#Winter farewell festival
ranger-rai · 8 months
Winter festival!
Hey everyone!
I hope you have been keeping well with all of this crazy weather!
Things have been great here, so much so that we can finally announce our "Winter Farewell Festival!"
This festival is pretty special because of the fact that, rather than having a festival on a specific date, this one is based off of when the weather has passed over and officially allowed us into a season ready for spring.
While it still may be cold in some parts, the serious weather should be past us, so things will start warming up after this.
This festival is when we say goodbye and thank you for all of the cold weather, celebrating Ice Types and welcoming in the warmth of spring.
This will also be taking place in Snowpoint City, so you should still bundle up, but there will be plenty of warmth, warm treats, games, and events.
We will also have some lovely traditional events before the actual festival, including:
The preparing of the bonfire, a city wide snow clearing and snowman building, and of course, the clean up of Snowpoint Temple, leading into the first traditional event where we give thanks to the guardian, Regigigas and all other pokemon watching over us.
Naturally there will be a lot of food vendors, and we here at the Ranger Base are going to be having another adoption event, because we got in a bunch of little friends over the winter who now need homes.
I'll post more updates soon, but we hope to see you all there!
Feel free to send a message if you have any questions.
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charlesslut16 · 9 months
-Visiting his family-
summary : you and lando visit his family on christmas but in the end you discover something unexpected...
PAIRING : lando norris x fem!reader
note : i love this one sooooo much!
december masterlist ; masterlist   
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You found yourself standing beside Lando Norris, your boyfriend and love of your life, anticipation tingling in the crisp winter air as you approached his family home for a special Christmas gathering.
The pathway was adorned with twinkling lights, guiding you towards a cozy house filled with warmth and laughter. Just standing in front of the home made you feel welcome and home.
As you step inside, the joyful chaos of a family reunion enveloped you. Lando's parents welcome you with open arms, their smiles infectious and their hugs genuine.
The aroma of holiday delights filled the air, enticing you towards the dining room, where a feast awaits. All the Norris family gathered on the table ready for the festive time.
The table was adorned with festive decorations, and you joined the Norris family for a delicious Christmas dinner. Conversations flowed effortlessly, stories and laughter intertwining in a symphony of happiness.
Lando's nieces and nephews, lively and full of energy, immediately took a liking to you. They tug at your hand, begging you to join their games, and soon enough, you're fully immersed in their world of giggles and imagination.
Lando watched with a soft smile, his heart-warming at the sight of you playing with the little ones. You caught his gaze, and there was a tender sparkle in his eyes, something that speaks of a future beyond this magical evening.
Lando loved children, and to his luck you loved them too. And now that you and Lando have been together for a while, he couldn't wait until you had children of your own.
As the night progresses, the family gathered around the Christmas tree. You distributed presents, each one carefully chosen and wrapped with love. Lando beamed as he watched his family unwrap their gifts, his happiness reflecting the joy of the moment.
Then, something changed. As you hold one of the youngest family members in your arms, cuddling and playing, Lando's expression shifted. There's a glimmer of something deeper in his eyes—a longing mixed with a newfound tenderness.
Later, while sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace, Lando leans in and whispers, "You're really amazing with them, you know? It's like you were born to bring happiness to kids."
A bashful smile graces your lips as you thanked him, feeling a warmth spread within you. The evening wore on, and as the clock ticked towards midnight, the house was filled with joyous laughter and heartfelt conversations.
Before the night drew to a close, Lando pulled you aside. His eyes searched yours earnestly as he took a deep breath. Your eyes clicked together and love and honesty just flowed.
"I think seeing you with them… it made me realize something," he began, his voice soft yet determined. "I want that, someday. A family… with you."
Your heart skipped a beat, feeling the weight and sincerity of his words. You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers as you shared a meaningful gaze, a silent understanding passed between you.
As you bid farewell to the Norris family, the memory of this beautiful Christmas lingers in your heart. It was more than just a festive evening; it was a glimpse into a future that might hold endless possibilities—a future that, with Lando by your side, could be filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of little feet.
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Imbolc - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Imbolc is usually celebrated between February 1st & 2nd, in the Northern Hemisphere (In Southern hemisphere around August 1).
Imbolc is a fire festival celebrating the home, hearth, and the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Is is the celebration of the return of the light and sun. A great time to honour the coldest days and the arrival of spring.
Imbolc Correspondences
Pastel Colors
Bay leaves
Root vegetables
Dried fruits
Fermented foods
Dairy (specifically ewe's milk)
Herbal tea
Canned foods
All burrowing and hibernating animals
Candle flame
Brigid’s cross
Sheep (due to Imbolc’s association with ewe’s milk)
White flowers
Flowing water and springs
Spiritual meanings
Fresh beginnings
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Brigid (Celtic)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Bast (Egyptian)
Ceres (Roman)
Cerridwen (Celtic)
Hestia (Greek)
Vesta (Roman)
Venus (Roman)
Athena (Greek)
Demeter (Greek)
Persephone (Greek)
Aenghus Og (Irish)
Eros (Greek)
Faunus (Roman)
Pan (Greek)
Cernunnos (Celtic)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Asmodeus (Demon, personal UPG)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Astral projection/travel
Cord cuttings
Create a Brigid’s Cross
Gardening (best time to start to plant seeds)
Make resolution(s) and goal(s) for the year ahead (I'll fight to the DEATH about my personal opinion that this is a better time for resolutions than New Years itself. Best time for renewal and goal setting)
Ritual to say farewell to winter
Make bread
Spring clean! It’s the best time for it
Low energy celebrations 
Starting a manifestation journal
Burning a bay leaf with manifestation on it
Planning in your planner
Lighting a candle in honour
Make a cup of tea
Practice self care
No spoon celebrations 
Putting on sun lamp
Greet the sun at sunrise
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not wiccan based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
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strawheart-pirate · 9 months
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Trafalgar Law x gn!Reader
December 17th 2023 Words: 1281 CW: SFW / fluff / no/pre relationship / some swearing / an annoyed captain
You were anchored on an island where some sort of winter festival was taking place, and you were eager to skate around the ice rink. Unfortunately, your captain wasn't in the mood for any fun... was he?
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You walked back to the Polar Tang, which was anchored in the harbor, your arms full of groceries. Your captain walked beside you, also packed, and you noticed that he relaxed more and more as you got closer to the Tang. He had been in a bad mood since you entered the city because it was so crowded. There was a winter festival on the island and the city was teeming with people. The crew and you were excited and you talked to Shachi, Ikkaku and Hakkugan about maybe staying a day and joining the festivities. You had seen that there was even an ice rink, and you would die just to strap on some skates and take a few laps. But your dreams and wishes came to a quick end, because yes... unfortunately, you knew your captain better. The moment you asked him to stay for the night to enjoy the party, his mood took a turn for the worse and the death stare he gave you said it all. He ordered the crew to replenish their supplies as quickly as possible so they could all leave. So, with a heavy heart and a wistful look, you bid farewell to the festivities and the ice rink with every step you took toward the Tang.
Just as you're putting everything away in the pantry, you hear a loud crash and Shachi yelled from the deck. "What the fuck, Penguin! You ran in the direction of the shouting and saw a stuck Penguin. A plank of the deck had broken when he stepped on it, and now he was half stuck in the submarine. You giggled at the sight, but stopped immediately when your captain approached the mess, a scowl on his face as usual.
"You're going to fix this..." he growled through clenched teeth at Penguin. "And you help him, no one else." He pointed at Shachi.
Shachi was tempted to disagree, but he didn't dare say anything back. Instead, he glared at Penguin, ‘grateful’ for the extra work.
"We probably won't leave the harbor tonight, but...if I catch anyone ashore, I'll make them help fix this mess." Law ordered in a deep, stern voice and then went to his quarters.
The crew dispersed with mixed feelings, and you helped Shachi get Penguin out of the hole. The damage was much worse than a broken plank. You could even see inside the ship through the hole, and metal, wood, and even pipes needed repairing. You looked at the boys with pity before you said goodbye. Better follow captain’s orders and not upset him any more...
Later that night, you lay on your bed and looked out your window. The constant hammering of Shachi and Penguin echoed through the Tang as you gazed longingly at the island. The lights of the Winter Festival still looked enchanting, and you still carried a heavy heart for missing the opportunity to skate on the ice. Suddenly, you saw fireworks in the distance and pressed your nose to the window. It was a beautiful sight, and a small smile crept across your face. Even if you couldn't enjoy the activities, you could still enjoy the fireworks. You were about to change your clothes and go to bed when the blue light of your Captain's Devil Fruit powers filled the room.
What's he up to now? You asked yourself, and a second later you were standing in a side street in the middle of the city, your captain beside you. You looked at him, confused.
"Here, put this on," Law said, handing you a jacket. His gaze was hard and neutral, giving nothing away as to what he was up to.
"Um... thanks." you said and put the jacket on before you started to shiver. It was freezing cold and dark, not a soul to be seen on the streets as the festival was over for the day. "Why are we here?"
"I want to show you something, let's go." Law said in a neutral voice, showing no emotion, and started walking.
You followed him closely, curious what he was up to. "I thought no one was allowed to go ashore?"
"No one but us."
It sounded like there was a slight playfulness in his voice, but you weren't sure, so you decided not to pay any further attention. It's better not to annoy the captain again. It was always like dancing on a razor's edge with him. Especially when you couldn't read his eyes because he walked ahead of you.
You followed him through dark, narrow corridors, wondering where he was going. With his powers, he could easily get you anywhere on the island, and yet here you were, walking for at least half an hour. You knew that his powers always took their toll on his stamina, but this walk was no better...
Just as you were about to ask again, Law stopped and you almost bumped into him.
"Close your eyes," he ordered, and you obeyed. You were nervous, your heart beating a little faster when he put his hand on your shoulder. "Room. Shambles." You felt the sudden change in atmosphere and the slight dizziness that occurred every time he teleported you. Thanks to his grip, you didn't lose your balance.
"Now open your eyes." He said softly, his cold and stern voice gone.
You frowned at the change in his voice and blinked, opening your eyes to see the ice rink. It was dimly lit and there was no one in sight. "Did we just break into the rink?"
Law just grinned and handed you a pair of skates.
Although it was rare for you to see your captain smile, your attention was immediately focused on the skates. A beaming smile spread across your face and you quickly put on your skates. Your heart did a backflip because you were so happy to be able to skate a few laps. You didn't know how your captain knew or why he was doing this, but you were overjoyed and didn't question it. You wanted to enjoy this opportunity to the fullest. After putting on your skates, you stepped onto the ice and a familiar feeling shot through your veins as you glided smoothly across the ice. You turned and watched as Law stepped onto the ice. Law took careful steps, his hands gripping the boards with a firm grip, and you had to stifle a laugh.
"Have you ever skated before?" you ask Law, who is watching you from the edge of the rink, still gripping the board tightly.
"No." He replied with a growl, and you glide over to him with gentle tugs.
"Give me your hand, Captain. I can help you." You smiled at him and held out your hand.
"I can do it myself." He growled and pushed himself away from the board. He made it a short distance until his feet drifted apart and he twisted his arms to keep his balance and not fall over.
