#Which isn't a bad thing! I'm just weird and like to savor things while they last
murderofsomeone · 1 year
have you every thought of getting into Thomas the tank engine fandom? i've found lots of amazing artists and writers (i've even started making stories and art and lotttts au's) i'm not even into the books or show i only like the fandom
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(this is murdoch from the show btw)
oops forgot to answer this but idk I don't really choose what I get into, it kind of just happens. Some things land better than others, but as of right now I'm trying to enjoy my current interest before I'm ready to get into something else.
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carbuncle-paws · 6 months
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I've made a pokemon AU for Peter :3 yaaaay! Doubt I'm the first to draw him as a sneasler but I'm not gonna let it stop me.
Some information!
Sneasler ♂ lv???
Dark / Poison Ability: Insomnia (might change this) Lonely nature + quick tempered Main Attacks: Slash, Lash Out, Dire Claw/Poison Jab, Hone Claws/Nasty Plot Lesser used: Bite/Crunch/Jaw Lock, Close Combat, Thief, Endure, Spite
Design notes:
Very tall (6'5'') and thin, even by species standards.
Completely hairless (and featherless) and by extension, no facial or feet markings. Torso and poison are discolored (both blue)
Ripped off both his forehead and chest gems, there are faint scars where they used to be. The one on his chest is covered by a gem you gave him.
Wears a hood made from a Mightyena's pelt.
The back of his claws (the blue part) is razor sharp, they're basically gigantic knives. If getting backhanded by them doesn't kill you, the poison probably will.
From a distance or in dark lighting, he can be easily mistaken as a human. He can also speak our language (just like meowth), his voice is raspy and a bit deep, perhaps from an injury.
The PeterAU x Reader story outline below, if you're interested!
Character/Story notes:
(OOOPS this sort of became a whole story teehee oh well. This is basically what my outlines look like but I probably won't make this into an actual fic. So, enjoy!)
He has no name, but wouldn't mind if you gave him one.
He grew up with a fascination for humans, and even learned to speak our language, but was betrayed by the ones he had trusted. He almost died, and was left hideously disfigured in the eyes of his species (furless/featherless and discolored). For a long time he hated all humans, and would murder any unfortunate enough to enter his territory. Until he met you.
He saves you from being eaten by a pack of Mightyenas, which goes against his usual hatred for your species. He stalks you through the mountain forests for a while, thinking that he'd gather reasons why you deserve to die so he can savor killing you himself.
Instead... he gets attached, and that infuriates him. From the shadows, completely unbeknownst to you, he helps you return to civilization. He looked forward to forgetting you, and going back to the worldview he's comfortable with.
But then you keep coming back to his territory, which is bad for two big reasons. He doesn't like the effect you have on him, and the area is dangerous... he doesn't want you getting hurt. So, without revealing himself, he tries multiple times to show you how his mountains are no place for a human. Nothing works. Ironically, he also does things to protect you from real threats.
His fleeting attachment for you grows into a burning obsession in time, and he wants so badly to interact with you. But not only is he a pokemon... he is also ugly.
One day he slips up, and you spot a glimpse of him through the trees, but it's too shaded and you mistake him for a person, and you call out to him. Instantly understanding what you've mistaken him for, he tentatively responds, but refuses to leave his hiding place. You figure he's just shy, but are happy to see another person who isn't afraid to visit these mountains, which have a horrible reputation. Probably because he's been killing people, but you don't know that. It's a shame, because you find it so beautiful up here...
Visiting him becomes routine for you. He says some really weird things, but the way he views the world is so unique and refreshing, and you form a fast friendship. He is very stubborn about remaining out of sight, but does start altering his appearance so he can stop worrying that the occasional glimpse you do get might give him away. He tailors a crude Mightyena hood for himself to obscure his face and ears.
He becomes desperate to spend more time with you, especially when you start talking about moving away someday soon, away from the town full of people who don't understand you. He wants to go with you... he wants to be your pokemon, but thinks you won't accept him as he is. His past with humans has him believing that trainers only value beautiful or strong pokemon. So he starts doing crazy things to prove his worth. Like, killing the strongest pokemon in the area, and leading you to its corpse to gauge your reaction. He hoped you'd be in awe and wonder what could've felled such a beast, and then he would reveal that it was him... but instead you were terrified, and sad for the dead pokemon.
