#What is the rarest tiger?
techacademy · 6 months
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kittyscupcakeandbunny · 7 months
Crazy over you x Min Yoongi
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The last bite
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
Authors Note: okay that’s a lot to unpack here!! First of all, I’m sorry for any grammatical errors, second I hope you guys like the last bite of this story, truly I cannot thank you guys enough for waiting and being here with me in this journey!! Let me know what you all think in the comments and see you guys!! 💖
🩸My master list 🩸
< Previously
Everything felt so unreal ever since we left the clinic. I had went through all the documents already, Jin and me signed all the forms for Yoongis adoption and we had already meet before taking our leave.
I couldn’t believe it even tho me and Jin were heading to my new apartment, taking the snake hybrid to my home where he would live for the rest of his life from now on. With Jin being his brother he wanted to be in charge of the entire process - and he wanted to see Yoongi finally free and in a comfortable home. I was glad Jin was there the whole time, i felt like i could lean on him if i felt nervous and i was only able to carry on with this process because of him.
We exchanged many smiles on the way, both of us shared the same fellings of excitement right now. Yoongi was in a different car behind us to accommodate him better, the white van was spacious and was safer for him to be transported to his destination.
It has been two weeks since i finished setting my knew apartment and making new adjustments to ensure it would be a comfortable environment for a hybrid Snake to live in, things i never once considered for myself i was now buying for him. I felt so nervous about the whole situation i made the decision to get a new place entirely for him, i feared my old small apartment would feel like a cage for him and immediately stared looking for a new place for us. This time he would have his own room, the apartment was simple but spacious i made very clear that a bigger place was a must when I meet with the agent.
I took some time off my work so I could be there for the first few weeks with Yoongi and help him adapt, I knew that with drastic changes he would be at his most sensitive moment for him and I was glad to have Jin by my side. He was so polite with everything, I couldn’t ask for a better friend and on top of that Yoongi was his brother. I could trust him and so could Yoongi.
When we had started the adopting process, Jin finally decided to talk things out with Yoongi and come clean about being his brother. It was a lot to unpack for Yoongi and unfortunately he didn’t liked the facts that much but, they’ve been trying. It wasn’t going to be an easy or quick thing to fix, I can’t blame Yoongi too. He has been living his whole life alone without family and now Jin appears to be his brother, both males were mature enough to know better then push a relationship they never had.
So far I knew they’ve been doing their best at being friends with each other, but they still need time.
When the car stopped in front of the building, my heart was almost coming out of my chest I felt an immense pressure the entire drive but even now it was like I was about to burst in all directions.
I shared one look with Jin before the both of us got out of the car, the van parked right behind his. I made my way around it towards the back as the staff opened the back doors to get Yoongi out.
For safety reasons he had to be on his collar but other than that he was completely free.
The weather today was nice, I felt great knowing it.
I watched as Yoongi came out of the car on his own, eyes wide open watching every little thing around him in complete awe, the sun shined over him making his scales noticeably lighter. I reached my hand out for him, his eyes immediately turning to mine as he walked towards me.
I geve him a small nervous smile, he looked me up and down before closing his hand around mine. This was the first time we were seeing each other outside the clinic, the first time he saw me as just me. Not his doctor.
I couldn’t decipher what was going on in his mind in that moment, he had a neutral expression. But he kept looking at every corner of my face, maybe wondering if this was truly real. That he was here.
Jin walked right behind with us as we entered the building, no one said anything but the silence was comforting in a way.
As the elevator begin to go up Yoongi stood closer to me, hand sneaking around my waist making me turn to him to give him a smile. This time he shyly smiled back, looking down at our hands still intertwined. I have been thinking about how our lives would be from now, what we would do together and how it would feel to be so close to him everyday. At first i was nervous, it is something the two of us never experienced before and i kept thinking: this is much different then being with him as his doctor. That thought made me nervous, but now, as we stand so close to each other i don’t feel nervous anymore. I don’t have to be someone else with him and i can just be myself. Not long after the doors opened and we all left at the same time, a few feet away in that long corridor was my new apartment, I was excited for everything that would come after we cross that door.
Yoongi must’ve notice, because I felt his hold in my hand slightly tightened. Immediately feeling his presence putting my nervousness at ease as I looked up into his eyes, his thumb caressing over the back of my hand the whole time.
The door had a smart digital lock, it was fancy and i wasn’t used with that knowing how forgetful I could be at times I made sure to have the pass code writing inside my wallet and after pressing the password in it feeling the snake hybrid eyes fallowing my every move, the door opened.
I let both Jin and Yoongi get in first standing behind to close the door, while i put my things on the small table beside the shoe rack stealing glances at the two. I watch as the brothers look around the entrance room.
The living room was the biggest part of the apartment and as soon as I entered i’m welcomed by simple but modern atmosphere of the living room, the apartment had a glass wall and we could see the entire city from the living room. I catch Jin looking around amazed as Yoongi looks around the white couch running his hands over the fabric.
- this view is incredible - Jin said, turning to face me.
- please, Jin we both know your house is much bigger than mine - i said, walking up to him.
- yeah…. But i don’t have this view. Is almost like a 3D movie screen.
- I know right, I fell in love with it and I knew I had to get it - I tell him - at night is even more beautiful.
- I can imagine… - he says - you gotta invite me sometime for dinner sometime.
- oh yeah… besides Yoongi could use a friend- I said, pointing out were the hybrid has been this whole time.
My eyes instantly turning back to Yoongi, he seemed to be lost in thought looking around the room and touching everything. Anything i learned about snake hybrids is their sensitivity towards certain fabrics, their dopamine levels rise up around comfortable fabrics. Yoongi looked the happiest naked in a nest of velvet covers at the clinic, i still remember the day i wore a pencil black skirt with said fabric and he couldn’t stop touching it. With his words: it scratched a part of his brain he never knew. It was like giving catnip to a cat for the first time, for that reason i had to pick all the house furnitures very carefully. I can’t have a overstimulated snake hybrid walking around the apartment.
- what do you think? - I ask him, walking towards him - I change some things around for you and I also did some research for your room.
He didn’t answer at first, eyes shined brighter taking in every part of the room before focusing on me. He still wore the clinic uniform and it was hard to believe he was mine like that, i was eager to see him in the clothes I bought for him. I wanted for him to experience all of the world, things he was never able to before.
He was still probably processing everything that was going on in that moment, i knew for a fact that it would take some time for him to adapt fully to this new environment. He has a lot to learn.
- this all is just for us? - he softly asked, as if not believing - just us?
- yes, just you and me - I assured him, taking his hand in mine running my thumb over his knuckles - is our home.
He smiled, looking down to hide the soft shade of pink on his checks. Not being able to hold much longer I close my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug which he immediately fell into. Holding into me just as tight and almost tripping us over.
A sight of relief left my lips, he was finally free and he trusted me enough to be here with me. One thing about our clinic adoption process is mutuality, it has so many layers but the most important one is how both the hybrid and potential owners feel about each other. Once you apply for adoption, two meetings are required. One with the director and doctors of the hybrid and one with the hybrid, that way both parts get to know each other better. Not every clinic works this way, but now that Jin was fully in control of the clinic he made sure all the procedures regarding the hybrid’s adoption were done correctly and with much care.
Letting go of Yoongi slowly I pull him by the hand to the other side of the room, towards the kitchen.
- let’s continue the tour.. - I said, as the two fallow me.
I show him and Jin around the house properly, starting with the kitchen on the right side of the apartment, the dining table was what separated the living room from it, highlighted by the chandelier above the round dining table.
The laundry room was close to the kitchen, everything here was simple and neat. I didn’t try to get any extravagant items or forniture it hasn’t been long since I moved here anyway, and i wasn’t really a fan of colorful and expensive things. The apartment was minimalist but comfortable, although the apartment did came with a billiard table from the last owner.
On the left side of the apartment was where our rooms were in a small corridor after the space where the billiard table had been placed, in a place like this usually people would put a piano there but i was sure the last owner was a men. Who would leave a billiard table behind and put it in there?
- don’t tell me you got that? - Jin asked pointing out the said table, a tone of mischief on his voice as he stared at me with a grin.
- it came with the apartment… those things are expensive and as much as I’m the best when it comes to this game, I wouldn’t buy a pool table Jinnie - i said, the three of us stopped in front of the table.
- yeah, you wouldn’t…. But now you definitely need to envite me for dinner - he said, walking around the table.
- said the guy that literally has his own play ground at home - i tease.
- but i dont have you to lose to me there - he teased back.
- don’t go there… you know i never lose - i said.
We would continue on arguing jokingly, but i felt Yoongi pulling on my hand turning me fully towards him.
- what’s this game thing? - he asked, almost innocently but i saw how he would look behind me at Jin earning a chuckle from him.
They are brothers. And i was here thinking - more like hoping, praying for the gods - that his jealousy would disappear once he finds that out, but now both males keep getting on my nerves with that. Jin knows how possessive Yoongi gets and he teases his brother in every chance he gets, using that against him and then Yoongi does the same thing and so on i have to stand between the two as they carry on arguing about who’s the best and the list goes on. To think they both are adults.
- is a fun game… i’ll teach you when we are alone - i tell him, which earned me a smirk from the hybrid. I feared the game was his least priority once we’re alone.
With that i carry on the little tour on the last rooms of the house, first showing Yoongis room which was in front of mine. I made sure to get him a spacious bed with his favorite covers, the silk and velvet were a dream to sleep on he wasn’t wrong about that. So much i got those for my room as well.
- this is your room - I tell him, opening the door for him to enter - I made sure to make is as comfortable as possible but if there is anything you would like to add or change you can just tell me.
