#With the Plasmius and Fenton Portal we can Make this Work
inthememetime · 2 years
Uncle Vlad AU
AU where Vlad actually gets along with the adults in the Fenton household pretty well. The Problem is the Teachers. (And ghosts. But mostly the teachers).
He and Maddie have been flirting awkwardly since they were 10 years old because it was funny when adults did it, and never stopped. Neither means anything by it.
Yes, Mr. Lancer, Jack does know that.
No, we do not need you to send Danny home with the Scarlet Letter. There is no affair. You know what, if you spent this much time protecting my kids from bullies, we-
Good mom, ok? She is! Sure, she gets distracted by work a lot, but she's not intentionally negligent, and she does her best. She just isn't able to connect with Danny the way she can with Jazz.
Thinks the awkward flirting is hilarious. Regularly eggs on both his wife and BFF. Hides out at Vlad's to watch football games.
ADHD solidarity with Vlad. Two bros chillin' on a Packers couch, oi, asshole, did you just fumble in the first kickoff! Yeah, he did, which reminds me,did you want to come by for-
Jack was supposed to be there to ask Vlad for help on the portal. They have watched the Bears beat the Vikings, made plans for the weekend, managed to cook an entire meal, and it's not until 2 days later that Jack remembers. (Am I projecting my ADHD? You better bet )
Like Maddie, he isn't intentionally negligent, he just gets distracted super easily. He does his best, but often fails. A true himbo: strong of body, giant of heart, dumb of ass.
Died 20 years ago, but also recognizes that putting his face into a portal to another dimension wasn't a great idea.
Reiterates lab safety constantly despite consistently breaking the rules.
"Remember, children, do not eat or drink in the lab."
"Um. You're drinking ectoplasm right now, though."
"And I'm dead! I can get away with it!"
Despite this, neither Jack or Maddie know he's dead. Plasmius? "Cool costume!" Loses a hand that grows back in a day? "How'd you get that illusion to work?" Jokes about being dead? "Ha ha, yes, we get it. You're dead inside and like grim humor."
Neither Danny or Jazz- who do know- are allowed to tell their parents, because, "come on, guys, don't ruin a 20 year experiment for me! I wanna know how long it takes!"
Vlad is "independently wealthy". As in, he robbed a bunch of billionaires, and has blackmail on twice as many.
So as not to draw too much suspicion, he's a writer. Mostly trashy romance novels or technical manuals. There is no in-between.
Dies. Immediately joins Vlad in death jokes. Jazz: You NEED TO talk about it! Danny: IDK, Jazz, I'm still pretty shocked. Get it?
Vlad: Hey, I gotta go visit dead family for the holidays, wanna come with?
Danny: Is that where you go every year? What do you do?
Jazz: Please don't make a ghost joke, please don't make a-
Vlad: Yeah, well, we go haunting, play games, decorate the cemetery, you know. Just get into the holiday spirit, and have a damned good time.
Jazz: I'm calling the Ghostbusters.
Starts learning how to fight ghosts- Uncle Vlad helps, of course, and- DANIEL PHANTOM, WHY are you HERE, and not in math class?! GO.
Nobody knows why Vlad's so chill about the death thing until his family comes to visit- turns out, his mother's maiden name was Addams. Yes, those Addams'.
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kingofthecon · 4 years
'Becoming a ghost is sad.' The comment caused Stanley Pines to startle and look to the one who'd spoken. His great nephew, Dipper, had been watching one of his paranormal shows on the tube and was either talking to himself or to the old man who was far too busy sitting on the living room floor marking up graph paper for what would most likely be another "riveting" night of Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons. 'Nerds,' Stanley mused as he walked through the wall to reach the gift shop where no one could see his form solidifying. Whatever conversation was taking place in the next room he didn't not wish to be a part of it. He knew more than he needed to about specters, being one himself gave him that keep sort of insight after all. Of course he couldn't have his way as the young man entered room still rattling on about his theory. "A ghost being obsessed with something to the point they stick around is so sad. It's also the same with unfinished business. In both those scenarios a ghost can possibly stick around forever and get stuck. I bet that's what happened to Ma and Pa Duskerton." Stanley sighed, resigning himself to listening to the kid and the old man that followed in afterwards - the thoughtful frown he wore disappearing when he saw his twin behind the counter where he'd "walked" to count the money in the register. "I didn't see you come in, Stanley." "Not surprising," he grumped at his twin without looking up from the wad of cash in his hands. "You've always had a bad case of tunnel vision." "I didn't see you come in either, grunkle Stan." "Not surprising," Stan repeated, only this time he did look up. "That's been a trend for the entirety of the summer." Dipper turned a bit red while Stanford looked offended. Neither nerd could talk, however, because Stanley's words were true. It made him smirk just a tad as he went back to counting. Meanwhile, Dipper got over his embarrassment and went back to his talk of ghost with his great uncle Stanford. "Between the Duskertons and the Lumberjack ghost there haven't really been too many opportunity to explore the--" "Kid," Stanley interupts drawing the attention of his brother and his nephew. "There's nothin' complicated about ghosts. They die and stick around because somethin's keepin'em around. Could be unfinished business like revenge for their deaths. Could be to protect someone. Could be just to play pranks or scare people for no reason. Some are weak. Some can be dangerous. End of story." Dipper and even Stanford looked unconvinced, though there was also a hint of suspicion that Stanley decided he wasn't going to stick around for. He probably shouldn't have opened his mouth - but after everything that'd happened up until bringing Ford back; including the part where he specifically told his dangerous know-it-all of a brother to stay away from the kids, he'd been a little high strung. And he knew the exact reason why. It didn't help that Dipper's preferred topic of the day hit a little too close to home for Stanley. Unable to look them in the eyes as he walked away, he didn't notice the way Dipper seemed to curl inward or Stanford's twitch - the chill that suddenly came over the two of them having nothing to do with Stan's cold shoulder.
His escape from the shack wasn't nearly as fast as he would have liked it to be, but he needed to act casual. In hindsight he had acted foolishly. His brother was a genius with 12 PhDs and could probably see through that act about as easily as if he'd been able to see through Stanley if he wasn't capable of sustaining his tangibility. It was why in the car, deep in the woods, he was able to drop the act. Gone was the old man only to be replaced by a younger man somewhere between 25-35 with a tattered red jacket and a mullet. His once vibrant skin had a blue tint to it and the outglow that his body had but was harder to see during the day became bright. Despite the unnecessity of breathing the spector still found himself releasing an exhale in an attempt to calm himself down. Why had he even panicked the way he had? Dipper was just being his inquisitive self. Was it because of Ford? Was it because Stanford could figure him out in a heartbeat if given the chance? With the Pines Twins classic being at odds with one another, even after their thirty year separation, would the remnants of their relationship last with Stanley becoming just another anomaly to Stanford who only stuck around because he had unfinished business? Would Stanford try to exorcise him - believing that Stanley was nothing more than an echo of a person he'd known long ago but had died - no body left to bury? Would he become even more insufferable; asking his stupid questions about ghosts and what it was like to be one and what kept him tethered to the world of the living? Stanley...didn't want to find out. Frozen fingers tapped gentle at the steering wheel - the car having a ghostly glow of its own as well - before simply gripping at it tightly. He couldn't very well run away from this - he knew that, but he couldn't continue to hide what he was from Dipper and Stanford. Between the two of them something would have to give, and Stanley wasn't ready to let it all go just yet. He wanted to make amends with Stanford. He wanted them to be friends again. He couldn't do that, he assumed, if he were to be found out. 'There's one place I can go...' he mused as he started the car and headed deeper into the forest until the trees became too clustered for the car to pass. He debated on simply driving through them anyway - his car took on ghostly properties when he was in it after all - they were practically one entity, but he chose instead to get out continue on foot so to speak. He could feel himself calm considerably as well as a bit of a boost of energy the closer he came to a cluster of rocks and boulders that seemed practically welded together - an old ruin of sorts he assumed. Once close enough the hum of something reached his ears. He merely placed the palm of his hand against the wall and let his body phase through until a swirling mass of light and dark greens came into his field of vision. 'The Ghost Zone' he thought as he shook his head. He'd only been there twice - when he first...died...and again when he realized there were certain advantages to having a ghost portal connected to other parts of the world - especially when that meant getting materials for another type of portal; a trans-dimensional portal that needed a specific type of fuel and power source. It was complicated. At least he'd found a supplier and had a network going. He wondered if, maybe, said supplier would be willing to give him any advice, or if the Cheese Head had other things going on. Either way, Stan was on his way to Wisconsin. @gamblealife
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randomhuman45 · 2 years
Dannymay 2022- Day 11 Blood Blossoms
The door slammed open with a harsh bang that made Danny flinch when him and his trio were trying to relax for once in their busy lives.
"Mads! Great news! I got them!" Jack shouted as if the teens weren't just 3 feet away.
"What honey?" Maddie asked pulling down her hood as Jack revealed a bag full of small black dots. "Jack! Already? Oh Jack!" She squealed jumping onto her husband nearly knocking him down which was an achievement on it's own.
"Ummmm, what is that?" Danny asked confused because what in the world could that bag be of to make his parents so happy. It clearly wasn't a ghost.
"Oh baby! They're blood blossom seeds. Popular around 1692 to 1693 during the salem witch trials. Unfortunately they went endangered shortly after that since they were so popularized for not only fighting away ghosts who tried to save the witches who were sentenced to death but eaten as a way to rid people of evil spirits. But me and your father have been searching for them for our ghost weapons and shields. For a while it seemed that They had gone extinct after the last factory we invested in was burned down in Wisconsin." Maddie explained.
"It's okay though cause that's where Vladdy built up his company. That's V-man alright, making the best out if any tragedy!"
"Yes dear, but me and your father heard about a possible start up of the old company. They still had some seeds and we volunteered to garden them. To think that we can make 100% human safe, plant based anti-ghost technology. With these seeds we can grow the flowers around the house, school and all across town to protect people from the ghosts. Not to mention the amount of money we can save from the electricity bill."
"Ummmm, are, are you sure that's safe?"
"Of course dear! To humans they're just like any other blossom."
"They're even edible!" Jack proclaimed, "a delicious treat as per the claims of my ancestor John Fenton Nightingale."
"Yeah, I wouldn't exactly trust him on that." Tucker shuttered in memory of the effects eating said flowers.
"But, they destroy the ghost from the inside out, even if they left they will still be in pain and attacked until the flowers were destroyed. Isn't that immoral or something? How would it affect a ghost if they came in through the portal and the house was surrounded? Would they immediately be effected? How would that work with the portal being in the house? Don't you think that might be a problem?" Danny stammered and stuttered out shaking in fear as his thoughts were flowing out without filter. He only came across those flowers once and the memory alone was enough to cause him to turn into a mess. He couldn't imagine the pain having the town covered in blood blossoms would cause.
If Vlad destroyed the flowers them he probably doesn't have something that would protect him from their effects. Vlad not only had a portal but could cater weapons to halfas alone like the Plasmius Maximus. His ghost tech was incredible and if he had to resort to burning the last if them down himself what options did Danny have?
"Not to mention the matter of introducing a new species into the ecosystem." Sam added in. "Think of the complications that could bring, what if by planting these you destroyed the current ecosystem. You said they were endangered after 1693, they could bring diseases and who knows what else! What if that's why they got destroyed in the first place, if someone burned them down maybe it was for good reason. What would you do if you planted these out and they caused an outbreak of disease? People could die because you wanted to save money on your electricity bill. I understand that using natural remedies may come off really good but there are other concerns you have to take into account."
"Plus if they were endangered back in 1693 how do we know they even work against ghosts. I mean if they were killing random women and blaming it on 'witchcraft' who knows how accurate the claims of getting rid if ghosts can be." Tucker added in.
Jack and Maddie looked at one another before turning back to the trio. Sighing Maddie sat down beside the teens and spoke softly. "We, we just want to keep you kids safe. They attack children, and the town at large whenever they feel like it and we don't want to see you get hurt. It's a parents job to protect their kids and we just want what's best for you, all of you. If you really think this could make things worse for you then we'll do some tests and figure out the best way to go about it, okay?"
They nodded their heads in agreement together already internally knowing they had to sabotage those test.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Chpt 27 Vacation Crashers
For some reason Tumblr is being wonky with posting for me so I gotta use the old way.  Ao3 Vacation Crashers Chpt 27 Link
It had taken almost all of the bats and the Fenton siblings to corral Bullwinkle into leaving the building, while distracting the parents. Then they could finally make their way-The stairs were destroyed.
Dick and Jason glanced at each other, recognizing it must have happened when they fought Plasmius, but neither recalled the stairs falling. The remaining staircase wasn't sturdy enough to grapple too either, as it shook if too many stood on it. “Elevator?” Cass suggested. “We need to restore power or get it stuck on another floor.” “Hey B-” “On it.” -uwu-
Batman had already taken a look around while the others were floors above. Catfish refusing to leave, followed at Batman's heels, swimming in the floor. He was in the lab, the one Dick, Danny, and Jason had first found. Interested in one thing, since Dick already grabbed the information. Well two things, he wanted to look at the portal himself. But first-Looking upon the shards of glass from broken capsules, not a drop left of ectoplasm. Danny must have absorbed ectoplasm from here. Glancing around the machinery, he found the dead clone. Danny must have carried it here to, by the way it was posed. It almost appeared to be sleeping. Reaching out to touch the clone, he tried to search for vitals. But it was as Dick said, the clone was dead. It was starting to stiffen, from being out of the ectoplasm. It felt wrong to leave the body be. Especially with how closely it resembled Danny, and in extension his other kids if they were younger. Perhaps he can give it a proper burial later.  He found a tarp and properly covered it. He moved towards the secret part of the lab, seeing most of it smashed. The portal was broken. He remembered the vultures telling him that earlier when he “inquired” their help, still he wanted to check it out for himself. There was colored ectoplasm spilled everywhere and a sweet scent was still fairly strong in here. Batman walked carefully over the broken glass, trying not to step into the ectoplasm. The smashed portal no longer had a frame and seemed to have collapsed completely onto itself. Yet, it was still enough for Batman to get a vague idea. This type of portal was potentially the same as the one Danny was... It was also supplying the ecto-batteries. Hopefully this meant production had stopped long enough for the Justice League to get a handle of things. And for Bruce to find some evidence to convict Vlad Masters of anything. Tonight was far too many close calls. Hearing their dilemma on the comms, Batman swiftly walked out of the room. There was nothing left to examine. He walked back, making his way to pick up the clone on his way out-only to find it missing. No trace. Batman didn't like that, glancing back to see if the Catfish ghost was still on his heels. They were gone too. Bruce picked up the pace to find the breaker room, he had a bad feeling. -ewe-
It wasn't hard to find the elevator on this floor, especially since Danny was in well enough shape to read the writing on the walls. Though he became very sour that there was an ecto-spa on one of the floors. “No, had to get sprayed in the sink instead.” Jason snickered at the memory, as he worked on prying the elevator doors open with Dick, to check the shaft. “Danny, do you really trust Vlad's judgment in spa-” “Yes! Have you seen his skin?” “...He does have nice skin, doesn't he?” Jazz pondered on this revelation, she figured it made sense. Vlad did suffer from ecto-acne, so of course he be very strict about his skincare. “Well if ectoplasm is anything similar to the Lazarus pit, it seems very likely it could keep skin youthful.” Tim theorizing. “Daw, that's why my baby brother still has baby-” Jazz pinching Danny's cheeks who smacked her hands away. “I do not!” “Do too.” Jason grinned. Danny huffed, crossing arms. Puffing out those baby cheeks. Damian turning from everyone to pat his own cheeks, wondering if they too were baby like. That would be most unfortunate. Cass poking his cheek with a chuckle, making Damian huff with a glare. Dick peered into the open shaft, the elevator still stuck in place where they left it. He hopped down, on top of the elevator, checking to make sure the cables were fine. Jason had just jumped down after, when all the halls lit up red. Sirens blaring through the building. Everyone looked around startled. The bats recognizing it as a- “Self-destruct sequence initiated, Sweetums. Countdown commencing. Please evacuate the building within ten minutes or risk becoming a ghost.” Maddie's voice called out through the speakers. “Uh-oh.”   