#Will be edited later
popcorn-plots · 3 months
@miinsie it's stuck in my head lol
Stephen stared at the ring. There was nothing truly spectacular about it-- just a simple golden band, the day of their first date engraved on the inside.
It taunted Stephen, sitting there on his bedside table. His sling ring sat behind it, mocking Stephen. For what, he didn't know.
He and Tony had been married for a week. They were still on their honeymoon, trapped in a hotel somewhere on the Italian east coast. It was romantic, yes, until Tony had to unexpectedly leave for work. Stephen never resented Tony for his work and his responsibilities, Stephen had to pull a lot of strings with some very specific bribes for Wong to cover for the duration of Stephen's honeymoon and not contact him unless the world was ending (no, Wong, man-eating cockroaches are a threat, but they despise the taste of human blood. it's not an emergency if you can just portal them back to their dimension). So no, Stephen didn't blame Tony for what he needed to do.
But it was lonely by himself. Tony was the one who spoke Italian, so Stephen just smiled and waved. He communicated in French, broken English, and translation spells, when the language barrier had become too much. With Tony gone, Stephen hadn't even thought of the translation spell. He didn't want to even try and talk to anyone today. Not when it was a bad hands day.
He wanted to wear his ring, though. He wanted to show the world that he was taken, and he couldn't do that when he wasn't wearing his ring. He couldn't even put his ring on in the first place, not with his hands aching more than usual with the humidity and his knuckles swollen slightly after a day of clinging to the sides of a gondola.
His hands were shaking even more than usually, and the anxiety of being alone in a foreign country did not make it better. But dammit, he would wear that ring! He had made a promise to Tony, and he wanted to keep it. Taking off the ring was what had marked Eugene's cheating and ended his parents' marriage.
Stephen refused to be his father.
Taking a deep breath, Stephen fumbled for the ring. It took a few tries, but he eventually got it. He barely had the moter control to even hook it onto his finger, let alone push it to the base.
He managed, eventually, but Vishanti, did it hurt. Stephen felt tears prick in his eyes as he shoved the ring passed the swollen knuckes. It finally settled on his proximal phalanx. He sighed.
It hurt, but when the ring was still, the pain was reduced to a dull throbbing. Not the worst he's overcome. It took some extra time for Stephen to get dressed when a spike of pain shot up his left arm. He ignored it, but a nagging voice in the back of his head told him it was from the weight of the ring.
Stephen ignored it.
An hour later, Stephen's hand was throbbing. Tears pricked his eyes at every movement, but he ignored it. Pushed it down. He had made a promise, for Gods' sake!
At the end of the day, Stephen was trying not to sob at the pain at he failed to get the ring off for the millionth time. He didn't want to use magic -- if he could get it on, he could take it off. He needed to prove to Tony that he could function without magic, just like how Tony could function without tech, now that the arc reactor was gone.
He could do it. He could take his ring off. He was so close to grasping it with his other hand when the door opened and Tony walked in. Stephen was caught off guard by his voice, so focussed on his task, that he jumped and cursed, loudly, when he hit his hand on the table. He whined, clutching his hands to his chest.
Before he knew it, Tony was kneeling besides him, gently taking Stephen's hands into his own. "Oh, baby." he breathed.
Stephen bit back a sob. "Hurts."
"It does look painful. Can you magic it off?"
Stephen sighed in defeat. He wanted to do it himself, but it just hurt and Tony didn't want to see Stephen so broken when he tried to use his hands.
The pain immediately ebbed as the ring phased onto the table. A few tears slipped when the pain lessened. Stephen tried to hold them in, but they fell anyways, falling until he was sobbing into Tony's shoulder.
"Stephen, baby, what's wrong?"
Stephen coughed. "I can't wear your ring," he cried.
"What ring?"
"My-- our wed-wedding ring... I can't wear it, and I-I promised! I don't want to- to be my da-dad." He cried, his words hidden by his cries and muffed by the shoulder holding him up. "I made a promise to you and-- I want to wear th-the ring, show the world-- to show you.. I'm yours."
