frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: The Scouring of the Shire
(Okay so I downloaded Phil Dragash’s reading of this and listened to it on the longest plane flight of my trip and may or may not have made a total fool of myself grinning at it throughout LOLOL)
(But I didn’t have time to write my reactions to it until now so here we go)
“On the further side of the river they could see that some new houses had been built…all very gloomy and un-Shirelike” Uh-oh.
BAHAHAHA the way Sam immediately goes OFF
I love Merry trying to be a diplomat
Frodo like “oh goodness gracious, now what trouble has that Lotho gotten up to with MY house”
(Also that little bit of stealth sass like “well I’m GLAD he’s not calling himself a Baggins anymore, I can pretend I’m not associated with him”)
Merry be like “Fine, if you won’t open this gate, I’LL OPEN IT FOR MYSELF”
I mean I can’t say that I’m happy to see him but also it’s kinda fun to be this surprised. I’d forgotten all about him being here!
Haha the way he immediately runs away from Merry once he’s challenged tho
“Neat work, Bill!” HAHAHAHA
GOOD JOB BILL (the pony)
I love the fact that 50% of the hobbits’ intimidation factor comes from the fact that Merry and Pippin are so BigTM (and the other 50% is Swords)
Pippin listening to all this talking like “heck, I’m tired and wet and I don’t have time for this, just let me sleep in a shack if you want” is such a mood
Also Pippin tearing down the rule lists LOL
Sam has had it up to HERE with this nonsense
Me, at all the burning going on: “Uh-oh.”
“Looking both important and rather scared” Heehee X-D
“‘What’s all this?’ said Frodo, feeling inclined to laugh.” Me too, Frodo!
“Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools.” OKAY SAM GO OFF LOLOL
OKAY SO at this point in the audiobook Mr. Dragash had the most BRILLIANT reading for this line:
“To the discomfiture of the Shirriffs Frodo and his companions all… [dramatic pause, then raucous laughter erupts in the background] …roared with laughter.”
He also had a great reading for this part:
The sheriff, shouting after them, insistent but nervous: “But don’t forget! I’ve arrested you!” Frodo, with the softest voice ever: “I won’t. Never. But I may forgive you.”
Sam has a friend! :-D
I mean I’m sorry that this is the way we find it out but he has!! A buddy!!
Now I’m sure “cock-robin” must have had a different meaning in Tolkien’s time…
“If I hear not allowed much oftener, I’m going to get angry.” Same, Sam.
Eeeew the table hasn’t been scrubbed for WEEKS?? I can only imagine it looking like the underside of a restaurant table, months-old crusty chewing gum stuck on it and all. Blergh 🤮
LOLOL “They would have started earlier, only the delay so plainly annoyed the sheriff-leader”
Our four hobbits have come back from their adventure so delightfully full of SassTM
My word, if I keep pointing out every funny thing that happens here I’ll be writing down the whole chapter. Look at the hobbits hustling the sheriffs who were supposed to be “arresting” them!
For someone who’s supposed to be arrested, it sure looks like Merry is the one who’s in charge :-3
And all the sheriffs like “WE GIVE UP” and the hobbits like “okay :-D”
“We shall break a good many things yet, and not ask you to answer. Good luck to you!” OKAY PIPPIN GO OFF
(......This is getting very long so I’m gonna put the rest under a read-more)
Nooooo look what they’ve done to Hobbiton D-8
This whole conversation is so tense. I find myself wanting to cheer on the hobbits’ comebacks, but the ruffian here always gets the upper hand in the next line…
DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS IN FRODO’S FACE!! Heckin’ RUDE! Only the Sackville-Bagginses have ever done that, and that’s BEFORE Frodo saved the world! D-:<
“Down on your knees in the road and ask pardon, or I will set this troll’s bane in you!” >8-D Friendly reminder that Pippin stabbed a troll in the gut to sAVE BEREGOND— *is slapped*
The fact that Pippin, Merry and Sam immediately jump to Frodo’s defense, but Frodo does not. That says so much about their friendship, and about Frodo, and how they all see themselves and their roles in this story…and it’s so sad that Frodo hangs back, not even willing to defend himself…
But also how bad*ss is that, letting your three armed friends charge to your defense while you just sit there impassively?? It’s like the “cool guys don’t look at explosions” trope.
Pippin has exactly the childish drive for revenge that you’d think he would, but Frodo sees the reality of the situation and knows Lotho has been played as a puppet and is now a prisoner to his own schemes. Good stuff.
Frodo: “Violence isn’t the answer.” Merry: “You’re right. It’s the question, and the answer is yes.”
(The way the music swelled here in Dragash’s audiobook was so good ahahaha)
“Come on! I am going to blow the horn of Rohan, and give them all some music they have never heard before.”
(And this was the part of the audiobook where I grinned like an idiot and clapped my hands and bounced a little in my seat and probably confused the guy in the seat next to me LOLOL)
Sam HIMSELF wants to turn back for the horn call!! And so does Bill! Aaaaahhh!!
This was so well foreshadowed by the Ringwraiths in Buckland at the beginning of the book I cannot bELIEVE—!!
(Writer Brain is just buzzing with this right now, sorry, LOL)
“And your face is no worse than it was, Sam.” Is Farmer Cotton calling Sam ugly?? 🤣🤣 He’s roasting his future son-in-law LOLOL I love him already
Even Farmer Cotton ships Sam and Rosie ROFL
Rosie just asked why you left Mister Frodo! What do you do??
>Tell her you love her
>Run away
Sam ran away! (What a mood)
I love that they built the fire just for fun and because it’s against the rules, LOL! A fire is exactly the thing that would cheer me up too!!
I assume Robin was one of the sheriffs that took off his feather and joined in the revolt :-D
Merry like, “See, Frodo?? Violence!!”
“Good for the Tooks!” HECK YEAH
“I’ll bring you an army of Tooks in the morning!” HECK YEAH!!
It’s so sweet of Frodo to be like “I still don’t want anyone to die” but also still turning the logistics over to Merry’ cause he’s The Plan Guy
What have I said all along?? Merry is the Smart One :-D
Okay Sam’s father-in-law is heckin’ BAD*SS I LOVE HIM
This is literally “put down your weapons, I’ve got a sniper with a bead on you”
“He aimed a savage blow at Merry who stood in his way. He fell dead with four arrows in him.” YOOOOOOOOO!!
I like to think Merry didn’t even flinch. Just like…watched him keel over dead. HECK.
I love how bad*ss all the hobbits get to be in this chapter ahahaha
Aaaaand all the others give up. Nice >:-D
Aww, Farmer Cotton and the Gaffer are friends! And Cotton would have housed the Gaffer himself if he could have!! I love how sweet they all are to each other ^-^
HA! Okay, Lobelia, that’s pretty cool, I admit. Maybe you’re all right after all. ;-P
The Gaffer just telling Frodo off for leaving 🤣🤣 And Frodo politely apologizing!! Because even though the Gaffer’s problems are small in comparison to everything else happening in the world, they’re still important! I’m love
This is so stinkin’ cute. Lookit my silver-tongued Baggins using his Words of Affirmation again! It’s the least he can do to repay Sam for all he’s done, but I think it’s the thing that means the most to Sam.
Frodo: “Indeed, if you will believe it, he’s now one of the most famous people in all the lands, and they are making songs about his deeds from here to the Sea and beyond the Great River!” Sam: 😳😅☺️ Rosie: 😲😍🥰 The Gaffer: “Sounds fake but okay”
I frickin’ love the “lure them into a trap and surround them with hobbits” tactic. You never think hobbits can be scary until there are A LOT OF THEM VERY SUDDENLY
I also think this is a fun use of the hobbits’ canonical superpower of staying hidden in plain sight.
Seventy ruffians dead, and only nineteen hobbits on the other. As casualties go, that’s not bad! Sad that any hobbits died at all, of course, but it’s a relatively clean victory.
Also the book gets Very Historical for a moment and I think that’s Very Funny
Heck yeah Cottons!
And Frodo does his part by protecting the ruffians who surrendered! The pacifist has a role to play. :-D
Noooo, look what they’ve done to Bag End!! D-8
(Ted Sandyman accidentally foreshadowing Sam going over the Sea??)
Frodo is very right. If more hobbits are like Ted, the Shire is in real trouble. Worse is the enemy within than the enemy from without. :-/
“Save your breath! I’ve a better.” HAHAHA YES MERRY LET’S GO
Oh but look what they’ve done to Bag Endddd 😭😭😭
“Yes, this is Mordor.” Thanks, I hate it :-C
“If I had known all the mischief he had caused, I should have stuffed my pouch down Saruman’s throat.” Dude Merry sounded so angry in Phil Dragash’s audiobook here. (Also can’t believe that Merry’s bag has become the running joke that it is LOLOL)
>8-O >8-O >8-O SARUMAN!!
Saruman: “Ah, yes, they called me Sharkey in Isengard! A sign of affection, possibly.” Tolkien, in a footnote: “It was not, in fact, a sign of affection.”
I….do not like….how Saruman casts such aspersions on Gandalf. Nor how his accusations almost seem to have some merit at the moment. “When his tools have done their task he drops them.” That is dangerously close to accurate, or at the moment it feels like it is. Gandalf did leave them, even knowing that things were going wrong in the Shire…
But at the same time, it’s not Gandalf’s job to fix everything himself! The hobbits got to participate in the saving of their world, and they got the honor and the renown and the incredible experiences and the personal growth that comes along with it. Same thing here; they get the opportunity to be the heroes and save their own home. It isn’t easy, but it is good, and it has its own rewards.
“Well, if that’s what you find pleasure in, I pity you.” Frodo couldn’t be more right. Anyone who takes pleasure and comfort in the pain and misery of others is a pitiable person.
Frodo still refuses to kill. His home was defiled…his last comfort stolen…and his honor insulted to his face…and he still refuses to kill Saruman. Holy cow that takes some major strength of character. What an absolute chad.
(And Sam leads the charge to avenge Frodo because Of Course He Does)
Talk about heaping coals on your enemy’s head, bruh. Even Saruman has to respect it.
And Frodo extending the olive branch to Wormtongue. Truly the G.O.A.T.
Holy COW this got dark 0_o
(Also Dragash made Wormtongue sound absolutely miserable on that “you told me to; you made me do it”)
Aaaand Saruman is dead
And Wormtongue is dead
Something something Saruman’s spirit looking to the West, from which he came, and where he can never return again, and then being blown away to nothingness…
It really is the saddest thing that the end of the war happens at the door of Bag End. Nowhere is safe. The movies have the hobbits return to an unchanged Shire, realizing that they’re the ones who’ve been changed by their experiences, and they’ll never be able to see home the same way again (which is, I think, analogous to the experience of American Vietnam vets)…..but here in the book, the war comes home, marring the very land that our heroes set out to protect, which is what Tolkien experienced at the end of the Great War. They’re different kinds of tragedy, and they both hurt, but I think this one is just an edge more bitter.
…..Anyway, I loved this chapter! It ends with on a downer note, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. X-P
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codecicle · 1 year
Read the intro post
wow what a cool and awesome person...
1: YOOOOOO YOU THINK IM A COOL AND AWESOME PERSON?? THANKS MAN :DD and 2: LMAOOOOOO YEA I AM!! I've been on here since I was like, 11-ish? not sure. my friend introduced me to tumblr during the beginning of my 7th grade year! (and fun fact: that same friend is both my mutual and the person that gave me my nickname actually!! which turned into my url ^_^)
anyway, I'm going to rant underneath your ask about being a child now im so sorry 😔
It's always been so weird being as young as I am both on tumblr and in the fandom space I'm currently a part of. Like realistically, a 14 y/o boy liking minecraft/mcyt sounds really normal but I don't know anyone my age that is open about being a part of this space. I think growing up on tumblr instead or twitter or tiktok honestly really helped when it comes to being happy in my intrests, since almost every other freshman to ever exist has no idea what this website is and they have no chance of ever finding my posts to make fun of me with them. I still use the other two, but I don't post and I only really open them when a cc like Charlie or Ted posts.
It's hilarious to me that because of my current intrests (jrwi and charlie in general) almost everyone that I'm friends with on here are much older minors or adults, mainly because charlie has a pretty mature and well rounded audience (THANK FUCKING GOD 🙏🙏), but also because everybody else my age that are in this fandom are on tiktok. Using tiktok for me and actually posting is kinda unsafe because of the way the tiktok contact sharing works? if someone from my classes finds it through "recommend accounts" then they can look through my account and harrass me if they recognize who it is. Not to steal a Charlie Slimecicle quote for a second, but I was rewatching an old podcast episode from the very beginning of 2020 and he described it as "elevated highschool" which I 100% agree with. Even 3 years later it's still very much just a higher form of highschool bullshit to have to deal with.
But since I don't post on tiktok I don't really have much to worry about!! My account is blank and it's the same @ as my url so nobody should recognize it and put a face to a name which im grateful for. However, being on tumblr isn't the greatest either;
People on here are all adults and I feel a little bit intimidated? In a sense? I understand that I'm a LOT different than most kids my age and I don't typically have anything to worry about but!! I feel like that's what makes it worse. The other people my age that were or still are on here don't understand tumblr etiquette, don't understand not to act like this is twitter and not have stupid cubito discourse, or just aren't funny? Idk I've just never found anyone my age (with the exception of like 3 of my mutuals you guys are amazing and I love you) that I can really talk to on here, so all of the friends I've made are much much older. I'm smart with who I talk to and how I talk to them so I'm safe don't worry!! My parents raised me right and online safety is such a wonderful thing, but one of my closest mutuals on here is in college right now, and the others are juniors or seniors in highschool. I kept my age out of my bio for so long but honestly that was because I was terrified I would scare away the people that I trusted so much because literally obviously it's going to feel weird for them to be mutuals with a genuine honest to god child. I'm relatively close to turning 15 so I'm getting less and less worried about stuff like that happening but eh that was still a real fear for a while.
Anyway sorry for the rant!! TLDR; highschool sucks, I'm scared of being this young on a platform and fandom full of adults and I have to be extra careful, and also charlie slimecicle is a pretty cool guy to look up to so I feel like him being [vine boom sound effect] my COMFORT STREAMER kinda works out in my favor ngl :D
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prompt: modern MDZS, Wen Qing berating someone as she does DIY bullet removal
Leverage AU, huh?  Sounds like you want to talk about a Leverage AU.  For this H/C ask meme!
“Everything was under control, Wen Qing,” Wei Wuxian says, smiling through clenched teeth.  There’s drying blood gluing his slacks to his skin and sweat beading on his forehead and throat, but his hands don’t tremble as he lowers himself into a chair.  He at least has the good grace to sit at the table, so that she’ll have somewhere to put her supplies.  She’s going to murder him anyway, but it’ll be much more convenient to kill him in a kitchen chair than on the couch.  Wen Qing likes her couch.  She intends to keep it blood-free.
“Clearly it was not,” Wen Qing half-snarls, and she snaps a hairtie around her bun to keep her hair out of her face as she glares down at him.  A quick rummage in her pockets produces several purple exam gloves, liberated from the hospital during a shift and forgotten.  “A-Ning, get me a towel from the kitchen, one of the flour sack ones, and a bowl of warm water, and the shears kit from the junk drawer.  Everyone else, figure yourselves out, I’m not running a daycare.”
A-Ning, who’s always been a good boy even if Wen Qing is taking pains not to know what he does with his time these days, vanishes like a cat into the kitchen.  Mianmian, who has sense, promptly knocks her knuckles against Wei Wuxian’s head and says, “Be good, Yuandao,” before she flops down onto the couch without regard for her regal evening gown and apparently goes to sleep.  Nie Huaisang, who knows when he’s no longer needed, picks his way across the room to Wen Qing’s only armchair, and folds himself up like an origami figure that looks very unlikely in his suit.  
Lan Wangji, who has never done anything convenient in his life, remains standing beside Wei Wuxian’s chair and blinks at Wen Qing.
Wen Qing has no idea why everyone pretends Lan Wangji is completely unreadable.  He couldn’t be clearer if he printed make me move, I dare you on his forehead.  He’s smeared with blood, all down one side from half-carrying Wei Wuxian to her doorstep, and he’s bruising up blue on one cheekbone, and there’s a table knife tucked into the pocket of his suit jacket, bent out of shape into makeshift brass knuckles.  Wen Qing doesn’t really feel like fighting the point just now.
“Fine,” she snaps, “just stay out of my way.  And you,” she adds, pointing at Wei Wuxian.  He cringes a little, because he’s smart.  “We’re going to have a talk.”
“Jiejie,” A-Ning says, reappearing with towels and trauma shears in hand.  She doesn’t twitch when her brother pads up behind her and lays the lot on the table.  Wen Qing is used to her brother drifting around like a ghost, and to his wide-eyed expression of trying to get on her good side.  “Don’t be mad at him.”
“I am very mad at him,” Wen Qing says.  “Bring me the water or I’ll be mad at you too.”  Wei Wuxian snorts out a breathless laugh, and Wen Qing grabs the trauma shears from her tidy pack of tools to shut him up.  “So,” she says, crouching down and briskly cutting up the seam of his pants toward his knee.  “What the fuck happened?”
“Got shot,” Wei Wuxian says, helpfully.
“I can see that,” Wen Qing says, and only barely resists the urge to give his leg a shove and see if that makes him focus up.  She cuts the extra fabric away, straight across the knee crease, and gives a light tug on the rest, just to check if she might be able to get it off immediately.  Wei Wuxian makes a breathy noise, like a swallowed gasp, and she absently touches his calf, a soothing gesture until the trembling eases.  “Can I get a little more detail?  Was it a cop?”
“No!  I’m--I’m just a hacker, people don’t shoot hackers,” Wei Wuxian says with completely false confidence.  “People shoot, I don’t know, cat burglars and hitters.  Lan Zhan’s been shot, right, Lan Zhan?”
“Clearly, people shoot hackers too,” Lan Wangji says flatly.  But then, because he’s weak, he adds, conciliatory, “But yes.  Five times.  It is my job.”
“My brother’s never been shot, right?”  Wen Qing raises her voice at the end, over the rush of water in the other room, and hears a squeak of alarm.
“Uh--that’s right, A-jie!”
“Because I would kill him,” Wen Qing tells Wei Wuxian matter-of-factly.  “And then I would kill his entire team that got him shot.  You understand that, right?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Nie Huaisang confirms from the armchair, because he might be a ruthless son of a bitch when he feels like it, a mastermind whose best game is poker and has the mask to prove it, but he’s also a well-trained younger brother and he’s never once had the guts to fuck with Wen Qing.  “Wen Ning has never been shot.”
“Good,” Wen Qing says forbiddingly.  “Because I don’t ask questions about what you get my brother into,” she continues to Wei Wuxian.  “Just like I didn’t ask questions about how my brother paid for my degree.  But that doesn’t mean you get to show up on my doorstep at eleven on a Saturday night with a bullet hole in your leg, and answer no questions.”
“That’s fair,” Mianmian says, without opening her eyes.  “You have to give her that one, Yuandao.”
A-Ning slips back into the room and puts a metal bowl of warm water on the floor next to Wen Qing’s knee, and then walks into the bathroom, because he’s a good boy and he knows what she’ll need before she can even ask for it.
“This is going to hurt,” she tells Wei Wuxian, quiet and serious.  "Keep talking, it’ll keep you awake.”
“You’re so mean to me,” he complains as she wrings out a cloth until it’s only damp.  “You won’t even let me pass out?  I got shot!  I got shot taking down the CEO of an oil company, by the way, you should--fuck!”