Just before his feet slipped away, you caught him under the arms and lifted him up before he could fall. "Gotcha. Still don't need any help?"
He turned away, hiding his flushed cheeks in the high collar of his coat. Instead of an answer, he grabbed your hand, so you slowly slid forward, a smile on your face as he copied your movement. By the time the two of you had completed a full lap, Law was much more confident on his skates.
"Thank you." He said quietly, almost in a whisper.
"Sure thing, Captain." You said, smiling. Just as you were about to withdraw your hand, his grip tightened.
"Call me Law."
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated! Snowflake banner by ©firefly-graphics
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headfulloflettuce · 10 days
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
20. A Party for Old Friends
Note: I would like it to be known that I like drama in stories. Also, as I was writing this my 'i' key decided to get jammed. Cue me typing normally and every once in a while you just hear a loud clunk (me trying to get my key to work and actually print the letter).
“Love, please relax.”
“I am relaxed.”
“There’s frost on your furs.” Viviane sighed gently, brushing the snow off of Kallias as he observed the festivities from the top of the imperial staircase.
With the Winter Solstice in full swing all of their guests had arrived, staying at the main palace for the celebration. The ballroom was full of High Fae spinning across the dancefloor, or chatting on the sidelines, enjoying the refreshments.
“We prepared well for this so stop worrying.” Viviane gently kissed Kallias’s cheek.
Viviane rolled her eyes at his cold response, “Aquilo has reported everything is well with security.”
“No suspicious activity?”
“None that we haven’t agreed to sanction.” she winked.
Kallias took a deep breath, offering Viviane his hand, “Shall we then?”
She took her mate’s hand, descending down the staircase together. 
The two were the perfect image of an ice king and queen. Each wore a crown of ice; Kallias’s bearing the harshness of a glacier, and Viviane’s the coldness of frost. Their warm attire sparkled like snow on a sunny day, with Kallias wearing a royal mantle that went down to his knees, while Viviane’s trailed behind her, as per tradition.
Fae approached to greet them, wishing them a good Winter Solstice. Kallias and Viviane responded in kind, wishing their guests health and happiness. 
“Greetings High Lord and Lady of Winter.” a voice as dark as obsidian approached.
“Greetings High Lord of Night.” Kallias returned the greeting, smiling at Rhysand.
“I would have come here to greet you with my mate but she’s a bit preoccupied at the moment.” The High Lord of Night chuckled, glancing at Feyre who was chatting with Briar, “I hope you’ll forgive us, they haven’t seen each other in so long.”
“Of course Rhysand, we’re happy Briar and Feyre get along so well.” Kallias said, an unpleasant feeling curling deep in his stomach.
It would be nice if Briar’s savior could visit once in a while. Then we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.
“Viviane, when is your due date?” Rhysand turned to Viv, glancing at her large stomach.
“Quite soon.” The Lady sparkled, taking Kallias’s hand affectionately.
“It’ll be nice for Nyx to have a playmate.”
“Of course.” Kallias agreed, gently stroking Viv’s hand.
“Well, I shall leave you to the rest of your guests. I need to return to my mate.”
“It was wonderful seeing you again.” Viviane and Kallias bid the man farewell, watching as he made his way back over to Feyre.
 Kallias sighed, noticing Helion approaching them.
Oh, great. Here comes the life of the party.
“Just smile love.” Viv muttered under her breath.
Kallias forced a smile onto his face.
“On second thought don’t smile. You’ll make the kids cry.” 
Kallias looked at his wife, insulted.
“I’ll have you know I have a charming smile.”
“Of course you have a wonderful smile; some just do not appreciate it like I do.”
“Kallias, long time no see. Viviane, you’re beautiful as ever.” Helion approached the duo, smirking, a pretty fae hanging on his arm.
“Helion, always a pleasure.” Kallias responded coolly.
What do you want?
“Haha, why so cold my friend?” Helion laughed
“Why so flirty?”
You never interact with a person unless you want something from them.
“I am always like this.”
“Same could be said about me.”
“Boys, boys, let’s not fight. This is meant to be a peaceful gathering.” Viviane laughed.
“Right as always, Viviane.” Helion conceded, his eyes full of mischief like the sun’s rays.
The beautiful fae tightened her hold on Helion’s arm, pouting at his lack of attention. Kallias was honestly impressed by her lack of clothes considering Winter Court’s weather.
This one was really determined.
Helion spared the fae a side glance, his smile broadening, “Say Lorelei go get yourself a drink, I’ll see you in a bit.”
The fae looked upset but obeyed his command, leaving the group, and walking over to the table of refreshments. 
“Lady of Winter, could I have a moment of your time?” Evelyn approached Viviane, giving Kallias and Helion a small bow.
Viviane glanced at her husband who nodded.
I can handle him.
Kallias could tell she was unhappy leaving the two of them alone, but voiced no protest as she walked away with her sister.
“Wonderful party you’ve organized.” Helion complimented.
“Thank you.” Kallias said “We tried our best to make sure it would be memorable.”
Helion hummed, taking a swig of his wine.
“So…” Helion smirked, leaning against a nearby pillar, “Did you invite the High Lord of Spring, or is he no longer with us?”
Finally getting to the point.
Kallias smiled back, trying to maintain a professional tone, “I did, but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.”
Didn’t even say he wouldn't be coming. I truly wonder if that man still has any employees left at his manor. Perhaps I should visit-No. No, that would be a bad idea. Considering the number of visitors that Tamlin is already getting it would only add fuel to the fire to go there myself.
“Wow, how courteous of you.” Helion drawled.
Kallias’s expression remained unchanged.
I am not going to give you what you want Helion so knock it off.
“You know, Tarquin’s territories still have human refugees from the war.”
“Is that so?”
“Indeed, if only someone was doing their job, perhaps the process of returning them home would have proceeded much smoother.”
“Indeed.” Kallias grabbed a full wine glass from a passing servant, taking a sip.
I am going to need more than one glass to get through tonight.
“I do hope they get home safely.”
“Don’t we all hope for such a happy ending?” Helion toasted with his glass.
The two High Lords shifted their eyes on the individuals stealing the party’s spotlight; Nyx and Feyre. Viviane was practically drooling over the child, poking at his cheek and cooing at him. Kallias tensed at the far away look in his mate’s eyes as she gazed down at the small child with wings.
She never moved on from their deaths.
No matter what he did, it wasn’t enough. No matter what she did, it wasn’t enough for him either.
“I do have to say, if news were to ever come out that Tamlin passed away I will be expecting an invite to a celebration thrown by Rhysand and Feyre personally.”
“Haha, I highly doubt it will get to that.”
“You never know. With the way Tamlin is running his Court, there are many willing neighbors waiting for the perfect opportunity to stake their claim. I can think of one fiery individual in particular.”
You omit Rhysand.
Kallias merely hummed.
I am no idiot, Helion. Those Night Court soldiers we’ve been letting through with our eyes closed aren’t heading to Spring with innocent intentions. If this continues, we’ll have a full-fledged territory war on our hands. 
“You’re no fun to talk to.” Helion laughed, lightly hitting Kallias on the back, making the Lord of Winter scowl.
“Hard to be ‘fun’ when the company is subpar.”
“How you wound me, my gracious host. Though, I do have to admit, you and your wife are a lot more exciting when you let that tongue of yours do the talking.”
“You all would not be able to handle our honesty.”
“No, perhaps we wouldn’t.” Helion sighed, a hint of frustration tinting his playful tone, “Though your poise and dignified demeanor always grates my nerves.”
“Your nerves have my condolences.” Kallias quipped dryly.
“Ah-ha! There’s that spunk.” Helion laughed.
“On the topic of staking claims, I heard you got yourself a proper perfumer.”
Low blow.
“Yes, Miss Cosette of Serene Fragrances. She appeared recently within the capital.”
“You’ve got a new talent on your hands. Quite lucky.”
“She’s a new phenomenon, one should be careful.”
Helion hummed, “I must admit, I’m almost tempted to visit her myself. Unfortunately, all of us High Lords are busy with the solstice.” he smiled at Kallias, “Although, perhaps that’s fortunate for you.”
“What do you mean?” Kallias narrowed his eyes.
Day Court and their indirect language always left a sour taste in my mouth. The verbal sparring of Winter had always made more sense with its precision and bluntness. The more intricate dynamics had always been handled by Viviane, with her angelic smile and tongue of a viper.
“Well, it’s not every day you get a talented entrepreneur.” Helion said, “You never know who else might be interested in…recruiting?”
“Are you suggesting poaching?” Kallias stared at him in slight shock.
“A tactic as old as time. If I had the luxury to spare a few minutes I would honestly give it a go..” Helion confessed, swirling his glass, “I am sure I am not the only one who had that same thought.”
Kallias tensed.
Helion seemed to have noticed as his smirk widened, “But I am sure you have nothing to worry about. We’re all friends here after all.”
I need to have Aquilo send a guard to check in on that perfumery. 
“Oh would you look at that, I have taken up so much of your time Kallias.” Helion did a small bow, “Do forgive me, I am sure there are many others who would also wish to speak with you.”
“It’s no trouble, always happy to catch up with an old friend.” Kallias held back a scowl as Helion rejoined his group of fae from Day Court, with Lorelei returning to his arm.
Kallias took a deep breath, rejoining the crowd as well, conversing with the various guests, determination boiling in his blood.
Like hell was I about to let an asset go without a fight.
Kallias quickly made his way over to Aquilo who was mingling with the guests, his eyes scanning the perimeter for any potential dangers.
“Aquilo, a moment please.”
“Of course my lord.” Aquilo followed Kallias as he led him to the side of the dance floor, walking casually to try and not draw too much attention to themselves.
“You remember Miss Cosette right? The new perfumer?”
“Of course my lord.” Aquilo nodded curtly.
“I want you to send your men down to her perfumery ”
“Actually sir, they’re at the fair.” Aquilo spoke, his tone full of excitement before he coughed, returning to his stoic expression.
“The fair?” Kallias looked at his captain of the guard, “They managed to get a table? This late in the year?”
“I don’t know the details sir, I just know they’re in attendance.”
Kallias shook his head, “Regardless, I want your men keeping an eye on them. If any notable visitors try to approach them, please let me know. Don’t have them stop their patrol routes until I say so.”
“Right away my lord.” Aquilo bowed, quickly leaving to carry out his task.
Kallias nodded, turning back to look at the gathered fae, seeking out his wife. As expected, he found Viviane still with Feyre and Briar, coddling Nyx.
The High Lord of Winter approached the group, gently wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist as she played with the prince of the Night Court, trying to snap her out of it.
“I congratulate you once more Feyre, your son is beautiful.”
“Thank you Kallias.” Feyre smiled, taking Nyx from Viviane as Morrigan approached, handing the baby a bottle.
Kallias didn’t miss how Viviane’s hands clenched into fists for a moment, but quickly eased up as she smiled, the fog previously present in her eyes disappearing slightly.
“Who’s a hungry baby?” Feyre gave her child a smooch on the cheek, handing him the bottle he was desperately reaching for.
The music stopped, and couples moved off the dance floor as new ones took their place.
“Love, will you honor me with this dance?” Kallias extended his hand to Viviane.
“The honor would be mine.” she gave the traditional response, putting her hand into his, following him into the center of the room.
