#What Level Is A Reiki Master
therainbowmiracle · 3 months
The Rainbow Miracle: Using Money to Transform Your Life Reiki Grand Master
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See how the potent practice of money reiki from The Rainbow Miracle's Money Reiki Grand Master in India can improve your financial well-being. Unlock wealth and success right now!
Know More: https://theerainbowmiracle.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-rainbow-miracle-how-money-reiki.html
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dasenergi-diary · 5 months
Tonight I will be performing my first Reiki session since 2000. Once upon a time I was preparing to perform reiki as a career. I had all the tools I needed, pamphlets made, a web page, the credit card machine, etc. And then Covid happened.
As I am diving back into my notes from 2020 I came across the below. It explains what reiki is and how one of my sessions usually works.
Dave (Das Energi) been a practicing Buddhist, meditating regularly for over 15 years. He has identified as a healer since high school when he would give massages for fun to friends and family. Through his hugs and touch, Dave transmutes negative energy into positive.
Dave had his Kundalini Awakening experience in 2014. Since then he has connected to his global soul family including shamans, witches, healers, and the divine. He is a beacon of light and love, guiding others on their spiritual path. He is a Kundalini Reiki Master and also a Level II Usui Reiki Practitioner.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a combination of two Japanese kanji characters: "Rei" meaning universal spirit and "Ki" meaning life force energy.  During a Reiki session, the Reiki practitioner connects with the universal energy source and places their hands on or above the recipient with the intention to encourage emotional, physical, or spiritual well-being.
Reiki is not a massage but rather a healing technique of "laying hands" which has been used for thousands of years across several cultures and continents. Most people find Reiki to be relaxing, however sensitivity to energy differs from person to person.
No two Reiki sessions are exactly alike. A session will begin by discussing the recipient’s intentions for receiving Reiki and if they are experiencing any discomfort either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. This information will be helpful in guiding the practitioner during the healing.
The recipient and the practitioner will then ground their energies with the Earth, and breathe together so that their energies are in sync and harmonized.
The recipient will then lay down, fully clothed, on a massage table and be encouraged to close their eyes and meditate or notice any bodily sensations that may arise during the session. The Reiki practitioner will then conduct a body scan, feeling if any of the recipient’s chakras are out of alignment or an auric cleansing needs to be done.
The Reiki practitioner will lay their hands on the recipient’s body and follow their intuition laying their hands on several bodily locations. It is important to note that Reiki energy will flow to other parts of the body. For example, if the Reiki practitioner lays hands on the recipient’s feet, the energy may travel to the recipient’s lower-back, or if hands are laid on the stomach, the energy may travel to the neck. The Reiki energy knows where it needs to go, even if neither the recipient nor the practitioner is aware.
During the final moments, the Reiki session will be closed with a brief sound bath. The practitioner will then seal the energy field and ground the recipient back to the Earth with breathwork again.
Everything is energy. The physical body is electrical and so are our thoughts and brain functions. Our thoughts form energy patterns and create emotions that affect our aura/electrical field. Our energy field interacts and influences everything around us including other humans, plants, and animals; even the food we eat is affected by the energy of the person preparing it. We are surrounded by energetic fields and it is common for people to unconsciously draw on the energy of others around them, affecting their emotions and vitality.
When there is an imbalance in the body, it is stuck energy. Energy must always move, and when it cannot, it will find the weakest part of the physical body where it will manifest itself into some type of challenge.
Reiki allows the universal life force to flow through us so that a heart-mind alignment can occur, releasing lower energy vibrations like fear, worry, anxiety, stress, anger, and disappointment. It brings balance to emotions, thoughts, biological processes, energy centers, and helps to reduce pain, inflammation, and stress within the body. 
For Reiki to do the best work you will also need to be a participant in the healing process. You must be open to the healing energy to flow within you. The Reiki practitioner is only a facilitator of healing, and it is the positive intentions of the recipient that affects the outcome most dramatically.
Everything in the universe is made of energy, therefore Reiki can be performed on everything in the universe. Most people use Reiki to clear their own energetic blockages, but it can also be used on our beloved pets when they need a boost of positive energy or as an alternative to using sage to clear our homes of negative energy (ideal for those sensitive to smoke or smells).
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jacobnordby · 3 months
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'Spiritual’ Red Flags to watch out for (AND THEIR MEANINGS):
1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I'm a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: 'Inner Goddess Within' workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can't pronounce (though his driver's license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos...right?
11. A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked buttcheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15; Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honour it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phone bullshit, because it’s all perspective man...
(Author Unknown)
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creature-wizard · 2 years
It happened to run into a post of yours about the 5D ascension symptoms and no I'm not here to support that, but I have to say that it is actually possible for certain symptoms to be related to etheric, energetic, metaphysical changes. I had a 1st level reiki attunement, nothing happened during the attunement to me but after a day or 2 I have to say I felt a bit odd, as if I had a cold , but I was actually fully capable of doing everyday tasks , no runny nose, fever , coughing nothing. Everything stopped out of a sudden same as it started.
It's unlikely for every individual on the planet to feel any " symptom" because your , whatever you want to call it, energy body , etheric, astral whether body , needs a big and huge amount of energy to change in some way. I don't believe in these " downloads " and I find this beliefs harmful because someone can dismiss important health issues by thinking they are evolving spiritualy ( but they didn't do anythingat all ), yet I believe your energy, if affected in a positive way can create some " new sensations " in the body.
You can go on and disagree with me or hate me for supporting something that resembles new age beliefs. I know what happened to me, the reiki master assured me I'm ok, and I even went to the doctor, had a covid test only to be told I'm paranoid because absolutely everything is fine with me.
Okay, so.
First of all, there is no way to be sure of whether your symptoms had anything to do with your reiki attunement a couple of days prior. Correlation is not causation. Without proper control and monitoring, there's no way of knowing whether it was the reiki attunement, or whether it was something else - perhaps a mild delayed allergic reaction to something like incense or hand lotion, for example.
Secondly, there is no evidence that spiritual energy actually exists in the particular ways New Agers tend to describe it. It's one thing use words like "energy" or "vibe" in a kind of non-literal sense while also acknowledging that you genuinely don't actually know for sure the nature of what you're working with. It's another thing to insist they are literally electromagnetic energies without doing anything to scientifically demonstrate this.
Third, you say that New Agers who think they're "downloading" DNA upgrades aren't actually doing anything, but this isn't always true. Yes, there are the ones who believe that they don't have anything because solar flares or Schumann resonances or whatever will automatically "upgrade" them, but many New Agers practice meditation and "connecting to source energy." In New Age beliefs, source energy is basically the highest and most powerful form of energy there is. The thing here is, people have been "connecting to source energy" for years and experiencing these so-called "ascension symptoms," but not a single person has ever ascended to 5D.
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theawakenedstate · 1 year
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You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction. It’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Chakras are MORE than color therapy
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system. I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
I distinctly remember when i received the download for this – partly because i RARELY see anyone teach it like this. Most teachings are focusing on surface level techniques that BARELY scratch the surface with the deep seeded internal emotional healing work that can produce such profound emotional fulfillment when you use the chakra system correctly. 
