#Willa Davis
randomfoggytiger · 8 months
Personality Typing: What Happens Later
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W. Davis and W. Davis meet again in an airport 25 years after their love life took a slow nosedive. Now, curious about each other's decisions since the breakup, they slowly surrender to uncomfortable truths, healing each other and drawing closer together. Their love, which never disintegrated, becomes more open and honest after a night of new revelations and clearer understanding.
I've already written an overview of their miscommunication (post here); but found it really interesting to dig into their Types' frictions and fluidities.
**Note: Will ghost edit later~**
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ESTJs are structure-based, "take charge", direct, initiating, and control Types: meaning, they have no problem opening or closing conversations with ease, saying what they mean upfront, planning for an ultimate end goal and keeping those plans until completion, and deal more solidly with concrete tangibles than metaphysical hypotheticals. As they age, they dabble more in philosophical abstracts (with their "Shadow" functions); and can aspire to be very crafty with their careful strategies and executions. ESTJs are the quintessential "Structure" Types, seeking or creating order out of a continually chaotic world; and, while plodding along their paths with that outcome in mind, they become guardians to those around them that need structure or protection in their own lives, as well. Because of this, they are the Types most successful at following the beaten path, upkeeping it for the rest of humanity in their wake.
The Hero Function: The Heroic Function is the Type's first and easiest function to use in its stack of eight. Thinking Extroverted, Te for short, Hero focuses on rational, statistical data: "I can do x/y/z if it's proven to be safe or advantageous or beneficial"; and are more likely to put more trust in established institutions or beliefs than individual ideas or new theories. Because of this, they will also more likely categorize and dismiss alternate lifestyles or opinions with a label or privately held opinion (i.e. "'Endure this dangling'? ...Now I remember Ginny.") This ability is actually an essential tool for society at large: an ESTJ has the ability to sort and rank large amounts of people and information into easily designated groups, helping others as efficiently as possible while also helping themselves to climb the ladders of achievement. (However, unlike most ENTJs-- post here-- ESTJ's find it more comfortable to take and delegate orders rather than directly give them, fitting them perfectly into second-in-command or managerial positions.)
The Parent Function: The second "parental" Function of the eight is the most guiding or reinforcing for the Hero, steering it away from too easy, pleasure-seeking solutions. Sensing Introverted, Si for short, Parent dictates a person's dedication to duty, long-term memory, responsibility, and loyalty; in essence, the "should do"s of life. For an ESTJ, it makes them responsibly loyal, not willing to hand out trust or commitment to anyone until they've earned it (or in Bill and Willa's case, earned it back.) It'll give others a helping hand, keep an eye out for them, even go out of their way for that person; but trust with all their heart and soul is worked at, not just handed over.
The Child Function: The third Function is the Type's propensity for their specific brand of overflowing optimism or ability to make "miracles" for themselves and others. Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, Inferior has the "miracle" of making anything possible, pulling impossible solutions or improbable second chances out of thin air for their loved ones (and themselves.) It is also the place where a Type can be "abused" and deeply wounded: "child abuse" to an ESTJ is when others do not communicate their intent, wants, or needs: it leaves Ne Child to flounder and spiral and guess and second guess, breaking down their Si Parent's security and trust and scaring an ESTJ into a wrong choice with their Ni Trickster (which is what lead to the breakdown of Bill and Willa's relationship.) An ESTJ must feel wanted; and if they're acts of service are taken for granted and unappreciated, they will feel used and unwanted.
The Inferior Function: The fourth Function is an aspirational function, acting as the vanity and insecurity of a Type and leading either to their positive Unconscious or negative Superego (post here.) Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, fears that it is not morally strong enough-- that they lack good principles or are lacking as a person (Bill's fear of having failed his daughter, and later Willa and their daughter); but, if mature, can out-moral stronger Fi Users in short bursts, becoming brave enough to seek individual meaning outside the confines of fear or expectation.
The Nemesis Function: The fifth Function serves as a speedbump for the Hero, its anti-hero that can be transformed from a guilt-trip to a Type's necessary counterpoint perspective. Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, Nemesis always fears that it's and other people's thinking is faulty or incorrect; and, if used to an ESTJ's advantage, will drive them to cross-reference their beliefs or (possibly outdated) information. (This was the core reason behind Bill's suspicions before Willa even proposed an open relationship: Willa struggles with articulation, and her communication was never clear enough for her then-boyfriend's worries, which created suspicion.)
The Critic Function: The sixth Function is either the crotchety old grandparent or the wise, matured elder of the eight functions. Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Critic is an elitist hypocrite, equating external appearance with intelligence and criticizing others' appearance or mannerisms or ways of life that don't reflect "decently" back on them (ex. Bill's "Oil of newt?" and "You don't have a phone? Of course you don't have a phone!" to Willa.) At the same time, their own presentation or personal lives could be lacking without them realizing (Bill yelling at Willa for her being a "mess" while his own life was also in shambles.)
The Trickster Function: The seventh Function is the blind-and-deaf of the eight functions. Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Trickster deceived an ESTJ into thinking they know what want-- they DO NOT. It is imperative that they do not make big decisions, especially big ones, alone or without input or proper outsourcing; otherwise, they will be tricked into a faulty decision by malevolent actors... or by themselves (Bill's decision to break up with Willa instead of communicating contributed to the relationship's end.) If matured, this function helps sort through what an ESTJ really wants versus what it thinks it wants.
The Demon Function: The eighth and most powerful Function of the stack, the Demon is reserved for punishment or retribution if a person's needs are routinely being ignored or disregarded. Extroverted Thinking, Fe for short, stops caring about what others feel if others mischaracterize them as selfish, greedy, or horrible humans. Their anger transforms into a determination to make sure "no one will feel good until I feel good; and even then, MAYBE I'll let others feel good" (which is why Bill snapped at Willa after she labeled him wrongly in their first major fight and snapped at her later, again-- wrongfully-- for trying to help him out of his comfort zone.)
Virtue and Vice: Serenity and Chaos (Leaf Blower)
Purpose-- what humanity chases perhaps to our graves. Virtue and Vice distill that purpose into two "yin and yang" (if you will) opposites that strive to coalesce into one healthily, balanced individual.
What is an ESTJ's purpose? Bill Davis tells us himself:
"...You know what I do love? What I really, really love? My leaf blower. ...Gettin' those leaves into one big pile and then blowing that pile into smithereens; and making order out of disorder and then disorder out of order-- over and over and over again-- 'This is my backyard.' I love my leaf blower."
ESTJ's are trying to bring order out of the chaos because they hate chaos. The world, however, is balanced by both: too much order and life and new discoveries and advancements and possibilities stagnate; too much chaos and the world falls apart without the guardrails of morals and ethics and basic human decency. Bill is seeking serenity, quite literally walking from one airport terminal to another to escape the disruption of modern music and its effects on his tranquility. They spot chaos coming from a mile away. Not only that, but a person or thing that brings chaos into their life without consideration builds up resentment in an ESTJ, and contributed to his frustrations with Willa most of the movie (chastising her for her rain stick swinging, snapping at her good and bad prodding, etc.) But then why is Bill drawn to Willa despite his blatant aversion to her naturally chaotic state of being? That's where his Vice factors in.
How does it factor in? An ESTJ fervently quests to find and retain rigid order; and when that fails, apathy kicks in and chaos reigns supreme. In What Happens Later, baby Kevin is crippling Bill's ability to do his job, the storm is crippling his ability to escape the from his blunder with Rose through work, the airport music is crippling his ability to escape into his mind and recuperate, Willa is crippling his ability to avoid confrontation about their past, and the airport announcer is crippling his ability to leave it all behind and make a final escape on Willa's flight in her stead. Bill breaks, railing at the airport overlord who he sees as the orchestrator of this mess.
So, too much serenity had Bill limp-wristedly coasting from one aggravation to the next, and too much chaos had him yelling at Willa and quite literally stomping his feet. The lesson he learned is balance; and he learned that balance by becoming serene in, and in spite of, chaos: taking the power outage in stride (by offering a ride around on the cart), powering through tough conversations and giving Willa her power back (by cleansing Willa with the rain stick), and accepting her soft rejection but acting on her second acceptance later (smoothly motioning through the chaos of both their planes taking off.)
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ESFPs are starter-based, "hit the ground running" initiating, informative, and interest Types: meaning, they are freedom-based, make-it-up-as-we-go people, avoidant of permanence and the possibility it might trap them in a situation opposite to their interests or desires. Life, they feel, is ruled by give and take investments; and if they are performing at their best for another person but that person's personal attention or interest wanes, then ESFPs feel disenchanted, discarded, and set aside as second-best; and they end up leaving to pursue a (hopefully) better path forward. The goal of a journey is its path, not its outcome; and they move passionately from one person or object or thing to the next as quickly as possible, often half-finishing or ditching their progress to "start" something new. This serves society because they are rapid-fire propagators of new or better ideas, handing off those ideas to the other Types who can more skillfully hammer out and execute their plans.
The Hero Function: The first Function of an ESFP's stack of eight is its Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Hero: it hones in on physical "in the moment" awareness, engaging fully with others, providing variety, demonstration, or observation. It is unavoidably present, with little memory of the past and little desire to focus on the future (Ni Inferior); and wants to constantly share experiences or gain and give as much attention as possible. ESFPs live and die for attention, and particularly for credit and kudos for their actions (because of Fi Parent and Te Child.) They struggle the most with making a decision, their (Ni Inferior) fear hampers them from making stronger commitments (or any); and ends up costing them future freedom because of their present mistakes (Willa slowly losing Bill after she suggested they open the relationship.)
The Parent Function: The ESFP's Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, Parent cares more about its own morals, principles, values, or moods over those around them-- or even the truth-- and must have others feel good about them to feel good about themselves (which Willa realized after painting Bill as the jerk for disliking her "personality".) If mature, an Fi Parent learns to responsibly test their morality, weighing the pros and cons of their beliefs and helping others decode their own skewed or wavering worth (which Willa also did, admitting and owning up to her past mistakes and going the extra mile to help Bill correct his.)
The Child Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Thinking, Te for short, Child is often labeled ignorant or unbelievable because of their short retention span. This wounds them deeply, and pushes an ESFP to prove others wrong by knuckling down and ingesting vast amounts of information to disprove others' assumptions and improve their own status (hence why Willa lied, pretending that she was a successful practitioner when she was neither a healer nor successful.) With maturity, Te Child learns to thirst for knowledge separate from status-seeking, becoming a sponge of information and delightedly picking apart the intellectual brains of other people (hence why she respects and wants to understand Bill more in the present than she had in the past.)
The Inferior Function: The aspirational Function of the ESFP's stack is its Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Inferior, which consumes itself simultaneously with willpower and hope for the future and an ingrained, deadly fear of it. ESFPs are afraid of making the wrong choice, often choosing limbo or pushing off the chance to reconsider an action before leaping in, feet first (e.g. Willa's asking for an open relationship and adopting out her second daughter.) Because Ni Inferior is unaware there will always be more choices created from one choice selected, they fear their journey will end with one wrong turn-- that they'll be stuck with irreparable regrets that can't be fixed... and usually end up there, regardless, after many, many faulty turns of their own (Bill, meanwhile, was the one who freed her from the Inferior's paralysis.) With maturity, ESFPs learn that one choice is better than none; and that the first one-- while always the hardest-- shakes off the shackles and shows them what true freedom is (and which is why she chose Bill at the end of the movie, making a first, independent step on her own.)
The Nemesis Function: The first of an ESFP's "Shadow" Functions are its Introverted Sensing, Si for short, Nemesis, which twists an Si's drive to act on honor, duty, and loyalty into an incessant worry. It fears tomorrow won't be as good as today, and stalls an ESFP's hesitant Ni Inferior into complete inaction ("failure to launch" syndrome), worsening its ability to make a choice forward. With maturity, this Function learns to force ESFPs into an action it dislikes or fears, using that experience to prove that, yes, they will survive; and, yes, they have come out the other side stronger and more capable for it (Willa facing Bill's anger at her past decisions, learning to accept his reproofs, and confessing her life of limbo because of her self-doubt all these years.) Si Nemesis is also aware that it needs comfort but isn't good at consistent cleanliness or orderliness in their own or immediate environments (and is often why they pair up with SJ types, who are usually more tidy and organized); and if chastised unsympathetically for these struggles, they shut down, throw their hands up, and silently brood as the problem continues to worsen.
