#Wizard Junko
Could you do a style swap with Junko Enoshima and Mikado Sannōji? (I don't have a specific design)
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I feel like Mikado's style wouldn't change much. He'd rock his stylish spectacles and maybe make his outfit somewhat "sexier", but not much would change about his formal nature. Junko, meanwhile, dresses in a very revealing manner, and I don't think that would change too much, either.
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fleshthatfalls · 3 months
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nightmare blunt rotation
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haveyouseenthistoku · 23 days
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funishment-time · 5 months
when you remember that, at least in DR1 and 2, Monokuma is just a Junko persona fursona and not truly his own character...it really makes the games Ten Times Funnier. Junko is constantly annoyed that her friends do not appreciate her homemade Escape Room and her Dumpy Fursuit. they never compliment her on Cleaning up Corpses with her own two little pawsies. they do not like her satire on the Future Foundation and having sister issues (hand-animated video abt blowing up Wizard of Oz Usami). it is hard to be bearkin pensive emoji
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
Read Chapter Two and reread the first as well! Mostly as a refresher and cus I didn't say anything for the first chapter and I felt bad hehe! As for my little queries (which I hope there aren't too many! 1. What fantasy species are Junko and Mukuro? 2. What specific age is Byakuya and the others? Guessing they're around their canon ages like late teens/early adult hood but I wanna make sure! 3. What species is Toko since she's now been introduced? Furthermore, on the general side of thoughts, I like the dinner scene in the first chapter. The hint of weakness on Kijo and how Byakuya showed a bit of concern. After all, Byakuya's still young! He's valid for worrying about the man! He's probably never seen him like this before. Secondly, I like Kyoko and the crew just plotting to abduct Byakuya. It makes me happy and I can't wait to read one of them potentially lifting him up fireman style. Or, well, I CAN wait hehe! But, I am very pumped for when that occurs. Or just the potential duel that could transpire since he's clearly a powerful individual and won't go without a fight, especially since they're targeting his father! Some other thoughts are that I like Toko and Komaru being here. Their subtle handholding is not unnoticed! Plus, the bit of lore for the Naegi's!! Helps explain why they're here with the others as, at least Makoto, is less likely of a character one would expect to be plotting the potential murder of a king. Also, another good thing is that it still leaves a mystery on what the other's are really plotting. They of course want Kijo gone, but are they a sort of resistance group? I like the intrigue of what they're up to, with the bonus of the despair sisters plotting as well with who I assume is Izuru. Aoi's just cute too. Just in general. I just had to say it cus it's true! But, yeah! Like how it's going and wish you good luck on future chapters!!
There's never too many questions! I always love answering them!
1. Both of them are dark elves. Can't say too much about dark elves just yet, but they do have a devil-like tail. Why? Cuz it's cool.
2. It was mentioned a few times, Byakuya just turned 16. The coronation happened a month after his sixteenth birthday and the rest of the fic takes place shortly after that, at least for now.
So, the rest of the kiddos are also around 16. Taka and Mondo are 17 though, and Chihiro is 15 (but almost 16) Kyoko also just turned 17, but the rest of the rebels are 16. Well, Komaru is 15.
3. She's a sorcerer! A big difference from sorcerers and wizards is that sorcerers don't use a want nor do they have a big-ol hat. Sorcerers also didn't inherit their magic, which is also why they're so rare. They actually come from humans- who do exist here! They are just very rare and almost extinct.
So, Toko's parents were humans. She just got lucky and got magic powers!
And, yeah, there is a small fight. I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, but it's there in the third chapter!
Also, they're a resistance group. More of that will be explained in the next few chapters, but let's just say that they see Kijo as an awful king. In one way or another (well, mostly the same way. Go guess what that can be) their lives have changed for the worst cuz of his actions.
Can't say more about that tho, even though I really want. Gotta make sure the chapters actually give some good info... and that I don't retcon myself...
But Aoi is very cute. Sakura would agree with that.
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wintercandle42 · 5 months
“These students have the potential to bring either great hope to the spiral… or great despair.”
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Danganrompa x Wizard101 crossover real
More info on my insanity under the cut
Naegi Makoto was a normal guy living a normal life until he got yoinked into a whole different world filled with magic and wonder, where he was enrolled into its magic school, Ravenwood Academy, alongside another student from his world lucky enough to be chosen, Komaeda Nagito.
The two spend much of their time learning about the worlds of the spiral outside their own and bonding with their classmates and fellow wizards.
And everything really is all fine and okay for them until Komaeda comes into contact with a spirit who’s hope is to create despair.
Anyways I’m so normal about this au you would not believe it (<- lie)
Because I’ve only played the first two games so far only those students are in the au but hopefully that’ll change soon. Also, I’ve been focusing mostly on arc 1, which is about Junko Enoshima’s rise to power and defeat, the remnants of despair vs the first game’s class, etc. however there is an arc 2 formulating that focuses more on Kamukura and Hinata.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 3 months
Chapter 21.5
im still on hiatus but this was for funsies...a break away from byakuya's pov for a moment hehe
Some pre-chapter notes:
this is just like wizard of oz if the wizard was junko enoshima. pay no attention to the girl behind the monitors....
featuring a special surprise guest!! :) (:
@digitaldollsworld (^^)//
Content warning tags: passing mention of surgery and blood
< previous - from start - next >
“I am done.”