He stood in front of the king size bed, eyes roaming around every corner of the room attentively. I didn’t add much decoration for his room, not knowing what he would like i thought it would be better if he choose what he wants.
I watched him carefully wanting to catch all of his expressions, sharing a look with Jin who seemed to be just as excited as i was in that moment i could swear i saw tears under his eyes.
And i understand him, he was watching as his brother finally got a home of his own. Despite everything he got his brother the freedom he always deserved.
- I like it… - Yoongi said sitting over the bed.
I exchanged a smile with Jin, chuckling as the he turned to wipe the tears off his face and so on I continued with the last part of the tour.
…. 3 days later ….
I had made the decision to take a few weeks off from work to focus fully on accommodating Yoongi at home, it was something new for the both of us and I was so nervous at the beginning i didn’t get any sleep the first night but now that three days have gone by I felt like my nervousness was all for nothing.
Yoongi was adapting so well it was almost as if he had lived here his whole life, he learned so fast and without even asking for help. It was like watching a drama unfold right in front of me, I was there insisting on helping him at every second but all it took was one glance and he managed everything by himself, I thought the first days with him being in the same space as me would be the hardest ones but it was truly so peaceful. I was worried over nothing when it came to Yoongi, three days out of the clinic and he already learned how to cook.
Three days again before Jin left ha and i had made the decision to stop giving Yoongi suppressants, now that he’s in a safer space having his own space helps ease the situation for his heat. It would take some time for it to come back so i would have enough time to prepare myself for it, the two of us haven’t really talked about it yet. None of us mentioned what happened at the clinic and i was too nervous to say anything now, busying myself with his adaptation here trying to get away with it. We needed to talk about that, i knew that, but things weren’t as easy. We were so different from each other deep down i was just afraid I wouldn’t be able to give him what needed.
Before anything three days ago Jin and I had a talk with Yoongi about all his protocols from now, he agreed on the stop of the suppressants and for the future exams and check ups it would only be needed to take twice a year every six months, to ensure his health is good.
Everything aside, I couldn’t lie even if I wanted to.
For the first time in my life I was waking up in the morning every day for more then just doing my duties, I had reason to wake up with a smile on my face every morning knowing I would see him there.
The past days Yoongi created a routine of his own, he would usually wake up before me and make us coffee. Stand behind the kitchen counter while he stared at the window wall as the sunlight shined through, making the entire room look like a golden dream.
Every morning my heart was filled with so much happiness, just the sight of him made any worries disappear completely and today it wasn’t any different.
I made my way to the kitchen while closing my sleeping robe, fallowing the sweet scent of hot coffee.
- morning… - I said, gaining his attention as i entered the kitchen.
I walked around the counter where he stood, eyes locked on his as he put the mug down closing his arms around my body in a tight hug. The smell of coffee filled the entire apartment deliciously.
- morning… - he mumbled raspy over my ear, moving just enough to plant a kiss over my lips. Quick and soft.
- how did you sleep last night? - I ask him.
I watched as his features immediately changed into a bitter one as soon as the words left my lips, I knew exactly what was coming after that but the way he scrunched his nose was so cute I couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped my lips, which I immediately tried to hide the moment he tried to move away from me. Immediately holding his waist tighter pushing him against the counter.
- awfully…. So terribly uncomfortable I nearly had any sleep and is all your fault - he said, hands falling over mines.
- I know, I know… - i blinked cutely, fallowing his face at every turn he made to avoid my gaze.
- no, im not taking it anymore… - he said, a pout forming on his lips and I had bit my own lip to hold back another mischievous giggle.
He’s been acting so cute lately it was making so hard for me to resist, it was like the old grumpy snake hybrid I once knew was gone and was replaced by a cute pouty snake hybrid.
- i’m so sorry my pookie… - i watched as his ears immediately turned red over the nickname i gave him, even the slightest and most innocent nickname was enough to make him turn red and hide his face shyly. I was at the point of bursting watching him.
- no… i’m not your… whatever that is you said - he turned away to the side, his scales shined like golden petals over the sunrise coming through the window.
- all of this because I didn’t let you sleep with me? I thought you liked your own room.
- I do… but I thought that now that we are both alone here, you wouldn’t be away from me - he turned back, staring down at my eyes.
- we’ve been through this already…
The truth is that ever since we’ve been here, we only went as far as a few kisses on the couch while we cuddled. Our nights just as our morning were spent completely stick together on the couch, the tv would play some aleatory movie the we never payed much attention to honestly.
He would usually fall asleep over me while I run my fingers through his hair not so long after i would fall asleep, until one of us wakes up hungry and the kitchen becomes a playground for the curious snake hybrid.
- I just want you to have some space to figure things out, especially now that you’re clean from suppressants it could be a bit overwhelming and I don’t want you to have a hard time - I tell him, running my hands over his waist down his hips.
- you care too much for me - he says, finally giving in and smiling softly.
- always - I said, leaning towards his chest to plant a quick kiss the the exposed skin.
- don’t think you’re free from this discussion… - he said, voice sounding much lower this time.
I looked up at his eyes our faces bearly centimeters away, noses brushing softly against each other.
- what discussion? - I pushed innocently, making him scoff over my lips.
- you’re gonna make me lose scales, y/n.
I felt his smile grow the moment i closed the distance between our lips, warmth rising up all over my body the second his hands traveled over my back up and down, softly scratching over the fabric of my robe.
Until the growling of my stomach interrupted us.
- what are hiding in there? - He teased poking my belly and my cheeks burned shyly like wild fire.
- funny… - I dry laughed makings the snake chuckle even more.
- well let’s give it some food before you eat me for breakfast - he teased.
I hit his shoulder playfully and we begin with our morning routine, making some breakfast for the both of us while he seats there watching me.
… 6pm …
We’ve been entangled on the couch the past two hours, binge watching a new drama. Earlier Yoongi decided to spent almost two hours in the bathtub, he used three bottles of bubble bath and made a mess all over his bathroom saying it was my fault for not letting him shower with me. But in the end he cleaned up his mess so i wasn’t mad about it anymore, craving popcorn i was ready to make some butter popcorn when Yoongi said he would made them for me and I shouldn’t have left him alone in the kitchen to pick a movie. He managed to burn it and almost set the fire alarm of the apartment, i was speechless. But i just couldn’t get angry at him, he looked so devastated after burning the popcorn he had the biggest pout on his lips.
I took the charge of making the popcorn again and told him to wait in the living room but he stayed and said he would watch me so he could learn, I thought nothing of it and just continue my business to focus to notice the snake hybrid sliding closer the moment i turned to place the now done popcorn into a bowl.
A gasp leaving my lips in instant surprise the moment the snake holds me from behind, i giggle feeling he sink his face a the curve of my neck. He’s been doing that a lot lately finding amusement on catching me off guard just to tease on my weak spot, i held on his arms turning my face toward his kissing the tip of his nose. He smiled holding me tighter.
Yoongi has been gaining some weight since he left the clinic and i was trying to keep my composure at how fast he was getting stronger, he wasn’t the small snake hybrid left to die at the clinic anymore. Yoongi was growing muscles and eating better then he was before, he looked much healthier now and i was happy for him.
I leaned against his chest, feeling the woody scent surrounding us. After three bottles of bubble bath he at least gonna smell nice for days now. I chuckled at the thought turning to face him, never letting his touch slide off my body he smirked at me.
- is this… - i leaned closer to his face, smelling alcohol on his lips - is this whiskey?
- is that what it is? - he asked, innocently.
In that moment i was hit by a wave of shock, i was completely at loss for words, looking closer at him i realized he was fully drunk. Cheeks red and eyes bearly open not to forget the smell of whiskey on his breath. Just when did he drink so much? I turned my back for three seconds?
I wanted to curse myself for being such an alcoholic in that moment, maybe i should’ve hidden my supply of alcohol in my room and not right beside the pool table. What was i even thinking? Yoongi is free now and just like a kid, of course he’s gonna take a taste of everything new to him.
- how much did you drink? - i asked, worried. This was the first time I heard of a hybrid drinking alcohol, god knows what kind of side effects that could have on him.
- a cup? I dont really know - he mumble.
- a cup? Shit… how did you drink that? - i was so utterly worried.
- with my mouth? - he said, sarcasm dripping down his lips like the whiskey in his breath.
- no way Sherlock…. - i held my temples leaning away from him. Just what am i gonna do with a drunken snake hybrid now?
- why? Was i suppose to drink from yours….? - he chuckled drunkenly, making me look up at him with red cheeks.
This kind of side effects is what i was trying to avoid.
- you… - i didn’t even knew what to say, he just stood there laughing as if this was the funniest thing to him.
And for that small moment i laughed with him, i don’t think ive ever seen him this happy. Gummies out at how big he was smiling, chest moving up and down faster he could bearly hold himself up while laughing. Jin is gonna love this.
- okay dunk boy, eat - i shove some popcorn on his mouth - i need you less drunk now.
He nodded while eating. I took the bowl of popcorn with me in one hand and the snake hybrid with the other to the living room, the movie was playing on the TV but failed to catch my attention. As i put the popcorn on the coffee table i made a small run for the bar beside the pool table, looking over the bottles i found one still opened and in that moment i wanted to kill Yoongi - he drunk half a bottle of jack.
- you drunk half a bottle! - i gasped, turning to him.
He sat on the couch legs crossed with my bowl of popcorn watching me as if i was the crazy one.
- you have so many…. - he mumbled, throwing one popcorn on his mouth - also i wasn’t gonna drink much… but it was so weak, i had few more gulps.
Half a bottle of jack was weak for him.
