#William Thompson
memorycare · 9 months
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corporeal lapse - william thompson
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edgarmoser · 1 year
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william thompson
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The real secret to freedom seems to lie in the ability to deal with ambiguity, the capacity to tolerate noise and yet hear within its wild randomizing abandon the possibilities of innovation and transformations.
William Thompson
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Scalped in 1867 by Cheyenne in Nebraska, Here’s the Story Behind William Thompson’s Scalp
Subscriber Content Add content here that will only be visible to your subscribers. Payment Scalping is often depicted in old-timey cowboy-and-Indian movies with lots of quavering music and dramatic pauses. But then you see the real scalp under a bell jar and it isn’t so melodramatic anymore. William Thompson’s scalp, archived at the Main Library in Omaha, Nebraska, looks more like some sort…
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thewanderer-000 · 10 months
Penelope Thompson(18 + yrs and up)
The mother of four sat out in the field as her long time lover the father of her fourth son ordered his flock to pack away material for New Eden. It'd been a long while since they left Jacob's gate, a hopeful sight to her was their son running around with one of uncle John's airplane models that he was given. Their trusted wolf sitting at a distance, Hati surveyed the the small area, protecting her family. Penelope laughed at her little boy running, shouting, trying to climb trees like a bear cub. Then roar of engines sounded in the distance, definitely wasn't what anyone expected. Jacob immediately went to pick up his little boy as he threw his rifle to Penelope. Eden's Gaters got vigilant as did Hati, staying close to Jacob and little Ferdinand.
"Come on my little bear cub, time to go. Penelope, they may not be too close but let's be vigilant. Those fuckin' Scavengers could be watching from the trees" I say scanning the area as we retreated, Pen readied my reconstructed rifle, eyeing the horizon through the sniper scope ready for anything. Joseph wouldn't like this but I wouldn't going to part with my rifle, especially when I'm on an outing here with my family. I quickly moved to get everyone out of the area, New Eden's Gate was a damn fortress, thankfully. Not a full 3 years out, and we got Scavenger bull' on our plate.
"That was too close. I don't think we should take little bear again" I say in an exasperated yawn to Penelope, she looked on like it wasn't so bad. She probably was right but what if we weren't so lucky next time, we haven't yet got ready to go California way to search for her family. So far the research going out that way is filled with worry, strife and more fuckin' Scavengers. A few of my followers found Scavengers, they're dotting a few places outside of what used to be Hope County, Montana. I couldn't help thinking on it as we undress, I kick off my shoes, hesitant about bringing up conversation 'bout California.
"About California, I think-, I think we should go without our little bear, babe" I felt a lump in my throat trying to sound like we weren't actually going to make it there and back. She looked relieved though, Penelope grabbed my hand endearingly but tight and sighed. I knew it was serious, she never does that unless she's scared.
"I hate to say it, but, I think that's best, if you asked me a week ago, I think I would have tried to argue against the notion. Realistically it might be too much for him, he'd like to go, I'd hate to leave him. I don't want to leave him! But I would hate to lose him" I am shakey as Penelope says that last part, but it's a real concern. One I know we both share, I mask that I'm falling apart at the thought, but not too much as I squeezed her hand a bit. Before I knew it she pulled her hand away to try stopping her tears, Penelope wiped away the few tears rolling down her cheek. We sat on the bed quietly, I knew this would be difficult, breaking the news to him would be hard.
Our mother Penelope Thompson, once Penelope Wyatt was out there somewhere, it'd been years and the General just put our cause on the back burner since forever. We were trained, me and my brothers could just go out on our own and look for her. We were getting desperate to find her, I could only remember the name Hope County. My grandmother had said the name but she and grandfather just decided to live on without mom. Our father didn't care to remember, he already dropped her memory and chased whomever to get us a new mom. But he wouldn't 'round much. And we let him know we liked it better that way, we understood why grandma and grandpa just wanted to live without her. She was the only girl, grandma was in asylum after we made it in the bunker under the base. But after a couple years she was alright to talk about her but our bio dad started to try talking about our "family". Odd since we told him to buzz off, he wasn't clean and had women coming and going from his place a lot.
Grandmother and grandfather tolerated him but once he started on the live as a new family bull, it was time for him to go. He spent most of our lives dodging us or going no contact after the end of the world, which was odd since we all lived in a big ass military bunker. We didn't need him, our grandfather out ranked him but once out we found our own, joined service. Not much of a choice but it was something to find mom. We did better than our biological father. But I kept having dreams of mom, it was too vivid, I wanted to talk about it but how does one do that. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, I know I had to talk with my brothers though. We're hunting, so it's a good time.
"Hey, guys. Uh, I dreamt of mom. And- and I think she's alive, I don't know if that makes sense or-" I say scanning their responses, after a moment they're relieved. Max gave a big sigh.
"Oh holy fuck, I thought I was the only one, I thought I was going through the shit, David" Max said rubbing his head and face, it felt hopeful, I had hoped she was out there somewhere. Waiting or searching.
"Me too, I couldn't understand why this was happening and it only freaked me out" William sat just staring at the ground, I see them gears turning. I knew he was already planning on going after her, and looking back at Max I knew that was his intention too.
"Well, let's get our deer and then we prepare for Hope County, Montana. Find mom, and whoever the others are" I say picking up my rifle, we find our places and hunt.