To the Mother she was beautiful. From her white hair to her perfect nose and eyes as mysterious as a frozen lake.
Kallias once more counted his blessings for his luck in having Viviane as his mate. From her ease in managing court affairs to her tantalizing charm, the High Lord felt like he was a young fae again, struggling to speak with the love of his life.
“You look perfect.” Kallias gazed down at Viviane, holding her hand, as they took their place on the dance floor.
“Well thank you.” Viviane smiled, placing her other hand on his shoulder,
Behind her Kallias could see the General of Night Court arguing with his mate, trying to get her to dance with him. He narrowed his eyes.
How unrefined, their arguments were hurting my ears.
The music started, and their bodies moved automatically, matching each other’s steps with precision that could only be honed after ages of knowing one another.
“You are the best dance partner I could have asked for.”
“In life, or for the waltz?” Viviane leaned in.
“I think both.” his nose touched hers, making her pale face blush.
“Ahem, onto more important matters.” she whispered, “What did Helion want?
“He asked about Tamlin, wondering if we had invited him. Then he proceeded to imply that courts neighboring Spring might try to assassinate him.”
“Okay, so nothing new.”
“Nothing new.” Kallias paused, “He also brought up Cosette.”
“Cosette? The perfumer? Why?”
Kallias’s expression hardened slightly, still perturbed by Helion’s disguised warnings.
Or threats.
“He talked about there being the potential of another court trying to poach her from us.”
“What?” Viviane glared.
“Said he and the other High Lords are too busy to visit due to this gathering.” Kallias elaborated, “I for once am grateful that all non-vital businesses are closed for several days after the solstice. It gives us time”
“No, we have to go see her immediately after this.”
“But all businesses are closed.”
“Kallias, that won’t matter if one of them decides they genuinely want to take her. Think how easy it would be for them to send an emissary or someone else to go and pressure her. Do several faes not come to mind that could be capable of such a task? If we truly want to keep her, and I think we should, considering everything we’ve seen from her thus far, shouldn’t we be more proactive?”
She was right. We couldn’t ignore the possibility that a High Lord’s dog might try and persuade our talent to move.
“You’re right, we can’t wait.” Kallias agreed.
We needed competent fae now more than ever.
Viviane nodded, relaxing slightly now that she had Kallias convinced.
“Should we go see her tomorrow then?”
It was technically against tradition to disturb a fae the day after the Winter Solstice, as it was meant for relaxation and rest.
“We have no choice.” Viviane sighed, “At the very least we should go check if she’s at the perfumery.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kallias wasn’t too keen on breaking tradition, but was willing to bend the rules this once, “I’ll have a courtier take note of each Court and their entourages to track who is actively attending the festivities and meetings. Then, I’ll have them cross-check that with the official guest list to see if anyone is absent.”
“That’s a good idea, it’ll give us a starting point for an investigation if need be.”
Out of the corner of his eye Kallias could see Beron reluctantly chatting with a boisterous Helion, a scowl permanently painted onto his features, the Lady of Autumn glancing nervously between the two fae males.
Well, now I have a visual for what I looked like when I spoke with the Lord of sunshine.
Beron’s brood had spread across the hall, chatting with various members of Courts, with Eris deep in conversation with a Dawn Court healer.
“Have you had a chance to talk to the other High Lords?” Kallias asked, “Apart from Feyre and Rhysand.”
“I spoke with Thesan. He had good decorum as always. Neutral to a fault.” 
“Careful Viv, with how you’re describing him some fae may think you don’t like him.” Kallias gently spun her, before placing his hand back on her waist, continuing their movements across the floor.
“I like Thesan, he’s a competent High Lord who cares for his people and neighbors. He's just extremely good at hiding what he feels, like someone else I know.” she shot him a non-menacing glare.
“Did he say anything in particular?”
“No, nothing in particular. As I said, perfect decorum.” Viviane relaxed a bit, “I briefly spoke with Eris who had approached me regarding potential trade deals but Beron quickly interrupted us.”
“Like Beron to insert himself into a conversation.”
Viv giggled, “Indeed. I obviously made no promises regarding trade, but really Kallias we might need to start thinking of scheduling a meeting with the High Lord of Autumn.”
“I know.” Kallias cringed, he had been putting this off for as long as possible, not wanting to deal with Beron.
Deals with him always felt slimy.
“So you haven’t spoken to Tarquin yet?” Kallias clarified.
“No, unfortunately, you?”
“No, but I’ll meet with him after this dance.”
The music swelled and stopped, with the two of them ending right on the last note, Viviane’s dress swishing elegantly around her.
“I’ll see you later, love.” Viviane gave him a curtsy.
“And I you.” Kallias bowed in turn, with them walking in opposite directions.
The High Lord of Winter quickly found one of his close advisors and tasked the fae with checking over the lists of invited and attending guests from various Courts, while he made his way over to Tarquin. 
The fae looked rough, his beautiful sea colored robes with swirling patterns doing nothing to conceal the dark eyebags.
“Greetings High Lord of Summer.” Kallias approached the man.
“Greetings High Lord of Winter.” Tarquin smiled.
“How are you feeling?”
“Oh I am doing well, thank you for asking.”
“Really? Because it looks like you haven’t slept in half a century.” Kallias joked gently.
Tarquin let out a low laugh, “Well, I am sure you’ve heard that things have been busy.”
“I have. How is the situation with humans?”
“To be honest? Terrible. Due to Spring’s current condition it’s hard to get people back across the border. Vassa and Jurian have been helpful but they don’t have the manpower or resources to truly organize anything, which means my soldiers need to go in and lead people through the maze that is Spring's forests. We have tried to winnow a chunk of the people home but we’re needed back in Adriata. On top of that I have the fae refugees from Spring.” he sighed, “You wouldn’t just happen to have some extra produce lying around? The overpopulation is starting to take a toll on our supply of food.”
“Unfortunately I don’t.” Kallias said, his voice grim, “Our harvests are terrible as well.”
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to feed everyone at this rate.” Tarquin rubbed the space between his eyes, “It doesn’t help that our fish population is dwindling for Mother knows what reason.”
Kallias wished he could help but his own Court wasn’t exactly prospering.
A distance away on the dance floor, Amren and Varian were dancing together. Kallias glanced back to the High Lord of Summer, trying to read his expression, but Tarquin gave nothing away.
You, my neighbor, were handed a difficult political deck of cards despite your neutral and friendly position amongst the Courts. Inter-court relations were always a hassle to deal with if not pre-planned and done for a political advantage.
Varian leaned down to give Amren a kiss.
Smart of them; spreading their members out across various Courts, having them visit us to play nice. Guess we all didn’t have anyone to blame but ourselves for letting the Night Court grow more powerful.
“Perhaps we should discuss this further.” Kallias proposed, “Come up with a solution?”
It seemed only fair that we got to play too if Autumn and Night were going to try and snag a piece of Spring.
Tarquin eyed him suspiciously before nodding, “I’ll be expecting an invitation back to your palace then.”
“I’ll make sure to send it within a reasonable time frame.”
Varian suddenly approached the two of them, with a bright smile on his face, Amren close behind.
“Good evening High Lord of Winter, may your Winter Solstice be going well.”
“Thank you for your good wishes Varian.” Kallias responded politely.
“What were you two discussing?” Varian glanced at his High Lord.
“Who’d pass out first from getting drunk, Cassian or Aurelius.” Tarquin lied, giving his cousin a smile.
“I am placing my bets on Aurelius.” Amren said, the dark red jewelry she wore complimenting her features, “Out of Beron’s sons he had always been the most unpredictable.”
“Easy to rile up.” the captain of Summer Court’s guard agreed.
The two High Lords chuckled as they listened to Amren’s and Varian’s theories about which fae male had the constitution to drink the most without getting sick, exchanging a knowing look.
Kallias picked up a couple shortbread cookies and placed them on the mantle of their personal fireplace. They made sure to leave offerings in any other place of importance, their bedroom being the last.
Viviane gently wrapped her arms around Kallias from behind, kissing his cheek. He relaxed, sighing deeply.
“What would I do without you?”
“What would you do indeed?” she giggled, stroking his hair.
The party had gone over without a hitch, with all the guests returning to their assigned rooms after a night of merrymaking and deal closures. The two rulers only got to return to their bedroom after everything had been taken care of. Kallias didn’t want to check what time it was.
Their bedroom was large, with a canopy bed in the center of the room and the furthest wall being an entire bookshelf. Although the two had a personal library accessible only to them and any important members in the Court, they preferred to keep their favorite books here.
The edges of the tall curtained windows looking out onto the capital were painted in slight frost, with the distant sound of music and cheers coming through them. 
Kallias took Viviane’s hand into his, slowly dancing with her to the quiet music.
“You’re beautiful.”
“Hm, and you are like the tundra.”
Kallias chuckled, leaning down and kissing Viviane. 
“How are you feeling?”
“I am alright, why do you ask?”
He paused, not wanting to push her, “I meant with Nyx…and all that.”
“Ah.” she avoided his eyes, finding the floor to be a much more interesting subject.
“Please look at me.” he spoke softly.
She met his soft gaze again, her eyes slightly misty.
“Every time I look into his or Briar’s eyes I see them again. Alive and well.” she took in a sharp breath.
“I know.”
For both of us Briar had unintentionally become a sore subject. 
He gently pulled her closer, stroking her white hair as they kept swaying.
The eldest of the bunch always tried to pull tricks whenever we or their parents hosted such events. If he had been here no one would have gotten a moment of rest until six in the morning.
Kallias took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm for Viviane’s sake.
It was hard; do you talk about the thing that makes your heart want to burst from pain or do you ignore it and hope for the best?
He put his hand on her stomach, feeling the child kick.
Kallias smiled.
My favorite part of any day.
“Hi little one, you’re going to be born soon, aren’t you?”
The baby kicked again, making Viviane put a hand on her stomach as well.
“You’re going to be such a beautiful girl.”
“Aww, do you want the baby to be a girl?” Viviane giggled, “You were always such a girl dad.”
“I will love the child regardless of gender.” Kallias’s tone turned indignant, “It's just if it's a girl I can spoil her.”
“And you won't spoil a baby boy?”
“Of course I will, but he'll need to be raised as the next High Lord I can't-” Kallias stopped himself before he could make Viviane's expression any grumpier than what it had turned.
“No no, continue.”
“That's not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“Love…” he spoke gently, “We both know that our Court expects more from the male in a family unit. I don't want him to be unprepared for the expectations that will be thrust upon him, regardless of what he wants.”
“I know.” Viviane leaned into his arms again, “I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t want you to ignore the baby’s education if she happens to be a girl.”
“Viv, I would never deny my child a proper education fitting that of a High Fae.” Kallias held his mate close, “Who do you take me for?”
“Sorry, I trust you. I am just worried.”
“Don’t apologize.” Kallias murmured, pressing a kiss onto her forehead, “If you happen to see me neglecting something in regards to our child you’re welcome to throw a book at me.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” she booped his nose, “Although, we already have Briar, so a baby boy would be a diverse addition.”
Kallias's face hardened, “Love, Briar isn't our -”
“Oh please, like you don't view her as family at this point.”
