#Will probably make a base hero verse for the babs
altrxisme · 1 year
/cracks knuckles/ time to readjust the muses' hero verse specifically to adjust to having watched AT.SV
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Wait no tell me more about Dick Grayson the miraculous holder for the day
OKAY you asked for it we're going on a whole other tangent first
I have a headcanon that in Aurélia's verse, each superhero has a list for who can step in to be their hero identity if needed. It started with Steph sometimes going out as Aurélia-Batgirl when Aurélia needed to be somewhere (so that people wouldn't connect no-Batgirl with Aurélia) and then Aurélia covered as Spoiler when Steph was injured so people wouldn't put together Spoiler being MIA and Steph Brown having a broken arm, and Bruce thinks that's a very good idea (eg, Batman can be seen while Brucie Wayne is at a gala) so they all sit down and make lists, based on appearance (eg Steph & Aurélia, Jason as an alt Batman because of size, Thomas & Tim), specific abilities (Aurélia as Nightwing because of the gymnastics, Tim as Oracle bc tech, Damian as Orphan bc ninja), and ability to just act like each other
and also, Aurélia might have been Robin first, but she really is Dick & Babs' superhero lovechild but especially she is Dick's legacy like, they fight the same way, her weapon as Drakena is escrima sticks because that's what Dick uses, I can't explain all of it she just really is and it's very important to me
so when Aurélia first got the miracle box from Bruce (and specifically the Hestia miraculous) she made a backup plan for what if she can't fight, and that plan is Dick Grayson. They fight the same way so there won't be the difficulties that Adrien and Marinette had when they swapped, and Dick is the only Batfam/Justice League affiliated person that she trusts could stop her and not get akumatized himself if he came to Paris. And she knows that the only way that she wouldn't be able to use her miraculous is if she got akumatized and if that happened, she knows that neither her team or Marinette & Adrien's team could stop her, they need someone who can
(which is the reason she hasn't asked for help dealing with Hawkmoth, the level destruction that could happen if a Justice League member got akumatized would be...... universe ending, probably)
so anyways anyways Aurélia gets akumatized (terrible time, she has repressed the fuck out of everything and kept her head clear for so long but after Miracle Queen aka after dealing with Audrey, she snaps. Leaves her bracelet in a box in her room and runs away beacuse she knows she's going to break and is trying to get as far away as possible before she does), Luka finds Adrien and just tells him straight up that hey, Aurélia is going to be akumatized
Adrien runs home and tries to find her in her room, she's not there, but he finds her miracle box and a note with a phone number and "just in case", doesn't know what it means but calls (it's the Batcave). Which leads to Dick showing up in Paris (side note – in this headcanon the zeta tubes are not working which is why Aurélia didn't just leave Paris/France completely, but he has Wally speed him there and then immediately leave so he doesn't get akumatized), meets Adrien for the first time, and ends up using Aurélia's miraculous to help fight
bonus fun fact, although Marinette didn't want to bring back any of the hero team after Miracle Queen, she has to bring back Luka because without time travel they would all be fucking dead af
(also i love her akuma form so much)
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lizartgurl · 6 years
Perfect Marks (Aqualad x OC Soulmate AU)
Word Count: 6200+
Summary: Write something on your skin, it appears on your soulmate’s skin as well
My sole goal of joining tumblr was to make decent Kaldur content and this shows it. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything this fast-paced, and I had no idea a one-shot would turn out this long, but I really enjoyed writing it!
Based off of @the-shadow-of-atlantis‘s soulmate au for Kaldur and her oc, Annabella (x) and inspired by @writing-yj‘s The Bird Tattoo xreader  series (x). You guys are both incredible writers, and I love reading your fanfics :)
@staar-sailorr @super-spoiler @lesbianstargirl @flamebiirds @princes-jasmine (please let me know if any of you do not want to be tagged in my oc fics in the future. i’m just tagging you for now becuz)
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The morning of her first day of high school, Emma Grayson screamed.
Half of Gotham must have heard it, if not the entire manor. Rick, just down the hall, skid right into the bathroom door trying to help.
“Emma, what is it?”
“Just look!” Emma shrieked, shoving her arm in his face. Her little brother's eyes went wide at the thick black marks winding up and down both her arms.
“You and Roy went out clubbing last night and didn't bring me?” He asked, with a twinkle in his eye.
“Well how do you know we didn't sneak Wally with us?” Emma snapped.
