#Why HDPE Bottles Are the Better Choice for Your Products
plasticcontainers · 1 year
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How to use Plastic Injection Molding to Make Custom Chocolate Molds?
When you think of injection molding, you probably think of plastic bottles, cups, and other everyday objects. But that doesn’t mean your dream custom chocolate mold is out of reach. In fact, plastic injection molding can be a great way to bring your own custom chocolate molds to life. This article will give you everything you need to know about how to use plastic injection molding to make plastic chocolate molds. We’ll explore what injection molding is and why it’s such an excellent method for creating customized products with minimal waste and setup costs. You’ll also learn the plastics best for making molds and the considerations you must take if you want to use cheap injection molding at home or in a business setting.
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What is Plastic Injection Molding?
In short, plastic injection mold design is a process that creates molds for a variety of different products. Each mold starts as a design created by a computer. The design is then converted into a series of instructions that the machinery can follow. The machinery melts the plastic, injects it into a mold, and then cools the plastic down to set it in place. The resulting molded pieces are then cleaned, inspected, and assembled into finished products. The entire process takes place inside a large machine known as an injection molding machine. Each part of the process is critical. If the design isn’t correct, then the mold or finished product could be flawed.
Why Use Plastic Injection Molding to Make Custom Chocolate Molds?
Plastic injection molding is one of the most efficient ways to create molds for a variety of products. The process is highly customizable and can be used to create molds of almost any shape or size. In fact, almost any product you can think of has likely been made using injection molding. Plastic molds have been used to create everything from automobiles to microwaves.  You might think that creating your own custom chocolate molds from scratch would be an expensive and time-consuming process. But in reality, a custom injection mould manufacturer allows you to manufacture your own custom molds at a fraction of the cost.
Which type of plastic is best for making molds?
Plastic is plastic, right? Well, it turns out there are different types of plastic that are better suited to making molds than others. In general, you will want to select a plastic that’s sturdy but not brittle. If your mold is too brittle, then it will break when you try to remove the chocolate. Molded chocolate can be a bit messy, so you’ll want to select a plastic that’s easy to clean. You’ll also want to make sure that the plastic won’t break down in the chocolate or in the environment it will be sitting in. For these reasons, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is often the plastic of choice for creating molds for chocolate. It’s sturdy but flexible, cleans up easily, and it won’t degrade over time like some other plastics might.
How much does it cost to make custom molds with plastic injection molding?
The cost of creating cheap plastic injection mold will vary from company to company, so it’s difficult to say exactly how much it will cost you to make your own molds. However, you can get a general idea of how much it costs by comparing it to other ways of creating custom molds. Let’s say that you have a small business that makes chocolate bars and you’ve decided that you want to make your own molds rather than purchasing pre-made molds. The first option is to have a custom mold created by a mold shop. These shops will use a variety of different methods, such as CNC milling and injection molding, to create your mold. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000 for a custom mold. If you want to use injection molding to create your molds, you can expect to pay roughly $5,000 per mold. You’ll also need to factor in the cost of raw materials.
Plastic injection molding is a great way to create your own custom chocolate molds. It’s efficient, customizable, and can make molds of any shape or size. It can also be very cost-effective when compared to other methods of creating molds. You’ll just need to make sure that your design is correct and can be applied to all sides of the mold. In the end, though, the benefits of using injection molding to create your own custom chocolate molds far outweigh the downsides.
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dsfsposts · 3 years
Environmentally Friendly Packaging & the Impact on Customer Satisfaction
In recent years, almost every business has aimed to become as environmentally friendly as possible, whether that be by using environmentally friendly products or just simply turning equipment off when not in use. In the packaging industry, the growing trend of becoming more environmentally friendly has been taken off, and it would seem that even consumers are looking to embrace the trend. Businesses are now starting to choose environmentally friendly packaging over that of non eco-friendly packaging, and consumers are becoming more and more influenced by this choice.
There are a number of ways to make your business more environmentally friendly, with the choice in packaging being the common focus for all businesses. Choosing packaging made from recycled, renewable ingredients is a simple way to reduce negative environmental impact. For packaging to be considered eco-friendly, it must have a minimal impact on the environment during its life cycle (from the creation of the packaging to the recycling of the packaging). There are a number of advantages to using eco-friendly packaging:
Decreases your Carbon Footprint: The obvious benefit to eco-friendly packaging is reducing your carbon footprint. Being made from bio-degradable, recycled materials means there is less waste of natural resources.
Disposal: Another benefit of eco-friendly packaging is the ease of disposal, often costing a considerable amount to move and dispose of supplies. Eco-friendly packaging on the other hand is compostable, reusable, and recyclable, meaning that after its original use, the packaging can be buried (compostable), recycled (Broken down and made into more packaging) or re-used (you can either re-use it yourself or recycle it to be used again).
Brand Image: One of the biggest benefits of using eco-friendly packaging is how it reflects on your business. When consumers learn you’re using eco-friendly packaging, it reinforces the idea that your business is a responsible company, willing to look out for the environment. Better brand image leads to better sales and better profits, all because you looked out for the environment.
Cost Benefits: The best news for your business is that eco-friendly packaging is actually cost-effective. With companies reducing the materials used in their packaging, manufacturing the packaging ends up costing less. With fewer materials, packaging weighs less, saving on transportation costs when compared to before.