The Critic Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Feeling, Fe for Short, Critic supports only one person: itself, believing others aren't as deserving of their support. With maturity, it learns to ignore the little voice of suspicion and prove that they themselves are good before judging other people as "bad" (Willa seems to have reached this maturity already, though she does Bill's judgments of her-- and almost comments on her ex's ex-wife.)
The Trickster Function: The ESFP's seventh Function is its Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, which believes ANYTHING can be true or false-- that there are no absolutes (as typified by Willa's belief in Leap Days and her herbal practices and affirmation that she and Bill were bound to meet again.) ESFPs do not have "logic", superseding it with their beliefs of reality; however, they can mature this process by collecting data with their Te Child, becoming a master at spotting inconsistencies embedded in different opinions (Willa's "You're already living your worst scenario" makes, as Bill Davis says, "a good point.") Futhermore, they fail at articulation, and are the perpetual Achilles Heel of their relationships (and was especially destructive because Bill is highly suspicious of any communication other than direct, even brutal, truth.)
The Demon Function: And lastly, the eight Function of an ESFP's stack is its Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, which bursts forth if the Ni Inferior is stripped from its freedom of choice, setting fire to everyone else's choices and future because it wasn't granted one (forcing her ex to work through each painful conversation about their past because he denied them closer by never telling her the full truth.) As destructive as it can be, the mature Demon can be used to set others free, using their prescience to craft a possible future from potentialities (swapping plane seats with Bill so he could go back to his daughter's recital, etc.)
Virtue and Vice: Delayed Gratification vs. Instant Gratification
What is an ESFP's purpose?
ESFPs are trying to find themselves, thinking that pursuing life and people at breakneck speed will bring them closer (and faster) to the answers they're searching for. The reality is, because they live so exclusively in the "now", these Types often end up making decisions based on what feels good momentarily rather than what would be wise in the long run. This, in turn, leaves a body of mistakes behind them which they the attempt to flee from, futilely. Willa's Virtue is Delayed Gratification, putting her own ill-formed or fleeting ideas on pause to carefully consider her next move, learning the difference between trying what everyone else is because or picking and choosing what is (or was) best for her and her relationship.
But an interesting aspect develops because of an ESFP's irresponsible lifestyle: they learn to pause and study their past mistakes, maturely diagnosing where they went wrong and how they could have avoided this or that problem. It makes them wiser and better able to instruct someone else on how to navigate their own labyrinth (i.e. the simple and straightforward advice she offered William about Rose.) But, like Bill, too much Virtue and not enough Vice creates its own negative pathway for Willa.
Too much Self-Gratification leads to irresponsibly chaotic and destructive decisions; and too much Delayed Gratification causes anxiety over making any decision at all. When in balance, Wilhemina Davis learned (before she met up with William Davis again) to reassess her choices and their consequences and chose (with William Davis's help) to take an increasingly confident step forward, breaking the chains of her old cycles and forging the paths of her new ones.
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There were already issues brewing that we, the audience, are never told in detail; but suffice to say, there was tension on Bill's part before Willa even proposed an open relationship (which began the slow descent to the end.)
Bill's Ti Nemesis picked up an articulation issue from Willa (though we don't know what); and, unsure what she was trying to communicate with him, began to worry and question her end goal. Willa sensed a skepticism or withdrawal from Bill; and, because Bill refused to communicate his Si Parent's concerns (read: fears) about her long-term loyalty and stability, she began to worry he wasn't investing as much into their relationship anymore. So, she messed everything up by acting impulsively with her Se Hero: Willa tested his loyalty by asking for an open relationship. That stabbed Bill's Te Hero ("I don't think highly of you") and Ne Child ("I don't want you") in the heart, confirming his suspicions that he would never be "enough"; and, heartbroken, he withdrew his Si Parent's trust while still giving his consent. That confirmed Willa's suspicions but didn't break her heart; instead, she gave up the idea of other relationships and was fully committed to theirs by the time she accidentally became pregnant. She fell more in love with Bill during the pregnancy; and Bill stepped up to fatherhood (Te Hero standards and Si Parent traditions) even though he had deep-rooted paternity doubts.
When the miscarriage happened, Willa fell even more in love with Bill because of his strength... but began to notice his withdrawal once again. Bill, meanwhile, was convinced this was a second chance; and, giving in to his Ni Trickster's lure away from the complicated exploration of his feelings and sense of betrayal, he withdrew enough so that he and Willa could separate what he deemed friendly terms. By the time of the breakup, both thought the other had wanted a life separate from each other; and both, while heartbroken, soothed themselves with dreaming up a happier ending for their ex-partner.
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W. Davis and W. Davis were still in love with each other when they met again twenty-five years later; but how did their mangled and broken trust manage to heal in the matter of a few hours? Willa first showed Bill she'd changed, winning him back with her consideration and prodding him open with her maturity; and Bill reciprocated piece by piece, carefully sharing scraps with Willa to test how far he could extend that trust.
Every Type has eight functions, and each of those eight functions need to be catered to for a person to feel loved, appreciated, or "seen"-- this was important for Bill, who had felt used and minimized in the past; and for Willa, who realized, nearly too late, that Bill had left because of her, not because of a lifestyle change.
An ESTJ feels loved if they're thought highly of-- more specifically, if they're thought of; and will melt at the words "I think highly of you" because of their Te Hero's incessant drive to be in tip-top shape in every aspect of their lives. Their Si Parent doles out care and thoughtfulness to everyone in their life, and feels special and loved if their loved one takes the time to remember important, small details that contribute to their happiness or comfort (watch a favorite movie with them, remember their favorite room temperature, help them before they have an anticipatory anxiety attack, etc.) An Ne Child just wants to be wanted; and if an Si Parent's is cared for, then an ESTJ's Ne feels doubly so (especially if an ex keeps seeking them out after fights and still and makes way for their many picky needs.) Fi Inferior's love the spotlight (because of the respect it commands), and it means the world if others not only give it to them but actively make room for them to have it (ex. Willa congratulating him on his successful career and daughter.) Ti Nemesis needs to know the brutal facts because they have worries that only 100% honesty will salvage-- and if you communicate through feelings instead of facts, it makes them suspicious and kick down to their Fe Demon. Se Critic needs for others to have their nose wiped and shoes tied, often looking down on others for their lack of presentation (or sneering up the chain of command at the new mangy top dog that somehow outshine his twenty plus years of dedicated service.) Ni Trickster needs to be told what to do, because they can't figure out which path forward is the best for them-- and those who sit down to untangle and council them on their decisions are appreciated and treasured (ex. Bill admired Willa's useful advice.) Lastly, ESTJs feel loved if others avoid appealing to their sense of duty and integrity rather than their mixed up and complicated feelings.
An ESFP's Se Hero feels loved when their loved ones provide them with attention (listening to them prattle on or reminisce about the good times, etc.) Fi Parent must give feedback, even if it's scalding; and feels loved if they are at least patiently listened to, even if the other person doesn't take their advice (ex. Bill listening to whatever Willa wanted to say, from light-hearted banter to more painful, wounding remembrances.) Te Child wants to be respected and regarded; and their feelings-- often a byproduct of their feelings and beliefs rather than the truth of a situation-- are often hard for them to communicate outside of an oftentimes rambly conversation (because of Ti Trickster.) Ni Inferior needs, not wants, absolute freedom; and, must be guided, not forced, into any final decision. Si Nemesis need others to share their comfort including them in no-fuss bonding where they can let their hair down and relax (i.e. a nice, zigzagging cart ride and dance-off in the dark.) Fe Critic invest into relationships with their all; and need to know those investments are valued and that the person values themselves enough to know how valuable an ESFP sees them. Ti Trickster must be asked what they believe or feel, not what they think: articulation is a massive struggle for ESFPs, and issues with extracting and identifying logos add too many layers to an already complicated form of communication. And finally, Ni Demon doesn't trust what other people want-- suspecting others of wanting something of or from them that would strip their freedom-- and need to be told what the other person needs instead (i.e. why Willa kept pressing Bill on his answers then and in the present, trying to figure out what he needed not what his Ni Trickster thought it wanted.)
In the early scenes between them, Willa showed how much she'd matured and changed, treading carefully about his family, nodding along with Bill's struggles and worries, and following him wherever he wandered to escape another uncomfortable environment. Bill then began to trust Willa more, turning the conversation from his job to his job struggles, from his anticipatory anxieties to his concerns about his daughter, from his anger at her past "faithlessness" to his respect of her (and his) growth and ability to change. After each conflict, resolutions were able to be worked to swiftly because of their present acknowledgment and acceptance; and by the end of the movie, both had kindled not only their love but also their trust.
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W. Davis and W. Davis's relationship was torn apart by miscommunication; but the strength they gleaned from each other drew them back together, both strong enough now to properly bear up under each other's weaknesses and frailties and sorrows.
Love conquered all-- but it first had to have a good foundation to build back upon.
Thanks for reading~
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westerlyroleplay · 2 years
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NAME: Willa Davis GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman / She/Her AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 36 years old / March 9th HOMETOWN: Westerly, RI TIME IN WESTERLY: 36 years RESIDENCE: Misquamicut OCCUPATION: Manager at Davis Fishing
YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN      ——      the 1.
The Davis family has always been well respected on the beaches of Westerly. Though they aren’t wealthy by any means, they certainly aren’t doing too bad for themselves either. Davis Fishing has been a staple in town for as long as anyone can remember, having been started generations ago with only one boat in their fleet and eventually expanding. Today it belongs to Jason Davis and his wife, Michelle, and one day it will belong to one of their children — though it is up in the air just which child that will be.
Willa and Asher Davis were born only moments apart in the middle of a snowy March night. Born four weeks premature, the labour was so short that their mother often jokes that they were racing out of the womb and into the world and neither of them have slowed down since. For as long as she can remember, everything has always been a competition between her and her brother — mostly good natured, old fashioned sibling rivalry, of course, but in their youth it had been so intense that their parents refused to tell them who was older. When they turned eighteen, much to Willa’s dismay, their father let it slip that Asher had been born seven and a half minutes earlier. 
Willa has been trying to one up him ever since. 
As a teenager, Willa often dreamed of moving. It wasn’t that she disliked Westerly — she didn’t, she still doesn’t — she just couldn’t help but wonder what else was out there. What other opportunities might be waiting for her. What she might miss out on if she stayed anchored where she has always been. She would spend her nights with her head in the clouds, sprawled out on a blanket on the beach and marking map dots on a mental map of all the places she wanted to go. All the places she would never get to go, to her great disappointment. 
It wasn’t that anything held her back. There was no great tragedy in her life that kept her rooted in Westerly, though she sometimes selfishly wishes there were. Instead, it just never felt like the right time to leave and before long, she found herself settled into the very life she had wanted to avoid. Working at the charter office alongside the rest of her family, booking boats for rich men who wouldn’t be able to catch a fish if their lives depended on it without a little help, watching the lives of her friends from high school pass by on social media posts and dwindling text messages. It was a monotonous though not unhappy life. 
As much as it pains her to admit, the most excitement would come in the form of an old friend returning home. He had gone off in search of something bigger and better than Westerly and Willa, of all people, could understand that. That hadn’t  meant she didn’t miss him though, or that she wasn’t excited to have him back — even if only temporarily. But the lines between friends and lovers had blurred, the two eventually falling into bed together and for the briefest of moments Willa had allowed herself to think that maybe this could be love. 
And then he was off again, back to the life he had begun to build for herself and Willa snapped herself out of it. It had been a few weeks of fun, but that was all it could ever be, right? When their lives are so drastically different, how could it ever be anything more than that? But she takes it for what it is. A friendship that is sometimes more than a friendship, one that is so dear to her that she holds it like something precious and fragile every time she has the chance though she knows it will never last. 
