#What's the omegaverse equivalent of a butch
autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Hi!! Thoughts on O4O JayGrant?? I've seen you going on about it and now I'm curious!!! Also, (politely shooks your shoulders) please write that jaygrant Selkie!Jason au!!
I am SO GLAD you asked!!!
I think they're both kind of repressed about their dynamic, Jason because it made him vulnerable and Grant because it meant he could never live up to Slade in his mind. Neither of them really trust alphas so they end up sharing heats with each other, which turns into casually nesting with each other, which turns into them living together, and suddenly Grant is a regular fixture in the East End because it's no longer just Jason's territory it's their territory.
And then, Tyler comes in. And Sasha. And Respawn. And Poppy. And-
There's a lot of street kids that need places to stay. I've talked before about Jason giving his safe houses to people who need them because I can't fathom the thought that he has a bazillion empty houses when there are so many people who need it. I think this is DOUBLY true in the Omegaverse because Jason sees everyone in the Alley, to some extent, as his pack.
Grant doesn't mean to start helping with this stuff, but before he knows it he sees Jason as his mate and now the Alley people are his pack too. He's got pups to feed, and crooks to discipline. He doesn't have time to run around fucking up his dad's jobs anymore.
Adeline is happy about this, if nothing else. She's been asking after grandpups practically since she found out Grant was alive, and she doesn't much care that none of them are related to her by blood.
If they ever DID want bio pups, well, there's perks to having Talia Head as a mother in law. Not that they need her tech, because apparently the pit and the serum has made it so apparently they can both give pups as well as get them. Which they find out,,,,,very shortly after they tie the proverbial knot.
It's going to be a rough nine months but Steph and Rose are willing to take over patrols and things for them!! And soon there will be at least two more little monsters born and bred to MENACES running around<333
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trudemaethien · 2 years
compatibility slickma4 please?!! 👀👀👀
hi, TWO ppl asked for this, so ig it sounds interesting lol!
This is a continuation of an omegaverse AU where Dogma and Slick get together in prison.
tl;dr if u haven’t read the first 3 stories in the series:
Dogma is transdesignation, alpha to omega. Slick is an omega too, but also basically the equivalent of a butch lesbian. They are in love and aren’t in prison anymore.
also this snippet comes right after this (cw discussion of pregnancy)
Out of nowhere Slick asks, “Do you think you’d be jealous?”
Dogma hums, half-distracted. “Hmmwhat?”
“If I was pregnant,” Slick clarifies with only the slightest hesitation on the last word.
That has Dogma sitting up to attention immediately.
Slick looks steadily at him.
“Slick, forget about that, please! I told you, I turned that offer down. It’s not happening, so please stop bringing it up. You don't even want it!”
“Right.” Slick turns away.
A stifling silence envelopes the room, and that should be the end of it
“I dont know.”
Slick jerks, startled. “What?”
“…if I’d be jealous or not,” Dogma admits.
(idk why its has been eating the last line… have a snacrifice oh tumblr deities!)
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trudemaethien · 2 years
compatibility slickma4?? 👀👀👀👀
hewwo, I thought you knew about this one, doofus. this is a continuation of the omegaverse AU i wrote where dogma and slick get together in prison.
tl;dr for anyone who hasn’t read the series:
Dogma is transdesignation, alpha to omega. Slick is an omega too, but also basically the equivalent of a butch lesbian. They aren’t in prison anymore.
tw: discussion of reproductive stuff, omegaverse
(snippet in media res and sry for how unpolished it is lol)
several months later:
Slick says, “Dogma?” nervous
Dogma, (attention drawn) “What’s wrong, love?”
Slick cautious tentative. “If uh—if there was a way for us to have a baby. I mean—there IS a way. It's very obvious”—Dogma starts shaking his head—“I would, for you, I'd…be willing to…”
“Slick, no,” Dogma says.
Slick is not relieved. If anything he’s nearly supplicating, obviously having given it a lot of thought. “You're always my exception, Dogma. My mate. my riduur. my husband. my omega.
“I was just thinking—about surrogacy, and… it could be like that. I'd be your surrogate, that’s all. We could select the donor genes together, and it would be for you.”
Slick holds his gaze earnestly, and Dogma
Dogma says, “I don’t deserve how much you love me and I could not ask you to make that sacrifice—not when I know how uncomfortable even the thought of pregnancy makes you.”
Slick swallows and his eyes skitter away.
“See, you can't even hear the word pregnancy!” Dogma insists.
“So, you’re saying no,” Slick says in an odd, strangled tone.
Dogma says, “I’m saying thank you, so much, Slick; you’re the best riduur and best mate I could ever wish for, and you don't need to do this to prove your devotion to me! I know.”
Slick says, “That's not why.”
“Why,” Dogma prompts.
slick doesn’t answer for a minute, and when he does it’s nearly a whisper. “I want you to be happy, sweetheart.”
Dogma catches his hand and waits until Slick looks at him. “I am happy,” he says, smiling softly until Slick’s mouth curves up to match, and then he kisses him.
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