#YN Stark
moiravim · 2 years
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•parental!tony x gn!adopted!teen
•tw: depression, mention of suicide, sh
This week has been the worst of many. Everything has gone wrong. First, you had lost your best friend. It was a huge fight and took a big toll on your mental health.
Then your grades dropped. That made everything much worst because now you had to hear your dad complaining about your grades.
After that you started disregarding Peter and finding ways to avoid him. To you, you were just having some time to yourself. To Peter you were ruining your friendship.
You had just received a message from him saying he was no longer your friend. Great. Now you've lost 2 best friends, failing 5 classes, and have a disappointed father.
You don't want to live in a life like this. Where everyone hates you and thinks the worst to you. And where the letter 'F' matters more than your well-being.
You pull out a blade you had hidden a few months ago. Your father thought he had taken them all in hopes to discourage your self harm. He made it clear that if you ever feel like hurting yourself to always come with him.
But this doesn't seem like something he'd want to deal with. And even if it was, you didn't want his help. Or more specifically, you didn't want to ask for his help.
So you took your blade and drew line after line into your skin. You were too focused on making sure each line bled to your desire to hear your door being opened.
"YN!!" you hear your father yell as he runs over and snatches the blade. He continues to scold you as you stare back at him with a blank expression.
"Sweet heart.. I'm sorry for yelling. Please talk to me". Silence. "Come on. If you be good I'll take you out for a fun day tomorrow. Just the two of us. Does that sound good?" You nod.
"Okay. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He says as he pulls you up to your feet and guides you to your bathroom. He softly takes your hand and begins to rinse your arm.
He kisses each scratch before applying bandaids. "Okay, sweetie... Let's get you in bed. You need to rest up."
The two of you walk to your bed and he gently pushes you into your bed. He tucks you in tightly and rubs his hand on your stomach as an attempt to soothe you.
He sits with you and tells you how much he loves you as you fall asleep. He will always take care of you no matter what. You're his kid and he loves you more than anything.
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my-status-single · 5 months
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby Chapter 2
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant.  It had been early.  So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included. And months later she had given birth to their son. Their son. Ben.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Notes: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen.
Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
From the author: Taglist is OPEN, just leave a comment or send me a dm xxx
Chapter Notes: First major canon divergence. Tony and Steve meet in early 2001 as Tony had taken over for Howard in SHIELD after his death. Let’s not think about it too hard. By the end of 2001 they are established in a relationship. And early 2002 they find out about the pregnancy. Reader is born in August of 2002.
It might be a bit annoying to have the reader be so flushed out as that can distract and make it harder to insert yourself into the story but…the timeline bro.
Word count: 1114
Chapter Content Warnings: Child neglect-Mentions of Howard Stark who is a bad dad. Reader's mother is very uninterested in the reader after the birth homophobia-Steve talks about being with a man in the 40s and it is lightly implied that it was not safe pregnancy-Tony gets a woman pregnant alcohol-Steve and Tony drink beer Stony-Steve and Tony are a couple
Chapter Summary: This chapter establishes the relationship between Tony and Steve and explains how the reader came to be. Reader is the product of a one night stand from Tony prior to becoming exclusive with Steve. Reader’s mother, Katherine, is a scientist working to recreate the super serum. She is described as cold and unattached.
Chapter 1
Tony really tried to hate Steve when they first met. Truly. For reasons he found completely justified.
His dad was an ass.
And as far as he was concerned, that was Steve’s fault.
It ended up being impossible to hate him though. Because he was just so damn nice.
Which made Tony irrationally angry.
Steve wasn’t all that impressed by Tony. He hadn’t been all that impressed with Howard either though.
He didn’t really have any particularly strong thoughts or emotions about Tony.
He was mostly baffled Howard had had a kid.
He never seemed like the type.
They both had a strange pull toward the other.
Like the other was a connection to something long past.
Steve is someone who knew Tony’s father, who he had grown up hearing about.
Tony was Howard’s son. And though he was rarely on the same page as him, he had still been a friend. And Tony was the closest thing to something from home.
They somehow ended up as something akin to friends.
Neither were great at the whole sleeping, or self care in general, thing, so there were lots of late nights, lots of long talks, lots of secrets shared. They spoke of Tony’s dating life, Steve wanted to know just how similar Tony was to his father. And during one of those talks, after some light teasing about what Steve must have gotten up to back in the day, Steve admitted that he and Bucky had been in a relationship.
Tony wasn’t exactly surprised.
“So, you’re gay then?” He asks him. They are sat on the floor of Tony’s lab, a half eaten box of pizza between them, and beers in their hands.
“I’m not sure I’ve ever really needed to label it.” Steve admits. “I just knew Bucky was my person.” He shrugs.
Tony understands this at some level. The not needing a label, not the other thing.
“You don’t have to label it.” He says, possibly trying to put Steve at ease. “I never have. I just like…the people I like.” He says. “I’ve never committed myself to someone the way you have though.
Steve nods slowly and sips his drink. “Don’t you get lonely?”
This causes Tony to pause. 
He’s never really alone. He never really allows himself to be. Like he needs a buffer between him and his head. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his bed. He’s popular. He’s desired, wanted, sought after. He’s never lacking in people who want to give him their time.
He finishes off his drink.
“Yeah.” He says finally.
Things change between them after that night. Like there was a newfound understanding between them. Both were tired of being lonely.
It starts out as just sex. Which was new ground for Steve, and he struggled with it for a while. Until he realised that his struggles weren’t from it being casual sex, but that he was developing feelings for Tony and didn’t want it to be casual sex.
Steve had always been pretty straightforward, but he still struggled a lot with the thought of confessing. He wanted to keep Tony in his life and was worried he’d run at the mention of commitment.
But its been over a year since they met. And months since they started sleeping together.
So he just…tells him one night.
He lacked some elegance in it if he was honest with himself.
Blurting out “I want you to be my boyfriend” while you’re balls deep in someone isn’t exactly tactful.
But it worked out okay for him in the end.
The universe is a bit fucked up though.
Because just months later Tony comes to him with life altering news that neither of them had been prepared for.
And with that news Tony brought an out.
“You didn’t sign up for this.” Tony says quietly.
“No, but neither did you.” Steve responds. He’s never seen Tony so…sullen. So conflicted.
“I knew the risks of fucking someone without a condom.” Tony says bluntly. “This was always a possibility.” He lets out a breath. “I…I’m gonna step up. I’m gonna be this baby’s dad. But you don’t have to be.” He says quietly. “I’ll understand if you go.”
Steve lets out a breath and takes both of Tony’s hands. “I was in love with a man in the 40s. Tony, I gave up on the idea of having children before I was even old enough to consider them in the first place. They were never an option.” Tony goes a bit pale. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want them.” He continues. “I knew who I was getting involved with, Tony. And if having you means having this baby then I guess we’re going to be parents.”
And it’s as simple as that.
In August of that year their daughter was born.
Their daughter’s mother was someone Steve had never met, prior to going to the hospital when she went into labour. But he knew her name. He’d learned her name, read about her. Read about a lot of people like her when he had looked himself up. He learned that there were a distressing number of people trying to recreate Erskine’s original serum. This woman, Katherine, was one of them.
She was a tall, slender woman. Stereotypically beautiful but almost hollow looking. Like there was something missing inside of her.
He doesn’t remember her ever holding the baby. She hardly looked at her. Something told him she had no interest in being a mother but somehow went through with the pregnancy anyway.
But he didn’t dwell on it. He didn’t care.
Because if this precious, tiny, perfect baby girl wasn’t reason enough…the way Tony looked when he held his baby was enough to make him ignore the slight concern he felt over the way Katherine was responding to motherhood.
Tony was built to be a father.
He was so perfect with her. And Steve had never been so fond of another person.
All his outward, arrogant facade broke down the second he was with their girl. She had him wrapped around his finger.
And Steve was no better.
He knew he was in trouble the first time they’d ever made eye contact.
How could he ever say no to this tiny girl?
Katherine was clearly not interested in being a mother to her daughter. She made no fuss when Tony asked if the baby could live with him. She wasn’t breastfeeding, and the baby was clearly more attached to Tony. But despite their request, she wouldn’t sign over her parental rights. Therefore, physical custody was shared between Katherine and Tony.
Taglist: @bitchy-bi-trash
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Y/N: 12 o’clock, Sharon
Pepper: Crap, okay pretend we’re arguing she won’t come here if she sees that
Pepper: Had that one locked and loaded huh
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cierastarkpotter · 2 years
🤣Y/n being Y/n { Avengers } { pt. 2 } 🤣
Sharon[crying] :- NOBOBY LOVES ME ! Y/N:- There is someone out there for everyone Sharon:- really ? y/n:- Yeah ! For you, it’s a therapist. Natasha {thinking}:- ROASTED ON THE FACE Tony:- * proud dad moment * Sharon:- *speechless*
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What did you just say?
Aegon x Fem reader (y/n)
«The news of your marriage and pregnancy woke the dragon inside him.»
Sorry I just watched this gif and I couldn't avoid thinking about a moment like this. Also I want to utilize this short writing to let you know that I also like Game of thrones, House of the dragon, star wars, teen wolf, etc. so, occasionally I will start to post about those characters too.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Part 2 is finally here.
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A soft knock on the door echoed in the room, Aegon was sitting, drinking his morning cup of wine.
- Come in.
- My king.
A servant appeared in the meeting room, Aegon was waiting for him anxiously. Since he became king he only wanted one thing. You.
Both were betrothed before Alicent decided to cancel it and marry Aegon with his sister, Helaena.
He really needed you at his side, he wanted you, his mother made a mistake, he always said that, it was unfair not only for him but for Helaena too, so, now he was king, he wanted a new wife, he wanted what a long time ago belonged to him.
Unfortunately, the poor servant's face was not the kind of face that brings good news.
- Speak now, where's she? Where's my betrothed?
- My king... I... The information I obtained, it's maybe just rumours, I do not intend to defile Lady (y/n)'s reputation or her virtue, But...
Before the servant could end, Alicent appeared at the door, the look in her eyes could say there was guilt and fear.
- Get out, I want to talk with my son.
The servant nodded and started to walk out when Aegon stopped him, he wouldn't let him go without knowing the news or rumors about his beloved.
- Stay, you haven't finished yet, What do you know about her?
- Aegon...
- Silence, you Continue.
- Lady y/n got married a few moons ago with the lord of the north, as I said these are maybe just rumors, but it's probably she's pregnant, a wolf is growing inside her, My king.
Aegon stood up and walked around the room, the servant hadn't moved, Alicent closed her eyes, she was standing there like a statue just waiting for Aegon's reaction. Suddenly, Aegon walked directly to the servant, his face was almost purple of Anger, his eyes could burn, certainly, the news of your marriage and pregnancy woke the dragon inside him.
His hot breaths with the smell of the wine he drank before, were now filling the servant's nose and lungs.
The goblet In his hand flew to the other side of the room, tension filled the room, silence was uncomfortable, then, Aegon simply asked.
- What did you just say?!
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croimilis · 2 years
private show
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title: private show
characters: peter parker x stark!avenger!reader
rating: 18+
words: 8k
theme: smut, porn with minor plot, a little sweet moment between reader, shang-chi and america
warning: smut, filthy smut, alcohol. titty job, oral (m and f receiving),hair pulling, praise, thigh riding, fingering, nipple play, reader has nipple piercings, p in v sex, unprotected sex (please assume some type of other contraception is used), multiple orgasms (both m and f), cum swallowing, peters a bit of  perv, mentions of birth control, creampie, dom!peter, confident!peter, cum eating, cum play, peter calls reader ‘princess’ maybe a little too much, soft!peter, aftercare, a little bit of subdrop
summary:  “turn down the lights and watch my private show”
you notice peter has an obsession with your tits, so you offer to give him a private show
tags: @xoxabs88xox​
a/n: all characters are 18+ (specifically 21 as there is drinking mentioned), this was meant to be short and sweet, but i’m slowly learning i cannot do anything in moderation and it is most definitely the most filthy smut i have ever written
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He was staring again, his eyes following you throughout the room from the moment you entered. You could feel them burning into your skin as you walked, greeting various benefactors and members of the Avengers with you arm wrapped around Tony’s, to be specific you could feel them burning into the skin of the cleavage you had exposed in your deep cut dress where the ‘v’ almost reached your belly button.
It wasn’t the first time you had noticed Peter staring at your boobs, it was one of many over the last couple of months and you were sure he was staring long before it came to your attention and you don’t know how you didn’t notice sooner. After all, Peter Parker was not discreet in any way shape or form outside of his role as Spiderman.
When you first noticed it was soon after you had gotten your nipples pierced, much to your fathers horror and everyone else's amusement as Tony freaked out about his ‘sweet innocent little angel falling into temptations’ despite knowing you had not been innocent since the age of 16 when you asked him to go on birth control specifying why (he looked like he was ready to drop dead at that very second while Peper just looked on with an amused smile).