He shrugged, leaning against the doorway with an insufferable smirk that he couldn't hide. “Wally and I are too tight for him to leave me out of any shenanigans.”
Bruce materialized in the doorway before Emma could smack Rick, and sighed as he saw the marks on her arms.
“You don't remember getting any tattoos yesterday?” He asked.
“No.” Emma shook her head.
“And you're not hungover, so you probably wouldn't have blacked out,” he murmured, taking Emma's arm in his hands to examine the marks. “Do they hurt at all?”
Emma shrugged. “They itch a little, but not painfully.”
Bruce nodded. “They must be your soulmate's markings then. Probably tattoos.”
Emma sighed. She herself wasn’t very artistic, so she never would have drawn something so elaborate on herself, but she never took into account that her soulmate might be. And if they were tattoos, that meant that even if her soulmate showered five times a day, they would never come off of either of them. Emma was absolutely terrified of needles and vowed to never get a tattoo. She never thought she'd be paired with someone who got those giant sleeve tattoos, much less tattoos at all.
“Get dressed, make sure you don't have anymore. Richard, you go get dressed too. I'll see you both downstairs for breakfast in a minute.” Bruce instructed.
Emma locked the door behind them and bravely faced her reflection in the silver-framed mirror. They each started on her hands, snake heads, with no embellishments other than an eye and an open mouth. The snakes then twisted around her arms three times and continued on to her shoulders. After taking off her PJs and turning around a couple times, she found that they connected, arcing down to her lower back.
A few minutes and a couple puffy eyes later, she met Bruce in the dining room, taking her usual place across from Rick.
“For you, Miss Emma.” In addition to her breakfast platter of eggs and bacon, Alfred handed Emma a jar of concealer that matched her skin tone.
Bruce wiped his chin of jelly from his toast. “With tattoos of this size, keeping them hidden is vital to your secret identity. Not only would people try to replicate the tattoos to claim to be your soulmate, they would also connect Finch and Emma Grayson with the similar tattoos.”
Emma nodded, and began to apply the concealer to the back of her hands. Her school uniform and her Finch uniform already had long sleeves in case of such a situation. Now the rest of her wardrobe would follow suit. At least Gotham was miserable, cold, and wet ninety-nine percent of the time.
Alfred dropped Emma and Rick off at Gotham Academy before taking Bruce to the WayneTech offices, and Bruce made a big show of seeing his children off on their first day of a new school year for the all-seeing public eye.
“We can look more into them tonight, Emma. How about that?” He offered with a winning smile, a last attempt to cheer her up.
“Sure,” she smiled back. Rick had already run off for the building with the middle school classes. Emma was moving up to the high school building this year, with grades nine through twelve.
She plopped into the open seat between Barbara Gordon and Lucas Fox in first-period chemistry.
“Hey, Emma! How you doing?” Babs asked, sounding peppy and upbeat.
“Long morning.” She groaned.
“As always on the first day of school, huh?” Luke asked with a chuckle.
Emma giggled too. Her friends knew just how to cheer her up, even if they didn't know what was going on.
“Emma?” Barbara was squinting at her hands, “Are you wearing-”
“Good Morning!” The chem teacher trilled along with the bell, and Barbara forgot what she was going to say.
Head cushioned in her arms in the edge of the second row, Emma snuck a look at her two closest friends, who both had their sleeves rolled up to their elbows in the warm classroom. She had to settle for just taking off her sweater.
Luke and Barbara were the two smartest students in their grade at prestigious Gotham Academy, which rubbed off on Emma. They were both in the computer science club. Luke was in robotics club, and wanted to be an engineer like his father, Lucius Fox, head of the R&D department of WayneTech. Barbara's father was Police Commissioner James Gordon of the GCPD, and spent every spare moment in the library. Emma took to joining her, and Rick and Luke would join them.
Instead of paying attention to the long list of safety procedures that Doctor Crane was going over, Emma spent first period thinking over whether or not to tell her friends. Would someone overhear? Would they let things slip?
It would just have to be another secret she kept from them.
Bruce was gone from the time that they got home to late at night, so Emma persuaded Rick to help her look through all the books that the Manor’s library had on Soulmates and their markings, so long as they got to watch Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark while doing it.
Most of the books Emma read were general knowledge. Whenever you wrote or drew something on your skin, it appeared on your soulmate’s body as well. Mostly it was just notes and reminders, doodles in the midst of boredom, but tattoos were a popular tactic to try and find your soulmate quicker, by looking for the exact replica of your tattoo on someone else.