This is part of the reason why I choose Chakra Healing over Reiki.
do not get me wrong here, I personally LOVE both systems but honestly, they are wildly different.
I use them for different things and I find that it’s important to understand WHY they are so different so you can also see the benefit of both. 
It really puts a Name and A Label on what is happening to you
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
I totally understand! This is why I continuously come back to the chakras. They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening. it also helped produce so much emotional healing and helped me rewire beliefs! 
If you’ve ever been curious on how they are different
you gotta take the time to watch this week’s episode!  Watch on Youtube & subscribe for more videos Every week: 
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, hit that bell for instant notifications and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!
BTW – We are like so close to 1k sub, If we get to 1,000 subscribers this month – I am TOTALLY doing a giveaway 😉 just sayin’  😉
p.s. Want to heal your Chakras to improve your Emotional Health, get confidence in energy work and embrace more soul purpose? Check out my Latest FREE training: the Chakra detox Masterclass!
Learn My 3 Step Framework To Detox Your Chakras With The Mind-Body Connection For Amazing Health, Radical Awareness, And Learn To Manifest With The Chakra System: Sign up and save your seat below! https://www.theawakenedstate.net/freechakramasterclass/
Why I Choose Chakra Healing Over Reiki
You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in […]
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outpost51 · 1 year
turning your own prompt back!! yes i copypastad sue me i'm on mobile:
You’ve given your characters the dreaded IKEA divorcemaker: the LIATORP TV storage combination. Obviously, this is no two-man job; no, with its 30+ page instruction manual, we’ve got all hands on deck for this one!
Tossing the instructions aside and diving straight in
Actually reading the instructions and making sure they have all the parts and tools
Gets the “most important job”: holding the hammer until it’s needed and not touching ANYTHING ELSE OH MY GOD
Providing snacks, drinks, moral support, and has a therapist on speed dial
Just here to take directions
Already has the bookshelf built, was this supposed to be hard?
you know what i told you i owed you cassi bros. content so here's your cassi bros. (and pops) content
Tossing the instructions aside and diving straight in
marius. just, marius. you KNOW he's not about to be told what to do by some fuckin paper. he was an officer of the turian army for fucks sake he can build a goddamn-- ah fuck, what screw goes here?
Actually reading the instructions and making sure they have all the parts and tools
teebs. he's known his dad the longest, he remembers the fiasco that was trying to put together his brothers' bassinets, and besides, his big ass hands ain't too good with those tiny washers. he can wield a knife like a master chef, but don't ask him to hold anything smaller than that.
Gets the “most important job”: holding the hammer until it’s needed and not touching ANYTHING ELSE OH MY GOD
teker!! good boy!! smart!! holding that hammer SO great wow!! do NOT touch this fucking shelf if you want to keep your crest, teker cassi.
Providing snacks, drinks, moral support, and has a therapist on speed dial
cnaeso is and has always been the level-headed one, he knows a lady that does reiki housecalls and his wife made snacks!
Just here to take directions
seius -- not a brother, technically, but his husband is helping, so he wants to help too!! he's never built a damn thing in his life, though; painted, yes, built, absolutely not. just point where you need him!
Already has the bookshelf built, was this supposed to be hard?
hericus. he's already moving on to the second bookshelf while his brothers scuffle in the background. pudge is an excellent holder of the screwdriver!! teker is allowed to give the hammer to pudge. "but i built my wife's trellis!!" he protests, and while this is true, he built it out of spite for beata's fucking hoa regulations. this is a tv storage combination for the family room. give the hammer to pudge.
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reachlovenheal · 1 year
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Crystal Healing Therapist In Pune
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a practice that involves using crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and well-being. This ancient practice has been used for centuries in various cultures and is still popular today. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of crystal healing and how it can promote overall wellness.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is a form of alternative therapy that uses crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and energy flow. It is based on the belief that each crystal has its own unique properties and energy that can be used to balance the body, mind, and spirit. Crystals are placed on or around the body, and their energy is believed to interact with the body’s energy field, promoting healing and well-being.
Benefits of Crystal Healing
Crystal healing has been used to treat a wide range of conditions and promote overall wellness. Some of the benefits of crystal healing include:
Stress Relief: Crystals such as amethyst and rose quartz are known for their calming and soothing properties, making them excellent tools for stress relief.
Pain Relief: Crystals such as clear quartz and tourmaline are believed to have pain-relieving properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as headaches, migraines, and arthritis.
Improved Sleep: Crystals such as moonstone and selenite are believed to promote restful sleep and help with insomnia.
Increased Energy: Crystals such as citrine and carnelian are believed to have energizing properties, making them useful for boosting energy levels and promoting motivation.
Emotional Healing: Crystals such as rose quartz and lapis lazuli are believed to have emotional healing properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and grief.
How to Use Crystals for Healing
There are several ways to use crystals for healing. Some common methods include:
Wearing Crystals: Crystals can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or purse for ongoing healing.
Placing Crystals on the Body: Crystals can be placed on specific areas of the body to target specific conditions.
Using Crystal Grids: Crystal grids involve placing several crystals in a specific pattern to amplify their healing properties.
Meditating with Crystals: Meditating with crystals can help to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.
Final Thoughts
Crystal healing is a fascinating practice that has been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and well-being. Whether you are looking to relieve stress, improve sleep, or treat a specific condition, crystals can be a valuable tool for achieving your health and wellness goals. With their unique properties and energy, crystals offer a natural and holistic approach to healing that can be used in conjunction with other therapies or on their own.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
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2023 Witchy Resolutions
In 2022:
I was consistent in doing a ritual for each quarter and cross-quarter, including a tarot spread and oracle card pull and journal entry for each.
I started doing some shadow work and gratitude journaling.
I settled more firmly on which pantheon and main deities I want to work with and have received signs back from them.
I started doing courses online and earned my Crystal Foundations Certification, along with completing several non-certification courses.
For 2023, I want to do the following to continue to build my practice:
Move up to at least one tarot reading per month;
Move up to a weekly oracle card pull;
Work on learning the Elder Futhark runes;
Work up to a half-hour Holding the Bowl ritual in honour of Sigyn (right now, I think I'm managing around 10 minutes);
Complete at least three of the following: Tarot Master Certification, Crystal Healer Practitioner Certification, Crystal Reader Certification, Chakra Crystal Certification, Crystal Astrology Certification, Professional Psychic Medium Certification, and/or Reiki Level 1, Level 2, & Master Certification
Complete the Pusheen Positivity Journal and/or the Gratitude Journal Prompts I've saved;
Do more consistent Shadow Work;
Read more of my witchy books cover-to-cover; and
Spend less money on crystals, herbs, candles, and incense, and use up more of what I already have.
