#Which is the reason it took me so long to post this tbh. Wasn't sure if I wanted to tease The Perfect Prince or leave it as a surprise.
demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
That Damn Polaroid™ (and Some Thoughts on the Events in April/InStyle Stunt)
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This polaroid... Nicola, Nicola, Nicola 😂
This polaroid still gets me today. Like, yes, this was for PR to some extent, BUT this was also SUCH a public statement. We know N has her phone ALL THE TIME. And (from what we know) the picture was on her phone for WEEKS (MONTHS technically). L appeared fine too with it being there (at least from what we know in the interviews where they talked about it). And that wasn't just like a cutesy little picture of two friends/coworkers. It was a 🔥/powerful pic. And as I mentioned here, N uses pictures as a way of communicating with others. And her excuse that she just "didn't have any pockets at the time", so she put the photo there (and proceeded to keep it there for MONTHS) 🙄 Sure Jan... So, with all of this context, I'm first going to talk about some of my thoughts on what was going on between L/A between the end of February to beginning of April, what was going on between L/N in April up until the Italy stops (including thoughts on the InStyle Stunt), and then at the end I will talk about my thoughts on WHY N had that photo on her phone for such a long time and the deeper meaning it might have had then just promoting the show.
Heads up, this is going to be a longg post...
I think this post from @newghlan pretty much sums up what I think was going on between L/A during end of February to early April. There was MAJOR flirty energy between L/N during the VDay event and BAFTAs. I talked a little bit here about how there was a very brief clip from the BAFTAs where they look like they got caught when they were embracing each other. I highly recommend checking out the video if you haven't already, because the noverbal cues speak VOLUMES. And it's just interesting that they would look like they got caught at this public event? It read to me that for SOME reason, they did not want that small clip to be captured and put out to the public 🤔
My theories are that by the BAFTAs, A was NOT happy about L/N's chemistry and connection. Maybeee L promised to redirect his attention to A, which is why L wasn't seen at/didn't go to the Big Mood premiere, and why L took A to LA with him and agreed to the InStyle Stunt to appease her. I've never doubted that L has probably had feelings for A (although I still think it was/is fairly casual), but like tbh, I'm CERTAIN his feelings for N are SO MUCH DEEPER. So when those feelings came flooding back when they did reshoots in December 2023, and then had to proceed right into working on promotion in January (which I think just made all the feelings stronger), I feel like he probably had some guilt because he was TRYING to explore his relationship with A. BUT L was reconnecting with N, and I think emotionally, that's where his heart is at. And A noticed this, so she was upset (which honestly, is understandable imo- some of A's actions though because of these feelings she was having I definitely don't agree with). I think L was unsure though about going there again with N, and so he wanted to prove to A (and SPECIFICALLY to himself) that A was the one he wanted to be with. So he focuses his energies on A, agrees to the InStyle Stunt so she gets SOME kind of public acknowledgement (which was a BIG goal of hers in the relationship), and tries to distance some from N. That didn't reallyyyy work though, and then we got what we did for the rest of the tour between L/N.
Before I get to my thoughts on April between L/N, I want to list some specific timeline things around the InStyle Stunt:
L does the InStyle interview (in LA I believe?) near the end of March (so that's when L/A were in LA)
A posts the LA photos on her IG on April 7th and April 14th (and L likes these posts)- I believe she has since deleted another set of these LA photos, so idk what date she posted those photos (sometime in early April though I believe)
The InStyle article comes out on April 29th (with the accompanying Polaroid pics that prove A was in LA with him- this also confirmed that L had coordinated these photos with A to acknowledge (without publicly acknowledging) that he and A were an item)
L posts the non-polaroid photos from the InStyle article on his IG on April 29th (and N likes the post and comments (on April 29) "Yess dude!!")
April/Early May Between L/N
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L/N attend the Bridgerton Season 3 London Photocall on April 12 (which is where the photo above was taken AND where the infamous polaroid was taken). Earlier that day (I believe), L/N also did a series of interviews for the show, and those interviews had some SERIOUS flirty/sexual energy to them (including one of L's (not so subtle) butt pinches with N). I would highly recommend rewatching those interviews if you haven't. If anyone has the links to these particular interviews (N is wearing the same necklace, and L the same tank top and jacket that they are wearing in the picture above), please link them in the comments below.
L/N are at events in Bowral, Australia from April 21-23
L/N in Milan May 9 (with the interviews where they are disconnected and likely beefing)
L/N in Verona May 10 (and they are all cutesy with each other and seem back on the same page)
So here are my thoughts (and why the InStyle Stunt/article might have come into play as to why they had been beefing in Milan):
As I mentioned, I think L was TRYING to distance himself some from N in March and refocus his attention on A. However, I think that pull with N was still really strong, and BTS they were still having to see each other and communicate in order to prepare for their upcoming promotional events. My guess is that all this sexual/flirty tension was building up between them BTS in March, which is why they were soooo unhinged in those interviews before the London Photocall on April 12. I also think early April is when L was starting to realize that his feelings for N were coming back full force, and was maybeeee getting a little green light from N that the feelings were reciprocated (but they weren't actually addressing it because I think they were scared/nervous). However, I think they continue flirting with each other in April (maybe secretly through messaging, and also when they were in person).
Note: We also have to remember that L gave those polaroids to InStyle (most likely) at the end of March when he did the interview. Therefore, the InStyle Stunt was set in motion by that point. I've been wondering though recently, if he had known what was going to happen between him and N in April and early May, if he might not have gone along/set up the InStyle stunt 🤔 Just some thoughts I've been having...
Then we get to the Bowral events near the end of April (BEFORE the InStyle article comes out though, confirming L had coordinated this with A), and it seems pretty obvious to me that L is trying to test the water with N and see how she's feeling about them (they are both being a little publicly flirty, but L much more so imo (N still seems to have a lot of her walls up in public)). It makes sense L might be hesitant to open himself back up to N when, as I talked about here, I think he got his heart broken a little by N. However, I think N was starting to open herself up to the possibility of really trying with L (because I think she has ALSO loved him for a while, but just was never in the place to really commit to the relationship for various reasons). I think she was finally feeling though that she was ready to give this relationship a serious shot, but knew L was kind of in a relationship. I think N was under the impression though that it wasn't super serious, so I think she was hopeful she and L might be able to figure it out.
A lot of people have been commenting that the InStyle Stunt/article wouldn't have upset N because she would have already known about it because of the pictures A posted in early April. I disagree. Now, we obviously don't know 100% if N knew that L was going to add those polaroids to the article. Tbh, we also don't 100% know if she even knew about the pictures that A posted of the LA trip (because I don't get the sense N exerts a whole lot of energy and time following what A does). Yes, N commented and liked L's post on April 29 related to the InStyle article. However, that does not confirm that she had already read the article. And she wasn't going to unlike and remove her comment, because fans would have noticed and flipped out. I am more inclined to believe that she really wasn't aware that this was all going to go down, mainly because I think L didn't want N to know/was trying to be sneaky about it. I think once N figured it all out after the article came out, the thing she was most upset by was how this article proved L had coordinated with A to indirectly publicly announce that they were an item (while L was continually putting out to the press at that point that he was single). Therefore, I think N was pi**ed because she didn't want this to impact their tour/her (their) public image. And secondly, I think she was upset because of the feelings she was having for him, and how flirty he had been with her the last few months. I think it all caught N off gaurd, and her walls went WAY back up. And we have to remember that this all happened just a few days before the Milan event, so I think that energy between them just spilled over and resulted in their very disconnected nonverbal cues in Milan.
I talked a little bit more about my thoughts on Italy here, but I think after L/N got back on the same page emotionally, it was pretty much game over emotionally with A for L. His heart wasn't really in it anymore (and tbh, I don't think it ever really was). Also, I've said this multiple times, but Italy is when N starts posting the "boyfriend pics" of L (which L obviously agreed to). Personally, I think N (and indirectly L) were sending a message to a certain someone 🤔 But just a theory... I have also already talked about it here and here on my theories on why L was never going to be able to publicly untangle himself from A for a while, regardless of what was going on BTS with L/N.
What Could be the Deeper Meaning Behind the Polaroid?
So, my point with everything is this. I think early April was a MAJOR turning point for N in terms of her feelings/emotions for L. Here are my thoughts (outside of PR) on why N put THAT Polaroid on her phone from the London Photcall event on April 12 (and for MONTHS):
First, we need to acknowledge that L obviously approved of this photo being on her phone (or at least was complicit to it), which I think speaks VOLUMES about where L was at emotionally with N at the time (and where L WASN'T at emotionally with A). This confirms to me that things just weren't that serious with A, even if he was TRYING to refocus his attention on A. L's heart was still with N.
N wanted people to know that they were a unit through this experience, and that N truly loves him and their friendship/connection. She wanted to share to the world how special he AND their experience on Bridgerton is to her.