However, the main question is, do consumers really care about eco-packaging? Well, fortunately, it appears they do. According to an article from sustainablebrands.com, “more than three-quarters of consumers claim that eco-friendly packaging has an influence on the beverage brand they purchase." Consumers are even willing to purchase products that might cost a little more if the packaging is eco-friendly and are sometimes even willing to avoid a specific brand for their lack of eco-friendly packaging. All of this information has lead to a large majority of businesses taking the environment into account as a part of their business strategy, looking to focus on using eco-friendly materials -- with renewable materials becoming a key focus from businesses.
While the stats do look promising, it’s worth noting that “environmental factors were a bigger influence for more developing countries like Brazil, Turkey and India, than in already developed areas like the UK, USA or Japan.” Developing countries saw around 60% of all surveyed saying that they actively look out for environmental information when thinking about purchases, compared to only 25% from the more developed countries. In another article by campaignlive.co.uk, it is said that in an online survey of 1,000 people, conducted by Toluna, “Almost two-fifths of respondents said they would be more likely to buy a product if it had less packaging than a rival’s. More than one-third said they thought some products have too much packaging, and 32% said they like products to have a lot of packaging, only if they are fragile.” It is shown that consumers link the amount of packaging on a product with value, with over-packaged products causing consumers to believe they will have to pay more for it, as well as the obvious impacts on the environment compared to well packaged eco-friendly packaging.
What is PLA packaging?
Firstly, PLA stands for Polylactic Acid. It’s a new type of high molecular polymer material and is commonly known as corn plastic. PLA is made from renewable resources, is biodegradable and has characteristics similar to Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and Polystyrene (PS). There are many uses for PLA and the most recognised include the following:
Biodegradable medical devices (screws, pins, rods, plates etc.)
3D printing
How is PLA packaging made?
PLA is a polyester made with two possible monomers or building blocks: lactic acid, and lactide. Lactic acid is produced by fermentation under controlled conditions of a carbohydrate source, such as corn starch or sugarcane, making the process sustainable and renewable.
PLA can be produced by the direct condensation of lactic acid. However, this process usually results in a low-density form of PLA (not ideal). In order to produce high-density PLA, the lactic acid must be heated in the presence of an acid catalyst to form cyclic lactide. This is known as ring-opening polymerisation.
How can PLA packaging be disposed?
When it comes to renewable and biodegradable packaging, the PLA packaging play a key part in the sustainability of the given product.
For PLA, there are two main methods of disposing:
1. Compost degradation – Within the first 180 days of a PLA product’s life, it’s 100% biodegradable and can be composted to ensure sustainability. PLA will decompose into digestible polymer fragments in about 7 days at 60°C in a moist environment - a typical composting condition for a large composting operation.
2. Renewable energy recovery (incineration) – Because PLA doesn’t contain any chlorine atoms, so can be safely incinerated under controlled conditions without producing any dioxins (highly toxic chemicals). Although, as biodegradability is the primary motive for PLA and other bioplastics, incineration should be considered after compost degradation as the end-of-life option.
What is PCR Packaging?
PCR means Post-Consumer Recycled material or Post Consumer Resin, and generally refers to plastics such as PET, PP and HDPE which are widely recycled and then reprocessed into a resin that is used to make new packaging. In simple terms, it is packaging that is being given a second life.
Why use PCR in your packaging?
Principally, because it helps the environment. Virgin plastics are generally processed from fossil fuels so reprocessing them has massive benefits to the environment. But that’s not the only reason to use them: The more people that use PCR resin, the greater the demand will be. This in turn drives more recycling of used plastic packaging, helping the commercial case to recycle and means that less plastic ends up in landfill, rivers or then becomes yet more plastic in the ocean. So by using PCR, you help the “snowball effect” of recycling. Many countries around the world are bringing in legislation to force the use of PCR and being a step ahead will help you to be compliant with regulations. Using PCR adds a responsible element to your brand and shows your marketplace that you care. Many consumers will be prepared to pay more for products packaged in PCR packaging, making your product more valuable and potentially more profitable.
Sugarcane Packaging Vs Paper Packaging
If you’d like to learn more about our sugarcane packaging tableware range, or the differences between the two types of materials and how they’re used, please reach out to us today.
In our latest blog we explore the differences between sugarcane packaging and paper packaging products, so you can make an informed decision based on your business needs and values.
While products made from paper and the sugarcane by-product bagasse, look and feel similar, their main differences lie in the way the materials are grown and produced.
Not only is sugarcane food packaging a much better alternative than plastic, there’s also quite a big difference in volume of raw product required between paper vs sugarcane food packaging.
We’ll start our article by delving into sugarcane or bagasse containers, as that’s what our compostable tableware range is made from.
How do spray bottles pump fluid?
Spray bottles are an extremely useful type of machine and an excellent demonstration of basic plumbing principles. A spray-bottle head is made up of only a few parts. It has a trigger lever, which activates a small pump. This pump is attached to a plastic tube that draws cleaning fluid from the bottom of the reservoir. The pump forces this liquid down a narrow barrel and out a small hole at the gun's muzzle. The hole, or nozzle, serves to focus the flowing liquid so that it forms a concentrated stream.
The only complex element in this design is the fluid pump, and it's about as simple as they come. The main moving element is a piston, housed inside a cylinder. Inside the cylinder, there is a small spring. To operate the pump, you pull the trigger back, pushing the piston into the cylinder. The moving piston compresses the spring, so when you release the trigger, the piston is pushed back out of the cylinder. These two strokes of the piston, into the cylinder and out again, constitute the entire pump cycle.
