#Where to change servers id minecraft
yazumo · 10 months
this is the post about my drider character on the hyperion s1 minecraft server :3
hubert is a merchant with a devious origin who arrived at the village after long travels from the kingdom of narfidorf and has found himself at home here, maybe even finding himself attached to the various characters this village beholds?
anyway, this is how he started out :3 his first base design is this
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and i found myself immediately in love with how he looked! he did go through a few revisions over the past few months but they just served to make him better :} he looks a lot rounder and softer here than in the later iterations
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this is also a softer looking headshot made after the drawing above, he looks like a baby lol
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this one encaptures him quite well still! this is where he got sharper and more angular
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his eye placement changed overtime as well, this is the older eyeplacement and also, watch as the ears gradually get longer overtime haha
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concepts for the movements of this critter
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he looks a bit softer in that first one, then the second one is a sharper look
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this drawing was made after it was canonized that hubert had tasted human flesh before, and this is also where the newer eye placement takes shape
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i was going to finish this one as its supposed to depict him in his dubious-past-prime with fancy clothing and all
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this is the second most recent piece, its still a WIP, he looks a lot different to his first design! and dw im putting the topscars on him when i continue the piece :3
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and then of course heres the most recent one :3
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thought id show the sketch too, you can see he became a lot more angular overtime and this is how he looks rn in the hyperion lore, hes more frizzled because hes a deadly dance with the narrative rn
boy why are you so ears
and heres some pictures of his model
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this is his older model, and i just realized i cant edit it in any way now bc or else the texture of the new model overrides the old one which makes me feel insane
heres the new one, for the start of his new arc :3
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the arachne drider model was made by Quintexial on the figura discord server! big thankies to them :3
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
OK SO. the animations family.
first off i have to explain the QSMP a bit. the QSMP (nobody's really sure what the q stands for afaik) is a multilingual minecraft smp that first started in march 2023. the original server roster was 16 players, half of whom were hispanic and half who were english speakers. (this was bc quackity, the guy who came up with the server and did all the planning and stuff, is bilingual and wanted to unite his two communities). one of these original 16 was jaiden animations (this is important). on the first day of the server, these 16 members were stranded in a place called Quesadilla Island, which is controlled by a mysterious and sinister Federation (run by a weird little guy named Cucurucho)
okay, you know the trope of science projects where you get split up into pairs and have to take care of an egg together? they literally did that. All of the players were split into pairs of one spanish-speaker and one english-speaker, and tasked with taking care of an egg (actually a special NPC played by a server admin). the eggs started out with two lives each, and once those lives were out, the egg's gone for good, and your in-game child is dead. (this is a secret surprise tool that will help us later!)
one of these parenting pairs was jaiden animations and roier, and their egg's name was bobby. bobby was a rambunctious little fella- artistic, brave, very aggressive- and an absolute mama's boy. jaiden, roier, and bobby (aka the animations family) all got along very well, and tbh i need to go rewatch jaiden's vods of them bc they were so sweet together. jaiden changed her minecraft skin to match bobby's so they were both wearing overalls together.
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(^ mentally i am here)
jaiden's character (or cubito, a word from the spanish speaking community that essentially means "minecraft roleplay character" that p much the whole community uses now bc its so damn cute) was aroace (just like jaiden in real life!), so she and q!roier were in a qpr co-parenting situation. and it was really sweet and i miss them. can you tell i miss them.
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(drawing done by jaiden of roier, bobby, and herself) (the qsmp has an art mod btw)
now, astute readers may have noticed that i use "was" for both jaiden and bobby. on may 17th, 2023, bobby lost his second life to a vindicator and was ruled permanently dead. roier was there at the time, I believe, but was unable to save bobby in time. when jaiden found out, she SCREAMED and it was like. you know in hamilton how when phillip dies eliza screams? it sounded like that. (she also chased after the sunset while saying "wait for me" over and over again, it was really heartbreaking and im still a little bit insane about this).
the next day, the whole server went on a journey to the dungeon bobby died in, to plead with cucurucho for his revival. cucurucho refused to bring bobby back permanently, but allowed jaiden and roier ten minutes to talk with him and say their goodbyes. bobby asked them to remember him every time they saw a sunset.
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(^ the last time the whole animations family was together. this was 9.5 months ago).
neither q!jaiden nor q!roier ever really fully recovered from bobby's death (although id say jaiden was hit way harder due to not having a support system outside of roier and cucurucho, who took advantage of her grief to manipulate her). there are some other things that happened here, such as q!roier getting married to a cellbit, a brazilian player working as a double agent of sorts within the federation, and purgatory (all the players were teleported to an island, separated into three groups, and forced to fight one another. in the end the island got blown up by a nuke).
on sunday, cc!jaiden talked about her qsmp character, ultimately stating that she was taking a long break from the server, that she had given the admins permission to do whatever they want with her character's absence, and essentially announced that unless the admins stated otherwise, q!jaiden had died in the nuke explosion in purgatory, firmly destroying the animations family.
(to me, the saddest part is that, recently, new eggs were assigned to groups of childless players, and both jaiden and roier got the chance to raise new eggs, with jaiden being assigned to empanada and roier currently being pepito's sole active parent. and all q!jaiden wanted was to be a mom. she died never knowing she had a second chance to rebuild her family. i am no okay.)
in conclusion:
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Love your Ruin DLC story and hcs. May I offer some of my AR World fuelled-shenanigans?
We can tell from the weird world that some things/places are more holograms, I think. They glitch in the real world after all and yet… Some that like monitor that teaches us to match the symbols are peculiar. Thus I imagine a few times Cassie does weird stuff in the real world.
—The animatronics lose track of Cassie when she goes through the “portal doors”. No one knows how she ends up in a completely different section. One minute she’s there then the next she is some place new! And forget the massive server room she was stuck in.
—It looks like she is clipping through solid things to even the keen-hearing/sight of Roxy.
—How Mapbot was reprogrammed to give out the Vanny Mask, which why does that even have a cybernetic implant to install, remains a mystery. Vanessa ditched the darned thing.
—The Blob likes like a massive shadowy mess in the AR world. It’ll just stare at anyone who can manage to catch a glance before slinking off.
—Cassie will occasionally see a virtual Moon slinking around almost guarding the nodes. (Sun does thank us even after rebooting them.)
—Everybody agrees that the wet floor sign bots are creepy in AR. The fact you can hear snippets of mainly kids screaming… Why?!
—The AR collectibles look like Minecraft grass blocks. (If you know you know.)
—There’s a creepier, almost skeletal virtual entity that lurks from the distance whenever Cassie sees through floor texture glitches. MXES and it look similar. Both blue bunnies.
