#What Happens Later
generating-pseudonym · 9 months
Thoughts on what happens after the Truman Show
He changes his name as soon as he knows that people can change names. Anything to distance himself from the show
At first, reporters and psychologists swarm him at every opportunity but he won't respond. He won't say anything to them. Until years and years later when he tells everyone what it was really like.
He's constantly surprised by things. How small and distant the moon looks. The strange nonchalance of an unscripted conversation. Food from different cultures. How the weather changes gradually instead of just switching on and off.
When he first saw CCTV cameras everywhere, he started to think it was all an elaborate trick until it was explained to him what they were actually for. Even so... sometimes he wonders.
Everyone knows his name which is extremely jarring
He lives with Sylvia and she tries to help integrate him into the real world. It's a difficult journey, but eventually he makes it.
He's astounded by the sheer depth of freedom he has. He can walk down that path he hasn't been down before. He can travel wherever he wants. The whole world is at his fingertips.
He becomes an explorer and tries his best to reach every part of the world. He's still scared of open water, but there's something about the sailing that comforts him, in a way. There's so much open, free space
Truman doesn't watch TV. He tried but it resulted in a very bad panic attack
Panic attacks are not that uncommon
Sometimes he has to check if the people he's talking to have earpieces or not just to reassure himself
There's so much music out there that isn't classical?!
He likes how everyone dresses differently to each other.
He finally gets to go to Fiji!
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Meg Ryan Dedicating Her New Movie To Nora 🙌
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emmaswanned · 7 months
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meg ryan & david duchovny in what happens later (2023; dir. meg ryan)
"on this extra-magical day, are you on a trip or on a journey?" "you gotta remind me of the difference again."
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David Duchovny: ‘Love can happen at any age, right?
The actor, 63, on The X Files, songwriting and snacking
Interview by Helen Cullen
Wednesday January 17 2024, 12.01am GMT, The Sunday Time
Duchovny was born in New York City. He studied English at Princeton University and Yale, before breaking into acting in the late 1980s, starting in TV adverts and working his way up. In 1993 he began playing the role of the FBI agent Fox Mulder in The X Files, which ran for nine years. He later played Hank Moody in Californication. He has also released three folk-rock albums and published five novels — last year he directed a film adaptation of one of these, Bucky F***ing Dent. Duchovny has two grown-up children from his former marriage to the actress Téa Leoni. He lives in California, with his girlfriend, Monique Pendleberry, and his two dogs, Brick and Rookie.
I like to get up at dawn because those are my best thinking and writing hours. I love the sunrise but it also means I can get some work done before the sun gets too much. That’s the best time of day for me. I have a coffee that makes me think I’m brilliant for ten minutes and that’s all I need to get going.
Food to me is just fuel and I don’t have very advanced taste buds. I think everything kind of tastes OK, which people react to with suspicion. For breakfast I like oatmeal — what my Scottish mother called porridge.
If I’m filming I still like an early start, but I shot my recent film What Happens Later, with Meg Ryan, all through the night because we filmed in a regional airport after it closed at 9pm. That’s a bit of a nightmare for me as a morning person, but we developed a great camaraderie from working while the world was asleep. My daughter, West, thought it was great to see a romantic comedy film with people my age, but I don’t think of myself as any age, so I hadn’t thought about that. Love can happen at any age, right?
Everybody wants me to have a hobby, but I’m blessed because I love my work. I’ve been able to branch out into music, writing and directing. With songwriting I can pick up the guitar at any time. If you wait for inspiration to hit, you’ll be sitting on your ass for ever.
I knock off for lunch about 12pm. That’s when I have the one big meal of the day that would be recognisable to other humans as a proper meal — vegetables and a protein such as fish. The rest of the time I snack.
In the afternoon I work out. I love the games I played when I was younger — boxing, tennis and basketball — but as I get older I tend to get hurt doing those, so I’ve found Pilates is best for me. It’s still super hard but the least dangerous.
I live in Malibu and the height of my fame has passed, so it’s not difficult for me to move around any more. It’s a different era now because everybody has a phone, so paparazzi are more a thing of the past. I tend to go to the same places where people are bored of seeing me.