Danny banged his head on the nearby wall, eye twitching. This was all because Vlad escaped. All frustration from earlier returning. “No time to be dramatic, Danny.” Jazz pulling her brother off the wall. “Ten minutes is plenty of-” Danny blinked as he shoved down the elevator shaft by his sister. He was caught by Jason, still a bit stunned that his sister just shoved him down a shaft. “I'll go get Mom and Dad.” Jazz said as she turned, calling for her parents. Cass following her leaving the boys at the entrance to the elevator. Jason put Danny down with a rough ruffle of his hair and went to open the trap door at the top of the elevator so they could all climb inside. --owo-- Bruce had reached the power room. Everything was tossed around, generators smashed. Not from a fight, but a tantrum. Batman could tell by how the damage surrounded mostly in one area. He hurried through the cables and broken pieces to see if there was anything that could be done. He walked up to a control board, one smashed, the other had glitchy text, and the third was in good condition. He used a nearby map that laid out all the floors that was plaster to the wall as a guide to figure out where power was coming and going to. Even though everything was written in ghost, Batman was familiar enough with machinery such as this to figure out roughly what was going on. Even if it relied on a different power source. Pulling a switch, all the lights in the room went off, the alarm still ringing in the distance. Batman turned on his flashlight and worked on redirecting the power to the the center of the building, more so focusing it on the elevator and loading dock area. Though he had hacked into the tunnel to keep it permanently open, he didn't want to risk it closing. -->w<-- Danny had climbed inside the elevator. Damian jumped in after. Tim stayed up to look out for the Fentons. Dick climbing back up to wait with. Jason staying on top of the elevator. “Its appears as if something died in here.” Damian staring at the mess of slime that dried and stained the walls and a corner of the elevator. “Yeah, me. That's when I was melting into goop.” Danny stated with a grin. “And yes. it felt as gross as it looks.” Damian scrunched his face up, raising a brow at Danny. It was hard to imagine the teen now as a mess of slime. “Jazz, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton this way.” Tim spoke seeing the Fentons and Cass running down the hall, ushering them towards the elevator. Jazz was the first into the shaft, reaching out to cling to the cables. Only to scream as she slid down faster than she like. Jason there to catch her if she fell. “That could have gone better.” Jazz chuckled, embarrassed. She climbed down into the elevator cheeks pink, Danny chuckling at her. Who she shoved plafully. Next was Tim and Cass, each jumping into the elevator. Maddie and Jack climbed down, Dick jumping after. Jack looked at the opening of the elevator, frowning as he could tell he wouldn't fit easily. Maddie suggesting Jack to go ahead in case they need to push. Reluctantly Jack tried to squeeze, getting stuck. The five in the elevator pulled on Jack's legs as the three above pushed. They stopped for a moment to get a breather, as they barely managed to budge him. “We got roughly 6 and a half minutes left.” Danny frowned grabbing onto his father's boot again. “Ok, help me pull again.” All of them grabbed onto Jack giving another pull/push. Danny using his powers to turn his father temporarily intangible. Causing the man to fall right on top of them all. Maddie, Jason, and Dick blinking down surprised how easily Jack popped out. “Whew. Talk about a tight squeeze. Thank you kids.” Jack picked up Tim, Dami, and Cass in one arm and Danny and Jazz with the other, putting them back on their feet. Danny looked like he was going to throw up, but just gave a grin to mask it. Cass reached out to rub his back, to see if it helped with the sickness. The other three jumped in after, just as the lights flickered and the elevator stuttered to life. Just in time. Jason lightly punched the ground floor. They let the elevator take them down, taking the mini breather they had as the alarms kept blaring. “5 minutes remaining until self-destruct sequence commences.” “I really need to sue for likeness.” Maddie put her hands on her hips, frowning at the voice as she stood near her kids and husband. Batman greeted them at the elevator, as the doors opened, ushering them to the dock. His hand on his side, hidden under his cloak. Cassandra rushing to Batman's side, providing little support she could. “To the GAV, I'll get us all out of here in no time.” Jack stated. “Unless you have the keys, it be faster to run.” Jazz remembering how awful it was to wait on the scanner. The GAV horn honked and lights flashed as a sign of being unlocked. The sound of keys dangling. Damian held them out in his hand then reluctantly tossed them to Jack. “They dropped to the floor after you kicked the ghost's groin.” Damian explained choosing words wisely. “That's my girl!” Jack pulled Jazz into a side hug as they ran, half-way carrying her. “Daaad.” Jazz whined, though blushed at the praise. Then her eyes shot wide open, glancing at Damian and then back to Danny and Jason. She mouthed her concerns 'spray'. It took them a moment to understand what Jazz was saying. Then all the bats looked back at Jason and Danny, looking concerned. Would they be ok? It had been about two hours since it sprayed. Jack had revved up the GAV, Maddie sitting in the passenger seat. The bats clamored inside except for Jason and Danny. They were more caution getting into the armored vehicle. Danny getting into a coughing fit as soon as he breathed in the air, covering his lower face with his hands as he moved as far back into the GAV as he could. Jason doing the same. “One minute remaining.” “Everyone buckle up! Its going to be a rough ride!” Jack bellowed. “There isn't enough seatbel-” Jazz screeched as Jack floored the gas swerving the GAV around. She clung tightly to the bodies next to her which happened to be Damian and Tim, mushing them closely together in her arms. Cass and Batman kept close to the ground, Cass doing her best to keep them still. Dick had his arms spread out, as if he could protect the others if they crashed. Danny and Jason were up against the back doors, Jason having one hand over his mouth and the other tightly gripped the back of Danny's shirt to keep him from flying. Jack drove the GAV as if it was a race car. Which was almost impressive, if they weren't in the vehicle as well.  Maddie pulled out a tiny capsule, popping it open to inflate a boat behind her. “Since you kids can't buckle up. That should reduce any impact.” Maddie smiled, seeming unbothered, by the reckless driving. “Thanks Mom.” Now they were all comically squished together. “30 seconds remaining.” Jack sped through the tunnel as fast as he could, only slowing down when nearing the lift so they wouldn't crash. Maddie pulled out her ecto-blaster, sticking her upper body out of the window. She aimed at the lift's button, waiting until they were close to fire at it. “10. 9. 8...” The GAV made a hop as it hit against the ledge of the lift, as it rose. Jack swerved the GAV into a circle until came to a jarring stop. “5. 4..” Jack relaxed back into his seat, glancing at his review mirror, adjusting it to see over the inflatable boat back at the kids and bats. Jazz had a death grip on Damian and Tim, both pressed to her chest. In protective mode. Dick felt stiff from trying to keep from moving, arms still covering them. Danny was curled up into a ball, trying to keep nausea down. Jason no longer had a grip on Danny's shirt, but now had an arm around to keep him still. Cass had white knuckle grip on Batman's cape and the other on his arm. “1...Self-destruct commence. Note if this results in an untimely death, we are not liable for any compensation. Thank you.” With that the underwater castle erupted in a series of explosions, soon filling the tunnel behind them. Causing air to pressure under the lift, sending the platform up into the air before they had time to drive off of it. Screams came from the GAV as it tumbled in the air, then rolled on the ground, landing on its wheels. Everyone was in a tangle of bodies. The boat had protected them for the most part, but now they had to crawl out from underneath each other. Dick who laid upside down, shifted back to his feet. “I think its safe to let them go now,” Dick half-smiled amused as he pointed to Jazz's frozen grip on his brothers. Damian and Tim were both close to passing out from her strong hold. Jazz let go, with a jolt. “Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!” Jazz checking them over, feeling terrible for clinging onto them so tightly. Tim wobbled, then shook it off, “Its.. fine.” Damian was taking in deep gasps of air, glaring. “Don't touch me.” “Fair. Sorry.” Jazz looking at them with a pleading look to forgive her as she twiddled her fingers. Batman holding his chest tighter, letting out a heavy breath. Cassandra was under his other arm with his cape draped over her. He had covered her when they went flying, in an attempt to protect her. Cass flopped out of his cap and arm, shaking off the dizziness. Jack and Maddie readjusted in their seats. Jack kept a stressed smile, hands gripped tightly at the wheel. Maddie had a hand over her chest as she released a breath. “Is everyone alright?” Everyone let out a groan in response. That's when they noticed they were missing two. Jason and Danny. Scrambling to open the back door of the GAV to search, they got clear view of Danny puking near a rock, as Jason patted his back. “ughhhhh.. I hate puking.” Danny spit, wiping his mouth on his arm as he stood. “I be mildly concerned if you enjoyed it.” “Just mildly?” “I think there are larger concerns when it comes to you.” Jason was staring at a pair of them now, as Jack and Maddie stepped out of the GAV. Jason watching his family, stumbling out of the back as if they were drunk. He smirked as Bruce was not spared from that fate either. “Ouch thanks for the honesty.” “Anytime.” Jason crossing his arms as the Fenton parents rushed over. Taking a step back. “Danny!” Danny was pulled into his mother's arms, being held tightly. Maddie rubbed her cheek against Danny's hair. “My baby.” Danny blushed, adjusting his mother's arms so he rested comfortable against her. He forgotten how nice her hugs were. Melting into it. “Not a baby.” “Still my baby.” Maddie smothering her son in kisses. “How did you two get out of the GAV?” Jack ask scratching his head. “Weeee fell out?” Danny replied. Which wasn't a lie. “He phased us out.” Jason whispered to Dick, after he walked back towards bats. Though the others overheard the whisper. They all nodded at the answer, as it explained why Danny was sick. Jazz walking over to her family, joining in hugging Danny, letting out a breath of relief. Jack wrapped his arms, gently this time, around his family. As it sunk in that the situation was finally over, both of the siblings sniffed away tears. “Aw. Kids.” Maddie tightened her grip around both her kids, letting them bury their heads into her shoulder as they melted into her embrace. If they cried, none of the bats could see. Though what would normally feel like a heart warming moment, left the bats feeling bittersweet. Almost could be fooled that they were a normal family, but the truth stood ugly and proud at the fore front of their minds. However they let the family have their moment. Dick and Cass ushered Batman over to the jet was sitting near the edge of the lake. They needed to look at his injury again. Tim stretched then decided to get a better look at the GAV. Damian decided to go to the edge of the lake, watching the island burn in the middle. Jason leaned on the side of the GAV, watching the family with his arms crossed. Things couldn't be simple, could they?
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
because I could not stop for death
because I could not stop for death / he kindly stopped for me / the carriage held but just ourselves / and immortality ~ Emily Dickinson
Danny Fenton was dying, properly this time.
Somehow, in the back of his head and in his worst nightmares, he knew it would end this way: bleeding on the floor of his parents’ lab where it had all began. He was so hot he felt like his skin was on fire, blood and ectoplasm were dripping all over him and his lungs and heart were working overtime to try in vain to keep him alive a moment longer. He’d imagined at the time that there would be more screaming but death, in the end, was turning out to be a quiet little affair. A lonely table set for one.
“Danny, Danny come on, you-you gotta slow down your breathing, just relax, for me, please,” Sam moaned, more than making up for his lack of noise. She was shaking and touching him all over, his chest, his face, his hair. Normally she jumped right into action but she had to know, deep down, that there was nothing she could do. All that was left was to watch her panic and cry, it wasn’t his favorite image. 
“Vlad!” He heard Tucker scream cry into the phone, “please it’s Tucker, Danny’s dying I think. The Fentons had some new invention, something about his core, please we don’t know what to do!” 
Ugh Vlad, he was probably going to be so happy Danny was on his way out. He wasn’t looking much forward to his last images being his archenemy gloating. Tucker hung up and reached down to grasp Danny’s hand so hard it hurt. “Don’t worry dude, Vlad’s coming. He knows so much about you half ghosts that you’ll be fixed up on no time.” Right, Danny was already dead. If calling Vlad, feeling like he did something, helped Tucker move on then he’d deal with it.
Danny tilted his head to the side where Sam’s fingernails were carding through his hair. It was getting harder to see with the blood pouring out of his eyes but he looked at her, and tried to memorize her face. He’d never been able to tell her how much he loved her, that any day spent with her was a blessing. Tucker too, his best bro and a part of his soul. His best friends in the whole wide world, through thick and thin. God, he was going to miss them.
“Glurk,” he said, trying to convey those feeling but the fluids in his mouth and airway made it impossible. “Blerh.”
“Shh shh shh,” Sam soothed, “it’s okay, don’t try to talk.”
“Daniel!” He heard Vlad’s voice shriek as he materialized in front of the portal. Sam and Tucker were violently pushed out the way. Danny wanted to be angry at his loved ones being taken away in his final moments but anger was for the living, he barely had the energy to breathe. This death was too long and too short all at once. He made eye contact with Vlad who all at once lost the frantic edge to his tone and and instead knelt on the floor. “Oh my dear boy. What did they do to you?”
“What is going on?” Sam demanded, shoving her way back in. Danny was glad, he could see again like this. “Why aren’t you doing something!”
“There’s nothing to be done,” Vlad said in a flat, monotone, he picked up one of Danny’s hands and patted it gently. “His core is dying, it’s like a ghost’s heart. It contains their very essence, it is from which everything they are comes from. If Jack and Maddie somehow disrupted it then there’s nothing anyone can do to save him.”
“But he’s human too,” Tucker defended, grabbing Danny’s other hand. His human warm skin burned but the contact felt so good, he twitched his fingers closer to his friend’s. “He-he doesn’t need a core, he’s already got a heart. So, so he doesn’t have powers, we can do normal again.”
“You-” Vlad hissed before taking a calming breath. “The accident that made Daniel like this irreparably altered him. His core was as much a part of keeping him alive as his other organs, without it, his body is shutting down.” Vlad turned down to look Danny in the eye and saw true, genuine grief in those hateful red eyes. 
“I cannot imagine the agony you are going through, I’m so sorry. I’d say it will be over soon but,” a hitch that sounded almost like a sob if it was coming from anyone other than Vlad. “But you’ve hovered on the edge of death for years, son, and you’ve always been such a fighter. You have minutes at most but those minutes are an eternity when you’re suffering.”
Sam and Tucker’s sobbing blended together in the background, Vlad was saying something with a miserable, stunned expression. The swirling of the portal in the background seemed louder than anything, louder than his heart beat pounding and pounding as it ran it’s last race. 
“Daniel, Danny,” he focused his eyes back on Vlad who had a stubborn, unhappy set to his brow. “Do you want me to make the pain stop? An ectoblast to your chest will end your life instantly.”
“Don’t you dare touch him,” Sam shrieked, coming back into view and looking like she was trying to fight Vlad off. “You do anything to him and I’ll kill you!” Tucker just sat and stared at him, like he too was trying memorize Danny’s face.
“It’s a mercy, Samantha or do you want his last moments on earth to be drowning on the blood in his lungs.”
“Sam, he has a point. I don’t- I don’t think we can fix this.”
“No! No we always fix things, I’ll do it myself if I have to!”
Danny’s vision was starting to go, more black than anything else. He closed his eyes and readied himself for the inevitable. 
“Time Out,” Danny opened his eyes and found he was no longer in pain. He was standing up and apart from where he’d previously been lying. Sam had her hands in Vlad’s face and the older hybrid was snarling something at her. Tucker was midmotion trying to stand up, presumably to get Sam but the three of them were frozen in the moment. Danny turned and found Clockwork floating, looking very out of place in his parents lab. “Good evening, Danny.”
“You that short on cash that you work part time as a grim reaper?” Danny quipped out of habit. He looked down at his body and grimaced a bit, that wasn’t a pretty sight. No doubt traumatizing for Tucker and Sam. God how were they going to explain this to his parents? “Gonna ferry me across the River Styx? I don’t have two pennies but I think I have a bloodied $10 on me.”
“You’re core is dying and you have 17 seconds left in this world before all your organs give out and finish the process you began when you turned on your parent’s ghost portal,” Clockwork explained as he changed into child form. 
“O-okay,” Danny said shakily, trying to be brave even when he was so, so scared. He was going out whether he wanted it or not but he refused to leave crying. “Nice of you to come say goodbye then but, uh but unless you have something to say then you should let me go back. No one knows better than me that you can’t outrun death. Thanks but I’m uh I’m ready.”
Clockwork stared at him for a bit, not sure how long, time was weird like this but he changed forms a few times. “You’re quite the remarkable young man, Danny Fenton.”
“Uh thanks,” Danny added, once more looking at his body which had, according to Clockwork, a 17 second expiration date. “What’s going to happen? Am I going to become a ghost? Does heaven or hell exist for someone like me?”
“I don’t get to decide what happens, I merely see options,” Clockwork stated easily, taking his time. “If you die naturally you’ll become ghost, a mere shadow of who you are now and one who would fade fairly quickly. You don’t have strong enough anger or regrets to tie you in the real world for long.” Not great but okay he supposed, hell for his friends and family though. “You could let Plasmius deliver his mercy kill, destroying what’s left of your ghost core and ensuring you do not come back.” Better, probably won’t help the Fruitloop’s instability but he can’t save everyone.
“That one comes with it’s own caveat but I’ll get to that in a moment,” Clockwork explained. “There is a third option where you get up off the floor and walk away.” Danny blinked then looked back at his body which certainly wasn’t walking anywhere but into a plush casket. Clockwork opened his hands and the Ghost King’s Crown materialized in his hands. “If you accept your claim to the King’s Cown, it will revitalize your core and your life would be saved.”
Danny blinked.
“By sealing Pariah Dark, you won by proxy and established a legitimate claim to the throne. The Zone has been without a king for millennia, most have forgotten the old rules. Those who remembered were not too keen on a half-ghost child assuming leadership and kept you in the dark. If Plasmius ends your life then your claim transfers over to him, which he is aware of. It had been his plan all along to trick you into defeating Pariah so he could steal the Crown from you at a later date, a much easier opponent.”
Danny’s mind was overloaded with information, he didn’t know what to focus on first. He stared at his 17 seconds from death face and tried to process it all. Crown? Claim? Vlad?
“Of course,” Clockwork tutted, “he didn’t plan on your dying and in such a gruesome fashion. If he kills you and takes your claim, he would spend his remaining years ruling the Ghost Zone in a just, controlled fashion for your memory. He destroys all the stable portals and keeps the ghost and human worlds separate.” Clockwork became and old man and titled his head, “it’s not a bad timeline, all things considered.”
“And if I take it?” Danny asked quietly.
“You’re compassionate, brave and motivated, you have all the makings of a revolutionary king,” Clockwork smiled. “The Zone would experience and unprecedented era of peace, there would be positive interactions between human and ghosts for the first time since life and death split into two. Your name would spoken with reverence for the rest of time.”
“But I don’t want to be king,” Danny frowned.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Clockwork stated. “Which is why I am giving you the choice. If you pass peacefully there will be no one to claim the Crown and life will continue on, ghost attacks and all. If Plasmius kills you, he becomes an effective but unmemorable king. If you take the Crown, you can get the chance to tell Sam and Tucker how much you love them.”
Danny rubbed at his face, he didn’t want to die but he’d be sealing away his entire future with a move like this. He didn’t even know if the Crown would let him go with death, maybe he’d die and be stuck as the Ghost King until his core finally gave out lord in who knows how long. Eternity was an awful long time to carry such a responsibility. He couldn’t bring himself to ask, too afraid of the answer.
“Is there ever a timeline I became an astronaut?” He asked instead. Clockwork hummed, seemingly unsurprised by Danny’s non-sequitur. 
“Yes, in one of the few universes where you never walked into the portal. You never go into space what with human politics putting a halt on the programs but you work for NASA. You leave Amity Park at 17 and don’t come back save for your parents’ dual funeral.” He paused and Danny felt read down to his very bones, “from the moment you became half ghost you were always heading for this moment. The circumstances varied but it always came down to you and the Crown. Time is straining to continue, to see how this drama plays out. Will you accept it and all the joy and grief that comes with it?”
Danny looked over at Vlad, still mid-sneer but there was a scared desperation in his face. He and Vlad sniped at each other all the time but Danny didn’t really hate him and he didn’t think Vlad did either. Leaving him alone, plus making him be king was a heavy burden to put on his enemy. 
Sam and Tuck probably wouldn’t recover from this, he’d put them through so much already but he just knew that they’d never be the same. Could he do that to them? Take the easy way out and leave them to suffer? Mom and Dad didn’t deserve to come home to a dead son, the truth would come out and they’d never forgive themselves. Jazz certainly wouldn’t, she was 2 states over at University but he could already hear her angry, grief-stricken screams. 
Death, death was quiet. It was quiet and merciful and sad, but it was also easy. And Danny Fenton had never once taken the easy route. He reached out and took and the crown before shakily placing it on his head. He gasped, throwing his head back as his core swelled, taking up residence once more right next to his heart. Clockwork smiled, looking like the cat who ate the canary. 
“The Crown of Fire, pardon me the Crown changes with each core, the Crown of Ice is now yours as is the Zone. Your reign begins now but so too does the rest of your life. People are waiting for you. Time in.” Danny slammed back into awareness on the floor of his parents’ lab, the floor he’d almost died on twice. 
He sat up as cold radiated off his body, causing frost to crawl down his arms and along the floor. Sam, Tucker and Vlad, who’d been frozen up until now, jumped back to life. There was a new, familiar weight on his head that he didn’t dare acknowledge. 
He squeezed his eyes shut and said a silent goodbye to a quiet, normal life. It wouldn’t be all bad, he could be happy like this but the Crown still felt like a iron manacle around his neck. But he got used to the ghost powers, he could get used to this too. Maybe one day he won’t look at the stars and say ‘what if?’
“Danny!” Sam shouted, throwing herself into his arms soon followed by Tucker. Their warm weight, their relieved sobs, their shaky breaths in his air, now this was something worth living for. He squeezed them tightly.
“But how dude, you were at death’s door!” Tucker asked, still not letting go.
“You accepted the Crown,” Vlad said evenly, “I wasn’t aware you even knew about your claim. Who told you?”
“You don’t know everything, Vlad,” Danny sighed, sitting himself upright. Ugh his shirt was covered in blood and ectoplasm. He needed to trash these clothes before his parents freaked. And find a way to hide the floating ice crown on his head. 
“Even an old man can be surprised every now and again,” Vlad said wearily. He stood up to his full height before startling Danny by dipping down to one knee. “Then allow me to be the first to welcome my new king and wish him well.”