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skye-yoga-blog · 2 years
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So many more add ons “” to the set up - You can sign up for any of my workshops and learn how and why I do what I do when doing any type of Energy Healing Session. The varieties are many the combinations are SPECIFICALLY chosen FOR YOU AMD CHOSEN by …….. ENERGY HEALING MODALITIES AND WORKSHOP DATES LISTED BELOW INTERESTED IN REIKI LEVEL 1-2 weekend getaway: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/reiki-level-1-2 ALREADY DID REIKI 1-2 and READY TO BECOME A MASTER AND ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES THAT COME WITH IT? : https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/reiki-3-reiki-masterteacher NOT INTERESTED IN REIKI BUT CURIOUS TO WORK WITH CELESTIAL BEINGS THEN This ANGEL LIGHT WORKER WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/angel-light-initiation ONLY INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH MOTHER EARTH AND ITS SACRED MINERAL KINGDOM THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU! All my experience my teachers and my students documented and shared for your LEARNING AND NEW PATH!: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/master-crystal-healer-certification-in-person https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=679772946009031&id=100019289952726 IN PERSON AND Distant Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing Fork Tuning, Vocal Toning Angel Healing, Karuna Reiki Pendulum Dowsing DISTANT OR IN PERSON! #DistantReikiMembershipsHere @houseofskyeyoga #bywaterreikihealer #bywaterReikiWorkshops #bywaterThaiMassage #nolahealer #houseofskyeyoga #soundhealing #forktuning #pendulumdowsingclearing with me.Adelaide #MsAdelaide #KarunaReikiWorkshopsHere #AngelLightWorker #AngelLightInitiationsHere #orboflifeinitiator #orboflife ##DeekshaGiver #reikimastershiptraining #ReikiTraining #CrystalHealerCourse #SoundHealer #TachyonHealer (at House Of Skye-Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjweyl-Obgz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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innerwisdomlight82 · 14 days
Spot a Bad Reiki Healer: Key Red Flags | Inner Wisdom Light
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Reiki healing is a powerful and gentle way to balance energy and promote well-being. However, not all practitioners provide the same level of care or authenticity. If you are considering Reiki sessions, it’s important to recognize the signs of a bad Reiki healer to ensure you get the best experience. Be mindful of these key warning signs to look out for:
1. Lack of Certification or Training
Reiki healers should be properly trained and certified at different levels (Level 1, 2, and Master).
If a practitioner cannot provide proof of their qualifications or training, it may be a cause for concern.
2. Unclear or Negative Energy
A good Reiki healer should make you feel calm, comfortable and at peace.
If you sense any negative or unclear energy during the session, or feel uneasy in their presence, trust your intuition.
3. Pushing Multiple Sessions Without Assessment
While many Reiki healers recommend a series of sessions, a genuine healer will tailor the number of sessions to your needs.
If a healer insists on booking many sessions upfront without evaluating your condition, it could be a sign they are more focused on profit than healing.
4. No Clear Explanation of the Process
A reputable Reiki healer should explain what Reiki is, how it works, and what you can expect during and after the session.
If they are vague, evasive, or refuse to answer your questions, this could be a red flag.
5. No Progress or Negative Effects
While healing takes time, you should feel some positive effects or at least more balanced energy after a few sessions.
If you feel no change or experience negative physical, emotional, or energetic responses consistently, it may indicate the healer is not effective.
6. Overcharging for Services
While prices can vary, an authentic Reiki healer offers fair and transparent pricing.
Overly high fees with no clear justification might suggest they’re more interested in your money than your healing.
7. Lack of Respect for Boundaries
A good Reiki healer respects your physical and emotional boundaries.
If you ever feel uncomfortable with their touch (if applicable) or with any other aspect of the session, it’s essential to speak up or stop the session.
8. Claims of Magical or Instant Healing
Reiki is a gentle, natural process and, while it can be powerful, it does not offer instant miracles. Be wary of anyone who promises instant or exaggerated results.
9. Unprofessional Behavior
Like any other professional service, Reiki practitioners should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor.
Tardiness, unclean environments, or dismissiveness can indicate a lack of care.
Conclusion: If you encounter any of these signs, it’s best to reconsider continuing sessions with that healer. Reiki should feel empowering and supportive, and your well-being should be the priority.
How Inner Wisdom Light can Help?
If you have any concerns or want to know more about finding the right Reiki healer, feel free to visit Inner Wisdom Light. Our expert Reiki practitioners are here to provide authentic, personalized healing experiences.
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cbsdigital · 14 days
Transform Your Life: Discover NLP Coaching with Nitin Rajput
India's Leading NLP Coach: Nitin Rajput (aka NLP Coach Nitin): In the realm of personal development and emotional mastery, Nitin Rajput, popularly known as NLP Coach Nitin, has emerged as a transformative force in India. His expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has helped countless individuals break free from limiting beliefs, achieve personal and professional success, and master their emotions. With years of experience and an unshakable commitment to positive change, Nitin Rajput has become a beacon of hope for those seeking to unlock their potential and take their lives to the next level.
Read More HERE
What is NLP and How Can It Transform Your Life?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. It focuses on the relationship between an individual's thoughts, language, and behavior, and how these can be modified to create lasting positive change. Whether you're struggling with emotional barriers, seeking professional success, or simply wanting to enhance your communication skills, NLP has the potential to transform every aspect of your life.
Nitin Rajput’s NLP sessions are uniquely designed to:
Reprogram Negative Thought Patterns: Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones to foster confidence, motivation, and clarity.
Enhance Emotional Intelligence: Learn to control your emotions, manage stress, and maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations.
Improve Communication Skills: Master the art of effective communication, both with yourself and others, enabling better relationships and professional success.
Achieve Personal and Professional Goals: Break through mental barriers and set actionable strategies to achieve the success you’ve always desired.
Why Nitin Rajput is India's Leading NLP Coach
Nitin Rajput has carved a niche for himself as India’s top NLP coach due to his ability to create lasting transformations in the lives of his clients. Here's why he is regarded as a top authority in NLP:
1. Expertise and Experience
Nitin Rajput brings a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in coaching individuals from all walks of life. His deep understanding of NLP techniques and their practical application sets him apart as a coach. Nitin’s clients range from corporate executives and entrepreneurs to individuals seeking personal growth, and all have benefited immensely from his tailored coaching sessions.
2. Personalized NLP Sessions
One of Nitin’s strongest assets is his personalized approach to NLP. He recognizes that each individual is unique, with different challenges and goals. His NLP sessions are specifically designed to address the unique needs of his clients, ensuring that they receive the most relevant tools and techniques for their transformation journey.
3. Proven Results
Over the years, NLP Coach Nitin has helped hundreds of individuals overcome emotional and mental hurdles, resulting in significant life improvements. His success stories range from clients who have conquered deep-seated fears and anxiety to those who have achieved breakthroughs in their careers and personal lives.
4. Holistic Approach
Nitin’s coaching goes beyond NLP. He integrates various holistic practices such as Reiki, angel healing, and switchwords to provide a well-rounded, transformative experience for his clients. This combination of methods ensures that clients not only experience mental clarity but also emotional and spiritual well-being.
5. A Mentor Who Cares
What truly sets Nitin Rajput apart is his genuine passion for helping others. His clients often commend his compassionate and empathetic approach, which makes them feel heard and supported throughout their journey. His ability to connect with people on a deeper level creates a safe space for clients to explore their challenges and work through them effectively.
Take Your Life to the Next Level with NLP Sessions by Nitin Rajput
Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to move forward in life? Do you feel like there is more potential within you waiting to be unlocked? Nitin Rajput's NLP sessions are your gateway to personal and professional transformation. Here’s what you can expect:
1. Breaking Limiting Beliefs
Nitin helps you identify and dismantle the negative thought patterns and beliefs that are holding you back. Through targeted NLP techniques, he guides you to reframe these beliefs and replace them with empowering alternatives that open up new possibilities.