The voice behind her is dull and gravelly with lethargy, belonging to someone both young and aged. Junko Enoshima hadn’t heard the door open, but she’s hardly startled - she’d been expecting him, after all - and with a flourish, she leans back from the grid of monitors before her and shoves off the desk to spin her chair, knees tucked up to her chest. One, two, three clockwise spins later - a new record, nice - and she slows to a stop, angled perfectly to face the man before her.
And she smiles, as she notes the blue latex gloves still on his hands, the blood splattered up his arms to the rolled-up sleeves of his white dress shirt. “Aw, thanks Zuzu! You’re a treat,” She winks and blows an exaggerated kiss, to no reaction. Not even a half-raised hand to try and catch it. “Was it hard?”
Izuru Kamakura doesn’t respond at first. He’s wiping off the blood - still shiny and slightly wet - off of his pale arms with a stained handkerchief, his hair swaying like a dark curtain around him. “...Not particularly.” He replies in his usual monotone, as if the whole ordeal had been terribly boring to him. ‘Not particularly’ he said, as if the whole process hadn’t taken several weeks, with multiple surgeries - including one where he had left the operating table with his scrubs still on to find a better donor, because the one she had on hand just happened to not be a very good match. “If that is all, I will leave now.”
“Noo, come on! You just got here,” She complains, childishly, needling, despite knowing full well that he’d been here far longer than he originally intended already. Well, it wasn’t like he had anywhere else to be, and all the action was here anyways.  “Don’t you wanna see how your precious juniors are doing?”
He doesn’t reply, but she knows he does. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered turning up in the first place, whether she requested his help or not; they’re just like each other, in that way. Reaching behind her, she grabs a remote, and points it at one of the monitors, and immediately its previous image of the empty second-floor hallway fizzes out, replaced with a replay of the day’s highlights, edited and cut by hers truly.
It opens with a theme song. A lovely little leitmotif that she composed, one for each of her dear classmates, this one full of violin and koto. A quick intro montage of photos they had taken throughout their high school careers, and then-
“No need.” He deadpans, interrupting the opening credits she’d bullied Ryota Mitarai into making. “I know what happened already.”
“Geez, but I made this special for you!” She whines, though there’s no real bite to it. She expected this outcome, so it wasn’t like she made her edits particularly interesting either. “Wish you’d play along a little. Come on.”
Instead of replying, he snaps off his gloves and flicks them and the towel into a nearby trash can without looking. He spins her chair to grab his jacket, pinned between her back and the seat, and tugs it so sharply it actually lifts her up a bit.
“Hey, that’s no way to treat a lady,” She sulks, tucking her skirt back down. “I was keeping it warm for you.”
Her only response is an impassioned glance, as he shakes the garment out with a sharp snap.
She watches him prepare to leave, rolling down his sleeves and smoothing out his shirt, pulling the jacket on with a practiced, mechanical grace. “Is it really that much better, being out there?” She grumbles. Outside was a wasteland, shattered remains, rot and destruction. The few people still alive were either on the edge of death, or insane with despair - either way, they’d fallen into a dull, predictable pattern. Starving, stealing, killing, dying, wailing. So much wailing. How strange it was that even these things became uninteresting after so long.
“They all behaved exactly how I expected.” He says, in an approximation for an explanation. He adjusts his cufflinks, thumb swiping over the polished brass. They’d been shaped like Hope’s Peak’s logo, but countless passing touches had nearly buffed out the enamel inlay - they were little more than tiny mirrors now, if she leaned forward and squinted she could almost see herself in them, check for stuff stuck in her teeth-
“Why did you not confront them after they discovered the AI?”
The question interrupts her train of thought, and she blinks, then grins, utterly delighted. “Why? Did I surprise you?”
He levels her with a look, a dark stare from those bloody, bloodshot eyes. “There are several reasons to possibly explain why you behaved this way.” He continues. “The most simple reason, you were distracted-”
“Nope. Glued to the cameras the whole time.”
“The most predictable reason, you wanted them to think they had a chance.”
“Hmm...mayy-be?” She pulls her legs up to sit criss-crossed in her chair, and rocks side to side, hands resting on her ankles as she thinks. “I mean, there are ten of them left. Would be a shame if they gave up already, right?”
“...And, based on your current interests. You thought it would make for a more interesting development. Especially in regards to Togami.”
She smiles, teeth splitting her face. “Congratulations, a hun-dred points to dear Mister Kamakura,”  She sings in an exaggerated falsetto, and claps her hands in mock applause. “I was thinking about it, but then he and Kyoko went and had that absolutely lovely little heart-to-heart in the hallway…how could I possibly interrupt my dearest friends?”
He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes narrow slightly, the corners of his lips pulling into a thin line. A look that screams - or maybe just mutters, in his case - ‘what the hell are you talking about.’ “He smashed her hand in a door. She belittled him for his blindness.”
“Yeah, and? Don’t you know what foreplay is?” He doesn’t scoff, but the just-audible exhale he lets out is pretty close. “Oh, shush. Like you would know anything,” She sniffs. “But anyways, I definitely wasn’t expecting them to reach this stage already. I thought it’d take a few more years at least!” She lets loose a laugh, a sharp, bright sound that gets swallowed up by the dense, packed-foam soundproofing around them. “Letting them get away with Alter Ego was totally worth the show!”
He doesn’t look like he agrees, but then again, those old Hope’s Peak scientists hadn’t included ‘Ultimate Clear Emotion Conveying’ among his repertoire of talents, so maybe he was jumping for joy on the inside right now. “Togami’s blindness was an unexpected development,” He agrees. “But that is all. He hasn’t demonstrated any behavior that couldn’t be predicted.”