Yeah I'm aware of most of these. The second blue bunny, if it's the one I'm thinking about, is assumed to have been an earlier design for mxes-- while extremely creepy, id imagine it was changed to better match the whole cyber theme
the whole map/mask bot thing is quite in the air. i kinda like this idea i saw around that vanessa created mxes and the vanni system as a big middle finger to glitchtrap/afton/vanny/mimic1, by using something so horrible shes got roped into and trying to turn it into something good-- the downside being that the mimic somehow got a bit of a hold on the system... and that vanessa left the mask behind. actually she left the mask behind and gregory left his wholeass backpack and freddy-talkie behind like... bruh kinda careless of ya both lmao
cassie going through the ar portals and sending the ruined bots into a tizzy as they have to process what just happened like "WHAT WHERE DID MY CHILD GO???"
meanwhile the blob is just blob'ing around
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single-malt-scotch · 10 months
ok so i am home from my vacation and i have only had time to watch bdubs' SL pov and hlf of cleo's rn. regardless wanted to ramble my thoughts on this session and fair warning it isnt gonna be super positive (the short: didnt really like it) so yeah.
reminder though i absolutely Love these people. i love how they play and theyre great and im watching first and foremost bc i like seeing them have fun. my issues lie in the series' mechanics, how it plays, the technical function, management etc.
the thing about watching one pov is i feel like it can also spell out other issues but i will get to that later
obviously the big thing. the "infection" task. listen.... the concept of a boogeyman infection by itself is cool! i like that! but.... not here?????? out of all series.
there is no regen, and this fact is conflicting to me because i feel like the boogey should be struggling against those theyre trying to infect, and minecraft's regen would be that struggle, like it has been for every past boogey chasing their targets.
you have to kill everyone not red? not red???? so like 90% of the server? insane.
this was an EASY TASK........... this pisses me more on what this season's rules have been implied to be. suddenly, they arent really making sense. i will go into this deeper.
this just doesnt seem like the right place to plant this task. it is hugely impactful and feels like it is happening for no reason. if they were going on like 10+ episodes and grian was formally like "well, secret keeper wants this wrapped up so lets see what task hes gonna give all of us!" and then boom, this is it. then cool. make up a proper excuse like wrapping up the season.
it was too much of a shocker, unprepared for, and with how intense it is by needing to kill everyone left it feeling very unfair to the people i was watching. Bdubs had just died previously and now lost all his hearts in one session because of the force of another task. as did many others. if there was to even be any slight alteration to more "fairness" it could have been "the one you killed is now boogey. hand them the book and make them kill someone by themself. you are no longer infected. you cannot kill the person who killed you." or something idk. every part of the server going after one person is way too much.
regarding rules and whatnot, i was already kind of annoyed by this previous session too. there are two tasks now that have me going "how tf is this "easy"?" Bdubs' task of chicken causing damage-- an amount that had to go as high as anyone could stand it-- seems way too harsh as an easy task. there were a few tasks where health could be lost, but none of it was deliberate "lose as much as possible". losing the same amount of health as another player (like grian and joel) is not the same as telling the player they basically need to lose as much as possible compared to someone else in order to win the challenge. grian and etho's hard tasks took a lot of damage (to others mostly lol) but it was a destructive hard task. bdubs' with the dragon was as well.
but gem's task especially... i mean, holy crap. that is a red life's task, or a hard task at most! even if i liked the whole thing i think id still be on the page of saying that is not an "easy" task. a red life getting this task would have been interesting too because it would put a ton of risk on them to survive and get it done. and sure, theyd get some allies in the infected but theyd still be a target in the fights. that would have been tense for them!
cancelling out all of the others' tasks when they were infected made sense but it totally changed the direction of people's videos. it forced them to be different to everyone. suddenly the first quarter or half of the video is just void and pointless. when the tasks basically direct their entire motive and how they act towards everyone, forcing them into big choices they cannot change, i think its bad. social tasks that pass off as kind normal are funny (etho's weeping angel, get scar to talk abt star wars, compliment ppl when they take damage etc), or outward and confusing but not character controlling ones (kill the dragon, connect your base to others, etc). ones that direct a player so strongly shouldnt ruin their interactions with everyone else either (playing tag-- took up a lot of time but players were "neutral" to everyone and carried on as normal).
some people were saying this task could be to speed up the series. im not really sure abt that. regardless i am sure they thought this would just be an interesting thing to do and thats why they did it. (i have seen martyn on here sometimes talking vaguely abt tasks being random and whatnot and no offense to him but it doesnt sound like at all he does have all the information to knowing this. i mean, why would he? hes a player. the admins are doing things he has no clue about. hes not even firmly stating anything. hes just saying what he knows, which i dont think is at all everything the admins are doing in front of them). i have seen this series play with many balance issues through its lifetime and i think this season esp shows a lot of that again. grian stated around one season how theres no play testing really. the admins might run some stuff i guess but theyre not testing much. and thats very obvious when limlife had that issue of deaths not showing in chat (and hey look, it happened again!) or boogey kills in LL and LimLife (along with normal kills in Lim) not being detected by means that were not direct (mechanically this just happens, you cant fix it. but they did not prepare to deal with this at all and it was chaotic to watch in Limlife and caused a lot of confusion on who got time).
i have repeating some of these things about SL already so i dont want to drone on again. i have been kinda neutral to SL because many eps were fine, i didnt love every task (personally didnt like etho getting so many "out of character" ones, like please give this man a break he is so socially awkward its hard to watch). but this session and last session have me not enjoying the task concept.
from the start i just wished this season was about not being able to regen hearts and thats it. i need something simple, dude. its getting convoluted. and its obvious with the amount of hall monitoring and the amount of talk the cc have in these videos telling hall monitors to stop, to explain successes or failures, etc etc. they should have to do that. limlife already had some ppl getting picky about who got time or not but this is even more subjective and confusing!! im sure theyre still having fun and i like seeing them having fun here but as a viewer im just seeing a concept that has too much going on, stuff that doesnt have a simple yes or no answer sometimes and i dont think thats good for a series like this, one that started out so incredibly simple and straight forward.
