bowbow-the-clown · 11 months
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... Oh, ✨Hello There ✨ ...
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... 💗Hi💗 Here To Hang Out ...
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... Hay There ...
... Care For A PuFF ...
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blasphemecel · 2 months
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness — Dog Walking
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader/Alexis Ness WORD COUNT: 3.2k TYPE: Humor, Bad flirting (it's so bad I don't know if i can call it flirting in good faith), Bad matchmaking (there was an attempt), Rivalry WARNING(S): Canon-typical football derangement, canon-typical behavior EDIT: This got a continuation, yay. And an add-on
Kaiser got it in his head that he has taken a liking to you. This is great and all, not like Ness is gritting his teeth and clenching his fists and getting angry or anything, but- okay, he is.
An obvious reason for his displeasure would be jealousy, but that’s not quite it. Ness thinks it would be entitled and insolent of him to feel any type of way about Kaiser’s personal affairs, so he hasn’t even entertained the notion. The problem is entirely different.
Just like everyone else in Blue Lock, you’re… Kaiser-opposed? Is that the right way to word it? Anyway, the point is, your shitty personality is making his job really hard. Which leads the three of you to this current situation.
“Ow! Ness, what the hell is your problem?!” you shriek, after having tripped and fell. The only reason your face isn’t attached to the floor fight now is because you softened the blow with your elbow.
“I didn’t mean it- I’m so sorry!”
“You didn’t mean it? You literally did it on purpose.”
This isn’t how it should’ve played out, though.
You were supposed to fall right into Kaiser’s arms, but you landed about a step away from him. They even practiced this routine with the others! Granted, no one agreed to it and was rather subjected to it whenever in Ness and Kaiser’s general vicinity, and, no, it didn’t work all the time, but they were just getting the hang of it. (Thankfully, no one sustained any serious injuries, apart from bearing some mental scars after hearing Kaiser say ‘Don’t go falling for me now’ in a wannabe suave tone.)
“Yeah, Ness, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Kaiser adds, before moving to crouch down and help you with a smidge of concern in his expression.
Ness’s eyes widen at the betrayal. Kaiser is such a fake bitch sometimes. Not like he’s going to do anything about it, or even that he minds, but seriously? No shame or decorum is on display here.
You don’t buy it, slapping his hands away. “I bet you put him up to it,” you say, before standing up all by yourself. Then you twist your leg around back and forth for a bit, as if to check how well it’s working, before you eventually lift it high up in the air. “Listen, you tie-dyed toerags.”
Ness flinches because what kind of way to address someone is this? Kaiser crosses his arms, shiteating grin receding into a little frown.
“I’m at my most divine when scoring a goal. You see this?” Your foot is now hovering near their faces while you stretch. This… What is it? A flex? A display? Whatever it is that you’re doing right now, Ness finds it unnerving. “It’s what I use to score. If you did something to take that ability away from me, you’d get pretty bad karma, you know? Angels would cry. Believe me.”
Ness tugs on Kaiser’s sleeve — to remind him he’s supposed to respond instead of just stare at you with a blank, creepy look on his face — and, as filler, says, “You’re very, um, flexible.”
“Yeah,” you say, moving into an even more convoluted position. “I have many attractive qualities. Deserving of being a superstar ace, you know? Dump Kaiser. Pass to me. You’re way too good to play second fiddle, Ness. With me, you won’t be stuck in a Tweedlecum and Tweedlepee dynamic.”
“What?! You- you- you, you, you, yooooou-?! What are you talking about?! I’d never betray him! I’m not joining your circus, clown! Unbelievable! Learn your place already. You never learn,” Ness says in a jumble. For some reason, he’s more offended than Kaiser is.
Here’s the thing about you — you’re insane. A has-an-interesting-psychological-file type of crazy. A hollow-inner-world type of crazy.
A Ness-loves-it type of crazy, as objectionable as he is acting to your offer.
“Calm down. No need to get your panties in a twist over some shitty trash talk,” says Kaiser, placing his hand on Ness’s head, forcing him to lower himself in a slight bow in front of you. Finally, you quit your bizarre movements and assume a more proper stance, while Kaiser leans in closer to you, shifting his gaze in your direction. This leaves Ness to watch you two engage in a round of charged glaring… again. Which is always compromising, but then Kaiser has to run his fingers through his hair, too. “You’re just like a chihuahua that hasn’t warmed up to its owner yet. Your barking doesn’t faze me.”
Your eye twitches at the analogy, face scrunching in an ugly way. “The hell did you just say to me? If I catch you somewhere Ego can’t see me, I’ll give you the beating of a lifetime.”
Instead of responding in a normal way, Kaiser points his finger in your face, almost poking you, twirls it around in a circle, which makes you furrow your brows even harder if possible as you scrutinize him like he’s a lower life form.
“See? Doesn’t bite. Totally harmless,” Kaiser says with a lilt of amusement. Then he swings an arm around Ness’s shoulders and turns him around before pulling him along so they can get away from you.
His tone is convincing enough to give off the impression of winning this verbal spat. However, Ness can’t help but notice that they’re speed walking.
When Ness turns around, you’re leaning on the bench with your foot, elbow resting on your knee. He lets out an undignified scream, taking a step back, startled, and even drops his water bottle. “Don’t sneak up on me like that! How come you didn’t make a noise? What are you?”
Kaiser regards the commotion with not even a sliver of curiosity and instead grins after nodding at you in greeting. “Look who came crawling back searching for my company, Ness.”
“I was thinking about that stuff you told me yesterday,” you say.
“Really? And what thrilling conclusion did you come to?” he asks, with sarcastic emphasis on the word ‘thrilling.’
“I’m going to spend my points from goals on taking a day off. Come along with me and we’re gonna fight, preferably in front of a big audience that can watch me humiliate you. By the way, it's a duel, so you can’t decline.”
“Wow, you’re asking me out on a date? Since when are you so adorable? I guess I just can’t reject you when you’re being vulnerable.”
“No one likes delusional men, Kaiser. I’d rather embalm myself and then desecrate my own corpse.”
Kaiser appears to find this amusing or in some way adjacent to flirting because his smile becomes a touch more irritating, but also a bit incredulous. “Crazy fucking bastard. You’ve got unique ways of pretending you’re not into me, though. It’s entertaining.”
“Your mouth is like a dirty urinal. You swear like a preteen who just found out what sixty-nine means, worry about that.”
Kaiser stares at you in shock, jaw hanging slightly open. In your head, you consider this a huge win, since it’s the first time you’ve visibly put him off.
“Keep gaping at me, I might just take a piss.”
“H-How dare you?!” Ness lunges at you, and the only thing to stop him from strangling you on live television — sensational, you like it — is the fact that Kaiser is holding him back by the collar. You find the sight of him swiping his fists in the air vaguely adorable. “How can you say these things? Just in general, let alone to Kaiser?”
You observe him in mild surprise for a second and the sincerity in your expression makes it all the more infuriating when you ask, “Oh, you’re still here?”
For once in his life, Ness is being very assertive. At least that’s what you think while he drags you over to their side of the cafeteria, fingers curling tight enough around your wrist to probably disturb your blood circulation.
Kaiser pulls out a chair for you when you come into view, then Ness shoves you so you’re sitting, and Kaiser pushes it back in, causing you to almost double over the table. Ness slides over some kind of fancy meal you can’t even identify in front of you. Kaiser leans down, his hair brushing against you, and then he reaches around your shoulder to aggressively stab one of the slices with a fork. With a perhaps demented smile, he declares, “We’re going to talk about strategy today,” before taking the seat next to yours.
“We’re not going to talk about strategy because I’m not one of your groupies,” you say, picking up on the conversation with ease.
Ness plops down on your other side, apparently having decided he has enough authority to lecture you. “No, no, no! This isn’t working. Isagi does whatever he wants, Kunigami does whatever he wants, you do whatever you want. It’s pure chaos on the field! No synergy! It doesn’t make any sense!”
“Join us. If you’re not following,” Kaiser adds, his arm finally receding away from you, “this is a compliment. You’re the one best suited for me, which is a big honor.”
“I have a way better idea. How about I continue doing whatever I want, and by the end of this Neo Egotist League ordeal, you two and everyone else you mentioned sing my name in a choir?”
“Ungrateful,” Ness mutters, petulant.
Kaiser grins, mocking, but also intrigued. “Are you still hanging onto the high of that goal against Barcha? Your ego is unhinged and, honestly, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Your type is always the most fun to break.”
Like he’s any different?
The score you landed, though — the one Kaiser is referencing — was what sparked his interest. You jumped in and stole the pass Isagi meant for Kunigami, securing the point right under their noses. Then, you faced Kaiser and took him by the chin like he’d done to Isagi on arrival, and even imitated his introduction, “On your knees, Bastard München,” with inconceivable amounts of smugness.
It was… interesting. Outlandish. A first. Ness berated you and Isagi together, but you kind of walked away in the middle of it without a care.
Here’s the other detail which is keeping Ness’s sanity intact (not like he’s renowned for his mental stability, but): Kaiser taking a liking to you isn’t necessarily a good thing, even if he’s treating you differently than the other competitors. It doesn’t say anything positive about your character, isn’t in any way sentimental — it’s more as if someone held up a mirror in front of him and he began obsessing over his reflection.
“I’m big and you’re small. That’s why you can’t tame me,” you say.
“He’s taller than you!” Ness defends.
“Did the voices in your head tell you that?” Kaiser asks you, and he does not acknowledge Ness’s meager attempt to upkeep his honor.
“I mean it. You think you can brute force everything and bend it to your version of reality. That’s fragile. I don’t mind falling from a high place. It kind of appeals to me, actually, you know, crawling back up, but more beautiful.”
The corners of his lips turn up in a manner you interpret as more baleful than usual. “I don’t know if you’re big or if I’m small or whatever you wanna call it, but what I know for sure is that you’re a melodramatic jerk off.”
“Anyway,” you stand up, taking the plate as you do so, “you don’t think often, so I won’t blame you for calling my internal monologue a hallucination. You can’t help it. Bye.”
The locker room is an environment you find ripe for picking fights in. Especially when everyone is tired after a practice match. At least the place is free of anyone besides your usual targets.
“Ness,” you say upon approaching them — they’re always together, it almost seems codependent — and then take a hold of his hand, all beguiling. Kaiser scoffs, apparently not interested in getting into it with you this once, while Ness stares at you doe-eyed. “I think it’s about time you get some dignity.”
“What kind of opening line is that?!” he asks, expression shifting from bashful to irritated.
“He’s just been even more awful to you lately and you’re still attached to his asshole like you’re a part of the human centipede.”
“You made fun of me for swearing, but look at the shit you’re saying right now.”
“I do it sparingly and with style. Please stop trying to compete where you don’t compare.” After a dismissive glance towards Kaiser, you turn your attention back to Ness, letting go of his hand to wrap an arm around his waist. “Anyway, the point is, he’s not acting very appreciative of your talent. I could treat you so much better if you passed to me. We don’t even need to entirely exclude him or anything, I’m a tolerant person.”
“I can see and appreciate Ness’s talent just fine. He’ll stay by my side no matter what.” Ness blushes because that’s kind of an intense statement to make out of nowhere? Kaiser’s fingers curl around his jawline before he pushes Ness’s head into his shoulder. “And I’m going to add you to the roster while I’m at it.”
What the fuck is even going on? Maybe the delusions of grandeur you and Kaiser seem to suffer from are becoming contagious, but it sounds like you two are fighting… over HIM? A more well-adjusted person would probably find this objectifying or otherwise demeaning, but Ness, mostly because of who he is — terminally unwanted — wonders if he’s in heaven right now.
Then again, Ness isn’t an idiot. His ignorance is willful. There’s a cap to the nonsense even he is willing to tolerate. So he lets this feeling of I’ve-never-been-happier linger for a little, your bickering fading into background noise, before he squirms away from both of you.
“I’m tired of how you guys are acting,” he calls over his shoulder.
Kaiser is gawking again. You let out an amused whistle, as if you find this development pleasing, before forcing Kaiser’s jaw closed.
“Don’t talk to me… for the rest of the day,” Ness continues, before leaving. His resolve ends on a weak note, but oh well.
“What the hell? Did Ness just reject me?” Kaiser asks, slapping off your pesky hand. “First you don’t want me, now even Ness doesn’t want me. I’m sick of this wretched place. Everything is all out of whack here.”