I couldn’t argue with that statement.
“You'd let her get away with treason if she committed it.”
“Well …”
She was right. Regardless of what reasons Feyre and Rhysand had for leaving her here I had to acknowledge my attachment to the human.
“I just wish she would attend her classes.” he sighed.
“To the Mother, you even sound like her father at this point.”
“So what if I do?” Kallias challenged, “I am concerned for this human’s future. She’s living amongst the fae with barely any understanding of our culture apart from that propaganda she has been fed. If she doesn’t start learning she won’t survive. We can’t exactly keep Briar away from social gatherings.”
“She loves learning Kallias, her strengths just aren’t in books and studying with stuck up tutors. For a human she’s good with a sword and she loves working with animals.”
Kallias nodded. He respected Briar’s strengths, but he feared it wouldn’t be enough.
Granted, I at least didn’t have to worry about protecting her. We would outlive her, so we would always be there to protect her, however, the Winter Court’s noble family had to maintain an image that Briar currently did not fit into. Whether we liked it or not.
“I don’t know Viv.”
“For Mother’s sake Kallias, the human grew up in a literal cult. She had been denied a proper childhood, let her live a little.” Viviane looked at him reproachfully.
Now I feel guilty.
“Right. I forget her age.”
“Exactly, she’s young, and even if she wasn’t, let her grow at her own pace. Perhaps we should change her tutors to see if someone else is a better fit?”
We have already gone through the best tutors Winter Court had to offer.
“Alright, we’ll change the tutors.”
Viviane looked into Kallias’s eyes, and he looked back into hers.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The snow outside turned into a blizzard, as if nature itself celebrated them.
Next: Chapter 21 - New Acquaintances
Back: Chapter 19 - Memento
Tag list: @rcarbo1
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pejite · 6 months
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During the winter months, the ebb and flow of farm life softened, granting occasional days of tranquility amidst the seasonal chill. Edwin found solace in this respite from the rigors of farm labor, relishing the newfound opportunity to immerse himself in family time. Wilhelmina, in turn, rejoiced in witnessing her husband's uplifted spirits and increased presence at home.
Upon Edwin's return from tending to the animals at Abernathy Farm, they would retire to the warmth of the lounge, gathered around the crackling fire. There, they would while away the hours, nestled together on the sofa, watching their children's playful antics against the backdrop of the wintry landscape beyond the windowpanes.
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"How have you been feeling lately? Everything alright?" Edwin's voice was tender as his hands glided gently over Wilhelmina's burgeoning belly, a silent gesture of concern and affection. She offered him a grateful smile, touched by his attentiveness. "Fine, a bit tired, but it's normal" she replied, turning her head to meet his gaze. "I'm quite certain it'll be another boy."
An intrigued expression played across Edwin's features as he arched an eyebrow inquisitively. "And what makes you so sure?" he inquired, bestowing a soft kiss upon Wilhelmina's cheek.
"Because he's remarkably calm." Wilhelmina explained, her hands resting atop Edwin's. "And you know how serene Thomas and Robert are, almost as if they're not there at times."
Edwin's laughter, low and melodious, resonated through the room. "Well, Thomas didn't give you an easy pregnancy..." His attention briefly shifted towards the lounge door. "By the way, hasn't Thomas been outside for quite some time now?"
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During the winter, Thomas spent his days out in the cold streets alongside the other village children, immersed in the joy of the season's snowfall. They would mould the freshly fallen snow into intricate snowmen, create delicate snow angels on the ground, and engage in lively snowball battles.
Thomas had always been of a timid and reserved nature, a trait that still lingered within him. However, the vivacious siblings, Bernard and Beatrice, had managed to draw him and Josephine into their playful escapades and social gatherings. Edwin and Wilhelmina were relieved to witness Thomas forging friendships and relishing the outdoor activities, yet they couldn't shake off their concerns, especially Wilhelmina, who had watched him grow up closely attached to her side.
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The morning slipped away swiftly as they lost track of time amidst their festive frolicking. As the evening approached, they bid farewell to Bernard and Beatrice and commenced their journey homeward. Thomas, as usual, escorted Josephine to her doorstep before retracing his steps back home. Along the way, a conversation he overheard between his parents about the potential remarriage of Josephine's mother lingered in his mind.
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Clearing his throat, Thomas tentatively broached the subject. "Is it true that your mum's getting married again?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. Josephine turned to him, her expression uncertain. "I don't rightly know" she responded. "Well, she's met someone and stopped working, so I supose it's possible. My mum hasn't said much to me about it."
Thomas nodded thoughtfully. "We'll still see each other, won't we?" he asked, a hint of worry tingeing his voice.
"Why do you ask?" Josephine queried, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Because my mum says that when a woman gets married, it's normal for her to move to her husband's house." Thomas explained, frowning sadly. "And that man doesn't live here."
Josephine waved off his concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Don't be daft, my mum ain't keen on leaving. We're perfectly content in our own home." She said innocently.
"Ah, well…" murmured Thomas, his desire for Josephine to remain close evident. "What I mean is, I don't want you to go." he confessed, enveloping her in a heartfelt embrace before Josephine could respond.
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cherywrld · 2 months
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------ '🍒 , BASICS
stage name - Rivière
birth name - Park Yejin { 박예진 [Hangul] /  樸 惠潾 [Hanja] }
Meaning - 藝 (Ye) "art; talent, ability" , and 珍 (jin) "precious, valuable, rare" or 眞 (jin) "real, actual, true, genuine."
English name - Riva Park
Nicknames - Rivi, Gangri, Gang Park, Yeang, Jinie, JiJi
date of birth - February 28, 1999
zodiac - Pisces / Rabbit
nationality - Korean
Languages - French (Native) ', Korean (Native) ', English (Native) ',
Representative Emoji - 🦄🌊
------ '🍒 , PHYSICAL
Face claim - Park Chaeyoung of Blackpink
Height - 163 cm ❪ 5'4" ❫ 
Weight - 44 kg ❪ 97 lbs ❫
Piercings - 2x Standard Lobe
------ '🍒 , FAMILY
Mother - Kim Min-A { 김 민아 }
Father - Park Seon-Yeong { 박 선영 ]
Sibling - N/A
Pets - N/A
------ '🍒 , CAREER
Label - Bighit / Hybe Labels (2014 - 2017) ', Glasshouse  inc. (2017-2024) ', Octavia music co. (currently)
Group - HoneyBomb (2014 - 2017) ', Chery:day (currently)
Position - Main Dancer ', Main Vocalist
Training period - November 2012 - September 2014 {1 year 10 months}
Debut date - 5th September 2014 (5/09/14)
Debut age - 15 years (International) , 16 years (Korean)
------ '🍒 , PERSONALITY
Negative - Needs attention ', overly sensitive ', brings her trauma into everything ', highly involved in all sorts of relations.
Positive - Kind ', Understanding ', will go out of her way to help you ', highly involved in all sorts of relations.
Likes - Herself ', dressing up ', listening to music ', dancing ', bad drawing ', meeting friends ', appreciating everyone around her ', talking about feelings ', learning languages ', writing ', winters ', festivals.
Dislikes - Physics ', Difficult things ', farewells ', goodbyes ', not being understood or considered ', bad things.
Habits - Reacting to things in a very dramatic manner ', making weird faces unintentionally ', singing lyrics out of nowhere.
------ '🍒 , CLAIMS
Voice claim - Son Chaeyoung (Twice)
Dance claim - Debby (1 million dance studio)
Rap claim - Son Chaeyoung (Twice)
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 01/02/2024
Season 6 Featured on: Transmission Archive ~ The SiIvaGunner All​-​Star Nuclear Winter Festival Collection
Ripped by Blookerstein
Unfortunately, I don't really have all too much time to write this post - but hey, that's in the spirit of the game its focused on, isn't it?
I'm a bit sad to say that I sort of missed the hype train on Outer Wilds, one of the most beloved indie games of the current day. I can't quite put my finger on why it didn't click for me, nor do I really care to find out - because that really isn't what this post, or what Outertale, is about. Because Outertale encapsulates so much genuine feeling to it, so much pure, unfiltered love, that it's enough to break someone who doesn't even have much attachment to Outer Wilds itself in two.
You could of course say that that's due to the other half of the rip - the Undertale leitmotif from the game of the same name, which is here arranged in that plucky, acoustic sound of the Outer Wilds' explorer tunes. That's certainly possible - I may not be Undertale's strongest soldier, but in no small part due thanks to SiIvaGunner itself, its music has wound up becoming something very nostalgic for me, and does evoke a lot of emotion no matter the context.
But no, what I believe makes Outertale work so well for me, and to thousands of others, is that sense of...community, it evokes. There are a lot of popular video games out there, and a lot of popular indie-made ones: Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy, Cave Story, The Binding of Isaac, and of course Hollow Knight, a game Blookerstein ripped to excellent ability with The expanse of meme in past was split, A fiendish trap has now been set; Behind a tree the villains sit, Terror of sport, the Robbie's Net. Yet what I think binds Undertale and Outer Wilds together in my mind, is just how emotionally honest, open, and vulnerable they are, and how those feelings reflect back into its playerbase. In my mind, they're two of the only games I can think of that are enjoyed the world over with shockingly wide reach, yet manage to tell stories that feel ever-so-personal, like an emotional journey made just for you.
Blookerstein employs so many fun little quirks in the arranging here to make fun of all the various music-players to be found in Outer Wilds' vast galaxy, be it the whistling lead melody, the soothing banjo backing, the otherwise uncanny sound of the theremin carrying the song's scaled-back midpoint, before rejoining with the rest of the band, a rattling tambourine keeping pace all throughout, as harmonica plays the song out.
It's the purest essence of a campfire song, yet taken out from its original context within Outer Wilds...it feels as if the campers in question are us, the viewers, pouring our hearts out with each other as company. Uploaded on Christmas Eve in the middle of the Nuclear Winter Festival, an event already dealing with themes of loss, regret, and moving on to a brighter tomorrow, Outertale couldn't have come at a better time, and the emotional attachment I lacked from Outer Wilds has now been made up for a thousandfold with emotional attachment to the end of Season 6.
Though the SiIvaGunner AI may have bid us farewell, and its world left to an uncertain fate, the times we in the SiIva community had across those years are never going to be forgotten. With one world ended and a new one about to begin, we still remain.
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meshimei · 5 months
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🌼 Meshi Mei Calendar Inspirations🌼
🌷 Spring
Spring Has Sprung - Sunday (cleaning, decorate, baking) Festival Of The Egg - Tuesday (baking, egg hunt, flower bunny, give flowers) Love Is In The Air - Saturday (romantic spirit, go on a date, give flowers, give gifts, watch romantic TV)
🌻 Summer
Day Of The Sun - Sunday (bar-b-que, invite guests, party spirit, water fun, art & music spirit) Hit The Beach! - Tuesday (bar-b-que, fire, go on a vacation or travel, water fun, kids pool) Summer Vacation - Wednesday (day off) Farewell Summer! - Saturday (bar-b-que, fire, thankful spirit, tell stories)
🍂 Fall
Back To School - Sunday (experiment, read a book) Night Of The Spooks - Tuesday (decorate, spooky spirit, wear costumes, trick or treat) The Harvest - Friday (cleaning, decorate, baking, gardening, carve pumpkin) Harvest Feast - Saturday (grand meal, invite guests, thankful spirit, tell stories)
⛄ Winter
Remembering Passed Sims - Monday (remembrance, tell stories) Winterfest - Thursday (festive spirit, grand meal, father winter, thankful spirit, decorate) Winterfest Break - Friday (festive spirit, open presents, winter fun) New Year's Eve - Sunday (countdown to midnight, drinking, make resolutions)
🎁 Other Holidays
Birthday Baby shower Family reunion Proposal day Bach party day Wedding day Vow Renewal
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zorkaya-moved · 6 months
 What dragged him to her truly was just a whim of his capricious heart, yet when has he ever cared for awaiting proper occasions to indulge?