Nowadays, Willa has taken on a managerial role at the office. Her father claims it will help her when she inherits the business one day, but she knows her brother will likely object. It isn’t the life she had once imagined for herself, but as she lets go of what could have been and instead embraces what is, Willa finds herself enjoying the life she has been given. She says yes to just about every opportunity she is given, willing to try anything once just to say that she did. She has a solid group of friends and family that she adores. She knows that things are pretty damn good. 
But sometimes, when she’s alone and never out loud, she thinks about another life. One where things had been different. A life with bright lights and soft notes strummed on a guitar. A life with the person she had fallen in love with years ago but due to time and circumstances could never ask him to stay. Could never go with him. Another life that she knows is just out of reach, but sometimes it’s nice to think about. It would have been fun, she thinks. 
Portrayed by KYLIE BUNBURY, written by MANDY.
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Listen I’m enjoying East of Eden for all the Biblical allusion and its meditation on trauma, grief, and the impact trauma has on communities
But I think Steinbeck’s misogyny and racism is so overwhelming that it’s almost impossible to take his other comments on society seriously
Because if he’s so blind to his own internal prejudice- how much can I possibly trust his judgment on biblical interpretation and the truth of American community consciousness during the 19th-20th century?
Anyway, for commentary on the life in the American West, and the impact war, famine, and diversity had on creating the collective identity of the American people, during the 19th and 20th centuries, seek authors like:
Gertrude Stein, Willa Cather, Edith Warton, Zora Neel Hurston, Rebecca Harding Davis, Alice Walker, Susan Glaspell, Marianne Moore, Sandra Cisneros, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Joy Harjo, N. Scott Momaday, Lanston Hughes,
All of these authors deal with the subjects (to various degrees) of class vs individualism, American emergent Identity issues, industrialism, tradition vs modernism, and multiculturalism in the West in ways that are much more nuanced than anything Steinbeck ever wrote.
Some of them wrote with clear Christian overtones- some with indigenous religiosity and recrimination of internalize colonialist attitude existing within pop-christian thought, and some of them are pure modernist empiricists. And I love the diversity of thought extant within these works- much more interesting than painting with broad generalization and assuming all of American history to revolve around the same conceptual points modern evangelist's decree.
We are a nation built on diversity- of people, of thought, and of place. I'll accept no other definition of what it means to be USamerican.
At this point, I'm pretty sure Steinbeck was just projecting his own hatred of women, and processing his divorce, throughout the entirety of East of Eden- like the book gets so close to interesting biblical allusion overlay onto familial interdependent dynamic and mediation on the nature of evil - but then his work devolves into racism and misogyny diminishing the impact of these really interesting themes.
Why do I have to read this. I hate the so-called Literary Canon.
So sick of the fact that I have to read the work of every white American man ever- for the purpose of my degree program's culminative exam- yet many of the women authors, indigenous authors, or multiethnic authors will not be on my exam.
IDK bro- I'm feeling a type of way about it today.
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duranduratulsa · 5 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Friday The 13th (2009) on amazing blu-ray! #movie #movies #horror #fridaythe13th #seanscunningham #jason #jasonvoorhees #DerekMears #juliannaguill #DaniellePanabaker #jaredpadalecki #travisvanwinkle #AmandaRighetti #willaford #AaronYoo #JonathanSadowski #ArlenEscarpeta #BenFeldman #RyanHansen #americaolivo #calebguss #nanavisitor #kyleDavis #rosemaryknower #nickmennell #2000s #bluray #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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orca-soup · 7 months
To the spider
And God,
You are a trespasser that does not belong here.
But maybe ignorance is all it takes to coexist.
Not your fault, not mine, just is.
We will never truly know each other,
My veins laced with deadly venom.
But, isn’t bite also touch?
This still seems to me a good question.
Ignoring the rudeness my kindness was repaid with,
I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I have always been too sensitive,
But I was born this way,
Begging to be believed.
Lord, I worry
You remember too much.
I keep searching for proof,
As I was punished for the sin of trying to do the right thing.
Freak of nature.
The shadowed creature in the corner of the room.
You’re a sinner too.
And, I hate you.
And, I care if I am guilty.
I suffer in my loving,
Convinced that was devotion,
That love is violence.
God suffices as a companion
But it's getting harder.
I could die for you,
And get swallowed whole.
Maybe then you would've shown me mercy
But you are still standing, and I am still sorry.
He is still God.
(Rudy Francisco|l, e|Anne Carson|Katherine Fabrizio|‘Attar|Margaret Atwood|Natalie Diaz|Althea Davis|Ada Limón|Laura Gilpin|Joshua Tree|José Olivarez|Frank Bidart|Melody S. Gee|Willa Cather|John Keats|Avain Blue|Kristin Chang)
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heartsbreaking · 4 days
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WANTED CONNECTIONS ( mutuals only )
if you write one of the muses and are interested in interacting or plotting feel free to send some memes or hmu in the ims/on disco
these are 99% platonic, if you want shippy dynamic i have ideas on my muse's info pages
KÀRA HRAFN : i would love interactions with loki, thor, maybe sif or even odin. also i would love to write with wanda or strange, or legit any magic user in the mcu. would love some threads with the young avengers too (especially cassie, kate and wiccan)
ALEKS VASILYEV : would love to write aleks against either of her brothers anatoly & vladimir. would also love to write against any of the defenders and street level heroes in the mcu
MARINA REYES : robbie reyes. give marina her older brother. also any agents of shield muses
CLARY STARK : gimme tony, gimme pepper, gimme peter, mj, ned, flash, gwen, harley, riri, give clary friends.
KITTY CARVER : jason carver, give me sibling things and angst, also give me more interactions with adult muses in hawkins
MADELYN & VIVIAN KELLMAN : someone write gerri for the girls pls i'm begging.
VIVIAN KELLMAN : gimme friends from college, influencer girlies, gimme chaotic ships for her
OPHELIA WAMBSGANS : i would LOVE to have a tom or shiv to write with but i'm incredibly hesitant to approach someone first. i'd also love a kendall, connor or willa.
RAFAELLA FLORES & SOFIA LENNOX : gimme more members of the richmond wfc and plots with other ted lasso muses, i'd also love some interactions with people's other athlete muses
EMILY CRIMM : gimme emily interacting with the richmond team and staff, gimme her dad, give emily friends
ALEJANDRA ROJAS : would love some threads with her getting to know the richmond team/staff, and generally making friends with her older brother's friends. (would pay in cute instagram reels for a dani too)
ALICE LAHEY : more teen wolf muses come interact with her i miss this fandom
BEATRICE DE MARTEL : more interactions with legacies muses (generally begging for this love her or hate her for being a weird lil girly she needs friends and enemies), gimme mikaelson muses too! would love a klaus but i will accept anyone. also if anyone writes aurora and doesn't ship her with her fucking brother come write with me.
CECELIA DE MARTEL : same thing as above, someone find me an aurora to write with that doesn't ship her with her brother so that cece can have her older sister. also same goes above for mikaelsons. i would also love to throw cecelia at more witches
CARRIE DAVIS : gimme more interactions with the yellowjackets thanks
KAT HARRISON : literally any twd muses carl, enid, daryl, rick, alden
CARLY SIMPSON : someone write gwen (carly's co-pilot), give her more interactions with top gun muses in general
DANA CORTELL : give her more interactions with top gun muses,
JACK HARDING : if anyone writes bill, find me. also any twisters muses i would love to put jack in more situations
SABRINA TYLER : gimme brina interacting with the 118 and becoming friends with them through buck, also i will find a way for her to interact with the 126, i'm not sure how but i will
ALYSIA DIAZ : generally would love to see alysia interacting with the 118 & 126, would love a main eddie. would also love interactions with people's musician ocs
SOPHIA DIAZ : would love a main eddie, would love threads with the 118 and also threads with other people's like legal/crime based muses.
STEVIE BURTON : more threads with the 118 :)
LUCIANA SCARCELLA : give me vampire interactions, i would love to build up luciana's history with other vampires (both friendly and unfriendly dyns)
YASMIN KARA-HANANI : i would love to throw yasmin at y'all's muses who are more business and crime based. come love my nepo baby finance girlie
CALYPSO : would love some interactions with other pjo muses, the gods ect
GABRIELLE GAO : gimme bullet train characters, gimme people who know here as an heiress and not an assassin
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renmorris · 1 year
childhood trauma. the ownership that the patriarchy demands over the bodies of women and children. the church's role in this structure. the quiet specter of mystery csa that hangs overt the Hart household is so. these are parents who in theory are attentive, this is Nice Middle Class family but every little warning sign goes ignored or simply confounds Marty and Maggie.
when Marty meets Dora's mother he comes out of it like ‘I wasn’t raised that way I had a good mother.' Audrey has a ‘good mother' too and she is not protected.
Davis Grubb's anticapitalist-antiprison novella, The Night Of The Hunter is also about this ownership. Women and children struggle to live under not only the failures of capitalism, nationwide poverty but the iron fist of the church that demands that they be subhuman, be property.
Willa, the mother of the children the book follows first must fight to maintain her independence from the institution of marriage after her husband is executed and then, once pressured into marriage is made to be ashamed of her sexuality and desire for physical closeness. This makes her vulnerable to her preacher husband's evangelizing. She lives in denial and her children become strangers to her. She will not listen when they tell her that they are being hurt and threatened by their stepfather. He then murders her.
Anyway the end of the story furiously states that every child in this society no matter how privileged will at some point experience 'the hunter' and experience it alone. That there will be an experience where life changing horror mixes with profound isolation.
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persephonyed · 7 months
hiiiii cuties and happy friday! woohoo !! ♡
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okay, it's that time again where i caught up on all of my drafts, and i'm finally allowing myself to get some new threads going. below the cut are muses that i really, really want to write with lately ( as well as a couple test muses ) + little descriptions of each of them. give this post a like if you're interested in writing / plotting / etc. with any of them and i'll come to you! you can even just treat this as a like for a starter even if u wanna. i'm really excited to write some new things and potentially find some new people to write with. ☺️
*** if u like the post, when i message u, i can and will ramble on and on about character descriptions and what everyone is like. i just didn't want to put it here because the post is already so long!
arden henderson — olivia cooke fc. late 20s, bisexual, forensic criminologist.
blair bennett — katie douglas fc. early 20s, bisexual, university student.
camille st. clair — jessica alexander fc. early 20s, bisexual, aspiring actress.
cora devlin — daisy edgar jones fc. mid 20s, bisexual, hair stylist.
darby davies — hailee steinfeld fc. mid 20s, lesbian, film & tv actress.
erin nichols — jessica chastain fc. mid 40s, bisexual, housewife.
eve lawson — willa fitzgerald fc. early 30s, bisexual, historian.
jillian "jill" walsh — alva bratt fc. mid 20s, bisexual, freelance photographer.
laia aguilar — fiona palomo fc. early 20s, bisexual, university student.
malia dixon — greta onieogou fc. early 30s, bisexual, indie film director.
margot jensen — sydney sweeney fc. mid 20s, bisexual, diner waitress and cult escapee / survivor.
maude morgan — ella purnell fc. mid 20s, bisexual, unemployed rich girl and secret drug dealer.
nora giuliani — victoria pedretti fc. late 20s, lesbian, true crime journalist and podcaster.
preston fox — rudy pankow fc. mid 20s, bisexual, university student, fraternity president, and lead singer / guitarist of his band.
palmer mckenzie — erana james fc. mid 20s, lesbian, professional athlete.
piper novak — samara weaving fc. early 30s, pansexual, coffee shop owner.
ramona "romy" park — adeline rudolph fc. late 20s, bisexual, professional concert photographer.
ruby brodsky — gideon adlon fc. late 20s, bisexual, arts grad student.
siena norwood — florence pugh fc. late 20s but is really centuries old, bisexual, vampire.
( the ones below this are all test muses ! )
bellamy caldeira — alba baptista fc. mid 20s, bisexual, will take any job that pays the bills.
katia garcia — camila mendes fc. late 20s, bisexual, competitive cheerleading coach.
penelope "penny" sosa — camila morrone fc. mid 20s, bisexual, team usa professional soccer player and secret onlyfans / cam girl.
valeria "val" quintero — rachel zegler fc. early 20s, bisexual, musical theatre university student.