It shakes him, makes him hate himself so much more. If a monster isn't what you want... then he'll just have to become human for you. He destroys the parts of himself that makes him different from you, starting by ripping off the gems on his chest and forehead. His claws will be next... but the pain and blood loss from just the gems is too much, and almost kills him. You find him while he's passed out, and although you don't recognize that he's who you've been speaking to, you rush him into town and save his life.
He wakes up in a pokemon center surrounded by strange humans, and freaks the fuck out. He wounds one of the nurses badly and would've killed someone he didn't hear you screaming at him to stop. The future he built up in his head, of either becoming your pokemon or close enough to a human that you might accept him, shatters in an instant. He runs, breaking out of the building and mindlessly fleeing into the mountains. You're shocked by his reaction, and something about the silhouette he makes as he escapes through the trees is familiar...
The people in the town know that he must be the monster that's been killing people, and at the same time, you realize that he's actually the boy from the mountains. Your dear friend. An armed mob storms into his territory intent on revenge, despite your protests. They locate his den and start a fire to smoke him out or kill him via burning or suffocation.
You had followed them, and when they start the fire you try to physically stop them. They're stronger though and throw you to the ground, yelling insults at you for defending such a loathsome creature. They kick you into the den so you can burn with him.
You hurry further inside but can't seem to find him... instead, he finds you. He lunges from the shadows behind you, not realizing who you are, pinning you to the ground and snarling in your face. He would have ripped your jugular out with his teeth if you hadn't wrapped your arms around him and hugged tight, instead of fighting him off like he expected. It confuses him and he thrashes to get away but you don't let go, and he slowly comes to his senses, realizing that it's you.
Why are you here, after everything he did? That he's done, his reputation as a people killer? You know who and what he is now, but you're still here and the way you hold him, whispering soothingly into his ear... Is this really happening or has he finally lost his mind? He breaks down and squeezes you back, sobbing into the neck he'd been seconds away from tearing his teeth into.
Smoke starts robbing his den of breathable air and brings the both of you out of the moment, forcing you to confront the situation at hand. You try to run back to the exit first, but it's engulfed in flames. He takes you further inside, to where he usually sleeps, and light shines through a crack in the rocks above. He pushes you up to it and you crawl out, but he's too big to follow and he urges to go without him. This is the fate he deserves.
But you refuse, and start tearing at the stone and dirt above the opening with your bare hands. It finally sinks in, seeing you desperately trying to save him, just how much you really care and maybe... maybe that means his life might be worth living after all. That he deserves another chance.
He joins your efforts and uses his claws to pry apart more of the stone. It takes a gargantuan effort, and he starts to pass out as the oxygen in his den dwindles. You grab onto his arm and pull with all of your strength, and against the odds are able to drag him out.
You're both exhausted and completely out of breath, but you drag him into another embrace anyways. You tell him to never ever sacrifice himself like that again, that he's so important to you and you'd be devastated to lose him. You ask him... if he would go with you, away from here, and although the strong emotions that overtake him have him choking up too much to respond with words, the way he holds you back is all the confirmation you need.
Together the two of you travel far, far away, going on an adventure that explores the best and worst that humankind has to offer, and form an unbreakable bond.
Aaaaand that's it! Sorry if it's pretty cheesy hahahaha it's just what my brain went for in the short amount of time I wrote this up. Again, probably not going to write an actual fic out of this (or at least I won't consider it until my current one is finished) but I had a lot of fun and it was a nice little break before delving back into Angels Fall. Hope you guys liked it too >w</
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runeterrankhaleesi · 4 years
Hii! Thank you for your hard work 💖. May I request SFW or NSFW headcanons for Zed?
[A/N: Hello, my darling, I guess we're on the same page, Zed is hot isn't he? With or without mask, it doesn't matter. You came to the right blog, seeing this made my day as I have waited for someone to finally request him. Seriously, why is he not even real? Thank you very much for this request, darling. You may ask again for more.]
SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Zed with a Gender Neutral s/o
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Zed is stoic and cold and stubborn too. Getting close with him is only a task for those who are persistent.
He's so touch starved
And it really takes time for Zed to open up.
You have to be patient with him, like really patient.
Zed is insecure, most of the time.
He still looks like a peasant so why would you like him?
He's too cold and stubborn for you, why are you putting up with him?
He's the leader of the Order of the Shadows, why did you get yourself acquainted by him?
