#Wolf poem inspired by Fenris/Fenrir from Norse mythology!
sparks-chaotic-cove · 7 months
You know, they say Fenris was always destined to bite
Those cruel, captivatingly crude jagged rows of teeth
Fated to destroy the ones he loved the most.
Their blood on his clawed paws,
metallic taste on his tongue,
horror in his eyes and pain from the skies.
But did Fenris really determine his fate?
or did those who raised him curse him with debates
of the destined foe of all of them there
the one who couldn't predict his despair.
Was Fenris always evil?
was he always so very cruel?
or did something inside him break the day he was chained,
cursed to become a monster to everyone who viewed.
Did he mean to hurt his family?
did he realized the snake that had already predicted his fate?
Fenris never meant to hurt his star.
Fenris never meant to hurt the moon.
Fenris never meant to tear his stronghold.
Fenris never meant to stalk his family.
But fate destined it as so,
He's just lucky someone was there to tell him "Leave him alone."
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