Wen Qing’s free hand locks around Wei Wuxian’s lower leg, a practiced grip to hold him in place as he startles at the pressure on the wound.  “Hold still, and it’ll be quicker.  Tell me about your latest idiot crusade, Wuxian.”
She soaks the blood-stiff cloth until it can be cut away and lets Wei Wuxian’s shaking voice wash over her, barely listening.  Something about an oil spill, and a family whose entire town was crippled when the fishing industry went belly up.  It’s all very idealistic.  It’s all very Wei Wuxian.  They got the guy on camera shooting a civilian, though, which is apparently just icing on Mianmian’s grifter cake of very illegal bank transfers and a burgeoning RICO case.
“Okay,” Wen Qing says, when she’s cut away the rest of Wei Wuxian’s pant leg and exposed the bullet wound--halfway up his outer thigh, blessedly clear of the artery, but clearly a very small caliber, the kind of thing a CEO might be able to get into a benefit without looking excessively paranoid.  Which brings her to...  “Well, this is going to suck a lot,” she says.
“It already sucks a lot,” Wei Wuxian says, and his laugh is a little hysterical.  “What in particular are you thinking about?”
“Next time,” Wen Qing says, carefully dipping her tweezers in rubbing alcohol, “get shot with a bigger gun.”
“Absolutely not.  What?  I’m not getting shot again, and definitely not with a bigger gun, what is wrong with you?”
“This bullet didn’t go all the way through,” Wen Qing says.  “So I’m going to have to take it out.  A-Ning, come here and hold a light.  Lan Wangji, hold him down.”
Wei Wuxian lets out a breath and it trembles, but for all his dramatics, he’s never been a coward.  Once, when Wen Qing was in undergrad and she and her brother were surviving the fallout of the Wen mob going to prison in droves and Wei Wuxian had just been kicked out of the Jiangs, he cut open his palm with a broken glass.  He sat on the floor and let Wen Qing pick shards out of his skin for twenty-five minutes, and joked and teased the entire time.
“Okay,” Wei Wuxian says.  “I’m ready.”
It’s a bad hour, as Wen Qing pulls the bullet from his thigh and then puts two stitches in the hole.  Wei Wuxian doesn’t scream, doesn’t cry, just takes shallow, shuddering breaths and doesn’t move.  Sometimes he even laughs, a ragged sound of apparently genuine amusement when A-Ning wonders aloud if Jiang Yanli is going to kill them before Wen Qing gets the chance, and a bark of vicious humor when Nie Huaisang reports that their target’s been arrested on more fraud charges than you could shake a stick at.
“We’re not telling A-Li,” Wei Wuxian says when Wen Qing finally tapes down gauze and collects her bloodied tools into the emptied water bowl.  “She’ll come look sad at me.”
Wen Qing summarily ignores him.  Instead, she looks at Lan Wangji, who looks nearly as shaken as Wei Wuxian.  He’s not holding him down anymore, but his hands are still resting on those stiff shoulders, a thumb smoothing over the skin at the nape of Wei Wuxian’s neck just above his collar.  Wei Wuxian’s head tips a little toward that side, resting lightly on Lan Wangji’s forearm without apparent concern for the blood on the hitter’s wrist.  Maybe Wei Wuxian’s, maybe whoever got to experience the pleasure of being punched by one of the Twin Jades.  
“Don’t let him do anything stupid,” Wen Qing tells Lan Wangji firmly.  "I can get him antibiotics--you are taking them, Wei Wuxian--but I’m not getting him painkillers, because the second he feels okay he’s going to get A-Ning to teach him to free climb a building or something, and A-Ning is going to do it because I raised him terribly, I guess.”
“Hey,” A-Ning says.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I will keep Wei Ying from doing anything stupid,” Lan Wangji recites obediently, and goes up a few notches in Wen Qing’s estimation.
“We’ll get out of your hair, Qing-jie,” Wei Wuxian says, stirring like he’s going to get up, and Wen Qing stands and sighs and scowls, and peels off her gloves to make a neat little ball of latex in one palm, all the blood concealed inside.
“You can stay here,” she says.  “You can take A-Ning’s room and he’ll sleep on the couch.  Everyone else, you have to get out unless you want to sleep on the floor, though,” she adds, pointing to the two in her living room.
“I will stay,” Lan Wangji says.
“Yeah,” Wen Qing says, already distracted by the odds of being able to find a pharmacy open at this hour.  “A-Ning has a full, you’ll fit.”  Wei Wuxian makes a choking noise, which she ignores.  “I’m going out to get ahold of some meds for you.  Don’t do anything stupid, and lock up if anyone leaves.  A-Ning, don’t let this idiot leave.”
“I won’t, A-jie,” A-Ning says obediently, and Wen Qing stomps into her bedroom to change into something not speckled with blood.
#the untamed#mdzs#wen qing#wei wuxian#wen ning#leverage au#fic meme#ask meme#starlight writes stuff#YOOOOOO SORRY THIS IS LONG BUT IT WAS SO MUCH FUN#okay so here's the deets on the leverage au#ex-insurance-investigator-turned-mastermind!nhs grifter!mianmian hacker!wwx hitter!lwj and thief!wen ning#wen qing and wen ning were already disowned by the wen empire when the wens went down because wq refused to be a mob doctor#she and wen ning observe a strict Don't Ask Don't Tell policy about his payment for her medical degree#but he's really good at stealing and they're mutually PHENOMENALLY well-educated on every crime possible#golden tower insurance used to employ the nie bros but nmj died and nhs blames them and got hired to oversee some thieves#before lwj worked with leverage (which was actually wwx's idea that he brought to nhs and continues to spearhead)#he worked with lxc as a grifter/hitter team (the so-called twin jades) that the nies hunted for literally years#to the extent that nmj and lxc like...went and got drinks a couple times. they were bros. lxc has Strong Protective Feelings about nhs.#they bring lxc in as a guest grifter sometimes as well as sometimes using jc and jyl as Legitimate Business comrades#meng yao still works for golden tower and the endgame shit here is taking down the ceo of golden tower#and installing his son in his place because jzx gets to be kind of unexpectedly tight with leverage inc over time#the rest of these will not be so long but i got hype about this one#i'm not going to queue this i'm just gonna post it#tanoraqui#asked and answered
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Emotionless or stoic reader who's texts like an airhead but only they're s/o can understand them with Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko, Miu and Akane
I knew this was coming 😆
Unfortunately, I ran out of 3:00 AM texts, so I couldn't do Akane. Maybe in a future part
Also I had way too much fun writing this, but putting this on Tumblr was a pain in the ass
Sorry if the text conversations look screwy
Emotionless Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead Airhead With Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko and Miu
Ibuki Mioda 
Oh she's 100% the same way
Except she's an airhead through and through
When she first met you, she thought you were really cool and really wanted to be your friend
Her energy complimented your stoic demeanor really well
And come to find out, you were more alike than she thought
But only on the phone
She loves that you text like an airheaded teenager who's probably on a sugar rush
She will appreciate your energy and match it tenfold
You: I LOVE YOU ❤️💕❤️💗💗 
You: OMW
Especially when you send her random texts at 3:00 AM
Nobody will appreciate it like Ibuki does
Ibuki🎸: YOOOOOO (Name) WASSUP🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ibuki🎸: SAME
Ibuki definitely appreciates your texting energy more than anyone
You're both a mess, but she loves you to death
Mahiru Koizumi 
She is kind of exhausted by you sometimes
When she first met you, she thought you were really interesting
She wanted to get to know you, and help you try to get to know the others
You were a little shy with talking in person, but she didn't mind at all
Oh, but you were only shy in person
While on the phone... You very much weren't
Mahiru📷: (Name)?
Mahiru📷: Did someone steal your phone??
You: Nope! This is just how I text!😜
Mahiru📷: Oh, okay
You: Can I come over???!!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺 
Mahiru📷: Not now, I'm taking pictures
You: So what, your pictures are more important than meeee?!!?!? 😭😭😭😭
Mahiru📷: (Name)...
Mahiru📷: Fine
Mahiru📷: Love you too
Your random crackhead texts are exhausting and sometimes irritating, but at least she can understand them somehow
But if you text her at 3:00 AM, she will not give you the time of day
You: HEY
You: HEY
You: HEY
Mahiru📷: (Name), I love you, but it's 3:00 AM
Mahiru📷: GO. TO. SLEEP.
It's hard to keep up with you sometimes, but Mahiru still loves you
Mikan Tsumiki 
She found your stoic demeanor to be kind of intimidating at first
She didn't mind it, but she wished she could tell what you were thinking
But you were kind of shy about talking to others, so you spent more time with her
Which she loved more than anything
She was shocked and a little concerned about how energetic you were over text
You kind of reminded her of Ibuki
But she grew to love it more than anything
Mikan🩹: Yes, my dear?
You: I love youuuuuu!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mikan🩹: I love you too! 😍🥰💗
You: Can I come over????????😜😜😜😜
Mikan🩹: Well, I'm doing nurse work right now...
You: Awwww😞😞😞😢
Mikan🩹: Please don't be sad! You can come and see me if you want to!
Mikan🩹: Yay!☺️
She absolutely adores you
Even when you text her at 3:00 AM, she'll stay up with you as long as you want
You: Mikiiiiii🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mikan🩹: (Name)? It's 3:00 AM... Is something wrong?
You: Nope! I just wanna text my baby❤️❤️❤️
Mikan🩹: Aww! Okay, I can stay up a little longer🥰
You: Yayyyyy😃☺️🥰
Mikan🩹: So, what did you want to talk about?
You: Y'know what's so creepy about Humpty Dumpty?
Mikan🩹: No, I don't. What?
You: They never said he was an egg 😨😨😨
Mikan🩹: Huh? What do you mean?
Mikan🩹: Wait
Mikan🩹: OH NO😰😰😰
You: Hey, since you're a nurse, let me ask you this: Why do our noses run, but our feet smell?🤔🤔🤔
Mikan🩹: Well, technically, our noses don't really "run". They drain, drip, or leak from the top down when there is excess “material” inside.
Mikan🩹: Certain feet smell because the average human foot sweats one cup per day, and when you add bacteria and shoes to the mixture, that becomes part of the recipe.
Mikan🩹: Oh, but there's certainly nothing wrong with trying to inject a little humor into these awful times.
You: Woah. Mind blowing😮🤯
It doesn't matter what time of day it is
She will text you back every time, no matter what, in just a few seconds
But girl, go to sleep
Kyoko Kirigiri 
She could guess the way you texted right off the bat
Don't ask me how
She just did
But she did enjoy that you had a similar stoic personality to hers
And when you text her, she understands exactly what you're saying
But she doesn't bother humoring you
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: Yes?
You: I love youuuuu!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: I love you too.💜
You: Hey can I ask you something?????!!?!!
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: Sure.
You: Would a fly without wings be called a walk? 🤔🤔🤔
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: No. A fly is called a fly, with or without wings.
You: Damn, why you gotta shoot me down like that... I'm heartbroken😢😢😢
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: No, you're not.
You: You're no fun😤😤😤
She doesn't mind the way you text
It makes you 'you', and if it makes you happy, then do it
But if you send her random bullshit, she will not humor it
Especially at 3:00 AM
You: A letter in an envelope is just paper wrapped in paper🤯🤯🤯
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: (Name), it's 3:00 AM. Go to sleep.
She's usually awake during these times, but she's not taking your random B.S
As much as Kyoko loves you, she's gonna put her facts on every random text you send her
She'll let you have your fun, but sending her one of those texts is basically asking to get detective'd
That's a word now
I said so
Peko Pekoyama
At first, she thought you were easy to talk to
You were super stoic, and kind of quiet and reserved
Just like her
So you got along right off the bat
But she didn't expect to see the crackhead inside of you over text
Like Mahiru, she also worries that someone stole your phone
(I apologize to anyone who uses dark mode)
Peko⚔️: Yes, my young master?
Peko⚔️: Wait, was your phone stolen? This is very unlike you.
You: Nope! How I text is just different from how I talk!
Peko⚔️: Oh, I see. This was unexpected, but I don't mind.
You: Hey, did you know that horses run on their fingernails? 😮😮😮
Peko⚔️: Do they? Inever thought about that.
You: Can I come hang out????😃😃
Peko⚔️: I'm sort of in the middle of practicing with my sword...
Peko⚔️: But if you want to come watch me, I don't mind.
You: Yayyyyy!! I love yooouuuuu!!!😍😍😍
Peko⚔️: I love you too, young master.☺️
It's hard to keep up sometimes, but she can somehow understand your texts
She finds them very cute
Even in the early hours of the morning, she'll stay up to talk to you
Peko⚔️: Yes, young master?
You: I wanna talk!!!
Peko⚔️: It's 3:00 AM, is something the matter?
You: Nope! Just thinking🙈🙈🙈
Peko⚔️: I suppose I can stay awake a little longer. What are you thinking about?
You: Isn't butter just lotion for food?🤔🤔🤔
Peko⚔️: In some aspects, yes, I suppose.
You: Could a fork be classified as a dull four-pronged sword?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Peko⚔️: I say no. Forks are forks, and swords are swords.
You: What about knives?
Peko⚔️: Same with knives.
Peko may be able to understand what you're saying, but she doesn't understand why you say it
But she never questions it
And she'll stay up as late as you want, cuz she loves you
We love you too Peko, but please get some sleep
Miu Iruma
When you were starting to get to know each other, she tried to make your expressionless demeanor waver
By flirting with you and giving you pick-up line after pick-up line
And it never worked
But then she fell in love with you and boom! Relationship
Boy, was she in for a surprise when you first texted her
You: MIIIUUUUUUU😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Miu🔧: Are you high?
You: Nooooo!!!! How I text is different from how I talk!!!!
Miu🔧: How tf is that even possible
You: I LOVE YOOOOUUUU!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Miu🔧: But yea I love you too nerd
You: Can I come hang out?????!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Miu🔧: I'm inventing shit
You: Pleeeeaaasseeeee?!?!?!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Miu🔧: You're a trainwreck
Miu🔧: Lab door's unlocked
You: Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍
Depending on her mood, she'll either match your energy or tell you to shut the fuck up
Sometimes, she'll be the one texting you at 3:00 AM
She's always awake anyway
But when you text her, this usually happens
Miu🔧: What do you want it's 3:00 AM
You: I gotta question
You: Why is the letter x used more in math than in the English language🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Miu🔧: I gotta question too
Miu🔧: Why tf are you texting me at 3:00 AM about math shit
You: You're an inventor, you should be good at math
Miu🔧: Answer me this then, smartass
Miu🔧: If you try to fail and you succeed, what tf did you do???
You: You would succeed, obviously
Miu🔧: Sick answer
You: If you're waiting for a waiter, that makes you a waiter
Miu🔧: OMG
You and Miu are in the same boat
You're both crackheads in love
Remember when I said Ibuki probably appreciates your energy the most?
Well, Miu is a close second
When she acts like your random thoughts are stupid, she's secretly thinking the same thing
Y'all are partners in crime
Y'know, this scenario would work really well with a lot of other characters
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yandere-romanticaa · 3 years
The idea got popular so here it is, the twst boys’ prefered body type! Be sure to take this with a grain of salt however, these are just my opinions and headcanons. They would all still love you regadless of your appearance! TW for low key misogyny lmao, maybe even some feeding kink? Also implied female s/o, but not necessarily.
This also didn't quite turn out to be about body types but IDC I'M TIRED 😴
Riddle cares about your health to an obsessive degree and he will want you to be proportional in every sense of the word. He wants you to be the best version of yourself, therefore he won't allow you to be neither overweight or underweight. He'll spoon feed you himself if he must, your health really is top priority to him. He doesn't really have a preference due to this. He does have a soft spot for delicate hands and legs though.
Trey, oh God Trey, I'm sorry but the two of you are literally in your late teens/early twenties but y'all are gaining weight like an old married couple, it's so precious!! 😭😭 He really likes to spoil you with sweets and he has a hard time saying no to you, he just wants to spoil you, okay? 🥺 He says that he has no preference but that's a lie, he likes to see you gain more weight and become a bit more chubby over time. If he's in the mood he'll even squeeze your belly but he won't be mean about it! Softness is his weakness, especially if he was the cause.
Cater, I can see him going in several directions but rn I feel like being mean, he is SHALLOW lmao. He really wants you to look good for all of his photos and he'll guilt trip you if you don't work out and eat well. He'll join you sometimes, maybe! I also see him being into someone that's shorter than him, he really likes to look down at you because it's just so cute to him.
Ace - THIS BULLY, THIS AWFUL, MEAN BULLY!!! No matter what you do or how hard you try Ace will poke fun at you and he won't hold back. You're skinny? Wazzup twig, go eat something! You're bigger? YOOOOOO piggy, go take a nice long run, it could do you some favors! If you're a girl, if you have a flat chest? Boooo, you're not trying hard enough! Big chest? You little slut, you're in an all boys school, you ought to dress more appropriately! You're a guy and you're not built like a brick house? God damn you are WEAK, he could take you on right there and then! He's mean, mean, MEAN! In reality he is shallow too and he'd really like it if you were ✨sexy✨ but you're always cute to him. He just won't say it out loud though!
Deuce is not super picky in my opinion, but I think he'd really like it if you had some cake 😫🥴 He's a pervert that stares, and he'd love to grab your ass and just grope it!
Leona wants you to have a soft chest and not to be too bony. You'll be his personal body pillow and he really wants to use you, but he can't do that if your bones keep poking him. I also see him really liking nice and smooth skin, it just catches his eye.
Ruggie, grrrrrr he'd die if you were taller than him but that's quite sexy to him. Look down at him and tell him what to do, he's there to obey. Just don't push it too much, k?
Jack would be so happy if you were an athlete and a good amount of muscle on you. He has a lot of stamina and energy and he would love to go on long runs with you! He just loves to work out with you and I can't see him with a couch potato.
I'm sorry but I feel like this entire dorm would be just straight up chubby cashers 😭 Azul would look at you and he would just !!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeous, beautiful, let him touch you, please let him touch you!!! He's so handsy he cannot control himself even if his life was on the line.
The tweels? BULLIES, but not as bad as Ace. They'll tease you but they will stop at some point and then they suddenly switch to being really doting and sweet. They don't mean what they said, they just like to see you flustered!
Jamil - HIPS, HIPS MAKE HIM 🤤🤤🤤🤤 Hips, thick thighs !!!!!!! You could crush him and he might just thank you with the faintest of smiles on his face. He's blushing like mad but he wouldn't trade it for the world. He's also an ass man, don't @ me
Height is irrelevant to him
Kalim, precious baby. You're literally so beautiful to him regardless how you look. You could be wearing a trash bag and his heart would still burst with joy. He's the type of guy that will tell you look gorgeous in all of your outfits but you just want to hear some consecutive criticism 😭
Vil and Rook are similar to Riddle. They want you to be the best version of yourself, but there is a certain shallowness from Vil's side. He's greedy and selfish, he wants to destroy you and build you from the ground up, you are his personal project that must be done perfectly. There will be no blemishes, those are ILLEGAL. Weight? He controls your diet strictly. Clothes? Exactly the same.
Epel on the other hand... Girly girl. Be cute, be helpless, BE SHORT, wear skirts, let him feel like a man god damn it. Big boobs would be nice to squish though ♥️
Idia has been spoiled by anime/games and if you don't look like that he'll bully you too. He'll force you to wear skimpy clothing when it's just the two of you, he doesn't care if you hate it, you will wear it. Maid costumes + CAT EARS, he's on the ground sCREAMING (feel free to remove that s! 😏)
The problem is, most people just do not look like generic fantasy babes and he's an incel because I said so, and by default that just makes him out to be a MASSIVE prick, ESPECIALLY if you're a girl. Everything you do to him is a tease, you are literally just breathing in the same air as him and in his head that must mean that you want to be with him. But yes, ideal body = BIG BOOBS, tiny waist, BIG hips, just imagine the most basic, typical anime babe.