There were several books on the language of markings, symbols ranging from elaborate to simple that could send a certain message to your soulmate were they also well-versed in the language of markings. Emma didn’t find anything resembling her soulmate’s markings in any of those books, so she tossed them on the floor with Rick’s books, which had slid off his lap after he fell asleep shortly after Indy entered the Well of Souls.
Sighing tiredly, Emma shut off the TV, but the excitement of her soulmate’s markings and the first day of school all rolled into one left her exhausted, and she never wanted to leave the sunken cushions of her favorite TV couch.
Shrouded in night, the room faded into darkness. Emma removed her sweater to use a blanket, and stopped.
“Rick,” she whispered, jabbing him in the shoulder.
“Huh?” He asked, “Is the movie over?”
“You fell asleep, but look,” She held out her arms, bare beneath her t-shirt. The black, geometric shapes were now outlined by a faint blue glow, reflected on Emma’s face. The light itself seemed almost alive, and thought it could have been the lack of sleep, Emma thought she saw it swirling around the room, back and forth like an ocean’s current. Beautiful and powerful. Magical.
Rick laughed giddly. “That’s so cool!” He said, suddenly awake.
Emma laughed too. Maybe her soulmate’s markings weren’t so bad after all.
Weeks passed without them fading. Bruce had been right about them being tattoos. They itched like fresh tattoos, though the ink wasn’t in her skin. Alfred gave her a soothing skin balm to rub on her arms before she went to bed each night, guided by the blue lights. They made the perfect night light, though Emma had long since outgrown such things. She’d jolt awake from a nightmare, only to have the magical light envelop her with a tingling sensation somewhat like an electric shock. It was comforting, like a never-ending hug.
Sometimes, on patrol, when Bruce wasn’t looking, Emma would take off her glove and let the snake-head glow, smiling somewhat as she showed it all of Gotham City. Her soulmate must really like snakes, and if they cast the light that her tattoos did, maybe they were a magician like Zatara.
Emma desperately hoped that her soulmate was a hero. She wanted to be able to tell them everything, to share both parts of her life with her soulmate.
“Woah,” Wally gaped appreciatively as Emma showed off her right arm in the seclusion of a back alley in Star City, just outside the “Arrow-Cave,” or the “Quiver,” which Ollie was convinced would catch on.
Roy nodded, but from the way his lower lip jutted out as he slowly nodded, it was clear that he was impressed by whoever had etched these tattoos.
“Show us your tattoos again, Roy.” Emma said. She rolled her sleeve back down, cutting off the light.
Roy rolled up the right arm sleeve of his shirt, exposing the small constellation on his shoulder. The big dipper, or the bear and the birds according to those who had generously raised him. It was a permanent reminder of his childhood and what he had learned with them. After Emma smiled, he showed off the tattoo on his left shoulder. The one from his soulmate.
It was a perfect circle, a shield, he insisted, with the head of Medusa and several wriggling snakes spreading from the center. The Aegis, Athena’s shield. Obviously his soulmate had a penchant for Greek mythology.
“I’m thinking of getting a tattoo,” Wally lounged against the brick wall.
“Oh really? What would you get? A hot dog?” Rick asked, balancing in a handstand on top of the fence that cut the alleyway in half.
“Ha, ha.” Wally huffed, offended. “What would you get, Boy Wonder?” He demanded.
“A bird, duh.” He flipped in the air, landing neatly in front of Wally, “A robin, to be precise. Right behind the ear.”
“What about you, Emma?” Roy asked. “If you got a tattoo, what would you get?”
Emma leaned back on top of the trash can, using her arms to prop herself up. “Probably a music heart, with the treble and bass clefs twisted into the shape of a heart.” But she still wasn’t certain. That didn’t seem special enough compared to her soulmate’s tattoos, or Roy’s tattoo, but it was the best that she could come up with in two seconds.
Rick and Wally were still bickering. “So if it’s not a hot dog, what is it then? Nachos?”
“No! It’d be  the digits of pi, stretching from my right hand to my left, like Emma’s!”
“Aren’t those the same thing?” Roy asked as the younger two continued to yell. He knew better than to expect an answer.
Emma shook her head, grinning at the secret she was keeping, this one more for her own amusement than out of necessity. Rick had sketched out where he wanted his tattoo earlier, and now it was hidden beneath his raven-colored mop. And when Wally had taken off his mask to eat some of Ollie’s cookies in the safety of the Quiver, Emma glimpsed a few wobbly sharpie lines in Rick’s non-artistic peeking out from under the bright red hair. Wally was too distracted to notice it for himself, and it was hidden beneath his lightning bolts whenever Rick had been looking at him.