“I thought you wanted this,” Danny questioned.
“I do, I did,” Vlad said, unusually off balance. “To be quite honest, I’m not sure how to feel about it but, right now, I’m just immeasurably happy you’re alive, little badger. Now I best be off, enjoy your kingdom, my liege, I’ll be sure to come bother you some time soon.” Vlad disappeared in a swirl of pink leaving just him, Sam and Tucker still clinging to him.
Danny may have a kingdom, a job he didn’t want and his whole life decided in a spur of the moment choice, but he also had something very important. He squeezed his friends tightly.
“I love you guys, thank you for being my friends even though I have the worst ideas for activities. Dying? On a Sunday night? How lame is that?” Sam laughed, a bit hysterical but it was real and it made Danny feel weightless. 
“Don’t do that again, buddy,” Tucker breathed into his shoulder. “So you gonna explain what just happened and why you’re apparently the Ghost King or something?”
“Yeah, yeah I will but let’s get changed first. Mom and Dad will be home soon and I think I’m going to need to have a conversation with them about my new job.” 
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dekalko-mania · 4 years
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Phantom’s Sketchbook: By AkoyaMizuno: Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom. 
Additional Tags: Revelation Fic, Caring Mr. Lancer, Secret Identity
Get Out, Get Gone: By Anthrop: There’s a weight to you now that wasn’t there before. You’d think with your powers—(and doesn’t it feel strange to call them that, when you shake and shiver at the sight of your bones under your meat, when you walk down the stairs and your feet don’t touch anything at all)—you’d weigh less, be less. A thing of smoke, and ectoplasm, and all that awful electricity arcing through your nerves. But that's not what happened.
Additional Tags: stream of consciousness-style writing, anxiety, Danny’s going through it bro
Of English Projects and Revelations: By Nyomio: Dash just wanted to get a good grade on his English Assignment. He had figured there was a solid chance that putting himself, Paulie, Val and Fenton in the same chat would end poorly, but he hadn't expected things to escalate quite as they did. With all the chaos around him, he just has to ask - will they ever work on their English Project?
Additional Tags: chat fic, hurt/comfort, humor, revelation fic
Jumping At Shadows: By sapphireswimming: Dash has a problem and he needs Danny Phantom's help. So he decides to get it by... blackmailing Danny Fenton?
Additional Tags: Humor, ghost hunting, suspense, Dash admires Danny Phantom
omnis immunde spiritus: By aloneintherain: Danny’s eyes were fixed on the locker, never-moving, as though he could see straight through the wall and over to the other side. For a split second, Kwan could have even sworn that Danny’s eyes shone silver, like the eyes of a deer, glowing under headlights.
What the fuck, he thought.
Additional Tags: guys in white, friendship, spooky ghost kid danny fenton, POV outsider
Parasite: By DarkNymfa: Danny had to know that Vlad Masters—Vlad Plasmius—was trying to kill him. All Vlad needed for him was to get too fed up, go too far...To end it. Before Plasmius could do worse.
Additional Tags: angst, angst with a happy ending, possession, self-sacrifice 
Redemption: By SassyArtFarts: After a vicious fight between known antagonistic pair: Danny Fenton and Dash Baxter, Mr. Lancer comes up with a way to hopefully get them on better terms as they work together preparing a restoring project of an old summer camp. However, something else watches, waiting, wanting to be restored. It's ancient, it's resentful and it's starving.
Additional Tags: bully redemption, Mr. Lancer is dealing with dramatic children, not phantom planet compliant 
Interwoven: By Lynse: In the Far Frozen, a portal opens up and doesn’t close. In the NYC, Jake is suddenly faced with freak snowstorms. And Danny? Danny’s just trying to figure out why he’s supposed to be the one dealing with all of this.
Additional Tags: crossover, ghost king danny fenton, developing friendships, misunderstandings 
Until Death Do We Part: UnluckyAlis: For someone who fights ghosts, literal dead people, on a near-daily basis, you would think Danny could handle death better than this. He knows most of his enemies were once living, breathing people who died in tragic ways. Danny was once a living, breathing person who died in a tragic way. He just skipped out on the "stop breathing" part of things.
He faces mortality every day, every time he goes ghost. So why can't he face this? Why is this any different than any other day?
Because it was his friend, and he saw it, and he couldn't stop it. Because it was his fault.
Additional Tags: Blood and gore, panic attacks, murder, highly recommended super great fic oof
Necromancy: By wastefulreverie: She was curious about the portal, mysterious and full of paranormal potential. At the time, she hadn't seen any harm in manipulating him into exploring it. Until everything went horribly wrong.
Additional tags: death, necromancy, witch sam, portal accident au
Vanish Into the Witching Hour: By wastefulreverie: Danny finds that odd things tend to happen during the Witching Hour, the prime hour for paranormal activity. 
Additional Tags: identity reveal, witching hour, creepy, angst
Pink Astronaut: By lexosaurus: To Paulina's dismay, she and Danny Fenton must work together on their English final project.
Additional Tags: pink astronaut, fluff, enemies to lovers, kinda
Tutoring Phantom: By Lexosaurus: It was funny. A year ago Dash was all but praying for Fenton to shut up, but now he would do anything to hear him speak.
Additional Tags: identity reveal, recovery, hurt/comfort, study group
Plenty of Time: By wastefulreverie: When Danny Fenton supposedly runs away, Casper High has quite a few things to say when he returns. Especially in the wake of his apparent "trauma".
Additional Tags: angst, horror, decapitation, vivisection 
inviso-doodles: By attu: What are friends for if not making you internet famous?
additional tags: artist!Danny, wholesome content, the danny appreciation we need u guys, an obligatory break from all the angst recs this list has 
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Out of Time (9)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 4248
Previously: After realizing there's three possible outcomes of a looming battle with Dan, Danny asks Valerie, Dani and Vlad for their help.
Now: The calm before the storm. Aka things are about to hit the fan.
Link to the next chapter will be in the replies once posted. As always - please let me know what you think!
"Danny- you in here?" Jazz asked, opening her brother's door tentatively. To her surprise, she saw both Danny and Phantom in the room, both looking sombre and upset. She frowned slightly, looking between the two like a hawk. "Are you okay?"
Danny's eyes briefly flashed green as Phantom disappeared, smiling at his sister. "Yeah," he replied softly. His blue eyes watched her as she crossed her arms determinedly.
"Good, cause we're ready for you." Jazz observed Danny closely as he stood up straighter, a quiet reservation embodying him. She frowned as she examined him again. "You sure you're okay? We can postpone-"
"No," Danny said tiredly. "We really can't." He walked over to his sister, ignoring her suspecting gaze as he gave her a hug. Jazz bristled in surprise, but quickly returned it. "Love you," he murmured into her shoulder.
"I love you too," she replied, pulling away from the hug. She poked his nose affectionately, making the younger teen scramble away with a scowl. "Now come on, you're needed Ghost Boy."
With a devious smirk, Danny transformed and grabbed his sister by her arms. He turned them both intangible and flew up to the Ops Center. He dropped Jazz unceremoniously to the ground as he turned tangible again.
"Ugh! Danny!" Jazz protested, shivering slightly. "Give me warning next time!"
Danny chuckled, floating in the air as he watched Jazz try and recover. "You're the one who said they were ready. Where's that Ghost Getter attitude?" he teased.
Jazz glared half-heartedly at her brother before sighing. "C'mon," she said, gesturing to the crowded Ops Center.
Both Fenton children made their way into the room, weaving through many of Frostbite's subjects as they attempted to reach their parents. Maddie, Jack, Sam and Tucker were crowded around one of the screens. Jack saw them first.
"Kids! There you are!" he boomed, causing Sam and Tucker to jump in surprise. "Vladdy's on the T.V."
Danny exchanged frowns with his sister as they moved the screen. Vlad was sitting at his desk in the Mayor's office, looking stoic and political as the T.V. station ran a banner underneath him labelling it as a mayoral address.
"Citizens of Amity Park," Vlad began. Danny rolled his eyes at the condescending tone his arch-enemy used. "As you've been aware, local hero Danny Phantom has held a large dome of energy around our beloved town for the past four days. After a brief meeting with Phantom this afternoon, we now have true confirmation of what is afoot."
Maddie turned to her son, frowning in disapproval. "You went to Vlad?"
Danny shrugged. "He needed to know what was going on. The last thing we want is him making a story up and it causes people to get hurt." He turned back to the press conference.
"There is a dangerous ghost making its way through the Ghost Zone," Vlad continued. "Dangerous enough to cause many ghosts to take refuge here in our world. Phantom has put up this shield in order to protect our town from harm." Vlad folded his hands together, looking very grim. "However, this ghost has challenged our resident ghost and has thus threatened the safety of this town. Tomorrow, these two will clash somewhere in our world, with Phantom unsure of how much protection he can give us.
"The Fentons and I have created a contingency plan in case Phantom's shield is compromised, however it is very likely that this will rival our run in with the Ghost King last year. Unfortunately, it is too late to evacuate the town. Rest assured that your safety is our number one priority. We are asking you to stay indoors until we determine that it is safe to return to our normal lives. I must implore you all to be careful – the only warning we'll have is if this shield goes down.
"As for Danny Phantom – if you're watching this: Good Luck."
Vlad faded from the screen as Lance Thunder started his analysis on what he just heard. Danny let out a breath as he turned to his parents. "We ready to figure out a plan?"
Jack gave his son a reassuring smile. "You bet kiddo," he told him, leading the way to a large round table. Ethelwulf, Frostbite and Clockwork all sat waiting for them, with many more white yeti ghosts standing behind them. Frostbite grinned readily as he saw Danny approach, while Ethelwulf looked him over searchingly.
Danny ignored them, instead floated above the table and waited for his friends and family to take a seat. Green eyes found the large fold out map of Amity Park with various pieces placed strategically across it. A small frown appeared across his face as he saw the large amount of pieces outside of the shield.
"We still have about 10 hours before Dan attacks," Maddie said, snapping Danny out of his musings. He floated back, giving her his full attention. Maddie pointed to the large group that was furthest away. "Our intel shows that Dan is East of the town gathering his army." She gestured to the rest of the town. "Danny's shield will hold for a bit, but our main priority should be getting the Fenton shield up and running. Once that's up, it should cover the entire town – the only problem is we still can't isolate Dan's ecto-signature from Danny's."
"The good news is between Frostbite and his people, we're able to scan all the ghosts hiding in Amity Park," Jack told the crowd. "This way, the shield will still be able to protect the ghosts and the town from Dan's wrath."
Danny nodded, agreeing with the line of thought so far. "And you'll keep working on the shield?" His parents nodded. His frown deepened as he surveyed the plans now on the table. "We need to keep him out of the city at all costs." Danny moved closer to the table, pointing to a large structure on the map. "Until we get the Fenton shield up, we'll have to be divided." Maddie glanced at her son nervously, but stepped back as he started to take more command at the table. "We'll split up in two teams. Ethelwulf, Frostbite; you both stay here. With Ethelwulf's shield around the Fenton Portal, it's the safest point in all this. If anything goes down, you're the best people to defend it." He traced the outer layer of the map with index finger. "The Red Hunter, Danielle and Plasmius will be at the shield holding back the shadow army. If these things are anything like Vlad's copies, then there's going to be a lot of them."
Maddie and Jack exchanged surprised looks before addressing their son. "Are you sure you can trust Plasmius?" Jack asked him. "Or the Red Hunter for that matter? She did trap you and Danielle a few weeks back."
Danny didn't look up from the map, concentrating hard on his next point when he answered. "We've had truces before," he explained. "It's fine. Besides we'll need all the help we can get."
Frostbite cleared his throat. "My fellow Far Frozen brothers will also protect the town," the yeti ghost told the group in front of them, garnering murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd. "If any of the shadows make it in, we'll be ready Great One."
"Thanks Frostbite," Danny said gratefully, flashing his friend a smile. It quickly disappeared as he continued. "Unfortunately, I think that'll happen sooner rather than later." He turned his gaze to his parents. "No matter what Vlad's said during that press conference, we're going to need people to clear the streets and provide cover if needed."
Maddie stroked her chin in thought. "I think we still have time to reach out to the Ghost Emergency Response team," she said. Seeing the look of confusion on her son's face she elaborated. "We reached out to a few people after the Ghost King attack to help with evacuation efforts in the event we couldn't get to them in time. They'll be able to use some public spaces to get people to safety in a pinch. Plus, this was set up before Vlad was mayor; we don't have to go through him for his approval."
Danny eyed his Mom suspiciously at her tart tone but nodded his consent. "Okay, let's do that," he said. His eyes darted across the map in front of him, before he paused and sighed heavily. "I don't think there's any way I can keep the shield up and fight Dan."
"Especially if you're going to be an idiot and go off alone," Tucker said. Danny scowled at him. "What? We can see your self-sacrificing shtick from a mile away dude."
"Not exactly what I meant," Danny shot back, green eyes running over the map avoiding everyone's gaze. "I'm using my base powers to keep the shield up. If something's attacking it - the best place to keep it up around the town is to be right on it."
"Making you a sitting duck," Ethelwulf finished, yellow eyes scanning the map with quick precision. "Which is what Dan is counting on; he tested your abilities in your last battle. He'll wait until you're distracted before striking."
"Which is where Jazz and I come in," Sam jumped in, moving closer to the table and pointed to various sections of the town. "We can provide cover some extra cover on you from the highest points of the city." She pointed out four large buildings. "If we station ourselves up there, we can hit the ones that close in on Danny's position."
Danny stiffened slightly at the suggestion, eying the pieces outside of the shield again and the other two buildings that Sam had suggested. He let out a breath before looking up at his family and friends. "We'll need more than just you two. Mom, Dad, Jazz and Sam will be on these four buildings," Danny grabbed four mini pieces that indicated their side of the battle and placed them on the map. "Tucker, you'll be at FentonWorks working on the shield and be our eyes while we're out there. Apart from my parents, you're the only one who can work on those calculations." He moved another piece. "I'll be at the top of the shield, keeping it up until the Fenton shield is ready. Then we can regroup here and think about our next phase of attack."
"And if your shield goes down before the Fenton one is ready?" Sam asked sceptically.
Danny floated above the table, looking grim. "Then we fight," he said simply. He floated above the crowd, his face reserved as he surveyed the crowded ops center. "This won't be easy," he told the crowd. "In a different time, he destroyed the entire world. I want to say we'll make it… but there's no guarantee that we'd be back. If we fail – our worlds as we know them are doomed." The half-ghost crossed his arms. "Dan isn't invincible. If we work together, we can bring him down. Who's with me?"
A loud roar of approval echoed through the ops center from the members of the Far Frozen. Danny scanned the crowd and found Clockwork, regarding him curiously with his red eyes. Time seemed to slow as their eyes met, Clockwork searching for an answer from the young ghost. Clockwork gave Danny a brief nod of approval before Danny floated back to the ground toward his friends and family.
Danny waited until the ghosts left the Ops Center before taking a vacant seat and transforming back into Danny Fenton. Tired eyes scanned the table again, looking at the small pieces and the map with reservation. "If this doesn't work…"
"It will," Maddie told him sternly, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine." Danny couldn't tell if she was trying to reassure herself as well.
"If there's anything this year has shown us, it's how to kick ghost butt as a family," Jack added confidently.
"Dad's right," Jazz told him, coming around Danny's other side, giving him a big hug. "Dan may have the power, but we have the numbers and heart. Remember that, okay?" Both Fenton parents joined the hug at their daughter's words.
Danny smiled softly. "I'll remember," he said. His family released the boy from the hug, smiling. He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "This will work."
Maddie kissed the top of his head affectionately. "Get some rest sweetheart. We'll see you off in the morning." With that, the three Fentons exited the Ops Center, leaving Danny, Sam and Tucker alone.
Tucker walked over to the table, nudging Sam along the way and sat next to his best friend. "That was kinda weird…right? I mean… in a good way?"
Danny chuckled. "A bit, yeah." Sam finally moved to Danny's other side at the table, watching him intently. "This is the first time my parents are involved in such a big ghost attack and know all the stakes going in. It's made it easier….. but also so much harder."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
Danny shook his head, smiling softly. "It doesn't matter. I'm just glad we're on the same side for once." He pulled out a small pouch from his pocket, putting it onto the table. His logo reflected the light from the Ops Center above him. "Can one of you ask Ethelwulf about these? Vlad gave them to me."
"I'm pretty sure that's a red flag and should be thrown out," Sam said, narrowing her eyes at the pouch.
Danny shrugged. "He said they're Ecto-Enhancers – something to help give my powers an energy boost. While I don't trust Vlad with a ten foot pole, I think he's actually trying to help. I'd ask my parents, but Mom's been acting strange about me interacting with Vlad. I don't think she knows anything, but she definitely suspects."
"Hence Ethelwulf," Tucker finished, watching Danny confirm with a nod. Tucker stared at the pouch as a few ideas raced across his brain. "Apart from Ethelwulf, Plasmius is the only other person who knows about half-ghosts on a molecular level. Maybe these will help us separate the two of you."
"If there's one time for his creepy clone experiments to come in handy, it's now" Danny replied with a grimace.
"Gross," Tucker said. He reached over, grabbing the pouch of Ecto-Enhancers and waved them in the air. "I'll get started on this – hopefully we can get that shield up before morning." Tucker stood, giving Sam an exaggerated look before moving quickly to the stairs. "Sam, make sure this one doesn't do something stupid without me. I am the brains of this operation"
Danny chuckled at the joke. "Don't let it get to your head, techie."
Sam shook her head at their antics. "No promises," she said slyly as Danny made a noise in protest. Sam caught Tucker's equally sly smile as he made his way downstairs, realizing suddenly that he left her alone with Danny on purpose; she nearly groaned in annoyance.
"Jerk," Danny muttered in amusement. He rose slowly, gripping the table to hold himself up. His arms shook as he looked over the plans again, blue eyes darting back to the large amount of pieces on the ground.
Sam frowned worriedly. "You're exhausted," she stated.
Danny nodded. "We really need that shield," he told her wearily. "If these numbers are right then I'm going to be putting all my energy into defending the town."
"What you really need is sleep." Sam replied sharply. Danny ignored her and continued to glance at the figures on the table. "When was the last time you actually rested without those time visions?"
Danny shrugged, turning his face away. "Few days maybe," he replied. He traced the outer layer of the map toward the top of the shield, frowning in thought.
Sam sighed, standing up and put her hand on his shoulder. Danny's body relaxed slightly at her touch but remained focus on the map in front of him. "You need to rest," she said softly. "You've been heading straight for Dan ever since he escaped. Not to mention, you've been flying around and using your powers quite a bit today. Isn't it time to take it easy?" Danny only hummed at the suggestion. Sam sighed again, bracing herself against the table as she looked out in the other direction. A few moments passed, neither one speaking as they stood in the Ops Center. Finally, Sam let out a long breath, steeling her resolve. "About earlier…"
"You were right," Danny told her, cutting Sam off before she had a chance to continue. He glanced at her quickly before his eyes returned to the map. "Before. This isn't just some ghost fight."
Sam frowned, confused at his reserved demeanour. "You told me you weren't afraid anymore," she accused softly.
"I'm not."