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
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TFC's sister posted a link to his obituary on twitter. It's very lovely, but I wanted to point out this specific part:
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[ID: Edward moved to Tulsa in 1972. He went out on his own for many years, without contacting friends or family. Much about where he was and what he was doing during this time remains a mystery. In fact, Edward was not seen again until 1992, when it was discovered that he was living in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he was employed by Pizza Hut, as a delivery driver. He had also lived in Arkansas, before returning to Tulsa. End ID]
I can't get over this. This is the most TFC thing I've ever seen
1,980 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Jimmy has murdered a human on rats smp. Jimmy killed the gardener and has now promised scott the gardening job in exchange for keeping quiet about it. jimmy has yelled at the janitor that he's going to cut his arms off and threatened to kill him too. I repeat jimmy solidarity has murdered a human. this is the LEAST SAFEST RAT
3,150 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Got my dad to watch mcc (scar pov) with me, here are some highlights of the occasion
he's colorblind and struggled telling teams apart, but appreciated color indicators on some blocks in games
did not understand survival games until he saw the border and then went "oh it's like fortnite!!"
asked questions about every ten seconds which was actually quite lovely, but included:
asking me how mcc teams are decided
asking me who scott smajor was no less than five times
asking me to explain the concept of hermitcraft.
did not care about the game chat until he realized that's where i was getting stats from and then started leaning as far forward as possible to read it
i don't think he ever really grasped the concept of rocket spleef. he had fun watching though
thought antfrost's skin was a bird
asked me if ace race was only for ace people (definitely trying to connect with me after i recently came out as ace. much appreciated, very sweet)
complained if people punched scar off during tgttos
asked if scar would be interested in coming to our family server to build
desperately wants minecraft slushies. i wouldn't be surprised if i joined the family server tomorrow to find he'd added a texture pack for them
i think his favorite game was meltdown, he got very excited about scar's killer aim
he says that most of the streamers he watches are british and hearing american accents on twitch was weird. ok
got happy every time scar wasn't last in team rankings for a game
guys he got so into dodgebolt. he was jumping up with every hit. he was very disappointed when i accidentally changed the channel during the second round and wouldn't let me touch the remote again. he actually cheered at the final shot
he didn't know anyone playing but he still really enjoyed it. he wants to watch again next time :)
3,197 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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new copypasta dropped and this is my favorite one
6,304 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what makes me the most angry about the hbo max ordeal?
Librarians saw this coming years ago and tried to prevent it. Corporations refused to work with them, afraid of the loss in profits there might be.
27,396 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vintagedoctor · 3 months
ok heres my ocs part two cuz i reached the tumblr picture limit
heres a skin im currently wearing cuz
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its june duh! happy pride! i love this skin and only wear it during june. my base skin is also a pride flag so im not doing the rainbow dollar thing anyways. i just switch it up for some color, thats all.
next up is a skin i spent so much time for next to no payoff.
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this was for a lore event in s1 of the smp and.. i think.. was the last "canon" lore event. this is the skin where i first changed the mask color to match the vibe. i love it so much. i spent so much time building the venue, making the skin, sending out in character invites and getting everyone good on a time. it was the big finale we didnt expect but surely needed. this skin serves as a reminder of that. then i wished it ended a bit better but now i think its kinda ironic. that server "ended" with a chaotic explosion with much confusion and all planning going out the window much like how the server felt while playing.
anyways next up is a skin i like but really shouldnt be as good as it is
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this is a pirate skin i had just laying around but used for my second village minecraft event with that one youtuber. they announced it was an ocean theme and omg i immediately knew i had to use that skin. no one recognized me cuz i didnt have the plague doctor mask but i couldnt pass up a chance to use this. its a good looking skin
this next skin was for s1.5 of the smp... (we were bored).
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im not the biggest fan of this skin but i remember spending a while finding the right skin base. this was for a server on 1.19 bc the server owner then wanted to try a new server to keep the community alive. this server was short lived. this was meant to be another corrupt business man or actor? i forgot. but it looks good, ig.
i think the last skin i wanna talk about thats not so deep in the smps lore that id need paragraphs explaining it would be
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my pokemon skins! my friends made a couple pixelmon servers years ago and i had to make skins for them. the 1st one is for the one that actually lasted but i think i prefer the 2nd more. i do wanna play around with changing the eye color. ive only done it a couple times for cringe things but i think its cool.
anyways thats all the skins i wanna talk abt rn. im not ashamed of these two long posts; i had to get it out somehow. anyways hope any of this made any sense and maybe inspires you to create variants of ur skins. its fun and ud be surprised how creative u can get.
i do wanna address something real quick. i wanna say that about 99 to 100% of these skins were bases i put my face on. im not a skilled pixel artist and i want to thank everyone who made these skins. if you recognize any of these as urs, thank you ever so much for making a beautiful skin that inspired my creations. i hope youre proud of your work cuz i was honestly blown away by the skill of the minecraft skin making community. you guys are so dedicated and cool i wanna shout out all of yall.
so yeah thanks for reading all this. look out for my server lore explanation and... i said something else but i forgot atm.
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cheats for minecraft mod menu 86H+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 /help [CommandName]. /tp [TargetPlayer] x y z. Creative mode. /gamemode creative. Minecraft player cheats and commands · /kill [player]. Kill yourself (or specified player) · /tp [player] · /effect. Minecraft commands list: all the best cheats · Best Minecraft commands · Add levels and experience · Teleport command · Give item command · Change. Minecraft update : What's new? There's no shame in using Minecraft commands and cheats to customize your experience just how you like it. A sandbox should be yours to play in. If you want an enchanted sword hanging on your wall, or you want creepers to stop wandering out of the woods and exploding the treehouse you're working on, or a friend on your server wandered way too far from spawn and needs a handy teleport back home—Minecraft commands can help. Like everything else in Minecraft, using commands has only gotten easier in recent versions of the game. Instead of looking up item ID tables or enchanting lists, the game will now helpfully give you a list of options while you're typing. We've collected some of the commands you're likely to use most up at the top in the best Minecraft commands section. Think teleporting yourself, adding experience points, or giving yourself an item you just cannot find out in the wild. There are even more commands than we have listed here including a bunch of specific game rule setting adjustments. This list has all the commands you're most likely to need. This will give you 10 levels, a handy shortcut for enchanting items. Try other targets with to give experience or levels to another player. This will give you 10 diamonds, but the "give" command can be used with lots of items and amounts. Pay attention to the autofill options to give yourself any item you want, from a diamond sword to a saddle to an enderpearl. Changes the difficulty settings of your world. You can also set it to easy, hard, or normal. If you want mobs to stop attacking you, peaceful mode is the way to go. Separate from difficulty, this changes your game mode. You can also set it to adventure, spectator, or survival. If you want to know how to fly in Minecraft , double jump while in creative mode. Setting keepInventory to "true" means you won't drop your inventory on the ground where you die and will respawn with everything instead. As it sounds, turning off fall damage means you won't lose hearts when falling from heights. You can set this rule to "true" to go back to the normal setting. Turning off mob griefing means that enemies like creepers and ghasts won't be able to destroy blocks. It will also stop endermen from snatching blocks and carrying them off. If you're struggling with ghasts exploding your Nether builds, this is how to make them cut it out. They'll still be able to hurt you with fireballs, but at least they won't blow up all the netherrack you're standing on. This will set the current time to morning. You can also set the time to "night" or use numbers between For reference, 0 is sunrise and is sunset. Below are the shorthand codes to save you from typing in different player names. Some of these commands can be used any time you play Minecraft, but others require you to turn cheats on. You'll do this when creating your world initially, either by setting "Allow Cheats: On" in the world creation menu or by selecting Creative Mode, which automatically allows cheats. Press "T" to open the Minecraft command line, which is where you can type any of the following cheats. When typing in many of these commands, Minecraft will now attempt to autocomplete for you, so pay attention to the options! Either type out one of the suggestions or use your arrow keys to select from the list above your chat box and the "tab" key to insert it. She originally started her career in game development and is still fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long books, longer RPGs, multiplayer cryptids, and can't stop playing co-op crafting games. Jump to: Best commands Commands list How to use. Best of Minecraft. Lauren Morton. With contributions from Wesley Copeland. See comments. Use this command with two sets of coordinates to clone a particular selection of blocks to a new location. This is useful for duplicating structures or other builds you've created. The enchant command can be used on any enchantable item you're holding. Fills an area with a specified type of block. Make use of the autocomplete suggestions to search for the blocks you want. Useful for creating a river by filling an area with water or excavating by filling with air. There are specific gamerule commands on this list we find useful, but be aware there are many others you can try by typing this in and scrolling through the options. Kill all the spiders perhaps? The locate command will tell you the coordinates of the nearest specified biome, structure, or point of interest. Try searching for the nearest witch hut or blacksmith. This command can get complex, but it will allow you to place lots of different structures. You can also specify coordinates at the end of this command to tell the game where exactly to place things. Bedrock only This command will let you summon an animal to ride. This command will show you your world seed in chat, which you can then click on to copy. Handy if you want to share a world seed with a friend! By default, this will change the world spawn point to your current location.