Given the pain of the piercings, you were reluctant to wear a bra for the first few days and instead floated about in loose tank tops and camis that were just tight enough to show your new piercings but not enough that it would hurt. This particular day, you were sitting at the kitchen island of the compound just scrolling on your phone as you waited for Tony and Bruce to be finished in the lab because you were supposed to be heading out to lunch with your dad.
As Peter walks into the kitchen, you flash him a smile and give a small “”hey” in greeting before turning your eyes back to your phone. Peter on the other hand could not keep his eyes off you no matter how hard he tried. In general, Peter thought you were stunning, this complete otherworldly creature that he could only describe as heavenly and he was completely and utterly infatuated from the moment he saw you all those years ago when he first joined the Avengers at the young of age of 16, that was 5 years ago now and he was still completely enamoured with you. Probably even more so now that he actually knew you as a person.
But recently Peter has become completely obsessed with a particular part of your body, he just couldn’t help himself. It seemed that every time you were around his eyes would drift towards your chest and stay there for much longer than was deemed polite, though he was sure that by even looking he was way past the point of politeness, and today was no different.
Especially with the way the bars of your new piercings were pushing against the fabric of your shirt, as if inviting him to have a look and he couldn’t look away, not as you greeted him, not as he leaned against the kitchen counter while eating the apple he had lifted, not as you tell him about the newest article about Spiderman and (hero name) and how there’s rumours the two are sleeping together or romantically involved and snort at some of the comments being made about the two of you, and not as Tony walks into the room to take you for your lunch. He prays to every god that could exist, including Thor and Loki, that you don’t notice the way his eyes suddenly snap up to your face as you give him a goodbye, like all the other times he stares he hopes you don’t notice.
But unlike all the other times before, you notice this time. You had actually looked up from your phone for a split second to try and read Peter’s expression as you tell him about the news article you were reading and had noticed that while he was listening, he was focused on something other than your voice and he was not being discreet about it with the way his eyes lingered and a light flush dusted his cheeks a lovely shade of pink.
Instead of questioning him, you simply smirk and look back down to your phone, a small blush spreading across your cheeks at the attention. After all, similar to Peter, you harboured an attraction to him from the first time you met at 16 years old but never thought it was reciprocated in any way but now you knew you were going to have fun with it.
After that you started noticing him staring more often.Like that one time after training with Natasha when you were in nothing but a sports bra and pair of athletic shorts, he seemed to be watching the way the sweat that had gathered on your body was dripping down between your cleavage with such intensity you could almost feel his gaze burning into our skin. That day you had to suppress a smirk and pretend like you were just getting a headache as Nat turned to you with a weird look and asked what was up, after all just because you knew didn’t mean everyone else had to know.
Or that time you were at an Avengers themed Halloween party some fraternity at your college was throwing and you had gone as Black Widow, taking one of Nats old cat suits and adjusting it to your body measurements to do so. Still, even with adjustments the suit was tight around your chest and squeezed your breasts together in a way that made sure they would be hard to miss. You had meet up with Peter (obviously dressed as Spiderman) and MJ (who refused to participate but still wore an Avengers t-shirt) at the party and immediately noticed how Peter’s eyes drifted to your chest before they bounced back to your eyes, a flush spreading across his cheeks as he stuttered out a greeting and practically choked on his own spit causing MJ to turn to him with a ‘wtf’ look and a “dude are you okay?”
You simply batted your eyelashes at him, inwardly grinning to yourself, and asked in your most innocent voice, “Yeah, Pete. You okay?” Peter swore he was going to die that very second had it not been for Flash (who was dressed up as Spiderman as well, though he claimed his looked more authentic despite the fact that Peter was simply wearing one of his old costumes) coming up and stealing your attention from Peter with a “(Y/N)! You’re looking great.”
There were moments like that scattered throughout the few months since you had noticed him staring for the first time, all of them leading up to this night and your choice of dress. Natasha and Wanda had helped you pick it out, a gorgeous black that hugged close to your figure and showed off all your curves beautifully with a deep deep ‘v’ neckline that showed of your tits like they were pieces of art to be shown off, Tony had nearly had heart failure when he had seen you in it for the first time a week earlier as he walked in on Pepper adjusting the length for you. Which to you, meant it was absolutely perfect for what you wanted it for.
Your eyes roam  around the room for a bit, your arms wrapped around Tonys as talks to another benefactor and Admiral Simpson or something like that, you had stopped caring three Admirals ago, looking for Peter. When your eyes finally meet his, you smile and excuse yourself from the conversation to go and join him at the large window showing off the lights of New York below.
Peter is standing by himself, occasionally bringing the beer in his hand to his mouth to take a sip. These events weren’t really his scene, while Peter loved a good party he hated the formality around the Avengers events and so he usually kept to himself and relegated himself to a corner of the room where he could nurse a beer the whole night and just watch as the party slipped by him. Sometimes you joined him in his corner, bringing cheesy jokes and conversations that kept his mind busy, other times the two of you would escape and he would take you swinging around the city and you would end up sitting on some random rooftop his suit jacket wrapped around your shoulders to fight of the cold as you ate some of the best pizza greasy New York had to offer.
It seemed this night you decided to just join him, lifting a champagne flute from the tray of a waiter as they passed you by and downing its contents in second leaving a red residue behind from your lipstick. You stand in front of him, a small smile on your face as you do so and greet him with a gentle “hey” that he reciprocated, though you have to stop your smile from turning into a smirk as his eyes moved down your face and across your body, fully taking you in, lingering a little too long on your chest.
As Peter greets you, eyes quickly snapping up to meet yours, you let out a small chuckle and reach a hand out, wrapping it gently around his wrist and slowly moving it up her arm as you lean close to his ear, your chest pressing against his lightly as you do so.
“If you like staring at my tits so much, why don’t I give you a private show?” You smirk to yourself and bite down on your bottom lip, you were so close you could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks as the blush spread across his face rapidly.
You remove your hand from his bicep, slowly trailing it up his shoulder as you walk behind Peter, your chest now very flush with his back, you keep going your hand now gently wrapped around Peter’s neck as you tilt his head upwards so he’s looking at ceiling and you lips are right beside his ear, “Meet me in my room in 30 minutes”
You would go now, but the party had only started and as the daughter of the host it would be rude of you to not make the rounds, have at least 1 drink and socialise a bit with the other avengers, and maybe just maybe you wanted to torment the poor soul just a little. You remove your hand from Peter's neck and fully turn away from him, instead facing the bar and you smile at Natasha, who was behind the bar as usual much preferring to work at these events than have to socialise and who was already preparing a (preferred drink) for you.
As you approach, she cocks and eyebrow and gives you a sly but questioning look as if she knew exactly what you were up to., placing the drink down on the counter in front of you. “What are you doing that poor boy?”
You simply roll your eyes and lift the drinking, bringing it to your lips, eyes ghosting over to where Peter now stood in shock with a bright blush spreading across his cheeks and his head whipping from side to side to make sure no one else had seen what had happened. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Nat.”
“Uh-uh, as if you couldn’t cut the sexual tension between the two of you with a butterknife.” You snort at her comment, leaning your back against the bar and placing your elbows on it as well for extra stability in your heels as Nat leans on the bar at your side, arms crossed over the counter and her head tilted towards you, “Just make safe choices, we don’t need any little Iron Spiderlings running around.”
This time you roll your eyes at her comment and down the rest of your drink, your eyes finding a very nervous looking Shang-chi and America being hounded by a bunch of benefactors who want to know simply everything about the pair, well more specifically about what they could do. You push yourself of the bar and turn to Nat to place a kiss to her cheek, “I always make safe choices Nat,” Natasha rolls her eyes at you as she leans into the kiss and you give her a cheeky smile as you make your way over to the nervous pair and the five or six benefactors surrounding them.
“Okay, why don’t we give them some space to breathe?” The benefactors all turn to look at you at the sound of your voice, your eyes are narrowed into a glare, your face hardened and arms crossed over your chest, even if they didn’t know what exactly you were capable off and the fact that you could kill them all twice over in just a few seconds they would still be intimidated from your look alone, after all your glare could rival Medusas and turned most people into living statues as they stared at you in fear, a skill you have to thank Natasha for. They all gulp down their fear, shuffling away from Shang-Chi and America with nervous looks on their face and all muttering some form of “of course Miss. Stark” or “sorry Miss.Stark.”, preferring to use your real name over your hero name as if refusing to address you as your hero name gave them some sort of power over you.
You kept the glare on your face until the last of them disappeared out of your sight, instead going to bother some other members of the Avengers (probably Sam and Bucky) who would have no problem either entertaining them or telling them to fuck right off. As the last one disappears, you drop the glare and turn to Shang-Chi and America with a soft smile and nothing but kindness in your eyes. “You guys okay?”
America says nothing and just nods her head as she wrings her hands together nervously and Shang-chi gulps down his nerves and answers you, “Yeah..we’re…we’re good.” With a chuckle you realise they were scared of you and you reach out a hand to take Americas, rubbing soft circles against her skin as you do so to try and ease her nerves, “Relax, that look is reserved for those vultures and the press.”
Shang-Chi nods his head and you can see the tension leave his shoulders slightly, though not completely, and you can feel some of the tension leave America as she winds her fingers in with yours as a form of comfort. “Other then those guys, how are you guys?”
A shaky breath leaves Shang-Chi lips, “Nervous,” you nod along to him and hum softly in response, “Your first event is always the hardest, but you get used to them after a while and you learn how to tell those dicks to fuck off without feeling guilty about it.” America lets out a giggle at your words and you smile at her, she’s a sweet girl and being around the age you were when you first joined the Avengers you felt a sisterly need to look after her.
You spend the next 20 minutes just talking to the pair, calming their nerves and reassuring them that they were going to be fine. Every Avenger in the room had their backs and all it would take is one word and they would handle anyone giving them bother, especially Stephen Strange who had formed an attachment to America.
Once their nerves were calmed she started to get to know each other a little more, you talked about your mothers and how much you adored and missed them, Shang-Chi told you about Ta Lo and America told you about the Utopian parallel universe she was from and you spoke about the small cottage in the middle of nowhere your mother raised you in, surrounded by nothing but woods and nature, it was your perfect little corner of the world untouched by anyone else until she got sick. It was nice to talk about, most people you spoke to about your mother always showed sympathy and seemed to focus on the the loss rather than who she was as a person, but Shang-Chi and America wanted to know about her, about your life with her, not the grief, not the loss, but the good moments, the memories you shared with her and the love.
The conversation shifts quickly as Shang-Chi and America start to discuss some movie they had both seen that weekend, and you take that moment to excuse yourself from the pair as you notice Peter slip out of the room. You make your way towards the back of the room, skirting the edges and disappearing into the shadows as you do making it easy for you to slip out of the room without being noticed by most people, the only ones that do are Natasha and Bucky and they share a knowing look and small smirk before they turn back to their conversation.
As quickly as you slip into your room, you’re slammed against the cool metal of the door as it slides closed behind you with a hand roughly grabbing at your hips and another slamming against the door at the side of your face effectively trapping you against it. Your eyes instantly snap up to meet with Peter’s, his pupils blown wide and full of lust, you simply smirk up at him and bite down on your lip.
He’s so close, pressing his body against yours and you can feel the bulge that is barely contained by his dress pants pressing against you, can feel the rippling muscles of his abdomen as they press against your chest and his hot breath against your face as he leans in towards yu, yet still you want him impossibly closer to you. The desire that has been boiling away inside you these past few months finally bubbling over and igniting every nerve ending in your body, leaving you consumed by want, by need.
Your own breath starts to come out heavy and laboured as the desire begins to pull in your stomach, especially as Peter squeezes at your hips and slowly starts to move his hand upwards, ghosting over your torso and going higher and higher until his palm is barely touching the side of your breast while his fingers gently dug into your rips.
“I believe you owe me a show princess.”
You were used to the term ‘princess’ being thrown around when discussing you, usually by the press or by the people who thought you got everything handed to you by Tony since you were introduced to the world as his daughter at your 18 birthday. The people who called you princess used the word like a knife in an attempt to cut into you and see you bleed so they could inject their venom directly into your blood and turn you into the bitchy socialite they wanted you to be, that way they would be justified in their horribleness towards you.
But Peter’s tone did not hold any venom it, his voice had not be sharpened into a knife edge meant to dig into your skin, Instead it was honey rich and smooth and slipped off his tongue almost like a prayer, warming you from the inside and sending another pang of desire rolling through your bones.
Peter steps back from you, his arms moving from your side and waist but despite the absence you can still feel their lingering warmth through the fabric of your dress, and he sits himself down on the edge of your bed with his forearms against his thighs as he leans forward slightly and regards you with an intense, almost predatory gaze.
It sends a shiver down your spines and warmth to your core and the intensity of the look causes your hands to shake as you reach to the back of your dress and slowly pull down the zipper. You were deliberate with your speed, wanting to tease Peter just a little while longer and maybe a part of you was hoping he would jump to his feet and rip the zipper down himself. But he doesn’t.
