noodles-and-tea · 2 days
whaddya think of the mystery trio?
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I LOVE!!!!!
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1driedpersimmon · 2 months
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Together as… One!
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electrozeistyking · 8 months
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"Never be Alone"
Started on the sixth of January and planned to be finished on the fourteenth, but landed up not doing that. Somewhere on the sixteenth, I basically said "haha whoops" and pumped out twenty panels. According to Procreate, it took 15 hours and 37 minutes to finish Panels 1-10; 27 hours and 15 minutes on Panels 11-20; and 34 hours and 8 minutes for Panels 21-30.
In total, I have no idea. I just know it took some serious time.
Unlike with She's Gone, I wrote a script. Well, all I wrote was dialogue and some minor actions for Panels 5-23, though lines were changed "in post." Everything else was by the seat of my pants. However, I can say for sure that I was planning on ending it with N being hopeful, but all I had room for was him crying. He cannot catch a break.
(also to those who suspected uzi was still in there, guess you were right all along.)
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 1 month
Terry and Korvo
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bedlund · 8 months
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rollersfataft · 2 months
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THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SENT STUFF I love all of them and I think the is joyous and whimsicle....
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ecstarry · 4 months
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Anaïs Nin - From a Journal of Love
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i installed squeakers, the Squeakquel (sound on!)
i already added squeakers to the earthbound chosen four plushies here :P
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theeroticlover · 11 months
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Mhmmm !! Mood..
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tapakah0 · 1 year
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I hope you having a great day…well…or night, at this point
mghemefofemne Cass Cass, I was just about to get in your pocket and disappear you You are slowly leaving me without my job
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chisamayas · 6 months
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“I guess some people might say… from certain angles, you’re pretty.”
Cadina x Jori au!
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ritasanderson · 3 months
Honestly I think leaving a baby to Drifter to babysit is way more dangerous than Stalker just keeping a baby with him during his missions
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essektheylyss · 2 months
happy wizardly research & development experimentation day to ME
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formulapookie · 23 days
19 "Can I hold your hand?" and rosquez please if you'd like < 3
It's cold, really cold right now, the storm has made a mess outside, the communications are cut off and they're stuck in a stupid house in the mountains far from every kind of human connection.
Vale has been trying to make the phone work for one hour now without any kind of success.
Pecco, Franky and Diggia are in another house, a bit far from this one.
Vale would like to know what the fuck went through Ducati's head to make them all go there for the PR shit.
Him. And Marquez. In the mountains.
He hasn't spoke to the spaniard yet, he thought Pecco was the one in the house currently, and he needed to ask a question, but when Marc had come downstairs the storm had begun and none of them could be freed from the other's presence.
Marc is shivering he notices, despite wearing a comfortable hoodie he's clearly cold, and for another stupid reason they don't have been given blankets to stay there.
He debates whether to do this or not, maybe he could let Marc freeze and it would be over like this.
He ultimately decides not to commit homicide and removes his own hoodie, passing it to Marc.
"No no I'm ok I'm not cold"
"You're shivering"
"I - it's not the cold"
"Then what is it? Enlighten me"
"Why you have to be an asshole?"
"You're giving stupid answers"
"I. I'm scared of the storm. I fear we'll be blocked here forever if it doesn't stop. I don't like to feel trapped"
It strikes Vale now.
How despite having grown Marc is still somehow a kid. Scared of a storm. Scared of being caged.
"You're scared of the storm"
"Don't joke about it Vale"
"I'm not joking it's just. Doesn't seem like you"
"Yeah and what would you know about what seems like me? WE haven't spoken in God knows how long"
"Well I do remember you liked how I made coffee because it was tastier than the one you had home"
Marc stops his pacing around, and looks deeply into Vale's eyes. Almost grazing his soul.
"I remember you're scared of wasps and for some reason not of bees"
"They're different and wasps are cruel, bees are not"
"Mh if you think so"
While the temperature between them seems to be warming the one in the house is rapidly dropping, and Vale tries to light up the chimney.