I think she put that SPECIFIC picture on her phone because her feelings were STARTING to change for L around this event/that general time period. I think N was starting to see L in a bit of a new light (in a positive way), and was seeing some real potential between them.
Lastly, I think one of the reasons she kept the photo on her phone for so long (outside of the PR), is because her walls were starting to come down, things were getting more serious between her and L, and she was happy (and she wanted the public to know 😉). And L/N could kind of hide behind this unspoken public narrative that it was just for "PR" (which I NEVER bought).
Now yes, she has since changed the polaroid. However, we have NO idea what the photo is of now (or if she is consistently changing it out/or completely changed her phone case). She knows our obsession with the Polaroid though, so I think she likes to tease us about it. She knows what she is doing 😉 That OG polaroid though during the PR tour had a MUCH deeper meaning than just promoting the show, and was a significant public statement about her relationship with L. Just my theory though...
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basilibino · 6 months
Season 8 was like 6 years ago(I feel old) and I know ppl have differing opinions on the Mr Echo thing (but it was intended, made it to storyboard and blocked animation and then dropped, soooo) but. I can see his recruitment p easily tbh. Bc the whole reason Dr J was in that lighthouse was because he was resurrected, forced there, and ordered to build Skulkin vehicles by Samukai. But Samukai in the flashback we see has already been deposed as leader of the Skulkin/Underworld. Which means the orders to do so most likely came from Garmadon.
And since Mr. E is one of the head honchos, he's likely an early arrival to the team, so I don't think Harumi has a whole lot figured out at this point, she's just got her Trauma and some Bad Influence Friends and an obsession with Lord Garmadon. So. Like. Plausible deniability road trip that she's just visiting important markers of Ninjago's recent past, all of which involve Lord Garmadon in some meaningful way; its sightseeing, its cathartic, and it gives her time to develop her dream Motorcycle Gang/Resurrection Cult. She's not looking for anyone at the Lighthouse, but she is looking for vehicle blueprints so she can be the Koolest leader on the block. But oops she looks in the basement and there's an Echo.
And she's flipping out bc??? A Ninja???? In the Lighthouse basement??? I mean it makes sense that it would be this one but???
Except this rusty old robot has no idea what she's talking about with this Ninja stuff, he's just waiting for his dad to come back.
And Harumi pauses.
Because how long has he been waiting? He's not sure, he had no proper way to measure time in the basement, and he doesn't have the best view of his clockwork heartpiece. But it was after his father saw a strange ship docking; Echo was worried it was the People who had locked up his father in the first place, but instead his dad sounded happy when he saw whoever was out there. It could have been a front, though, as clearly it was never safe to let Echo back out. Then Dr J popped down briefly, while everyone above was resting, to tell Echo he was desperately needed elsewhere, that it wasn't safe to bring Echo, but that he'd be back in no time.
And the pieces are fitting together for Harumi. And she's like. Your dad's dead, bro.
And he's like. What? Did he die doing what was needed of him?
And she's like. Oh, no. He died a few years later.
And he's like. Why didn't he come back for me????
And she's like. Probably because they kept him away.
And he's like. Who's they?
And she's like. The Ninja I was talking about earlier.
And it surely can't be hard in universe to find pictures of Zane and Dr J post s2-pre s3, so she pulls one up and shows Echo who is freaking out bc why is that one kind of like him and Harumi explains that that was the droid his father created first, that he became a Ninja, and that hes probably the one who took their father away and kept echo waiting for years.
But Echo has doubts, shocked as he is abt a new older brother, he wants to believe the good in the situation so he's unsure. But Harumi mentions that the Ninja's failures to uphold more than their self preservation/interests has led to uncountable losses and devastation in Ninjago time and time again, before delving into her own story. And she seems so kind, and so hurt, and I do think there's a genuine connection btwn these two that forms from this shared emotional torment that they decide came from the Ninja, and now Echo is more receptive.
And then Harumi gets to start her Garmadon pitch because wait! If Echo was made here, then that could only have happened because of Lord Garmadon. And she reiterates that he's the reason she and her city could have even survived The Great Devourer. And maybe Echo's family-by-creation left, maybe they were untrustworthy and lacking, but that's OK bc if you look at it all a certain way, Garmadon is more of a father to Echo than Dr J was. And Echo is a vulnerable, overwhelmed mess who just found out his dad fucked off for years without him and also died, and also he has a brother??? Who their dad clearly seems to have favored??? Did they even know about Echo??? Did they delight in their life free of him???
Basically. Kinda Spinel-core but getting abandoned and left completely alone does that to you. Especially when the first person to find you after being abandoned is a deeply hurt and misguided teen who is probably kinda desperate for someone, anyone else to see the Ninja the way she sees them.
#i was thinking abt the idea of citrusshipping#and how it could have flowed into Mr Echo. with morro as the vengeful influence tinting these#one sided experiences to associate ninja with loss#but theni was like 'wait a sec tho bc Harumi does that also and its her gang called the sons of garmadon#and if youre very carfeully squinting and cherrypicking out pesky details and nuance. like harumi would be.#echos existence is thanks to Lord Garmadon. and there is no better replacement dad than garmadon. you should be a son of garmadon.#and echo would probably listen and she could get him out the lighthouse and off the island'#and anyway i kinda ship Harumi and Echo now?#i like citrusshipping its funney but i think i actually ship this dynamic now#its. fucked and manipulative but its also like. genuine and just. two scarred young people and harumi gives echo her distorted view#of the world as the gift of her love#so its like she wasnt trying to manipulate echo. not like she was trying to manipulate Lloyd.#but she did take someone in a v fragile state and begin shaping his worldview to match hers. unconciously but still done.#like i can also see her bringing him to the mainland and she and UV and Killow are his tethers which means everything he sees radicalizes#him further...and draws him in closer to the fold#anyway if he and harumi smoochie kiss then shes why he got rebuilt in Crystallized. also i think mr F stands for 'Mr Fun Guy'#echo zane#harumi jade#ninjago harumi#quietmystery?#idk what the ship name would be but im here for it#mr e ninjago#mr echo#echo/harumi#tbh i said i kinda ship it now but it could also be friendship#sons of garmadon#...ok til abt the morro-echo-harumi trio hcs and Yes#this is just more of a like. canon compliant ish take where morro is still gone from the narrative#love the idea of the 3 in a vengeance trio tho
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harlowhockeystick · 2 years
saw your post about no one requesting nolan and i am here to help ✋🏻 i know you’ve already done “i’m so in love that i might stop breathing” with josh but i’m here requesting it with nolie<3 can be princess au or not!
meet me at midnight | contains: drunk princess, fem!reader, mentions of alcohol, nolan somehow gets a busted lip....wonder who did that
ah yes, my beloved princess and nolan <3 i miss them tbh :,)
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This was the exact reason why nolan wanted to stalk her when there was a girls night. Because previous it was a broken nose, then it was a sprained ankle, a few other incidents and now…now she was refusing to get in the uber to go home.
"no, jenna, i'm not leaving! this is the most fun i've had in a long time!" y/n shouted in the club that was beaming with led lights and loud music with deep bass. y/n's friend huffed, thankfully jenna wasn't as drunk as y/n was, so she was able to call nolan. she had his number for times like these and only times like these.
"y/n i'm calling nolan!" jenna threatened, holding her phone to her ear. y/n kept dancing and downed one more shot of tequila. "do it!" y/n shouted back, "i'm not scared of him! actually he's scared of me!"
jenna called nolan and explained the situation. thankfully nolan knew right where to go, because he was stalking her location this entire time. he drove to the night club and kept an eye out for the hot pink bodycon dress she put on that night. he found her, on the middle of the dance floor, dancing like nobody was watching. he sighed, he wished she would do this when she wasn't off her face drunk because it was quite the sight to see.
he moved through the crowd to her and he grabbed her arm lightly. the fight response kicked in, and in one move she swung towards him not knowing who he was. he tried his best to dodge her, but she made contact with his lips. nolan's hand covered his mouth and he heard her gasp, her hands going to cup his cheeks. "nolie oh my god," she exclaimed loudly, "i didn't mean to!"
he laughed and took her hand in his dragging her out of the club. she was going on and on about how she didn't mean to take a swing at him, but the entire time nolan was giggling. he thought it was kinda funny, he knew the guys would get quite a kick out of the story he would tell the following practice.
she stumbled on the concrete sidewalk so nolan kept a tight grip on her hips, making sure that she wouldn't start to lean over. but, if there was anyone on this planet that he trusted enough to walk blackout drunk in four inch heels, it would be her.
nolan helped her in the passenger seat of the car, opening the door and making sure she was buckled before closing the door. "well princess did you have a fun night?" he asked sarcastically, taking ahold of her hand while he started the drive back to her apartment. he decided it would be best to take her to her own place and not his, he knew that in the morning she would want all of her skin care stuff, and that she would want to take a shower with those specific shower oils that she has when she got up.
she rambled the whole time she got in the car, got in the elevator of her apartment building, and from when nolan got her in bed. he took off her jacket that she wore and she got an over the top suggestive smirk on her lips, "if you wanted to see me naked nolie you shoulda just asked."
nolan rolled his eyes and picked out a pajama set for her to wear that night, "no, i'm trying to help you out here." he reached behind her and unzipped the dress she had on, helping her step out of it. she sat on the bed and nolan took off her heels for her, tossing them to the side.