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cheats for minecraft 100% working WDN+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 /help [CommandName]. /tp [TargetPlayer] x y z. Creative mode. /gamemode creative. Minecraft player cheats and commands · /kill [player]. Kill yourself (or specified player) · /tp [player] · /effect. Minecraft commands list: all the best cheats · Best Minecraft commands · Add levels and experience · Teleport command · Give item command · Change. Minecraft update : What's new? There's no shame in using Minecraft commands and cheats to customize your experience just how you like it. A sandbox should be yours to play in. If you want an enchanted sword hanging on your wall, or you want creepers to stop wandering out of the woods and exploding the treehouse you're working on, or a friend on your server wandered way too far from spawn and needs a handy teleport back home—Minecraft commands can help. Like everything else in Minecraft, using commands has only gotten easier in recent versions of the game. Instead of looking up item ID tables or enchanting lists, the game will now helpfully give you a list of options while you're typing. We've collected some of the commands you're likely to use most up at the top in the best Minecraft commands section. Think teleporting yourself, adding experience points, or giving yourself an item you just cannot find out in the wild. There are even more commands than we have listed here including a bunch of specific game rule setting adjustments. This list has all the commands you're most likely to need. This will give you 10 levels, a handy shortcut for enchanting items. Try other targets with to give experience or levels to another player. This will give you 10 diamonds, but the "give" command can be used with lots of items and amounts. Pay attention to the autofill options to give yourself any item you want, from a diamond sword to a saddle to an enderpearl. Changes the difficulty settings of your world. You can also set it to easy, hard, or normal. If you want mobs to stop attacking you, peaceful mode is the way to go. Separate from difficulty, this changes your game mode. You can also set it to adventure, spectator, or survival. If you want to know how to fly in Minecraft , double jump while in creative mode. Setting keepInventory to "true" means you won't drop your inventory on the ground where you die and will respawn with everything instead. As it sounds, turning off fall damage means you won't lose hearts when falling from heights. You can set this rule to "true" to go back to the normal setting. Turning off mob griefing means that enemies like creepers and ghasts won't be able to destroy blocks. It will also stop endermen from snatching blocks and carrying them off. If you're struggling with ghasts exploding your Nether builds, this is how to make them cut it out. They'll still be able to hurt you with fireballs, but at least they won't blow up all the netherrack you're standing on. This will set the current time to morning. You can also set the time to "night" or use numbers between For reference, 0 is sunrise and is sunset. Below are the shorthand codes to save you from typing in different player names. Some of these commands can be used any time you play Minecraft, but others require you to turn cheats on. You'll do this when creating your world initially, either by setting "Allow Cheats: On" in the world creation menu or by selecting Creative Mode, which automatically allows cheats. Press "T" to open the Minecraft command line, which is where you can type any of the following cheats. When typing in many of these commands, Minecraft will now attempt to autocomplete for you, so pay attention to the options! Either type out one of the suggestions or use your arrow keys to select from the list above your chat box and the "tab" key to insert it. She originally started her career in game development and is still fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long books, longer RPGs, multiplayer cryptids, and can't stop playing co-op crafting games. Jump to: Best commands Commands list How to use. Best of Minecraft. Lauren Morton. With contributions from Wesley Copeland. See comments. Use this command with two sets of coordinates to clone a particular selection of blocks to a new location. This is useful for duplicating structures or other builds you've created. The enchant command can be used on any enchantable item you're holding. Fills an area with a specified type of block. Make use of the autocomplete suggestions to search for the blocks you want. Useful for creating a river by filling an area with water or excavating by filling with air. There are specific gamerule commands on this list we find useful, but be aware there are many others you can try by typing this in and scrolling through the options. Kill all the spiders perhaps? The locate command will tell you the coordinates of the nearest specified biome, structure, or point of interest. Try searching for the nearest witch hut or blacksmith. This command can get complex, but it will allow you to place lots of different structures. You can also specify coordinates at the end of this command to tell the game where exactly to place things. Bedrock only This command will let you summon an animal to ride. This command will show you your world seed in chat, which you can then click on to copy. Handy if you want to share a world seed with a friend! By default, this will change the world spawn point to your current location.