You burst out laughing. “Are your sensitive little feelings unable to handle a few hours without him?”
“Shut up,” says Kaiser. There isn’t enough bite in it.
“I can tell whatever tantrum you’re about to have is gonna give me secondhand embarrassment, so I’m gonna go as well.”
You’re not prepared for Kaiser to slam you into the locker and cage you in with his arms. Some vein you don’t know the name of looks very pronounced on his forehead, and you don’t think it’s supposed to be doing that?
You roll your eyes. “Take the hint, your machismo shtick isn’t doing it for me.”
“I’m not trying to make a move on you, shithead. I’m sick of your outrageous attitude as well. What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re always leaving in the middle of conversations, even ones you initiated. Do you know how rude that is? No one ever taught you some fucking manners? What’s your home life like?”
Ignoring whatever he’s even talking about — it’s going in one ear and out of the other as usual — you trail your hands over his shoulders.
“Stop trying to distract me. I’m listing out all of your personality defects.” He’s not really putting up a fight, though, doesn’t even shrug you off when you move onto caressing his neck. “We’re arguing,” Kaiser says, before leaning in to complete the kiss you were trying to pull him into, and finally his hands drop to rest on your waist.
The contact doesn’t last long, since you take the chance to side step him and swap your positions, before you push him into the locker like he’d done to you.
“Little bitch,” you say with a sneer, and then you dash towards the exit, offering a flippant wave. “I leave whenever I want to.”
What the hell!
“You’re unforgivable!” says Ness. What did you even do to deserve this attitude right before breakfast? “Stop messing with Kaiser’s head!”
Oh yeah, you did do that. You almost forgot.
“Good morning to you, too. Sleep well?”
Ness crosses his arms and taps his foot. He’s not very good at being intimidating, at least in a visual sense, you think. He has a total babyface. “You’re going to apologize. You’re gonna grovel for Kaiser’s forgiveness.”
“Sure, I take hurt feelings very seriously. Answer these questions for me, so I can apologize better later. Which ear were the words of hurtfulness spoken into? Is the damage he suffered permanent? Did he require a tissue for his tears?”
“I- I- I- I?!?! You piss me off so much. I don’t have the patience for this.” Ness pinches the bridge of his nose as if he needs to soothe himself after exchanging a couple of sentences with you.
“If he doesn’t have a mommy to hug him,” you continue without much of an inflection, “we can look for a surrogate.”
With uncharacteristic vice, he squeezes your shoulders, and he’s gritting his teeth, and you think he really might kill you. Maybe not right now, but at some point, this man is going to take your life. “What’s your problem? You’re a nobody, so why are you so high maintenance? Kaiser is rich, handsome, successful, and a football genius. What more could you possibly want in a boyfriend?”
“Wow,” you say, astonishment at something indeterminate apparent on your face.
Ness waits for you to elaborate, but you don’t, instead opting to scrutinize him in silence. “What? Don’t just say wow and then leave it at that. How can someone be so difficult?”
Your expression shifts into something meaner, then, a mocking raise of your eyebrows, a lop-sided but meaningless smile. “It’s just kind of amazing. You can’t help but ride Kaiser’s dick even while trying to guide it inside of me.”
“Wh-huh… What?!” Ness screeches, scandalized. “How… How crude? You're a vulgar moron! Totally indecent! That’s what you are!”
“I mean, can you blame me for being jealous of that kind of attention? You can do crazy tricks on it.”
“Why are you saying those kinds of things to me?! S-Something’s not right with you.”
You reach out and squish Ness’s cheeks together, leaving his lips to pucker, and you can feel his skin burning. “You’re an amusing guy, Ness. I haven’t decided if I find you pathetic or endearing yet, but I like it.” Then you let go of him as casually as you grabbed him, intending to continue on your merry way.
There are footsteps hurrying after you. “Admit your love to Kaiser already.”
Love? A frightening laugh rattles you. Your body jerks upright and you feel like an evil spirit was just exorcised out of you with how unexpected your reaction was, even to you.
“I know you can’t resist his charms. No one can.”
Kaiser’s… charms? You knew it, he’s trying to kill you.
“And- and- and!!! You’re going to play on our side against Ubers, and you’re going to like it.”
You’re borderline in hysterics now, stomach hurting.
“Stop walking away from me! Are you even listening? You should really listen when people talk to you!”
Im still loopy so presented without comment. Feel free to tell me wat you thikn the worst line from this abomination is
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hunieday · 2 months
Chameleon Chill - Shuffle unit Event Story Translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Natsume Minami: Everyone watching the video, good evening.
Nikaido Yamato: Hello.
Osaka Sougo: Hello.
Yuki: Hello.
Natsume Minami: ...are you ready? One, two.
Nikaido Yamato: Cha...
Osaka Sougo: Chameleon...
Yuki: Fufu... Can we get the signal one more time?
Natsume Minami: Here I go. One, two...
Chameleon Chill: "Chameleon Chill"...
Natsume Minami: It's "Chameleon Chill."
Nikaido Yamato: Hello.
Osaka Sougo: Nice to meet you.
Yuki: Uhh... "8th Anniversary! 4 Four Thanks Project."
Nikaido Yamato: Celebrating the formation of our limited time unit! The "Ask this and that!?" edition!
Osaka Sougo: Let's get "Chameleon Chill"’s version started.
Chameleon Chill: ...
Osaka Sougo: Y...
Nikaido Yamato: Ya...?
Yuki: Huh?
Natsume Minami: Yay.
Chameleon Chill: Ya…
Osaka Sougo: ...The timing… is difficult to get… isn't it?
Yuki: Probably because of our dynamic.
Nikaido Yamato: We don’t really have hypemen who can cheer everyone up and lift the mood. The ones who shout and pull you along.
Yuki: Momo, or Mitsuki-kun are good at that.
Natsume Minami: I apologize. Maybe that should be a job for us juniors.
Nikaido Yamato: Natsume-chan, can you do it?
Natsume Minami: If you’ll allow me.
Yuki: That's right. ŹOOḼ goes all out in their lyrics, so there's no way you won’t go all out now.
Natsume Minami: You’re the last person I want to hear that from.
Yuki: ...
Yuki: ...Huh? Are you picking a fight?
Nikaido Yamato: Oh god, that’s terrifying. I’m scared.
Osaka Sougo: Maybe I should do it too. I always leave it up to Mitsuki-san and Tamaki-kun...
Natsume Minami: An MC with Osaka-san's voice would sound like a wedding ceremony.
Osaka Sougo: Without further ado, here comes the bride and groom.
Nikaido Yamato: Nice one, Sou. You caught on well. Perfect timing.
Osaka Sougo: You think so?
Nikaido Yamato: Yup, good job. It’s hard to believe that you, who’s usually so serious, was able to do that… 
Osaka Sougo: Ehehe... I'm glad to be praised by you, Yamato-san.
Yuki: Yamato-kun, you're spoiling him so much. Praise my jokes too.
Natsume Minami: Nikaido-san. If you're giving words of praise, I'd like as many as I could get.
Nikaido Yamato: You guys are so greedy.
Yuki: Can I eat these snacks here?
Natsume Minami: It’s fine, what’s stopping you?
Yuki: Okay then, I'm taking some. I'm hungry.
Natsume Minami: Me too. These look delicious.
Nikaido Yamato: Sou, wanna eat some?
Osaka Sougo: Th... Thank you very much.
Yuki: This atmosphere here is loose and relaxed.
Nikaido Yamato: I think I figured out why this unit's vibe is so relaxed. Wanna hear it?
Yuki: What?
Nikaido Yamato: Because TRIGGER is not here.
Osaka Sougo & Natsume Minami: Right...
Nikaido Yamato: This is the only unit that doesn't have them. Well Ichi noticed this, not me.
Nikaido Yamato: And so, he said that whether or not this unit becomes a complete mess depends on me.
Yuki: You're pumped up today.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, I thought I should do my best.
Osaka Sougo: Please wait a moment.
Natsume Minami: What's wrong, Osaka-san?
Osaka Sougo: Iori-kun told me the same thing.
Nikaido Yamato: Huh? That this unit depends on you as well?
Osaka Sougo: Yes.
Nikaido Yamato: Wow, what the hell is up with that guy.
Natsume Minami: Hang in there, Izumi-san
Yuki: Sounds like Iori-kun.
Osaka Sougo: I was happy to feel like Iori-kun was relying on me.
Nikaido Yamato: Alright then, a word to Ichi then.
Osaka Sougo: Iori-kun. Thank you for your encouragement.
Nikaido Yamato: Expressing gratitude, huh.
Natsume Minami: Well then, let's add some TRIGGER elements to this unit since they’re not here.
Nikaido Yamato: Whoa, he pulled something out of his bag.
Osaka Sougo: Ah... It's the TRIGGER table pop stand from TRIGGER's live DVD special bonus.
Yuki: Do you just carry that in your bag? Well then, guess I’ll put Momo’s uchiwa fan here as well.
Osaka Sougo: Then,  I'll leave King Pudding's...
Nikaido Yamato: I really don’t understand what’s happening here.
Osaka Sougo: Oh.
Nikaido Yamato: Hm?
Yuki: What's wrong?
Natsume Minami: Osaka-san?
Osaka Sougo: Without further ado, here are some questions we received from the staff!
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, okay.
Yuki: He started out of nowhere.
Osaka Sougo: Sorry. I remembered what I said earlier about doing my best to MC, so…
Natsume Minami: Your articulation was great. I can feel the enthusiasm in your voice.
Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much. Now, onto the staff's question...
Osaka Sougo: The question is, "are you getting along well?" what do you think?
Yuki: Yes, we get along.
Natsume Minami: That’s right, well...
Nikaido Yamato: Here, look. We even shot a movie together.
Osaka Sougo: That's right, it’s "MISSION."
Natsume Minami: Osaka-san, did you watch "MISSION"?
Osaka Sougo: Of course. It was very interesting.
Yuki: I’m glad.
Nikaido Yamato: Yes it was.
Osaka Sougo: But, the scene where Natsume-kun's character's fiancée is murdered was really scary...
Nikaido Yamato: Yeah, it’s quite shocking.
Natsume Minami: Nikaido-san you’re the one who killed her.
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun couldn't forget that scene and was freaked out for a long time, so I cheered him up by singing "PoiGang"
Natsume Minami: Huh...? Why did you sing a ŹOOḼ song...?
Osaka Sougo: I thought I could replace the memory of “shocking images of death” with an “impression of a strong life” by looping an aggressive and energetic song…
Natsume Minami: Doesn’t that sound like a light form of brainwashing.
Osaka Sougo: Does it... But since Tamaki-kun is straightforward, the more I kept repeating it, the more he started thinking that way.
Natsume Minami: You're so interesting, Osaka-san. I also had fun when we worked on the song together.
Osaka Sougo: I'm flattered.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, right. The three of you gathered in Yuki-san’s studio except for me to work on composing the song.
Yuki: Gaku-kun was there as well, though. Well, there are various connections.
Nikaido Yamato: How do you manage to compose together? Wouldn’t many cooks spoil the broth? 
Yuki: No, surprisingly, we're all the type to compromise.
Nikaido Yamato: Ah, is that so?
Yuki: That’s right, Gaku-kun prioritized our opinions as well.
Natsume Minami: Normally I wouldn't yield when it comes to composing my own songs for ŹOOḼ. But for collaborative projects, I got to enjoy it…
Osaka Sougo: It was a learning experience for me.
Yuki: If we start asserting ourselves, we'll definitely clash.
Natsume Minami: But well, you two did have some moments where you clashed.
Yuki: Well look, Sougo-kun doesn't yield much.
Osaka Sougo: Natsume-kun never yielded once, right?
Nikaido Yamato: You guys didn't compromise at all. That scene sounds scary. Did you not drive Yaotome away?
Yuki: That’s not true. Next time, come and hang out with us, Yamato-kun.
Osaka Sougo: Ah... I'd love to have you visit.
Natsume Minami: You're welcome to join. Please come and judge.
Nikaido Yamato: Absolutely not... It’s like being a middleman to the poetry match between controversial poets. (1)
Natsume Minami: Oh, you know about the poetry match controversy.
Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san, you’re very educated.
Yuki: Shizuo-san trained you properly.
Nikaido Yamato: Wai...!
Yuki: Ah, oops.
Nikaido Yamato: Damn you… we can’t use that anymore, even though I was being praised.