“You were pretty intrigued by him before though, weren’t you?” She’d had her suspicions from the start, when Byakuya’s first day after waking up was spent squinting and fidgeting with his glasses, but he couldn’t be called an Ultimate for nothing. If she didn’t know him as well as she did, she might’ve even been halfway fooled. 
And the best developments were the ones that hadn’t been planned beforehand. Watching him walk away from the A/V room without even playing his motive disc was such a fun twist that had her raising her brows, even as Mukuro had gotten all pissy, after all the work that she had put into capturing that old butler alive. Even better than that was his breakdowns, when Junko watched him fall into a sinking spiral in his room, muttering to himself and pacing before finally passing out. The difference between his usual hoity-toity self and his total helplessness made for an absolutely delectable kind of gap moe.
“I have no interest in him. Rather, the source of his blindness is what intrigues me.” Izuru corrects her bluntly. “It is unclear what might have caused it. He never displayed symptoms of it prior to the game’s beginning.”
And if she had to be really honest, she wasn’t sure either. “Who knows?” She shrugs. “Spontaneous genetic condition? Maybe he’ll wake up tomorrow morning and be totally bald?”
“The Togami family is obsessed with genetics. Sudden cataract development, or anything of that nature, would have weeded out long ago.” He rebuts. His eyes, a deep, ugly, unnatural red that could make Celeste jealous, fix on her for a moment, and then travel up to look at the monitors, pupils shrinking like a cat’s as they dart from screen to shining screen. “Could it have something to do with the memory wipe?”
“No way!” She snaps back to him immediately, almost affronted. “My process is totally perfect. Do you know how many people I tested it on?” Sure, she’d had plenty of lab rats get seizures, comas, go crazy or just straight-up die, but none of them went blind. “If you don’t believe me, you wanna try it yourself?”
Now that was an idea. Maybe if she could induce an artificial amnesia in Izuru, and completely make him forget how he became this way - gosh, but that could be interesting. An Ultimate Hope who didn’t know what his purpose was? Or, better yet, a Hajime Hinata who didn’t know what he really was?
She could almost drool over the idea of it. Seeing the man, the boy in front of her, twisted, despairing, and utterly ruined - how thrilling would that be?
“Do it to yourself.” Izuru replies sullenly, shattering her daydream in an instant, and she pouts. Spoilsport.
They fall into a comfortable sort of quiet for a moment, as Junko turns back to the screens. Without her sister around, she had to take the role of surveillance onto herself, and that was a 24/7 ordeal. But at least it was something to do, she supposed.
Byakuya was making his way to his room from the cafeteria, apparently completely oblivious to how Toko was stalking him from a few meters behind. Hina and Sakura were working off their post-trial grief through vigorous physical activity - swimming, because of course it would be - Celeste was being comforted by Hifumi, and Hiro was chasing after Mondo, who apparently had given up on trying to eat anything and was now meandering aimlessly through the halls, the dead look on his face evident even through some of the grainier footage. Makoto was wandering, probably trying to repair his broken heart by distracting himself with some good old-fashioned adventuring, or maybe Kyoko.
Waaaait a minute. She frowns suddenly, leaning in closer to scan each of the monitors in quick succession, starting from the camera feeds of the third floor, and working down. Wait a damn minute. There was a suspicious lack of pale, skulking figures in her peripherals - just where was her darling detective?
She feels a little thrill of a delicious dread run up her spine. She went through all this trouble to give Kyoko a full wipe - to clean out every last memory that might give the detective a clue to her own identity - and yet here she was, managing to crawl under Junko’s skin like a centipede, a stubborn parasite. There were only so many unsupervised places that Miss Headmaster’s Daughter could be hiding, and Junko couldn’t help the grin spreading across her face; she could always count on Kyoko to make things interesting.
“Hey, Zuzu. You wanna make a bet?” She hums to Izuru. No Kyoko, but Makoto’s pointed cowlick was coming into view on one of the stairway cameras leading into the second floor, soon accompanied by the rest of him. 
“On what?”
“Oh, anything. Which one of them will die next. If one of them will snap and start trying to kill the rest of them…” She rewinds through the camera recordings of the last hour, speeding through the frames until they’re all mere blurs of color and light. Her eyes dart, and spy the pale, round shape of Kyoko’s head, as she walks into the dark entryway of the second-floor boy’s bathroom, not even half-an-hour ago. “If they manage to figure out the details of Togami’s blindness.”
Another bet. Another meaningless wager on top of the hundreds, thousands, millions of other ones that she’s made and won, but this one might actually surprise her for once. She hopes it will.
“How pointless.” He sighs. But despite that, he hasn’t turned to leave yet. And actually, the fact that he responded at all meant that he was, even just a little bit, curious. “What would we wager? We have nothing of value, and nothing we value enough.” “Hmm, true…and it’s not like we care about either of our lives either.” She fast-forwards the cameras, and watches as Makoto looks left and right, nervous eyes casting up and down the hallway, before he enters the second floor boy’s bathroom. She needs to get moving now, if she was going to make sure her darling detective didn’t go and ruin the game too early, and she shoves aside some empty snack wrappers, the pieces of an unfinished puzzle, a book so dog-eared and worn it was on the brink of disintegrating, and Monokuma’s controller to grab the authentic luchador mask that was hanging off the edge of the table. “We got all the time we need to figure that out, after all. So in the meantime, how about you stick around and see how it goes?"