Sam turned to him abruptly, violet eyes flashing dangerously. "So why are you holding back now? What changed in a few hours?"
Danny sighed tiredly, his black hair covering his face from her view. When he finally spoke, it was so quiet it made the hairs on the back of Sam's neck stand up. "If we make it through this, then we'll talk."
Sam blinked before nudging him hard with her shoulder. "When we make it through this, I'll be waiting. You hear me? When." They stood quietly, Sam's last remark hanging in the air as Danny made no attempt to answer. She nudged him again. "Danny, when you make it back. Not if."
Danny raised his head slowly, smiling as he looked at her. Sam's eyes widened slightly at the changing emotions across his face. "Yeah," he agreed softly. "You're right." He turned away as Sam looked at him, concerned. "I think I'm gonna head downstairs."
Sam frowned; something didn't feel right. "You're not going to sneak off on our own are you?" she asked searchingly.
Danny shook his head and brushed her off. "Nah – you'll miss me too much," he replied lightly. She wasn't convinced.
With a small wave, he took off down the stairs. Sam watched him go, still frowning as she tried to figure out his sudden change of mood.
"A little early for an adventure, isn't it Halfling?"
Danny didn't turn from his position on the Ops Center, opting to look at the stars through the green shield around the town with a small smile. There were still a few hours before dawn and apart from the ghosts throughout the house, everyone was asleep. "Not an adventure if I'm still here."
Ethelwulf chuckled as he walked up beside the seated young ghost. "True, but you are your ghost self on a rooftop, alone, right before we do battle with that monster. Forgive me for thinking you were sneaking off without telling us."
Danny shook his head. "I couldn't sleep," he admitted. "Stargazing helps me clear my head." They looked at the stars in silence, Ethelwulf waiting for Danny to continue. Eventually, Danny sighed, standing up to face the black wolf ghost beside him. "I keep seeing various parts of how today will play out," he said dismally. "Regardless of how much planning we do, it doesn't seem like we're going to win."
Ethelwulf opened his mouth, but a voice beat him to it.
"What have I told you before, Great One?" Frostbite floated toward them, an eyebrow raised questionably at the younger. "About fears and battles?"
"I'm not afraid of Dan," Danny told them confidently. "I'm not facing him on my own so we have more of a chance than I would normally. But…" Danny looked up at the stars again, frowning. "In order to win, we need to know his plan. With these time visions, I think I have some idea of… how he thinks."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused looks. "Isn't that a good thing?" Ethelwulf asked him.
"If I'm right… then it's not a good thing," Danny replied seriously. He rubbed the back of his head. "It means that our plan doesn't account for him exploiting our weaknesses – which he'll definitely do. Dan has nothing to lose, meaning he's more dangerous than ever. He doesn't care."
Ethelwulf let out a soft "Oh," as he realized what the boy was trying to say. He lowered his head close to Danny's face, big yellow eyes looking into worried green. "Danny," he said gently. "Going into battle thinking you'll lose means you've already lost. The things that you need to fight for? That makes you more dangerous too."
Danny smiled sadly. "I want to believe that. More than anything."
Ethelwulf nodded. "Then do." Ethelwulf looked him over, frowning. "Though you're not completely healed from yesterday; are you sure you'll be alright on top of that shield?"
Danny nodded. "I'm good. The faster we get that shield up, the faster I can recover and kick his sorry butt out of existence. How's that going anyway?"
Ethelwulf sighed. "Tucker gave me the Ecto-Enhancers; Plasmius seems to know quite a bit about your ecto-signature Halfling. We were able to identify more of a distinction between the ecto-signature we have of you and his. It seems like the key here is your mid-morph sample – but until you're able to recover, I believe it's unwise for us to take that sample. Though, now that we know what we're looking for, we might be able to manipulate the shield enough for us to put it up. These Ecto-Enhancers should be safe if you wish to use them."
Danny nodded in confirmation. "Good to know – probably best to leave them here for now. Last thing I want is for Dan to get a hold of them." Danny looked away, making Frostbite and Ethelwulf tense slightly. "If anyone can figure out that mid-morph sample, it'll be Tucker. He's been working with my parents for so long and knows my powers pretty well. Will you-"
"Don't worry," Frostbite assured. "We'll make sure your family is safe. No one will get through."
Danny smiled gratefully, looking up at the stars again. "Thank you," he said simply. They were quiet for a few minutes, before Danny closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Clockwork," he called as he opened his eyes and faced his two friends.
Clockwork's spinning clock appeared promptly behind Frostbite, the latter shuffling aside for the Time Master to materialize. Once appeared, Clockwork brought his staff toward the ground, a grim smile directed at Danny.
"I think I finally understand," Danny said quietly. "When you told me that acting on the knowledge of time was a burden."
Clockwork inclined his head in acknowledgement. "I believe so," he said simply. "I'd ask you what now, but judging from that response, I can only guess."
Danny sighed again. "I need you all to promise me something," the half-ghost started, getting the attention of all three spectres on the roof. "If I….. If I stop responding on coms…..or if I go down…please don't come looking for me until my shield falls. Keep my family and friends away from it too."
The boy's request hung in the silence that followed.
"I've seen some….. things," Danny continued, green eyes pleading for them to agree. "I don't know if they're true – but I might have to make decisions out there that go against the plan to protect Amity- To protect my friends and family. I need to know that they're safe behind this shield. It's the only way I'll….Please – keep them from coming after me."
Clockwork looked at Ethelwulf and Frostbite's shocked faces as he floated past them, red eyes glued to the determined, pleading face of a fifteen year old half-ghost that started this. "I said once," Clockwork started, "That I'm inclined to trust your judgement. Through all those twists and turns of time, my view on that has never wavered Danny Phantom." Clockwork put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Time has asked so much of someone so young – this is the least I can do."
"Are you sure this is wise, Time Master?" Frostbite asked worriedly. "The Great One is still not healed. If he goes in alone –"
"Frostbite is right," Ethelwulf said, cutting the Far Frozen leader off. "Danny, this is ill-advised. You just said you're not fighting him alone – why do you want to prevent us from helping you in your time of need?"
"We have a plan right?" Danny asked, an eyebrow raised. "No matter what happens to me, we need to make sure it gets followed. We're more likely to succeed that way. If my shield is still up, I'm okay - I'm still alive. The last thing I want is for Dan to use anyone I love as bait."
The two wolf-like ghosts looked at each other and sighed, defeated.
"I will protect them with my life Great One," Frostbite told him earnestly.
Danny turned to Ethelwulf, who sighed deeply. Yellow eyes met green once more. "You are truly remarkable, Halfling," he said proudly. Danny's eyes widened in surprise. "I will honour your wishes – however if your shield falls, I will come after you myself. I will not let you die."
Danny smiled, looking at each of the ghosts directly before nodding. "Alright, then let's-" Danny's knees buckled slightly, cutting his train of thought off as he grimaced in pain. Frostbite and Clockwork moved toward the boy. Ethelwulf winced, swearing under his breath.
"Something attacked my shield," Ethelwulf said.
"Mine too," Danny ground out as he recovered. He looked up in thought, frowning as his eyes scanned the shield. He closed his eyes, trying to find where the attack on the shield came from before sighing. He turned to Frostbite and Ethelwulf. "If I'm not back in half an hour, wake everyone else up."
"This has to be a trap," Ethelwulf said. "Danny, you shouldn't go up there alone."
"He did say he wanted to divide my attention," Danny replied bitterly. "Probably, but I don't want to chance the shield. Ethelwulf, check on the one around the portal. I'll have my Fenton Phone with me – Frostbite, head to the control station and we'll stay in contact. I'll be gone thirty minutes tops. If I'm not back, tell my family…" he paused, looking conflicted for the first time on the rooftop. "Tell them… to defend Amity. To get the Fenton Shield up and running. To…to be careful. I'll be back as soon as I can." Without warning, Danny leapt into the air and teleported somewhere outside of the shield.
Clockwork sighed, breaking Frostbite and Ethelwulf out of their surprised stupors. "Frostbite," he called. "You heard him, get to the control panel. Ethelwulf, check on that shield. The faster we do that, the faster one of you can go after him."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused glances. "I thought you said you trusted his judgement?" Ethelwulf asked suspiciously.
Clockwork looked at the shield above. "I do," he replied simply, a small frown on his face. "That does not mean I have to like it."
Danny held his hand to the shield, concentrating on finding the point that was attacked earlier. It's too quiet Danny thought, eyes darting from side to side looking for a threat. "Frostbite?"
"I'm here, Great One," Frostbite's voice came through the Fenton Phone urgently.
"No. All clear on the radars."
Danny frowned, more unease rising from within him. "Yeah, here too," he said, standing, on top of the shield. It was holding strong; if anything attacked while he was up here, it would hold. He looked down and saw the mass of black surrounding the town, faint dim auras outlining each of the shadows that Dan created. Danny swallowed nervously as he lost count. "I'm headed back now," he said evenly, attempting to mask his concern.
"I'll await your arrival."
As the line went dead, Danny gasped as his ghost sense came alive, the icy cold sending a small shiver down his spine. He tensed, left hand alighting in green as he readied for an attack, the right going back toward his Fenton Phone. He barely had time to react as a large amount of ecto-energy surrounded his senses. He cried out in pain as it subsided, falling onto the shield in a heap. He barely managed to see a pair of white boots before the world faded to black.
"Sam, wake up," Jazz said urgently, shaking the girl awake. Sam rolled over, squinting slightly at the person who dared disturbed her slumber. "Sam, come on." Jazz shook her again.
Sam blinked before she recognized the urgency in her voice. "Is it time?" she asked, sitting up quickly and rubbed her eyes.
"Sam, Danny's missing."
Whatever tiredness she was felt left Sam instantly. "What?!"
Jazz sat back with a worried frown on the bed, her red hair glowing slightly from the light in the hallway. "Frostbite said he went to check the shield and was supposed to be back an hour ago." Her teal eyes met Sam's violet ones. "Danny told them he was coming back – then the line went dead. Ethelwulf went looking for him, but they couldn't find him."
"Was there anything on the radar?" Sam asked, grabbing both her time medallion and the violet jumpsuit as she hastily put them on.
Jazz shook her head. "No – but Frostbite said Danny just disappeared. No teleportation or anything, just… gone. Like he was never up there; we're meeting downstairs to create a game plan."
Sam nodded, putting on her last glove. "Okay, I'll meet you down in a few minutes."
Jazz gave her a nod in confirmation. "Good, I'll go check on Dad then. He probably got an hour or so of sleep before Frostbite woke Mom." Jazz headed out of her room, a worried frown still across her face as she raced down the hall.
Sam let out a shaky breath as Jazz left. Her eyes drifted to the small clock on the bedside table - 4 am. Two hours before dawn. Two hours before the fight of their lives. Two hours to find Danny.
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 2
So, I have no clue what a publishing schedule is. So here, have more of this dumb fic at 11 pm. FUCK SLEEP! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
Chapter 2
Danny and Jazz managed to finish just in time to put everything away before their parents got home. He’d actually managed to have a ghost free night. But the peace wasn’t going to last. And this wasn’t about ghosts. He got slammed into his locker.  “Hey look, it’s Fenturd. What’s with the dumb picture of Phantom? You’ll never be on his level,” Dash said and laughter broke out. Danny groaned. At least they didn’t know he was trans. He’d be beaten twice as much if they knew. The locker door closed and locked.  “Seriously Dash? I have to get to class!” He yelled through the metal.  “Whatever Fentina. No one cares! Oh hey, it’s fresh meat!” Dash went away from Danny’s locker. Danny had found out a way to make it so he could open his locker from the inside without it being outerwardly compromised. He jumped out. It was those kids from last night.  “Leave them alone Dash. They haven’t even been here for a day yet. The rules are that newbies get a probation period,” Danny crossed his arms.  “I don’t know Fentoenail. Would you like to take their beating?” Dash mocked him. Danny sighed. He’d have to do this.  “Any day,” 
Danny regretted everything. Dash had hit him twice as hard as normal and his locker trick wasn’t working. Everything hurt. He was going to miss Lancer’s class. At least his ghost sense wasn’t going off or something. Lancer wouldn’t miss him. Suddenly, his locker opened and he tumbled out. He yelped. “Are you okay?” The girl twin said.  “No worse than what I’m used to,” Danny brushed himself off.  “You didn’t have to do that,” The boy twin told Danny. “Yeah, I kinda did. The probation period is sacred. Dash knows that,” “Probation period?” The boy said. “A rule we made up last year. If Dash really wants to break it, I take the beating instead. Fenton gets to take the beating so the new kids don’t have to,”  “That’s not fair. You should report him,” “Nah, he threw like four perfect throws last night and is exempt from punishment,”  “Football?” The boy gave Danny a knowing look.  “Danielle- I mean Daniel Fenton to the main office,” The loud speaker said. “Oh come on! At least it was probably just a misread,” Danny was fuming. The beating plus being deadnamed was getting on his nerves. “We have to head there too,” The girl said. Danny shrugged and let them follow him.
Lancer called them all in at once. “Sup Lancer. Can I help you?” Danny leaned against the wall. “Mr Fenton. You and I both know that you need to show me more respect. W-what happened to you?” Lancer looked up from his papers. “Just a certain football star. Nothing I can’t handle. He broke the probation period,” “That’s a rule between students. I have no need to enforce it,” Lancer sighed. “I have no clue why you of all people were chosen for this, but you are too be Mr and Ms Pines guide around the school,” “Jazz not good enough for you? Had to pick the ‘slacker’ Fenton?” “Daniel, mind your tone. Jazz is our top student,”  “We all know I’m destined to fail in life. Can I get their timetables?” “Yes of course. Listen Danny, both you and I know you’re capable of better grades. I don’t understand why you don’t try,” Danny wasn’t in the mood for Lancer’s pep talks.  “I’ve got more important things to worry about,” Danny grabbed the papers and stalked off with the Pines Twins on his heels.  “Why didn’t he do anything about Dash?” the boy asked. “He has no reason to. Not like I’m about to ask,” Danny handed them their timetables. He’d seen that the girl was named Mabel and the boy Mason. “We’ll start with your classes Mason,”  “I prefer Dipper,” “I’m not calling you by a dumb nickname. Let’s go,” Danny growled.
Just as he was about to lead Mason to his first class, a royal pain in his ass showed up. “Daniel! I require your assistance, little badger,” “It’s bound to be another plan to get in my mom’s pants. Go away,”  “Now, don’t be like that. I’m the mayor after all. You should be honored,” “Plasmius, shut your goddamn mouth. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck,” Danny said so that only Vlad could hear.  “Well, something’s got you in a tizzy. I’ll ask later. I should tell you though, it’s about Danielle,” “What did you do to Dani?” Fury. Wait, he had to get the kids to class.  “Nothing. It wasn’t me. You should ask your ghost hunter girlfriend,” Vlad grinned. Fucking Valerie.  “Come on kids. You’ve got to get to class,” Danny ignored Plasmius. Valerie was going to die. 
At lunch, he purposefully turned into Phantom and waited for Valerie on top of the school. She took no time at all. “What. Did. You. Do. To. Dani,” He glared at her.  “I didn’t do anything to her! You’re going down ghost!” “Am I really?” Danny was pissed. She wasn’t getting any mercy today. He teleported behind her.  “What the... HOW?” “Where is she?!” He growled. “What do you care? She’s always off on her own,”  “Does it look like I care Valerie?!”  “How did you know?!” “I know more than you seem to think. Tell me where Dani is. NOW!” He froze her feet. She looked terrified.  “What’s wrong with you!? Why do you care so much about her? Ghosts don’t have feelings,” Danny lost it at that point. The laughter was dark. Hollow. Horrible. Val’s terror was visible.  “Don’t have feelings? DON’T HAVE FEELINGS? FUCK YOU! I’M SO TIRED OF ALL THIS!” “Phantom, calm down,” Val was terrified. Danny wasn’t done. The rings were threatening to come down and expose him to her.  “So you admit this is real? Would you like to know how it feels to die Val? How it feels to live on the line between life and death? Wait, I can’t do that! You don’t have a deactivated portal in your basement that I can make you turn on while your inside. I don’t have a stupid jumpsuit with your dad’s face on it so I can take off the that sticker. You don’t have parents that threaten to rip you apart molecule by molecule for just exsisting! You don’t have to see a future where you become evil because you cheated on one test and your family all died! Can you even begin to comprehend what I go through? Ever been cloned? And forced to do something incredibly painful so that one clone can get fixed and watch another get lied too? And that’s just the brunt of it Valerie. Keep telling me how I don’t feel. How I’m nothing!” Danny screamed at ice engulfed their feet. Val’s eyes went wide.  “D-Danny?” She said quietly. “Congratulations! You aren’t as niave as the rest of Amity Park! How does it feel?” He’d snapped. “Calm down! I’ll tell you where Dani is!” She shrieked. That hollow laugh came back. But instead of an angry rant afterwards, he just sunk to his knees and screamed. It wasn’t a wail. It was a scream of pain. Of being done with the world.  “I can’t do this anymore,” He sobbed and the rings went down. All that was left now was a beaten, broken Danny Fenton.  “You should change back. I’ll take you to Dani,” Danny nodded and followed her.  “Sorry I broke down. I’m just sick of people telling me that I can’t feel. That all ghosts can’t feel. You don’t even bother talking to us, ya know?” “Ghosts lie,” “And so do people! I’ve talked to the ghosts. Listened to them. Heard their stories. I protect people, but I protect them too!” “How do you know those aren’t just acts?” “Cause they make sense. I’d have the same response if it was me. If my parents burned down the place I was in because I got caught being gay,” “I’m confused,” “Ember. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone. But you need to know that they all have reasons for being the way they are. Skulker’s family was hunted, so now he hunts to prove his strength,” “Maybe we should talk to you more,”  “Maybe you should. No one asks to die,” “But your parents say that ghosts don’t remember their lives. They’re the leading experts,”  “That’s like putting a ten year old in a room of babies. They’re the expert by default in that situation, but an adult would be the expert the moment they walked in,” “Why don’t we know about that,” “Dying is traumatizing. Even half dying is traumatizing. It’s taboo to mention it unless you’re told. No one explains it until they’re ready. And talking about a life before that is almost wrong,” “How did you learn?” “Skulker told me during the Christmas Truce. Ember told me one day when she just wanted to be left alone, but I did too. I guess things end up working out in weird ways,” “The Christmas Truce?” “On Christmas Eve and Christmas, ghosts have a truce. No one is allowed to fight anyone that day. The Ghost Writer broke the truce and Walker got to haul him off in just means,” “We really know nothing about ghosts, do we?” “No, you don’t. They even have a party. I got invited last year. Skulker let me make the star! It took me weeks to get it right,” Danny smiled at the memory. He’d made a scale model of a blue giant that went through it’s life stages.  “So there’s a whole society?” “A government. Systems. Main rules. Taboos. Just cause we’re ghosts, doesn’t mean we don’t have a system,” “I’m sorry,” “What?” Danny nearly froze. “I’m sorry that I made so many assumptions. I never should’ve chased you or any ghost like that,” “Keep them out of Amity Park and send them back to the Zone. Most ghosts forget that living is dangerous, so they just rampage. I keep trying to talk sense into them, but they’re pretty stubborn,”  “What about the dog?” “Dog? You mean Cujo? I was trying to stop him from trashing Axiom. He was trying to get a toy. I’m sorry that recked your life Val,” “My life? Wrecked? When compared to you, my life is a dream. It’s not like I died,” “I guess you’ve got a point,”
Thanks for reading. I just like fics where Val finds out, and this one seemed like an okay place to stick it. Dani is fine. I’ll fill you in on that next chapter, but I should get some sleep.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Doppelgänger (16/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Reign Storm, Part 2}
Valerie rushed up the stairs to Danny’s house. She had to try to contact Doppelgänger and find out as much as she could about this invasion, but first, she needed to check in on her boyfriend.