Yuki: My bad.
Osaka Sougo: How about adding a beep sound?
Natsume Minami: It might make one’s imagination go wild.
Yuki: Sorry, sorry. Let's naturally bring up Yamato-kun's intellectual side.
Nikaido Yamato: No, it's fine. It'll definitely seem staged...
Yuki: It's okay. You're genius young actors after all.
Osaka Sougo: Wow... I'm looking forward to seeing your performance live and up close.
Nikaido Yamato: Seriously!?
Natsume Minami: I'll follow up. Let's do our best.
Nikaido Yamato: Huh? Hell no... It’s like being a middleman to the poetry match between controversial poets.
Natsume Minami: Oh, you know about the poetry match controversy.
Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san, you're very educated.
Nikaido Yamato: Naaaah, it ain’t like that...
Yuki: Why are you being so casual out of nowhere?
Natsume Minami: Just like that, we get along very well!
Nikaido Yamato & Osaka Sougo & Yuki: Yaay.
Natsume Minami: Now that we've answered the staff's question. Let’s start asking each other questions.
Natsume Minami: Who would like to start?
Nikaido Yamato: So, we can ask whatever we want to get to know each other better, right?
Natsume Minami: Yes, that's correct.
Nikaido Yamato: Hmm, what should I ask… Sou, do you have anything?
Osaka Sougo: Well...
Osaka Sougo: When you fight within the group, how do you all resolve it?
Natsume Minami: A fight within the group...
Yuki: Oh, nice. That’s an interesting question.
Nikaido Yamato: What about me? Can I talk about IDOLiSH7? Sou would know about it.
Osaka Sougo: Of course. As long as Yamato-san answers from his perspective, it's fine.
Nikaido Yamato: Got it. Ah... but to be honest I'm curious about other groups.
Nikaido Yamato: You see, we have seven members, so we are an odd number. We resolve disputes by taking a majority vote.
Yuki: Would that really resolve things?
Natsume Minami: IDOLiSH7-san, you’re not that democratic.
Nikaido Yamato: Don't diss other groups. But you know, Re:vale and ŹOOĻ both have an even number of members, right?
Nikaido Yamato: Since a majority vote won't settle things, I wonder how you deal with disputes like that.
Natsume Minami: Just for reference, how about MEZZO"?
Osaka Sougo: What about MEZZO"?
Osaka Sougo: Well let’s see... I face Tamaki-kun with a genuine, peaceful and attentive attitude, but...
Nikaido Yamato: MEZZO" always seems chaotic despite your attentive attitude.
Osaka Sougo: Yeah... Maybe because we're a duo... What about Re:vale-san?
Yuki: Momo usually lets me have my way.
Nikaido Yamato: I’m sure he does.
Yuki: But when I really want him to yield, he aaaaaaaabsolutely refuses to let go.
Natsume Minami: Ahh...
Yuki: When that happens, well... Since we're not animals nor delinquents, we end up getting in a verbal argument, right?
Osaka Sougo: That's true.
Yuki: How many people in the entertainment industry do you think can win in a verbal argument against Momo?
Nikaido Yamato: Ahaha! Now that you say it!
Natsume Minami: Because Momo-san is quick-witted, right?
Yuki: That's why you have to express your opinion firmly at first so as not to be swayed by Momo.
Yuki: I have to really steel myself so I won’t let him win over me.
Yuki: Then I gradually start losing my composure in my tone...
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, you lose your composure...
Yuki: Before I know it, I end up going too far, and when Momo looks sad I end up feeling really sad too.
Natsume Minami: I’m sorry to hear that... How do you resolve it at the end of the day?
Yuki: ...
Yuki: I wonder how we resolve it?
Osaka Sougo: I don't know...
Nikaido Yamato: But being close with each other means that you compromise after you say what’s on your mind, right?
Yuki: Yeah, I guess so.
Natsume Minami: I think it’s a good thing to convey your true feelings even if you fight.
Yuki: Thank you. But we rarely fight to that degree. Momo is always kind to me.
Yuki: What about ŹOOḼ? I mean we don’t really know much about you.
Natsume Minami: Yeah, I don't really understand us either.
Nikaido Yamato: Don't say that yourself.
Yuki: Although you seem very assertive, you’re always concerned with the reactions of people around you, aren’t you?
Natsume Minami: Oh wow... This guy probably never cared about other people’s reactions...
Nikaido Yamato: It can't be helped. He has good qualities in his own way...
Yuki: What are you mumbling about over there. You're talking about something normal, right?
Natsume Minami: Please continue.
Yuki: Do you end up fighting? Or does it end up with a gloomy atmosphere?
Natsume Minami: ...
Natsume Minami: A gloomy atmosphere, I guess. That’s why it doesn't flare up easily. It simmers with dissatisfaction.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, that's not good.
Natsume Minami: When everyone's dissatisfaction gauge fills to the brim, it feels like a "fight!!" moment.
Osaka Sougo: Like a battle royale?
Natsume Minami: Well, not exactly… Everyone has become more considerate of each other lately.
Natsume Minami: Inumaru-san is a straightforward person, but the other members are rather complex, and they tend to demand a lot from each other, you know...
Osaka Sougo: What do you mean by “having a lot of demands”?
Natsume Minami: It's like they expect others to understand without saying anything, or assuming that others know what you want...
Yuki: You mean like Yamato-kun?
Nikaido Yamato: Hey, don't point fingers.
Osaka Sougo: That’s troublesome... I'm not very perceptive, so I’d probably end up offending everyone.
Natsume Minami: Is that so?
Osaka Sougo: Yes... I don't want to cause trouble, so I'd like everyone to write down what they want on paper and tell me to do it.
Natsume Minami: No, that’s no good. I want them to be troubled.
Osaka Sougo: Is that so !?
Natsume Minami: Yes.
Natsume Minami: I want them to be troubled, or rather, I want them to do some internal thinking. And then, I want them to understand.
Yuki: Wouldn’t it be faster if you wrote it down on paper...
Natsume Minami: I'm not ordering dinner at a restaurant.
Osaka Sougo: No matter how much I think about things, there is still stuff I don’t understand, so I hope they can be lenient in their scoring...
Nikaido Yamato: I understand both sides. The feeling of wanting to demand something and the feeling of thinking it's too much of a hassle.
Osaka Sougo: I don't think it's bothersome.
Yuki: Neither do I.
Nikaido Yamato: You people with partners should stop correcting others while having a specific audience in mind… 
Natsume Minami: Inumaru-san is that type, right? He doesn't think it's troublesome, but he doesn’t live up to your expectations.
Natsume Minami: And yet, he really, earnestly tries to face us. Mm, how do I explain it…
Natsume Minami: It's like playing "bird-in-the-cage”...
Yuki: ŹOOḼ’s conflicts are too scary...
Nikaido Yamato: So Inumaru ends up in the middle of that "bird-in-the-cage” circle, right...?
Osaka Sougo: Please go easy on him…
Natsume Minami: How about IDOLiSH7’s conflicts? Nikaido-san.
Nikaido Yamato: We had a lot of trouble at the dorm... 
Nikaido Yamato: But being together for this long, we've learned that even if we fight for a bit, we can understand each other by talking it out.
Osaka Sougo: Ahh... That’s true, isn’t it?
Nikaido Yamato: So, first of all, we talk about it. We know we're not enemies.
Yuki: Huh. How ideal.
Natsume Minami: Does such a peaceful world truly exist?
Nikaido Yamato: I know what you mean. I wouldn't have believed that things could be resolved through discussion a long time ago, either. 
Nikaido Yamato: Someone must put up with it, while the other does what they want.
Nikaido Yamato: But after spending so much time together, you start to understand each other gradually.
Nikaido Yamato: I don't want to hurt them. I want to make things work in this group. They’re all such important friends…
Nikaido Yamato: When you think about it that way, you’ll find that the root of the problem lies elsewhere, or that there are misunderstandings happening between you.
Nikaido Yamato: So you unravel them carefully. That’s all there is to it. 
Nikaido Yamato: In other words, even if we become something similar to a family, it’s still necessary to do that.
Nikaido Yamato: It's impossible to get along with someone you barely know without being careless in some way.
Natsume Minami: That's true...
Nikaido Yamato: But you still seek them out, right? Especially when I was a child, I felt loved as if I were the center of the world.
Nikaido Yamato: People around me naturally took care of me. When you live and get used to that comfort, the gap between that and reality can be tough.
Yuki: That's deep.
Nikaido Yamato: What were we talking about again? Oh right, resolving conflicts. Anyways, in our case it's through discussion.
Osaka Sougo: I would have liked to hear about TRIGGER's experiences too.
Yuki: TRIGGER are very blunt, so I might end up crying.
Nikaido Yamato: I might cry too.
Osaka Sougo: It's because they trust each other that they can start boxing with each other, right?
Natsume Minami: Who said anything about boxing...?
Nikaido Yamato: Alright, next. Who wants to go for it?
Yuki: Can I go?
Nikaido Yamato: Go ahead.
Natsume Minami: No problem.
Yuki: What kind of asparagus dishes do you like?
Nikaido Yamato: ...Huh...?
Osaka Sougo: ...Asparagus...?
Natsume Minami: ...Like the vegetables...?
Yuki: Yes.
Nikaido Yamato: Hey you, do you even wanna do this?
Yuki: I do, I do. Complaint letters will roll your way again if you keep talking to me in that tone.
Natsume Minami: What are you talking about?
Nikaido Yamato: I received complaint letters from Yuki-san's fans...
Yuki: Since we’re here anyways, I’d like to take this opportunity to explain the situation properly.
Nikaido Yamato: What do you mean by opportunity? Are you stupid? You’re gonna cause trouble for the innocent Jyuurokugumi, you know?
Natsume Minami: Wahh... the way Nikaido-san is talking to his senpai from Re:vale is a bit scary…
Nikaido Yamato: Wow. Natsume-chan, you're a good actor.
Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san is a serious person when he needs to be.
Nikaido Yamato: Sou, thanks for the sharp comment.
Yuki: Let me explain why Yamato-kun is so rude to me in very brief words.
Nikaido Yamato: There’s no way you can explain it briefly.
Yuki: Yes I can.
Yuki: Yamato-kun was the son of the manager at my part-time job.
Natsume Minami: Is asparagus a vegetable?
Yuki: Yup. I received a whole box of them.
Yuki: Momo likes meat, so I'm eating them pretty much by myself.
Yuki: I was wondering if you had any recipes you could recommend.
Osaka Sougo: That must be quite difficult. If it's okay with us, we'd like to help.
Yuki: Thank you. You're kind juniors.
Yuki: May I ask Yamato-kun as well?
Nikaido Yamato: Oh... no problem. I just received a rabbichat from Mitsu.
Yuki: What kind of rabbichat?
Nikaido Yamato: An asparagus recipe. It's a coincidence. Just happened.
Osaka Sougo: Maybe his sixth sense kicked in.
Natsume Minami: Please tell us about Izumi Mitsuki-san's asparagus recipe.
Nikaido Yamato: Asparagus rice. Cook rice with asparagus and salt. You can also add sesame seeds or corn.
Yuki: Oh... Rice, huh. Sounds good. Momo might eat it too.
Nikaido Yamato: I've had it before and it's seriously delicious. Right, Sou?
Osaka Sougo: It's delicious. It's like bean rice.
Yuki: Huh... Then I’ll try making it. Thank you, Mitsuki-kun.
Osaka Sougo: Next is my turn... I recommend asparagus kimchi.
Yuki: Kimchi? Did you make it yourself?
Osaka Sougo: No, I got it as a gift.
Natsume Minami: Surprisingly you really like spicy food, right Osaka-san?
Osaka Sougo: I like it. I like it right up to the limit.
Natsume Minami: What do you mean by the limit...?
Osaka Sougo: Asparagus kimchi is mild, not quite at the limit, but I recommend it as a side dish.
Yuki: Alright, I'll buy some kimchi stock and try making asparagus kimchi. If it turns out well, I'll share it with you.
Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much.
Yuki: How about you, Minami-kun?
Natsume Minami: Grill it in charcoal and sprinkle it with salt. That's it.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, what do you know, that tastes like the most delicious thing ever.
Natsume Minami: That's right.
Yuki: I understand. Topped with mayo would be good too.
Natsume Minami: Momo-san grills the meat, and Yuki-san grills the asparagus. Why not just turn it into yakiniku?
