#White Wail
goryhorroor · 6 months
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horror sub-genres: folk horror
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fantasyandmylife · 1 year
forgot that you can’t add a video to reblogs, but here’s the final cut of my Gandalf Big Naturals cosplay
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khattikeri · 3 months
i firmly believe that if shen qingqiu had just turned on the waterworks in the water prison luo binghe would've folded like a house of cards. no self detonation no nothing if shen qingqiu had just let the mask down even for 2 minutes and cried real tears luo binghe would've busted him out, healed his wounds, fed him nice food, tucked his shizun in, and punted himself back into the abyss again. my god
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animatedtext · 1 year
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shalida · 11 months
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INPRNT / twitter / instgaram / ko-fi / bluesky
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roman--candles · 4 months
I hate whatever the hell is going on in batman 148. all of the characters have lost their CHARACTER. they're all just bruce's yes-men now. "oh its okay that you psychologically tortured me :) we're family :) just atone and move on :)" jason todd would NOT say that. he would strap a bomb to bruce's vehicle and tell him to run. jason volunteering to let himself be killed and resurrected with lazarus fluid?? with just one throwaway quip about "I've got practice dying >:)" ain't no way that's my boy. what have they done to him. and bruce just accepting it? I hate all of the batfam characterization in comics currently
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saturnaous · 6 months
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can you tell that. (sounds of me getting conked in the head with a frying pan)
the original post I kinda did for this au
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this is uhhh. a redraw of my au on this. scene thing fron the manga. but you can tell the quality difference.
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
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look guys i actually did some spirit designs
[ID: the Hargreeves' spirits in the Paranatural au - or at least, the five of them that are kids in this au.
Luther's is an ape that looks like his body from the comics. Diego's is a creature that looks a bit like a small porcupine. Allison's is a large snake with its mouth duct taped shut. Klaus' is a blue raccoon with three eyes and a pink tail, and Viktor's is based off of the White Violin from the comics, except its head transforms into reaching arms. End ID.]
sorry, the ID got REALLY long this time. that's a summary for anyone scrolling, theres a more detailed one under the cut!
[ID: Luther's spirit is labelled First Simian In Space: THE MARTIAN APE. He looks like the ape that supplied Luther's body in the comics, drawn in the paranatural style; blue, with one eye. He is wearing an astronaut helmet and sitting in a coin operated rocket ship that is much too small for it. He has transformed the world around him into a scifi martian landscape; cardboard standups with doors and lockers scribbled on them are the only indication of the real world. Luther is sprawled on the ground staring in shock, while the Martian Ape says "Y'know, you should totally just kill your dad".
Diego's spirit is a very small creature that looks a bit like a porcupine.
Panel 1: Diego holds his spirit in his hands and says, "So, what's your name?". His spirit responds "I am called..."
Panel 2: A caption appears; Projectile Extraordinaire: KRAKEN. The image is in full color, focusing on Kraken, which glowers cutely and shows off her spines.
Panel 3: The same shot as panel one, except Diego now looks very skeptical. He says "..." and then "Why." Kraken responds "It sounded cool."
Allison's spirit is a giant green snake coiled around a tree branch, with a pattern down his back that looks like open mouths.
The first two images are centered on Allison, who is scowling in both. Someone unseen says "It can force people to do things, honey!" and "It's too dangerous to leave you alone with it." and finally, "So we fixed it."
The final image is of the spirit. He is captioned Muzzled Mind Controller: THE RUMOR. His mouth has been duct taped shut. He does not look pleased.
Klaus' spirit is a blue raccoon with dark purple legs and a fluffy striped pink tail. It also has three eyes.
Panel 1: The large colored closeup of Klaus' spirit. It is captioned Mystical Conartist: THE SEANCE.
Panel 2: Klaus asks it "With a name like that, what's your power?" The Seance, its nose just high enough to fit into frame, replies, "Oh, I can sense ghosts"
Panel 3: Klaus looks supremely unimpressed. In the background, a ghost says "Hi" to Allison and Luther, and they say "Oh, hey" back.