 Never in his life, and much less when finding her so delightful today; with the sunlight reflecting on her silver hair and moon-kissed skin, her gilded gaze alluring as it was dangerous, making him feel like he was about to steal a well-guarded golden treasure the moment he stepped closer to her and took her hand on him, offering a small gentleman bow of his head in salutation, as he placed a kiss against the back of her palm.
 "―Care to indulge me in a dance, Miss Zarina?" A lopsided smile curled on his lips as he drew closer to her, watching her features in close inspection.
 "It has been quite a while since we've seen each other, don't you think? May as well indulge in something small for a start, then we can move onto something more intense." A spar? A makeout session? He's all for going with the flow of their reencounter.
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Capricious heart, you’ve always been the ocean’s strongest will. 
Zarina feared the ocean, the depth of abyssal seas and the drowning within the cold waters of Snezhnaya. Under the icy water, losing yourself was an easy danger to encounter. But she finds the ocean within him - as dangerous and unpredictable in his evolution - to be a pleasant one, the tides that kissed her with fervency when she expected him to drown her. They should be enemies, they should continue to fight against each other for she is a rebel and he is a young lord. But maybe, just maybe, in a world more wonderful they’re happy and dancing on the wintertide’s festival together with their families cheering for them and enjoying a wonderful dinner together in front of a bright flame of warmth and tenderness. In another world, more perfect than this, they could’ve been dressed in Snezhnayan clothes, so colorful in their flowery and wintry patterns, 
Perhaps, he drowns her to the point of her thinking such silly thoughts. A dream that pains, a dream that hurts, a dream that can never be fulfilled. He drowns her but she finds herself learning how to swim better and better, she learns what to expect and the ocean no longer becomes unpredictable and vicious against her fears. Zarina, instead, finds herself squeezing his hand without much thought as her lips curl into a familiar smile of mirth and playfulness, indulgence will help to dry off the tides touch as it beckoned her before with sweet dreams. She’ll have him now, as she always did, and it will be better than anything imagination can grant her. 
Because here, he takes her hand and brings her closer. The way he looks at her, says her name, indulges herself as much as he indulges in her company on his own. They don’t say a word of feelings, they let their actions play it off and their natural chemistry swirls in a dance between borders of life and death. With that in mind, the woman who bears the name of a hawk hums, pleased, not stepping away but letting him bring her closer. Surprisingly obedient in his hold, she places her free hand on his shoulder and tilts her head to the side. 
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“You’ve missed me,” she doesn’t ask but states, there is a subtle teasing adoration in her words. How cruel fate is to them, isn’t it? To have such a perfect combination be someday wasted on the bloodshed, the field, and the blades crossed. (Spill my blood and warm your body with it at the end, so I’ll haunt you until the end of your time.) “I adore your honesty, and so, I will accept to have a dance with you.”
Her confidence shows its fangs once more as she tugs him to turn in a dance, not wasting time to let the lack of music bother them. They know dances, they know music by heart, they know the customs of festivals that bid farewell to winter and embrace spring’s joyful events. They call spring the season of love, but does it matter when winter has been everything they’ve known the best and found fire of passionate exchange within the deepest parts of snowy plains? Metaphorically speaking, of course, for he is water and she is ice. 
At his latest words, the passion promised, she laughs from the heart. Surprisingly bright in her laughter as she smiles at him, interest piqued as she knows his touch will always make her feel the warmth she craves so greedily. How cruel he is to be the only one to satisfy her wishes, to satiate the hunger, to claim the place within her mind and seemingly heart. 
(Why could we not have met sooner?) Melancholy is repressed by her bringing him closer and kissing him without saying a word. A kiss so sweet and so missed, a reunion promised long ago. She won’t die if it is not by his sword, she won’t die because she gave an oath to him. An oath when he slept so deeply by her side, her fingertips tracing the line of his jaw, golden eyes memorizing his face and wondering if she’d gone mad. Perhaps she did, but madness fuels the rebel, always. And in this madness, she’ll make her kiss be known as the one of familiar longing. 
I missed you too, her kiss says. 
And when she distances herself from him, her golden eyes shine with the light of sun above them. The green grass and the blue sky, it’s almost perfect. Not Snezhnaya, but it’s a fantastic dance to be promised. And then, they’ll unleash their weapons as they do, to reunite their iron in another dance that captures hearts of warriors and survivors. And then, after that, their kiss will be shared once more with a hint of copper on the tips of their tongues for a moment before another passion will return to claim their minds. A cycle, a circle of familiar events. 
“I’ll give you everything, and I’ll take everything you have,” her words are akin to velvet, a note of her voice dropping into a hushed whisper for him to hear only. An intimate secret they don’t care to hide, not really. “But for now, a dance it is. And after, the rest will come, my spear missed clashing with your blades. I've missed the sound of our battle.” 
It wouldn't be that bad to drown in him every time. She may fear the ocean’s cold hands, but drowning in Ayaks’ presence almost feels cathartic. In this ocean bearing his true name, she’ll drown endlessly.
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ranger-rai · 8 months
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Welcome to the festival!
Come and join us in Snowpoint City this Saturday morning, and feel free to lend a hand in our clean-up efforts as the festival begins later this evening.
Please meet at the pokemon center to see where you can assist the clean-up efforts!
After all of the work has been complete, feel free to enjoy the festivities, including a variety of local foods (I personally recommend the flower nectar drinks from some vendors in Floroma Town).
The snowman building competition will begin around 3 PM, so if you're ready to show off those building skills, come on by!
There will be tours of Snowpoint Temple every hour where you can see the newest additions recognizing the Regis of Galar and how important they are to Regigigas.
Of course you can find us at the Ranger Base all weekend where we have a few little friends who need new homes.
We have a small batch of Cyndaquil who were rescued from a breeding farm, as well as a lovely Beautifly who just seems to adore humans, so she won't leave for migration, so she needs a home as well.
Please come by and say hi this weekend, and feel free to post your experiences or ask any questions about the event as well.
Let's welcome the spring in right!
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clericofalemona · 1 month
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Drew this faerie lady named Abigail!
shes slowly inspired a little world of the faerie-
in this world, at the end of the season all the animals of that season die, the faeries come together for a passing of the torch and to create the animals for the new season!
I've decided she's a spring faerie-!
Example; The Spring Equinox (Winter into Spring)
When winter ends, the "winter animals" (white rabbits, snowy owls, bobcats, etc.) all pass away, and their bodies each sprout a small flower.
In the morning, the winter faeries all gather and prepare a celebration for the spring faeries that will arrive. (this celebration is similar to a harvest festival- lots of food and drinks and music, its held outside with a very long table under a gazebo type structure.)
When the spring faeries arrive they bring some food and drink, lots of japanese geta sandals in various sizes, and many of them are very pregnant.
Over the course of the day, as winter becomes spring, the pregnant spring fairies release bouts of yellow light that resemble animals. These lights run into the wilderness and hide, rabbits in the bushes, birds in the trees, etc.
These lights will spawn the animals of spring when the time comes.
On their journey to this celebration, some of the winter faeries ate the flowers sprouted from the winter animals, starting the gestation of the winter animals for next year.
As the festivities wind down and the winter faeries prepare to leave, they all sit on the table, legs hanging over the edge and the spring faeries all line up at the edge of the table, the spring faeries gift the winter faeries the sandals they brought, putting them on the winter faeries and protecting the winter faeries until the next winter season.
At sunrise they all bid farewell and spring begins!
(The winter faeries, like the fall and summer faeries, dont go somewhere or die or anything during the spring- it's like a musical done by a small studio, the people who had major roles in this song dont leave the building for the next song. They are now just background characters and new people take center stage!)
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spinef0ryou · 2 years
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Interview with Ville Valo in Metal Hammer magazine, words by Alexander Milas. Transcript under the cut
It’s a gloomy November evening in London and inside the crystalline bowels of the Universal Music tower there are dark goings-on under a winter moon. An arcane gathering of power-brokers, decision makers, and tastemakers, has convened to hear the first, dulcet tones of a new record in its entirety - a lyrical and melodious exsanguination called Neon Noir. Less an album, the subject of tonight’s attention is more like a swan song played in reverse or a departed loved one’s voice playing in the wind. We’ll get to that.
There are no robes here, such vestigial ornaments long since done away with to provide anonymity on public transportation, but the importance of these proceedings is in no way diminished. This is how the music industry in all its mysterious dealings determines where and when its various powers are to be invoked - an Illuminati-like network of aligned hands is this rogues' gallery of journalists, label managers and festival promoters. Even the helmswoman of the gazette you hold in your verv hands can be seen lurking in the shadows.
At the centre of the dim chamber stands a lone, flat-capped figure, his chiselled visage peculiarly, vampirically unchanged by the many years since he first graced the cover of an international publication such as this, and let it be said that he was never a stranger to these folios.
If anything can be said of Ville Valo's appearance it's that he could teach anyone half his age a thing or two about self-presentation - and, for the record, they'd be 23 at time of publication. Svelte, casually besuited and elegantly understated in his attire - all different hues of black, obviously - he's been affably chatting with the gathered conclave with such fluidity and confidence that anyone would think it's something he does every day, and anyone who knows his incongruous penchant for reclusiveness when off the stage would suspect that maybe he's changed since we saw him last.
For the record, he does not, and he has not. Ten long years have passed since His Infernal Majesty's final release, the career summation that was 2013's Tears On Tape, and it has been five years since Him played their final note on the second of two sold-out nights at the London Roundhouse in December of 2017. Their concluding song was the aptly chosen, syrupy dirge of When Love And Death Embrace, and the mortuary pallor of its refrains couldn't have been better matched to the forlorn mood of that distinctly funereal moment.
For many, it was a farewell to one of life's few constants: Him were less like a band and more like a comforting gothic world to those who fell prey to its blackened enchantments, and as if further affirmation is needed, no one in the field of music has since emerged to even remotely fill the heartagram-shaped hole left in Ville's wake. As the lights in the venue went up to reveal no shortage of streaked mascara, it would have been impossible to surmise whether we'd ever hear from Ville again - such was the finality of that tour and the deathly vibe of that night.
More desolate still was the long silence that ensued after the 26-year adventure he spearheaded under an iconic banner designed by his own hand. Eight records, ten million sales and countless fans getting heartagram tattoos of variable quality were the tallies of Ville's musical ledger.It was over. Him was dead. Their founder was gone. And then, quietly, headless blooms began to flank his headstone.