Instead, as the slipper slowly moves down your back,you notice the vein in his jaw jump as he clenches it tighter and tighter. As the zip finally reaches the bottom, just above your ass, you let the sleeves of the dress fall from your arms which allows the fabric to pool at your feet, leaving you in only your heels. You stand there for a second, watching as Peter’s eyes widen at your bare form, after all the tightness of your dress did not leave room for panties or bra lines. His reaction causes a smirk to rise on your lips.
“You’re fucking stunning princess.”
You step out of the fabric at your feet, your heels clicking against the ground as you stalk towards him. As you reach him, his hands wrap around your bare thighs and he gives them a gentle squeeze as he stares up at you before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss against your hip. You cup your hands around his jaw, rubbing your thumb against his cheek as you bend down to place a gentle kiss against his lips.
The kiss starts soft but quickly turns heated as Peter grips at your thigh and causes a small gasp to leave your lips, which Peter uses to shove his tongue into your mouth. You moan into Peter’s mouth as he twirls his tongue around yours before pulling it back and biting down gently on your lip, one of his hands moves from your thigh and trails ever closer to where you need him most and he smirks into the kiss as he feels your wetness seeping down your  thigh, the effect he has on you fueling his ego.
Peter pulls away from the kiss and pulls his hand away from your thigh, a light residue from the wetness on your thigh coating his fingers, “This all for me baby?”
You nod, not knowing where this confident side of Peter had come from but loving it all the same, “Yes Peter, all for you.” He lets out a hum and sucks his fingers into his mouth, savouring the lingering taste of you as he looks up at your flushed cheeks through his long lashes. You gulp at the sight, moving your hands from his jaw line and down onto his shoulders, trailing down his arms as you lower yourself down onto your knees in front of him.
You rest your hands over his clothed thigh and look up at Peter with lightly veiled innocence, your big doe eyes lust blown to the point that the [colour] of your irises were almost completely gone, eclipsed by the blackness of your pupils, and slightly parted lips now imprinted in Peter's mind and locked away somewhere safe for those lonely nights in the future where he will most definitely be touching himself thinking about this night.  “Let me take care of you Peter, please?”
When you look at him like that and ask in that almost begging tone, who was he to tell you no, “Go ahead baby.”
With his permission, you’re moving your hand from his thigh and to the zipper of his pants pulling it down and then pulling down both his pants and boxers in on go, Peter lifting his hips slightly to make it easier for you, letting them pool around his ankles and you lick your lips at the sight of his cock bouncing against his stomach once its released from his boxers.
You keep your hands on high thighs and lean forward, your tongue making contact with the base of Peter’s cock and causing a groan to fall from Peter’s lip that only amplifies as you lick up to the tip and suck the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. The moan Peter lets out is like music to your ears and encourages you to do it again, running your tongue over the slit as you do, before starting to bob up and down on his length.
You do your best to take him all in your mouth, but you struggle to do so, gagging as he hits the back of your throat. Your inability to take all of him in your mouth sparks an idea in your mind, one you're sure Peter is going to love. Pushing yourself up on your knees so you’re just that little bit higher, you lean forward and slot Peter’s cock into the valley of your breasts and Peter nearly faints at the sight.
Your pretty lips all swollen from the kiss and from sucking his cock, your pretty little boobs wrapped around his cock, its another image seared into his mind and stored away for later use. As you press your hands into the side of your boobs, tightening their hold on his cock, and start moving them up and down, the moan Peter lets out can only be described as unholy and it adds fuel to the already raging fire inside you as you clench and unclench around nothing and rub your thighs together for just a little bit of friction or relief, though it offers none.
You continue your ministrations with your tits, watching through heavy lashes as Peter’s face contorts in pleasure and he struggles to hold in the moans and groans that are falling intermittently from his lips, between words of praise about how good you’re making him feel and being such a good girl for him, you would admit it to no one (not even Peter) but his words went straight to your core and caused you to clench even harder around nothing.
You reach your tongue out, giving kitten licks to the mushroom tip and over his slit as often as you could between the thrust of yours boobs, causing Peter to throw his head back and pleasure and reach a hand out to grab at the hair at the back of your head, “Shit , princess… you’re killing me here.”
That’s all the encouragement you need to keep going, darting your tongue out and swiping across Peters head almost every time it gets close to your mouth, licking up the precum leaking out of the tip, and squeezing your boobs even tighter around his cock as you do so, another groan forces itself out of Peters mouth as his hand tightens in your hair, causing a moan to fall from your own lips. “I’m so close, you gonna let me cum all over those pretty tits of yours princess?”
“Yes Peter, please cum all over my tits”
The desperation in your voice, the almost begging tone lacing it causes Peter to lose his composure and control as he shoots rope after rope of cum over your chest as you continue to move your boobs over him, the cum spreading down the valley and up onto your chest with some even landing in your mouth on your waiting tongue that you had stuck out when he started to cum.
Peter pants as you let go of your boobs and sit back, his hand leaves your hair and instead cups your jaw gently in a stark contrast with how hard he had been gripping at the roots where he runs a finger across your chin to swipe up the cum that had hit against it. He taps his thumb against your lips and you open, sucking his thumb into your mouth and moaning at the sensuality of it. It’s another image Peter will have seared in the back of his brain for the rest of his life.
As Peter focuses on the image of you, on your knees sucking on his thumb covered in his cum, you swipe some of the cum of your chest letting it cover your fingers before you pull back of his thumb and instead suck your own fingers into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them to get as much cum off them as you can. Your eyes are staring up at Peter’s through your eyelashes, watching as the irises almost completely disappear, existing as the smallest rings around the pitch blackness of the blown out pupil, when you pull your fingers from your mouth with a ‘pop’ Peter is quick to pull you into a rough kiss, instantly shoving his tongue into your mouth.
You moan at the sensation of his tongue massaging yours, reaching your hands up and wrapping them around his neck, rising back up so Peter’s not having to bend over as much, tangling your hands a little bit less than gently in his hair and giving it a gentle tug, which causes Peter to let put a deep almost animalistic growl that has you clenching your thighs together even tighter, the movement of which Peter notices and he’s pulls away from you, a cocky smirk on his face.
“You took such good care of me princess…” His hand ghosts across your thigh until he’s hovering over your core, so close you can feel the heat emanating from it, and then ever so slowly he runs a finger through your folds, pressing against your clit with the slightest pressure as he does so and causing a whine to fall from your lips because god was it the most heavenly thing you’ve felt recently but it just was not enough, “Now let me take care of you.”
He takes your arms in his hands, guiding you to standing before he strips himself of his blazer and dress shirt, throwing them to the ground somewhere in your room. He lets you go and sits back down on the bed, patting his thigh as an invitation for you to sit. It's one you take almost immediately, throwing on leg over and lowering yourself down so that the fabric of his trousers make contact with your bare cunt and rubbing so deliciously on your clit as you do, ripping a moan from your throat as you do. "You have such pretty moans, pretty girl."
Peter grips onto your hips, fingers digging in a way that was painful to the point you were sure they were going to leave bruises but also amplified the pleasure coursing through your veins. Peter starts to move you up and down his thigh, the friction of the fabric rubbing on your clit at a brutal pace sending shockwaves through you and causing you to throw your head back as moans continually fall from your lips.
“Does that feel good?” You nod your head and Peter tenses his thigh underneath you, bouncing his knee alongside it pulling another loud moan from your lips at pleasure overwhelms your senses, “Come on princess, you gotta use your words.”
You let out a whine at the sensation, the motion of the bounce putting delicious pressure and friction against your clit that has you almost seeing stars, “Fe-feels s’good Peter.” Your words slur together as pleasure overwhelms your senses. Peter’s grip tightens at your words as he moves you even quicker against his thigh, the coil in your stomach that had already been wound tight, tightens even further and can feel the cliff edge of your orgasm approaching so very quickly.
“Yeah baby? You gonna cum all over my thigh?” You nod your head, reaching your hand up to grip at Peter’s shoulders so tightly that you're sure you’ll leave behind crescent shapes from your nails or even draw blood. Peter groans at the sensation, his cock already semi-hard again from watching you unravel on his thigh, he never thought he would be in pain (he experience enough of it on a daily basis) but yet here you are proving him wrong with the way your hands had previously tugged at his hair and the way your nails are currently biting into his skin and causing his cock to twitch at the sensations.
“Go on then princess, cum for me.” There he goes again with that stupid pet name that you should hate but instead has you melting into him even further, your clit throbbing as it rolls of his tongue like liquid gold honey that seeps deep into your bones. Peter tenses his thigh once again and you feel every ridge of hard muscle under the cloth of his trousers and it sends you spiralling off the cliff edge you had been teetering on as your orgasm sends shockwaves through your body.
Peter watches your face as it contorts in pleasure from your orgasm wracking through your body, ignoring the wetness that had now gone through his pants and was coating his thigh, and he swears you’ve never looked more beautiful and another image is forever ingrained in his mind. His cock was now fully hard once again and twitching against his stomach begging for some kind of attention or friction, which he grants it by removing his hand from it and giving it a few pumps but it wasn’t enough, no, Peter was feeling greedy now. He already felt the bliss of your mouth and tits wrapped around him and now he wanted more, no he needed more. Needed to feel your pretty little pussy wrapped around him and squeezing him.
Peter makes a quick decision while you’re still coming down from your orgasm and wraps the hand still holding onto you around your waist and twists you both around so that you were now lying on the bed with your legs hanging of bed with your butt just on the edge and he was now kneeling down in front of you with both hands on your knees, holding your legs apart as he eyes up your soaking wet cunt.
It almost makes you feel self-conscious, almost has you trying to squeeze your legs closed but Peter's firm grip and his superhuman strength stops you no matter how hard you strain against him, you simply cannot win against Peter in a battle of pure strength. The self consciousness erodes away and the words of discontent that were forming on your tongue are replaced by a porn-staresque moan as Peter dives in and licks a stripe up your cunt and latches his mouth onto your clit. `The sound causes Peters dick to twitch against his abdomen.
He hums against your clit, the vibrations adding to the immense pleasure you were feeling, and slowly pushes a single digit into your weeping hole to start prepping you to take his cock. He pumps in and out of you, finger curling in and pressing against your gummy walls as he does, you moan at the combined movement and sensation of Peter sucking on your clit and feel the coil in your stomach already start to tighten once again.
Peters free hand trails up your abdomen with a featherlight touch that you barely feel over the pressure of him fucking his finger into you, you really only become aware of his other hand when he pinches at your nipple and pulls at the metal of the piercing, the pain melding in with the pleasure in such a way that your eyes are rolling to the back of your skull and you miss the way Peter stretched you out by entering a second and third finger into you.
The coil in your stomach is impossibly tight, tighter that it ever has been and yet you doesn’t snap as Peter releases your clit with a ‘pop’ but he continues the ministrations with his fingers, rubbing against your most sensitive spot with every thrust, “God princess, you taste absolutely amazing and feel so amazing clenching down on my fingers, I can’t wait to feel you clenching on my cock.”
The praise falling from Peter’s lips goes straight to your head and causes you to clench around his fingers even harder, he presses harder into your g-spot and pulls on your nipples once again causing a wanton moan to fall from your lips, the coil in your stomach starting to reach it’s breaking point. “You gonna cum again baby? Go on, cum all over my fingers and face.” Suddenly Peter’s sucking on your clit once again and your eyes are rolling back in pleasure as it overwhelms you and you see nothing but stars as your orgasm overwhelms your senses.
As you cum all over him, your juices squirting over his fingers and rolling down to his wrist, he removes his fingers and instead starts to lap up everything you have to give him, moving the hand on your nipple down to hold your waist against the bed as you begin to write in overstimulation of Peter tonguing your entrance.
The sound of a whine finally pulls Peter away from your pussy and he stands from where he was kneeling, your juices now coating his mouth from your explosive organism, you look angelic with your hair spread out in a halo around you and a blissed out expression on your face, eyes wide and chest rising up and down rapidly as you try and catch your breath. In between your breaths, you reach out to Peter and he gladly leans in, allowing you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him down into a passionate kiss that is all teeth and tongue as you try and get as much of Peter as you can.
Peter is the first to pull away from the kiss and starts to trail kisses down your neck, stopping occasionally to bite and suck on your skin leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. The sensations have you whining, desperate for more as your needy cunt clenches around nothing, “Peter…” Peter smirks into your skin and places a gentle kiss on your collarbone before he rises and stares down at you with a raised eyebrow, “Need you…”
“Need me where princess? Come on baby use your words, tell me what you want”
“Please Peter…I need to feel you inside of me… please please fuck me” Your tone is begging, a whine falling from your lips at the end of the sentence, and who was Peter to deny you when you sounded so pretty begging for him inside you. Peter grips the base of his cock and rubs himself along your fold, coating himself in all your wonderful wetness as a lubricant, as the tip of his cock catches on your clit you let out another whine and Peter smirks at the sound. “Peter…please…enough teasing.”