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forest-enchantress · 10 months
I make period drama style gifs. If you use gif packs, please like and reblog them. Most of my projects are already ready, but every day I post no more than 190 gifs. Because that was the reason why my previous account was blocked.
I tried to make gif packs in a format more familiar to you with a link to a separate page. However, unfortunately, I did not succeed because of the large format of high-quality gifs.
I want to explain about color processing. Usually, I improve the contrast, brightness and saturation, but leave the naturalness of the film. I don't make the contours too sharp because I like the aesthetic of it looking like a natural image.
Actors in alphabetical order: part 1(A-D), part 2, part 3
The arrangement of names may not be alphabetical
▶Page 1
Anne Hathaway Anya Taylor-Joy Asia Argento Astrid Berges-Frisbey Boran Kuzum Camille Rutherford
▶Page 2
Carla Juri César Domboy Cate Blanchett Charity Wakefield Charlie Rowe Chiara Mastroianni Christian Bale Christoph Waltz Ethan Erickson
▶Page 3
Dagmara Dominczyk Dan Stevens Ella Purnell Emily Blunt Ezra Miller Raffey Cassidy Rebecca Emilie Sattrup Rose Byrne Roxane Duran
▶Page 4
Frances O'Connor Gemma Arterton Hannah Taylor-Gordon Hattie Morahan Hugh Dancy Isabelle Adjani
▶Page 5
Izzy Meikle-Small James Norton Jane Birkin Joanne Whalley Lucy Boynton Jim Caviezel Monica Keena Nicolas Duvauchelle Sally Hawkins
▶Page 6
Adriana Tarábková Dakota Fanning Elle Fanning Gaia Weiss Gwyneth Paltrow Kirsten Dunst Léa Seydoux Pia Degermark Roxane Mesquida Rosamund Pike Samantha Gates Sophia Myles
▶Page 7
Annabelle Wallis Austin Butler Carey Mulligan Guy Pearce James Frain Katie Parker Kate Siegel Olivia Cooke Rachel Hurd-Wood Soko Sujaya Dasgupta Tom Cruise
▶Page 8
Adèle Exarchopoulos Anna Maxwell Martin Charles Dance Emma Williams Gillian Anderson Imogen Poots Natalie Press
▶Page 9
Anna Friel Catherine Mouchet Déborah François Dominic West Frédéric Noaille Joséphine Japy Kevin Kline María Valverde Paz Vega
▶Page 10
Ben Whishaw Clémence Poésy Elliot Grihault Emilia Fox Joseph Morgan Lambert Wilson Michelle Dockery Phoebe Fox Sophie Okonedo Tom Hiddleston Tom Hughes Tom Sturridge
▶Page 11
Calista Flockhart Charlotte Gainsbourg Christina Giannelli David Strathairn Felicity Jones Fu'ad Aït Aattou Greta Scacchi Helena Bonham Carter Holliday Grainger Michelle Pfeiffer Rupert Friend Sophie Marceau
▶Page 12
Angela Bassett Brooke Carter Cillian Murphy Danylo Kolomiiets Katie McGrath Keeley Hawes Maria Bonnevie Marta Gastini Miriam Giovanelli Olivia Hussey Oscar Isaac Peter Plaugborg
▶Page 13
Ben Barnes Ben Chaplin Bill Skarsgård Iben Akerlie Jakob Oftebro Jo Woodcock Lily-Rose Depp Reese Witherspoon Ruth Wilson Samantha Soule Tess Frazer Virginie Ledoyen
▶Page 14
Cary Elwes Colin Firth Daniel Day-Lewis Emilia Verginelli Hannah James Jonah Hauer-King Loli Bahia Lorenzo Balducci Rebecca Hall Robin Wright Rupert Everett Willa Fitzgerald
▶Page 15
Annes Elwy Claire Danes Eliza Scanlen Kathryn Newton Maya Hawke Romola Garai Samantha Mathis Trini Alvarado Winona Ryder
▶Page 16
Douglas Smith Eric Bana Gizem Karaca Jessica Brown Findlay Kenneth Branagh Kit Harington Millie Brady Natalie Dormer Poppy Delevingne Rachel Weisz Rosy McEwen Sam Claflin
▶Page 17
Aubri Ibrag Christina Hendricks Connie Jenkins-Greig Guy Remmers Henry Cavill Imogen Waterhouse Josie Totah Mia Threapleton Olivia Hallinan
▶Page 18
Essie Davis Fahriye Evcen Justine Waddell Natalia Sánchez Monica Bellucci Penelope Cruz
▶Page 19
Alicia Vikander Alida Baldari Calabria Christopher Abbott Emma Stone Jasmine Blackborow Kim Rossi Stuart Lili Reinhart Louis Cunningham Margaret Qualley Marine Vacth Mark Ruffalo Mélanie Thierry Ramy Youssef Scarlett Johansson Sydney Sweeney
▶Page 20
Antonia Clarke Cameron Monaghan Isolda Dychauk Olivia Colman Laoise Murray Madelaine Petsch Vanessa Redgrave Sophie Turner
▶Page 21
Emily Mortimer Jennifer Beals Kelly Macdonald Lena Headey Perdita Weeks Ruta Gedmintas Sarah Bolger Sting
▶Page 22
To do list:
Christopher Gorham under development (The Other Side of Heaven 2001) Harry Melling - The Pale Blue Eye 2022
✦Francesca Annis
Wives and Daughters 1999 — under development
All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them as sidebars and reaction gifs. PLEASE DON’T CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
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tgyverse · 5 months
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publicado el día 12 de mayo de 2024.
Brigitte Delacour con Romee Strijd.
Dolores Umbridge con Camila Mendes.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Mina Lima, Ellie Dowson, Wendy Slinkhard, Lily Potter, Sirius Black y Adora Greengrass ― 15 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Personajes de Andy ― 28 de mayo / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Alfie Smith.
Grace Davies.
Robbie Flint.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Manny Jacinto.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Mundungus Fletcher con Sohan Pague.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Kristen Stewart.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Nicholas Galitzine.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Robbie Flint con Tom Glynn-Carney.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Severus Snape con Charlie Heaton.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Dane Higgs con Barry Keoghan.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Grace Davies con Josephine Langford.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Holt.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Rudy Pankow.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Kirley Duke con Joseph Quinn.
Lenore Bagman con Willa Fitzgerald.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Madelyn Cline.
Ludo Bagman con Yankel Stevan.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Meg Vouttier con Ruby Cruz.
Melissa Greengrass con Renée Rapp.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Milton Mouser con Tanner Buchanan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Kiernan Shipka.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Milena Tscharntke.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Penelope Goldstein con Melis Sezen.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Sybill Trelawney con Maya Hawke.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Tiberius McLaggen con Milo Manheim.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zabrina Davies con Elizabeth Lail.
Zachary Parkinson con Alejandro Speitzer.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 109 personajes ocupades.
¡Muy buenas a todes, pequeñes! Dejamos por aquí el recuento quincenal correspondiente. Debemos decir que estamos sorprendida de que ya tenemos 109 personajes en el dash. Jamás tuvimos tantos en todos los años que llevamos por aquí, así que queremos agradecerles por su entrega al verse, su compromiso, los bellos threads que tenemos suerte de leer y su presencia. En verdad es impresionante, estamos muy contentas y prometemos continuar otorgándoles un ambiente agradable para su escritura. Muchísimas, muchísimas gracias por su confianza. Les queremos mucho. Sin más que decir, les deseamos una bonita semana. ¡Gracias! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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disneytva · 8 months
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Zombies The Re-Animated Series Sets Summer Premiere Date As Disney Branded Television Greenlights Zombies 4
Disney Branded Television has given greenlight order to Zombies 4, the latest movie in the hugely popular “ZOMBIES” franchise, has received a greenlight from Disney Branded Television, it was announced today by Ayo Davis, president, Disney Branded Television, during the 2024 Television Critics Association winter press tour in Pasadena, California.
Additionally as part of the panel “ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series,” the franchise’s first-ever animated series, was announced that it will debut this summer on Disney Channel and Disney+ with Davis hinting a potential second season.
Every day is a surprise at Seabrook High—whether you’re a cheerleader, a zombie, a werewolf or even a vampire! “ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series” invites us into the daily lives of Zed, Addison, Eliza, Willa and the entire Seabrook crew. This gang may have figured out each other, but they haven’t quite figured out how to survive high school. Get ready for more musical fun and new friends as Seabrook becomes the #1 destination for all kinds of mythical monsters looking for a fresh start. And this means some pretty wild adventures—from the cafeteria to the football field—because sometimes the scariest thing you have to face is high school.
Zombies The Re-Animated Series is Executive Produced by Aliki Theofilopoulos ("Treasure Planet","Phineas And Ferb","Descendants: Wicked World") and Jack Ferraiolo ("Amphibia") with Disney Television Animation.
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
What Happens Later: Misdirection and Miscommunication
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Years Gone By
Twenty-five years ago, W. Davis and W. Davis were dating, seriously, through college. 
Then Wilhemina Davis got felt trapped or, more likely, sensed a reticence from William Davis and decided to test his loyalty, proposing an open relationship to see how’d he react. Unfortunately, William Davis already suspected that Wilhemina would flake on him; and this request confirmed his suspicions and marked the slow descent of their relationship. 
Both Davises found out Wilhemina was pregnant sometime later; and, despite his heartbreak and paternity doubts, William supported his girlfriend and prepared for impending fatherhood. Having tossed aside her previous whim, she was blissfully unaware of his anxieties during the pregnancy, eagerly looking forward to a family life together.  
Then, the miscarriage. 
Neither Davis communicated their struggles. William pressed down his pain in guilty relief while Wilhemina sensed that relief and took it as a sign he'd secretly wanted a life without a baby-- and her-- in it. 
It wasn’t long after before they split, William believing that Wilhemina wouldn’t commit to him-- that he wasn’t enough for her-- and Wilhemina believing William was relieved to be gone-- out in the world chasing his own dreams.  
Both Davises thought about each other, often. William liked to imagine she’d had her happy ending, marriage and children; and Wilhemina liked to imagine he’d risen the rankings of a prestigious corporate job, single and happy. Mr. W. Davis didn’t want to admit that he made his ex’s birthday his password because he wanted to keep her close, and Ms. W. Davis didn’t want to admit she’d tried to emulate her ex’s stability in more mainstream, corporate ways.  
The First (Off-Screen) Reunion
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A year before their reunion, Mr. W. Davis saw Wilhemina in an airport with her head held high; and, deciding she looked good, looked happy, looked competent without him, walked away before she could notice. When they did reunite a year later, he didn’t purposefully admit to this information up front, relaying it again later after a few personal exchanges-- as always, Bill Davis keeps his secrets to his chest. Although he never stopped loving her, he still didn’t trust her. This chance (second) meeting built that trust up, brick by brick, until Bill finally unburdened, grieved, and healed from the past.
A year before their reunion, Ms. W. Davis was unaware she and William were in the same airport, focused as she was on fumbling her way through life. Her carefree attitude was cultivated from a life of mostly solitude: with no one other than Ginny (it seems) to care about her, Wilhemina was alone; but alone was better than having another person rely on her and be, ultimately, let down. In a way, Willa answered to no one because no one answered her. 
The Reunion
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Bill and Willa reunited after their connecting flights grounded (magically) due to “the storm of the century.” The first time he saw her (again), Bill was struck with how lost she looked; but, as with every decision in his life, he decided against his own wishes and swiftly walked away before she could notice him. Willa’s first glance since their separation happened shortly thereafter; and she caught herself from gazing after him, insecurity washing over at the thought of chatting with a polished, professional, business mogul ex while her own life was in shambles. 
The true reunion happened when, in her attempts to escape, Wilhemina was swept up behind William, disguise becoming impossible under the circumstances.  Bill looked back, thought she was waving at him, and reluctantly reciprocated. Willa, too, reluctantly returned his wave. They drew nearer, avoidance no longer possible, preparing what they would share and wouldn't admit to. 