The downstroke, the piston pushing in, shrinks the area of the cylinder, forcing fluid out of the pump. The upstroke, the spring pushing the piston back out, expands the cylinder area, sucking fluid into the pump. In a spray bottle, you need to suck cleaning fluid in from the reservoir below and force it out through the barrel above. In order to get all of the fluid moving through the barrel, the pump must only force the fluid up -- it cannot force the fluid back into the reservoir. In other words, the fluid must move through the pump in only one direction.
The device that makes this possible is called a one-way valve. A spray bottle has two one-way valves in the pumping system: one between the pump and the reservoir and one between the pump and the nozzle. Typically, the valve between the pump and the reservoir consists of a tiny rubber ball that rests neatly inside a small seal. The sides of the seal are angled so that the ball won't fall through. Depending on the design, either gravity or a small spring holds this ball against the seal so that the water passageway is blocked off when you are not pumping. When the piston moves out (when you release the trigger), the expanding area of the cylinder sucks on the fluid below, pulling the ball up out of the seal. Since the ball is lifted up, fluid is free to flow from the reservoir. But when you squeeze the trigger, the outward force of the moving fluid pushes the ball into the seal, blocking off the passageway to the reservoir. Consequently, the pressurized fluid is pushed only into the barrel.
In a spray mechanism, the one-way valve between the pump and the nozzle is a sort of cup, which fits over the end of the barrel. On the upstroke, the inward pressure from the pump pulls the cup against the barrel, so air can't flow in through the nozzle. On the downstroke, the fluid pushing out lifts the cup off the barrel slightly and flows on through the nozzle. Without this second one-way valve, the pump system wouldn't be able to draw fluid up from the reservoir because there would be no suction (no drop in air pressure). The upstroke wouldn't lower the air pressure in the pump; it would only draw in more air to maintain that pressure.
5 Benefits of Using Tubes Packaging for Cosmetic Containers
In the cosmetics industry, we can see a great increase in demand for different types of cosmetic products, such as hair removal, anti-aging, and sunscreen products. The interesting thing is that both men and women are the buyers of these products. These products are sold in attract containers that protect the integrity of the material inside. Let's read about some of the benefits of tubes as cosmetic containers.
For cosmetic containers, plastic tubes are becoming the ideal choice. The reason is that they are attractive and versatile. That's the reason they can satisfy the needs of this fast-growing industry. Given below are some reasons these products are a great choice. Read on.
Today, consumers are quite conscious as far as spending money is concerned. They try their level best to save as much money as possible. If you want to reduce your packaging costs, you can try the squeeze tubes.
Fancy cosmetic containers, such as glass are quite expensive. Therefore, they add to the price of the product. On the other hand, plastic tubes use the best technology available. Therefore, they are the most affordable option you can try. The cost is low but the container quality is great.
Unlike plastic or glass, plastic tubes offer more versatility. The thing is that they are designed to carry a lot of a substance, such as a sunscreen or shampoo. Apart from this, the openings are adjustable to accommodate the product viscosity. This allows you to store different types of substances, such as cosmetic foundations, astringent toners, and creams, just to name a few. So, versatility is another primary benefit of using these tube containers.
Heavy jars of plastic and glass containers are quite eco-friendly. As a matter of fact, small containers don't waste plastic as they are recyclable. Actually, the makers of these products make use of green processes in order to have a minimal effect on the environment. Therefore, if you are looking for an eco-friendly option, we suggest that you try out these containers.
Unlike glass containers, plastic tubes are more portable. The reason is that they cover less space, easier to transport and are less fragile. They are much easier to ship as they are more stable. Plus, they can make sure that the quality of the product is always high. You can carry multiple tubes in your own pocket.
Easy to use
Unlike jars that need to be unscrewed before each use, tubes are much easier and convenient. All you need to do is pop the lid, press the tube and the substance will come out. Therefore, they are much easier to handle than glass containers, which makes them an ideal choice for most users.
Long story short, these are the benefits of tubes as cosmetic containers. If you are a manufacturer of a cosmetic product, we suggest that you consider using cosmetic tubes. They can help you bring the costs down and offer your products at a much lower price. Hope this helps.
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dranshulgupta · 3 years
How Plastics Harm Thyroid Gland and Tips to Reduce the harm?
Inside - Do you know that plastics that you use on daily basis might be the reason for your thyroid disorder? In this article, you will understand how plastics can harm your thyroid and what should you do about it. - thyroid functional medicine doctor
    According to American Thyroid Association, approximately 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid problem. And almost 12% of the US population is likely to develop thyroid problems during their lifetime. This escalation in thyroid problems - not only in the US but globally - is partly attributed to the widespread use of plastics in our daily life.
  In recent years, the use of plastic has exponentially grown a lot. Plastics are everywhere in our life. From the water we drink to the food we eat, it's hard to avoid them. But did you know that they can also affect your thyroid health?
  The chemicals found in plastics have been linked with a variety of health problems including hormonal imbalances and weight gain. And because plastic is used so much in packaging, many people don't realize just how much they're exposed to these harmful substances on a daily basis. - functional medicine consultation
  Did you know - Even the metal products we use like food cans, bottle tops, or water lines are also extensively coated by epoxy resins which in turn contain BPA in it.
  Recent research shows that this plastic is actually destroying the thyroid gland. But how is it happening? Why do Plastics harm your thyroid? - Simply read on to know about why plastic destroys the thyroid gland and how it does it.