Malleus, I also don't see him as someone that fawns over your body all too much, but I can imagine him really enjoying the warmth of your chest, bonus points if you have boobs. Size is irrelevant, he wants to SQUISH them. Your neck is also something he likes to fawn over, that pretty neck that he gets to nibble on like a snack every single night. I also think he'd really like eyes that are just soft, full of love and light. He's weak for your eyes man.
Lilia is incredibly versatile, he's seen it all and he loves it all, he loves you. Tall? Amazing. Short? Hehehe, he can bully you!~ Although, I see him fawning over someone that gets sick easily 😭🤣 Therefore, be a little skinny, very weak, let him take care of you 😔 He keeps you docile this way, and pampers you like doll. Probably dresses you in lolita style dresses.
Silver is a tough guy and I can see him fawning over a dainty, feminine, sweet little thing that just needs his help with everything. Kinghtly duties run in his blood, he's used to servicing people, but you are a special kind of enjoyment.
Sebek, ugh. He wants to be like Riddle and Vil but he sucks at it. In reality he doesn't care, he just doesn't want you to get sick or anything like that.
♥️ TAGS: @sammo-writes-whatever, @cc-6789, @yanroma
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Stefan x Reader
Request Summary: The reader has anger issues and is on verge of becoming an alcoholic as she feels helpless. Stefan helps her through to quit alcoholism and fight her fears and control her anger.
Warnings: alcoholism, self deprecation, Stefan being hungry, ooc Stefan and matt? idk I know I've missed some, as always read at your own risk
A/N: Yoooooo, welcome me back to the land of the matrix folks because I have crawled out of my pit of despair to bring you 1000 or so words that will hopefully give you a small rush of serotonin!
My friend, @yipee101, has been so patient and kind, they may have forgotten about this but I did not!! I hope you enjoy love.
Thank you pals for being patient with me.
Blessed be to all of you and sweet love to come your way <3
You slipped your sixth shot of whiskey down your throat, pouring another as you listened to Elena and Damon put their vamp skills to good use again. It just reminded you of what you couldn't be, and you had to admit it made you a little sick to be the only one who couldn’t defend herself. The only one so vulnerable, so mortal. Nobody would let you turn, everyone just wanted to keep you 'pure.' Your blood boiled just thinking about it. You decided you weren’t gonna just stand there and listen to them fuck, so you took your shot and slammed the glass down so hard it shattered. You headed for the door, not waiting around in the Salvatore house for Stefan when all you could hear was thudding and graphic moans.
As you stumbled to the door you went through your purse to find your car keys. Grabbing the handle and pulling the door open you were met with Stefans confused face. You walked right by him, “You know, if you were gonna be late we could’ve met at the Grill.” Stefan beat you to the car, taking the keys from you and putting you in the passenger seat. You pulled out your flask and began drinking, “Sorry I was late love, don’t you think you could slow down?” your blood boiled.
“Listen sweetheart, I know that you think you know what’s best, but the drinking isn’t a problem.” Stefan shakes his head as you take yet another swig, “Why do you keep drinking so much anyway?” You smiled big, clearly not wanting to talk about it, "After listening to Elena and Damon fuck for an hour, I think it's okay," raising the flask as if you’d raise your glass, spinning around to lay your head on his leg, you down a good mouthful of liquor, “So babe, how come you were late anyway?” Stefan sighed, “I got caught up hunting was a little hungrier than normal.” You gently reached your hand up and rubbed Stefan’s arm reassuringly, “It's okay to be hungry, I know it’s hard.”
You arrived at the grill, quickly pulling the bottle from your backseat and refilling your now empty flask. Stefan met you at your side of the car, allowing you to slide your arm perfectly with his for support. "It's lovely, ya know?" You mumbled as Stefan opened the door for you, "What is Y/N/N?" Sliding into the booth, "To be so drunk all the time that I don't have all the flies buzzing 'round me. All the little worries just whoosh, and everything is just so fun." Matty comes up to you and Stefan, taking your order and allowing you to order a rum and coke and a random meal.
After about ten minutes, Matty brings you another drink, you slammed it back, chugging and pounding the glass on the table a little too hard. Matty saluted you, bringing you another. You went back to back for a good half hour. Matty started to sit down another for you, but Stefan interjected, “I think she’s had enough tonight Matt.” Matt nodded, looking at your disheveled figure, head lying on the tables arms crossed under your head, ready to pass out. “‘M ready to go home,” you mumbled as you laid back in your booth, happily relaxing into the overly inviting cushions. Stefan lightly laughed, trying to cover the true concern he had for you.
Even though you guys had been dating nearly a year, this is how it always was. At first, he didn’t notice it, but the closer you two got the more you allowed him to see. You had finally explained to him that it was ‘your normal,’ that it had been since the night at the haunted house and Stefan almost died trying to save you from a vampire. Stefan looks at you for a minute, recalling the words he would never forget you said, “Nobody gave a shit back then so don’t start caring now.” Stefan picked you up out of the booth, carrying you to your car and softly closing the door. As he got back into the car, he noticed you trying to finish off your flask. He had decided in that moment, enough was enough. He took your flask from you, eliciting a heavy groan from you that didn’t last long because of your truly fucked state. The last thing you remember is laying your head on his leg as your normal position, his fingers running softly through your hair.
When you woke up the next morning you instantly ran to the bathroom, unlucky to be one of the times you had a hangover. You pounded on the floor next to your toilet, trying to alert Stefan. He was instantly next to you, handing you a cup, no doubt his special morning blend with enough of his blood to make all of this go away. He gently pulled your hair up and wrapped it in a bun, watching as you drank the contents of the cup, knowing it would be over soon. In truth, it was. After you finished chugging the cup you leaned back onto Stefan. “Good morning,” you laughed, “I hate for us to start it this way,” Stefan mumbled as he kissed your forehead, sliding his arms under yours and pulling you to your feet. You spun around to face him, “What the fuck?” you near shouted. “Why do you have to nit pick so fucking early?”
"It's not nit picking, Y/N" He tried to speak non-confrontational, "I am genuinely worried about you. This isn't healthy-you're not invincible to this." You scoffed, pushing past him and downstairs to your kitchen, Stefan following suit as you spoke, "You mean I'm human, right? Defenseless and vulnerable?" You shook your head, interrupting him as he tried to speak, "No-don't even, this wouldn't be a problem if I was a vampire. If I wasn't so fucking needy, always pitifully needing protecting, can't even decide how much liquor to drink." You slammed the coffee pot back in it's place, impatiently waiting for it to finish. "I don't think you're pitiful or needy. I think that you're drinking too much and putting your life in needless danger and you won't tell me why."
You flailed your arms, spinning around to pour yourself a cup of coffee, grabbing a bottle of liquor and starting to pour some in, but Stefan's hand is on the bottle. You slammed the bottle down turning to Stefan, shoving him back with every scream, "You stupid fucking," shove, "I told you," shove, "it makes me feel better!" shove. You sighed, "I'm sorry," running your hands on your face, sighing again, "Just, get the fuck out Stefan." You turned back to your cup, pouring the liquor, only to be stopped by Stefan, "No." Your blood boiled, "Get the fuck out!!" Stefan took the bottle from you, setting it back on the counter, "Not if when I leave you're just going to drink that."
You instantly threw your coffee cup, watching it shatter into pieces before grabbing the bottle and turning it up. You chugged and chugged until Stefan pulled it away from you, "You gonna fucking leave now?" Stefan stepped closer to you, hating the way the alcohol burned his nose, like a poison coming off of you, "Baby, I'm not going anywhere." You screamed, out of frustration or shame you weren't sure which, it was a blood curdling scream, slamming your hand down, hitting the liquor bottle cross the floor enjoying the way it shattered. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You! This!" Stefan sighed, "You won't talk to me, you brush me off and act like this isn't something I should care about but it's been like this as long as I can remember, I'm worried, I can't protect-" You slammed your hands down on the counter over and over, kicking the cabinets and laughing, "Jesus Christ Stefan, I don't need your protection!" Stefan grabbed your hands, turning you to him as gently as he could, your strength diminished from the bottle of alcohol you chugged, "I want to protect you, I want to, I know you don't need it, I want to," his voice to a whisper at the end of his plea, "I want to," his hand moved from your wrist to your face, "I love you, I want you to be around as long as possible, I need to protect you, you don't need me to, I do."
You sighed, your forehead resting on his, "I love you too," you pulled your wrists back, "I'm sorry." Starting to pull away from him to clean the mess up, he was gone and back before you noticed the mess was gone. "Talk to me," Stefan said as you walked past him, sitting on the couch. "I hate myself," you sighed, "I'm so weak and puny, I feel like I'm always in the way," you shrugged, "I get so angry all the time, maybe not even at other people, really at myself," leaning against Stefan as he put his arm around you, "Drinking helps, really?" he asked hoping to hear an honest response. "If I'm honest? No, I just feel like it's better than feeling like this all the time."
Stefan slid his arm under your legs, his free arm moving your arm around his neck before moving around your waist and standing up. "What?" You looked up at him, he smiled, "I have something that might help." In the next moment, you guys were out of your house and watching everything rush by until you hit forest. Suddenly Stefan stopped running, setting you down gently, smiling, "I was gonna show you to this on our anniversary, it's not finished yet, but I don't see why we can't go ahead and visit."
You started to ask what he meant until you saw it-near dead ahead was a large clearing, but it had been worked on, there was a stack of rocks with one slab of rock covered in the softest moss you'd ever touched, "So you can read and do homework comfortably," Stefan said, pointing up to the makeshift roof of vines that you now notice wrap around the trees, making a circle around the clearing, you loudly gasp, taken by the beauty and effort he's already put into this for you, for your relationship.
You continue to look around as he points to an obvious training area, he smiles, "I know that you've been struggling, but I didn't realize how much," he moved closer to you, his front now pressed against your back, arms encircling your waist, chin resting on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, "I'm gonna have Bonnie protect it, it's gonna be just us here, me n you gonna relax, you're gonna read over there, train over there, we can put a table for picnicking over there-" he points to an area that is close to the moss bed, "and lots of flowers and colors, to always brighten our day, gonna put a vine door-" you turned around and kissed him.
Your hands were on the side of his face, hair intertwining with his hair, he lifted you up, your legs circling his waist, you feel him smile. You pulled back, "I love it, thank you, this is going to be great," you kissed him again, "you know, it is our space, I could help you put stuff together, whatever you wanted to add." Stefan nodded, kissing your forehead, "I think when you wanna drink we should come here." You kissed under his ear, trailing down his neck, "two conditions," Stefan hummed, moving his head to the side he allowed you more access as he pressed you against one of the many trees that circled the clearing.
"Well, we'll come here when I wanna drink, if we'll come here when you get hungry," Stefan let out a small groan as you bit his neck gently, loving how he pulled your hair. "And the second?" He asked as your hands traced down his torso, grabbing the hem of his shirt, "you fuck me, now." He smiled, kissing you hard, and the next thing you know, you're sitting on the edge of the moss bed. "Easy," he pulls off your shirt, admiring your body for a moment, "it's a deal."
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
thank you so much for that xiao x villain!reader😭😭 I’m so glad you didn’t forget and that’s very sweet of you to write it all for me. The writing is making me feel some typpa way like you got me shedding tears at this point. The writing was so good and an absolute joy to read! So poetic, so deep, so divine. No like really. I’m so touched. AHH I cant believe this, no, I cant The amount of details….. it really shows how much effort you put into this. I’m drooling for more 😤😳 im peeing?crying? Screaming? The writing… oh and the dialogue… oh wow… just wow. I love it bestie. Love. it. “they hurt you xiao. every day, they hurt you. i’ve seen the way they laugh and smile while you die for them; bit by bit, until all you knew was pain. if it weren’t for them and their twisted desires, you’d be happy and safe. if it weren’t for your contract with rex lapis, you’d be free,“ —( I’m tattooing this on my arm😩🤤😱)
YOOOOOO OMG IM SO HYPED????? i’m happy you liked it!! i acc really loved how it turned out and i had sm fun writing it and just… delving into the intricacies of a tragic love story like that was a very great experience. again, i’m very sorry that it took so long though… i’m hoping that the content made up for it at least? and please 😭😭😭 imagine tattooing an entire paragraph— ig you do you bestie ☠️ anw, thank you for coming all the way to say this! i appreciate all the feedback i get from people who requested. it really makes my day and rn, i’m just shitting myself while buzzing bc you ended up liking it as well 😊💕✨
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Dark Fox (5/7)
Yoooooo I love this chapter, I think it’s my favourite so far. 
Previous - Next 
Pairing: Jason Todd x League!Reader
Word Count: 5836
Warnings: same as previous
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Your eyes were closed but you could feel Jason growing restless. 
It was already the middle of the day and you had not gone out once to train. He kept shifting his position, crossing and uncrossing his legs, and opening one eye to see if yours were still shut. He would also occasionally let long sighs of impatience, like a child stuck inside on a sunny summer afternoon. 
It wasn’t that far from the truth, actually.
“Alright” He spoke up, slapping something on his skin. probably a fly. “This is pointless”
You slowly opened your eyes and stared at him. He was sweaty and swatting away bugs around him, and an all too familiar frustration was growing in his eyes. Although you didn’t do this exercise to spite him off especially, you had to admit you did enjoy to rile him up that way. 
“I know that face” He grumbled, and you raised an eyebrow. “You’re enjoying this too much. Is there even a purpose to this?”
“Then what is it?” He yelled, throwing his hands in the air. “We’ve been sitting here in silence for more than two hours!”
“Should I make it two hours more?” 
“You are evil”
“I’m making you do this because” You began after an over exaggerated eye roll. “This kind of meditation, when done well, allows you to take control of everything in you. When you feel conflicted, angry or need to find strength, you can tap into that power. But you need to find it first”
“Yawn” He pretended to sleep. “When I made the joke about making tea, I had no idea you’d take it literally”
“Don’t act so smug, you could use it” You replied. “And the tea technique as well”
He gasped.
“Now get back in position, palms up resting on your knees” You instructed, and he only crossed his arms against his chest in defiance. “Jason”
“I’m not doing it anymore” He shook his head like a toddler. “It’s as hot as the devil’s asshole and your little bowl of water is turning this hut in a sauna. And how the fuck are you not dying?”
He gestured wildly at your short sleeve base layer and tactical pants, which you thought was already a wild improvement from what you usually did. In fact, winter or summer, you had always worn your full League suit no matter how uncomfortable it could get. You had learned to ignore it a long time ago.
“Because I’ve been dead since 2004” You deadpanned.
It took him some time to react. “Sorry did you just make a joke?”
“No. I’m always serious” You didn’t concede, but you did suppress a smile. “Now focus”
“C’mon” He groaned. “For once let’s do something fun! I’ve earned it, don’t you think?”
You held his stare that had become wide and almost… Pleading? In a puppy-that-wants-treats kind of way. And thinking of it, he did work all for almost a year without really choosing what to do. You guessed you could make an exception for this once.
“What did you have in mind?” You asked tentatively.
“Let’s go swimming” He grinned, and it sparked an idea in your head. 
“Swimming you say?”
“What do you think they’re doing?”
“I don’t know” Dick muttered, glancing at Tim with a bewildered expression. “But I’ve never seen Jay sitting so still for so long before”
“Do you think they can hear us?” Tim asked, eyes still on jason and you. “Pssst, Jason”
“Hey Jason!” Dick called, louder this time. Still no reaction.
“Earth to Todd?”
“What are you idiots doing now?” 
Both men turned around at Damian calling them out.
“Jason and Foxy are sitting face to face on the floor like statues” Tim replied, crossing his arms against his chest. “It’s kind of freaking us out. There are herbs burning or whatever”
“If you call her that to her face she’ll kill you” Damian pointed out, pushing off the wall he was leaning on. 
“I know, she already pushed me out of a window” He sighed as Damian walked past him to look into the room. He noticed the positions, the shallow bowl of water and the sage burning next to it. It clicked in his head it was something his mother had taught him years ago, still the never ending sitting session in silence were hardly forgettable. You? He wasn’t surprised to see you do it from what he had gathered about you so far. Jason, however, he was surprised he would even considering let alone last so long. He was impressed.
“They’re meditating, you morons” He rolled his eyes. “League stuff. Lets you in into your own soul so deep you can tune out the exterior world”
“Sounds freaky” Dick hummed.
“I’m going to test that theory” Tim smirked, taking a few steps in the room.
“And if you do that it’s Jason that’s gonna kill you” Damian shouted as he walked away. 
“Can’t be worse that being thrown out of a window” 
“I swear one of them is actually going to kill you sooner than later” Dick sighed as he followed his brother nevertheless. He figured Tim would stand better chance at living with backup.
Tim tiptoed to Jason, taking good care to stay far away from you and your range. He had no idea if you had a blade hidden somewhere--you probably did--and exactly how fast you would hurl it at him. He needed to give himself a margin of manoeuver. He extended his finger and slowly, so slowly got closer to Jason.
“Don’t. You. Dare” 
He froze mid air, eyes widening. Jason’s eyes were still closed, but apparently he was aware enough to know he was close. He shared a glance with Dick, not willing to run away just yet even though Jason had quite literally blindly deducted his intention. He moved a bit closer again, and just before his finger came in contact with Jason’s ear, he snapped his eyes open and glared so hard at Tim it made him and Dick scatter out of the room. He help his glare a little longer on the room’s threshold before sighing. 
“I kinda miss the quiet of the hut”
You slowly opened your eyes to meet his stare. You would have given him a smile if your mind wasn’t so far away of your head. 
“Found anything?” 
You shook your head at his question, looking away from the concern that was growing on his face. You had tuned into your mind to find how in the hell and back you didn’t just let the arrow fly and ended it for Luthor. You had hesitated, something you didn’t even know was possible for you. Moreover, you had deviated from the only personal goal you ever had, for what? For the lives of people that didn’t matter to you. It was a good thing you didn’t work for the League on that one, because you wouldn’t have made it out alive. 
It was also a miracle Tim hadn’t ratted you going outside of the plan to go after Luthor. You had fully expected a fight when you met with the rest of the group, but he had kept his mouth shut after what went down. It worried you, because the only reason you could think for him doing that was for leverage, and well, you certainly didn’t like the idea of any of these people here having leverage on you. And with the warning Jason gave you about his detective skills, none of this settled right within you. 
“You’ll get another chance”
It was like he was reading your mind. It wasn’t like he didn’t know you better than anyone, and it was not like you were well guarded right now. You were too distracted to hold up your defenses. Still, you were angry at yourself.
“I let him go” You mumbled through gritted teeth. “I’ve never…”
“I know” He breathed out. “Are you okay?”
“Yes” You snapped. You didn’t need his pity. “I just need to remind myself of who I am”
He held your stare for a second, betraying no emotion. “And who is that?”
You gulped, hesitating despite your better judgement. “I am Thaelib fi alzalam, child of the darkness and servant of the demon”
His jaw clenched ever so slightly, but he didn’t say anything more.
“Am I the only one who noticed Jay’s been… Different ever since he brought back the ninja here?” 
Dick looked up from his paperwork and grinned at Tim. “Right? He’s around all the time now”
“Do you think they’re together?” He asked in between two glances at the files in front of him. They were still on the Luthor case, and he had his own side quest to figure out. “She would seem like his type. Cold, snarky, slightly to very murderous, you know”
Dick laughed. “I mean something definitely happened between them, especially since they allegedly spent all this time together. But actually together? Meh”
“Don’t you have anything better to do that gossip about me?”