First came the news that he was blowing off the cobwebs to undertake a tour of Finland to record and perform songs by the late, beloved Finnish singer-songwriter Rauli 'Badding' Somerjoki, with Somerjoki's old band, Agents. The project smashed the charts in Finland before they eventually disbanded.
More silence followed until March 2020, when an unheralded EP was released under a new banner, VV complete with an updated reimagining of the famed heartagram. A portent of what was to come, Gothica Fennica Vol. 1 was far from alien to anyone familiar with Him's long-established sound, but it also bore the hallmarks of a songwriter unbound by the restraints of collaboration or co-writing. As the world smouldered, it was a hopeful omen that perhaps not everything had been lost to the pandemic.
We retreat from the listening session to a quieter room to shine to shine a neon light on the story of the rebirth and toil that followed, a res-erection-
Ville shoots a look as if to say, 'You're not gonna write that, are you?' Well…
“‘Promo tours are like Bullet-point for my Valentine.”
Ville has sunk into his armchair, a body deflated. We've just been talking about the sometimes less-than-rock'n'roll demands of album promotion, and how while just 10 years have passed since Him's final release, a lifetime of change in the industry's inner workings has followed. It's Thursday and Ville's already done the rounds in Berlin this week, plus a big photo session, too - rumour has it that a smoke machine for a cover shoot triggered a confrontation with security here yesterday. Whoever the photographer was that bolted the door shut so the shoot could continue remains a mystery at the time of going to press.
But despite Ville's tiredness after two days of media-based pokes and prods and his first international flight in five years, he's still exhibiting a remarkably playful way with words: the product of voracious reading and self-confessed Anglophilia that can make it easy to forget this is his second language, although as we'll soon discover there are some words that resist translation.
We're reflecting on how many times he's appeared in the pages of Metal Hammer. I produce a photo from many years gone by, taken by Mick Hutson. It's Ville, looking like a goth deer caught in headlights, sitting in the back of a limo between the late Dimebag Darrell and Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx on his way to the Metal Hammer Golden God awards. He smirks.
"It was a playground, wasn't it?" he says of the Ville of yore. "Oh my god, that was a weird one. I remember Dimebag - he'd been up all night, and there's me stuck in the middle. I gave my Golden God award to Zakk Wylde's daughter. He told me she was a huge fan and I'd had a sip too many, so…”
And let it be said that by the time Him went stratospheric - a runway stretching between 2000's Razorblade Romance and 2003's definitive Love Metal - there were few publications that weren't peppering their pages with images of Ville. photogenic but, more importantly, hilarious, his wry and dismissive self-regard tempered the styled polish of his many covershoots. In a time when emo was king, Ville brought something current but gleefully out of step with fashion, musical and otherwise, but he persevered because, arguably, beyond the music he possessed that rare quality that escapes so many whose trade is on the road and in music studios. He was interesting, and Him and their legion of fans were their own movement. For a time, if you ever stood at the back of one of their sold-out shows, it looked something like Beatlemania directed by Tim Burton.
“What would you say to yourself back then?” He smiles and takes a moment before replying.
“It isn't a horror movie thing, but my oldest self has whispered to my younger self many times. You know, I could have done stuff way wiser in the sense of trying to become more successful in terms of money, listening to record companies or whatnot, because people had a damn hard time trying to figure out what we were all about. I wouldn't do anything differently because then I wouldn't be here - that's the beauty of it."
And, tracing the course of what Ville did, what he's doing now, there's little to suggest that anything has changed in terms of his resistance to the common methods of self-promotion. In a time of compulsive micro-blogging and algorithm-feeding content, the official 'Heartagram' Instagram account posts at roughly the same rate as the Vatican. Be it about the preservation of mystery or a refusal to play the game, let it never be said that he didn't do it his way.
“I’m a slow learner. I only learned about the eggplant emoji yesterday! But as for those whispers, it's something to do with the nonlinearity of time," he continues. "I had some foresight to the pandemic, though, and found myself a house with a photography studio which I turned into a music studio. It's one big room that enabled me to spread around all the weird pieces of kit from all eras - sort of my creative central. During the pandemic, that's all I did. There was no rhyme or reason, I just thought it was time to move on and do something different. It could have been my older self whispering to my younger self in the middle of the night, like, 'Now's a good time. You'll understand it better in a few years.' So yeah, it could be one of those things."
We notice a white wall in the corridor is covered in dozens of Sharpie signatures from fellow artists who’ve passed through. Some are small, while pop groups Bastille and Westlife have gone big with huge cubital letters. Unimpressed, Ville reaches for a glow-in-the-dark V sticker from his breast pocket and wryly sticks it up at the top. Always a rebel.
Was it hard to decide which direction to go in after Him?
“Musically, I'm a pair of bell-bottoms," he says. "If you want to follow hits, you're always going to be too late. Music and art is essential for my wellbeing, it's the air that I breathe - it's natural for me, but at times I've felt like a human among the lizard people, an infiltrator from another galaxy. The only thing I can do is the thing I can do."
Of course, it raises the question of how VV and indeed Neon Noir came about. That Ville has always presided over every detail of his music is no secret - there's never been a doubt as to whose vision it all was, and the ending of Him is just as important as the beginning we're here to discuss. As anyone who's seen the end of a relationship will know, the signs of impending demise can appear long before the cracks emerge, and the conclusion of Him was no different. To paraphrase a singer named BB on the prologue to VV, the thrill was gone...
"Expiration is funny when it comes to bands," he says matter-of-factly. Whatever wounds may have been inflicted, they have long since closed, and he's at ease when prompted on what went down.
"It didn't happen overnight - we'd started having trouble after Tears On Tape. Gas (Lipstick] had left the band and we found a new drummer, which was fantastic for a time, but we just couldn't find it in ourselves - a new album. We started working on ideas, but they didn't sound very good. The adult way to approach things is that if it's something you really do love, you have to love them enough to let them go when the right moment comes. The spark was no longer there, so timing-wise, it was good - I wouldn't have minded it to happen a little earlier because now I see the end of my own career in the distance. I never wanted it to feel like a job. You'll see bands touring where it quite clearly is. Something so central needs to be full of passion and laughter and joy and tears - dramatic, like a pint of milk."
Dairy funny. Have you been in touch with the guys since then, we ask?
"I haven't been in touch with Gas in more than 10 years," comes the reply. "And Linde [Mikko 'Linde' Lindström, guitarist] is quite a solitary fellow who's not a big talker anyway. But Mige [Mikko 'Mige' Paananen, bassist] was a bit of a Rick Rubin on the album. He was like this weird guru that came by every three months and gave me a stamp of approval, like, 'Yeah, this is fine.' He's one of my earliest childhood friends and one of my best mates still, so we keep in touch - that's rare. It's been 35 years or something..."
It was that relationship that provided something of the lifeline that Ville needed. He describes the feeling after Him's final show as something akin to phantom limb syndrome, where amputees report sensation in appendages that are no longer there.
"I felt like an outsider, an outcast," he says. "[I felt like] I didn't understand myself, and that the world doesn't understand me or that I didn't belong. It's a profound feeling, you know, to existentially feel that you don't understand the world or your place in it. Funnily enough, how I got through that was writing. The pandemic really painted everyone into a corner. I wasn't suicidal, but there was a tinge of depression as well, not seeing tomorrow or the worth of the day after tomorrow. People reacted in different ways. I forced myself back to music, and music gave me the gift of song once again. I was able to pull off a couple of Sabbath rip-offs, so that made me feel better. That was a big deal."
Ville will go on to animatedly recount how the loss of purpose and trajectory coupled with the worldwide shutdown was in some sense the perfect reset post-Him, and while he hit a very low ebb, it was precisely the kind of downtime he needed and hadn't had since Him's formation when he was just a teen.
"There was no scheduling, nobody to communicate with about what I was working on, so it was very unfiltered intuition, straight to tape or whatever recording medium, and I found myself having goosebumps like I'd never had before. Well..." his eyes impishly go to the ceiling, "musically, at least. I'm scared of stuff being really repetitive - it's nice to enjoy a binge watch on Netflix, but you're never gonna get the time back. That doesn't mean, 'Don't do it! But enjoy the now, take advantage of the time. That's what we'll be doing when we go on tour with the band next year, challenging myself to do lots of things and not step into a sort of zombified existence. People are so distracted…”
At the beginning of the Divine Comedy, the main character - Dante Alighieri's Pilgrim - wrote of finding himself in a dark wood halfway through the walk of life; the straight path, lost. It was a roundabout way of describing the confusion that can come with middle age, but in his mid-4os and with the deep shadows and brilliant highlights of an illustrious career in the rear-view mirror, I wonder aloud if the same could be said of the current predicament.
Dante's come up because, as is often the case with Ville, the subjects of language and literature are never far away. I ask him to elaborate on that tinge of depression he's mentioned, and he says one thing. and lets it hang in the air: "Kaiho."
"Kai-ho," he says again, slowly. It's a Finnish word, he explains, that defies direct translation but describes the twist of emotions he was detangling in the wake of a lifetime on the road and in the limelight. "It isn't a negative feeling. It's a bittersweet reverie. I think Finnish people find it profoundly positive as well, because it also means that you have lived, you have loved and that you experience things that actually make a difference, at least to you personally, hopefully, for the people around you."
Did you struggle?
"I had a month where I didn't get out of bed," he states.
"Around that long, at least. I was pretty worried about it. I forced myself up and back to music through conversations with mates, you know, getting my spirits up a bit, but it was a weird feeling. It's not like you can't get up. You just don't want to get up. You don't want to do anything and you can't really do anything: just super-tired, some form of post-traumatic stress after all the years. It could be that it took a while for it to hit, and it coincided with a pandemic. I wasn't able to do anything, so my body and my mind told me to get the sleep I missed back in the day. Thankfully I slept it off, but life doesn't get any easier. It's getting more complicated, more bittersweet - a tough combo. A pint half full, half empty…”
Of course, the wrought-iron melody of Neon Noir's various paeans to love and loss wouldn't seem correct if they came from a place of emotional buoyancy, but if the slump Ville describes really was just making up for lost sleep-time, he's making no bones about his desire to get back to work.
"I'm not thinking about the end, but what I do realise is that, thinking in logical terms, it's going to be really weird if I'm 60 and still in it, which means that I have less than that in terms of album cycles. It starts to get a bit scary because I've done music all my life, but then again, thinking like that makes me smile."
So how does a 46-year-old's vision of love change from, say, a 20-year-old's?
"Well, maybe we haven't had that 'one true love' in the traditional sense in Shakespearean drama: the overwhelming one that takes over everything. You can't compare relationships and you shouldn't - different times, different people, different chemistry, different reasons. Music is still at its best when it's a soundtrack to important events."
So how does Neon Noir reflect your own life?
"It's very sincere - it encapsulates things. The indecisiveness on whether I belong to the camp of Black Sabbath or Depeche Mode, the constant struggle with good and evil. Run Away From The Sun is the first song I wrote and I didn't know if I had a song in me at all, but I had to start from somewhere. I had all these ideas. I started to do it and follow my intuition. I wasn't in a rush, I had no deadlines - I didn't even know if I was going to continue, and that was the most fruitful ground, because it felt real and unadulterated by pressure…”
As new as it all is for Ville, there are some things that have remained unchanged, or perhaps present is a better word. The heartagram was, after all, the gothic bat-signal of the early 00’s onward...