2. Mastering Emotional Control
Emotional intelligence is a cornerstone of success. In Nitin’s sessions, you will learn how to master your emotions, reduce stress, and respond more effectively to challenges. Whether you struggle with anxiety, anger, or self-doubt, Nitin’s coaching will equip you with the tools to maintain emotional balance.
3. Achieving Clarity and Focus
Nitin’s NLP coaching will help you gain clarity on your goals and vision. You will learn how to focus your energy on what truly matters, set achievable goals, and stay motivated on your path to success.
4. Building Better Relationships
Nitin’s expertise in communication will enhance your relationships, both personally and professionally. You will learn to express yourself more effectively, listen with empathy, and resolve conflicts with ease, resulting in deeper and more meaningful connections with others.
5. Fast and Lasting Results
Unlike many traditional forms of therapy or coaching, NLP is known for delivering fast results. Nitin Rajput's NLP sessions are designed to bring about significant improvements in a relatively short period, allowing you to experience transformative changes quickly while ensuring long-lasting success.
Why You Should Choose Nitin Rajput for Your NLP Journey
Tailored Coaching Programs: Each session is personalized to suit your individual needs and challenges.
Holistic Transformation: Nitin’s approach integrates mind, body, and spirit for comprehensive personal development.
Trusted and Experienced: Nitin’s reputation as India’s leading NLP coach is backed by countless success stories and glowing client testimonials.
Supportive Environment: Experience a coaching relationship that’s built on trust, empathy, and genuine support for your growth.
Ready to Transform Your Life? Contact Nitin Rajput Today!
Take the first step towards a more fulfilled, successful, and empowered life with NLP Coach Nitin Rajput. Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal relationships, boost your career, or simply find inner peace, Nitin’s coaching will provide you with the tools to thrive.
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Join the growing community of individuals who have taken their lives to the next level with Nitin Rajput’s NLP coaching. Your transformation journey starts now!
Nitin Rajput aka NLP Coach Nitin is your guide to unlocking the potential within you. Whether it’s through personalized NLP sessions or his holistic coaching approach, Nitin is here to help you thrive in all areas of your life. Take the leap today and start your journey towards a brighter, more successful future
Introduction to NLP Coaching
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that explores the relationships among behavioral patterns, language, and the neurological processes. Founded in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP posits that by understanding these relationships, individuals can reprogram their thoughts and behaviors, leading to transformative personal growth. NLP coaching leverages this framework to facilitate self-discovery and improve performance in various aspects of life.
NLP coaching is designed to empower individuals to identify and understand their current thought processes. Through a variety of techniques, such as modeling successful behaviors, individuals can begin to recognize limiting beliefs that hinder their potential. By addressing these beliefs, NLP coaching helps in cultivating healthier perspectives and enhancing decision-making skills. With a focus on the conscious and subconscious mind, practitioners can guide their clients towards positive outcomes by altering entrenched mental habits.
The significance of NLP in personal development cannot be overstated. It offers tools to bridge the gap between where a person currently stands and where they aspire to be. This methodology emphasizes the idea that our thoughts shape our reality; hence, changing one's thoughts can lead to lasting change. NLP coaches work with clients to develop skills that enhance their emotional intelligence, communication abilities, and self-awareness, fostering a holistic approach to personal growth.
Through structured sessions, NLP coaching can instigate profound shifts in mindset, encouraging individuals to embrace change, overcome fears, and achieve their goals. By integrating techniques derived from NLP, clients often report a remarkable improvement in their overall well-being and fulfillment. Ultimately, NLP coaching serves as a powerful tool for anyone seeking to unlock their potential and live a more harmonious, purpose-driven life.
Meet Nitin Rajput: India’s Leading NLP Coach
Nitin Rajput is a distinguished figure in the realm of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching in India. With a robust educational background complemented by extensive training in NLP techniques, Nitin has established himself as a trusted mentor for individuals seeking personal and professional development. His journey into the world of NLP began out of a desire to empower others to reach their full potential and overcome obstacles in their lives.
Nitin's qualifications include certifications from renowned institutions that are pivotal in the NLP community. He has undergone comprehensive training that covers a spectrum of NLP methodologies and practices, equipping him with the necessary skills to facilitate transformative experiences for his clients. These credentials not only reflect his commitment to ongoing learning but also underscore his credibility as a leading NLP coach.
Throughout his career, Nitin has had the privilege of working with a diverse clientele, ranging from corporate professionals to individuals looking to make significant changes in their personal lives. His coaching sessions are designed to unlock the subconscious mind, enabling clients to dismantle limiting beliefs and adopt empowering thought patterns. Success stories from his clients abound, illustrating how they have significantly improved their relationships, developed emotional resilience, and gained clarity in their career paths.
In addition to individual coaching, Nitin conducts workshops and seminars that attract participants from various backgrounds. Through these engagements, he spreads awareness about the benefits of NLP, demonstrating how it can be an invaluable tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Nitin Rajput's innovative approaches continue to inspire countless individuals in India, making him a prominent figure in the field of NLP coaching.
Benefits of NLP Coaching
NLP coaching, particularly under the guidance of a skilled practitioner like Nitin Rajput, offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly transform an individual's life. One of the most profound advantages of NLP coaching is enhanced self-awareness. Through various techniques and methodologies utilized in NLP, clients can gain insights into their thought patterns, behaviors, and emotional triggers. This increased self-awareness is pivotal in understanding one’s reactions and making informed choices, paving the way for positive change.
Improved communication skills are another significant benefit associated with NLP coaching. Effective communication is essential in personal and professional relationships. By learning how to better articulate thoughts and feelings, individuals can foster stronger connections and enhance their persuasive capabilities. NLP training helps clients recognize and adapt their communication styles to resonate better with others, making interactions more impactful.
Moreover, NLP coaching empowers individuals to overcome limiting beliefs that often hinder personal growth. Many people unknowingly constrain themselves with negative self-talk or past experiences. Through NLP techniques, clients can reframe these beliefs, replacing them with affirmations that support their aspirations. This shift in mindset is crucial for achieving personal goals, whether they pertain to career advancement, relationship improvements, or overall well-being.
Another essential component of NLP coaching is the development of emotional intelligence. By understanding and managing their own emotions, as well as empathizing with others, clients can navigate social complexities more effectively. This enhancement in emotional intelligence improves conflict resolution skills, fosters resilience, and contributes to a more fulfilling life.
In conclusion, engaging in NLP coaching with Nitin Rajput can yield significant benefits, including enhanced self-awareness, refined communication skills, the ability to overcome limiting beliefs, goal achievement, and improved emotional intelligence, all of which lead to a more empowered and enriched life experience.
The NLP Coaching Process
NLP coaching, as delivered by Nitin Rajput, is structured to facilitate transformative personal development through a systematic approach. The coaching process begins with initial assessments, wherein the coach gathers essential information about the client's background, goals, and challenges. This assessment is pivotal, as it lays the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the client's needs and aspirations.