"nolan patrick do not throw those! those are santoni's!" nolan put his hands up in defense, handing her a pajama shirt while he reached over and set them up properly. he looked over and princess was trying to figure out how to slip the shirt over her head, which for a moment he forgot she didn't know how to do at the moment.
he helped her slip into the pj's for the night, and helped her get under the covers. he went to the kitchen to grab some tylenol and water for her in the morning, and a mixing bowl just incase she couldn't make it to the bathroom to throw up.
nolan quietly goes back to her room to find her staring up at the ceiling, giggling to herself. he turned the light off, leaving just her sunset light on the lowest setting for the night. when he got in bed she turned over to face him, first smiling but then it turned cold once she noticed nolan's busted lip.
"i'm really sorry about your lip nolie," she mumbled, her hand reaching out to brush her thumb over his chin. he smiled and reached forward, kissing her forehead before pulling her in close next to him for the night.
"i'll be fine princess," he kissed the top of her head once more, "i think you'd make it in the league with that kinda swing if you ask me."
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fandoomrants · 9 months
Ok, so as much as the Hunger Games scare and unnerve me as a concept, I really want to learn so many things about how they played out through the years...
Let's start with the first games ever. I wonder how long they took and what happened, who was the victor ofc, I think that in this exact case, all tributes had more or less equal chances as they didn't know what to expect, but most importantly, how did everyone else die? Did anyone actually kill another tribute, or the arena finished them? Because we already saw what's going on in the 10th games and tbh, yes, there was a group that was ready to kill and all but most of them were just scared and didn't want to kill/hurt. But they got to watch 9 games before that and already had an idea what was to be expected. And also, this arena didn't seem that easy to control as the ones in the 74th and 75th so what happened during the first games?
Then there's the First Quarter Quell. It's been a while since I read the books and I don't remember seeing in the movies but it goes around the fandom that the twist there was people from the districts voted for who goes in? How crazy is that? Tbh, if I have to number the wickedness of these quells, I'd say this is the worst, followed by the victors entering again in the 75th, and then maybe the most... Mild would be the Second where it was double tributes. Because yeah, double the trubutes is awful but... they're all endangered and 23 or 47 lost lives is... when it comes to having large number of victims, somewhat not that crazy. And only victors entering again is also so crazy and twisted, like, look at them, they're all mostly mentally or phisically damged but imagine being chosen not in some large poll with numerous other names in it but because people choose you?! Like, neighbours, people that know you actually looked at you and decided "Yes, they'll be the ones doomed this time." How did this one even go?? I've already discussed this with friends and we were trying to decide if some of the districts chose the ones most likely to win, or just the ones they disliked for one reason or another. But come on, it's crazy. Though, this might be eventually how the idea of Careers appeared. But I also wanna know the victor of these games because just imagine winning games in which people you know put you in? How do you get back and live... Not a normal life but some kind of life and you just know people you interract on a daily basis send you to your death.
And then, of course like most people in this fandom, I want to know more about the games of the victors we've seen. We have some of them discussed and shown in bigger details but still, maybe just a little more information and details about how exactly these games played out wouldn't hurt...
I just said earlier how the Second Quarter Quell was maybe the most okay-ish when it comes to the twist but this doesn't make it less tragic. And we first see Haymitch when he's older and he's... Well, a total wreck, dealing with alcoholism and all of that and you just wonder how this guy even won?! And then we later learn how he won and what led him to become the way he is now but still, it's pretty crazy that he won when there were not 23 but 47 other people. And yes, he "cheated the system" but I don't really think he was the first one. As I've seen people pointing out, so did Lucy Gray and so did Katniss and Peeta. And I believe others also found a way to just... Survive. And as I sae in an earlier post, who was his mentor? I think there wasn't one. And there were surely Careers in these games too. Wasn't the last girl he was left with a Career? So, this guy from District 12 managed to win a game where there were double tributes without a mentor even. And then he just keeps suffering and honestly, I absolutely understand him. Honestly, I think for all he went through, alcoholism is an understandable thing, I probably would have just commited a suicide or sth. And the more I think about it, the more I think the real reason he was punished and had his whole family killed wasn't because he "cheated" but because he was someone who was extremely unlikely to win and yet he did and this is what really made lots of people angry. He wasn't an "interesting" tribute.
And speaking of "interesting", here comes Finnick. Yet another victor who we know most of the details about but still. He's famous for winning sg only 14. Was he a Career? Was he just unfortunate? And his whole story with Annie. Did they know each other before her games? Did they fall before or after that? Was she a Career? I've seen lots of people commenting on it and how she might have been, even though she developed problems after that. Likee, it's one thing to prepare for the games and a whole another to actually be there. Yet this only makes me think that if this was the case, they probably became a thing after the games. I just can't imagine him knowing what it means to be a victor (him, of all people!), and actually supporting her decision to take part.
And on the topic of Careers, I really want to know how this became a thing. I have to admit, I somewhat see the logic of children starting to prepare and train for the worst but I can't fully wrap my mind around the idea of someone volunteering for the games knowing fully well that they have a very big chance of dying. No matter what, there's is only one victor always (with one excpetion but we know how bad this played out in the end) so to enter willingly games where you just know there are others who have trained for? And one of them is also from your district and you've most likely trained together?? What's going onn?
And how some of the tributes would form packs. I actually want to see how games like this one played out. Haymitch and the girl from 12 (I know her name but I won't spell it right) broke theirs because they didn't want to kill each other in the end but there surely must have been games where this was the case in the end. A group of people who had been hunting down the others together would have been the only survivors in the end and they must have had to kill each other eventually. How do you even kill someone who was your ally and you had each others' backs until this moment??
And I also wonder how many people had won similarly to how Foxface got close to winning. By just avoiding the others and survivng. And were they punished for it later too?
Also, when and how did the victors become public and famous figures? We saw Lucy Gray after her games back in 12, continuing her life almost as before (though we see this through Snow's eyes so I don't claim she didn't have a hard time, it's just that she was left unbothered, mostly). Then, the 11th Games is when the Victor's Village first became a thing. And the tours? Everything else? The way the victors would be used by the Capitol for the rest of their lives? When did this become a thing? I can't help but think this must be just another form of punishment that was implemented there. They survive yet they suffer for it in other ways.
I just really need answers and these are only some things on top of my head now, I might add to the list later...
If anyone is interested in indulging and discussing these or something else, feel free to DM me..
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team-heavenly · 11 months
Chapter 22 - Climbing Sky Peak
Otherwise known as *rolls dice*
...Oh my God-
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This post is going to begin a little a lot more differently than usual. Going in, I knew the Sky Peak arc was going to be a nightmare of text boxes. So I did a little experimenting and took a video of its introduction in Rotom's Cafe - click here to watch that before moving onward.
(Obligatory apologies for many potentially distracting things, including but not limited to: crooked pictures, cloudy lighting, the camera refocusing randomly, random hand cameos, and specks of dirt on the screen.)
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I mean—
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(I can’t seem to find the artist for this‚ if anyone happens to know who it is pls hmu so I can credit)
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Exactly! Let's follow Rhydon's lead and head forth to check out this mountain-
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...Er, right. I mean, the Cloudy Well. (Is this the pollution I was foreshadowing?)
Actually, the name feels reminiscent of a level from Spyro 🤔
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Also don't worry about Team Frontier partially out of frame there, we'll get to them in a minute.
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I've played this game for I don't know how many years now, and I literally only had this thought just now-
...But why didn't some flying Pokémon just bypass the ruined mountain pass? Sure, it's inaccessible to everyone else, but unless the entire peak was scorched earth, there's... really no reason for it to have become shrouded in mystery. 🤷‍♀️
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Uh, I think that if you lead us on an arduous trek of one of the highest mountains on the continent only for us to arrive at the peak and go "haha just kidding, the treasure was the friendships we made along the way ^-^" I will actually kill you. FYI.
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"Hey, Teresa? What do you think? Should we let Onix join us?"
*says no* *gets stuck in a recursive formula* *breaks the world*
...Just kidding, of course 😅
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Team Heavenly is more or less prepared already, so of course my top priority is talking to the NPCs.
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We... We can't request... a what?!
I have no idea why "rescue" is randomized like a dungeon name here. And in case you think this is a one-off:
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I just thought the idea of a merchant Clefairy (actually he replaces Pelipper, but I digress) was so cute.
Ah and... Team Frontier... Oh man, where do I even begin?