"It was everything Him stood for," he says. "I just wiggled that one line and realised it has my initials, and that was the reason I called the project VV, and I liked that it had a 'V for Victory' kinda vibe to it, and visually it had the traditional aspect to it, a current iteration of the same idea. It's symbolic, because I didn't want to force myself to take a completely different route musically. I'm not an actor, and Him all happened very organically. I was finding my voice, or whatever you want to call it, through Type O and Black Sabbath back then, and I still am."
From the mood in the room it's a welcome return indeed. It seems that for the first time in a lifetime he's found his path -with the help of a little neon to hold back the darkness.
Ville Valo reveals the dark secrets behind new album Neon Noir
"I was enjoying a documentary on the navigational skills of bats and imagined their nocturnal courting calls bouncing eerily between the walls of the abyss in a gothic ping pong-fashion. To make sure I was communicating this musical vision clearly, I included a cowbell in the middle eight, just because whenever one can, one should."
"The light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes shine so bright it’s scary, and my running-away skills have been highly developed over the years by sweeping most of my issues under the carpet. There are also a few church bell samples ringing among all the 80s-inspired synth sequences, only to make sure the ever-fickle balance between good and evil doesn't err on the side of Skywalker."
“ A cheerful memento mori if there ever was one, and my first guitar solo on record. The working title was 'Vangelis Halen' and I think I managed to get fairly close in marrying the claustrophobic beauty of Blade Runner with the reckless abandon of VH, in a sort of funeral-car-crash-in-slow-motion-type setting.”
“ An ode to the setting sun and a tale of dancing on the razor's edge between holding on and letting go. A moribundle of joy in a patchouli garden, with handclaps."
"The Finnish tourism board should definitely include ‘Nyctophile Shangri-La' as a tagline promoting Finland from now on instead of the worn-out Santanic slogans of yore. A menace-à-trois between Andrew Eldritch, Jaz Coleman and Peter Hook.”
“Quite a traditional love song written by someone who takes the Poe in poetry a wee bit too seriously. A study on blocked tear ducts and The Cure."
"None of the ways out are easy, so taking the road less travelled is always the preferred method. 'If I could only say the same about the music,’ mutters the little Devil on my shoulder."
"A world-building exercise at its bleakest, 'Trenodia' representing a highly modified utopia lit by every shade of blue, with a suitably melancholy soundtrack played at the wrong speed."
"Heartful Of Ghosts is essentially a heart-wrenching tale of paranormal love and supernatural betrayal. Sonically, this lies somewhere between a lava lamp and acupuncture... with fangs.”
"Saturnine Saturnalia is romantic doom and gloom at its very finest, and probably the most Sabbathian moment there is on the album. I dug out my Excalibur - the deranged fuzz pedal and vintage army flask-combo that Mige of Him built me many a moon ago - and tended to my tinnitus with gusto.”
"Imagine if this was Phil Spector's ghost reinterpreting Goblin's soundtrack for Dario Argento's movie Suspiria in glorious lo-fi."
"When you meet someone whose eyes are as hypnotic as watching the Vertigo logo spinning on your turntable, you're either in love or your drink has been spiked. This is a nod to the ghosts of the past, present and future, and a suitably hallucinatory way to end the record."
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shadow-book-wren · 9 months
December 21st Ritual
Today is the Druidic celebration of Alban Arthuan.
It is a festival where gifts and charity are showered upon the poor. make a contribution to your favorite charity or take some gifts to your local homeless shelter.
Today is also the shortest day of the year, marking the Winter Solstice or Yule.
rise at dawn and dress in the colors of fire (yellow, gold, orange or red)
ring bells to chase away the darkness
hang sunflower heads on bare tree limbs with blue ribbons to encourage the Sun and His feathered friends and to honor His mother, the Sky.
when the dark of night falls, honor it with a farewell toast :
Farewell, Darkness, you've served us well Youve brough peace and calmness with you spell Youve helped us regroup and regenerate, too and for those reasons we honor you the time has come, though, to say goodbye farewell, Darkness! Go now! Fly!
then light the Yule log with a piece of last year's log, chanting:
Goodbye Old King--hello, New With this log we honor you The old reign's gone--the new has begun We welcome now the newborn Sun
When the flames start dancing write wishes on paper and toss them in the fire
Remember to kiss under the mistletoe, exchange gifts, and make merry.
make sure to save Yule log ashes to boost your magic next year!
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hardik-savaliya · 11 days
Celebrate Christmas & New Year in Style with Permanent Holiday Lighting
The holiday season is the perfect time to transform your home into a festive wonderland. Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are all about creating a magical atmosphere that enchants family, friends, and neighbors. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using permanent holiday lighting. Unlike traditional lights, permanent lighting solutions offer year-round beauty and convenience. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can celebrate Christmas and New Year’s in style with permanent holiday lighting, including tips and ideas to make your home shine.
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Why Choose Permanent Holiday Lighting?
Permanent holiday lighting is an excellent investment for homeowners who want to enjoy beautiful, hassle-free decorations year after year. Here’s why:
Convenience: Forget about the stress of setting up and taking down lights every holiday season. Permanent lighting stays in place, making it easy to switch from Christmas to New Year’s themes without any extra effort.
Durability: Designed to withstand various weather conditions, permanent lights are built for long-lasting performance, ensuring your home looks festive no matter the weather.
Customization: Modern systems offer extensive customization options, allowing you to change colors, patterns, and effects to suit different holidays and occasions.
Creating a Magical Christmas Display
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and your lighting should reflect that joy. Here’s how to use permanent holiday lighting to create a stunning Christmas display:
1. Choose a Festive Color Scheme
Select a color scheme that complements your home’s architecture and personal style. Classic Christmas colors include red, green, and gold, but you can also opt for a winter wonderland theme with cool whites and icy blues.
Classic Red and Green: Illuminate your roofline and windows with vibrant red and green lights. Add gold accents for a touch of elegance.
Winter Wonderland: Use cool white and blue lights to create a frosty, magical effect. This theme works beautifully with snowflakes, icicles, and other winter decorations.
2. Highlight Architectural Features
Enhance your home’s architectural features with permanent lighting:
Roofline: Outline your roofline with bright lights to create a striking visual effect. This makes your home stand out and adds festive charm.
Windows and Eaves: Frame your windows and eaves with lights to create a warm and inviting look.
3. Add Festive Accents
Incorporate additional decorations to complement your lighting:
Wreaths and Garlands: Highlight your front door and railings with lights to enhance your wreaths and garlands.
Pathway Lights: Use pathway lights to illuminate walkways and driveways, guiding guests to your door while adding a festive touch.
Welcoming the New Year with Style
As you bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one, let your lighting continue to dazzle. Here’s how to use permanent holiday lighting to celebrate the New Year:
1. Create a Sparkling Atmosphere
New Year’s Eve Countdown: Use dynamic lighting effects to count down to the New Year. Incorporate vibrant colors and patterns to add excitement to your celebration.
Celebratory Colors: Opt for metallics like silver, gold, and champagne to create a sophisticated, celebratory atmosphere.
2. Illuminate Outdoor Spaces
Make your outdoor spaces festive and inviting for New Year’s gatherings:
Patio and Deck: Decorate your patio or deck with lights to create a cozy and stylish outdoor space for entertaining.
Garden and Trees: Highlight trees and garden features with your permanent lights to extend the festive atmosphere throughout your yard.
3. Set the Mood with Customizable Lighting
Adjustable Settings: Use your lighting system’s customizable settings to switch between Christmas and New Year’s themes effortlessly. Create different lighting scenes for various parts of your celebration.
The Benefits of Bluehopper’s Permanent Holiday Lighting
When it comes to permanent holiday lighting, Bluehopper offers an exceptional solution with numerous advantages:
Advanced Technology: Bluehopper’s system includes robust Bluetooth mesh technology, intuitive apps for easy control, and over 35 patents supporting our automation platform.
Customizable Displays: With 16 million+ colors and swatches, you can create the perfect festive look for both Christmas and New Year’s.
Year-Round Functionality: Enjoy automated scheduling and seamless integration for year-round beauty and convenience.
Eco-Friendly: Our LED lights are tested for 50,000 hours of life and made from 90% recyclable materials, combining durability with environmental responsibility.
Celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with permanent holiday lighting offers a beautiful, hassle-free way to enhance your home’s festive appeal. With Bluehopper’s innovative lighting solutions, you can create a stunning display that brings joy to every occasion, from Christmas cheer to New Year’s festivities. Enjoy the convenience of year-round illumination and the magic of customizable lighting, making every holiday season unforgettable.
Illuminate your home with Bluehopper and experience the ultimate in festive lighting. Contact us today to learn more about our permanent holiday lighting solutions and start creating your perfect holiday display!
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yeyejie · 1 year
Fading Footsteps
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Characters: Yesung x Reader Synopsis: Cold winter winds may erase the warmth of our love, but the echo of fading footsteps will forever linger, reminding us of the beauty we once shared.
A/N: it's my first time writing a kpop x reader fanfic, so be nice haha. feel free to let me know what you think of the story too. :D
As the wind whispered through the streets of Seoul, a sense of melancholy filled the air, matching the weight that rested upon your heart. You sat alone at the familiar corner table of your favorite cafe, the place that held countless memories of laughter, whispered promises, and stolen kisses. But tonight, the atmosphere felt different—tinged with both nostalgia and an impending farewell.
You traced your fingers over the rim of your untouched cup, your mind drifting back to the early days when your love was vibrant and hopeful. Yesung, the one who had once ignited your soul, had become a distant presence in your life. The road you had traveled together had grown increasingly treacherous, filled with bumps and bruises that left wounds in your once unbreakable bond.
Though Yesung believed in the enduring strength of your love, you could no longer find solace in the promises you had made. The flames that once burned passionately had dwindled, leaving behind only fading embers. The realization pierced your heart, for you knew that it was time to release the grip that held you together and set each other free.
Tonight was the night you would confront Yesung, your fates intertwining one final time before parting ways. The thought of severing the ties that had bound you for years was both terrifying and liberating. With every passing moment, your determination solidified, and your resolve grew stronger like the snowflakes threatening to fall outside the window.
Yesung was away, lost in the rhythm of a neighboring city's music festival, unaware of the storm brewing within you. He had promised to join you as soon as his last performance concluded, unknowingly stepping into the final act of your tragic love story.
As the minutes ticked by, your mind wandered between the echoes of memories and the anticipation of what lay ahead. You knew that tonight would change your lives irrevocably, leaving scars that may never fully heal. But you also held onto a glimmer of hope, believing that this painful ending would pave the way for a new beginning—a chance for both of you to find happiness on separate paths.
With each passing second, the weight of the decision grew heavier, yet you steeled yourself, ready to face the inevitable. You would bid farewell to the warmth of your shared memories, embracing the cold reality of a future without Yesung by your side.
Tonight, as the snow threatened to fall upon the city of Seoul, you braced yourself for the final chapter of your love story—a chapter that would forever alter the course of your lives. And in the silence of the cafe, you whispered your goodbyes, both to the man you had loved and to the person you used to be.