Once the assessment is complete, Nitin Rajput designs personalized coaching sessions tailored to the individual’s objectives. These sessions typically incorporate various Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques aimed at enhancing self-awareness and fostering positive change. Prominent methods utilized during these coaching sessions include anchoring, reframing, and modeling. Anchoring involves creating a stimulus-response link that helps clients access desired emotional states. Reframing, on the other hand, allows clients to view their experiences from different perspectives, fostering flexibility in thought and behavior. Lastly, modeling entails identifying effective behaviors and strategies from successful individuals, which clients can adopt to achieve their goals.
The structure of each coaching session is dynamic, with an emphasis on engaging and interactive dialogues. Clients are encouraged to explore their thoughts and emotions in a supportive environment, promoting deeper insight and self-reflection. Progress is carefully monitored, allowing for adjustments to the coaching approach as needed. This adaptability ensures that the coaching process remains effective and aligned with the client’s evolving needs.
Anticipated outcomes from the NLP coaching cycle include enhanced personal effectiveness, improved communication skills, and increased overall satisfaction with life. Clients often report greater clarity in their goals, improved emotional resilience, and the ability to implement actionable steps toward their desired futures. By the conclusion of the coaching process, many individuals find themselves equipped with lasting skills that promote ongoing success and personal growth.
Who Can Benefit from NLP Sessions?
NLP coaching, particularly under the guidance of experienced coaches like Nitin Rajput, presents numerous advantages for a diverse audience. Individuals from various backgrounds can gain significant insights and tools to enhance their personal and professional lives through NLP techniques. One of the most prominent groups that can benefit are students. As they navigate their education, students often encounter stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. By utilizing NLP strategies, they can develop effective study habits, improve focus, and boost their confidence, ultimately leading to better academic performance.
Professionals also stand to gain from NLP sessions. In the fast-paced corporate environment, challenges such as poor communication, lack of motivation, and workplace stress are prevalent. NLP coaching can equip professionals with practical methods to improve their communication skills, foster stronger team relationships, and enhance their problem-solving abilities. These skills not only contribute to personal career growth but also positively impact the overall working environment.
Entrepreneurs, who often face unique challenges while building and managing their businesses, can greatly benefit from NLP coaching as well. By harnessing the power of NLP, entrepreneurs can develop a robust mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate resilience. This transformative coaching can also enhance their decision-making and strategic planning skills, paving the way for more successful ventures.
Finally, NLP coaching is highly beneficial for individuals undergoing personal challenges, including those dealing with emotional issues or significant life transitions. Whether grappling with anxiety, relationship difficulties, or a desire for personal growth, NLP techniques can provide individuals with the tools needed to instigate meaningful change in their lives. Overall, regardless of one's background, NLP coaching with Nitin Rajput offers valuable resources for those seeking to enhance their life experiences.
Client Testimonials and Success Stories
Nitin Rajput's NLP coaching has had a profound impact on the lives of many individuals, showcasing the remarkable effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. One client, Maria, shared her journey of overcoming debilitating anxiety that had plagued her for years. Through tailored coaching sessions with Nitin, she learned to reframe her thought patterns and adopt positive responses to stressors. Maria reported a transformation not only in her mental well-being but also in her professional life, stating that she felt empowered to pursue new opportunities.
Another success story comes from David, who struggled with self-doubt and procrastination. After engaging in NLP coaching, he discovered practical techniques to enhance his productivity and build self-confidence. David's newfound ability to set realistic goals and take action led him to achieve a major promotion at work, an accomplishment he attributes directly to the skills imparted during his coaching sessions. Through regular practice of the NLP strategies, David now feels more capable of navigating challenges that arise in both his career and personal life.
Sarah, a mother of two, found herself overwhelmed and exhausted. She turned to Nitin’s coaching to regain control over her life. With the help of NLP techniques, Sarah learned to manage her time effectively and prioritize aspects of her life that brought her joy. This experience not only alleviated her stress but also rekindled her passion for creative pursuits, which she now integrates into her daily routine. Her story emphasizes the holistic benefits of Nitin's coaching, demonstrating that NLP can lead to both personal and familial enhancements.
Collectively, these testimonials exemplify how Nitin Rajput’s NLP coaching has transformed lives. Each individual's success story serves as a powerful reminder of the potential growth and positive change that can arise through focused coaching. These narratives speak to the genuine effectiveness of NLP, encouraging others to explore their own journey of transformation.
Frequently Asked Questions about NLP Coaching
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching has gained notable attention in recent years, leading many individuals to seek clarity on various aspects of the process. One common question is what clients can expect during NLP coaching sessions. Generally, these sessions are interactive and tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. A skilled NLP coach, such as Nitin Rajput, uses various techniques to help clients achieve their personal goals, improve communication skills, and change unwanted behavioral patterns. Sessions typically involve discussions, exercises, and practical strategies that empower clients to make meaningful changes.
Another frequent inquiry revolves around the duration of the NLP coaching process. While the length may vary depending on the individual���s objectives and circumstances, many clients can expect to see significant progress within a few sessions. Generally, a coaching relationship can span from a few weeks to several months. It is important for potential clients to maintain open communication with their coach to set realistic timelines and milestones throughout the journey.
Confidentiality is also a critical concern for individuals considering NLP coaching. Clients can rest assured that professional NLP coaches are committed to maintaining privacy and confidentiality about any discussions and personal information shared during coaching sessions. This trust is fundamental for creating a safe environment in which clients can freely express themselves and engage in deep personal exploration.
Lastly, many potential clients wonder if NLP coaching is suitable for everyone. While NLP techniques can benefit a wide range of individuals, including those seeking personal development or improved communication skills, it is essential for individuals to assess their readiness for this transformative process. Coaches typically provide initial consultations to help individuals determine if NLP coaching aligns with their goals and needs.
How to Get Started with Nitin Rajput’s NLP Coaching
Embarking on a transformative journey through NLP coaching with Nitin Rajput is a structured yet straightforward process. To get started, the first step is to book a consultation. Nitin offers an initial consultation to discuss individual needs, goals, and the NLP techniques that may be beneficial. This can be arranged via his official website or through a direct phone call. During this consultation, potential clients can gain insights into how NLP can specifically address their personal challenges and aspirations.
Regarding session formats, Nitin Rajput provides flexibility to accommodate various preferences. Coaching sessions are available in both in-person and online formats. In-person sessions are typically conducted at Nitin’s coaching center, where a conducive environment fosters personal growth and engagement. Alternatively, online sessions offer convenience and accessibility, allowing clients to receive coaching from the comfort of their own homes. This hybrid approach ensures that all individuals can participate, regardless of geographical constraints.
Pricing for Nitin Rajput’s NLP coaching sessions varies based on the duration and format chosen. Typically, clients can expect a range of packages, from single sessions to comprehensive programs that span several weeks. Detailed pricing information is accessible on his website, where potential clients can review package options and find one that aligns with their budget and needs. It is advisable to check the website periodically for any promotional offers or discounts that may be available.
Before enrolling, individuals are encouraged to reflect on their personal goals and any specific challenges they wish to address through NLP. This reflection ensures the coaching experience is tailored to individual aspirations and needs, providing a solid foundation for effective transformation.