“Ah, Miss Gray.”
She paused at the door and turned to see a man walking up. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Vlad Masters, my dear. It is good to finally meet you in person.”
Her eyes widened at the name. “You’re…”
“The one who has been supplying you with your gear, yes. How has it been faring you?”
“It’s been great, especially with the help my b-”
“Ugh, you again?”
They both looked down to see Doppelgänger’s head poking out of the ground.
They gave Mr. Masters an annoyed look as they floated up with crossed arms. “You know, if you keep bothering teenagers like this people are going to get ideas.”
“Ah, you must be the Doppelgänger I’ve been hearing so much about,” Mr. Masters said, looking them over. His eyes caught on their hand with a frown.
“You know him?” Valerie asked, glancing between the two.
“We’ve cleaned up after his messes a few times. He’s a ghost hunter like the Fenton’s, but worse.”
“Because he’s good at catching ghosts or bad at it?”
“Because he’s corrupt,” Doppelgänger snorted.
“That’s quite the accusation,” Mr. Masters tutted.
“But true.”
Valerie spun around to see Danny glaring at the man. He quickly turned his gaze to Valerie with a smile. “Hey, Val. Come on, we can head up to my room. Mom will keep the creep at bay.”
“Now Daniel, Miss Gray and I were having a pleasant conversation before this ghost interrupted.”
“Which means my work here is done.” Doppelgänger sent Mr. Masters one last look then dove back into the ground.
“Isn’t she a little young for you, V-man?” Danny said, wrapping his arm around Valerie’s waist. Mr. Masters eyed the arm, but before he could say anything, Danny yelled back into his house. “Mom, Val and I are heading upstairs. I think Vlad wants more tea.”
He tugged her inside as Mrs. Fenton appeared in the entry to the kitchen, giving a fierce look to the man that followed them in. She turned a kinder smile on Valerie. “Hello, Valerie. Are you alright? Do you want any snacks?”
“No thank you, Mrs. Fenton. I’m fine.”
“Alright. You two have fun.”
“But not too much fun,” Mr. Fenton added from the kitchen, causing the teens to blush and flee upstairs.
Valerie felt Mr. Masters' eyes on her the whole way.
“You alright? He didn’t say anything weird to you, did he?” Danny asked once they were out of sight.
“No, we were just talking. How do you know him?” Valerie asked.
“He went to college with my parents. Long story.” He turned to her with a frown. “Why? What did he say?”
“Nothing really, but he’s the one who gave me my gear.”
Danny shook his head. “Of course he is. I don’t know why I’m even surprised.”
“Why don’t you like him?”
He paused, hand on the doorknob to his room. “Vlad’s… not a good person. My mom and I got tricked by ghosts a short time ago and ended up lost in the woods near Vlad’s chalet in Colorado. He used it as an excuse to creep on my mom and not so subtly implied she’d have been better off if she had married him instead. He had a thing for her back in school I guess. We ended up having to figure out our own way home.”
“Yeah. Be careful around him, please.”
She nodded.
He opened the door to find Doppelgänger floating inside.
Valerie raised an eyebrow. “Is it really safe for you to be in the home of a family of ghost hunters? Especially with so many extra hunters around.”
“The Fenton’s won’t notice, Masters probably already knows and doesn’t care, and we’re hoping you’ll lend us another truce. We’ve got a problem.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“We’ve got a bigger problem than the invasion.”
“What do you mean?” Danny asked.
“Hold on, we’re almost there. We’ll start explaining though. See, all the ghosts are coming here because a ghost called Pariah Dark -- who’s the self-proclaimed king of the zone -- is tearing the place up in search of this ring that will give him ultimate power.”
“What will he do when he finds it?” Valerie asked.
“No idea. Bad things, we assume, given how scared all the other ghosts are.”
“If they know about him, shouldn’t you?”
“We’re a lot younger than most ghosts. We’re still learning. And apparently, Dark’s been locked away for a long time.”
“So we need to find this ring before he can,” Danny said.
“Which might be easier than it sounds,” Doppelgänger said as another of them flew through the wall. The new one pulled off their glove to show a black and green ring. “Plasmius forced this on us. We think it's the ring Dark’s looking for.”
“So you have ultimate power now?” Valerie said with a frown.
“The ring has to be paired with Dark’s crown. Which is why we think Plasmius stole the ring and woke Dark. Now he’s given it to us to protect while he plots how to get the crown.”
“Then he’ll steal the ring back from you and have ultimate power,” Danny finished
“Not if we can stop it,” Valerie said. “Can we just destroy the ring? No ring, no ultimate power. For anyone.”
The ghosts tilted their heads to the side as Danny slowly nodded. “That actually makes sense.”
“Why didn’t we think of that?”
Danny kissed her cheek. “Take it up to the roof. I’ll make sure my parents and Vlad are distracted.”
The ghosts grabbed her after being sure it was okay and brought her to the roof of the Ops Center intangibly. She called up her suit and Doppelgänger removed the ring. They replaced their glove before sending the ring floating between them, the jewelry giving a purple glow.
“So we just blast it?” they asked as a third -- Danny checked that the adults were in the lab, then locked them in, distracting them as he’d said -- Doppelgänger appeared.
The three raised their hands and fired ecto-beams at the ring. When nothing happened, they slowly poured more and more energy into the beams. Finally, it started to shake and crack, giving off black sparks, but the ghost was pushing their limits. Valerie saw their strain and drew her rifle.
Her shot met the beams and the ring exploded.
All four were knocked unconscious by the blast and the remains of the ring clattered to the floor before dissolving away.
Pariah raised his head and stood from his throne. He plucked his crown off his head and watched as the green fire died away. With a roar, he threw the useless black metal aside.
Dora looked up from the card game Sidney was showing her how to play. “What was that?”
“Doppelgänger’s just up to their usual nonsense,” the nerd said. “You know, your card is actually pretty powerful. You should play it.”
“I just don’t understand why I would be a powerful character in this game. My brother is the one who holds all the power.”
Ember burst onto the roof where Skulker was sharpening his knife. “Skulker, holy crow!”
“You’d think those children would just let me mount their pelts on my wall with the death wish they’ve got,” he muttered under his breath.
Vlad froze as a wave of energy passed over him, his eyes slowly drifting from Maddie’s bent over form to the ceiling as alarms started blaring through the lab.
What did that boy just do?
Jazz rushed up the stairs as the alarms continued to announce the massive ecto-energy spike that just occurred over the house. She heard her parents banging at the door to the lab, but ignored them as whatever was going on couldn’t be down there if they wanted out. She checked Danny’s room and saw it was empty then ran up to the Ops Center.
She gasped at the sight of her brother and his partners unconscious on the roof. She glanced worriedly at Red Huntress then knelt down next to her brother.
“Danny?” she said softly, rubbing his arms. “Come on. Wake up.”
He whined and his eyes fluttered open.
She forced her jaw not to drop at the sight of the glowing red eyes staring up at her and said, “Are you okay, little brother? What happened?”
He blinked then looked down at himself.
She helped him sit up as he clutched his head. “Danny?”
“Ghost relic. Powerful. Evil ghost who made all the others flee the zone wanted it. Red Huntress and Doppelgänger came here to destroy it. We must have gotten knocked out in the blast when we came to check on them.”
“Are you alright?”
“I think so. Just feel a little jittery.”
A groan came from across the way and they turned to see Tucker sitting up and rubbing his face. “Alright, probably should have expected the thing to explode.”
He opened his eyes and Jazz’s breath caught at their neon purple color. Both boys choked as they spotted each other's eyes and glanced at her. She could see them coming up with lies in their heads and considered making a joke about them trying out some of Sam’s colored contacts.
Instead, she sighed. “It’s okay, I know.”
“Know?” they asked.
She gestured at them and Sam. “That you’re ghosts? Or can turn into ghosts? Part-ghosts? Ghost or ghosts? I know that you’re Doppelgänger is what I’m trying to say. Have known, for a while.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Danny said.
“I didn't want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret.”
He smiled and she smiled back, then looked over at the huntress.
“You two should grab Sam and get downstairs before she wakes up. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”
“I’ll do it,” Danny said and slowly got to his feet, Jazz following. “She knows me -- Danny me -- and knows I knew she was here. You might just make her nervous.”
“Your eyes,” she reminded him.
He concentrated for a moment then the red slowly bled back to his usual blue. He smiled. “I’ll be okay. I think we’re just feeling a little buzzed from the energy the ring gave out when it was destroyed.”
She bit her lip and looked to Tucker, who had already pulled Sam into his lap and was sinking through the floor. “Alright, but let me get the first aid kit from the Ops Center for you. You remember all the procedures for ecto-contamination.”
“Yes, Mom.”
She gave his ear a tug as she passed.
Danny knelt next to his girlfriend and made sure she was breathing alright and checked her pulse, but waited until he heard Jazz set down the first aid kit and leave before retracting her suit. “Val, can you hear me?”
She gave a small moan, but didn’t otherwise react.
He grabbed the kit and started checking her over. He frowned when she registered a 0.87er. Not dangerous, but a drastic spike.
Deciding it was better safe than sorry, he dove through the house and grabbed the Ghost Catcher. He set it on its side then carefully passed her through it. A black haze came off her, vaporizing seconds after it touched the air. He checked her levels again and was relieved to see it had dropped down to a 0.21er. He replaced the medkit and catcher then brought Valerie down to lay in the guest room.
Once he was sure she was comfortable, he joined the others in his room to see Jazz looking over a now awake Sam. “She’s alright. Her ecto-rad levels were a little high, but not dangerous and I put her through the Ghost Catcher just in case. She’s gone.”
“Should we be worried about you three?” Jazz said.
“I don’t think we can get any more contaminated by ectoplasm,” Tucker pointed out with a chuckle.
“KIDS!” The four jumped as the Fenton parents came barreling in, nearly knocking into Danny. His mom looked around the room, gun in hand. “Are you all okay?”
“We’re fine, mom,” Jazz answered.
“There was an ecto-spike!” their dad said.
“Yeah, it was Red Huntress and Doppelgänger. You just missed them,” Danny said and his dad deflated.
His mom patted his dad on the back. “Well, as long as you kids are okay. Wasn’t Valerie here?”
“Uh yeah, she was tired so I told her she could take a nap in the spare room next to Jazz’s. The alarm’s broken in there so she probably slept through it.”
“Alright. Let us know if you need anything.”
His parents left, revealing Vlad had been hiding in their shadows. “A word, Daniel?”
Without giving the boy a chance to answer, he grabbed Danny and dragged him into the guest room next door. He shoved Danny against the wall as soon as the door was closed.
“What did you do?”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about, Plasmius,” Danny said, opening his mind fully to the link so the others could keep watch through his eyes.
“Ah, the scary eyes and use of plural again. It won’t work, Daniel. I -- like what I assume is every ghost within a hundred miles of here on both our side and the zone’s -- felt the destruction of the ring.”
Danny hummed. “Sounds to us like you already know what we did.”
“This is serious, Daniel.
“Look, you literally handed us the key to ultimate power. We don’t know what you were expecting… Well, we do, but it’s not our fault you thought we’d just go along with your stupid plan.”
“You do realize that Pariah will soon know the ring has been destroyed, if he doesn’t know already.”
“You say that like we didn’t resign ourselves to the fact we’ll have to fight him the moment we heard his name,” Danny scoffed.
“This isn’t one of your petty squabbles with Skulker, Daniel.”
“I wouldn’t call him trying to hunt us to the death a petty squabble,” Danny muttered. “We spent over a week locked in a cage because of him.”
“Pariah,” Vlad said louder, ignoring him, “is far more powerful than anything you’ve ever faced. Myself included.”
“Uh-huh, okay, and destroying the ring changes that how?”
“You’ve made him angry.”
“Pretty sure he would have been angry as soon as he realized we had the ring and we weren’t giving it back.”
“That -”
“Save it, Vlad.” Danny pushed past the man. “We all know the only reason you’re mad is that now you can’t use the ring.”
“You’re going to regret this, Daniel.”
“Save it for someone who cares,” he said then slipped out of the room.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were leaning against each other drowsily when Valerie met them in line for lunch.
“Late night?”
“You could say that,” Sam huffed.
An ecotpus floated up from the ground and moved to grab Danny’s half-filled lunch tray before locking eyes with him and darting off with a shriek.
“That’s been happening to you too?” Valerie asked.
“Mm-hm. Think it’s got something to do with being in close proximity to the ring when it was destroyed,” he said leaning his head on her shoulder. “It’s like they all expect Dark to show up out of nowhere and waste us at any second. The weak ones run. The strong ones almost seem amused. Skulker congratulated me on my imminent destruction on my way to school.”
“Ugh, he’s out and about too.”
“Everyone’s out and about,” Tucker snorted.
She kissed Danny on the cheek and walked off with, “I promised to sit with Star, but I’ll see you later.”
“See you.”
“Which brings us to the question,” Sam said once Val was out of sight. “What are we going to do about Dark?”
“I -”
“Hey Fenturd!” the trio turned to see Dash and Kwan standing behind them. “No teachers around to protect you, no girlfriend around to hide you.”
“Dash, take a hike, will ya? I'm way too tired to put up with you. Besides, shouldn't you be failing a test, kicking a puppy, or beating up somebody weaker than you now?”
“Come to think of it, yeah!”
Dash was reeling his fist back when suddenly all the lunch trays waiting at the end of the line rose up and began to surround the two jocks in a spinning wall. Two separated from the wall and snapped together in front of Dash’s face. Both boys stumbled back with a scream then ran off, the wall opening to let them out.
The trio chuckled and Danny said, “Thanks, Sidney.”
The trays flew back where they came from and Sidney appeared next to the three. “No prob, Bob. From the looks of things, you’ve got enough problems on your plates without those two dogging your pails.”
“I’m too tired to tell if that’s an old saying or if he’s messing up a modern one,” Tucker mumbled after the ghost left.
“Honestly, I think he’s just making stuff up now to annoy us,” Sam said.
After lunch, they all headed to their fifth-period classes.
They didn’t make it ten minutes in until an alarm was going off and everyone was told to evacuate.
Danny left the room with the rest of his class and was looking for a place to slip away when an unholy screeching echoed through the hall. He turned to see a skeleton dressed like a Viking pointing at him, its buddies drawing their weapons.
“Well, someone clearly needs a new funny bone,” he chuckled, then ran for it down a less crowded hallway.
On the floor below, Sam ducked under her desk as soon as the alarm sounded and was therefore missed when the teacher checked that everyone made it out of the class. She smirked and transformed then flew out of the school, only to nearly be skewered by an arrow fired by a samurai skeleton.
She gave him a blank look and had the nearby tree scoop up him and his buddies.
On the other side of the school, Valerie ducked away from her class into the girl’s bathroom, only to come face to face with skeletons in plate armor.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” she growled, summoning her suit.
Beneath her, Tucker’s class hadn’t even had a chance to react to the alarm before the door to the room was slamming open and Gladiator skeletons marched in. Their eye sockets landed on Tucker and he didn’t hesitate. He sent up a quick thanks that they were on the first floor as he threw open the nearest window and jumped through it, the skeletons hot on his tail.
“Mrs. Wickham, I need to use the bathroom,” he shouted over his shoulder with a laugh.
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constellaj · 4 years
So in your reboot is Vlad gonna be a “villain”? Or straight up insane?
we dont use psychoanalysist terms like insane/sociopathic here to describe villains/tragic characters (ey, and we shouldn’t anywhere else). we use good old fashioned dramatic backstory
 vlad had a super strong emotional bond to jack/maddie, maybe family breakfast, my cohost @crystalfloe agrees with me that he was definitely crushing on jack if we have to pick just one. HERES OUR BACKSTORY EXPLAINED IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY:
the college squad works together, makes a full sized portal (no rinky dink bullshit) and vlad tests it late at night (no “IHM TELLINGK YEW JAHCK IT WOHNT WERK” [dumping diet soda into the machine] “BONZAAAIII”). just a straight up man walkin into a portal, oop, his molecules got all rearranged! now vlad is Excited because HOLY SHIT THIS PROVES GHOSTS ARE REAL??? AND THEY CAN STUDY *HIM* TO LEARN MORE THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH. so he gets jack+maddie and is like “hey watch this. im goin ghost.” and jack and maddie look at each other. and cock their guns. and go “sorry vlad but ghosts are evil and you are clearly possessed/delusional/turned evil/have been a ghost this whole time trying to manipulate us.” now the fentons’ greatest enemy that danny has heard horror stories of ever since he was a Baby is Plasmius. they wont call him Vlad bc vlad is Dead. they have a shrine/memorial to vlad. this makes infinitely more drama and character parallels for everyone and why it is the superior vlad backstory
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ladyfantasy98 · 4 years
Flyers and Favors Part 3!!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are staying safe and sane in these difficult times.
So a few days ago I published another chapter to my Danny Phantom fanfic “Flyers and Favors” to fanfiction.net. You can read it there, or right here under the cut!
Thank-you all for your amazing support for this story and me!
You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
Danny Phantom flew through the air at a breakneck speed, arms clasped to his sides. He strained himself forward, ever further, relishing the cool air blasting him in the face for a moment. He wanted to look behind him to see how close his opponent was, but he knew he couldn't afford to turn around now; it would cause him to slow down too much.
So he focused on his end goal: the tallest oak tree in Amity Park's...well...park. At 70 feet tall, with an ever-expanding canopy of branches and a thick, wide outer bark, Danny would recognize it anywhere. If he could just get there he'd be in the clear.
A buzzing sound on his left, closer than ever before. The enemy was catching up. With a last burst of speed and a strangled cry, Danny lurched forward, arm outstretched, reaching for the tree. His hands closed around one of the branches, and he swung himself around it a few times, expending his built-up momentum. After a couple more cycles around the branch, he turned to face his adversary. Breathing hard, he grinned and exclaimed,
"I win again, Valerie! Take that!"
Valerie Gray, also known as the Red Huntress, hovered on a black hoverboard a few feet away from the oak tree. She had slowed her own dash to the tree once she saw that Danny had beaten her. She was dressed in her signature red and black battlesuit, composed of ecto-charged nanobots (rewired by Tucker to prevent Vlad Plasmius or Technus from overpowering it). She touched her helmet and it melted away, revealing the scowl on her face and her curly brown hair, pulled back in a high ponytail. She crossed her arms and glared at the Ghost Boy.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Danny. But like it or not, I'm getting closer all the time," Valerie answered, her glare transforming into a smirk. Danny shrugged, unconcerned, and floated down to the ground. Valerie followed, dismissing her hoverboard with a couple taps of her heels, landing softly on the grass.