Both men’s eyes snapped up at the voice that joined the conversation. Jason was standing in the doorframe of the cave, arms crossed against his chest and a scowl on his face. A steaming cup of coffee was rested on his bicep, but he didn’t seem bothered by the heat of the ceramic container.
“Absolutely not” Dick sniggered, making Jason scoff. “So, you two together?” 
Jason’s eyes went from his older brother to Tim, whose head was cocked on the side. He was watching intensely for a reaction, and it made Jason shift on his feet. He did not like when Tim went all detective on him, especially since he had no idea of the reason why he would do it. It was creepy and invasive, and even him wasn’t immune to Tim’s hyper perceptiveness. Jason cleared his throat.
“You think I’m going to answer this?” He challenged Dick, doing his best to ignore Tim’s weird as fuck behaviour.
“Oh come on Jaybird, do a girl a favor and spill the beans!” He pleaded. “We barely know anything of what went down with you two”
“And I intend it to stay that way” He replied, walking to Dick’s rolling chair. “Now move. Alfred sent me to replace you. You’ve been here for hours and he wants you to take a break”
“Aw, okay” He complied as he stood up. “Can’t say no to Alfred”
“What about me?” Tim finally spoke with a small pout. Jason rolled his eyes and walked to his desk, putting down the steaming mug of coffee in front of him. Everybody knew it was pointless to try and pry Tim away from his work, so Alfred had instead sent him down with about seven shots of espresso in a mug. That was enough to change his expression from betrayed to content. 
Jason waited for Dick to leave and propped down in the seat, keeping watch on Tim from the corner of his eye. His fingers skimmed over the paperwork left behind, but he wasn't very interested in it. He only agreed to replace Dick because like his older brother, saying no to Pennyworth was not an option, not a moral one anyway. 
“So” Tim began nonchalantly, pretending to be interested in whatever was in his face at the moment. Jason braced himself for more invasive questions he would not answer. “How did you not kill each other in the first week of training?”
Jason blinked in surprise at the question. He did not expect something so… Impersonal? He seemingly referred to his and your character, which he must have witnessed while being paired with you the previous night. However, he still remained on his guard, because Tim was being weird. Well, weirder than usual that is.
“I guess… We tried?” He said carefully, frowning. “Didn’t work”
“Interesting” He nodded, taking a sip from his coffee. “I’ve noticed her fondness for violence, which makes sense why you would get along”
“Okay just say what you want to say” He sighed, making a vague hand gesture. 
“No it’s just--” He paused and took a breath. “Something weird happened the other day, after she pushed me out of the window”
Jason raised an eyebrow.
“She landed after me and then she just took off” He said with a shrug. “Naturally I went after her because nobody walks out on me. And imagine my surprise when I saw her facing off with none other than Lex Luthor”
Jason’s muscles tensed, but he gave no other reaction. Fuck. 
“I mean she could have killed him, she seemed pretty obsessed with going there or whatever” He kept talking, obviously noticing his brother’s subtle change of attitude. “But then they just held the stare off until the explosion went off and she instead saved a bunch of people that would have otherwise been crushed to death by concrete. Anyway. Now tell me if I got it wrong, but she doesn’t seem like the type to just hesitate, or care about the others, right? I tried to piece it together, the obsession, the hesitation, her weird knowledge of Luthor’s modus operandi, her whole involvement in this for that matters, but I still come short of the little missing piece to the puzzle. It bothers me”
He watched Tim with his mouth slightly agape. He knew it had been a bad idea for you to go after Luthor with Tim nearby, but he didn’t think he’d put the pieces together that quickly, or rather, that you’d let such a slip go noticed. Nonetheless, he wiped away his astonishment away and replaced it with yet another scowl.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I don’t know, I’d believe you know more than anyone about her”
“I think you’re looking way too much into this, Drake” He dismissed, going back to his papers. “She was raised by the League. Going after a target is her basic instinct, and are you really going to judge her for doing the right thing and saving people?”
“Mhhh” Tim simply hummed, also going back to his own work. Jason gave him one last glance, knowing his deflection wouldn’t hold him back for long. The truth was about to come out, and he feared it wouldn’t be pretty when it did.
“Go on”
Jason narrowed his eyes, his glance slowly going from you to the plank you had lowered above the water and to the post farther into the middle of the river. It rose about seven feet above the surface, and Jason didn’t trust it or your intentions for that matter.
He adjusted the quiver strap and the bow on his shoulder and began carefully reaching the post. Nope, he definitely didn’t trust that setting at all. However, as much as he was mad you had twisted his swimming idea, he was also curious as to what hellish stunt you would make him do this time. He knew you by now, so whatever it was, it would be both dangerous and entertaining. 
He grabbed the post and hoisted himself up by the only step that was carved in the middle of it. He stood up on the small surface, barely large enough to stand comfortably on both feet. He looked at you, and you had already pulled back the plank.
You smirked and brought the plank to the other post about twenty feet further down the river. You climbed on it and faced Jason.
“So what now?” He called from his position. “We shoot each other?”
You grabbed an arrow and nocked, but left your bow aimed down at the water. Even from the distance you could see his face drop.
“You’re fucking crazy!” He shouted. “How is this not ending in one of us being dead?”
“You found static meditation too boring” You shouted back. “This should do it to find your balance and inner strength”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” 
“Dodge the arrow” You said, lifting your bow and shooting straight at him.
The arrow flew at him, and in his attempt to dodge it, lost balance and landed in the water. He came up with a gasp, and swam back to the wooden post before the strong current could drag him away. He climbed again, all drenched and glaring at you.
“Or fall and get wet”
“Oh, because you’re so good at dodging arrows from a upright tree trunk without falling” He snarked back as he took off his tank top and threw it on the shore.. “I’d love to see you on the other end of these”
For emphasis he raised his own bow. You shrugged and slipped your bow through your arm and head to rest it on your back, and waited for him to shoot. In a blink he nocked his first arrow, aiming from your left shoulder. You leaned out of the way, stable on your post, then slowly returned to your position. You raised your eyebrow in challenge, and oh did he not like that. The next arrow went to your feet, and you simply jumped, landing back solidly on your feet. He shot at the same place again, you jumped, then aimed for your mid section rapidly after. You landed on your left foot and crouched so your right slipped along the post, resting on the step in the middle. Jason paused a moment, eyes wide, before shooting straight at you. You propelled yourself up, then saw a second and third arrow coming your way before you had the time to stabilize yourself. You saved your eminent fall with a side vault and landed gracefully.
“Oh you must be kidding me!”
“Don’t act so surprised” You teased. “You can do that too, Jason. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, don’t think about it too much. Empty your mind and trust your instinct”
You waited as his shoulders went up and down, and his eyes slowly opened. Without waiting you shot an arrow, an easy one to dodge and he did, seemingly on instinct. You shot another, he jumped over it. His landing was wobbly, but he didn’t fall. His eyes lit up like when he found out a game he liked, and he began shooting back at you. You exchanged hits, not once falling, well, until one of you did. 
Two quick arrow of yours managed to make Jason land a bit too far to the right, and he fell in the water. However, he didn’t resurface immediately, which made you lower your bow and search the water for him. You frowned, and only noticed too late the wave of water coming on your side. Jason then climbed on your post and tackled your waist, throwing you straight into the water with him. You hit the water on the side, and swam back to the surface with a gasp.
Jason stared at you with a devious grin, daring you to do something about it. You hooked your bow on your shoulder and lunged. 
You had to admit, sparing in water wasn’t something you had ever done, and the resistance was getting to you. Jason was already better at hand to hand, but now he had the absolute advantage. His longer limbs allowed him to move better and to pull himself up on the river ground if you were to push him down, and the fact that he was only in shorts didn’t impede his movements as much as your heavier clothing. The current was rolling you down the river, and when you hit a shallower part, you couldn’t see the posts anymore. 
You now had water to your midsection, and Jason took the opportunity from your stumbling on the higher river floor. He caught you in his classic headlock, pressing your back against his chest. You stopped struggling then, knowing it was over for you. But he didn’t release you, and you didn’t move either when he slightly loosened his hold.
Both of you were panting from the effort, his chest was heaving quickly on your back. The water made your and Jason’s skin cold, but his breath was warm on the crook of your neck. Usually you would have tapped out, or flipped him over. But you were like in a trance, and you didn’t understand why you couldn’t move away.
Why you wouldn’t move away.
His voice sent shiver down your spine.
“Fuck, Jay”
It took you a moment to realize what you said. His breath stilled on your neck, and you gulped. You had never called him just “Jay” before, you didn’t do nicknames. And especially not with that voice, and in that kind of circumstance. You cleared your throat, and he dropped his arm and took a step away.
"I'll…" You trailed off. "I'll go change"
“Sure” His voice wavered in a weird way. “Uh, go on, I’ll catch up later”
You turned around, raising an eyebrow. “Is... Everything alright?”
“Yeah" He said. “I’m just, uh, going for a swim real quick. Another one”
Without another word, he submerged himself in the water.
You had Damian in a headlock when the trail of bat family rushed down the batcave in a hurry, Jason trailing behind seeming way less bothered than the others. You looked up, and this moment of inattention gave Damian the opening to send you flying over him. Your back hit the ground flat, and your confused stare at your own distraction was met by a grimace of disbelief from Damian. Okay, you were truly out of it. 
“Luthor has devanced his plan, we got intel he would move tonight”
You pulled yourself to your feet, suddenly interested in the rush they seemed to be into. You followed Damian out of the cage and met the group halfway, glancing at Jason. He only briefly met your eyes, returning his attention on Bruce afterwards.
“He is going to move the weapon in an underground facility just outside the city, which means we will lose the signal from the tracker” He briefed. “The classic, three vans, only one carrying the package”
“Do we know what it’s even for?” Jason asked.
“I found something about yersinia pestis being injected in certain areas of Gotham” Damian stepped up. “So basically, a plague weapon”
“A plague weapon?” He frowned. “Why would Luthor would ever be interested in bringing back the plague?”
“Wait” Dick perked up, running to the working tables and looking around for something specific. He grabbed a stack of papers and came back. “Here, I saw he made the recent acquisition of a pharmaceutical company that produces, wait for it, gentamicin. It’s a plague treatment”
“So he’s gonna drop the virus on Gotham with that little device?” Jason raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know--”
“Last year Luthor made the acquisition of a low income housing company mostly operating in the Bowery, Crime Alley and Otisburg” You spoke up, a wary look on your face. “My bet would be that device is to slip the bacteria into the ventilation systems, or the pipes”
“... He did” Dick confirmed, looking through the papers. “That would make sense. He spread the plague at a little scale, he provides the medicine, he wins at every steps”
“He IS trying to slither in the city council” Bruce hummed. “Trying to steal Wayne Enterprises’ seat”
“We need to go now if we don’t wanna miss our shot, Bruce” Dick warned.
“Yes” He snapped out of it. “Three vans. Nightwing, Red Robin, you’ll be assigned to the car that will go down through City Hall District. Robin and I will follow the car going through Gotham proper” He paused, looking at you and Jason. “You two work better together. You’ll go North. I’ll send Dick and Jason the trajectories. Gear up”
Wordlessly, you all went to your own dressing area. Yours was simply a plastic box in a corner with your suit folded, and your weapons on a nearby table. You took a moment longer than usual at the black uniform, but nevertheless put it on piece by piece. The tactical pants, the gloves, the undercoat and the protective layer on it, the belt and the spiked arm bracers. Then the belt, your sword on your back and the arrow quiver crossing above it. You reloaded the shooter on your arm and strapped the sheath on your thigh with your blades, then put on the comm in your ear. 
You grabbed your bow and returned toward the others, who were finishing gearing up as well. Jason came and stood beside you, an unreadable expression on his face. Well, it could be, but you refused to look at him in the face. You instead put on your helmet, the black visor hiding your face. 
“There’s no time to waste, let’s go” Bruce called. “Whatever team finds the van, you stop it and bring back the weapon here”
And with that, you went out. Bruce took the batmobile, while the rest were all on bikes. You and Jason left the cave last, shooting out on the road like two blurs in the night. Your comm was on, tuned on the channel with him only. It took him about five minutes to start talking.
“Tim knows” He said. “Or at least he is close enough to know”
“Doesn’t matter” You clipped back, swerving easily around cars on your way. “This will end soon enough one way or another”
“And you’ll go back to the league?” His voice was bitter, and you could only imagine his expression.
“... Yes” 
You rode in silence until you reached your hideout point. There was still five minute before the van was scheduled to turn the corner and engage on the one way avenue, and you would execute the plan from then. You both turned different directions to hide in alleys, turning off the lights of your motorcycle. You put one foot down, leaving one hand on the handle. The engine was purring softly under you, warm and ready to take off.
“We’ll attack from the sides” Jason spoke again through the comm. You could see his red helmet on the other side of the street. “We take off the doors quick and clean, if it’s not there we lose them. If it is, I take the van and you cover me”
“Copy that” 
“They should be there in one minute, get ready” 
You adjusted your helmet and readied your explosive arrows. You then crouched on the bike and waited for the van to pass in front of the hideout. You counted the seconds in your head, five, four, three, tw- 
“What the fuck?” You frowned when not one, but three vans heavily escorted with motorcycles sped past you. You and Jason engaged on the road nevertheless, coming up side to side at a safe distance from the vans.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen” He mumbled. “Alright, change of plans. Keep your distances behind them without being seen, I’ll cut them upfront. When I start drawing the escort, blow the doors of each vans. Fuck being subtle”
With that, he parted ways into a smaller street on his right. You remained hidden into traffic, making sure the bikers did not spot you. Not long after, you heard gunshots and they all were drawn at the front, like Jason had planned. You accelerated closer of the last van at the tail. With one hand, you grabbed your bow on top of the handle, waited for the bike to get back straight and slowed down a bit. In a quick movement, you grabbed an explosive arrow and shot on the van doors, immediately regaining your grip on the handle afterwards. The doors flew open, revealing it empty.
You cursed, but swerved nonetheless around the slowing down van and paused in the driver’s blind spot. You knew they’d look for you to pass them, so you got ready with a blade in your hands. You waited a bit more before rolling up to the window and throwing the blade in the guy’s throat before he could shoot you. You repeated the same operation with the next van, also taking down two rogue bikers that had left Jason’s distraction to get to you. That van ended up empty as well.
“Two down, one to go” 
“Alright, hurry up, those fuckers just keep coming from I don’t fucking know where-- FUCK”
“Hang on, I’m almost done”
Nothing in the last van either. You frowned, thinking how easy it had been for you to bust the vans. The bikers guarding the vans surely couldn’t be that stupid to still hover around Jason while you were clearly open, even if there was nothing. But you chased the doubt aside, and instead tuned in the frequency with everyone else
“Our vans are empty”
“So are our” It was Tim who replied a few seconds later. “Wait, vans in plural? B, did you get more vans too?”
“Only one, empty too” 
“Where did your intel come from again?” Tim asked. A moment of silence followed. 
“You and Jason should get out of there, something’s not right on the monitor--”
You lost contact when you were violently hit from the side by a black car. You were projected off your bike and sent rolling down several meters away. Your suit and helmet took most of the fall, ripping and breaking with the rough friction on the asphalt. You visor cracked and the protective plastic lining broke at the base. Your vision was blurry for a second, and your muscles barely responsive. You pushed through the pain anyway and carefully took off your helmet, throwing it away. You looked up and tried to focus on the figure in black coming toward you, and when you did, you gathered your remaining strength and managed a kneeling position. It was Luthor. 
You were about to shoot one of your dart when he shot first, sending  a shockwave through your already weak muscles. You fell forward on all fours with a barely contained scream tearing through your throat. 
“We meet again” His voice was deeper than you expected, and way too calm. You didn’t like it. “I knew if I organized this little parade, you’d come back out there following the masked clowns”
So, it was a setup.
“Where’s the weapon?” You rasped.
“Safe in my underground storing since this morning” He replied smugly. “Don’t beat yourself up, you had no chance. You came too close last time at the lab”
“Kill me now and get over with it”
“Now why would I want to do that? I just wanted to see you from up close” He smirked. “I knew those eyes the second I looked at you the other day. And now that I have you here without that stupid mask, I can see you took more after your mother than I had planned”
You gritted your teeth, panting from the pain of the electrical shock that had gone through you. Hairs were falling out of your braid and sticking to your forehead, yet you didn’t care. You could only glare at him.
“But you’re still my daughter. You belong to me” 
You lunged, but another electric shock sent you back on your knees with a strangled cry. It had been a reflex on your part, since you were usually pretty good a pushing your pain aside. But you had been off ever since your last encounter with him. He got in your head so easily, and now he wouldn’t leave. 
“I am Thaelib fi alzalam” You rasped out. “And I don’t”
“Ah yes, I figured you would deny your name when we finally met” He seemed amused. “And you do, legally speaking. Your mother were under contract to deliver you and walk away. Instead she stole you from me. She stole years of work, for what? So you could become no one”
“You killed her!” You belted out, eyes wide with rage. “You forced us into hiding, she sent me to the League to protect me from you”
“Is that what you think? Or what she told you?” He was becoming impatient. “You were special. You were my first successful genetic clone, but her own selfishness got in the way”
“She wasn’t selfish” You tried to reach for a blade on your thigh, but another shock forced you on your hands. “You were”
“I was?” He put a hand on his chest. “I gave you your superior skills, I gave you your speed, I made you like this. I gave you that gift, that power, that strength, all of it so you could make it out in this world. I did it for you, from a father to his daughter”
You lifted your head a frown on your face. You skills? What was he talking about?
“You didn’t think the League’s training gave you those skills, did you?” He scoffed. “As I told you, you’re special, my girl. I only wished for you to thrive”
“No” You mumbled, narrowing your eyes. Your mother never specified you were enhanced. Did she even know? All that time you thought your successes were from your hard work, but they were really from a genetic modification. You always knew there was something peculiar about you that made you feel like you didn’t exactly belong with the others, and it had just been revealed to you. And what else could he have put inside of you, you weren’t aware about? It made your head spin.
“You’re not one of them, you realize it now” He stalked toward you. “Not the League, not the vigilantes either. Your mother stole you away from what you were made for, and the League merely repressed it. But you can’t fight your nature”
You didn’t look up when he stooped in front of you. You only glanced at your black gloved hands, realizing that all you had suffered only delayed the inevitable. If your mother hadn’t ran away, maybe all of your struggle and pain would have never happened.
“Come with me” He offered. “This internal conflict you have will subside quickly enough once you’re back home, you’ll see”
You ears were ringing as his proposition replayed in your head in loops. Maybe if you agreed he’d stop tormenting you then, maybe he’d leave your head and you could finally rest without obsessing over him. You slowly looked up, but something coming on your side made your eyes widen. Only then the sound reached your ears, and in a quick reflex movement, you rolled away.
Jason was walking toward you, shooting his bullet in rapid fire in Luthor’s direction.
Luthor noticed him half a second later and jumped away, running away and climbing in his black car. He drove away as Jason reached your, his eyes trailed on the retreating black cadillac. Then, he turned to you, the glossing red of his helmet staring back at you.
“You okay?”
You shook your head no.
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freshstartbaby · 4 years
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🎧 Pree me - Burna Boy
« Captain Phillips on the line. We are arriving to Tulum Mexico. The weather is 33c and the local hour is 11am. Please find back your seat and don’t undo your seatbelt before the redlight turn off. » I made sure that my seatbelt was well set before I turned my head towards the window. I love to take plan. It’s scary but I love it. More over it wasn’t a long flight so I enjoyed it. When the plane landed, I sent a message on the whatsap convo, so they could know that I landed well.