Willa’s Realization
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After some small talk, Willa asked if Bill’s on a “trip or a journey.” His flat “a trip” indirectly stated they’re in completely different places no matter where they're headed, effectively shutting down the conversation. Bill, still hurt, doesn’t trust a deeper conversation; and wants to leave this situation-- and what it evokes from his remaining feelings-- before Willa can probe further and discover other wounds (a failed marriage and a withdrawn daughter) he wants to keep hidden. Discouraged, she started to withdraw. 
The flight changes were announced before a clean getaway was made; and Bill noticed that Willa looked (once again) lost. It lit a fire under him, fueling that buried feeling of being the only person she could depend on. It’s an aspect of their relationship that he enjoyed, and still wants to do. Sprinting over, he gave her a light back pat and pointed her in the right direction, expecting her to follow him as he jogged off.
She did.  
Confrontations and Reconciliations
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As they’re walking to the next terminal and catching up, both congratulated each other on achieving their career goals (William decidedly open about his work struggles-- those weren’t the anxieties keeping him on edge-- while Wilhemina completely and utterly lied, feeling like a washup in comparison and not having the guts to admit it, yet.) Commonality achieved, their old dynamic flared to life with banter and agreement; and, caught up in the fun of the moment, Willa started swinging her rain stick around.
Amused and embarrassed, Bill grabbed at it playfully and told her to stop. Then he let slip “See, this behavior? Is exactly why I loved you. It is. It’s also why we broke up.” 
The mood instantly shifted. Willa, crushed and incredulous, stopped mid-stride to mull over his glib confession; then insisted that wasn’t the real reason they broke up. Her statement “When people break up, there’s the thing they tell each other, there’s the thing they tell their friends, and then… and then there’s the truth. Which you never told me” pointed directly at her own long-held suspicions. She knows W. Davis didn’t breakup with her because of her oddities-- even now he’s charmed if not on-board-- and, in light of how close they came to a happily together after, the flippancy with which he’s treating their past doesn’t jive with the truth of what they went through. Furthermore, her finishing “And I never told you” underscores her lingering confusion and hurt then and now. 
“Whoa, ‘kay. My behavior. …My behavior was the reason we broke up. So basically, my personality.” 
Wilhelmina immediately jumped to ‘personality’ because it was what she believed about herself. That she, not her behavior, was the mistake; that she was not able to do anything right; and that this was just more proof from the universe that she should quit before meeting up with her daughter and ruining that reunion, too. 
Bill insisted “Not the same thing.” Then, after more pressure from Willa, admitted, “Yes.” It’s not quite true: her personality wasn’t the cause of his hurt, her (perceived) lack of respect for his comfort and boundaries were. 
The tiff blew over, Bill admitting then glossing over the fact he thought she’d seen and avoided him a year ago; and the two walked together to the terminal. 
These fights are an illuminating key to their past (and present) relationship: For as frustrated and hurt (and later angry and even more hurt) as Bill and Willa are with each other, neither lets a bad mood get between them, jumping from tougher confrontations until they could work through their personal emotions. Their rekindling makes sense-- they’re drawn to each other and want to smooth over any disagreements to be around each other longer. Also, it shows the important balance the two strike: Willa pushes Bill because she wants to help him, seeing the damage her past actions caused him and willing to take whatever accusation he throws if it’ll reopen and heal old wounds. Meanwhile, Bill’s second-nature seeks to help Willa but also to avoid her attempts to help him. He turns a new leaf slowly when she treats his personal confessions with tact and care. Willa then drums up a reprieve, turning the conversational tide into clearer waters for a spell so they can recuperate and reconnect. 
As much as she pushes, she pulls back; and as much as he resists, he yields. 
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The movie slowly unwinds the layers of misunderstandings between the two Davises, shredding the “mature” reasons they gave each other-- it wouldn't have worked, both knew it, etc.--with the scalding truth spooned out in overwhelming, though digestible, bites. 
Willa thought he left her after their daughter’s premature death because a family and domestic life weren’t his cup of tea; and she took the pain of "failing" her first family into her second daughter’s birth and adoption. She became a self-fulfilling prophecy not by her impulsivity (as Bill thought) but by giving up on herself. It’s not until William finally lays all his cards on the table that Willa confesses the true reason they broke up: she wanted to test his dedication to the relationship, sensing but not realizing what had been going wrong between them. That test, however, had served as the nail in the coffin of William’s fears and the beginning of her own self-doubt. 
Bill thought she wasn’t satisfied with him or their relationship before her pregnancy; and would, in effect, lose the magic she felt with him once again when the glow of motherhood began to wear off. He’d always assumed Willa suggested an open relationship because he wasn’t enough; and, given time and opportunity, she’d find someone “better” and leave him, floating free without his ballast dead weight. That thought wouldn’t let him properly mourn his daughter, ashamed but resigned to his relief at the miscarriage; and he blamed it on being “young” rather than admitting the truth: that their daughter wasn’t a weight on him, but that he feared one day he'd wake up to find Willa and their daughter gone, leaving him behind for a fantasy biological father. He’d carried the weight of not being “enough” the next twenty-five years: marrying a “stable” woman who surely wouldn’t leave him-- and did-- and trying to be the best dad to his (second) daughter-- and feeling like he failed. Willa’s final card on the table burned what he knew to be true down to the ground; but it also set him free-- and, by forgiving her stupid mistake, it helped him forgive his own regrets.  
Because neither communicated, the Davises believed each was glad to be rid of the other; and weren't surprised by the inevitability of the “mature”, unsatisfactory breakup not long after. 
Building Back Trust
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W. Davis and W. Davis found it startlingly easy to clear up a lot of misgivings once they begin to communicate. 
Their journey back began by sharing the roads taken post breakup; then, buoyed by positive reinforcement, sharing even more about their lives. However, what really kicked off their journey was the fact they both listened to each other: Wilhelmina readily agreed over Kevin, and graciously encouraged him to talk about his daughter and (ex) wife; William, surprised and pleased at her tact and care, took the time to listen to her rambley diatribes and engage with the emotionally-charged topics she kept returning to. 
Despite each new revelation opening another pitfall of tangled emotions and resurrected grievances, Bill and Willa wanted to be around each other and wanted to hear the answer and apology or advice he or she provided. Willa makes life simpler for Bill-- explaining how to set things right with his daughter-- and Bill helps solidify her decisions-- cleansing her with the rain stick and encouraging her to follow her daughter’s advice. 
Miscommunication broke their trust and drove them apart. Communication built it back up again. 
The End, for Now
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The last act concluded with Bill delicately backing off, understanding that Willa was afraid to recommit to what they had in the face of a new groundbreaking development (meeting her daughter.) Willa, in turn, realized that Bill was still willing to sacrifice what he wanted out of love for her; and finally acted on the first, independent step towards a happy ending for herself. 
W. Davis’s and W. Davis’s planes took off before they could swap numbers; but we, the audience, are left to intuit that it’ll (most likely) take them less than a year to meet up again, whether it be in Austin or Boston or in another airport terminal entirely.  
William and Wilhemina will find each other again-- after all, they've got a couple Leap Days to catch up on.   
Thanks for reading~
15 notes · View notes
marcmarcmomarc · 9 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions:
Kairi is the leader of a team consisting of Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Chirithy.
Sora’s mother returns.
While Donald and Goofy revisit the old worlds, Sora visits all of the new ones.
The inhabitants of each world returning from the previous games are, of course, thrilled to see Donald and Goofy again, but are sad to hear about Sora’s sacrifice.
Haley Joel Osment as Sora
Lindsay Jones as Strelitzia
James Patrick Stuart as Luxu
Ray Chase as Master of Masters
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
Bill Farmer as Goofy Goof
Bret Iwan as King Mickey Mouse
Alyson Stoner as Kairi
David Gallagher as Riku
Jason Dohring as Terra
Willa Holland as Aqua
Jesse McCartney as Ventus
Jesse McCartney as Roxas
Alyson Stoner as Xion
Quinton Flynn as Lea
Meaghan J. Martin as Naminé
Zachary Gordon as Hayner
Tristian Chase as Pence
Ashley Boettcher as Olette
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent
Jim Cummings as Pete
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket
Kaitlyn Robrock as Queen Minnie Mouse
Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
Corey Burton as Chip
Tress MacNeille as Dale
Enn Reitel as Scrooge McDuck
Danny Pudi as Huey
Ben Schwartz as Dewey
Bobby Moynihan as Louis
Jeff Bennett as Merlin
Corey Burton as Yen Sid
Bill Farmer as Pluto
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandma
David Dayan Fisher as Dilan
Dave Boat as Aeleus
Robin Atkin Downes as Luxord
Kirk Thornton as Isa
Derek Stephen Prince as Even
Vincent Corazza as Ienzo
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx
Michael Johnston as Ephemer
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star
Kath Soucie as Sora’s Mother
Isabela Merced as Foreteller Ava
Kevin Quinn as Foreteller Gula
Travis Willingham as Foreteller Aced
Matt Mercer as Foreteller Ira
Karissa Lee Staples as Foreteller Invi
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora
Square Enix Cast:
Doug Erholtz as Leon
Cody Christian as Cloud Strife
Andrea Bowen as Aerith Gainsborough
Britt Baron as Tifa Lockhart
Mae Whitman as Yuffie Kisaragi
Tyler Hoechlin as Sephiroth
Chris Edgerly as Cid Highwind
Hedy Burress as Yuna
Tara Strong as Rikku
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine
Will Friedle as Seifer Almasy
Brandon Adams as Rai
Jillian Bowen as Fuu
Crispin Freeman as Setzer Gabbiani
Melissa Disney as Vivi Ornitier
Shaun Fleming as Tidus
Molly Keck as Selphie Tilmitt
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka
Matt McKenzie as Auron
Atlantica (The Little Mermaid)
Takes place after The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea.
Jodi Benson as Ariel
Christopher Daniel Barnes as Eric
Cam Clarke as Flounder
Philip Lawrence as Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian
Chris Edgerly as Scuttle
Jim Cummings as King Triton
Tara Strong as Melody
Kari Wahlgren as Attina
Jennifer Hale as Alana
Tara Strong as Adella
Grey DeLisle as Aquata
Grey DeLisle as Arista
Tara Strong as Andrina
Michael J. Gough as Grimsby
Grey DeLisle as Carlotta
Ben Diskin as Chef Louis
Max Casella as Tip
Corey Burton as Dash
Jeff Bennett as Benjamin
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ray-Ray
Kevin Michael Richardson as Cheeks
Rob Paulsen as Ink Spot
Jim Cummings as Shelbow
Charlie Adler as Seahorse
Kari Wahlgren, Jennifer Hale, Tara Strong, & Grey DeLisle as Flounder’s Guppies
Frank Welker as Max
Village (Beauty and the Beast)
Takes place after the movie.
Julie Nathanson as Belle
Robby Benson as Adam
Corey Burton as Maurice
Jeff Bennett as Lumière
Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Potts
Bob Joles as Henry Cogsworth
Jessica DiCicco as Chip Potts
Jo Anne Worley as Madame de la Grande Bouche
Kimmy Robertson as Fifi
Frank Welker as Philippe
Frank Welker as Sultan
Agrabah (Aladdin)
Takes place after Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
Scott Weinger & Brad Kane (singing) as Aladdin
Jim Meskimen as the Genie
Linda Larkin & Liz Callaway (singing) as Jasmine
Jeff Bennett as Sultan Hamed Bobolonius II
Brian Hull as Iago
John Rhys-Davies as Cassim
Jim Cummings as Razoul
Frank Welker as Abu
Frank Welker as Cave of Wonders
Frank Welker as Rajah
Pride Lands (The Lion King)
Takes place between The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride.
Cam Clarke as Simba
Vanessa Marshall as Nala
Kevin Schon as Timon
Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa
Khary Payton as Rafiki
Jeff Bennett as Zazu
Gary Anthony Williams as Mufasa
James Horan as Scar
Andy’s Room (Toy Story)
Takes place between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
Jim Hanks as Woody
Mike MacRae as Buzz Lightyear
Kathryn Cressida as Jessie
Wallace Shawn as Rex
John Ratzenberger as Hamm
Blake Clark as Slinky Dog
Patrick Fraley as Mr. Potato Head
Melissa Sternenberg as Mrs. Potato Head
Sawyer Cole as Andy Davis
Laurie Metcalf as Andy’s Mom
Hannah Unkrich as Molly Davis
Jeff Pidgeon as Aliens
Frank Welker as Bullseye
La Cité des Cloches (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Takes place after the movie.
