#Which ya know what fair
kakusu-shipping · 4 months
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Another self insert based entirely one someone else's self insert. @lunayumes has such a habit of making the prettiest and loneliest self inserts, but unlike Your Turn to Die I've SEEN Dungeon Meshi and thus can make her at least a little less lonely.
Emile's a Gnome/Half-Foot hybrid who was raised by his parents far from most civilization. When his mother (half-foot) died of old age his father (gnome) took his own life, unable to live without his wife, leaving their son of indeterminate age completely abandoned on a farm in the middle of No Where.
Emile saved up the funds to leave his home and go traveling in hopes of learning more about his heritage and culture he was deprived of and eventually found himself on The Island. Naturally he gravitated to the local library to read everything they had on Gnome and Half-Foot culture and History. This is also where he meets Emi, who goes to the library mostly just to get out of her empty house when he husband, Chilchuck, is away.
Neither of them are very sociable people, but eventually Emile works up the courage to talk to this very pretty Half-Foot he sees regularly. Surprisingly, they have a lot in common and end up hitting it off.
Emile eventually convinces Emi to leave Chilchuck, partly because he's formed a crush on the woman, but mostly because she's his friend and he wants what's best for her, and this clearly wasn't it. He knows what it's like to be alone all the time. When Chilchuck eventually comes back to talk to Emi and the two make up, Emile remains pretty Anti-Chilchuck for a while afterwards, mostly just giving him dirty looks. Emi doesn't seem to notice.
That's about all I have. Again thanks to @lunayumes for letting me use her S/I as a base for mine!! Anything is subject to change at you're request!!
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truffledtoad · 1 month
i think the junko/reisen ship is super cute but there's definitely something REALLY funny about this god of pure despair, hatred, and vindication being paired up with a character who's stressed af 24/7 and who thinks she'll probably kill her at any moment. reisen has tamed a beast and she doesn't even know how she did it and she thinks the beast is just making her think she's tamed.
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finemealprompt · 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #71
When Stephanie first discovered her father was Cluemaster, she knew what she had to do. She knew she had to spoil his plans, and make it known to the world. She had to be smart about it, however. If he found out it was her behind it, he could do something bad to her. Or worse, bad to her brother, Danny.
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 month
Not forgiving yall for making me believe Price was a proper Tired Old Man™. What do you MEAN he is canonically 38/39 💀
and what do you mean Soap is like? 27? sir you are but wee boy. where are your parents.
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snorpdawg · 11 months
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starbuck · 9 months
was completely mystified for days by my cousins being like “let’s watch a movie!” and then BOTH OF THEM proceeding to stare at their phones throughout the entire film, glancing at the screen only whenever the dialogue or a musical cue implied that something Important was happening, only to realize that the issue is that modern films don’t rely on nearly as many purely visual elements as older films did, so my poor cousins missed over 50% of the jokes because i didn’t think to warn them that, when watching films directed by people who got their start before films had dialogue, you actually need to WATCH them to understand what is happening.
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trixstriforce · 1 year
breath of the wild is a fun game but it is also good to remember it was a reboot of the lore and a lot of things in it were like. not at all in the old games. so maybe do not add some of its characterization retroactively to older lore bc it doesnt even make sense sometimes
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gregoftom · 1 year
thinking abt how when tom said he’d go to jail for greg then next day saw greg being lifted by other men and having a great time and then in the cuntiest way saying to him “so you like being a little right wing fascist bitch huh?”
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kaurwreck · 3 months
hey, really random question: I keep hearing this tiktok rumor being spread that apparently, chuuya’s appearance is really similar to a guy the real life dazai dated/had a crush on at 15??
I don’t buy this, but I was wondering if you had any idea what fact this was based off of/embellished, like if you knew what fact these people were talking about and exaggerating- nowhere I’ve looked has backed this up.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about and don’t feel like researching this that’s totally cool, I just know you do a lot of looking into the real authors and was curious if you’d come across anything like this.
It comes from a passage in Memories (also translated as Recollections) about Dazai walking home together with a boy from his class. There isn't any merit to the comparison.
I have great fun projecting the authors onto the characters, but I'd warn against projecting the characters onto the authors. They were whole people, and fandom's habit of plucking disparate quotes from context to caricature in lieu of literary analysis does a disservice to their wholeness.
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When you go looking for a fandom but there's something more recent with the same name so you can't even be sure if the fandom's still alive or not cause there's so many posts about something you didn't know existed
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shopcat · 2 years
also realising not as many ppl into st are as autistic/ otherwise neurodivergent as i thought LOL maybe the difference between my opinions vs the majority is actually tangible 😭😭 ok well if that's the case i'm killing myself no offense
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scattered-winter · 2 years
Dude did you sleep last night?!?