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Now, Jolteon is pretty fitting! I can especially see him with Breloom's style of speaking. He also ended up being a great asset in battles, so no complaints here.
So, let's address the Copperajah in the room. You must be wondering what the heck Deoxys is doing here. But clearly, he's the leader, right?
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Don't ask how she took the throne. It's said she once razed an entire village with her fangs alone.
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No, Deoxys is... a giggly space queen? Which might even be funnier than the phrase "Onix Village" 🤭
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...Yeah, best of luck with that one, bud.
Because Onix is a very large Pokémon, I couldn't have anyone else on the team :( So it was just the three of us on this long, dreary trek.
The first section of Sky Peak Cloudy Well was dubbed "Significant Port." (I apparently didn't snap any pictures of the dungeon itself... whoops.)
But similar to this, the first floor was dead silent. No music. And it was snowing. Classic Mt. Silver creepypasta vibes.
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Here's a fresh look at Teresa and Andrea's status, alongside Onix. Note the <100 HP despite being 11 levels higher than Andrea.
Onix wasn't bad, per se. She had Swords Dance, Megahorn, and Rock Blast, which is a heck of a combination tbh. That being said... this first dungeon was probably the hardest of them all in retrospect. At least half of that was due to Onix being super fragile, frequently getting OHKO'd by Aqua Jet of all things. (Yeah, Onix is 4x weak to water, but it's not like Aqua Jet is a very strong move.)
The other side of the difficulty coin was Furret and Blastoise both countering half the damage you dealt and, of course, Monster Houses galore. It got bad enough that I threw a Detect Band on Teresa, which did actually help me survive a future Monster House.
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Has real big "WW1 Battlefield on Christmas Day" vibes. Lol, I'm sure this won't be an ominous sign of things to come, right?
(Spoiler: It Was.)
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If you recall, there are ten station passes and clearings. Because of this, I'm throwing Sky Peak dungeon names into their own post, instead of stuffing them all in the guide. However, the guide itself will include a link to this "sub-guide." As we traverse each station pass, I'll highlight their titles in bold.
Speaking of, the Second Station Pass was known as Sandy Bay...
(Did you mean: Normandy Beach?! Okay yes technically a different war, but listen-)
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And we got ambushed by Andrea's brothers and sisters 😭We BARELY made it out of this one, with Andrea hanging on by a thread. So I was ecstatic to pick up a Foe-Hold Orb... only to immediately lose it by spawning into a "mandatory" MH (i.e., in the same room as the stairs).
Okay folks, that's 30 images, so onwards to Part 2!
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etinceelle · 1 year
I dont think that they will wait that long to bring penny back im pretty sure that she will come back the next volume (etheir in the first or last episode)
I already made a post about how it possible that penny end up in ruby head giving ruby heard her voice in the begining
Prehaps bevacause of her deprassion (which was very simular to penny btw) she wasnt ablr to hear her but now that ruby is herself she might actually start hearing her again and find out she is alive!
I could see it happened when ruby is in a fight and she look like she about to loose and then she heared penny tells her to allow her to handhale the fight and we see her closing her eyes and when they open again their are green
Also pretty sure that the biggest reason for penny to die was so the maiden power would transfer to someone else without putting somthing out of nowhere, giving that the maiden power only make penny life worse it means that for her character arc to be complete she need to get rid of it as it would took away her freedom no matter what happened with her
I don't think they would bring her back the first ep of the next volume, this would be very disrespectful to her second death tbh x) Bringing her back like that like it wasn't such a big deal feels really bad to me. If they want to keep the impact and give such importance to her death, then I'd rather wait for them to build it once again rather than have them rush it and just bring her back again at the first step of next volume. It made sense in Volume 7 because it was a long time after the fall of Beacon, everyone just arrived in Atlas and met Pietro, it was fitting. But here, even if Pietro's in Vacuo it feels really rushed to me. We got a whole volume about reincarnation but also about Ruby mourning Penny (or trying at least, because she barely had time or space to do so...). I would rather to see the process detailed this time, hear characters talk about Penny for real, see Pietro grieving and trying his best to bring her back, Winter thinking about her too, anyway.
I also saw the theory about Penny being in Ruby's head, I definitely think the scene when we hear Penny calling for Ruby in V9 is weird and interesting. I don't think Penny's "in Ruby's head", but rather that maybe she's somewhere in another realm, trying to reach out to her. It could be the realm of the Blacksmith in the tree, or something else... Or something odd definitely happened if Penny thought of Winter and Ruby before dying. Or (the sad choice lol), this is simply Ruby hallucinating because of the fall and hearing Penny. But tbh it still feels really weird that it Penny specifically. The first time we saw the snippet during the RTX in 2021, I really thought it was Yang calling for Ruby (and a lot of people too). Really didn't think this was Penny, but knowing that is very surprising, unless Ruby was really concerned about Penny being safe. But when I think about it I just think it's weird aha, + it's new recordings...
The hints in V9 really make me think Penny might not be dead, maybe not in Ruby's head but maybe somewhere else, no matter if she's "inside" Winter or somewhere else. :']
For the last part I agree, Penny never wanted the Maiden Powers, it was the only choice she had to face Cinder. It only put a target on her back and we saw it during the entiery of Volume 8 : wanted by Ironwood, the Ace-Ops and hacked by Watts, searched by Salem and the Hound, wanted by Cinder for the powers...she just NEVER had peace and this is exactly what Yang said to Raven at the end of Volume 5 : Salem came with all she had for not just the Relic, but also the powers. And not just Salem, literally everyone-
We could have easily expected all of that after she became the Winter Maiden, she never had one single moment omg. And after all of that, ending her arc just like that, by sacrifice, feels like a stab in the heart (no pun intended-) because she truly deserves this moment of hope. But from what I understand, the fall of Atlas was also planned for a very long time, and for it to be impactful they probably chose to also end Penny's life with it ahaha-
BUT, after what we got from Volume 9, that doesn't mean they decided to leave it here at least for me. RWBY is a story about hope, even if it includes losing people and suffering. Like I said in other posts, Penny always kinda symbolized this hope and light for the world. Having her dying like that made sense for her arc AND the end of Atlas, but it could really be used later for the big bad fight or moment. Idk how because obviously I don't work on RWBY, but eh. xD
Just like Little's death kinda served to the climax in Chapter 8 of Volume 9, because Ruby was so shocked she could only drink the tea after that. Penny's death served to her character but could also serve again for the ultimate moment later, we'll see how if that happens-
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
tell me about he/she ayan
i was hoping someone that had actually finished the show would ask me 🙄 but if you're the only one who will, i'mma take what i'm given
so aye talks about how when he was first realizing he was gay, it was hard for him too, and it's easy to assume that the reason dika took him to the cafe for all the first time was after aye first came out to him, but despite that aye kind of gives the energy of someone that has just always knew they were gay, which i feel like doesn't necessarily contradict what canon tells us. i feel like he's always had an inkling, especially because he's always had dika, but because he always had dika, there had to be a time when he realized that being gay wasn't widely accepted, especially in thailand, so i kind of feel like that's what he meant when he talked about it being hard for him. and then when he did come to terms with that and understand it, that's when he came out to dika and dika took him to cafe for all etc etc
anyways, despite that, i feel like aye never looked too closely at her gender. like we all know aye is a very pretty man, so i'm sure she was told her whole life that kind of thing and while most men would take offense, she always liked it and just never questioned why. that is until she goes to cafe for all and meets p'golf
because p'golf is played by the director, who is trans non-binary, it's easy to assume the in-universe p'golf is also trans non-binary, so going to cafe for all and meeting them allowed aye to start to understand there were other options beyond being cis or even binary trans
however, he didn't exactly have a chance to think about it a whole lot because dika died and then he put his whole focus into finding out what happened to him. so, he put the gender crisis on the back burner (we've all been there)
so, i think when she really started to think about it was post-canon, probably even post os2 eps bc i think those only happen a few weeks after the end of the show, so after they officially lay dika to rest.
now in thai, it doesn't seem like they have gendered pronouns in the same way that we do, but they DO have pronouns based on your gender when speaking to someone else apparently? don't quote me on this i did some very minor googling, and i do know they have other gendered words like hia/je, etc etc. but basically whatever the thai equivalent of using he/she pronouns in english is, i think she'd consider experimenting with before eventually realizing she's genderfluid
she'd bring it up with akk first, and while i'd love to say akk would be 100% loving and supportive and i'm not saying he WOULDN'T be, i also think he'd be confused tbh JDHJDF like he's only been to cafe for all a handful of times and while he knows p'golf and that they’re non-binary, i feel like he still doesn't know enough about the whole gender spectrum to understand fully. i also feel like he'd get a little tripped up on the she part because it took akk so long to be comfortable with the idea of being gay and aye is definitely his soulmate, but aye? wants to be referred to like a girl? does that make him NOT gay? but basically it'd be a conversation, and by the end of it once akk understands better and knows that aye being genderfluid doesn't effect his sexuality at all, he'd be fully on board and supportive and refer to aye however she wants to be referred to
the others are also a little confused at first, but they catch on pretty quickly. especially when aye starts experimenting with presentation, starting to wear makeup and occasionally dresses or skirts. akk nearly passes out the first time he sees her in a mini skirt that exposes her thigh tattoo and aye saves that in the back of her mind for later
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redysetdare · 1 year
yeah I'm talking abt trans hair. At least, my experience with being trans and my connection to my hair.