  BPA in Plastics
Plastic is a form of synthetic material. The word plastic comes from Greek, meaning something that can be shaped or molded into different forms. The most common examples of plastics are 1) Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET for short), 2) High-density polyethylene (HDPE), 3) Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE).
  For decades this has been fairly under the radar and over the last decade or so there's been more awareness as to just how harmful plastics really are.
  Plastics, without any doubt, have many chemicals in them. One of the main chemicals used in certain plastics is BPA or  Bisphenol-A.
  Researches prove that this BPA has the ability to seep into food items when in contact for a longer time. These BPA can cause health effects like reproductive disorders, weight gain,  thyroid disorders, and other hormone imbalances.
  Another important fact is that these harmful chemicals and toxins in plastic can also affect the brain function of a person. For example, BPA actually changes the way your neurotransmitters - such as serotonin - function in the brain.
  And this is not all about BPA: there are literally thousands of chemical compounds used in plastics that you should know about. - Functional Medicine Houston
  BPA - the endocrine disruptor
Recent studies prove that this Bisphenol A or BPA in plastics is, in fact, an endocrine disruptor.
  Endocrine disruptor means this BPA in plastic can affect the endocrine system of a person. The endocrine system is responsible for controlling things like mood, energy levels, digestion and weight management, sex drive, metabolism, and overall well-being.
  The thyroid, one of the most important endocrine glands, is heavily affected by BPA. BPA found in plastics harms our thyroid by disrupting its normal functioning. It has been demonstrated that BPA destroys your thyroid glands in 2 ways.
  BPA interferes with the thyroid hormone production
BPA is said to greatly interfere with the proper production of thyroid hormones in our body. 
  There was a research study done where they did a mass study checking the levels of BPA in people. They compared it with their thyroid levels.
  What they found was that the higher the amount of BPA levels in people's body, the lower the amount of thyroid hormone. So basically BPA levels are destroying your thyroid hormone or not letting a thyroid gland produce thyroid hormones normally.
  Eventually, our thyroid gland may not be able to function properly.
  BPA disrupts the thyroid hormone-receptor complex
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones whose sole purpose is to bind to its receptor on various cells in our body. These two molecules - a hormone and receptor, are known as a "hormone/receptor complex".
  When this hormone/receptor complex binds, it activates certain genes which leads to a particular action (like metabolic rate). 
  This BPA in plastic can actually connect to these receptors. As a result, thyroid hormone will not be able to connect to the receptor, thus disrupting the normal functioning of the thyroid hormone. This can be devastating for your thyroid health and metabolism. If this process is not properly working, then you may have problems losing weight or gaining weight and eventually develop many other health issues as well.
  BPA affecting children
Of all the problems caused by BPA in plastics, its effect on children is so shocking. The reason is that the concentration of BPA is much higher in children compared to adults. This means, younger the child, the worse the effect of BPA on them.
  And this explains why there is a huge increase in thyroid disorders in young children.
  Ways to reduce plastic exposure
With all these said, it is now evident that reducing the use of plastic is more than necessary. But the real question is, How to reduce plastic exposure?
  Here are a few tips you can follow:
  Switch to glass or steel containers
  Of course, this requires more effort and money but it is better than nothing. And the best part is glass and steel are perfectly safe for storage.
  This should be a better option than using those high-BPA plastics to store your food products.
  Stop using plastic water bottles
Stop buying packaged plastic water bottles. These plastic bottles with water might have been sitting on the shelf for several months. This means, you will be drinking several months of seeped BPA along with the water.
  Instead invest in a good quality water filter that will filter all the unnecessary chemicals and that way you dont have to use bottled water. - Functional Medicine Doctor New York
  So, choose stainless steel or aluminum water bottles instead of plastic bottles. Take your own water on these  bottles instead.
  Choose BPA free alternatives
With increasing awareness about the problems of using plastic products, the availability of BPA- free plastics have increased. It can be great alternative for regular low-grade plastics. It can be replaced in every place like food cans,  baby bottles, water bottles and so on.
  Also, when you shop at grocery stores, there will usually be an indication on some products saying "may contain trace amounts of bpa" on the box. So when buying such products, make sure they do not have this statement on the label since it most likely contains BPA.
  Try Ceramic products
Ceramic products can be a good alternative to plastics. Like plastics, ceramics too come in various designs. So, for those who look for asthetics in every kitchen and dining utensils, ceramics can be a great choice. Also, ceramics are non-porous unlike plastics. This means that food poisoning or bacterial growth are no longer a concern.
  Also, because ceramics are very durable, they can be used for centuries without any problems.
  Avoid Plastic Food wraps
Food wraps or cling wraps have become an important part of our routine food packaging which we wrap around food and store it in the refrigerator. The use of these wraps has become widespread due to their convenience and time-saving benefits as well.
  But these plastic wraps are a health hazard since they contain small amounts of BPA which seeps into your food when heated.
  So, to protect your health, avoid using plastic wraps and instead use food grade aluminum foil or natural bee wax paper for storing your food.