Yuki: That's a good idea.
Yuki: Thank you, it was helpful.
Nikaido Yamato: I can't believe you really went with this question...
Osaka Sougo: Who goes next? Natsume-kun or Yamato-san...
Nikaido Yamato: Alright, I’ll go.
Nikaido Yamato: When it comes to chameleons, they’re all about mimicry, right? So, among the 16 idols in this project...
Nikaido Yamato: If you could impersonate any of them for a day, who would you want to be?
Yuki: MEZZO".
Nikaido Yamato: I said one person.
Yuki: Then, I'd like to be Sougo-kun. Please let me try.
Osaka Sougo: If you’re okay with me…
Yuki: I want to be Osaka Sougo of MEZZO" and do whatever I want.
Natsume Minami: Oh wow…as if Re:vale’s Yuki doesn’t already do that…
Nikaido Yamato: Natsume-chan, shut up…
Yuki: What about the other two? Who would you like to be?
Natsume Minami: ...
Natsume Minami: Not much these days... I know it doesn't make much sense...
Nikaido Yamato: Mhm.
Osaka Sougo: So who do you want to be?
Natsume Minami: ...
Natsume Minami: ...It's fine. It’s nothing.
Nikaido Yamato: No, just say it. Feel free to answer casually.
Natsume Minami: Casually...
Natsume Minami: The answer might be a bit extreme and difficult to answer, is that okay?
Nikaido Yamato: Huh...?
Yuki: Is it that serious?
Osaka Sougo: But since we're here, it might be better to reveal it and leave it behind...
Natsume Minami: ...
Natsume Minami: Rokuya Nagi-san...
Nikaido Yamato & Osaka Sougo: Ah...
Yuki: Huh. Why? What's the reason?
Nikaido Yamato: You’re the only one here who’s never been to Northmeir, so you don’t get how cold the temperature is there… 
Yuki: What do you mean by temperature? You mean because he's a prince from a cold country?
Yuki: Minami-kun, do you like the cold?
Natsume Minami: ...
Yuki: Y-You dislike it?
Natsume Minami: ...Like or dislike... If I had to say I dislike something, then I hate Rokuya-san.
Yuki: What. Nagi-kun?
Natsume Minami: Fufu... Even though we hadn't met back then, it's strange.
Natsume Minami: ...
Natsume Minami: I'm sorry. Forget it.
Nikaido Yamato: Uhhh…
Nikaido Yamato: Well then, how about you, Sou? If you could mimic any of us 16 for a day, who would it be?
Osaka Sougo: You mean I would impersonate them right?
Nikaido Yamato: That’s right.
Osaka Sougo: ...I’m not too keen on the idea. Because no matter whose appearance I take, it’s gonna be a serious responsibility… 
Nikaido Yamato: Just relax and have fun. Think of it as a one-day experience.
Osaka Sougo: That’s right…
Osaka Sougo: Well, in that case... maybe Tamaki-kun. I'd like to experience the world through Tamaki-kun's eyes and see what it's like.
Osaka Sougo: What looks wonderful and what feels painful... I want to know and use it in the future.
Nikaido Yamato: That's more of a study for yourself rather than for your own enjoyment.
Yuki: Even though I said I wanted to become Sougo-kun and do whatever I want...
Osaka Sougo: Oh... If that's the case, I'd like to become Yuki-san for a day and play the guitar well.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, exchanging experiences isn't a bad idea. What about you, Natsume-chan? Who would you like to imitate?
Natsume Minami: Well, let me think. Maybe Isumi-san?
Natsume Minami: I don't have any regrets, but if I had a chance, I'd like to go back to my high school days and start over.
Natsume Minami: Just for one day.
Nikaido Yamato: I see. Thank you.
Natsume Minami: You're welcome.
Yuki: Alright, last question. Minami-kun, do you have a question for us?
Natsume Minami: As you can see in the lyrics… talking about one’s true self.
Natsume Minami: When did you all start to realize your true selves?
Natsume Minami: When you’re a child you still have a vague sense of self, right?
Natsume Minami: So in relation to your true self... When did you all start sensing your individuality?
Natsume Minami: Was there any specific trigger?
Osaka Sougo: My individuality, huh..
Nikaido Yamato: The true self, huh?
Yuki: May I go first?
Natsume Minami: Go ahead.
Yuki: I've always only understood myself.
Yuki: In a way, I've always been my true self.
Natsume Minami: That's quite amazing...
Yuki: Well, I'm just a regular bastard. Being my true self is truly nothing special.
Nikaido Yamato: Don’t say that... You're rather kind, honestly. You've been really kind to me.
Yuki: Haha, thanks.
Yuki: But I met a really good person, and a really good man, so I wanted to be good too. (2)
Yuki: And that's who I am now.
Yuki: It might not be my true self, but it's not a lie or pretense. I consider it growth.
Yuki: In that sense, I've always been nothing but my true self since I can remember.
Natsume Minami: I see...
Natsume Minami: What about you, Osaka-san?
Osaka Sougo: The true self... that's a difficult question.
Osaka Sougo: Looking back now, I think it was back when I deepened my bond with my uncle that I started to understand my true self.
Natsume Minami: Your uncle... I think I've heard about him somewhere.
Osaka Sougo: He passed away already, but I had an uncle who loved music, and he influenced me in a lot of ways.
Osaka Sougo: It was through him that my interest in music blossomed.
Osaka Sougo: However, if someone were to ask if I was my true self there, I’d still think I couldn't fully crystallize it...
Osaka Sougo: It was after joining IDOLiSH7 and spending time with my trusted friends that I gradually came to know my true self.
Osaka Sougo: At least, that's how I feel.
Yuki: I see. It seems quite late then.
Osaka Sougo: Yes... When I was a child, I was the kind of person who followed what adults around me said as best as I could.
Osaka Sougo: I was a version of myself who tried their hardest not to be disliked by others rather than my true authentic self.
Natsume Minami: I understand... It’s easier that way at first, isn’t it?
Natsume Minami: Follow someone's orders, get praised for doing well on your task, and feel a sense of relief.
Natsume Minami: But as you continue to listen to others' orders, you forget what you wanted for yourself.
Osaka Sougo: That's right... Maybe I was like that too.
Osaka Sougo: Since joining IDOLiSH7, even now at this moment, I feel like I'm walking the path I chose, making decisions I chose for myself.
Osaka Sougo: Being true to myself. That's how I feel.
Yuki: What a good story. What about you, Yamato-kun?
Nikaido Yamato: I guess I feel somewhat the same as Sou...
Natsume Minami: Did you get to meet your true self late down the line?
Nikaido Yamato: Hmm... No, I don't know. I feel like my true self has always been there since the beginning.
Nikaido Yamato: Not like you, Yuki-san, but in my case, I was a little shit… A spoiled brat who doesn’t know anything.
Nikaido Yamato: But well, a lot of things happened to me... I realized that the self who thought, "Whatever, it's fine, isn't it?" was an idiot.
Nikaido Yamato: I pretended to be someone who had no desires, someone who was easy to live with, someone who was hard to hurt.
Nikaido Yamato: Being indifferent is easy, right? It’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t care. That it's not painful, not sad…
Nikaido Yamato: If you think something doesn’t matter, you don’t get attached to it and let go comfortably.
Nikaido Yamato:...But after joining IDOLiSH7, the things I couldn’t let go of increased unexpectedly…
Nikaido Yamato: When I couldn’t pretend to not care anymore, the little shit of a kid in me manifested himself again…
Nikaido Yamato: Ugh! Embarrassing! Stay inside, don't come out! Or so I thought.
Nikaido Yamato: But everyone was so kind to that bratty child in me.
Nikaido Yamato: So, I kinda thought... Ah, this is fine. Maybe I can be my true self now.
Yuki: What a heartwarming story.
Nikaido Yamato: No…Well, thank you for taking care of me.
Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san, that’s the thing about you... Somehow, I might have felt a similar part within myself.
Osaka Sougo: At that time, Yamato-san understanding my feelings was a tremendous emotional support for me.
Nikaido Yamato: I'm glad to hear you say that...It feels like the atmosphere has become quite serious.
Yuki: No, I’m glad. I want to hear Minami-kun's story about his true self as well.
Natsume Minami: Okay, then during the after-party.
Yuki: Sounds good.
Nikaido Yamato: Oops. Now that the questions have gone full circle, Sou, go ahead.
Osaka Sougo: Alright. The “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project”!
Osaka Sougo: Celebrating the formation of the temporary unit! This was “Ask this and that!?”, “Chameleon Chill” edition!
Chameleon Chill: Please drink! 'Chameleon Chill'!
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Osaka Sougo: Hello, everyone!
Osaka Sougo: I'm Osaka Sougo from “Chameleon Chill”!
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Nikaido Yamato: Hello! I'm the big brother of ‘Chameleon Chill”. Nikaido Yamato!
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Yuki: But I’m the big brother in this unit, aren’t I?
Nikaido Yamato: I'm sorry. Force of habit, so if I don't say it I’ll feel weird...
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Natsume Minami: I'm Natsume Minami from “Chameleon Chill.”
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Natsume Minami: Louder!
Audience: Kyaaaaa!!
Natsume Minami: That's good. Tonight we’re gonna show you all your true selves.
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Yuki: Good evening. I'm... Yuki from Re-
Yuki: Yuki from “Chameleon Chill.”
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Nikaido Yamato: What did you just say? You were going to say Re:vale, right?
Yuki: Sorry, sorry.
Osaka Sougo: Thank you for participating in the “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project” campaign.
Nikaido Yamato: To the 1000 winners selected by lottery!
Natsume Minami: And to the special ones here with us!
Yuki: Let’s start the “Miracle Limited-Time 4 Unit Thanks Live”.
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Osaka Sougo: Now, please listen to our unit song, which is also the CM song for 'Chameleon Chill'!
Osaka Sougo: Here we go. One, two..
Chameleon Chill: 'Chameleon'!
The end.
They make a reference to “独鈷鎌首” in the original text, which apparently is a story about a poet known for his love for debate in “the poetry match in 600 rounds”, the women of the household nicknamed it the controversy between “Tokke (an implement pointed at both ends) and Kamakubi (gooseneck)”, this is used to describe a poet with a penchant to engage in debates. I couldn’t find much info about this, and I’ve never heard about this before, so any correction if I’m wrong would be greatly appreciated ;_;
In the OG text, Yuki says a good “man” (in reference to Banri, since he’s older than Yuki) and a good “kid” (in reference to Momo, since he’s younger than Yuki). Since the public doesn’t know about Banri, I chose to keep the gender vague for him and use “man” on Momo.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
I love your writing could i request a Sebastian x fem reader where the reader and Sebastian go to a Slytherin party together and the reader gets a little to drunk and Sebastian takes the reader to his room or the undercroft and takes care of her.
oh my god this is such a cute ideaaa. i love free labor. thanks for the inspo, pookie.
you fill up my cup
s. sallow x f!slytherin!reader
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what a cute gif btw. i imagine they would hand out cocktails like this. also side note please look up what mens underwear looked like in the 1890's. i took one look at it and i was like hell no lmao. so he's wearing longer boxers in this.
summary: you accidentally have a bit too much to drink at a slytherin party. even while practically incoherent, you are all over sebastian, and he thinks it's so fucking adorable.
words: 0.7k
warnings: fluff, drinking, swearing, not edited!
one thing you could do while drunk is talk. merlin, you could go on for hours if everyone let you. it wasn't the annoying kind of excessive talking, but it was a drastic difference to what you were normally like. you weren't shy, but it was hard to be yourself around people. being intoxicated helped tremendously with that, completely ridding your mind of that precautionary filter. but there would come a point where the liquor got the best of you, and you would suddenly become this sickeningly sweet love bug that clinged to sebastian's side and would stare at him adoringly when you weren't talking his ear off.
he did anything but mind, though. in fact, he did the opposite. although he wasn't fond of getting more than tipsy, he agreed to go to every party, mostly because you wanted him to and he lived to make you happy, but partly because he eventually got to see this side of you.
"sebastiaaaaan," you drawled lovingly at him. he chuckled, looking down you meet your heavily lidded eyes peering up at him. you had an undeniably goofy smile on your face.
"yes, love?" he fixed your slightly frayed hair with the soft palm of his hand, kissing the top of your head after. you blushed, but tried really hard to focus on what you were saying.
