#Wolf Nightingale
the-sunshine-dims · 6 months
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They are sillies 🫵
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whosthere54 · 3 months
Diner AU where breakfast crew own a diner because I think it would be funny
“From our dining room to yours” or smth corny like that idk I love them okay
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heyhay13 · 9 months
yall i am SO HAPPY with how this turned out!! It's so cute and I just- I had so much fun with it!!
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possiblyawesometmblr · 11 months
something something arisanna going from panicking over someone even looking at an allay to trusting wolf to bring all of them to the festival grounds while she's halfway across the map
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"Wolfs boyfriends aka save a horse ride a cowboy" -my Partner @crow-with-shroomhat
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beandaqueen · 1 year
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Day 14- Breakfast
it's cheat day for meeeee
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ya-boi-haru · 5 months
"I'll take whatever you want to give me"
"Oh well, that's the world"
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just-abreeze · 4 months
I am currently watching Artfulrenegade's latest fable smp vod (Loose Ends) on twitch, and I'm at the part where Fennris is naming his sword, and the suggestion consequences came up... and now all I can think of is Fennris going up to Fable (and/or Icarus) and saying something like "Consequences finally catching up to you huh?" and then bonking them on the head with the flat part of his sword and knocking him out cold.
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No serious answers
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ghoulzencrypted · 1 year
Fable Smp characters as Fears from TMA (the Magnus archives) and why we think so.
Icarus/Sherbert Morningstar
- The spiral and or The Slaughter
In the lore, when The Quixes things start, Icarus tries to learn more correct? And they started seeing the Rave room during dreams and resets and such, when it got more prominent in season two Icarus seemed focused on learning about it, but Quixis started causing more harm than good, not answering questions in the way Icarus had hoped for, it gets worse in season three when even more things start changing, such as things on Icarus’s physical body like the gloves, and possibly their eye (?). (Another warning for spoilers btw cause of recent lore) when Icarus’s wings turn into amethyst and gold and break off, as well as the blocks changing around them reminds us of the downwards mental spiral of looking far to into things to the point you can get confused and it effects your mental and physical state, when the large Fence and obsidian wall show up it reminds us of the yellow door, basically a metaphor possibly of how Icarus has dug to far deep and the door is now closed,they can’t go back to what it could have been if they didn’t dig into Quixis information. The spiral manifests as Illusions, Hallucinations, Patterns, Spirals and fractals. Which is like when Quixis changes the color pattern of Icarus’s house, their house, the area around it, the animals and so on so forth. That is our main reasoning but we will deep dive more into it.
Rae Morningstar
Rae is the Eye, a perfect example. But in skulk arc he could also be a form of Corruption and the Lonely. As we all know Rae is a very big book person, he craves about finding knowledge but not because of that : because of how he constantly thinks he needs to know more because he knows something is beyond him, no matter what it is, if it’s a person or a god or anything like that: and there are plenty of examples of that in the fable Smp series: now for corruption and lonely. The entire skull arc/Warden arc for him. Need I explain more? But he could be the buried as well
He’s the Hunt no questions asked, the way he cares about his friends and family to the point he’s constantly willing to fight for them? Him fr
She’s the hunt, same reasons as Axx but also more about the chase part.
He is the stranger, not knowing who he was before everything happened, barely anything of his past- ALL OF THAT? STRANGER CODED
The hunt, slaughter, vast, lonely- choose your pick hes so many-
He’s the Vast we don’t make the rules- look at him and tell us he isn’t- (Rae could be vast to we’re not sure but DEFINITELY Ven) but he could also be Eye coded as well.
The Desolation or possibly lonely? Not quite sure
We’ll go into more depth later cause brain juice is gone
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 8 months
Snow day!
tehe have a little fablesmp fic-
words: 1.7k
Characters: Rae, Caspian, Aax, Centross, Wolf (Breakfast crew)
It was snowing. 
The snow that trickled from the sky was quite bright as it collected across the field. Cold rushed inside every time someone opened the door, and Athena had already been complaining in the group chat about the chill. Wolf and Centross had been jokingly arguing back, threatening to come pull her into the snowy outdoors. Rae didn’t mind it too much– on one hand, it reminded him of his time at Morningstar castle. On the other hand, it also reminded him of Wolf. 
Speak of the devil, right as that thought had crossed his mind he saw a pair of raven-black feathered wings soaring through the air; these wings were attached to a very tall man who happened to still be shoeless- even in the cold. A pair of draconic wings followed, a very bundled up Centross flying closer to the ground than Wolf had. They landed down by the doorway to the house from what he could tell, so arising from where he had been scribbling notes and searching books and even doodling a bit for what seemed like hours, he went to go meet them. 