still not sure what you're referring to but in general it's always a toss up if I actually slept or not <3
BUT in this case I actually did. I know because I had a dream that my choir was performing in my old high school but I didn't bring my performance outfit so I had to sing in my pajamas while everyone else was in dresses and tuxes and tbh it wasn't overly horrifying just kinda inconvenient
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shigussy · 2 years
my manager apologised to me today for being rude she was stressed out bc of her other job
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mvncesa · 2 years
rian being the oldest (active) rk unit even though he looks like Babey
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orcelito · 8 hours
Got my score back for my presentation, & it was About what I was expecting. I knew the weak point of the presentation was how dense it was + how much I had to cover, and as a result I did end up largely reading off of the slides. Tried to insert some extra information about the stuff, but didn't have much in the way of discussion built into my slides. So like... I can accept that criticism lol (even if it does sting a lil 😭)
Overall tho I got an average score of 8.6, professor score of 8... I'm not sure actually what will count for my grade. Is he including his score in the average at the top??? Also 8.6 is also not right. When I calculated my score from the tallied numbers, I got 8.31 for class average, 8.29 if I include the professor's rating in there as just one. For some reason, what he wrote is higher than either?? I certainly won't complain about a higher score, though I'm confused lol
But yeah people in general praised my research and preparation. Also video choice. Yay!
I will now try to focus on the good points and not worry so much about the bad. Regardless of any of it, 8.6 or 8 (out of max 9) is generally Pretty Good. Might as my professor for clarification on the grades when I next see him.
#speculation nation#which will probably be on...monday. he said it doesnt rly matter if i get the thing in on friday or monday#so since i'll already be on campus monday for class. also gives me more time to do it. it just makes sense.#oh also i was praised for the use of my quiz at the beginning hfksk yayyyy#gonna be looking thru my classmates reviews again i think. theyre generally nice.#i got 9 scores of 9. 4 scores of 8. 2 of 7. and 1 of 6. (again. where 9 is the top score)#the funny thing is. well the two 7s have valid critiques on them (primarily my delivery lol)#the 6 doesnt really?? have any criticisms in it. which is strange. like girl why did u give me a 6 😭😭 tell me pls 😭😭😭#another praise i got was for including both sides of things. which tbh that was a big part of what video i chose over ERA#bc when i looked at that i was like 'why in the world would people protest against the Equal Rights Amendment?'#so i felt like it was an important thing to include. found a video that included perspectives from key figures on either side.#bc i dont Agree with the ppl who oppose it. but i think the context is important to understand Why we dont have the ERA yet.#ok looking thru all the things again makes me feel better about it all. overall the criticisms are valid lol#i definitely dont prefer the presentation style i had. just. ya kno. god there was so much to cover.#i will accept this deduction... as it is fair. also tho i do not know what my final score is 😭 professor please#'well prepared but weaker in delivery' was my professor's summary of it. yeah . yeah😔#oh well at least it's over lol. and even if it's an 8/9 thats not bad. would love the 8.6/9 to be my final score tho lol#idk i'll ask for clarification. later.
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kuiinncedes · 14 days
#i hate job apps lmao kinda in the trenches rn#i'm so idk so mixed feelings rn 💀#i think my self esteem when it comes to job apps is like fucking shot from career fair and job rejections and everything#my last interview was offered like a couple days before the interview and i just winged it and didn't rly prepare#and then after the interview realized i actually kinda like the company and would kinda wnat the job more than my lack of prep suggests LOL#but i applied for smth over the summer and they said they'd actually be interested in giving me an offer#but i committed to staying on campus for this yr (which i could've done stuff to get out of but i have dumb reasons for it ig)#but they just reached out and said they'd STILL be interested in offering me a job for summer 2025 start date#and it makes me fucking sad that i feel so weird abt it LMFAO i am happy abt it#but like literally this week has been so many rejections back to back bc i've been applying to things at my (old) college's career fair#and so many of them have already just immediately rejected me 💀#so a big part of me rn is like why the fuck would this company even still want me ya know#😀😀😀😀 i thnk i'll cry abt this at some point idk when tho 😀😀😀😀#also my mom keeps nagging me to apply for masters which i haven't actually looked into at all yet#i think esp bc she called me last night and was like no one's gonna give you a chance bc you only have bachelors#so you can't compete when theres masters and phd applicants too#which is true ig like i have just gotten flat out rejected without any interview or anything so many times#sooooo all of that adding up to me being like well i somehow tricked this company into still wanting me right#even tho i am literally doing nothing this yr i'm staying on campus bc i like it here#and i have a remote part time job and i'm figuring out what i want to do#jfc idk lmfao i'm also nervous abt telling my mom bc i feel like she just#ughhhgiuhdgfiwtglkdghfajs she can be very critical and judgmental ;-;#and i fele like she's been like that kind of a lot w job/masters conversations and i don't rly like talking to her abt it lmfao#when she called me yesterday she started nagging me abt job apps and not being picky abt stuff and i'm like#you have told me this 746598347 times i rly don't need to hear it again#i do appreciate and love my mom but i just rly don't like this lmfao#i think she'd be ok w it / happy i guess she did tell me to apply for this company at one point a while ago#i wanna scream lmfao#bro i wish tumblr would tell me when im RUNNING OUT OF TAGS rip some of this rambling i don't even remember what i said LOL#jeanne talks
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