Panel 4: Klaus asks, "Seriously?"
Panel 5: The Seance, viewed from above, says "Hey, I can sense them even when they're not visible! Like behind walls and stuff!"
Panel 6: The Seance adds "Also I can float." It is demonstrating, floating about eye level with Klaus and emitting a cloud of cyan spectral energy as it does so. Klaus looks more pleased with this and says "Okay, that one's pretty good."
Viktor's spirit is a Wight, a spirit so warped by rage and pain that it has permanently been changed, its spectral energy has become white, and has gained massive, devastating power. It looks a lot like the design of the White Violin in the comics, but it manifests too many or too few arms from where its head should be.
There are three images of it. In the first, it is kneeling. It has manifested six arms in varying degrees of completeness, and all of them look sad.
In the second, the matter of its head has split into many small pieces that almost look like parts of mouths, save for two clawing hands. It screams, in the Wight spirit language from Paranatural, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME.
In the third, the largest, its knees buckle as it stands and manifests one reaching hand. It is captioned Violent White: THE WHITE VIOLIN. End ID]
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martyrbat · 2 years
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perpetual mourning – batman black and white (1996) #1
[ID: a black and white panel sequence of Bruce Wayne as Batman investigating a murder. He performed an examination of the victim's body and found DNA evidence to convict her killer and then performed an autopsy to examine her stomach contents — which led him to a little 24/7 diner. He walks in, disrupting the cozy scene with his presence.
Bruce internally reflects, ‘People think i'm a knight. A savior. But in truth, I'm only a vessel to hold the memories of those who've passed on. Those who've no shell left to store them. They must think I revel in my victories. It must seem like I never lose a fight. I lose plenty. The ones I couldn't get to. The ones I couldn't save in time. Those are the ones I carry around inside of me. Those are the ones I'll mourn forever.’
He shows the only waitress a photo of the victim's face and asks, “Excuse me. Do any of you know this woman?” The waitress gasps and holds her hand to her head in shocked distress. She stammers, “That's Chelsea, she comes in here all the time. Sits in the same booth, the same time, reads the same book... um, what was the title...? She, uh, left here only a couple of... Why do you... Oh, god. No. Dear girl...”
Back at the morgue, Bruce solemnly gazes down at the woman as she lays in an unzipped body bag. He thinks, ‘Luckily, you hadn't digested your last meal, Chelsea. There're only a few places in the neighborhood where you were found that serve blueberry pie at this hour of the morning.’ He carefully zips the body bag entirely. The identification label states she was a thirty year old caucasian female. The name ‘Jane Doe’ has been scribbled out to now be replaced with ‘Chelsea Rain’. Bruce continues to ruminate, ‘You only have your thoughts and dreams ahead of you. You're someone. You mean something. I'll remember. You're within me now. Forever.’ END ID]
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trainflyhigh · 7 months
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so .i finished signalis and cried for an hour... heres some really self indulgent arianes i drew throughout my gameplay and after i finished
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living-realusion · 5 months
when i started reading 2ha I used to think if I ever transmigrated into the novel i wouldn't survive a single day as Chu Wanning. turns out I didn't know better. you know who I wouldn't survive a single day as??? FREAKING NANGONG SI
like how many times have I cried for him at this point??? I didn't even think I would give a shit about him when I started the book.
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fantasyandmylife · 1 year
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went to nycc yesterday with my friends (all spiderpeople) wearing the cosplay I’VE been working on (Gandalf Big Naturals)
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honestly. half the fun of fantasy aus for me is the Food Descriptions
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ghostlyglimmer · 23 days
Lockjaw Chapter 7: Fractured Memories
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Missing for three weeks, Danny finally escapes, only to be found dead and taken to a funeral home. But death isn’t the end—Danny awakens on the embalming table with his jaw wired shut and terrifying new powers. Disoriented and desperate, he must find his way home, knowing nothing will ever be the same again.