(Edited update: my fics aren't in chronological order, sorry lol)
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18catsreading · 10 months
Aabria: lair action
Jasper: oh, it's okay
Aabria: huh?
Jasper: it's okay, you don't have to do that
Aabria: I don't have to?
[Brennan laughing]
Izzy: we're good
Siobhan: no, thank you
Aabria: that threw me off so fucking much.
Brennan: the authority of, I was like, like that, whatever that was made me be like [imitating a ear piece call]: Aabria, Jasper says no on that
Aabria: yeah yeah, oh I'm so, can you tell him I'm so sorry--
Erika: it's the accent
Aabria: yeah, fucking British accent cinders authority
Jasper: came from such a deep sense of fear. That was where I was coming from
Siobhan! Yes, exactly, the accent. It comes from a deep sense of fear
Brennan: I've never seen someone who's being faced with death and ruin with a voice of like [calmly]: I'm gonna send this back to the kitchen because this was not very good
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counterspelling · 1 year
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Endless Burrow's End
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hazeofhearts · 10 months
witnessing the most horrifying atrocities and then experiencing whiplash from the funniest thing you’ve ever seen is just part of the d20 experience
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dachshund-games · 10 months
Imagine you're a kid at oxford in 1983 and you're walking to class one day and you see a stoat from Ukraine (who has a higher GPA than you) squeeze past you to get to class with a little backpack on. Wild.
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silveryinkystar · 9 months
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Say hi, ___!
[ID in alt text]
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doreensladle · 10 months
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captions slay as always
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conschintz · 11 months
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burrow's end pcs + text posts
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pierre-hector · 2 years
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Vaccins : Dr Pierre-Henri Bredontiot
Un fichier PDF daté du 31 octobre 2019 (date PDF) traîne sur divers sites Web (1) reprenant l’article du Dr Pierre-Henri Bredontiot au sujet des vaccins paru dans le Quotidien du Médecin, vraisemblablement en novembre 2019. Le Dr Pierre Bredontiot a exercé en tant que médecin généraliste pendant 29 ans à Taponnat-Fleurignac (Charente) et a clôturé ses activités le 31 décembre 2020, comme en atteste le site Société.com (2). Dans ce document, il dénonce l’arnaque des vaccins depuis le début de leur histoire, avouant à ses confrères : « Vous pensez que ça a été facile de renoncer à mes trente ans de pratique vaccinale, lorsque j'ai compris que c'était une énorme et vieille escroquerie ? » Plus loin : « Je ne connais personne qui, ayant étudié sérieusement les vaccins, continue à les défendre. » Ces 7 pages « coup de gueule » est une belle introduction de ce dossier à scandales qui propose certaines pistes de recherches pour toute personne qui s’interroge sur le bien fondé de la vaccination. Le Dr Bredontiot s’étonne aussi : « … je n'en reviens pas d'avoir pu publier tout ça sur le QDM. » De fait, je n’ai pu retrouver trace de son article sur le site (3). En outre, le site AIMSIB a aussi publié le document (4). — (1) Roger Lecompte (DocPlayer), « VACCINS un médecin français ose parler : Article du Docteur Pierre-Henri Bredontiot dans le Quotidien du Médecin », pub. oct. 2020, (sans espace) https :// docplayer . Fr / 170692993-Vaccins-un-medecin-francais-ose-parler-article-du-docteur-pierre-henri-bredontiot-dans-le-quotidien-du-medecin . html (cons. 28 oct. 2022). (2) https://www.societe.com/societe/monsieur-pierre-bredontiot-311714406.html (cons. 28 oct. 2022). (3) En encodant notamment la chaîne de caractères : « vaccins Pierre-Henri Bredontiot 2019 site:www.lequotidiendumedecin.fr/ » dans un moteur de recherche, tel que Lilo (p.e.) : https://search.lilo.org/?q=vaccins+Pierre-Henri+Bredontiot+2019+site%3Awww.lequotidiendumedecin.fr%2F&page=2 (4) Dr Vincent Reliquet pour l’Association Internationale pour une Médecine Scientifique Indépendante et Bienveillante (AIMSIB), « Un médecin ignorant sera forcément un médecin malhonnête », pub. 17 juin 2020, (sans espace) https :// www . aimsib . Org / 2020 / 06 / 17 / un-medecin-ignorant-sera-forcement-un-medecin-malhonnete/ (cons. 28 oct. 2022).
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starkju0 · 10 months
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Family Portrait! Next up, Aabria.
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easays · 11 months
burrow’s end is doing something really important and making space for grief and generational trauma in ways that are breathtaking. but I especially want to harp on Izzy and Brennan — honestly, especially Izzy.
children perceive far more than we understand, and her giving voice to the fact that parental decisions have consequences for their children (“I’m mad at Dad for Dad going away”) is so, so crucial.
And then Brennan going the “no one needs to be mad. If you’re feeling mad, don’t” plants those seeds of how the most loving parents can insist on managing your emotions instead of feeling their own.
fuck, this season is good.
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18catsreading · 11 months
Ava: [rolls a 10 on learn read] I live to be illiterate another day
Aabria: you resist understanding with a strength of will that honestly defies comprehension. Like, "I will not let that make sense. No I will not."
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