Transforming one's life is a journey that requires commitment, guidance, and the right tools. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching, particularly under the expert guidance of Nitin Rajput, offers a powerful avenue for personal development. By understanding the intricate relationship between thought patterns, language, and behavior, individuals can unlock new pathways to success and fulfillment. Nitin Rajput's approach to NLP coaching emphasizes practical techniques that foster self-awareness, emotional resilience, and effective communication skills.
Engaging in NLP coaching can facilitate transformative change by helping clients identify limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that may have hindered their progress. Through targeted strategies, participants learn to reframe their perspectives, paving the way for enhanced creativity, motivation, and overall well-being. The coaching process is not merely about achieving set goals; it also focuses on building a robust mindset that cultivates ongoing personal growth. Thus, individuals emerge more equipped to handle life's challenges and leverage opportunities in various domains, including their careers and relationships.
Investing in NLP coaching is an investment in oneself. The long-lasting benefits of improved mental clarity, emotional intelligence, and effective decision-making are invaluable. Nitin Rajput’s professional insights and tailored coaching sessions empower clients to take charge of their narratives, driving them toward achieving personal aspirations with renewed vigor. Whether you are aiming to overcome specific obstacles or seeking general improvement in your quality of life, the skills acquired through NLP coaching can serve as a catalyst for enduring transformation.
As you contemplate the next steps in your personal development journey, consider embracing NLP coaching as a viable option. The potential for profound change is not only achievable but can also lead to a richer, more fulfilling life. Redirecting your path with Nitin Rajput can undoubtedly be a pivotal choice in your pursuit of success and happiness.
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therainbowmiracle · 1 year
The Rainbow Miracle - How Money Reiki Grand Master Can Change Your Life
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The Rainbow Miracle, it is a unique combination of money reiki and other energetic modalities, created by the famous money reiki grand master. https://bit.ly/45592kd
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ledenews · 1 month
Go with the Flow: Local Reiki Master Provides Mind/Body/Spirt Balance
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Just for today— I will not worry. I will not be angry. I will do my work honestly. I will give thanks for my many blessings I will be kind to my neighbor and all living things Honestly, I struggle with each of these things every single day. I’m a working mother and wife and, like many, I’ve often felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Layoffs, chronic illnesses, tragedies, and autism all presented major challenges. For many years, if my life did not go exactly as I desired, I WOULD worry, be angry, lose focus on work, and be bitter and resentful. An air of negativity and even hopelessness surrounded me. It was as if the universe was working against me. In reality, it was me who wasn’t working WITH the universe.  Lose a job? Worry about the income. Don’t think about the wonderful opportunity waiting around the corner. Don’t have faith that you are simply supposed to be somewhere else right now. Struggling with the kids? Just have a meltdown. Don’t see that this is an opportunity for self-growth, patience and even tough love. Home projects not going as planned? Stress out! Don’t reflect on the fact that your home is the dream of many. Like many, I turned to a higher power for answers. In my case, scripture. Now, I’ve always considered myself to be a very spiritual person, but after focusing my education NOT on what scripture can do for me but what scripture gives me AND what I am supposed to do with it, I realized that higher power was within ME all along. So, I started applying the above to my life each day. Little did I know they are the five spiritual principles of Reiki. My husband, Michael, had been researching Reiki extensively and enlightened me on the practice. And it just so happened a friend of mine in Martins Ferry is a Reiki Master. What is Reiki and Who Is Anissa Picard? Reiki is a Japanese word that means "Universal Life Force Energy." It is considered a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is also believed to promote healing. But in ancient times, many people around the world were using hands-on-healing or energy medicine.  It utilizes touch, but not always, in a way that allows the healing energy from the Reiki Masters into the individual receiving the energy. Anissa Picard was vacationing in Croatia in the late 1990s when she first learned about Reiki. After reading “Essential Reiki” by Diane Stein, she knew Reiki was her calling. She then began training with a Reiki Master in California and opened her first practice there in 2003. “I was a high school French teacher at that time, so I had a home office and just practiced Reiki on the side,” she said.  “In 2004, I was trained in Reiki 2 and in 2005 became a Reiki Master and began teaching students. Five years later, I moved to France to be married and so started my practice there, teaching and conducting healing sessions.” Now she practices out of her home in Martins Ferry. “I usually talk to my clients for 10-15 minutes or so, just to get a feel for their state of being and any issues occurring in their lives on a physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual level,” Picard said. “They then lie down on a massage table fully clothed; the lights are dimmed and soft music plays in the background. I gently place my hands above certain areas of the body for a few minutes at a time and the session normally lasts about an hour. When the session is finished, I allow them 10 minutes or so to wake up gently until they feel ready to get up from the table. We then discuss any concerns or issues that may have arisen during the session.” My Experience Picard trained Michael in Reiki, so, knowing what I was already trying to practice spiritually, I decided to try with him. Now, I’m not one who likes to sit, or lie, still. Doing that usually causes me to dwell on everything I could be doing while sitting. I’m always president of this, volunteering for that, teaching this, spearheading that. My mind doesn’t turn off. But I chose to focus on all the times in my life where I just wished I COULD rest and decided to allow myself to do just that. “Reiki is not an alternative treatment for medical issues but a complementary one as it helps support healing and the feeling of well-being,” Picard said. “I want to point out that the healer does not actually do any healing. It is the recipient of the Reiki that does their own healing while in a mental state of peace of mind.” I went into this seeking healing from physical ailments that had caused me a great deal of pain for about a year. My eyes closed, my back flat on the floor, and heels down, the warmth of the hands on my head awakened something within me, but I can’t describe it. I was able to turn off my mind and just focus on the warmth coming from someone else’s hands. I thought about how we use our hands to do so many good things each day; greeting someone else, giving a hug, saving lives. How the spirit drives these physical acts and how the person laying their hands on me was doing so because they wanted to help. During the session, I slowly realized just how out of tune my mind, spirit and body were. The mind was willing and creative, but also over-thinking and over-ambitious. It was also constantly worried about the physical. The spirit was bogged down and confused by the constant ramblings of the mind, and what once was a driving force within me was now a dying flame. The body was tired, broken, in pain, and sometimes physically unable to do what the mind and spirit told it. And that is where the healing began. I couldn’t heal my body without healing the mind and spirit. It wasn’t completely about someone laying hands on me and being fully healed. That was just the vessel. I had to WANT to be healed of everything causing me problems, problems I didn’t know I had until I allowed myself to lie still for a while and realize them. I had to full embrace the principles above, change my diet and lifestyle to include proper nutrition, sleep and exercise and ASK for healing and ALLOW myself to heal. By that I mean, be willing to do what is necessary to facilitate healing throughout my body. How many times do we pray and ask for something? Likewise, we must ask and allow ourselves to be healed. This started me on a journey of mindfulness. One where I’m truly mindful of my blessings, mindful of my choices and the effects they have on myself and the people around me, and mindful of the responsibility I have to maintain the balance I have received. And I’m just one of many.  “I once had a student who had very bad colitis,” Picard said. “Along with the permission of his parents, we proceeded to treat him with Reiki, alongside his traditional medicines. I gave him about six sessions and he noticed that his symptoms had subsided and later that year stopped altogether!” “I once had a lady who was deeply distressed from a serious family situation,” she added. “She was crying all of the time and could not eat or sleep. I gave her 5 Reiki sessions in a row and it literally healed her from her anxiety and depression!” Reiki Certification Like I previously stated, Picard also does Reiki certification, teaching three levels. The first level teaches a student what Reiki is, how it may be enhanced or depleted.,” Picard noted. “We learn about the main chakra energy centers of the body and I teach students how to keep those balanced so that they can better channel the Reiki energy to the client. We also learn about the Reiki Principles as well as basic hand positions for oneself and others, including animals. There are also certain meditations or breathing techniques that students learn.” “Reiki 2 is mainly leaning about distance healing and Reiki symbols,” she added. “We also learn new techniques to be able to concentrate Reiki in a certain area as well as how to use Reiki with cancer patients and hospice patients. In this level you also learn how to use Reiki to heal the past as well as the future. The Reiki Master level is normally a level in which the Master chooses a student. “In this level you learn various techniques in self-healing (i.e., shadow work, journaling, meditations) and everything you need to know to be able to conduct your own classes, as well as the business side of things. At this level there are also things that you learn that may not be revealed in this interview.” If you would like more information on how to receive Reiki sessions or certification from Picard, you can call or text her at 740-338-9152 or email her at [email protected]. Read the full article
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wanderlust-psifang · 1 month
Anonymity is great because I can be fairly personal without getting doxxed. Let's go!