Robyn : Wasssup yall, i just landed  I need to get my suite case and do some administrative stuff I think. Where do I wait for you ? Xandra  : Great, @Bignasty and I are on our way. We’re are picking you near the cab area. Is that good for you ? Robyn : Perfect 🥰 I looked down at my screen and tried to not smile too wide. I know what she is doing. She is such a child. My god. Ok act normal. Try to be relaxed. I look relaxed right ? Forty minutes later, I had get back my suite case and pass counters. I put my sunglasses on, put a little bit of perfum and headed out to the cab zone. 
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I stoped as I looked at my screen. To be honest I am myopic and I don’t often were my regular glasses. It’s bad I know. So at this point they’re goin to find me. I start to tap a message when I eared my name. « Rob ! » Alex shooted I turned my head and saw her few steps from me. I let my finger run through my hair so they can look good when I arrive. I usually do that when I’m stressed. The more I stepped closer to her, the more i walked like a pimp as I remove my glasses eying her goofly. « You’re so dumb » she said pulling me into a tight hug « Wassup baby » « No you wassup LA girl » « I’m good » She turned over and point me THIS guy saying
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« Florian this is Robyn, Robyn this is Florian » I putted my hair back my ear when I look at him. Stop doing this Rob. My tongue twisted inside my mouth when I finally find the courage to look at him. He was... BIG does man like that exists in real life ? « Ayo wassup » he said with a smile and nobbing his head Omg bscsxqgsvsh. He got this voice. «You good ?» I ask trying to make my voice being normal He smiled and nobbed his head again «Nice to meet you Robyn » he pulled his right hand towards me I couldn’t hold it anymore I’m sorry. I smiled hard and shook his hand back « Nice to meet you Florian » Okay how his hand can be this big and this soft. This is too much to handle. Is it me or it’s getting hot in here. Damn it felt like a heat weave. Calm down baby. It’s just a man. Remember ? Men are trash. Don’t you forget that. Put yourself first. I was really holding myself at this point. I don’t like to act to joyfully so people think I’m a easy girl or they can laugh with me. I’m a poker face girl when I’m not near my friend. A man can not destabilized me like an high school girl. Put yourself together Robyn « Let me help you with that » he said taking my suitcase « Thank you » i replied. As he went to the truck I turned back to Alexandra seeing her making stupid move to mimic doggy style. I raise my eyes in the air. How can I be a poker face girl with a best friend like this. We got in the car. Florian was at the driver place, put his seatbelt on and grabbed his phone. « Do you need the address ? » Alexandra asked him « Na i’m good, seatbelt on ? » he said checking on us « Oh look how sweet he is, trying to checked on us » she said looking at me rising an eyebrow He chuckled « Alexander promise me to kill me in my sleep if anything happen to you, I’m trying to enjoy my vacay not to die » « Im so in love with this guy, don’t tell him that » « Oh honey I don’t need to tell him anything both of you stink love » he said She looked back at me and made me this face. They are really in love. My bestie is living her best life and have an amazing partner. It’s all she deserves and it’s all I want for her. « So how long did you know each other ? » he asked us « We met at the middle school » I said « Yaaaas » she shooted « I was like 10 » « Yea it’s like 15 years ago » she said looking at me « That’s right » « That’s makes me feel old » « Wait how old are you ?» he said looking at me I look up at him, putting off my sunglasses. « 25, why ? » « Na just wondering » he said smiling at me « Look at the road » I told him « Yea you right » « How old are you Florian ? » Alexandra asked him « Hitting 29 soon » « Hitting 29 soon, you eared that Rob ? » « Mmmh » I answered I nobbed my head realizing how much annoying Alexandra could get. As I raise my eyes I caught Florian looking at me in the mirror. We looked at each other few seconds before he started the car. Well it’s goin to be interesting. I hugged everyone when I arrived. I was the last one of the group to arrive. So there was of course Florian, 
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It's been a while since we haven't seen all each others. It was just heart warming. And in a house like that ? Woaw man I'm gonna enjoy this trip. The villa was just amazing. Alexander and Alexandra showed me the house and my bedroom. Since there were three couples, David, Veronica, Florian and I were allowed to have our personal bedroom. At first I was ok to share my room with Veronica, but since there were extra rooms, I meeeean.
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I settled in my bedroom. It was nice. I was really happy that it was beautiful as the pictures. Because you know sometimes people lies. I decided to put my swimsuit on since everyone was enjoying the pool waiting for me. I looked at myself in the mirror and blame myself for not being diligent to my workout plan but happy that the last one I have worked on had pay. I took my towel and put on my glasses. I went down the stairs and went to the kitchen. Man I was thirthy. I opened the fridge and found it empty. I pouted my mouth, sad to find nothing. I think we will have to go to the grocery store, at least for water and breakfast, when someone told me « Lookin for something ? » I turned back and saw Florian. Shirtless. I mean in his swimtruck. Of course he was shirtless. Am I supposed to act like I'm not impressioned of how huge he is. Because it going to be very hard. I put my hand on my chest and told him « You scared me » « I'm sorry, it's ok I don't bite » he chukled « Yeaaa » I said puting my hand in my hair, damn Rob stop doing this ! « I was looking for water actually, I'm super thirsty » « Oh yea we didn't get supplies yet, but I got you » He left the kitchen area and came back with a water bottle « Here you go » « Thank you » « You’re welcome » he said leaving the kitchen I took a glass and serve myself. We never know, if someone wants to drink later. I drank, washed the glass and went to the back of the house, where everyone was. As I step out I eared girls hyping me up « Damn Rob, you look good » Eve said « Look at this skin, melanin popin sis » Alexandra continue « Ma' can I have your number ? » Veronica joked I started catwalk acting like I'm queen Campbell, then started laughing with them. I layed my towel on the chair and laydown. We chit chat a little when I thought that something was wrong. So I asked them « Mmmmh guys, nothin is bothering you ? » Everyone looked at me like a weirdo « Wassup » Michael asked « What do you mean ? » Eve looked at me « I mean NOTHING is bothering you AT ALL ?! » I said twisting my face « Rob split it out » Michael said I went to bedroom, took my speaker, shaking my head like those folks are really out there without music. I turned on the music and went back to the back of the house dancing 🎧 Snack - Mrs Banks Everyone started vibing on the sound. Like come on guys, Mexico, Tulum, Villa, Pool and no music ? I mean I'm a poker face girl but god I love to party. Good vibe only you know ? I settled back on my laying chair and let the music go. Sun was carresing my skin, there were a little breeze it was just perfect. Few moments later, I put down my sunglasses and decided to go in the water. You have to know that I'm the weakess girl on earth to enter in a pool. I mean that shit it's cooooold. I started to went down the stairs slowly, like very slowly when Alexandra made fun of me « You're such a child, just jump in it » « Never ! » « Man it's not even cold » « Yea the water is good, don't worry » Florian said enjoying the water « The water is good ?! » I said laughing « Look at me I have chicken skin already » He step clother to me and propose me his hand « Come on I got you » I looked at him shyly. Not only because I found that he was really nice to me since I arrived but also because I could feel Alexandra eying us. What a bitch. I took his hand and felt him pushing me closer in the water. I squeezed his hand « Yoooooo it's cold chill out » I screamed « Come on Robyn, when your lap is on then the rest is easier » he told me I kept my breath and step closer in the water closing my eyes. The water level was now in the middle of my breath. When I opened them back I found Florian slowly laughin rubing his eyes and then look Alexandra. « I told you, she is a drama queen » Alexandra said --- We were enjoyin the pool. The spot was just feeling to good. I was talking to Veronica. She seemed to be a really nice person. She was actually leaving in LA but also travelled a lot. So she proposed me to hang out if I need to discover LA later. Well it wasn't an offer that I will declined. Suddently I eared my stomach made some noises. I was starving. I excused myself and stood up from the pool's corner. I grabbed my phone and turned the music off. « Yooooo ! » everyone shooted « Yoooo to youselves. We need to talk » I said wrapping my towel around my body « Everyone come closer please » « Your so annoying » Michael told me « Oh really I am ? » « You are » je said crossing his arms « Well I hope you will not be hungry for the next six days because I wanted to make a point on food » « Well if I think harder you're not that annoying » he said uncrossing his arms We laughed and started to make a list about what we wanted to eat. We decided that we will buy food for breakfast and for two nights. Even if we knew we wanted to eat outside , we knew that we will be to tired to go out at least two nights. I made the list on my note and propose myself to go buy it. I know it can be weird but I like make groceries shooping. I also thought that we don't have to all go so I asked who wanted to come with me. Alexandra, Alexander and Florian were down for it so we went to our rooms to put some clothes on ourselves. I put a dress, small shoes and wait them on the living room.
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Alexandra came sit next to me. I put my head on her shouder. She took my hand and carressed it with her thumb. « He is nice, isn't he ? »She said sofly « Who ? » I knew who she was talking about « Girl you know who I'm talking about » « Yeaaa » I chuckled a little « I did'nt really talked to him » « I know, but he seems to talk to you later, I mean he started the conversation right ? » « Yea » I munbled « So it's your turn now, at least get to know him » « I don't want to » I wispered « Rob » she said softly looking at me I couldn't look at her back. Man to be honest with you, men scared me. They scared the well out of me. Even if Florian was the most good looking man I have met since years, I wasn't ready to risk to be down as I was few months ago. He is nice and hot so of course I'm goin to answer him, but girl I just don't feel it. I’m gon try but I don’t want to trip over it. Like I’m goin to get a potential friend. A really hot one but yea a friend. I have plenty so it don’t have to be difficult with him. Her shoulders went down a little and squeezed my hand « Ok baby, it's ok, if you don't feel it you don't have to, I didn't want to push you that way » « It's ok » « Ready girls ? » Alexander asked followed by Florian « Yes let's go » Alexandra answered She set up and picked his lips while Florian opened the front door. We went to the car an headed to the store. When we arrived at the store we splited in two groups and started to grab what we needed. Florian was pushing the cart behind me. I found myself twisting my mouth trying to find something to tell him that not sounds stupid. « So how long do you live in LA ? » i questioned « It's been like 4 or 5 years » « Mh, where were you before that ? » « Munich » « Oh really ? »I snapped back « Yup » « It explains your accent » « Yea it is hard to hide » « You're not really trying to hide it right ? » « Na I'm proud of where I'm from » « That's what I like to ear » « What about you ? » « What about me ? » « You moved to LA few weeks ago, right ? » « That's right, one week to be precise. » « Newbie. » « Yeaaaa kind of » « In what suburbs do you live in ? » « Bel air » « Oh yeah ? » he asked « Yea, where do you live ? » « Brentwood » « Oh so we're close, I'm few streets far from Brentwood » « I could show you cool spots » he said coming help me to grab something I was trying to catch « Yea at one condition » I said trying to grab what he was handing me « What is it ? » he said stepping back preventing me to take what he was handing me few seconds ago « It has to be good food spots » I said putting my hands on my hips « It is very good food spots » he said smiling and finally giving me the supply « Yea you better, because food is the love of my life » I kept walking when I felt that he wasn't near anymore. I turned back to see him. He had a weird smile on his face and seemed to look at the lower part of my body. « You're a greedy girl ? » he said with a lower voice Our eyes caught each other. A heat weave hitted my cheeks. In my head the nasty me was twerking and whining everywhere. The chill me was telling me to act normal and stay focused. « Kind of » I say raising my hands like it's not my fault « Yea, if you like food we're gon get along » I smiled at him and turned back to reach the point we choose with Alexandra and Alexander to meet up. We paid, put supplies in the truck and headed house. When we arrived the other part of the group took care of what we bought. I found Alexandra and Alexander in the middle of a heated kiss and go upstairs. I chukled a little when Florian asked me « I wanted to go look for something in my bedroom, you think I should wait ? » I laughed, I think he saw the same thing. I look upstairs and then back at him. « Na you can go, it seems to be a big house, you’re not going to ear them. Mhhh your room is close to their ? » « No I think mine is close to yours actually » he said with a smirk « Well, you’re a BIG boy » I said tapping his arm «I’m sure you can do it » I passed by him when he caught my wrist « I need extra hands, can you come with me ? » « To what ? » We were close and to be honest it didn’t bothered me. It was pretty nice to look at a piece of art that close. « I want to take my shisha » « You took your shisha ?» « Yeeea, do like it ? » « I mean I don’t smoke it often, and I wanted go cook something, I’m starving » « Look, you come with me take the shisha, and then I help you in the kitchen, deal ? » he said deal but he already took me near the stairs. I wasn’t going to protest. It would be ridiculous. We went upstairs and his grip to my wrist turned to a lock to my hand. I know I already said it but his hands like woaw. We arrived to his room and I left his hand waiting for him at the frame of the door. His room what cute. It wasn’t made like mine but it was cute. He step down to his suite case and put parts of the shisha on the ground. He took few seconds and look at me. « you can come in » he said smiling « Thank you » I said stepping foward « You wanted to wait out ? » « I mean it’s your room, I didn’t wanted to take over your space » I entered slowly in his room and sited on the edge of the bed « What taste should I take ? Mint, caramel, cherry, pineapple- « Take them all » He looked back at me as he raise an eyebrow « Take them all so you don’t have to keep looking for them here up in here» « Smart above all » he said with a smirk « here, give me the flavors so I don’t break anything » « You’re clumsy ? » he questioned giving me the flavors « When I was little, I used to be called Mrs Clumzyn » « Like a mix of clusmy and Robyn ? » « Yes sir «  i said heading out « Well good to know » he said laughing He took the shisha parts and we went downstairs. We settled in the kitchen. I started chop vegetables and cooked beef meat since I wanted to make tacos. Quick and tasty. We kept talking to each others. Everybody but Alexandra and Alexander join us in the kitchen area few moments laters. I mean they smelt food so 🤣. It was really nice to have them. I talked to the one I really knew to see what’s popin in their life. We haven’t be reunieted like that since ages so it was the perfect moment. I was the youngest in the group and you know when you pass the 25 yo, your life change in many maniers and so quickly. During this time I also learn a bit about the ones I didn’t really know. As we end eating, Alexandra and Alexender joined us back. « So what’s popin tonight ? » Alexandra asked us « We’re getting lit baby !» I shooted « Yeeeeea that’s the Robyn I like to ear » Michael high five me « Rio should called me in a moment, he said he knows a club where we can enjoy our first night » Raymond said grabbing his phone « Rio ? Rio ? » I looked at him « You know many Rio ? » « Like BABY RIO ? » « Yea man » « I didn’t know he was here ! » I said bouncing my shoulders happy that Rio will be here. « Wait will he be here, like with us tonight ? » I questioned « Not all the night but he will make us enter » he answered « Who is he » Florian asked blowing some smoke « My cousin » Raymond said He nobbed his head and watch me stood up, always dancing. Alexandra saw him watch me and told him that I was this happy because we used to dance together. I watched him and told him that it was my Latino Chris Brown. I left the kitchen and came back a little after with little cards in my hands. « Siiiiince we don’t know this place, I made little cards with all our numbers on it » I handed cards to everyone « you can use them if you get lost or if you black out or I don’t know » « Here you go again Mrs Annoying » Michael said « Thank you mama » Eve « Thank me later when you will find yourself not in Mexico and with your died phone. » I looked at Eve « at least someone is grateful » I stepped at the end of the table and said « please make sure your phone is totally charged before we leave, save the number of everyone in this room in your repertory because if you don’t have internet you can not reach to the numbers on whatsap, take your external charger if you have one and I think it’s all » « Oh really ? » Michael asked sarcastically « Wait no, who drive tonight ? » « I do » Florian said « Great, who else ? » The others looked at me like « Naaaa not me » « Come on guys, we will switch all week » I told « Then you should » Raymond said with a smirk I looked at him. The audacity. « You know what. I will » I answered back looking at him « Perfect, I will take shoots for you honey » I raise my middle finger at him. When I felt a large hand on the lower part of my back « Don’t worry, we will enjoy ourselves while they pass out » Florian said He was a tactile man. For sure. It was pleasing. Akward for someone I met few hours ago but pleasing. Without paying attention I found myself nobbing, putting my head on his chest and rubbing his forearm. WHY THAT FUCK I DID THAT ? —- 🎧 Vex Oh - Kaytranada I step out the shower entered in my room finding Alexandra in my bed. I put my hand on my chest and kept one underneath my breath so my towel doesn’t fall. Eyes closed I breath out « Did I scared you ? » she asked « You did. » i said closing the door « You’re such a coward » « I know, you know, everyone knows, then what 🤣 » « Guuuurl i saw your outfit for tonight » she said grabbing the fabric of the clothes I put on my bed before leaving for the bathroom « it’s hooooot » « You told me to take sexy stuff, but I already did  » « You sure you don’t wanna let them legs out ? » « Na Im scared to get cold » « Girl we’re in Mexico « « So what ? And let’s start slowly ok ? I don’t want people to have an heart attack. What are you wearing tonight, since I found you in my bed ass naked » « I’m not naked don’t you see that robe ? It’s satin. And I don’t know I’m waiting to see what Xander is wearing so I can match his outfit. » I looked at her smirking « what ? I want those latinas to know that he is NOT in the game anymore » I laughed « anyway I just came to checked on you about you know, the big boy just in front your room » « Did you tell him to take this room on purspose ? » I asked her clothing myself « It didn’t seemed bothered » I chuckled « did you hugged him in the kitchen or did I dreamed » I raise my head and look at her trough the mirror « Honestly I don’t know why I did that. » she looked back at me « I know, I say something and I do another but he is nice I think I didn’t wanted to be rude. » She stepped closer and rubbed my shoulders « Robyn. Look. You’re on vacation. You don’t owe anyone explanation even me. If you want to do something. Do it. If you don’t want. Don’t. But please do not overthink. Enjoy. You deserve it » I patted her hand on my shoulder and thanked her. She left ready to get finally dressed. I finished to get dressed and grabbed my phone to put some music to vibe while I will do my make up.
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I saw that it was nearly 8pm. We were supposed to leave the villa at 9 so I was ok on the timing. I was ending baking my face when someone knocked at my door. I shooted to comin when I saw Rio.