I've been someone who has grown up with long hair my entire life. it's fairly common for anyone who was decided to be a girl by the people around them. I was offered to have my hair cut short a few times but it was only ever bob cuts - basically feminine short. never short-short.
When i got older and realized I was trans, my hair became incredibly dysphoric to me. People said how pretty it was long and i grew to hate it. to me my hair being long is what made me a girl. I thought - naively - if my hair got cut I'd be a boy. Just like how all those girls in the movies could do. They'd cut their hair and be seen as a boy.
But I was scared. I feared not looking good with short hair. I feared people would laugh or I'd hate it. It took me years to build up the courage to finally ask for a haircut.
But i did finally ask and I showed my mom the picture for the hairstyle i wanted. We went to the hair stylists and they cut my hair. It was short short but... it was still feminine. Now I don't fully blame this on anyone - i wasn't out of the closet yet. I had shown a picture of a more feminine model that showed what style i wanted. But to be honest feminine or not it was short. It was short and I felt good about myself for the first time in years. I looked in the mirror and i could smile at what I saw.
I struggled a bit with style for a while, unsure of what I wanted my hair to look like. I wanted low maintenance but for it to still look how I wanted. At some point I was left with a long gap between my hair getting cut. In fact it's been over a year since I got it cut... I've moved since then and I'm worried about what I want. I mean, obviously cutting my hair doesn't make me look any more like a boy. I'm not on hormones. I dn't dress "boyishly". My hair still causes me dysphoria but now my dysphoria has shifted targets. when it realized that my hair can't change how people perceive me it moved to something else.
So i've been stuck without a hair cut for a year+. Partially because my money is short so i don't have the ability to spend something on a pricey hair cut. partially because I haven't had time to go find a hair stylist (ik barber shops exist but i don't think they'd accept me...). partially because I don't know what i want. Whats the point of going to a hair stylist and paying a ton of money I don't have just to get a hair cut i might not even like. so my hair has grown out. Which yeah, caused me dysphoria at first...until I realized that longer hair makes me look like the characters I have gender envy for. men with long hair are some of the top gender envy for me. So i drew my sona with long. I drew it to try and ease my dysphoria. to show how fun styling longer hair could be. and now I've grown to kinda like it? Sure, i still feel a bit dysphoric but I've been putting it in a mini ponytail lately and it feels nice :) I feel nice.
so when someone mentions how my hair being long is why I'm being misgendered.... think you can understand why that probably hurts a lot more than it likely would with anyone else.
ofc i don't blame this person for not knowing. It's my experience after all. but it still hurt. it hurt a lot being told what my dysphoria had told me so many times. that my hair was why i was seen as a girl. I was becoming happy with my hair and it set me back a bit. I started wondering if i should get a hair cut again even though I was happy with my hair as is...
of course I'm back to being happy about it again. It's easier to push through the dysphoria when you've already done it once before. (also helps that a lot of cis guys at my work have long hair)
tbh idk what the point of this post is. Maybe that trans peoples connections with their hair can be complicated and maybe saying how someone looks is the reason they get misgendered is kinda fucked up - especially when you don't know what the person wants /is comfortable with / is happy with /ect. maybe don't add to peoples dysphoria because you think you're giving them "advice" (quotations because telling ppl they don't pass enough is not advice)
idk. hair is complicated. my experience with hair is complicated. I'm sure a lot of trans peple have complicated feelings about hair. maybe it shouldn't just be a black and white "cut it if ur transmasc and grow it out if your transfem"
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hourcat · 9 months
9, 14, 27 🥰💖
mwah akira thank u for playing my love!!!!!
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
i try to!!!! it's been a little difficult as of late, i fear, and i def have off days (like today ;n;) but i did write yesterday!
The door swings open, though, and all of Charles’ nerves bleed away at the sight of Pierre’s smiling face. He’s smiling. It’s been long enough since he’s been within a safe enough orbit of that smile that the sight of it makes his chest ache. “Pierrot,” he whispers, and doesn’t hesitate before crashing through the doorway and throwing his arms around his best friend, burrowing his face in the crook of Pierre’s shoulder as Pierre manages to kick his apartment door shut.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
ohhh this is so difficult....my lizard brain says literally any of the pwps ive written for obvious reasons....but tbh? i would love to see an autumnal affair. turned into a limited series. those AI photos that went around a while back of regency era drivers...did something to me.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
ha, the first one that comes to mind is let me show you what i can do, aka the piarles + stranger threesome fic i wrote last summer. i have certainly post a whole lot worse since then LOL but i was SO nervous because at the time this was like...the wildest thing i'd ever fully written? and it was one of the longest things i'd posted on f1blr, and i still was new enough that i wasn't sure how people were perceiving my writing, and it all ended up with me in the dms i had with sez and anna going "IDK IS THIS TOO MUCH SHOULD I POST THIS" over and over again until i just....did it.
ah, simpler times. before my lizard brain took full control of my literary trajectory
(from the fic writer ask meme)
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wholemonsternut · 1 year
i was clipping my nails & i just remembered a story that made me very sensitive abt my my own nails ever since i was a kid haha
there is some gore to it so it is spooky month themed XD
i have those long nails where the nail bed goes all the way to the tip of the finger so that means any growth (the white free edge part) results in my nails sticking out like claws idk moving on...
bc of how it is, the very end of the nail bed is very exposed & be easily cut into. earlier this year, i was opening a box & i wasn't careful enough with where i placed my fingers so one of the corners wedged itself between my right ring finger nail & i bled a significant amount & i could've sworn if i had truly panicked & yanked my hand the wrong direction, half of the nail would be ripped off the flesh (that may have been dramatic but this is my post)
>>ANYWAY, that was just exposition just in case any of you friends don't know what it's like to have something like that because that is a key detail in this story
for some reason my teacher genuinely did not believe that such nails exist (in fairness, at 8yrs old, i have also yet to know anyone else with genetically long nails like mine, so i took her word for it), telling us that it is very unsanitary, unprofessional, & akin to school delinquents to have long nails so she insisted to clip my nails for me
after not only humiliating me amongst my other 8 yr old peers, i also had to stay after the class. she pulled out an assortment of nail clippers & nail files from her purse. & immediately grabs & manhandles my little childish fingers
starting with my right hand, she starts digging the nail clipper into my nail. shocked & ready to cry already, i told her that the nail clipper was too deep & tried to point out that it's gonna bleed while also trying to pull away but she just scoffed (or whatever you'd understand a "tch" as) & held me in a sort of headlock... it felt like i was a sheep being sheered
i wasn't sure what was scarier, the feeling of the large nail clipper being wedged between my nail & flesh that it might as well just pop the whole nail off or the top layer skin being actively cut & yet to bleed to signal to the teacher the she should stop
it took until the we're at the thumb until one of my finger tips are finally stained with blood to have her immediately stop. i was so relieved that it was over & that i still have time to suck up my tears before anyone noticed.
however to her, my fingers are only bleeding because i was moving a lot & making a fuss over nothing
about to move to the left hand, she gave me an opportunity to willingly give my hand without her needing to hold me still. me, being a powerless child, i quickly understood that i do not know how exactly to get out of this situation
so i very hesitantly laid my left hand onto her free hand which she then grabbed the fingers anyway ig because i was very obviously shaking. her grip gets stronger every time i so much as flinch
for some reason, this side hurts more & thinking back i think it's because earlier she was holding my wrist/fingers so tightly that i was kind of numb to the full pain
i had my eyes closed for the most part & heard her sweeping the table (to clean up the nail clippings). i didn't want to be hopeful that it was over like i was minutes ago but i stared at her movements for a few seconds to confirm that she was putting away her things.