"Sure, sure, just keep telling yourself that," said Danny. Dusk was setting in, the last of the sunlight fading behind the horizon. That, coupled with the shade of the oak tree, made Danny's glowing green eyes stand out even more.
The night was quiet, aside from the occasional bird call or squirrel scampering up a tree. Snatches of conversation and laughter floated along the air as people headed home for the night. It might have been June, but the longest day of the year was still a week or so away, as was the end of school. Thankfully for Danny, Valerie, and their friends, they had officially graduated high school last week and were no longer slave to the school schedule.
They did, however, still adhere to a town patrol schedule. Ghost attacks in Amity had lessened in the last year or so, but they were still a problem. Danny and his cousin Danielle could usually contain the ones that slipped out of the Fenton portal, but that still left their stronger enemies, and occasionally natural portals in nearby towns or wild areas would open up, allowing random ne'er-do-well ghosts access to the town.
Tonight was Danny and Valerie's turn on patrol. Once high school classes became tougher and the class/patrol workload became harder to manage, Tucker had created an automated shuffler that determined who went on patrol each night, whether they had a partner, and who that partner was. Last night Sam and Tucker kept a lookout; the night before it had been Danielle. Sometimes, when Jazz was home from Columbia University, she would take a shift to alleviate her brother's and his friends' burden.
After making a few loops around town and finding no disturbances, Danny and Valerie had decided to take a break and race each other towards the park. Danny hoped they could be done for the night, since there hadn't been any whiff of ghostly activity.
But then - almost as if the universe had read Danny's mind and wanted to prove him wrong - a shiver rippled down the Ghost Boy's spine and he gasped, emitting a blue wisp of air.
"Ah, man," Danny groaned, before adopting a fighting stance, eyes darting around for the source of his Ghost Sense. Valerie copied him, sliding into a battle-ready pose, body tense.
A familiar female laughter echoed around them, and then Ember McClain faded into view before them. She hovered about five feet off the ground, clutching her purple and electric blue guitar to her chest.
"Wassup, punks," she greeted, grinning wickedly.
Valerie growled in response. "What do you want, ghost?"
Ember's grin faded. Nose turned up, she glanced away from Valerie and looked at Danny instead. "How can you stand to hang out with her, Phantom?" the ghost asked icily. "Three years in and she can't even remember anyone's name."
"I know better than to say your name, you wannabe American Idol," Valerie retorted.
Ember's eyes blazed with anger. "Wannabe!?" She raised her guitar and aimed its neck at Valerie, who raised a red ecto-shield in response.
Before they could engage, however, Danny hovered between them, arms spread wide. "Woah, woah, ladies! Let's calm down a bit, alright? It's such a beautiful summer evening, do we really have to spoil it with fighting?"
"She started it," both Valerie and Ember exclaimed in unison, followed by glaring at each other.
Eventually, though, Ember turned away from the huntress. "But don't worry, Dipstick, I don't plan on fighting you tonight."
Danny brightened at that. Maybe they could actually come to a peaceful resolution for once, and he and Valerie could be done for the night. "Really? So you're just gonna head back to the Ghost Zone now? Awesome."
Ember threw her back and laughed. "Ah, you wish, Baby-pop. But I've got free reign tonight 'cause you're not allowed to stop me, remember. You said we could do whatever we wanted as long as we did it after your graduation, right?"
"I...did not say that, actually," Danny responded. Then he frowned. "Well, I mean, I didn't say that exactly. I guess the "wreak havoc" part could have been misconstrued..."
Valerie rolled her eyes. "I knew sending that flyer was a bad idea," she muttered.
Danny sighed. He rose up into the air, green ecto-energy surrounding his hands. "Alright, Ember, I'm sorry, but I can't quite let that happen. But I'm sure we can work something out. I guess I do sorta owe you for letting me finish high school first."
"Yeah, Dipstick, you do. And don't worry, I got something special for you right here," the popstar replied, reaching into her pocket. Danny raised his still-glowing hands, while Valerie flipped open a wrist-blaster. They waited, breaths held, watching for Ember to make the first move. Ember pulled her hand out of her pocket and -
- thrust a piece of paper into Danny's face.
Danny reared back, surprised, his ecto-blasts sputtering into nothingness. He grabbed the paper from Ember and examined it. Printed onto a cream-colored paper, blue and black lettering exclaimed:
You're Invited!
To: Danny Phantom's Graduation Party
Where: Ember McLain's lair, the Ghost Zone
When: Saturday, 2pm
Requirements: You're capable of NOT trying kill the Ghost Boy for a few hours
RSVP: Immediately. Note - Party crashers welcome, but you will be forced to clean up afterwards
The ghost boy looked between the paper and Ember. Ember was looking to the side, arms crossed.
"Well?" she asked, still not looking at him. "Are you going to be there or not?"
"I - I don't understand. You're...throwing me a party?" Danny asked, bewildered. Valerie frowned and snatched the paper from him, eyes widening as she read its contents.
"Well...yeah. I mean. It's a big deal. Graduating high school...not...not everyone does it, you know," Ember said. She glanced at him, a strange bluish-green blush on her face. "And...you've had a rough time with it. Because of all the ghost fighting you do. So, I...yeah. We're throwing you a party."
"Wow. Um. Thanks, Ember," Danny told her. He floated downwards, putting his feet on the ground. He had attended a few graduation parties this summer already - Valerie's, for one, as well as Star's (again, because of Valerie). And he, Sam, and Tucker had had a combined graduation party at Sam's house for all their families - Mr. and Mrs. Manson hadn't been thrilled with the idea, but since Sam had not only graduated high school (something they'd feared their rebellious daughter would have abandoned during one of her moods), but with good grades and plans to go to college as well, they'd indulged her her specific celebratory requests.
Danny had enjoyed those festivities, even if they'd been a little embarrassing, too. But he'd never in a million years thought anyone in the Ghost Zone would throw him a party, especially Ember - and for a human milestone celebration at that. He hadn't even thought the flyer would keep so many of his frenemies away, and yet, he'd had an almost ghost-free last couple weeks of school.
"Hey, Phantom! I asked you a question! The response says immediately, so respond immediately!" Ember snapped, breaking Danny from his reverie. He shook his head to clear it, and saw that she was glaring at him.
With a sheepish smile, Danny answered, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there. Thanks again, Ember."
The popstar returned his smile. Tension left her body, and she sounded satisfied as she said, "Good. I'll see you there, then."
"Oh, actually," Danny started, looking over at Valerie, "is it alright if some others come, my friends I mean? Since -"
"No!" Ember snarled, her hair lighting up in fury. After a moment it died down, and the bluish-green blush returned. "I - I mean, no. This is - this is a ghost party, that we're throwing for you, halfa. So - ghosts only." A pause, then, "You can bring Danielle, then. But no one else. Got it?"
"Got it," Danny replied, sweat-dropping a little.
"Good. So you're coming. Remember, Saturday at 2 o'clock." Ember leaned in, getting up in Danny's face. Her eyes narrowed as she growled, "Don't. Be late."
Danny nodded dumbly. Ember pulled back, nodded approvingly, and then jettisoned off, riding on her guitar. Danny watched her go, wondering how he could have offended her this time.
Valerie also watched the ghostly musician leave, a frown on her face. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Danny?" she asked. "Accepting her invitation?"
Danny turned towards her, tilting his head. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, you know...it's Ember. She's caused you and the town so much trouble over the years."
Danny waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, yeah. But so has practically half the Ghost Zone. It's no biggie. Even if this is some kind of prank or trap or something, it's nothing I can't handle." He gave her a lopsided grin. "Right?"
Valerie's lips quirked up, but she still sighed. "I know you can handle the ghosts, Danny. When you're fighting them, that is. It's just...lately you've settled into this...kinda friendly stalemate, and I'm just worried...I don't want you to get hurt, if they take advantage of your forgiving nature."
She reached out a hand and placed it on Danny's arm, leaning in slightly. Her gaze softened as she looked at him, pale green eyes crinkled in the corners. "I care about you, Danny. You know that."
Danny smiled back at her, warmth spreading through him. He covered her hand with his for a moment, relishing the touch, but then - slowly, hesitantly - he moved it off his arm. He and Sam were officially on - another - break, but whatever he may or may not be rekindling with Valerie, he wanted to make sure it was something they were both ready for, that it wasn't a rebound or a pre-college summer fling. He wanted to take things slow.
"I know you do, Val. And I appreciate that. And...I hear what you mean. About the ghosts." Danny rubbed the back of his head. Valerie had gotten a lot less fanatical about eliminating ghosts once she'd learned that Vlad Masters was really Vlad Plasmius, and that Danny Phantom was really Danny Fenton. She trusted Danny to make judgement calls on whether or not a ghost needed destroying or simply to be sent back into the Ghost Zone (98% of the time, he decided it was the latter).
But there were times when a more forceful hand was needed. Ghosts could be destructive, whether they meant to be or not. That was why Danny became a superhero in the first place. Why he and Team Phantom did patrols every night. Why Valerie and Danielle had spent last summer on a ghost-hunting road trip, sending ghosts that slipped through natural portals around the country back home.
And maybe Danny had gotten a little cozier with his enemies than ever before, but that wasn't bad, was it? He never let them run wild, never let them hurt anyone. If he turned a blind eye so Kitty and Johnny could have a date, or let Klemper sleep over a few times, what was the harm?
And if this party really was an excuse to ambush him or something - well, then he would just have to remind the Ghost Zone who was the boss.
Danny smiled at Valerie, who still looked concerned. "It's fine, Val. Don't worry about it." He rose up into the air, merging his legs into a wispy tail. "Let's head in for tonight, alright? Sam said we could watch a movie at her house after we finish."
Valerie stared at him for a few more seconds, before she nodded, a reluctant smile on her face. "Yeah. Sounds good."
She put her helmet back on and activated her hoverboard. Danny waited until she was in the air, and then the two of them sped off towards their friend's house.
Saturday rolled around quickly enough, and at 1:45pm, Danny and Dani stood in front of the Fenton portal.
Dani rocked back and forth on her purple sneakers. She was wearing a dark purple tank top and black shorts, her black hair pulled into a loose ponytail. "I'm so excited! Going to Ember's for a party? This is gonna be so fun!"
Danny chuckled. "Yeah, well, don't get too carried away, alright? Honestly, this could still be a trap."
Dani rolled her eyes. "Please. Faking a graduation party and ambushing you is so not Ember's style. Walker's, maybe, but no one else's."
"Yeah, that's what I said." Danny had reassured his friends of the same thing countless times over the last few days.
From one of the workbenches came an angry rattling sound. Both halfas turned to see a white and green Fenton thermos shaking in a glass container. It currently contained Skulker, and probably would for the rest of the summer. Dani had insisted on it, since he'd so blatantly ignored Danny's request to not bother him during finals.
Danielle stuck her tongue out at the thermos, then turned to her cousin. "Come on, let's go already!"
"Alright, alright." Danny chuckled once more. Then, gathering his energy, he exclaimed, "Going Ghost!"
Danielle grinned as two white rings appeared around her cousin, transforming him into Danny Phantom. A second later, she let the transformation wash over her, and then there were two Phantoms standing in the lab - black and white jumpsuits replacing their regular clothes, black hair dyed white and blue eyes now a glowing green.
Danny floated over to the portal opener and pressed his thumb into the DNA scan. A mechanical grating sound was heard, and then the portal opened, revealing the swirling green vortex that led to the Ghost Zone.
Danielle joined Danny in the air, and then both Phantoms flew from one end of the portal to the other, leaving the human world behind.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years
Verboten 7 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Chapter warning: Mentions of blood
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 7
Danny was unnerved by the turn of events. After his ultimatum, Plasmius somehow pulled him through the floor and sat him back at the same table as before. If he had to describe the experience, it was a mix of having his stomach drop while his body went entirely numb, and if he was honest, for a brief moment, it felt like his body didn't exist. It left him chilled to the core, although he wasn't certain if that chill was mental, physical, or a mixture of the two.
Plasmius didn't seem bothered by the action, which would make sense if he really was a ghost. However, it was clear he wasn't in the same cordial mood as before. Instead, he seemed both impatient and distracted at the same time. He didn't speak. He just stared at Danny as if he was waiting for something.
"You're creeping me out," Danny told him when the staring got too much to handle. "Look, you wanted to talk to me, and it's not like I can go anywhere." Like before, he was once again stuck to the chair, but this time he noticed there seemed to be a faintly glowing green substance. If he had to guess, that was what was keeping him in place. "How about you explain how we originally met? You said you helped me when I got lost before, right?"
"That I did," Plasmius replied as his posture relaxed. "It's not every day a young boy appears at the door steps of my castle. While I'm not exactly sure what lured you to this realm first, I do know you appeared frightened and asked for my assistance. Normally, I would have turned a child away, but something about you caught my interest so I provided you with food, shelter, and entertainment until a weak spot, a portal so to speak, between the realms once again formed."
"You had piqued my interest so much that I kept a watch on you over the years," he continued as watched Danny closely. "I believe you may have caught glimpses of me, but we didn't meet face to face again until you wandered into the woods behind your house one particular day. Once again, I entertained you until you could make it back on your own."
Plasmius' story seemed plausible, but there was something about it that was bothering Danny. Something important was being omitted, but he was at a loss to understand what that might be. What would make this ghost so interested in him of all people? "Are you sure you have the right person? I mean, I'm pretty average."
The ghost gave him an incredulous look. "You are the only son of doctors Madeline and Jack Fenton, are you not? Aren't you the same boy who went missing for a week when you were out berry picking with your aunt and sister?"
"I am, but…"
"But you do not understand why you're here, correct?" When Danny hesitantly nodded, Plasmius gave him a chilling grin. "Simple, I've been looking for an heir. Over the years, I've had plenty of workers and servants, but none of them have met the criteria. You, on the other hand, have the potential that only a handful ever have."
"I still don't understand…" Danny was sure Plasmius was now playing with him, and it was giving him a headache. Actually, was it a headache? Or did he still feel off from going through the floor earlier? He leaned his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes.
"You'll understand in due time." There was a strange pause. When Plasmius spoke again, he seemed concerned. "Daniel? Daniel, what's wrong? Butter biscuits. You appeared to be responding so well previously… Is this a backlash?"
Danny felt his body suddenly lurk forward. He barely registered that his back was no longer stuck to the chair as his vision swam. In an attempt to calm his head, he rested his head in his hands and breathed steadily. His body shuddered every so often as chills started, and a groan escaped him. This was the worst timing for him to get sick.
He could vaguely sense that Plasmius was now beside him. The ghost carefully touched his shoulder and then forehead before unexpectedly lifting him. When he tried to protest, Plasmius ignored him and plunged them both through the floor.
"How else? I'm the one who took him."
A creeping fear gripped Sam. Although she had known the specter should not be trusted, she hadn't quite expected him to be forthcoming regarding deaths. Although, she did had to acknowledge that death might not be as big of a taboo to a ghost, it did nothing to ease her concerns.
"I find it best to test my plans ahead of time," Plasmius continued. He seemed to be enjoying her and Tucker's fear. "And with such a varied success rate, it was better to use as many test subjects as possible. Hmm… I forgot it is possible for Daniel to lose part, if not all of his memory. Should I wait to act until after the process finishes?" He continued to mutter to himself for a few moments before he grew very still.
"Is it just me," she whispered, making Tucker jump, "or does it seem like he's distracted?"
"I think you're right," he agreed as he gave her a searching look, "and, that's going to help us how?"
"He might have keys or something. I mean, he locked us in here somehow."
"Sam, he didn't use the door, and I don't think attempting to tackle someone who openly admitted to murder will end up going too well for us."
"Do you have any better ideas?"
The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before Tucker sighed. "On three?"
Normally, Sam would say something smart regarding her victory, but this wasn't the time for it. "On three," she agreed.
Instead of their normal verbal countdown, Sam used her fingers to count. When she reached three, the two of them lunged at Plasmius. Instead of hitting something solid, Sam felt like she had been plunged into a bucket of ice water before she and Tucker crashed into the ground. She was stunned for a second before she glanced towards the ghost. He was still there. How…?
As if he read her mind, the ghost sneered at her. "Such a pity. That may have worked on a human, but if you didn't know, most ghosts can become intangible. But enough of these games, I have need of your assistance. It appears Daniel isn't doing quite as well as I hoped."
"What did you do to him?" Sam demanded as she scrambled to her feet.
"I haven't done a thing!" Plasmius pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing. "I don't have time for this. Come here." Sam and Tucker barely had time to react before Plasmius lunged forward, grabbed them by the arm, and pulled them through the floor.
After the freezing sensation subsided, Sam glanced around and gasped. She and Tucker were now in what appeared to be a modern lab, and in the middle of it was what appeared to be an examination table. After a double take, she realized there was a second Plasmius hovering over it.
The Plasmius who brought them to the room moved to the other one as disappeared into it. The now singular Plasmius turned to look at them, and by doing so, she had a better view of the examination table and who was on it.
"Danny!" she and Tucker shouted. She tried to run towards him, but Plasmius blocked their way.
"Don't shout," he snapped at them. "Daniel is in a precarious situation."
"Oh, so now you show concern?"
"I told you, I don't wish any harm on him. However," he glanced behind him at the unconscious boy. He was very still, but his shuddering breaths indicated he was still alive. However, his appearance seemed to ripple. His hair was still white, but it would momentarily flicker to black. His skin now seemed to have turned a strange tan, almost the same color as very old paper, but it would fade back to the healthy and pale skin tone Danny naturally had, "his body can't figure out which form it needs to take, and I can't have him completely dying on me."
Sam shared a look with Tucker. That statement didn't make any sense. If he was a ghost and wanted Danny to stay with him, why wouldn't he want Danny to die?
"What exactly do you need us for?" Tucker hesitantly questioned.
"Right now, I simply need you to watch him. There is research I must do before I take further action." A strange, almost smug grin appeared on his face which gave Sam the creeps. "Perhaps it was an unexpected blessing you ended up coming as well. If Daniel's condition continues going south, then I might be able to use your blood to strengthen him."
"Our… our what?"
"You have no idea how much power the essence of life holds for the dead. Putting that aside, that is not something I would consider unless it becomes absolutely necessary as Daniel would not appreciate it, no matter how noble the cause." He regarded them carefully for a moment. "I will return shortly." Plasmius took a few floating steps forward before he faded out of sight.
Sam let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. That… that think was seriously considering using their blood? As sick as it sounded, she had a nagging feeling she had come across that same concept before. Something about providing clarity? She quickly brushed the idea aside. She was probably just remembering something that came out of one of her gothic horror stories, and fiction was not what she needed at that moment.
Now that Plasmius was gone, she carefully approached Danny. His brows were furrowed, and he wore a slight frown as he rested, but there was a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. If it wasn't for the weird thing his skin and hair was doing, she would have guessed he was just fighting off a fever. Maybe that's what was wrong. Maybe his body was fighting off some ghostly bug. It was as just as plausible as anything else this world had to offer.
"Danny?" she hesitantly whispered as she gently shook his shoulder. When he didn't respond, she began a little more forceful as she tried to ignore how cold he felt.
"Wha…?" Danny's voice was incredibly sleepy as he finally stirred. He tried to sit up, but immediately fell back to laying flat. "What happened? Did someone catch… urgh… the license plate on that truck?"