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minecraft cheat codes mod menu AH7+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 /gamerule keepInventory true. /gamerule doDaylightCycle false. Turns any mob you're facing into a mount. Minecraft player cheats and commands · /kill [player]. Kill yourself (or specified player) · /tp [player] · /effect. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Minecraft for PC. Minecraft update : What's new? There's no shame in using Minecraft commands and cheats to customize your experience just how you like it. A sandbox should be yours to play in. If you want an enchanted sword hanging on your wall, or you want creepers to stop wandering out of the woods and exploding the treehouse you're working on, or a friend on your server wandered way too far from spawn and needs a handy teleport back home—Minecraft commands can help. Like everything else in Minecraft, using commands has only gotten easier in recent versions of the game. Instead of looking up item ID tables or enchanting lists, the game will now helpfully give you a list of options while you're typing. We've collected some of the commands you're likely to use most up at the top in the best Minecraft commands section. Think teleporting yourself, adding experience points, or giving yourself an item you just cannot find out in the wild. There are even more commands than we have listed here including a bunch of specific game rule setting adjustments. This list has all the commands you're most likely to need. This will give you 10 levels, a handy shortcut for enchanting items. Try other targets with to give experience or levels to another player. This will give you 10 diamonds, but the "give" command can be used with lots of items and amounts. Pay attention to the autofill options to give yourself any item you want, from a diamond sword to a saddle to an enderpearl. Changes the difficulty settings of your world. You can also set it to easy, hard, or normal. If you want mobs to stop attacking you, peaceful mode is the way to go. Separate from difficulty, this changes your game mode. You can also set it to adventure, spectator, or survival. If you want to know how to fly in Minecraft , double jump while in creative mode. Setting keepInventory to "true" means you won't drop your inventory on the ground where you die and will respawn with everything instead. As it sounds, turning off fall damage means you won't lose hearts when falling from heights. You can set this rule to "true" to go back to the normal setting. Turning off mob griefing means that enemies like creepers and ghasts won't be able to destroy blocks. It will also stop endermen from snatching blocks and carrying them off. If you're struggling with ghasts exploding your Nether builds, this is how to make them cut it out. They'll still be able to hurt you with fireballs, but at least they won't blow up all the netherrack you're standing on. This will set the current time to morning. You can also set the time to "night" or use numbers between For reference, 0 is sunrise and is sunset. Below are the shorthand codes to save you from typing in different player names. Some of these commands can be used any time you play Minecraft, but others require you to turn cheats on. You'll do this when creating your world initially, either by setting "Allow Cheats: On" in the world creation menu or by selecting Creative Mode, which automatically allows cheats. Press "T" to open the Minecraft command line, which is where you can type any of the following cheats. When typing in many of these commands, Minecraft will now attempt to autocomplete for you, so pay attention to the options! Either type out one of the suggestions or use your arrow keys to select from the list above your chat box and the "tab" key to insert it. She originally started her career in game development and is still fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long books, longer RPGs, multiplayer cryptids, and can't stop playing co-op crafting games. Jump to: Best commands Commands list How to use. Best of Minecraft. Lauren Morton. With contributions from Wesley Copeland. See comments. Use this command with two sets of coordinates to clone a particular selection of blocks to a new location. This is useful for duplicating structures or other builds you've created. The enchant command can be used on any enchantable item you're holding. Fills an area with a specified type of block. Make use of the autocomplete suggestions to search for the blocks you want. Useful for creating a river by filling an area with water or excavating by filling with air. There are specific gamerule commands on this list we find useful, but be aware there are many others you can try by typing this in and scrolling through the options. Kill all the spiders perhaps? The locate command will tell you the coordinates of the nearest specified biome, structure, or point of interest. Try searching for the nearest witch hut or blacksmith. This command can get complex, but it will allow you to place lots of different structures. You can also specify coordinates at the end of this command to tell the game where exactly to place things. Bedrock only This command will let you summon an animal to ride. This command will show you your world seed in chat, which you can then click on to copy. Handy if you want to share a world seed with a friend! By default, this will change the world spawn point to your current location.
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livelle · 3 years
hiya liv :D
id like to request a tommy fic please! prompt is that some other streamer (doesn’t have to be an actual one) tries flirting with you and tommy gets jealous
thank you :))
a/n: HIIIIIII I LOVE UU, THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST MY DEAR! I hope u like this, I made this at school lol. Thank you all for the requests, it's a lot so you may have to wait a while before it's made!!! I love you!!!
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'You stop right there'
a Tommyinnit/ You!!
summary: You had streamed the entire night, a new guest coming on your stream. He was new to everything, so you showed him around the Origins SMP, and also just talked about random things. He was, however, not shy at all. You had noticed multiple times he was trying to flirt with you, it was pretty obvious. You wanted to just brush it off, but your boyfriend – who was watching the stream – was quite frustrated.
( I like this request!! I don’t wanna do this with an actual streamer though, so i made one up myself! He’s called ‘SalesHQ’, and his name used is Sam.)
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You laughed once more. Sam didn’t quite understand how his Minecraft had changed now he was on the Origins SMP. ‘No, you’re basically a snake, poisonous, but there’s bad sides on it too.’ You explained. ‘Right, right! And you? What kind of a hybrid are you?’ he asked. ‘Well, I’m a rabbit hybrid lol’ you answered. ‘So you can jump really high!’ he guessed, and he was right. ‘Exactly!’ you gave him that. ‘And Tommy is a chicken, which is really funny. He falls really slowl-‘ you tried, but Sam interrupted you. ‘Yeah, yeah. Aye Y/n, look at me.’ You turned your head in game, and he was stood next to you, crouching. You were punching each other, and laughing. The stream went well, and you ended origins after a bit of trolling on the server, and switched to the ‘Just Chatting’ category. Chat could see your discord call, and he was on screen as well. You laughed, and just talked about random thing. Right now, that was places and where you wanted to live. ‘But you should really come to London, Y/n, we could do all sorts of stuff together!’ he commented. You didn’t really know what to say to that, and looked at chat. They were spamming the sus side eye emotes, so you knew they were thinking the same thing. ‘Well, I don’t come to London quite often, ahaha,’ you started awkwardly. ‘Oh! And me and Tommy share an apartment in Brighton now-‘ you mentioned, but he cut you off once more. ‘You should come to London though, who knows what we’ll do.’ You were weirded out, you had mentioned Tommy multiple times, and he was aware that you were dating ( you hoped ). Everytime you would mention Tom, or just something that had to do with him, he cut you off. You were a bit naïve at first, but you understood now. He was trying to flirt. He made another comment. ‘Show me your room,’ and you turned your camera, and stood up. His eyes widened as he clearly looked you up and down. You showed him some things that were stood on your drawers and desks, and you quickly sat down again. ‘You look cute,’ he tried once more, and you were sat with your throat unable to let out a noise, unable tos peak. You felt HIGHLY uncomfortable. It was fun at first, but now he was just straight up hitting on you, ON STREAM may I add. ‘You’re so pretty’s and ‘no, stay in the call’s were thrown at you by him. You continued the stream, desperate to do good for the chat, but he was ruining it. Suddenly, after another comment was made a minute ago, the door of your office barged open.