- this movie sucks… - he said, getting up.
- what?
My mind was failing to comprehend anything that was happening right now. Maybe i should call Jin.
- I’m calling your brother… - i said, making a turn to go on my room get my phone.
Before i could take even a single step towards my room i was pulled by the hand and turned towards the snake hybrid, he had a drunken smile on his lips while he looked down at me. Mischief shined through his dark eyes like never before - note to self: hide all the alcohol under my bed.
- lets play instead… - he suggested looking over the billiard table - if you win against me, you call Jin.
I scoffed.
- and supposedly if i don’t? - i said, closing my arms over my chest.
- i get to decide that later…. - he said.
- careful Yoongi…. - i warned - you learned this only yesterday.
- but i learned from you - he teased back.
- and i never lose…. - i said taking one cue stick, smothing the tip with the chalk.
This was going to be quick.
- who starts? - i asked, watching Yoongi fallow my moves getting a cue stick and smothing the tip with chalk.
- you start… pookie - he said.
I chuckled at the nickname. This snake hybrid has no idea was coming.
I position myself over the table aiming at the white ball, striking it quick at the color balls i put two whites on the wholes. A confident smirk rising up to my lips.
- sorry… looks like I’m wining already - i tease, walking around the table eyes looking straight into his.
If he was nervous or not i didn’t know he seemed to be focused on me only, but I couldn’t blame him. I was gonna win this in no time.
I position myself once again aiming for a ball closer to a corner whole and in the corner of my eye i notice Yoongi moving to the other side, now focusing back at my aim the cue stick slides between my fingers and just as I’m about to strike Yoongi corners me from behind hands over my hips making me lose completely my chance.
I scoffed turning to look at the sly snake behind me.
- ops… you missed that one - he smirked, pointing at my missed move.
- i wonder why?
- maybe you’re not that good after all…. - he mumbles, walking around the table to strike his move.
I wasn’t expecting him to get it on the first try and that was my mistake, he did learned from me after all.
He gets four balls in without missing after that, I swallowed hard feeling my pride hurt bit by bit. He just learned that how is he doing it as if he was born in a billiard table, i couldn’t believe it..
When he strikes another one I’m already moving towards the mini bar besides the tale, filling myself a cup and drinking all in one gulp. When I turn back Yoongi is watching me with a cunning smirk.
This sly snake was getting on my nerves - i never lose.
- is hot out of a sudden, don’t you think? - i say, playful. He stared the game going dirty and so will i.
Opening the bottoms of my blouse one by one I quickly take it off, keeping on the white crop top i wore to sleep. Putting my hair to the side to expose more of my shoulders.
- aren’t you gonna play? - i press, smiling innocently.
There was another minute he didn’t move, eyes staring me up and down while he licked over his bottom lip. He cleared his throat before positioning himself to strike, but just as i expected he missed.
- ops… - it was my turn to tease, positioning myself right beside him in strike my move.
Once i get my hands on to strike i never miss a single ball, i grew up playing this no one can beat me at my game. Right now i was almost finish, glancing up at Yoongi every now and then i notice he was starting to grow nervous. I wasn’t gonna call Jin anymore, after the first cup i drank another and another cup. I wasn’t weak for drinks, but i was having so much fun with Yoongi now i had long forgotten why i was even going to call Jin.
Two more balls in and i would win, so I position myself to strike the last colorful ball of mines.
- i could mate with you over this table…. - Yoongi mumbled more to himself but i heard exactly what he said.
It made me lose completely my chance to strike.
- maybe i should do that when i win this game - he looked up at me, smirk dancing in the corners of his lip placing the cue stick over the table.
He walked around the table towards me, like i was his prey in that moment and he was ready to take me as his victim. Yoongis words were like his poison, infiltrating my mind with thoughts I wouldn’t ever consider myself.
Like him bending me over this billiard table right now and doing everything he wants. Maybe I should let him win this time.
Once he was right there in front of me, he took the cue stick of my hand and placed over the table. Pushing me against the table with his body he rested his forehead over mine, hands falling over my hips he drew small circles with his thumbs.
- you win… - he whispered - but don’t call my brother, i feel like throwing up.
- that’s not because of Jin - i chuckled - you drank too much, come on… lets get you some meds pookie.
I caressed his face softly before taking his hand in mine to guide him back to the kitchen, my guess was that hybrids were much weaker for alcohol and it affected them much faster then for us humans. So i was quick to him some medicine before taking him with me to the couch and let him rest some more till he sober up.
It didn’t took him much longer before he was back at being his usual cute self and i finally found a movie to pass time, the popcorn was cold now but i still ate half of it.
The bowl of popcorn half empty sat on the small table in front of the couch, Yoongi was half asleep between my legs while I run my fingers thought his hair caressing the back of his neck every now and then.
I had a mind full of thoughts about today, i was sure that his het would start soon and after tonight that thought was rotted inside my head. Maybe the mention of mating tonight set that alarm in my head and I remember all what i was preparing myself for.
- you should tell me when you feel your heat coming - I tell him, quietly.
- what if I don’t? - he teased, lifting his head from my belly watching me attentively with a tired smirk over his pink lips.
- I’ll just found out on my own then - i shrugged.
- like you did before? - he chuckled.
- hey!
- for someone who knows so much about us it took you so long to find out i was in heat - he said.
- only because you were the first snake hybrid on my care - I explained - and you lied to me about it, remember?
- yeah… but I didn’t lied about yours - he says, eyes suddenly turning darker.
- well, I’m not… I mean, now… - I stumbled on my words, it felt so weird trying to explain him how different it happens for humans especially since is different from woman to men.
- I know, I can smell on your skin… - he said, making the curiosity go wild on my head.
- how? What does it smell like? - I ask - I truly can’t tell.
- humm… - he purrs lowly, supporting his hands at both sides of my head to pull himself up.
He leans down burring his face on my neck, taking a deep breath in.
- when your in heat, you smell like… lust - he whispers - and when you’re not, you smell like…
He moves away slowly, looking into my eyes eyebrows furred in concentration as if looking for the right words, lips half open over mine, the more seconds that went by the more he seemed to get lost in a maze.
- warmth… - he whispered - it makes me want to be completely stuck around your arms and never leave.
… 2 days later …
I could tell his heat was getting closer to a start after the two days that went by. Yoongi became insanely clingy the last couple days and It wouldn’t be a problem of course, but the snake hybrid simply decided to steal the keys of the apartment just so i wouldn’t leave and so far I wasn’t even able to step one foot out in the past days.
I searched the entire apartment already and I couldn’t find the damn keys, if only his behavior had stuck with the clingy part but he also became annoyingly a tease. In every sense.
His heat had already started and he could’ve taken me as his so many times, but i wasn’t ready and i kept pushing him away and not letting him sleep in my room. For that reason he’s been acting out on me ever since.
The mornings we used to share with innocent kisses and a light delicious breakfast, turned into make out sessions over the kitchen counter and nonstop teasing while i try to cook, our afternoons of binge watching dramas turned into marking and scenting sessions for him. But it was just the beginning, Yoongi could still control his rut pretty well and he used that against me every morning.
The first time he started to scent me was when everything went down hill and i knew it would only get harder for him to control it.
I trusted him to tell me when his heat begin to show so i could help him and I was confident it would take at least a few more days, that was my mistake. And again I didn’t notice the signs.
A few days ago when the weather had changed so drastically, it had been raining since late that morning. So the two of us decided to just cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day, i was usually the bigger spoon when we cuddle but the cold weather made me seek warmth on Yoongi. Not knowing what was going on with his sudden quietness i just brushed off as him being tired and held him tighter, every minute that passed I grew more sleepy from his soft caress on my back, hugging him and burning my face on the curve of his neck.
My body was just seconds before completely falling asleep when he moved, i groan against his chest in disagreement while he pulled me down with him between his legs.
He stared to softly place kisses over my cheek, down my jawline and brushing my hair away with his fingers to expose the skin of my neck. Kisses slowly fading into more needy touches while the second passes and I was complete unaware of it, until soft kisses turned into deep and wet ones.
I was fully alert and ready to lean away from him, my wrist was closed to his neck placed beside his head to support me up but he was quick to stop me as if predicting what I was going to do, he held my hand towards him to pull me back.
- just a little more…. - he murmured over my ear, voice soft but low and raspy as if he was drunk - I won’t do anything… just, stay a bit more like this….
He didn’t move until every part of my body fully gave in, he took his chance in that moment and bit into the curve of my neck. Not enough to sink his poison on me, just enough to leave a red mark on my skin for days.
After that he did let me go, but things were different now that his heat has stared. I wasn’t one to complain, i loved every minute i spent under his touch. He wanted to torture me for not letting him sleep beside me, but his ways of torturing consisted only on teasing me till I can’t take it and then leaving me all flustered.
It was late a night and i was getting ready to sleep already when i decided to questioned him about his heat. The door to his room was always open, i watched him from the corridor moving side to side before entering his room.
- are you okay with you heat? Do you think is gonna get bad any time soon?
- no… I can control it right now - he said, while picking a change of clothes to shower.
- okay… - I murmured looking around his room seeing as how neat everything looked - you didn’t make a nest?
He scoffed before turning around to fully look at me.
- i would… but someone doesn’t wanna let me sleep with her - he said, making my cheeks run hot.
Before I could even let another word leave my lips he was pulling his silky shirt off, making a mess of his hair and exposing all his torso to my eyes.
It was not something new to me but it always made me go insane how beautiful he looked, every time it felt like i was seeing him for the first time. His scales looked much healthier and shiny now, i notice how they seemed to have grown even more towards his v line. Shiny lines almost unnoticeable at how delicate they were on his milky skin, making he look like a diamond.