Caspian had already opened the door to the two gentlemen, welcoming them inside with a joking bow, “please come inside, dear sirs, you’ll freeze out there!” the brunette chirped, his white streak drifting over his eyes as he grinned at the two. Rae peered around, spotting a little olm hybrid curled up on the couch, swaddled in blankets so much that only his face and fins stuck out. 
“Bright as ‘ell out there” Centross complained, kicking the snow off his boots before stepping inside. Wolf chuckled and turned his eyes to search around the room as he shook each of his feet-paws, arm on the door so he didn’t become off balance and tumble into the snow behind him. Those eyes, half-shrouded by the wolf mask on his face, met Rae’s, and his face broke out into an a soft, sharp-toothed smile. “Hey, Star” the man greeted, walking over and offering a hand in an extravagant gesture. Chuckling, the scientist took his rough hand and allowed himself to be led into the main room. It sort of felt like all eyes were on him, which, for a moment, they were. 
That was however, right before Caspian asked the important question- “so, why did you two decide to come invade our home on this chilly morning?” 
Centross started to mumble something, but Wolf overtook him with an answer, “Well, its a snow day- and when there’s snow, you’ve gotta mess around, right?” He looked at Rae expectantly, eyes glowing with a mix of mischief that he could detect, even through the mask. 
Rae looked at his other partners- Caspian shrugged, but Aax shrunk more into the blankets. After a few moments the fisherman’s voice rose from the bundle, “I want cuddles after, though.” 
Wolf chuckled, “of course, of course, that’s only to be expected!” he assured, meeting Rae’s questioning eyes for a moment. Rae felt his cheeks get warm- although he wasn’t entirely sure why… okay, that was a lie. He absolutely knew why. 
“Well, we three need to get bundled up” Rae spoke reluctantly, leaving the taller man’s warmth to go retrieve Aax from what seemed to be more blankets than boyfriend. Caspian whispered something to Centross before trotting the stairs, calling down, “Atlas has to come too- she’ll love it!” 
Sure enough, the large dog perked up from her bed, her tail wagging slightly at the sound of her name. 
Rae coaxed Aax out of the warmth of the blanket pile, and the two went upstairs, bundling up in warm clothes and gloves as quickly as possible. Then, they descended the stairs. Centross was elbowing Wolf about something, grinning while Wolf had a hand over his mouth, cheeks a very slight redder shade then they were before. The purple-eyed man glanced over and said one last thing, earning a shove with whatever he said. 
It was nice to see them laughing. It felt like so much had gone wrong recently- and it was to gratifying to see a smile on everyone’s face. Caspian tapped Rae’s shoulder, and placed a quick surprise kiss on the taller man’s lips. Magenta spread across his face as he paused, stuttering through a few distressed sounds, a bit starstruck at the gesture. I mean, it wasn’t like it was an unwelcome gesture… 
“Me too, me too!” Aax chirped tugging at Rae’s turtleneck. With a slightly goofy smile, the scientist gave into the smaller man’s request, leaning down to give him a quick kiss.
“Alright lovebirds, its snow time” Centross called with a teasing tone, taking a step towards the door, gloved hand turning the knob slightly. The rest gathered in the doorway, Caspian calling Atlas. The large dog lumbered over, tongue lolling out of her open mouth, ears flopped back happily. 
And so they emerged into the winter wonderland. Atlas took the lead, bounding out ahead. The group made their way to the empty field next to the study, Aax pausing to check on the axolotls. Thankfully, they had installed a heating system into the pond to keep it from freezing over and the axolotls nice and warm. 
The day continued, snowman-making, a snow angel competetion (that was prompty sabotaged by Atlas tackling Caspian), and finally, a snowball fight. 
“Gonna get you!” Centross yelled, him and Aax pelting each other with the snowy spheres. Laughter filled the air as Caspian snuck up on Rae, pelting him in the neck with snow. 
“Hey! Ah! Cold! Some got in my shirt!” Rae squeaked, squirming as it melted onto his back.
 Wolf came up and scooped the scientist up, “Don’t worry, I’ll save you!” the shoeless man cried dramatically, laughter coating his voice. 
“Hey! Get back here!” Caspian ran after them, snowball armed at the ready. Atlas bounded around his feet, making it difficult for him to pursue the two. 
“Good girl, Atlas!” Rae praised as he was carried. However, his warm escape wasn’t for long, because Wolf promptly tripped over an unseen hole in the snow, the two crashing down onto the ground in a very familiar way. 
Well, almost familiar, “Well, I’m on top of you this time” Wolf commented with a grin. 
“Wolf!” Rae squeaked, cheeks turning bright magenta. 