  Plastics have become a vital part of our lives. It is high time we understand BPA is one of the main reasons why thyroid problems are on a rise. This makes it harder for people to stay healthy and feel healthy
  For anyone who wants to avoid many serious problems caused by plastics, what you better do is avoid using plastics as much as possible. If not just eliminate plastics, find an alternative way that can be safe and good for your health. Just remember: reducing the use of plastics can be a great step to start healing your thyroid and other health disorders.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
How Dropps Is Remaking Cleaning For Good By ‘Eliminating The Stupid’ - And Saving The Planet From Plastic
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/how-dropps-is-remaking-cleaning-for-good-by-eliminating-the-stupid-and-saving-the-planet-from-plastic/
How Dropps Is Remaking Cleaning For Good By ‘Eliminating The Stupid’ - And Saving The Planet From Plastic
Dropp’s is a quirky and idiosyncratic brand I’ve long been fascinated by, for its pioneering work around sustainability and packaging. I caught up with their Founder and CEO, Jonathan Propper to learn more about their journey, and their most recent innovation, eliminating the labels from their packaging.
Afdhel Aziz: Jonathan, welcome! Please tell us a little about Dropps and your journey so far?
Jonathan Propper:​ ​I trace my environmentalist roots back 50 years, when I celebrated the world’s first Earth Day at Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park. I knew even then that it was the beginning of something big.
Cleaning – and laundry specifically – is quite literally in my DNA. My mother and I founded a cotton mill outside Philadelphia, and made chunky knit cotton sweaters. She soon realized that traditional harsh detergents were damaging the sweaters, making them yellowed and stretched out. So we took matters into our own hands. She then went on a path to create a biodegradable, low-sudsing, concentrated detergent that would clean the natural fibers properly, and keep fabrics looking better, and for longer. Consumer Reports named it #1 in overall cleaning quality among hand-laundry detergents.
Always striving to improve I felt we could make the product even better – from both a convenience and a sustainability perspective. In 2005, I discovered unit-dose technology being used in another industry and applied it to our popular laundry detergent formula. The unit-dose technology meant that we could take out almost all of the water from our detergent. Liquid laundry detergent is the most expensive of bottled water. It is shipped all over the country only to put in a machine that dispenses water. 32 washloads of Dropps weighs ten ounces vs. a typical equivalent detergent bottle which weighs 50 ounces.
This method drastically reduced time for the consumer, as it eliminated the need for bulky liquid laundry detergents that need to be measured and stored. Not to mention, it drastically reduced our environmental footprint as traditional liquid laundry detergents are packaged in hard to recycle, high-density plastic.
We believe that sustainability is a journey, and not an end state. We’re constantly developing new formulas and expanding into other categories across the home, to make life as simple and sustainable as possible. Curating for the consumer if you will.
Jonathan Propper, Founder and CEO of Dropps
Aziz: Thank you for sharing that Jonathan. So how do you articulate the purpose and mission of Dropps?
Propper:​ ​​Dropps is remaking cleaning for good. Our purpose is to eliminate the stupid, and make life simple — for both people and planet. Shipping jugs of detergent is an example of a stupid. We are driven to make it easier for individuals and families to do the right thing by providing everyday products that are both eco-responsible and economical which, if multiplied across a multitude of individuals and families, can have a measurable impact on the planet. Prevention is the cure to the world’s single use plastic-pollution crisis.
Dropps was selected by Oceana, the world’s ​largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation, ​as the exclusive partner of choice in the home cleaning & care category. Together, we hope inform consumers on the impact of their actions and choices, and encourage them to care about the massive global single use plastic pollution crisis.
As Andy Sharpless, CEO of Oceana has said: “Plastic is everywhere in our ocean – floating on the surface, mixing in the saltwater, and sitting on the ocean bottom, miles and miles deep. And it’s no secret that the household consumer goods category contributes to the problem. Dropps is showing that companies can address this issue now and reduce throwaway plastic by giving people real plastic-free choices. We face a tsunami of plastic in our future, unless more companies also take meaningful action.”
Dropps products
Aziz: How has ‘Big Laundry’ tried to condition the consumer into ending up using more than is necessary?
Propper:​ ​‘Big Laundry’ is in the pocket of ‘Big Retail’ and vice-versa as Yogi Berra has said. Over the decades they have developed this pseudo-cooperation to where they both maximize profits at the expense of consumer-behavior. As mentioned, traditional liquid laundry detergents are packaged in hard to recycle, high-density plastic (HDPE). This is to help prevent leaking while in transit and in stock on retail shelves. That’s because traditional liquid laundry detergents are extremely watered-down to maximize profit.
In addition, big laundry has added so many unnecessary bells and whistles in the form of pocket chambers in the pods, and dyes and bright colors that the consumer has been conditioned to think that this aids in the efficacy of the product. The fact is, color doesn’t clean.
At Dropps, we’ve eliminated another stupid – in addition to the excess water in the detergent, we’ve also eliminated the unnecessary ingredients that do not do anything to ensure the integrity, and longevity, shape and softness of clothing and fabrics.
Dropps laundry products
Aziz: Tell us more about your design philosophy “Eliminate the stupid, elevate the core,” and how that led to your recent decision of removing the labels?
Propper:​ ​Eliminate the stupid, elevate the core. This is the Dropps mantra. When speaking about the core in the business we often are referring to our products. But when I think of the core, I also think of our people. How can we elevate the core? If we realize, believe, and trust that we are all part of something larger than ourselves, and that each of us, individually and collectively, have a responsibility for shaping the behavior of our organization and valued customers, that will ultimately define our guiding principles and purpose for being.
To truly elevate the core from a product point of view, we knew we had to eliminate the stupid, and in this case, it was the labels in our packaging. While our previous boxes were recyclable and compostable, we wanted to craft an elevated experience with this new version of our now iconic box. By removing product-specific labels, and printing all brand and product details, including full ingredient transparency, directly on the box, we now provide our customers with an even more low-waste cleaning option.