- wanna watch me undress? - he teased.
- is my house - I said back, eyes rooming every centimeter of his body shamelessly making him chuckle.
He walked towards me quickly closing the distance between us two, using his own body to push me against the wall.
Just like that all the air was gone from my lungs, the heat radiating from his body so intensely it felt like a warm blanket surrounded me. And again those dark glossy eyes were focus on mine like they used to at the clinic, making chills run wild down my spine.
Every part of my skin knew his touch so well and urged for him.
- I need my keys - I blurted nervously, finally remembering the reason why I came here.
- no… - he said.
- please Yoongi, I can’t be stuck here anymore… - I plead, finding the courage to look up into his intense eyes filled with darkness.
He didn’t say anything at first, the snake switched looks between my eyes and lips in that moment. Maybe calculating his options? Or just thinking about how he’ll tease me later for it.
- let me sleep with you from now on and I’ll tell you where they are - he said, a smirk filling his lips teasingly.
I took a deep breath before deciding on what to do, it had to happen sooner or later. I knew that. I just wished I could’ve prepared myself more for what was to come the moment i decided to let him in, the two of us kept saying it was all just for sleep but deep down it was obvious. The moment we are alone over that bed we wont be sleeping anymore.
- okay.
I needed the keys and in that moment I had no idea where that would even lead me, he said he had his heat under control and o trusted that. But far way in my mind something keeps telling me he was far away from any control.
- keys? - I asked, making his smile grow even more.
- my back pocket - he said, as if it wasn’t anything.
- no way… - i was not believing but he just shrugged at me still smirking - it was with you this whole time?
- put your hands inside it if you don’t believe me - he dared.
I swallowed hard blinking a hundred times - his back pocket, he meant his ass my keys were in his ass this whole time - before slowly moving my left hand towards his back pocket, face burning like a damn volcano about to explode. I couldn’t even look at his face in that moment, he knew exactly what he was doing.
I bit my bottom lip the second my hand slide down his ass, feeling the skin over the thin layer of his silky pants. Sucking in a breath as my eyes looked anywhere but the snake hybrid in front of me.
- oh… - i exale, looking straight back at him. It was empty.
He smirk grew wider, leaning even closer to me.
- wrong pocket.. - he whispered over my lips.
I swallowed hard again, looking down between us too nervous to stare into his dark glossy eyes but inhaling fast at the sight of his deep v line covered in scales so close to me.
No, i used to treat his wounds. I shouldn’t be nervous right now. This is nothing.
Body burning in nerves I reach for the other pocket with my right hand, feeling his minty breath brush against my face teasingly. Sliding my hand one more time down his ass, reaching inside his pocket.
He leaned closer making my attention go back to his face, this time he looked as nervous as I was. Eyes bearly open, bottom lip caged between his teeth.
The more my hand moved down his bum the harder he bit into the flash and just then I felt the cold metal of the keys and quickly grabbed them.
His expression changed fast after that, leaning away from me as quick as he could.
- we’ll sleep in your room… - he said, before turning away to leave for the bathroom.
After a long bath I went to check on Yoongi to see if he was still in his room but i didn’t find him there, going straight back to my own room while i tried to massage away the pain on my neck only to find the snake hybrid shirtless all spread over my bed.
- where your clothes? - I asked.
- don’t look at me like that…. - he said sitting up - everything felt itchy on my scales.
- oh…. Should I take a look at them for you? - I said making my way towards him, when my thumb pressed a painful spot on my neck i groan out in discomfort.
- no is fine… - he slides towards the end of the bed were I stood - what’s with your neck?
- I don’t know, i think I’ve slept in a bad position last night it’s hurting a lot now…. - I say - are you sure you’re fine? I can….
- I’m fine, come here - he interrupted me, pulling me by the hand making me straddle his waist.
- Yoongi….
- shh… - he smiled softly, pulling the hair away from my neck - let me take care of you, hum?
I blink nodding, watching his attention drift to my shoulder as he pulls the shirt slightly down to expose more of my neck. He begins to carefully press at the curve of my neck with his fingers, my body was immediately filled by relief as he worked his way around my neck and shoulder.
- I can feel some tension here… - he murmured pressing a bit harder at the curve, and my eyes rolled back in relief.
He chuckled lowly at my reaction, holding my hair away with his free hand to continue his work.
- if you had been sleeping with me you wouldn’t be sore like this… - he teased.
It was my turn to chuckle.
- lies… - I said, staring into his eyes.
He looked back with the same amount of dirtiness on his mind and I decided it was my turn to make him red.
- where’s my nest? - I asked, holding myself from bursting out laughing the second he catch what i said.
He looked extremely worried and embarrassed, almost chocking at his own words.
- oh my god…. - I laughed out, closing my arms around his neck - sorry pookie… I was just teasing.
I kissed his forehead.
- I’ll wait for you to make one for us… - I whispered to him.
- I thought you didn’t like them… - he confessed.
- what do you mean? I like it - I assure him, caressing the back of his neck. Resting my forehead on his.
In just seconds he had me pulled against him and turned us over the bed, hovering over me between my legs. A gasp had left my lips at the sudden movement, holding into him tighter until his eyes opened again staring down at mine in complete lust.
I didn’t expected him to act so quickly after asking for a nest jokingly, it was stupid of me.
He got up lazily eyes still glued in mine, I watch as he made his way towards the closet getting back with three more covers.
He was going to make a nest for me.
He dropped them at my feet before taking one at the time and laying them around me until he was satisfied with it, he had a focused expression on his soft features and then when he was finally done he looked me up before saying anything.
- I wanted this ever since I first saw you at the clinic… - he said, hovering over my body slowly - I want you for the rest of my life, y/n.
Staring into his glossy dark eyes once again, I’ve never felt more out of breath. Every moment with him had been so intense lately, as if all the cells in my body were anticipating this moment knowing what would happen, urging it to happen.
- bite me… - he whispered over my lips - like you did last time.
It was different than last time, at that time us being together was completely forbidden but now we are free, we have each other.
Pulling him closer I kissed his lips, not taking any more seconds. Groaning into his mouth every time his skin came in touch with mine, feeling shivers burning down my body never failing to drive me insane.
I was so high already and we had just stared, trailing my fingers down his back and earning a few groans from him. He bit into my bottom lip, leaning away just enough to stare into my eyes.
There was a different glow around him this time, something I haven’t seen before.
His chest moved against mine, hands sliding up and down my sides each time heavier and sometimes scratching over the layers of my clothes, teasing us both by dragging his own need to touch my skin.
The cold tip of his nose delicately moving against the side of my face, his hot breath slowly seeping through his lips over mine. The minty scent from his tongue danced over my lips deliciously but he didn’t do anything. He continued his soft tease, waiting for me to make his wish come true.
I slowly started to feel his back muscles, softly touching over the scales on his body. They felt so soft to touch just like the velvet we were surrounded by, each time I caressed them softly I would feel Yoongi swift over me slightly. His scales were one of his very sweet spots and he continued to squirm and sigh over me at every little touch, making me grow confident and needier.
He was starting to pant against my neck, groaning lowly making the need in me to tease and play him grow more and more. Remembering his little trick with my keys earlier, I let my hands travel down his spine and past his hips. The moment my hands slipped down his ass he squirmed harder, body falling completely over mine and a groan escaped his lips.
In that moment I bit into his shoulder, my teeth and tongue sliding over his skin sinking into his flesh harder just to licking over it. Carving a mark of my own on him.
- mine… - I whisper breathlessly over his ear.
- fuck… - he moaned over my neck, lifting himself enough to stare at my face.
He was biting his own lip, bruising himself enough to draw blood out of it. If it wasn’t now I would be worried for him but, he looked so handsome in such state of lust. I was completely lost in him, capturing his lips in a lustful kiss.
This time his hands had no mercy over my skin and i was completely sure I would find a few bruises here and there but I couldn’t care any less for it, I wanted them and I wanted him.
- mate with me… - he whispered over my lips completely out of breath - be mine y/n… I wanna do this with you, y/n.
I softly caressed his cheeks before nodding, he smiled before leaning down again leaving a long peck on my lips trailing down my jawline and towards my ear, bitting softly at my neck.
I knew what would come for me in that moment, it was a one way trip with no way back.
- make me yours… - I whispered in his ear.
Feeling the harsh bite over the skin under my ear, he sank his poison into it. The feeling was immediate, the first time the snake hybrid had bitten me was so painful and his poison was sickening but tonight it was completely different, I’ve never felt so high before like this before. Completely drunk on him so much even the smallest touch was enough to make me squirm and moan, just looking at him made me drool and needy.
He smirked knowingly traveling his kisses down my chest, hands sliding past my waist and stoping on my hips to grip into the flesh before sliding up inside my shirt.
Ripping off the fabric of my body with his hands, I breathed out lost in his arms. At the same time he was rough his touch was full of love on my skin, every part of me he gripped into he left a kiss over it.
He stares into my eyes with fondness, fingers running along my face pulling my up by the waist with his other hand, that way I’m sitting up with him on his knees between my legs.
I take the chance to run my fingers over his sides, feeling the scales under the tips of my fingers.
He cups my face kissing my lips hungrier, growling over my tongue. His raven hair is mess now, sweat drips down his neck and my fingers as I grip at his locks.
Bringing him closer I bite into his neck again, Yoongi gasp holding waist tighter and probably bruising the skin. But I couldn’t feel any pain, only the burning sensation all over my body driving my out of sense.
He stops the kiss, eyes locked over mine, seem to slightly go out of focus, a pool of stars all for me to stare into.