The Magical Edition (Mundane Edition will follow, because I can and I like to overshare).
I have altars throughout my house for different gods and different purposes.
I have more Tarot decks than I need.
I am a bibliophile and get my fix from specialized publishers, the local bookstore, Amazon, and thrift stores. Anywhere books may be, so will I.
I practice magic just about daily. Lately I've been re-exploring the Necronomicon Spellbook, John C. Lilly's Programming the Human Biocomputer, and working with the DKMU egregors.
I feed at least weekly, if not two to three times a week. Not having a donor it's ambiently and it gets me enough to feel better but I also have to do it more often.
I am an agnostic, but lean towards panentheism. It translates as 'all in god' meaning the divine is both outside of our comprehension as well as an integral part of life, leading to an abstract deific understanding.
I have experienced high weirdness from UAP experiences to glitches in the matrix. There's no way we're alone in the universe, let alone this galaxy.
I am a pop-culture sorcerer, which I contain in what I call the Pop-Cult Urn, where ideas go to die and be reborn on the phoenix pages of fans.
I have been practicing Eastern Martial Arts and qigong most of my life. I learned from various instructors and masters which has informed my philosophical and practical application of my beliefs. Learning from books and videos is informative but an actual teacher that has been to the homeland is even better. Qigong is quite magical with the right instructor.
I am Attuned to Reiki Level 2.
My father taught me the basics of Choa Kok Sui's Pranic Healing, but I am not certified.
I am certified in Theta Healing DNA 2. Well, that was over a decade ago, so I'm not sure if it's still valid, but I learned under a direct student of Vianna Stibal, the founder.
I have been blessed with meeting Amma, the Hugging Saint, twice. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life. No matter what your beliefs are, I suggest meeting her. It was free at the time.
I met Teal Swan when I was super into her not-a-cult at a local talk and book release. She gave me a hug and it felt like electricity. Pretty sure she's a psi-vamp.
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digitalsanshta · 2 months
Unveiling the Power of Healing with Astrochecker: Your Guide to Finding the Best Healer
In today's fast-paced world, where stress and health issues often take center stage, the search for holistic healing solutions has never been more relevant. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, emotional distress, or simply aiming to enhance your overall well-being, finding the best healer can be a transformative journey. At Astrochecker, we understand the importance of holistic healing and are dedicated to connecting you with the finest healers to guide you on your path to wellness.
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Understanding Holistic Healing
Holistic healing is a comprehensive approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on treating symptoms, holistic healing aims to identify and treat the root causes of ailments. This approach encompasses a wide range of practices, including energy healing, Reiki, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and more. Each modality is designed to restore balance and harmony within the body, promoting natural healing processes.
The Role of a Healer
A healer is a practitioner who specializes in various forms of holistic healing. They possess the knowledge and skills to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. The best healers are not only proficient in their chosen modalities but also empathetic, compassionate, and dedicated to their clients' well-being. They create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can explore their healing journey.
Why Choose Astrochecker?
At Astrochecker, we take pride in being your trusted partner in the search for the best healer. Our platform is designed to simplify the process of finding qualified and reputable healers who meet your unique needs. Here's why Astrochecker stands out:
1. Comprehensive Directory
Our extensive directory features a wide range of healers specializing in different modalities. Whether you're looking for a Reiki master, a crystal healer, or a naturopathic doctor, Astrochecker has you covered. Our platform allows you to filter healers based on your specific requirements, ensuring you find the perfect match.
2. Verified Reviews
Choosing a healer is a deeply personal decision, and we understand the importance of trust. That's why Astrochecker provides verified reviews from real clients. These reviews offer valuable insights into the experiences of others, helping you make an informed choice. You can read about the successes and challenges faced by previous clients, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect.
3. Expert Guidance
Navigating the world of holistic healing can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to it. Astrochecker offers expert guidance to help you understand different healing modalities and their benefits. Our blog features informative articles, success stories, and tips on how to maximize your healing journey. With Astrochecker, you're never alone on your path to wellness.
4. Personalized Recommendations
We believe that healing is not one-size-fits-all. That's why Astrochecker offers personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences. By answering a few simple questions, you can receive tailored suggestions for healers who align with your goals. This ensures that you find a healer who resonates with you on a deeper level.
How to Find the Best Healer
Finding the best healer for your needs involves careful consideration and research. Here are some steps to guide you:
1. Identify Your Needs
Begin by identifying your specific needs and goals. Are you seeking relief from physical pain, emotional healing, or spiritual growth? Understanding your objectives will help you narrow down your options.
2. Research Modalities
Explore different healing modalities to determine which ones resonate with you. Each modality offers unique benefits, and understanding them will help you make an informed decision.
3. Read Reviews
Take advantage of Astrochecker's verified reviews to learn about the experiences of others. Pay attention to feedback related to your specific needs and concerns.
4. Consult with Healers
Reach out to potential healers for consultations. Many healers offer initial consultations to discuss your needs and explain their approach. This is a great opportunity to gauge their expertise and compatibility.
5. Trust Your Intuition
Ultimately, trust your intuition when choosing a healer. The best healer for you is someone who makes you feel comfortable, understood, and supported.
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theawakenedstate · 11 months
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There are a lot of trends going on with Energy healing work lately. You might even be asking yourself, How do I know which Energy Healing Tool is right for me?! Well you my friend, are in the right place. You may not know this but I am certified in reiki, I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  
There’s been a lot of hooplah in different modalities and trends around What works and what doesn’t.
BUT – I’d like to offer you a different perspective, There’s often different Energy Tools for Different Energy & Conscious Awareness Needs. Let me explain.