You looked at it, wondering who the hell had opened the lock of your office. It was Tommy. And he didn´t have the happiest look on his face. He looked at you, and signalled you to end stream. He came as your saviour, and you had never been so glad to end your stream. So you said your goodbye to chat ´Buh bye!!!´ and it was over. ´Why´d you end so suddenly, hm?’ Sam said, pretty  intimidating. You were glad your boyfriend was here, because you would feel scared if he wasn’t. Tommy came in frame, and started talking to the boy. ‘Look, my man, what you just did, is so not okay. First of all, Y/n is streaming. And you embarrassed them in front of a lot of people. Second of all, they have expressed multiple times they have a boyfriend, which is me, for god’s sake.’ You looked at the screen, and saw all the colour fade from Sam’s face. He listened to Tommy, still surprised he was actually here, and Sam was being called out. ‘You are a bad fucking person, and if you ever talk to Y/n again, especially like that, I will come to London personally and beat the shit out of you. Heard me?’ you were surprised, and looked at Tommy. Secretely, you thought this was quite attractive, that he stood up for you, and was so protective. You bit back a smile. Sam nodded, and left the call.
‘You didn’t-’ you began, but it didn’t matter, cause he already hushed you with a kiss. ‘Look Y/n, I’m so so sorry he made you this uncomfortable. You look gorgeous tonight, that he was right in.’ and he kissed you again and again, happy you were his, and no one else’s. ‘C’mon, let’s go home.’ He grabbed your hand and you walked towards your shared home, fingers tangled into each other as you held hands.
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a/n: I’m so sorry if this is bad, this is quite rushed, but I will probably make more tonight!! Not sure, I don’t want to overwork myself!! Lots of kisses, and hugs
- oli!
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wizardsisananimal · 2 years
Is the wizard server patron only? Where do I get the ip and also do u need mods
yup ! wizard minecraft server is a patreon benefit for the “cubed beast” tier but that tier also gets access to a community discord server with wizard resources, behind the scenes and speed paint videos, and sneak peeks at upcoming projects like merch and art stuff <|:•)
it’s accessible via java or bedrock and you don’t need mods installed, just an up to date launcher. you get the IP from the wizards after joining
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gif: a 2d, looping animation of a green field of grass against a blue sky with 2 trees, a chicken, and a wizard in the background. another wizard, a white animal wearing a witch hat and simple smiley face with 2 front legs and a single, hairy rear leg, walks into frame, pauses, and looks at the camera before continuing offscreen. it’s legs swing in an imitation of how mobs walk in minecraft. the whole image has wobbly, blocky, blue lineart that changes with each frame. end ID.
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technoblade-updates · 3 years
Techno’s Minecraft in game chat messages from BadBoyHalo’s stream! Techno joined the server at 04:08:14 in Bad’s stream!
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[Image ID:
9 cropped screenshots of Minecraft chat messages. They read:
Technoblade joined the game
<BadBoyHalo> o/
<BadBoyHalo> hiii
<Technoblade> o/
<Eryn> whats everyone doing lol
<BadBoyHalo> chilling
<Technoblade> certainly nothing suspicious
<Eryn> of course...
<Eryn> im chilling also bad lol
<BadBoyHalo> o_0
<FoolishG> im trying to teach a horse arithmetic
<Technoblade> is it working
<Eryn> ^
<FoolishG> Sorta...
Technoblade left the game
<Eryn> scared him foolish
<FoolishG> he's devestated
Technoblade joined the game
<BadBoyHalo> welcome back
<Technoblade> ty ty
<Technoblade> how much diorite you got i need 1770
<FoolishG> i might have a decent amount of diorite for ya techno <BadBoyHalo> i have diorite for you techno
<Technoblade> yoo
<BadBoyHalo> ill get you some techno
<BadBoyHalo> wait here
<FoolishG> alright karl now's your chance
<BadBoyHalo> how much u need?
<FoolishG> kill techno
<KarlJacobs> what
<KarlJacobs> why
<FoolishG> You said you hated techno and really wanted to kill him <Technoblade> wow karl i cant believe you said that about me :(
<KarlJacobs> why would i give him so many bones if i hated him <BadBoyHalo> techno how much diorite do u need
<Technoblade> i need 900 more
<BadBoyHalo> ok
<BadBoyHalo> ill bring you a bunch
<Technoblade> ty fam
<KarlJacobs> wait
<KarlJacobs> i forgot to change skins, retcon that entire meetup us 4 just had
KarlJacobs left the game
<Technoblade> certainly nothing that will be important later if that's what you're asking
<BadBoyHalo> meet at spawn techno
<BadBoyHalo> the community house
<Technoblade> one sec im mining a ton of diorite
<BadBoyHalo> im at community house
<BadBoyHalo> where r u
<Technoblade> im at diorite
<BadBoyHalo> o_o
<BadBoyHalo> where
<Technoblade> diorite
<BadBoyHalo> techno i have the diorite where r u
<Technoblade> im at diorite
<Technoblade> i’ll be right there bad im on my way
<Technoblade> im running as fast as i can
<BadBoyHalo> ok
<BadBoyHalo> ill wait
<FoolishG> Bad i just realized how dumb your name is
<Technoblade> just a few more minutes
<FoolishG> its literally an adjective
<BadBoyHalo> ok "foolish"
<BadBoyHalo> o__o
<Technoblade> zzzzz
<BadBoyHalo> o_o
<Technoblade> alright im here
<BadBoyHalo> o_o
<Technoblade> ty fam
<BadBoyHalo> your welcome
End ID]
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lovebugcody · 3 years
dream's boundaries straight from his merch discord server
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it is very hard to read i apologise (image id and transcript) (there was a spelling error i corrected for the sake of readability)
[image ID
black minecraft-like font on near-neon green background saying
"Dream's Boundaries (Made by Dream) My content:
- I do not mind people using my content as long as it is changed in a way to make it unique! I encourage reactions, compilations, animations, and anything else other than reupload!
- I do not mind translation channels uploading translated versions of my content whether through text or audio as long as it is not English or a language that I already have translations options for AS LONG AS they are uploaded at least 10 days after my original upload!
They must be fully translated though and have accuratie translations FROM SOMEONE THAT SPEAKS THE LANGUAGE! Original video must be credited in the intro strongly.
- I do not mind this content being monetized at all! The music I use is licensable and as long as I am credited in the first two lines of the description!
- I do not tolerate any form of harassment. Harassment includes lots of things but most obvious examples are death threats, doxing, spamming negative things, replying for the sake of sending hate to someone, and I'm sure a lot more.
Saying things like "die", "hope you die", and other serious things towards someone you dislike even in a "joking way" is still constituted as harassment. Remember, even though you're one person if there's hundreds of others hate is amplified
- If you do not like someone on twitter, there is a block button for a reason! we can have a much nicer and welcoming community if people chose to use it and avoid the people they dislike or disagree with rather than engaging with them in harmful ways.