I push him down against the bed forcing him to lay down, slipping off my last piece of clothing before doing the same to his pants.
Crawling on all fours back to him, I watch as he stares at me in complete awe, Yoongi gulps down biting his on lip while he savor me with his eyes.
- you’re so fucking beautiful… - he murmurs. Eyes glued on me.
I chuckled at his reaction, running my fingers over his tights seeing how his dick twitches at the slightest touch before finally claiming his lips in a kiss.
He moans deeply pulling me closer.
- Mine… - he moans.
- all yours.
He pulls me by the thighs making me straddle his waist, feeling his hard dick press against my pussy deliciousy, sending us both into an overheated state.
I watch as Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut biting his lip as a groan escapes his chest, finger tips rubbing over my thighs leaving marks.
The burning sensation of the pain makes me move my hips against his instinctive, Yoongi’s eyelids flutter and his head tilt back as gasps make his chest heave up and down quickly. Another growl comes out of his chest and he moves his hips forward, the waves of pleasure seeping through my whole body making me shiver and lose control over my upper body, using my hands to keep me up against his chest, feeling how he breaths deep.
My eyes fluttered open to watch his lustful eyes in complete bliss, he squirms underneath me moaning out my name.
The sound of his voice sending shiver down my body, the feeling sends butterflies through my stomach. I let out a deep moan, grinding my hips into his. He growls, digging his nails into my thighs. Then sliding them upwards gripping my boobs, my own hands covering his for support as a continue to move against him.
Yoongi pulls me back against his chest, claiming my lips into a messy kiss. Stopping my hips from moving so he could slide inside me more easily, the feeling of his cock filling me up so good was making my head pound in arousal.
Yoongi moans loudly, trembling under my hands, lips searching for mine desperately, biting into the flesh of my shoulders sinking his poison into me while he moves his hips against mine, I pull the back of his hair biting my own lip in arousal moving my hips with his.
The pleasure is almost unbearable, so good every time I close my eyes I see stars, running my fingers through his raven hair holding him tight against me.
- breathe y/n…. - he whispers against my neck, sitting up in bed with me over him.
His hands grip my hips harder, his poison on my system was sending me into a frenzy of pleasure, each time, more.
- breathe… - he continued to whisper - just like that…
Not so long into that I feel my whole body shaking on top of him, knees starting to hurt from being like that for to long, but even the pain felt insanely good in that moment. Making me crawl into him more and more, he held me tighter before turning us around once again.
Hovering over my shaky body, Yoongi gripped into my hands as he pounded into me harder, throwing my head back while my knees are shaking in weakness, I moan out his name. Felling the dizziness claiming my body as he continued to pound at an animalistic force inside me.
- yoongi…. Fuck - I moan out, as he slides one hand between our bodies working his fingers over my clit.
- Y/n… fuck cum for me - he groans over my ear, circling over my clit with his fingers ripping a deep orgasm out of me.
- Yoongi…
But he doesn’t stop, even after he fills me so deep, I feel his cum dripping down my pussy. He doesn’t stop moving his fingers, claiming my lips into a messy kiss he trails down my neck, leaving marks down my chest, sucking on a nipple.
- Yoongi… too much - I moaned out breathlessly.
I couldn’t make a single thought in my head and I loved it, my legs were shaking from his fingers circling over my clit nonstop, body aches tiredly but it felt so insanely good.
Yoongi growls, forces you closer pulling my thigh with his free hand as he he worked his way down my body with his tongue, leaving wet kisses everywhere.
- fuck… - it escapes my lips once I figure out what he was planning.
How he wasn’t tired after almost fucking me into oblivion, I didn’t know, but I was so grateful.
Ending his trail over my pussy he leaves a long lick down to the bottom of it, making me instantly arch my back.
Yoongi forcibly pulls on my thighs against his shoulders, locking me completely down and starts his feast on my pussy.
- fuck, Yoongi… - I cry out name, fingers gripping his hair.
The feelings is so insanely good, I moan and mutter words uncontrollably, words that make no sense to me, but feel so good, screaming his name out loud, shit, the neighbors will definitely file a complaint against me.
The sounds he was making driving me to the absolute bottom of the hill, gripping into his hair, myself and digging my nails over my skin.
- too much… fuck - my knees were shaking again and he didn’t stop, holding me closer.
Yoongi is sucking on my clit so harshly I started to fear he might bruise it down there as well. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it my body started to convulse, the delicious sensation began again to fill me up and I’m cursing and squirting all over him.
Yoongi sits up with a groan, he touches his own face, picking up the remains of my orgasm of his face, licking his fingers as I watched him completely fucked out.
Chest rising up and down tiredly, he hovers over me, hooking his fingers behind my neck just to pull me closer resting his forehead over mine.
- fuck me… - he moaned out, making me look up at him.
- You’re crazy - I tell him breathlessly, we both chuckled.
- Please… - he plead, pulling me in to claim my lips in a desperate kiss.
Yoongi grips my waist pulling me to the side as he lays down on his, he whimpers against my lips in a sloppy kiss, hands gripping every inch of skin.
He tugs me closer to his aching cock, holding my hips firmly to move against him. The friction is insanely good.
- you smell so fucking good…. - he mumbles - please, y/n, fuck me…
He buries his face between my boobs planting kisses over them.
- fuck you’re insane, Yoongi - I moan, gripping his hair.
Yoongi whimpers pulling me tighter against him, holding my hips to make me rut against his cock. I pushed him down while fixing myself between his legs, hovering over his body a begin to plant kisses over his neck, leaving sloppy licks over his scales.
His chest started to move up and down rapidly, he purrs deeply when I wrap my hand around his cock, feeling how he throbs under my touch.
He squeezes my hips, sweet whimpers leave his lips and I watch with pleasant eyes the snake hybrid squirm in front of me as I start jerking him off quickly, making he growl my name before returning to the slow peace of before.
He whines, throwing his head back.
- is this good my Yoongi? - I tease, watching he squirms as a reaction.
- So good… oh, so good y/n - he groans, barely keeping his eyes open - please, fuck..
- What is it baby? What do you want? - I taunt moving my hand terribly slow over his cock.
- Wanna… fuck, wanna cum… - he moans, trembling when I start jerking him off quickly.
His pretty cock spits pre cum, the sounds of my hand moving around his throbbing head driving us both insane, the moment he started squirming I knew he was getting closer.
- yes, yes… y/n you’re so good - he moans, hands gripping the covers.
- Cum baby, make a mess for me.
He starts to moan my name repeatedly, bitting his own lip until his legs are shaking, cock throbbing under my fingers while leaking his cum all over himself.
I run my hand over his belly covered on his milk, spreading it on his abs before moving closer, pressing my lips against the curve of his neck.
- such a good boy… my Yoongi - I praise, leaving kisses alone his jawline.
- - that was so good… - he mumbles, closing his arms around my body in a hug.
- Humm… you are insane - I said against his chest, running my fingers over his shoulder.
- I’m yours - he state, making me look up into his eyes.
- I’m yours too - I whisper over his lips, softly claiming his between mine.
He pulled me over his chest and we cuddled together, finally letting the tiredness begin to kick and let us get some sleep.
And tomorrow I would wake up happy, knowing it would be in his arms. Forever.
Taglist: @yoongiwantsme @effielumiere @danielle143 @dragons-flare e @awanderingangel @blue-and-grey-army @crystallizedtime @fairywriter-oracle @rosquilleta @m4gg13-g @unadulteratedlyunique e @kpopmultistantrashsstuff f @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @yoongislatinagff @kimsonlyluv @slut-4-yourmom @illnevertrustmyselfagain @bangchanbabygirlx @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @momnomnom @honsoolgloss @kimtaehussy @amariemoore @starrlo0ver r @whipwhoops s @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe e @catlove83 @tarahardcore e @liveyun @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna a @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky @watermelon2319 @mukeovernetflix @lopprhe e @acquiescence804 @locket-hrt @myspi2010 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @armydgirl l l @jaxyy219 @viankiss @shycreationdreamland @the-reas0n-is-y0u @nothingsreal420 @sckalykoko @lucis-noctiana
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Hi. Can you make one with Irulan and Y/N?
Y/N is an adventurer from an unknown galaxy and he's telling her about different planets, wildlife, civilisations and his experiences.
Irulan and Y/N look over a map…
Y/N: and there I saw a herd of laza tigers
Irulan: and what about that planet?
Y/N: bovids
Irulan: and that one?
Y/N: I met the rarest, most beautiful creature of all
Irulan: what?
Y/N: you
Irulan giggles as she touches foreheads with Y/N…
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You mentioned once that Eg has both polecat and dart frog DNA, right? That implies that other clones can have more than one type of animal mixed with them. Thinking of the possibilities is exciting :)
(That is correct! Now it is time for 'Bean talks about clone OCs again!!!' (Also Bean is not a scientist, and we are using cartoon logic, so do not come at them for inaccuracy!!!)
In the most simple of terms, there are three groups that clones can be classified into! (Well, four, but we'll get into that)
The first group is clones with just a single species of animal (or plant!) spliced into their DNA, with examples being Spud (Star-Nosed Mole) and Mirtillo (Common Vampire Bat)
These guys are probably second most common! Giving clones specific traits without the risk of mixing DNAs and causing the clone to explode or something
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The second group is clones with more than one set of DNA, but those animals are all the same species, ie Vitelotte having only spider DNA (Jumping Spider, Wolf Spider, Tarantula etc (side note, no specific subspecies bc there are so many spiders I do not have the spoons to look through them all and pick some out kjfdsjf)), and Mint Chip having shark DNA (Tiger Shark and Thresher Shark)
These guys are probably the most common type as they (the scientists) were giving clones specific traits from animals like the singular DNA clones, but also did not want to be limited if one type of species could do something another couldn't
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And then Eg falls into the third group of having more than one set of DNA from different animals! As mentioned, she has Striped Polecat (aka African Skunk or Zorilla) and Blue Poison Dart Frog DNA! Another example, bc I need to have two examples, is BB, who is a mix of Boer Goat, African Lion, Ball Python, and King Cobra!