The drive to FentonWorks was tense and silent, broken only by the occasional rattle of Tucker's car as it sped through the deserted streets of Amity Park. Sam gripped the edge of her seat, her thoughts swirling with a mix of fear and determination. In the back seat, Danny sat motionless, his eyes staring blankly out the window, his mind seemingly lost in a fog of confusion and pain.
Tucker kept his eyes on the road, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel. The tension was palpable, the weight of the situation pressing down on all of them. None of them spoke, the gravity of what they were about to do hanging heavy in the air.
As they pulled up in front of FentonWorks, the familiar sight of the Fenton family’s home and laboratory brought a rush of memories—both good and bad. The large, eccentric building with its myriad of ghost-hunting gadgets and neon sign that read "FentonWorks" was a beacon of their childhood, but tonight, it loomed like a fortress of secrets waiting to be uncovered.
Tucker parked the car, and the three of them sat there for a moment, taking in the sight of the building. The lab's windows were dark, and the only light came from the dim glow of the streetlamp outside. The place looked deserted, but they knew better. Jack and Maddie Fenton were likely deep in their research, oblivious to the world outside.
Sam turned to Danny, who was still staring out the window, his face unreadable. She placed a hand on his arm, hoping to offer some comfort, though she wasn't sure what to say.
"We're here," she said softly. "We'll figure this out, Danny. I promise."
Danny nodded slowly, his eyes flickering with a mix of emotions—relief, fear, and something else she couldn’t quite place. He reached for the door handle and stepped out of the car, his movements still slow and deliberate, as if every step took a monumental effort.
Tucker followed, glancing around nervously as he exited the car. "We should be careful," he whispered. "If your parents are home, we don’t want them to see us. Not yet, anyway."
Danny nodded in agreement, and the three of them moved quickly and quietly toward the side entrance of the house. Sam led the way, her heart pounding in her chest as she fished out the spare key from its hiding place under a loose brick. With a quick twist, the door creaked open, and they slipped inside, closing it gently behind them.
The interior of FentonWorks was just as chaotic as ever, with scientific equipment scattered across the living room and kitchen. The hum of machines echoed from the lab below, a constant reminder of the Fenton family's unrelenting pursuit of all things supernatural.
Sam led them down the hallway, toward the stairs that descended into the basement lab. As they reached the top of the stairs, she paused, glancing back at Danny and Tucker.
"You two wait here," she whispered. "I’ll check to see if the coast is clear."
Danny nodded, his eyes shadowed with worry, while Tucker gave her a thumbs-up, trying to muster a smile despite the tension. Sam took a deep breath and crept down the stairs.
 She peered around the corner. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from the various monitors and machines scattered throughout the room. The familiar sight of ghost-hunting gadgets, test tubes, and half-finished experiments filled the space. But to her relief, there was no sign of Jack or Maddie.
She quickly turned and motioned for Danny and Tucker to follow her. They descended the stairs as quietly as they could, their eyes wide with apprehension. Danny’s gaze roamed over the lab, a look of recognition mixed with confusion crossing his face as he took in the familiar surroundings.
"We should start with the computer," Tucker whispered, nodding toward the large console in the center of the room. "If there’s anything on there about what happened to Danny, it would be in the lab's database."
Danny moved toward the console, his hands trembling slightly as he sat down at the keyboard. His fingers hovered over the keys for a moment before he began typing, his movements slow and deliberate. Sam and Tucker watched over his shoulder, their eyes scanning the screen as lines of code and files flashed by.
After a few minutes, Danny found what he was looking for—a series of files labeled with dates that corresponded to the time around his disappearance. He clicked on one of the files, and a series of video logs appeared on the screen, each labeled with a different experiment number.
Tucker leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing as he read the titles. "These must be your parents' records of their experiments. Maybe they were working on something when… you know."
Danny shook his head, then typed out a correction on the screen: "GIW."
Sam and Tucker exchanged a glance, their expressions shifting from confusion to horror. The Ghost Investigation Ward, or GIW, was infamous in Amity Park. The agency was known for its brutal, unethical methods, and the rumors of secret experiments had always circulated among those who were aware of their activities. His parents were lead scientists on their Ghost Investigation sector.