The next day at school, chem class was cancelled because Doctor Crane was missing. Emma and Babs went to the library while Luke finished his homework in the computer lab. Alysia Yeoh wrote her phone number on Barbara’s hand in black pen as the three discussed Harry Potter and the New Hunger Games movie. Then in the middle of civics class, the same ten numbers jumped out at Emma, faint on the back of Luke’s writing hand and nearly made her spit out her strawberry lemonade.
She texted Roy in glee so she wouldn’t blurt out and ruin the surprise for Luke. He let her, though he wasn’t really the kid of person that got obsessed with soulmates.
Emma, however could not wait to meet her soulmate.
Batman called in Flash and Aquaman to help out with a new villain, calling himself “Scarecrow”. Finch was texting Roy with updates every five minutes, and managed to catch the end of Aquaman’s reply as the Batmobile roared towards the Harbor.
“I will be bringing an apprentice of sorts with me.”
“You have an apprentice?” Batman asked. His monotone betrayed no surprise.
“A recent development, I will admit. It will not be a problem, will it? I want to get him started as soon as possible, and after all, Flash and yourself have sidekicks of your own, as does Green Arrow, some of them younger than Aqualad.”
“I take it that’s his name, then?”
“I take it will be fine, then?”
Robin snorted. It wasn’t every day that they heard a member of the Justice League sassing Batman. Typically, Wonder Woman was the only person who could get away with that, on account of her lack of weaknesses. Aquaman may or may not pay for that comment sooner or later if he didn’t watch his back.
“Meet you at the rendezvous point.” Batman cut off the transmission, glaring at his kids in the mirror. Finch only shrugged back at him. Her tattoos were itching again.
Flash pulled up seconds before the Batmobile came to a complete stop.
“Ha! We were here first!” Robin cackled.
“Only counts if you’re out of the car, boy wonder,” Kid patted him on top of his head. Emma grumbled, wishing that Roy were here, so at least she wouldn’t feel like an outcast to their flirting. She pulled out her phone again.
“Finch, phone away. Scarecrow can track the signal.” Batman instructed. She shoved it securely in her belt pocket.
“So how long did Fish man say it’d take him?” Flash asked.
“He’s probably taking the scenic route to show Aqualad around,” Robin piped up.
“Aqualad?” It was Kid’s turn to be surprised now.
In answer, there was a splash from the docks, and Aquaman flew out of the water, crouching in a majestic landing a moment later. A smaller splash followed, with a much less graceful landing that nearly sent the poor “Aqualad” stumbling back into the water.
“Woah!” Finch lunged forward, grabbing his wrist.
“Th-thank you, my lady,” He fell over himself to find his balance, bowing as courteously as he could with sea legs.
“Oh, no worries!” Emma insisted. “And- and you can call me Finch, please.”
“Apologies,” He said immediately, “I am afraid I am not used to the surface yet, it is still very new to me.”
“You will get used to it, Kaldur’ahm,” Aquaman gave a broad smile, clapping his new protege on the shoulder.
“Robin, Kid Flash, I would like to introduce my protege, Aqualad.”
“Cool!” Kid sped over, nearly shoving Finch to the side to shake Aqualad’s hand. “I’m Kid Flash! The coolest superhero around, but you can call me Wally when we’re off-duty.”
Robin saluted. “I’m Robin. Call me Rob. And you’ve already met my sister, Finch.”
“Yes, I have. It is wonderful to meet all of you.”
“Well, there’s also Speedy, but his mentor has a hot date with Black Canary tonight so they’re all currently unavailable,” Kid Flash snickered as their mentors discussed the issue at hand.
Finch gave him an elbow in the gut. “So, Aqualad, how long have you been working with Aquaman?” She nodded towards the adults, and Aqualad followed her indication.
“How are you working with Aquaman?” Robin asked, “I didn’t know the guy had any kids.”
“He does not,” Aqualad assured him. “I am one of his subjects. About two weeks ago, Ocean Master and his followers attacked Atlantis. Though he appeared to best Aquaman, my friends and I, students at Her Majesty’s Conservatory of Sorcery, were able to distract Ocean Master long enough for our king to recover. To show his gratitude, he gave us the opportunity to become his protege. I was the only one who accepted. I have spent the past few weeks training with my king and learning more about the surface world, the dangers it faces, and the threats to Atlantis.”