He hasn't even mastered the shadows fully yet, why are so immersed and impressed by him?
Those are the questions he asks himself, and always thinks that there's a better man out there for you.
You reassure him that he makes you happy like no one else can.
One thing that you can tell is that when he's insecure and thinks about those things, his forehead is scrunched and Zed is just staring at the ground.
Hug him from behind and kiss his cheek, it'll raise him spirits up.
Zed holds onto your arm  fondly, savoring the warmth you give him.
"You know, this is bad for you," You say, "Your depressed and the shadows see it as an opening to consume you."
Zed thinks about it and nuzzles his head to yours.
You kiss him on the lips this time, "I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen.". He chuckles
"You know why?" You ask him and he shakes his head no. "Because I loooooove you."
He's really thankful for you.
You long for the moment when he's done training.
Because that's where you'll see him shirtless.
God, those perfect 10 pack.
After training, Zed will cuddle with you, he may not say it but he wants a massage.
So, you drew a hot bath for you two and there you massaged his shoulders, neck, and back.
It was enough for him.
You two stayed a little much longer.
Zed's reason being that he wants to be with you a little longer.
He was lying down in the tub and you practically on top of him.
Zed combed your hair with his fingers and then used it to push your head to his, using the opportunity to kiss you.
He used his tongue to pry open your lips which you welcomed.
Your tongues met halfway and you moaned. You involuntarily ground your hips into him, making him groan.
Zed's hand wandered all over your body while yours were latched onto his chest, not that he minded.
He moved away from your lips and started to trail kisses down your jaw to your neck where he sucked, nibbled and bit.
Zed is secretive, that includes his kinks. He loves biting you and seeing marks on your body.
He wouldn't hurt you and bruise you, he'll just bite.
Zed has the biggest thighs, ride it.
This isn't your first time with him but it still hurts because he's so big.
So, he really takes his time to prep you.
After your session, you were to weak to move and so he cleaned you up.
He says thank you after and you laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" He asks, smiling as he went into bed.
"You don't have to say thank you, you know? It's weird."
He laughs, "I'm thankful for you, idiot. And for the relaxation session we just had."
Zed is truly thankful for you and wondered what did he do to make the spirit of nature guide you to him.
✨~Requests are open!~✨
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nuclear-satan · 3 years
Final Space Season 3 Episode 1 Review **SPOILER WARNING!!**
...And Into The Fire we go!
I really have wanted to do a Final Space review for a while, so now - I'm going to do it, fuck it. Starting a couple episodes late, but after [insert shenanigans] I needed to let it cool off before getting back into it.
With the disclaimer out of the way, let's get into it.
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So, first of all, I have to acknowledge that this cold open? Fucking toasty. The entire first five or six minutes of this episode is flat out amazing and some of the best that Final Space is. Really intense - I love the dramatic cold open to a space chase.
Also, however, brief, the Quinnary reunion was nice. Quinnary is a ship that I enjoy subjectively more than objectively, but considering it really hits now even if S1 had issues... I can look past it yo.
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Invictus proves his power and intimidation incredibly well this episode, between the Gary Zombies and even this first incredibly terrifying matchup - even Mooncake, who in any other situation has been able to zap it away, couldn't touch it. Really setting the villain well.
Small thing I want to acknowledge because there was some discourse on it -- Sheryl saying "I'm his mother; where do you think he got it from?" Was really nice to me. Obviously not all is forgiven, nor should it be, but it's just a nice bit of character development.
Then, Ava gets Yeeted by Bolo and breaks.
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I could have taken a better screencap probably, but I will not.
Anyways, considering the cast of characters was way too fucking big in S2, I'm not... particularly aggrieved by this, especially since I didn't really like AVA anyways, but it is pretty unfortunate that one of the only female characters just got the ax without basically any development other than the obligatory robot comphet stuff. Whatever, I think this is setting the stage for HUE AI, so I'll bite my tongue.
That said, the conversation that HUE and AVA had before she died? Sweet.
And then they're in Final Space. Goddamn, they really went the extra mile animating and illustrating this episode. Gotta acknowledge it.
Also, quick note: New OP is a banger.
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...And this is when the review's going to start getting a bit more negative, because we jump straight into everyone's favorite trope: a time skip.