standing from my seat, i was ready to run hoping that i could catch that one kid selling bandages but
"where do you have to be so quickly? sit first. i'm not done yet." (best translation i can do, sorry)
she taps the previously mentioned nail file. at this time of my life, i didn't know what those were so i had no idea what she was about to do with a foam stick covered in sandpaper
i had a more verbal reaction with this one. apparently i was being a "whiny, dirty, unkempt, spoiled brat" standing up for myself for not wanting someone to rub my wounds with sandpaper but tbh i think i was a more of a personal opinion
i managed to get out of this part of the manicure session by saying that recess was almost over & i was very hungry
i couldn't find that kid that sold bandages that day btw
thank you so much for joining me in my dramatic retelling of my childhood self's torture session <3
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
2022 Writing Evaluation
thanks so much @clumsyclifford , @allsassnoclass , & @jbhmalumm for tagging me in this! i'm gonna talk about my fics in all fandoms even tho this is my music blog bc i don't have anything separated into pseuds (i strive for chaos on my ao3 account) putting it under the cut bc i'm sure it's gonna be long lol
number of stories posted on ao3: 25! 18 in 5sos, 4 in hp, and 3 miscellaneous fandoms
word count posted for this year: 40,705
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, hp, discworld, doctor who, & dungeons and daddies
pairings: lashton (4), cashton (3), muke (2.5) (bc they're background in one), malum (2), cake (2), mashton (1), penelope/percy (1)
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: burnt eggs & broken promises has the most kudos, do you wanna touch (yeah) and permanent jet lag are tied for most bookmarks, and fear the fever has the most comments
work i’m most proud of and why: i'm proud of almost all of the work i put out this year, and there are a couple ones that immediately spring to mind, but i'm going to really come out of left field here and say Being Hannah Abbott! "but megs," you might say, "why on earth would you pick the only fic that has zero kudos? it's definitely not your best written work of the year." to which i say, true! however, i have been trying to get this fic right since 10th grade! i'm now a senior in college! "but megs it's significantly less than 1k how did it take you that long" listen! listen. sometimes. you have to wait until you're good enough to finish a fic. this has more than 5 docs of different drafts saved to my laptop. also you're forgetting the fact that i'm insane
work i’m least proud of and why: okay listen. i know it's my most kudos'd work. i know that. however i am not happy with burnt eggs and broken promises. bella left me a lovely long comment on it recently that made me rethink my feelings towards it but i still think it isn't as good as it could have been so sorry folks
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i love it when people tell me i made them cry it's my favorite thing in the whole world best compliment to receive imo
a time when writing was really, really hard: you're assuming i remember what i was experiencing earlier in 2022 which is where you've made your mistake slkdjflskdjf ummmm i remember have a really hard time this fall semester, especially in september/october, i just couldn't get any motivation whatsoever (which tends to be my biggest problem tbh)
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: goood question,,, you know, i really wasn't expecting to ever write a mcu au and yet pining is a strange sort of mcu au. i originally was going to write it so one half of the pairing got lost at sea and their bf was waiting on shore not sure if they were dead or alive, but the characters did not want to be like that at all which is how i ended up with poor post-snap calum (who may be getting a happy sequel someday shhh)
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i love the transformation scene in fear the fever. i just love writing body horror for some reason and i've always had strong opinions about what i think vampires & their transformations are like physically and it was a blast to get to explore that in this fic :))
how did you grow as a writer this year? i think a lot of my growth happens slowly over time and therefore is hard to pinpoint, but i took a creative writing class in the spring on opening a novel and that helped me rethink the way i start fics now. also i learned to think more about what i want out of my fic! thinking about why i write and why i post fic really helped me realize what fic writing advice to take and what to ignore (if you're like me and the goal of a fic is to write the concept the best you can, than posts talking about how it's okay to post random, unedited snippets are not actually helpful and can actually be counter-intuitive)
how do you hope to grow next year? i really want to write more often and be more disciplined about writing. as always i want to learn how to be better in the craft aspect in general (which is a goal i expect to always have, since i'll never be perfect at it) and i'd also like to be better with subtext & symbolism & ~themes~ bc i always forget to those last two and my subtext is, in my opinion, rather lacking at the moment
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? bella is the best live-in cheerleader/rubber duck a writer could ask for, and i would be royally screwed without her 💙 hazel is always an incredible virtual cheerleader/ideas bouncer and i am dearly in her debt, and meghna is wonderful for fueling my wacky ideas-mobile; i am incredibly lucky that they're just a discord dm away 🥰 also she's 100% not going to see this but my mom finished her mfa program this year and has been working on finishing her novel, and writing with her and talking shop together has been very helpful in keeping me at the keyboard and with more thematically technical details (little does she know it's for my rfp fanfic lol)
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? yep! lots! keep you safe (safe as i can), an hp fic, reflects some of my worries about my little bro growing up; Questions Involving Vampires & Skirts, while not reflective of my own gender, does reflect some of my weird gender-y fuckery; just dance (gonna be okay)'s michael shares my feelings regarding dancing in empty elevators; do you wanna touch (yeah) is inspired by me visiting a craft store with my fam and touching basically everything in the store; permanent jet lag is based off of flying international with my baby bro who is Very Tall; & glasses is based off of my truly awful eyesight and how i still feel like if i have my glasses off people can't perceive me lol (yes you heard it here first folks, megs has the object permanence of a toddler)
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? write! have fun with it! go to irl critique groups if possible! don't expect things to be perfect on the first draft, because most people's first drafts are shit and that's okay! challenge yourself! don't be afraid to embrace the cringe! it's okay to settle unless it's gonna make you miserable! eat your writing frogs! don't be afraid to ask for help! get a rubber duck!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? i really want to finish tis the damn fic. i'd love for it to be ready to post by december. i'm kneeling at my prefrontal cortex begging it to get its shit together enough to finish it. i'd also love to finally finish my another place songfic bc that will mean my writing's reached the level where i can actually figure out how to write the dang thing which is the dream
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: idk who all's done it/been tagged so if you've already done it just ignore me! and if you don't want to do it you can also ignore me lol but i'll tag @werewolfashton , @reveriesofawriter , @userbadomens , @calumthoodshands , @pixiegrl , @valiantnerdtm , & anyone else who wants to! (if you've been mainly writing for another fandom you can talk about that one as well/instead, all up to you!)
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99liners · 2 years
Okay look- I got a little curious and I decided to do something with that ask which talked about how the girls ig would look like- I did the maknae line (the boys- sjdn) definitely didn't take 6 hours
Will send the hyung line girlies in 2-3 business days. why is it so hard to think of arias bio 😭
1) kaiho!jjk
Pretend the army on jungkooks hand is his love for the military 🥰
I wanted to have a glaring jk but sadly I couldn't 🥲
Finding wedding pics was absolutely nightmare
I imagine Azumi being the party type before marrying jk and had a very fun and wild college life!
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2) énouement!kth
I took inspiration from my brother, mom and cousin who are doctors and boy let me tell you (the amount of pics my brother has doing surgery - djfnjfk)
I stuck with more med related stuff plus the awarness banners!! and also just threw in like 2 pics saying she's married
Should have added a note saying the account is either closed or slow due to personal reasons after the whole firing thing you know 🤔
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3) nodus tollens!pjm
Tbh wasn't sure how I should do this- I went with the whole dark academia theme and the couple stuff
Lowkey felt so single looking for pics 🥲
I gave her 117 posts so just imagine the down ones are her alone before jimin decided to come and ruin in her life
Can you tell Jimin is possessive? 😃
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@silversparkles11 look, someone brought your vision to the screen
si-six hours??? ai that’s too much! i didn’t even spend that long thinking about the tatemae series before writing it lol
the army on jk’s hand is the love for military? cjghzdjfhsdkjgh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 kaiho!jjk made some really cringy choices lmao,,, also you kinda sorta made azumi a fashion designer rather than an interior designer ehehehe but that’s alright. i love ALL of it,,, especially the latest post on azumi’s account,,,  jkerghajdkhfjksdhf why do you love to hurt me, ai? just whyddjaj now i want boyfriend!jjk 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the tanaz one is soooooooooooooo on point i love it and rei too!! too academia and too couple cutesy and yes lol, the mere fact that she is the one who has the ���my love j.m’ profile tag on her bio is enough to scream how possessive jimin is ehehheeh, love the attention to detail <3
bls take your time, your sleep paralysis demon will always be waiting here for you <3
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dzchris · 2 years
hello, it's jamie, again, still, this time here to introduce absolute piece of trash chris kwon. i still am also the mun of @dzyuanjun and @dzyena i will not let you all forget i fear. yet again no plot page here (yet, i say hopefully, delusionally even) buuuut do feel free to read his profile and biography respectively. or don't. i'm not here to tell you what to do. i'll leave a rundown of them (derogatory) below the cut so feel free to check that out too. feel free to like this post or send me an im or if you prefer discord, just say so and i'll add you there
triggers: parental neglect, bullying 
chris kwon... my beloathed... can't stand their bitchass
non-binary, goes by he/they pronouns in general, just he/him works tho, in work settings and stuff
a cali boy (gender neutral), grew up in the states hence their perpetual 'relatable western-korean idol' stint that baekho media shoves down everyone's throats
grew up in a rocky family situation, mother's side is korean diaspora that settled in the us and their dad was a korean nepotism baby studying in the states for pretentious rich people reasons. no shocker that chris' dad was out the door the second he realized he had knocked his not all that serious fling up
chris' mom is... not that much better. kind of a hot mess of a person. def not capable of raising a child, leave alone one she kinda rlly didn't want
chris isn't privy to the fine details but at some point during very early childhood they almost got put in the system on grounds of child negligence but his aunt (his mother's sister) stepped in at the last moment and took over custody, chris and their mother both have been living with his aunt and her family ever since (which tbh is as long as chris can remember)
so obviously his bond with his mom is also Not Great, his aunt always tried her best as far as she could but tbh with his uncle and his older cousins also kinda despising chris' bitchass, family stuff has always been tricky
school wasn't much better, chris got picked on a lot as a kid and he always retaliated with outbursts or violence or something that vein which in turn always got him in even more trouble
yeah, chris has always been an angry defensive kid,,, still is a i fear
went to an alpha entertaiment audition with friends and somehow??? got in??? they were also kinda surprised by that but hey they were more than willing to take the excuse to get out their family situation and just yeet to korea instead, so they did
training under alpha ent was... not a good time... not for chris or any of the other trainees tbh. chris didn't really have much experience backing him up and quickly found himself with a raging inferiority complex which in turn only... made them Angrier and More Competitive
ngl they spent most of the 5? 6? years under alpha just arguing and fighting with just about anyone he could
ofc, clover debuted and chris wasnt in the debut line-up lmao
what did he expect 1) he couldn't stand any of these bitches and 2) i think they would have combusted on the spot if they had to sing baby
chris stuck another handful of years in alpha after that, continuing their shitty attitude vibe, not rlly sure what else to do with himself
until eventual baekho media hit them up like hey bestieeee wanna join our label if you do we'll promise you a spot on our upcoming survival show as one of our own label's representatives
and what was chris gonna do? say no?