“Hey, kids! Gather round!” Flash beckoned them over, and Emma groaned inwardly at being called kids. They were on the younger side of teenage years, yeah, but the work they did was anything but childish. Unless you were Wally, and then you could be immature about anything.
While the adults had the dangerous job of actually going in after Scarecrow, the kids were designated to the much less dangerous assignment of patrolling the perimeter to make sure that Scarecrow nor his recently-acquired henchmen got away.
Finch didn’t mind it that much, she could get away with being lazy when Batman wasn’t looking over her shoulder every second, but Kid and Robin were a little upset at being left behind. They mirrored each other, chin propped up in one hand each.
“Why did Batman need to call us in again?” Kid asked. “I mean, isn’t he always like, ‘Bleh bleh, I work alone, bleh bleh,” He imitated the dark and scratchy voice of a vampire.
“Scarecrow’s only weapon is his fear gas, and he’s trying to figure out how to transform that gas into a liquid to infect Gotham’s water supply, and maybe the whole coast, and he needs someone in forensics who can track the fear gas chemicals super-fast, like your uncle. I’m pretty sure Aquaman invited himself along when Flash blabbed about the possibility of the coasts being affected.” Robin listed off.
“Well, the oceans are Aquaman’s responsibility. He takes that very seriously,” Aqualad was the only one of them standing at attention. His eyes were used to the dimness of the water, giving him an edge in night-vision. “He is a very good king, and he does not wish to let down his people.”
Finch set aside her phone. “It sounds like you really respect him.”
“I do. He has been very kind to my family. I admire his heroism for Atlantis and the world.”
Emma’s mind suddenly swelled with curiosity about Atlantis, but before she could ask, the doors of the warehouse they’d been staking out blew open to smoke, and about ten dark-clothed thugs ran out, coughing violently.
“Is that fear gas?” Kid asked.
“Nah, that’s probably just Batman’s smoke pellets.” Emma shot her grappling cord at a tower of cargo containers. “Try to keep up, Gentlemen!” She sang, swinging off towards the escaping thugs. She landed on one, taking him out. Another got a kick to the jaw, and the other hit her in the back. She staggered forward to regain her balance, alone against nine. Maybe she should have waited for the boys, that way she wouldn’t have been alone in facing them.
The thugs said nothing, but grunted, swinging and lunging at her as she danced around them, doing what she could to stay out of their grip and take advantage of any openings.
“Finch, look out!” It took a moment for her to register the almost-unfamiliar voice before Aqualad shoved her out of the way of a thug sneaking up behind her, getting trapped in the bear hug grip instead. Aqualad refused to lose his cool, and took a deep breath. A blue glow started at his shoulders, twisting down his arms, and letting out a burst of bio-electricity that stunned his captor with a scream.
“Woah,” Wally’s eyes were wide with admiration.
Emma’s eyes were wide too.
His tattoos glowed a warm blue hue.
And they matched the marks hidden on Emma’s arms.
“Emma, get up.”
“We’re gonna be late for school.”
“Go without me.”
“No.” Still in his PJs, Rick took a flying leap at Emma’s queen-sized bed and bounced until she threw off her covers and started bouncing with him.
“So you met your soulmate, huh?”
Emma bit her lip before she could bite back with a “You too”.
“I thought I was ready to meet them, but I guess I’m not,” She said, still bouncing.
“Well, you don’t have to tell him. Not yet, anyways,” He pointed out. “Me, however, I’m not gonna be able to hold this in for very long.” Emma suddenly wanted to shout out that Wally was Rick’s soulmate, but she held herself back.
“It feels wrong,” Emma said, landing on her butt. Rick landed next to her, bouncing a couple times.
“He’s from Atlantis. He should have been soulmates with someone from Atlantis, someone who understands his tattoos and markings and their cultural significance,” She traced the tattoo up her right arm, an eel, not a snake. Aqualad had told a nervously curious Wally last night. After the fight and noticing Aqualad’s tattoos, it was like someone had flipped a switch from casual to awkward. She couldn’t even look at him without turning bright red. According to the marks on her skin, this was the man she was destined to spend her life with, to fall in love with. And she had known him for less than a day.
“You could always learn more about Atlantis. Ask him, talk to him.” Rick pointed out. “I think Bruce gave Aquaman a water-proof cell phone for AL to use. I can look up his number if you want-”
“No, I can ask him next time we team up, thank you very much.” Emma interrupted.