Peter lines himself up with your entrance and looks up at you for confirmation and as you nod your head he slowly slides himself in, letting out a low groan at the sensation of you stretching and clenching around his cock. It's a groan that is drowned out completely by the moan you let out. Peter moves so slowly you can feel every part of his cock as it rubs inside of you, all the veins and ridges all piling onto the pleasure you’re experiencing and as he bottoms out inside you you let out a small, pleasurable whine.
You have never felt so full before in your life, no other partner you had filled you up just as much as Peter does, and it felt absolutely amazing. With Peter spending time prepping you to take him, you barely feel any pain and it takes only a second of Peter being fully sheathed inside you before you start beginning him to move, it’s a request he’s glad to fulfil as he slowly pulls out before slamming back into you and starting an almost brutal pace.
As Peter thrusts in and out of you at a rapid pace, you wrap your arms around his shoulder and dig your nails into the flesh, the pain of which combines with the pleasure of your cunt squeezing his cock and pulls a deep moan from Peter that has you dragging your nails down his back leaving red marks in your wake to hear it again and again. Your own moans join in with Peters as his cock hits against either your g-spot or your cervix with every thrust, driving you absolutely insane with pleasure to the point that black dots began to gather in your vision as another orgasm rocks through you unexpectedly, a result of combining the after effects of your previous orgasm and the pleasure currently coursing through every nerve in your body.
Peter lets out a deep groan as you clench around him, eyes moving to watch his cock piston in and out of you and at the white ring of your cum that had gathered around the base, “Fuck princess you feel so fucking amazing on my cock, squeezing me so good.” You try and form words, anything to show Peter just how amazing he’s making you feel, but you can’t. The words die in the back of your throat and are instead replaced simply by whines and moans but they’re still sounds that make Peter’s cock twitch inside of you.
Peter continues his assault on your pussy, chasing his own high, the pattern of his thrusts becoming irregular and scattered as he rapidly approaches his own orgasm. “Fuck…princes I’m going to cum” He was going to pull out and cum on your pussy and stomach, never had any intention of cumming inside of you until your soft voice quietly calls out an “inside.”
His eyes snapped up to meet yours and something feral reflected in them, “You want me to cum inside you princess? Want me to fill you up?” You nod your head as best you can and Peter slows down his thrust
“Oh God, yes Peter…please fill me with your cum.”
Peter speeds up his thrusts once again, hips slamming hard against your pelvis and balls slamming against your ass, the squelching sound of your pussy and the slapping of skin fills the air and joins the erotic symphony of your combined moans as Peter chases his high, the only thought in his head being how pretty you’re going to look with his cum dripping out of your pussy. It doesn’t take long until Peter trusts become sloppy and he sheathes himself completely inside you, tip of his cock pressed right against your cervix as he shoots rope after rope of hot cum inside of you with a loud groan.
Peter almost collapses on top of you, but he stops himself by placing his forearms by your head and using them to support his weight as his eyes move over your face, watching intently as you catch your breath and slowly come back to reality after three orgasms. He gently brushes one hand across your face in an attempt to ground you and as he cups your cheek to rub a thumb across the skin, you reach for his hand and cup your own around it. “You okay?”
You nod and turn your head to place gentle kisses on the palm of Peter’s hand, which has him smiling down at you gently and placing his own soft kisses against your forehead, “I’m going to pull out, okay?” You nod again, eyelids fluttering slightly and a small whine leaving your lips as Peter removes his cock from inside you, the stimulation a little too much. Peter whispers a gentle “sorry” and places more comforting kisses against your face and shoulders, the hand on your cheek continuing to rub against your skin to try and comfort you.
Peter places a gentle and loving kiss against your lips, the tenderness acting as such a juxtaposition to how deeply and roughly he had been fucking you moments before. You smile into the kiss, hand curling around the back of Peter’s neck to play with the baby hairs at the base. Peter pulls back from the kiss with a smile and pecks your nose gently, the cloudiness that had previously been in your eyes fading slightly as the skin to skin contact you have with him grounds you back to earth.
“Do you need anything? A shower, a bath, snacks?” You take a deep breath, pulling Peter down so he’s even closer and nuzzling into his neck, inhaling his scent as deep as you can and placing a light kiss against the skin, “A bath would be nice.” Your voice comes out soft and just above a whisper, had Peter not been deliberately paying attention he would have missed it.
“Okay princess, let’s run you a bath.” Peter goes to lift of you, but you keep him tight in your grip and wrap your legs around his waist, further restricting him from moving and going to draw you a bath. You let out a noise of discontent as he tries to pull away once again and Peter chuckles slightly at the sound. If you weren’t willing to let him go, then he was just going to have to carry you, which he did as he wrapped and arm around your waist for extra support and stood with you in his arms.
“Don’t worry princess, I’ll take good care of you”
Tony approaches Natasha at the bar, wanting a drink but also a little curious as to where you had disappeared too. You were on his arm when you both entered the party, though you quickly separated from him to go and socialise with people your own age after you had greeted all the necessary benefactors and he remembers seeing you with Parker briefly and then with America and Shang-Chi, it was their first Avengers formal event so he assumed you were reassuring them, but he hadn’t seen you since and he was getting just a little worried.
Nat, having seen Tony on his way towards her, places a glass of scotch, neat, on the bar top and smirks to herself as he grabs the glass and downs it in on go before he starts questioning her. “Have you seen my daughter?”
Natasha lets out a small hum and leans forward on the bar, using her forearms to support her weight as she does so, “I might have.” Tony rolls his eyes at the Widow and lets out a huff of air, placing his empty glass down with a little more force than necessary.  Natahsa’s smirk grows into a knowing smile as she glances to the door that both you and a certain spiderling had disappeared out of about 2 hours earlier and had yet to return from. Tony follows her gaze and he feels his heart tightening at the thought you had left with someone, “She left with someone?”
Natasha nods her head, “‘Bout 2 hours ago.” Horror slowly fills Tony, you would only be away for that long for one reason and one reason only and it was not one he was ready to consider for you. Despite being 21 years old, you were still hes sweet, little girl and the thought of you being sexually active was horrifying. Not only that, most people here that weren’t members of the Avengers were his age and older and he did not want you mixed up with them and there were very few members of the Avengers around your age, well specifically one and as the thought crossed his mind Tony started to glare at nothing, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he did so, “Parker”
Natasha laughed at Tony, a full belly laugh that had her throwing her head back as she did. After she settled down her laughter enough, she was able to grab onto Tony's shoulder to stop him from storming into your bedroom and seeing something he really did not want to see, “Oh come on. They’re young, let them have their fun.” Tony huffed out once again, as Pepper's voice filled his ears. He hadn’t even noticed her coming up beside him and taking his hand in hers to calm him down, though his temper flares again as Natasha speaks up once again.
“At least it’s not Barnes she’s running off with.”
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natty-taffy · 7 months
left, right. left, right. steady - masterlist
[natasha romanoff x stark!reader]
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Summary: Being the daughter of Tony Stark has it’s perks, you go unnoticed by the threats he faces while living at one of his summer safe houses. That is, until a hurt Natasha Romanoff breaks into it, at 4am.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ CHAPTERS
࿔*:・ one
࿔*:・ two
࿔*:・ three
࿔*:・ four
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ BONUS
࿔*:・ the Earth's Most Desired Target
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lokilaufeysonslove · 3 months
𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
// Summary // you are Tony and Pepper’s troublemaker daughter and ask a certain god of mischief for help to get out of trouble.
// Warnings // none
// Author’s Note // divider by the amazing @saradika-graphics / gif by @sophiestrashcann
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You were standing in front of your school building, waiting for your father to pick you up. The day was very shitty. You were in trouble. Again. But you didn’t want your parents to find out, because they would freak out and forbid you to go to a concert of your favorite singer that was in just a week.
Well, your mother would. It’s not that you weren’t close to your father, quite the opposite, really, but he was more of a chill person. Your mother on the other hand was always freaking out and panicking.
A roar of a sports car pulled you out of your train of thoughts. You smiled at your father and headed towards his car. The car was gorgeous, brand new matte black Lamborghini Aventador. But it’s Tony Stark we’re talking about, of course he would have a car like that.
“Hey dad.” You kissed his cheek as you sat down in the passenger seat and clasped the seatbelt, throwing your bag in the back seat.
“Hey kid, how was your day?” He asked.
You panicked slightly, trying not to show it, and let’s be honest, you were doing excellent job. “As always. Study, sleep, then study again, then sleep.” You shrugged and leaned your head on the headboard.
Tony nodded understandingly, “When I was around your age, I couldn’t stand school as well. To be honest, I was very lazy and had very bad grades. My teachers were always telling me that I would never achieve anything if I kept going like that. Guess what? They were wrong!” He said, momentarily throwing his hands up at the last sentence, “Look at what a famous, talented, handsome, successful and great father you have.”
You scoffed at that playfully, still smiling and letting out a small laugh.
“What?! Am I wrong?” He asked with fake offense.
You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless, “No, not at all.”
After about ten minutes, you were finally home. You entered Stark Tower with your father and took the elevator to the top floor. You went up to your room, quickly changed and headed down to the living room.
You were thinking of what happened that morning at school. Some would say you were feeling guilty, but in reality, you were not. You just wanted to get out of this trouble. But who could help? You couldn’t ask Steve for help, because he would just lecture you and maybe even would tell your parents, Nat was on a mission, Thor was no help at all. If you would tell him, the whole tower would know by the end of the day. Others were not in the tower, only Loki- BOOM! Loki! Of course, how could you be so stupid?
You changed the course and started speed walking towards Loki’s room.
You got there in less than two minutes and knocked on his bedroom door. You could hear him groan from the other side of the door and you assumed that you interrupted his reading.
“What?” He stated coldly when he opened the door, but the coldness faded away as soon as he saw you. You walked past him and straight into his bedroom and started pacing around.
Loki closed the door and leaned against its frame, looking at you with amused expression, not saying a word.
You finally stopped walking and faced him, “Loki, I need your help.” You said very seriously.
“And may I ask what made you think that I would help you?” He said, one eyebrow raised.
“The fact that I’m just great, amazing, wonderful, and only human being you like?”
Loki sighed and tried his best to hide a small smile that started forming on his lips, but he wasn’t doing a good job. “What do you need my help with?” He asked.
“Okay, so, if i punched a boy from my school and my teacher called my dad and called him to school, hypothetically of course, would you help me get out of this whole shit?”
“Hypothetically?” Loki asked suspiciously. One, because your ‘hypothetically’ was never actually hypothetical, and two, because you would punch someone without hesitation. So, it didn’t sound like a truth to the god of lies at all.
You looked at him dead in the eye, and when he raised his eyebrow once again, you sighed. “Well, no, not hypothetically.”
“So, you punched a guy at your school, then your teacher called your father and called him to school. How do you expect me to help you, if your father already knows?”
You were quiet for a moment and then you spoke up, “I may, or may not, have given my teacher my number and faked my father’s voice.”
He looked at you as if you were delusional, “How in the nine realms did you fake your father’s voice?”
You smirked, “Technologies are very useful, you know.” When Loki didn’t say anything, you started whining, “Please, Loki, I can’t tell others.”
He sighed and looked at you again, “And what do you want me to do?”
Your eyes lit up with hope, “You are a shape shifter, aren’t you?”
“Ah, so you want me to turn into your father and come to your school instead of him?”
“Exactly!” You answered excitedly.
“Absolutely not.” Loki turned around and walked out of the living room, leaving you standing there.
You rolled your eyes, “By the way, I know where Thor keeps his secret stash of Pop-Tarts you couldn’t find the other day.” You said loudly, so Loki could hear.
At that, he walked back into his living room and looked at you dead in the eye. “You will tell me?”
“Only if you’ll help me.” You said with a serious tone.
“Deal.” He said, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
You smirked and shook his hand, “Deal.”
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smilelikeacheshirecat · 7 months
Y/n: Guys, I need help
Tony: Financial help?
Bruce: Emotional help?
Steve: Physical help?
Clint: Family help?
Thor: Magical help?
Natasha: Help moving a body?
*everybody stares at Natasha*
Natasha: ...What?
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moiravim · 2 years
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Parental!Platonic!Tony Stark x yn
Pov: Tony adopting YN
Tony Stark was a "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" as he called himself. He had pretty much seen and done everything, yet something was still lacking from his life. Though he had always been somewhat solitary, he desired to have a companion with whom to spend his life. At that point, he became aware of you, a young child with no family.
You were residing at an orphanage in New York City, having nowhere else to go after losing both of her parents in a horrible vehicle accident. Tony was moved by her narrative and made the decision to go see her.
He knew he had met someone exceptional the moment he entered the orphanage. You were initially reserved, but thanks to Tony's kindness and patience, you eventually warmed up to him. Tony had made up his mind at the end of the day after you had both spent the day eating pizza and visiting the city together. He desired to adopt you to provide for you better.