they were kinda rlly popular on top five? they had like 5/6 years worth of trainee experience and baekho milked tf out of that 'former alpha trainee that was supposed to be in clover' narrative
was it true? no but it did earn chris the number one spot in the very first episode, not falling out of the top three for the first half-ish or so of the show
chris seemed kinda set for debut but ofc, like all good things in their life, they had to ruin it for themself
as he acted all around selfish, difficult, confrontational and sometimes straight up Mean to the other competitors, aided by very dramatic evil editing, chris found himself slipping down the rankings until he was actually not in the top 5 for the first time since the beginning of the show by the last episode before the finale
they ended up scraping in at fifth place, barely, and tbh chris has a tiny personal conspiracy theory that maybe baekho media rigged them into that fifth place spot. no real evidence for that. just cuz chris doubts he could've brought anything to a good end by himself
so yeah, top five is over now, 5ummit set to debut and chris is,,, impossibly struggling with overcoming the urge to fistfight their new members on a daily basis, to not see them as competition but as coworkers anymore
needless to say chris is bad at making friends, he's generally guarded and mean and callous, which as a not-even-debuted-yet idol is something that makes it very easy to come across as rude or disrespectful
chris can be charming and flirty in that fuckboy-y (gender neutral) sense when they want to be, the cool badboy (gender neutral) archetype
but most of the time he's just, a poorly held together pile of anger issues and feelings of inferiorty
so yeah,,,, have fun trying to befriend chris,,, they're a piece of work
they're??? kinda trying to no longer be evil, just want to experience love and affection now but it's an uphill battle, that's for sure
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I stopped watching holby post John Gaskell. Please can you give an overview of all the major storylines henrik had after that. I want to finish holby but only really care about henrik tbh
Sure! Or, well, I can try to. Henrik didn't have a lot of major stories after the Gaskell one anyway, so they should be fairly easy to recap. And I definitely understand what you mean about only caring about him, that was how I felt after like 2020 myself. It didn't feel worthwhile caring about any other character after that. Well, not that caring about Henrik did. But I'm getting off topic now.
I will say: I haven't seen a lot of these stories in a long while or even since they aired. I've rewatched some of the Russ story, but not all, and that's about it. So I may have forgotten or misremembered some things, or not know the exact eps some things happened in (especially for story 2, as Holby felt more like a chore to me than anything at that point and I was basically just sitting there hoping it'd get better - which it did in summer 2020, but then after the second hiatus of the year it went further downhill than it had ever been IMHO). I'll do my best though. I may leave some things out because they're too complicated to get into or weren't particularly major stories, I hope that's not bothersome or anything.
Also, if I sound bitter or grumpy at any point, I promise it's not towards you! It'll all be bitterness/grumpiness at what Holby became in its later years. (Sometimes I wish I had stopped after the Gaskell story myself.) I'm also sorry it took me so many hours to answer this, I had to think of how to explain the stories.
Story One: As of May 2019, Henrik has just been sort of lingering in the background for months, ever since he was basically pressured into being CEO again at the end of 2018. I have no idea why he didn't get a breakdown story after Gaskell when everything seemed so narratively set up for that to happen, but he didn't.
Anyway, in June 2019, Henrik finally gets a story. Sara Johansson - Fredrik's wife, who had left him back in October 2017 - comes to Holby and brings Henrik's grandson Oskar with her. Sara is struggling to cope (I'd go so far as to say she was implicitly suffering from depression or PTSD): she's upset that she didn't realise how evil Fredrik was, and scared that Oskar could grow up to be similar. She and Henrik have several conversations along these lines, and for some reason Henrik's relationship with Gaskell is never acknowledged or properly alluded to in any of this even though there's so much thematic resonance there - Henrik having been, like Sara, in love with a man who did awful things.
Sara ends up running away. This leaves Henrik taking care of Oskar for several months, although Sara does write a letter at one point IIRC. There's some very cute scenes with them - some of which seem to imply that Oskar is autistic like Henrik, or at least that's how they came across to me - and some interesting stuff about Henrik not being sure if he's doing things right because he wasn't there to raise Fredrik. There's also a sweet scene where Henrik goes to Jac to ask what to do, when he unintentionally upsets Oskar by telling him the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist. Henrik also befriends Dom's mum Carole around this time, and they start going to dance classes together. It's all very cute.
In August 2019, Sara returns. She's got a new job (I don't think it's ever said what her job is, so just imagine her doing whatever sort of job you think she'd do, I suppose), and she's coping better and she's ready to go back to Sweden with Oskar. Henrik ended up stepping down from the CEO position again, and went to stay with his family in Sweden for a while. (Guy Henry needed time off to go and do some theatre acting, so that's why this happened.)
Of all the stories Henrik had after Gaskell, I think this is probably the best one. It's not perfect - as I say, the lack of acknowledgement of Gaskell agitated me a lot, and it still glossed over parts of the Hanssen family history. E.g. there's a patient Henrik talks to who's scared of people thinking he's like his dad, and this reads as a parallel to Oskar, but it's not brought up that Henrik of all people also has an established fear of being associated with his dad. But still, at least this story has its strengths, and it doesn't actively insult Henrik's character or insult other characters or extensively retcon his history. That's about the most one could ask for from later Holby.
Story Two: I don't know that I'd say this is a major storyline, but I'll talk about it anyway. I hate this story, but not as much as I hated some others in the last years of the show. That hatred will probably be obvious in how I talk about it.
In February 2020, Henrik returns to Holby after his time offscreen in Sweden. He has some more scenes with Carole, and it's implied that he's fallen in love with her. It's all very sweet. Disappointingly, that story is never continued - there are conversations later about Henrik's feelings for Carole, but the romance never goes anywhere.
The story that happens instead is Henrik, along with Ric and Fletch (especially Fletch, which baffles me because just a couple of years before he was yelling at Henrik for not being a good CEO!), planning to overtake Max McGerry as CEO. Now, Max isn't a perfect CEO or a perfect person, but she's definitely more competent than Henrik. And Henrik doesn't even like being CEO. So this storyline makes no sense. It felt like a leftover recycled Serena storyline (Serena had left by this point) or something - trying to overtake other people as CEO was always more of a Serena thing than a Henrik thing.
Eventually, Max starts lying about what she has planned for the hospital - I think she says she wants to get rid of AAU or something - to see if it gets back to Henrik. Or something like that. This wasn't a story I wanted to remember at the time. Anyway, it does get back to Henrik, and he confronts her. Max tells him she lied, and points out that she was brought in to sort out the mess he had made of the hospital. I cheered at this point, because I love Henrik but in this case he deserved that. Henrik stops trying to be CEO again after that.
Interlude - April 2020 to September 2021: Henrik doesn't get a lot to do for much of this time. He does play side roles in some other characters' stories, and mentors three new doctors at one point. On the occasions he does get any meaningful screentime around this era, most of it is trying to inexplicably retcon his history, contradicting both things that are established as canon - e.g. Sahira Shah is suddenly said to be his childhood friend, when she's at least about a decade younger than him and has only known him since the 1990s according to previous eps, and things that are onscreen canon - e.g. Henrik suddenly starts saying he was involved in raising Fredrik, which can't have happened, because "Hanssen/Hemingway" has a scene of Henrik learning Fredrik's name for the first time in 2013. So if Henrik didn't even know his son's name, how could he have been involved in bringing him up? And, as said above, Henrik had been talking about how he had nothing to do with Fredrik when Fredrik was growing up as recently as 2019!