She sighed. “It probably would be a good idea to start there, though.”
Rick hugged her, his arms around her neck. “It’ll all work out, you’ll see.” He promised.
Emma hugged his arms, holding her little brother. “Thanks, Rick.”
“Master Richard! Miss Emma! You’re going to be late for school!”
The team was formed a few months later. Roy refused entry to the kiddie club, leaving an opening for Superboy and Miss Martian, neither of whom had any markings for themselves or from their soulmates. Emma was ecstatic, though both she and Aqualad missed having Speedy around. Artemis came next, an arrow tattoo wrapped around her bicep, and Speedy became “Red Arrow”, to show that he was moving on.
In the Junior Justice League base of Mount Justice, hero aliases were traded for civilian ID’s and nicknames. Wally remained the only one in confidence of Finch and Robin’s secret ID’s, but other than the three of them, there was Conner, Megan, Artemis (yes, it was the same as her hero name), and Kaldur.
Kaldur’s maturity and level-headedness got him elected team leader, in charge of organizing missions and getting the ragtag team to work together. Emma found herself sticking close by to help out with paperwork and discussing team problems and training with Kaldur. Not just because she wanted to get to know Kaldur, but because she felt so comfortable with him. She could talk to him about how red skittles were clearly the best out of all skittles, and he would listen intently. She could ask him a rhetorical question and he would answer patiently, or he would help her find the answer. He put time and effort into her, and she did the same. He was still studying and experiencing Surface Culture, and Emma loved explaining things to him.
Time set aside for mission discussions more often than not turned into these discussions of almost nothing. Kaldur was quite businesslike, compared to everyone else, at least, but Rick insisted that he “melted” around Emma.
“Still think that fate made a mistake?” He asked.
Emma shrugged. “I feel guilty for hiding it now. What if he thinks I only spent time with him because he’s my soulmate and not because...” She trailed off.
“Because you really care about him?” Artemis asked, loudly sipping a can of pineapple juice stolen from Wally. She and Megan knew, of course. Those things tended to happen when you shared a locker room.
Emma shrugged. “I just don’t think I’m ready yet.”
The others were, though, and she could tell.
“It’s not their secret to tell.” Roy told her over the phone. “If any of them so much as blurt the world ‘soulmate’ in Kal’s direction before you give the okay, I’ll kick all their butts.”
“How do you put up with it?” She asked him. Roy was basically a best friend to both Emma and Kaldur. Keeping it a secret from one of them had to be hard.
“I’ll admit, it’s hilarious seeing you two blushing and talking like that and he apparently doesn’t get a clue.”
“You jerk!” Emma threw a pillow at the wall to substitute for throwing one at Roy.
“Seriously, Em,” His laughter had faded, “You like him, don’t you? And he likes you. What do you have to lose by telling him?”
Nothing. She had nothing to lose. Or did she? She couldn’t tell, and it drove her insane.
“Is something bothering you, Finch?” Aqualad asked.
“Dragonfire,” She reminded him, flexing her new wings. A gift from her old friend the Joker.
“Yes, of course. My apologies,” He still bowed his head formally. Emma liked it when he used Atlantean mannerisms.
“It’s okay, I like that you still call me that sometimes.” She liked it so much her stomach tickled. She passed it off as her new powers being irritating.
Raquel overheard, and like the others she had it.
“We have to set them up,” She declared to the team while Kaldur and Dragonfire were off doing “important paperwork”.
“Agreed,” Artemis pounded her fist on the island counter for emphasis.
“But how are we going to convince Dra that she should tell? The longer she waits, the more nervous she gets.” Wally said
“Shouldn’t we let them decide?” Conner tried to say.
The PA switched on in a burst of static. “Team, report to the mission room.”
According to intel from Batman, Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, had escaped from Arkham Asylum and was hiding somewhere in Miami, Florida. The team’s mission was to find Scarecrow and whoever was helping him, and make it hard for Scarecrow to hurt anyone until Batman and the League could come in and deal with Scarecrow themselves.
While everyone else donned a tank top to go with their shorts, Emma stuck with her usual long-sleeved shirt in the Florida sun.
“Are you not hot in that?” Kaldur asked.