"Billion dollar man knows how to light up a chimney? I'm impressed"
"Allora, I'm not an idiot Marc eh, I know how to do things"
And Marc agrees. He also would agree to the fact Vale looks hot while doing them.
The heat provided from the wood burning is not much, but it's something, and Marc goes to sit directly in front of it, behind an imaginary line Vale traced not to make him burn.
He's in the kitchen meanwhile, making something, and the storm is not hinting to an end, it rather seems to be increasing in force and dimension.
And it's scary.
Marc feels more and more like he's going to die in there, but can't tell Vale.
He already told him he's scared, he can't tell him he fears he'll die trapped in here now.
He smells coffee, and before he realizes there's a cup in front of him.
"no sugar right? You are on a diet I suppose"
"Yeah no sugar. I mean we're all on a diet"
"Have you seen one of my riders following it after podiums?"
"There you go. You instead I never see you take something from the buffet"
"You look at me?"
"You and Pecco share a team. I see you doing stuff, I don't look"
At a particularly harsh blow of wind and snow against the window Marc winches, and his hertbeat can be heard in the whole house.
He feels so stupid right now, weak even, he's scared of the storm like a child.
He feels Vale scooting closer to him, and turns around in surprise but Vale is quicker.
"Can I hold your hand? So you are less scared"
And it's extremely stupid on both their parts, it seems like they're stupid teenagers who don't know how to talk to one another.
They stay silent in fact, Vale just draws small circles on Marc's hand, slowly helping him relax, and eventually drift to sleep.
Vale doesn't know quite well what to do.
He's just offered to hold his hand and now Marc has fallen asleep with their hands tangled together. He looks cute tho.
No no no let's not. Let's not dive into that right now.
But he truly looks ethereal.
His lines, the one that come up when he's awake and in pain and PR acting all day disappear.
He looks younger than he is, way younger than the 32 year old man he should see at his side.
He doesn't remove his hand from the hold. He could, but he doesn't.
He'll do it in the morning. Yeah. He'll wake up first and he will break the hold and never speak of this to anyone.
How he held Marc's hand during a storm because he was scared.
The morning after he does not wake first.
The other boys manage to make their way to the hut where the two of them were staying, and had basically broken in, since none of the two answered.
"I'm telling you guys, they killed each other"
"They're just sleeping pecco don't worry"
"You don't know anything Diggia they could have seriously killed each other"
"Or" there came Franky, who honestly was just fed up with the shenanigans between the two men. "They fucked"
"Ah shut up Franky"
They walk around the hut for a bit until they end up near the chimney, breath held by all three of them.
Marc is hugging Vale like a koala, none of them awake yet, the wood now turned to ash but still it's warm around the two.
Vale has got an arm around Marc's body, keeping him tight against him, and their hands are close.
Still in a hold, presumably from the day before Pecco supposes, as the three of them make their way back out to their own hut.
"Well that was close to my bet I'd say"
"I'm never gonna forget boss with Marquez now"
"Oh trust me Diggia you have seen nothing"
Vale wakes when Pecco shuts the door a bit too harshly, realising the position they both are in.
He should stop holding Marc's hand now right?
He'll do it later. When Marc is awake.
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xylophone888 · 4 months
being a fan of any other character feels like giving somebody a genuine heartfelt compliment, being a fan of rincewind feels like nonstop day and night 25/8 staring into your aquarium where a lonely sickly shrimp resides never leaving it out of your sight and screaming at the top of your lungs when it eats or gets slightly better because you've been medicating it carefully for the last month and left your job just to care for it
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magpod-confessions · 3 months
I cannot emphasize enough how much I LOVE the Fears system. I'm the opposite of a mythology nerd where pantheons and humanoid gods make anything 10× more boring for me, so I think making the fear(s) non-sentient/semi-sentient and not compatible with human comprehension was one of the best creative choices in the whole show. Also the fact that not even the most devoted avatars know what they're doing and are just making it all up makes it feel realistic and more like a force of nature, rather than a magic system.
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