Despite herself, she let out a weak chuckle. "I think that's one thing ghosts might not have. How are you feeling?"
"I dunno… I've heard of ghost trucks before." Now that he was more awake, it was obvious Danny was not doing well. Even though he was still trying to joke, his voice was weak and soft. When his eyes opened and flickered towards her, she noticed they were now a dull green. "Sam? When did you…?" His eyes widened in alarm, and he tried to sit up. Worried, she tried to help him. "Where's Tucker? Where did Plasmius… ugh…"
As Danny held his head, Tucker came over to him. "You might want to take it easy. We're perfectly fine, but you look like Dash got a hold of you that one time when he was nearly suspended after breaking that freshman's leg."
"That bad? Plasmius didn't do anything to you?"
"I mean, he did lock us in a room and kinda threatened us."
Danny's eyes momentarily became a brighter green at Tucker's statement. "That asshole! I thought he was just interested in me." He tried to inch towards the edge of the table but stopped as he swayed. "Woah…"
"Dude, I mean it, you should take it easy right now. We're fine. He didn't actually hurt us, yet."
"Tucker! What he means is that Plasmius was debating what to do with us, but since he seems to want to stay on your good side, he's not interested in hurting us." Sam deliberately left out Plasmius' mention about them possibly becoming like him and whatever Danny might be. Did Danny even know what was happening to him? Biting her lip, she hesitantly asked, "Err, what happened to you?"
"I… I really don't know. I think Plasmius just talked to me, but I don't know what happened between that weird forest… and… and waking up at that table. I started feeling sick after he phased me through the floor after he showed me you two were okay." He glanced around. "Where are we exactly? Is this a lab?"
"It is," Tucker responded. Sam looked over to see he was fiddling with one of the computers. "I finally figured out that this is where that signal from earlier was coming from, but I don't understand why a ghost would have computers like this." He tapped a few buttons which caused the screen in front of him to change. "Well, that was easy. Let's see what he's up to?" After a few more taps, a folder opened. "Oh? Oh my god….!"
Concerned by the tone of his voice, Sam went over to investigate. It was a decision she was fairly certain she was going to regret for the rest of her life. The images on the screen… they had to be some of Plasmius' failed experiments. "I'm going to be sick. Tucker! Change it!"
"What? What is it?" Danny called from the table.
"It… it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Tucker quickly minimized the folder. Catching he didn't completely log out of it, she sent him a questioning glance. He just pointed towards his PDA, which looked like it was downloading something. With a start, she realized he was downloading the files onto his PDA. "In case we make it out of here," he explained as he opened a second folder.
This time, it just appeared to be a bunch of employee profiles. However, there were two major company logos that kept appearing on the profiles: VladCo and DALV. "Wait, are these Vlad's employees? Why would a ghost have files on them?"
"Sam, I think these are most of the victims," Tucker whispered to her. "If… if I didn't know better, it almost seems like he's been specifically targeting them."
A strange idea crossed Sam's mind. It was so incredulous, but that the same time, she couldn't shake it. "Do… do you think Vlad is working for or with Plasmius?"
Tucker gave her a long hard look. "I really hope that's not the case, but how else would Plasmius get technology like this?"
"And didn't Plasmius say he arranged this meeting with Danny? And we saw Vlad at camp. Was he there to double check things?"
"Guys?" Danny's hesitant and distressed question brought Sam and Tucker's attention back to him. He was staring at his hand, or where his hand was supposed to be. It was gone, but there was no sign of blood or trauma. It was just gone. After a moment, it faded back into visibility. "Guys, what's happening to me?"
"I… I really don't know Danny," Sam truthfully replied. "It might have something to do with us being here. I mean, Plasmius did say this was the land of the dead." She tried not to wince as she fibbed. If Danny was in the dark regarding what happened to him, she really didn't want to alarm him, especially when she didn't know to fix it.
Tucker seemed to catch her reasoning as he added, "It might stop when we get out of here."
Danny tried to glare at them but was unable to muster much of one as he swayed again. "Guys, I know you're hiding something. What's… hey, what was that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Shh! Listen!"
A grinding sound slowly filled the room. The three looked around to try to find a source, but it seemed to come from thin air. After a moment, Sam caught movement. One of the floor's large flagstones was beginning to shift.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:
Drawing back into mythology/legends for the blood thing. If you travel all the way back to ancient Greece, there was a belief that the way for a ghost or shade to recover its senses and sense of self was to provide it with blood. This can be human or animal, and this is actually referenced in The Odyssey. This is because the Greeks believed the spirit and blood were closely tied together, which is also seen in Vampiric lore.
This concept of providing some form of essence to other realms continued, but as time passed, it became more associated with food offerings. Those of the other realms did not 'eat' the food, but instead they took what is best phrased as the vitality, essence, or energy of it. This force, for lack of a better term, is sometimes referred to as foyson or toradh. The food offering varies from culture to culture. And interestingly, if food was not offered, then the otherworldly forces took revenge and/or brought misfortune.
So, for this story, "food" is very important… and I don't think I originally set out to do that. From what I understand, most of you have guessed Danny is still a 'halfa' for this story, and since, like previously mentioned for this AU, food is the easiest to acquire, use, and understand, Plasmius is using the duality between what's found in the realm of the dead and the world of the living to try to keep Danny's two halves balanced during his transition. Human blood is a more potent carrier of this essence, so as things go south, he's considering it.
Also, per this story, the blood thing is yet another reason humans are sometimes taken by ghosts. There are a lot of possible reasons for abductions in this story.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Not That Similar
Dannymay day 3: Reflection
“You know, this is the part where Jazz’d be all ‘maybe you should reflect on how you got here’, but with your whole creepy vampire thing you probably don’t even have one-” the younger half ghost broke off their taunt with a yelp, narrowly dodging at hot pink ectoblast. “Maybe anger management classes? Yoga? Knitting? Work with me here!” he kicked off the wall before another blast could connect, turning it into an impromptu propelled punch when Plasmius raised a shield instead of dodging, both hybrids grunting from the collision.
Vlad recovered first, quickly flying backwards to regain his preferred distance. “Must you insist on such juvenile taunts Daniel? Though I suppose being raised by that oaf of a man stunted any attempts of maturing.” 
Danny’s eyes flared at the jab at his father, “Says the fruit loop stalker! Get over it and leave my family ALONE!” He launched off three ectoblasts in quick succession, speedy but too predictable to hit the elder hybrid, who blocked them all with an exaggerated yawn. 
“You could have been so much more than this if you’d just used your head, Daniel.”
“Oh I’m already way more than you. See, I actually have people who love me. Like my mom. Who totally hates you.”
Any further additions were cut off with Plasmius’ sudden movement, throwing a blast high and grabbing Phantom by the throat when he flew low to dodge it. White gloved hands scrabbled against his black one, green eyes furious. The impulsive panic to free himself stopped him from doing something effective, like shooting Vlad point blank.
“Do not test your luck, boy. Besides, if you believe that, you would have told them your little secret by now. You had been bluffing that day after all.” he spun and flung his captive downwards, grinning at the satisfying sound of the boy’s body cracking asphalt. “Maybe you can be the one reflecting once you peel yourself off the ground, hmm?”
Danny found his feet with a groan, rolling his shoulders as he got back into the air. “Hey, I’m not the one so pathetic they couldn’t wait five seconds to kill my dad. The whole ‘oooh join me’ crud would have worked waaaaay better before attempted murder.”
The admission set Vlad off balance, taking a blast to the chest. It was painful enough to push him backwards a little, but he tried not to show any other signs it had been effective. The second blast from the ground, not originating from the other half breed did provoke a yelp from sheer surprise.
“Tough luck Plasmius! We already caught your minions!” Tucker yelled from the ground, shaking a thermos at the aerial combatants. “We got your back Danny!”
“Actually, I think the road got that but thanks Tuck!” Phantom grinned, any lost confidence returning in seconds. “So much for your ‘rob FentonWorks’ plan, huh?” he paused at the whine of something powering up. “Oooh, Sam brought the bazooka! You've lost, Plasmius. Again.”
The growl Vlad let out was almost feral, but the younger ghost was right. Short of killing Danny’s little entourage, there was no point in continuing this. It did seem like they might have missed his actual motive for distracting Danny from the FentonWorks lab, but he’d need to be in his own lab to check that.
“Being pulled into the ghost zone by a portal in your head might count as payback to all your experiments” Sam warned, tracking Vlad with the heavy silver weapon.
“Oh very well. Perhaps someday you’ll learn to win on your own merits.”
“That’s the thing Vladdie. I don’t have to.”
Danny’s pained yelp as the parting shot connected was some satisfaction as Plasmius vanished. He’d see how the boy changed his tune soon enough.
“I hate that fruit loop.” Danny grumbled, changing back to human before reuniting with his friends. 
“Word. Any hints on what he wanted the catcher for?”
“Nope. Just the usual junk. Dude needs a hobby like yesterday.”
“Knowing him, his hobby is trying to beat you up.” Sam added, grinning when the half ghost moaned.
“That totally is his hobby, isn’t it. Urgh.”
Tucker gave his friend a playful pat on the back. “He should change his name to the Fenton Ghost, give the Box Ghost a run for most accurate name.”
“I am totally using that next time.”
“If you do, Tuck’s stitching you up for giving you the idea.”
“It’d be worth it. Can you imagine the look on his face?” Danny dismissed Sam’s frown with a laugh, glancing at his home. “Guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Try not to get double grounded this time. My Doomed skills are rusting away without you.”
“Tell that to the ghosts!” his blue eyes looked pleadingly to the sky before he walked up the steps, waving as his friends continued on to their homes.
It took Danny a week to figure out that maybe they’d missed what Plasmius’ intentions had actually been. As that was when he ended up screaming at his own reflection, only managing to fend off the worried Fenton parents with a quick excuse of ‘some big cockroach ghost’ scared him.
The second look didn’t fare much better. He was totally human. Black hair, pale skin, shirt and no hazmat. One problem. Red eyes. Rapidly blinking didn’t set them back to blue either, but he would have taken green at this point. “Jazz, please tell me I’m seeing things.”
His sister had been waiting for the go ahead to ‘meddle’, pushing the bathroom door open at his question, freezing for a moment when she got a good look at him. “Afraid not little brother. Did you get hit with anything weird?”
“Not lately?” he scowled at his reflection, desperately willing the red to go away.
“Well they’re distracted, so you should probably check both looks.” Jazz prompted, noticing how Danny flinched at the suggestion. “It’d be better to make sure nothing else is acting up before you actually need your powers?”
“I hate it when you’re right.” his scowl turned to her, rubbing at his shoulder instead of actually doing anything. “Maybe I can use sunglasses?”
“Danny.” Jazz’s tone of sisterly disapproval was well practiced at this point.
“Okay okay! Sheesh!” Still he hesitated before summoning the rings that switched him between ghost and human, tense as he did so. The lack of reaction from Jazz was probably a good sign? He opened his eye a crack, not wanting to see the reflection. Green eyes looked back. “Well okay then. That’s weird.”
“Your default is weird. Maybe something in the lab is messing with your shapeshifting?” Jazz said, hand on her chin as she pondered.
“Uh, I don’t have shapeshifting powers?”
“Danny you literally do it all the time. You just only do two forms. And the ghost tail thing.” Jazz rolled her eyes.
“I do? Huh,” he changed forms again, wincing as the red eyes returned. “This sucks! Mom and Dad are gonna think I’m possessed!”
“We’ll figure something out, Sam and Tucker probably have backup sunglasses you can borrow if anything happens to these ones. Say you had an eye appointment.”
“Lame excuses are my specialty.” He gave a weak grin, slipping the offered sunglasses on. “All I need is blue skin and then I’m Plasmius’ creepy miniature reflection-” he froze. That was a joke but actually…
“It does seem like a Vlad thing to do, messing with how you look.”
“Creep just wants to harp on the ways we’re the same like that’s gonna make me not hate him.” Danny growled, cracking his knuckles.  “You wanna take the Peeler and see how it works on lonely fruitloops?”
“After school Danny. You can’t be late again.”
“I bet Sam and Tuck would skip with me-”
“Danny, it’s just a visual problem. You can wait to fix it.”
The half ghost sighed, but dropped his hands in defeat. “Well if I get caught with red eyes I am totally blaming you.”
(Also to all of those leaving lovely comments/screaming in the tags I love you all and would respond to them but Tumblr is not exactly great for that. I wasn’t planning on putting these on A03 till I was done >>)
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burning-clutch · 4 years
King Of Spades Or King of Spuds
Pairings: None Trigger Warnings: mild cussing Author: @burning-clutch (Team Ghost)  Total word count 3020 Prompt by: Lexiepiper / LexiePiper  AO3: Alexa_Piper, FFN: Alexa Piper
Stupid humor, Wes is trying, Danny is a troll, summoning
When they tried to summon the King of All Ghosts, the last thing they expected was the sudden appearance of a very familiar, very human boy wearing spaceship pajamas and with a toothbrush halfway to his mouth... -.-.-.-
 "You know this probably isn't going to work how you think it is right?"
 "Shut up and just do your job nerd."
 "If we get killed-"
 "That's why I stole this thingy from Fenton, duh." The raygun was waved casually around like it wasn’t an actual weapon.
 "Just do your thing and we see if you're being real with us or not. If you can't even be truthful about this how are we supposed to believe anything else you say? You said you tried this before and it worked right?"
 The wirey teen runs a hand through his orange-red hair and sighs deeply. "The summoning works you just have to make it clear who you're trying to get… I've ended up with the wrong ghost before…"
         “Then you’ve already got experience, more than us anyway” The dark haired jock called over his shoulder from where he had been fussing with a candle.
 "Come on Wes you should just feel lucky we're talking to you after everything."  The blonde A-lister huffed with her arms crossed tightly over her chest.
 "Star's right you know. Now if what the book from that goth creep said was true then if we summon the king we can make a deal with him."A Latino beauty with an accent said, hardly looking up from her nail file. “Anything we want so long as the king accepts the payment.”
 “Yeah, and we got the nerd here to film it, cuz ya need proof of contract or whatever..”  A large beefy blonde jock piped up with his two cents.
 Wes sighed and gave Mikey a sympathetic look as he shakily set up a tripod and a small digital camcorder, While Kwan continued to set up the candles around the vacant basement room.
 “I just really think summoning the ghost king is a bad idea, I mean you remember that invasion last year? Wasn't that the ghost king?" Wes urged only to get punched in the arm by the blonde jock.
 "Not the real king, you saw how all the ghosts fought him, idiot," Dash commented with a huff. “Kings are loved by all, Being the king of Casper High I should know!”
 "Ghosts just fight each other regardless! It's what they do!" Wes shot back glaring at the larger teen.
 "Regardless I want to make it so Phantom Falls madly in love with me and I can have my fairytale ending with him." Paulina waved off the ginger's worries. "A deal with the devil, so to speak, is hardly of any concern."
 “A de- Are you hearing yourself?” Wes called out waving his arm frantically towards Paulina. When the girl only looked up from her nail file to glare at Wes the basketball player deflated. “Fine whatever. If we call become ghosts my obsession will be kicking your asses for all eternity I hope you know.”
 “Ha! You’ll be lamer than the crate creep when you keel over” Dash spat poking the end of the ecto-weapon into Wes’s chest to accentuate his point.
 Wes swatted the gun away, while Kwan stood back up to admire his handy work with the candles. “Right now we light them right?” The Asian asked. “Who’s got the lighter?”
 Star tosses a small pink plastic thing to her boyfriend, who caught it easily. Kwan gives his girlfriend a finger gun with a quick ‘Thanks babe” Before he began lighting up the candles.
 Mikey, seemingly satisfied with the camera, scrunched up his face as he watched the small pillars of wax ignite. “What’s that smell? I hope that those aren’t made with Benzaldehyde…. I’m allergic to-”
 “Can it ugh, no one cares.” Star snapped to the other boy.
 “They’re vanilla scented! I thought it would be nice.” Kwan answers in turn.
 “Yes, I know that I’m not nose blind.” The nerd snorted out a laugh. “Benzaldehyde is a chemical used in the making of fake vanilla scents an-”
 “How much longer until we can summon this king guy? The humidity down here is making my hands all clammy” Palina interrupted callously “You” She pointed her file to Mikey, “Hit record and you,” She pointed the file to Wes next. “Say the stuff that makes this happen.”
 Wes muttered something under his breath causing Dash to punch his arm again. “Fine!” He hollered before beginning the summoning. Latin words warbled out from the teen’s lips, echoing around the room before suddenly, the candles started flickering as if being disturbed by the wind. The teens all watched with wide eyes as the candles suddenly flicked green and blue rapidly before going out. A wash of smoke came up from each one to condense in the centre.
 With bated breath, they watch as the smoke forms a shape in the ring of candles. Paulina had a fleeting thought that they should have done this outside in case the ghost king was far bigger than the room could hold.
 Though once the shape stopped glowing, and became clear to see, it was obvious they needn’t have worried. A quiet splash is heard, as if someone had dropped a glass of water on the ground, followed by a yelp from a new voice, before Dash’s shout of “Fenton?!”
 Danny pulled the toothbrush from his jaws and turned around blinking at the people surrounding him before making a nervous face as he took notice of the candles surrounding him.
 Star frowns and makes a disgusted snort noticing where the water spilling noise had come from. “Did you spit on the floor?” She asks angrily. “You are cleaning that” She points to the bewildered Danny.
 “Um…. Hi?” Danny tried, wiping a bit of foamy toothpaste from his lips onto the sleeve of his rocketship patterned pyjamas.
 “Of course it’s Fenton. Why wouldn’t it be Fenton.” Wes grumbled pinching the bridge of his nose.
 “Love you too Wes, but seriously what happened?” Danny asks, taking a step forward only to yelp as his foot touched the circle line drawn by the candles. “Jeez, what the heck?!”
 Wes perked up at that. “You’re stuck? You can’t cross the barrier!” He called out excitedly.
 Paulina assessed the dark haired teen a moment before humming. “I didn’t think this thing could summon humans as well as ghosts.” She mused taping a perfectly shaped nail to her lips in thought. “I wonder if we can summon celebs?” her eyes went wide at the possibility
 “What? No! This thing is only to summon ghosts! And Fenton showed up, and can’t cross the barrier so-” Wes prompts eagerly waving his arms at the sleepy teen in the circle.
 “It means you either screwed up the spell and brought us a nerd or that dweeb is somehow the ghost king!” Dash spat back angrily.
 Danny blinked out of his sleepy stupor as those words filtered into his brain. “Wait why were you trying to summon the ghost king?”
 “Because you can make a deal to get anything you want duh,” Star answered in first.
 “Shouldn’t you know that Danny? Your parents are ghost hunters after all…” Mikey piped up from the camera shutting off the device, figuring the whole thing was a flop and didn’t want to waste any more of the mini DV tape.
 “What? No that…” He trailed off a moment as he became lost in thought. “Actually that might make sense… It would explain why Plasmius would try to free Pariah Dark…” he muttered to himself more than to the others in the room.
 “Who and what now?” Kwan asked Danny while simultaneously Dash snorted.
 “‘Ey. The nerd made a funny!” The blonde said acting bewildered.