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I screamed and jumped on his arms. Maaaan it was good to see him. He had a wide smile and started to laugh. I asked what was funny « What are you cooking on your face ? » « We say baking and not cooking, with your silly ass » I said hitting his shoulder « I missed you » « I missed you more » he said moving his head a little « Sit » I pointed my bed and went back to the desk where I was doing my make up « where have you been ? » «Here and there » « Where exactly ? » I said looking back at him « Toronto, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago-« « Well ok superstar » I said laughing « I saw your ig man your classes looked lit, you’re really doing this » « Yea, you still dancing for mmmh Theophilus ? » he questioned with an eyebrow raised « Theo his name is Theo » « Yea whathever, you still dancing at this club ? » « No I moved actually » « Oh really ? Where ? When ? » « LA, a week ago » « Good, good, so you left your sugar daddy ?» he said laughing « he wasn’t my sugar daddy ! I already told you that « I said laughing back « My ass ! So who is the lucky one downstairs ? » « What you’re talking about ? » « There are only couple here right ? It’s like a couple’s trip ? Who is your boyfriend ? » « It’s not a couple’s trip » I said putting my last lashes on « Alrigh... I mean I would be happy to learn that you found someone who makes you happy after what Leo did to you » I moved my shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal when my someone knocked at the door. It wasn’t closed. I turned back and saw Florian. I really felt like ovaries blowed. He was just stunning. He has a white shirt, slightly open so I could notice his gold chain, white a black short and some white sneakers. So simple but man on him, it was just I opened my mouth slowly to take a breath when he excused himself to interrupted us but we needed to go otherwise we will be late for the place we booked for dinner. I told him that I had finished and that we arrive in few minutes when he left. I turned back at the mirror, checked my make up one last time I took my regular glasses so I can drive and my purse so Rio and I could leave my bedroom. When we arrived downstairs everyone was just fierce, outfit onfleek. I begged them for a group pictures because I just knew that a the end of the night we will not look good at right now. They finally aggreed, we took few pictures and went to the restaurant. —- When we arrived at the restaurant, a friend of Raymond and Rio joined us. So we were back to a pair number. We settled to a table. Alexandra was at my right, Florian at my left and Rio was in front of me. Thanks to the spanish skills of Xandra and her bright smiled, the waiter didn’t went to hard on us for our lateness. The view was just amazing. I think this is my first trip where every spot is breathtaking. « It’s beautiful right ? » Florian asked me while putting a arm on the top of my chair « Yea, I was just thinking of this » I turned back my head watching him watching me with a little smile « What again ? » i said smiling « What do you mean again ? » he said laughing « You’re always making fun of me » « That’s not true, I just found you’re cute with your glasses » Oh snap i forgot that I still have my glasses on. I don’t like wearing them I think it changes my face. But I just can’t do contact. I’m a coward as I told you. I took off my glasses and put them on my purse « Hey I said you look cute with them, why are you taking them me off «  he said softly « I rather not to have them » I said on the same tone « You look beautiful anyway » he said rubbing his lips index « Well thank you, you look handsome yourself Florian » I said patting his lap while sipping my spirkling water. The dinner was tasty. There was food in abundance and the vibe was just light. I found Florian hand gripped/carressed slightly my back sometimes. It made me slide to my left slide and rubbed my thumb on his right thigh. You know I’m just used to give back the softness he was giving to me. We talked about how he knew Alexander since he is te only person he is related to. About his last trip in Santorini. While he was telling me about it, the only think I could think about was all this pictures shirtless on his IG. I mean how can you erase them from your mind. As we finished to eat, we decided to headed to the club Rio was supposed to make us in. We just can’t wait to party hard. We went to the cashier and paid. As I waited for the others to pay Rio came I front of me, watching me
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« No boyfriend hun ? » « Yeaaaaaa... » i said looking for my glasses I need them to drive. « Oh and all these carress during dinner with big boy ? » he said looking at Florian then back at me « We met today, come on, he is nice and he only knows Alexander » « So many reasons to have his dick sucked » I opened my mouth and clothed my mouth, in choke. He just has no filter. Not only one. « Just be careful ok ? » he said heading to the exit of the restaurant We settled in the area Rio found us. The bass was feeding my body. I love this feeling so much. It made me want to bounce everywhere. Ok i could not drink but it will not prevent me to enjoy my first night. Waiters came drop bottles at our table when Rio tapped on one waiter’s shoulder I said something in his ear. I couldn’t ear what he said because the music was loud. He stepped close to me, leaned and told me that he asked soft for drivers. I thanked him and lean over Florian who was now at my right to tell him. He moved his head and nobbed toward Rio to thank him. When our drinks arrived we could finally cheered up and start partying. The night was crazy. The DJ was crazy, I kept switching on good songs of all types, reggaton, rnb, afro, brand new and timeless classics, bangers only. I thought that I might get crazy by the end of the night. I danced with the girls, with Rio before he left and then came back to our table. Before I could reach our area there was a buch of girls, of all type, wiggling hard. I finally pass them when I saw Florian, alone, on his phone and smoking shisha. I set close to him as he put his arm back my waist, wrapping it a little without leaving is phone. I stepped closer to him and asked him what was the taste. He finally looked up at me and asked me to try. I put the end in my mouth and try to identify the taste. « Blueberry ? » i asked « Iced » he told me showing me his screen I looked at it and saw my Ig account with the button « waiting » « Are you going to make me wait a long time ? » he said smiling I smiled shyly back and took my phone. I went on Ig and accept him. I questioned him if he was happy and he nobbed proud of himself. I shook my head and told him « What do we do about your harem ? » He step back and watch me with frowned eyebrows. He had no idea of what I was talking about. I smiled and pointed at the woman’s group in front of us. All of her watching Florian with lust. I swear I could ear their prayers for him to just put an eye on her. He watched them, then back at me and smiled shyly shaking his head. « You’re goin to tell me that not one of them is your type ? » i asked « They’re all beautiful » « But ? » « But not interested » « What you need like a model or something ? » I said playfully « Naaaa » he sais before smoking « I need loyalty. » Since there his tone was matching mine. Very light. But the last sentence he said was serious. I could feel it the way his body language shift. I looked back at the girls and nobbed my head thinking about he just say. Loyalty is so rare those days. Everything happens so quickly and end so quickly. For a yes or a no a relationship can be twisted. People can be fake and act like you interest them but they just looking for their own benefit. Loyalty was definitely criteria We stay silent a little when I asked him « So you’re just goin to be sit here all night ? You’re not goin to dance at least on one music » He laughed a little and started bouncing his shoulders like it’s going to be enough. As I watch him and hyped him up so he can be confortable the DJ switch the music 🎧 BamBam - Chaka Demus & Piliers When I recognized the song I started raising slowly, took his hand and whispered him that he couldn’t let me dance on this song alone. He stood up and rubbed his face softly with his free hand. The smile on his face bretrayed him. He knew the song and seemed happy at this moment. I started moving my hips sensually on the rythym. Surprisly I found him following me without too much difficulties. Okkkkkk he got some moves okruuuu. As the music was jamming he slowly put his hand on my hips, step closer and turned me back. As I turned I started to laugh at myself. I was goin to grinded on him hard. It was so ridiculous because I was playing with the fire but damn it felt so good. My back was on his chest. I felt wrapped and I really didn’t want to let go. I think he was feeling the same way because I felt his head stuffed in my neck. I bitted my lips when I felt his breath and his beard on my burnin skin.
I was fucked up —— Wassup guys How do you feel about chapter two ? Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react and all that stuff Take care
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dgennk · 4 years
Undertale: Saving Dreemurrs - Halloween
NOTICE: [I just wanted to write something and post it, to get back into writing. I’m working on an AU for Undertale, cause that’s captured my heart since January, and I just wanted to get my toe wet on something silly. Why Halloween? Cause I had some white Reese’s when I was thinking this up. Maybe I’ll rewrite it for Halloween this year? Anyway, thank you for reading, any constructive criticism would be helpful.]  Friday October 31st, Halloween. 
Within the Underground, this date held no special worth, just another day to live for the next. On the surface however, this date marked a special occasion. As the sun would set, children and adults alike would leave their homes, adorned in costumes for one goal. 
Sugar rush inducing, cavity spawning, sweet candy. 
Sour, bitter, tooth-rotting sweet. Candies and confections were prepared and bought for costumed humans of the night.
Today this tradition held strong, especially with the inclusion of monsters that once called the Underground their home.
This could be merrily seen within the Dreemurr abode, as its children returned from hours of trick-or-treating. Four children scrambled into HOME with pillow cases filled to bursting with sugary delights.
“Your outerwear, children!” their trailing guardian, Toriel, reminds as she shuts the door behind her. 
“Yes mom!” “Got it!” and “Yes, Ms. Toriel!” choired the children, closely followed with the shuffle of clothing. Scarves and jackets, tossed at the basket beside the second entryway, the act hardly slowed their rush.
With a skip into the foyer, Frisk kicks off his final boot and breaks for the right hall. “Last in trades free!”
“Huh?” Asriel gasps while MK lets out an indignant ‘Dood!’ Only for them to be left behind by the other human child.
Chara cackles, their foam forked tail wiping as they turned the corner.
The two boys scramble to give chase, neither willing to part with their treasured trove.
Toriel hummed as she hung her snaily shawl a step from the door. A light thud had her eyes flutter but the bleat that proceeded drew a knowing smile. “Perhaps,” she muses, “I should unveil it a tad earlier.” Her smile grew. 
“That wasn’t fair,” mumbled Asriel, sitting at the center circle mat, sack of candy buried in his lap. He rubbed his snout, slightly bruised from his fumble.
“Come on dude, don’t be sore,” Mk laughed beside him, his candy sack untied from his chest.  “Your mom’s dress was just too long!”
“I needed it for my costume!” proclaimed the prince fervently. He threw his arms around his bag and dug his face deep. It worked in tandem with his wide-brim green hat to obscure his downcast look. “And, it’s a robe, not a dress.” 
“But like,” MK began, a brow risen with a perplexed twist of the snout. “Could have made it shorter.”
“That,” chimed Chara with a playful smile, reclined on the far right bed. “Wouldn’t be authentic.”
A groan escaped the hidden boss monster. “Chara, please stop teasing.”
The jester’s smile grew. “Okay, Az.” Bells jingled with their chuckle. 
Frisk tapped his painted chin in thought, face turned up for the starry-blue ceiling. He hummed and nodded then headed for the down prince. “I change my mind,” he leans down, while reaching a blue hand into his right pocket.
“Hm? Frisk?” The prince peered up.
“Here,” The child placed a treat on Asriel’s bag. A blackish ball, about the size of a doughnut hole, with ovid sprinkles topped on its shell. It was inside a clear twist wrapper, no labels to be seen.
“Where did we get those?” Chara mumbled aloud, with a lean to peer over.
A small smile came over Asriel’s mostly shaded visage as he accepted the gift. “Thanks Frisk.” He opened the wrapping, it was hard and didn’t smell much like anything. He still appreciated it all the same. He slipped it between his teeth and took a small crunch to it.
His reaction was a bit of a surprise to the others watching. 
Chara paused to stare, wide-eyed. Their brother had taken to the candy well. No, that was an understatement. The boss monster moaned in delight, holding his cheeks as whatever piece of confectionery in his mouth seemed to overload his senses. She couldn’t help but twist her head at Frisk, only to stare, numb from his expression. His eyes gleamed scarlet in the shadow of his hair, a telling smile etched onto his face. “... Frisk?”
“Azz, dood,” MK calls, “WHAT is that?”
The boss monster only groaned before turning his head with a bob. “Oh,” he muttered lightly, his voice muffled somewhat. “It's greht, like moh’s pie, but,” he pauses to savor the taste on his tongue. “It's tahfy!”
“Hey Asriel!” the rubber-clad Dreemurr smiled wider. “You can have more if you want!!” 
“Critical hit!” Chara grunted.
“You ghot more?!” Asriel bursts to his feet, his own candy forgotten to the floor. 
Hook. The thin smile on Frisk’s face had blossomed into a face-splitting grin. “Yeah, a dozen if you wanna trade!”
“Oh,” pauses Asriel, “Righht! Uhm… Do you have sohmethhing in mihnd?”
Line! “Well…” he draws it out before clicking his teeth. “How many of those big Reese's do you have?!”
DEVIL! Chara screams internally.
“Oh, those,” Asriel smiles brightly. “Papyrus and Undyne were giving out the really big stuff, they gave me 5. I think they were… jumbo?” he trailed, unsure and flustered. He hadn’t really read the packages at the time. He perked quick though, beaming. “You can have them! If you want?”
“Yes! Yeah!!” Frisk chirps while pulling a white bag from his candy sack. With palpable eagerness he presents it forward to the prince, only for both to stumble. A blur swooped between and snatched it, leaving the two at a loss!
Chara’s glower twinkled, standing high on the bed parallel to the other. “You sneak!” she accuses. “No one gave us these on our route! Where did you get them?”
Frisk’s brows pulled down with his angry expression. “You can’t take my trade candy! Give it back!”
“You had these since the start, didn’t you!?” Chara ignored Frisk’s demand and instead placed the bag behind their back, their other hand pointed at the miffed blue munchkin.
“N-No I didn’t!” protested Frisk.
“You’re a bad liar!” She giggled angrily in retort.
“Come on guys!” MK yawned at them. “Let’s just start eating candy already!”
Frisk whips his hand out to point at Chara, squinted eyes burning red hot, “Not until Chara lets me get my Jumbo Recess!”
“Your Jumbo Recess?!” Chara repeated with a haughty laugh. “You knew I was going to trade for them! I always trade with Asriel!”
Now the youngest Dreemur pulls back, arms crossed over their chestplate. “I didn’t forget! I got something for you too!” he ends in a huff.
“Wait, what?” blinked Chara.
“I was gonna trade for your Rice Krispie Treats with this!” he finds and reaches into his candy-sack. After a shuffle he takes a deeper reach inside and withdraws an oval shaped treat, just a few inches shorter than his face, covered in a clear wrinkled wrapping.
Chara was speechless, arms falling slack.
“Where did you get that giant egg! Is that chocolate?!” Mk was right by it, looking over the super-sized egg thing.
“I got it from the store,” Frisk started with a matter-of-fact tone. “It was pretty hollow but mom helped me put cream inside, so it’s like those egg things you get from dad.”
“Cadbury... Eggs.” Chara slowly corrects. Realization struck her brain. Frisk and mom had made this for them. 
Her heart swelled in the chest, rosy cheeks now venetian despite the grey paint. “Hey…” She couldn’t look Frisk in the eyes. “Sorry.”
“Trade this for your Rice Krispies and we good!” the boy gave a thumbs up.
“Sheesh,” Chara smiled, and reached for the bag she dropped. “I get it, I get it.” She didn’t meet a paper bag, instead her hands landed upon something fuzzy. She blinked and looked down.
Asriel was draped over his bed. Where the bag once was, his head was now. His green hat now on the floor, forgotten. He was chewing groggily, half-lidded eyes gazing at nothing in particular while a large mass of stringy, sticky taffy laid within his maw. Wrappers with nothing inside laid all over the bed. The bag was on the floor now, torn open.  
Frisk grinned.
MK laughed.
Chara groans.
“...Uh?” Asriel tried to speak, however, the tough candy made it embarrassingly difficult.
“Hey dude!” Mk, popped in front of Frisk excitingly. “You got something big you can trade me?!”
“Fufufu!” The child laughs in the manner of a hero. He turned to Chara and handed them the monster of a creme egg. Then, he turned around and walked to his sack, shrouding it from prying eyes.
MK waited with a held breath as the human slowly rose, his arms held before him but close to hide what laid in his hands. 
“Are you ready for this?” Frisk asked anonymously. He didn’t need to look back, he could feel the intensity of MK’s nods. He could hear the whisper of their draft. “Then get ready…
For the dragon!!”
“YOOOOOO!” Frisk had unveiled a stupidly thick gummy in the crude shape of a dragon head, about the size of, again, Frisk’s face.
“Where did you get these?” Chara balked.
Frisk closed eyes glinted and presented the gummy head with one hand and pointed at the star-struck monster. “For your ring pops, I’ll give you this! Deal?”
MK had like 8 of those. 
With the transaction concluded, Frisk happily handed the massive wyrm head to the monster who lifted it with his maw alone.
“Fris-” Before Chara could repeat her question, a knock came at the door, drawing all the children’s attention.
A laugh came as the door knob was turned. “I’m sorry to interrupt in on the fun-oh!” Toriel paused, seeing the state of the four. “I can see you’ve already begun trading. Well, I have to ask you to finish your candy for the time being.”
“Uh?” MK whines, gummy the size of a fist in his mouth. “Ow cooh?”
She couldn’t help her excitement. “Well, It was for the party later this evening, but I had so many ingredients I made a second chocolate pumpkin and snail pie!” she clapped. “I thought we could share that between ourselves before the rest arrive.” 
The looks on Chara and Asriel’s faces would always confuse Frisk. Pumpkin and chocolate sounded good but they had a feeling there would be more snail out of the three.
“Hael?” MK questioned. 
Asriel was first on his feet this time, a blur of rainbow met everyone in the room as he dashed out first.
“H-Hey! Wait Asriel!” Chara leapt after them. And MK soon followed after, though with far less enthusiasm than before. This left Toriel and Frisk.
The Boss Monster could only be amused by her child’s expression. She reaches out her hand. “Do not worry,” she gave a wink. “I had made a slice with no snails for yourself.”
And with that Frisk beams, racing for their mother and gripping her hand tight. They were all-but dragging her out now, a toothy smile on their face.
Toriel laughed, “my, my.” And closed the door behind them, to go enjoy a treat with her children.
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atinywriting · 6 years
Ghostly Friend | Jongho Ghost AU
Synopsis: Jongho has been alone as a ghost for so long. But just as he’s about to give up on trying to get someone to see him, finally, you come along and you can see him!
Word Count: 1,453
Being dead had to be absolutely the most boring and loneliest thing to be for Jongho.
He sighed, pouting as he wondered throughout the house. Another family driven out again and he was alone. Again. It wasn’t his fault—
Wait. Jongho paused in the hallway, remembering all the things he did. Randomly slamming the doors for attention, purposely jumping around on the creaky floors, smashing fruit into pieces...
Okay, so maybe it was his fault. But, it wasn’t his fault he just wanted someone to finally see him. For someone to pull him out of this eternal boredom. For someone to just be there with him.
The sound of the front door opening downstairs suddenly snapped Jongho out of his thoughts. He walked to the window and peered outside. There were three people, someone around his age and what seemed to be their parents moving a few boxes in. Jongho frowned, sighing and drifted up towards the attic. Maybe. He thought. Maybe he should just stop trying. After all, he was only going to be invisible and keep scaring everyone off forever.
You looked up the house and took a step back, taken aback by the sight. Was someone behind the window? But within another blink of the eye, they were gone again in a flash.
“Uh, Mom? Do I have a roommate or something?” With a shake of her head, you asked another question. “Remind me, how did you buy this house for me again?”
“Oh, the family said they wanted to sell the house but couldn’t find anyone to buy it. They seemed really desperate, considering they lowered the price very low. Supposedly it’s haunted but ghosts aren’t real, so there is no real danger.”
Alarms of death flags rang throughout your body. You froze, mouth falling wide open as you stared at your mother in disbelief. “Mom, that’s like the start to almost every freaking horror plot in the universe.” Your eyes shifted back between your mom and dad. “You’re both sending me to my death in the most horror story way ever.”
You dad sighed, shaking his head, “You’ve been watching too much horror movies lately. And a movie is just a movie, not real life.”
“Oh, come on!” You groaned, face palming. You wildly waved your hand up and down at the house. “Family moves out. Old house is rumored to be haunted for years. House is sold to people who don’t believe in the supernatural. Then everything horrible in a horror movie plot happens!”
“You’re being paranoid. Have you ever actually seen a ghost?” Your dad inquired.
Your mom hummed in agreement. “And, didn’t you say you wanted to move out to be closer to your university so you didn’t have to drive for an hour? I also do recall you screaming, “Freedom!”, when we told you we found a place for you to move.”
You stiffened, trying to think of a counterpoint. But, nothing came to your mind.
Fuck. You cursed inside your head. Everything they both said was true. You’d never had actually seen a ghost before. Everything would definitely be more convenient for you if you lived here. And, there was definitely no house that was this cheap. There was no bad, other than the existence of ghosts if they even were here.
“Fine.” You sighed, holding up one finger. “One week. If nothing bad happens, I’ll stay. And, for future reference on what to put on my gravestone.” You stared at your parents seriously. “Put on, ‘I died like a stereotypical horror character. It’s your fault for not listening to me.’”
“Duly noted.” Your mother said dryly, rolling her eyes playfully.
As you waved at your parents and they drove off, a sudden thought came to your mind. Wait, what if mom and dad bought this house just to kill me off for being a bad child? You shook the thought off. Okay, that was probably reaching a bit much.
You took a deep breath, turning around to look over at the entire house again. It honestly looked pretty nice for a supposedly haunted house. But then again, the overall neatness of the house was probably there to lure you in a false sense of security. You walked into the house, eyes darting around and making sure to leave the door open. Surprisingly, the door didn’t close by itself like in every horror story.