Although adoption took some time, Tony was adamant that it would happen. He worked with the top attorneys and saw to it that everything was done legally. He was finally able to bring you home one day. You were ecstatic to have a new, caring family, and Tony was ecstatic to be with you.
It took some getting used to for both of you at first. Tony had to learn how to be a father because he was used to living alone. In contrast, you had to adjust to living in a big, cutting-edge home full of superheroes. Yet, you two were able to resolve your issues and quickly grew to be the best of friends.
While you taught him how to have fun and act like a kid once more, Tony spent hours instructing you in science and engineering. Together, you had adventures, prepared meals, and even engaged in dangerous combat.
You and Tony's friendship grew closer than ever as time passed. He saw in you the meaning of life, and you saw in him a hero. Together, you overcame numerous obstacles, yet they never forgot to look out for one another.
Tony finally understood that choosing to adopt you was the best choice he had ever made. You gave him new hope and filled a hole he wasn't even aware he had. Together, you demonstrated that family isn't always defined by blood, but rather by the love and support that ties us all together.
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my-status-single · 4 months
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby Chapter 3
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s. She had been pregnant.  It had been early.  So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included. And months later she had given birth to their son. Their son. Ben.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
From the Author: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen.
Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
From the author: Taglist is OPEN, just leave a comment or send me a dm xxx
Wordcount: 825
Chapter Summary: Follows immediately after the first chapter. Peter learns more about what he’s missed
Chapter Warnings:Medical settings: YN is still in a coma, the chapter takes place in a hospital/medical centre, Peter thinks back to another situation involving a hospital Anxiety: Peter is going through it kids Depression: Tony implies that YN struggled with depression after the snap Overstimulation: Peter’s powers cause heightened senses and this is causing problems for him due to exhaustion and stress
Detailed Chapter Summary: Peter learns some of what has happened in the last five years. Tony offers to let him meet Ben but Peter ultimately decides he wants to wait for YN before he does so.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ao3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2
May 2023
Peter lets out a deep breath as he half listens to what Tony is saying. His head is spinning and everything is becoming too bright. Everything hurts. And everything is loud. And if he doesn’t get control of himself he’s going to go into overload. Everything is just too much. “You can meet him if you want.” He manages to catch. He looks over at Tony.
“You can. He’s your son, we aren’t going to keep you from him.”
Peter swallows thickly. All he wants to do is meet him. But he doesn’t think he can without her. She…she had his baby, and she was all alone and…and he doesn’t want to become a father without her at his side.
“But, no one would blame you if you wanted to wait either.” Tony continues. “It’s a lot to take in. You’re already dealing with a lot. Ben won’t know one way or another.”
“Ben…” Peter says so softly, with an almost reverence. “She named him Ben.”
Tony nods. “I think it’s the only thing she’s sure of. That his name was meant to be Ben.”
Peter just looks over at him, a bit confused. “What?” He asks.
Tony hums. “When she found out she…she wasn’t doing well. She didn’t know anything she wanted or needed or how to handle any of it. But…she knew his name.” He says. “And since then she second guesses a lot. She convinces herself that she’s doing it wrong or that keeping him was unfair. But she knows she at least got that right.” He says. He sighs softly. “She’s got most of it right. That boy is…he’s so loved and she’s so good. She settled into motherhood so well that it was almost alarming. She loves that boy with everything in her.”
Peter nods slowly. “I…want to meet him, but I can’t leave right now.” He admits. “I need to be here. Near her.”
Tony nods. “I know. You already look stressed and she’s just in the next room.” He admits. “You two have always been so codependent.” He hums. “Is there anything you need, though? Anything you want to know?” He asks. “I’m sure she’ll tell you everything when shes woken up…but, in the meantime?”
Peter sighs and rubs his temples. “Just…are they okay?” He asks in a small voice.
Tony hums. “Right now, yes. For a while now.” He says. “Ben is healthy, and smart, and happy. He’s so loved. She’s so good with him. You’d be proud.”
Peter smiles tearfully. “Yeah?” He whispers.
Tony smiles and nods. “Yeah. She’s okay too. She…takes it a day at a time.” He admits.
Peter feels a painful pang in his heart at that, he closes his eyes.
“Losing you was…it was rough. On all of us. But she…” He sighs. “It took a lot out of her…and I don’t want you to feel guilty over that. It isn’t your fault. You couldn’t control it. And I need you to repeat that to yourself until you believe it.” He says sternly. “But I know you want to know things. I know you need to know about her.”
Peter swallows thickly. “I…okay. Okay, I’ll try.” He chokes out.
Tony squeezes his hand gently. “Go back to her. Try to get some sleep. With her. I don’t care what anyone has told you. You need to hold her and she needs to be held.” He says.
Peter nods slowly. “Thank you Tony.” He whispers and stands, legs a bit shaky.
“Kid?” Tony says, just as Peter is turning away. He hums and turns to look back at Tony.
“It’s…I’m glad you’re back.” He says to Peter so gently.
Peter smiles softly and nods. 
He goes back to his girl then.
He settles beside her in her bed, brushing her hair back gently. She’s beautiful. Perfect. And he can’t quite fathom that he spent half a decade without her.
He studies her. Noticing the changes.
She’s older now. She’s lost some of the softness that comes with being essentially still a child. Her hair is longer, a bit darker…he loves every bit of her as much as he did five years ago.
The last time he’d seen her in a hospital bed it had been after a training accident. She’d lost her footing during sparring and ended up with a concussion.
He was there with her then the way he is now.
He couldn’t sleep that time.
He thinks of this as he feels himself beginning to relax a bit into sleep.
Maybe it was the exhaustion from the fight, and the stress. That would make the most sense.
But as his eyes get heavy enough to close he knows that its just his response to being able to fall asleep next to her.
Like his body knows he’s back where he belongs.
Like he can finally rest.
Taglist: @bitchy-bi-trash
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Red and Gold
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PAIRING || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark x Sugar Baby!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Tony is bringing you along to a charity event, but this time, you decide to surprise him with your outfit. The moment he finds out you're wearing his colors, he has to restrain himself from tearing it off you and having his way with you right then and there.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Sugar Daddy AU. Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark. Sugar Baby!Reader. Heaps and heaps of tooth-rotting fluff.
WARNINGS || Unspecified age gap. Use of nicknames (Sugar). Use of Y/N. Mutual pining. Idiots in love. Sexual tension. Explicit sexual content. Feral Tony Stark. Referenced heartbreak.
SMUT || Daddy kink. Dirty talk. Begging. Praise. Degradation. Hair pulling. Oral (F receiving). Beard burn. Spanking. Semi-public sex. Clothed sex. Rough sex. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Cream pie. Aftercare.
A/N || The idea for this one-shot has been living rent-free in my head, and I am happy to say that with the help of @ccbsrmsf1, this story has finally come to life! This is proofread by the lovely @ccbsrmsf1 as well, for which I'm forever grateful. Thank you for everything you do for me; I love you! 💙
A/N 2.0 || I used writing prompt #2422 from @promptsforthestrugglingauthor while writing this story. From the moment I saw it months ago, I knew I had to use it in a story, and I'm happy to say I finally found the perfect one to incorporate it into! 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book night || "Look At Me." Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book night || Sexual Tension Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Wild || Love Confession Masterlist || @mcukinkbingo || Having sex while clothed
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Banners: @nicoline1998enilocin || Divider: @rookthornesartistry || Photo: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || AU Masterlist
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Sugar's POV
It's a beautiful day today, and you're sitting outside the coffee shop on your college campus, a hot cup of coffee and a pastry on the table, along with your laptop. On the screen is the face of someone you haven't seen in almost a month but who you miss more than anyone: Tony Stark.
He's seated in his office, his phone propped up as he eats his lunch while talking to you - a habit you two have subconsciously slipped into a few months ago. Seeing how your lunchtimes overlap most of the time, you spend 30 minutes to an hour keeping each other up to date on everything, and today, the topic of conversation is tonight's charity event you're both attending.
"Why won't you hint at your outfit, Sugar? I've already shown you mine, so it's only fair you show me yours," he tries again with a soft smile, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach go wild as you look at him.
"Because, Tony, it's a surprise. I've told you that before, and I'll tell you again now. I want to surprise you tonight because we haven't seen each other outside of FaceTime in a while. And I may have gotten something special that I'd like to hide from you," you say as you wiggle your brows, and Tony's cheeks flush at your teasing.
"Not fair," Tony pouts before taking another bite of his lunch, making you laugh.
"Life's not always fair, sorry," you respond, sipping your coffee as your eyes slip shut. The liquid warms you from the inside out, spreading a content smile.
"Are you sure you won't be able to drive to the event together, Sugar?" Tony tries one last time, and you shake your head. Between classes until 7, getting ready for the event, and meeting Tony beforehand, there won't be enough time to join him, so you will have to meet him on the red carpet.
"I'm sure, Tony. I wish I could, but unless you want me to wear my casual outfit, I prefer to go home first and meet you on the red carpet instead. But I promise you I'll make it worth your while later tonight," you say with a wink, and Tony almost chokes on his food as he realizes what you're referencing.
Just as he's about to respond, a notification on your screen lets you know it's time to head to your next class. A sad feeling settles in your chest as you say goodbye to Tony, whose face shows a hint of disappointment that you must go.
"I can't wait to see you tonight, Sugar. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for me," he says before you both say your last goodbyes and you head to class.
Luckily, the remaining classes seem to fly by, and once it's finally time to go home, you can feel the butterflies in your stomach go wild at the thought of seeing Tony again in an hour or two. Your dress and accessories have been picked out and laid on your bed in preparation, and your hair has been washed this morning to save time.
The moment you step into your apartment, you're running from one place to another to get ready as quickly as possible while eating some leftover pasta salad you made for dinner last night. Your hair is straightened before being put into a ponytail, a few pieces left out to frame your face, and you opt for a red and gold makeup look to finish your look.
Lastly, it's time for your dress: a deep-red off-shoulder gown that reaches down to the floor and has a split on your right side that reaches mid-thigh to show off your leg. Combined with gold jewelry, high heels, and a matching gold bag, you're ready to go on time.
After one last look in the mirror, you hear a car honking outside - letting you know that the car Tony has sent to pick you up has arrived.
"Good evening, Ms. Y/L/N," Happy says with a nod, and you smile at him as you greet him.
"Good evening, Happy. Thank you for picking me up," you tell him before getting in the back of the large car, careful not to bang your head or trip on anything. The second you're seated, you let out a soft sigh, and your heart hammers against your ribcage, trying to escape as the realization sinks in that you're almost reunited with Tony.
But most of all, you're curious to see his reaction because you're wearing red and gold—his colors.
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Tony's POV
It's been a long day already for Tony, filled with long meetings, and it's about to become even longer now that he's at the charity event. Pepper has also been asking him countless questions today, and all he wants now is to see you again; he wants a piece of his sweet, beautiful Sugar. At this point, knowing that he'll be reunited with you soon is the only thing that keeps him from walking out of here with zero fucks to give.
He has already passed countless photographers and is now being interviewed. However, he's sure that his answers are barely usable, now that you have completely taken over his thoughts. His mind is miles away from the moment at hand, after all.
Just when the interviewer is about to ask the next question, Happy pulls up in the car he sent to pick you up, and it's all Tony can focus on now. Time seems to have slowed as the door swings open in slow motion, and each of your legs emerges from the large, black vehicle.
First, he sees your golden shoes complementing your skin tone beautifully, and then he sees the bottom of your red, floor-length gown. His heart is hammering against his chest as he's holding his breath in anticipation of the rest of you—which will be gorgeous, without a shadow of a doubt.
Happy extends his hand, and you grab it to get up carefully. Tony sees the dark red nails that match your dress perfectly, and his mind instantly wanders to how they will feel as they scratch his back later, feeling himself chub up in his bright white pants.
Every last drop of blood officially rushes south as you step out of the car and into the spotlight. After thanking Happy for the ride, you face the red carpet with a bright, wide smile on your lips as you spot Tony, and you wave shyly at him before being led to the giant wall of photographers.
Men and women shout your name left, right, and center while Tony can do nothing else but stare at you in absolute awe. The woman interviewing Tony has given up and moved on to someone else, all while he looks like he's nailed to the floor, his jaw slightly slack at the sight of you.
The dress hugs your curves in the best way possible, and Tony's heart beats faster than ever as he looks at you, enjoying yourself on the red carpet. You have joined him enough times, and you two have been the headlines of many tabloids since your arrangement started, so everyone is well aware of who you are.
When you extend your hand towards Tony, letting him know you also want some photos together, he immediately rushes over to where you're standing. If he weren't already deeply in love with you before this moment, he definitely would be now, though he wouldn't dare to admit it out loud. He doesn't want to ruin your relationship, after all.
As soon as your hand makes contact with his, you both feel a shock of electricity going through your body. Tony lifts it to his mouth, kissing the tender skin of the back of your hand, causing a deep red blush to spread across your cheeks, but you also feel superb as he does it. He never fails to make you feel like a princess.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you did this just for me," he says as he looks at you with pure love. His glasses frame his face in a way that makes him look even more handsome than usual, and they complement his bright white suit.