"am i your pretty girl?" he was glad no one was in earshot of the two of you sat on the plush velvet couch, but his cheeks still flushed a bright red.
"of course you're my pretty girl. you're my beautiful girl." his heart could've burst as you perked up at his words. you gasped, smiling lazily at him.
"i am? aw, yay." your head fell to rest on his chest and he tried not to disturb you with his laughter as his arm draped around your back to pull you into him. he started rubbing your back, and he could sense it as your breathing slowed when you slowly started to drift to sleep.
"are you sleepy, baby? we can go to bed if you want." you didn't respond, you only nodded your head as it still lay on him.
"okay, i'll help you to bed, love." he supported your frame as he slipped out from underneath you to stand. he pulled you to you feet and you instantly wrapped your soft arms around him. he kissed your head once more before beginning to lead you to the dorms, weaving through the crowd as he held you up when you stumbled. you nearly fell just outside of your room, sending you into a cackling, drunk mess. he shook his head, trying not to laugh at you.
"what am i gonna do with you, hm?" you couldn't bother defending yourself, still giggling as you starting sloppily removing your robes. he helped you with the buttons once he got tired of watching you struggle. once you were just in your slip dress, you flopped onto your bed and crawled under the thick duvet, relishing in the warmth you missed from your robes. sebastian leaned in to peck your lips and withdrew himself back to the side of your bed.
"you aren't leaving, are you? no, no, stay with me, pleeeeaaase?" you outstretched your arms to him, flexing your hands as they longed for his.
"what about imelda? the whole school will know she saw us in bed together by tomorrow morning." you looked at him with a blank, confused expression for a moment, silent. he quirked his head at you, curious.
"okay? and i care...why?" you teased. he rolled his eyes and scoffed lightheartedly.
"fine." his innocent lips curled into a smirk as he started on his own robes. once he was down to his shorts, he slipped under the blanket with you. you were instantly much more comfortable as he settled in behind you and wrapped his arms around you. he felt so lovely and warm holding you. it was dreamy, truly.
"i love you." you sighed with satisfaction. he kisssed your bare shoulder and nuzzled into your back.
"i love you, darling. sweet dreams."
reblog if you made it to the end!
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eternalfics · 6 months
hi, this is the anon who sent regarding the elysia!reader x saiki ask!!
elysia!reader is an elegant, sweet, calm and cheerful person who is always positive, they're described as someone who "enjoys everything", they often flirt and tease their peers here and there + they're a little egoistic (knows that they're pretty, cute n shit like teruhashi for example)
when they don't like someone she passive aggressively and lightheartedly insult them in a way
so they're basically like teruhashi except that they're a really selfless person + is aggressively kind to everyone!! it's only a summary of elysias character but i hope this cleared it up to you!!
saiki with a sweet! reader
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summary: saiki with his annoying true love 😘
a/n: okay, anon. I know I’ve been lazy lately but yk ur girl she just had to snooze for a bit 😴 BUT IM BACK AND READY TO FEED UR SAIKI BRAINROTS 😜 (a bit hyper too)
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okay like the angel you are, your very nice to saiki (why wouldn’t you be? 🤨). as saiki’s s/o, it’s your job to- AHEM
compliment him every second of his life
be the extroverted partner in this relationship 😊
be the definition of an angel
bond with his parents 😉 (might aswell leave you if you don’t)
and many more! so let’s make headcanons for those erm- ✨rules✨ that I made perfectly for you.
COMPLIMENTS: who likes compliments? I do! anyway, compliments are a sort of good and bad thing for your relationship. there’s times where saiki feels down and his insecurities take over which is where you come in! instantly hyping him up. (ur amazing) and there is also times where saiki’s in his ✨confident era✨ (that’s what you call it, I think he’s getting tired of it 😭) and maybe he just wants a little bit of getting spoiled (rarely). but!! there’s also times when you are down and kinda upset. he’s used to your cheerful and happy personality! and he’d rather keep it that way too. so sometimes he just does a little bit of ✨speaking into ur mind✨ (ik I added too many sparkles, stop)
“Did you do something with your hair?” the voice randomly ringed in your head. You jumped, and looked around only to see Saiki putting his elbow on the table while he rested his head on his hand. You instantly move your hand up to wave at him cheerfully. “You noticed! You aren’t looking so bad either,” you thought back at him. You swear you saw the side of his mouth turn up..
MBTI: yay, we’re on personality! fun fact: saiki is an INTP I am too, this is a sign we’re supposed to be together 🤫 . it’s expected to you to be the extrovert of the relationship right? well it’s right! 🤪 but sometimes it’s a struggle-
saiki often panics (mentally) in public if he loses you. you’re like the fan in a hot place, the light in the dark to him, so you can’t just leave him!
sometimes, you encourage him to try something new! e.g: maybe a new outfit when you guys are going out/ going out with friends. he wonders how does he say yes every time 🤔
Note: Ik this isn’t enough soo I’ve decided prob tomorrow or something that I’ll edit my post and you guys get more! Deal? 🤓
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nimmie-nugget · 6 months
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~Reincarnated as a Knolastname~
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Note: HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!! 🎃👻 gonna be honest- I actually think Crimson might have cared atleast a bit for Moxxie when he was a child 😭 Anyway~ take some reincarnated Moxxie’s Sister Reader Headcanons!! 🥳 Do keep in mind that characters may be ooooooooc, and when there’s 8 O’s you know it’s extreme 🤯. Also I haven’t been doing Tokito Twin’s content for a while so I just wanna reassure that I have some HCs coming up for them 😫!! Enjoy!
P.s in the back flashes of EXES AND OOHS I think Moxxie was 4? Yeah so that makes you 7, your 3 years older 😋👌 tho age is not mentioned at all- and I will make fics of this 😤
Warnings: a lot of slang(not rlly a warning, just thought I’d mention), ooc, may have punctuation, spelling grammer/etc errors,
Info: idk man just wanted to add this 😐
Edit#2: I recommend u don’t read 💀👍
Helluva Boss Masterlist
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~Reaction to being Reincarnated~
-long story short you don’t know how you ended up here but you found yourself being the daughter of some random old ass guy that’s gonna be the main reason for your character development arc.
-at least that mom with an unknown name will provide you sweets and shit-
-gonna put sum realz shizz on this family fr.
-isn’t this Tumblr? Yeah long story short this turned into a Wattpad story for a second and the famous Truck-kun killed you 🗿 but you forgive Truck-kun since Truck-kun’s just being Truck-kun 😌.
~Inside a Mansion~
Yup this “Mansion” is someone’s womb, zamn how da heck do you still have memories of your past life? Also why does your very tiny unformed body kinda look like an imp? Just like one from your favourite show Helluva Boss? How can you even see??? It’s pitch black bro- meh it’s whatever 🤷‍♀️ it’s fun kicking at least-
…I’m not even gonna explain this 🫡 but just so you know Crimson was not there for your birth 😶
-at least you still have the same Borthdah as you did before you were reincarnated???
-Girly just 🖕 this bullshit why’d you have to be re-born in this family out of all the ones in Helluva Boss? I mean- you don’t mind being Moxxie’s gay emo sister but like- Crimson…CRIMSON. Tho make sure to start those teenager phases early so no one becomes suspicious of you when your going through the teenage thinga ma jig 😔
-but yay! You bet that Moxxie’s mom- well basically your mom now, WILL BE THE BEST 😩
-but girly you weren’t even fazed when reincarnated- just accepted it like a champ 😎
~Crimson’s First Thoughts On You~
-Absolutely nothing- 😃
-only thought of you as his heiress and DEFINITELY to lead his Mob in the future 😔
~[Unknown]’s First Thoughts On You~
-this is the Mom btw 😃
-gonna be honest I don’t know much since we’ve never really gotten a FULL view of her personality- all that I know is that she’s kind? 🤷‍♀️ Yuh so I won’t really directly say what she thought but I guess I can just- I don’t know man just read I guess 😃👌
-101% THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE AF!! what happened to infinite%? 😢
-she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, something she never felt ever since she married Crimson 😔.
~Moxxie’s First Thoughts On You~
-‘Guppa duppa poo daaah dooo’
-don’t tell me you actually expected a real thought from him- Broski was just born 😔
~Your First Thoughts On Moxxie~
-‘zamn bro’s crying on his borthduh I could never 🙄💅’
-girly he’s like a few minutes old what on Satan’s ass are you talkin ‘bout? 😀
~What Crimson Thinks Of You~
-your a nuisance, like- what do you mean when you say “put those dawgs away💀”
-yeah you definitely got in trouble so many times- this stupid MF can’t understand slang and just thinks your insulting everyone around you 😶
-forget about you being his heiress, might as well make Moxxie his heir instead 😠
-Now take a very ooc dialogue 😋 btw this is after the Mom’s death 😃
-“[Name], cut it out. That will happen if you don’t stop.” He says calmly, too calm for you to know he’s pissed. (he was implying that he will drown you just like he did to the Mom btw-)
~What [Unkown] Thinks Of You~
-Loved you from the moment she layed her eyes on you 😩 (cheesy much 😶)
-wrote more then a dictionary just to prove how much she loves you 😔
-yuh that’s all I got 😐
~What Moxxie Thinks Of You~
He’s 4 rn-
-your his sister why wouldn’t he- ?
-your basically his partner in crime 😈 both of you steal treats from the kitchen when your not supposed to 😤👍
-if the Mom found you 2 being naughty then sorry to tell you but yer’ both getting a time out 😔
-…BUT IF CRIMSON FOUND YOU- yuh that’s somehow gonna become a family issue problemo 😶💦______________________________________________________________________
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I sometimes forget writing is for fun- but I certainly had fun writing this 😎 now I’m gonna tag this in some tags that this doesn’t even relate to which will make everyone hate me but they will soon worship me after reading this masterpiece. Praise this shit rn *points gun at you*
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animatedjen · 5 months
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A few more portraits. Finally starting BD-1's story video (yay!) but the queue is pretty much empty so posts will slow down for a bit while I focus on editing. Also don't want to keep flooding the FO/Survivor tags and bury all the cool stuff y'all are sharing (my bad) but I'll still respond to tags/comments in the meantime
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ilovemychunkycat · 10 months
Just got another nasty idea in my head. Now picture this: AFAB Wanderer hanging out with his friends, but he has a vibrator in him 🥰 Bonus: You’re constantly denying his orgasm.. (Ahem- but later on gets overstimulated, you’re very well aware that he wants you to touch him, but you just won’t budge 🙁 I am embarrassed of my imaginations. I decided to be bold and not turn on “Ask anonymously” though.. and I may have regrets.)
Warnings: SMUT, overstim, toys, orgasm denial..ish
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This was TORTURE for Wanderer.
Walking with a plug in his pussy was no big deal, but a vibrator?
That's where it crosses the line.
He was walking with Signora and Childe, Signora already having an idea why Wanderer was so hot and bothered, I mean.. knowing the person she is? And for Childe? Completely oblivious.
Wanderer was about to burst. The vibrator was a dull buzz, but after having it in your cunt for hours it makes you want to smash it between your fist.
But of course, it was his fault for being a brat to you, It's what he deserves.
Signora kept teasing Wanderer about it, whispering in his ear "Hows that vibrator Scara? I think I can almost hear it buzzing.." Of course, Childe would notice and try to listen in, but Signora was nice enough to not tell him!
Then came the time he was invited to a picnic with Nahida.
Thoughts pooled into his head, "What would Nahida think if her nephew had a vibrator in his pussy?" Though he swatted them away, thinking that Nahida wouldn't bother to care.
That's when you turned up the vibrator to 10.
Wanderer almost screamed. It shocked him so bad, he was about to cum just from that really, but he couldn't.
Wanderer was trying his best to hold back moans, only letting out slight whimpers and gasps.
That attracted Nahida's attention.
"Wanderer? Are you okay?" She questioned him, putting her hand on his forehead.
"I'm mmgh- fine! Just a little tired." He tried making an excuse, but it sounded pretty bad.
"Maybe you should go home. Let [Name] take care of you."
He only nodded in agreement, he needed to make things right with you.
"[Name]! Pleaseee! You have been neglecting me this ngh- whole day! Please.." Wanderer begged you, whining pretty loud.
"Hm, should I..? I guess you've been good this day. I'll let you slide, only this once." You sighed mockingly, pulling his shorts down and sliding your fingers down his cunt.
"thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Wanderer yelled, moaning as you shoved your fingers in his slit.