I. I really have issues with this timeskip. This episode was fucking ballistic in the pacing, and I really, really wish that I could have spent some more time within Final Space just trying to survive. I get it. It was a premiere, so you wanted to go all out, but... I really wish we could have savored it. There's just suddenly a timeskip! We don't get to see how they've been surviving. We don't get to see shit. Quinn just suddenly appears in a new outfit, and then we're off the races.
I dunno man, I really had issues with the pacing of this episode, and this is the backbone of it. It's okay to take a breather, even in your opening episode. You have to know when to take a breather. This episode sorely needed it, and it didn't get it.
Also, obligatory Danger Groins mention. Yeah, I know that's not what he says. It's what he says in my heart, tho.
From here, the Gary zombies show up, which are... admittedly intimidating.
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They get attacked, and - okay, can we fucking mention the titan fights for a moment? No matter what happens this season, I'm here for this. This is Gurren Lagann levels of ridiculous, and I fucking love it. Smash that planet, yo.
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lThey get separated, and Avocato and Gary have a bit unfitting but fucking hilarious moment that has to be acknowledged. This shit ain't straight, yo. There's no fucking way you tell me this shit is straight.
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And... *sigh* I really have some goddamn issues with the next... I don't know, I wasn't watching, six minutes?
"There's no more grossout scenes," we were told. "Season 2 gross out is done. No more weird fetishes."
Okay, sure.
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I'm sparing you the images, because I don't want to post grossout on my blog, but... holy shit, Quatronostro's birth scene. First of all, which of the fuckers on the blog keeps putting their fetishes in this show? Clarence is gone, so you're making Mpreg Tribore (I realize Tribore is canonically genderfluid, but he's male presenting at the time of this birth... and at every time... I don't have faith in two cishet men to actually make good on that, sorry. I hope I'm wrong.) Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
The scene is gross, uncomfortable grossout. This isn't the 90s anymore!
Also, the other thing I have to acknowledge - that motherfucking robot. It's season 3 - haven't we moved past the screaming = funny leftover humor from Olan's YouTube days? Clearly fucking not.
Also, Ash did a really out of character thing this episode by shooting the robot. I... what is Ash's character, exactly? Ash is an inconsistent enigma. Someone define that poor girl's character, already.
After that... mess.... though, we do end up with a very solid ending. Bolo headbutts the planet, Quinn and Gary get swept up in the blast, and we end up with a very beautiful but quick scene of Gary and Quinn embracing one last time - it's very reminiscent of chapter 9, and I did thoroughly enjoy it.
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iAlso, the shot of Mooncake saying "Gar" while looking for Gary, presuming he's dead? Oh, that just hurts.
And then we end with HUE saying, "We are alone, Gary." Honestly, genuinely was a little disappointed to find it wasn't just HUE and Gary. I thought this line was going to come later in the season, and it was just going to be HUE and Gary in a callback from season one. It wasn't, and I'm genuinely very disappointed as someone who's favorite dynamic in the entire show is S1 HUE and Gary. Of course, as a result, I'm not unbiased, and... well, I do stan Quinn too.
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And goddamn, look at the Earth. She got fucked uuuuuup. I think I remember hearing next episode that there's only one survivor left, which I do NOT buy as a concept, but it's very cool to see a show that does not shy away from full apocalypse scale destruction of the earth. It like, never happens, so it's a nice subversion. Get fucked, earth.
Overall Thoughts:
This episode is the definition of a mixed bag. The beginning is fantastic and the ending is solid (even if personally disappointing), but the middle is genuinely kind of bad. The pacing is rough, there's season 2 tier grossout that I did NOT need to see, and that robot deserved a punt in the face.
The animation is fantastic though. Everyone point and stare at the animation.
I still think the good outweighed the bad, though - if only because of my personal attachment to the characters. I think this was a decent episode - probably on par with the other openers... actually, I don't know.
My disappointment with this episode was more than with the Toro Regatta, but that was more due to my own expectations and thus not fair to rank it that way. I don't know - all the first episodes of the seasons are meh at best, and this unfortunately due to the lackluster middle fit that mold as well.
If you asked me to give it a ranking, I'd probably say if we assume a 5 out of 10 is average, I'd give it a 6. Decent, fantastic when it's good, but the entire middle section really brought me out of it and because of that I can't give it anything more than that.
I've heard episodes two and three are good, though - excited to see the Ventrexian for myself after all the fuss, so let's see how it holds up!
I'm scared for Biskit tho.
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