
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Lucille Ball decided to try out for this film when she heard RKO was looking for girls who had worked as models at Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. She had not actually been employed by Bergdorf, but had participated in a fashion show a promoter had put on there, so she applied and got the job.
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The original 1933 Broadway production of Roberta featured Bob Hope and Fred MacMurray, both of whom played themselves on Lucille Ball sitcoms. Chorus member Leon Alton was a background artist on many episodes of “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy.”
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A 24 year-old Lucille Ball, decked out in white-blonde hair, white furs and wearing a white gown, appears at 1:37:30 in the fashion show sequence. Lucille Ball originally had dialogue that was later deleted.
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In the 1971 “Here's Lucy” episode “Ginger Rogers Comes to Tea” (HL S4;E11) Lucy adds a sugar cube to Ginger's tea for the title of each of her favorite films.   When Lucy realizes she’s put six lumps of sugar in Ginger’s tea, Rogers says she only wanted Top Hat and Roberta (two lumps).  
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Clips of the film were included in “Hollywood the Golden Years: The RKO Story: A Woman's Lot” (July 17, 1987). Lucille Ball is also interviewed in the episode. 
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Fashion Shows were the subject of several Lucille Ball sitcoms: Lucy Ricardo models a Don Loper original; Lucy Carmichael did an impromptu fashion show in a restaurant to get close to Danny Kaye; Lucy Carter did the same thing to help out her daughter Kim, who got her first job at a fashion boutique.
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Roberta earned Lucille Ball a promotion at RKO: from clothes horse to actress!  Little did Maxine Jennings (red head) know Lucille Ball would eventually steel her thunder as a carrot top! 
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Some theatre managers took the bold step of offering patrons a money-back guarantee! 
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forihavesinnedpod · 5 years
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Driven to kill
by King, Gary C
Westley Allan Dodd - Dr. Mike Aamodt
Excerpt From the Diary of a Homicidal Pedophile Describing How He Stalks His Victims
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Calculating Predator
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truecrimeguru · 6 years
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Westley Allan Dodd Letter and Envelope Set Both Signed
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