"Good manners you have, why is it only when your below me you thank me?" You pinched his clit, erupting a small whine from him.
You kneeled down and licked his clit making him jolt in pleasure. "[N-Name!] 's t'much- please-"
"Cmon.. you can take it." You licked a long stripe down his cunt, while fingering him with no mercy.
"Wait- 'm gonna cum- please no more!" He whimpered, tugging on your hair.
Releasing his juices onto your mouth, you grinned and kept pumping your fingers into him.
"I just came! Mph! Stop-" He threw his head back, clawing at the sheets.
"You were just begging earlier for me to keep going? Now you want me to stop? How disappointing." You pumped your fingers slowly as to tease him.
"Wait no! Please mmh- please keep going! Wanna cum again please.." He sobbed.
"Alright, as you wish." You kissed him, drowning all his moans away as you fingered his cunt with no remorse, putting lots of pressure on his prostate. He felt the coil in his stomach snap once more, cumming all over your fingers.
You pulled away from him, taking your fingers out with a shlick sound.
"I'll go clean this up, then I'll get you a bath, k?"
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rollo-rolls · 5 months
How To Convert Eyelashes
I was asked to make a tutorial on converting eyelashes. Well, here it is. Dirty, badly explained tutorial by Rollo. I'm assuming you know how to work with required programs, it won't teach you the basics, just a process of converting eyelashes from ts4 to ts3.
TSR Workshop
Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter
These files (full credit goes to @gruesim)
Graphical program that works with .dds files
Let's go:
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Open the desired lashes in S4Studio. Export diffuse of the ones you want to convert (you only need the black ones). You can also export the thumbnail. Close the program.
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2. Unzip the folder that you downloaded from this tutorial. You will find a .dds files called "sclub eyelash". Open it up in the graphical program. Make a black layer above it and hide it for now.
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3. Now open up your ts4 eyelashes file. Start from the upper eyelash, crop it and go to the sclub eyelash.
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4. Paste it, click ctrl+i, it will make ts4 eyelash white.
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5. This is the worst part. You have to make the ts4 eyelash fit to the sclub one as close as possible. Use every method possible!
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6. Unhide the black layer and see if your eyelash look alright. It may need some sharpening.
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7. Now crop the bottom eyelash and follow the exact same steps as for the upper eyelash.
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8. It should look more or less like this. Bottom eyelashes are always harder to adjust and may need even more sharpening.
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9. Merge your upper and bottom eyelashes, duplicate the layer. Click ctrl+a, ctrl+t, then right mouse button and choose "Flip Horizontal".
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10. Voila. You should have a complete set of your new shiny eyelashes! Save them as .dds. You can close the program. We're moving to TSR Workshop.
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11. New Project -> New Import. Import Eyelashes AFBase from the downloaded folder.
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12. Name your project, name your file and click "Next".
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13. You should see this. Go to Texture tab and click "Edit" on the Transparency Map.
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14. Import your eyelashes and click "Yes" when asked.
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15. You should see your lashes, yay! But this is TSRW, they won't look exactly the same in game, as they look here. If you want a set of eyelashes, add more presets.
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16. Now this is important. If you want to see your eyelashes in Accessories, go to Project tab, Clothing Type and change it from eyeliner to glasses. You also have to do this if you have more than one preset in one file. They won't show up in Eyeliner section. If you want to have set of eyelashes in Eyeliner category, you have to make each preset into seperate file. Also, eyelashes are recolorable ONLY in Accessories section. Don't forget to check Categories section to see which outfit has the eyelashes available.
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17. Now you're ready to export your file! Export -> To Sims3Pack. Use the Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert your sims3pack to package file. We're moving to s3pe.
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18. THESE STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL! Open up your shiny new package in s3pe. Click on the GEOM with the right mouse button.
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19. Click Replace and choose AUID.simgeom from the downloaded folder. AUID is for adults, CUID for kids and PUID for toddlers. We have one more step to do.
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20. Now click on the CASP normally (left mouse button) and click Grid on the bottom of the program.
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21. A small pop up window appears. Scroll to the very bottom and find a line called OverlayPriority.
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22. Change the 8 to 2. This will make eyelashes not being visible through hair that's covering eyes.
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23. Save your package. You're ready to test your converted eyelashes in game!
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Here they are. Nothing fancy, it was a quick conversion :D They're also compatible with S-Club eyelash sliders ^^
Btw, you don't necessarily have to convert both upper and bottom eyelashes. You can have upper or bottom only. Play with the lenght, not all eyelashes have to be very long. Convert it for males, kids, toddlers. You just have to remember to change the options in TSRW and replace the correct .simgeom file in s3pe. There is a lot of possibilities and you'll probably get better in this than me :D
Good luck! ♥
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marcarella-pizza · 11 months
Buddy Daddies Vol 3
Alright! I’m wide awake and have Buddy Daddies vol 3~ forgive my blankets in my pictures… I am not bothered to get out of bed…
Let’s begin!
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The package arrived in shiny plastic - I noticed it was immediately lighter than the first two which had me worried lol. Nothing to worry — the bonuses this time were just very light/ small.
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The box cover~ as I predicted in my last post, this one features Rei and Miri together with Kazuki alone. I was also correct about it being blue. I wanted a rainbow but hey, sticking thematically to colours works too!
We’ve all already seen Vol 4’s colour scheme so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that maybe we’ll get variations of red/ pink and blue.
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Now inside! Disclaimer: this volume comes with a serial code for a digital copy of the entire series (Yay!) so for this reason, a couple of papers (with the serial code) are missing. Edit: Turns out I cannot read as well as I thought I could without glasses - the code is actually for an hour special with Rei and Kazuki's voice actors. I can't share recordings or anything, but they play mini games. (Who can thread a needle the fastest, quizzes on small details in the anime [they had to remember what pattern was on Kazuki's underwear lol], folding socks fastest, a cook off where they make french toast and more!)
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The DVD case! The only complaint I have about these cases is the fact that they don’t click shut — they’re cardboard, similar to the ED song album. My only fear is that stuff falls out as I put it away, but it’s a small fear and not really a big deal.
We have shopping with Kyu-Chan! And of course Rei and Miri on the DVD
Disc on the left is episodes 5 and 6…. And disc on the right is the Drama CD Vol 2!
(I’m not planning to immediately translate it as I’d like a break after I finish drama Vol 1, but if no one else does it, again, I’ll take a crack at it lol)
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The booklet! Same stuff as before is in it: image references of scenes in the episodes (the daycare especially). And a new art! You may have seen the left side all over Twitter — well, the right side is here too! Since it’s for the drama, and the drama preview is about Kyu-Chan’s stalker… I’m guessing that might be her?
The drawing image is of all the children’s parents — with of course oil baron Rei and comedian Kazuki.
The caption in the bottom says:
Enjitachi no e kaki
Kindergarten student’s drawings.
Aaannnddd that’s a wrap! I’ll see y’all next time for Vol 4… (but I suspect you’ll be seeing me much sooner for the Drama Vol 1 translation)
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
🧸CHAPTER ONE} I like you more than a roommate
Next chapter
Paring: roommate!Hyunjin X fem reader
Rating: mature (eventually explicit)
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, eventual smut
Chapter Warnings/things: storms
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Your roommate Hyunjin is slowly catching feelings for you. You get more clingy to him as he helps you through your needs and issues, he loves you but doesn’t know how to show it.
A/n: I’ve been working on this for a bit and I can’t be bothered finishing majority of this chapter since I wanna get it out.
P.s: I haven’t edited this chapter and probably won’t bc I can’t be bothered, also no TWS for this chapter.
I sit back, focusing on the sound of my paint brush sweeping across the canvas, creating a beautiful image of a mermaid in a lagoon. I haven’t slept all night due to working on this painting, though I did steal this plain canvas from my roommate, he probably wouldn’t mind.
“I’m back! Dance practice was really tiring.. my shoulder hurts..” And there he is. My roommate himself, Hyunjin. I laugh slightly, moving away from my art to greet him. “Couldn’t you just take a break from dancing? Have sometime to yourself maybe, you know.. I’m always here if you feel like hanging out. it’s break after all. “
He looks at me, tilting his head to the side and scratching his neck. “I’m down for hanging out. I’m pretty sure today was our last dance session anyways" i gasp in joy after hearing that he'll finally have time to rest. "Yay! I guess we can do some art stuff then, I’ll show you what I've been doing" a warm smile forms on my face as i take his hand in mine, leading him over to the painting I’m currently working on.
“Wow.. the background blends so nicely!” He gasps, rubbing my shoulder with pride.
I feel my cheeks flush slightly, but smile.
"It’s nothing much. Just my usual style, I’m not sure if I like how the water looks or not"
Hyunjin 's hand stays on my shoulder for a few seconds longer before he parts his lips to speak again. “The water looks incredible, i would say I could do better but i can’t.”
My face heats up once again after listening to his pitiful, yet comfortable comments being thrown at me.
I walk out of our art closet, (which is basically a small closet we made into a mini art studio) and gently place my painting on the windowsill. The breeze is slightly cold, i close the window to keep warm. Shivering, I grab one of Hyunjin’s hoodies and slide it over my shirt, it’s a bit baggy but whatever. “What are you drawing?” I ask as i sit beside him again, hugging my knees to my chest due to the sudden change of the weather.
“Just someone” he mumbles. My eyes can’t help but look at how pretty he is when concentrating; hair tied back, eyebrows slightly frowned. I notice his face looking pale, i shuffle closer, lightly touching his cheek with my knuckle. “Your cold.. give me a minute.” I stand up, making my way to the kitchen and turning the kettle on. I get out two mugs, pouring in warm milk, coco, sugar and adding some marshmallows for each one. Two hot chocolates coming up!u
I waddle back into the room slowly stumbling as I hold the drinks that are filled to the brim.
“Here you go!” I giggle, handing him one of the hot chocolates, receiving a hug in response.
“Ah thanks .. I’m gonna get into bed, it’s gonna storm later. You can join me if you’d like, I know you don’t like storms.” He groans, chucking his sketchbook on the ground and pulling the covers over him. My eyes watch his movements, he sips his drink and puts it on a small table next to his bed.
I get in my own bed, admiring his features from a far.
A few hours past, he’s asleep already. I sigh, staring at the ceiling. It’s already raining and the storm is gliding over to us, *buzz.. buzz* the light starts flickering as the power goes out.
“N-no..please don’t do this to me tonight.. n-no.. no..” i clench my sheets and cry softly.
“J-Jinnieee.. w-wake up, it’s scary..”
I sob louder, shaking from the cold and my fears.
“Jinnie…” I lay down under the sheets with him
“Hm?.. Hey Shh, you’re okay. Come here.” Hyunjin moves closer to me, hugging me tightly as my tears soak through his shirt. “The storm is outside. You’re safe in here with me. It’s not gonna get us”
“B-but what if it d-“ My words are cut off as my head pushes into his chest, before I know it he’s leaving soft kisses on my head while continuing to soothe me. “I… I..” I let my eyes look at his lips for a sec then back to his eyes. My arms tighten around him as i cry myself to sleep.
© 2023 skulla_rxcks
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dakotawritesif · 9 months
Quick Weekly Update!
Some of you might already know, but my friend was in the hospital for emergency surgery this week, so things were a bit chaotic. Everything is all good now (we hope) so here's what's coming today!
🕯️ Avery, Harlow, and ???'s jealousy stories! They're written, just need to edit them at this point.
💀 Wraith tier commissions! If your commission was due this past week, it should be making it's way toward you sometime this afternoon.
✨ Vikitor won the spicy poll and Theo won the RO POV poll!
📚 Theo's RO POV will be posted TODAY! Yay!
🌶️ Viktor's spicy side story will be reaching your screens on his birthday lol! July 20th, this Thursday, is when it will be posted.
🔪 The Disenchanted mini update (that's NOT so mini anymore lol) is now officially projected for July 23rd!
⚓️ Reaper's Bay (the full chapter one) will also reach you guys the weekend of the 29th. I'll update more when I have all the specifics!
The poly side story poll is ongoing, and Wraith tiers and up have also been voting on art. It looks like Vik/Luci is winning the poly poll, however, and Disenchanted is winning the art poll!
I'll also be posting Taisiya and Mikhail's first side story for Wraith tier and up sometime this week!
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! Also, if any Wraith or Fae tier wants to claim their commission this month and you haven't already, please message me your request on Patreon by the 24th.