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girlbosswar · 2 years
So uh… yea
No I didn’t actually include everybody submitted but I included most of them
Polls will go up around tomorrow at 4:00 PM CST
If you make any edits or art or whatever make sure to tag this account
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Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) Vs. Misako Montgomery Garmadon (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Queen (deltarune) Vs. Tanya Degurechaff (Youjo Senki)
Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Vs. Scheherazade (One Thousand and One Nights)
Megaera (Hades) Vs. Clementine (The Walking Dead)
Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs. Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog CD)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Phi (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward) Vs. Morganthe (Wizard 101)
Bo Peep (Toy Story) Vs. The Administrator (Team Fortress 2)
Audria Rose (Descendants) Vs. Chandrelle Stormblaze (The Hex)
Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) Vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
F!Nefarious Tropy (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Toriel (UNDERTALE)
Nagisa Misumi (Futari wa Precure) Vs. Aspheera (Ninjago)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359)
Callie (Splatoon) Vs. Romana (Doctor Who)
Marina (Splatoon 2) Vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Vs. Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ema Skye (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Vs. Daisy (Super Mario Land)
Hinomori Shiso (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage) Vs. Nyota Uhura (Star Trek)
Regina George (Mean Girls) Vs. Lisa Lisa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs. Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Lady Iron Fan (Monkie Kid) Vs. Claire Elford (Witch’s Heart)
MEIKO (Vocaloid) Vs. Hornet (Hollow Night)
Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All) Vs. Prudence (Papa Louie)
Ningguang (Genshin Impact) Vs. Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Buffy Anne Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Vs. Kokomi Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) Vs. Larxene (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) Vs. April O’Neil (ROTTMNT)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) Vs. Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Madoka Kaname (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs. Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It) Vs. P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) Vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Lumine (Genshin Impact) Vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) Vs. Siobhan Roy (Succession)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) Vs. Alice (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward)
Susie (deltarune) Vs. Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) Vs. Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Rumi Usagiyama (My Hero Academia) Vs. Jess Valenzuela (National Treasure: Edge of History)
Lauren Mallard (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) Vs. Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Banica Conchita (The Evillious Chronicles)
Frye (Splatoon 3) Vs. Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) Vs. Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
GLaDOS (Portal) Vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Kyoko Sakura (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Poison (Street Fighter)
Beidou (Genshin Impact) Vs. Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High) Vs. Chiemi Serizawa (Raging Loop)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Vs. Lois Lane (DC)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets) Vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) Vs. Homura Akemi (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck) Vs. Maika Halfwolf (Monstress)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney) Vs. Shiva (Final Fantasy)
Lucina (Fire Emblem) Vs. Jade Claymore (Willow)
Makima (Chainsaw Man) Vs. Marie (Splatoon)
Loona (Helluva Boss) Vs. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Vs. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) Vs. Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies)
Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Fleabag (Fleabag)
Adagio Dazzle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks) Vs. Agent 3 (Splatoon)
Yashiro Uzuki (The World Ends With You) Vs. Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) Vs. Tabitha Chrysanthemum Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest) Vs. Astrid Hofferson (How To Train Your Dragon)
Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies) Vs. Lucifer (Helltaker)
Rapunzel (Tangled) Vs. Alana Bloom (Hannibal)
Nami (One Piece) Vs. Yukina Minato (BanG Dream!)
Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Vs. Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek)
Bridget (Guilty Gear) Vs. Liezel (Papa Louie)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) Vs. Fish Mooney (Gotham)
Nina Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) Vs. Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Tsunade (Naruto) Vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Akane Kurushiki (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) Vs. Violet Muller (Court of Darkness)
Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) Vs. Clementine (Stray)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Vs. Katelyn (Aphmau)
Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus) Vs. Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII) Vs. Jinx (League of Legends)
Jude Duarte (The Folk of the Air) Vs. Lotus (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Vs. Dark Noël (Shadows Over Loathing)
Her Imperious Condescension (Homestuck) Vs. Kitty Softpaws (Puss and Boots)
Boss (AI: The Somnium Files) Vs. Nathalie Sancoeur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Coco Adel (RWBY) Vs. Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Harumi (Ninjago) Vs. Tina Templeton (The Boss Baby: Family Business)
Nya (NInjago) Vs. Lady with an Ermine (Leonardo da Vinci)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) Vs. Leslie Barbara Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Kanon Tachibana (NEO: The World Ends With You) Vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Pearl (Splatoon 2) Vs. Amelia (The Amelia Project)
Mira (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma) Vs. Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Hollyberry Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Vex’ahlia (Critical Role)
Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui) Vs. Queen (Chess)
Lup (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Taiga Aisaka (Toradora!) Vs. Sweetheart (OMORI)
Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Vs. Millie (Helluva Boss)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Samus Aran (Metroid) Vs. Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Mari Ohara (Love Live!) Vs. Clover (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Jessie (Pokémon)
Fiona (Shrek) Vs. Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Dana Cardinal (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep) Vs. Rose Lalonde (Homestuck)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll) Vs. Tron Bonne (Megaman)
Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak) Vs. Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
Statue of Liberty (USA) Vs. Undyne (UNDERTALE)
Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill) Vs. Bea Bottom (Something Rotten)
Mari (OMORI) Vs. Petra (Minecraft: Story Mode)
The Manger (The Hotel) Vs. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
Mamimi Samejima (FLCL) Vs. Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Miriam Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Vs. Elizabert Megafig (Bugsnax)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High) Vs. Green Shadow (Plants vs. Zombies)
Quinn (Papa Louie) Vs. Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Barbie (Barbie) Vs. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Cynthia (Pokémon) Vs. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
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usagirln120 · 3 months
Who are the 15 Chosen Ones?