There are always different reasons why fans might stop me — it could be still because of The X Files or Californication. I am very proud of The X Files. I can’t think of another show like it in terms of cultural impact and longevity. I just thought we were making good, goofy TV but Chris Carter, the creator and director, saw what was coming in terms of the culture of conspiracy theories. Gillian Anderson [his co-star] and I went from being unknown to globally recognised in a couple of years. We don’t get to see each other that much as she lives in London, but there’s no one else I can share that with.
West is an actor now too. It wasn’t something that I would have charted out for her because I know how difficult it is, even more so for a woman, but I want her to do something she’s passionate about. There are still dark corners in Hollywood but the pitfalls and dangers are much more upfront.
I do enjoy a party, but I’d rather spend time with friends in the evening. Because I like to get up so early, I go to bed early also. I feel electric light has really f***ed with our sense of mind and body, and that we were made to hide in the cave at night from predators and wake up with the sun, so I try to do that. Constitutionally, I feel like that works for me.
Words of wisdom
Best advice I was given
It doesn’t matter if people laugh; it matters if it feels funny to you
Advice I’d give
There’s no such thing as good advice — you have to come to it on your own
What I wish I’d known
Take a moment to appreciate what you’ve done before worrying about the next thing
What Happens Later is in cinemas now and available to stream in spring. The Reservoir by David Duchovny is out now (Akashic Books £19.95)
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mvlderfox · 22 days
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David Duchovny on The Kelly Clarkson Show
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wholesomemorbid · 10 months
Lately I've been drawing Romcom Heroines ~ <3
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itslucyhenley · 9 months
I watched Meg Ryan’s new movie What Happens Later and I just have mad respect that the absolute queen of rom-coms directed a movie where in the first five minutes one of the characters unplugs a digital sign with a generic ad flashing the words “rom-com” on it and the omniscient airport announcer sounds like 90s trailer voice man. So meta, loved it. I watched it like it was week 15 of a college course on rom-coms where we just watched every classic Meg Ryan performance and then the professor says, now let’s see what america’s sweetheart herself has to say about it all. And we think we’re going to watch a traditional rom-com, a comeback, a triumphant return to a familiar place if you will, but we’re actually watching an existential two-hander stage play about perception and aging and what it means to really be honest with someone else and with yourself. And the songs are familiar 90s songs but they sound wrong because they’re just oddly homogeneous sounding covers of the originals. And the whole thing takes place in this unnamed regional airport during a storm, a liminal space where the foreground and backgrounds are filled with blurry faces and legs walking by in the background until eventually there’s a scene later on where they’re just silhouettes. After the first 10 minutes of the movie the characters only talk to each other and the electronic voices of support kiosks and the omnipotent airport announcer and take phone calls that we can’t hear the other end of and we don’t see the phone screen telling us who is calling. They sit in restaurants with no waitstaff and bars with no bartenders. There’s no sense of direction either you don’t get any sense of the layout of the space they’re occupying and the aerial shot of the airport at various points during the movie looks sharp but the characters are almost always walking in circles. I don’t know man I was riveted, I was stroking my chin in deep thought, I just kept saying “interesting, interesting.”
edit: also I left the dvd menu screen on for like two hours after I finished watching the movie, it just kept playing this absolutely hypnotic 18 seconds of the score over a clip of them dancing in a hallway as seen from the outside looking in through falling snow and there’s a continuity error where David Duchovny’s white shirt alternates between being tucked in and untucked and I didn’t even care. During that actual scene they’re dancing to “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds which is the only not-a-cover song in the movie i think? And at one point Meg Ryan looks up and yells “louder” and the music gets a little louder and I’m sitting on the couch in my living room but I’m trying to figure out where I am actually because I thought I was gonna watch a trope-heavy romcom but I’m sat here typing out this stream-of-consciousness movie analysis on tumblr dotcom.
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amplifyme · 7 months
FYI: What Happens Later has landed on Paramount+. It takes some of the sting out of them removing Beauty and the Beast from their rotation, since I can now watch WHL to my heart's content. Until they pull that too. 🙄
Anywho... if you haven't seen this delightful Meg Ryan and David Duchovny collaboration and you have Paramount+, now's your chance.