"I told you I wanted to surprise you, and I believe it worked," you say as you reposition yourself against his side, the leg that was exposed by the slit of your dress is bent slightly while your hand covers his arc reactor under his shirt, which helps to ground you a little bit as well.
"Let's get a move on, Sugar. I can't wait any longer to be buried deep inside your tight, sweet pussy," Tony whispers in your ear before grabbing your hand and pulling you away. His heart beats faster with every step, and his cock is straining hard against his pants. Seeing you has made him horny, and he is going to make sure he will have his relief - preferably by burying his thick, hard cock deep inside the hot, tight, velvet walls he's missed so much.
He needs you badly, and he needs you now.
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It doesn't take long for Tony to find an empty closet, and without a care in the world, he opens the door before pulling you inside with him and pushing you against it once it's closed. Tony's lips are on yours instantly, and you welcome his tongue immediately, savoring his taste after almost a month of not seeing each other.
The kiss is messy, and it's a combination of tongue and teeth as his fingers glide over your exposed thigh, the other hand pulling your hips against the straining bulge in his pants.
"God, I missed you so fucking much, Sugar. Missed having that perfect little pussy wrapped around my cock, and your lips sucking my soul out through my cock," he pants while he works your panties down your legs, all while your hands are wrapped around his neck, your forehead pressed against his as your breaths are mingling.
"Missed you too, Daddy," you say before capturing his lips to suppress the moan leaving your lips, but he quickly pulls back after hearing you say that.
"What-" is all he can get out before you move your hands from his neck down to his pants, unbuttoning it quickly before pulling out his achingly hard cock. Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you look at him with a shimmer of mischief in your eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"I need you to fuck me, Daddy, please," you beg softly, and it's exactly what he does. Your dress is quickly pushed up and out of the way so he has the access he needs, and he guides his shaft back and forth through your folds, making you gasp each time it nudges your sensitive clit.
"So fucking wet for me already, huh? Nothing but a dirty, desperate little slut for Daddy to fuck whenever he wants. Letting me fuck you in a closet where everyone can walk in at any moment - I'm sure it makes you fucking drip for me," he says through gritted teeth as he lines up his cock, not pushing in just yet, but letting his hand glide back and forth over his length.
"Y-yes, Daddy! 'M your slut," you tell him in a breathy tone as you look through half-lidded eyes at him, mouth slightly slack as you feel him pumping his cock up and down, your nails digging into his shoulders in anticipation of what's to come.
"If you want to be a good slut for Daddy, you will need to keep quiet for me right now, Sugar," he says, and without any other warning, he shoves his cock in with a single thrust, and his lips instantly crash onto yours to swallow the loud moan that was spilling over.
Tony's thick, strong fingers are digging into your thighs as he thrusts in and out of you at a strong, rapid pace that has your eyes rolling back and your pussy fluttering around his cock, the length of it hitting your sweet spot with every thrust.
Your nails are digging harder into Tony's shoulders, and it only spurs him on as he builds both your highs, your orgasms barreling closer at an alarming pace. Suddenly, Tony's mouth is gone from yours, and he carefully grabs your jaw with his right hand, his left one holding you still.
"Look at me, Sugar, look at me when you cum on my cock. Fuck, need you to cum on my cock like the good slut you are for Daddy," he groans, and you nod as soon as your eyes find his intense gaze, the usual dark brown entirely replaced by the black of his pupils.
"Cream my fucking cock, Sugar, and I'll fuck you so full of my cum it'll leak out of you for the rest of the fucking evening, dripping down these delicious thighs of yours before I fuck it right back into this tight, warm pussy when we're in my penthouse," he pants. Still, all you can do is whimper softly as you're trying not to scream as he repeatedly hits your G-spot.
The moment your orgasm washes over you, your nails are digging hard into Tony's shoulders, and his mouth is immediately back on yours as he fucks you through it, your legs trembling heavily in the process. He whispers soft praise as you come down from your high, and it's only when he pulls out that you notice he has cum, too, his seed nestled deep inside you.
"Such a good girl for Daddy; I missed you so much," he whispers as he peppers your face with soft, gentle kisses, and you smile shyly up at him. You always feel extra vulnerable after you've had an orgasm, but he has learned how to handle that, making sure you won't crash after your high.
"M such a lucky man to have you by my side, Sugar," he whispers before placing a kiss on your forehead, followed by one on the tip of your nose, and he finishes with a last peck on your lips when you've found your footing again, and you're steady on your feet.
"Thank you, Tony," you whisper, and he smiles. Just before you two leave the closet, Tony picks up your panties from the floor and tucks them in the pocket of his pants as a little souvenir to remember what you two just did.
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Surprisingly, the charity event went by quickly, but you and Tony decided not to stay for the afterparty this time. You two have been eyeing and teasing each other ever since you emerged from the closet, wanting nothing more than to make each other fall apart a couple more times before falling asleep in each other's arms.
Happy has picked both of you up, and there's a comfortable silence in the car as Tony's hand draws abstract figures on your thigh. You look out the window at the New York City skyline. It has always been one of your favorite cities, and when you decided to study here, you couldn't wait to explore it all.
Somewhere along the way, you met Tony, and now you're seated in the back of a large SUV on your way to his penthouse, where you two will undoubtedly spend the entire night pulling orgasm after orgasm out of each other.
The moments between Happy dropping both of you off and the elevator ride to his penthouse are a blur. The only thing you remember is Tony kissing you fiercely in the elevator, hands wandering everywhere until you had to let go, and he would lead you to his large bedroom.
Now, you're standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows. As you look over the Manhattan skyline, Tony stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders. Your heels have already been kicked off, making him considerably taller than you are.
"I can't believe you had the nerve to show up looking like this, Sugar. Wearing my colors was such a bold move, and I can't say anything other than that I'm impressed," Tony tells you as you meet his gaze in the window.
"You must bring it out in me, Tony. Because I know for sure I would never have been able to do something so bold without you by my side," you answer as you take the last step back until your back is against his chest. Your eyes flutter shut as his arms wrap around you, and you hold his forearms as you stand there for a moment, basking in the moment's intimacy.
"As much as I love seeing you in that dress, I know for sure it'll look even better when it's on the floor," he tells you, making you chuckle as you let go of his arms, and he pulls the zipper on your side down. The fabric falls to the floor in one flowy movement, leaving you entirely bare for him.
"Perfect," he whispers, his nose nuzzling your neck while his hands glide down your sides until they land on your hips, where he makes a move to turn you around as he sinks to his knees. His fingers glide over the soft skin on your thighs and calves, before grabbing one of them and hooking them over his shoulder, opening you up beautifully for him.
Your glistening, puffy folds are on display as Tony licks his lips in anticipation, and he groans softly when you let your fingers glide into his hair, pulling softly to get him to the place where you need him most. Without a second thought, he flattens his tongue as he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit, and you throw your head back as he teases your sensitive nub a bit with the tip of his tongue.
"D-Daddy," you moan as your hips roll against his face, the friction causing a jolt of pleasure to go through your entire body. Tony's hands are holding you up firmly, his fingers pushing into the flesh of your hips to steady you.
With expert precision and the enthusiasm of a puppy, he eats you out like a starved man, and before you know it, you're tugging on his hair from root to tip to pull him closer, his facial hair giving you the best case of beard burn you've ever had as he works you through a mind-bending orgasm.
Every sound coming from your body is almost inhuman as the pleasure takes over your body, and you're trembling in Tony's hold, but you're not scared to let go. You trust him completely to take care of you, and you know he will do everything in his power to ensure you're safe, especially during moments like these.
"Tastes like heaven, Sugar, sweetest pussy I've ever tasted in my life," he rasps as he carefully guides your foot back on the floor before pulling you against his chest and kissing you softly, allowing you to taste yourself and the faint taste of his cum on his tongue. You quickly get lost in him as he touches you, and he makes you feel like you're floating right now.
"'s your turn now, Daddy," you tell him when he pulls away, but he shakes his head with a smile as he stops you. Your brows knit together as your gaze finds his, worry visible in your eyes.
"As much as I would love to have these beautiful, puffy, pink lips wrapped around my cock, I think I'd prefer to stuff you even more with my cum. Now that I've had a taste again, I want to be buried deep inside you, Sugar," he tells you as he cups your cheeks, and you nod in understanding.
"M'kay, but only because you ask so nicely," you tease, making him laugh. You let go of him before walking to the bed, and he lands a slap on your ass as you pass him - making you yelp in surprise.
A few minutes later, he's entirely bare above you, your head on his pillows as you look up at him in anticipation. He has settled between your legs, and his hard cock rests on the crease where your hip meets your thigh.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, enjoying how your cheeks flush at his praise. A smirk tugs at the corners of his lips as he lets his thumb glide over your cheek and the line of your jaw, before tipping up your chin to capture your lips in another kiss.
You two may not have revealed your feelings for one another yet, but you're also not afraid to show them off when it's just you two right now, basking in the intimacy of your closeness. So vulnerable and yet so strong at the same time.
Tony's fingers ghost over your body and down to his cock, which he fists a couple of times before lining up with your entrance and pushing in. You're still stretched enough from when he fucked you earlier, making it easier for him to slide in, but despite that, he still takes his time with you.
Soft moans tumble from your lips as he slowly thrusts in, taking his sweet time to fill you up completely. His hands are interlaced with yours above your head, and your noses are practically touching each other as he slides in completely, and your back arches into him as he hits your sweet spot.
"That's it, Sugar, you take me so well," he praises you as you wrap your legs around him, allowing him to fuck you even deeper than before. His hips roll into you at a careful, steady pace as he watches your face for any discomfort - but he doesn't find any.
"So good," you whisper before capturing his lips, and it doesn't take long for both of you to be on the edge of yet another release. Your eyes widen as you feel the band inside your belly on the verge of snapping, and with one last command, you're over the edge.
"Cum for me, Sugar, milk Daddy's cock for all it's worth," he grits out as he nuzzles his face in your neck, and with a loud scream of his name, you fall apart around him, your hips rolling in tandem with his as he releases every last drop of his cum inside you.
After riding out both your orgasms, he carefully pulls out before collapsing beside you and pulling you onto his chest, where you both come down from your highs.
"God, that was amazing, Sugar. But I definitely don't want to wait a month again before seeing you," Tony says with a breathy chuckle, and you nod.
"Me neither," you say sleepily as you listen to the soft hum on the arc reactor in his chest. It doesn't take long for Tony to hear your soft snores, and he pulls the comforter over you both. The cleaning up can wait a little bit.
"I'm not sure I know what love is, but I think this might be it, Sugar," Tony admitted to your sleeping form. "And I know you can't hear me right now, but maybe one of these days, I'll be brave enough to say it when you can," he whispers, the reality of his feelings suddenly hitting him hard.
After that, he got you cleaned up after you had a short nap and something to eat. You two shared more cuddles and soft kisses before going to sleep again, and you felt content in his arms as your arm was draped over his chest.
The next morning, you wake up to an empty bed, and you rub your eyes to make sure Tony isn't in there with you. When you've confirmed that he's not there, you sit up, pull the comforter to your chest, and grab your phone to look at the time.
"Good morning, Sugar. I made you breakfast in bed," Tony tells you as he walks in with a tray filled with your favorite fruits, french toast, some yogurt, and two steaming cups of coffee to finish it all off.
"Mornin'," you say as you yawn, the scent of breakfast filling your nose. A smile dances on your lips as you look at everything Tony prepared; your stomach begins to rumble.
"Someone's getting hungry," Tony teases as he sits on the edge of the bed and leans in to kiss your lips softly. You can get used to these mornings, though you shouldn't be getting too comfortable with how things go now. You don't want to get your heart broken again, after all.
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cierastarkpotter · 2 years
Best advice given by Tony to his daughter 🙂
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inlovewhithafairytale · 6 months
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POV: Y/N Stark...
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By fire and heart Pt 7.
Daemma Targaryen. Second daughter of King Viserys and queen Aemma, you're the living portrait of your mother with the character of a true dragon, as a second daughter you don't have right to the throne but certainly, you will protect your sister's succession by heart.
Warning ⚠️: Credits of this images goes to whoever they belong to, most of them belong to the TikTok user ccarmyy! Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe this won't be good enough but In my head the story was a good one, it's a long chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Pt 8 is here
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It wasn't easy to be in the north, it took you time to make the northern people trust you, but you were persistent, you show that side of yourself that not many people are allowed to see.
You still remember those days involving yourself with the work around those lands, visiting every house in the north to learn about all of them, meeting every lord, by the end you arrived and stayed with the Stark's.
Lord Stark fell quickly for you, not only for your natural beauty and intelligence but also your bravery, your combat skills and your kindness. The rumors about a romance between you and him ran quickly around the kingdom, none of you neglected them, because in fact it wasn't a lie, you and him were more than friends, you proposed to him a future marriage alliance with the only condition to keep the promise of supporting your sister which he joyfully accepted.
