#Why am I such a simp for these scummy business men...
maxwell-mtv · 1 year
Into the Mines Part 1 [Morris x Farmer!G/N!Reader]
[Heyo, so I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now. It may not be the best, but I figured this could be my little late night writing project as work seems to take up more of my time recently. I hope you all enjoy, this is only part 1 of who knows how many more. Sorry it's not headcanons, I'll try and share those tomorrow instead.]
“(Y/N), just hear me out-” The man trailed closely behind you as you collected your supplies for the trip.
“No, Morris, for the millionth time I won’t let you go with me into the mines.” You call behind you, effectively cutting the man’s protests short. 
It was the first day since being married where Marlon had informed you of yet another infestation in the mines. At the crack of dawn, you got packing, blessed by Yoba to have an easy, hands-off day on the farm since you had no crops to harvest and no soil to water. Only issue was your husband who had never had the opportunity to truly see what all goes into preparing to go into the mines. 
The well suited man anxiously rests a hand on one of the dining set’s chairs. As he watches you load several snacks and meals into your bag, he feels his stomach churn. He’s never felt this nervous for someone other than himself before. It was, to him, like you were happily marching into the hands of death itself. 
He takes a shaky breath, looking at the floor as his mind races for more arguments. At the very least he hopes to slow you down so you lose more time. “Please, tell me why you have to go down there! It’s unregulated, you don’t know what mold may be down there, let alone the rumors of savage animals inhabiting the caverns!” 
As you zip up your bag, you turn to glare up at your husband, frustration getting the best of you. “Morris, you wouldn’t understand. Now if you would please stop fussing, I’m a grown adult and can handle myself, thank you very much!” 
Your words seem to shut the man down. Morris’s wide look of shock and shame quickly makes you reconsider your defensiveness. After all, he only wanted you safe. Setting your bag down, you go over to him.
As you reach for his hands, he pulls away and crosses his arms like a petulant child.
“Morris, I’m sorry… I know you care but it’s just…” you struggle to explain the real reason you so often are inclined to enter the mines. 
“No, no, you’re right. You’ve been going to those mines since before you and I even became friends so it’s understandable why you’re upset. If you really feel the need to do this, I don’t understand it but I’ll have to just accept it.” The Joja fat cat shakes his head, avoiding your eyes. You can’t tell if he’s trying to purposely guilt you, or legitimately act out his reluctance to let you do as you wish.
Sighing, you put your hand on his shoulder. “Morris, listen, you wouldn’t understand but… it’s just something I need to do…”
Morris stays silent for a moment, looking down before letting his arms down and turning his focus back onto you. “Why won’t I understand? What is so complicated about going deep into an ancient system of crumbling caves? What is down there that I cannot buy for you myself?”
His words rang true from his perspective. Although it wasn’t something you would ever consider foremost, you’d quickly grown to accept Morris’s way of thinking. Anything you may have desired, he would get you, no question as to why. New television? What size did you need? Ores for a project? How many did you want? It was never a question of how much it would cost for him, merely the specifics of what would be the best to get for you. 
You sigh heavily, your gaze trailing to the coat rack by the front door. A yellow hard hat seemed to catch your eye as you tried to think of a fair reasoning that would calm his nerves. “I-” You struggled to form a coherent thought. “I… I can’t… I…” You swallow, unable to say anything that would surely satisfy the man’s curiosity. 
With every moment you left your mouth agape, Morris’s brows raised in anticipation. “Anything?” He urges you in a soft tone.
Finally conceding, you hang your head. “No…”
Morris shifts his position as he grabs your chin, gently guiding your eyes up to his. “(Y/N), I know you’re trying to hide something from me. Just please, tell me the truth. Denying me that will only make me worry more.”
Sighing heavily in defeat, you nod. “I’ve been called by the Adventurer’s Guild to help defend the town once again.”
“What?!” You jump at Morris’s outburst. “You can’t be serious! Wait, what does that even mean?”
You take a brief moment to collect yourself from your husband’s exasperation. “The savage animals are technically real, it just isn't necessarily fair to categorize them as animals.”
A moment passes of you explaining the basics of monsters and evil creatures to Morris. He seems skeptical at first, but who can blame him? He’s never known such magical things to be real. As the clock strikes 7, you begin to wrap up your explanation. 
“So, yes, that’s what those markings actually were when I came home and told you that they were burns from helping Clint out at his shop.” You conclude.
“I don’t know what to say, (Y/N)...” Morris takes off his glasses, looking betrayed by the revelation. He wipes his free hand over his scowling face and moves to massage the bridge of his nose.
“I’m sorry I never told you sooner. I wasn’t sure if you’d even believe me.” You shrug, hoping for the best as you’re slowly losing precious time. “I need to go, though, Morris. If anything happens to this town when I’m on watch, I would never forgive myself.” 
Standing up, you strap your best sword around your hip, and swing your bag onto your shoulders. Once at the door, you look back at your husband before opening it to leave. “I love you.” You call out to him.
You sigh, stepping out the door and closing it with care. Hopping off your porch and onto the dirt path, you begin making your way towards the bus stop. “I suppose I can make back some lost time with the mine carts…” You think out loud, shivering at the idea of using the old, shaky machinery.
The walk to the trail felt lonelier than normal. It was as though the grief of having betrayed your husband’s trust wore on your determination. 
You slouched over the mine cart, carefully loading everything and making sure you didn’t leave anything behind. 
“Wait!” A loud, commanding tone made you freeze in place. A wave of fear washed over you before you cared to look behind you to see where that voice came from. 
Turning around you watch as your husband, red faced and out of breath, comes trudging over to you. You can’t help but giggle at the funny sight. “Did you… run here? With all that on?”
“Yeah…” He responded, stopping before you, still catching his breath.
[Right, sorry for the cliff hanger, I do have to get some sleep though. I'd hate to magically pass out at 2 am like I always do lol... Anywho's, let me know if you catch any mistakes or just have any ideas. I am writing this at midnight so I'm bound to make some mistakes... With that being said, thank you all for reading and I hope your day/night is the best it can be!]
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