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k-looking-glass-house · 8 months
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SAM and his familiar~ When you wish upon a star~
Gah I’m still shy to share those concept, but it truly made me wonder why the "star wish" event didn't have alternate outfit~ Except our little Ortho (precious, best gear each time)! Anyway let's follow again our dear Sam in his scholarship journey!! He came from the Disney which is literally related to "the famous Disney star wish"!! It definitely has an important place for him~ Also thank you for all your feedback for Sam!!! I am happy for him!! You little one are so lovely!! Thank you!
They're celebrating the star wish event at the Mystery's S shop, Sam didn't belong to any dorm as his scholarship is similar to student exchange, he resides either at his grandpa's shop or at Ombrorio (just like Yuu and Grimm)~
Being far away from Jubilee port they still celebrate the event like they should in their home fashion way, singing, dancing, grooving and praying for "Evangeline".
Being outcast from others students (as they declared that Sam was cursed and brought misfortune) noone came to ask for his wish.
Sam couldn't care less as "a better wish is to stay a mystery", making his friends on the other side worried about him not having human friends.
Eventually K with Sam's grandpa's help could sew some outfits, get some star wish crystals and decorate the shop backyard to enjoy with everyone. They enjoyed their night and waited for shooting star praying for "puppet becoming true little boy", "lost boys fighting pirates from the second star" and "Evangeline being with her lover"!
The next morning K and Sam were recycling their outfit and jewelry as lucky charm fortune to sell to others students, like a "lucky shot only work once"! Smiling and laughing that human are so naive...
SAM (NRC STUDENT)~ SR Evangéline wish suit
Summon Line: “When you wish upon a star...Makes no difference who you are!” Groooovy!!: Please, please, pleeasseeeeee Evangéline! Yes that's how you ask for a good wish! Home: It was a surprise that grandpa and K could afford such an event in our shop! Well he's Mister S after all, gnee hihi! Home Idle 1: Must be good to share your wish with others. Oh no I am not sad, I've got friends on the other side! Home Idle 2: You noticed too! In a lot of fairy tales they talk about the famous star who shine the brightest! Yes right! Home Idle 3: Star wish crystal work when you put either a random wish or your deepest wish! The more you want it, the shinest it is~ But be careful... I saw some crystal crumble from horrible wish... Home Idle - Login: Hn, hmm hmm, I see, I see, no sorry I was listening to my friends wish! Home Idle - Groovy: My wish? I am not going to tell you! It's supposed to stay a secret! Home Tap 1: I saw Trein-sensei being quiet sad when looking at his wish crystal. Lucious went for some headpatting shortly after... Home Tap 2: That school is weird....they believe it's odd fashion but still wish for LOVE, girlfriend, boyfriend!! Are they delusional! They obviously should use a love charm at our shop gnee hihi! Home Tap 3: I know K since I'm 7, yes it's been 10 years by now! They didn't change...except well that humanoid form...They still have the same wish from back then~ Home Tap 4: The headmaster is truly implicated in this event and tradition,....suspicious we must investigate!! I am sure it will be of good use in the future! Home Tap 5: I wonder if the star listen and look after us... Pffff I am not romantic... Home Tap - Groovy: Everyone should have their wish fullfil! IN STOCK NOWWW! Special lucky charm for a limited edition try your luck!
K. OSWALD JUNIOR 101~ SR Evangéline wish suit
Summon Line: "Anything your heart desires will come to you♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚" Groooovy!!: Evangéline!!! Pleashe pleashe pleasheeeee! Home: Yay ah ah ah!! Those crystals are shining bright! Home Idle 1: Well it got the Jubilee port countryside's vibes you know! Home Idle 2: I know all the shong!! let's shing! Home Idle 3: I peeked at Cruella's outfit......for inspiration of courshe! Don't tell him.... Home Idle - Login: Sham has a lot of friends in the shadows!!.... But not so much as humans.....hn *pouting face* Home Idle - Groovy: My wish?? It ish the shame from 10 years ago! Home Tap 1: Cruella ....I mean Mister Crewel took a lot of star wish crystal like about 9!! Sam's grandpa said he is desperate, like the wine auntie! Home Tap 2: Those students...my master is not cursed!! Stupid brat!! Ahh....agrwwggg.....hn nooo nuuuh my voice didn't change at all!! Home Tap 3: You know Sham grow so fast...like a bamboo!!! Poof ! he was so tiny and cute back then! Home Tap 4: I heard shomething from the royal sword academy's headmaster! It's a secret how!!! Buuuut the headmaster ish apparently in loveee with the Blue star fairy!! hihihi!! Crows are very romantic! Home Tap 5: I am sure we all look at the shame star... Well...that's what boook says! Home Tap - Groovy: Hmmmm my outfit is kind of heavy.... I made Sham's one lighter!
Sam (nrc student) star wish concept with K done by me
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Lol I tried some "Clamp" design jewelry
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etherealising · 2 days
happy happy 1k yay!! idk if you still write for jaime tartt BUT i love the thought of him being obsessed with someone who works in the building… maybe the team’s pt and he’s always in their office with a “sore” knee or something like that but only so he can hang out and flirt with them 😫
bestie…the scream i scrumpt when i saw you in my inbox requesting my writing i damn near cried!!! but also the jamie tartt brainrot you awoke in me is insane, i went through a whole series rewatch and now i have jamie tartt edits saved 🫣. i struggled a bit to capture jamie’s essence/personality but otherwise i hope you enjoy my love 🫶🏽
this whole time i thought your pfp was bagels only to realize its a bunny 🥲
wanna be yours
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pairing(s): jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary: jamie’s “bum” knee is the perfect excuse to spend whatever free time he can with you. it also doesn’t hurt that you’re his favorite person to flirt with.
warning(s): none
wc: 2.9k
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Quiet hums filled the treatment room as you maneuvered around the space organizing and restocking low supplies. Your ears perked up at footsteps moving closer to the room. A knock on the open door followed shortly after, “Give me a minute.” 
“Surely I can give you more than a minute.” The sound of a familiar heavy Manchurian accent caused the corner of your lips to tick up, eyes glancing down at your watch to see that your daily visitor was right on time. 
Turning, you looked up to find Jamie leaning in the doorway, arms crossed against his chest, a cheesy smile on his face as he looked at you. “What can I do for you, Jamie?” 
In recent weeks Jamie made it his mission to stop by your office and if he wasn’t spending his free time in your office picking your brain, then he was complaining to you in the treatment room about a mysterious knee issue that magically disappeared after every visit to you but somehow always returned the next day. In the beginning, you thought there was something seriously wrong with him, and you were sure you would lose your job if Richmond lost their star player because you couldn’t figure out what was wrong but as time passed you began to enjoy his little visits.
“It's me knee,” Jamie’s lips turned down into a pout as he walked fully into the room. “It's feelin’ all funny again.” 
You nodded your head trying to tamp down your smile as you gestured for him to take a seat on the treatment table before grabbing a bottle of BioFreeze and rolling the stool over with you to sit. “Have you been doing the stretches I gave you?” 
Jamie reached for your free hand pulling you towards him. Small laughs left you at the rolling sensation before he stopped you in front of him, easily settling his foot between your legs on the stool. “Of course I do love, they make me think of ya.” His finger reached out to boop the tip of your nose, a smug smile washing over his face as your nose scrunched up from the touch.
It felt childish the way the butterflies in your stomach fluttered at Jamie’s silly little antics, but you ignored it knowing just how cheeky the man could be. The room was quiet for a minute as you began massaging the cooling gel into Jamie’s knee, “You know I saw you at practice today-,”
“Trainin’.” Jamie clicked his tongue smiling as you rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, your knee seemed to be fine out on the pitch.” You emphasized the final word smiling at the over-dramatic wink Jamie sent your way.
He gave a slight wince as you added more pressure to his knee, you weren’t sure if he was actually sore or if he was just trying to sell whatever this bit was. “Well yeah babe, I can’t let the lads see me sufferin’.” He moved to lean back resting on his elbows.
You nodded pretending to understand what went on in Jamie’s head. “Maybe but I think it might be time to let Roy and Beard in on this injury,” you paused, glancing up to see the humor drain from Jamie’s face. “Might have to sit out a few games until we get this under control you know? Maybe the whole season if we can’t figure out the underlying cause.” 
The silence caused you to look up your hands continuing their massage as you watched Jamie’s face pale, whatever thoughts going on behind those pretty brown eyes didn’t seem too happy. You felt a bit bad about your joke, but before you could clear the air, the sound of your name being shouted followed by the click of heels moving closer stole your attention.
“Oi sorry, didn’t realize you were busy, wow Jamie you look a bit ill everthin’ alright?” Keeley’s voice rang through the treatment room as she made her entrance, her petite frame eagerly hopping onto empty counter space.
You smiled at her as you finished up the ministrations on Jamie’s knee, “Oh you know he’s just coming to terms that this injury might be career-ending.” You looked up at Jamie waiting to see if he’d break. It took a couple of visits for you to finally clock that there wasn’t anything wrong with Jamie’s knee aside from his muscles needing their usual massage but other than that his visits were just periodic at this point. 
“It breaks my heart to know ya don’t believe me?” Jamie’s voice was incredulous as he spoke, his foot lightly tapped your thigh where it still sat a small smirk playing on his lips.
Keeley was quiet as she watched the exchange between the two of you. A cheeky smile of her own decorated her face. For all the years she’d known Jamie she hadn’t seen him quite as smitten as he was with you. When you first expressed concern about Jamie’s constant visits and the stress you were under trying to diagnose his injury she was worried for the both of you, you for how overwhelmed you seemed, and Jamie for his mysterious knee injury. But then there were the few times she’d been with you when Jamie would pop into your office, at first she thought the two of you were just good friends but as she paid attention to Jamie’s flirtatious words and most times unnecessary touches she realized it was something more on Jamie’s end and slowly began piecing it all together, and what kind of friend would she be to the both of you if she didn’t move this train along.
“Oh! Well sorry to hear about your career Jamie, but I was just poppin’ in to steal our favorite doctor, we’ve got a shopping date!” Keeley bounced on the countertop excitement racing through her. 
Jamie sat up at Keeley’s words, obviously interested in the turn of the conversation, “Awe Granddad takin’ you on a date?” He was the only one to laugh at his joke, your stern look caused his chuckles to quiet down.
Keeley rolled her eyes before finding Jamie’s, “No, it's for the gala. I talked Richmond’s favorite PT into making an appearance this year!” Her smile brightened as she stared directly into Jamie’s eyes though her question was directed at you, “Have you found a plus one yet?” 
You tried not to cringe at Keeley’s words, as excited as you were about finally attending one of Richmond’s annual charity galas Keeley wouldn’t take no for an answer when you explained you were fine attending the event solo. You stood from the stool moving to return the gel back to its place and wash your hands. 
“Why bring a guest when I could potentially arrive solo and leave with a lovely companion.” You turned to face both of them, a small smirk lining your lips as you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively.
Jamie’s disgusted scoff was drowned out by Keeley’s excited squeal; the woman catapulted off the countertop excitement radiating off of her as she jumped up and down and clapped excitedly. “You cheeky little shit I love it! Oh, ohh are we thinking a sleazy footballer or emotionally unavailable millionaire donating for a tax write-off?”
You laughed, Jamie’s disgusted scoff turned into a disgusted look as his eyes bounced between the two of you. ���I dunno Dani is kinda top of my list, if that doesn’t work out I guess we’ll go from there.” It was subtle but you watched the way Keeley’s eyes flashed to Jamie before landing back on you giving a thumbs up.
“Rojas?” Jamie’s voice was incredulous as he looked at you, “He’s not even monogamous!” The disbelief on his face was palpable, eyes wide. 
Keeley watched as you made your way over to Jamie patting his thigh before settling back on the stool, his hands fell to the sides of the stool spinning you around before pulling the wheeled chair as close to the table as possible his body bowing forward as his chin came to settle atop your head. Keeley felt physically ill as she tamped down the excitement trying to claw its way out of her body; the urge to squeal grew tenfold as she watched you move your head to rest against his shoulder, eyes staring up at Jamie as the man smiled down at you.
“Who said I was monogamous? It's good to try things at least once.” The movement of you shrugging moved Jamie’s arms that were settled around your shoulders, his smile transforming into a frown.