“I’m fine,” Dragonfire insisted with a smile. Several girls walked past, admiring Kal’s tattoos, and Emma turned away, just a little bit jealous. Of course, it was her own fault for not being more open about their marks in the first place. The team was split up patrolling the city. Kid Flash and Robin scouted out the perimeter, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis had the malls, Zatanna and Rocket had the streets, and Kaldur and Dragonfire had the beach. They walked in silence, side by side through the warm sand, keeping an eye out for any shady or straw-like figures.
And then Kaldur reached down and took Emma’s hand.
“Huh?” She didn’t realize that she’d said that out loud, as if he’d said something she’d misheard.
“I thought that it would sell our inconsequential appearance if we pretended to be a couple,” He said, “Is that alright?”
Emma smiled, thankful that her blush was hidden beneath her sunglasses and the brim of her floppy straw hat. “That’s just fine,” She assured him.
It wasn’t awkward, and it certainly wasn’t boring when Kaldur was around. There was no doubt about it, Emma knew that she was in love.
And then there were screams.
Emma tried to stop the crying child that was running down the beach, but she only screamed louder and ran in the other direction, avoiding anyone who reached out or stopped to try and help her, until she finally fell to her knees, curled up in a little ball. More kids were appearing with those symptoms, jumping at every little movement or sound. Fear gas.
No time to wait for the League, Dragonfire and Kaldur sprinted the way the kids had come.
“Aqualad to Team, come in, the symptoms of mass fear gas have been spotted on the beach. Rendezvous at our coordinates ASAP.”
“Kid Flash to Aqualad, Rob and I found the remains of a lab used to create fear gas about five miles inland.”
“Tag and bag the evidence, then come help us,” Dragonfire instructed. More and more people were screaming out of fear now, not just the kids.
They spotted Scarecrow out at sea, on a rickety old boat bobbing on the waves that were becoming more and more tumultuous every second. Had the clouds been that dark and ominous a second ago?
“Hold on!” Kaldur shouted. Emma wrapped her arms around his torso as he dove into the waves, holding on for dear life as he made for the boat like a torpedo. He shot out of the water and Emma spread her dragon wings, dropping him on the ship like a bomb. Scarecrow threw canisters of fear gas at both of them, but Emma fried them with her electricity, negating the anxiety-inducing abilities. Her fists crackled and her hair billowed with static as she hovered above the ship like a bird of prey, providing cover as Kaldur fought off Scarecrow’s guards. Emma went for the big man himself. It was strange to think that this was her old biology teacher, but given how teachers were treated in America, she really couldn’t blame him. She swept in with a hook to the jaw, sending him stumbling backwards.
“How do we stop it, Crane?” She demanded, going for intimidation. The guy liked fear, right?
“Such power...” Crane hissed, “Tell me, child, what scares a god like you?”
Emma shot him in the arm with another lightning bolt. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Scarecrow grabbed at her shirt, tearing off some fabric. She threw him off with another blast of electricity that tore her shirt even more. It wasn’t made of the same durable stuff that her uniform was.
“Dragonfire!” Aqualad shouted, “I think we have been exposed to minimal effects of the fear gas!”
“Probably!” She agreed, ducking under Scarecrow’s hit. “Try to stay focused! You can fight it off!” She promised.
She turned back to Scarecrow, who now had an aerosol-like can pointed at her face, and sprayed before jumping over the side of the boat. His henchmen follow suit, and Dragonfire heard the sound of a submarine roaring away below the choppy waves.
“Dragonfire!” Aqualad caught her as she rubbed at her eyes, coughing violently.
“Dragonfire, Finch, hang on, you can fight it,” He urged, setting her down on the
Emma heard none of that, her ears were too clogged, no matter how she tried to shake off the fear gas.
She looked down at her arms, the sleeves of her shirt completely gone. Kaldur looked down and saw them too. He quickly pulled away, backing up several steps.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Finch’s voice quavered, echoing in her ears as Aqualad swam in and out of her vision.
It cleared long enough to see the disgusted look on his face.
She was out cold before she hit the water.
Emma awoke tangled in soft white sheets. She hugged herself, running her fingers against the rough ink. They itched more than ever now, reminding her of what happened on the boat.
Kaldur hated her. He had to. She hated herself.
“Good, you’re awake,” Black Canary smiled down at her kindly, approaching the side of her bed.
“You’re all right,” She said at the sight of tears flooding Emma’s eyes. “The fear gas should be just about flushed from your system by now. Aquaman and Batman are helping to oversee the cleanup of Miami Beach, and even though Scarecrow’s escaped, no one was killed. Wonder Woman and Flash are making sure that everyone receives a vaccination for the fear gas.”