"Oh, Stephen. You're not going to become your dad, I trust you, and I know you. You and me both would rather die before we were unfaithful. I'm sorry I didn't think about your hands, I didn't think you wouldn't be able to wear it. But Stephen," Tony knelt in front of Stephen, taking Stephen's face into his hands, "Look at me."
Stephen looked up, meeting Tony's warm, brown gaze. "You don't need a stupid ring for me to know you're mine. I love you, and I know you love me. That's all we need."
Stephen choked back a cry. "But--"
Tony took his hands away and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a large piece of leather. "It was a wedding gift from Thor. It has a bunch of symbols for love on it." Tony grabbed the discarded ring from the table and threaded it on the leather. "He never gave me a specific use for it, but I think this is a pretty good use."
Tony tied it nimbly, strong fingers tying the leather tightly. "Here." Tony pulled Stephen's head down and slipped the necklace over his head. The cold touch of the ring sent shiver through Stephen's body as it came to rest right below his collar bones, sitting on his manubrium.
"Now you can wear it whenever you want, no pain needed." Tony murmered, guiding Steohen's head up and pressing a gentle kiss on his lips.
Stephen closed his eyes, willing the tears to stay where they were. He failed and kissed Tony back.
"Thank you..."
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Now That's How You Beat A Downa! - (Bobby X Female Reader)
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Requested by: Nobody
Warnings: Murder and violence.. someeeewhat descriptive wording of the said violence.
Readers Gender: Female
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Fanfic Genre: ehh idk, after said violence gets fluffy after
Word Count: 2,117
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"Lovely day for it miss!"
"You look lovely today miss!"
You felt yourself blush from the random compliments you got from citizens around town as you walked down the street. Everyone there loved telling each other compliments. You weren't one of those people, when really you hated them. Not because you were a downer, goodness no. You just got flustered easily and didn't know how to take compliments too well.
You see, you has always been a shy women since you were a small pea, and that got some people suspicious because of it. Even the bobbies thought something was up. Of course you explained to the best of your ability that you were definitely not a downer, and never will be.
You were quite a gentle woman and never yelled at anyone, even if you were defending anyone. You thought discussing the problem is better then yelling at each other. Your parents taught you that from a young age.
You worked at a retirement home in Maiden Home. You always got along with older folk anyway, so why not get a job involved around it? Even if the job didn't pay well you still enjoyed the job very much. The con of it all was some of the old ladies would tease you from time to time, making you flustered and you would start stuttering like mad. They didn't mean no harm and you knew that too well. They were just having their fun.
Speaking of Maiden Home you were currently heading to Maiden Home to work. You lived in Wellington Wells, so you needed to walk to work which you didn't mind at all. Exercise is important after all! You hummed as you walked through the streets, smiling and saying "lovely day for it!" to people that walked past you. You were all fine and dandy until you felt someone sneak behind you and grab your arm harshly, putting something sharp against your neck. You screamed in fear and people around you gasped at the scene.
"Nobody move!" The stranger announced to the small crowd- "Or else this youngling gets to be beheaded!" The stranger shouted out, gripping your arm with his mostly likely disgusting nails. Whilst you hiss in pain you could see the crowd frantically panicking like any other citizen would do.
"Downa! Someone get the police!"
Most of the panicked citizens ran away in fear, leaving you with mostly no help whatsoever. Seeing this didn't make you reassured you wouldn't survive this situation. God you wished you could take more joy right about now... No dammit there's no time to worry about that. You just couldn't stand here and do nothing you'd be dead in the next matter of seconds!
In the moment you thought over what you could do to escape the downers grasp. Your best bet right now was to kick him right in the baby maker. All you needed was a distraction to make this work. To your luck though you heard blown whistles come from the right of you. You sigh in relief seeing the bobbies arrive.