Aziz: That’s a really cool innovation. What do you think about the future of sustainability in packaging? How do you see the next big wave?
Propper:​ ​​We feel that consumers are going to begin shifting the conversation away from households and individuals being the main culprit to the pollution crisis, and begin to look at the big corporations and polluting industries as the real problem. With this, consumers are going to begin demanding low-waste products and packaging. The next big wave can look like brands eliminating shipping a box in a box. Meaning, we may see other companies taking a page from the Dropps playbook and have the box that holds their product, double as the shipping container. This reduces waste and emissions in shipping, which is crucial as e-commerce will only continue to rise in this new era of retail.
Both cleaning AND sustainability has become top of mind for many households as of late because of the pandemic and noticeable climate change events. These two factors coupled together can cause panic for any caregiver and individual. Over the years, we’ve noticed that customers and those seeking to live more eco-consciously have become overwhelmed with the mixed-messages about what cleans and what doesn’t, and how to effectively enact changes that can lead to impactful environmental preservation.
Dropps kitchen products
Aziz: Finally, what advice do you have for other entrepreneurs who want to take their brands on a similar journey?
Propper:​ ​My biggest advice to give to other entrepreneurs is to embrace diversity, and always be open to learning what you don’t know. I’m a strong believer that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself, which is why it’s important to have a team that comes from varied backgrounds and experiences that you can learn from.
Also, give your team the autonomy to try new ways of doing things and learn from the things that don’t necessarily work. Dropps has long embraced a remote-work culture, way before the pandemic, I always considered commuting everyday a stupid if you are working at a desk. In hindsight, this autonomous work environment has emboldened our staff to make informed decisions that they feel confident would eliminate the stupid for themselves, our team at large and our customers.
From CMO Network in Perfectirishgifts
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alppmcom · 5 years
Plastic Packaging: 13 Most Asked Questions
What is Plastic Packaging
Plastic is one of the most used materials for packaging products worldwide. It is cost-effective and provides excellent protection to the packaged products. It is lightweight which makes it more convenient for transportation and reduces its carbon footprints too.
The plastic packaging industry was valued at $198 billion in 2017 and it is likely to reach $269.6 billion by the year 2025. The food and beverage industry will be the biggest driver for plastic packaging going ahead and is likely to grow at 4.2% annually.
Asia-Pacific is the largest market for plastic packaging followed by North America in the second spot. The current article provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to plastic packaging.
What is Plastic Packaging Called
There are different types of plastics used for packaging purpose. Some of the most commonly used plastic polymers for packaging are as follows:
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is the most commonly used plastic polymer for packaging. They have good toughness and barrier properties and are ideal for packaging a variety of products. It has good chemical resistance so it is used for packaging of industrial and chemical-based products.
Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is known for its toughness, flexibility, and transparency. It is a popular choice for packaging where heat sealing is used.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is colorless and tough and is used for making beverage bottles and other injection molded packaging containers. It is odorless, chemical resistant, and has good barrier properties which make it an excellent choice for the packaging of food products.
Polypropylene (PP) is a strong polymer with a high melting point which makes it ideal for packaging hot-fill liquids.
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) is cheap and has good chemical resistance. It is used for blister packaging and clamshells.
How are Plastic Packaging Boxes Made
The plastic packaging boxes are made using the latest and state-of-the-art production technology. Most manufacturers are now moving towards using the advanced and superior bonding technique for manufacturing plastic boxes instead of the traditional ultrasonic and interlocking tabs.
The manufacturing materials also being used these days are sustainable and eco-friendly, which do not pose any serious threat to the environment.
How Much Does Plastic Packaging Boxes Cost
Plastic packaging boxes are one of the cheapest and most effective packaging solutions available. They offer you cost-effectiveness along with good durability and barrier properties. If you buy in bulk then a typical plastic packaging box will cost you less than $0.50.
These packaging boxes can be easily assembled by folding along the soft fold lines. Using a plastic packaging cost can mean that your packaging cost can be reduced to nearly 15% of the total product cost.
How to Recycle Plastic Packaging Materials
Plastic packaging these days are totally recyclable which is a great improvement over the non-recyclable and non-biodegradable plastic packaging used earlier.
It is estimated that in 2016, nearly 90% of the US population was in a position to recycle plastic bottles and 60% can recycle rigid plastic materials. Similarly, 45% of all the plastic packaging used in the UK was recycled in 2016. Plastic packaging materials can be recycled using mechanical recycling or by chemical recycling in which the plastic is further broken down into its constituent parts.
There are challenges and barriers to mechanical recycling of plastics as it is difficult and costly to collect, sort, and process plastic packaging for recycling.
This is where chemical recycling helps as it breaks down the longer molecular polymeric carbon chains into medium length carbon chains and into synthetic crude oil that can be used to make new plastics.  Most plastic packaging bags and films are recycled into composite lumber.
Recycling is also cost-effective as it costs nearly $4,000 to recycle one ton of plastic packaging materials, while the selling price of it can be 2-3 times more than the recycling costs.
Where to Buy Plastic Packaging Boxes
You can buy plastic packaging boxes from a reputed and professional manufacturer. You need to do proper due diligence before finalizing the manufacturer as packaging is an important element of your product and you should ensure only the best quality packaging boxes for it.