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ennaih · 10 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
242. What Happens Later (2023)
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
This RomCom Hater Was Blown Away by What Happens Later
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Trailer wasn't my cup of tea; but hooray for David Duchovny and Meg Ryan.
Saw the horrific reviews: in-depth, agreeing with each other. Saw the good reviews: short, didn't do much to advocate for themselves.
Read @amplifyme's praise. Intrigued. Trust her taste. Hunted the movie down.
Adored it.
Despite the constant back-and-forth carrying the scenes forward, this movie is quiet, beautifully so. In spite of nonstop scene changes, conversations, roadblocks, steps forward (and backward and forward), and-- of course-- loud intercom tunes, it doesn't distract from the heart: two mature people easily reconnecting but slowly reopening with each other. The plot holds up and follows all the way through. Excellent acting (of course.) Drama perfectly balanced by characters who act like people rather than written lines on a page. The chaotic "to be continued" resolution amazingly pulled off. The dreaded romcom three-quarter act expertly aced. What Happens Later weaves in reconciliation and grief and healing more than the potentially awkward jitters and "whoopsies!" of seeing an old flame in a (poorly written) reunion; more importantly, it shows that the love between these two people was never gone, only that it had been buried in their denial and mutual inability to put all their cards on the table. Now they do, because now they can.
Speaking of which, this film did not merit the excoriation it got. And that's saying a lot; because, truthfully, I am extremely picky about storylines and characterization and execution of those elements. This was an easy positive; and it baffles me why others rated it so badly. Willa is not annoying and she and Bill do not lack chemistry and the man over the intercom is only mildly a "character" and is not directly addressed by either until more than halfway through act (and even then Intercom Voice doesn't interfere so much as guide the characters with literal signs for them to follow if they choose.) And, no, there isn't a reason to walk out of the theatre right after the 45 min. mark, no matter how many reviews say otherwise (and I'm not going to say they were bots, buuuuuuuuuuuuut they all wrote the same thing, kind of verbatim. Meanwhile, I waited with bated breath as 5 minutes turned into 10, 20, 30, 40, 45... 46, 47, 48; and was simultaneously pleased when nothing "happened" and angered at the injustice of those reviews.) What Happens Later doesn't follow current film trends but it isn't out of style; furthermore, it doesn't feel experimental (though it is)-- flowing along seamlessly from one shot to the next without drawing attention to itself. And it doesn't try to make a statement, prove a point, or be anything other than a top-rate romcom. So, all that's left is... wrong timing? Hollywood disillusionment? Or were the crowds, like me, drawn in by the trailer, expecting a different movie; and walked out when they didn't appreciate what they were seeing?
At any rate, this is up there. Way up there. Highly recommend it to anyone.
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oldfilmsflicker · 11 months
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Obviously, you made several films either directed by or written by Nora Ephron. Was there anything you learned from working with her that you brought to the two films that you've directed?
I mean, probably all of it. She just had such joy in creating them, and she loved being there so much. Those days would end, and you wouldn't want the day to end. You wouldn't want the movie to end. I'm pretty sure we all felt that way. We didn't want it to be over. So it was about the environment and keeping it like that. I once heard Hugh Grant say something about rom-coms being a balloon in a world of pins. And it's true, like you don't want it to be a world of pins. You want to keep the balloons floating in that. And Nora was great at that, keeping it pin-free.
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television-overload · 8 months
I actually really liked What Happens Later 🥹 I love me some cozy, quiet, talking things out vibes, and it was a really unique way to get to know the characters.
The dancing scene 🥹🥹🥹
OK but I wanted a follow up to the ending, that's my only gripe. Gimme the happy endinggg
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dgct2 · 1 year
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David Duchovny and Meg Ryan in What Happens Later (2023)
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New crafty project : I'm gonna create a page for each DD's characters on movies / series (maybe not the early ones ;-)
2. William
And a 2nd version because why not !
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mvlderfox · 4 months
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forwritingisdreaming · 5 months
I really enjoyed What Happens Later. Watched it on a plane, and I'm thinking about re-watching it with the normal sound.
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