Izuku Midoriya who was destined to defeat All For One.
Satoshi Mochida who was destined to defeat Sachiko Shinozaki.
Makoto Naegi who was destined to defeat Monokuma (who is Junko's father in this AU).
Natsu Dragneel who was destined to defeat his brother Zeref Dragneel.
Hiccup Haddock who was destined to defeat Drago.
Bill Denbrough who was destined to defeat Pennywise.
Tanjiro Kamado who was destined to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng who was destined to defeat Hawk Moth, who's true identity was eventually revealed to be her future father-in-law Gabriel Agreste.
Naruto Uzumaki who was destined to defeat Madara Uchiha.
Luffy D. Monkey who was destined to defeat Teach D. Marshall.
Mike Wheeler who was destined to defeat Henry Creel.
Finney Blake who was destined to defeat Albert Shaw.
Luz Noceda who was destined to defeat Belos.
Ryan Ezrahler who was destined to defeat Silas Vorez.
And Emma (from TPN) who was destined to defeat Peter Ratri.
Just like in the original Harry Potter universe, their roles in defeating the most powerful dark wizards of all time was foretold when the Divination Professor (Bruno Madrigal) was doing the job Interview when he got the prophecy but unlike Trelawney he actually remembered it.
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rkdvanguard · 10 months
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Commission for Freeeen @Tachi_Holy
Junk wizards are common throughout the Red Kingdom, but none as infamous as Junko. She swears her goods are the best, and they are....until they aren't
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Already got a list of the ships for the ULTIMATE fucked up ship tournament done. Hopefully will start it in two weeks or so. This is a list of the ships:
1. The Darkling and Alina, The Grisha Trilogy
2. Batman and The Riddler, The Batman 2022
3. stu and billy from scream
4. Vriska and Terezifrom homestuck
5. light and l from death note
6. Dirk Strider and Jake English from Homestuck,
7. Vio and Shadow Link from the Four Swords manga
8. Emilio Murkmere x Tobias Schenien from Ghost Eyes
9. Oswald x Ed from Gotham
10. Anna Croft/ Yu Junghyeok (orv)
11. Dimitri/Edelgard - Fire Emblem Three Houses
12. Will Graham and Hannibal, Hannibal
13. yoonbum x sangwoo, killing stalking
14. Starscream and Megatron, from the Transformers franchise
15. Mukuro Ikusaba/Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa
16. Ladd Russo and Lua Klein from Baccano!
17. Daida and Miranjo from Ousama Ranking
18. Shizuo and Izaya from Durarara!!
19. theresa x otto, honkai impact
20. dorian x fem! inquisitor, dragon age
21. renee x huey from baccano
22. nanami x touga, revolutionary girl Utena
23. madoka and homura, puella magi madoka magica
24. (Ronan Lynch x Joseph Kavinksy) - The Raven Cycle
25. Seishirou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon/X
26. Misaki/Satou, Welcome to the NHK
27. Bakugou and Deku (My Hero Academia)
28. Akito and Shigure, Fruits Basket
29. House and Wilson, House MD
30. Scarlet and Chase, I’m the Grim Reaper
31. Jong-woo and Moon-jo, Strangers from Hell
32. Moon-young and Gang-tae, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
33. Medea and Helio, Your Throne
34. Celty and Shinra, Durarara
35. Akira and Ryo, Devilman
36. Yoshino and Kirishima, Raise wa Tanin Ga ii
37. Chateau and Ryang-ha, Love of Kill
38. Satoko and Shinpei, Hotaru no Yomeiri
39. Clarice and Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs
40. He Yan and Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
41. Cain/Owen from Promise of Wizard / Mahoyaku
42. Texas/Lappland from Arknights.
43. Jeongmin and Siyun, Dreaming Freedom
44. Han Chae-ah and Park Yunsu, Trapped
45. akane kurashiki/junpei tenmyouji from zero escape
46. Juri/Shiori (from Revolutionary Girl Utena)
47. Jackie/Shauna, Yellowjackets)
48. Cassandra/Rapunzel from the Tangled series
49. Damien and Elena from vampire diaries
50. Kristoph/Phoenix, Ace Attorney
51. Juice and Chibs, Sons of Anarchy
52. Utena/Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.
53. Cutthroat x Swindler, from Akudama Drive.
54. Yuno Gasai x Yukkiteru Amano from Mirai Nikki
55. Sal/Syakesan x Wadanohara from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea.
56. Jeremy and the SQUIP, Be More Chill
57. Ian Grimm and Poppy Li, Mythic Quest
58. Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis De Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