You can start by identifying plastic packaging box manufacturers who make the type of plastic box which is best suited for your product. You should also check the minimum order quantity restrictions with them. If a manufacturer has a high minimum order barrier which is much more than your requirement, then it is better to look for other alternatives.
It is also important to assess the type of manufacturing infrastructure and capabilities possessed by the manufacturer. They should have the latest production equipment and should be able to meet the deadlines for production and supply of plastic packaging boxes.
They should also have a highly experienced and trained workforce which can ensure defect-free production of plastic packaging boxes. You should also negotiate the rates with different manufacturers and sellers to get the best rate for plastic packaging boxes.
Why Does My Cat Like Plastic Packaging
Cats are known to be playful and chew plastic packaging boxes. If the packaging box contains food items or groceries, then the lingering smell of food can entice cats into chewing it.
Cats are very sensitive to smell and thus can detect the smell of food items in the plastic packaging from a distance which makes them play with it. Some plastic packaging boxes are also coated with cornstarch, stearates, or contain traces of animal by-products like gelatin which make them attractive to cats.
Many cats are known to enjoy the crinkling sounds made by plastic packaging and thus they play with them. Some experts also believe that the smooth texture of plastic packaging is liked by cats on their tongue which is why they like licking and chewing it.
Some plastics may also contain particular chemicals which may mimic pheromones or other attractants which draws cats to play with them.
What Plastic is Used for Blister Packaging
Blister packaging is done by the thermoforming process. It involves heating a sheet of plastic to a temperature where it can be easily molded into any shape. Blister packaging has pre-formed pocket or shell inside of which the product is placed securely. The different types of blister packaging are as follows:
Face Seal blister packaging surrounds the product and is heat sealed into a piece of cardboard. The seal is only used on the flange and the rest of the cardboard remains uncovered. This is a common and inexpensive form of blister packaging.
Full face blister packaging involves the blister seal extending to the entire face of the cardboard. This provides better strength and durability to the packaging and protects the packaged product. It also comes with a hanging feature.
Full card blister packaging is similar to full face blister packaging with the only difference that instead of being sealed to the cardboard, its flanges are wrapped around it.
Clamshell packaging makes use of a blister card which is inserted and not sealed on the as in other types of blister packaging. It is more durable than the previously mentioned blister packaging forms and is costlier also.
Skin packaging is another form of blister packaging where a thin film is placed over the product on a blister card. The film is strong and clear and wraps around the product as its skin which is where it derives its name from.
The most commonly used plastic polymers for blister packaging are PET and PVC. They are strong and rugged in nature which provides excellent protection to the packaged product.
Blister packaging is used in packaging a wide range of products in industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, personal care products, office supplies, etc.
What Type of Plastic is Food Packaging Made From
While using plastic for food packaging, it is important to ensure that the plastic polymer being used is approved for the same and is food-safe. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves plastic as being food-safe which are known as food contact substances (FCS).
FDA defines FCS as substances which are intended to be used as a component of materials used in manufacturing, packaging, transporting, or holding food products.
PET is commonly used for food packaging. It is biologically inert if ingested, is dermally safe and is not hazardous if inhaled. PET is a stable plastic resin and it does not react with or contaminate the food products on coming in contact with it.
PP is also commonly used in reusable food containers. It is also used to manufacture single-serving food tubs. PP has a high melting point which makes it ideal for use in microwaves.
It does not react with the liquids, acids, or bases and is perfect for food packaging. HDPE is also considered safe for food packaging and is used for packaging of milk, fruit juices, butter containers, cereal box liners, food buckets used in cafeterias, etc.
Virgin HDPE is cleared by the FDA for food packaging. The FDA checks the use of recycled HDPE for food packaging on a case-to-case basis.
Why is Plastic Packaging Bad for the Environment?
Single-use plastic packaging is considered bad for the environment. Such packaging is meant to be used only once, after which it is disposed of by the end consumer. It is not recycled and either ends up being in landfills or even worse, in the ocean bed. It is estimated that nearly 50% of the plastic packaging is single use and is not recycled.
Such plastic packaging does not decompose easily and it can take up to 500 years or more for them to decompose in the landfills. Studies have also indicated that 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year which adds to the approximately 150 million tons of plastic weight already existing in the oceans.
This figure is only expected to increase considering our lifestyle and ways of disposing of plastic packaging waste.  Scientists have claimed that in the next 10 years, the oceans will be littered with nearly 250 million tons of plastic waste and by 2050, there will be a more plastic waste in the oceans than fish.
This seriously damages the marine water ecosystem and also puts humans at risk of consuming these toxic plastic particles by means of seafood.
How to Reseal Plastic Packaging
Resealing plastic packaging box is the easiest way to protect the packaged product especially for food items. If the packaging does not provide you with ziplock feature and you do not have a ziplock bag handy with you, you can consider resealing the original package after using it.
You can use a matchstick or lighter and run it along the opened side of the packaging by pressing the two sides of the plastic packaging bag together. The packaging bag will be resealed and this will keep your food products fresh and safe for long.
How do You Recycle Plastic Water Bottle Packaging?
Plastic water bottles can be one of the easiest packaging materials to be recycled. The bottles are first collected from the end consumers and are sorted for removing any other materials like metals, glass, etc. The bottles are then sorted according to the plastic resin they are made of.
The bottles are then cleaned to remove any food residue or liquids. They are then shredded and converted into flakes which are then melted and formed into small pellets.