This group is the rarest out of the three, bc mashing together DNAs like that often resulted in failure, but that does not mean they are few and far between!
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And last, but not least, special cases!!! This is the group Pep falls into, even tho he should technically be in the third group, he is packed with so many different kinds of DNA, he is very much an outlier here
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And there are a few other outliers, who would also technically be in one of the previous groups, but what makes them different is that they were not purposely spliced with certain DNAs, and were the result of cross-breeding (two (or more) different clones with different DNAs making a baby), or cannibalism (eating another clone and absorbing their set(s) of DNA)
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Ohh I didn’t mean to imply There wasn’t too many mammals compared to reptiles/birds , I just thought pure species numbers wasn’t the best comparison
Also I sort of just see a bias to larger species almost inevitable?? Not good definitely, just almost inevitable. And when you control for that I don’t think theirs really that many artiodactylids vs other large mammals ( this isn’t directed at you, as much as others complaining about the pack)
Clouded leopards are basal to the big-cat group and snow leopards are I want to say closer related to tigers, Amur leopard is actually a leopard, as in a subspecies of leopard, which are closer to lions?, and finished of Panthera. Amur leopard made a name for itself as “ the worlds rarest cat” so it made sense for the conservation pack, its also fairly common in north American zoos I think? The zoo in the closest city to me has one. Still too many cats, just wanted to explain what I thought There thinking was on the leopards.
I mean, the thing with Planet Zoo is that they finally got around zoo-game large animal bias with the exhibit animals, and yet they still show biases in what animals they choose for that
And I guess re: all those cats, but its just excessive. Like obviously every individual animal can have a good reason for its inclusion, but the number of ferungulatans has gotten out of control
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
I think it'd be interesting if there were other Zodiac keys besides the 12 Golden Keys, solely for the sake of not having 10 out of 12 Golden Keys belonging to one character.
In the case of the Chinese Zodiac, there's 12 animals (13 if you count the cat) and 5 elements (fire, water, wood, earth, and metal). My idea for this set of keys would be 5 keys per animal, each having one of those 5 elements, for a total of 60 keys (65 if we're including the cat).
Personally, I'd give Lucy the Water Horse, Wood Snake, and Metal Dragon, and I'd give Yukino the Wood Rabbit, Earth Tiger, and Fire Rooster.
I've heard this sort of idea before, but I don't really think it cuts down on the core problem, which is one character just happening to stumble into 10 of the rarest keys on the planet. Turning 12 keys into 60 keys just makes them less rare rather than making Lucy feel like a genuinely cool wizard for the ones she does have.
She inherited Aquarius, Cancer, and Capricorn, and managed to find and contract Taurus on her own. By the end of the first arc, she has Virgo, has Sagittarius by the end of the third, and has three more by the end of the seventh arc, and the story's only half over. That's 2/3 of the golden keys before we even hit Edolas.
None of this really necessitates changing the keys or how many there are, but what would've helped might've been focusing more on silver keys. Mashima didn't really develop the gold keys that much, nor bother to make their powers all that impressive beyond Aquarius, Gemini, and sometimes Leo if you squint. We literally don't even know what Capricorn can do.
There are 88 constellations to choose from just in the IAU designated modern canon. Hell, if you wanted Lucy to take a more active role, you could've turned Crux from a literal cross that tells stories to a sword (a cross-shaped weapon). There's no reason for the celestial spirit we see by far the most of to have a rather anemic collection of silver keys while owning 90% of the super-rare Zodiac version.
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
for the fic writers ask game — ❤️ and 🎁 ? :-)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
OH BOY that one is difficult!! I've written a lot of lines over the years that make me go "...Oh damn that one is AWESOME where did THAT come from??" but....I thiiiink I'm gonna have to go with the one that seems to be everyone else's favorite:
"You look at his hands the same way he looks at your throat."
Ah, The First to Fall my beloved magnum opus 🙏
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
SEVERAL!!! So many that it physically pains me to choose!! :D
But I'll yeet out one for Cosmic Entities bc I know that's the one my DN peeps are most thirsty for lmao:
"You wouldn't understand," Light snaps, turning to rifle through the bags of blankets to find one he doesn't hate. "You were never human so you don't know what it's like—" "Explain it to me then," Ryuk urges, knocking his boot against Light's ankle. "You're good at that, ain't cha?" Light pauses, his hands half-clawed against the plastic of one of the blanket bags. He takes a deep breath and forces his hands to relax, claws shrinking back into normal fingertips. It's just...Ryuk, he reminds himself. He can be honest with Ryuk. "I want to play the game again," Light admits through gritted teeth. "I liked having him there to challenge me. Everything was so boring for so long, but then I became Kira and L came along in rapid succession, and I was anything but bored. I...enjoyed. Having him around."
Pawing through the selection, Light finally finds a satisfactory bedspread with a marbled white and gold pattern. He pulls it out and holds it tightly in his hands, lips pursed in thought. For something to explain the war in his mind.
"Imagine...finding the rarest, prettiest tiger on Earth. It's the last of its kind, and you've never seen anything like it before. You want to keep it, to get close and pet it, but you know, logically, that it's still a dangerous animal. And for your own safety, you need to leave it alone—handle it from a safe distance. But that urge, the desire to play with and be close to it, doesn't just go away. Sometimes you can't resist the urge to feed it through the bars—even though you know you might just lose a hand. Do you understand? Is any of this getting through to you?" Light glances over at Ryuk through his bangs, and blinks in surprise when he finds Ryuk's expression thoughtful rather than amused.
"Yeah," Ryuk answers after a moment, head tipped. "Yeah, I could see that."
"Really?" Light says incredulously. Suspiciously. It's not that he doesn't think Ryuk could imagine such a thing, but that sort of response implies some kind of...empathy. Which Ryuk, even as a semi-Shinigami, shouldn't be capable of.
Ryuk snorts at Light's narrowed eyes, rolling his own as he turns to look through the blankets himself. "What? We might be friends," Ryuk drawls, his smile a sneer. "But if ya think I don't know when I'm livin' with a predator, then I might just get offended. I ain't that stupid, kid, whatever you think."
Light takes a moment to digest that. He licks across his fangs, his mouth suddenly buzzing with the urge to make something bleed.
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manysketchbook · 4 months
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Swifty Puffkins | Swibco, 1999
We have GOT to put a stop to unethical plushie breeding practices. This poor deer is so deformed it only has two legs—and they’re paws! There are tons of these at my local thrift stores. I think they look goofy, but I got this one cus it screams “creature.” What a fucked up little animal.
Puffkins were a Beanie Babies competitor that ran from 1997-2002. They brought them back in 2007 as Puffkins 2, but the rerelease did not go very far. Apparently, the white tiger Puffkins toy is the rarest.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
what song do you associate with a ship? (Ouizzy)
I think Caramel by John Grant has some Ouizzy vibes:
My love is the rarest jewel And he grounds me with his love My love, he is rich like caramel And he moves me from above He sees me with tiger eyes And that’s where I make my home His heart is a shield, which protects me from the vilest foe His smile's an elixir, which heals the wounds of my darkest years When my love is quiet, I consider him, and he drives away my fears My love, he reveals himself with tenderness and grace My love has constructed with his arms for me the safest place His laughter destroys my doubts and lifts me up so high His voice it is soothing like a warm breeze on a Summer night When he envelops me, I give myself to him, and my soul takes flight
From Izzy's pov, of course. Especially the line "His smile's an elixir, which heals the wounds of my darkest years" but really the whole song. (also sidenote but John Grant is an amazing musician and you should definitely check him out)
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the-furby-queen · 2 years
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Adopt a Furby ~ Meet Orange Lavaburst the 1998 Tiger Electronics Special Limited Edition Hi-C Furby! With only 5,000 units made for a competition this is the rarest Furby we've had at the Furby Queen Adoption Center, and we're happy to have such a distinguished guest! I enjoyed his presence for a while before deciding to list him. Brand new in box, factory sealed, and only minor dents in the clear plastic and what looks like a box cutter mark in the top. Not tested and will not be removing to test. The name came from the name of the McDonald's Hi-C flavor😂 Adopt them on my Etsy today🥰 🧃 🧃 🧃 #furby #furbyfandom #furbycommunity #furbyforsale #furbyshop #furbylove #furby1998 #furbyhi-c #hi-cfurby #hicfurby #factorysealedfurby #1998furby #refurbishment #refurbishedfurby #refurbish #90stoy #specialedition #rarefurby #90snostalgia #electronictoy #interactivetoy #furbytoy #vintage #etsy #etsyshop #etsyseller #adoptafurby #thefurbyqueen #adoptioncenter #shopsmallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CokTxJqpMo8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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langurecotravels · 7 days
Bhutan: Unveiling the Kingdom of Serenity for European Adventurers with Langur Eco Travels
Have you, the discerning European traveler, grown weary of the well-trodden tourist paths? Do you crave an experience that transcends the ordinary, a journey that awakens your spirit and leaves you breathless? Look no further than Bhutan, the "Land of the Thunder Dragon." Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Bhutan beckons with untouched landscapes, a rich tapestry of culture, and a philosophy that prioritizes happiness. Langur Eco Travels, your trusted companion on this unforgettable exploration, invites you to discover the magic of Bhutan.
birds of Bhutan, eco travels, bird photography, wildlife tours, Buddhism tour
A Realm Beyond Comparison:
Bhutan offers a unique experience unlike anything you've encountered in Europe. Here's what awaits you on this captivating European adventure:
The Hidden Paradise: Unlike the bustling tourist hubs of Europe, Bhutan prioritizes a pristine environment and responsible travel. Escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the serenity of the Himalayas, a haven of tranquility untouched by the modern world.