Maybe if I just act friendly to the ghost, it won’t kill me? Loud creaks came from the stairs as you walked up.
“Hey, Mr. or Miss Ghost?”
Jongho froze for a few seconds, before lifting his head up. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? He stood up, more concentrated on the voice below him than before.
“I saw you behind the window earlier.”
He did hear correctly! His nonexistent heart raced faster and jumped.
You reached the middle of the hallway. “And uh, just letting you know I’m living here now. So... please don’t kill me?” You crossed your fingers as you continued on. A sudden flash of white appeared from the ceiling, landing in front of you, making you jump back. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” You began to scurry away, but he grabbed on to your hand tightly. You struggled against his hold, but fell to your knees.
“Wait, wait, wait! I’m not going to hurt you!”
At the words, you stopped struggling and slowly turned your head back, eyes dilated with fear. “You’re not going to kill me by tearing my limbs off, ripping my intestines out and riding me like some sort of meat sled down a mountain?” You asked in a small voice.
“Wait, what?” Confusion flashed in his eyes then he frantically shook his head. “No, no, no! I’m not going to tear your limbs off, rip your intestines out or turn you into a meat sled. But...” His eyes shined with hope. “You can actually see me?”
“I mean, I’m talking to you now, aren’t I?”
Tears of sheer joy dropped from his eyes. “Finally!” He screamed.
He let go of your hand and your entire body fell to the floor. You sat up, seeing him bounce all around the hallway, randomly slamming doors open and close, and— Wait. You blinked, squinting your eyes. Was your brain processing this correctly?
“Let’s get it! Drop the beat, YOOOOOO!”
“Are you... are you seriously Fortnite dancing and doing the Milly Rock? How old are you?”
But you were ignored as the ghost continued to laugh almost maniacally, dancing around the house and randomly singing high notes out of nowhere.
This. This is not what I thought having a ghost haunt me would be like, you thought to yourself as you stared at the energetic spirit.
He finally stopped after several minutes, looking somewhat sheepish as he approached you. Your eyes traveled up and down him, finally getting a good look at him. Dark splotches of blood and slit holes (perhaps stab wounds) decorated his clothes.
“Sorry for just leaving you on the floor like that.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jongho, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up. “But seriously, how recently did you have to die to know Milly Rock and Fortnite?”
“Over 40 years now actually?” Jongho looked down at his fingers, trying to recount the years. “Also the last family that lived here had kids and I just learned by watching them because it looked fun.” A sudden realization came to Jongho and he snapped his fingers. “Oh! Since you just moved here, I could help you.”
You tilted your head. “Really?”
Jongho nodded eagerly. “Come on, I’ll show you how to clean floors in a more fun way.”
He passed through the floor and you rushed down the stairs. As soon as you reached the floor, there Jongho stood tall with a broom held out in his right hand and left hand at his waist.
“I’m going to show you how to do the driving dance,” Jongho declared. “First—“
You held up your hand. “Hold on.” It was at this moment, you knew what to do. You reached into your pocket, grabbed your phone and pressed call.
“Hey mom?”
“Yes, sweetie?”
“Forget the one week thing. I adopted the crackhead ghost living here as my dead BFF and I am living here forever. Bye, love you.”
Before she could say anything, you hung up and grabbed another broom from the kitchen. You stood in front of Jongho, left hand on your waist and broom held out with your right hand. “You were saying?”
And that’s how the beautiful friendship between you and Jongho blossomed.
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imsorryforthechaos · 5 years
Tanner's fun experience.
A story written by someone who should honestly see a therapist. Aka me.
"Hey guys come check this out! I think it's a body!" Squeaked a borderline psychotic child. His curly, dusty brown hair bounced as he excitedly poked the body bag. Piercing blue eyes filled with joy at the sight. The almost paper white skin he had clashed with the dark, metal pole be was using to poke the lifeless corpse. The boy looked like a walking skeleton.
"N-no, I don't wanna see any more d-dead things, Jasper." One scared girl stammered. Her long, unnaturally red hair covered her face as she looked down at the ground with terrified purple eyes. An older, lanky boy was passing by and heard the notoriously creepy kid picking on the innocent girl in his class again.
"Yeah you showed her a dead cat yesterday. How did you even get a dead cat into school?" The boy questioned hesitantly. Instantly regretting even talking to the younger kid. His brown eyes filled with terror and concern as he wipes his blonde bangs out of his face.
Jasper turned towards the two frightened children with a devilish, wide grin. The horrid smile got wider and wider and his teeth got sharper and sharper.
"Do you want to see where I keep my collection? Maybe you could help me add more. I could always use more trophies." Jasper stated in a stereotypical demonic child voice.
"Okay, seriously?" The "scared" little girl asks, clearly annoyed. "You are a demon, I'm guessing? Why do you have to have that stupid voice? It's so overused. Be original for once, excuse my potty mouth, but holy crap! You have obvious powers. You can surely pitch your voice different or talk in a different tone. Or are all demons boring and the same? Not to mention your complete LACK of originality in your word choices."
Jasper's jaw is firmly planted on the ground at this point. Never has anyone talked back to him and made him feel powerless. This girl surely has to be an equal. Jasper walked calmly over to the girl.
"What is your name? No one has ever made me feel powerless. You must be as strong as me. I could have a girl like yo-" Jasper was cut off by a knife made out of a demon tooth being stabbed into his stomach. It started to burn him as it was coated in holy water.
"Where did you- AAAAGGGHHHHH!" Jasper screamed in pain.
"What a waste of time, you can't even turn into a demon yet. I wanted to make a new demon tooth knife. Whatever."
Reyna takes out a very long sword from her, seemingly, tiny backpack and cuts the demon boy in two. He roars in agony. His upper and lower halves fall away from each other. Jasper tries desperately to crawl away.
"Please, I don't want to go back down there. You don't want to know what it's like. Please, let me go."
"Hm, guess you shouldn't have done something to go to hell in the first place."
Reyna stabs the sword into Jasper's head. A bright light surrounds the two halves and he explodes into light particles. Reyna sighs a breath of relief, puts her tools back in her back, and starts to walk back to class. Her stroll to class was interrupted by the cries of the older boy. Reyna turns around to see the boy wide eyed, on the ground, in the fetal position, and crying. She casually walks over to him and kneels down next to him. Her tiny arms wrap around her equally tiny legs.
"What's your name?" Reyna asks innocently.
"T-Tanner." He stutters. Still staring off, visibly traumatized.
"Last name?"
"Ah, the Dent family. Such a wonderful bunch of people. Loving, caring, and just genuinely good." Reyna says to herself as she takes her backpack off and takes out a notebook. She sits crisscross on the floor and takes off a pen that is resting on the notebook's binder rings and opens the book.
"What are you g-gonna do? Also, h-how do you know m-my family?" The crying boy asked in a cautious manner.
"Oh, I'm sorry here." As Reyna says her last word, she snaps and the world is then turned into a white, neverending room "I'm your... well you see... Ugh, okay, I really don't know how else to put this and I'm sorry if this freaks you out, I can assure you you're safe with me here. Okay?"
Tanner gets up off the now white floor and wipes away his tears. "Okay."
"I'm your spirit guardian. Before you ask, no, not a guardian angel, those are completely different. Spirit guardians are new because guardian angels have to protect their human from a bunch of other dumb things. Like their choices, for example. No offense." Reyna smiles sarcastically. "Also, if you're wondering what this place is, it's your soul. It's not filled with much because you are still fairly new to life. The only things that are in here are your parents, video games, and basic things that a child can love with their heart and soul. I'm also writing down your name and the experienceso your guardian angel can help you forget." Reyna further explains. "Now I need you to do something for me. I need you to say you fully trust in me."
"Why?" Tanner questions.
"I need your trust as consent. So, you're not completely crazy when you grow up. Because you will have flashbacks to when a 5 year old girl pulled a sword out of her backpack and chopped a 5 year old boy in half and then he exploded."
"Yeah, okay, I trust you."
"You put your full trust in me?"
"Yes, I put my full trust in you."
Reyna smiles and turns into a giant, gray and black monster like creature. Sharp, barbed claws attached to disgustingly, wrinkly, pale skin that looks leathery to the touch. All the skin on it is grotesquely wrinkled. "Good." She says in Danny Devito's voice.
Tanner squints in confusion at the voice and then has a sudden realization. "Wait a second, why am I in elementary school? I'm 26."
As he finishes that sentance he is hit in the stomach with an unknown, powerful force that shoots him into a wormhole.
"BRO! BRO! YOU GOOD BRO?." A worried voice echos.
Tanner comes back to his senses. He is laying on his old, broken couch. He looks around to see his cluttered apartment. He smiles a tired, half smile.
"Yoooooo... dude... you will NOT believe what I saw!" Tanner says in an exhausted but excited tone. Tanner went on to explain everything he saw to his friend, Cam. Who was completely entertained at his friend's experience.
"How did I pass out anyway and how long was I out?" Tanner asks Cam.
"Oh dude as soon as the tab started hitting you ran around like Naruto and slammed your head into the table really hard. You were out for like 5 mins. It felt like forever though. I love you bro, I thought I lost you." Cam explains, getting sadder as the statement goes on. His pale, soft blue eyes brimmed with tears. Tiny bits of brown baby hairs, that aren't long enough for his low pony tail, lightly touch his face as he looks down.
"Nah, bro, I'm invincible! You're never gonna lose me, bro." Tanner yells flexing his nonexistent muscles. "Yo we should watch a movie on this!"
Both men rush to the DVD cabinet and look for the trippiest movies. They settle on Shrek and flop on the couch.
"What do you think demon girl Danny Devito was going to do?" Cam asks a little bit into the movie.
"Probably offer me girl scout cookies. She looked mean but I think she had a heart of gold." Tanner replied.
They marathon Shrek and then cry about their life until they pass out.
The End
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fencheto · 5 years
Forbidden - part 2 (Dimon romantc)
The story can also be found on Wattpad You can find the first chapter here Feedback is greatly appreciated. It has been a little over three weeks since I moved in my dorm and started my studies at the Uni. Although I am still quite ‘green’ as the graduates would call it, I actually started to get used to my new life here and I do like it. It feels freaking good to be meeting tons of new people who know nothing about you and have never met you before. I’ve gotta say that Chelle and I have really hit it off and get along quite well, too. We go out at the discos every weekend and it’s been a great fun to get lose with her. She is one pretty crazy gal, can talk about the weirdest shit ever and wouldn’t even bother. We usually go out, pass by some fast food chain to grab a bite, then leave for the big alcohol smash and return to the same restaurant spot to eat afterwards again. Don’t ask me why, it just is that way every time. It is now 10 AM on a Sunday morning and at this point my hangover is killing me for real. And the sunlight piercing through the windows doesn’t help at all, so I just cover my eyes with my right arm. I can’t help but wonder why every time after a good night out, the next morning feels like a payback? A few minutes later and I get this really irritating feeling of having to pee right on this instant. I groan tiredly at the idea of getting up and although that’s the last thing I feel like doing right now, my full bladder wins, so I slowly waddle my way to the bathroom. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol is everywhere, my clothes smell, my lingerie smell; even my skin has soaked it up. I’m in a desperate need of a shower, so this is the priority task on the to-do list now. I do my job on the toilet in what feels like a slow motion and collapse back onto my bed. Despite all the drinking and partying there was still no puking or anything, so good job Demetria, I tell myself. Sleeping on doesn’t seem possible right now so instead I grab my phone and start scrolling over my social media. Most of the stuff I see is memes and photos from the party last night, so I quickly run through the galleries. I zoom over every picture that I am tagged in and fortunately for me, I look more or less decent in them. I decide to go through my own camera snaps in search for something new to upload on my profile, but the majority of the pics are either vague or too dark, so I drop it. In the mean time the phone buzzes in my hands and I notice a messenger head pop from Marissa, my best friend back home. I click onto the icon to have a look on what she says. “Wazzzzza girllll, is everything alright with u there? Give me a call when u see that.” I chuckle to myself and dial her number. I haven’t talked to her in a good six days, being busy with the project we got from the uni or going out on the free days. When I got admitted for my studies she was a bit upset that I was leaving, so we promised each other to keep in touch and share a lot with the latest news and gossips going around. After 3 beeps, she picks up. “Yoooooo, wat up, chicka?” “Took you long enough to answer, eh?” – I teased her. “Haha come off it, I was in the bathroom” – She replied, laughing. “Oh well, since when aren’t you bringing it with you in there?” “Since I dropped my brand new Galaxy S in the loo last year, remember?” – We both started laughing at the memory of it. “Oh yeah, right, I now remember this masterpiece of yours. How are you, what’s going on?” – I asked. “Well nothing much to be honest. I’ve been bored as fuck lately with uni, work, you know how it is. “ “Awwwwwee, does someone miss me and my trolling comments?” – I mocked her again. “You wiiiiiish lol. But yeah, I do. Nobody here is up for anythi-i-i-ing, so I’m living a retiree’s life now I swear.” – She complained. I chuckled at her whiny voice. “So tell me, what’s new around you? Haven’t talked to you in like a week” “Yeah sorry, I’m still overwhelmed with everything here, lessons, parties, classmates, all of that” “Anything in particular? Like, tell me are there any hotties going around those lessons, parties or classmates?” – She asked cheekily. Always the first one to ask about that. “Well, there are some going around, not gonna lie. But hey, there’s still Rob, in case you have forgotten already”. – I remind her, even though I’m technically single already. “I thought you guys broke up?” “Well, we did, but I promised him I’m not gonna hook up with anyone here, so” “Oh come on Demi, you are so far away. You don’t expect to never like anyone for the next few years there, do you? The same goes for him.” “Marissa, I’m not saying it is impossible but I have no desire for it whatsoever now.” “I think you are over-doing it here. I mean that’s why you guys broke up, so that you both see if you love each other enough to not like anyone else. What you’re doing is different, though.” “And how exactly is it different?” “Well, you should check if you will like someone else, but what you are doing is trying not to like someone else.” – She explained in her serious tone. “You’re wrong. But you know, there isn’t anyone so far anyway.” “We will see about that. Anyway, let’s cut the shit, give me some highlights or I don’t know, some spicy stuff from Berklee now please, I’m so bored” I guess it was no surprise that my mind immediately wandered over to Simon. I mean that was surely one of the highlights and unfortunately, probably the most embarrassing moment so far during my month of stay here. And the cringer part is, one: he is my lecturer and second: I still find him very attractive. Too much for what is acceptable for a student. As if any of this is acceptable at all, I thought to myself. “Demi? You there?” – I heard Marissa ask on the line. “Yeah, sorry, I just got carried away a bit there…– I replied. “But alright…since you’ve asked, I’m gonna tell you about it… there was this really cringy thing that happened to me” – I trailed off. “Yes?” “But don’t mock me too much about it, alright?” “God, Is it that bad?” “Not my greatest move by far” “Okay, now I really want to know. What’s up?” – She asked curiously. “Ehm, I was basically... you know… ehm so the other day, when I was going to school and was just crossing the street, a car nearly hit me and so it stopped right next to me, stirring the wheels and all” “Jesus, are you okay?” – She asked worriedly. “Yeah yeah, don’t worry, nothing happened. Anyway, the thing is I was running late so I got mad at the driver. Called him a fool and kicked the bumper, like not that hard but still…” I heard her laughing on the other end of the line. “Why am I not surprised?” She kept on laughing. “And, what happened afterwards?” “Well, I kept walking my way, got to the Uni and all and long story short, it turned out the driver of that same car was also my lecturer…” “HAHAHAHAHA, Oh my God, are you serious?” – She was laughing hysterically. “Yup” – I replied, not believing it myself, shaking my head. “Oh my God, I’m literally gonna pee myself here.” – She said through what sounded like tears from laughter. “So much for a friend’s support” – I replied ironically. “Oh come on Dems, it is funny.” – Her laughter was only confirming my fears of how bad it was. I couldn’t blame her though; perhaps I would have laughed just as much. “Hey, come on Dems, I’m sorry okay. But Jesus, tell me about bad luck there. Did he recognize you later on in the class?” – She asked much calmer this time. “Yeah, he did and he told me he knew it was me. I was so embarrassed, Marissa, you have no idea…” “I get it hun, and I’m not gonna lie to you, Dem, that’s pretty embarrassing. But it’s not like you wanted to offend him, I mean you didn’t know it was him so he shouldn’t take it close to heart.” – She said. “I know, but still, I felt like the dumbest ass over there, seriously.” “Ehm, did you, like, apologize?” “I tried, but he didn’t let me. Once he was done talking he left the room so I couldn’t.” “You have pissed me him off, Dem. It is understandable. He will get over it, don’t worry about it. Maybe just try to say sorry when you can.” “Do you think that will fix it?” – I asked hopeful. I now got a feeling that I probably cared more than I should, but more importantly, more than I thought I did. “Well, even if it doesn’t, that’s all you got.” “I guess you are right...” “I am. So just breathe now and don’t think about it anymore alright?” “Yes. Thanks hun, feeling better now to be honest.” “You welcome. We all make mistakes, I doubt it that he never made one.” I silently agreed with her. “Hey Dems I gotta go now, so I will talk to you later chicka.” “Alright, drop me a line when you can.” “Will do. Byeee” “Bye”. And I hang up. It always feels better after sharing your worries with a close friend. Marissa was surely the only person who knew so much about me, both good and bad stuff. Mostly bad, I mean nobody hides the good part, do they? I dropped my phone on my left side and thought about my convo with her. She did try her best to calm me down and most likely has sensed I was worried about it. Not something quite typical, but she didn’t give it a second thought, at least while talking and I was thankful for it. The thing is, I really don’t know if I care so much because I fancy him somehow or because I am still pretty ashamed of what I did. I thought about what she told me regarding Rob as well. That it is not only dependent on me if we will stay true to each other, but on him too. That was one thing that didn’t really cross my mind so far, and it did incent my doubts. Not that I didn’t trust him or anything, it is just that by now I have kept my focus on what I am doing and never actually thought that it is not just me and what I am doing here, it is about us both. And it is scary. Did he love me? Well, he told me he did. Did I love him? I think I do. I mean I’ve been in love with him for the past few years that should mean something right?? Whilst on theory everything seems to be working just fine, it surely isn’t as simple. I need time to think, and I should surely have it figured out by Christmas, when I will be going home for the holidays. I played a bit with my fingers and heard Chelle moving around in the bathroom. I was surprised she has woken up just now, it is already almost 11 AM and she usually handles hangovers much better than me. I heard her shutting the syphone and then knocking on my door quietly. “Hey Dems, got a minute?” – She called from outside. “Yep, come in” – I said, still curled up under my covers. She came in and sat on the verge of my bed, next to my feet. “Hey, still lying in bed I see.” – she smiled and poked me on my shoulder. “Noo, I’m awake, but just talked on the phone with my friend for like an hour” – I explained still sleepily. “I know. I heard you telling the story about you, Mr. Cowell and your intriguing acquaintanceship to someone.” – She laughed at the memory. Chelle was the first person I shared this with, she was in the dorm when I got home from that embarrassing class and sensed something was up. She then asked me and I told her about it. “Yeah, don’t even mention it, I’m still so embarrassed.” – I said, hiding my face in my pillow. “Oh come on Dems, we talked about it. It’s over already, you can’t do anything to change it.” – She shrugged her shoulders. “I know Chelle, but it is just so bad…” “It is not the end of the world, Dems. To be honest I thought you were over it by now, you haven’t mentioned it lately.” “Well yes, because I haven’t had classes with him ever since, but guess what – next week I will.” – I said kind of irritated. “Right, I heard he was back in the states from his work in Britain the other day too.” – She said. “He is like the buzzing topic among the girls here.” “Having in mind even you have heard something, he surely is” – I laughed and she followed too. “Come on, let’s go out and have some food. Just let me take a quick shower.” – I added, running to the bathroom already. “Okay, 20 minutes and we’re going” – She replied, jumping off my bed and going to her room. I guess it is time to get this Sunday finally started.