"Ya downa bastard let the lass go or else!" One of the shorter bobbies threatened the downer with his baton in hand.
The older downer rolled his eyes not really caring for the bobbies threat, cackling mentally. "Not until you let the gates open for the rest of us. We want our freedom back!"
The group of bobbies didn't give two fucks about what the downer had to say and ignored his "deal". It didn't mean fuck all to the blokes. All they cared about was how to help get the filthy downer off of you without him hurting you in anyway. They thought over their options carefully, but they had to be fast. Luckily for you they helped your plan into action.
Bingo. A distraction.
With the newfound bravery you smirk ever wider
lifting your leg to kick the man's baby maker, making him cry out in pain and drop the knife he held you hostage with. You go to pick it up while he gasp in pain, running toward the man to kick him down while he's weak, aimed the knife into his forehead without thinking with all your strength. The man scream in agony trying to push you off but you only continued to stab his head that was gushing of blood and brain tissue
The bobbies lowered their batons and stared in shock of what you just did seeing the massacre that just occurred. You stop after a bit breathing heavily throwing the knife to the side standing up kicking the dead bastard that laid before you.
You took a moment to pause to look at the scene below you. You felt... almost thrilled? You thought anyone would after killing a downer, but it wasn't even for that reason. A new sense of blood thirst it felt like. Whatever it was you felt wrong in every way possible, and now your whole dress and mask were ruined by blood and brain matter.
You forgot the bobbies were even with you in the first place til you hear this coming toward you. You had this feeling in your mind that you were in trouble, but how could you be when this was how things were here? Turning around you quickly tried to come up with an explanation to what you just done.
"A-Alright Constables I-I'm-" You stuttered out in fear, lifting your hands up. "I'm never like this- I don't know-"
"Blimey! Now that's how you beat a downa lady!" One of the bobbies exclaimed approaching you. It was the shorter Bobby. He seemed too thrilled to see the blood massacre to your liking. Noticing the downers body he crouched down to look at the downers now destroyed forehead. "Whoa you'd need a lot of strength to do that... impressive." He points out like he was complementing you.
You didn't know how to take it to be honest.
"That was brilliant! Roight in the head there good job we can take it from here!" Another bobby complemented on your "fine" work patting your shoulder with a wild grin. All you do is laugh sheepishly, stepping away from the bobbies.
"Thank you thank you my good sir's, but I must head home now take care!" You tried laughing it off and walk off but you bump into one of the taller bobbies chest by accidental.
"Sorry there missy you alroight?" The kind Constable asked.
You turn around quickly and all you see was the uniform of the Constable. Backing up you could already tell he was half your height just by looking at the attractive Constable, a somewhat familiar Constable that had such an lovely voice too. You swore you met this Constable before, but you couldn't remember his name.
The Constable notices the remaining blood on your clothes. He knew he couldn't do much to clean it expect your mask, so he bent down on his knee.
"Sorry if this seems off putting, but you got some... blood on ya mask still. Ya mind if I wipe it at least some of it off?" He asks kindly pulling out a cloth.
What a kind gesture from a man such as himself. He probably had better things to do then this but here he was being ever so kind so how could you deny the gesture from one of the men that technically help you save your life? With hesitancy you allow him;
"O-Of course Constable! I have a few hours left till I got to go to work anyways." You explain, reassuring the officer of the law. "And it's... kind of hard for me to see anyway, so thank you."
The Constable chuckles from your response,  starting to wipe your mask. "Of course."
He tried as hard as he could to clean it, but a simple rag wouldn't do much. As long as you could see that'd be enough for you to get home safely in his mind. Whilst wiping down the blood off your mask he looked past you to see the downers body being carried by one of his colleague. You saw him cringe a bit from this.
"Jesus, you... really killed him real good aye?" The Constable joked with you to ease your nerves, but you decide not to respond. He could tell him joking about it wasn't going to help so he moved onto something else.