59. fuuma and kamui from clamp's x/1999
60. Victor and Eli, Vicious
61. Elisabeth and Der Tod, Elisabeth
62. Rudolf and Der Tod, Elisabeth
63. Veronica Sawyer and J.D, Heathers
64. Akechi Goro × Persona 5 protagonist (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya)
65. Hondomachi and Fukuda, ID: Invaded
66. Harley Quinn and the Joker, DC
67. Christine and Erik, Phantom of the Opera
68. Lisa Reisert and Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
69. Valeta and Reinhart, I Failed to Oust the Villain
70. Light Yagami and Misa Amane, Death Note
71. Sumire and Hakubo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
72. Mika Harima and Seiji Yagiri, Durarara!!
73. Emma Wilson and Yohan Lee, My Deepest Secret
74. Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth
75. Addie LaRue and Luc, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
76. Ja Yoon and The Nobleman, The Witch, Part One: Subversion
77. Makima and Denji, Chainsaw Man
78. Kyoko and Katsuya, Fruits Basket
79. Mrs. De Winter and Maxim, Rebecca
80. Mutsuki Tooru and Urie Kuku, Tokyo Ghoul
81. Victor and Elizabeth, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
82. Constanta, Magdalena, and Alexei and Dracula, A Dowry of Blood
83. Ha-im and Geunhu, Never Ending Darling
84. Frank Cotton & Julia Cotton - Hellraiser (1987)
85. Yuki Cross & Kaname Kuran, Vampire Knight
86. Johann and Sasha, The Double Agent
87. Sian and Yul, Secret Alliance
88. Charlize and Dylan, The Taming of the Tyrant
89. Lin and Dosung, 340 Days
90. Makishima Shougo & Shinya Kougami from PSYCHOPASS.
91. Charlotte Willmore x Lizzie Wells, from The Perfection (2018).
92. “Hikaru”/Yoshiki from The Summer hikaru Died,
93. Dolph Laserhawk x Alex Taylor from Captain Laserhawk
94. Dolph Laserhawk x Rayman from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
95. Yuuji Itadori x Mahito from Jujitsu Kaisen
96. (luo binghe x shen qingqiu) from scum villain's self saving system.
97. Heaven Official's Blessing. Ships He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.
98. Ives and Boyd from Ravenous 1999
99. Eve and Vilanelle, Killing Eve
100. Sephiroth/Cloud (FF7 Compilation)
101. Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instruments
102. Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada, Cardcaptor Sakura,
103. Veralidaine Sarrasri/Numair Salmalín, from the Immortals Quartet
104. Eli/Oskar, Let the Right One In (2008).
105. Lavan Firestorm/Kalira, Brightly Burning
106. Lapis/Jasper (Steven Universe
107. PearlescentMoon/SMajor, the Life Series
108. Christine/Erik (Phantom Takarazuka)
109. The Brain/Julia (Animaniacs 2020)
110. Sterek, Teen Wolf
111. Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard, The Magnus Archives
112. Fyodor and Nikolai, Bungo Stray Dogs
113. Beatrice and Battler, Beabato, from "Umineko”
114. Father Paul/Riley Flynn; Midnight Mass
115. Edward Teach/Izzy Hands; Our Flag Means Death;
116. Batman/Joker
117. Cesare Borgia/Lucrezia Borgia - The Borgias
118. Dean/Sam Winchester from Supernatural
119. Vegas/Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
120. Hitori Uzune and Nanaki Kazuaki from Hatoful Boyfriends.
121. Lanze/Bluepool and Anan from Beauty and the Beasts
122. Blade and Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
123. Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
124. Isaac and Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
125. Lenore and Annabelle, Nevermore
126. Estelle and Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady
127. Layla and Matthias, Cry or Better Yet Beg
128. Hyuna and Luka, Alien Stage
129. Karuto and Lily, Dear my Living Dead
130. Andrew and Ashley Graves, Coffin of Andy and Leyley
131. Lydia Deetz/Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
132. Harrow and gideon from gideon the ninth/Locked Tomb
133. Cathy x Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
134. Felix x Ollie (Saltburn)
135. Grace Chastity x Max Jaegerman, Nerdy Prudes Must Die
136. Mikoto and Haijin, Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi
137. Eucenielle and Tes, I Hold the Tyrant’s Heart
138. Claire and Balt, The East Wind of the Altas
139. Usui and Misaki, Maid Sama
140. Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive, Black Butler
141. Dabi x Hawks from My Hero Academia
142. Alice “Daisy” Tonner/Basira Hussain, The Magnus Archives
143. Naruto and Sasuke, from Naruto
144. Byleth Eisner / Jeritza von Hrym from fire emblem three houses
145. Akira x keisuke from togainu no chi (nitro+chiral game)
146. Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
147. Elias and Chise, The Ancient Magus Bride
148. Gendo and Yui Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
149. Punpun and Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
150. Sang-hyun and Tae-ju, Thirst
151. Hawa and Adam, The Guy Upstairs
152. Satoru Fujnuma and Gaku Yashiro, Erased
153. Root and Sameen Shaw, Person of Interest
154. The Doctor and the master, Doctor Who
155. Juliette and Warner, Shatter Me
156. Ich and Mrs Danvers, Rebecca das Musical
157. Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara, Danganronpa V3
158. Roxy and Velma, Chicago
159. Griffith and Guts, Berserk
160. Creed and Train, Black Cat
161. Torso and Mutsuki, Tokyo ghoul
162. Vash and Knives, Trigun
163. Sweeney Tod and Mrs Lovett, Sweeney Tod
164. Kuroi and Mashiro, Thou Dhall Not Die
165. Amy and Nick, Gone Girl
166. India and Charlie Stoker, Stoker
167. Pig and Runt, Disco Pigs
168. Anakin and Padme, Star Wars
169. Chloe and Kairos, I Shall Kill That Sweet Devil
170. Jung and Seol, Cheese in the Trap
171. Anthy and Akio Ohtori, Revolutionary Girl Utena
172. Feyre and Rhysand, A Court of Thrones and Roses
173. Lelouch and Suzaku, Code Geass
174. Mikiya and Shiki, Garden of Sinners
175. Gatsby and Daisy, The Great Gatsby
176. Ivan and Till, Alien Stage
177. Sylar and Elle Bishop, Heroes
178. Helena and Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
179. V and Rika, Mystic Messenger
180. Yukari and George, Paradise Kiss
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comshipbracket · 11 months
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket 2 Round 1!