As tears welled up in your eyes, a bittersweet montage of memories played like a film reel in your mind. Each scene flickered before you, capturing the happiest moments you and Yesung had shared, intertwined with the painful fragments that had chipped away at your love.
You saw yourselves dancing under the moonlight, laughing, and spinning in each other's arms. The sound of Yesung's laughter echoed in your ears, his voice like a soothing melody that once filled your world with joy. But the image quickly shifted, morphing into the arguments that had grown more frequent; the words exchanged were like daggers, piercing deep into your hearts.
There were nights when you curled up together, seeking refuge in each other's warmth and finding solace in whispered promises of forever. The tenderness of Yesung's touch lingered on your skin, igniting a fire that burned passionately. But those moments gave way to the coldness of silent resentment, when affection turned into indifference and every touch felt hollow, devoid of the love it once carried.
You recalled the adventures you embarked on, exploring new places hand in hand with hearts full of excitement and wonder. The world seemed brighter and more vibrant in each other's company. But the scenes blurred into the nights you spent apart, waiting anxiously for Yesung's return and feeling the distance between you grow wider with each passing day.
Amidst the memories of laughter and tears, whispers of "I love you" filled the air. The warmth of those words enveloped you, reminding you of the deep connection you had once shared. But those echoes were overshadowed by the harsh reality of hurtful exchanges, where the love that once bound you had become entangled in resentment and unspoken frustrations.
As the montage reached its crescendo, the weight of it all bore down on your fragile heart. The love you held for Yesung was undeniable, but love alone could no longer sustain the toxicity that had seeped into your relationship. Despite your resolve to end things, the pain was still searing, tearing through the remnants of a love that had slowly crumbled.
In the solitude of the cafe, your emotions broke free, with tears streaming down your face as the floodgates of heartbreak opened wide. It was a cathartic release, a cleansing of the wounds that ran deep, a mixture of sorrow for what was lost and relief for what might lie ahead.
The snowflakes continued to fall gracefully upon the city of Seoul, casting a serene blanket of white upon the bustling streets. Amidst the wintry beauty, you sat alone at the cafe, your gaze fixed on the picturesque scene before you. The city's ethereal charm, once captivating and enchanting, now serves as a painful reminder of the stark contrast within your heart.
An hour had passed since your arrival, and though your tears had ceased, traces of your sorrow lingered in your reddened eyes and the occasional quiver of your breath. As you watched the snow dance and settle, you couldn't help but resent its beauty, for it seemed to mock the tumultuous emotions swirling within you.
How could something so tranquil exist when your own world felt shattered?
Lost in your thoughts, you battled with conflicting emotions. Doubt crept into your mind, tempting you to reconsider your decision. The weight of what lay ahead bore down upon you, causing another wave of tears to well up. The empathetic gazes of strangers lingered upon you, their unspoken understanding a poignant reminder that pain and heartbreak were universal experiences.
Suddenly, a familiar figure emerged through the snowy haze. Yesung, still adorned in his stage outfit and remnants of stage makeup, approached with a radiant smile that seemed to illuminate the wintry night. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight, a bittersweet mix of love and sadness flooding your being. This was the moment you had been dreading—the moment when you would shatter Yesung's joy with your painful truth.
Your gaze met his, and for a fleeting moment, the weight of your shared memories, both blissful and agonizing, enveloped you. Yesung's smile faltered ever so slightly, as if sensing the heaviness in the air. You could see the confusion and concern etched on his face—an unspoken question hanging between you.
In that frozen moment, you knew you couldn't turn back. This was the right decision, however heartbreaking it may be. With a deep breath and a resolve fortified by love and self-preservation, you steeled yourself for the conversation that would forever alter your lives.
The snow continued to fall, and your meeting point was a stark juxtaposition of beauty and pain. Yesung and you stood on the precipice of an ending, your paths diverging in the bitter cold of the winter night. The weight of your unspoken farewell lingered, as if the city itself held its breath in anticipation of your next steps.
This scene encapsulated the ache in your heart and the profound contrast between your heavy emotions and Yesung's radiant facade. It served as a poignant reminder that sometimes, even in the most picturesque moments, beauty can mask profound sorrow.
As the hours passed, you made a conscious decision to bury your inner turmoil and immerse yourself in a facade of normalcy. Sitting across from Yesung in the familiar confines of the cafe, you put on a brave face, determined to cherish these last moments of blissful ignorance.
You smiled at him, your eyes filled with warmth and genuine affection. "How was your performance? I bet you were amazing as always."
Yesung's face lit up at your words, his excitement evident. "Ah, it was crazy, I tell you! The energy from the crowd was electrifying. I couldn't have asked for a better audience."
You chuckled softly, your heart aching at his genuine enthusiasm. "You always know how to captivate the crowd. You're a true artist."
He leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin playing on his lips. "Well, I always give my all on stage. It's where I feel most alive, and I'm glad I can share that with the fans."
As you gazed into his eyes, you couldn't help but see the passion and dedication that fueled his performances. Kanghoon was not just an entertainer but a charismatic artist, with a soul that poured into every note and lyric.
He reached across the table, his fingers gently grazing yours. "And how was your day? Did anything interesting happen?"
You took a moment to compose yourself, your voice steady as you replied, "Just the usual. Work, errands, and the mundane But being here with you makes every day extraordinary."
Yesung's smile widened, his eyes shining with adoration. "You have a way of making the ordinary feel extraordinary, my love. Your presence brings so much joy to my life."
You couldn't help but be swept away by his charm and the sincerity in his words. It was moments like these that made you question your decision and doubt if you could really walk away from this love that had once been everything.
But deep down, you knew that love alone couldn't fix the cracks that had formed in your relationship. The battles, the pain, the toxic cycle you found yourselves trapped in—it was taking its toll on both of you.
For now, you chose to embrace the fleeting moments of tenderness, basking in the warmth of Yesung's company and the echoes of what once was. In this fragile bubble of normalcy, you held onto the illusion of unbroken love even as the weight of reality threatened to shatter it.
The cafe embraced your whispered conversations and laughter, oblivious to the storm of emotions raging within you. As the night wore on, you couldn't help but wonder if this fragile respite was the calm before the storm, the final chapter of a love story reaching its heartbreaking conclusion.
But for now, you held Kanghoon's hand, cherishing the moments that slipped through your fingers like sand, knowing that the hardest part was yet to come.
As you walked along the illuminated path by the Hangang River, the vibrant rainbow lights casting a mesmerizing glow, you felt a lump form in your throat. The time had come to confront the truth and lay bare your heart.
With a deep breath, you suddenly halted, your hand gently grabbing his arm. He turned to you, surprise etched across his face, but that quickly transformed into anticipation as you leaned in for a passionate kiss. It was a rare display of public affection, a momentary defiance against the constraints that bound you both.
The kiss lingered, filled with longing and bittersweet intensity. Yesung's heart raced, his thoughts consumed by the rush of emotions flooding through him. But just as he began to lose himself in the connection, you pulled away, your tear-stained face a stark contrast to the moment you had just shared.
He looked at you, concern and confusion mingling in his eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
You took a shaky breath, searching for the right words amidst the torrent of emotions swirling inside you. "Kanghoon-ah, my love, do you remember that night when we first met? It feels like a lifetime ago now, doesn't it?"
Yesung's brows furrowed, and his voice filled with gentle reassurance. "Of course I remember. It was a magical night that changed our lives. I can never forget it even if I tried."
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you recalled the memories that shaped your relationship—the highs and lows that led you to this moment. "Yes, it was magical. But somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the magic, didn't we? We let it slip through our fingers, and now... now it feels like we're holding onto something that's already broken."
His expression shifted, realization dawning upon him. "Are you... Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
You nodded, your voice trembling with sorrow. "I've tried, Kanghoon-ah. I've tried to salvage what we had, to ignore the pain, and to fight for us. But I can't anymore. We've become tangled in a web of hurt and misunderstandings. I don't want our love to be a battlefield, where every step we take is filled with landmines waiting to explode."
He reached out, his fingers brushing against your cheek, desperate to hold onto what was slipping away. "Please, my love. Don't give up on us. We can work through this. I'll change; I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."
Your voice quivered as you struggled to find the strength to let go. "Oh, Kanghoon, it's not about changing who we are. It's about accepting that sometimes love isn't enough. We've tried, and it hurts me more than words can express to say this, but it's time for us to find our own paths, to heal and grow separately."
His eyes pleaded with you, filled with a mix of desperation and determination. "But I love you more than anything. Can't we find a way back to each other?"
You hugged yourself, your body shaking with silent sobs. "Love is a powerful force, Kanghoon-ah, but it's not always enough. Sometimes, we need more than love. We need understanding, trust, and the ability to make each other truly happy. And right now, I can't honestly say that we have all those things."
Yesung's voice cracked as he reached out, his fingers intertwined with yours. "Please, don't leave me. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Through your tears, you whispered, "I never wanted to hurt you, Kanghoon-ah. But I can't keep hurting myself either. We need to let each other go, so we can find happiness in our own separate ways."
As the silence stretched between them, the weight of their unspoken emotions hung heavy in the air. Yesung's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions, unsure of how to respond to your impending farewell. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you, yet he knew deep down that your happiness mattered above all else.
Finally, breaking the silence, your voice trembled as you found the courage to speak. "Thank you, Kanghoon-ah, for everything. I'll always cherish the moments we shared together, from the simplest gestures to the grandest adventures. You gave me a glimpse of a world I never thought I'd be a part of. For that, I'm eternally grateful."
Tears streamed down your face as you continued, your voice laced with both sorrow and determination. "I'll miss you more than words can express. There may come a time when I'll regret this decision, and my heart might ache for what we've lost. But right now, I truly believe that this is the best choice for both of us. We deserve to find happiness, even if it means walking separate paths."
Yesung's eyes mirrored your pain as he desperately searched for a way to change your mind. "Please, give us another chance. I can fix our relationship; I know we can. We've been through so much together, and I still believe in us," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.
But your decision was final, and you shook your head, your voice firm yet filled with sadness. "I appreciate your love and willingness to try, Yesung, but we've reached a point where it's best for both of us to move on. You deserve to find happiness, even if it's not with me. Open your heart to new possibilities and allow yourself to be happy."
Tears welled up in Yesung's eyes as he realized the depth of your resolve. "I... I understand," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll respect your decision. But please know that you'll always hold a special place in my heart. The memories we created together will forever be cherished."
The bittersweetness of your conversation hung in the frosty air, a testament to the depth of your connection and the difficulty of your parting. You stood there, facing the uncertainty of the future, knowing that your lives would forever be intertwined, even as you walked separate paths.
With a heavy heart, Yesung made a request. "Walk away first, please. Give me some time before I turn around. I want to remember you as you are, before you fade away."
And so, you obliged, taking slow steps backward until you were out of his sight. As Yesung turned around, tears continued to flow down his face, his heart shattering with each passing moment. He gazed in the direction you had gone, knowing that this marked the definitive end of your relationship.
In a broken voice, Yesung cursed under his breath, the words lacking the sting they once held. "Damn you for hurting me like this," he whispered. Deep down, he knew that his love for you would never waver, even in the face of heartbreak.
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