"So tell me miss."
You turn your gaze into his blu- wait. They were brown. Interesting. His eyes were bloody brown. How rare to see something like that on a Constable. Brown was a much gentle kinder colour then the regular piercing blue eyes of the majority of the Constables had.
"I'm surprised you pulled that off. From afar it looked like the downa had a tight grip on ya."
You rubbed your arm shyly with a chuckle "Well Constable, I saw an opportunity to strick when he got distracted by you and your lads. Simple enough."
He hummed at your answer, nodding. "That makes sense. You're one tough cookie when ya can be shy bee."
You feel your cheeks start to flush from the silly nickname brushing it off like you didn't hear it.
"What is your name anyways? You seem familiar to me. I just can't quite remember..." The Constable asks curiously tilting his head. He sounded genuine.
"It's Y/N, my good sir, and thank you." You introduce yourself with a smile.
The Constable seemed to perk up hearing your name. He smiled before removing the rag off your mask. It seemed like in no time at all at least half the blood was cleaned off to his surprise. "Y/N... oh that's right now I remember. You work at Maiden Home yea?"
"That's indeed right Constable, but I'm curious as to how you guessed?" You ask him teasingly, and he seems to get a little defensive.
"I ain't no stalker miss I promise. I just overhead the old ladies talking about ya, is all, and from some of the lads too. They all say you're really kind and of course they're right about that." He says quickly in his defensive, feeling flustered, but all you do is roll your eyes at him.
"You really think my first thought was that you were a stalker? Oh please." Your attitude turned sarcastic seeing his reaction. It was almost too cute not to mess with him- "Word can get around sometimes, but I didn't know such good things were being said about me how charming!"
The Constable sighs in relief now standing up, nodding. "You're a real cheeky one Y/N, but due to my line of work I must continue from here; but not without returning you home safe and sound first with the news of downas running about today." He presents his arm to you leaning forward. "I don't think I can handle seeing you in harms way again ma'am, and I really don't want you to go to work looking like bloody marry all day. Since I know people will freak out seeing your clothes all drenched I know a safer route to get ya back home."
You were shocked at such an offer. It was an offer you didn't want to refuse as you felt safe and comfortable with this particular Constable. You reach an arm out to wrap your hand around his arm with a chuckle.
"I'll gladly take your offer Constable thank you so much, but you really don't have to do this."
"Oh but I want to ma'am. It's my job to protect the citizens of this fine city after all." The Constable states as you two began to walk toward the back of the city. It would be a bit before this egging question got the best of you, but you just had to ask.
"This might sound a bit intruding, but you also look familiar to me as well, and I'd like to know the Constable that helped with my mask. What's ya name Constable?" You ask in a genuine way, you didn't want to seem rude after all.
The Constable then stopped to look down at you with a cheeky smile. "It's Constable Tommy ma'am."
You couldn't help but smile wider from his smile. It was ever so charming as you two began walking again. "Constable Tommy... a lovely name for a man in service."
You couldn't tell, but the Constable began to flush under his mask from your lovely complement, looking away from this unannounced feeling in his heart.
"Righto ma'am, righto..."
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void4brainz · 1 year
Why hello
I’m Goner and this is my little space where is post about my FFXIV characters and my time playing the game.
The main two character who you will see here are Yoyo and Voss, a bubbly dressed in pink black mage and a roguish voidsent hell bent on bringing his world back. I also have a small band of extra character who live their (un)lives and sometimes meet up with the main duo. Among these extra’s there is Declan, a miqo’te vampire hunting his cruel Sire. Finlay, Declan’s hyur companion and novice scholar. Louise, A young Tremere vampire looking for one very special book.
Now, On To The Lore!