“Oh c’mon Starlight, I had to.” Wolf smiled. 
Unfortunately, the moment was interrupted by Atlas taking advantage of the two being on her level to ambush them, leaping into Wolf with her tail wagging. She yipped playfully as Wolf groaned, pushing the dog off of him and sitting up, scratching behind her snow-covered ears fondly. 
Rae sat up, looking around. Centross and Aax were still pelting each other, laughing each time one of them got a hit- whether it was them who got hit, or the other. Wolf was sitting on the ground, petting a very happy Atlas, while Caspian stood, panting and jokingly scolding her for almost tripping him. 
This was nice. Very nice. But… it was also cold. And he was very much shivering now. 
Caspian’s red eyes turned to him, and noticing the trembling, he said something to Wolf, too quiet for Rae to hear. Wolf swiftly scooped up the scientist while promising, “I wont drop you this time, Starlight.” 
“Race y’all to the house!” The brunette called to the two who were still throwing snow at each other, and now probably thouroghly soaked. They perked up immediately glacing at each other and sharing a look of friendly rivalry, large grins plastered on their faces, before bolting towards the house, teasing each other the entire way. 
Wolf took more time, carefully padding through the trodden path they’d made when they came out to the field. Rae snuggled into the larger man’s arms, savoring the warmth he emitted in contrast to the freezing breeze. 
He knew they were inside because of how the hotter indoor air surrounded him as they walked in the doorway, someone shutting it behind the two. He was set onto the couch as he lifted his head, looking around. Centross, Caspian, and Aax were taking off their layers, hanging the coats and piling up the other layers to be washed later. A slight blush crept onto his face as he caught a glimpse of Aax’s stomach, quickly averting his eyes to his own clothes. 
He unbuttoned his coat, shrugging it off easily. But then came the harder part- getting the extra shirts he had on off, over his horns. You’d think he’d be used to this by now- except for the fact he usually only wore button up shirts. 
Before he could even attempt to take off the shirts himself, Caspian slipped over, plopping onto the couch beside him. “Need some help?” He asked. Rae nodded, holding out a sleeve to him. 
With a bit of effort, they got the extra shirts off, luckily managing not to tear a hole into any of them. Wolf helped Aax with the awkward arrangement they had made for his tail, since Wolf was used to it. At last, all of them were down to a decently normal amount of clothing. 
“I was promised cuddles” Aax chirped, sidling up in between their boyfriends. Rae chuckled, draping an arm around Aax’s shoulders. 
“Well I happen to know the perfect spot for cuddles” Wolf commented with a grin, leading the way to the room Rae had made for the two of them; the one that had a giant couch. Unfortunately, Atlas had to be left behind because she was now soaking wet from all the snow that had melted into her fur. Caspian would have to give her a bath later, but that could wait. 
The five of them hopped up onto the couch. Aax was in between Rae and Caspian, legs draped over the mechanic’s lap and head nestled against the scientist’s shoulder and the couch. Rae himself was leaning on Wolf, who was next to Centross. Rae snuggled down into the couch, smiling softly. The mixed smells of each of his partners- the faint smell of grease from Caspian, a sort of fishy smell that always lingered on Aax, the scent of baked goods lingering on Wolf. Even an earthy smell from Centross. He closed his eyes, contented, Aax’s surprisingly cold hands playing with his ink-stained fingers as he drifted into a comforting, warm slumber. 
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the-sunshine-dims · 8 months
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..And its like the fog has lifted
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autozer0 · 7 months
Me when- when- when- me when- me when he- he shirt- shirt and read book- hope shirt book and read-
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sunshine-snippets · 8 months
little vikesh and wolf snippet ive had in my back pocket for a while :]
"'Till the end of the stars" He decided.
"Oh?" Vikesh blinked looking down at their lover, having gotten used to the silence cast between them.
"You asked how long I'd love you, Till the end of the stars."
It was a small comment, one inspired by too many othering circumstances for Vikesh to be comfortable with.
And yet slowly, she recovered, eyes softening as he just gazed at the man.
"Oh love" they murmured and he looked away, back to watching the horizon, maybe a little avoiding the tenderness of which Vikesh was gazing at him with.
"Well, in that case.. I suppose I'll love you until the last sunrise, until the stars end- and i watch them end personally, until I as light, am no longer. And even after."
Vikesh leaned over the railing, just enough to see the fond smile spread across the man's features, even if it was fleeting as he looked away with a soft huff.
Until the end of the stars.
(And after.)
it was a promise.
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hey-its-salem13 · 10 months
Silly little edit I did awhile ago of the parallels between some rae and perix things
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d1sc0-1nfern0 · 8 months
Sad fable lore with a fever hits different /hj
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