That did little to assuage Emma’s rapidly beating heart. “Is Kaldur-” She stopped herself, “Is Aqualad okay?” She whispered.
Canary’s smile brightened. “That’s right! He’s your soulmate!” She patted Emma’s bare arm, “Just one moment, I’ll go get him for you.”
“No, Dinah wait-!” The door whisked shut behind Dinah before Emma could finish.
She leaped to her feet, shaking like jello. She had to get out of there, she couldn’t face Kaldur like this. She grabbed a change of clothes, lying on the counter, and tripped over her big feet. Seconds before she smacked into the linoleum, strong arms with too-familiar tattoos caught her, lifting her up.
“Hi,” Kaldur said, giving a small smile.
Emma pushed him away, falling back into the bed. “Go away,” She demanded, throat thick with tears.
Kaldur’s eyes went wide, glancing between his tattoos and the marks on Emma’s arms. “Finch? Are you alright?”
She shook her head, “Just leave me alone!”
“Finch, what is wrong?”
“Don’t call me that!” She screamed. “I get it, I’m not what you wanted in a soulmate, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” She sobbed.
“But even if you hate me, I have to tell you that I love you. I have been since I met you, before I even knew that we were soulmates.”
Now, Kaldur’s face was screwed up in confusion. He was usually so passive, it was strange to see him like this.
Having said that, Emma was unable to keep her mouth shut. “I love your sincerity and your honesty, your kindness and how much you care. I love your curiosity and fascination with every new thing you find out about the surface world. I love your patience and your smile and that little laugh you make when Rick and Wally are kidding around because we know they’re soulmates but they can’t tell. I didn’t want to tell you I was your soulmate because I wanted to make sure you liked me for me, and that I liked you not just because you were my soulmate.”
She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the blanket in her hands, worried that it might tear if she held it too tight, but it was better than letting the tears she was holding back burst out.
There was she soft pad of bare feet on tile, and Kaldur’s rough but gentle hands brushed some hair from her face.
“I do not hate you, Finch. It would be impossible for me to do so.”
She gasped and opened her eyes. A few tears fell, but Kaldur helped her wipe them away. “I have loved you for a long time, but I hope you can forgive me for not coming forward with my feelings before.” He paused, taking her hand in his. “I was afraid that if you were not my soulmate, you would not be open to dating other people.”
She almost laughed, throwing her arms around him. Kaldur returned her embrace.
“I love how kind you are as well. Your impatience is endearing, and I find it amusing how I seem to be the only person you are patient with. I love how you are always so happy and smiling. I love how stubborn you are, and your commitment to justice for those who need it.
“And I love the fact that you are my soulmate.”
“Are you seriously getting nachos?” Artemis asked, looking at the stereotypical designs that were offered at the most popular tattoo parlor in Happy Harbor. “A lightning bolt would be ten times cooler.”
“Lightning is fleeting but food is forever,” Wally said, attempting to sound old and wizened.
“Yeah, at least until you eat it,” Rick snickered.
“I think I might get lightning,” Emma said. “Or maybe a tiny dragon.”
“Definitely get a dragon,” Raquel agreed, “There’s like fifty heroes who have lightning iconography. You’re the only one who’s got dragon wings.”
“What about Man-bat? Or Blue devil?” Wally pointed out.
“Dude, they’re a bat and a devil, not dragons.” Zatanna said, coming back from her seat with several magical sparkles sprinkled around her wrist like a bracelet. A few moments later, the same style appeared on Raquel’s wrist to go with the white comet on her forearm.
“My turn!” Wally declared with glee, hopping up to the table Zee had been at. “I want the first seven digits of Pi on my ankle,” He said, settling on a price with the tattoo artist.
“What about you, Conner, what are you getting?” Megan asked.
“I can’t get anything here, I’m too strong, but Clark has some tech at the Fortress he can use to put the Superman symbol on my bicep if I really want it.”
“And you do, don’t you?” M’gann giggled.
“Yes, I do.” He nodded firmly. “What are you getting?”
“I don’t know! There are so many cool designs!” She squealed.
“What do you think, Kal? It’s gonna be your tattoo too,” Emma leaned against his shoulder, wearing short sleeves in the summer for the first time in two years, arm in arm with her soulmate.
Kaldur held up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on. “How about this?” He asked, pointing to a small drawing in the corner. A pair of dragon wings, just like hers.
Emma beamed and kissed his cheek. “Perfect.”
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