The memory lives for free in your mind, you remember every detail of it.
The library was warm, empty, only you and him, sitting in front of the smokestack, he was holding your hand in his when you talked.
«My Lord, I think it's very clear that the north has become my home... I wish to stay, and for that I propose you a marriage alliance»
«Go on, tell me, princess. Between who this marriage would be?»
He was smiling brightly and playfully to you, you returned that smile while rolling your eyes.
«Don't play with me, Lord Stark, you know I talk about me and you»
He left a quick peck on your lips.
«You honoured me, my princess. I will gladly accept your hand and your conditions, but I only have one condition...»
«Tell me, Lord Stark, I'm all ears.»
«I love the free spirit of my warrior princess, having said that, my only condition, is to get married at the time my princess decides.»
Those words sent shivers, you felt your cheeks turning red, he always has been a gentleman, you would renounce your freedom in a good way if it's him who will be your future husband.
Since then, You won the loyalty and heart of the north and with that you knew you would have it at your side whenever you needed.
Your dragon, whitefyre, seems to be pleased being in the north which is almost impossible since Dragons are looking for warmer places, you started to think maybe your destiny was there, perhaps that's the reason why your dragon looks like a snowflake, white scales that shine like diamonds and can easily get lost in the clouds.
In your dreams, you saw yourself flying over the north, those lands bathed in Snow, you saw yourself running through the forest escaping from the flames of your own house, sometimes you saw yourself with a crown over your head but some others you saw yourself burning alive. Of course you never talk about what you see in your dreams because that's all they are, just dreams, but lately you've seen them becoming real, a living proof of it, your dark haired nephews, the fire and the death of some people around you, so it's a constant bug in your brain, you wonder which part of your dreams will be true, you try to have as many interpretations as possible.
You heard the news about the sea snake, badly hurt, the fever attacking him and with that, his brother Vaemond ready to feed himself with the bones of his poor brother, he always wanted to control his house.
Your aunt, Rhaenys put him in his place informing him about Corlys leaving the succession to his grandson Lucerys Velaryon. Clearly it makes Vaemond drawn in his own rage.
You haven't seen your home in a while, you don't receive letters from no one, you sometimes feel like they forgot about you and you prefer it that way, you feel free, unfortunately your happiness can't last forever.
«Dear sister, I hope deeply and sincerely that your stay in the north has been pleasing. I would wish to have more time to write about how much I've been missing you, but we will have plenty of time for that later. The succession of my son Lucerys as the next Lord of Drift mark has been put in doubt, by extension I fear Jace and mine too. I'll need you at home, Rhaenys had to fly to Kingslanding, let's hope it is not to support Vaemond's claim. We will need people to support and defeat your nephew's claim.»
You didn't waste time, you left the north the same day your sister's letter arrived, before leaving you informed Lord Stark that you will announce to the king about your engagement.
The skies of Kingslanding are empty, there's no cloud at the sight, and the warmth of the weather hits you, you land at the dragon pit, the trip to the castle is short, your guard was already waiting for you at the principal door, his face shows how angry he is.
- What is it, Sir? Is there a problem?
- I apologize, my princess, but there's no one who could attend your arrival.
You laugh, clearly no one would be there waiting for you, you take it as a sign that you're not so welcome at home anymore.
- It is fine, we didn't inform them about my arrival. Let's go to find out where they are.
Your guard nods and walks at your side, on your way you can see empty halls, you can barely recognize your home, there are no more Targaryen symbols in the walls, not even the colors of your house.
The few people you see on your way simply smile at you, some of them stop to talk with you, a little conversation and finally one of them talks about the entire court at the training yard watching a prince practicing with the sword.
- Did you hear that, Sir? I think we can take this as an opportunity to catch some attention to the real Targaryen family.
- I follow you, my princess.
And as your informant told you, almost every person of the court was there, some of them were immersed in the friendly sparring while some others noticed your presence. You approach as close as possible to the people who were fighting.
A young silver haired man with a patch over one of his eyes, he's fighting against a guard. Your common sense tells you it's Aemond and Criston Cole.
- My sword, please.
You demand to your guard.
- My princess, I think is not the right time, you're wearing a dress.
- It will make it more interesting and the young prince will look ridiculous after I win.
Not so fine with your idea, your guard gives you your sword. You can see him praying the gods to keep you safe.
You jump in the middle of the men, in a quick movement you send to the floor to Sir Criston making him lose his balance, he doesn't stand up to fight you, he simply makes himself aside.
Aemond is not surprised, he quickly goes against you, the dance of swords, punches and kicks last a few minutes, until you're on the ground, your guard tries to go and help but you ask him to stay in his place, Aemond smiles at you, his sword and yours is close to your throat.
- Give up, dear Sister.
- Never.
He uses more strength and the swords are more and more close to you. Your other hand holds the other side of your sword, you feel the cut but you don't care, you can feel the warm blood running down, Aemond sees it and the strength decreases, that's your chance while he pushes himself back you hit him in the abdomen, he falls and his sword is far from him, you jump over him, now it's your sword against his throat.
- Give up now.
He doesn't say a word but smiles at you with his hands up. You stand up and take a bow to all the lords and ladies who were observing.
«I hope you enjoyed the show, my lords and ladies.»
Your guard quickly has a piece of cloth to cover your bleeding palm. You Walk away, there's dirt on your dress, your sword has fresh blood too but you're happy with your demonstration.
You were passing by in front of a window when Suddenly you saw your sister's carriage.
You walk quickly, almost running and then you hear one of the guards announcing her arrival.
- Welcome home, Rhaenyra!
You yell as soon as you see her, you approach her, her pregnancy makes her look more beautiful than ever. You're hugging her tight when the voice of your uncle fills the silence.
- Daemma, it has been a long time.
- Uncle.
You walk to him and hug him, the scent of his hair always was your favorite, oak and mint leaves. The boys and your uncle's daughter received a quick hug from you.
- I have to warn you, our house is not anymore Targaryen territory. There's green everywhere, it's disgusting in my opinion.
- Aunt, Why are you so... Dirty?
- Your hand is bleeding.
Lucerys and Jacaerys observed and questioned you.
- I was in a friendly sparring with a certain prince. I'm fine, I think he's still practicing at the training yard.
Once inside, you, your sister and your uncle went directly to your father's chambers.
The smell of sickness fills the room, there's a lot of incense, and the room looks sad and dark.
- Father?
Your sister asks. You can see the silhouette of a thin body laying on the bed.
- Who's there?
- It's me my king, Rhaenyra.
- Rhaenyra...
He repeats almost in a whisper, exhausted.
- Yes, I'm here, with Daemon and Daemma.
- Dae... Daemon, Daemma... Daemon. Help me to sit, please.
You and Rhaenyra help him to sit on the bed, Daemon looks at his brother, your father looks like a walking skull, his skin is almost grey, he lost some teeth, for a moment you feel like the worst daughter, you left and never came back, his health is worse than ever.
- it has been a long time...
Your uncle Starts to talk about Corlys Velaryon and the war at the step stones, the petition about who will control drift mark. You want them to stop and not fill his head with all those problems, the poor man is living for miracle, he doesn't even stand up from bed without help.
- Alicent and Otto, attend those business.
- No, brother, listen to me, you have to position at Lucerys side so he will be Corlys successor.
Rhaenyra took his husband's shoulder, she also feels like it's a lot of information for the man.
- Father, there's someone we wish you met.
This takes you by surprise, the servants come in with two baby boys, silver hair, chubby and beautiful.
- Father, Daemma, this is Aegon and this is Viserys.
Two beautiful babies, you smile at everyone in the room, those babies are the most beautiful thing you've seen, the boys started to cry while your father started to groan in pain.
- I'm sorry, please, hand me my tea.
Daemon quickly gives him the tea and as soon as Viserys finishes it, your uncle takes the goblet and smells it. Meanwhile you feel like you already had enough of it. You've seen a lot, you can't tolerate one more second of your poor father's suffering.
You excused yourself and waited out of the room, you felt nauseous, the air was heavy, your lungs needed more and more oxygen.
One of your maidens sees you and runs quickly to you.
- Welcome home! Can I help you, my princess?
- Yes, please prepare me a bath, I'll be there soon, thanks Dalilah.
Your maiden leaves while you take some air, minutes later you walk to your dorms.
Dalilah is waiting outside of your chambers.
- My princess, your bath is ready but... you have a visitor in your chambers.
- Thank you, I'll attend our visitor, don't worry.
Once in, you see the thin male shape sitting on a chair.
- Aemond, what do I owe the visit?
- Why did you come back, Daemma?
You walk around your room without paying him enough attention, you're thinking about what to say, you will not speak about the real motive of your visit.
- Why do you care, dear brother?
- It seems like you're here for our nephew's business, Lucerys...
- What about Lucerys? Is he hurt?
Aemond stands up quickly and takes your arm to make you confront him, face to face, too close.
- Don't try to fool me, Daemma.
- I'm not. I really don't know what is going on with him, I haven't talked to them in years. It's a coincidence I arrived at the same time as them, can you believe that?
He leaves your arm but doesn't lose his distance with you.
- Let's suppose I believe you, then What are the reasons for your visit, huh?
Looking at him so close he looks very attractive, his jaw and his thin lips, the scar that patch can't hide well, he has a mysterious aura, you like how dangerous it feels to be in the same room as him, the adrenaline running through your body.
- Perhaps I was missing my home, perhaps I came back because I have duties to attend.
- What kind of duties?
- Marriage.
You said without thinking about it. He gives a step back and has a little smile on his lips, he observes you carefully and then looks at the books placed in a small table at your side.
- Marriage? Did you finally find a good suitor?
- That's none of your business, Aemond. I already told you what am I doing here, now I'm asking you to leave.
You're acting offended as if his question was the worst thing in the world. He silently nods and walks away. Once your door Is closed you undress yourself and get inside the bathtub, the scents of berries and forest filling your lungs it's relaxing until you hear a noise.
- Dalilah, is it you?
No response. You hear someone sobbing softly. You ask again, «Who's there?» standing up from the bathtub, carefully taking your bathrobe and looking for something that can help you to protect yourself.
- If you don't answer, I'll call the guards.
Suddenly, a young man with silver messy hair, puffy eyes and a red nose is standing close to your bed. He observes you as if you were a ghost.
- Well... Hello stranger.
You speak again. You can't recognize him. But he looks attractive.
- Daemma... Is it really you? You...you Don't recognize me anymore?
He finally answers you, but not even his voice is familiar to you.
- Who... Are you?
- Aegon.
Both are standing there not knowing what to do. In the blink of an eye, Aegon walks to you, his arms are around your body and his face hidden in your neck. Seconds later you react and return the hug, he looks like a man now but he is still that little young boy you left a long time ago. The hug took you by surprise but it is a good sign, maybe after all this time away he still has strong feelings for you, you can play and twist him as you wish.
- Oh my sweet brother, I apologize, I couldn't recognize you, look at you, you're a man now.
- When did you arrive? Why no one told me?
He says without leaving his place between your jaw and neck.
- I arrived today, I didn't announce I would come home.
Your sweet and soft voice on his ear has him In a rollercoaster of emotion, he doesn't want to leave your body, you put your arms down a long ago but the poor man still can't believe you're there, you feel his bulge growing in his pants and pressed against you, that's when you step back, pushing him a little.
- Let me see you well, you have changed a lot these years...
Smiling at him, You place your hands on his face, one is caressing his cheek, the other is busy running your thumb through his lips and jaw, you're acting fool but you really know what you're causing him.
He hides his desire with his hands over his pants, his look is full of sadness and nostalgia. Before your hands can leave his face he catches one of them and leaves it there in his cheek.
- I thought you would never come back...
- Hmm, I thought the same. But here I am.
- Why?
- Hmm?
- Why are you here?
- Perhaps I couldn't handle being far from home anymore... Or perhaps I'm here because of that duty I've been avoiding all this time.
You turn your back at him, walking to the wardrobe, you take one of the dresses there and before you start to dress you ask him to not look, he turns his back, you know there's a small mirror and he will have a small view of your body, just the exact amount to be sure he will be in the palm of your hand again.
- What duty?
- Marriage. Since the queen informed me about your wedding and your two children, I finally accepted I needed a husband (...)
He's lost in thoughts not paying enough attention to what you're saying, observing you through that small mirror, drawing your body shape In his mind, the locks of your hair, the moles on your back.
- Aegon?
- Uh? What?
You laugh when you realize he wasn't paying attention to you.
- I was asking you if you can help me with the buttons of my dress, please.
He clears his throat and walks to you, he has trouble to button the dress.
«It is easier to quit than to put it...»
He murmur. You don't say nothing, you're observing the big mirror of the wardrobe door. He's being careful, as if touching you would make you vanish.
Once he finishes he looks at the big mirror, it is a nice image, you and him, together, in the same space, close to each other.
- We could be good for each other, you know...?