- I don't care what someone has done, they never deserve to be doxed or death threatened. Using the excuse that someone has said or done ___ as an excuse for extreme harassment is not acceptable.
- I personally do not mind shipping with me and my friends as long as they also do not mind as well.
- I do not tolerate shipping of people that have no said explicitly that they do not mind it. I also do not tolerate shipping of minors under any circumstances. Minors means under 18 regardless of location.
- George and I are not dating and have no plans to, but we do not mind shipping as we are comfortable with that fact and have always made jokes even before Youtube. No one should really care if we don't.
- I do not tolerate any form of racism, or hate based on someone's ideology, race, or ethnic background. At the end of the day, we all come from the same place.
- People, even myself, can make mistakes and say or do things that could be harmful to epople from other cultures. It's importabt to learn from these situations so we can be better as a community in the future!
- With the internet we are in a unique place where we can easily hear from groups that would previously go unheard. Make sure to be mindful and try to listen to people. Something that you may not think is harmful at all could be harmful and it's important to do your best to listen and learn.
- Slurs, or personal attacks based on race/ethnic background/ideology are never okay and will not be tolerated. This includes harmful jokes, so be mindful of how your words could impact others.
- I love fanart and encourage people to express themselves artistically! this includes through all forms of artistic avenues.
- I do not tolerate NSFW or NSFW implied art in any form of minors or people that haven't explicitly said that they don't really care.
- I do not tolerate gore art in any form unles it is of a fictional character (aka dsmp)
- I personally don't mind NSFW art, but just know that I find it funny so I'll be silently laughing and cringing at it. If you don't mind this, so be it it does not bother me haha
- I don't mind artists selling their art with interpretations of me/my character in them, as long as it is their own interpretations.
- Saying strong NSFW things in donations, replies, or elsewhere where minors can see is weirdchamp as lots of people who wouldn't want to hear/see that could see. Be mindful.
- Overall feel free to express yourself artistically as I think fanartists are the backbone to this community and I love how artistic the community is.
- Digging into content creators personal lives or pasts is not cool. Especially personal lives.
- Spamming people especially creators in replies to address something accomplishes nothing and makes it feel forced if they do end up addressing it. Let people do things on their own time, and if they don't do something the way that you want them to, simply don't watch them or support them. Don't harass them or their fans, harassment isn't cool even if you think someone "deserves it".
- Do not speak for me on boundaries other than the ones on this list or ones I have clarified in the past! Feel free to make this list more pleasing (artists *cough*) if you would like to.
- Do not get mad if I am not in something you were hoping I would be. AKA MCC, videos, streams, or other events that you thought I might appear in. Usually people put in lots of effort for these things and that can overshadow it.
I encourage the blocking of anyone knowingly violating these boundaries
Educate people first. I will personally be blocking anyone **knowingly** violating these boundaries of mine."
end image ID]
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76historylover · 2 years
Na na na na na na, DioriteBoy!!! This is taken from Iskall85's Hermitcraft Season 9 Episode 16! All rights to this content belong to him, Keralis and the rest of the hermits! [ID: A video is shown of two YouTubers on a Minecraft server playing together. They are at a small jungle temple where dares have been set up, colloquialy known as Hermit Dares. Iskall85, the video coming from his point of view, is holding an enchanted diamond sword and running after Keralis, his friend and the one who pranked him. Iskall85: "I will come after you, and I will make sure that you-" Keralis: "Diorite Boy, Diorite Boy!" Iskall85 manages to hit Keralis with his diamond sword twice. Keralis flies into the air, panicking as he is on fire. Keralis: "No no no- Iskall! Ow, Iskall!" Keralis struggles to fly, running into multiple trees. Iskall calmly walks nearer to him on the ground, chuckling to himself as he watches Keralis fly by. He then takes off into the air himself using rockets as Keralis complains to him. Keralis: "Half a heart, man!" Iskall starts laughing at his friend's predicament. The video is jump cut to Iskall85 looking at Keralis awkwardly positioned in a tree. Keralis' character is lying down in a small alcove, his beady eyes looking directly back to Iskall. Iskall is holding his torches in his left hand and his rockets in his right. Keralis: "I'm stuck. Don't ask." Both he and Iskall start laughing again as Keralis takes out a food source and replenishes his hunger bar. Keralis: "Go away...just go away!" Iskall starts to laugh harder now. Keralis: "Go away!" Keralis chuckles a little bit himself. Iskall: "But I'm not the Diorite Boy, ok? Mhm, ok?" Keralis retreats further into his alcove, singing softly: "Diorite Boy, Diorite Boy! Diorite Boy!" Iskall: "I'll- I'll get up- I'll come up there!" Keralis turns back towards Iskall and creates his own tune based on the Batman theme song: "Na na na na na na, Diorite Boy! Na na na na na na, Diorite Boy! Na na na na na na, Diorite Boy! Wait, don't!-" Iskall jumps off of the tree he was on and tries to get closer to Keralis to hit him. He misses, changing to his stack of rockets and flying away in the opposite direction. Keralis: "Iskall-" Iskall: "That's not even how the song goes!" The interaction with Keralis and Iskall ends with Iskall accidentally hitting himself into a tree and the video segment fading into black. ID END.] Please tell me if this ID is able to help you all out with accessibility! I haven't done an ID like this before, so any comments/suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated!
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yb-cringe · 2 years
Wah ty... Joey pulling out the lanterns during his fight with Shadow Girl this episode was such a rough moment... As much as she probably shouldn't have helped Scott and Sausage grief his area, him pulling out the lanterns she had just returned to him in order to chase her off was extremely cruel considering that he was there for the task force. I think a lot of disabled and mentally ill folks empathize with the fear that they'll screw up and suddenly those close to them will turn the things they can't help against them and seeing Joey weaponize her sensitivity to light because he was upset with her was! Bad! I think there is a lot of tragedy in their friendship that was beyond their control with Joey going from Shulk to the Fairy Prince, but it doesn't lessen how horrible it must have been for Shadow Girl to see the one person she trusted suddenly start to demand she change and wield her struggles against her. As much as I hope she has a happier life as her new origin, I also hope she's not over the ways that everyone, from Scott and Sausage, to the Task Force, to Joey, wronged her as Shadow Girl. She deserves to demand that they make it right and she deserves to find a group of folks that will care for her unconditionally, even when her needs don't align with theirs. I'm... honestly not thrilled about the idea of her only getting to find happiness after death and rebirth without being a Shadow Crawler anymore bc I've seen that story before and it is often very ableist, but with the nature of the server and with hopes for cc!shubble's writing, I am cautiously hoping that the respawn won't be the end of things... All this to say i hope Shelby is still angry and doesn't forget and maybe next time someone gets the shadow crawler origin, she'll be able to make sure they don't have to feel as miserable as she did. She literally deserves the entire world and also has a right to kill whoever she wants This also isn't meant to be like. anti-Joey as either a content creator or a character, I think he is fantastic both in and out of character!!! It's just my thoughts on the story as a whole and that particular moment
yeah! well, ok i have thoughts:
- i said the whole ‘shubble stumbling onto a mental illness/disability vibe’ as a very LOOSE thing. i mean, its definitely something ppl can relate to and vibe with as a feeling but we should also probably step back and realize that its. Not the purpose of the story cc!shubble is telling. like thats a cool connection to make, but cc!shubble Not living up to that expectation isn’t bad or ‘feeding’ into abelist narratives. At that point, you’d be putting the expectation that because WE see a story this way, that the creator needs to adjust their narrative thusly.