These pellets are then bundled and sold to other companies which can make use of the plastic to make other plastic products.
How to Open Plastic Packaging  
Some plastic packaging like clamshell packaging is difficult to open without scissors and you should take proper precautions before opening it with your hands.
You can use a can opener or tin snips to open it safely. They can cut effortlessly through the hard clamshell packaging. You may also consider wearing protective gloves to protect against any injuries to your hands.
Another precaution is not to hold the packaging between your legs to stabilize it while opening as it can cause injuries. You should ensure that children are not around while trying to open sturdy clamshell packaging.
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Are Plastic Water Bottles Safe?
New Post has been published on https://www.advancedwaterinc.com/plastic-water-bottles/
Are Plastic Water Bottles Safe?
It can be tough to make sure you drink enough water every day, and it’s a much easier task when it’s quick and easy. One of the more convenient ways to get some water on the go is to grab a disposable bottle from the store. While this is an easy option, it’s also the most dangerous. Aside from harming the environment by filling up the landfills, there are a handful of health reasons why it’s safer to grab that refillable water bottle and use it instead. With a good water filter, you can have water that tastes better than disposable bottled water, without the negatives. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should steer clear of those plastic water bottles.
Heat Exposure and Plastic Water Bottles
The plastic that makes water bottles can seep into the liquid if the bottle is exposed to hot temperatures. These chemicals, like antimony (Sb) and Bisphenol A (BPA), can get into the water you drink, affecting your health. According to research, ingesting these chemicals can cause some serious diseases, like cancer.
Plastic is a big industry, and its companies thrive on convenience. The plastic they use to make these water bottles is cheap so that it can be mass-produced. Almost all water bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic and typically contain up to 300mg of antimony. If these water bottles sit in an area where they reach a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, it can seep into the water. Consider this relatively low temperature – before you even buy it and put it in your refrigerator, it has probably already been transported on a hot truck or left in a warm storage facility. So instead of leaving that bottled water in your car for later, grab a reusable container and fill it up all day. Not only will it be a healthier option for you, but also for our environment.
BPA in Plastic Water Bottles
There are many different types of BPA plastic, and some are worse than others. While it’s always better to just grab a reusable bottle, you can make a safer choice by choosing to buy particular brands. The labels for the types of plastics can usually be found on the bottom of the container. Here are a couple of examples of the plastics you may find in stores:
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) – This is the most common type of plastic, as it’s the least expensive, giving companies a bigger profit margin. It’s extremely unsafe when exposed to moderately warm temperatures. You will be exposed to plastic particles in your water and potentially harm yourself.
High-Density Polyethylene (HDP or HDPE) – This is a stronger plastic that you usually find in laundry detergent bottles or milk jugs. It doesn’t let off as many chemical residues into the products in contains. HDPE is one of the best types of plastic water bottle to buy, as it’s safer and will contain the cleanest water you can buy (in plastic).
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or 3V) – This type of plastic is used for lots of different types of products, like cooking oil bottles, food coverings, children’s toys, and water bottles. It’s soft, flexible, and pliable. Unfortunately, this type of plastic contains toxic chemicals that can cause hormonal issues if ingested. Try to avoid PVC plastic when you intend to eat or drink out of the container.
The Dos and Don’ts of Plastics
Here are some steps you should take to avoid getting more plastic in your food and water from their containers:
Store leftovers in glass mason jars or other glass containers, not plastic bags or Tupperware.
Bring your own coffee mug or reusable water bottle with you for the day.
Wash plastics on the top rack of the dishwasher or by hand to avoid the chemicals that release in hot water.
Use stainless steel, wood, or other non-plastic materials for your cooking utensils.
Microwave or heat anything up in plastic containers or dishes, even if they say microwave safe.
Do not reuse single-use plastics. The more they are used, the weaker they become and are more likely to start emitting toxins.
Do not use plastic containers for any hot liquids.
Do not reuse disposable plastic water bottles. If you want to reuse, carry your own reusable glass, metal, or sturdy plastic water bottle, and fill it up throughout the day.
Never leave a plastic water bottle in your car. It will get way too hot, and you will end up ingesting more toxic chemicals if you drink the water afterwards.
While it’s convenient to grab a bottle of water from the store for a cool refreshing drink on a hot day, the plastics used in these bottles are not good for you or the environment. If you make a habit of it, you’ll find that it’s just as easy to get yourself a nice reusable water bottle and fill that thing up before you leave the house for the day. It will save you money, benefit your health, and protect the environment in the long run.
If you want great-tasting water directly from your home, consider getting a whole house water filter. It will make refilling that reusable container quick, easy, and delicious! If you’re struggling with hard water problems in your home, learn more about how to find the right water softener for you!
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plasticcontainers · 1 year
Best HDPE Bottle Suppliers in Hyderabad, India
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Why HDPE Bottles Are the Better Choice for Your Products
If you're in the business of selling products, you know how important it is to have high-quality packaging that not only protects your products but also showcases them in the best possible light. One common packaging material that has been gaining popularity in recent years is HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) plastic. You can get the HDPE bottles for your products from the Best HDPE bottle suppliers in Hyderabad HDPE bottles are known for their durability, strength, and versatility, making them the ideal choice for a wide range of products.
Connect with us to know more! Contact us : : 91 9393921888 Mail us : : [email protected] Visit : : https://www.plasticcontainers.co.in/best-hdpe-bottle-suppliers-in-hyderabad-india/
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