Ari Rubin as Quasimodo
Renee Faia & Heidi Mollenhauer (singing) as Esmeralda
Phil LaMarr as Captain Phoebus
Jim Cummings as Victor
Jason Alexander as Hugo
Pat Lentz as Laverne
Paul Kandel as Clopin
Corey Burton as Brutish Guard
Bill Fagerbakke as Oafish Guard
Frank Welker as Djali
Thebes/Olympus/Underworld (Hercules)
Takes place after the movie.
Tate Donovan as Hercules
Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes
James Woods as Hades
Susan Egan as Megara
Corey Burton as Zeus
Bobcat Goldthwait as Pain
Matt Frewer as Panic
Jim Cummings as Amphitryon
Barbara Barrie as Alcmene
Samantha Eggar as Hera
Wayne Knight as Demetrius
Lillias White as Calliope, Muse of Epics
Cheryl Freeman as Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy
LaChanze as Terpsichore, Muse of Dance
Roz Ryan as Thalia, Muse of Comedy
Vaneese Y. Thomas as Clio, Muse of History
Paul Shaffer as Hermes
Keith David as Apollo
Lisa Kudrow as Aphrodite
Frank Welker as Pegasus
The Land of Dragons (Mulan)
Takes place after the movie.
Ming-Na Wen & Lea Salonga (singing) as Fa Mulan
B.D. Wong & Donny Osmond (singing) as Li Shang
Mark Moseley as Mushu
Harvey Fierstein as Yao
Gedde Watanabe & Matthew Wilder (singing) as Ling
Jerry Tondo as Chien-Po
James Hong as Chi-Fu
Jet Li as Fa Zhou
George Takei as First Ancestor
Sandra Oh as Fa Li
Benedict Wong as General Li
Wang Deshun as Emperor of China
Lisa Lu as Grandmother Fa
Frank Welker as Cri-Kee
Frank Welker as Kahn
Ant Island/Bug City (A Bug’s Life)
Takes place during the movie.
Dave Foley as Flik
Andrew Stanton as Hopper
Jodi Benson as Princess Atta
Alma Versano as Princess Dot
June Squibb as the Queen
Richard Kind as Molt
David Hyde Pierce as Slim
Flula Borg as Heimlich
Nick Jameson as Francis
Jim Cummings as Manny
Jennifer Hale as Gypsy
Bonnie Hunt as Rosie
Michael McShane as Tuck
Michael McShane as Roll
John Ratzenberger as P.T. Flea
Brad Garrett as Dim
Corey Burton as Mr. Soil
Grey DeLisle as Dr. Flora
Marc Maron as Thorny
David Ossman as Cornelius
Frank Welker as Thumper
Jacob Tremblay as Ant Boy 1
Jessica DiCicco as Ant Boy 2
Andrew Stanton as Fly Brother 1
Jess Harnell as Fly Brother 2
Carlos Alazraqui as Loco
John DiMaggio as Axel
Kevin Schon as Slick
Miles Luna as Bug Zapper Fly
Andrew Stanton as Harry
Sabrina Fest as Daisy
Mariel Sheets as Grub
Ashley Tisdale as Lead Blueberry Scout
Melissa Sternenberg as Bar Waitress
Rodger Bumpass as Mosquito
Jess Harnell as Bus Beetle
Brad Hall as Grasshopper 1
Jeff Pidgeon as Grasshopper 2
Lee Unkrich as Ant 1
Bill Farmer as Ant 2
Dave Fennoy as Thud
J. Michael Tatum as Bouncer Wasp
Debi Derryberry as Baby Maggots
Bob Bergen as Aphie
Deep Jungle (Tarzan)
Takes place after the movie.
Tony Goldwyn as Tarzan
Olivia d’Abo as Jane Porter
Susanne Blakeslee as Kala
April Winchell as Terk
Jim Cummings as Tantor
Jeff Bennett as Archimedes Q. Porter
Monstropolis (Monsters, Inc.)
Takes place after the movie.
Christopher Swindle as James P. Sullivan
Carlos Alazraqui as Mike Wazowski
Mary Gibbs as Boo
Jennifer Tilly as Celia Mae
John Ratzenberger as Yeti
Bob Peterson as Roz
Christopher Swindle as Jeff Fungus
Stephen Stanton as Needleman
Stephen Stanton as Smitty
Bonnie Hunt as Ms. Flint
Regan Burns as Jerry Slugsworth
Stephen Stanton as George Sanderson
Christopher Swindle as Thaddeus “Phlegm” Bile
Phil Proctor as Charlie Proctor
Gregg Berger as Peter “Claws” Ward
Roger Craig Smith, Pete Docter, & Teddy Newton as Child Detection Agents
Great Barrier Reef/Deep Ocean/Marine Life Institute (Finding Nemo)
Takes place after Finding Dory.
Jess Harnell as Marlin
Jennifer Hale as Dory
Tara Strong as Nemo
Ed O’Neill as Hank
Kaitlin Olson as Destiny
J.P. Karliak as Bailey
Eugene Levy as Charlie
Jen Brown as Jenny
Willem Dafoe as Gill
Brad Garrett as Bloat
Allison Janney as Peach
Austin Pendleton as Gurgle
Stephen Root as Bubbles
Vicki Lewis as Deb (& Flo)
Jerome Ranft as Jacques
Andrew Stanton as Crush
Grey DeLisle as Squirt
Idris Elba as Fluke
Dominic West as Rudder
Geoffrey Rush as Nigel
Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray
Jess Harnell as Bruce
Eric Bana as Anchor
Bruce Spence as Chum
Torbin Xan Bullock as Gerald
Katherine Ringgold as Chickenfish
Torbin Xan Bullock as Becky
Andrew Stanton as Seagulls
Metroville/Nomansian Island (The Incredibles)
Takes place during the movie.
Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Jason Lee as Buddy Pine/Syndrome
Norma Maldonado as Mirage
Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr
Gillian Jacobs as Dash Parr
Brad Bird as Edna Mode (E)
Philip Lawrence as Lucius Best/Frozone
Jonathan Banks as Rick Dicker
Mark Andrews, Brad Lewis, Pete Docter, Peter Sohn, Andrew Stanton, & Jeff Pidgeon as Syndrome’s Guards
Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews, & Nicolas Bird as Jack-Jack Parr
Bret Parker as Kari McKeen
Michael Bird as Tony Rydinger
Kimberly Adair Clark as Honey Best
Teddy Newton as Manta Jet Computer
Frank Thomas as Frank
Ollie Johnston as Ollie
Teddy Newton as Robot Bird
Nicolas Bird as Rusty McCallister
Radiator Springs/Rusteze-Dinoco Racing Center/Fireball Beach/Thunder Hollow/Thomasville/Florida International Speedway (Cars)
Takes place after Cars 3.
It isn’t combat based. Missions include keeping up with McQueen’s top speed by racing down Radiator Springs’ main street, learning how to turn right to go left at Willy’s Butte, keeping up with Cruz’s top speed on Fireball Beach, avoiding pushy competitors with the Thunder Hollow challengers, and practicing with Cruz at Thomasville, culminating in the Piston Cup race at Florida International Speedway, where the objective is to win against Jackson Storm.
Sora enters the world as a custom-made sports coupe mixing a few real-life sports car models before visits to Luigi’s Casa Della Tires and Ramone’s House of Body Art end with him modified into a next-gen race car sponsored by Dinoco (with Tex’s blessing) and with Cruz’s number.
It’s set during Cruz’s first Piston Cup racing season, so McQueen still has Doc’s colors and spends the Florida race as Sora’s crew chief.
As Sora finishes his story, Mater is certainly unhappy with Xehanort’s actions forcing Sora’s hand. “That dad-gum Xehanort”, he says angrily. Extra points if Sora doesn’t get to the part where Xehanort is dead, then Sarge gets in his face and demands him to teach Xehanort a lesson when he gets back in a militaristic manner. “Is that understood,” Sarge yells. Then Sora tries to correct him, but gets cut off and asked again, “Is that understood,” and has to respond, “Sir, yes, sir!”
Of course, during the top speed races, Luigi is the one to signal the race to begin.
In the Radiator Springs race, Sora’s top speed is tracked by Sheriff’s speed radar, and on Fireball Beach, it’s via Cruz’s personal assistant, Hamilton.
If you fail the “Turn Right to go Left” mission, Sora goes flying into the bed of cacti, and Mater fishes him out.
I know I’ll get hate for this, but Cars 2 elements are here. Heck, maybe Mater can’t be present most for the training because he’s busy with Finn and Holley. After all, does he still owe Holley a first date?
I wanted the player character in this world to be Kairi just so Storm can feel the embarrassment of losing to not one, but two “costume girls”.
The Piston Cup race is announced as a 500-lap race, but no game developer is that malicious to force the player to race 500 laps around an oval, so they’d take after the first Cars game and make it twelve laps with the sun slowly lowering throughout the race.
Keith Ferguson as Lightning McQueen
Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez
Larry the Cable Guy as Sir Tow Mater
Chris Cooper as Smokey
Bonnie Hunt as Sally Carrera
Tony Shalhoub as Luigi
Guido Quaroni as Guido
John Ratzenberger as Mack
Lloyd Sherr as Fillmore
Paul Dooley as Sarge
Cheech Marin as Ramone
Jenifer Lewis as Flo
Michael Wallis as Sheriff
Laraine Newman as Lizzie
Jerome Ranft as Red
A.J. Hamilton as Jackson Storm
Kerry Washington as Natalie Certain
Martin Jarvis as Finn McMissile
Emily Mortimer as Holley Shiftwell
Nathan Fillion as Sterling
Wendie Malick as Louise “Barnstormer” Nash
Kevin Michael Richardson as River Scott
Jason Douglas as Junior “Midnight” Moon
Teresa Gallagher as Mater’s Computer
Bob Peterson as Chick Hicks
Lea DeLaria as Miss Fritter
Humpy Wheeler as Tex Dinoco
Lewis Hamilton as Hamilton
Bob Costas as Bob Cutlass
Darrell Waltrip as Darrell Cartrip
Richard Petty as Strip “The King” Weathers
Ray Evernham as Ray Reverham
Madeleine McGraw as Maddy McGear
Shannon Spake as Shannon Spokes
Kyle Petty as Cal Weathers
Corey Burton & Paul Newman (archived recordings) as Doc Hudson
A.J. Riebli III as McQueen’s Biggest Fan
Steve Purcell as Tractors
Lori Alan as Millie
Michel Michelis as Tomber
Jason Isaacs as Siddeley
Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen
Joe MacDonald as Stephenson
Christopher Sabat as Prince Wheeliam
Andra Day as Sweet Tea
Angel Oquendo as Bobby Swift
Will Collyer as Brick Yardley
Jeremy Maxwell as Arvy Motorhome
Bob Peterson as Dr. Damage
Will Collyer as Roscoe
Peter Sohn as Mr. Drippy
Patrick Rodriguez as Taco
Anthony Sardinha as Jimbo
Andrew Stanton as T-Bone
Jessie James Grelle as APB
Jessica Nigri as Blind Spot
Kaiji Tang as Pushover
Jen Taylor as Tailgate
Barbara Dunkelman as Cigalert
Dustin Matthews as Fishtail
Kyle Phillips as Broadside
Maggie Tominey as Patty
Tyler Coe as Bill
Brendan Blaber as Pileup
Lindsay Jones as High Impact
Jason Pace as Faregame
Tiana Camacho as Airborne
Django Craig as Superfly
Jen Brown as Jambalaya Chimichanga
Samantha Ireland as Liability
Gus Sorola as Hit
Christopher Guerrero as Run
Alex Mai as Todd
Daniel Suárez as Danny Swervez
Ryan Blaney as Ryan “Inside” Laney
Bubba Wallace as Bubba Wheelhouse
Chase Elliott as Chase Racelott
Kerry Shawcross as Tim Treadless
Corey Krueger as Rich Mixon
Zeno Robinson as Cam Spinner
Alejandro Saab as H.J. Hollis
Adam Ellis as Ed Truncan
Burnie Burns as Herb Curbler
Miles Luna as Aaron Clocker
Garrett Hunter as Harvey Rodcap
Michael Jones as J.D. McPillar
Yuri Lowenthal as Flip Dover
Kyle Taylor as Barry DePedal
Blaine Gibson as Steve LaPage
Aaron Marquis as Conrad Camber
Gavin Free as Sheldon Shifter
Flynt Flossy as Paul Conrev
Travis Willingham as Michael Rotor
Ben Schwartz as Ritchie Gunzit
Nick Landis as Eric Braker
Neath Oum as Spikey Fillups
Connor Pickens as Chris Roamin’
Clifford Chapin as Dan Carcia
Scott Frerichs as Jonas Carvers
Howard Wang as Jim Reverick
Dustin Matthews as George New-Win
Eric Baudour as Noah Gocek
Aaron Dismuke as Will Rusch
Todd Womack as M. Fast Fong
Mick Lauer as Nick Shift
Richard Norman as J.P. Drive
Christopher Wehkamp as Tom W.
