#Whatever the heck it is
uraharasandals · 2 years
YO just wanted to ask who ur fave bleach characters are! I like Toushiro the most, but Karin and Momo grew on me after my recent Bleach binge!
HEY I LOVE THIS QUESTION thanks for giving me chance to ramble about my favourite characters *insert maniac laughter*
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So as you can see from my URL I obviously love Urahara Kisuke!! He’s such a complex character and I guess I have a thing for Miki Shinichirou because his voice is *chef’s kiss* In the beginning we don’t really think much of him - he’s like the sensei character that almost every anime has that guides the main character (Ichigo). And in the context of an (what seems to be in the beginning) urban fantasy it’s not very jarring to have some random guy appear, and I love how he stands out subtly while also fitting in at the same time. His outfit and entire get up as well - a guy who wears geta with a bucket hat and haori is perfectly normal in Japan, and it actually looks cool on him. He looks like a normal guy and that's what fucks with the audience.
And then you go forward and realise he's a wacky character. He lives with a very hot woman who transforms herself into an equally stunning cat, the definition of a himbo presenting genius, and two kids. Seems like a dysfunctional found family dynamic that would come out of a sitcom, doesn't it? OH BUT WAIT it actually is one!! And these people are actually very fucking powerful!! Why the hell does this man have so much shit lying around?? Is he strong or something?
It's not until the swing back the pendulum arc that we find out he is, in fact, a very strong guy™. I love how little character development Kisuke gets in terms of his personality - most of the central character gets a major revamp; a lot of the Gotei 13 captains either get a reality check on their personalities (Soifon, Byakuya, Hitsugaya etc.) or they decide to go completely fuck it (looking at you, betrayal trio). The ones who don't are 'mentor'-like characters, the ones who are old and mature enough that something like a guy upending the very principles of Soul Society wouldn't affect them very much. Because Kisuke is one of those older characters, he doesn't need a personality change, but also the fact that he hasn't changed much from 100 years ago is very in character for him - or so we thought.
The fact is Kisuke actually very much did get a character change - to be more precise, a change of principles. 100 years ago, his morals are more clearly defined than the present. Sure, he recruits his employees from the Maggot's Nest, but he also tried to defend his innocence against Central 46 and was adamant to do so until Yoruichi broke in and kicked ass. He also struggled with saving Hiyori during that fateful night. This is obviously a part of his personality that points to adhering to the side of caution - which is in line with his entire personality; Kisuke is very much someone who doesn't do anything unnecessary, someone who puts on a friendly mask to exist because giving in to those deeper desires requires compromise. So he doesn't - he doesn't because that's the path that allows everyone to accept him and allows him to slip under the radar. He doesn't want to stand out, you see? And that's what makes him so endearing - everyone is running around playing hero or captain and he just,,,wants to chill in his dysfunctional family and makes stuff. Even though he stops deliberating on the means of how he does things in the present (e.g. Playing dirty in all the battles he's part of, casualties not being his priority in his plans etc.), that sense of wanting to fade into the background is still very much there (I.e. that conversation with Aizen when he's being sealed away).
And that makes him so frustrating to see at times, but also a very multi-faceted character!! Because under ordinary circumstances, anyone would want to stand out, especially when you have such talent and intellect as Urahara Kisuke. Yoruichi even berates him for this - when she nominated him for the 12th Division, he didn't want it and she tells him to shut up. It's interesting how well this aspect of him was written, and I really like the portrayal of his character.
Not to mention his zanpakutou - she intrigues me so fucking much?? There's an analysis of Benihime with Urahara's character that really tackles his personality and it just clicked for me (I'll reblog it someday) but basically there's a sense of masochistic tendency to punish himself and to hide his genius away. And you have to wonder - why does this man do this? What kind of past did he have? Kubo really has to write this because it's literally a crime to leave us hanging like this.
And of course, the fact that he's so fucking queer coded. I can't really elaborate on this because there's no one aspect that signals that to me, but I'm sure queer people understands this - his character is one that doesn't have traditional values of masculinity attached (100 years ago even Shinji, who had long hair, would have a stronger sense of 'traditional' masculinity attached to him, I'd argue) and yet he's still very powerful.
Overall I'd say his intelligence and character design and personality is what makes me love him so much!! And the fact that he treads the thin line between seriousness and humour, being the mentor and the clown/fool. At the end of the day Urahara is the only one who doesn't take himself seriously. And that's very fascinating.
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Slightly less like an essay now, largely because I haven't delved into the manga yet so I don't know the back story and more intensities of other characters, esp Yoruichi.
Anyways first thing and reason is that she's hot. She's insanely hot and I appreciate that we got the ponytail on her rather than a female character who's either a tsundere or has a big chest. Yoruichi is able to make her fully clothed self look even more appealing than when she's half naked, which is an absolute shame that Kubo decided to go with that design afterwards. And the fact that she's able to turn into a cat?? Something that was somehow sidelined after her human form was revealed?? Very very rude.