Tucker swallowed hard, his fingers hovering over the keyboard as he navigated through the files. Sure enough, the next video log wasn’t labeled under the FentonWorks database. Instead, it bore the insignia of the GIW, and the file name was chilling: "Subject 234: Phase One."
Tucker hesitated before clicking on the video. The screen flickered to life, revealing a sterile, brightly lit lab—nothing like the cluttered, homey chaos of FentonWorks. The room was stark and clinical, filled with rows of surgical tools, advanced technology, and containment units.
Danny’s breath caught in his throat as the scene unfolded. The camera showed the GIW agents standing around a large, metallic table. Strapped to the table was none other than Danny himself, unconscious and dressed in a white hospital gown. His parents were nowhere to be seen. Instead, a team of doctors and scientists in white lab coats were preparing for what was clearly an experiment—on him.
The lead scientist, a tall, severe-looking woman, approached the table, her face hidden behind a surgical mask. "Subject 234 is prepped and ready for phase one," she said in a cold, clinical tone. "Begin the procedure."
The video cut to a close-up of Danny’s face as he slowly regained consciousness, his eyes fluttering open in confusion. His panic was palpable as he realized where he was and what was happening. He struggled against the restraints, but they held firm.
"Vital signs are stable," another voice said off-camera. "Administering ectoplasmic infusion."
The next moments were a blur of flashing lights, machines humming to life, and Danny’s muffled cries as the procedure began. The camera recorded every agonizing second—the injection of a glowing green substance into his veins, the convulsions that wracked his body as the ectoplasm took hold, the way his eyes glowed an eerie, unnatural green.
The video ended abruptly, leaving Sam and Tucker staring at the screen in stunned silence. Danny sat back in the chair, his breathing ragged, his eyes wide with fear and disbelief. The memories were flooding back now—painful, disjointed images of the GIW base, the sterile lab, the cold, detached voices of the scientists.
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Sam’s hand flew to her mouth as she processed what she had just seen. "Danny… they did this to you. They turned you into… whatever you are now."
Tucker shook his head in disbelief. "They used you as a test subject… like you were some kind of lab rat."
Danny nodded slowly, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. He could remember sneaking into the restricted area of the GIW base, curious about the rumors he had heard, it was easy since his parents had full clearance of the place. He remembered being caught by the agents and dragged into that cold, sterile lab. And he remembered the pain—the searing, all-consuming pain as the ectoplasm was forced into his body, changing him on a fundamental level.
But there was more. He knew there had to be more. He needed to know what had happened after the experiment, how he had ended up back in Amity Park, and why he was… different.
He reached for the keyboard again, his fingers trembling as he typed out the next question: "Where is the rest?"
Tucker’s hands shook as he navigated through the remaining files, searching for answers. But as he opened the next video log, the screen filled with static, and a red warning message flashed across the screen: 
Access Denied. 
Classified Information. 
Authorization Required
Danny slammed his fist against the desk in frustration, the sound echoing through the lab. His mind was racing with a thousand questions, but the answers were just out of reach.
Sam placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her voice soft and soothing. "We’ll find out, Danny. We’ll figure out what they did to you and how to fix this. We’re not going to let them get away with this."
Tucker nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "We need to get that authorization somehow. I’ll try my best to try to hack into this, but I have a feeling they have this stuff locked down pretty tight. We might have to go to your parents.."
Danny nodded, his resolve hardening. He wasn’t going to stop until he had all the answers, until he knew exactly what the GIW had done to him and why. But for now, they needed to regroup, to figure out their next move.
He reached for the keyboard one last time, typing out a single phrase: "Thank you."
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shalida · 2 years
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happy halloween gang !! 👻🦇🧛 here some newer and some older posters for the occasion! happy spooking!
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novarex · 3 months
If we don't see Anders in DAV, I'm going to kick a hole in the wall. Fenris too.
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