Aaron Dismuke as Sudeep
Grant George as Krzysztof
Bryce Papenbrook as Shiriam
Django Craig as Kurt
Carlos Alazraqui as Ronald
Todd Haberkorn as Junyi
Harvey Guillén as Gabriel
Angel Oquendo as Aiden
Michael Malconian as Jae
Robbie Daymond as Ernesto
Anna Hullum as Melissa Bernabrake
Jason Rose as Pat Traxson
Kara Eberle as Laura Spinwell
Anairis Quiñones as Gale Beaufort
Paris/Gusteau’s Restaurant (Ratatoullie)
Takes place during the movie.
Patton Oswalt as Remy
Brian George as Chef Skinner
Lou Romano as Alfredo Linguini
Travis Willingham as Django
Peter Sohn as Emile
Corey Burton as Anton Ego
Brad Garrett as Auguste Gusteau
Janeane Garofalo as Colette Tatou
Will Arnett as Horst
Julius Callahan as Lalo
James Remar as Larousse
John Ratzenberger as Mustafa
Teddy Newton as Talon Labarthe
Tony Fucile as Health Inspector
Julius Callahan as Francois
Tony Fucile as Pompidou
Jake Steinfield as Git
Brad Bird as Ambrister Minion
Brad Lewis, Lindsay Collins, & Lori Richardson as Rats
New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog)
Takes place during the movie.
Anika Noni Rose as Tiana
Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen
Keith David as Dr. Facilier
Michael-Leon Wooley as Louis
Jennifer Cody as Charlotte La Bouff
Jim Cummings as Raymond
Peter Bartlett as Lawrence
Jenifer Lewis as Mama Odie
Debra Wilson as Eudora
Brian Cummings as Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff
Ritchie Montgomery as Reggie
Dave Fouquette as Darnell
Paul Briggs as Two Fingers
Jerry Kernion as Mr. Henry Fenner
Corey Burton as Mr. Harvey Fenner
Michael Colyar as Buford
Emeril Lagasse as Marlon the Gator
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ian the Gator
Randy Newman as Cousin Randy
Danielle Moné Truitt as Georgia
Kelly Hoover as Stella
Kwesi Boakye as Newspaper Boy
Mick Wingert as Travis
Jennifer Kilger as Swooning Girl
Phil Proctor as Cajun Firefly
Seth R. Williamson as Prince Ralphie
Kingdom of Corona (Tangled)
Takes place after the movie.
Can we have a reprise of I’ve Got a Dream, and now Sora gets a chance to share his dream, to return to his friends?
Kelsey Lansdowne as Rapunzel Fitzherbert
Zachary Levi as Eugene Fitzherbert
Kari Wahlgren as Queen Ariana
Clancy Brown as King Frederic
M.C. Gainey as Captain of the Guard
Brad Garrett as Hook Hand
Chris Marlow as Big Nose
Paul F. Tompkins as Shorty
Charles Halford as Vladimir
Stephen Stanton as Attila Buckethead
Ron Perlman as Sideburns Stabbington
Brian Hull as Patchy Stabbington
Bob Bergen as Pascal
Nathan Greno as Maximus
DunBroch (Brave)
Takes place during the movie.
Kelly Macdonald as Merida
Billy Connolly as Fergus
Emma Thompson as Elinor
Susanne Blakeslee as the Witch
David Tennant as Lord Dingwall
Kevin McKidd as Lord MacGuffin
Craig Ferguson as Lord Macintosh
Michelle Gomez as Maudie
Peigi Barker as Young Merida
Kevin McKidd as Young MacGuffin
Steven Cree as Young Macintosh
Steve Purcell as the Crow
Callum O’Neill as Wee Dingwall
Patrick Doyle as Martin
John Ratzenberger as Gordon
Game Central Station (Wreck-it Ralph)
Takes place after the movie.
Brian T. Delaney as Wreck-it Ralph
Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz
Jack McBrayer as Fix-it Felix Jr.
Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Ed O’Neill as Mr. Stan Litwak
Rich Moore as Sour Bill
Maurice LaMarche as Tapper
Dennis Haysbert as General Hologram
Raymond S. Persi as Mayor Gene
Melissa Villaseñor as Taffyta Muttonfudge
Brandon Scott as Kohut
Grey DeLisle as Mary
Skylar Astin as Roy
Don Fullilove as Nolan
Rachael Harris as Deanna
Jess Harnell as Don
Jen Brown as Nell
Jason Douglas as J. Norwood
Pamela Adlon as Lucy
Grey DeLisle as Meg
Katie Lowes as Candlehead
Jamie Elman as Rancis Fluggerbutter
Adam Carolla as Wynnchel
Chris Pratt as Duncan
Josie Trinidad as Jubileena Bing-Bing
Cymbre Walk as Crumbelina Di Caramello
Bella Blanding as Snowanna Rainbeau
Jaeden White as Swizzle “The Swizz” Malarkey
Sawyer Cole as Gloyd Orangeboar
Suzie Yeung as Minty Zaki
Romi Dames as Adorabeezle Winterpop
Josie Trinidad as Citrusella Flugpucker
Suzie Yeung as Torvald Batterbutter
Suzie Yeung as Sticky Whipplesnit
Romi Dames as Nougetsia Brumblestain
Tucker Gilmore as Sugar Rush Announcer
Phil Johnston as Surge Protector
Arendelle (Frozen)
Takes place after the movie.
Kristen Bell as Anna
Idina Menzel as Elsa
Jonathan Groff as Kristoff
Josh Gad as Olaf
Frank Welker as Sven
Ciarán Hinds as Grandpabbie
Chris Williams as Oaken
Stephen J. Anderson as Kai
Maia Wilson as Bulda
Rebecca Mader as Gurda
Robert Pine as Bishop
Paul Briggs as Marshmallow
Lewis Cleale as Cliff
Jack Whitehall as Gothi
Annie Lopez as Baby Troll
San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6)
Takes place after the movie.
Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada
Scott Adsit as Baymax
Brooks Wheelan as Fred Fredrickson
Damon Wayans Jr. as Wasabi No Ginger
Jamie Chung as Ethel “Go Go Tomago”
Génesis Rodríguez as Honey Lemon
Maya Rudolph as Cass Hamada
James Cromwell as Robert Callaghan
Alan Tudyk as Allistair Krei
Katie Lowes as Abigail Callaghan
David Shaughnessy as Heathcliff
Daniel Henney as Tadashi Hamada
Riley’s Mind/Mindscape (Inside Out)
Takes place after the movie.
Kate Higgins as Joy
Phyllis Smith as Sadness
Lewis Black as Anger
Jason J. Lewis as Fear
Ashley Adler as Disgust
Kaitlyn Dias as Riley Andersen
Diane Lane as Jill Andersen (Mom)
Kyle MacLachlan as Bill Andersen (Dad)
Pete Docter as Dad’s Anger
Carlos Alazraqui as Dad’s Fear
Josh Cooley as Dad’s Fear
Patrick Seitz as Dad’s Joy
J.P. Karliak as Dad’s Disgust
Lori Alan as Mom’s Sadness
Paula Pell as Mom’s Anger
Laraine Newman as Mom’s Fear
Sherry Lynn as Mom’s Joy
Mona Marshall as Mom’s Disgust
Zootopia (Zootopia)
Takes place during the movie.
Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps
Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde
Idris Elba as Chief Bogo
Jenny Slate as Dawn Bellwether
Nate Torrence as Benjamin Clawhauser
Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps
Don Lake as Stu Hopps
Tommy Chong as Yax
J.K. Simmons as Theodore Lionheart
Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton
Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton
Allison Trujillo Strong & Shakira (singing) as Gazelle
Raymond S. Persi as Flash
Maurice LaMarche as Mr. Big
Phil Johnston as Gideon Gray
John DiMaggio as Jerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Katie Lowes as Dr. Madge Honey Badger
Gita Reddy as Nangi
Jesse Corti as Mr. Manchas
Kevin Michael Richardson as Finnick
Josh Dallas as Frantic Pig
Leah Latham as Fru Fru
Rich Moore as Doug
Kath Soucie as Young Nick
Peter Mansbridge as Peter Moosebridge
Byron Howard as Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
Jared Bush as Pronk Oryx-Antlerson
Mark “Rhino” Smith as Officer McHorn
John Lavelle as Mouse Foreman
Kristen Bell as Priscilla
Jackson Stein as Junior Ranger Scout Bully
Rich Moore as Larry
David Thibodeau as Gary
Fabienne Rawley as Fabienne Growley
John DiMaggio as Jesse
John DiMaggio as Woolter
Zach King as Muzzled Wolf
Cissy Jones as Officer Francine
Raymond S. Persi as Officer Higgins
Fabinne Rawley as Jumbeaux Café Customer
John DiMaggio as Parking Ticket Moose
Melissa Goodwin Shepard as Parking Ticket Mouse
Madeleine Curry as Parking Ticket Hippo Daughter
Brendan Blaber as Beaver Reporter
Kaiji Tang as Sheep Reporter
John DiMaggio as Pig Reporter
Bonnie Hunt as Oryx Reporter
Selah Victor as Rabbit Reporter
J. Michael Tatum as Pig Peace Rally Protester
Jen Taylor as Leopard Peach Rally Protester
Tiana Camacho as Carrot Customer
John DiMaggio as Sheep Officer
Motunui/The Great Oceans (Moana)
Takes place during the movie.
Auli’i Cravalho as Moana
Dwayne Johnson as Maui
Rachel House as Gramma Tala
Temuera Morrison & Christopher Jackson (singing) as Chief Tui
Jemaine Clement as Tamatoa
Nicole Scherzinger as Sina
Alan Tudyk as Heihei
Oscar Kightley as Fisherman
Troy Polamalu as Villager 1
Puanani Cravalho as Villager 2
Alan Tudyk as Villager 3
Land of the Dead/Santa Cécilia (Coco)
Takes place during the movie.
Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel Rivera
Gael García Bernal as Papá Héctor Rivera
Benjamin Bratt & Antonio Sol (singing) as Ernesto de la Cruz
Alanna Ubach as Mamá Imelda Rivera
Renée Victor as Abuelita Elena Rivera
Jaime Camil as Enrique Rivera (Papá)
Alfonso Arau as Papá Julio Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Óscar Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Felipe Rivera
Gabriel Iglesias as Clerk
Lombardo Boyar as Plaza Mariachi
Lombardo Boyar as Gustavo
Ana Ofelia Murguía as Mamá Coco Rivera
Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Frida Kahlo
Selene Luna as Tía Rosita Rivera
Edward James Olmos as Chicharrón
Sofía Espinosa as Luisa Rivera (Mamá)
Carla Medina as Departures Agent
Dyana Ortelli as Tía Victoria Rivera
Luis Valdez as Tío Berto Rivera
Luis Valdez as Don Hidalgo
Blanca Araceli as Emcee
Salvador Reyes as Security Guard
Cheech Marin as Corrections Officer
Octavio Solís as Arrivals Agent
John Ratzenberger as Juan Ortodoncia
Denise Blasor as Ceci
Libertad García Fonzi as Young Coco
Juan Carlos Tinoco as de la Cruz’s Security Guards
Carla Medina as Tía Gloria Rivera
Montse Hernandez as Rosa Rivera
Polo Rojas as Abel Rivera
Maite Perroni as Arrivals and Departures P.A.