Let’s Go Over a Few Of them: 
If you’d prefer to Listen instead of Read, check out the In-depth Podcast Episode:
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Awaken & Manifest Your Best Life: A Spiritual Awakening Podcast
A Go-To Podcast for Authentic Advice on Spiritual Awakening, Energy Healing & Manifestation! Get your Weekly Soul Fuel and Kick your butt back into Alignment with Empowerment Mindset coach and Manifestation expert, Ashley Aliff from Theawakenedstate.net. Receive your weekly dose of Practical Spirituality, Energy Healing Tips, Mindset hacks, Mind-Body Wisdom, & Spiritual Awakening advice. Hit Subscribe & Join the Mind-Body Revolution so you can transcend to your next level. It’s time to Manifest your Best Life. Weekly Videos on YT: The Awakened State IG: @awakenedstate777 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theawakenedstate/support
#94. How to Know Which Energy Healing Tool is Right for You
byAshley Aliff | The Awakened State
Have you ever wondered or been curious about Energy Healing but don't even know where to get started? Maybe you're curious on Energy healing or want to practice but you're overwhelmed by all the latest trends out there. This episode Let's break it down so it's simple to know Which Energy healing tool is right for you!
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Spiritual Awakening Roadmap: Roadmap.theawakenedstate.net
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Check out the new book: Awaken Your Power to Manifest: a 30 day manifestation challenge on Amazon!
✧ Who is Ashley? ✧
Hey there! I'm Ash creator of ⁠theawakenedstate.net⁠ I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with. I specialize in emotional empowerment, mind-body energy work and manifestation. After having a spiritual awakening, my life has never been the same.  My Mission Help you own your power, transcend the b.s. and learn to empower yourself from the inside out so you can manifest A soul-aligned life of intentional living. I Also believe in removing fluffy concepts and making them practical AF #practicalspirituality
Original Music:  KTSG – Celestial (Sappheiros Remix) 
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theawakenedstate/support
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Human Design: Energy Awareness Tool
Human Design is causing a massive uprising in the Personal Development space along with the Spiritual Business environment. People are redesigning their careers/businesses, changing their productivity routines, dropping relationships and reinventing themselves all because they downloaded a new personality test from their birth chart 🙂 
Human design is a great Energy Tool to understand yourself and your Body’s rhythms. It can be a deconditioning tool but in my research, i have found this is where it gets a little lost in communication. It feels like playing with a neuro-puzzle: Looking up gene keys, decyphering gates, having to translate different body types of authority and it gets really really complicated unless you are a prof, it’s a lot more difficult to do the deconditioning experiment. If interested in human design I recommend shopping around and doing research to find a certified teacher. 
Best  Energy Tool For: Body Awareness, Knowing your Energy Type, Your Productivity and Workflows, Habit creation,  How your personal energy Operates, Managing your Menstrual cycle better and Understanding if you’re an defined sacral or undefined sacral helps your physical/mental health.  Human design chart I recommend: Mybodygraph
EFT: Clearing Tool
Emotional Freedom Technique is a great tool for Emotional Triggers or anyone who has suffered from trauma, depression or anxiety. It’s a clearing tool that focuses on certain energy meridians in the body. Personally, I don’t use EFT that often because I find it’s only good for releasing work not repatterning, but if it works for you, that’s great! Keep doing it! 
Energy Tool: Best for Clearing Work and Releasing Triggers or limited beliefs from the body 
Breathwork: Self-Regulation Tool
Breathwork is a great tool for Body Regulation and self-regulation of one’s nervous system. It helps with regulating blood flow and oxygen to one’s brain along with getting us out of the fight/flight response. There are numerous forms of Breathwork ranging from Yogic breathwork such as pranayama or breathe of fire with kundalini yoga. Then there are newer practices that focus on extended breathwork for trauma release or deep-seated wounds. there are tons of different forms of breathwork. 
I am personally more prone to traditional yogi styles, as I’ve already done a lot of self-healing and coaching. I find some breathwork practices to be a little bit extreme and not remotely necessary for clearing work.  It’s best to find the practice that serves you. 
Energy Tool: Self-Regulation, Relaxation, recalibrating energy field and if doing extended breathwork workshops: releasing stored trauma. 
Reiki: The Realignment Tool
Reiki has been around for awhile and it’s been popular since the age of Aquarius started. It’s often a great healing tool for people who are looking for more of a Realignment Process or Basic Healing sessions working on the entire energy body. 
I’ve actually done an episode on my thoughts on Reiki here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoBjwfqAoSE
Energy Tool: Reiki is amazing for Healing the entire energy body. It is perfect for Re-alignment or Re-calibrating your energy just like an effective meditation practice. 
Crystal Healing: The Energy Amplifier
Crystals are a beautiful tool to use in your healing session or practice to help with clients who need something particular. They are great for working with the Chakras, meditation or Reiki practices.I find crystals to work as Energetic Amplifiers that help us intuitively heal, guiding us towards what we need to heal subconsciously. They often act as a subconscious guide towards directing us to what needs healing. Observing your thoughts while holding a crystal or asking yourself questions helps with the process.  Crystals are a great external tool for Amplifying your healing process but should be used with other Internal practices or working with a crystal certified healer as well for maximum results.  Energy Tool: Amplifier for the energy field and assistant in your healing journey. Great for Altars, working with Rituals, reiki sessions, and raising consciousness.   
The Chakra System: Knowing Your Energy Systems   The Chakras have been an ancient practice that have been part of eastern medicine since the upanishads, better known as the Vedas. It is NOT a new age concept of western design like most people believe today.  
The Chakra System focuses on each Mental, Emotional, and behavioral system in the body, connecting to our endocrine system. 
I consider the Chakras to be like an Energetic psychological Map system to understanding your entire Energy Network. 
They Connect the Mind to the body merging both Limited Belief work, Emotional Healing and Repatterning Techniques that promote sustainable healing. 
The chakra have been my bread and butter for years on my healing journey.  I continously come back to the chakras.
They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening.
it also helped produce so much emotional healing, release many symptoms  and helped me even rewire beliefs for manifesting successfully in my life. 
Energy Tool: Emotional Mind-Body Healing, Healing Ascension Symptoms, Releasing trapped emotion in the body, Promotes Emotional Health and Mental Health, helps with successful Manifestation
The Chakras Go Beyond the Surface Level into your Energy Systems
My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction as it’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system – I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
The Chakras are a Great Energy Healing Tool to understand your how your Energy body works, your personal Limited beliefs, the deconditioning mindset work, how to manifest better and even Know your Authentic Self.
Which energy tool most resonates with you? Let me know in the comments!
P.S. The chakras are one of thes best Energy healing Toolkits for Awakening! Want to Master the Chakra System? The Ultimate Chakra Academy is NOW OPEN FOR FALL ROUND THE FINAL TIME THIS YEAR!
The Ultimate Chakra Academy is an 8-week program for Spiritual Empaths ready to work with the power of the energy healing tools of the chakras to aid in their spiritual transformation.
Full Details Below or Head to the Link for Full Information on Enrollment options: theawakenedstate.net /empower-the-chakras
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How to Know Which Energy Healing Tool is right for you
There are a lot of trends going on with Energy healing work lately. You might even be asking yourself, How do I know which Energy Healing Tool is right for me?! Well you my friend, are in the right place. You may not know this but I am certified in reiki, I learned a lot […]
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