 “Seriously?” Wes groaned burying his hands in his face.
 “Though as much as I hate to say it the ginger whiner is right. He definitely said it right to summon the ghost king. ‘Animum quoque regis’, or the royal spirt, or spirit of royalty was who he called out to not you.” Paulina said with a huff.
 When she was given a few raised brows she shrugged it off and simply said. “I’m good with Latin. What? Can’t a girl be beautiful and intelligent?” she huffed as if she had been insulted.
 “Can I go home? I was kind of hoping to actually get some decent sleep tonight…” Danny said stopping an argument from breaking out.
 “What? No! You’re stuck there until you admit to being a ghost.” Wes shot back to him.
 Danny sighed deeply and rolls his eyes. “Fine,” Danny cleared his throat before raising his hands to wiggle his fingers in a ‘spooky’ fashion, thumb holding the toothbrush. “I’m a ghost~,” he warbled out sarcastically “There, happy? Can I leave now?”
 Wes scoffed at the display before getting as close to Danny as he could without crossing the barrier and loomed over him threateningly. “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” He hissed.
 “Maybe he’s like a ghostly secretary?” Kwan asks after a moment. “I mean his parents have the ghost portal right? So maybe that’s why we got Fenton?”
 “That’s the stupid-” Wes started but was cut off by Star’s affirmative.
 “Hey yeah! Fenton’s the ghost’s go between!”
 “I’m a what now?” Danny asked stifling a yawn.
 “Ohhh! That makes sense! I knew you were connected to my ghost boy somehow!” Paulina chirped out.
 “Yea! That’s true the ghost boy always shows up around you” Mikey added with a slightly bewildered gaze.
 “Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying for so long now!” Wes called out excitedly.
 “Yeah, and actually… I don’t think I’ve ever seen the two of you in the same place,” Kwan said with a hum, placing a hand on his chin in thought. Danny blinked at him trying to push down the nervousness rising in his chest.
 “Yes! Yes!” Wes cheered.
 “And Fent-toenail did get summoned by a ghost spell thing…” Dash mused glaring down his favourite punching bag with a frown.
 “Exactly what I was saying!” Danny glared at Wes with a murderous look.
 “So... What? The Fenton Dweeb’s a ghost?” Star scoffed looking to Wes with an exasperated face. “I doubt it.”
 “What? He clearly is!” Wes complained flailing about like mad towards a now snickering Danny.
 “I’ve seen shapeshifting shots before… How do we know you’re the real Danny?” Mikey asked eyes wide.
 Danny blinked at his classmates in wonderment. They had just handed him an out, and who was he to not take advantage? Threatening up his stance and puffing out his chest and using a bit of his ghostly body control he makes himself appear smokey. “Alright ya got me,” Danny said with a shrug
 “What?!”          “Wait, what?”
 “You’re dead?!”
 Danny used his abilities to stretch his smile a little wider then what should be normal on a human. “I was hoping if I took an unassuming form you all looked down on I could throw you off but you win, you got me.”
 “Fenton I swear…,” Wes growled, while Danny did his best to stick in that uncanny valley zone.
 “So you are the ghost king?” Paulina asked excitedly.
 “What? Oh ancients no, I’m one of the contenders for the throne though,” Danny said, pulling his hand across his hips before falling into a deep bow channelling his inner medieval prince, he introduced himself. “I am…. Barrybum Roblix.” Danny stayed in his bow much longer than necessary to hide the smirk on his face. Once he got his features under control he stood straight once again, tilting his head too far to the side, “Just Barry is fine.”
 Wes was flabbergasted. Was this really happening? He finally gets Fenton right where he wants him and the half ghost has the gall to try and weasel his way out!? “No one’s buying this Fenton! So save your breath!”
 “What are you talking about? I speak the truth,” Danny chides crossing his arms and lifting a little off the ground to float within the confines of the circle.
 “Fenton can’t float.” Dash scoffs.
 “So, if you’re not the ghost king then this whole thing was a flop! How will I ever be able to get even a kiss from my ghostly prince charming now? You were supposed to be the king…” Palina pouted.
 “Well I’m able to shapeshift, If you release me from here I can imitate the one your thinking of.” Danny offered. “I’ll even give you that kiss”
 “Ew no, I don’t care how good you are at imitation I’m not kissing some random ghost.” Paulina shot back with a disgusted look on her face.
 “I think it’d be cool to have a pretend Phantom hanging out with us, imagine how much our popularity would skyrocket!” Star offers. “Think if we got him to imitate phantom and took a group photo-”
 “Oh~! I looove~ that idea Star! Then yes! We’ll release you if you can imitate Phantom.” Palina nodded eagerly.
 “Then ya got yourself a deal, we just gotta shake on it. Well, the one who read the spell does” Danny practically sing songed out as he stared down to Wes with a shit eating grin.
 “Go on! Shake the ghost’s hand” Dash said cracking his knuckles threateningly.
 “Wait, what!? He was brushing his teeth when he came here! This is clearly Fenton trying to trick you! How do you not see it!? There’s toothpaste spit on the floor…” he trailed off as he noticed the puddle of slop was no longer on the floor, and the toothbrush had disappeared. “Turning it invisible doesn’t mean it no longer exists.” Wes huffed.
 Danny shrugged in response to the redhead’s ranting.
 “Come on Wes just shake his hand so we can take some cool pictures!” Star says shoving the taller teen forward in annoyance.
 With a sneer, Wes approached Danny who’s grin hadn’t faltered the entire time. “I hate you” He growled out as Danny took the ginger’s hand in his cold one.
 “I know buddy” Danny chastized before letting his transformation rings wash over him.
 Wes glared at Danny, Now turned Phantom with renewed vigour, before the halfa flew upwards knocking Wes down as he does. The ginger made a disgusted face as he realized he’d landed his arm directly on the toothpaste slop Danny had spat out.
 The A-listers (plus Mikey) were over the moon seeing ‘Phantom’. “Huh, I’ve seen the real one and he’s definitely taller, but the face is almost spot on so no one will know if you float,” Dash says astutely.
 “Oh, I love it!” Paullina cooed. Hold still I want to get a full body shot! Throw a thumbs up and- Yes like that! Perfect! Okay now, Star! Take one with me in his arms!”
 And so it went, for a good twenty minutes with all the people in the room excitedly snapping pictures, Someone even stole Wes’s phone and took one of him behind Danny as the ghost lay on the ground with a wide grin.
 Once all the teens were satisfied with their snap happy adventure, and couldn’t think of any other pictures to pose with ‘Phantom’ the group prepared to bid ‘Barry’ goodbye.
 “This was fun but now that I’m in the human world I have people to meet and places to haunt. Etcetera and so forth…” Phantom said with a wave, smacking Wes on the back knocking him over once again, before disappearing from view.
 The only person who really noticed phantom’s departure, however, was Wes the others were too engrossed in the photos they had taken. “Oh my gosh look at this one! Oh, that one is so cute!” Star cooed over the camera roll Paulina had on her phone.
 Not that Dash and Kwan were any better, “No way man this one is sooo much cooler! Look at you here that one is bomb!”
 And even Mikey was furiously typing away on his phone as he blasted his ‘phantom photos’ all over his social media accounts.
 All the while Wes just sulked. He was so close! Everyone was heading towards the right conclusion only to have Fenton rip his victory like so many times before! It was infuriating! And just… “UGH!” Wes groaned and laid on his back in the circle where Danny had once been.
 “Oh! Let’s go upstairs and print off the best ones and make a college!” Star exclaimed excitedly jumping about like a rabbit that was given caffeine. “And you, nerd, can leave my house,” Star said shooing Mikey away.
 The nerdy teen simply nodded and began to gather up his camera and tripod. Once he was finished that task he left without another word. His voice echoed from upstairs as he began talking on the phone to someone nattering on about how he got photos with a Phantom, not Phantom.
 “Wes when you’re done wallowing you should leave too, you’re bringing down the whole vibe, man,” Kwan said to the dejected redhead on the ground.
 “Yeah, yeah, I got it…” he groaned out.
 Wes watched the group of A-listers go with a deep forlorn sigh. He laid on his back for a good solid ten minutes before he felt he had sufficiently wallowed enough. He rolls to his side and pushes himself into a standing position before letting his shoulders droop.
 With a final annoyed sigh, he began to walk forward. He got two steps before he was zapped. The redhead let out a yelp of surprise from the electric zap he had received. It wasn’t painful but it was a surprise.
 With a frown, he reaches out with a hand and rests it on the semi translucent barrier. It tingled through his skin and he couldn’t break past it. Wes couldn’t help but blink in confusion. “Wait… He didn’t…”
 He pounded on the barrier a few times with his fist and kicks at it a few times before groaning out in exasperation. “Damn it, Fenton, I have to pee!” He yells up to the ceiling, well aware the other teen was long gone by now.
 It didn’t stop him from glaring blankly ahead as if he could hear his nemesis’s chuckling and see that ever present shit eating grin.
 Total word count 3020
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch6: Stuck
(first - prev - next)
Skulker tossed the nets holding Niel and Ellie like potato sacks onto the cold metal floor. Niel saw his dad stop pacing around the lab and come toward them.
"There you are," he spoke in his smooth voice, his deep blue eyes latched onto Niel. Without glancing up at Skulker, he asked, "Why is my son inside a net?"
Skulker grunted, but he pulled out a blade and cut Niel's net open. Niel staggered to his feet. His muscles felt sore from being tangled up for so long, but he didn't give himself time to stretch. Instead, he quickly stood in front of Ellie's net in an attempt to hide her from Vlad.
Unfortunately, this didn't work. His dad spotted the other figure Skulker had brought, and his eyes widened. Then a smile formed on his lips. "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Danielle?"
Niel wavered, but he didn't move from his spot. Behind him, Ellie groaned, stirring awake.
"Move away, son," Vlad ordered. "I want to see my dear daughter."
"Fruitloop," Ellie muttered.
Vlad looked over Niel's shoulder at the girl. "How unoriginal. Is this how you greet your father?"
Ellie's eyes opened so she could glare angrily at Vlad. "You're not my father," she hissed.
Vlad pouted and placed a heart on his chest. "Am I not the person who created you?"
"Sure, right before you tried to melt me down," she spat back.
Vlad's eyes drifted to Niel. Niel gulped.
"Don't hurt her," he pleaded. Vlad's eyebrows rose.
"You care about her."
"She's my sister."
Understanding dawned on Vlad's face, and he said, "So that's why you were so keen about what happened to the other clones. You've befriended one."
Niel stood his ground despite the nervousness that was steadily growing in his chest. "Is it true?" he asked his dad. "You were going to kill her?"
"Kill?" Vlad laughed and said, "Of course not! I was planning on fixing her afterwards. It's like turning a computer on and off. She would have reformed."
"You're a liar," Ellie snapped from inside her net. Skulker gripped his blade and growled, but Vlad held up a hand placatingly.
"It's all right. You're here now, and you can be fixed. After all, I'm sure you don't enjoy looking like this from time to time," he said and nodded at her face. That was when Niel saw it. Ellie had once told him she didn't look so pretty when she was emotional, and that was true. The right half of her face looked like whenever Niel left a piece of chocolate out for too long and it began to melt. Ellie cupped that side of her face with her hand and looked down, blinking angrily.
Vlad cooed. "Yes, you hate that. But don't worry. I won't hurt you. Isn't that right, Niel?" and he turned his eyes to the boy.
Niel felt like he was stuck. He looked at Ellie, and her visible eye watched him pleadingly, begging him not to side with Vlad. But Vlad--his dad--was watching him as well, his eyes cold and expectant.
Niel gulped. He shifted his feet and mumbled, "Maybe you can trust him..."
Ellie looked devastated. The hand hiding her face began to melt, too. Vlad smirked.
"See? You can trust me. Skulker, cut open her net. I want her to see that I'm trustworthy."
Skulker seemed reluctant, but he did as he was told. As soon as the net fell away, Ellie turned on Skulker and kicked his face.
It was easy to forget that such an innocent-looking girl like Ellie still knew how to fight, and even better than Niel. She had trained under Vlad during the brief time she was under his stay, and she no doubt must have fought for her life multiple times while living on the streets. Niel watched with dumb amazement as Ellie punched Skulker in the gut, dodged all his swings, and finally brought him to his knees by kicking his legs.
She didn't have time to enjoy her triumph over Skulker, because as soon as he went down, Vlad shifted into Plasmius and shot her with a pink ectoblast. Ellie was shoved onto the far wall and tumbled to the ground. The areas in her body that were melting had begun to turn green and slowly dripped onto the floor.
Seeing Ellie hurt snapped Niel out of his stupor. He whipped his head to look at his dad and saw him wearing a grin, his ghost form's vampiric fangs long and visible. For the first time, all those things that Danny and Sam and their friend told Niel about the evil deeds Vlad had done finally sunk in. His dad was a villain.
His dad was a villain.
Vlad made his way casually to where Ellie lay. She was trying to get onto her feet, but she kept falling down. The fact she was about 60% liquid now didn't help.
Niel was spurned into action. He ran in front of Ellie and spread his arms open, glaring Vlad down.
Vlad's mouth twitched. "Niel, move away."
Niel shook his head. "She doesn't want to stay. She doesn't have to."
"Ah, see, I wish that were true. Unfortunately, when you start to wonder about something like her moving around town...well, it's not a very normal sight, is it?" Vlad eyed her cheekily. "Sooner or later, someone will notice how odd you are, and then they're going to look into your past and link you back to me. I can't let that happen. So, you have only two options: let me fix you. Be my daughter. Or else, die."
Ellie managed to half-stand by leaning against the wall. She raised her chin and said, "Go to hell."
Vlad tutted. "I'm afraid that's a no. You heard her, Niel. If she doesn't want to join me, then she's not your sister. No need to protect her anymore."
Niel didn't move. "You--you want to kill her."
Vlad rolled his eyes, like this was another obvious math problem that Niel wasn't getting. "Were you not just listening to what I said?" He saw Niel's horrified expression, and he sighed and forced himself to soften. "Come on, Niel. This is for the safety of our family."
"You want to kill her," Niel repeated. "You don't care about family."
Vlad frowned. "I'm your father. Are you going to side with her over me?"
Something wet and cold wrapped around Niel's hand. He looked down and saw Ellie holding his hand, looking up at him pleadingly.
He swallowed back his bile and stared Vlad in the eyes. "Yes."
Vlad would never hit Niel outside of training. Vlad would never harm his son. Niel thought that was true.
Niel was wrong.
As soon as Vlad realized that Niel was serious and that he was not about to change his mind anytime soon, his face darkened. He grabbed Niel by the arms and shoved him aside. Niel fell onto the hard floor. He fell on his hand, forcing his fingers to bend at odd angles, and Niel had a feeling that would become very painful once he shifted back to human.
He bit his tongue and blinked his tears back, then turned in place to see Vlad. The villain reached toward Ellie. Niel's jaw tightened, and he pushed himself off the floor with his good hand and landed next to Ellie, hugging her melting form to his chest.
Vlad sighed. "Really?"
Green-stained liquid leaked from Ellie's eyes, though Niel couldn't tell if they were tears or more ectoplasm. He held her goopy form protectively and glared at Vlad.
In the corner of his vision, he saw Skulker stand up and approach them. Faced off against both him and Vlad, the odds were pretty obvious that Niel wasn't going to go free with Ellie in tow. He had already lost against Skulker once, and Ellie was in no shape to fight.
If he tried to go forward, or sideways, or up, he knew either of the ghosts would intercept him. But maybe not all hope was lost yet. Only a few feet to the side on the wall behind him lay Vlad's ghost portal.
Vlad caught Niel glancing at the portal, and his eyes widened. "Don't," he warned.
Niel, carrying Ellie, shot toward the portal. Both ghosts tried to stop him, but he was too fast. He pulled the lever that opened the blast doors and squeezed himself and Ellie through before they were fully open.
"Stop! I order you to come back!" Vlad shouted after them, but Niel ignored him. He sped through the Ghost Zone, not bothering to look back to see if Skulker was following them. The Ghost Zone blurred around them in lines of green and purple. Niel had never been allowed to visit this realm often, but now was not the time to appreciate the view.
He found a floating cluster of rocks and hid between them to catch his breath. His core thrummed anxiously, and the phantom sensation of his heart seemed to beat against his ribs.
"Danny," Ellie murmured. Niel looked down and had to hold himself back from grimacing. Her face was barely noticeable as a face now.
"I'm Niel," he softly told her.
"I know that, you idiot," she replied, her speech slurred from the fact that her mouth was melting. "I meant we should go to Danny's. He has Ecto-Dejecto."
Niel didn't know what an Ecto-Dejecto was, but he guessed it must be able to heal her problem. He peeked his head from around a rock and looked around. Just as he was beginning to despair the possibility of them getting lost, he spotted it: a metal frame in the distance. He knew it wasn't the one they went through, which meant it was the Fentons' portal.
The stone they were hiding behind suddenly burst. Niel shielded his face from the debris, then looked up to see Skulker flying toward them. Adrenaline high, Niel carried Ellie with him and zoomed toward the portal.
As he made his way toward it, his stomach sank again when he noticed that the blast doors were closed. They weren't going to make it. Skulker was going to catch them, they weren't going to make it--
Miraculously, the doors opened. Niel's core leapt with relief, and he burst through the portal and was greeted by the human world's air.
He and Ellie landed on a table full of half-built weapons, knocking most of them off. When Niel allowed himself to sit up and look around, he found Danny, in Phantom form, gaping at them with wide eyes. He was standing right next to the portal, a thermos in his hands, so he must have been about to empty the device into the Ghost Zone when Niel and Ellie came in.
Before Danny could ask them what the heck was going on, a third head poked through as Skulker followed them. Danny was quick to jump into action. He shot Skulker with an ectoblast and shoved him back into the portal. As soon as he was submerged in the green swirls, Danny slammed the button next to the portal, and the doors closed.
Once that was dealt with, Danny dropped his forgotten thermos and rushed toward Niel and Ellie. "Dani!" he exclaimed when he saw the melted girl.
She was little more than a puddle by now. Niel slid off the table and watched her with horror.
"It's my fault," he said. "If she wasn't with me--Vlad wouldnt have--"
"Vlad?" Danny said, then shook his head. "It's fine. I can help her, she just needs some Dejecto." He started rummaging around the lab for the Ecto-Dejecto while Niel stayed rooted in place.
"Vlad," Niel said, then sobbed. "Vlad was going to kill her. He was going to kill his own child."
Danny glanced over his shoulder briefly at Niel before continuing to search the lab. "It sounds like you went through some shit with the fruitloop, and I'd comfort you, but Dani really needs her..."
Niel covered his face and cried. All the shock and trauma cascaded down his cheeks in the form of tears as his shoulders shook with every sob. He felt stuck, trapped inside a bubble with no air, suffocating inside.
"I wish I can change everything," he whimpered.
The rummaging stopped. "Please tell me you didn't say the W-word," Danny said.
Niel brought his hands away to look at Danny. Instead, his eyes landed on the thermos on the floor that Danny dropped. The lid was open.
A green cloud of mist formed around Niel, and he heard a woman's chuckle. "So you have wished it," she said, "so it shall be."
The last thing he heard was Danny shouting a very rude swear before the green mist thickened and filled his vision.
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