You break the silence and he places his jaw on your exposed shoulder and simply sighs in agreement. You're not saying the truth, you know you wouldn't tolerate him much, you've heard he drinks a lot, he spends most of his days swimming in wine and spreading his seed in every woman he sees.
- But I suppose I will have to be satisfied with one of your brothers or perhaps an old fat lord... We will know soon.
- What?
- It has been so good to see you again my sweet prince, but I have some visits to pay to the queen, the hand and the king if it's possible, you know, to see what we will do with my marriage.
You don't give him a chance to speak and walk out of the room, you were passing by for your father's chambers when you heard the voices of your family and the Queen's voice. You stopped and stood close enough to the door.
You smiled when you heard your uncle talking about the poor welcome they had.
You opened the doors as soon as you heard your sister, questioning the queen about who will decide the inheritance of your nephew. The three of them just looked quickly at you and continued with the conversation.
Before Alicent leaves, you stop her.
- Alicent, I would like to discuss some things... With you and the hand of course, since my father is... Unavailable. I hope I can talk with both of you before dinner.
She nods and quickly leaves the room. Once all of you are alone, the first one to question you is your uncle.
- What do you want to discuss with those snakes, Daemma?
- My marriage.
Both are quiet, no one expected it. You scoff.
- What? is it so hard to believe?
- Who's the man, Daemma?
Rhaenyra is speechless but your uncle demands answers.
- As you know I've spent most of my time in the north. I proposed a marriage alliance. Between me and Lord Cregan Stark. He will support Rhaenyra's claim.
- What are his demands in exchange for his loyalty to me, Sister?
- Not many, At the moment, he only asked to marry me until I decide when the right time is.
Your uncle doesn't look pleased, he never thought you would be married, he always told you no one would be good enough for you. You try to find more arguments that could please him.
- The north is an enormous territory, full of strong houses who would follow the Starks without hesitation. I think it is a great opportunity for us, to have the north on our side.
- But will you be happy living there, sister?
- I will... I am now and I'm sure I will in the future. But I have to act quickly, if Father approves and announces my marriage before dinner, that's why I am here right now, I want to talk to my father. Alicent and Otto will not have a chance to act or go against the king's wishes. That's why I planted the seed of a meeting with them, I will cancel my meeting at the last minute, they would be wondering why or what I wanted to discuss, eventually my father will announce it.
After some more minutes discussing, they leave you alone with Viserys. The announcement of Vaemond Velaryon was in everybody's mouth.
You whispered a couple times before he could make a sound. With difficulty he opens his eye, instantly putting his hands over his head.
- What? Who... is... it?
- I'm... Daemma, Father.
- Daemma? Oh... my girl... You're the living portrait of your mother.
He painfully tries to laugh.
- Yes, dad... it's me. I have some news for you.
- What... happened?
- I... I will get married, I found the right man, Father.
- Did you? Who is him?
- Lord Stark, father.
- An... honorable man. Good for you my girl.
He's starting to close his eyes again and before he falls you speak again.
- Dad, listen to me, I need you to announce it soon...
- Why?
- Because...
You don't know what to say, what would be enough reason for your father to agree to your wishes.
- Because I love him and he loves me, Father. I love him as you loved my mother.
You actually don't know if that will be reason enough, you don't know if you love the man in that day, in fact, you're wondering if it's love in the romantic way or merely the kind of love you have for a good friend
- My dear daughter... Oh...
The pain is coming back to him, you quickly take the cup with poppy milk. He drinks a little and lays again.
- Daemma...
- Father.
- I... I give my approval to your marriage. You... you have... My... Blessing.
- Thank you Father. I would be so happy if you announce it soon, Would you?
Heavily breathing, coughing he agrees, you can't be sure about him announcing your marriage, but you hope at least he can inform it to the queen and her father. You stay at your father's chambers, just observing him, occasionally he talks to you, things with no sense, sometimes he confuses you with your mother, or Rhaenyra, even with Helaena, but you don't care, you feel guilty for leaving him here alone for so long.
Meanwhile, Alicent, the hand and Vaemond are discussing the succession of Drift mark. While Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are talking about alliances.
You're tired of them, allies and arrangements, you sometimes want to fly away, follow Laenor steps, yes, you know about what actually happened to him, your sister told you and some days you really want to do the same but you made a promise, you promised to protect your family.
You were leaving your father's chambers when Rhaenyra came in. She doesn't say anything to you, she simply walks to Viserys.
They talk about Aegon's dream, the song of ice and fire, about to keep the kingdom safe against the enemies. You're not understanding why is she so anxious, talking to him desperately, until she finally says he separated the kingdom when he named her his heir.
- I thought I wanted it. But it is a heavy... Too heavy.
You hold her hand, you never thought about how hard it was for her to be the next In the throne.
- If you wish me to bear it, if you wish Daemma stays at my side in this... then, defend us and my children!
She broke into tears, sobbing, crying in exhaustion. Both left.
The king and the hand are in the daily meeting, usually they're short, the hand informs, the king barely listens. Today the vibe is different.
Your father demands dinner with the whole family. Greens and Blacks together with the living corpse of your father. Will it be the right thing?.
The day it is full of anxiety, you're nervous as much as your sister, overthinking about what could possibly go wrong today.
You have your sword and your dagger with you, maybe it doesn't help to hide how nervous you feel.
Once In the iron throne you feel your body burning in anger, Otto Hightower, sitting on it.
Vaemond Velaryon is the first one to talk, arguments of how it is unfair to leave such a land in the hands of a kid who hasn't been raised there. Same blood as Corlys, an authentic and immaculate true Velaryon.
He's talking about the legitimacy of your nephews and your sister can't contain herself. Defending Lucerys, allegations about how he only cares for himself and his own ambitions, the Queen's intervention gives more confidence to Vaemond.
You're observing the young man at the Queen's side. Aemond observes you too, he looks at you from head to toe, while Aegon looks occasionally to you and your sister.
You were remembering the previous moment with both, you admit they're handsome in their own way, you imagine how it would be to be with any of them, a carnal desire appeared inside you.
Your sister starts to talk when the door of the hall opens.
Everybody watches your father walking, he walks slowly, observing everybody, he walks to the throne, once there he simply looks at Otto Hightower.
- I'll sit on the throne today.
- Your grace.
Otto leaves the stairs of the iron throne, your father is using all his strength to walk, one of the guards walks to him to help but your father rejects his help.
The crown falls and your uncle runs to help his brother, with the crown in his hand, he slowly and carefully helps Viserys, once his sitting, your uncle puts the crown over your father's head and goes back to his place with your sister.
- must admit my confusion, I don't understand the petition to a succession previously settled. The only person who knows the desires of Lord Corlys is the princess Rhaenys.
- Indeed, your grace.
She answers instantly. Walking in front of the king, talking about Corlys and his desire to inherit his place to Laenor's son, Lucerys Velaryon and her following her husband desires.
Suddenly the unexpected news, about her agreement of your sister's sons and Corlys granddaughters arrangement marriages takes everyone by surprise.
- Well, it's settled... Again. Prince Lucerys of house Velaryon is named heir of drift mark and next lord of tides.
Vaemond can't believe it, he can see his plans drowning in the deep of the sea. He will not let this pass, he starts to talk about how your father broke the laws naming your sister his heir, now doing it again with the future of the Velaryon's house.
- (...) I will not allow it.
- Allow it?
- As I will not allow you to disrespect my father in my presence, Vaemond.
You speak, with your sword in hand, but your uncle takes your forearm and neglects. Your father speaks again
- You're forgetting your place.
- Leave, you have spoken enough.
Your sister says to Vaemond who's pointing at Jace and Luke. You place yourself in front of them.
- Lucerys is my legitimate grandson, you're no more than a second son of Drift mark.
Vaemond spills his poison around everyone, your uncle is only waiting Vaemond's exact words that will allow him to finish that man.
- Say it.
Daemon murmurs. Vaemond doesn't care anymore about his place or who is he talking to.
- Her sons are... BASTARDS! and she is... A whore.
Everybody whispers, while your father stands up from his place, but in less than a second.
Daemon cuts Vaemond's head.
- He can keep his tongue.
Blood splashes a few people, and a bunch of guard are around your uncle. Your father feels the pain again and Alicent and you run to help him.
- You have to take something for the pain, husband.
- Daemma, your engagement... Your marriage...
- it's okay father, We'll take you to rest, we can discuss that later.
Alicent looks at you in confusion while you decide to act foolish. As if nothing happened, the dinner arrived.
«You don't drink enough» «and you drink more than a Lord of Braavos» «i drink the right amount »
You were talking with Helaena about her children, telling her you bought some presents for them, while she was talking to you about some strange insects she has. You always thought Helaena was a sweet girl, a dreamer as some Targaryen are, too good for a world like this.
Suddenly, your father appears. Tired, but he refused to cancel the dinner with the family, everybody took their seat and you were in the middle in front of your father's chair.
It is an uncomfortable moment, but your father is unaware of it.
- it is an occasion to celebrate... it is a lot to celebrate. My grandsons engagement with their cousins and my Daughter's engagement...
- Congratulations, dear Niece. I hope you have a happy marriage and a happy life ruling the north.
Daemon says loud enough, so everybody can hear it. Alicent looks at her father, both are clearly surprised.
While everybody drinks, more and more toast to everyone's little achievement, you hear Aegon bothering Jace.
- I'm very sure Jace knows how to treat a lady, Brother, there's no need to...
- Or maybe should I explain it to you, sister? After all, you will get married soon, you will need some lessons.
- Keep your tongue when you talk in front of my aunt and my betrothed.
The conversation ends when your father stands up and speaks again, talking about the distance created by all of you. Suddenly everybody wants to talk and make peace, but you feel like it's impossible, everybody has a lot of hate and sorrow inside them, a dinner will not fix what years of secrets and treasons created.
Helaena talks about how Aegon doesn't pay her enough attention or shows affection to her, and while for her there is nothing to worry about, the rest of the family feels sad for her.
- I suppose, in the end, you don't know how to treat a woman either, brother.
You whispered to Aegon. He rolls his eyes and continues drinking. Jace takes Helaena to dance a little while the rest is eating and talking. Your father leaves the dinner before all the mess. Because just as you predicted, when everything looked bright and peaceful, the dinner ended in a mess.
- A final tribute, to my nephews, Jace, Luke and Joffrey, each of them, Handsome, wise and strong...
That was all, the dinner ended in punches and fights, Rhaenyra and Alicent exchanged some words in a friendly way after the fight, but the damage was already made.
You were in your dorm, ready to pack your clothes, Dalilah was preparing you a bath once she finished, she helped you to pack some dresses and the left.
You were brushing your hair before getting inside the bathtub when you felt someone behind you, you barely looked at him, was Aegon.
- Don't you knock on the door anymore?
- I used the hidden halls.
- You and Aemond cannot cause trouble, huh?
- It was Aemond, I merely helped him, it was unfair, Two against one.
He walks to you and starts to unbutton your dress, you don't complain about it.
- You said horrible things too.
- If you talk about Jace I was just joking.
- How dare you? talking about how to treat a lady, when you treat Helaena in that way!
You stand up abruptly and walk creating distance between him and you.
- For your information I know how to treat women... When I have affection for them. Helaena doesn't love me, and neither do I, we don't have nothing in common.
- I'm glad Lord Stark is a gentleman who can treat me as I deserve.
You say while you tie your bathrobe and then Aegon makes you face him, holding you by your shoulders.
- What do you mean, Daemma?
- I'll just say he pleases me in more than one way.
That hurts him, your words hurt. You're quiet, observing him, there's something about his face, maybe his chubby chin, or his pink lips, maybe his sad puppy eyes, the dark circles around them, his silver messy hair, something about Aegon makes you strangely weak, you feel that desire coming up to you again, Aegon stares at your lips then to your eyes and once again looks at your lips.
From one moment to another, his lips collide with yours, you hesitate but soon you melt in the kiss, you feel the warmth between your legs while he presses himself on your body, you break the kiss before something else can happen.
- This is not fine, you have to go Aegon.
He kisses you again and you break the kiss again.
- Daemma, please. We both want this. You want me and I want you.
- No, we... I can't! Now leave.
- You know it sister, deep inside you, you know we belong to each other Daemma, you've seen it in dreams just like me, we're destined to burn together.
- Leave, Aegon, just... Leave.
He disappeared in the shadows of the room and For the first time in your entire life you experimented with the desire, the need of touching and being touched, the space between your legs aching and pleading to be filled. You took your bath and dressed up, you wouldn't stay another night. You felt the big wall you built before crumbling with that kiss with those words about dreams, you needed to forget about it, you needed to remember who you were and focus on what you promised years ago.
You left that night on your dragon, flying right back to the north. Without a clue of what would come.
Your poor father, a dreamer, a king who kept the peace while he was sitting on the iron throne, he died the same night you left your home.
That same night, your sister's right to the throne was stolen from her, with that many lords who accepted your sister's claim, died or became prisoners forced to change their loyalty or lose their freedom or... Their heads.
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