A Cultural Tapestry Woven in Time: Unravel the rich tapestry of Bhutanese culture. Witness the vibrant Tsechu festivals, where masked dancers move in perfect harmony to the rhythm of drums. Explore ancient Dzongs, fortresses that stand as testaments to the country's architectural prowess. Wander through monasteries adorned with prayer flags, their colorful hues a stark contrast against the majestic Himalayan backdrop.
Beyond the Picturesque Landscapes: Bhutan's beauty extends far beyond postcards. Trek through verdant valleys, a stark contrast to the rolling hills of Europe. Hike amidst snow-capped peaks that pierce the azure sky, a sight unlike anything you've experienced. Witness the cascading waterfalls, serene turquoise lakes, and diverse landscapes that will leave you speechless.
Encountering a Unique Himalayan Wildlife Haven: Bhutan boasts a unique biodiversity. Spot the majestic Takin, Bhutan's national animal, with its captivating blend of goat and antelope features. Keep an eye out for the elusive Red Panda, a fiery ball of fur, and maybe even catch a glimpse of the Bengal Tiger, a symbol of wild power.
A Haven for Birdwatchers: Are you an avid birdwatcher? Bhutan boasts over 770 recorded bird species, making it a paradise for ornithologists. Witness the vibrant plumage of the Rufous-necked Hornbill or listen to the melodic call of the Green-backed Tit. Our Birding Tours, with expert guides, will help you spot even the rarest avian wonders. (Learn more about our Birding Tours on our website: Bhutanbirdingtours.com)
Crafting Your Dream Bhutan Holiday:
Langur Eco Travels understands that European travelers have a diverse range of interests. We curate tailor-made Bhutan tour packages designed to cater to your specific preferences:
Cultural Immersion: Delve deeper into Bhutan's rich traditions. Learn about traditional dress, witness age-old crafts being practiced firsthand, and participate in a cooking class to discover the unique flavors of Bhutanese cuisine.
Festivals and Events: Time your Bhutan trip to coincide with one of the vibrant Tsechu festivals, a spectacle of masked dances, vibrant costumes, and a celebration of Bhutanese culture.
Wellness Retreats: Immerse yourself in a rejuvenating yoga or meditation retreat amidst the serene Himalayan landscape. Find inner peace amidst the tranquility of Bhutan's natural beauty.
Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures: For the adventurous European spirit, explore hidden valleys and remote villages, experiencing the authentic Bhutanese way of life. Hike through unspoiled landscapes and encounter untouched corners of the kingdom.
Langur Eco Travels: Your European Ally in Bhutan:
Choosing Langur Eco Travels as your partner in exploring Bhutan offers distinct advantages for European travelers:
Experienced Local Guides: Our passionate and knowledgeable guides are fluent in English, ensuring seamless communication throughout your journey. They will share their insights into local culture, history, and hidden gems, enhancing your experience.
Eco-Conscious Travel: We are committed to sustainable practices. We work with local communities and lodges focused on minimizing environmental impact and preserving Bhutan's pristine beauty, aligning with the European focus on environmental responsibility.
Authentic Experiences: We go beyond the usual tourist trail, offering unique encounters with local people and traditions. Immerse yourself in the authentic charm of Bhutan.
Personalized Bhutan Tour Packages: We meticulously craft itineraries based on your interests, desired duration, and budget. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a first-time visitor, we cater to your specific needs.
Embrace the Spirit of Discovery:
Bhutan is a destination that will leave a lasting impression. It's a land that will awaken your senses, challenge your spirit, and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. With Langur Eco Travels as your guide, embark on a journey that is far more than just a vacation.
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bird watching, eco travels, eco -friendly tourism, nature tourism places, birding tour
cultural  tours, eco travels, thunder dragon, adventurous, spiritual
birds of Bhutan, eco travels, bird photography, wildlife tours, Buddhism tour
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The Masterlist
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Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
INTRO - In the books they say
ONE - Love at first bite
TWO - Bath me with your love
THREE - Hungry for your love I
FOUR - The truth untold II
FIVE - Bitter taste, Jealousy and bites
SIX - Take Me Home
SEVEN - The last bite
On Going
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Side Characters: Min Yoongi as Agust D/Mafia boss, Jung Hoseok as Jack/Concierge, Namjoon/Police detective, Jungkook/Police detective, Park Jimin/thief and gang leader, Taehyung/Mafia member FBI Mole, Paradise owner. Jin/unknown, Busan/Mafia boss.
Warnings: This story contains nsfw content (descriptive blood, gore, etc.) as well as sexual content. Mentions may include violence, consumption of alcohol, explicit sexual interactions, sharp objects, knife play, description of injuries, themes of major horror and also explores obsessive behaviors and codependency, robbery, killing, guns, torturing, fire, toxic yandere men, violence, possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships.
SUMMARY: You made it. Now a police intern as you always promised to your father before he died, you were more than happy to finally be able to help people like he did. But the law was not what you expected to be like. You did not know how lonely it would be for a young woman to grow her career in this kingdom. Having to take care of your 18 year old brother wasn't easy too and things just got a lot worse when you've met Agust D. The king of the mafia Min. He sure knew how to make a life turn into a hell hole.
ONE - Red Chopsticks
TWO - I’ll find you in a dark Paradise
THREE - A deal with the devil
FOUR - Welcome to my world
FIVE - Good girl gone bad COMING SOON
SIX - Dance with the devil COMING SOON
On Going
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Side characters: Park Jimin/White fox hybrid.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, violence, sharp objects, suggestive words, smut, alcohol, killing.
Genre: Fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, R +18.
SUMMARY: Did you know a fox only mates once in their life? For almost 400 years Min Yoongi never mated before, all theses years of emptiness and loneliness. He had tried so many times to end with his own hands. Until one night a hint of sweet and fire blows towards his nose, the smell was something he never felt before. And blood. Running for your life you felt hopeless in front of a lake, two man following you behind. Their disgusting smiles and eyes savoring your female body, you knew what they would do but you'd rather die. It all started with fire.
INTRO - Run little girl
ONE - Wood, cinnamon and honey.
TWO - Please wash away this blood on my skin
THREE - A taste of honey and dreams
FOUR - A Rise From The Shadows (coming soon)
FINAL BREATH (coming soon)
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Side Characters: Yoongi/black cat hybrid, Hoseok/human, Taehyung/golden hybrid.
Warnings: Smut, violence, mentions of blood. And finally some fluff.
SUMMARY: Jungkook needed to hide. He was on the run. And what better place for a bunny hybrid to hide then a Bunny coffee shop? How could he resist? You smelled sweet and looked nice. All it took was one smile of yours and a bunny bread and he was on all fours for you.
INTRO - Bunny on the run
ONE - Bunnies don’t like water (coming out soon)
TWO - Carrot Cake 🥕: Bunny in the kitchen (coming soon)
THREE - Muscle Bunny to the rescue (coming soon)
FOUR - Bunny Fever (coming soon)
THE LAST BUN (Coming soon)
Coming soon
My Best Friends Crush
Characters: Min Yoongi/music theory Teacher, Jung Hoseok/dance teacher, Jungkook/art and design student, Jimin/danc student, reader/art student.
Genre: strangers to lovers, forbidden love?
Warnings: mentions of explicit language, sexual references(smutty material), consumption of alcohol, age difference.
Summary: “my whole life I always hated rules and protocols, growing to fin comfort on art as I could express myself unapologetically and freely. But there was one rule I made with myself; never fall in love with your friend crush.
With my rebellious nature, it was bound to be broken but I just never meet someone who would take that seriously.”
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pollparties · 3 months
Rarest Zodiac Animal
Pick your zodiac, and at the end of the poll, the least voted animal wins as the rarest chinese zodiac sign.
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toxic-vulture · 1 year
14 and 23 for the vinyl asks?
Tumblr is really not wanting me to answer this lol
14. Do you have any rarities/limited edition records? If so, how many?
So the rarest vinyl is definitely the 2009 press of Dethalbum II, which I was very lucky to find in a B&N. It was the first vinyl I ever purchased, and unfortunately I didn't really store it well. The sleeves are both frayed and just messed up, and the vinyl itself is slightly warped and skips in some places. I plan to frame it since I bought the repress they released alongside their new album.
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I have several that could be considered limited editions, but they're just different color pressings (which I try to get when I can).
I think this counts though, it's a flexi-vinyl! It was sent as a promotional freebie in Ghost's tiger's eye Prequelle pressing earlier this year. It's a sample of one of the songs from their 2 EP album, Seven Inches of Satanic Panic and I just think its neat :)
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23. Which record in your collection is the oldest?
In terms of which was printed at an older date, it's also Dethalbum II. In terms of when the music itself was released, that would be the Yellow Submarine by the Beatles.
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This one is definitely a recent pressing, so I think my first answer is closer to what the question means.
Ty for the ask!
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survey--s · 1 year
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When was the last time you were stung by a bee? What kind was it? Years ago - I think it was just a normal bumblee.
Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? Yeah, my ex’s parents lost everything in a house fire.
When was the last time you had a piece of cake? What was the occasion? Uhh, last week sometime I think, and well, because I fancied some cake lol.
Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain? Did it seem romantic at the time? Yeah - it’s been both romantic and irritating depending on the circumstances.
Have you ever had a pet that was black and white? Yeah, all our black cats have technically been black and white as they’ve all had tiny white patches on them somewhere.
What are three great toppings for pancakes? Butter, maple syrup and blueberries.
Have you ever been hypnotized? No.
What are three things you’ve gotten a lot of compliments on? My photography, my business and how good I am with animals.
Did you/do you like school? I loved primary school but hated middle/secondary school.
What was/is the best thing about going to school? In primary, all of it - I loved it. I hated pretty much everything about the rest of it.
The worst? The social aspect was probably the toughest bit for me.
What was/is your favourite subject? History.
Least favourite? Maths and Chemistry.
What age did you start school? I was in pre-school from 18 months old.
What is the worst rumor that has been spread about you? Nothing too horrendous, thankfully.
What is the worst rumor you have spread about someone else? I’ve never spread any rumours.
Who is your favourite sportsman/woman? What sport do they play? I don’t really pay any attention to sports-people.
Do you believe in the devil? No.
Is religion in the world a plus or a minus? Minus. A big fat minus.
Do you respect other people's religions? I respect other people’s right to believe in whatever they like, but I don’t respect religion as a concept, no.
Do you get more headaches, earaches, toothaches or sore eyes? Headaches.
Favourite type of muffin? Blueberry.
What’s the first animal you go to see at the zoo? Penguins and tigers.
What’s the strangest or rarest creature you’ve seen at a zoo? White tigers, white lions and snow leopards.
What animal is at a zoo that really, in your opinion, shouldn’t be? Orcas and dolphins.
Do you like zoos or aren’t you bothered? I love good zoos who focus on conservation and who make sure the animals have the best quality of life possible.
I offer you a cigarette, you say… No thanks, I don't smoke.
I offer to buy you an alcoholic drink and you reply… Sure.
I offer you $5,0000 to kill a world leader. What’s your response? Nowhere near enough.
When do you normally laugh the most? When something’s funny?
Where does your best friend live? We live together.
Who do you think, outside family, has made the biggest impact on your life?  I have no idea.
Color is the nearest book to you? Red and green.
Is it ever okay to hit a child? When is this? I’d say the only time it’s acceptable is if you need to hit their hand away from say, an open flame or a burning hot radiator - so when the alternative could kill them or cause life-changing injuries. 
Are you afraid of going out at night in case you get attacked? Nope, I can’t say that’s something that’s ever crossed my mind, but we live in a really, really safe area.
Can you honestly say you’ve got a good heart and mean well? I suppose so but I also think I’m very selfish person.
Do you have any hormone problems? How do they affect you? Only around my period, and I just get irritable and short-tempered for a few days.
What do you think the world would be like now if Germany won WWII? I mean, how can anyone answer this? Hitler winning the war is no guarantee that he’d have stayed in power for any significant amount of time.
Can you imagine a world without music? No.
What natural phenomenon do you find the most beautiful? The northern lights, sunsets.
Would you kill someone who killed a child? No. I think that makes you just as bad as them.
How about YOUR child? Again, no. It makes you just as bad a person as them.
What’s your thoughts on Donald Trump? He’s a giant orange fuck-nugget.
If you’re American, how do you feel about it? Haha, I’m incredibly glad I’m not American.
Favorite alcoholic drink? Raspberry vodka.
What do you think of Satanism? It’s not really something I have an opinion on, to be honest.
How do you feel about global warming? It’s too late to do anything about it now.
Do you know how to handle somebody having a seizure? All I know is to roll them on their side.
Have you ever had a seizure? No.
Worst drug you’ve ever done? I've never done a drug illegally. 
Metallic or matte? It depends - I think both can look good.
Do your siblings dye their hair? I don’t have any siblings.
How long have you liked the person you’re into now? We’ve been together almost seven years now.
Do you still have any of your exes’ stuff? Just gifts they’ve bought me.
What did your first best friend look like? She had long brown ringlets, freckles and green eyes. Her name was Lucy.
Is your best friend dating anyone? I’m married to my best friend.
Have you ever given oral sex? Yes.
Received oral sex? Yes.
Do you like poetry? I love reading it but not writing it.
What period in history is your favourite? The Tudors, the Stuarts, the Victorians and WWI.
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? No idea. It’s not really something I keep track of, lol.
What is the last game you played on your phone? MergeHotel.
Do you have your full birth name on your Facebook? No.
What’s the last notification you got on there? A comment on a post I put on a Beagle page from someone called Audrey.
Do you live in a house, townhouse, apartment, trailer, etc.? A house.
Does a lot of your family live within 15-20 minutes of you? All my in-laws do. My parents live about 40 minutes drive and the rest of my family live overseas.
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theultimatefan · 1 year
Lebron, Pelé, Ruth, Gehrig Items Highlight New Heritage Auctions Offerings
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As always with one of Heritage's Sports auctions, extraordinary history and unassailable rarities draw the collector's attention every which way thanks to the more than 2,800 pieces representing every sport and every decade in which professional games have been played. And every legend, too — from Ted Williams' Sultan of Swat Crown to signed pieces from Pelé's collection to a photo-matched pair of LeBron James' rookie-season sneakers. One could crack the spine on the May 11-13 Sports Catalog Auction and start with what has long been one of The Hobby's holy-moly Holy Grails: 73 high-grade 1952 Topps baseball cards pedigreed from The Lionel Carter Collection, so named for the man who famously accumulated only the very best of the very best.
In The Hobby, at least, Carter's name is better known than most of the players on these cards – Ken Raffensberger, say, or Dick Kryhoski. He was a connoisseur among collectors, among the first to concentrate solely on well-centered, well-struck baseball cards with the highest grades. Most of his assemblage went straight from wax packs into his albums, where they remained until their auction debut 16 years ago.
Carter's 1952 Topps collection alone consisted of what was likely the most extensive single assortment of Mint and Gem Mint cards from that historic set. Sharp corners, white borders, bright colors, shiny surfaces — every one of his cards looked like it came from a 5-cent wax pack just this morning. Most of the 73 cards offered here are the highest-graded examples.
"I expect the 1952 Topps cards from The Carter Collection are going to rewrite the record books for commons cards from the 1952 Topps set," says Chris Ivy, Director of Sports Auctions at Heritage.
This wax box of 1962 Topps Baseball (First Series) cards, with 24 unopened packs, is no less dizzying. This green cardboard treasure chest is so rare Heritage has never before offered one, and the Baseball Card Exchange says this is the first 1962 Topps baseball box they can recall authenticating in a decade.
Some of baseball's rarest cards make their auction debuts at Heritage in May: a select group of signed baseball Exhibits cards from the 1920s. A father and son bought them in the 1970s and only now part with this estimable collection that includes cards autographed by Babe Ruth and Walter Johnson and a 1925 rookie card signed by Lou Gehrig that's one of just a handful known to exist. The remainder of the extensive, historic and sought-after signed Exhibits collection will be offered in the coming months.  
The memorabilia is no less extensive or impressive, beginning with an astonishing assortment of collectibles, including LeBron's rookie sneakers and a lifetime's worth of memories owned by soccer's supreme legend, Pelé.
In this event are pair of sneakers making their auction debut: the very shoes on King James' feet when he played only his second game in the National Basketball Association. Photo-matching reveals James laced up these size-15 Nike Air Zoom Generations on Oct. 30, 2003, when the 19-year-old Cleveland Cavalier dropped 21 points against the Phoenix Suns, beginning his two-decade-long march toward the NBA's all-time career points record once held by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
As the catalog notes of these Nikes, "This is unquestionably one of the most important artifacts of 21st-century sports ever to be placed upon the hobby's auction block."
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"LeBron's second-game sneakers are just one of the incontestable highlights of the May 11-13 Sports Catalog Auction, which is rich in history," says Chris Ivy, Heritage's Director of Sports Auctions. "Collectors won't have to wait until the Summer Platinum Night Sports Auction in August to spring into action given the varied and valuable memorabilia available in May, which includes tools of the trade used by such icons as Tiger Woods and Ted Williams, with gamers worn into battle by some of the best to play any game and a historic collection spanning the extraordinary career of a man who transcended his sport: Pelé."
The Pelé Collection is more than just a great representation of his decades-long career, which spanned his first of three World Cup victories in 1958 (when he was just 17) through the 1981 film Victory, which proved soccer was big enough for Rocky to play it. As The New York Times put it upon his death in December at 82, Pele was a national treasure in his native Brazil and a worldwide celebrity who made soccer popular in the United States. This collection, available in one place for the first and last time, includes some of his rarest trading cards and other memorabilia – photos, jerseys, pennants and programs – all owned by the man born Edson Arantes do Nascimento in poverty-stricken Brazil in 1940. Pelé signed each piece with accompanying video footage; to further ensure their authenticity, PSA witnessed and slabbed each piece with a prestigious pedigree, The Pelé Collection.
Among the items autographed by Pelé: a copy of Diego Maradona's limited-edition book The Maradona Opus, making this the only known edition signed by both men; a 1966 "Best Footballer In The World" original photo; a 2022 Neymar Barcelona Football Club jersey; a 1977 New York Cosmos pennant and numerous other one-of-a-kind items.
The offerings from Ted Williams are no less notable, chief among them the Babe Ruth Sultan of Swat Award Crown awarded to the Splendid Splinter in 1957. This crown, befitting the last MLB player to bat over .400 in a season, came from Williams' estate and hasn't been seen since it was auctioned in 2012. It's a jewel among jewels, which includes the Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Ring presented to Ted Williams on July 25, 1966.
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