Round 1 is split up into 6 Segments, which are split into 3 smaller polls within them! These will be posted when I am able, with a 6-day voting time limit. Look out for your ships! Propaganda is both welcome AND encouraged, whether through the form of essays, art, fanfiction recommendations, or otherwise, All propaganda will be reblogged.
Round 1 Segment 1
Poll 1: Winterkov (The Winter King x Simon Petrikov), Fionna and Cake VS Beluz (Emperor Belos x Luz Noceda), The Owl House
Poll 2: ZorcRyou (Ryou Bakura x Zorc Necrophades), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters VS Jodihan (Jodio Joestar x Rohan Kishibe), Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
Poll 3: Lammis x Boxxo, Reborn as a Vending Machine I Now Wander The Dungeon VS Coffincest (Ashley Graves x Andrew Graves), The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Round 1 Segment 2
Poll 1: Blossom Utonium x Father, Cartoon Network: Fusionfall VS Paperhat (Dr. Flug x Black Hat), Villainous
Poll 2: Reimob (Reigen Arataka x Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama), Mob Psycho 100 VS Ganonzelink (Ganondorf x Princess Zelda x Link), the Legend of Zelda
Poll 3: Eugarian (Eugene Fitzherbert x Varian), Tangled The Series VS T.K.O x K.O, O.K. K.O. Let's Be Heroes
Round 1 Segment 3
Poll 1: Yaeona (Yae Miko x Diona Kätzlein), Genshin Impact VS KuroWolf (Lord Kuro x Wolf/Sekiro), Sekiro
Poll 2: Stridercest (Dave Strider x Dirk Strider), Homestuck VS Itacest (North Italy/Veneziano x South Italy/Romano), Hetalia
Poll 3: MegaStar (Megatron x Starscream), Transformers VS Chosenshipping (Blue [F] x Silver), Pokémon SPECIAL/Pokémon Adventures
Round 1 Segment 4
Poll 1: SayoHina (Sayo Hikawa x Hina Hikawa), Bandori BanG Dream! Girls Band Party VS Soushin (Sou Hiyori x Shin Tsukimi), Your Turn To Die
Poll 2: Niffany (Tiffany Valentine x Nica Pierce), Chucky VS Seymorin (Seymour Krelborn x Orin Scrivello), Little Shop of Horrors
Poll 3: Cletus Delroy Montfort DeMontblanc Bigglesworth Spuckler x Mary Wrestlemania Spuckler, The Simpsons VS Michael Kenmore x John Sheppard, Stargate Atlantis
Round 1 Segment 5
Poll 1: Despaircest (Junko Enoshima x Mukuro Ikusaba), Danganronpa VS SasoDei (Sasori x Deidara), Naruto
Poll 2: Shroudcest (Idia Shroud x Ortho Shroud), Twisted Wonderland VS Lapptex (Lappland x Texas), Arknights
Poll 3: Velphi (Velvet Crowe and Laphicet), Tales of Berseria VS Makoyuma (Makoto Kagutsuchi x Yuma Kokohead), Master Detective Archives: Raincode
Round 1 Segment 6
Poll 1: Rickorty (Rick Sanchez x Morty Smith), Rick and Morty VS Pinecest (Dipper Pines x Mabel Pines), Gravity Falls
Poll 2: Dottoscara (Il Dottore x Scaramouche), Genshin Impact VS Batjokes (Batman/Bruce Wayne x The Joker), DC
Poll 3: Moriarthree (Louis James Moriarty x William James Moriarty x Albert James Moriarty), Moriarty the Patriot VS Snow x White, Promise of Wizard/MahoYaku
This is the line-up for round 1, let's see who you all vote for to move forward into Round 2! Remember, propaganda is encouraged! Have fun voting, everyone! Our inbox is also open for propaganda - Mod Satou (She/Her Only)
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usagirln12003 · 6 months
Makoto Naegi: Hogwarts AU
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Makoto Naegi is a Muggleborn wizard that was born on the 5th of February 1971 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1982, being sorted into Hufflepuff house.
He has an Alder wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
His Patronus is an American Eskimo Dog.
His favorite subject is Charms and his least favorite is Potions.
He was the Headboy of his year.
Makoto proclaims himself to be a very ordinary person, to the point that he seems a bit insecure about it. He does admit to having one distinguishing feature, that being his unique sense of optimism.
Makoto is very kind, supportive and forgiving, though slightly naive at times. He is friendly, polite and a lot more down-to-earth compared to the other students. These qualities could be the reason he seems to successfully approach and befriend even his most antisocial classmates outside of class.
Junko refers to Makoto as an "herbivore man," which means that he is likely to be the passive one in a relationship, which is reinforced in some of his conversations with others. He is a bit jumpy at times and can be somewhat of a pushover. Despite these meeker qualities, he is capable of being a very determined and charismatic speaker.
Makoto is a firm believer in hope, having a positive attitude about the future no matter how bad the situation is in the present. He is also a pacifist, as he tends to believe that violence isn't the answer. While he dislikes despair, believing it to be a corrupting and negative emotion which cannot benefit the world, he is very forgiving toward those who have fallen to despair, believing them to be victims of Junko and not inherently evil.