Ricardo Bautista as Battle of the Bands Stagehand
Emilio Fuentes as Sunrise Spectacular Stagehand
Carlos Becerril as Sunrise Spectacular Emcee
Trujo as Policeman
Rosalba Sotelo as Dead Mother
Erica Edwards as Tía Chelo
Miguel Ángel Ruiz as T-Shirt Seller
Emmanuel Bernal as Gustavo’s Band Trumpeter
Lee Unkrich as Skeleton with Corn
Emmanuel Bernal as Héctor’s Cousin
Kumandra (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Takes place after the movie.
Kelly Marie Tran as Raya
Awkwafina as Sisu
Gemma Chan as Namaari
Izaac Wang as Boun
Benedict Wong as Tong
Thalia Tran as Noi
Daniel Dae Kim as Chief Benja
Sandra Oh as Chieftess Virana
Alan Tudyk as Tuk Tuk
Lucille Soong as Dang Hu
Dichen Lachman as General Atitãya
Sung Kang as Dang Hai
Ross Butler as Spine Chief
Dumbfoundead as Chai
Dichen Lachman as Spine Warrior
François Chau as Kahn
Sierra Katow as Fang Officer
The Encanto (Encanto)
Takes place after the movie.
Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel Madrigal
María Cecilia Botero & Olga Merediz (singing) as Abuela Alma Madrigal
John Leguizamo as Bruno Madrigal
Jessica Darrow as Luisa Madrigal
Diane Guerrero as Isabela Madrigal
Angie Cepeda as Julieta Madrigal
Demián Bichir as Agustín Madrigal
Carolina Gaitán as Pepa Madrigal
Mauro Castillo as Félix Madrigal
Rhenzy Feliz as Camilo Madrigal
Adassa as Dolores Madrigal
Ravi Cabot-Conyers as Antonio Madrigal
Maluma as Mariano Guzmán
Rose Portillo as Sra. Guzmán
Alyssa Bella Candiani, Noemi Josefina Flores, Paisley Day Herrera, Brooklyn Skylar Rodriguez, & Ezra Rudolph as Town Kids
Alan Tudyk as Pico
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
Takes place after the movie.
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Mia Tagano as Lily
Sherry Cola as Helen
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Addie Chandler as Devon
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Second Friend)
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
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wondererryn · 6 months
why did my friend send me this i thought we were past chain mail
" Hi can u put your name in it and send it to 10 different people We’re trying to make the longest iMessage for the 2021 Guinness World Records. Put your name below (copy it) and send it to 10 people, Don’t be th e one to break the chain
🐷Sadie 🐷
⚾️Matthew ⚾️
😎Spencer 😎
🥶Kayla 🥶
🌈Justine 🌈
📍Aniyah 📍
🤞Emily 🤞
😜Brenda 🥎
🐱Emerson 🐱
🏈 Vishal 🏈
🦊Sahithi 🦊
🐰Sravya 🐰
💃🏼Jacqueline 💃🏼
🏄 Reilly 🏄
💀⛓Corine ⛓💀
🤍Mia 🤍
🎀Aylah 🎀
🪴Merrill 🪴
💕 Kendal 💕
🍬Chloe 🍬
🍭 ♡Taylor ♡🍭
🐻Keira R.🐻
🐝✌🏽Hannah ✌🏽🐝
💖Johannah 💖
arlyn 🦥
🏵Emily 🏵
🏳️‍🌈 Rayno 🏳️‍⚧️
🥝🧸 Tessie!! 🧸🥝
🍍grace 🍍
💀 Lucas 💀
😭Pheobe 😭
🦻🏻 Sierra 🫀
🦖Gisella 🦖
🦋Nolah 🌼
🏈 Will 🤪
⚽️Noah 🤡
⚽️Caden 🇮🇪
🌸 Beatrix🌸
🦑 LuCiA🐳
🐾 Abby-Rose🐶
🥶Kylie 🤫
🌸Taylor 🌸
🌺Dailyn 🌺
🌮Jacqueline 🌯
🐱 Aria 🏊‍♀️
🍄 Evelyn 🍄
👾Isaac 👾
🍕Pearl 🍕
🐹Margaret 🐹
temped to put my name and pass it on now
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heathmorgan · 10 months
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[ skeet ulrich — 53 — he/him ] Introducing  HEATH JAMES MORGAN . Word on the street is they are a RETIRED F1 DRIVER / CAPTAIN and member of THE BROTHERHOOD for the past TEN YEARS . Though they are DEMANDING and BRUTAL , they can also be INCISIVE and AUTHORITARIAN . In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in. 
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Name: Heathcliff James Morgan
Nickname: Heath
Age / D.O.B.: 53 / March 22, 1970
Gender, Pronouns: Cisman. He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Retired F1 driver / Captain
Affiliation: The Brotherhood
Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French
Relationship Status: Single
Children: One
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Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6 ft
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Personality Type: ENTP
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Positive Traits: Indomitable, Eloquent, Assertive, Cunning, Dominant, Ambitious, Bold, Decisive, Resourceful, Self Disciplined, Confident, Perceptive
Negative Traits: Brutal, Volatile, Manipulative, Cynical, Rough, Competitive, Vengeful, Malicious
Mental Health: (Undiagnosed) NPD
Narcotics of use: Cocaine
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Parents: Clark Morgan, Midge Davis
Siblings: TBD Morgan
Cousins: TBD
Children: Willa Morgan ( NPC )
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Heath was born in Dallas. His mother was a burlesque dancer and his dad a mechanic. His mother was an alcoholic and abusive, she also struggled with drug addiction and would constantly disappear from home for weeks at a time. His father got tired of this and moved with his children to a trailer park, where he raised them as a single dad.
His father was part of a motorcycle gang, mostly former by getaway drivers with criminal ties, the kids spent much of their time under their protection, they considered them family and that was where Heath developed his passion for cars.
He started driving karts, the first step in the craft of racing, learning from control to adapting to the race track for speed. He entered karting competitions, was skilled and started to attract attention from sponsors. Different local and national competitions, getting a few good wins under his belt.
His father was killed in a confrontation between the group and the police, which made Heath responsible for his younger sibling. Due to family connections, they find their way to NYC. Necessity made him join the criminal world for a quick way out, doing the unimaginable to guarantee their survival since they no longer had protection.
He built for himself a small group of criminals that he had met along the way, they lived in the shadows. Started with small thefts and riots, until they evolved into kidnapping, blackmailing, extortion - and murder. yes, they knew it would reach extreme measures as soon as attacks on government buildings and high ranking individuals started to happen. It was a common fact among the powerful, they always had the fire lit faster when someone was about to die. And he wanted that kind of attention.
As the years went by he could see the improvement, they were far from being rich but now they had their own small house and were comfortable for the first time. Decided to return to amateur kart competitions and attended different educational programs pursuing technical and mechanical backgrounds knowledge. Sponsorship and funding allowed him to get his full competition license, building a career.
After getting a FIA international grade A license, he began competing in the lower-tier series, getting the right kind of networking and catching the attention of team owners, opening doors to opportunities in high levels of F1.
Heath was superior to the majority. Amidst the clamor, the chaos, the endless hours of practice, he remained unbroken, untouched. His power hunger surpassed that of his peers, a relentless drive to go beyond, delve deeper, and endure farther. While many found themselves in a competition for attention - he simply prevailed, unequivocally. And he deserved it. He deserved to be seen and be heard, eat the rich as they devour everything around them.
Everyone who crossed his path tried brutally to tame him, breaking him into a thousand pieces, tirelessly seeking to reshape into different individuals. His essence could never be affected, you cannot corrupt something that has been rotten for a long time. He could feel all that poison in his blood, every step he took was like the tick tock of a time bomb about to burst - all those vile urges were devouring him from the inside out.
After winning F1 world championship for the eighth time ( six times consecutively) at forty, he decided to retire. He got bored. Not just of his career, but everything else. Contacts with shady sponsors allowed him to achieve even more exclusive cycles, and consequently even more skeletons in his closet.
Do you remember the small group of criminals from his teenage years? Now with more available resources, he joined a bigger version of it, even more lethal. The Brotherhod. Meticulously chosen individuals, whose every weakness could be exploited and shaped into a weapon.
The common enemy remained the same: government, with no prospect that that target would ever change. New adversaries appeared on the way, more organizations than they could count, but nothing that couldn't be turned into a vile public message of what would happen to anyone who got in their way.
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1988 : got his FIA international grade A license. he was 18
1991 : started competing for ferrari. he was 21 years old
1992 - 1999 : won six world titles consecutively
2000 : signed with mclaren.
2007 : won his seventh world title
2009 : won his eighth and last world title
2010 : retired. 40 years old
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cherrys-writings · 2 years
No Scones
Summary: Finding out where Xander has escaped to for the day
Word count: 631
Warnings: None
Whenever my aunt and uncle go on a dealer’s trip, they always manage to find the most unusual treasures. The latest and probably craziest find, an astronomical clock made by Rasmus Sørnes himself. Like many of the items that come through the store, it needs a bit of love before it can go to its new home. In this case, some wealthy physicist. 
“Tobias Hawthorne would adore this,” I say, running my hand along the cold base, “this is far beyond anything we know Aunt Nina.”
“You are completely right,” Xander was making his way to the upstairs workshop, Willa bounding after him. “My grandfather would have adored such mastery of art and mathematics.”
His eyes were puffy, but that is the only obvious indication of recent events. Xander doesn’t have that extra liveliness in his step like he normally does and he isn’t wearing his school uniform. Where he’s been most of the day remains a mystery.
“Your brothers are worried about you, Xander. They thought you went to school, but if I knew you’d be here I would have brought scones.”
“I’m not hungry.”
His short response is jarring to say the least. Xander begins examining the inner workings of the clock. Nina and Jay must think his capabilities with robotics can be applied to this, but the two things seem unrelated to me. Nina stands tight lipped holding two large boxes, wearily glancing between us. 
“There are several unique editions in one. Only a few need major repairs before Jay can do anything with them,” she says, setting them on a worktable. “My comfort to you and your family Xander. Take all the time you need before you try anything with the clock.”
Xander swallows hard and nods, allowing Nina to squeeze him in a hug before she leaves us to our projects. 
To Grayson
    Me: FYI Xander is at J+N’s store
One of the boxes has my name written on it followed by instructions stating it is for my eyes only. Something tells me I should open it in private, so I unpack some of the “unique editions.” Willa appears on the table, thoroughly inspecting every volume I set aside. A few are ancient, but in good condition. Others are falling apart and one looks like it’s been repaired many times; a hodgepodge of pages from different prints. It becomes a clear favorite of Willa’s as she lays her head atop it ready for another nap. She flinches slightly when my phone rings.
“Hey Grayson,”
“Hey flower, can you let Xander know someone will be there to pick him up soon? He hasn’t been responding to anyone today.”
“Of course, as long as you be nice to everyone and learn to relax a bit,” I say.
“Who says I don’t know how to relax? “ Grayson asks incredulously, “Don’t answer that. All I’ve been doing is being nice to everyone. I’ve taken care of everything in the best interests of my family, so no one has to think about anything. I’ll be by later, if that’s okay with you of course.”
“My door is always open, you all know that.”
“That could be problematic for you one day, Davis,”  he jokes
“I’ll be fine Hawthorne,” I say before hanging up.
Xander scoops up Willa and leans against the table. When I turn to speak, he holds up a hand, “You should ask before you do that. Give me the same courtesy you give my brother please.”
I just nod and reach to scratch the cat’s head, taking advantage of her affectionate mood. Before I’m able to leave, Jay and Nina ask about taking food to the family. Aunt Nina pointed out that the staff probably weren’t close to Tobias Hawthorne and would easily carry on per usual.
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