which, yeah, isnt great. she didnt make it as a neurodivergent/mi/disability story, she stumbled onto the right path by accident. its minecraft roleplay and it makes sense that she’s vibin with that story and can take it wherever she’d like. Your frustrations with an abelist narrative stem from people who KNOWINGLY make mentally ill/disabled characters and then kill them off/cure them/etc and spread the idea that ppl cant live happily with themselves. Which is definitely an issue- however. you’re uh. not gonna find the answer for it in a mcrp.
thats not to say i dont sympathize! id also love for like. single crumb of good representation in media and also. yeah i think it was intentional for the other characters to treat her Badly to set her up for a sort of comeback so— we’re all definitely empathizing with her as a character. who knows where the story is gonna go tho, im kinda hoping for an unholy trio reunion tbh.
tl;dr— c!Shubble has a relatable narrative and connections, however she (cc!shubble) IS NOT making a story with the intention to represent these themes and expecting her to withhold to standards that dont Apply here will only lead to disappointment.
anyway yes uh. got off track there but. Yeah! these past few episodes have been Brutal w the betrayals and shit. totally get why c!joey was pissed hoWEVER…. i would kill for shadow girl…. beloved…
and Wow these past few episodes have been heartwrenching. definitely FELT that as someone whos Needed accommodations in the past only to be made fun of for needing them— oof.
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kuipersorbit · 3 years
politics dont work on dsmp like you think they do: a badly written analysis
ok ive been seeing posts about techno being ancap because he teamed with quackity and purpled so I thought Id write something out to get my thoughts out there. (not only those, those are just the ones that felt like a punch to the gut) nobodys gonna see this but none of my friends are into this fandom (understandably) that i can talk to so here we go!!!
warning, this is p long!! there are 3 sections:
Anarchy v. democracy (differences to real life)
tubbo v. schlatt: minecraft governments
specific types of posts that we hate to see/dont make sense
Anarchy v. democracy (differences to irl)
So the fact that there are differences from minecraft rp to irl is pretty obvious, but i still see people talking like its not so heres some points. I see a lot of people defend c!tubbo and lmanburg for making a government, but I dont think they see the imact of government (even democracy) on the dsmp because it works for countries irl. so here you go: theres like 20 active members on dsmp. only half are in lmanburg.
why does this matter? because (as techno has mentioned in a couple of streams) thats a very small amount of people. lmanburg as a country could operate as an equal nation, as they could all fit at one table to talk. literally. Imagine someone in your household or in your friendgroup declaring themselves president and then actually having the power to make laws and exile people. weird right? It doesnt matter if the friend is well-liked or elected, they still have the power to control everyone else with no repercussions. Technoblade and Philzas perspective is this: nobody here should be given the power, because it always changes them and turns sour fast. they advocate for anarchy, which sounds crazy and violent, but what they really want is the friend group to be back on equal terms.
compare this to united states politics and then you open up a completely different can of worms. Those who argue for a system to hold people accountable and to make a system for orderly mass change are still justified. principles of anarchy built for large nations are still valid, but MUCH easier to achieve on a small minecraft server
tubbo v. schlatt: minecraft governments
SO. lets talk about tubbos rule. he seems to have good intentions at first, and is definitely not as bad as schlatt, but things start to go badly as he realizes he can get away with more and more. say we give him a by for exiling tommy because he was manipulated. (even though a government allows those systems to happen IN THE FIRST PLACE).
Technos execution is the first glaring red flag of his presidency. you could say that he was doing it as revege for?? two withers?? but then quackitys speech and the existence of a hit list immediately counter that. IF the execution was for JUSTICE they would have let him have a TRIAL. thats why its called the JUSTICE system. They have a pre-built courthouse and everything!! Another example of tubbos presidency souring is the destruction of phils house. they kept a man who constantly moves around in house arrest for the crime of?? being friends with someone?? as well as break his windows and loot his chests, the very same thing he condemned tommy and ranboo for. (ranboo is not innocent either btw, i have a whole nother rant about why i lowkey cant stand ranboos character, but thats for later.)
Not to mention pressuring ranboo to hurt people he didnt have qualms with, continuing to force a no-armor rule despite residents having reason to be wary, and selectively choosing who to be in his "cabinet", pushing people like Niki, who have been there since the beginning, to the side for QUACKITY of all people who has a very scuffed moral compass.
What did schlatt do again? he raised taxes, especially for niki (one of the only things he is very much at fault for), broke trees and buildings, enforced borders, killed tubbo, and exiled two of his competitors. Personally, I'd say tubbo and schlatt are equally bad here, schlatt just seems worse because he made his intentions known.
specific types of posts that we hate to see
we as in me. i hate to see em. Political compasses??? ew. bad. dsmp has only 20 people and no economy. (quackity wants to make one to gain power, purpled made a unsucessful real estate buisness for laughs early on.) People associating the syndicate/anarhcy with violence and chaos?? NO. BAD. they just want the friend group to be equal again. they just want a system where they cant be betrayed, ignored, and stepped on for no reason.
-extra snowchester point because this gets on my nerves. the syndicate was not expecting tubbo to be there. they did not go in any buildings without permission. they were very upfront about their goals and suspicions. not once was violence threatened, even after learning about nukes. also do not try me with "but techno has withers!!" EVERYONE can get withers. withers are a nuisance but destroy land maybe 4-5 blocks deep.
TUBBO and MANY OTHER SERVER MEMBERS have stolen and walked on technos land and he did nothing. He SAW tubbo, knew about connor, etc. and he did nothing. If youre upset about techno stepping foot on tubbos land, be upset at tubbo for doing the same to techno first.
anarchy in a server is just "hey can we not?? dictate the lives of out friends??" and governments of ANY KIND have hurt people on all occasions. this is not the same irl. please know the difference.
IF YOU READ ALL THIS: holy fuck. thank you. this is my first long textpost here, i dont expect to get any traction or anything, i just wanted to put my thoughts in order.
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