It appears that the only person Makoto genuinely dislikes is Junko Enoshima, a dark witch in his year who he is destined to defeat. He considers her his enemy, and blames Junko as well as her avatar, Monokuma, for the deaths of his friends during their Hogwarts years. However, even in her case, he felt that death wasn't necessary and tried to reason with her when she was preparing to unalive herself. Junko refused to listen and unalived herself anyway.
Makoto is respected by many people as one of the Chosen Ones, though he himself is very humble and even a bit embarrassed in regards to the title. It's also been mentioned that he has incredible strength inside, despite often appearing weaker on the outside. During hard times, he is shown to have the power to provide hope for other people and ultimately affect their way of thinking, though this is not always the case as some people refuse to listen to him or simply do not accept his ideals.
He may have a strong will, but he can not throw off the effects of the Imperius Curse.
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andromebaa · 1 year
Okay so, I’m currently brainstorming ideas for one of my DanganHorror stories. It’s going to be focused on Yasuhiro and I’m deciding if I want to make it romance adjacent. It’s probs going to be one of the least romance-centric stories out of the trilogy. Only issue is I have no idea who to pair him with lol.
The story is going to be a timeloop with some humour but I’m planning to take a few dark, horrifying turns as well.
Also I’m not fussy, I’ll accept basically anyone from the three games (it’s gonna be an au so anyone goes). The only ones I probably won’t choose will be the main characters from the other DanganHorror stories (Kaito, Kokichi, Leon, Sayaka) just because I want to try writing other characters.
The ones I’ve listed below I’m planning to have appear in the story, but feel free to suggest others!
Extra context:
Byakuya pairing amuses me endlessly. That’s literally it. He would hate every second of this. Just the Two of Us has gotten me into enemies to lovers so hard. Probs my fav rare pair currently.
Aoi/Yasuhiro because I think Hina would be like, one of the only people who would believe if he was stuck in a timeloop. Banter would be fun. Also a guilty pleasure pairing of mine lmao
Fuyuhiko/Yasuhiro is ridiculous but I have plot points that make sense in context. Another potential enemies to lovers thing. Fun fact I already have a NSFW scene ready to go for this. It’s really funny.
Chihiro getting roped in because they can’t say no. Also tech wizard stuff idk might help with plot things maybe. Big potential for wholesome romance.
Shuichi because he’s the goodest detective. He just wants to help. Also wholesome romance stuff.
Junko is kind of interesting because depending on where the plot goes it might get a bit crazy. Yasuhiro is scared of her the entire time. Very chaotic.
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
More fantasy au questions!! Yippee!
1. Is Byakuya closer to his half-siblings and do they get to stay a part of the family instead of being disowned? 2. What kind of attire do they all wear? Like, do some have armor or differing materials worn based on what fantasy race they are? 3. Do Kijo and Jin still get to be gay together or is that a secret lore bit of some sort? Got more questions but leaving it short! Don't wanna ask too many in one go after all hehe!
1. Yeah! While his half-siblings have moved out at this point, that's all. It was explained sorta in the preview, but instead of a whole competition taking place, it was really just based on how strong each kiddos magic could get!
But the siblings still visit every so often, and they might just appear (mentioned for the most part probably 😔) soon.
2. Oohh, that would be a very long one if I went into detail for each character, but I can explain it a bit!
Kijo and Byakuya wear royal attire, as you would expect. Kinda hard to explain here, but think off a cape, the thingy Miles Edgeworth has around his neck (can't remember the name lol) and just things like that.
Then for Chihiro, Taka and Mondo, they're servants, so their attire reflects that. Chihiro has a dark green dress shirt with overalls- with a hole for his tail ofc- Taka wears the kind of shirt he does in canon (also don't remember the name of that lol) but in black, with black pants. His shirt has 2 holes for his clipped wings tho... (I know it wasn't mentioned, but my boy has wings!!) and Mondo either wears armour or just a black sleeveless shirt with brown pants (which also has a hole for his dog like tail) depending on if he's on duty or not!
Then for the resistance, it's also very different. Makoto does just kinda dress like a wizard cuz he is one- he has the hat and everything. Then Kyoko wears a very sleek black outfit, which has some hints of red. And black gloves ofc.
Hina's outfit is a bit like her cannon one- she has the same red shorts as in canon but also has a blue sleeveless shirt this time around. Also has some blue leggings with some holes- she just likes it that way. She also has an outfit that's fitted more for a battle, but she likes this just more.
And when she transforms into a mermaid, her clothes just kinda... become part of her. The top part of her tail is red and fades into blue.
Sakura also wears armour, but when she isn't wearing that, she just wears a black shirt and some blue pants.
Then there are our two villains- Junko and Mukuro. Junko has a more royal look to her, wearing a black dress. Mukuro meanwhile just, uh, dresses like Cassandra from Tangled: The Series.
Oh, and both of them have devil- like tails. Junko's is red while Mukuro's is more purple!
But yeah! Their attire doesn't really change much based on their race, mostly on their position!
3. Since Kijo isn't into necrophilia, so the answer is no.
And feel free to ask more questions- that goes for anybody! Love answering these!!
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aparticularbandit · 11 months
D&D wizard Junko Enoshima with Ryoko Otonashi's Memory Notebook full of all of her spells.
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