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ethereal-lix · 5 years
This is super long and all of these stories happened over the span of 2 days. Most of them are in one day lol
Okay so story number one:
So we were in the break room and we hadn’t started work yet right ?? And we were chillin and laughing and talking (another co worker was involved lol) and at one point he yells “oh my god !!! This sucks” and I was like “how can you say that while you’re eating watermelon” and he was like “did you want some??” And I laughed and was like “oh !! Just because I’m black you think I want watermelon?!?!” And he threw his head back and laughed and said “no I only offered cause you said something” and then I went to our co worker jarrel when all of us were on the clock and I told jarrel that I wanted to mess with Joel (let’s just call him joel until I find a nickname for him lol) and he said alright, so when all three of us were in the back in the meat room, I was like “jarrel !! Let me tell you what joel said to me today!! He offered me watermelon cause I’m black !!” And jarrel started laughing and I was like “omg can you believe that??” And jarrel was like omg joel !! Then I was like “not every black person likes watermelon joel !!” And jarrel was like “yeah joel not every black person likes watermelon !!!” And then I was like “Tbh I’m surprised he didn’t offer any fried chicken and grape Kool-aid” and we all died of laughter then I left.
Story number 2: and then when we were in the break room (again lol I was on lunch he was on break and our assistant manger was also on lunch) I looked at joel and was like “joel, do you love me ??? And he looks at me and kinda like giggles and was like, “why ?? What do you need??” And then our boss was like at first I thought you said meat and I laughed and was like well I sure hope he does considering the fact that all he does is eat turkey sandwiches and then our boss was like hahahah he never answered you and I was like omg you right !! Joel do you love me ?? And he was like “do you need something ?? What’s up?” And I was like “nothing I just needed validation, come on now joel, you should know this by now !! Also if I wanted something I would ask how much do you love me, not if you loved me.” And we all laugh and then I look at him and smile and was like, joelllll how much do you love me ??? And he laughs and hardcore stuttered for a minute. He was flustered and was like ahahah uhhh a lot,,, like,, the scale is so large,,,” and I laugh and then I joke with him for eating just regular potatoe chips.
Story number 3: then he randomly told me he was going out of the country !!! He was like hey Shae have you ever been out of the country and I was like no but I would love to and he was like me too. I’m going to Paris and Italy at the end of the month and I was like omgggg wow !!! It must be nice to be rich and he literally just laughed. Like he didn’t deny it or anything and this just proves my theory even more than his family is in fact rich and they got that shmoneyyyyy !!!!! They got them dollar dollar bills yoooooo !!!! That green paper !!!!!! Them hunnids and fifties !!!!!! 💸💸💸💸💵💵💵💴💴💴💶💶💶💰💰💰
Story number 4: and then I scared him in the meat room where he works and it was sooo funny cause there’s this machine right by the door and the prep table and the phone is kept there and the trash is as well and since we were getting ready to do trash the trash can wasn’t there so I hid there and when he walked in I jumped out and he jumped. Like literally was frozen with fear for a hot second before he moved and was like oh my god !!! Shae !!!! And I started laughing. He didn’t jump as hard as I thought he would’ve but oh well !! And he asked me how long. I was there and I told him I was in the back for 5 minutes and was hiding for 3 and then I got him again like 10 minutes later by hiding by the bailer and waiting for him to Come with the trash and I jumped out and he jumped again. It’s funny cause you can literally see the moment his heart stops with gear 😭😭😭
Story number 5: then I after I told him that if I wanted something I would ask how much he loved me about 3 hours later I went to go ask him for help and I was like “heyyy are you busy??” And he was like not really just gotta do this and that then I’m done and then I was like “do you love me??” And he was like “yeah, did you need help with something??” And I was all like “Lolol that wasn’t the question, do you love me ??” And he was like “yeah” and I was like”how much???” And he said a lot so then I asked for help lmao
Story number 6: and then I made fun of him for wanting to leave at 7 cause he was scheduled until 8 and it’s so funny cause he hates staying late. He’s rather go in early instead so I was making fun of him for having to stay until 8 instead of 7 which then turned into 10 !!
Sorry 7: and then I offered him something to drink right ?? And he was like uhhhh nah I’m good and j was like omg joel if you hate me just say so and then he was all stutters and was like alright okay if you want you can get me,,,, uhhhhh.... surprise me and I was like joel !!! We don’t talk enough for me to do that. You just say hey and walk away!!! And then he scoffed playfully and laughed and was like “yeah right Shae” and I died and he was like nahhh I’m good tho thanks for offering and I was like omggg joel when I’m rich and famous you’re gonna regret saying not to me and he just laughed and was like oh my gosh
Story number 8: and then today I scared him again when I went to give him some meat. He had one earphone in and then I silently walked in, I didn’t realise how quiet I was until he didn’t turn around when I opened the door, so I took the opportunity and crept up on him and had my head literally hovering over his shoulder and when he slightly turned his head he jumped and was like Shae !!!! And I laughed really hard and told him I didn’t realise how quite I was until he didn’t turn around
Story number 9: and then again today when I was looking for him so I can ask him a question or something I was low-key kinda creeping in the back but only because when he’s in the oven room cooking the chickens I won’t bother him and he just so happened to have walked up on me looking for him and he was like “AHA!!!! Shae !!!! I caught you !!!” And I laughed and was like I wasn’t even trying to scare you this time I promise lmao.
I got some good times with him Lol and I can’t remember the others Lmaoo
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glowystudies · 6 years
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hiya folks! it’s been a hot second since i’ve used this blog, and i don’t know if any of you guys remember me but i’ll just re-introduce myself: my name is esther, i’m a rising junior, and my passions involve writing, the visual arts, the liberal arts, and social justice! i love tea, books, and nineties movies. :)
ok, now moving on: this is a whole post with advice for incoming high school freshman. throughout my two years of high school, i’ve picked up some pretty valuable tips i think i’d like to share with you. i’ve split up advice into three categories: academics/extracurriculars, productivity/organization, and mental/social health! some of these categories might intersect each other, sorry about that. let’s begin!
HONE YOUR WORK HABITS NOW (use your summer wisely!)
what i mean by this is that when i was in middle school, i thought that i didn’t have to try that hard and i could just channel all of my power into high school. this isn’t the case, you need to start building up good habits early on! if you have/had this mindset, try to use summer as a way to start helping yourself. you got this! (this doesn’t mean you’re inferior/high school will be hard, it’s just helpful to have good habits) iif not, and you’re already a great student good job!
buy your folders/binders/notebooks and formulate a good system! what’s most helpful for me and a few other people i know is carrying notebooks and materials in an accordion folder and only keeping relevant work in your backpack. keeping binders at home for each subject to file after every week is really helpful in conjunction with this.
apps such as Forest, Momentum, and Google Calendar really help with organization! Google Calendar, especially, is a great tool to organize your events on the go.
write down assignments and tasks in a planner right away! this will make you less stressed. refer to your planner often so that you remember what you have to do.
not freshman specific, but this study technique really helps, and since workload will intensify it’s important to find a good study technique!
usually, people are willing to help you if you have problems with your schoolwork. if you have a question in class, ask it right away: don’t worry about other people questioning you/making fun of you because they think it’s a stupid question! even if they think that, their opinions don’t matter and you should prioritize yourself/ your education over their ignorance. if you don’t understand it in class, it’ll be much harder to understand at home.
don’t make the mistake of joining too many clubs (me in freshman year haha)! join only things that you’re genuinely interested and passionate about/have past experiences in. sports and clubs are a really good way to make new friends as well. organizations such as speech and debate, MUN, academic decathlon, science olympiad, etc are pretty time consuming but really enrich your experience + since you spend a lot of time with your team you form a good bond!
i’m sure many of you have people pushing you towards STEM jobs and occupations. if you really love STEM, that’s great! science and math are interesting subjects and i really appreciate them. however, i’m definitely a humanities/art-based girl and if you relate, you might feel boxed in by others’ expectations. however, high school is really a time where you grow and make your own decisions. i’m not telling you to go off the rails, but you’re practically almost an adult (soon lolol) and you should do things that you want and like!)
have a good relationship with your teachers! they’ll help you in the long run! and always check your grades because there’s been so many incidents where teachers have screwed up in entering things.
in the beginning of the semester, make a list of your target grades and what you have to do to achieve them. keep the paper you make your list on somewhere around your desk to motivate you. this works with other things/goals too!
keep a homework folder! used in conjunction with your planner it’ll keep you clear on what you have to get done. you can also use this is your turn-in folder. also, you should definitely determine what your learning style/meyer’s brigg personality is so that you can make things accordingly (ie, audio learners can make flash-cards to study, writing-oriented learners can have several notebooks, etc)
Meyer’s Brigg: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Learning Style: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml
i know i’m getting ahead of myself, since this post is about starting freshman year, but think about it: there are only three summers in high school, and you should do each to do something that you’re passionate about/explore a field that you’re interested in :) so here is, for future reference, a list of cool summer camps and such! if money is a problem, that’s fine! you can always do other things like read, enter online competitions, start a club, etc. as long as you’re busy and doing things you love there’s no problem.
yoooooo i know for sure that freshman year was hard for me because i was new to the school and area and because i didn’t have many friends, but luckily at the end of sophomore year i’ve surrounded myself with some phenomenal, creative people and feel much happier and hopeful. reach out to people! you never know what their response will be and it never hurts to try. you could be friends with the most unlikely people (as i am now)! reach out to classmates in clubs and in your class and just radiate positive energy. of course, i do understand that mental illness/other circumstances may make this hard from first-hand experience. in this case, making friends through classes and organizations where people spend a lot of time together is good. however, you deserve people who make you happy!
social status is a myth. don’t worry about popularity! do what feels right (unless it’s … like… weed or smth idk,.. :-))))) )! be yourself and you’ll always find understanding people who accept you for who you are. this really troubled me because i wear hecking funky outfits and i was always scared of being too much, but now i literally just wear anything i want hahahah. and the thing is, people have been really accepting and nice and now i’m lowkey known as the girl with cool outfits! which is a nice title to have!
i (lmao) experienced some of my first instances of ‘failure’ in high school and gave myself a really hard time over it. don’t be negative or self-accusing if you ‘fail.’ remind yourself how insignificant the thing you failed is: in the scope of life, the planet, the universe. then take a deep breath, analyze what you did wrong, and see how you can solve it. give yourself some time to heal, drink some tea, wear a face mask, etc. your mental health is so important, don’t lose yourself to one bad grade because you are so much more.
this one’s really hard! but for me, when i’m in the dumps because of circumstances/depression/anxiety,, here’s what i do:
unplug. the internet, sometimes, only makes things worse.
EXCEPT if you’re gonna text/message/talk to someone online! linking up with a trusted friendo helps.
draw! even if you aren’t an artist, it releases stress. writing your thoughts helps too.
take a walk.
listen to your favorite bops. (i have a collection of playlists on spotify under the name chocobonbon123 if you wanna check it out)
make a cake. or food. or something.
organize your room
if you’re angry: ripping paper really calms me idk hahah
and sometimes: you just need to have a Big Cry. let it All Out.
well guys! that’s it! basically this is all my advice for incoming freshman/what i wish i did my freshman year and i hope it helps someone out there. <3 <3
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
History 2: Right or Wrong Live Blogging
I don't know what's up with me but I haven't been able to start and becomes invested in and continue a new series for like a week now. I always start and finish one series, then move onto a new one but this is my 4th Currently Watching thing on MDL right now because I haven't been able to make myself focus on one lol.
I've been watching a few variety show episodes with the actors (GMMTV ones, in general) and been reading a few fics here and there and that has been fun but not necessarily satisfactory.
I've heard good things about this History installment, so let's hope it can keep my attention!
Episode 1 (Apr 6)
lmao I was like *shocked pikachu face* when they started speaking and it wasn't Korean or Thai because I've only been watching Thai or Korean BL recently.
Oh wow this professor is such a shitty father. Ngl, when people said it involved a kid and was cute, I didn't expect the prof to be such a sorry excuse of a father but it's definitely intriguing, makes you wanna punch him and then watch him grow to be a better father for the sake of his child.
Xiao Fei is sooooo good with Yo Yo, they're adorable and he knows just how to converse with and take care of kids, cute!
Yoooooo Xiao Fei punched him for real!
After their interactions at night when Xiao Fei comes with the food, I can totally see how this'd turn into a romance. The two characters bounce off each other really well even though they're still on rocky ground
Honestly, this makes me really want to know the tone/respectfulness/honorifics/titles that are being used by them. How are the sentences/word choice/honorifics changing when he's berating the prof for being a shitty father vs when they're talking nicely?
fuck, the unforeseen homophobia and bullying alskdjf I wasn't expecting it
Woah, they'd met before once :0 Interesting because when the leads have met in the past, I usually am like lol okay but this time it was intense because some guy was trying to have sex with him when he was in high school and he was like yep :) let's do it to take the pain away :) and professor guy found them, chased away the creep, and slapped high school Xiao Fei when he asked if he wanted to do it. like wow what interesting dynamics. what does each person remember, i wonder?
Episode 2 (Apr 6)
I was fine with the age gap + professor/student thing so far but the fact that they met and spoke about relationships/sex (professor mans was appropriate but still) while he was 16 is kinda :/
Their conversation is interesting cuz mans is crying and the professor is simultaneously so callous, all tough-love, but also is consoling him. I like it. Also, he just let Xiao Fei cry on his shoulders, the way he offered in ep 1 at the balcony
lmfao the professor's slow-mo catch after the books all fell on him anyway and then them staring at each other for too long rip
"...and since Yo Yo's mother has passed away, she probably feels the same." "Stop killing people randomly." "Killing people?" "She's not dead, we're divorced." lmfao
(Dec 15 Rewatch) When Xiao Fei gets angry about the prof’s prank, the prof kinda messes up his hair and Xiao Fei says “don’t touch my head as if it’s nothing. I’m not a little kid.”
alk;sjf prof saying "Cut!" instinctively cuz Xiao Fei was about to kiss a girl for his drama project.
Genuinely hate the random girls taking a photo Xiao Fei and prof and then when caught going on a spiel about "We support you! Gender is not a problem!" like whyyyyy are you taking photos of random strangers, especially those who you perceive to be a queer couple like that's not just a fun and dandy thing to do agh. And they're saying it so loudly in a public cafe too, so that people who might not have thought of them as a gay couple (which... they aren't currently) will hear it and now perceive them as such. I hate this so much. Might have to do with the fact that if this happened to me so publicly and in front of people I knew, I would have to profusely deny being queer and I wouldn't wanna do it but :D fuck
Anyway, just like I love watching kids come out to parents and apologize for being a disappointment and the parent being like No, you're not a disappointment, I love you (He's Coming To Me, Beloved In House: I Do), this Xiao Fei and professor interaction is also cathartic. Xiao Fei being like "I'm filthy, I'll be a bad influence on Yo Yo" and prof being like "Who says so?" He's not super soft or comforting about it, he's callous and straightforward in a no-nonsense manner and that feels nice somehow. Vicariously living through Xiao Fei, I am, and absorbing the matter-of-fact way prof counters all his worries, with traces of fondness. Like I generally don't seek out stories with lots of external or internal homophobia but I'm enjoying this so far.
Xiao Fei's brain melting out his ears every time prof pats his head is hilarious to me. Reminds me of FrankDrake's characters in Still 2gether where Frank's character kept reminding Drake to pat his head instead of shoulder because shoulder is bro-space and head is faen-space lmao. This reminds me, I stopped watching Cause You're My Boy after episode 1 part 1 last week but should I go back and try picking it up again after this?
I'm really enjoying this! It's heavier than I anticipated but I'm invested!
Episode 3 (Apr 7)
Dying every time prof calls Xiao Fei a brat
lmfao Yo Yo's "You dare hit me? You dare hit me?" at prof's grazing pat as he passes by is so cute
Nooo fucking way prof orchastrating an indirect kiss lmfao "Yeah, this dish is definitely too salty, please try it with the same spoon from the same place I tried it."
I think my mom helped me with some homework when I was young or taught me my ABCs/Bornomala and it's :< that I can't remember.
As a lover of domesticity and tenderness, this playing house is truly too much for me
"I want you to say [for the night]." "Don't say things like that so randomly. You'll mislead people like us that way, and make us expect things unnecessarily." "Then, just expect it." aklsdjfalksfjakl;sdfja;skdfj
Okay, it's been like 18 hours since I stopped watching cuz I had to sleep and do schoolwork but now I'm back again, skirting my homework duties to watch this even though I'm doing the worst I've done at school ever
The way Yo Yo is so certain she's gonna marry her Xiao Fei ge in the future is sooo cute. Yo Yo in general is so adorable >.<
It's so good to see prof mans spending time with her
Gosh, prof coming to see Xiao Fei's mother (who is the same age as him) and seek her permission is fucking with my brain so much. I don't even like age difference much but I'm really enjoying this.
Xiao Fei's mom telling prof no excessive physical touch before he turns 20 and prof being like "he's an adult" alskdfj gross. I've been enjoying this show even though this prof/student 19/31 years old relationship would give me the creeps irl but prof saying that grossed me out a bit
"I didn't think you'd come to my house and say all those things to my mom." "I know I should've given you more time but I didn't want to. While you were still wavering, I wanted to block all of your ways of escape, so you could only pick the one road left ahead, which is to accept me. This is an adult being despicable." "You really are dark!" Y'know what, I'm back to enjoying the slightly fucked-up-ness-said-with-humour thing. Like, them playing with the dynamic is fun.
Drying the other person's hair is always such a good trope.
Episode 4 (Apr 9)
Genuinely having The Worst Time with school, so here I am to watch like 10 minutes at a time during breaks
I don't like how prof is being so mean to Xiao Fei for wanting to hide their relationship. You've gotta navigate being out or not together and if the values don't line up, maybe part ways, but it's deplorable to pressure someone 12 years younger than you to come out of the closet and also admit to dating their professor
Nooo Xiao Fei's friend is also telling him he's really wrong this time but i just don't agree. "He wants to drag you to the sunlight to walk together, so don't drag him back to a dark corner to hide." Okay but it should be Xiao Fei's choice too regarding whether he wants to be out in the sunlight.
"Sorry, you're right I wasn't trying to protect you. I was just trying to protect myself." And you have a right to that!!! Like Xiao Fei's been bullied and ostracized for being gay, so it's not at all a flaw of his to want to be in the closet. Even if it's "cowardice" so what? and he's only 19, that's younger than me bro and I feel deeply unprepared to be an adult
We're getting all this drama with the ex-wife and it's like eh, I don't really care. I miss Yo Yo, been a while since we spent time with her
The library scene with jealousy over love note is cute
Xiao Fei's friend's love interest is so endearing, he just seems to earnest and eager
Aw, in the ending scene Yo Yo calling Xiao Fei dad T.T
I was really enjoying this except I hated how they handled Xiao Fei's unwillingness to come out agh.
I liked Yo Yo and the way the age gap and power dynamics were handled was interesting but professor was bit weird sometimes and the last episode left a sour taste in my mouth. I liked Xiao Fei a lot, he was kind, responsible, cared a lot, stood up to professor when he was being a bad father, was just overall endearing
Rating: 5.5
0 notes