I also love how she subverts expectations. She's a noble, but she's not prim nor proper, and the one time we see her acting like one is that procession in Soifon's flashback. She's a woman, and yet arguably one of the best fighters in the entire series. Unlike a lot of stereotypical female characters, Yoruichi doesn't just use kicks - she throws hard punches and slaps when she needs to, and uses her entire body. I really love the fluidity of her design that Kubo shows because it makes her so beautiful - and it just combines violence and beauty so well??
Yoruichi also doesn't really give a shit about social conventions either, and that in such a socially stratifying society like Soul Society (too many s's) is so attractive - especially since she's a noble because honestly, what can they do? It's this boldness and rebellion that draws me to her.
And again, her being very queer-coded. I love simping over characters who could very much be queer but aren't written as such - your loss, Kubo, really.
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This toothy grinning bastard has captured my attention for some godforsaken reason and I can't figure out why?? Maybe it's his Kansai accent. Maybe it's the fact that his character design is so unconventional and things that normally shouldn't go together did come together and ends up depositing this man onto my lap. It's a strange feeling but Hirako Shinji is definitely up there.
(but also I love myself some long haired men. Why didn't he grow it out again in the TYWB. Why did he get a fucking cravet instead. Go back to the long hair Shinji)
Other characters I love but don't want to write an essay on (yet): Ishida Uryuu, Yadomaru Lisa, Otoribashi Rose, Kyoraku Shunsui, Coyote Starrk, Shutara Senjumaru, Ayasegawa Yumichika (also Shihouin Chika and Saitou Furoufushi, of course)
Please tell me more about your blurbos!! I'm very intrigued on why you love them
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itslilacokay · 2 months
yellow and blue shenanigans
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akanemnon · 2 months
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How to be an annoying little jerk 101
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference
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shepscapades · 1 month
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[Part 1] [PART 2] [Part 3]
The unexpected return of a face Xisuma never thought he'd see again.
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kaylasartwork · 10 months
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Meeting part of my extended family after almost 2 years of not seeing them went way better than I could’ve hoped for and I’m so grateful for how caring and empathetic they were with me
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pocketscribbs · 1 month
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Restaurant crayons get too much hate
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The MANY Bloodlines of Constantine
Those Constantine is Danny's dad and sold his kid soul because he thought he'd actually never have one and Danny is now the Ghost King so his soul claims are invalid AUs but learns he's not Constantine only kid (after a while Constantine honestly 100% thought he'd never have kids and never bothered with a 1st born clause when making deals, maybe some annoyed deity or powerful magic user made Constantine think he can't have kids anymore just to get back at the conman) and now doing everything in his Kingly power to save his half-siblings (can be other teens from other shows or movies or cartoons etc etc) because Danny is the oldest of them and really really wants to punch his biodad for making such a huge mess he has to deal with but Danny does get to meet and protect his younger Half-siblings.
Then comes the day he's celebrating one of his half-sibs birthday with all the others when he's suddenly summoned out of the blue and meets not just the Justice League but his, and his half-sibs, no good soul selling biodad.
Hello rightly placed aggression.... Once he takes care of that powerful evil spirit that's attacking earth first of course.
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mostmagical · 5 months
adrien’s s6 redesign is actually an all orange outfit. he loved orange. always has. gabriel just wouldn’t let him and now no one has the heart to tell him he looks like a traffic cone.
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lil-inky · 2 years
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his existence brings me both amusement and inexplicable dread smh
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the urge to rattle him but naw I don’t wanna be within 3 feet with this man— /lh
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sleepimali · 1 year
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The Old Ones 💀🌿🌳 - Gouache on paper Available on my Patreön as a digital download for Daydreamer tier members and up <3 Or you can get it as a print here :)
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rayllurn · 2 months
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July 15—Happy Birthday, Callum! Wishing our favorite Wizard of Awkward Baby Mage a fun and silly birthday filled with wishes and kisses and laughing and love before all the Season 6 suffering next week. <3
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✨ height difference ✨
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newtknewit · 4 months
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so i found some really silly doodles that i drew last year
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hoomanbeaning · 4 months
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🎶i'd be the voice that urged orpheus when her body was found (hey ya) i'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground (hey ya) i'd be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around (hey ya) and i'd be the immediate forgiveness in eurydice imagine being loved by me🎶
hozier's talk
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shepscapades · 3 months
okay am i crazy? someone please tell me I'm crazy, I saw the thumbnail for Xisuma's newest hermitcraft episode and was immediately reminded of the deepslate/blackstone palette and building style of all of the buildings from the Evil Empire in season 8. Clicked on the video and the introduction "Previously, on Hermitcraft" was voiced with Evil Xisuma's voice filters. I had thought Xisuma said in a recent FAQ video he had no plans to bring Evil X back into hermitcraft plot because the storytelling wasn't really his top priority, but this kind of seems like foreshadowing of some kind? Thoughts?Regardless, kind of a sickening thought for c!xisuma that Ex might just be. lurking. very cool <sweating
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babymorte · 4 months
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it was too hot for fishnets
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