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YOYO -Yoyo was 15 when she moved from her hometown to Gridania, she grew up in an orphanage, was never adopted and then just moved away. She left nothing behind, everything she had fit in her backpack - Around the time she is 10 years she accidentally summons a voidsent, only by essences and thus invisible to her and the world but strongly tied to her. She later learn to communicate with the voidsent, who tells her his name is Voss and he can help her become a powerful mage. - Yoyo studied with the conjurers before being send to Ul’Dah to join the black mages. she was able to learn basic magicks in Gridania, but her teacher realised she wasn't drawing on nature, so they send her to study with the Buki clan instead. -This Is Where ARR Starts-  -More Lore Will Be Added Later-
VOSS - Voss was a hero on the 13th shard before his world was sundered. In his life before he was a rogue easily persuaded to do whatever job by the right amount of money. - As a voidsent his is considered one of the oldest and most powerful among the higher ranks. Despite this he makes his domain in a deserted ruined castle, far away from his peers. - One day he wakes for a slumber to a voice calling to him, he reaches out and so finds himself summoned to Eorzea by Yoyo. He quickly realized he is invisible to the world around him, but he can still pull at the aether and feed himself. He also realized Yoyo can hear him and he promises her that he will help her become a powerful mage. -This Is Where ARR Starts-  -More Lore Will Be Added Later-
+Comics+ Yoyo&Voss The very start Magic lessons
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flame-shadow · 1 year
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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badolmen · 9 months
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danlous · 2 months
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Lestat + his wedding band 2.07 'I Could Not Prevent It' / Meet the Vampire Lestat teaser
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aphel1on · 11 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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jackalspine · 18 days
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I didn’t finish the other version of this where they’re both biblically accurate lol
Day 2: sep.8 Strange
I guess it’s a part 2 to that other one huh.
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z13lovebot · 13 days
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Go fish
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vulpinesaint · 2 months
pspspspsps poetry mutuals come here... new quiz... making you the patron saint of something...
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theboxfort · 1 year
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[Image Description: A white text box: "Accounts created after May 8th, 2023 have the 'For You' tab as the default dashboard tab. Other existing users' dashboard tabs are not changed. We are also working on making dashboard tabs even more customizable, including adding the ability to choose which tab appears first." End ID.]
From the latest update (June 2nd, 2023)
Oh, fuck this. If you're a new user, don't forget to set your dashboard to Following and turn "Based on your likes" and "Best stuff first" off
EDIT: A few corrections
For new users, you can't change the default back to Following. This means that whenever you open up your app/go to your dash, the first tab you'll see is the For You tab
Note for the previous point, I can't confirm this since my account is rather old, if anybody has an examples, I'd appreciate it
Yes, some people mentioned that you don't have to turn off Based on your likes and Best stuff first, but that's mostly my preference since (to me at least) it does not work, it just shows me random shit that is absolutely not based on my likes
My main problem with this update is that it strips the user from being able to choose what they wanted to see. It's totally cool if you use the For You tab, but it shouldn't be the default option
Additional points from the tags and reblogs:
You can turn off public likes and followings, again, not mandatory, but it's an option
Make sure to turn off Tumblr Live (pretty sure it's only available to US users, which I am not one) since it apparently drains mobile data
There are (browser) addons and extensions that allows you to block elements or make your tumblr experience better, like uBlock Origin (an adblocker which can be used to block certain elements from showing up) and the XKit Control Panel/New XKit
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ashoss · 3 months
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really wanted to draw some women so i made my instagram suggest some
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i was gonna do just the black and white like the cass here but then i had to color kori and then i had to colour talia and then the b&w didnt look right with diana,,,, and then i had to go back and colour cass lol
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emotionalcadaver · 2 months
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Do you love me? You imbecile.
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bicheetopuff · 5 months
I guess it’s this kids birthday so I’m gonna remind you what character development can do to a mf
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He deserves to be happy
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tizeline · 5 months
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Oh? What's that? Ya'll want the next part of TSAU's story? Well fuck you you're getting this fucking thing instead.
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frakes · 10 days
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#the girls are fighting!! STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE • 3.07 “Civil Defense”
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