I just ignore these retcons and try to forget about them, myself, because it's easier than trying to get them to make sense with Henrik's decade worth of established history lol. Not that things didn't get retconned before - e.g. Roxanna being his friend from medschool instead of a colleague he didn't know well - but they usually either got explanations, or it was easy to make up explanations for yourself. That wasn't the case with these.
One interesting thing does happen during this interlude time though: Lucky Simpson, a psychiatric nurse, implies Henrik has CPTSD. I hadn't thought of that before, but I think it makes sense for him as a character.
Another, less interesting thing that you still have to know because it's relevant in Story Three: Henrik becomes CEO again in spring 2021. Max had to leave the job because she said she'd been taking things from the hospital - she hadn't, but her son Louis had, it's a long story - and while she did get to return to Holby, she couldn't be CEO again. I don't remember if any in-universe reason for that was ever given. Fletch was CEO for a while until Henrik agreed to go back to the job. None of it made any sense to me. Holby had long since stopped making any sense to me by this point.
Story Three: Finally, stories for Henrik that aren't just generic "CEO man who talks about his son all the time" things!
In October 2021, a doctor turns up, who turns out to be Henrik's old friend Russell Faber (but he often goes by Russ). Henrik has known Russ for a long time - though exactly how long isn't specified - ever since he once got Russ away from a shark. That seems like a joke, but I'm not making it up, a shark did bring them together. I wonder if John ever knew about that. He must've been so jealous if he did.
Russ and Henrik don't seem to have talked in a while - Russ knows about the Gaskell stuff, but he could have heard that somewhere else, and Henrik doesn't seem to know much about the past few years of Russ's life. Russ had a husband, Ami, who passed away from COVID in 2020. They also have a daughter, Billie - she's 16 at this time, though IIRC she was played by an actress a bit older, as tends to be the way on Holby. Russ, it turns out, has come to Holby to ask Henrik to mentor someone.
The "someone" Russ wants Henrik to mentor is Oliver Valentine. Basically he's been subjected to the "This character is permanently disabled now! Oh wait no we got tired of them being disabled so they're abled again now!" trope. Thank goodness Malick stayed away so it didn't happen to him too. A character can become disabled and still be fulfilled in life, Holby. Ollie not being able to be a doctor anymore wouldn't inherently be a less happy life for him than him being able to go back to it is. Anyway, Oliver has gone back to being a doctor, and Russ thinks Henrik mentoring him would be good for Ollie. Oliver has PTSD that's causing serious problems in his life, which Russ doesn't know the extent of and doesn't tell Henrik about.
After Oliver has a flashback in theatre, Henrik learns that Russ knew of Ollie's PTSD. He's upset that Russ didn't tell him and seems distrustful of Russ, though they make up the next week - which is also the first onscreen useage of Russ's nickname for Henrik: "Henny." It's adorable. Meanwhile, Oliver gets therapy and eventually leaves again to be with Zosia, while Henrik gives Russ a longterm job at Holby.
After a bit of to and fro where Henrik thinks Russ is asking him out and gets disappointed when he realises he's not, the story goes for a different turn. In January, it turns out Billie has a kid on the way... in a few weeks, to be precise! Russ hasn't noticed, for storyline convenience. When Henrik realises, he wants to tell Russ, but Billie wants to tell him herself when she feels ready.
In February, Serena and Bernie - lol, Bernie deserves a separate recap - come back. They're engaged now. Serena realises Russ and Henrik are in love. She has a conversation with Henrik about it where she tells him no one uses labels anymore. I think that's reasonably in character for Serena, but the narrative seems to portray her as Objectively Right, which frustrated me. Using labels and not using labels are both okay, neither one is better than the other, and IMO Henrik would be the sort of person to want to use a label. Other than that, the conversation is quite sweet: Henrik asks her how she knew her decisions were right with Bernie, and she basically says that if Russ makes Henrik happy then being brave enough to get together with him is more than worthwhile.
The next week, Henrik asks Russ out. It's all so cute. Later in February, Billie has a son: Denver. I seem to remember him being mostly or entirely portrayed by a doll, which amused me. I get why Holby do that, but there's still something funny about it when you can tell a character is just holding a doll. Russ learns that Henrik knew about all of this, gets upset that Henrik didn't tell him, and Henruss have their second breakup in four months. They weren't even together for the first one or arguably this one, but they still, somehow, have two breakups. Typical Henrik relationship, I suppose.
In March, Russ learns that Billie wants to move to Leeds - he and Ami both have relatives who live there, and there's an art college Billie wants to go to. Russ is starting to forgive Henrik now, but then they have an argument where Henrik tells Russ their relationship is all "a fantasy". It's Henrik's way of trying to get Russ to go with Billie, but it's still not exactly nice. Oh, Henrik.
In the finale, Henrik goes to Leeds to see Russ. He says he's there for Russ, they smile at each other, and - that's it. Yes, this is Henrik Hanssen's ending. Has he left Holby to get back together with Russ and move in with him? Has he come to reconcile with Russ and they'll return to Holby together? I hope it's the former, but nothing is explained. Almost two years later, we still don't know.
I'm so sorry for how long all of that was. I tried not to make it too long, but it's still so long. I hope it's a good enough overview.
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theglitchywriterboi · 2 years
vent post- [Under read more cause it's a lot. TL;DR, I fucking hate my oldest brother so much & for a lot of reasons other than whats in this post]
So my older brother, who we'll just call N, asked my little brother & I to take out the garbage [bathroom & kitchen] and recycle today, but he didn't have any time he wanted it done, just by today cause the garbage & recycle comes tomorrow [or Friday depending on when you see this]. So my little brother had started on the recycle & asked when I wanted to do the bathroom garbage [it normally overflows so its a two person job] And... Well its easier if I break it down like this:
Little Brother: "So do you wanna do the bathroom garbage at 10:30"
Oldest Brother [We'll call him S]: "No you're not doing it then" [Keep in mind he was already hostile in tone***]
Little brother: "... Why???"
S: "Because I go to sleep at 11PM, you're doing it now" [two things to note: He's almost NEVER in bed at 11 or even preparing at 11. Most nights he's still playing video games at 12 to 1AM. And also he's still being rude/hostile, he's not at all being calm or nice about any of this. For him talking just imagine his tone is rude/hostile]
Little brother: "How does us doing it at 10:30 interfere with that..."
S: "BECAUSE !! You guys are gonna take a while to get it done !! And why wait ?!"
Little brother: "Because I don't want to do it now. And it literally doesn't take long"
[This goes on a little longer, S tells us [not once did he ASK we do it sooner, he repeatedly told us we're doing it now] He also said we're doing the recycle now, to which Little brother said "Thats what I'm trying to do now jackass" & S didn't reply]
Me, to little brother: "Just get me when you wanna do it" *Walks to my room cause I'm holding shit & I don't wanna argue w/ him*
S: *More about how we're doing it now*
Me: *Doesn't reply cause of already stated reasons*
S: "Really [my name] you're gonna be like that???"
Me: "I'm putting stuff away oh my god..." [Yeah not super nice to walk away/not reply while hes talking, but he was being really rude][ALSO I SHOULD SAY he has this tent in the living room - it's like a big curtain that all his stuff is in & that he was in, so he wasn't seeing us he was just yelling at us]
S: *Tbh I wasn't really listening because he was still being rude, but basically being mad I didn't reply*
So I took a beat to not have to deal w/ him, like less than five minutes. I typed on my phone basically saying "Lets just do it now so he stops being an asshole" & showed it to little brother. Do you know how long it took us to do it ?
FUCKING SIX MINUTES [and thats w/ a buffer, we set a timer & it had only passed 5 minutes when we finished]. So when we came out we were being a bit cocky about it if I'm being honest. [But note that while we knew he could hear, we weren't talking TO him or purposely being loud about it, we were talking in normal speaking voices]
Little brother: "Wow that too sooooooo long !!!"
Me: "I know right ?!?! Its almost midnight !!"
[Which like... We were literally ALREADY doing it when he started demanding we do it now.... And the only reason we get upset when he "asks" us to do stuff, is because he almost never asks, he normally demands & is an asshole about it..]
Idk, maybe this makes it look like little brother & I are just as bad as he is - which maybe. But he's always so rude about everything. Also if he had just been a normal human about it & went "Hey, I'm going to bed at 11, do you mind doing it sooner ?" *We say it doesn't take long at all* "Oh, I'm sure it doesn't but just to be safe I'd prefer if it was done sooner, especially since I might turn in sooner" We would've done it then w/ no issue, the problem was he was being a fucking asshole about it. Also maybe its worth mentioning MOST of the garbage in the bathroom is his used tissues. Like I'm not even exaggerating.
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