A scoff let him as one of his hands moved up to flick the tip of your nose “M’ just sayin’ I’d never need another if I had you.” You gave Jamie an exasperated look at his words if the man kept up this flirtatious banter you’d never know how to deal with mediocre men again. 
Keeley covered her excited squeal with a false cough, “Shoot, I’ve uh gotta talk with Rebecca about some marketing things, you’ll be fine if we go shopping later right?” Keeley smiled eager to leave the two of you alone.
It took you a minute to look away from Jamie and find Keeley’s eyes sending her a warm understanding smile, “Of course, oh invite Rebecca yeah?” 
Keeley nodded her head sending you a bright smile before looking at Jamie raising her eyebrows slightly silently trying to tell him to make his move. She refrained from rolling her eyes as the man wiggled his eyebrows back to her, any hope of him doing this on his own slowly dwindling. 
You waved the woman off as she left before turning in Jamie’s arms and giving him a serious look, “So, you wanna tell me what’s going on with you?” Your fingers began unconsciously playing with the hem of his shorts eyes peering into his with concern. “I can’t help you if you’re not honest with me Jamie.”
“Ahh don’t worry your pretty little head.” His hand moved to gently tap two fingers against your forehead, “A little knee pain can’t keep me down, I’m Jamie fuckin’ Tartt.” A smug smile took over his face, a quiet laugh escaped him at the way you rolled your eyes.
You stared at him for a moment longer eyes tracing his face before landing on his smile, the urge to give him a smile of your own crept up on you. “Well, Jamie Tartt is there anything else I can help you with?” 
“Mmm dunno love, kinda just like buggin’ ya.” You laughed as his hand reached for yours, admiring the few rings that decorated your fingers. “Feel like I make ya all nervous, it's a bit adorable.” He smiled widely up at you shamelessly lacing his fingers with yours. 
It felt as though your brain short-circuited for a moment, you weren’t sure when the two of you became all touchy-feely and you hardly minded it, but this felt a bit too intimate as he smiled up at you, the palm of his hand fitted perfectly to yours. 
“If we’re done here I have to go add this little visit to your medical file and maybe stop by the coach's office.” You stood up with a slight huff removing your hand from Jamie’s grip, foot gently pushing the rolling stool into the corner, “Make sure to close the door when you leave please, and try not to let a little knee pain ruin the rest of the great Jamie fuckin’ Tartt’s day.” There was a slight teasing undertone in your words as you gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder before taking your leave, needing a bit of space to figure out the thoughts running through your head. 
Jamie sat still atop the treatment table, a small smile lining his lips as he watched you walk away. The tingling sensation your soft hand left behind in his made him feel like a giddy teenager all over again as he stood to take his leave.
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You quickly finished updating the last medical file for the evening, checking the time on the phone to make sure you could stop at home for a shower before meeting Keeley and Rebecca for your shopping date. Moving around your office you gathered your few belongings before turning to head home, surprise jolted through you as you looked up to see Jamie standing in the doorway hand poised to knock. 
“Didn’t mean to scare ya, just wanted to see if you wanted to walk to the car park together?” Jamie raised his hands in innocence, he was changed out of his practice gear just as ready to retire for the day as you were.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You gave him a small smile trying to get your slightly erratic breathing under control as you grabbed your keys off the desk. 
It was silent between the two of you as you exited your office, Jamie moving out of your way opting to lean against the wall as he watched you lock everything up. Thinking back to his words it wasn’t that Jamie made you nervous, he made you confused he was a flirtatious man by nature and while you didn’t mind the banter between the two of you and willfully fed into it, you were a bit wary of catching feelings for a man who was so secure in himself. Pair that with his profession and the lifestyle he lived you weren’t sure if this was just all fun and games between friends or something more.
“Can I ask you somethin’?” Jamie bumped his shoulder against yours as the two of you began your journey, not finding any reason to move out of your personal space as you nodded in assent. “Is Rojas really top of your list?” 
You let out a surprised laugh expecting the question to be anything but that, giving yourself a moment to think on the answer as you bid goodbye to the few people the two of you walked past. “I don’t actually have a list Jamie,” you paused, giving him a quiet thank you as he opened the door for you to exit. “But I don’t know, Dani seems like the easiest person to have a fun night with and then continue being my colleague like nothing happened.” 
Jamie hummed at your words, the two of you stopping beside your car and leaning against it. “This may be a bit forward, but I for one think it’d be a true shame to only spend one night with you.” His eyes locked on yours, there was no sign of his signature smirk making an appearance as it usually did after one of his flirty remarks, his eyes were intense almost like he was staring through you, an underlying message hidden in their soft brown depths. The feel of his fingers reaching out to yours tickled in the cool evening air. 
Being speechless sure wasn’t something you were used to, but as you stood in the carpark Jamie directly across from you his words lingering in the air, you weren’t sure there was anything you could say. His words held a heavy insinuation and you didn’t think you were brave enough at the moment to find out their actual meaning. 
Your mouth opened and closed unsure of what to say, your brain not even close to doing its job properly. Jamie smiled as he watched you, fingers dancing across your palm as he took a step forward his free hand raised the forefinger of his knuckle tapped gently against your chin, “Like I said, a bit adorable.” He moved quicker than you could react, his fingers pinching your chin and turning your head slightly before his soft lips caressed the apple of your cheek.
“G’night Doc, I’ll do my stretches tonight and think of ya.” Jamie gave you a cheeky smile and wink before turning and making his way to his car. 
The urge to scream was immediate as you watched him enter his car before getting into your own head falling against the steering wheel as you tried to balance the butterflies in your stomach with the confusion racing through your head. 
Jamie sat in his car waiting for you to safely drive away. The large grin on his face wouldn’t be leaving him anytime soon, his days were always made better by making you smile with just his words. He watched as your car drove off, for a man with all the confidence in the world he wasn’t sure when he’d ever be ready enough to admit his feelings to you without making his words seem as though they were just flirty banter. 
Jamie’s mind thought back to his first meeting with you all those years ago, you were one of the only people who wouldn’t put up with his arrogant attitude and now here he was all these years later hoping one day his cutesy words wouldn’t just be something you’d laugh off but instead believed in the same way you believed he was capable of being a better man.
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a/n: y’all i love this man, down horrendous for this himbo.
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usiel21 · 3 months
World of Tanks: Wenclair Edition. I.E Enid fat shames a Tank.
Enid: Hi Wends! (Waving at her with a controller in her hands) Wednesday: What are you doing? Enid: I'm playing World of Tanks, Yoko got me into it, i'm not really good but it's fun! I know this week has been stressful do you wanna sit and chill with me? (Giving Wednesday puppy dog eyes.)
Wednesday: Hmm i will admit this week has been stressful, but in an hour it will be my writing time. I will stay until then. Enid: Yay!
(Spongebob French accent announcer dude) Two hours later...
Wednesday: (Gripping the back of Enid's chair tightly, braids askew with stress) Enid you know you cannot penetrate an 0-I with a KV-1's 85mm, are you insane? Retreat damn it.
Enid: I know i'm sorry! But this tank is so damn big and slow!
Wednesday: (With narrowed eyes) Oh so you're fat shaming the tank now? Enid: Well it is!
Wednesday: (Leaning in and pointing) Flank him, flank him! The O-I's armour is weaker on the side! Enid: I know but his tank is too frigging big! Wednesday: So you're fat shaming HIS tank now?
Enid: (Growling) I'll do more than fat shame it!
Wednesday: (Growing hot) (Muttering) Oh mi amore... (Enid's bright purple and blue camo KV-1 blows up after another shot failed to penetrate it's armour.)
Wednesday: Wednesday: Give me that infernal control device. Enid: (Growling possessively) Get your own Addams!
Wednesday: (Narrowed eyes) I'll show you Sinclair...
(Spongebob French accent announcer dude) One week later...
(Yoko and Divina's dorm)
Yoko: Uh you're not gonna be break my Xbox are you?
Wednesday: Of course not, I learned everything about programming this past week.
Yoko: Oh okay, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
Wednesday: (Muttering) I'm gonna show that stupid blonde pink and blue wolf... (Slaps plug into the wall with more force that needed)
Yoko: Wait what do i even get out of this?
Wednesday: A hacked version of the game with every tank. Now both of you be quiet I need to concentrate. I have hacked this console so that when i am logged into the game on this new account i will be dragged into every lobby that Enid enters.
(A loading screen appears showing the map, objective and finally loads in showing Wednesday's tank. A jet black O-I)
Wednesday: Oh and wherever she is on the map.
(Enid's bright blue and purple KV-1 pop's into view as she comes into range)
Wednesday: (Smirking) Ah there you are Sinclair...
(Enid fires a shot from her tank, the shot bounces off harmlessly.)
Wednesday: Oh my sweet Enid, you never learn.
(Enid starts to retreat as Wednesday advances)
Yoko: (Look at Divina with shock) (Mouthing incredulously) My sweet Enid...? (Divina merely shrugs but her smile is beaming)
Wednesday: (Smirk growing wider) And so the wolf has become the prey.
(Wednesday proceeds to fire a shell roughly every thirty seconds at Enid's KV-1 with absolute glee vs every four seconds from Enid's KV-1, every shot bouncing off. Until Enid's tank is nothing but a smouldering wreck and out of the match.) Yoko: (Whispering conspiratorially to Divina although Wednesday can hear it too) Do you think Enid knows?
Divina: (Snorting) Oh she knows.
(Wednesday's username? HowdySinclair)
(The door bangs open, it swings all the way round before banging into the wall. Standing in the doorway is one Enid Sinclair, her hair is ruffled and hanging down in her face, her chest is heaving with anger.
Enid: (Growling) I'm going to kill you! (Pointing a clawed hand at her)
Wednesday: (Smugly and Smirking) Funny, my tank seems to be perfectly intact and undamaged.
(Enid lets out a ferocious roar and charges the Addams heir, tackling her onto the bed, there was a moment of shocked silence, eyes moving rapidly between both girls before Wednesday closes the gap between them with a blurring speed and pressing need, capturing the angry werewolf's lips with her own. The werewolf is growling as she deepens the kiss, sliding effortlessly into Wednesday's lap, arms wrapping around her possessively and biting down on Wednesday's lip)
Yoko: I can't even with these two anymore.
Divina: It's sweet.
Yoko: It's disgusting and it's on my bed!
Wednesday: (Breaking away, even more smugly) Still want to kill me? Enid: (With a snarl and growl) Shut up!
Wednesday: (Smirking) Make me Sinclair.
(Enid is the one this time to aggressively kiss the seer. Effectively shutting her up.)
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Enid's Purple and Blue KV-1
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beatboxing-puppy · 4 months
I made a post a while back saying that I hoped hlvrai2 would never be made Long before the teaser and I'll admit I got japed I thought it Really Was gonna be HL2 because I love the damn series and while I am the slightest bit miffed that it Isn't I'm also Glad that it isn't.
HLVRAI had a story that was already finished. It wrapped up, it's done, if you want more watch the bank stream or watch the full vods or whatever. Hell read some DAMN fanfic!!! or play toys in gmod with your friends and have FUN!
an HLVRAI 2 stream with all the same characters going through the damn Laboratory again would probably be way less entertaining than this. Sorry to say.
I imagine a lot of the people upset with this stream are mostly remembering acts 3 and 4 where things was way high octane and silly and skeletons and such. Act 1 was basically the same shit as this. just dudes having fun.
It makes sense for people to be upset. it's ok for people to be upset. I thought it was gonna be HLVRAI2 as well I hyperfixated on it since 2020 as well. But I mean like..... calm down. this isn't a personal attack on you from Wayne and friends. you won't fucking Die, bro. this shits not "ableist" or whatever people are saying about it. Pipe down brother. Sorry for your loss go rewatch the series go take a bath go play toys.
On the other side. Us RTVS fans. Guys. if people are upset. it's OK. "blablabla you shoulda saw this comeing if you're a real waynehead LOL stop crying stop to so upset!" Grow up.... Grow Up man..... it was Implied and it's fair for the human mind to go fuckin nutso and convince itself of anything. people have the right to be upset. let people grieve and enjoy baking bad.
Tldr GROW UP and have fun. just smile ok ^-^ Yay!
p s to anyone on team "FUUUUUCK I am so mad" I'm sorry you feel this way but hopefully. once you feeling better and have your head cleared. you can enjoy the vods or whatever of this stream because it's fucking funny. And if not it's ok just have fun. idk I'm just rambling at this point
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